Dr. Duncan French: How to Exercise for Strength Gains & Hormone Optimization

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- Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast

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where we discuss science,

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and science-based tools for everyday life.

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I'm Andrew Huberman,

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and I'm a Professor of Neurobiology

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and Ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today, I have the pleasure of introducing Dr. Duncan French

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as my guest on the Huberman Lab Podcast.

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Dr. French is the Vice President of Performance

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at the UFC Performance Institute,

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and he has over 20 years of experience

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working with elite, professional, and Olympic athletes.

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Prior to joining the UFC,

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French was the Director of Performance Science

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at the University of Notre Dame,

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and he has many, many quality peer-reviewed studies

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to his name, exploring, for instance,

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how the particular order of exercise,

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whether or not one performs endurance exercise

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prior to resistance training or vice versa,

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how that impacts performance of various movements

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and endurance training protocols,

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as well as the impact on hormones,

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such as testosterone, estrogen,

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and some of the stress hormones such as cortisol.

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He's also done fascinating work

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exploring how neurotransmitters,

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things like dopamine and epinephrin,

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also called adrenaline, can impact hormones,

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and how hormones can impact neurotransmitter release.

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What's particularly unique about Dr. French's work

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is that he's figured out specific training protocols

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that can maximize, for instance, testosterone output

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or reduce stress hormone output

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in order to maximize the effects of training

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in the short-term and in the longterm.

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So, today, you're going to learn a lot of protocols.

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Whether or not you're into resistance training

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or endurance training, you will learn, for instance,

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how to regulate the duration of your training

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and the type of training that you do

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in order to get the maximum benefit

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from that training over time.

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So whether or not you are somebody

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who just exercises recreationally for your health,

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whether or not you're an amateur or professional athlete,

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or whether or not you're just trying to maximize your health

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through the use of endurance and/or resistance training,

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today's discussion will have a wealth of takeaways for you.

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There are only a handful of people

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working at the intersection of elite performance,

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mechanistic science, and that can do so in a way

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that leads to direct, immediately applicable protocols

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that anybody can benefit from.

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Dr. French also provides some incredibly important insights

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about the direction that sport and exercise

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are taking in the world today,

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and their applications towards performance and health.

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Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize that this podcast

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is separate from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.

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It is, however, part of my desire and effort

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to bring zero cost to consumer information about science

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and science-related tools to the general public.

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In keeping with that theme,

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I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.

Time: 164.89

Our first sponsor is ROKA.

Time: 166.96

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Time: 168.94

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Time: 170.727

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Time: 173.63

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Time: 174.89

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Time: 176.55

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Time: 180.29

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Time: 182.06

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Time: 183.58

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Time: 184.53

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Time: 187.01

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Time: 188.92

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Time: 189.85

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Time: 191.19

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Time: 193.21

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Time: 194.47

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Time: 196.96

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Time: 199.08

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Time: 201.43

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Time: 202.63

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Time: 204.74

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Time: 206.7

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Time: 208.16

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Time: 209.83

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Time: 213.17

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Time: 215.89

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Time: 217.51

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Time: 221.41

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Time: 224.19

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Time: 229.4

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Time: 232.11

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Time: 233.67

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Time: 237.06

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Time: 238.42

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Time: 240.15

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Time: 241.74

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Time: 243.5

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Time: 245.63

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Time: 247.15

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Time: 248.1

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Time: 249.42

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Time: 251.76

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Time: 253.49

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Time: 256.11

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Time: 257.42

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Time: 259.05

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Time: 261.64

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Time: 263.41

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Time: 266.18

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Time: 267.63

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Time: 269.48

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Time: 272.58

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Time: 273.83

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Time: 276.63

Today's episode is also brought to us by Headspace.

Time: 279.37

Headspace is a meditation app

Time: 280.88

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Time: 283.59

By now I think most people have heard about

Time: 285.65

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Time: 288.33

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Time: 291.2

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Time: 292.85

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Time: 294.09

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Time: 295.81

The challenge, however,

Time: 296.68

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Time: 298.68

And over the years, I confess there have been times

Time: 301.15

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Time: 303.79

even though it always provides benefits for me

Time: 305.7

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Time: 308.29

With the Headspace app,

Time: 309.74

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Time: 312

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Time: 314.24

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Time: 317.04

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Time: 319.32

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Time: 321.27

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Time: 324.27

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Time: 325.41

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Time: 328.55

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Time: 331.15

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Time: 333.51

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Time: 335.81

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Time: 338.04

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Time: 339.17

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Time: 342.44

And now, my conversation with Dr. Duncan French.

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Duncan French, great to see you again.

Time: 348.31

- Likewise, likewise, thank you.

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I don't often have many Stanford professors

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in the Performance Institute, so I'm really excited.

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- Oh, well, this place is amazing,

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and you have a huge role in making it what it is.

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The reason I'm so excited to talk with you is that

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you're one of these rare beasts that you have been involved

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in human performance and athletic performance

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at the collegiate level.

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You are obviously very involved in MMA now,

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in the UFC Performance Institute.

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And you also had the fortunate experience,

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I like to think, of doing a PhD in...

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What exactly was the PhD in?

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- It was exercise physiology. - Exercise physiology.

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So, you're familiar also with designing studies,

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control groups, all the sorts of things that in my opinion,

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anyway, are kind of lacking from the internet social media

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version of exercise science,

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which is that people throw out all sorts of ideas

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about how people should be training,

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what they should be doing and eating

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and not eating and doing.

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And certainly, science doesn't have all the answers,

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but I just think it's so rare to find somebody

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that's at the convergence of all those different fields.

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And so, I have a lot of questions for you today

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that I'm sure the audience are going to be

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really interested in. - Well, listen,

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I mean, I appreciate that.

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It's very humbling, and yeah,

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I've worked hard to get to where I am,

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but I've always tried to be authentic.

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And I think authenticity comes alongside academic rigor,

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and objectivity, and insight and knowledge base, right?

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At the end of the day, it's about having confidence,

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having expertise and being able to deliver that expertise

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to, in my world, to athletes.

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And I think, and that's what I've always tried to do.

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I've tried to have many strings to my bow

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so that I can talk with many different hats on.

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You know, one day I'm talking to a coach,

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the next day I'm talking to an athlete,

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the next day I'm talking to a CEO,

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the next day I'm talking to an academic professor.

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And so, I think being able to wear those different hats

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is certainly a skillset that I've tried to build

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throughout my career.

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And like you said, I've been blessed to work with,

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I think it was 36 different professional or Olympic sports

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last time I counted. - Amazing.

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- So, yeah, it's been a wild ride.

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It's been great.

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- Which of those sports was the most unusual?

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- I've worked with crown green bowling.

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- Wait, what? - Which I don't know,

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as an American guy, I don't know-

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- I've never heard of it. - How well you'd know that,

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but basically imagine a 20 foot by 20 foot square of turf

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with a small raise in the middle, i.e. the crown.

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So, it slopes to the edges. - Okay.

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- And then, you throw out a white jack, a smaller ball,

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and then you roll out larger balls

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to try and get closest to the jack.

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It's a very European thing, let's say.

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- Interesting. - But yeah, sports performance

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in crown green bowling, and there you go.

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- All right. [Duncan laughing]

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Wow, and then to mixed martial arts, fighters-

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- Absolutely, there you go. - And everything in between.

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So, along those lines,

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can you give us a little bit about your background?

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Where'd you start out?

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Where are you from originally?

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- Yeah, I'm from the northeast of England.

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So I'm from a town called Harrogate, which is in Yorkshire,

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which is a northern kind of area

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of the UK- - Nice sunny weather

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all year long?

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- Yeah, you can imagine.

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Yeah, with the two weeks of summer that we get, you know?

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[Duncan laughs]

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But yeah, I mean, I did my undergraduate studies

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there in sports science.

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I did teacher training to be

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a physical education teacher after that.

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Like most people I then worked as a high school

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physical education teacher.

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You know, great experience working with kids,

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developing athletic qualities.

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But something in the back of my mind always,

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I wanted more, I wanted to be at the higher end

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of elite sport.

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I was a failed athlete like many people.

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I represented my country in different sports and things,

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but I never made it professionally.

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So, that little seed was sown and as much as I then started

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to reach out to different areas to do a PhD,

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whether it was in the UK or also,

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chance my arm, took a punt,

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see if I could get over to the states.

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I mean, all my buddies were going on gap years

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after they finish university or whatever,

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and going to Bali and hanging out or whatever,

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traveling through Thailand.

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And I figured, well, I've always loved the states

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and can I go and kill two birds with one stone

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and do something academic, continue my studies,

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but also do it in a different environment

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and get some life experience.

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And many, many rejections,

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as I'm sure you kind of aware from different professors,

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whether it was Roger Noecker or William Kramer-

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- So you wrote to these folks?

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- I just cold called and send out information and saying,

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"Yeah, so have you got any opportunities?"

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Pushed back from them all, but dogged and kept asking,

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and yeah, Dr. William Kramer,

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who was at Ball State University in Indiana at the time,

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a muscle neuroendocrinologist and researcher

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in muscle physiology using resistance training,

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he basically said, listen, I can guarantee your funding

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for the first year of your studies, but not the next three.

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- Sounds like a typical academic response.

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- Yeah. - I can take care of you,

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but not that well necessarily. - Right.

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- Right, yeah. - Yeah, so, I spoke

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to my parents and said, "Hey, can we take a punt?"

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And they were great in supporting me.

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And yeah, long story short,

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came out to begin my PhD at Ball State.

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After a year, Dr. Kramer transferred to UConn,

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Connecticut, in Storrs, in the Northeast there.

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And I transferred with him and yeah,

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four great years with my PhD and getting my PhD

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with a really prolific research group that looked at

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neuroendocrinology, hormonal work,

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but using a resistance training

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primarily as an exercise stressor as a major mechanism,

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and then looking at all the different physiologies

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off the back of resistance training.

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- Yeah, you guys were enormously productive.

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I found dozens of papers on how weight training

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impacts hormones and your name is on all of 'em.

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And it's remarkable.

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I have a question about this.

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I'll just inject a question

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about weight training and hormones.

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You hear this all the time that doing these big,

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heavy compound movements or resistance training

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increases androgens, things like testosterone, DHT,

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DHEA, and so forth.

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Does anyone know how that actually happens?

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Like what is it about engaging motor neurons

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under heavy loads sends a signal to the endocrine system,

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"Hey, release testosterone."

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I've never actually been able to find that in a textbook.

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- [Duncan] Yeah, well, I mean-

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- And how can I do more of that?

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[both laughing]

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- Yeah, as much as I know, and again,

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I'm digging out into the annals of Duncan French's

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kind of brain now, but yeah.

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I mean, I think it's a stress response, right?

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It's mechanical stress and it's metabolic stress.

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And these are the downstream regulation of testosterone

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release at the gonads comes from many different areas.

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My work primarily looked at catecholamines

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and sympathetic arousal.

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- So things like epinephrin, adrenaline?

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- Correct, yeah, epinephrin, adrenaline, and noradrenaline,

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how they were signaling;

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the signaling cascade using the HPA axis,

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releasing cortisol, and then looking at how

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that also influenced the adrenal medulla to release

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androgens and then signaling that at the gonads.

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- That raises an interesting question.

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So, in presumably weight training in women,

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people who don't have testes also it increases testosterone.

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- Yes, yeah. - And is that purely

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through the adrenals?

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When women lift weights,

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their adrenal glands release testosterone?

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- Absolutely.

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I mean, that is the only area

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of testosterone release for females.

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And yes, it's the same downstream cascade.

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Obviously the extent to which it happens

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is significantly less in females,

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but there's good data out there that shows

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females can increase their anabolic environment,

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their internal anabolic milieu

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using resistance training as a stressor.

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And then they get the consequent muscle tissue growth,

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whether it's tendon, ligament, adaptations,

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the beneficial consequences of resistance training,

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which is driven by anabolic stimuli.

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- Yeah, I have two questions about that.

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The first one is something that you mentioned,

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which is that the androgens, the testosterone comes from

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the adrenals under resistance loads in women.

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Is the same true in men?

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I mean, we hear that the testes produce testosterone

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when we weight train for men that have testes,

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but do we know whether or not it's the adrenals

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or the testes in men that are increasing testosterone

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more or both- - Yeah I think that-

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- A little bit from each?

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- The field is divided presently in as much as understanding

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the acute adrenergic response in terms of anabolic response

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to exercise in an acute phase and the exposure to a stimulus

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that is stress driven, which might be partly

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from the adrenal glands, partly from the gonads,

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versus a longitudinal exposure to anabolic environments,

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which is primarily driven by obviously the gonads

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and the endocrine environment from testosterone

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release at the gonads.

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So, the field is split in terms of how exercise is promoting

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hypertrophy, muscle tissue growth.

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And whether that is very much an adrenal stimuli,

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or if that's significant enough in these acute responses

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versus the longitudinal exposure to just elevated

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basal levels of anabolic testosterone habitual level.

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- So, it sounds like with most things, it's probably both.

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It's probably the adrenals-

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- Absolutely, yeah. - And the gonads.

Time: 915.66

And then you mentioned that testosterone

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can have enhancing effects or growth effects

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on tendon and ligament also.

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You don't often hear about that.

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People always think, testosterone, muscle.

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But testosterone has a lot of effects on other tissues

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that are important for performance it sounds like?

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- Yeah. - Yeah what's the story there?

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- Yeah, absolutely, I think the testosterone hormone is...

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I mean, listen, there's androgen receptors

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on neural tissue on neural axons.

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- Pretty much everywhere.

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Yeah. - Exactly, so,

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the binding capacity of testosterone and influence

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in different tissues within the body,

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I touched on muscle tissue, but the ligaments, the tendons,

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even bone to some extent,

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testosterone has potential to influence that

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in terms of removing osteopenic

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kind of characteristics, et cetera.

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So, yeah, it's a magic hormone let's say,

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and with many end impacts in terms of adaptation.

