Dr. Chris Palmer: Diet & Nutrition for Mental Health | Huberman Lab Podcast #99

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: Welcome to the Huberman Lab podcast,

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where we discuss science and science-based tools

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for everyday life.

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I'm Andrew Huberman, and I'm a professor

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of neurobiology and ophthalmology

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today, my guest is Dr. Chris Palmer.

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Dr. Chris Palmer is a medical doctor

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specializing in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

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He is the world expert in the relationship

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between metabolic disorders and psychiatric disorders.

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He treats a variety of different conditions,

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including psychosis, including schizophrenia, as well

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as attention deficit hyperactivity

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disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders,

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and depression among others.

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He is best known for understanding

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the relationship between how metabolism

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and these various disorders of the mind interact.

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And indeed, today, he describes not

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only his own fascinating journey into the field of psychiatry

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but also his clinical and research experience

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using diet that is different forms of nutrition

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in order to treat various psychiatric disorders.

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He describes some remarkable case studies

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of individuals and groups of people

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who have achieved tremendous relief from the types

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of psychiatric disorders that I just

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mentioned a few moments ago, as well as new and emerging themes

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as to how metabolism and the mind

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interact to control things like obesity.

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Indeed, he raises the hypothesis that perhaps obesity,

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in many cases, is the consequence of a brain

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dysfunction as opposed to the consequence

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of a metabolic dysfunction that then impacts the brain.

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During today's episode, he shares with us

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his overriding hypotheses about the critical roles

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that mitochondrial function and dysfunction play

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in mental health and mental illness,

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and how various particular types of diets--

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ranging from the ketogenic diet to modified

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ketogenic diet and even just slight

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adjustments in carbohydrate intake--

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can be used in order to change mitochondrial function

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and bring relief for various psychiatric illnesses.

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He also highlights the essential and important theme

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that various diet interventions, including the ketogenic diet,

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were not first developed for sake of weight loss

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but rather were developed as treatments

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for neurologic conditions, such as epilepsy.

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Today, he shares with us how the foods

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that we eat alone and in combination, and how fasting--

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both intermittent fasting and more lengthy fasts--

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can interact with the way that our brain functions

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to strongly control the way that we think, feel, and behave.

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What's wonderful is that Dr. Palmer not only explains

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the science and his clinical expertise,

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but also points to various actionable measures

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that people can take in order to improve their mental health.

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I'd like to mention that Dr. Palmer is also

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the author of a terrific new book.

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The title is Brain Energy: A Revolutionary Breakthrough

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in Understanding Mental Health and Improving

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Treatment for Anxiety, Depression, OCD, PTSD and More.

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I've read the book, and it is a terrific read.

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I came away from this book with a much evolved understanding

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of how the various psychiatric disorders that I just

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described, as well as ADHD, emerge in people.

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And it has completely revised my understanding

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about the possible origins of various psychiatric disorders

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and the best ways to treat them, including

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both with medications but also with nutritional approaches.

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If you'd like to learn more about Dr. Palmer's

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work and the book, please go to chrispalmermd.com.

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We also provide links to the book

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and to his website in our show note captions.

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Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize

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that this podcast is separate from my teaching and research

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roles at Stanford.

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It is, however, part of my desire and effort

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to bring zero cost to consumer information about science

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and science-related tools for the general public.

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In keeping with that theme, I'd like

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to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.

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Our first sponsor is Thesis.

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Thesis makes custom nootropics.

Time: 227.14

And as I've said many times before on this podcast,

Time: 229.96

I am not a fan of the word "nootropics"

Time: 232.21

because it means smart drugs.

Time: 234.16

And frankly, there are no specific neural circuits

Time: 236.83

in the brain or body for being, quote unquote, "smart."

Time: 239.83

Thesis understands this.

Time: 241.36

And they've developed custom nootropics

Time: 243.37

that are designed to bring your brain

Time: 244.93

and body into the state that's ideal for what

Time: 247.18

you need to accomplish.

Time: 248.812

They use the highest quality ingredients,

Time: 250.52

things like phosphatidylserine, alpha GPC,

Time: 253.005

many ingredients that I've talked

Time: 254.38

about before on this podcast and that I happen to use myself.

Time: 257.529

I've been using Thesis for over a year now.

Time: 259.39

And I can confidently say that their nootropics

Time: 261.348

have been a game changer.

Time: 262.66

For me, I like their nootropic for clarity.

Time: 265.63

I use that before cognitive work often.

Time: 267.85

And I like their nootropic for energy,

Time: 269.987

and I often use that before workouts--

Time: 271.57

in particular, workouts that are especially intense.

Time: 274.905

To get your own personalized nootropic starter kit,

Time: 277.03

go online to takethesis.com/huberman.

