Dr. Emily Balcetis: Tools for Setting & Achieving Goals | Huberman Lab Podcast #83

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- Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,

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where we discuss science

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and science-based tools for everyday life.

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I'm Andrew Huberman,

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and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today, my guest is Dr. Emily Balcetis.

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Dr. Balcetis is a professor of psychology

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at New York University,

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her laboratory studies motivation, goal setting

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and tools for successful goal completion.

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I learned about Dr. Balcetis's work some years ago

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because I'm a vision scientist,

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that is, I study the visual system,

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and I heard about this incredible psychologist

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at New York University

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who was studying how vision,

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that is, how we visualize problems

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can predict whether or not

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we will successfully overcome challenges

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and how we strategize in order to set and meet goals.

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And in 2020, I learned of Dr. Balcetis's book,

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which was written for the general public,

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entitled "Clearer, Closer, Better:

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How Successful People See the World".

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And I read both the hard copy of the book

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and listened to the audiobook,

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and I absolutely loved the material.

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As you'll learn directly from Dr. Balcetis today,

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how people visualize a problem,

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that is, whether or not they think of a goal or a problem

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as residing at the top of a very steep hill,

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or on the top of a shallower hill,

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or whether or not they visualize a goal or a problem

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as far off in the distance

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or closer to them in the distance,

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visually, in their mind,

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strongly dictates whether or not they will arrive

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at the challenge of meeting a goal

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or overcoming a problem with more energy or less energy.

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Indeed, it dictates whether or not

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they can push to immediate milestones,

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or whether or not they will think they have to overcome

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the entire task all at once.

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Basically, Dr. Balcetis's work has discovered

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that how we visualize a problem or a goal in our mind

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has everything to do with how we lean into that goal,

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whether or not we think of it as overwhelming or tractable,

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whether or not we think that we can overcome that goal

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and then it will lead

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to yet more possible rewards and goals,

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or whether or not we feel

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that we're going to arrive at the finish line

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and then just be overwhelmed with fatigue.

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In other words, how you visualize things in your mind,

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and when I say, "Visualize,"

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I mean, literally, how you visualize them

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as a visual problem or a visual goal,

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has everything to do

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with whether or not you will be able to meet those goals

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and whether or not they will lead to still greater goals

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that you will be able to achieve.

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Today's episode is an especially important one, I believe,

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because you're going to learn about

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quality peer-reviewed science

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from the expert in this field

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of goal setting, motivation and pursuit,

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and you're also going to learn

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an immense number of practical tools

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that you can apply toward your educational goals,

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your career goals, relationship goals,

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goals of any sort.

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By the end of today's episode,

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you will be better equipped

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to set and achieve your goals.

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Dr. Balcetis also shares with us her own experiences

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of how to set, visualize and achieve goals,

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and she does that within the context

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of her role as a parent,

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as somebody navigating relationships of various kinds,

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and a demanding career.

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So again, I think that you'll find the information today

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to be both extremely academically grounded

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in terms of research,

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extremely practical and realistic

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in terms of how you might apply it in your own life.

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I'm pleased to announce that the Huberman Lab Podcast

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is now partnered with Momentous supplements.

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We partnered with Momentous for several important reasons.

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First of all, they ship internationally,

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because we know that many of you are located

Time: 214.83

outside of the United States, that's valuable.

Time: 217.68

Second of all, and perhaps most important,

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the quality of their supplements is second to none,

Time: 222.24

both in terms of purity and precision

Time: 223.92

of the amounts of the ingredients.

Time: 225.87

Third, we've really emphasized supplements

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that are single-ingredient supplements,

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and that are supplied in dosages

Time: 232.77

that allow you to build a supplementation protocol

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that's optimized for cost,

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that's optimized for effectiveness,

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and that you can add things

Time: 240.93

and remove things from your protocol

Time: 242.58

in a way that's really systematic and scientific.

Time: 244.62

This is really hard to do

Time: 245.94

if you're taking blends of different supplements,

Time: 247.83

or if the dosages are such that you can't titrate,

Time: 250.56

or that is, adjust the dosages of a given supplement.

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So by using single-ingredient supplements,

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you can really build out the supplement kit

Time: 258.24

that's ideal for you and your specific needs.

Time: 261.36

If you'd like to see the supplements

Time: 262.53

that we partner with Momentous on,

Time: 263.85

you can go to livemomentous.com/huberman.

Time: 266.97

There, you'll see those supplements,

Time: 268.11

and just keep in mind

Time: 269.13

that we are constantly expanding

Time: 270.57

the library of supplements available through Momentous

Time: 273.24

on a regular basis.

Time: 274.2

Again, that's livemomentous.com/huberman.

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Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize that this podcast

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is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.

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It is, however, part of my desire and effort

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to bring zero cost to consumer information about science

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and science-related tools to the general public.

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In keeping with that theme,

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I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.

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Our first sponsor is Thesis.

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Thesis makes custom nootropics,

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and as some of you have probably heard me say before,

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I am not a fan of the word nootropics

Time: 301.68

because nootropics means smart drugs,

Time: 304.71

and frankly, as a neuroscientist,

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the notion of a smart drug is somewhat ridiculous, why?

Time: 309.75

Well, it turns out that we have neural circuits in our brain

Time: 312.15

that get engaged for creativity,

Time: 314.31

and yet other neural circuits that are engaged for focus,

Time: 317.97

and still other neural circuits

Time: 319.2

that are engaged for task switching,

Time: 320.55

so the notion of a smart drug

Time: 323.01

or a drug that can induce smartness, if you will,

Time: 325.98

is simply not grounded in science.

Time: 328.29

Well, Thesis understands this

Time: 330.09

and has developed custom nootropics

Time: 332.37

that are tailored to the specific types of cognitive demands

Time: 335.7

or physical demands that you might be facing.

Time: 338.34

If you go to Thesis's website, you can take a quiz,

Time: 341.19

and from that, they'll give you a sample

Time: 343.47

of different nootropics that you can try

Time: 345.06

so that you can create a customized kit of nootropics

Time: 347.97

for your specific needs.

Time: 349.41

To get your own personalized nootropics starter kit,

Time: 351.69

just go online to takethesis.com/huberman,

Time: 354.69

take that three-minute quiz

Time: 355.77

and Thesis will send you four different formulas

Time: 357.78

to try in your first month,

Time: 359.13

that's takethesis.com/huberman

Time: 361.29

and use the code Huberman at checkout

Time: 363.21

to get 10% off your first box.

Time: 365.52

Today's episode is also brought to us by Levels.

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Levels is what's called a continuous glucose monitor,

Time: 370.29

some of you may have heard of these before,

Time: 372.06

others of you perhaps have not.

Time: 374.13

Basically, it's a small device

Time: 375.12

that you wear on the back of your arm,

Time: 376.23

it's an app that you install on your phone,

Time: 377.94

and whether or not you are fasting, or you just ate,

Time: 380.97

or you ate several hours ago,

Time: 382.68

you can get a realtime measurement of your blood glucose,

Time: 385.35

which turns out to be extremely informative.

Time: 387.84

I first started using

Time: 388.89

the Levels continuous glucose monitor about a year ago,

Time: 391.59

and it's taught me so much

Time: 393.03

about how I respond to specific foods

Time: 394.98

in terms of blood sugar spikes,

Time: 396.75

how I respond to exercise,

Time: 398.22

even the sauna, it turns out,

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can modulate my blood glucose levels

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and your blood glucose levels in very interesting ways.

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So all of that is translated

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into a huge number of very directed changes that I've made

Time: 409.23

in terms of what I eat, when I eat,

Time: 411.18

and how I schedule exercise relative to eating

Time: 413.73

and sleep, et cetera.

Time: 415.23

If you're interested in trying

Time: 416.4

the Levels continuous glucose monitor yourself,

Time: 418.59

you can simply go to levels.link/huberman,

Time: 421.62

that's levels.link/huberman.

Time: 424.05

Today's episode is also brought to us by ROKA,

Time: 426.27

ROKA makes eyeglasses and sunglasses

Time: 428.52

that are of the absolute highest quality,

Time: 430.35

and they also have some unique characteristics.

Time: 432.81

The company was founded

Time: 433.65

by two All-American swimmers from Stanford,

Time: 435.69

and everything about ROKA eyeglasses and sunglasses

Time: 438.03

were designed with performance in mind.

Time: 440.55

ROKA eyeglasses and sunglasses

Time: 442.02

can be worn while running or cycling.

Time: 444.24

If you get sweaty, they won't fall off your face.

Time: 446.55

And they're extremely lightweight.

Time: 447.84

In fact, most of the time,

Time: 448.673

I can't even remember that I'm wearing them.

Time: 450.33

I wear ROKA eyeglasses when I read at night,

Time: 452.61

so I wear their readers,

Time: 453.81

and I wear sunglasses at various times throughout the day.

Time: 456.51

The great thing about ROKA eyeglasses and sunglasses

Time: 458.42

is that even though they were designed

Time: 459.93

for athletic performance,

Time: 461.19

they have a terrific aesthetic.

Time: 462.87

So unlike a lot of so-called performance glasses,

Time: 465.42

that make people look like cyborgs, in my opinion,

Time: 468.3

ROKA eyeglasses and sunglasses

Time: 469.62

are the sort that you could wear out to dinner,

Time: 471.06

that you could wear to work,

Time: 472.26

they have a terrific aesthetic.

Time: 473.7

If you'd like to try ROKA eyeglasses or sunglasses,

Time: 475.89

you can go to ROKA, that's R-O-K-A, .com,

Time: 478.26

and enter the code Huberman

Time: 479.61

to save 20% off your first order.

Time: 481.5

Again, that's ROKA, that's R-O-K-A, .com,

Time: 483.69

and enter the code Huberman at checkout.

Time: 486.03

And now for my discussion with Dr. Emily Balcetis.

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Well, thanks for being here.

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- It's my pleasure.

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- Yeah, I've been looking forward to this for a long time,

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because as a vision scientist,

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who is also very interested in real-life tools

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and goal setting and motivation,

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your work lands squarely in the middle of those interests.

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So just to kick things off,

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could you tell us just a little bit about the relationship

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between perception,

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and in particular, how we see the world,

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and goal setting and goal retrieval.

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It's a vast landscape, but you're the expert,

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so I'll turn that over to you. [Emily laughing]

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And then, as time goes on,

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I may have some additional questions

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as it relates to different kinds of vision,

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but what's the deal with vision and motivation?

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How do those two things link up?

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- Yeah, totally, I mean, when psychologists ask people,

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like, "What are you doing

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to help make progress on your goals?"

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they say all kinds of things,

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but a couple things always pop to the top,

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which is, "Try to shock myself in encouraging ways,

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and self-pep talks,"

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or, "I remind myself of how important it is to do this job,"

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or, "I'll put up Post-it notes around

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to constantly be nagging me about what I need to do."

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So those are common tactics that people use,

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and what we'll notice is that those are really effortful,

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having to constantly remind yourself,

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having to constantly talk to yourself,

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having to create those Post-it notes,

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remember to look at them,

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all of that takes a lot of time and effort and commitment,

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and so what a surprise that people burn out, right?

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It's exciting to work on a goal when you first set it,

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you might make some initial progress,

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but then eventually we get not even to the halfway point

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before things get real, [laughing]

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things are challenging,

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and we fall by the wayside.

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And that's, I think, because those tactics

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that are our go-to strategies

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are themselves a goal to maintain.

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So it's double sided, we're putting so much on ourselves

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to try to advance the thing

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that we originally set out to accomplish.

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So then, with my team, I was trying to think of,

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like, "Well, what are strategies

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that don't require as much effort,

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that we can automate,

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that we can take advantage of what's already happening

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within ourselves, within our body, within our mind,

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that might overcome one of those challenges,

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that'll be easier, more automated?"

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And that's when we started to land

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on the idea of vision, right?

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We look at the world without even thinking of it,

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for those of us that are sighted,

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and we thought, "You know what?

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There are strategies that we can use

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to look at the world in a different way

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and that we can automate

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that might help us to overcome some obstacles,

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to make progress on our goals,

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to maybe literally see opportunities

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that we hadn't been able to see before."

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So we started playing around

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with the idea of visual illusions to see,

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like, "Do people even know

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that there's other ways of seeing things around them?

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Can we tweak that, or is there room for intervention?

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Can we encourage people to take a new way of looking

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to see things that they hadn't seen before?"

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And that's what really opened us up

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to trying to look at that intersection

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between vision science and motivation science.

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- That's great, and I always say,

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and here, I'm strongly biased as a vision scientist,

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that vision is the dominant sense

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by which we navigate the world and survive.

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I love this idea of real-world, realtime access to vision.

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And I'm certainly familiar

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with how goal setting or Post-its

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and magnets on refrigerators

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can have an immediate impact, but then over time,

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they become so part of the visual landscape

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that you overlook them,

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and we know, as vision scientists,

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if something is stably in your environment,

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eventually, you're blind to it,

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so that makes good sense.

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So you've published a number of studies in this area,

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but maybe you could highlight some of the more,

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what you would consider important findings

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in the area of how people can adjust their vision

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in order to meet goals more quickly and more efficiently,

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and perhaps also how we all arrive at goals

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with different visual perceptions,

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and that, in some way,

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may divide us into highly motivated

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and less motivated people,

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in other words, what's the link

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between vision and motivation,

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and how can we leverage that

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in order to better reach our goals?

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- Totally, so we started thinking about,

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"What are the goals that are most important to people

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that they struggle with the most?"

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So we asked hundreds, thousands of people

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what their new year's resolutions are,

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we looked to all the other polls

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that do the same kind of work,

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and regardless of where you look,

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or who you ask, or when you ask it,

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people's number-one goal

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is something related to their health, right?

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To lose weight, to exercise more,

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to get out, get more steps,

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for mental wellbeing, physical wellbeing.

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And that's like the number-one goal every January 1st.

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So if we were able to accomplish that goal,

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you'd think it would drop

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[laughing] a little bit in the rankings,

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but it doesn't because it's really hard.

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So we thought, "I wonder if there's a way

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for us to make some progress on that,

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on helping people to exercise better,

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more often, stick to it longer,

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and make some progress there?"

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We know diets don't work. [laughing]

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Why don't diets work?

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For the same reason that that self-talk doesn't work,

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is that we go in it, full bore, hardcore,

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and it requires a major commitment and effort

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to a lifestyle change.

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So again, we were looking for something

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that might be easier than that,

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that could produce big payoff, right?

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That's the golden ticket, [laughing]

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is something that requires less effort for a bigger payoff.

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So one of the first things that I did

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was go over to Brooklyn,

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to this old armory building,

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it used to be a military armory space, yeah.

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- I think I know that building.

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- Yeah, it's beautiful. - It's a beautiful building,

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now, that houses a lot of businesses, right?

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With plants on the walls,

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is that the one? - Yeah, there's businesses,

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there's a couple of armories

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all around the boroughs here around New York City,

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and the one in Brooklyn in particular is now YMCA, right?

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So it's a family YMCA,

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that's within this beautiful old redbrick building

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that used to be a military establishment long, long ago.

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And what's really cool is that, one winter afternoon,

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somebody had invited me, a physical therapist said,

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"Hey, you should come out

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and check out what's happening here,

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with your interest in exercise

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and trying to find new ways of helping people,

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new tactics that they can add to their tool belt,

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I think you're going to find some interesting people

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that are working out there."

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So I showed up, I look around,

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there's families, there's new moms, there's kids,

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moms trying to get kids to burn off

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some winter energy that they have,

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there's people that look like they're just there for their,

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every couple of days, going out for a run.

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There's some people that look like

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they're training with a team,

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and that's who this physical therapist introduced me to,

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was the coach of this team.

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There's a bunch of people that were sitting down

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on the ground,

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and I would be hard pressed

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to know who is the high school student

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that's in this group,

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and then who, as it turns out,

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are some of the fastest runners in the world.

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One of the people that was in the last Olympics

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before I showed up, won the gold medal for the 400 meter.

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And from the looks of them,

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I mean, of course,

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their bodies are in better shape than mine,

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but there's nothing so,

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of course, they're not wearing their medals,

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there's nothing pretentious

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about how they're walking around or anything like that,

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that would lead me to know,

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like, "This person's amazing,

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and they probably have some insight that I don't have."

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So once I got introduced to them

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and knew who are these people

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that were part of this pretty elite training team

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that happened to work out at this family gym,

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I had the chance to talk with them about,

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"What strategies do you use?"

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Now, I am not an elite runner,

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and having recently had a baby,

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I'm not really a runner right now at all,

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but I thought, "When these people are running,

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I bet they are hyper aware

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of everything that's going on in their surroundings.

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Where are they relative to the competition,

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what's happening in their peripheral vision,

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what's going on on the side,

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who's behind them, who's in front of them?