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- I definitely want to get back to your trajectory,

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but as long as we're on the interactions between androgens,

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testosterone and its derivatives and different tissues,

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from the work that you did as a PhD student

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and throughout your career,

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could you say that there are some general principles

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of training that favor testosterone production,

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in terms of that somebody who's not

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an elite athlete could use?

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Somebody who's already adapted to weight training somewhat,

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like they know the difference between

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a dumbbell and a barbell,

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and they know the various movements,

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they're not going to damage themselves.

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But once they're doing that, I mean,

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I've heard shorter sessions are better

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than longer sessions, but in rep loads, weight...

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Now, there's a lot of parameter space.

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But if you were going to throw out some of the parameters

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that you think are most important to pay attention to

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for the typical person who's trying to use weight training

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to build or maintain muscle. - Yeah.

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- Lose body fat, so body recomposition and/or stay strong

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and healthy for sport of a different kind.

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- Yeah, so the work that we obviously,

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I was exposed to back in my PhD,

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it was a double-edged sword.

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And as much as testosterone is really stimulated

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by an intensity factor and also a volume factor.

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Now, growth hormone is a little bit different.

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That's largely driven by an intensity factor alone.

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- Oh, really? - Correct.

Time: 1049.463

- I always thought the growth hormone was driven my volume,

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which just goes to show you.

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- Maybe I've got that wrong. - No, no, no, no.

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I think you're probably right which just goes to show you

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that most of what's out there on the internet-

Time: 1057.533

- Right, right. - Is completely...

Time: 1059.118

Not only is it wrong, it's usually backwards.

Time: 1061.39

So, no trust- - I trust my instinct.

Time: 1063.28

- No, trust your instinct because I think people

Time: 1065.63

just make this stuff up. - Right.

Time: 1067.98

- Because it's very hard to measure

Time: 1069.39

growth hormone and testosterone.

Time: 1071.928

And I can't imagine most of the stuff that I see out there

Time: 1075.08

they're taking drips and measuring free versus bound

Time: 1078.96

and all this kind of stuff,

Time: 1079.793

but that's what you do in laboratories.

Time: 1081.21

- Right, yeah. - Yeah.

Time: 1082.043

- You look at total composition and you look at how much

Time: 1084.16

of that is free circulating- - Yeah.

Time: 1085.39

- In the system, how much is bound,

Time: 1086.98

and therefore biologically active bound to receptor,

Time: 1089.98

creating an adaptation. - Right.

Time: 1092

- But yeah, coming back to testosterone in terms

Time: 1094.06

of the training strategies,

Time: 1095.67

it's largely driven by both an intensity

Time: 1098.03

and a volume factor.

Time: 1099.23

So if you look at many of the exercise interventions

Time: 1102.65

that we use to try and investigate

Time: 1104.28

and interrogate testosterone,

Time: 1106.601

it was usually a six by 10 protocol.

Time: 1110.57

So, you're touching at about- - Six by 10 meaning?

Time: 1113.08

- Yeah, six sets of 10 repetitions,

Time: 1115.47

which is quite a large...

Time: 1117.39

60 repetitions is quite a large volume

Time: 1119.51

for a single exercise.

Time: 1121.46

And that was usually pitched at about 80% intense

Time: 1123.98

of one repetition max intensity.

Time: 1125.97

- Okay, so 80% of the one rep max, six sets of 10 reps,

Time: 1129.97

separated by rest of like-

Time: 1131.64

- Two minutes. - Two minutes,

Time: 1132.61

which is actually pretty fast.

Time: 1134.12

- Yeah. - At least to me.

Time: 1135.09

Anytime you see these two to three minutes,

Time: 1136.69

when you're actually watching the clock,

Time: 1138.5

those two minute rest periods go by pretty fast.

Time: 1140.56

- By the third, fourth set you're dying for more, yeah.

Time: 1143.19

- Yeah. - And I think we formulated

Time: 1145.86

that kind of exercise protocol to really target

Time: 1150.05

the release of testosterone and try and drive up

Time: 1152.22

these anabolic environments to study

Time: 1153.91

the endocrine consequences.

Time: 1157.41

But I think that's the type of protocol

Time: 1160.29

that is most advantageous for driving anabolic environment.

Time: 1164.48

- And that was it for the workout?

Time: 1165.91

That was it? - Yeah, I mean,

Time: 1167.13

we would do that in a back squat.

Time: 1168.2

So, a multi-joint, challenging exercise,

Time: 1172.23

multi-muscle, multi-joint,

Time: 1174.02

80% load of your one repetition max.

Time: 1176.81

And then, six by 10.

Time: 1178.07

We did play around with your classic German Volume Type,

Time: 1181.09

10 by 10 kind of protocols,

Time: 1184.71

but they were just unsustainable at that 80%.

Time: 1187.345

The key to what we also did was we always adjusted the loads

Time: 1192.04

to make sure that it was 10 repetitions that were sustained.

Time: 1195.71

So if the load was too high and an athlete or participant

Time: 1200.19

had to drop the weights on the sixth repetition,

Time: 1203.33

we would unload the bar and make sure

Time: 1204.83

they completed the 10 repetitions.

Time: 1206.06

- I see. - Bringing me back

Time: 1207.29

to the point of it's an intensity and a volume derivative

Time: 1210.92

that is going to be most advantageous for testosterone release.

Time: 1213.94

- That's really interesting.

Time: 1214.9

And one thing that you mentioned there

Time: 1216.16

is especially interesting to me,

Time: 1217.73

which is you said when you go from six sets

Time: 1220.29

of 10 repetitions to 10 sets of 10 repetitions,

Time: 1224.63

it's not as beneficial and might even be counterproductive.

Time: 1227.56

But to me, the difference between six and 10 sets

Time: 1230.13

is only four sets.

Time: 1231.01

It doesn't even sound that much.

Time: 1232.31

So that sort of hints at the possibility that the thresholds

Time: 1235.27

for going from a workout that increases testosterone

Time: 1238.92

to a workout that diminishes testosterone

Time: 1241.31

is actually a pretty narrow margin.

Time: 1243.06

- Yeah and I think it comes back

Time: 1244.54

to that intensity factor then.

Time: 1246.24

What we saw were that 10 by 10 protocol really sees

Time: 1249.78

pretty significant drop-offs in the load.

Time: 1252.64

And again, we're trying to stimulate with intensity,

Time: 1255.38

with mechanical strain through intensity,

Time: 1257.96

as well as metabolic strain through volume.

Time: 1260.21

And I think that's the paradigm that you've got to look at

Time: 1262.81

is that the mechanical load has to come from

Time: 1266.54

the actual weight on the bar,

Time: 1268.21

and the volume is the metabolic stimulus.

Time: 1271.27

How much are we driving lactate?

Time: 1272.69

How much you were driving glycogenolysis

Time: 1274.962

in terms of that type of energy system for

Time: 1279.22

executing a 10 by 10 protocol?

Time: 1281.52

And what we often saw was just a significant reduction

Time: 1284.1

in the intensity capabilities of an athlete to sustain that.

Time: 1287.4

So we shortened the volume to try

Time: 1290.35

and maintain the intensity.

Time: 1292.09

- Interesting.

Time: 1292.94

And you could imagine just taking very long rest,

Time: 1296.29

keeping the session, being a big,

Time: 1297.73

lazy bear in training. - Right.

Time: 1299.45

- I sometimes do this.

Time: 1300.283

I tell myself I'm going to work out for 45 minutes

Time: 1302.19

and then two hours later, I'm done,

Time: 1303.71

but not because I was huffing and puffing the whole time,

Time: 1306.31

but because I was training really slowly.

Time: 1308.97

- Right. - Is there any evidence

Time: 1309.88

that training slowly can offset some of the negative effects

Time: 1313.33

of doing a lot of volume?

Time: 1314.61

- Well, it's an old adage of...

Time: 1316.98

Two responses to your question.

Time: 1318.44

I mean, the first one, I would say there's a difference

Time: 1320.52

between 10 sets of six and six sets of 10.

Time: 1323.77

And I think that comes back to the volume conversation.

Time: 1326.91

Six sets of 10 is driving up metabolic stimulus.

Time: 1331.21

If you're doing 10 sets of six,

Time: 1333.01

you can probably take it to a higher intensity,

Time: 1334.61

but you're not going to get the same metabolic load.

Time: 1336.86

You're not going to get the same internal metabolic environment

Time: 1340.02

that drives the lactate release,

Time: 1341.43

that they will then signal further anabolic testosterone

Time: 1344.92

release because of the lactate in your body.

Time: 1348.74

That's a key consideration.

Time: 1350.64

The rest is often the consideration that's overlooked

Time: 1355.28

out there in general population,

Time: 1356.75

and in many sporting environments.

Time: 1358.18

That the rest is as important a program and variable

Time: 1361.66

as the load and the intensity of the load,

Time: 1364.48

the volume, et cetera.

Time: 1365.92

And yes, if you extend the volume,

Time: 1369.75

if you extend the duration of your rest periods,

Time: 1372.82

what you're ultimately doing is influencing

Time: 1374.99

that metabolic stimulus again.

Time: 1376.6

You're allowing the flushing of the body,

Time: 1378.31

the removal of waste products,

Time: 1380.19

lactate to be removed from the body,

Time: 1383.53

and then the metabolic environment is reduced.

Time: 1387.168

- So, if I understand correctly,

Time: 1389.3

you want to create a metabolic stress.

Time: 1391.369

- Absolutely. - So, the way that I've

Time: 1393.46

been training, slow and lazy,

Time: 1395.44

is not necessarily the best way to go?

Time: 1397.86

I could, in theory, do a 45 or 60 minute session

Time: 1401.73

where I pack in more work per unit time.

Time: 1404.87

I'm not going to be able to quote unquote perform as well.

Time: 1407.48

I won't be able to lift as much.

Time: 1409.396

- Yep. - I might have to unweight

Time: 1410.8

the bar between sets or maybe even during sets

Time: 1413.07

if I have someone who could do that,

Time: 1414.91

but it sounds like that's the way to go.

Time: 1417.83

So, the old adage of high intensity, short duration

Time: 1421.03

is probably the way to go. - Correct.

Time: 1422.66

And in layman's terms, if the same objective,

Time: 1426.92

the same training goal is just muscle tissue growth,

Time: 1429.45

and we're not talking about maximal strength

Time: 1431.53

or any of those type of parameters,

Time: 1432.88

we're just talking about growing muscle.

Time: 1434.82

If there's an athlete A and they do six sets of 10

Time: 1437.81

with two minutes rest,

Time: 1438.97

and there's athlete B that does six sets of 10

Time: 1440.76

with three minute rest,

Time: 1442.34

athlete A will likely see the highest muscle gains.

Time: 1444.92

- Hm. - Muscle hypertrophy gains

Time: 1446.79

because of the metabolic stimulus that they're driving

Time: 1449.1

with the shorter rest periods.

Time: 1450.46

- Interesting.

Time: 1451.3

And for all the years that I've spent

Time: 1454.06

exploring exercise science and trying to get

Time: 1456.47

this information from the internet and various places

Time: 1458.89

that this is the first time it's ever been

Time: 1461.18

told to me clearly.

Time: 1462.17

So, basically I need to put my ego aside

Time: 1464.92

and I need to not focus so much on getting as many reps

Time: 1469

with a given weight and keep the rest restricted

Time: 1472.76

to about two minutes. - Yeah.

Time: 1474.39

- Get the work in, and then I'll derive the benefits.

Time: 1477.56

- I mean, you've absolutely nailed it to be honest.

Time: 1479.29

And again, if you think about human nature

Time: 1481.14

and how we approach, we're inherently lazy, right?

Time: 1483.49

As humans, we want to take that rest.

Time: 1487.5

We want to take the time out to recover and feel refreshed,

Time: 1490.87

but we're trying to create a training stimulus.

Time: 1493.61

We're trying to create a very specific stimulus

Time: 1495.58

internal to the body,

Time: 1496.87

and that is often driven by the metabolic environment

Time: 1499.82

at that moment in time.

Time: 1500.94

Now, if we allow the metabolic environment to change

Time: 1503.66

by extending the rest periods,

Time: 1505.79

we're not going to see as beneficial gains at the end of it.

Time: 1508.64

- Very interesting. - So, it is very much

Time: 1510.89

a motivational and ego thing rather than saying,

Time: 1515.247

"Okay, I'm going to push my loads as high as I can,

Time: 1518.05

and really challenge maximal strength,

Time: 1519.82

do fewer repetitions, take longer periods of time."

Time: 1522.37

It's a completely different approach to training.

Time: 1524.62

It's a different end goal. - Interesting.

Time: 1526.33

And you mentioned lactate, so it seems still a bit

Time: 1529.6

controversial as to what actually triggers hypertrophy.

Time: 1532.16

You hear about lactate buildup or people,

Time: 1534.91

the common language is the muscle

Time: 1536.37

gets torn and then repairs,

Time: 1537.92

but I don't know, does the muscle actually tear?

Time: 1540.1

- I mean microtrauma. - Okay, microtrauma.

Time: 1541.93

- Yeah, disruption within the muscle tissue for sure.

Time: 1545.14

- Interesting.

Time: 1545.973

And we're talking now about non-drug assisted people-

Time: 1548.77

- Correct, yeah. - Whose, let's just say,

Time: 1551.47

let's define our terms here.

Time: 1553.28

That whose testosterone levels are within the range

Time: 1556.6

of somewhere between 300 and 1,500 or whatever, 1,200,

Time: 1560.85

because it does seem that athletes who take high levels

Time: 1565.01

of exogenous androgens can do more work

Time: 1567.96

and just get protein synthesis from just doing work.

Time: 1570.77

- Yeah.

Time: 1571.603

- I've seen these guys in the gym, right?

Time: 1573.309

The telltale signs are not that hard to spot

Time: 1575.6

where they're just doing a ton of volume,

Time: 1578.05

not necessarily moving that much weight,

Time: 1579.68

they're just bringing blood into the tissue.

Time: 1582.03

And then they're loading up on,

Time: 1584.54

they're eating a ton of protein,

Time: 1585.65

presumably 'cause they're basically in puberty part 15.

Time: 1588.63

- Right. - Right, they're on their

Time: 1589.58

15th round of puberty where during puberty,

Time: 1592.69

you are a protein synthesis machine.