Time: 279.58

Take their 3-minute quiz, and Thesis

Time: 281.08

will send you four different formulas

Time: 282.67

to try in your first month.

Time: 283.9

Again, that's takethesis.com/huberman.

Time: 286.72

And use the code Huberman at checkout

Time: 288.43

to get 10% off your first box.

Time: 290.5

Today's episode is also brought to us by Eight Sleep.

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Eight Sleep makes smart mattress covers with cooling, heating,

Time: 296.2

and sleep tracking capacity.

Time: 298.21

I've talked many times on this podcast

Time: 300.16

about the critical relationship between sleep and body

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Time: 303.82

That is, in order to fall asleep and stay deeply asleep

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throughout the night, our body temperature

Time: 308.69

needs to drop by about 1 to 3 degrees.

Time: 311.06

And conversely, when we wake up in the morning,

Time: 313.73

that is, in large part, because of our body heating up

Time: 317.03

by 1 to 3 degrees.

Time: 318.637

Now, people have different core body temperatures.

Time: 320.72

And they tend to run colder or hotter throughout the night.

Time: 323.24

Eight Sleep allows you to adjust the temperature

Time: 325.263

of your sleeping environment so that you

Time: 326.93

have the optimal temperature that gets you the best night's

Time: 329.48


Time: 330.02

I started sleeping on an Eight Sleep mattress

Time: 331.895

cover about eight months ago, and it has completely

Time: 334.37

transformed my sleep.

Time: 335.51

I sleep so much deeper.

Time: 337.34

I wake up far less during the middle of the night, if at all.

Time: 340.23

And I wake up feeling far better than I ever have even

Time: 343.28

after the same amount of sleep.

Time: 344.653

If you want to try Eight Sleeping,

Time: 346.07

you can go to eightsleep.com/huberman to save

Time: 349.25

up to $400 off their sleep fit holiday bundle,

Time: 352.01

which includes their new Pod 3 cover.

Time: 354.345

Eight Sleep currently ships in the USA,

Time: 355.97

Canada, United Kingdom, select countries in the EU,

Time: 359.09

and Australia.

Time: 360.29

Again, that's eightsleep.com/huberman.

Time: 362.96

Today's episode is also brought to us by ROKA.

Time: 365.42

ROKA makes eyeglasses and sunglasses

Time: 367.67

that are of the absolute highest quality.

Time: 369.8

The company was founded by two All-American swimmers

Time: 371.99

from Stanford.

Time: 372.89

And everything about ROKA eyeglasses and sunglasses

Time: 375.41

were designed with performance in mind.

Time: 377.45

I've spent a lifetime working on the biology, the visual system.

Time: 380.37

And I can tell you that your visual system has

Time: 381.86

to contend with an enormous number of challenges in order

Time: 384.38

for you to see clearly--

Time: 385.4

for instance, when you move from a sunny area to a shady area

Time: 388.01

and back again, whether or not you're looking at something up

Time: 390.17

close or often to the distance.

Time: 391.73

ROKA understands the biology of the visual system

Time: 394.19

and has designed their eyeglasses and sunglasses

Time: 396.38

accordingly so that you always see with perfect clarity.

Time: 399.17

ROKA eyeglasses and sunglasses were initially

Time: 401.33

designed for activities such as running and cycling.

Time: 404.577

And indeed, they are very lightweight.

Time: 406.16

Most of the time I can't even remember

Time: 407.57

that they're on my face.

Time: 408.5

They're so lightweight.

Time: 409.458

But the important thing to know about ROKA eyeglasses

Time: 411.68

and sunglasses is that while they

Time: 413.33

can be used during sports activities,

Time: 415.82

they also have a terrific aesthetic.

Time: 417.89

And they can be used just as well for wearing to work or out

Time: 421.49

to dinner, et cetera.

Time: 422.69

If you'd like to try ROKA eyeglasses and sunglasses,

Time: 425.27

you can go to ROKA-- that's roka.com,

Time: 428.15

and enter the code Huberman to save 20% off

Time: 430.76

on your first order.

Time: 431.6

Again, that's ROKA, roka.com, and enter the code Huberman

Time: 435.32

at checkout.

Time: 435.95

And now, for my discussion with Dr. Chris Palmer.

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Chris, Dr. Palmer, thank you for being here.

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CHRIS PALMER: Thank you, Andrew, for having me.

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: I have a lot of questions for you.

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And I'm really excited about this topic

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because I think most people know what mental illness is--

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or they have some idea what that is.

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Most people have some idea what nutrition is.

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Fewer people certainly know how closely

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those things can interact.

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And I think everybody is familiar with the feeling

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of a food or the ingestion of a food

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making them feel good in the short term.

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When we eat a food that tastes delicious to us

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or that we associate with something nice,

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then we feel good mentally and physically.