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They probably have this master sense,

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this master visual plan at any point in time,

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and that's what probably makes them elite."

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So when I started asking them, "Is that the case,

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do you really pay attention to what's in your surroundings,

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what's behind you, what's on the side?"

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They said, "No,"

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all of them said, "No, and sometimes when I do do that,

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it's a mistake, it doesn't work for me."

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So that was surprising

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and totally went against my intuition about what they do

Time: 963.21

that likely contributes to their success.

Time: 965.85

What they said instead was that they are hyper focused,

Time: 968.76

they assume this narrowed focus of attention,

Time: 971.04

almost like a spotlight is shining on a target.

Time: 974.88

Now, when they're running a short distance,

Time: 976.14

that target might literally be the finish line,

Time: 978

the line that they're trying to cross.

Time: 979.56

If it's a longer distance, they set subgoals,

Time: 981.78

like the person, the shorts on the person up ahead

Time: 984.48

that they're trying to beat,

Time: 985.41

or they choose some sort of stable landmark,

Time: 988.08

like a sign that they would pass by.

Time: 990.96

And a spotlight is shining just on that,

Time: 993.12

or they have blinders on the sides of their face,

Time: 995.28

that's all they're paying attention to,

Time: 997.263

this really narrowed scope of attention.

Time: 1001.22

And that was a strategy that all of these elite athletes

Time: 1004.22

said that they used,

Time: 1005.053

and those that were better rather than slower

Time: 1008.33

were ones that used it more.

Time: 1010.28

And I thought, "Oh, that's something

Time: 1011.45

we can play with, right?

Time: 1012.74

They are elite [laughing] and they are accomplished,

Time: 1015.23

but that visual strategy

Time: 1016.55

isn't necessarily something

Time: 1017.72

that you have to be in the perfect physical condition

Time: 1019.91

to be able to adopt,

Time: 1021.2

and so I wonder, can that help the rest of us

Time: 1023.39

who aren't competing for an Olympic gold

Time: 1025.67

and who have no chance of ever getting one,

Time: 1027.17

but who want to exercise better,

Time: 1029.87

have a better time doing it,

Time: 1031.28

and maintain a commitment

Time: 1032.87

to that exercise goal that they might have,

Time: 1034.4

that they might otherwise,

Time: 1035.84

by February or March, be giving up on,

Time: 1038.99

if they had said it at the beginning of January?"

Time: 1041.66

So that's really where the work started,

Time: 1043.46

was what you might call focus groups

Time: 1046.28

or case studies [laughing] of these incredible athletes.

Time: 1050.416

And then we did other studies,

Time: 1051.38

looking at people who aren't Olympic athletes,

Time: 1053.72

but who are competitive and New York Road Runners runners,

Time: 1058.22

and how are they running in races?

Time: 1060.08

And what we found is that those people

Time: 1060.913

who have better pace, faster pace, better time,

Time: 1064.34

they use that narrowed strategy

Time: 1065.93

more often than this more expansive

Time: 1068.57

or open scope of attention.

Time: 1071.39

And there seemed to be a correlation

Time: 1072.65

between that better performance

Time: 1074.15

among a wider swath of hundreds of runners,

Time: 1077.717

who are doing it competitively,

Time: 1079.31

but still, could be like the person

Time: 1081.11

that you're sitting next to in the office,

Time: 1083.06

or yourself, right?

Time: 1084.83

And the more often that they did it

Time: 1087.05

and the more consistently they had adopted that,

Time: 1090.17

that technique of the narrowed focus of attention,

Time: 1092.27

it seemed that they were doing better in their runs.

Time: 1096.02

So then we started thinking like,

Time: 1097.767

"Okay, what about people who aren't competitive runners?

Time: 1101.12

What about like my mom, [laughing] can she do that,

Time: 1104.21

or me when I'm trying to get back on the bandwagon

Time: 1106.64

and exercise more,

Time: 1108.14

is this a tactic we can teach people?"

Time: 1110.06

The answer is yes, you can tell people

Time: 1112.64

about what these Olympic athletes are doing,

Time: 1114.47

you can tell them about

Time: 1115.303

what the New York Road Runners runners are doing,

Time: 1118.55

and just using the same language

Time: 1119.75

that I just used with you, right?

Time: 1120.747

"Imagine that there's a spotlight shining just on a target,

Time: 1123.5

choose something up ahead,

Time: 1125.21

the stop sign two blocks up that you can just see,

Time: 1129.14

and imagine that you have blinders on

Time: 1131.78

so that you're not really paying attention

Time: 1133.13

to the people that are passing by,

Time: 1134.33

or the buildings, or the garbage cans,

Time: 1136.28

or the trucks that are on the road,

Time: 1138.71

tune those out and focus in on that target,

Time: 1141.89

until you hit it, and then choose another one, right?

Time: 1144.02

Sort of recalibrate, choose the next goal."

Time: 1147.355

And so we would test, like, "Can people do that?"

Time: 1149.45

I mean, if you're listening right now,

Time: 1150.71

you probably are imagining that experience too,

Time: 1152.9

and the answer is yes,

Time: 1153.77

like, "I can imagine that, I know what those words mean,

Time: 1155.81

and I can do that."

Time: 1157.1

And our work found that too,

Time: 1158.033

that people can do that, we have them say out loud,

Time: 1160.287

"What is it that's captured your attention?"

Time: 1162.56

And of course, "Sometimes something in the periphery,

Time: 1164.36

like movement, captures our gaze

Time: 1166.13

and we are pulled there for an instant,

Time: 1168.53

but then we can refocus up again

Time: 1170.51

and adopt that narrowed attention."

Time: 1172.79

Now, one of the first studies that we did

Time: 1174.41

was teach that strategy and juxtapose or compare it

Time: 1178.25

against a group that we said,

Time: 1179.577

"Just look around naturally,

Time: 1181.43

you might see that finish line up ahead

Time: 1183.38

and there's things on the periphery,

Time: 1184.7

whatever your eyes want to do,

Time: 1186.02

whatever you think is going to work best,

Time: 1187.25

feel free to do that, and tell us what you're looking at."

Time: 1190.021

Then we gave them a finish line,

Time: 1191.06

we created sort of an exercise

Time: 1193.31

that's moderately challenging, but possible.

Time: 1196.04

We put ankle weights on

Time: 1197.72

that accounted for about 15% of their body weight,

Time: 1199.91

told them to lift their knees up,

Time: 1201.2

sort of high stepping to a finish line.

Time: 1203.54

So this would be challenging for them to do,

Time: 1206.99

but we said, "It's an indicator

Time: 1208.73

of overall health and fitness."

Time: 1211.43

Some of these people had narrowed their focus of attention

Time: 1213.32

and some were just looking more expansively or naturally.

Time: 1217.7

And what we found is that those people that we trained,

Time: 1219.53

just everyday normal people

Time: 1221.24

doing this moderately challenging exercise,

Time: 1224.27

they were able to move 27% faster.

Time: 1226.58

They could do the exercise more quickly,

Time: 1228.23

and they said it hurt 17% less.

Time: 1231.65

The exercise was exactly the same for all of the people,

Time: 1234.2

we set the weight, [laughing] we set the distance,

Time: 1236.75

it was in our lab space,

Time: 1238.37

so it was a constrained environment,

Time: 1240.56

everybody was in the same sort of circumstance,

Time: 1243.35

but yet their experience was really different,

Time: 1245.51

we helped them to move faster,

Time: 1247.34

burn calories at a higher rate, right?

Time: 1249.11

Exercise more efficiently,

Time: 1250.58

the amount of time they put in

Time: 1251.69

is going to produce a better physical outcome,

Time: 1255.71

and also, it didn't hurt them, right?

Time: 1257.3

They're saying, "It doesn't hurt as much."

Time: 1259.34

So we were really excited about that, right?

Time: 1261.47

Because it meant that this strategy,

Time: 1262.79

we could use it on people who were not elite athletes.

Time: 1265.88

It could be easily adopted,

Time: 1267.41

a quick training session, right,

Time: 1269.24

can teach people to look at the world in a different way.

Time: 1272

Again, this narrowed attention was different

Time: 1274.28

than whatever they do naturally, the comparison group,

Time: 1277.85

but it had a big outcome,

Time: 1279.26

it had a big difference on the way

Time: 1280.76

that they were engaged in the exercise.

Time: 1283.1

It was some of the first work that we did,

Time: 1284.84

and then, since then, we've done, I don't know,

Time: 1286.82

dozens more studies to look at,

Time: 1288.177

"Well, what happens with that

Time: 1289.34

and what else can we do with playing around with this?"

Time: 1292.34

- Yeah, those are impressive differences

Time: 1294.71

as a consequence of narrowing visual attention.

Time: 1297.32

Couple of questions about the actual practice

Time: 1299.09

of narrowing attention,

Time: 1300.38

is there any indication of whether or not subjects

Time: 1304.25

are constantly updating their visual attention?

Time: 1307.43

So for instance, if let's say the goal line is in view,

Time: 1312.02

literally, from the beginning,

Time: 1313.4

I could imagine just holding visual attention

Time: 1315.23

on the goal line,

Time: 1316.79

but if it's a oval track,

Time: 1320.39

or it's a trajectory along a trail, or through a city,

Time: 1323.93

how often do you think they are updating

Time: 1327.83

their visual aperture and setting a visual goal?

Time: 1331.16

And I could imagine

Time: 1333.32

that there's some energetic expense to that,

Time: 1336.14

so meaning, you wouldn't want to do

Time: 1339.8

every crack on the sidewalk,

Time: 1341.06

unless those cracks on the sidewalk

Time: 1342.35

were very far apart. - [laughing] Right.

Time: 1343.64

- Because I think, at some point,

Time: 1344.69

that itself would be exhausting.

Time: 1347.66

So is there an optimal strategy

Time: 1350.42

or a semi-optimal strategy?

Time: 1353

- Yeah, so those Olympic athletes

Time: 1355.82

that we started by interviewing,

Time: 1357.11

they tended to be sprinters,

Time: 1358.19

they were more often sprinters, short-distance sprinters.

Time: 1360.65

So when they said like, "Yes, I narrow in

Time: 1362.69

more than I assume an expansive focus,"

Time: 1365.42

that's because they're not going that far, right?

Time: 1367.76

They have to do it as fast as humanly possible,

Time: 1369.8

but they're not going that far.

Time: 1371.42

And so we started asking that question too,

Time: 1373.22

about, like, "Well, wouldn't that be tiring?"

Time: 1375.11

And the answer is yes,

Time: 1376.4

so when we start to look at,

Time: 1377.233

well, people who aren't sprinters,

Time: 1378.53

who are accomplished,

Time: 1379.363

but who are more long-distance runners,

Time: 1381.5

that's what we find that they do,

Time: 1383.12

is that they're using

Time: 1385.85

that narrowed attention strategy strategically,

Time: 1388.46

and it increases in use,

Time: 1390.77

they use it more often as the race progresses,

Time: 1393.32

and they really start to do this major switch [laughing]

Time: 1397.018

at about the halfway point of say like a 10-kilometer run.

Time: 1400.76

So people who are seasoned runners,

Time: 1402.23

they really start making a switch

Time: 1403.94

with what they're looking at about halfway through,

Time: 1407.15

and that's where they more often, more frequently

Time: 1409.1

and are more intentionally adopting

Time: 1410.45

a narrowed focus of attention

Time: 1412.28

when they're in the last couple miles of a run,

Time: 1415.16

when maybe their resources are starting to get more thin,

Time: 1418.1

maybe their motivation is starting to fade.

Time: 1420.59

That tipping point in the middle is,

Time: 1422.15

with any kind of goal, where people struggle the most,

Time: 1425.75

and that's when they're doubling down

Time: 1427.25

on a strategy that they know to be effective.

Time: 1429.8

So at first, longer-distance runners

Time: 1432.68

are not using that narrowed strategy,

Time: 1434.84

they're looking more expansively,

Time: 1438.02

because I think that that,

Time: 1439.58

well, first of all, distraction [laughing] is a thing,

Time: 1441.71

it's useful.

Time: 1442.543

Not necessarily that they're distracting themselves,

Time: 1444.44

because people are still trying to hold pace and jostle

Time: 1447.71

among probably a more concentrated group of runners,

Time: 1451.13

but it is a strategy that they use,

Time: 1452.63

and then sort of wean off of as the race goes through.

Time: 1456.65

And it's particularly effective

Time: 1458.96

when we're looking for that last push, right?

Time: 1460.91

The last push to get over the finish line,

Time: 1462.53

when you might be literally neck and neck with somebody

Time: 1465.2

that you're trying to just beat out,

Time: 1468.14

or when you're most tired,

Time: 1469.91

but you know that last push, you don't want to drop off,

Time: 1474.32

and when you want to push through hard

Time: 1476.33

through that finish line, that's when people

Time: 1477.65

are using it at its peak level of intensity.

Time: 1481.07

- I see, yeah.

Time: 1482.93

To me, this makes total sense why it would work,

Time: 1487.07

without going down the rabbit hole of visual neuroscience,

Time: 1490.55

something for another time,

Time: 1491.99

that when we do these vergence eye movements,

Time: 1494.06

when we bring our eyes to a visual target,

Time: 1495.95

it's clear that some of the brainstem circuitry

Time: 1497.93

for alertness gets engaged to a greater degree.

Time: 1503.24

The other thing is that we know

Time: 1505.01

that when we focus on an object,

Time: 1506.69

that the optics of the eye change

Time: 1509.69

and narrow the visual field.

Time: 1511.64

So that brings about, this is a very detailed question,

Time: 1514.43

but I'm sure the audience is wondering,

Time: 1516.5

if let's say I'm focused on a goal line

Time: 1518.48

or an intermediate goal,

Time: 1521.03

are they focusing on a specific point

Time: 1522.98

or is it kind of the entire horizon of that goal?

Time: 1525.56

Because the finish line is indeed a line.

Time: 1528.8

And of course, it's impossible to know

Time: 1530.81

what someone is actually doing in their mind's eye,

Time: 1533.48

but how do people report this?

Time: 1534.74

Do they see it literally as a spotlight?

Time: 1537.2

And if so, how broad is that spot?

Time: 1539.42

- Yeah, so what is the length [laughing]

Time: 1542.93

of their aperture rather than maybe the diameter

Time: 1545.93

or the sphere size of it?

Time: 1549.92

In our interviews with people,

Time: 1551.54

our sort of focus group studies,

Time: 1554.69

it seems like it's more like a circular point.

Time: 1557.6

And that's in fact what we're teaching people,

Time: 1560.03

what we're training them to do,

Time: 1561.35

so rather than going broadly,

Time: 1563.15

looking across a line from left to right,

Time: 1566.18

we are encouraging them to imagine a circle of light

Time: 1569.84

that's shining on some target.

Time: 1571.37

Now, of course, a finish line is a line,

Time: 1573.2

but if they're staying in their lane,

Time: 1574.37

if they're on a track, right?

Time: 1575.42

You can imagine that there is a circle shining

Time: 1578.51

just on where in their lane they'll cross that finish line,

Time: 1580.97

or if it's a stop sign,

Time: 1582.17

you could imagine a circle of light illuminating that.

Time: 1584.9

So that's what we're teaching people to use

Time: 1586.55

and that's what seems to be effective

Time: 1588.41

to maintain that focus

Time: 1590.45

rather than sort of being pulled

Time: 1592.25

to engage with peripheral vision.

Time: 1594.92

And there's some amazing people,

Time: 1596.9

some runners in history, like Joan Benoit Samuelson,

Time: 1599.42

she's one of the first female marathon competitors,

Time: 1603.32

who has won multiple marathons.

Time: 1605.96

She's Canadian, I think she's won,

Time: 1608.33

feel free to correct me, like 10 marathons in her life.

Time: 1611.93

And she talks about sort of not assuming

Time: 1615.11

this wide but narrow, [laughing]

Time: 1619.52

wide but not deep or tall attentional focus.

Time: 1622.94

She talks about, like, "Finding the shorts

Time: 1625.19

on somebody ahead of me

Time: 1626.15

and focusing on those shorts,"

Time: 1628.16

until she passes them, and then resetting that goal.

Time: 1630.68

So in her interviews that she's done with runners magazines,

Time: 1634.25

she talks about it in terms of this circle of attention.

Time: 1637.76

- Mm, I think I've experienced this a little bit,

Time: 1641.33

because we're visiting New York now to do this interview,

Time: 1644

and runners here seem more competitive,

Time: 1647.21

recreational runners here seem more competitive.

Time: 1650.03

People walking on the street seem competitive.

Time: 1651.86

- Yeah. [laughing] - You're walking at near pace

Time: 1653.18

to somebody, they'll quickly speed up.

Time: 1654.76

If you speed up, they'll speed up.