Time: 1595.56

I mean, to me, that's pretty clear about puberty.

Time: 1599.21


Time: 1600.043

So, and then, in terms of,

Time: 1602.85

because I know the audience likes to try protocols,

Time: 1605.9

so you described a protocol very nicely.

Time: 1610.06

What about day-to-day recovery?

Time: 1611.53

I mean, the workout that you described

Time: 1613.28

is intense, but short,

Time: 1614.42

how many days a week can the typical person do that

Time: 1617.47

and sustain progress?

Time: 1619.28

- Yeah, I mean, I think that comes back to your training age

Time: 1621.5

and your training history.

Time: 1622.36

Obviously there's a resilience and a robustness

Time: 1624.86

with an incremental training age.

Time: 1626.75

So, that's not a protocol that I would advise

Time: 1629.367

anyone to go out and start tomorrow.

Time: 1632.17

- They'll be mopping them off the gym floor.

Time: 1633.553

- Right, but at the same time, it's also relative, right?

Time: 1636.28

So 80% of your maximum at a young training age is still 80%

Time: 1641.37

versus I've been training 10 years, it's still 80%.

Time: 1644.3

But yes, the mechanical load is going to be significant,

Time: 1647.083

it's just more tonnage, right?

Time: 1649.81

But yeah, I think a protocol like that,

Time: 1651.76

we would look at two times a week,

Time: 1653.99

something that's pretty intensive like that, because again,

Time: 1656.7

it comes back to the point you make

Time: 1658.04

is that you really need to be, for want of a better term,

Time: 1661.31

suffering a little bit through that type of protocol,

Time: 1664.03

both in terms of the challenge of the load,

Time: 1666.69

but also being able to tolerate the metabolic stress

Time: 1670

that you're exposed to.

Time: 1672.524

It's a bit of a sicko feeling because of the lactate

Time: 1675.73

that you're driving up.

Time: 1676.58

So, I wouldn't promote an athlete doing

Time: 1679.39

that type of modality multiple, multiple times unless

Time: 1683.46

you are from the realms of bodybuilding.

Time: 1685.43

And then, you really, that's the sole purpose

Time: 1687.66

of what you're trying to achieve.

Time: 1688.87

Most athletes in most sports have diverse requirements

Time: 1694.15

in terms of outcomes that they're trying to achieve.

Time: 1696.06

They're not just targeting muscle growth.

Time: 1698.64

Muscle growth is a conduit to increased strength,

Time: 1702.2

increased power, increased speed, obviously.

Time: 1704.98

So, yes, trying to get a bigger cross-sectional area

Time: 1707.44

of a muscle means that we can produce more force

Time: 1709.5

into the ground or wherever it may be,

Time: 1711.54

if we're a locomotive athlete.

Time: 1713.21

But usually, sports, men and women,

Time: 1715.45

are not just purely seeking muscle growth.

Time: 1718.41

They look for different facets of muscle endurance

Time: 1721.961

or maximal muscle power, muscle strength.

Time: 1725.1

So, then you've got to be very creative

Time: 1726.82

in how you build the workout.

Time: 1728.27

If it's a bodybuilder, absolutely they're chasing

Time: 1730.52

muscle growth and they're going to do so

Time: 1732.11

with these types of protocols,

Time: 1733.53

which sees high intensities and high volumes of workload

Time: 1737.67

on a pretty regular basis.

Time: 1739.57

If it's just somebody, a weekend warrior that wants

Time: 1743.29

to keep in shape and look good, I would say,

Time: 1746.02

two times a week for a really challenging workout like that,

Time: 1748.7

and then flex the other types of workouts within the week

Time: 1751.83

to have more of a volume emphasis,

Time: 1753.9

where you reduce the intensity

Time: 1755.27

and you might just look at larger rep ranges

Time: 1757.86

from 12 to 15 to 20.

Time: 1759.75

Another workout where you're looking at reducing the volume,

Time: 1762.91

but increasing the intensity and really trying to drive

Time: 1765.79

different stimulus to give you more end points of success.

Time: 1770.62

- Mm hm, great.

Time: 1771.5

No, that's really informative.

Time: 1774.14

Along the lines of androgens and intensity.

Time: 1778.37

When I think intensity, I think epinephrin, adrenaline.

Time: 1781.37

And since you have a background

Time: 1783.43

in catacholamines and testosterone,

Time: 1785.95

last time I was here at the UFC Performance Institute,

Time: 1788.61

we had a brief conversation,

Time: 1789.84

and I want to make sure I got the details right.

Time: 1792.15

That in the short term, and a big increase in stress hormone

Time: 1796.65

can lead to an increase in testosterone,

Time: 1799

like a parachute jump. - Correct.

Time: 1801.41

- But so, stress can promote the release of testosterone?

Time: 1806.72

- Yeah. - That was news to me.

Time: 1808.21

- Right.

Time: 1809.043

- We always hear about stress suppressing testosterone,

Time: 1811.31

stress suppressing the immune system,

Time: 1812.75

all these terrible things.

Time: 1813.79

But in the short term, you're saying it can actually

Time: 1816.73

increase the release of testosterone.

Time: 1819.76

So, I have that right? - Correct, yeah, yeah.

Time: 1821.4

- Okay, and so then the second question is,

Time: 1824.72

does my cognitive interpretation of the stressor

Time: 1829.3

make a difference?

Time: 1830.16

In other words, if I voluntarily jump out of a plane

Time: 1833.23

with a parachute, does it have a different effect

Time: 1836.23

on my testosterone than if you shove me out of the plane

Time: 1839.3

against my will?

Time: 1840.133

Well, presumably with a parachute too.

Time: 1841.54

- Right, I mean, so this was what all my PhD work

Time: 1845.62

was looking at was the exposure to a stressor,

Time: 1853.75

and the pre-arousal of how your body essentially

Time: 1856.5

prepares for that stressor,

Time: 1857.59

and then how it manages it throughout

Time: 1859.23

the exposure to the stress.

Time: 1860.51

And it was actually motivated from parachute jumpers.

Time: 1863.7

There was an older study looking

Time: 1865.8

at parachute jumpers into combat.

Time: 1868.73

And then, they were studying the cortisol,

Time: 1871.63

the stress response, and the epinephrin response

Time: 1873.77

of these parachute jumpers.

Time: 1874.9

So, it got us thinking about, hold on,

Time: 1876.953

there's certain workouts that you do that are just,

Time: 1879.03

they're daunting, you know?

Time: 1880.56

It's like, okay, it's squat Saturday or whatever it may be.

Time: 1884.36

Oh my gosh, this is going to destroy me.

Time: 1887.51

- Or I have to talk to this person I don't want to talk to

Time: 1889.857

or you know, right? - Exactly, yeah.

Time: 1891.466

- I mean, something, or a PhD dissertation exam-

Time: 1893.884

- Exactly or speaking- - Or something, yeah.

Time: 1895.03

- Giving public speaking or whatever it may be.

Time: 1896.75

Now, we used an exercise,

Time: 1899.31

we used a resistance training protocol that these athletes

Time: 1902.67

knew was going to be very, very challenging.

Time: 1906.1

There's going to have some anxiety to doing it,

Time: 1908.163

they knew there were going to be some physical distress

Time: 1910.53

from doing it.

Time: 1912

And therefore, their mindset of how they were going to

Time: 1915.05

approach that was already set.

Time: 1916.76

So what we saw 15 minutes prior to the start

Time: 1920.45

of an exposure to the workout, the epinephrin,

Time: 1924.24

the noradrenaline, the adrenaline was already starting

Time: 1926.46

to prepare the body sympathetically to go into what it knew

Time: 1930.34

was going to be a very, very challenging workout.

Time: 1933.06

So, that brings you back to exercise preparation,

Time: 1936.57

competition for certain preparation...

Time: 1939.02

Preparation for certain competition, excuse me.

Time: 1942.1

Pre-workout routines, the use of music,

Time: 1946.23

all these different things that we know can now

Time: 1949.93

anecdotally in the gym we put into place,

Time: 1952.467

but the data that I presented showed that...

Time: 1955.27

It was a first of its kind to show that this link between

Time: 1959.23

epinephrine and norepinephrine release and arousal,

Time: 1962.34

and then consequent performance.

Time: 1964.14

So, force output throughout the workout

Time: 1966.93

was intimately linked.

Time: 1967.94

- So, what was the takeaway there?

Time: 1970.31

Is it beneficial for people to get a little stressed

Time: 1973.65

about the upcoming impending event?

Time: 1975.84

Whether or not it's a lift in the gym

Time: 1977.88

or whether or not it's talking to somebody that you might be

Time: 1981.33

intimidated to talk to, or an exam?

Time: 1984.81

Is the stress good for performance or is it harmful?

Time: 1987.83

- Yeah, and I think that's a great question.

Time: 1989.86

And I think I can only talk to physical exertion,

Time: 1993.29

which is what we were exploring.

Time: 1995.51

And I don't want to tread on the toes of the psychologists

Time: 1998.7

with flow state and these types of things, because clearly-

Time: 2001.25

- I think you're in the position of scientific strength

Time: 2004.07

on this one. - Right.

Time: 2004.903

- I think you have the leverage.

Time: 2006.04

- All right. - I mean, I have a lot

Time: 2007.38

of friends in that community as I'll just say as a buffer

Time: 2010.36

to the answer you're about to give,

Time: 2012.41

that there's very little science around flow,

Time: 2016.97

and there's very little neuroscience

Time: 2018.42

related to most psychological states anyway.

Time: 2020.5

So I think we've got a lot of degrees of freedom here.

Time: 2022.54

- All right, I can breathe easy.

Time: 2023.6

- Yeah, yeah. - Thank you for that.

Time: 2026.17

- Anything you like, credit Duncan,

Time: 2027.95

anything you dislike, send the mean comments to me.

Time: 2032.18

- Yeah, I think from my data, certainly,

Time: 2034.48

the greater the arousal, the higher the performance was

Time: 2037.736

from a physical exertion perspective.

Time: 2040.11

And I think that was the intriguing part of some

Time: 2042.24

of my findings were there's definitely

Time: 2044.24

an individual biokinetics to some of these

Time: 2047.16

hormonal kind of releases.

Time: 2048.88

And as much as those guys that had the highest

Time: 2053.29

androgenic response in terms of epinephrin release,

Time: 2055.41

norepinephrine release also sustained force output

Time: 2060.29

for a longer period of the workout than those that didn't.

Time: 2063.59

So, the individuals that had a lower stimulus

Time: 2068.01

of the sympathetic arousal, let's say,

Time: 2070.42

certainly didn't perform as well throughout the workout.

Time: 2072.85

Now, the intriguing thing then becomes is okay,

Time: 2075.86

and I think this really segues into what we're doing here

Time: 2080.16

with combat athletes, with mixed martial artists.

Time: 2083.57

There's a philosophy, there's a paradigm now for myself

Time: 2085.91

in terms of the exposure, repeat exposure.

Time: 2088.04

You know, the more you do that challenging workout,

Time: 2090.76

do you get the same psychological stimulus?

Time: 2093.98

Do you still get the same stress response?

Time: 2096.58

And the assumption is unlikely.

Time: 2098.84

You accommodate, you become accustomed to the stress

Time: 2101.71

or your body will therefore adapt.

Time: 2103.2

And that's the classic overload principle, right?

Time: 2105.91

You then need to take the stressor down a different route.

Time: 2108.25

But I think when you look at the athletes

Time: 2111.96

that we work with here,

Time: 2113.91

it's a fist fight at the end of the day.

Time: 2116.07

There's nothing more stressful than that.

Time: 2117.65

But I think just the exposure to the rigors of training,

Time: 2120.97

to understand the bad positions, the bad situations,

Time: 2124.73

to know that they can get out of certain situations,

Time: 2127.12

out of certain submission holds or whatever it may be,

Time: 2131.04

I think that really ties in with some of my PhD work

Time: 2134.18

in terms of what these guys do to approach

Time: 2136.67

what is a really challenging sporting arena

Time: 2139.16

in mixed martial arts.

Time: 2139.993

- Yeah, it's definitely the extreme of what's possible

Time: 2143.5

in terms of asking does stress favor or hinder performance?

Time: 2148.05

Because yeah, like you said, at the end of the day,

Time: 2149.96

it's someone trying to hurt you as much

Time: 2152.93

as they possibly can within

Time: 2154.18

the bounds of the rules. - Right.

Time: 2155.367

- And you're trying to do the same.

Time: 2156.59

So, I find your thesis work fascinating.

Time: 2160.32

Were you never to be at the UFC Performance Institute,

Time: 2164.55

luckily they made the right choice and brought you here,

Time: 2167.72

but were you have never to come here,

Time: 2169.52

I was still fascinated by this because over and over

Time: 2173.3

we hear that stress is bad, stress is bad, stress is bad,

Time: 2176.54

but everything I read from the scientific literature

Time: 2178.88

is that stress and epinephrin in particular

Time: 2182.82

is coupled to the testosterone response to performance

Time: 2185.8

and to adaptation, provided it doesn't go on too long.

Time: 2189.95

So, unless I'm saying something that violates that.

Time: 2192.992

- Absolutely, I agree. - I mean, that's your work.

Time: 2194.45

So it's a really important and beautiful work.

Time: 2197.41

And I refer to it often, so I'm just glad that-

Time: 2200.855

- Thank you. - We could bolt that down,

Time: 2202.71

because I think the people need to know this,

Time: 2205.36

that that discomfort is beneficial.

Time: 2208.42

Now, there's another side to this that I want to ask about,

Time: 2211.93

which is the use of cold, in particular,

Time: 2216.63

things like ice baths, cold showers,

Time: 2218.56

or any other type of cold temperature exposure.

Time: 2225.51

In theory, that's stress also, it's epinephrin.

Time: 2228.61

And so, how should one think about

Time: 2231.68

the use of cold for recovery?

Time: 2234.36

So, if colds causes stress,

Time: 2238.76

then how is cold used for recovery?

Time: 2241.85

That's what I don't understand.