Time: 1656.07

- Yeah. - I think there have been

Time: 1656.99

some studies about walking speed in different cities,

Time: 1659.78

and New York ranks among the fastest walkers around.

Time: 1663.2

I won't mention the slowest-walking cities.

Time: 1665.062

[Emily laughing] 'Cause we don't want to

Time: 1666.32

cast any judgments.

Time: 1667.4

But fascinating, and again, makes total sense

Time: 1672.02

based on the way that the visual system

Time: 1673.91

measures both space and time.

Time: 1675.24

- Yeah. - Something maybe we'll get

Time: 1676.58

into a little bit later,

Time: 1677.93

but I'm curious whether or not the whole thing

Time: 1682.64

works in reverse as well.

Time: 1683.99

Meaning, do people who are very motivated to exercise,

Time: 1691.79

do they think this way naturally?

Time: 1694.91

People who are averse to exercise

Time: 1696.92

or who find it hard to get motivated to exercise,

Time: 1700.73

do they view the world differently,

Time: 1703.76

literally? - Yeah,

Time: 1705.11

yeah, I have so much that I can say about this,

Time: 1707.63

so [laughing] if you'll humor me,

Time: 1709.19

I'll give you a couple different stories about

Time: 1711.62

how we can answer that. - Please.

Time: 1712.79

- So you don't have to do a deep dive into vision science,

Time: 1714.77

which, of course, you are capable of doing,

Time: 1717.95

but what I can share with you

Time: 1719.42

is some animal studies where this work

Time: 1721.55

kind of first started.

Time: 1723.47

This is in the 1940s, 1950s,

Time: 1725.54

rat labs, mice labs.

Time: 1727.88

And they were looking,

Time: 1729.05

those were the first models of human behavior

Time: 1733.31

that people were trying to understand motivation,

Time: 1735.56

motivation science within.

Time: 1737.63

So they would deprive these poor rats and mice

Time: 1742.1

of food or water,

Time: 1743.48

so that they were motivated to get it. [laughing]

Time: 1746.27

They were hungry and they were thirsty

Time: 1748.37

and they had practice running a maze

Time: 1750.2

so they knew where they could find that food or water,

Time: 1752.15

whatever that they were looking for.

Time: 1754.04

And what these researchers were studying

Time: 1755.51

was the pace of movement through the maze.

Time: 1759.44

So as the rats were going through the maze,

Time: 1763.85

they found that even though these rats were hungry

Time: 1767.27

and they're having to expend limited caloric energy

Time: 1772.52

to make it to the finish line, they actually ran faster

Time: 1774.86

the closer they got to that finish line.

Time: 1777.26

So once that finish line became nearer to them,

Time: 1781.31

they actually used their resources,

Time: 1783.77

probably suboptimally,

Time: 1785.45

to make sure that they crossed the finish line

Time: 1786.8

and got their reward.

Time: 1788.33

So that was some of the first early work

Time: 1790.55

that was showing that proximity to a goal

Time: 1794.27

increases the investment in resources that people,

Time: 1797.57

that animals use to meet that goal,

Time: 1800.84

even when they don't have that much spare.

Time: 1802.76

And with the mice, the same kind of thing,

Time: 1805.25

they actually had these little harnesses on them,

Time: 1807.17

they were looking at how hard do the mice pull

Time: 1810.05

to try to make it to the food or the water

Time: 1811.94

that they were trying to get.

Time: 1813.35

And same deal, the closer they got to getting their reward,

Time: 1816.77

the harder they were pulling,

Time: 1818.54

even though they didn't have that much energy to spare

Time: 1821.84

and they had already used some up

Time: 1823.52

getting to that finish line.

Time: 1825.68

So that early animal research from the 1940s, 1950s,

Time: 1831.32

then spurred a whole wave of work in humans.

Time: 1834.17

Do humans do the same thing?

Time: 1835.55

Even when they're tired, but they can see

Time: 1838.07

or they can feel that their goal is close,

Time: 1840.44

do they double down and work even harder

Time: 1841.88

to cross that finish line,

Time: 1843.26

either a literal finish line,

Time: 1844.73

if we're talking about exercise,

Time: 1845.84

or a metaphorical finish line

Time: 1847.1

if we're talking about any other kind of goal

Time: 1848.63

that people might have?

Time: 1849.74

And the answer is yes,

Time: 1851

they called that the goal gradient hypothesis,

Time: 1853.49

the closer you get to the goal,

Time: 1855.41

generally, the harder people and animals work

Time: 1857.78

to finish that goal.

Time: 1860.27

That's what led us then to think,

Time: 1861.927

"Okay, those rats, those mice,

Time: 1864.35

those people are seeing a finish line, right?

Time: 1867.08

And it's when they're maybe seeing that finish line,

Time: 1869.27

seeing that reward, seeing the goal

Time: 1870.89

they're hoping to accomplish,

Time: 1872.33

that is what's leading them to try harder,

Time: 1875.18

to invest more so that they can finish it off.

Time: 1878.69

What if we induce that illusion of proximity?

Time: 1882.05

What if we can induce a visual illusion,

Time: 1883.67

a visual experience that approximates

Time: 1886.85

what the real rats and mice were actually experiencing

Time: 1891.17

as they got closer?"

Time: 1892.91

So that is what is happening,

Time: 1895.22

that's what's happening visually

Time: 1896.42

when we create that narrowed focus of attention,

Time: 1898.7

when we tell people, "Imagine there's a spotlight

Time: 1900.47

on the shorts of the person up ahead,

Time: 1901.97

or the stop sign that you're seeing,"

Time: 1903.8

it induces an illusion of proximity

Time: 1906.74

that then is responsible for people trying harder,

Time: 1910.52

walking faster, or feeling that it defied their expectations

Time: 1913.61

and that it wasn't as bad as they thought it would be.

Time: 1915.86

So we do things like measure,

Time: 1917.45

like measure their visual experience,

Time: 1920

like, "How far away is that finish line?"

Time: 1922.28

Of course, we can ask them to report in feet,

Time: 1924.027

"How many feet is it?"

Time: 1925.76

Ah, but that's challenging, right?

Time: 1926.96

Nobody really knows what three feet

Time: 1928.97

versus four feet really looks like,

Time: 1930.41

but they do, so we can ask them how many feet it is.

Time: 1932.6

We also use these other measures of,

Time: 1934.49

like visual matching measures

Time: 1935.93

to know that distance to the finish line

Time: 1938.33

looks about as far away as this other target,

Time: 1941.33

their matching up their visual experiences.

Time: 1943.55

So what we know is that inducing

Time: 1946.19

that narrowed focus of attention

Time: 1947.99

is creating an illusion of proximity,

Time: 1950.03

that goal looks closer to them.

Time: 1952.22

And then there's all kinds of downstream,

Time: 1954.32

motivational and psychological effects that happen

Time: 1956.57

from feeling like you're closer,

Time: 1960.234

by visually misperceiving that space,

Time: 1963.14

it can have a really positive consequence.

Time: 1965.6

So your first question was, "Which way does it go?

Time: 1968.87

Does it go both ways,

Time: 1969.71

that people who are better runners

Time: 1970.91

happen to do this thing?"

Time: 1972.56

Yes, some of our research shows that,

Time: 1974.84

that if they, for whatever reason,

Time: 1977.48

happened upon this strategy

Time: 1978.95

and continued to practice it,

Time: 1981.11

they tended to be the better runners.

Time: 1984.08

But we also know from our experiments in the lab,

Time: 1987.33

where we take people who don't know about these strategies,

Time: 1990.41

and by a flip of the coin,

Time: 1991.85

we randomly assign them

Time: 1993.17

to either learn the strategy and use it

Time: 1995.96

or do whatever comes naturally to them,

Time: 1998.51

we can create that illusion of proximity,

Time: 2000.46

that has a direct and causal impact

Time: 2003.52

on improving their performance when they're exercising.

Time: 2006.82

So yes, it goes both ways,

Time: 2009.31

but you can also teach yourself

Time: 2011.02

that you don't have to just rely on luck,

Time: 2013.18

luck of the draw for being a person

Time: 2014.83

who happens to be better at exercising

Time: 2016.75

or whose eyes happen to do this on their own.

Time: 2019.42

- Before we continue with today's discussion,

Time: 2021.16

we're going to take a brief pause

Time: 2022.75

to acknowledge our sponsor, Athletic Greens,

Time: 2025.27

also called AG1.

Time: 2027.01

I started taking Athletic Greens way back in 2012,

Time: 2030.34

so I'm delighted that they've been

Time: 2031.72

a sponsor of this podcast.

Time: 2033.73

Athletic Greens contains vitamins, minerals, probiotics,

Time: 2036.58

digestive enzymes [laughing] and adaptogens,

Time: 2039.25

so it's got a lot of things in there,

Time: 2040.327

and that's actually the reason I started taking it,

Time: 2042.22

and the reason I still take it once or twice a day.

Time: 2044.89

It essentially covers all of my nutritional bases,

Time: 2047.05

and the probiotics in particular are important to me

Time: 2049.27

because of the critical importance

Time: 2050.62

of what's called the gut-brain access,

Time: 2052.21

that is neurons and other cell types in the gut,

Time: 2055.45

in the digestive tract,

Time: 2056.53

that communicate with the brain

Time: 2058

and the brain back to the digestive tract

Time: 2060.22

in order to control things like mood,

Time: 2062.56

immune function, hormone function, and on and on.

Time: 2065.62

Whenever somebody has asked me

Time: 2067.03

what's the one supplement they should take?

Time: 2069.22

I always answer, "Athletic Greens."

Time: 2070.87

I gave that answer long before I ever had this podcast

Time: 2073.24

and it's the answer I still give now,

Time: 2075.04

for all the reasons that I detailed just a moment ago.

Time: 2077.8

If you'd like to try Athletic Greens,

Time: 2079.18

you can go to athleticgreens.com/huberman

Time: 2082.03

to claim a special offer.

Time: 2083.14

They'll give you five free travel packs

Time: 2084.58

that make it really easy to mix up Athletic Greens

Time: 2086.32

while you're on the road,

Time: 2087.34

plus a year's supply of vitamin D3K2,

Time: 2090.13

which are also very important

Time: 2091.18

for a huge number of bodily factors and brain factors

Time: 2094.48

that impact your immediate and long-term health.

Time: 2096.37

Again, that's athleticgreens.com/huberman

Time: 2098.98

to claim that special offer.

Time: 2100.66

The most pressing question I have in my mind is,

Time: 2103.3

can we, I, all of us,

Time: 2107.59

use this strategy to make the starting line a goal point?

Time: 2112.12

Because for a lot of people,

Time: 2113.47

it's not about going from start to finish,

Time: 2115.54

it's about getting to start.

Time: 2117.94

And I would say, here, I'm estimating,

Time: 2122.41

but 15% of the content on social media

Time: 2126.01

is about motivation and how to get motivated to do things.

Time: 2131.41

Neurochemicals like dopamine, of course,

Time: 2134.14

being at the heart of motivation.

Time: 2135.91

In my mind, I'm making strong links

Time: 2137.68

between some of these visual aperture effects

Time: 2139.54

and goal lines and dopamine

Time: 2142.03

that we could also dive into.

Time: 2143.65

But the simple question is,

Time: 2146.32

can I use this finish line strategy

Time: 2149.62

to make the start line a goal

Time: 2152.68

and get my system more engaged or motivated?

Time: 2156.22

And is there any physiology,

Time: 2158.86

or physiological changes, I should say,

Time: 2160.93

to reflect the idea

Time: 2162.19

that maybe just visually focusing on the start line

Time: 2165.13

would actually get me more excited

Time: 2167.65

as opposed to make me less excited to engage in effort?

Time: 2170.92

- Mm-hmm, there's certainly vision science

Time: 2172.54

that's tied up in that very first stage of goal setting,

Time: 2176.86

like identifying what that goal is in the first place

Time: 2179.08

and taking those first steps.

Time: 2181.3

A lot of people's go-to strategies that involve vision

Time: 2184.09

are vision boards, or dream boards, or Post-it notes, right?

Time: 2188.65

They're creating some sort of visual representation

Time: 2191.59

of what it is that they want to accomplish,

Time: 2193.727

"Where is it that I want to be in five years,

Time: 2195.94

10 days, 10 years?"

Time: 2197.44

Whatever that timeline is that they're working under.

Time: 2200.44

The idea of vision boards or dream boards

Time: 2202.3

is that you, almost like a scrapbook, [laughing]

Time: 2204.85

collect visual icons that reflect where you want to be

Time: 2208

to motivate yourself.

Time: 2209.11

It's a really common tactic that people use,

Time: 2212.71

and it's not bad to do that, right?

Time: 2214.51

For some people, just even knowing what they want in life

Time: 2217.09

is a major accomplishment,

Time: 2218.38

defining the goal can be really challenging for people,

Time: 2221.38

and that's a strategy that works

Time: 2222.97

and involves our visual experience, right?

Time: 2225.58

It's not just, people aren't saying like,

Time: 2226.967

"Why don't you just sit around and imagine

Time: 2229.09

what you want your life to be like in 10 years?"

Time: 2231.31

The strategy that people are suggesting is like,

Time: 2233.627

"No, cut out the pictures,

Time: 2235.54

put it on a board and stick it by your bathroom mirror

Time: 2238.24

so you see it every day,"

Time: 2239.32

right? - Or make a list.

Time: 2240.4

- Or make a list, yeah. - People are big

Time: 2241.66

on these lists, I have a lot of friends

Time: 2243.292

that are like, "Have you made your list?"

Time: 2245.5

The list of things that you insist on having

Time: 2247.54

in the context of fitness, relationship, job,

Time: 2251.26

et cetera, et cetera, this seems more and more

Time: 2253.09

common now, yeah. - Yeah, totally, and the idea,

Time: 2254.5

like, "Write it down," right?

Time: 2255.34

They're telling you, "Write it down,"

Time: 2257.17

or, "Create a visual manifestation of it."

Time: 2261.67

And so yeah, that's effective for identifying what you want,

Time: 2266.74

but it may not actually be effective

Time: 2268.6

for helping you to meet the goal,

Time: 2270.19

to get the job done.

Time: 2271.84

So colleagues of mine at New York University

Time: 2274.33

have probed, "Well, why, why is that?

Time: 2276.49

Why is just thinking about what you want in your life

Time: 2279.88

and sort of putting yourself vicariously into those shoes,

Time: 2284.44

imagining what my life will be like

Time: 2285.94

if I can accomplish everything on this list,

Time: 2289.18

why doesn't that work?"

Time: 2290.29

Well, first of all, "Does it work?"

Time: 2291.31

The answer is no, "And why does it not work?"

Time: 2294.97

Because what happens,

Time: 2296.65

these colleagues, Gabriele Oettingen

Time: 2298.81

and her research team have found

Time: 2301.03

is that going through and dreaming about

Time: 2305.143

or, "Visualizing how great my life will be

Time: 2307.3

when I get X, Y and Z done,"

Time: 2311.319

that is like a goal satisfied.

Time: 2314.057

"I have identified what it is that I want,

Time: 2316.03

I have experienced it, even if just in an imaginary way,

Time: 2320.35

I've had that positive experience of thinking about,

Time: 2324.13

well, how great my life is going to be

Time: 2325.72

when I get this thing done,"

Time: 2327.43

and they start to sort of rest on their laurels.

Time: 2329.89

She's actually measured systolic blood pressure

Time: 2331.75

and heart rate,

Time: 2332.83

and they found that people who do that,

Time: 2335.2

who go through that experience of,

Time: 2336.587

"Visualizing how great my life will be

Time: 2338.2

when I get X, Y and Z done,"

Time: 2340.57

their systolic blood pressure,

Time: 2342.31

the bottom number on your blood pressure reading, decreases.

Time: 2346.69

Okay, now, I'm all about finding ways to relax,

Time: 2349.33

especially in New York, right?

Time: 2350.53

You're constantly living at a high level of stimulation,

Time: 2353.17

and so like, "Cool, great,

Time: 2354.31

so maybe I should just think about

Time: 2355.57

how awesome my life will be

Time: 2356.56

when I get my bucket list done,"

Time: 2359.44

but motivation scientists know that systolic blood pressure

Time: 2362.65

is actually an indicator of our body's readiness

Time: 2365.02

to get up and act, to do something.

Time: 2367.66

Now, that can be the going out for a walk,

Time: 2369.4

going out for a run, hitting the gym,

Time: 2371.65

it can also be things like doing math problems,

Time: 2374.1

[laughing] right?

Time: 2374.933

Even if it's something that's just mental,

Time: 2376.66

systolic blood pressure actually goes up

Time: 2378.97

in anticipation of your body or your mind

Time: 2382.42

needing to do something,

Time: 2383.77

taking the first steps on a goal.

Time: 2387.55

So then it helps us to understand of like,

Time: 2390.377

"Okay, if I've just created this dream board,

Time: 2392.62

this vision board, and put myself psychologically

Time: 2394.78

in that space of a goal satisfied,

Time: 2396.97

why is it bad that blood pressure goes down?"

Time: 2398.74

Because it means your body is chilling out,

Time: 2400.9

it's like, "All right, cool,

Time: 2402.31

I just accomplished something pretty major," right?

Time: 2404.477

"I actually now don't have the physiological resources

Time: 2407.77

at the ready to take the first step right now

Time: 2410.23

to do something about that."

Time: 2413.11

So that was a pretty monumental finding

Time: 2416.14

for motivation scientists,

Time: 2417.34

to understand that creating these dream boards,

Time: 2419.23

these vision boards, or to-do lists,

Time: 2420.76

might actually backfire,

Time: 2422.41

because it in and of itself

Time: 2424.75

is the creation of a goal and the satisfaction of the goal,

Time: 2428.26

and then people understandably give themselves

Time: 2430.45

some time to just enjoy that positive experience.

Time: 2433.96

- So much for "The Secret".

Time: 2435.67

- [Emily] Yeah, exactly, [laughing] exactly.

Time: 2437.62

- I guess now "The Secret" folks will come after me

Time: 2439.6

with pitchforks, but. - I try to never

Time: 2441.19

say the name, [laughing] right?

Time: 2442.03

For that reason. - Well, I'm not afraid

Time: 2443.17

to say the name, I mean,

Time: 2444.4

I imagine that certain strategies

Time: 2445.93

might work for other people,

Time: 2446.83

but everything you're saying, again,

Time: 2449.14

is consistent with what we know

Time: 2450.22

about the physiology of dopamine circuits for motivation.

Time: 2453.34

I have a good friend who perhaps incidentally, perhaps not,

Time: 2457.6

is a cardiologist at a major university,

Time: 2460.75

said that one of the major errors that people make

Time: 2464.65

with book writing and completion

Time: 2466.3

is they will tell people they're going to write a book

Time: 2469.3

and people will say,

Time: 2470.387

"Oh, you definitely should write a book,

Time: 2471.94

everyone's going to love your book,"

Time: 2473.11

and they never end up writing it.

Time: 2474.277

And his theory is that they get so much dopamine reward

Time: 2478.33

from that immediate feedback,

Time: 2479.89

with all the protection of never having the book criticized,

Time: 2482.71

that they never write the book.

Time: 2484.12

I'm sure there are exceptions to this,

Time: 2485.62

but I guess it raises the question,

Time: 2488.11

what's the better strategy?

Time: 2489.46

- Yeah, so I'm not saying

Time: 2491.23

that people who enjoy dream board creation

Time: 2494.05

should stop what they're doing,

Time: 2495.37

that's not the take-home message here.

Time: 2496.84

- Nightmare board. - [laughing] Oh,

Time: 2498.16

definitely not that, no. - Okay, okay.

Time: 2499.42

- There's enough anxiety and fear in the world,

Time: 2501.31

we don't need to encourage more of it.

Time: 2503.44

But the process of goal setting

Time: 2504.64

shouldn't stop with articulating what the goal is.

Time: 2508.18

So at that same point that we're trying to figure out,

Time: 2510.617

"What do we want to do,

Time: 2511.45

what is my vision for the future?"

Time: 2513.94

in those planning sessions,

Time: 2515.77

we need to simultaneously think about

Time: 2517.96

a couple of other things.

Time: 2519.34

One is how are we going to get there?

Time: 2522.82

So take it out of the abstract,

Time: 2524.5

take it out of this idyllic visual iconography

Time: 2528.22

and start thinking about the practical day to day.

Time: 2530.17

We need to break it down into more manageable goals,

Time: 2531.94

not just, "My 10-year plan for myself,"

Time: 2534.01

but, "My two-week plan,

Time: 2535.48

what can I accomplish in the next two weeks

Time: 2537.49

and the two weeks after

Time: 2538.78

that's going to set me on the right trajectory?"

Time: 2541.21

That's probably not surprising

Time: 2542.14

to anybody [laughing] who's been thinking about,

Time: 2543.977

"How do I set goals better?"

Time: 2546.85

Plan big picture, think big picture abstractly,

Time: 2549.25

but then also break it down more concretely,

Time: 2551.68

that's probably not surprising,

Time: 2552.79

but it's an important aspect of the goal setting process.

Time: 2556.96

Then, again, Gabriele Oettingen in my department

Time: 2559

has identified a third often overlooked

Time: 2561.64

or underappreciated stage that has to happen

Time: 2566.14

in the goal setting process,

Time: 2567.52

and that's thinking about the obstacles

Time: 2569.23

that stand in your way of success,

Time: 2572.08

and that, it will actually help improve motivation

Time: 2574.9

in the long run.

Time: 2576.19

And sometimes people think that that is counterintuitive,

Time: 2578.897

"You're saying if I want to increase my motivation,

Time: 2581.62

have more motivation,

Time: 2582.46

then I need to think about how hard it's going to be,

Time: 2584.2

all the ways that I'm going to fail?

Time: 2585.94

How is that going to jazz me up?

Time: 2587.86

How's that going to help me get through when things get hard?"

Time: 2593.5

But it does because it's like coming up with a plan B,

Time: 2597.49

a plan C, plan D,

Time: 2599.17

in advance of actually experiencing that.

Time: 2601.66

If you were on a boat and the boat started to sink,

Time: 2604.03

that's not the time

Time: 2605.02

you want to start looking for life jackets.

Time: 2607.03

You already want to know where one is

Time: 2608.14

so you can go to it right away.

Time: 2610.12

And it's the same thing with goal setting,

Time: 2612.34

is that you want to know, "What am I working towards?

Time: 2614.26

How am I going to get there?

Time: 2615.16

And if I experience this obstacle,

Time: 2617.44

here's what I'm going to do about it."

Time: 2619.06

You may never experience that obstacle,

Time: 2621.04

but if you do, you're probably going to be shy on time,

Time: 2623.86

thin on resources,

Time: 2625.3

maybe experiencing an anxiety that hijacks your brain

Time: 2627.73

so you're not functioning

Time: 2628.99

at that optimal level of judgment and decision making.

Time: 2632.65

You want to already have the snap next step in place

Time: 2635.8

so you can just hop to it, right?

Time: 2637.39

We're not going to do our best thinking

Time: 2639.22

when we're in crisis mode,

Time: 2641.62

but we don't have to if we have already used

Time: 2645.1

our resources in advance to come up with

Time: 2646.66

that plan B or that plan C.

Time: 2648.64

Michael Phelps, incredible athlete, right?

Time: 2651.16

This is something that he and his coach

Time: 2652.63

have routinely incorporated into their training.

Time: 2656.59

So I love this story that, back in 2008,

Time: 2659.5

he was hot for the first time on the international stage.

Time: 2663.19

It was the Beijing Olympics,

Time: 2664.36

Michael Phelps was on the brink of doing something

Time: 2666.1

that no one else in the history of the Olympic Games

Time: 2668.59

has ever done,

Time: 2669.423

which was win eight gold medals in a single Olympiad.

Time: 2672.79

At the time of this story,

Time: 2674.11

he had already won seven

Time: 2675.64

and he had just the 200 fly in front of him

Time: 2677.8

before he could do what no one else has ever done,

Time: 2679.897

win the eighth gold medal.

Time: 2681.97

And the fly is his thing, right?

Time: 2684.76

This should've been easy, a no-brainer,

Time: 2686.41

he's going to win this, he's going to break Olympic history.

Time: 2689.29

As soon as he dove into the pool,

Time: 2691.48

his goggles started to leak.

Time: 2693.28

And by the time he had done three lengths of the pool,

Time: 2696.34

he just had to flip around

Time: 2697.45

and come back to the starting line slash finish line,

Time: 2700.84

back to the edge.

Time: 2702.85

By the time that happened,

Time: 2703.99

his goggles were completely filled with water

Time: 2705.52

and he was swimming blind.

Time: 2707.23

I would've panicked,

Time: 2708.063

I would've sunk to the bottom of the pool,

Time: 2709.72

I wouldn't have even been in the pool to be honest,

Time: 2711.49

I'm not a swimmer, definitely not going to be in the Olympics,

Time: 2714.565

but for him, he didn't, it wasn't a moment of panic,

Time: 2716.71

like it probably would've been

Time: 2717.61

for nearly every other person in that situation,

Time: 2720.43

because he had foreshadowed that kind of possible failure.

Time: 2724.06

He had imagined that obstacle hitting him in advance,

Time: 2726.85

and not even just imagined it, but practiced it,

Time: 2728.867

"What will we do?"

Time: 2730.06

He routinely practiced swimming with his goggles

Time: 2732.49

not fully secured on his face,

Time: 2734.11

his coach notoriously would rip the goggles off of his head,

Time: 2737.98

smash 'em on the ground

Time: 2738.85

for maybe dramatic effect or something,

Time: 2740.41

so that he didn't even have any goggles

Time: 2741.88

possible to grab as he's in practice.

Time: 2745.06

So because he had foreshadowed that possibility

Time: 2747.49

and the solution, "If my goggles start to leak,

Time: 2750.61

then I will do," in his case,

Time: 2752.867

"start counting my strokes,

Time: 2754.84

then I'll make it through."

Time: 2755.77

He knew exactly how many strokes it would take from him

Time: 2757.84

to get from one end of the pool to the other,

Time: 2759.55

he started counting his strokes.

Time: 2762.216

He won that race, the 200 fly,

Time: 2763.63

he won his eighth gold medal

Time: 2764.53

and he'd go on to win 15 more in his career.

Time: 2767.26

So we might not all be swimmers,

Time: 2769.06

we might not all aspire to Olympic-level performance,

Time: 2771.97

but I love that example

Time: 2773.05

because I think it helps sort of demystify

Time: 2776.29

or give us an alternative perspective on the importance

Time: 2779.71

and the motivational reasons

Time: 2781.54

why thinking about obstacles in advance,

Time: 2783.97

thinking about the ways, the two, three, four ways

Time: 2786.76

that your plan might go awry

Time: 2788.68

is actually effective at helping us to overcome the obstacle

Time: 2791.44

that might otherwise lead us to throw in the towel.

Time: 2794.38

- That's a beautiful example.

Time: 2796.96

I'm going to springboard off that example

Time: 2799.36

to ask a question that has also been on my mind,

Time: 2802.81

which is, is there really anything special about vision?

Time: 2806.08

Because in the example you just gave,

Time: 2807.7

it was indeed vision that Michael Phelps was deprived of

Time: 2810.97

and it was counting strokes.

Time: 2813.94

Counting is another form of incremental measurement,

Time: 2816.97

in the nervous system, obviously.

Time: 2820.24

There are others, they could be the sensation

Time: 2822.94

of the hands smacking the water

Time: 2824.68

or breaking the surface of the water,

Time: 2825.94

so there are any number of different variables

Time: 2828.85

or metrics that one could use.

Time: 2831.28

I could imagine that setting out on a,

Time: 2835.03

let's say, a three-mile run,

Time: 2836.71

which, for me, is a decent-distanced run,

Time: 2838.78

it's one I do a few times a week,

Time: 2840.1

I'm also not a runner,

Time: 2841.09

but I try and complete some runs a few times a week,

Time: 2843.19

at very slow pace,

Time: 2844.45

just for my health. [Emily laughing]

Time: 2846.58

I could count every step,

Time: 2848.74

that would be kind of exhausting,

Time: 2851.23

but if I knew that three miles was,

Time: 2854.02

I'm going to estimate here, I don't know,

Time: 2855.25

a couple thousand steps,

Time: 2857.71

I could count backward, I could count forward,

Time: 2859.69

I could count every 10.

Time: 2862.21

I confess, I spend every morning

Time: 2863.74

trying to find sunlight to get sun in my eyes

Time: 2865.48

to set my circadian rhythm,

Time: 2866.68

and I do 100 jumping jacks.

Time: 2868.39

So I'm the guy that people

Time: 2870.037

are looking at strange on the street.

Time: 2871.593

[Emily laughing] But sometimes I count

Time: 2872.71

every 10, sometimes I count backwards,

Time: 2874.18

sometimes I count forward.

Time: 2875.95

Is there any indication that it matters

Time: 2877.63

or is it simply that we attach some sort of meaning

Time: 2881.44

to that increment and the mode of reaching that increment?

Time: 2887.11

Because it does seem like

Time: 2888.19

there's something special about vision,

Time: 2889.537

and we could maybe dive into a little bit more why that is,

Time: 2892.45

but at a very basic level,

Time: 2895.48

how broadly or finally should one set the increments,

Time: 2898.99

and does it matter if you're counting steps

Time: 2901.09

or counting strokes,

Time: 2903.1

maybe it's every other song,

Time: 2905.11

you're going to listen to an entire album.

Time: 2907.27

That's something that I don't know if people do anymore.

Time: 2908.785

[Emily laughing] Or you're going to listen

Time: 2909.85

to a whole playlist,

Time: 2910.87

and then listen to it again,

Time: 2912.16

and you're going to run as long as the playlist

Time: 2914.62

is completed twice,

Time: 2917.05

you can obviously see what I'm getting at,

Time: 2918.76

but I know people are going to want to implement these tools.

Time: 2920.663

And I have to guess that the nervous system

Time: 2922.75

is somewhat indiscriminent when it comes to these things,

Time: 2926.29

but that there might also be some specificity.

Time: 2929.02

- I think vision is special, and I think you do too,

Time: 2933.37

and for a variety of reasons.

Time: 2934.93

When you start, you can really nerd out

Time: 2936.49

on how cool the brain is

Time: 2938.08

and how cool vision is within the brain.

Time: 2940.15

And when you do, then you start to find some things

Time: 2941.86

that make vision unique, right?

Time: 2944.08

More real estate, more neurological cortex real estate

Time: 2948.07

is taken up by the visual sense than any other sense,

Time: 2951.01

more than taste, touch, smell, right?

Time: 2954.58

Vision gets more real estate,

Time: 2956.35

gets more neurological processing space

Time: 2958.6

than any other sense, why is that?

Time: 2960.37

Well, because evolution has led us

Time: 2961.96

to prioritize the visual experience.

Time: 2965.77

There's some cool illusions

Time: 2967.24

where maybe somebody's mouth

Time: 2968.65

is doing something different than what you're hearing,

Time: 2971.02

when people sort of create these weird tricks

Time: 2974.41

that might go on YouTube and go viral,

Time: 2977.44

and people are trying to figure out, "What did I hear?

Time: 2979.42

What did I see his mouth doing?"

Time: 2981.49

And what comes up is that people prioritize

Time: 2984.19

what they see over what they're hearing

Time: 2985.81

when the two are incompatible or kind of out of sync.

Time: 2988.63

- Every time. - Yeah, every time, right?

Time: 2990.67

If you have to bet on it,

Time: 2992.26

bet on what it is that you're looking at

Time: 2993.61

rather than what you're seeing.

Time: 2995.35

And why is that?

Time: 2996.7

Well, [sighing] I guess, a couple other things too, right?

Time: 2998.5

We can see super far, you can see a flickering candle

Time: 3001.71

on a horizon if it was a totally clear sky

Time: 3005.94

several miles away.

Time: 3006.93

You can see the International Space Station

Time: 3008.7

floating up in the night sky, right?

Time: 3011.25

Hundreds of miles away,

Time: 3012.87

our eyes are amazing.

Time: 3016.303

And we prioritize what we see,

Time: 3019.38

and I think that's because we never,

Time: 3021.39

we rarely [laughing] get the experience

Time: 3023.25

of having our visual experience second guessed.

Time: 3026.82

Oftentimes, we're having a conversation

Time: 3028.2

maybe in a loud restaurant

Time: 3029.37

and we know that we didn't hear the person, right?

Time: 3030.657

And so we say like, "Oh, did you say that?"

Time: 3032.18

Or like, "Oh, I thought you said this,"

Time: 3033.75

and they're like, "No, I didn't say that," right?

Time: 3034.95

So people will correct us when our ears get it wrong,

Time: 3039.39

or we're tasting something amazing

Time: 3041.61

and we can't quite figure out what spices were in here,

Time: 3043.95

and so we know that our tongue

Time: 3045.57

isn't quite picking up the taste the right way,

Time: 3048.75

and that's why we read the menu

Time: 3049.89

to see what are the ingredients or we ask the chef,

Time: 3051.87

like, "What did you put in this?

Time: 3052.703

It tastes amazing."

Time: 3054.6

So we know that our tongue is getting it wrong,

Time: 3056.22

or you might be touching something

Time: 3057.9

and you look at the tag to see what sort of textile

Time: 3060.15

was used in this really amazing piece of clothing

Time: 3062.22

that you're looking to buy.