Time: 2243.2

And maybe you just want to share your thoughts on that.

Time: 2245.97

- Yeah, no, and I think it's a great question,

Time: 2248.817

and I think the jury is still out there, certainly,

Time: 2252.25

knowing some of the conversations that we've been having.

Time: 2254.45

But I think, when we talk about stress,

Time: 2256.27

it's your classic fight, flight or freeze approach.

Time: 2260.22

And throwing your body into a cold tub, an ice bath,

Time: 2264.43

or whatever it may be certainly is going to have

Time: 2267.56

a physiological stress response.

Time: 2269.41

Now, people are using that for different end goals.

Time: 2273.07

And again, I think that's where the narrative

Time: 2274.86

has to be explained.

Time: 2276.85

If you are using the stress specifically

Time: 2279.3

to manage the mindset,

Time: 2282.05

to use it as a specific stress stimulus,

Time: 2284.86

that's the same as me doing six by 10 at 80%.

Time: 2288.13

You're just trying to find something to disrupt the system,

Time: 2291.25

to do something that's very, for want of a better term,

Time: 2294.67

painful, discomfort, whatever.

Time: 2297.66

You're just finding a stressor and then being able

Time: 2299.79

to manage the mindset.

Time: 2301.41

But if you're using cold,

Time: 2303.52

specifically from a physiological perspective to promote

Time: 2309.47

redistribution of vascularity,

Time: 2311.51

of blood flow to different vascular areas of muscle

Time: 2315.18

that you feel have gone through a workout,

Time: 2316.85

that are damaged or whatever it may be,

Time: 2318.67

I think we've got to understand

Time: 2320.79

what that stress mechanism is.

Time: 2323.66

And the data, the literature is certainly still out there

Time: 2326.98

with respect to cryotherapy and cold baths,

Time: 2330.04

and some of these cold exposures in terms of what they do

Time: 2335.37

at the level of the muscle tissue.

Time: 2337.33

If that's the target,

Time: 2338.87

if you're trying to promote a flushing mechanism,

Time: 2342.1

or you're trying to promote redistribution

Time: 2344.12

of the blood flow,

Time: 2345.46

what you've got to understand is that cold is going to

Time: 2347.43

clamp down every part of the vascular system.

Time: 2350.592

And we've really got to understand how the muscle

Time: 2353.44

would be redistributed to areas of interest.

Time: 2357.26

So, I think the stress response is a real thing

Time: 2362.15

with respect to cold exposure.

Time: 2365.35

But I think the narrative around

Time: 2367.3

what are you using the cold for has to precede

Time: 2370.01

the conversation because yes, it's like putting your hand

Time: 2374.1

over a hot coal.

Time: 2375.56

That's a stress the same way as jumping

Time: 2378.07

in a cold bath is.

Time: 2380.042

- Yeah, I think most people don't realize that.

Time: 2381.39

You're going to get the epinephrin release from holding

Time: 2383.18

your hand too close to flame. - Absolutely.

Time: 2385.4

- And you're going to get it from getting in the ice bath.

Time: 2387.09

- Your body doesn't know the difference, right?

Time: 2388.83

Your body does not know the difference.

Time: 2390.47

It has a primordial kind of physiological response

Time: 2396.49

that it's created over millions and millions of years.

Time: 2398.84

And I think that that physiology is not changing.

Time: 2403.02

And it's fixed in a particular way right now,

Time: 2406.5

that it doesn't understand the difference between whether

Time: 2408.59

it's six by 10 doing a challenging workout over here,

Time: 2411.18

whether it's putting my hands on the hot coal,

Time: 2413.03

whether there's a lion stood in front of me or whatever,

Time: 2414.94

that epinephrin response from the level of the brain

Time: 2418.25

down to the whole signaling cascade is the same.

Time: 2421.37

- Mm hm, and cold, I've heard can actually prevent

Time: 2424.88

some of the beneficial effects of training.

Time: 2428

That it can actually get in the way

Time: 2430.44

of muscle growth, et cetera.

Time: 2433.05

- Yeah, there's some pretty robust data out there now

Time: 2435.78

showing that it definitely has an influence

Time: 2437.83

on performance variables like strength

Time: 2439.54

and power in particular,

Time: 2441.38

but absolutely in terms of muscle hypertrophy.

Time: 2443.62

And there's a big kind of theme in the world

Time: 2447.04

of athletic performance right now,

Time: 2448.39

in terms of periodization of cold exposure

Time: 2452.71

as a recovery modality. - Interesting.

Time: 2454.69

- When do you use cold?

Time: 2456.59

Should you be using cold for recovery in periods

Time: 2460.39

of high training load when you're actually pursuing,

Time: 2462.57

it might be general preparatory work,

Time: 2465.244

or are actually trying to pursue muscle growth?

Time: 2466.95

Well, that's usually where you get the most sore.

Time: 2469.64

It's usually where you feel the most fatigued,

Time: 2472.82

but it's probably not the most beneficial approach

Time: 2475.01

to use an ice bath in that scenario,

Time: 2477.33

because you're dampening, you're dulling the mTOR pathway

Time: 2481.02

and the hypertrophic signaling pathway.

Time: 2485.07

Whereas in a competition phase where actually

Time: 2488.23

quality of exercise and quality of execution of skill

Time: 2491.44

and technical work has to be maintained,

Time: 2494.63

you want to throw the kitchen sink of recovery capabilities

Time: 2498.26

and recovery interventions in that scenario

Time: 2500.07

because the muscle building activity should be in the bank.

Time: 2504.47

That should have been done in the general preparatory work.

Time: 2507.46

And now you're focusing on technical execution.

Time: 2510.7

So, you're absolutely right.

Time: 2512.43

- No, it's interesting.

Time: 2513.263

So, if I understand correctly,

Time: 2515.844

if I want to maximize muscle growth or power

Time: 2519.89

or improvements and adaptations,

Time: 2523.01

then the inflammation response,

Time: 2524.62

the delayed onset muscle soreness,

Time: 2526.17

all the stuff that's uncomfortable and that we hear

Time: 2528.81

is so terrible is actually the stimulus for adaptation.

Time: 2531.95

And so, using cold in that situation

Time: 2534.53

might short circuit my progress.

Time: 2536.73

But if I'm, I don't know that I'll ever do this,

Time: 2539.68

but if I were to do an iron man or something,

Time: 2542.22

or run a marathon, under those conditions,

Time: 2544.56

I'm basically coming to the race, so to speak,

Time: 2548

with all the power and strength I'm going to have.

Time: 2550.7

And so, there, reducing inflammation is good

Time: 2552.68

because it's going to allow me to perform

Time: 2554.29

more work, essentially. - Absolutely, yeah.

Time: 2556.97

You have to be strategic about when you use

Time: 2559.33

some of these interventions.

Time: 2560.86

And the time when you preparing for a competition

Time: 2564.28

is not the appropriate time...

Time: 2565.97

Excuse me, is the appropriate time when you want

Time: 2567.75

to drive recovery and make sure that your body is optimized.

Time: 2571.64

When you're far away from a competition date

Time: 2576.22

or out of season or whatever it may be,

Time: 2578.75

and you're really trying to just tear up

Time: 2580.97

the body a little bit, to allow its natural healing

Time: 2585.32

and adaptation processes to take place,

Time: 2587.55

well, you don't want to negate that.

Time: 2589.41

You want the body to optimize its internal recovery

Time: 2591.433

and that's how muscle growth is going to happen, so.

Time: 2594.08

- So interesting.

Time: 2595.01

- There's a time kind of consideration that you need to make

Time: 2598.01

with these interventions, for sure.

Time: 2599.43

- At the UFC Performance Center,

Time: 2601.26

are the fighters periodizing their cold exposure?

Time: 2604.1

Or are they just doing cold at will?

Time: 2608.13

- Well, it's not just the UFC.

Time: 2609.65

And again, I talk about my personal experiences

Time: 2612.58

with different sports.

Time: 2613.42

I think just education around where science is at

Time: 2617.107

and our understanding of concepts

Time: 2619.74

like the use of cold exposure for recovery, ice bath.

Time: 2623.14

Everyone wants to jump in an ice bath.

Time: 2624.85

But I think as we've stepped back and scientists

Time: 2627.9

have started to figure out and look at some of the data,

Time: 2632.34

we're now more intuitive about, well,

Time: 2634.83

actually that might not be the best

Time: 2636.26

or the most optimal approach.

Time: 2637.55

And I think that's any given sport.

Time: 2639.7

So, yes, certainly here at the UFC,

Time: 2641.74

we're trying to educate our athletes around

Time: 2645.09

appropriate timing.

Time: 2646.15

And it's the same with nutrition,

Time: 2647.273

it's the same with an ice bath intervention,

Time: 2649.67

it's the same with lifting weights,

Time: 2651.3

it's the same with going for a run

Time: 2652.57

or working out on the bike.

Time: 2654.26

There's tactics to when you do things

Time: 2657.46

and when you don't do things.

Time: 2658.37

And I think stress and cold exposure,

Time: 2662.41

we have to have a consideration around that as well,

Time: 2664.51

but it's not just MMA fighters, that's any athlete.

Time: 2667.88

And I think it's the best professionals,

Time: 2672.2

the most successful professionals do that really well.

Time: 2675.96

They listen, number one, they educate themselves,

Time: 2678.73

and then they build structure.

Time: 2680.34

And I think at the most elite level,

Time: 2682.81

we always talk about it here at the UFC,

Time: 2684.73

but at the most elite level,

Time: 2686.26

you're not necessarily training harder than anybody else.

Time: 2689.16

Everybody in the UFC trains hard,

Time: 2691.79

like everyone is training super hard, but the best athletes,

Time: 2695.69

the true elite levels are the ones that can do it

Time: 2698.18

again and again and again on a daily basis

Time: 2700.57

and sustain a technical output for skill development,

Time: 2703.71

therefore their skills can improve,

Time: 2705.19

or physical development,

Time: 2706.21

their physical attributes can improve.

Time: 2708.29

So that ability to reproduce on a day-to-day basis

Time: 2711.54

falls into a recovery conversation.

Time: 2714.61

Now, when is the right time to use something

Time: 2716.53

like an ice bath and when isn't,

Time: 2717.83

is part of the high-performance conversation, for sure.

Time: 2721.67

- So really they're scientists;

Time: 2723.11

they're building structure, they're figuring out variables.

Time: 2725.48

- Yeah. - But it sounds like

Time: 2726.7

the ability to do more quality work over time

Time: 2730.42

is one of the key variables.

Time: 2731.64

- I mean, it's fundamental.

Time: 2733.04

I mean, garbage in, garbage out.

Time: 2735.3

Quality in, quality out.

Time: 2737.12

But in our sport, I talk about mixed martial arts,

Time: 2741.23

it's truly a decathlon of combat.

Time: 2743.39

So there's so many different attributes,

Time: 2745.07

whether it's the grappling, whether it's the wrestling,

Time: 2746.94

whether it's the transition work,

Time: 2748.21

whether it's a standup striking.

Time: 2749.77

So, the different facets of a training program

Time: 2752.81

in this sport are significantly large

Time: 2756.12

compared to something like a wide receiver in football.

Time: 2760.17

And that's no disrespect for wide receivers,

Time: 2761.81

but they run routes.

Time: 2762.953

They're going to run a route, a passing tree,

Time: 2766.21

and that's all they need to do.

Time: 2767.36

These guys have to be on the ground.

Time: 2768.8

They've got to be great on the ground.

Time: 2769.66

They've got to be great standing up.

Time: 2770.75

They've got to be great with the back against the fence.

Time: 2773.03

So there's so many different kind of facets to our sport.

Time: 2776

So managing the distribution of all the training components

Time: 2779.86

is one of the biggest challenges of mixed martial arts

Time: 2782.47

and the best guys get that right.

Time: 2784.81

They allow their body to optimize the training.

Time: 2788.56

And remember, why are we doing training?

Time: 2790.33

We're doing training for technical and tactical improvement.

Time: 2794.83

Now, if your body is fatigued or you just can't

Time: 2798.23

expose yourself to more tactical development

Time: 2801

or technical development,

Time: 2802.63

then you're essentially doing yourself a disservice.

Time: 2805.68

You're going to be behind the curve with respect to those guys

Time: 2808.45

that can reproduce that day-in and day-out.

Time: 2810.76

- On the topic of skill development, regardless of sport,

Time: 2815.21

we hear all the time and it certainly is intuitive to me

Time: 2820.15

that the person who can focus the best

Time: 2822.94

will progress the fastest.

Time: 2825.3

But it's kind of interesting,

Time: 2826.133

sometimes I talk to athletes and they seem

Time: 2831.292

a little bit laid back about their training sometimes,

Time: 2834.25

and yet they obviously know how to flip the switch

Time: 2836.85

and they can really dial in the intensity.

Time: 2839.53

Do you think that there are optimal protocols

Time: 2841.61

for skill learning in terms of physical skill learning?

Time: 2844.7

Like, could it ever be parametrized

Time: 2846.42

like the six sets of 10 reps?

Time: 2850.123

And this gets to the heart of neuroplasticity,

Time: 2851.71

which is still, it's not a black box,

Time: 2854.23

but it's kind of a black box

Time: 2856.16

with portions of it illuminated, I like to say.

Time: 2859.53

But what are your thoughts on skill development?

Time: 2862.02

For somebody that wants to get better at sport,

Time: 2864.71

do you recommend a particularly long

Time: 2868.51

or short training session?

Time: 2870.4

Does intensity matter or is it just reps?

Time: 2873.8

- Yeah, I think, no, it's not a volume driven exercise.

Time: 2878.31

It's a quality driven exercise.

Time: 2880.15

And listen, my expertise is not in motor learning

Time: 2882.75

and motor skill acquisition.

Time: 2884.8

I tend to default to Dr. Gabriele Wulf here

Time: 2887.71

at UNLV for that.

Time: 2890.42

She's one of the leading proponents in this area.

Time: 2892.46

But if you look at true skill development,

Time: 2897.14

it is about rehearsal of accurate movement,

Time: 2901.41

accurate movement mechanics.