Time: 3063.45

So we know that our sense of touch

Time: 3065.4

isn't quite getting it right.

Time: 3066.72

But rarely do we have that experience

Time: 3068.37

of having our eyes get updated,

Time: 3071.34

where we're looking at something,

Time: 3072.173

"Oh, I think I'm looking at my mom.

Time: 3073.59

Oh, no, actually, it was actually my husband."

Time: 3075.9

Okay, that never happens, [laughing] right?

Time: 3077.91

That we have gotten vision as wrong

Time: 3079.62

as we might get any other thing

Time: 3081.63

that we're experiencing through any other sense.

Time: 3084.81

We trust our visual experience,

Time: 3086.88

we have a sort of a naive realism

Time: 3088.89

that what we see reflects the world the way it actually is,

Time: 3092.85

because it's never really fully tested,

Time: 3095.28

we never get the input or the feedback

Time: 3097.92

that you've seen something wrong,

Time: 3100.11

until a visual illusion pops up on social media, right?

Time: 3102.483

Like the dress example,

Time: 3104.4

or the last week or so,

Time: 3106.14

there's been that horse-seal-lion drawing

Time: 3108.72

that's been all over social media too, "What do you see?"

Time: 3110.707

"I see a horse," someone says, "I see a seal,"

Time: 3112.41

and then chaos erupts,

Time: 3114.15

or, "I thought the dress was blue,"

Time: 3116.107

"No, I thought it was gold."

Time: 3117.84

I don't remember the options 'cause I see it as blue,

Time: 3119.7

so, [laughing] right? [Andrew laughing]

Time: 3121.89

And it's dividing up families and friendships

Time: 3124.17

because you've seen something

Time: 3125.58

that the other person just literally cannot see.

Time: 3128.1

And that's why we love those examples

Time: 3130.35

when they pop up in social media when they do,

Time: 3133.14

is because it defies all of our previous expectations.

Time: 3138.249

If this interests you,

Time: 3139.8

there's a really amazing visual artist, Anish Kapoor,

Time: 3142.11

who plays with these ideas too,

Time: 3143.64

and his installations are just fascinating.

Time: 3146.94

I saw one at a museum once,

Time: 3149.22

where I walked down this long hall

Time: 3151.38

and it's just a big black rectangle

Time: 3153.24

that's painted on the wall.

Time: 3154.818

And I was like, "This guy's super famous, what the hell?

Time: 3156.96

It's just a big black rectangle painted on the wall.

Time: 3160.23

What is this about, what a hoax? [laughing]

Time: 3162.81

This museum paid how much, what?" or whatever.

Time: 3165.51

But then as you get closer, you get closer,

Time: 3166.98

and your eyes start to settle in

Time: 3168.57

and they adapt to the different visual lighting,

Time: 3170.34

you realize it's not a black square painted on the wall,

Time: 3172.29

it's a huge hole he's carved into the wall,

Time: 3174.51

and there is a whole other world

Time: 3176.31

that's back behind there that you can't see right away,

Time: 3179.25

until your eyes adapt to the different lighting conditions.

Time: 3182.28

- Beautiful. - It's amazing,

Time: 3183.51

yeah. - As a vision scientist,

Time: 3184.5

I have to see, where is this exhibit?

Time: 3186.78

- It's not up right now,

Time: 3189.27

there was a retrospective several years ago

Time: 3191.01

that was done in Sydney,

Time: 3193.38

but his work is all over the place.

Time: 3194.267

- Great. - So Anish Kapoor,

Time: 3196.14

definitely worth looking up,

Time: 3198.584

because, like the dress example,

Time: 3200.37

or the horse-seal-lion drawing,

Time: 3201.78

or artists like Anish Kapoor's work,

Time: 3204.24

that is a moment that gives us

Time: 3206.58

a different unexpected insight about the world.

Time: 3210.18

That it challenges us to see something

Time: 3212.52

that we hadn't seen before,

Time: 3213.66

or it induces, or tricks us into seeing something

Time: 3215.97

that we wouldn't have otherwise have seen.

Time: 3218.55

And so it's those rare moments

Time: 3219.9

that I think are actually really important

Time: 3221.79

for understanding what do our eyes normally do?

Time: 3224.85

Because we wouldn't find these examples so surprising,

Time: 3227.55

so engaging, so shocking,

Time: 3229.11

if we had routinely gotten the experience

Time: 3230.97

of realizing we're not seeing the world the way that it is.

Time: 3233.61

So that is why I think vision is special,

Time: 3237.75

and why it can be thought of as a tool

Time: 3240.33

that we can add to our toolkit

Time: 3242.61

for how to better accomplish our goals.

Time: 3245.01

I'm not saying that we should just only focus on

Time: 3247.41

imagining the world through an attentional spotlight,

Time: 3250.86

but maybe that's something that we can employ strategically

Time: 3254.07

on occasion when we think it's going to best help us,

Time: 3256.8

when we need an extra little push to cross

Time: 3259.373

that literal or metaphorical finish line,

Time: 3261.72

but it doesn't have to be the only tactic that we use,

Time: 3264.63

just like it's not bad to use vision boards,

Time: 3266.46

but let's use something else also.

Time: 3269.215

It's not bad to talk to ourselves in encouraging ways,

Time: 3271.47

but let's try adding another tool to our tool belt

Time: 3275.37

in case that's not enough to get the job done.

Time: 3278.67

So I do think that there's great power

Time: 3280.44

in thinking about our visual experience

Time: 3282.36

alongside other tactics that we might use

Time: 3285.03

for meeting our goals.

Time: 3286.5

And another one of those tactics

Time: 3287.58

might be like the numerics that you're talking about,

Time: 3290.737

"Do I think about my jumping jacks in terms of groups of 10

Time: 3293.85

or as a set of 100?"

Time: 3295.98

You do it routinely,

Time: 3297.09

so you might be able to set a goal of 100

Time: 3299.1

and have that sustain you through number 60, number 70,

Time: 3303.06

when maybe it's starting to get harder,

Time: 3304.89

but for somebody who's just starting out

Time: 3306.39

and wants to be able to make it to 100,

Time: 3308.13

that's probably not going to work,

Time: 3310.76

that could be quite challenging for them

Time: 3312

if it's the first time that they're trying it.

Time: 3313.92

And so instead, setting those micro goals of groups of 10

Time: 3317.7

is going to be useful,

Time: 3319.08

because as we start to get to number eight or nine,

Time: 3321.42

or number 88 or 89, and it's really getting hard,

Time: 3325.14

we need that extra little hedonic hit

Time: 3327.69

of pleasure of accomplishment,

Time: 3329.58

the micro dopamine rush

Time: 3331.17

that you might get by hitting another decade milestone,

Time: 3336.87

another group-of-10 milestone.

Time: 3339

And once we get that little hit of pleasure,

Time: 3340.68

excitement or self-congratulations,

Time: 3343.17

that might be enough to sustain us

Time: 3344.61

through the next challenging physical obstacle,

Time: 3347.13

the next group of 10 that we might experience.

Time: 3349.77

So there isn't any prescription that I would give

Time: 3352.44

and say, "Every person should decide

Time: 3354.27

that 25 jumping jacks is the goal."

Time: 3356.88

No, we have to be idiosyncratic

Time: 3358.77

and introspect about, "Where are we at with this goal,

Time: 3361.59

this thing that I'm trying to accomplish?"

Time: 3363.42

and set those goals realistically,

Time: 3366.48

but inspirationally as well.

Time: 3368.43

We want to set a goal that will challenge us,

Time: 3370.71

but isn't impossible.

Time: 3372.54

We don't want to set goals that are too easy,

Time: 3374.55

because we're not going to trick ourselves

Time: 3376.29

into feeling so great about doing one jumping jack, okay?

Time: 3380.85

Great, I'm pretty sure most people,

Time: 3383.19

if that's a goal, they can do one,

Time: 3385.14

so are you going to feel so great when you hit that goal?

Time: 3387.39

No, because it was too easy,

Time: 3389.01

you didn't have any doubt that you could do that one,

Time: 3392.13

but what about 25?

Time: 3394.59

Okay, yeah, I might feel pretty good about that.

Time: 3397.26

Well, what about the next group of 25

Time: 3398.427

and now I'm at 50?

Time: 3400.02

Those are goals that might seem

Time: 3401.25

just beyond the brink of what's possible,

Time: 3402.81

but I will feel good when I hit that,

Time: 3404.79

and that's going to give me the next sort of boost of energy

Time: 3407.22

that I'm going to need to go a little bit further,

Time: 3408.9

either that time or the next time.

Time: 3411.24

- Yeah, I think vision is special,

Time: 3413.13

again, I'm strongly biased here.

Time: 3415.83

The reason I initially learned about your work was,

Time: 3420.78

well, now you have this amazing book,

Time: 3422.22

but at the time, there wasn't the book,

Time: 3424.05

there were just the scientific papers,

Time: 3426.03

and of course, upon which the book rests,

Time: 3429.81

and those papers are really important,

Time: 3432.54

but was the relationship between vision

Time: 3435.21

and obviously is our sense of space,

Time: 3436.98

but how the sense of space and time are related.

Time: 3439.32

And to make the idea quite simple for those listening,

Time: 3443.7

when you narrow your visual window, you're measuring,

Time: 3447.3

the time bin also gets smaller, right?

Time: 3449.73

Which makes sense when you hear it,

Time: 3451.17

whereas if you take on a huge visual landscape,

Time: 3453.9

you're actually carving up time differently.

Time: 3455.49

It's sort of like moving from a slow frame rate

Time: 3458.79

to a fine frame rate,

Time: 3460.59

slow-motion camera is actually taking

Time: 3462.87

a lot more snapshots, right?

Time: 3464.46

So you're measuring distance over time more finely.

Time: 3466.86

And so, whereas strobe would be the other example,

Time: 3469.59

which a strobe is very low frequency,

Time: 3471.84

so you're going here, here, here,

Time: 3473.31

as opposed to slow motion, right?

Time: 3475.2

Strobe gives a course view into the time domain

Time: 3480.36

and high-speed photography gives a fine view

Time: 3482.43

into the time domain.

Time: 3483.48

So I'm almost certain,

Time: 3484.86

without any knowledge of underlying data,

Time: 3489.18

but knowledge of the mechanism,

Time: 3490.8

that I'm almost certain, if not certain,

Time: 3494.01

that by placing a narrow visual aperture,

Time: 3497.25

we change the way we perceive time.

Time: 3499.68

Now, I have a question, and to be honest,

Time: 3502.14

I know the answer in advance,

Time: 3503.28

but I'd love for you to tell us

Time: 3505.02

a bit about how some of this works still further in reverse,

Time: 3511.08

meaning how unfit people view the world

Time: 3514.53

versus how fit people view the world,

Time: 3516.54

or how unmotivated people visually see the world,

Time: 3520.23

as opposed to highly motivated people.

Time: 3523.17

You talked about these elite runners,

Time: 3525.27

you gave them Michael Phelps's example,

Time: 3526.83

but maybe you could describe that study,

Time: 3529.32

I think it's a particularly important one,

Time: 3531.39

mostly because, yes, it identifies

Time: 3534.84

perhaps the physiological or psychological differences

Time: 3537.15

between motivated and unmotivated,

Time: 3538.65

or fit and unfit people,

Time: 3541.08

but it also provides a path to remedy that.

Time: 3544.77

- Mm-hmm, yeah, out of my lab,

Time: 3548.67

but also out of several other labs,

Time: 3550.47

there's been work looking at that relation

Time: 3552.72

between states of the body and visual experiences.

Time: 3556.17

They haven't necessarily tried to integrate

Time: 3559.23

the motivation science element to it,

Time: 3561.75

but they were looking to see

Time: 3563

do visual experiences change

Time: 3565.08

as a function of different states of our body?

Time: 3567.09

So they've looked at people who experience chronic fatigue,

Time: 3570.27

the elderly, people who are overweight,

Time: 3573.24

those that are wearing heavy backpacks,

Time: 3576.84

and so who are sort of put into that experience

Time: 3579

of being overweight,

Time: 3580.11

what happens to their perceptions of the environment?

Time: 3582.54

Well, what they find is that distances look further

Time: 3585.39

to those that are overweight, chronically tired,

Time: 3587.19

older rather than younger,

Time: 3588.39

weighted down with extra baggage,

Time: 3591.69

distances look farther and hills look steeper.

Time: 3594.78

We've done some of those studies too,

Time: 3596.88

where we try to give people more energy,

Time: 3599.37

or deprive them of energy,

Time: 3601.92

and see does that change their perception of space.

Time: 3604.98

And we did that by sort of a classic technique

Time: 3609.27

of a double-blind study

Time: 3610.92

where the participant doesn't really know

Time: 3612.42

what they're experiencing.

Time: 3613.77

- I thought you were going to say, "A double espresso."

Time: 3615.565

- Oh. [laughing]

Time: 3617.056

That is also a good psychological experience to give people.

Time: 3622.2

Yeah, so a double-blind experiment

Time: 3624.51

where the participant doesn't really know the full extent

Time: 3627.15

of what they're doing or what they're experiencing,

Time: 3629.4

and the researcher who's interacting with them also doesn't.

Time: 3632.43

They do this a lot in medical studies,

Time: 3634.29

you give somebody a drug

Time: 3635.82

and you give somebody a placebo, a sugar pill,

Time: 3638.64

and then importantly, nobody really knows

Time: 3641.25

who's got what until you've analyzed all the data

Time: 3643.74

and the results are revealed

Time: 3644.73

that these are the people that had the drug,

Time: 3646.95

the active agent,

Time: 3648.27

same idea in the psychological research.

Time: 3650.34

In this case, what we did was give people Kool-Aid to drink.

Time: 3653.22

And for some people, that Kool-Aid was sweetened with sugar,

Time: 3656.49

an actual caloric entity, it could give them energy.

Time: 3660.78

Other people drank Kool-Aid sweetened with Splenda.

Time: 3664.11

So, yeah, it's sweet,

Time: 3665.28

but it actually doesn't have any caloric value,

Time: 3666.93

you're not giving people energy,

Time: 3668.4

you're just giving them that experience of sweetness.

Time: 3672.66

Now, some people, of course,

Time: 3673.5

are really good at identifying

Time: 3675.36

what's real sugar and what's Splenda,

Time: 3677.07

but when you put it into Kool-Aid, a pretty noxious powder,

Time: 3680.37

it actually masked it for everybody

Time: 3682.05

and nobody had any idea.

Time: 3683.46

- 'Cause it tasted like garbage

Time: 3684.424

to everybody. - It tastes like garbage,

Time: 3685.89

yeah. [laughing] - Sorry, Kool-Aid.

Time: 3686.88

I mean, I'm sure there are many people that love Kool-Aid,

Time: 3689.01

I guess the sales of Kool-Aid will reveal the data.

Time: 3691.993

- [laughing] Yeah, I grew up in Nebraska actually,

Time: 3693.75

where Kool-Aid is from,

Time: 3695.04

it originated in Nebraska. - Oh.

Time: 3696.26

- So I do feel like I'm betraying my roots slightly

Time: 3699.425

by casting some shade on Kool-Aid,

Time: 3702.66

but that's how it worked,

Time: 3703.65

is that we asked them to guess what they got,

Time: 3705.81

we tested them afterwards and they were wrong.

Time: 3707.85

So nobody's able to guess with accuracy,

Time: 3710.887

"What was your drink sweetened with?"

Time: 3712.74

Which is important because they were blind,

Time: 3715.77

the way that scientists use it,

Time: 3717.27

they didn't know what it was that they were drinking.

Time: 3722.057

We give them about 10 to 15 minutes

Time: 3723.51

for that sugar to metabolize,

Time: 3725.04

and we measured their circulating blood glucose levels

Time: 3728.31

to make sure that we had, in fact,

Time: 3730.29

given their body circulating glucose,

Time: 3734.28

energy that they might use in the next activity.

Time: 3738.875

And the researcher, again,

Time: 3739.708

didn't know whether they had just served sugar or Splenda,

Time: 3743.49

then we asked people to estimate distance.

Time: 3745.65

So we gave some people more energy,

Time: 3747.21

or we kept others sort of at

Time: 3748.86

whatever their normal level was,

Time: 3750.9

and what we found is that those people

Time: 3752.16

who didn't even know it

Time: 3753.12

but who had been given more energy

Time: 3754.83

by drinking Kool-Aid sweetened with sugar,

Time: 3757.65

perceived their space as more constricted,

Time: 3760.8

that visual illusion of proximity was induced,

Time: 3763.35

they felt that their finish line,

Time: 3764.82

again, in the context of an exercise task,

Time: 3767.34

was closer to them.

Time: 3768.99

So in just the same way that these other physiology labs,

Time: 3771.81

vision science, physiology labs,

Time: 3773.37

found that people who are chronically tired,

Time: 3775.71

who don't feel like they have as much energy,

Time: 3778.41

or those that are physically weighted down

Time: 3780.09

and for whom moving within an environment is more costly,

Time: 3784.53

we could create that experience for people.

Time: 3786.42

We did an experimental version of that,

Time: 3788.46

that if you have more energy, the world looks easier,

Time: 3792.12

the distances to a finish line don't look as far.

Time: 3796.32

So that was some of the experimental evidence that we had

Time: 3799.23

to show that people's states of their body

Time: 3800.7

do impact their visual experience.

Time: 3802.68

Now, I'm a motivation researcher,

Time: 3804.66

so for me, the big question is,

Time: 3806.04

well, what's the point of that study then,

Time: 3808.08

besides just showing this connection between the body

Time: 3810.6

and the eyes and the visual experience?

Time: 3812.91

We think that that's fundamental to one of the reasons

Time: 3815.64

that people experience difficulty when they're exercising,

Time: 3818.34

when it's really harder for your body,

Time: 3820.5

because of its physical state, to move within a space,

Time: 3826.35

you might say like, "Well, why don't they just go exercise?"

Time: 3828.42

Because the world looks harder to them,

Time: 3830.64

because that distance that they're supposed to walk

Time: 3833.52

because a doctor tells them to,

Time: 3834.96

or that a partner encourages them to,

Time: 3836.91

or a hill that they should hike up

Time: 3838.92

because someone told them

Time: 3839.76

that would be good for their health,

Time: 3840.99

it looks more challenging to them

Time: 3843.57

than it does to somebody who's in better physical health.

Time: 3848.76

Now, if it looks that way, if it looks harder,

Time: 3851.61

if it feels like it might be harder,

Time: 3854.31

then psychologically, we know that it is.

Time: 3856.77

When you have set yourself up, psychologically, mentally,

Time: 3859.59

for that kind of failure experience,

Time: 3861.72

like, "I don't know that I have the resources

Time: 3863.58

to get this job, this looks really hard,"

Time: 3866.67

you're already motivationally in a place

Time: 3869.1

for this task to be closer to impossible for you.

Time: 3872.82

So to put it all together then,

Time: 3873.93

what we know is that people whose bodies

Time: 3875.76

might make it more challenging for them to exercise

Time: 3878.97

are seeing the world in a more challenging way

Time: 3881.31

and that is having these downstream motivational

Time: 3883.32

and psychological effects

Time: 3884.97

that makes it less likely for them

Time: 3886.92

to try to take on the task in the first place

Time: 3888.87

or to experience it as harder

Time: 3891.21

than other people would or do.

Time: 3894.81

- Is the solution the same, however?

Time: 3897.69

Meaning, if these people are taught

Time: 3899.82

to adjust their visual goal line

Time: 3902.4

or to set a visual spotlight on an intermediate goal,

Time: 3905.58

can they overcome some of this challenge that they face

Time: 3909.93

simply by virtue of their skewed perception?

Time: 3912.63

- Yes, so in all of the studies that we have done,

Time: 3916.05

looking at that connection

Time: 3917.13

between this narrowed focus of attention

Time: 3918.96

and improvements in exercise,

Time: 3921.06

we do not find that it only works

Time: 3923.19

for the people who are in shape

Time: 3924.3

or that it backfires for people who are out of shape,

Time: 3926.64

it works for everybody.

Time: 3928.35

This is a strategy that everybody can adopt,

Time: 3930.33

because it's just simply about like,

Time: 3931.927

"What do you allocate attentional resources to?

Time: 3934.2

What do you sort of ignore, and what do you focus on?"

Time: 3937.26

And that visually induces

Time: 3939.36

the same kind of illusion for everybody,

Time: 3941.25

regardless of whether you're overweight,

Time: 3943.38

or you're at your target weight,

Time: 3945.93

or if you're struggling to get there,

Time: 3947.01

or you've already accomplished where you want to be,

Time: 3949.32

that visual illusion can be induced for everybody

Time: 3951.69

and it has the same kinds of consequences.

Time: 3954.36

- Terrific, earlier I made a joke about double espresso,

Time: 3957.9

but now I'll make a serious statement about double espresso,

Time: 3960.42

which is that it contains caffeine

Time: 3962.4

and caffeine as a stimulant,

Time: 3964.2

like all other stimulants,

Time: 3967.05

cause a change in our visual world.

Time: 3969.45

The most salient one

Time: 3970.5

is the one that police officers look for,

Time: 3972.27

or parents suspecting that their kids

Time: 3974.25

have ingested substances of any kind look for,

Time: 3977.97

which is if somebody's pupils are unusually large

Time: 3980.73

for a given visual environment,

Time: 3983.28

that is an indication of high levels of autonomic arousal.

Time: 3987.51

In the street drug translation of this,

Time: 3989.31

people who take amphetamine or cocaine

Time: 3991.35

will have very big pupils.

Time: 3992.43

People who are very relaxed have small pupils.

Time: 3993.93

However, everyone should know that pupil size

Time: 3995.97

also is dynamically regulated

Time: 3997.35

by how bright a visual environment,

Time: 3998.82

so there are multiple things controlling pupil size.

Time: 4001.16

However, we know that when we are very stressed

Time: 4004.25

or very aroused in any way, positive or negative,

Time: 4007.4

the pupils get big,

Time: 4008.87

but within the visual system,

Time: 4010.28

what that equates to is a narrowing of the visual aperture.

Time: 4015.05

So rather than ingesting sugar,

Time: 4017.15

which I'm guessing most of the world,

Time: 4019.16

certainly the US needs to ingest less sugar,

Time: 4020.93

at least that's what we're hearing.

Time: 4022.01

I'm sure there are a few sugar sucro-nistas out there,

Time: 4025.52

sucrose-anistas. [Emily laughing]

Time: 4027.11

Who will also come after me with pitchforks,

Time: 4028.73

but let's face it, most people will probably be better off

Time: 4030.68

ingesting less simple sugar,

Time: 4033.29

but caffeine is a great motivator

Time: 4035.21

because of the internal sense of arousal,

Time: 4037.04

but it also narrows our visual window.

Time: 4038.9

I could imagine using healthy amounts of caffeine

Time: 4042.32

combined with maybe even blinders

Time: 4045.11

of the sort that horses wear,

Time: 4046.79

maybe like a hoodie and a hat. [Emily laughing]

Time: 4048.8

Maybe even blinders in order to get over

Time: 4051.83

some of those more challenging milestones.

Time: 4053.81

Is there any evidence that people are doing this without,

Time: 4057.02

well, obviously people are doing it

Time: 4058.25

without knowledge of how it works,

Time: 4059.54

but are there any studies looking at how adrenaline,

Time: 4063.2

or epinephrine, or any other stimulants impact motivation?

Time: 4068.538

- I don't know, honestly, yeah.

Time: 4070.094

- [Andrew] And energy drinks are a big thing now.

Time: 4071.994

- Yeah, yeah, for sure, they are,

Time: 4074.48

and if you actually are more physiologically aroused,

Time: 4079.16

or jazzed, or whatever, amped up,

Time: 4082.04

or you just think you are, in our studies,

Time: 4085.1

we have found that they work in the same way,

Time: 4086.78

that it can produce the same kinds of consequences.

Time: 4089.42

And I like that because it tells us

Time: 4091.22

you can actually change the state of your body

Time: 4093.17

to induce these kinds of experiences,

Time: 4095.84

or you can just think that, [laughing]

Time: 4098.63

you can trick yourself,

Time: 4099.59

you can placebo effect yourself out

Time: 4101.87

and produce the same kinds of effects.

Time: 4103.73

I had to give up coffee like 12 years ago,

Time: 4105.35

and not for any. - I'm so sorry.

Time: 4107.48

- I love the taste, [laughing] and so decaf is my jam,

Time: 4110.99

but I can't drink the caffeine,

Time: 4112.19

because it didn't actually do the thing

Time: 4113.96

that it does for so many other people,

Time: 4115.67

like make me feel more energized and more awake,

Time: 4117.38

I just got sweaty and jittery

Time: 4118.49

and anxious and I couldn't focus.

Time: 4119.78

- Yeah, some people

Time: 4120.68

who already have a fairly high baseline level

Time: 4123.62

of attention and motivation,

Time: 4125.42

they find that it puts the autonomic seesaw

Time: 4127.46

too far in the sympathetic tone.

Time: 4129.36

- Yeah. - Yeah.

Time: 4130.193

- And I happened to marry the same kind of person,

Time: 4131.69

he also can't drink caffeine, but loves the taste of coffee.

Time: 4134.87

The interesting thing is that we both have to have coffee

Time: 4137.24

in the morning to feel like we're ready to go for the day.

Time: 4140.27

So it's just part of our routine [laughing] or whatever,

Time: 4142.76

to have that taste and have that sensation

Time: 4144.86

to feel like I'm ready to take on the day,

Time: 4146.36

even though, I mean, yeah,

Time: 4147.35

decaf still has some caffeine in it,

Time: 4149.96

but we're not drinking that much of it

Time: 4151.1

to probably actually create

Time: 4153.11

a caffeinated experience in our body,

Time: 4155.21

but we're tricking ourselves psychologically

Time: 4157.7

into doing that thing that,

Time: 4159.38

in years past, used to work for us both.

Time: 4162.23

So I think that's something to keep in mind,

Time: 4163.85

like you might have a hoodie that you can wear

Time: 4166.28

to induce that visual illusion,

Time: 4168.53

or you can take advantage of the power of your mind.

Time: 4170.39

At the end of the day, I'm a psychologist,

Time: 4171.95

and I believe that we have some non-zero power

Time: 4175.43

over what our mind is doing, what we're thinking about,

Time: 4177.83

what we allocate our attention to,

Time: 4181.31

that can do the same kind of thing that a hoodie might do

Time: 4183.77

or that a cup of caffeine might do.

Time: 4185.48

- Mm-hmm, I completely agree,

Time: 4187.34

the visual aperture is under our conscious control.

Time: 4189.8

That's an amazing feature of our visual system,

Time: 4191.69

we can narrow or expand it.

Time: 4193.07

Takes a little bit of practice, I think,

Time: 4193.903

for people to learn how to do this

Time: 4195.77

without moving their head around

Time: 4197.12

to expand their visual aperture and how to narrow it,

Time: 4200.09

but what I always tell people is,

Time: 4201.747

"Just imagine a really troubling text message

Time: 4203.81

or a really exciting text message coming in,

Time: 4205.147

all of a sudden, you forget about the world around you."

Time: 4207.62

So it can be triggered by these outside events

Time: 4210.29

and we can learn how to anchor our visual attention.

Time: 4213.44

I'd love to ask about other kinds of goals,

Time: 4216.89

meaning non-physical goals,

Time: 4218.39

because many people are trying to read more, I would hope,

Time: 4223.43

or learn music, or a language,

Time: 4225.56

or things that really involve cognitive goal lines

Time: 4228.95

or internal goal lines.

Time: 4232.4

Reading one chapter out of a book each night

Time: 4235.01

is a tangible goal,

Time: 4237.05

the other that I've often wondered about are these systems

Time: 4240.41

that allow you to highlight individual lines

Time: 4242.93

or even words on a page,

Time: 4244.67

that's very visual obviously,

Time: 4246.29

and everything else is ruled out except that word,

Time: 4248.27

I've always wished for books

Time: 4249.65

that would naturally highlight each page.

Time: 4251.69

And as I say that, someone will put in the comments,

Time: 4253.31

this has probably existed for 10 years.

Time: 4254.781

[Emily laughing] And I'm just showing

Time: 4256.01

what Luddite I am,

Time: 4257.09

but is there any example or tactic that people could use

Time: 4263.84

to better approach cognitive goals,

Time: 4266.51

of school, work, recreational too,

Time: 4269.96

but that don't exist

Time: 4271.31

in the kind of fitness and sports domain?

Time: 4274.19

- Totally, yeah, so just to shout out to my brother-in-law,

Time: 4277.13

who has done some of that research,

Time: 4279.35

where it does highlight

Time: 4280.43

different parts of words in paragraphs,

Time: 4282.26

and he's found it to be an effective way

Time: 4283.61

for English-as-a-second-language learners to pick it up,

Time: 4286.85

that that is, that tying that vision

Time: 4288.5

to the process of learning language is effective.

Time: 4290.45

And so there's a whole cool body of work

Time: 4294.2

and researchers looking at that,

Time: 4295.67

so you're right about that.

Time: 4296.96

- If you want to mention what he does,

Time: 4299.505

is there a place that people can learn more about that?

Time: 4301.34

We can provide links if.

Time: 4302.99

- Yeah, let me.

Time: 4303.898

Yeah, yeah. [laughing] - Okay, we will provide links

Time: 4305.33

to those resources,

Time: 4306.35

'cause I want those resources. - Yeah, yeah.

Time: 4307.532

- I've been trying to learn a second language

Time: 4308.81

for a long time. - Yeah, cool.

Time: 4310.16

- I speak Spanish pretty weakly,

Time: 4311.81

but I would love to get better at it.

Time: 4313.572

- Oh, yeah. - Okay, I'll approach you

Time: 4314.45

later about that. - My five-year-old son

Time: 4315.65

speaks Spanish better than I do at this point,

Time: 4317.524

so yeah. [laughing] - And clearly,

Time: 4318.357

better than I do too,

Time: 4319.19

thank you. [laughing] - Yeah, yeah,

Time: 4321.62

yeah, so I was thinking that too,

Time: 4324.08

we started this work within the context of exercise,

Time: 4326.3

but of course, that's not people's only goal

Time: 4328.01

that they have in life,

Time: 4330.62

and it isn't mine either,

Time: 4332.78

I have interests outside of improving my exercise game.

Time: 4337.52

A couple years ago, when I was writing the book,

Time: 4341.268

I also had a child,

Time: 4342.41

the same month that I had the opportunity

Time: 4344.66

to pull all this research together

Time: 4346.85

is the same month that my son came to be.

Time: 4351.713

And I started to realize

Time: 4352.73

I became a lot less interesting once he was around,

Time: 4355.82

he was fascinating,

Time: 4357.11

but I was changing diapers and feeding him

Time: 4359.357

and that was it.

Time: 4360.2

People would come over, be like, "What's up?

Time: 4361.91

How have you been?

Time: 4362.743

Tell me something that's going on in your life,"

Time: 4364.097

and all I had to talk about was what was boring?

Time: 4367.16

And I just felt like, "I've lost myself,"

Time: 4368.81

I used to pride myself on crazy adventures

Time: 4371.18

and problems I would get myself in

Time: 4372.59

and I was a great storyteller,

Time: 4374.3

and that, all of a sudden, disappeared

Time: 4375.71

as soon as he came into the world,

Time: 4376.97

because he became my world.

Time: 4379.28

So then I started thinking, like,

Time: 4380.157

"I need to pull back some coolness,

Time: 4382.61

if I ever had it in the first place,

Time: 4383.96

but I need to be a cooler person

Time: 4385.4

than I'm coming across right now,"

Time: 4387.14

so I decided, "I want to learn to play drums,

Time: 4389.947

and I want to be a one-hit wonder as a rockstar drummer.

Time: 4394.52

I only want one song,

Time: 4395.48

'cause I know I'm not going to be able to do more than that."

Time: 4397.16

I'm not coordinated at all,

Time: 4399.65

from the beginning of time,

Time: 4402.11

in fifth grade, I have this really vivid flash bulb memory

Time: 4405.02

of playing basketball for the very first time,

Time: 4407

I lost my footing, I knocked into my own teammate,

Time: 4409.22

pushed her out of bounds while she had the ball,

Time: 4410.78

we lost the game and I was not invited back

Time: 4412.694

[laughing] on the team for the next season.

Time: 4414.92

And so that fomented my self-definition of uncoordinated.

Time: 4419.84

I am a musician, but I am not a drummer,

Time: 4422.36

and the idea of coordinating four limbs in real time

Time: 4425.87

was like, "If I could do that, I would be so proud."

Time: 4429.32

So that's a goal that I set for myself,

Time: 4431.12

at the same time that my son came into this world,

Time: 4433.61

when I was also trying to think about goal setting

Time: 4436.73

and how to improve my ability

Time: 4438.74

and all of our ability to get a job done

Time: 4441.26

when you're faced with some pretty big obstacles.

Time: 4444.5

So I got to practice all these techniques

Time: 4446.27

that we're talking about on myself and see for myself,

Time: 4448.7

when I tell people, "Hey, try this thing,

Time: 4450.5

narrowed focus of attention,

Time: 4451.46

does it help with something like becoming a better drummer?"