Time: 2904

And as soon as that becomes impacted

Time: 2906.87

by fatigue or inaccurate movement,

Time: 2909.41

you're now losing the motor learning,

Time: 2912.58

you're losing the accuracy of the skill.

Time: 2914.91

People can call it muscle memory

Time: 2916.19

or whatever they want, right?

Time: 2917.16

But essentially you're grooving neural axons

Time: 2920.41

to create movement patterns and they're situational

Time: 2923.46

throughout sport, right?

Time: 2925.03

Whether it's a Cruyff turn in soccer

Time: 2926.66

or a jump shot in basketball, or a forehand down the line,

Time: 2929.7

you can carve out that particular posture

Time: 2932.84

and position and skill, and you can isolate it,

Time: 2935.44

and you can drill it again and again and again.

Time: 2937.52

Now, as soon as fatigue is influencing that repetition,

Time: 2942.136

it's time to stop.

Time: 2943.93

And the best coaches understand that.

Time: 2945.77

They understand that it's quality over quantity

Time: 2948.37

when it comes to skill acquisition.

Time: 2950.29

So to answer your question in a roundabout way,

Time: 2952.65

I would say, yes, it's shorter sessions

Time: 2955.89

that are very high quality.

Time: 2957.82

And I think the best athletes in my experience

Time: 2960.82

are the ones that consciously and cognitively

Time: 2964.56

are aware of it at every moment of the training session.

Time: 2968.189

They should leave the training session

Time: 2970.03

not necessarily just physically fatigued,

Time: 2971.91

but mentally fatigued because they're completely engaged

Time: 2974.44

in the learning process.

Time: 2977.625

The problem then becomes okay,

Time: 2979.25

if we just do lots of 30 minutes sessions,

Time: 2982.47

we've got to do a lot of 30 minutes sessions to get

Time: 2985.28

the volume exposure of the repetition

Time: 2987.76

and the rehearsal of this skill again and again and again.

Time: 2990.65

So, it's a bit of a paradox.

Time: 2991.68

It's a bit of a double-edged sword,

Time: 2993.58

but a three hour session versus a 90 minute session,

Time: 2998.02

we'll take the 90 minute session any day

Time: 2999.91

when it comes to skill acquisition,

Time: 3001.44

because that's going to be driven by quality over quantity.

Time: 3004.43

- Yeah, training and skill learning

Time: 3006.47

is incredibly mentally fatiguing.

Time: 3009.73

I've often wondered why when one works out hard,

Time: 3013.06

whether or not it's with run or with the weights,

Time: 3015.66

why it's hard to think later in the day.

Time: 3017.95

- Right. - Yeah, there really does

Time: 3019.7

seem to be something to it.

Time: 3021.49

And I've wondered is it depletion of adrenaline, dopamine?

Time: 3026.49

I sometimes think it might be dopamine,

Time: 3028.49

and here I'm totally speculating.

Time: 3029.453

I don't have any data to support this,

Time: 3031.34

but if you hit a really hard workout or run

Time: 3034.31

early in the day, oftentimes the brain just doesn't

Time: 3037.99

want to do hard mental work.

Time: 3039.9

Which gives me great admiration for these athletes

Time: 3042.02

that are drilling their mind and body

Time: 3043.533

all day, every day, with breaks.

Time: 3046.99

But so what are your thoughts?

Time: 3048.539

What leads to the mental fatigue after physical performance?

Time: 3053.25

- Well, again, I don't want to talk out,

Time: 3055.08

I'm talking to the man here, you know?

Time: 3056.87

- Well, we're just two scientists-

Time: 3057.91

- Yeah, yeah. - Speculating on this point.

Time: 3059.86

Up until now, you've been giving us concrete

Time: 3063.48

peer-reviewed study based feedback on my questions.

Time: 3066.35

But if we were to speculate,

Time: 3067.886

I mean, I think this is a common occurrence.

Time: 3069.08

People think if I get that really good workout in

Time: 3071.07

in the morning, I feel better all day.

Time: 3072.8

- Right. - That's true,

Time: 3073.633

unless that workout is really intense or really long.

Time: 3077.45

- Yeah. - And then you just,

Time: 3079.12

the mind just somehow won't latch on to mental work

Time: 3083.94

quite as well.

Time: 3085.12

- I mean, just philosophically and I think coming back

Time: 3090.2

to this kind of stress consideration,

Time: 3092.2

like public speaking or taking an exam.

Time: 3094.41

I mean, if you have an amazing coach who is setting up

Time: 3098.25

training in a particular way, it's challenging,

Time: 3100.64

there's a strain related to it,

Time: 3101.947

and I'm not talking physical strain,

Time: 3103.47

I'm talking figuring things out, figuring out the skill.

Time: 3107.45

And I think that can be stressful.

Time: 3109.18

Like the learning process can be stressful.

Time: 3111.41

So, we've touched on stress.

Time: 3113.82

I also think if they hit the right technique,

Time: 3118.5

that reward center in the brain,

Time: 3120.06

that dopamine shot is going to fly up there.

Time: 3123.03

And there's only so many times that we can get that

Time: 3125.53

before that becomes dampened.

Time: 3127.39

And I think there's an energetic piece to it.

Time: 3129.53

There's the fueling of the brain.

Time: 3131.64

There's the carbohydrate fuel in exercise that actually

Time: 3135.72

the strategy around how you fuel for learning

Time: 3139.59

and fuel for physical training is actually pretty similar.

Time: 3143.35

- Glucose. - Yeah, it's glucose,

Time: 3145.37

it's sugar at the end of the day, right?

Time: 3146.83

So, are you fueling accordingly

Time: 3150.34

around your training sessions, be that very physical,

Time: 3152.94

because everyone thinks,

Time: 3153.773

okay, I'm going to jump on a treadmill

Time: 3155.78

and I'm going to bang out 15 sprints at max effort,

Time: 3160.1

and I'm going to be dropping off and laying on the floor

Time: 3162.75

at the end of it.

Time: 3163.583

I need to refuel.

Time: 3164.69

Well, what about the refueling of the brain

Time: 3167.18

in a very demanding exercise or drilling session

Time: 3171.4

where you're looking at technique,

Time: 3172.75

that you're trying to figure out,

Time: 3174.04

that's very challenging for your mind to figure out

Time: 3176.36

the complexity of it,

Time: 3177.83

that still needs to be fueled or refueled afterwards.

Time: 3180.94

And I think that's obviously might be an area where athletes

Time: 3184.35

do themselves a disservice by not appropriately fueling

Time: 3187.42

from what might be considered to be

Time: 3188.8

a lower intensity session, but the cognitive challenge

Time: 3193.76

has been significantly high.

Time: 3195.33

- So, they're skill work or drill work,

Time: 3197.47

and it's taxing the brain. - Correct, yeah.

Time: 3199.81

- And they're thinking, oh, I wasn't pushing hard lifts

Time: 3203.24

or doing sprints, and so I can just go off

Time: 3205.523

into the rest of my day, but then their mind is drifting.

Time: 3209.27

- Yeah, I mean, I speculate.

Time: 3210.95

- Yeah, that sounds very reasonable.

Time: 3213

I mean, I know that here and presumably

Time: 3215.17

with the other athletes you've worked with,

Time: 3216.71

nutrition is a huge aspect of that.

Time: 3220.39

And I think the general public can learn a lot

Time: 3222.35

from athletic nutrition because at the end of the day,

Time: 3225.65

the general public is trying to attend to their kids,

Time: 3228.01

attend to their work, whether or not they're lawyers

Time: 3229.76

or whatever, they need to focus.

Time: 3233.3

Nutrition is a barbed wire topic.

Time: 3235.3

- Oh yeah [chuckling].

Time: 3236.16

- But since we're free to do what we would do

Time: 3240.13

if we were just sitting in each other's offices,

Time: 3241.76

which is to just speculate a bit,

Time: 3244.66

for the typical person,

Time: 3246.94

do you think these low carbohydrate diets...

Time: 3250.3

A typical person who exercises, runs, swims, yoga,

Time: 3253.12

lifts weights, maybe not all those things,

Time: 3254.81

but some collection of those,

Time: 3256.84

pushes themselves to do those things and to do them well,

Time: 3259.76

but isn't necessarily a highly competitive athlete.

Time: 3262.62

Do you think that nutrition that doesn't include

Time: 3266.75

a lot of glucose, doesn't include a lot of carbohydrates,

Time: 3270.06

is a problem or is it okay?

Time: 3273.37

What do you recommend for athletes?

Time: 3275.47

What do you recommend for typical people?

Time: 3277.2

- Yeah, again, disclaimer, I'm not a dietician, but I-

Time: 3281.26

- That's okay, the dieticians don't know

Time: 3282.59

what to recommend to athletes either.

Time: 3284.33

And I say that from having spent a lot of time

Time: 3286.81

with the literature now, it's a complete mess.

Time: 3289.169

- Right, yeah.

Time: 3290.23

- It's like, I thought we didn't understand

Time: 3291.595

anything about the brain,

Time: 3292.428

the nutrition science stuff is all over the place.

Time: 3294.77

- Right. - So I think we have, again-

Time: 3296.65

- We have some freedom. - Large degrees of freedom.

Time: 3298.74

- Right, right, right.

Time: 3299.903

I mean, I think it comes down to metabolic efficiency.

Time: 3304.38

So we would never advocate a high...

Time: 3307.88

I never say never, okay?

Time: 3309.08

But we rarely advocate a high performance athlete

Time: 3311.893

in a high intensity intermittent sport, like MMA,

Time: 3318.09

being totally ketogenic or-

Time: 3319.957

- You do not recommend that?

Time: 3321.21

- No, because at the end of the day,

Time: 3322.52

some of those high intensity efforts usually require

Time: 3327.24

carbohydrate fueling for the energy that's produced

Time: 3333.43

at those high intensities.

Time: 3334.5

So, we try to navigate around that.

Time: 3336.88

Now, listen, there are fighters in the UFC and elsewhere,

Time: 3339.61

Matt Brown is a great example,

Time: 3341.57

who promotes the ketogenic approach and it works for him.

Time: 3345.41

But we look at the science and the nature

Time: 3348.52

of the characteristics of our sport,

Time: 3349.497

and we don't necessarily promote that.

Time: 3351.09

- Can I interrupt you real quick?

Time: 3352.33

What about ketones for people

Time: 3354.63

that are ingesting carbohydrates?

Time: 3356.65

This is an interesting area because people always hear

Time: 3358.7

ketones and they think, oh, I have to be ketogenic

Time: 3360.71

to benefit from taking ketones.

Time: 3362.86

- Right. - But there are a number

Time: 3363.693

of athletes and recreational athletes now as well,

Time: 3367.39

taking liquid or powder-based ketones,

Time: 3371.37

even though they do eat rice and oatmeal

Time: 3373.91

and bread and other things.

Time: 3375.81

So are there any known benefits of ketones,

Time: 3379.21

even if one is not in a state of ketosis?

Time: 3381.94

- So, the use of ketones that I'm primarily aware of

Time: 3389.2

in our sport, is after the event.

Time: 3391.35

In terms of the brain health with athletes

Time: 3393.7

that are potentially taking trauma to the brain, et cetera,

Time: 3396.52

and looking to maintain the fueling

Time: 3399.13

and the energy supply to the brain.

Time: 3400.95

But yes, it's probably a little bit out of my remit.

Time: 3403.16

So I don't want to talk on that because I'm not

Time: 3405.93

fully familiar with that.

Time: 3406.97

- Well, I've heard that ketones after head injury

Time: 3409.86

can provide a buffering component.

Time: 3411.65

- Correct. - It's not going to reverse

Time: 3412.71

brain damage, but it might be able to offset

Time: 3414.86

some of the micro-damage.

Time: 3416.04

- Right, so that's how we use it,

Time: 3418.39

just to sustain the energy supply to the brain

Time: 3422.02

that might be compromised through brain trauma.

Time: 3424.6

So that's why we use ketones.

Time: 3427.55

To come back to your original question.

Time: 3428.9

If it's a general population then yes,

Time: 3431.41

I think there's a place to argue that actually

Time: 3433.99

being on a ketogenic diet at times,

Time: 3435.91

and maybe it's a cycling exercise, maybe not...

Time: 3438.693

I don't mean cycling a bike, I mean cycling ketosis

Time: 3443.07

is beneficial because I think it's going to lead

Time: 3445.19

to better metabolic management and metabolic efficiency,

Time: 3449.01

at those lower intensities where we should be fueling

Time: 3451.76

our metabolism with lipids and fats.

Time: 3455.77

Clearly the Western diet and the modern day diet

Time: 3459.3

is heavily driven by processed foods and carbohydrates

Time: 3462.87

that people become predisposed to utilization

Time: 3465.81

of that fuel source above lipid use, fat use,

Time: 3470.8

at intensities that are very low.

Time: 3472.69

So, some of our data with the fighters shows that as well.

Time: 3476.41

But I think the challenge for us is that we're working with

Time: 3479.5

a clientele that require high intensity bouts of effort.

Time: 3483.31

So, fueling appropriately is very important for that.

Time: 3487.02

Now, we use tactics here where we essentially have athletes

Time: 3491.84

on what you would say, kind of is a largely

Time: 3494.5

a ketogenic diet, but then we will fuel carbohydrates

Time: 3498.56

around training sessions.

Time: 3500.42

So, we'll do very timed exposure to carbohydrates.

Time: 3503.61

So it's not- - Post-training?

Time: 3504.95

- Post-training, immediately pre, during,

Time: 3507.86

and then immediately post.

Time: 3509.22

And then the rest of their diets,

Time: 3510.78

breakfast, lunch, and dinner,

Time: 3512.02

are what would look like ketogenic type approaches.

Time: 3515.79

So we're trying to be very tactical in the exposure

Time: 3518.25

to maximize the intensity for the training

Time: 3521.85

and then return to a metabolically efficient diet,

Time: 3524.91

which is heavily reduced in carbohydrate

Time: 3527.81

because we've fueled the sessions that need it.