Time: 4455.21

And the answer is yeah,

Time: 4456.32

these tactics at least work for me,

Time: 4457.94

sometimes, under some circumstances,

Time: 4459.59

and they do for other people who try them

Time: 4460.85

for other goals that aren't necessarily about exercise.

Time: 4465.17

One that I found particularly helpful

Time: 4469.16

was overcoming my bad memory,

Time: 4471.41

that everybody's memories are faulty, right?

Time: 4474.44

Everybody has sort of a warped perception of the past,

Time: 4477.8

it might be skewed more positively than maybe we deserve,

Time: 4480.44

or it might be skewed more negatively

Time: 4482.3

if you feel that what looms large in your mind,

Time: 4485.51

as you reflect on something from the past,

Time: 4487.49

or the mistakes that you've made,

Time: 4489.02

or the social faux pas that you had,

Time: 4492.32

or challenges that you faced at work

Time: 4494.96

when you got in trouble with a boss or with a colleague,

Time: 4497.36

if that's what really stands out in your mind,

Time: 4500.39

or the good side of all of those possibilities,

Time: 4502.97

we probably aren't getting the world right.

Time: 4504.95

And that is something that our brain has evolved,

Time: 4508.1

to give us a faulty memory,

Time: 4509.66

to level and sharpen, to not encode and remember

Time: 4512.69

and be able to recall everything that we've experienced

Time: 4515.06

with accuracy and precision.

Time: 4517.52

And that's a problem

Time: 4518.66

when it comes to assessing our own goal progress.

Time: 4522.14

When we want to be our own accountant

Time: 4524.36

and try to determine, "How are we doing?

Time: 4526.73

If I want to become a drummer,

Time: 4528.59

am I on track for getting there before X,

Time: 4531.95

before my time runs out?

Time: 4534.5

Am I going to make it or not?"

Time: 4536.03

And I think that's an experience,

Time: 4537.26

whether they want to be a drummer or not,

Time: 4538.28

that a lot of people can resonate with,

Time: 4539.66

of trying to determine, "Is this trajectory,

Time: 4542.66

is this rate of progress going to get the job done

Time: 4545.03

by X amount of time?

Time: 4546.26

Will I have my swimsuit body by summer?"

Time: 4548.21

Or, "Will I save enough for retirement

Time: 4550.58

by the time I hit 65?"

Time: 4552.74

For these goals where time is involved

Time: 4554.69

and there is a deadline,

Time: 4556.37

we do take moments to assess our trajectory.

Time: 4561.08

And if we just rely on our memory,

Time: 4563.45

we're probably going to do a bad job

Time: 4565.46

of assessing that trajectory,

Time: 4568.76

of knowing whether we're on pace

Time: 4570.68

to meeting our deadline.

Time: 4572.33

And I found that to be the case as I was thinking about,

Time: 4574.05

"Am I actually going to be able to learn this song?

Time: 4576.29

I mean, I know that it's going a lot slower

Time: 4577.97

than it probably would for anybody else,

Time: 4580.13

but to give myself a deadline and a commitment."

Time: 4582.5

I decided I was going to put on a show,

Time: 4583.97

I was going to invite everybody I knew

Time: 4585.83

and also people I didn't know,

Time: 4587.39

and I was going to play my one song for them, so.

Time: 4591.14

- This was while writing a book

Time: 4592.357

and having just had a child. - Yeah, yeah.

Time: 4593.6

- Yeah. - So when you read the book,

Time: 4595.31

you'll see my story,

Time: 4597.35

and it's the real truth of it.

Time: 4600.708

I mean, I did play that show and it was fine.

Time: 4603.89

And then, because I wrote about it in the book,

Time: 4606.11

then some other opportunities

Time: 4608.03

to play it publicly have come up.

Time: 4609.98

And it's like, "All right, I told people I can play drums,

Time: 4612.41

I better show them

Time: 4613.46

that I actually still can play this song."

Time: 4615.2

- [Andrew] I love it.

Time: 4616.22

- Yeah, so that that's been fun.

Time: 4617.75

I have become a one-hit wonder,

Time: 4619.19

if you ask me to play the song, like, "Encore,"

Time: 4621.98

it's just going to get that same song a second time,

Time: 4623.93

so literally one-hit wonder.

Time: 4625.91

But so in the process of figuring out,

Time: 4627.927

"Am I going to be able to play this show?

Time: 4629.54

I sent out invitations, the date is committed,

Time: 4631.97

people are coming to listen to my one song,

Time: 4634.91

God bless them, how's it going to go?"

Time: 4639.597

And it felt awful, it just felt like,

Time: 4640.797

"I am not making progress here,"

Time: 4642.74

because there's a lot more things

Time: 4644.33

that actually are pressing, right?

Time: 4645.71

Like the kid does need to get fed,

Time: 4648.05

I do have to go to my day job,

Time: 4649.85

the editor is asking for the next draft of this book,

Time: 4653.03

and that is going to take precedence,

Time: 4654.59

like it does for so many people,

Time: 4655.85

that things command your bandwidth,

Time: 4658.85

even when you have this goal that you've committed to

Time: 4660.767

and that you've got on the books.

Time: 4663.41

And so I just felt this looming anxiety

Time: 4665.39

about this goal that would require,

Time: 4668.3

didn't have to be daily practice,

Time: 4669.65

but you can't cram that kind of a goal,

Time: 4673.43

it does take committed investment

Time: 4676.28

for a sustained period of time.

Time: 4678.527

And so I had this looming anxiety

Time: 4680.27

that I'm not making good enough progress,

Time: 4682.67

but that's because I was relying on my memory

Time: 4684.44

and my brain to recall, like,

Time: 4686.247

"How many times did you practice?

Time: 4687.47

What was it like the last time you practiced?

Time: 4688.88

What was it like when you tried to play this bit

Time: 4691.46

or this riff like two weeks ago,

Time: 4693.23

have you gotten any better since then?"

Time: 4695.21

And it just felt like, "No, I haven't practiced enough.

Time: 4698.06

I don't remember when the last time I played was,

Time: 4699.65

but it definitely doesn't feel like I'm getting any better."

Time: 4702.17

Then I thought, "You know what?

Time: 4703.61

I should stop relying on my brain to tell me,

Time: 4706.31

where am I at and am I on an upward slope here?

Time: 4710.39

I need to look at the data."

Time: 4711.41

I love data, scientists love data,

Time: 4713.27

so I started to collect data on myself.

Time: 4715.64

What I did was download this app

Time: 4717.86

that a friend had told me about called the Reporter App,

Time: 4720.38

there's lots of these kinds of things out there.

Time: 4722.45

Basically, it just sets up your phone

Time: 4724.4

to randomly ping you

Time: 4725.84

with whatever questions you want your phone to ask.

Time: 4728.3

It records your answers, you can download the data,

Time: 4730.37

you can make pretty graphs to see, "What's my change

Time: 4734.54

and how I've answered these questions over time?"

Time: 4737.84

So I did that for a month,

Time: 4739.13

for a month, I had my phone ask me a couple of times a day,

Time: 4743.45

well, maybe twice a day really, "Did you practice,

Time: 4745.4

since last time I asked you," my phone says,

Time: 4747.987

"did you practice?"

Time: 4749.6

Mostly it was no,

Time: 4750.74

and if yes, then it would funnel

Time: 4752.54

a couple of other questions,

Time: 4753.62

like, "How did you do, how do you feel?

Time: 4755.9

Check a couple of different emotion words now

Time: 4757.79

about your experience when you played."

Time: 4761.48

And I did that for a month,

Time: 4762.65

after a month, went into my office, downloaded the data,

Time: 4765.5

and first took stock before I looked at the numbers,

Time: 4768.23

like, "How do I think I did over the last month?"

Time: 4770.81

And I thought, "Same as every other month,

Time: 4773.84

I didn't really get anywhere.

Time: 4774.89

Yeah, I practiced, but I still feel awful."

Time: 4777.29

And I cried, I cried having to practice.

Time: 4779.6

I was upset with myself for setting this goal

Time: 4781.94

and feeling so anxious about it.

Time: 4783.59

All I remember is that I cried,

Time: 4785

cried too much about this personal conquest

Time: 4787.79

that wouldn't matter to anybody else.

Time: 4789.2

Honestly, it really doesn't matter

Time: 4790.22

in the scope of things anyway,

Time: 4791.57

I'm not going to become a drummer professionally,

Time: 4794.15

so who cares if I embarrass myself publicly?

Time: 4797.72

But what I found from the data

Time: 4799.49

was my memory was totally wrong,

Time: 4800.81

I actually had practiced far more times than I remembered,

Time: 4804.71

and when I looked at my emotion words that I used,

Time: 4807.89

it was a clear upward trajectory.

Time: 4809.9

Yeah, I did cry,

Time: 4811.25

that part I hadn't misremembered or made up,

Time: 4813.83

but by the end of that month,

Time: 4815.09

I had gotten a compliment from my husband,

Time: 4816.8

who actually is a drummer,

Time: 4818.21

and said like, "Hey, that wasn't that bad."

Time: 4820.31

And then there was one expletive,

Time: 4821.457

"You were effing amazing [laughing]

Time: 4823.28

at that one thing you'd been practicing at."

Time: 4825.62

But like, "Okay, fine, he's my husband, right, is he just?"

Time: 4828.32

So at the moment, it didn't really feel that great,

Time: 4830.72

and I downplayed it, and as a result,

Time: 4832.01

it didn't stick in my brain, right?

Time: 4833.81

I remember how stupid it felt that I cried

Time: 4835.88

because I can't make progress,

Time: 4838.67

and I downplayed in my mind

Time: 4839.99

the thing that actually should've been

Time: 4841.04

a legitimate indicator that progress was being made.

Time: 4844.37

So all of which is to say,

Time: 4846.59

I needed to collect that data on myself

Time: 4849.8

and to look at it objectively, accurately and completely,

Time: 4853.43

because my brain wasn't doing that for me.

Time: 4856.55

That visual experience [laughing] of downloading that data

Time: 4861.35

and looking at what was my actual experience

Time: 4865.58

gave me better insight

Time: 4866.75

as I was trying to assess the trajectory of my progress,

Time: 4870.59

I became a more accurate accountant of my own progress,

Time: 4874.28

which is important for setting goals

Time: 4876.59

or resetting them when you need to calibrate

Time: 4878.78

in light of what's left to do

Time: 4880.46

and how much time do you have to do it in?

Time: 4882.423

- I love it, so basically, if I understand correctly,

Time: 4887.36

when the intermediate goals

Time: 4889.1

of say daily practice, or twice-a-day practice,

Time: 4892.04

or reading, or math, et cetera,

Time: 4894.17

are not a visual goal line,

Time: 4896.69

it really does help to visualize

Time: 4898.88

some aspect related to that non-visual goal line,

Time: 4901.58

in this case, the Reporter App was a useful tool.

Time: 4904.61

I've never heard of it, I plan to use it,

Time: 4906.68

I'm sure a number of people will be interested in it,

Time: 4908.48

sounds like there are others out there,

Time: 4909.65

but that's the one that you found most useful?

Time: 4911.48

- Yeah, yeah, there's another one too

Time: 4913.76

that is even more visual than that,

Time: 4916.366

[laughing] than the Reporter App,

Time: 4917.3

although that has visual components

Time: 4918.59

and is really effective if you like data

Time: 4920.45

and want to collect numbers on yourself or your experience,

Time: 4923.81

there's another one called the 1 Second Everyday app.

Time: 4926.78

This is really awesome because the app is a mechanism

Time: 4932.354

to record one second of your life.

Time: 4935.12

There's such an awesome community of people

Time: 4937.16

that just live by this and love having these experiences,

Time: 4941.99

and the creator of it I got to a chance to talk with,

Time: 4945.05

and he has done this,

Time: 4946.1

he's taken a one-second video of some aspect of his life,

Time: 4949.52

every day, for, I don't know, 12 years,

Time: 4952.31

13 years or something. - One second?

Time: 4953.893

- Yeah, one second.

Time: 4955.76

And then what the app does is smash 'em together

Time: 4958.7

and give you a chronology of what your year,

Time: 4961.58

or your month, or your last decade of life has been like,

Time: 4965.06

and presents it as like a streamlined video for you.

Time: 4967.28

So you just see these flashes

Time: 4969.14

of your life over however long you tell the app

Time: 4971.66

to create a montage for you.

Time: 4974.69

And so when you see these videos that people have made,

Time: 4976.4

especially those that have been doing it

Time: 4977.39

for a really long time, it's fascinating.

Time: 4979.25

I did that for myself too, I tried it,

Time: 4981.11

one second of today's drumming performance, another second,

Time: 4984.56

it's not enough to capture,

Time: 4985.707

"Am I actually doing a good job of drumming?"

Time: 4987.35

or, "What's my trajectory for drumming?"

Time: 4989.33

But the guy who made it says

Time: 4990.62

one of the most awesome one-second videos that he ever made

Time: 4994.97

is of a brick wall.

Time: 4996.12

I was like, "Well, you didn't need a video of that,

Time: 4998.24

what's the wall doing?"

Time: 4999.47

It's not crumbling,

Time: 5000.303

it's not in earthquake land or something like that,

Time: 5002.29

it's just slightly jittery, one second of a brick wall.

Time: 5005.867

And I was like, "How is that motivating

Time: 5008.5

or exciting to you, why is that?

Time: 5009.82

You've been doing this for 13 years every day, one second,

Time: 5012.76

why is that the one second that matters to you most?"

Time: 5015.34

And he says, "Because when it comes up in my montage,

Time: 5018.4

it reminds me of a really horrific moment in my family.

Time: 5022

That was the first wall that I saw

Time: 5023.74

when I walked out of the room

Time: 5024.67

having heard that my sister-in-law

Time: 5026.56

had this awful, awful experience,

Time: 5030.46

her intestines started to twist up on themselves

Time: 5032.56

and knot up,

Time: 5033.393

and she was on the brink of death.

Time: 5036.4

And we had just found this out,

Time: 5037.93

she had just gotten into the hospital,

Time: 5039.22

they diagnosed this issue that required immediate surgery.

Time: 5042.43

And our family was there to hear about this,

Time: 5044.08

and we were all stunned that she might die,

Time: 5047.11

like, 'Right now, she might die.'

Time: 5049.06

And that's the first thing that I saw,

Time: 5050.32

and it reminds me of how precious life is,

Time: 5053.26

how important family is

Time: 5054.61

and how the rest of whatever

Time: 5055.75

we were doing that day didn't matter,

Time: 5057.61

because we all needed to be here together right now."

Time: 5059.86

And that is all of this emotion and purpose in life

Time: 5064.27

is conjured up or reminded

Time: 5065.74

when he looks at one second of a brick wall

Time: 5069.01

as it pops into his video feed.

Time: 5070.72

So if you're visually oriented

Time: 5072.58

and you do want ways to remember,

Time: 5073.877

"What was life like,

Time: 5075.31

what has my year in review, what does it look like?"

Time: 5078.49

that's an awesome app, 1 second Everyday,

Time: 5080.86

that can help you do that.

Time: 5082.93

- These are great recommendations.

Time: 5084.37

And a couple of reflections,

Time: 5086.32

first of all, the brick wall example

Time: 5089.47

is a beautiful way of highlighting

Time: 5092.53

this other feature of the visual system,

Time: 5093.91

which is that the brain largely thinks in symbols,

Time: 5096.76

it's very efficient,

Time: 5097.9

it batches entire experiences into symbols,

Time: 5100.87

and in this case, the brick wall

Time: 5101.89

can be attached to a whole set of experiences

Time: 5103.6

that are very meaningful to this individual,

Time: 5105.91

that brick walls don't mean that,

Time: 5108.01

or didn't mean that to me until hearing this.

Time: 5110.44

So I think that it highlights

Time: 5112.3

the fact that the actual symbol is less relevant

Time: 5115.06

than what we attach to that symbol,

Time: 5117.04

but that symbols are so efficient

Time: 5119.32

that even in a one-second view of something,

Time: 5121.57

we can attach to it, for better or for worse.

Time: 5124.63

The other is that I'm a absolute, almost rabid proponent

Time: 5129.1

of people getting morning sunlight in their eyes

Time: 5131.53

as the fundamental layer of setting their circadian rhythms

Time: 5134.5

and sleep and health as a zero-cost practice,

Time: 5136.66

that believe it or not, can be done

Time: 5137.8

any time of year, or anywhere.

Time: 5139.025

[Emily laughing]

Time: 5140.02

But it does take a little bit of effort,

Time: 5141.79

you have to get outside,

Time: 5142.81

you can't do it through a window

Time: 5143.86

or a windshield for it to be efficient,

Time: 5145.33

but it has huge outsize effects on human health,

Time: 5147.88

this has now been demonstrated again and again and again.