Time: 3530.87

- I'm smiling because once again, this place,

Time: 3534.61

the UFC Performance Center is doing things scientifically,

Time: 3537.9

which to me, the idea, and I'm pleased to hear that,

Time: 3541.94

because to me this idea that the ketogenic diet

Time: 3544.54

is the best and only diet or carbohydrates

Time: 3547.39

and low protein diets are the best diet.

Time: 3549.57

It's just, it's ludicrous. - Right.

Time: 3551.13

- Then you mentioned metabolic efficiency.

Time: 3553.36

I think some people might be familiar with that term,

Time: 3556.06

some perhaps not,

Time: 3558.26

but the way I understand metabolic efficiency is that

Time: 3561.89

you teach the body to use fats by maybe doing

Time: 3566.167

long bouts of cardio, maybe lowering carbohydrates a bit.

Time: 3570.22

So teaching the body to tap into its fat stores

Time: 3572.56

for certain periods of training.

Time: 3574.44

And then you also teach the body to utilize carbohydrates

Time: 3577.66

by supplying carbohydrates immediately after training

Time: 3580.25

and before training.

Time: 3581.083

You teach the body to use ketones,

Time: 3583.15

and then you use them at the appropriate time,

Time: 3584.87

as opposed to just deciding that one of these fuel sources

Time: 3587.3

is good and all the others are bad or dispensable.

Time: 3590.05

Do I have that correct? - You've nailed it.

Time: 3591.69

I mean, from Bob Seebohar, formerly of USA Triathlon,

Time: 3597.421

is the guy that kind of came up with

Time: 3599.418

the concept of metabolic efficiency,

Time: 3602.7

but yes, you're absolutely right.

Time: 3604.19

I mean, at low intensities of exercise

Time: 3607.29

or just day-to-day living, we shouldn't be tapping into

Time: 3610.24

our carbohydrate fuel sources extensively.

Time: 3614.01

That's for higher intensity work

Time: 3616.48

or the fight or flight needs of stress.

Time: 3621.15

If athletes or any individual has a high carbohydrate diet,

Time: 3627.24

they're going to start to become predisposed to utilizing

Time: 3630.45

that fuel source preferentially.

Time: 3632.62

Now, at low intensity, that can be problematic,

Time: 3634.87

certainly for an athlete,

Time: 3635.94

because if they preferentially use carbohydrate

Time: 3639.5

at lower intensities, when the exercise demand

Time: 3642.88

goes to a higher intensity,

Time: 3644.13

they've already exhausted their fuel stores.

Time: 3646.46

They can't draw upon fat because the oxidation

Time: 3649.05

of that fat is just too slow.

Time: 3651.08

So they're essentially now become fatigued

Time: 3653.63

because they've already utilized their carbohydrate stores.

Time: 3656.73

So what we try to do yes, through diet manipulation

Time: 3659.44

and a little bit of exercise manipulation is as you say,

Time: 3662.3

teach the body or train the body to preferentially

Time: 3664.76

use a specific fuel source;

Time: 3666.5

fat, obviously at lower intensities,

Time: 3668.27

and carbohydrate at high intensities.

Time: 3669.85

And we will look at specifically the crossover point

Time: 3672.37

between the two, tell us a lot in terms of

Time: 3674.53

how an athlete is ultimately,

Time: 3677.23

how their metabolism is working.

Time: 3678.95

- Well, again, I'm smiling because I love this

Time: 3681.37

because it's grounded in something real and scientific,

Time: 3685.13

which is that we have these different fuel sources.

Time: 3687.01

The body can adapt to use any number of them or one of them.

Time: 3690.29

I think most people are looking for that

Time: 3692.28

one pattern of eating, that one pattern of exercising

Time: 3695.49

that's going to be best for them or sustain them.

Time: 3698.19

And they often look back to the time when they felt

Time: 3701.92

so much better switching from one thing to the next,

Time: 3704.1

but the adaptation process itself is also key, right?

Time: 3707.41

Teaching the body.

Time: 3709.74

So if we were to just riff on this

Time: 3712.94

just a little bit further, if somebody,

Time: 3715.91

I'll use myself as an example,

Time: 3717.15

since I can only speculate what other people's

Time: 3720.82

current nutrition protocols are,

Time: 3722.86

but if somebody is eating in a particular way

Time: 3725.59

and they want to try this kind of periodization of nutrition,

Time: 3729.65

could one say, okay, for a few weeks I'm going to do more

Time: 3732.56

high intensity interval training and weight training,

Time: 3734.62

and I'm going to eat a bit more carbohydrate

Time: 3736.21

'cause I'm depleting more glycogen.

Time: 3737.81

Then if I switch to a phase of my training where I'm doing

Time: 3741.26

some longer runs, maybe I'm training less,

Time: 3744.32

maybe I'm just working at my desk a little bit more,

Time: 3746.443

then I might switch to a lower carbohydrate diet.

Time: 3749.12

Do I have that right?

Time: 3749.953

And then if I'm going to enter a competition of some sort,

Time: 3752.94

certainly not UFC- - Right.

Time: 3754.73

- Or MMA of any kind to be clear,

Time: 3757.92

not because it isn't a wonderful sport,

Time: 3759.67

but because that wouldn't be good for my other profession.

Time: 3762.83

But if I were going to do that,

Time: 3765.1

then I would think about stacking carbohydrates,

Time: 3767.74

ketones, and fats.

Time: 3770.39

Do I have that more or less right?

Time: 3771.876

- Yeah, you've said it eloquently.

Time: 3773.63

At the end of the day, you're consciously understanding

Time: 3777.07

what the exposure to physical exertion is,

Time: 3781.95

and you're flexing your day accordingly and I think that-

Time: 3783.7

- So, it's need-based eating.

Time: 3785.47

- Exactly, for want of a better term,

Time: 3787.51

you can call it whatever fancy terminology

Time: 3789.69

there is out there, but yes, it's needs-based eating,

Time: 3793.68

but you're very conscious and cognizant

Time: 3795.76

of what is my current exercise status.

Time: 3798.423

If I'm taking some time off,

Time: 3800.79

then don't gorge on the carbohydrates.

Time: 3802.96

We probably need to be cut,

Time: 3804.03

it's going to be lower intensity work,

Time: 3805.7

or even just habitual day-to-day walking around,

Time: 3808.45

doing your groceries.

Time: 3809.77

That doesn't require massive amounts of glycogen storage

Time: 3813.41

and carbohydrate fueling.

Time: 3816.53

So, you can potentially go more ketogenic in nature,

Time: 3820.73

oxidizing lipids for that fuel.

Time: 3823.49

If you are in a high period of high intensity training,

Time: 3827.03

then you have to consciously flex your diet to support that.

Time: 3830

That's not normal, you've made a change,

Time: 3832.65

you've elevated the demand.

Time: 3834.08

So, the fueling requirements for the regenerative,

Time: 3836.64

not only fueling the exercise,

Time: 3838.06

but the regenerative requirements of your body

Time: 3840.14

after that type of work is going to be

Time: 3842.1

really important as well.

Time: 3843.08

So, yes, take on more carbohydrates.

Time: 3845.01

So, I think it's consciously interpreting the nature

Time: 3848.52

of your diet against where you are at any moment in time.

Time: 3851.75

- Yeah, I like that.

Time: 3852.71

I think the listeners of my podcast

Time: 3855.03

generally are experimenters. - Right.

Time: 3857.51

- They are scientists of themselves,

Time: 3859.01

which makes me happy obviously.

Time: 3861.68

And I like to think that they're paying attention

Time: 3864.04

to the changes they're making

Time: 3865.6

and how they're affecting themselves.

Time: 3867.71

And they seem more open to trying things,

Time: 3871.08

provided they can do it safely,

Time: 3874.086

and seeing what works for them.

Time: 3875.46

And I'm certainly going to try some of the change up.

Time: 3878.08

I also am really a creature of habit.

Time: 3880.15

And I think that talking to you today,

Time: 3881.88

I realize I'm probably doing a number of things

Time: 3883.52

truly wrong in my training,

Time: 3885.26

but also that I don't tend to vary my nutrition

Time: 3888.3

with my training quite as much as I should.

Time: 3890.12

I'm just locked into a protocol.

Time: 3893.69

We covered a number of things related

Time: 3895.95

to your PhD thesis work, but I cut you off early on

Time: 3899.76

related to your trajectory.

Time: 3901.72

After you finished your thesis.

Time: 3903.56

- Yeah. - I know you were

Time: 3905.23

at Notre Dame for a while.

Time: 3906.52

Was that your first spot after your PhD thesis?

Time: 3909.82

- No, no, I basically finished my PhD

Time: 3913.43

and I dropped into the British Olympic system

Time: 3915.68

for about 14 years. - Oh my, okay.

Time: 3919.73

- I've done three full Olympic cycles with different sports,

Time: 3923.89

largely as strength and conditioning coach

Time: 3926.52

as a practitioner.

Time: 3927.88

I was always working in universities and academia alongside,

Time: 3931.73

in terms of continuing to publish and write

Time: 3935.24

and do research and teach as well.

Time: 3937.17

'Cause I enjoy teaching. - That explains the huge

Time: 3938.41

volume of publications. - Yeah [chuckling].

Time: 3940.204

- I don't think people realize all the work

Time: 3941.73

that goes into getting a quality peer-reviewed publication.

Time: 3944.83

It's not, what do they call it now on Instagram, anecdata?

Time: 3948.34

Where people would do something once.

Time: 3950.05

- Right. - They have this experience

Time: 3951.29

and then they put it in the world that it's a-

Time: 3952.65

- Yeah. - Anecdata are,

Time: 3955.31

I don't even know that we should call it data.

Time: 3958.25

So, 14 years in working with the British Olympic team.

Time: 3961.64

- Yeah, so whether it was GB boxing,

Time: 3964.84

primarily with the Beijing cycle,

Time: 3968.77

but also lightweight rowers and gymnastics.

Time: 3971.42

And for the London Olympic games,

Time: 3973.5

that cycle I was the lead strength and conditioning

Time: 3976.07

and physical performance coach for British basketball.

Time: 3978.36

So, GB basketball.

Time: 3980.45

I had about three years in the English Premier League

Time: 3984.03

with Newcastle United and the soccer team,

Time: 3986.62

and then for the Rio Olympic cycle,

Time: 3988.05

I was with Great Britain Tae Kwon Do.

Time: 3989.82

So, again, another combat sport.

Time: 3992.58

After I'd finished there,

Time: 3994.09

I kind of moved to the University of Notre Dame,

Time: 3997.13

where I went into more of a managerial position

Time: 4000.92

working across all the different technical services;

Time: 4003.7

medical, nutrition, strength and conditioning,

Time: 4006.16

sports psychology and sports science, whatever it may be,

Time: 4010.17

as the Director of Performance Sciences

Time: 4014.01

for Notre Dame athletics.

Time: 4015.55

And then, after about 16 months there,

Time: 4017.347

the UFC came knocking and they recruited me

Time: 4020.38

out of Notre Dame.

Time: 4021.213

So, it's been a great ride,

Time: 4023.24

and I've got lots of athletes have taught me

Time: 4027.21

a lot along the way, lots of coaches.

Time: 4029.4

Every day is a school day,

Time: 4030.56

I still try and keep that mentality.

Time: 4032.96

And in this world we call it white belt mentality.

Time: 4038.17

I'm a PhD, I've got 25 years of experience

Time: 4041.05

in high performance sport, but I still learn

Time: 4044.45

every single day from these people out on the mats

Time: 4046.56

and in the ring and it's impressive to see what they do.

Time: 4048.83

- Yeah, it certainly is.

Time: 4049.78

I got introduced to MMA just a few years ago.

Time: 4052.84

I think the first time I came out here was one of the first

Time: 4055.25

times I'd heard of MMA 'cause I was kind of

Time: 4057.07

in my laboratory, nose down.

Time: 4059.23

And it's a really interesting sport because it incorporates

Time: 4061.58

so many different types of movement as you said-

Time: 4063.827

- Right. - It's not just

Time: 4065.63

stand up boxing, it's not just kicking,

Time: 4067.81

it's ground game, everything,

Time: 4069.37

and I'm still learning about it.

Time: 4072.06

But as you mentioned, going in with that beginner's mind,

Time: 4075.06

the white belt mentality,

Time: 4079.44

what has been the most surprising thing for you

Time: 4083.26

in terms of being exposed to MMA in particular,

Time: 4085.92

as opposed to other sports?

Time: 4086.99

Like what's unique about MMA fighters,

Time: 4089.07

besides that they have this huge variety of tactical skills

Time: 4094.33

that they have to learn and perfect?

Time: 4097.81

- Yeah, that's a great question.

Time: 4099.76

I would say two things.

Time: 4100.702

I'm going to answer two questions.

Time: 4101.62

One actually reiterates what you've already said.

Time: 4103.5

Like the degrees of freedom in mixed martial arts

Time: 4106.6

are exponential, like no other sport.

Time: 4110.06

We've got 11 different weight classes.

Time: 4112.02

We have men's classes.

Time: 4113.14

We have women's classes.

Time: 4114.11

We have kickboxers, wrestlers, jujitsu fighters,

Time: 4118.17

judoka, karate fighters.

Time: 4120.5

The stylistic backgrounds are infinite.

Time: 4124.37

We're a weight classification sport.

Time: 4126.13

There's a whole issue relating to making weight

Time: 4128.44

and then rebounding to fight about 24 to 30 hours.

Time: 4131.84

Like just the variability in this sport,

Time: 4134.9

the considerations that you have to make are unprecedented

Time: 4139.55

compared to any other sport that I've worked with.

Time: 4142.26

And a lot of them go against and are the antithesis

Time: 4146.36

of what you would expect for high performance.

Time: 4149.16

In terms of we don't always have a very clearly

Time: 4153.41

defined competition schedule.

Time: 4155.34

Once these guys fight, they don't necessarily know

Time: 4157.63

when their next fight is going to be.

Time: 4158.84

- What's the closest spacing of a fight?

Time: 4160.92

- I mean, listen, I think the record is around,

Time: 4164.84

it's just over a month, I believe.

Time: 4167.11

- Oh, my goodness.

Time: 4168.4

- So, you know, that's a quick turnaround,

Time: 4170.14

but most of these guys are fighting

Time: 4172.31

three or four times a year,

Time: 4173.65

three times a year is pretty normal.

Time: 4176.38

The bigger fighters, maybe two times a year.

Time: 4179.08

But invariably, the guys don't know when that next date

Time: 4182.19

is going to be.

Time: 4183.023

So we're in this gray area of, okay, what do we do?

Time: 4185.64

Like, are we taking some time off?

Time: 4187.42

Are we just going to do some general prep work?

Time: 4189.26

Are we going to try and keep the knife sharpened in case I get-

Time: 4193.41

- I didn't realize this.

Time: 4194.25

In that way it's a lot like special operations.

Time: 4196.93

- Absolutely, you don't know when the call

Time: 4198.533

is going to happen. - They have to be ready

Time: 4199.94

at all times.

Time: 4200.773

There isn't this, like, let's get ready for the season.

Time: 4202.83

- Right, yeah.

Time: 4203.67

Like when I was with the British Olympic Association,

Time: 4206.42

I knew it was the British Open, the Spanish Open,

Time: 4209.19

the French Open, the European Championships,

Time: 4211.16

the Israeli Open, the American Open,

Time: 4212.88

the Canadian Open, the Olympic games.

Time: 4215.08

- It's a circuit in your brain.

Time: 4216.1

- Right, yeah. - I can tell, yeah.

Time: 4216.933

- You just plan like you know

Time: 4218.83

where all the targets are going to be.

Time: 4220.05

Here, it's a moving target because you might

Time: 4222.48

be just hanging out doing some general prep work,

Time: 4224.44

and then you might get a short notice fight.

Time: 4226.24

They give you a quick call

Time: 4227.09

and it's in six weeks or five weeks.

Time: 4228.73

And okay, I've got to ramp everything up really quickly.

Time: 4231.54

So, that's a real challenge in terms of just managing

Time: 4235.5

all these different components

Time: 4237.43

of a mixed martial arts alone.

Time: 4241.12

To come back to your question,

Time: 4242.18

the other thing which is truly fascinating

Time: 4244.8

about these individuals is just their mental resilience.

Time: 4249.28

And again, we've touched on it in the talk,

Time: 4251.08

but the ability to do what they do on a daily basis,

Time: 4254.65

to look at all the different skillsets

Time: 4257.89

that they have to try and engage in

Time: 4259.63

and bring into their training.

Time: 4261.76

To do that and embrace the grind,

Time: 4264.51

embrace the process of just learning,

Time: 4267.37

the physical side of our sport is unprecedented.

Time: 4270.55

But the mental side, we have a funny saying here.

Time: 4273.24

We always say it's 90% mental

Time: 4276.41

apart from the 60% that's physical.

Time: 4278.54

So, it's just more and more and more.

Time: 4281.54

And these guys' ability to just do that on a daily basis

Time: 4286.426

is very impressive.

Time: 4288.5

Like their resilience, their internal drive

Time: 4290.95

and their resilience is really impressive to see.

Time: 4294.07

- Yeah, all the fighters I've met here

Time: 4295.51

have been really terrific.

Time: 4296.61

It's interesting every time I meet a fighter,

Time: 4300.487

I shouldn't be surprised when they're

Time: 4301.64

often very soft-spoken. - Right.

Time: 4302.743

- [Andrew] They're always extremely polite.

Time: 4304.62

- Yeah, yeah. - You know?

Time: 4305.5

And fighting is such a...

Time: 4307.37

It comes from a very primitive portion of the brain, right?

Time: 4310.78

But a large portion of the brain, nonetheless.

Time: 4312.47

- But I think that's another skill is that switch.

Time: 4315.03

And again, that's the recoverability piece, right?

Time: 4317.5

Like you cannot be Taipei

Time: 4319.36

or you cannot be like super charged 24 hours a day

Time: 4323.4

because you're going to just fry your system, right?

Time: 4325.09

And I think that's something else where we're really trying

Time: 4327.64

to manage this whole process,

Time: 4329

be it through nutritional interventions,

Time: 4331.23

be it through education around sleep,

Time: 4332.97

be it through training program management,

Time: 4336.62

be it through psychological interventions.

Time: 4339.89

You could look at fighters and say like, these guys are go,

Time: 4342.5

like they're red alert and they'll run through a brick wall,

Time: 4345.02

but actually again, their ability to turn it on and off

Time: 4348.24

means that they can do what they do.

Time: 4350.42

They can bring it down and be very normal,

Time: 4353.24

very polite, very accommodating.

Time: 4357.2

- Maybe even better than most people

Time: 4358.65

because one of the reasons I'm obsessed

Time: 4360.63

with human performance, and high-performance,

Time: 4362.81

and people like fighters, and elite military,

Time: 4366.229

or even bodybuilders for that matters that they experiment.

Time: 4370.82

- Yeah. - They find the outer

Time: 4372.61

limits of what's possible.

Time: 4373.74

But one of the things that they have discovered,

Time: 4376.4

as you're describing, is this ability to toggle

Time: 4378.67

between high alert states and calm states.

Time: 4381.09

Most typical people can't do this.

Time: 4383.71

They see something that upsets them on the internet

Time: 4385.79

or something on the news or some external event

Time: 4388.47

pressures down on them and they're stressed

Time: 4390.14

for many, many days and weeks,

Time: 4391.41

and sometimes it goes pathological, right?

Time: 4393.787

And I don't say this as a criticism,

Time: 4395.64

it's just that most human beings, within our species,

Time: 4399.47

most members of our species never learn

Time: 4401.46

to either flip the switch or to just voluntarily

Time: 4404.78

toggle between states.

Time: 4406.48

I think athletes learn how to do that extremely well.

Time: 4409.74

And it sounds like MMA fighters do that even better

Time: 4413.07

than perhaps many other athletes.

Time: 4415.24

- I mean, yeah, there's the odd one or two

Time: 4417.29

that would struggle with,

Time: 4418.123

but I think in terms of that chronic exposure,

Time: 4421.08

we see that coming from challenges around

Time: 4424.96

cyclical weight cutting, and metabolic disruption,

Time: 4427.44

and metabolic injury,

Time: 4428.35

not necessarily from the psychological drive.

Time: 4432.6

They do understand that this is a job for them.

Time: 4435.81

And the time on the mats,

Time: 4437.34

most of them can turn it off a little bit

Time: 4439.55

and downgrade things when they're off the mats.

Time: 4442.194

It's impressive to see, because again,

Time: 4444.53

like, as a layman, just looking at the fight game,

Time: 4448.11

you think it's going to be crazy chaotic,

Time: 4450.65

100 miles an hour every hour of every day,

Time: 4453.22

but that's clearly not the case.

Time: 4456.49

They manage their energy and their efforts pretty well.

Time: 4459.81

- So it's a little bit like science.

Time: 4461.49

Although maybe scientists could take a lesson from-

Time: 4463.39

- Yeah, that evidence-based practice

Time: 4465.51

or practice-based evidence, right?

Time: 4466.594

- Oh, I like that. [Duncan chuckling]

Time: 4467.427

That's good.

Time: 4468.83

A couple more questions, I can't help myself.

Time: 4471.12

I know we talked about temperature earlier

Time: 4473.12

when we discussed cold, but I can't help myself,

Time: 4476.06

I have to ask you about heat.

Time: 4477.89

Because earlier we were having a conversation

Time: 4480.29

about heat adaptation, about how long does it take

Time: 4483.53

for the human body or athlete or typical person

Time: 4487.41

that's maybe exploring sauna or things of that sort

Time: 4490.45

to learn to be a better sweater?

Time: 4492.95

It sounds like something none of us would want to do.

Time: 4495.06

We all want to stay cool, calm and collected.

Time: 4496.82

But one of the reasons to deliberately

Time: 4498.52

expose oneself to heat is for things

Time: 4501.64

like growth hormone release, et cetera.

Time: 4503.77

We can talk about this, but a couple of questions.

Time: 4506.49

One, is heat exposure stress in the same way

Time: 4509.22

that the ice bath or cold exposure is stress?

Time: 4513.44

The second one is, is there any difference

Time: 4515.23

there that's important?

Time: 4516.71

And the other one is how does one get better

Time: 4519.57

at heat adaptation or at least what are you doing

Time: 4521.22

with the fighters to get them better at dealing with heat?

Time: 4524.05

How long does that take?

Time: 4524.883

So the first question,

Time: 4525.98

just 'cause I threw three questions at you,

Time: 4527.974

[Duncan chuckling]

Time: 4530.61

is heat stress like cold is stress?

Time: 4533.41

- Yeah, I think it is.

Time: 4534.243

And I think heat shock proteins for example,

Time: 4536.49

are driven by that stressful exposure

Time: 4539.3

to a change in environment.

Time: 4541.58

So, I think we do graded response in terms

Time: 4546.23

of heat acclimation strategies, but yes,

Time: 4550.2

we've touched on it earlier in the conversation.

Time: 4552.07

For me, heat is still a stressor.

Time: 4554.29

And if it's managed incorrectly,

Time: 4557.02

you can have detrimental responses

Time: 4559.61

rather than beneficial responses.

Time: 4561.19

- So barring like hyperthermia and death,

Time: 4563.28

like I mean, obviously you heat up the brain too much,

Time: 4565.16

people will have seizures and die, but you lose neurons.

Time: 4569.04

But what's the right way to acclimate heat?

Time: 4572.49

Taking into account that people should check

Time: 4575.02

with their doctor, et cetera.

Time: 4576.16

We do all these disclaimers, but let's just say,

Time: 4579.9

I want to get better at dealing with heat,

Time: 4581.7

or I want to extract more benefit from heat.

Time: 4584.34

I mean, how many minutes a day are people

Time: 4586.01

typically exposing themselves to heat?

Time: 4587.8

How often and over what periods of time?

Time: 4590.33

- Yeah, so, we normally start with

Time: 4592.29

about 15 minutes of exposure.

Time: 4594.04

Now, if someone's really lacking acclimation to heat,

Time: 4597.43

you can do that in three, five minute efforts.

Time: 4600.12

Do you know what I mean?

Time: 4600.953

And actually take- - This is a hot sauna?

Time: 4602.25

- [Duncan] Yeah, hot sauna, take time to step out-

Time: 4604.05

- 200 degrees or something like it?

Time: 4605.35

- Correct, yeah. - Fahrenheit, yeah.

Time: 4606.84

- 200 Fahrenheit, yes.

Time: 4608.51

And we try to work up to 30 to 40 minutes

Time: 4611.34

to 45 minutes in the sauna continuous.

Time: 4613.98

Now, we have to understand,

Time: 4616.58

what's the advantage of heat acclimation for our athletes?

Time: 4620.03

Ultimately their ability to sweat and to lose body fluids

Time: 4625.21

is going to be advantageous to their weight cut process.

Time: 4628.67

So, their ability to make weight.

Time: 4630.21

It is a technique that some of these guys adopt.

Time: 4632.72

So, if you don't have high sweat rates,

Time: 4636.25

it means you're going to have to sit in the sauna

Time: 4638.17

for longer and longer and longer

Time: 4639.69

to get the same delta in sweat release.

Time: 4643.55

So the more acclimated you are,

Time: 4644.867

the more your body is thermogenically adapted,

Time: 4648.43

the more sweat glands you have, there's more pores,

Time: 4651.55

you can sweat more and therefore you'll lose

Time: 4653.69

that fluid quicker, and you spend less time in the sauna.

Time: 4656.28

So, that's why we do it, to try and promote...

Time: 4661.16

To limit the exposure.

Time: 4662.36

And it comes back to your first question, is it a stressor?

Time: 4664.92

It absolutely it's a stressor if you've got to spend

Time: 4668.17

two hours over a four hour period,

Time: 4671.24

two hours of it sat in a sauna.

Time: 4672.67

- Yeah, where the phone- - Because you just don't

Time: 4673.855

sweat enough. - Doesn't work, so you can't.

Time: 4675.381

No, I'm just kidding. - Right.

Time: 4676.214

- People, divorce them from their phone

Time: 4677.72

and that's a stressor in itself.

Time: 4679.09

- Right, I mean, yes, I think there's a...

Time: 4682.68

What we do is like anything, we build up in temperature,

Time: 4686.13

but we build up in volume of exposure.

Time: 4688.31

So, we start with 15 minutes and then we just try to add on

Time: 4691.56

and add on across a time.

Time: 4693.05

And now, for us, we kind of found about 14 sauna exposures

Time: 4697.84

starts to really then drive the adaptations

Time: 4699.823

that we're looking for.

Time: 4700.88

So it's not a quick fix.

Time: 4702.89

A heat acclimation strategy has to happen long before

Time: 4706.48

fight week or long before the fights.

Time: 4708.42

This is a process that has to begin eight to 10 weeks

Time: 4712.26

before the fight so that we can actually

Time: 4713.71

get that adaptation and that tolerance to the stressor,

Time: 4717.14

to the exposure of heat.

Time: 4718.253

- This is interesting, until today,

Time: 4720.41

when we were talking about this earlier, and again now,

Time: 4722.5

I didn't realize that,

Time: 4724.77

but it makes perfect sense now that I hear it,

Time: 4726.94

that heat adaptation is possible,

Time: 4730.01

that you basically can train the body

Time: 4731.51

to become better at cooling itself,

Time: 4733.53

which is what sweating is. - Yeah.

Time: 4734.743

- I mean, I should have known that before,

Time: 4736.79

but you don't see that in the textbooks and so, yeah.

Time: 4739.63

- I mean, listen, it's the same

Time: 4743.35

as the ketogenic conversation.

Time: 4744.99

You're training your body to be more metabolic efficient,

Time: 4747.83

you're training your body to tolerate heat more,

Time: 4750.389

you're training your body...

Time: 4751.45

Like the body as an organism, as an organic system,

Time: 4755.92

it's hugely adaptable, it's hugely plastic.

Time: 4758.72

But I think the skill is understanding the whens,

Time: 4761.9

the whys and the whereofs in terms of changing the overload,

Time: 4766.15

changing the stimulus to drive specific adaptation.