Time: 5151.09

And so I'm going to just do a sort of call to action,

Time: 5154.18

if people aren't already doing this,

Time: 5155.26

I'm going to start using the 1 Second app

Time: 5157.06

to record my morning sunlight viewing,

Time: 5159.58

and prove that even through cloud cover,

Time: 5161.26

you're getting more photons than you are indoors

Time: 5163.87

and that it's worthwhile.

Time: 5164.95

I also would love to do this for my next dog,

Time: 5167.2

to go from puppy to full-size dog,

Time: 5169.96

and maybe even to the end, who knows?

Time: 5173.65

Great, these are wonderful tools,

Time: 5175.42

you've given us a huge number of practical tools,

Time: 5178.33

which, frankly, isn't always the case on these podcasts.

Time: 5181.6

We always strive to do science and science-based tools

Time: 5183.73

as our kind of mantra,

Time: 5184.72

but you've given a rich set of tools here to apply.

Time: 5189.28

I just want to briefly backtrack to something,

Time: 5191.74

and then a final question.

Time: 5193.6

Earlier, we were talking about how unfit people

Time: 5196.09

see the world as more challenging,

Time: 5197.47

maybe even hills as steeper, distances as further,

Time: 5200.23

and how shifting people into a state of energy,

Time: 5202.75

either cognitively or through the ingestion of real glucose

Time: 5206.47

to get an energetic lift, or maybe through caffeine

Time: 5208.63

if that's within their practice

Time: 5209.83

and span of healthy behaviors, they could do that.

Time: 5215.23

There's so many people who are suffering from depression,

Time: 5217.96

which one of the key features of depression

Time: 5221.53

is a lack of energy,

Time: 5222.52

even though there can be an anxiety

Time: 5224.02

associated with depression,

Time: 5226.54

I have to wonder whether or not some of these tools

Time: 5229.66

are being deployed or will be deployed

Time: 5231.82

in the context of mental health,

Time: 5233.29

because depression is this vicious loop, right?

Time: 5236.26

People feel a lack of energy and hopelessness,

Time: 5239.74

and then things just look harder,

Time: 5241.45

and so then it just verifies their negative worldview

Time: 5244.69

and it's a downward spiral.

Time: 5246.13

That's why medication, in some cases,

Time: 5248.56

and social sport, et cetera, can be helpful,

Time: 5250.21

because they feel more energized,

Time: 5251.89

the side effects, often, are a problem, however.

Time: 5254.74

Have there been any efforts to implement

Time: 5257.38

some of these visual tools

Time: 5259.6

to create this increase in systolic blood pressure

Time: 5262.69

and a kind of readiness and willingness

Time: 5264.13

to lean into what people perceive as immense challenge?

Time: 5266.95

And if not, for anyone listening,

Time: 5268.6

I know we have a lot of listeners in the mental health space

Time: 5270.85

and in the helping space, so to speak,

Time: 5273.79

I can imagine these are zero cost, right?

Time: 5277.93

We all provide, with people that are sighted,

Time: 5280.12

have the apparati to do it.

Time: 5282.88

Are you aware of any studies like this

Time: 5284.29

or is your laboratory involved in any studies?

Time: 5286.06

'Cause I just see an immense value

Time: 5288.1

of implementing the sorts of tools that you've developed.

Time: 5291.46

- Yeah, we haven't explored those ideas directly.

Time: 5294.82

So call to all the scientists that are out there,

Time: 5297.13

there's a great opportunity to start looking at these tools

Time: 5299.98

within the mental health space, you're right.

Time: 5302.32

Other researchers though have,

Time: 5304.78

not this use of inducing a narrowed attentional focus

Time: 5309.52

and can they now feel more energized to go for a run?

Time: 5312.67

But they have looked at the relationship between anxiety,

Time: 5314.83

depression and visual experience,

Time: 5317.38

and found, over decades,

Time: 5320.32

evidence that people with depression or with anxiety,

Time: 5322.9

what their attention is captured by

Time: 5325.45

within the bigger global surrounding world

Time: 5328.24

are those things that are negative

Time: 5329.74

or reinforcing of their worldview.

Time: 5331.54

Now, that happens for everybody,

Time: 5332.62

that things that are on our mind tend to pop out, [laughing]

Time: 5335.62

that whatever we're thinking about,

Time: 5336.94

we might start seeing some version of it

Time: 5339.37

showing up in the world around us

Time: 5340.75

that captures our attention.

Time: 5342.67

That's an idea called priming,

Time: 5344.41

what we're thinking about might then lead us

Time: 5347.935

to attend to the world,

Time: 5349.09

to see things in a way that aligns

Time: 5350.74

with what we're already thinking about,

Time: 5352.18

it's just that when what we're thinking about

Time: 5353.77

are those depressive, ruminative, anxiety, fearful thoughts,

Time: 5358.84

when that is what is cognitively accessible,

Time: 5360.7

when that's what's going through our mind,

Time: 5362.26

then that's also what captures our visual gaze.

Time: 5364.93

So when we think like, "The world is hard,

Time: 5367.18

the world is full of sadness,"

Time: 5369.37

and that's the thought in our mind,

Time: 5370.72

and then we start seeing the people

Time: 5372.46

with frowns on their faces

Time: 5373.75

or who are experiencing anxiety,

Time: 5375.88

and that's what captures our attention,

Time: 5377.56

even when there's other people around

Time: 5379.15

that might not be seeing the world

Time: 5380.4

or experiencing the world that way,

Time: 5382.6

it becomes reinforcing.

Time: 5384.13

When I think that the world is threatening,

Time: 5386.14

and then I notice the threats that are around me,

Time: 5388.33

that confirms what I'm thinking,

Time: 5389.41

which heightens my anxiety or my fear,

Time: 5391.69

and then it further leads me

Time: 5393.49

to narrowly focus on those elements of the environment

Time: 5396.34

that are aligned with that worldview,

Time: 5398.29

it's really hard to get out of that,

Time: 5400.12

that's where the vicious cycle can come from.

Time: 5402.67

So that has been really well established

Time: 5405.34

within the medical community, this selective attention

Time: 5409.39

relating to states of mental unwellness,

Time: 5414.61

that's been pretty well established.

Time: 5417.855

And so there's been some interventions done

Time: 5419.74

with people that have depression or anxiety,

Time: 5422.32

saying like, "Here's an array,

Time: 5424.57

a photograph of a bunch of different faces.

Time: 5426.52

Yes, it's artificial,

Time: 5427.353

it kind of looks like a page from a yearbook,

Time: 5428.95

a high school yearbook,

Time: 5430.42

but look for the faces that are smiling,

Time: 5432.31

look at the faces that are smiling.

Time: 5434.26

Try right now, spend 10 minutes

Time: 5436.84

having your eyes focus on those

Time: 5439.18

and look at those people,"

Time: 5441.04

that it is an effective intervention

Time: 5444.37

at improving [sighing] people's sense of self-efficacy,

Time: 5447.52

of, "What can I accomplish next?"

Time: 5448.81

They feel a little bit more energized.

Time: 5450.16

It doesn't cure depression, it doesn't cure anxiety.

Time: 5452.83

I mean, these are literal physical afflictions that we have,

Time: 5457.42

so it's not a quick fix,

Time: 5459.34

but it can produce a temporary change

Time: 5461.47

that might be a way to start getting out of that rut.

Time: 5465.186

- Mm-hmm, yeah, and I think nowadays

Time: 5466.54

there's an increasing attention on tools

Time: 5469.99

that will help people orient

Time: 5471.19

as they start to veer towards suicidal depression,

Time: 5474.4

or veer back into a depressive episode, or anxiety episode.

Time: 5477.43

I mean, trying to reverse an entire syndrome

Time: 5481.06

or set of syndromes is far more complicated.

Time: 5483.22

Likewise, in the health space,

Time: 5484.36

just trying to get people to deploy realtime tools

Time: 5486.58

to adjust their anxiety or to exercise more often and so on.

Time: 5491.62

As a kind of a final,

Time: 5492.82

but also kind of a high-level question,

Time: 5494.95

I'm imagining that,

Time: 5497.047

and I plan to use this visual goal setting of spotlighting,

Time: 5500.77

I've been using it actually for some time on runs,

Time: 5502.84

it works really well.

Time: 5503.673

Yesterday, I took a run near the waterfront here,

Time: 5505.54

and I think I did it somewhat incorrectly,

Time: 5508.72

the entire run, I was thinking about

Time: 5509.8

getting back to the statue,

Time: 5511.035

at which I started. - [laughing] Yeah.

Time: 5512.59

- But I did find that I ran fastest in the final 20 meters.

Time: 5516.1

- Cool. - Which, admittedly,

Time: 5517.09

wasn't fast at all,

Time: 5518.5

but it was faster than what preceded it.

Time: 5520.616

[Emily laughing]

Time: 5522.19

So it works and it makes perfect sense as to how it works.

Time: 5525.31

You've done other studies

Time: 5527.98

exploring some of the other features of vision,

Time: 5530.2

like the luminosity, how bright something is

Time: 5532.57

and how people perceive it.

Time: 5533.5

That was in a completely different context,

Time: 5535.51

but is there a kind of a higher level,

Time: 5538.36

a kind of a black belt version

Time: 5539.65

of what we're talking about here,

Time: 5540.85

where not only am I focusing on a specific visual location

Time: 5544.03

as an intermediate or a long-term goal,

Time: 5547.15

or I'm using an app to ask me a question

Time: 5549.73

and tap into how I'm feeling,

Time: 5550.99

create a visual representation of my motivational state,

Time: 5553.63

but that I'm also making my phone as bright as possible,

Time: 5557.23

I'm also trying to take that visual window

Time: 5559.33

and actually pay attention to more of the details

Time: 5562.15

at that location?

Time: 5563.53

Or is it simply a matter of kind of,

Time: 5566.56

in geek speak, visual neuroscience,

Time: 5568.33

we would just call this like low spatial frequency,

Time: 5570.4

just sort of grabbing a black and white snapshot

Time: 5572.29

of something here or there in my mind?

Time: 5574.84

If I attach more detail and effort to the specific thing

Time: 5578.35

that I'm focused on,

Time: 5579.58

is there any evidence that that's more effective?

Time: 5583.33

- It certainly changes what our brains are doing, [laughing]

Time: 5585.85

so how do we define effectiveness?

Time: 5587.68

That's a question for philosophers and that scientists

Time: 5590.189

will always debate. - Will it keep me running?

Time: 5591.1

- Yeah. [laughing] [Andrew laughing]

Time: 5592.56

It will when you use it towards the end of your run,

Time: 5594.52

just like you've picked up on.

Time: 5597.25

Yeah, so there's cool studies that neuroscientists,

Time: 5601.54

not I, not coming from my lab,

Time: 5603.16

that neuroscientists have done

Time: 5604.15

looking at, "What is it doing to your brain

Time: 5606.16

when you've decided that you're going to focus your attention

Time: 5609.701

on this element of the world

Time: 5611.5

and not pay attention to something else?

Time: 5614.11

Is that just sort of tricking your thoughts

Time: 5616.42

or is it doing something different,

Time: 5617.68

to something more basic, more low level?"

Time: 5619.63

And the answer is yes,

Time: 5621.43

so there's an area of the brain,

Time: 5623.32

the fusiform face area,

Time: 5624.91

it's a part of our brain that's really specialized

Time: 5627.624

for making sense of faces.

Time: 5629.11

It's important as a social species

Time: 5631.648

to pay attention to other people,

Time: 5632.95

pay attention to their faces,

Time: 5633.94

what they're trying to communicate through their face,

Time: 5635.56

and so our brain has developed

Time: 5637.12

a really specialized central area for doing that then.

Time: 5642.82

And so these neuroscientists

Time: 5644.83

will present a face to somebody,

Time: 5646.84

but superimposed over that is a house

Time: 5650.8

or something else that is less special [laughing]

Time: 5653.59

to us as a social human species.

Time: 5656.62

And so both of those things,

Time: 5658.6

because it's sort of like both images

Time: 5660.16

are sort of transparent, overlaid over one another,

Time: 5666.07

our eyes are getting both of those images in

Time: 5668.947

and our brain is getting both of those images in,

Time: 5671.5

but we can will ourselves to focus on the house.

Time: 5675.857

"Just really pay attention to the features of the house,

Time: 5677.83

even though everything about that face is still there too,"

Time: 5680.26

or, "Pay attention to the face

Time: 5682.12

and just tell me, what is it that you are deciding

Time: 5685.03

that you want to hold on to,

Time: 5686.17

that you want to look at right now?"

Time: 5687.82

And you can see that the brain is responding to that,

Time: 5689.86

so when people are saying like,

Time: 5691.037

"I'm really seeing that face, the details of the face,

Time: 5693.58

'cause I'm paying attention to the face,"

Time: 5695.38

even though we know their eyes are also looking at

Time: 5698.2

and engaged with the contents of the house

Time: 5700.6

that's right there, smacked on top,

Time: 5703

the fusiform face area lights up.

Time: 5705.37

And when they're saying like,

Time: 5706.397

"Nah, I'm really focused on the house now,"

Time: 5707.89

we see activation in the fusiform face area decline

Time: 5710.77

and other areas of the brain's neurological real estate

Time: 5715.75

start to engage.

Time: 5717.16

So yeah, I think there's something to it,

Time: 5720.97

that, at a high level,

Time: 5724.72

our brains are responding to our psychology as well.

Time: 5728.02

And we have that great power to really,

Time: 5731.41

with intention, with practice,

Time: 5734.02

decide, "How do I want to engage with the world?"

Time: 5736.6

And can it produce real change in our bodies

Time: 5740.41

and in the way that we experience the world?

Time: 5742.18

The answer is yes.

Time: 5743.98

- Fantastic, well,

Time: 5746.35

you've given us a ton of mechanistic

Time: 5749.11

and conceptual and practical information,

Time: 5753.01

so I'm speaking for a lot of people

Time: 5755.26

when I say thank you for taking the time

Time: 5757.06

out of your schedule,

Time: 5758.26

amidst kids and running a lab

Time: 5760

and teaching at the university and your book,

Time: 5762.28

which we will point people to

Time: 5764.53

and provide a link to, as a wonderful resource,

Time: 5767.86

and we hope to have you back again.

Time: 5769.99

- Thank you so much, it was a great conversation.

Time: 5771.88

- Thank you. - Thanks.

Time: 5773.29

- Thank you for joining me today for our discussion

Time: 5775

about motivation, goal seeking

Time: 5776.59

and research-supported tools for achieving your goals

Time: 5779.86

with Dr. Emily Balcetis.

Time: 5781.75

If you're learning from and/or enjoying this podcast,

Time: 5783.97

please subscribe to our YouTube channel,

Time: 5785.74

that's a terrific zero-cost way to support us.

Time: 5788.11

In addition, please subscribe to the podcast

Time: 5790.21

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Time: 5791.68

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Time: 5793.21

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Time: 5796.09

Please leave us any comments, or suggestions,

Time: 5798.04

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Time: 5799.63

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Time: 5802.81

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Time: 5804.7

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Time: 5806.47

Please also check out the sponsors

Time: 5807.82

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Time: 5809.44

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Time: 5811.06

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Time: 5813.73

In addition, please check out our Neural Network Newsletter,

Time: 5816.7

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Time: 5819.88

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Time: 5820.96

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Time: 5823.03

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Time: 5825.25

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Time: 5826.33

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Time: 5828.01

And by signing up for the newsletter,

Time: 5829.84

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Time: 5832.27

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Time: 5835.51

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Time: 5837.25

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Time: 5838.66

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Time: 5841.63

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Time: 5844.66

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Time: 5846.79

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Time: 5849.58

There, I cover science and science-related tools,

Time: 5852.19

some of which overlap with the contents

Time: 5853.81

of the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 5854.95

but much of which is distinct from the information

Time: 5857.05

on the Huberman Lab Podcast.

Time: 5858.34

Again, it's Huberman Lab on Instagram

Time: 5860.2

and Huberman Lab on Twitter.

Time: 5862.03

And as mentioned at the beginning of today's episode,

Time: 5864.16

we are now partnered with Momentous supplements,

Time: 5866.53

because they make single-ingredient formulations

Time: 5868.54

that are of the absolute highest quality,

Time: 5870.13

and they ship international.

Time: 5872.17

If you go to livemomentous.com/huberman,

Time: 5874.81

you will find many of the supplements

Time: 5876.16

that have been discussed on various episodes

Time: 5877.75

of the Huberman Lab Podcast,

Time: 5879.34

and you will find various protocols

Time: 5881.02

related to those supplements.

Time: 5882.4

So thank you once again for joining us today

Time: 5884.2

for our discussion about the science

Time: 5886.03

and science-related tools of motivation,

Time: 5887.86

goal seeking and pursuit,

Time: 5889.33

and last but certainly not least,

Time: 5891.49

thank you for your interest in science.

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