Time: 4769.41

And philosophically that's how we go about our work here.

Time: 4772.49

We talk about adaptation-led programming.

Time: 4775.66

Now, adaptation-led programming fits into

Time: 4778.67

every single category, not just lifting weights

Time: 4780.93

or running track.

Time: 4781.95

It fits into nutrition.

Time: 4783.32

It fits into sitting in the sauna.

Time: 4785.25

It fits into being in a cold bath or not.

Time: 4787.17

It fits into so many different things because

Time: 4789.49

we're driven by scientific insights.

Time: 4791.98

And that's how we really want to go about our business.

Time: 4794.49

- I love it, I love this concept

Time: 4795.73

of adaptation-led programming and doing that,

Time: 4798.08

not just in the context of throwing another plate on the bar

Time: 4801.47

or something like that,

Time: 4802.303

but in every aspect of one's training and performance.

Time: 4806.716

And I think there's a lot here that's applicable

Time: 4808.33

to the recreational athlete, too.

Time: 4810.24

- Yeah. - Would you say that,

Time: 4812.56

what comes to mind is 12 weeks.

Time: 4814.38

It feels like 12 weeks is a nice block of time for someone

Time: 4817.26

to try something in terms of to try something new,

Time: 4820.376

see how they adapt, adapt,

Time: 4822.35

and then maybe switch to something new.

Time: 4824.16

I realized that it's very hard to throw a kind of pan

Time: 4828.06

timeframe around something, but in terms of if someone

Time: 4831.32

wanted to experiment with heat adaptation

Time: 4833.46

or experiment with cold adaptation

Time: 4835.19

or change up their training regimen or diet,

Time: 4837.99

and look at metabolic efficiency,

Time: 4840.45

do you think 12 weeks is a good period of time

Time: 4843.71

to really give something a thorough go?

Time: 4845.5

And gain an understanding of how well

Time: 4848.41

or how poorly something works for oneself?

Time: 4850.35

Or would you say eight is enough?

Time: 4851.84

Or three?

Time: 4852.98

- I mean, that's the how long is a piece of string

Time: 4855.07

kind of response, right? - Yeah.

Time: 4856.73

- I mean, yes, if we're just talking arbitrary numbers-

Time: 4859.71

- Recreational experimenter. - Yeah, like three months

Time: 4861.97

exposure, 12 week training strategy,

Time: 4865.08

12 week intervention is more than adequate to say

Time: 4869.192

for 99% of things that change within the body,

Time: 4872.09

that physiologically adapt to a training stimulus

Time: 4874.78

or an overload stimulus,

Time: 4875.68

you're going to start to see either regression or progression,

Time: 4880.1

beneficial or detrimental effects within three months.

Time: 4882.84

Absolutely, I would say so.

Time: 4884.37

Now, listen, I say that in as much as we do training blocks

Time: 4887.65

here that are three weeks long.

Time: 4889.01

- Right, well, that's because of this constraint

Time: 4891.16

that sometimes people suddenly have to,

Time: 4892.96

they get the call to fight.

Time: 4894.22

- Correct, yeah.

Time: 4895.053

So it's like super condensed.

Time: 4897.02

And in that scenario,

Time: 4899.85

we're always conscious of is their body or this individual,

Time: 4905.55

do they have the ability to tolerate that super overload,

Time: 4908.7

that super condensed exposure?

Time: 4910.59

Now, we might be doing that purposefully.

Time: 4912.07

We might be trying to do an overreaching strategy

Time: 4914.21

where we're really trying to damage or flex something.

Time: 4917.43

And I don't mean like negatively damage,

Time: 4919.2

but like we're trying to damage tissue

Time: 4920.47

to really get an adaptive response versus a more drawn out

Time: 4924.8

12 week strategy, which is more coherent,

Time: 4927.68

more planned out, more structured in nature.

Time: 4930.72

But yeah, for all your listeners,

Time: 4932.58

I would say 12 weeks to engage in a process

Time: 4936.501

of trying to change and adapt your body

Time: 4939.78

or expose yourself to something is more than sufficient

Time: 4942.2

to see if it's going to be the right approach for you.

Time: 4945

And I think, the individual interpretation,

Time: 4949.96

it always has to be considered.

Time: 4951.57

And I think that's where it comes back to be

Time: 4954.1

a thinking man's athlete or be a thinking man's trainer,

Time: 4957.83

like someone that's going through exercise,

Time: 4960.66

you have to consciously understand where your body's at

Time: 4964.78

any moment in time, you know?

Time: 4965.81

You've got to be real with yourself.

Time: 4967.32

You create a journal, create a log of your training,

Time: 4969.62

create a log of your feelings, your subjective feedback

Time: 4971.91

of how you felt, your mood, your sleep.

Time: 4974.433

- Do your athletes do that? - Yeah, yeah.

Time: 4976.789

We try to promote that because again,

Time: 4978.7

that's part of this process, you know?

Time: 4982.543

It might be 12 weeks for you,

Time: 4983.51

but I might get the same responses in eight weeks.

Time: 4986.14

And I think that's another critical theme here is that

Time: 4991.96

we could put 15 guys on the mat

Time: 4995.32

and give them the same workout,

Time: 4997.55

and there's going to be 15 different responses

Time: 5000.42

to that same workout because the human organism

Time: 5003.54

is so complex.

Time: 5004.88

And in nature, it's going to adapt differently.

Time: 5008.08

Some people will tolerate it.

Time: 5009.43

Some people are going to be challenged by it.

Time: 5011.15

Some people have got a metabolic makeup

Time: 5013.04

that's going to promote it.

Time: 5014.04

Some people are metabolically challenged by it.

Time: 5016.531

There's just so many different things

Time: 5018.85

that we have to consider.

Time: 5019.81

And that's what we try to do here.

Time: 5021.82

It's the cross we bear is that we try to understand

Time: 5024.37

on an individual level how to optimize athletic performance.

Time: 5027.753

- I think it's terrific,

Time: 5028.99

and the athletes here are so fortunate to have this.

Time: 5031.67

And most people out there,

Time: 5034.2

I've certainly been trying to encourage people

Time: 5036.16

to learn some science and some mechanism

Time: 5037.94

and become scientists of their own pursuits,

Time: 5040.08

whether or not skill learning

Time: 5041.22

or athletic pursuit, et cetera.

Time: 5044.38

As sort of a final question,

Time: 5047.44

what are some things about the UFC or something about

Time: 5049.387

the UFC that perhaps people don't know

Time: 5051.75

in terms of its overall mission

Time: 5053.47

or what you guys are trying to do here?

Time: 5054.94

I mean, I think, I've become a fan of MMA

Time: 5057.62

and I am more and more as time moves on.

Time: 5060.84

Some people might be into MMA,

Time: 5062.18

some people not into watching MMA,

Time: 5064.54

but what are some things that the UFC is interested in

Time: 5067.37

and doing that most people might not know about,

Time: 5070.807

and certainly I might not know about?

Time: 5073.09

- Yeah, I mean, I think, we try to be cutting edge.

Time: 5079.43

We try to be super progressive.

Time: 5081.51

We think we've got an amazing platform here,

Time: 5083.96

particularly at the Performance Institute

Time: 5085.58

to do some really cool things that can

Time: 5086.99

inform many different people.

Time: 5088.67

And that doesn't just mean the 600 or so athletes

Time: 5091.93

that are on our global roster.

Time: 5094.02

What we're trying to do is, is influence global community

Time: 5098.19

around optimizing human performance.

Time: 5100.93

So, any moment in time,

Time: 5102.64

we're engaging in different technologies

Time: 5104.63

with different vendors, different partners,

Time: 5106.73

exploring opportunities to learn more, share data,

Time: 5110.74

understand what's the best mechanisms

Time: 5112.62

for interpreting your body,

Time: 5114.397

interpreting how your body's responding to training,

Time: 5117.06

interpreting your nutrition or whatever it may be.

Time: 5120.6

We're in a really privileged position to do that.

Time: 5123.96

But we've also, hence you being here today,

Time: 5126.81

we're also trying to venture into some really cool areas

Time: 5130.49

of science and research that's got applicability,

Time: 5133.83

that you can take from high performance athletes

Time: 5135.91

and apply to yourself, to Joe Blow walking down the street,

Time: 5140.12

out there that is really interesting.

Time: 5142.82

And that's everything from whether it's CBD

Time: 5146.12

and psychedelics, through to different technologies

Time: 5149.51

for thermal monitoring and Bluetooth heart rate monitoring

Time: 5153.11

or whatever it may be,

Time: 5154.33

through to data management, et cetera,

Time: 5156.86

and anything in between.

Time: 5158.24

We've got some great partners on the nutrition side,

Time: 5161.07

on the psychology side, on the data side.

Time: 5163.54

And I think we always try to just push the envelope

Time: 5167.33

a little bit more.

Time: 5168.163

I think we keep our core mission with our athletes,

Time: 5170.71

but I think a lot of what we do, hence your podcast,

Time: 5175.22

an amazing platform, you do such a great job of it,

Time: 5177.61

that we can all learn and take from the elite

Time: 5181.76

and interpret how it might help us,

Time: 5183.45

and just in the general population.

Time: 5185.23

So, I think that's our north star is to provide our athletes

Time: 5189.61

the best integrated service of care,

Time: 5193.6

but we also want to influence just the global community

Time: 5196.68

and put the UFC at the forefront of that.

Time: 5198.781

- That's great, well, you guys are certainly doing it,

Time: 5200.147

and we can't let the cat out of the bag just yet.

Time: 5203.58

But the things that we're gearing up

Time: 5205.35

to do with my laboratory- - Yeah, I'm excited.

Time: 5206.797

- And the work together, hopefully we'll be able

Time: 5209.58

to talk about that and share that in the year to come,

Time: 5212.7

but we're very excited about that.

Time: 5215.17

And, Duncan, look, I have this filter that I use

Time: 5220.41

when I talk to people, academics or otherwise,

Time: 5223.15

which is some people, they open their mouth,

Time: 5224.73

and it doesn't make much difference,

Time: 5226.76

but when you speak, I learn so much.

Time: 5230.17

I'm going to take the protocols that I've heard about today,

Time: 5233.15

I'm going to think about how I'm training

Time: 5234.487

and how I could train differently and better,

Time: 5236.19

how I'm eating, how I could eat differently and better

Time: 5239.96

for sake of performance and just in general.

Time: 5244.89

Thank you so much for your time, your scientific expertise,

Time: 5247.74

the stuff you're doing in the practical realm, it's immense.

Time: 5250.63

So, hopefully we can do it again.

Time: 5253.32

- Yes, thank you.

Time: 5254.3

This has been a blast.

Time: 5255.133

I appreciate it and yeah, keep doing what you're doing

Time: 5257.2

'cause I know there's a lot of people out there

Time: 5258.67

that love the platform.

Time: 5259.59

So, thanks for the invite.

Time: 5260.99

It's been awesome. - Oh, thank you.

Time: 5262.36

Thanks so much.

Time: 5264.02

Thank you for joining me for my conversation

Time: 5266.1

with Dr. Duncan French.

Time: 5267.84

I hope you found it as insightful and informative as I did.

Time: 5271.72

If you're enjoying this podcast and/or learning from it,

Time: 5274.19

please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Time: 5276.24

Please also leave us a comment or a suggestion

Time: 5278.62

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Time: 5280.32

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Time: 5283.7

In addition, please subscribe to our podcast

Time: 5286.01

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Time: 5287.85

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Time: 5291.34

Please also check out the sponsors that we mentioned

Time: 5293.54

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Time: 5294.96

That's a terrific way to support this podcast.

Time: 5297.5

We also have a Patreon.

Time: 5298.77

It's patreon.com/andrewhuberman.

Time: 5301.95

And there you can support the podcast

Time: 5303.81

at any level that you like.

Time: 5305.54

Many previous episodes of the Huberman Lab Podcast

Time: 5308.36

we discuss supplements; supplements for sleep,

Time: 5310.75

supplements for focus and for other health benefits as well.

Time: 5314.36

While supplements may not be for everybody,

Time: 5316.16

if you're going to use supplements,

Time: 5317.45

you want to make sure that those supplements

Time: 5318.9

are of the very highest quality.

Time: 5320.81

For that reason, we've partnered with Thorne, T-H-O-R-N-E,

Time: 5324.45

because Thorne supplements are of the very highest quality

Time: 5327.91

and the amounts of ingredients listed on the label

Time: 5331.15

of Thorne supplements precisely matches

Time: 5333.17

what is actually contained in those capsules,

Time: 5335.55

bottles and pills and powders and so forth.

Time: 5337.65

This is extremely important.

Time: 5338.79

A lot of analysis of supplements and supplement companies

Time: 5341.53

have shown that what's listed on the bottle is often not

Time: 5345.02

what's actually contained in the bottle.

Time: 5347.53

Thorne's stringency is unmatched.

Time: 5349.4

They've partnered with all the major sports teams,

Time: 5351.86

with the Mayo Clinic.

Time: 5353.23

And so, there's a lot of trust in Thorne supplements

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for all the right reasons.

Time: 5356.72

If you'd like to try Thorne supplements,

Time: 5358.53

you can see the supplements that I take,

Time: 5360.28

you can go to Thorne, thorne.com/u/huberman.

Time: 5365.76

There, you can see the supplements that I take.

Time: 5368.04

You can get 20% off any of those supplements.

Time: 5370.28

And if you navigate into the Thorne site

Time: 5372.25

through that portal, you can get 20% off

Time: 5375.01

any of the supplements that Thorne makes.

Time: 5377.28

I'd also like to mention that if you're not already

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following us on Instagram @hubermanlab,

Time: 5382.16

you might want to do so.

Time: 5383.14

There I do brief science tutorials and offer science-based

Time: 5387.15

protocols for all sorts of things that are often separate

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from the protocols and information

Time: 5391.75

covered on the Huberman Lab Podcast.

Time: 5393.81

We're also on Twitter as hubermanlab.

Time: 5396.6

And last and certainly not least,

Time: 5399.02

thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 5400.626

[light music]

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