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Whereas, when we eat something that gives us

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food poisoning or maybe even something that just doesn't

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taste that great or that we associate

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with a bad experience, we feel less good in the short term.

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But I believe that very few people understand

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or are familiar with the fact that nutrition

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and our mental health interact in this very intimate, maybe

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even causal, way and that is something that occurs

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over long periods of time.

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Meaning, what I ate yesterday or the day before, maybe

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even 10 years ago, could be impacting the way

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that my brain and body are making me feel now.

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So if you would, I'd love for you to just tell us

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about a little bit of the history,

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in particular, your history with exploring

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the relationship between nutrition and mental health.

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And then we can dive into some of the more particulars

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of ketogenic diets versus other diets,

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and some of the truly miraculous findings

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that you and others are coming up

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with based on real patients and real experiences of people

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who suffer and then find relief by altering their nutrition.

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This story really starts with my own personal story.

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And I don't need to go into great detail.

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But to set the stage, when I was a kid,

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I definitely had mental illness, started with OCD.

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A series of events happened in my family.

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My mother had a horrible kind of psychotic break,

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and all sorts of adverse childhood events for me.

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She and I were actually homeless together for a while.

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I went on to have subsequent depression, suicidality,

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all sorts of things.

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But somehow or another, I pulled myself together and got

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through medical school-- actually

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did quite well in medical school,

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got an award for being one of the top students,

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and then was doing my internship and residency at Harvard.

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And at that point in time, I was diagnosed

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with metabolic syndrome.

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So I had high blood pressure, horrible lipids,

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and pre-diabetes.

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And I was doing everything right supposedly.

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I was on a low-fat diet, and I was exercising regularly.

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And year after year, my doctor kept

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telling me diet and exercise.

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I kept asking him, what diet?

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What exercise?

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I was doing everything he kept telling me to do.

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Everything was getting worse.

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My blood pressure kept going higher.

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And at some point, he kind of said,

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you're going to have to go on medication.

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I need to put you on something for your pre-diabetes,

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something for your cholesterol, and something for your blood

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So three pills out of the gate.

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And I'm like, I'm only in my 20s.

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: Were you overweight?

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Technically, no.

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I had a gut, so that's a sign of insulin resistance, I know now.

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I didn't know it then.

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And he actually kind of leaned in at one point and said,

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do your parents have diabetes?

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Do your parents have high blood pressure?

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Are your parents overweight?

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Oh, I'm really sorry, it's genetic.

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Basically, you're screwed.

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It's your genes.

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You're just going to have to bite the bullet and take meds.

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And as a physician, I knew what that meant.

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I knew that I'm in my 20s, if I'm already

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on three meds for metabolic syndrome,

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I'm going to be screwed by the time I'm 40 or 50.

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And I'm probably going to be having heart attacks.

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And I'd heard through the rumor mill

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that the Atkins diet could somehow

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help people improve their cholesterol in pre-diabetes.

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I actually didn't really believe it.

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I was highly skeptical.

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And I believed everything I was taught in medical school.

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Why would my professors lie to me?

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They knew what they were talking about.

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Low-fat diet was the thing to do.

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And the Atkins diet was clearly dangerous and reckless.

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But I had been trying the medical dogma for years,

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and it wasn't working for me.

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And so for whatever reason, I decided

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this is going to be my last attempt at something different.

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And then I'll just bite the bullet and go on meds.

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So I tried the Atkins diet.

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I did my own special version of it.

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I still avoided red meat because I was terrified of red meat.

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I tried to do a healthy version, which it's probably

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more like the South Beach diet.

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This was before the South Beach Diet was invented.

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But within three months, my metabolic syndrome

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was completely gone.

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: So blood pressure normalized,

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lipids normalized.

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Did your weight change?

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You mentioned that you were of healthy weight

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but that you had a bit of abdominal--

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CHRIS PALMER: I lost the abdominal fat.

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I probably lost about 10 pounds through this process.

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But everything got normal.

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And when I went back to my doctor, he was shocked.

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He actually said, what the hell are you doing?

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: During the time before

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you switched to this new diet, how was your mental health,

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if you don't mind me asking?

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Because it sound like you're very clear that there

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was metabolic syndrome or you were

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headed towards more severe metabolic syndrome.

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You mentioned OCD.

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I actually am familiar with this.

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As a kid, I had a low level kind of Tourette's grunt.

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And probably me, obsessive still to some extent--

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although not full-blown clinically diagnosed OCD,

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so I can relate somewhat.

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If you're willing, what was the context

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of all that before and after this nutritional switch?

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CHRIS PALMER: So before the nutritional switch,

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I was still struggling with low grade depression and OCD.

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Again, it wasn't necessarily interfering

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with my ability to function because I was functioning

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at a high level.

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Anybody looking from the outside, you're a top student.

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You just got into one of the most competitive--

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actually, at that point, it was the most competitive residency

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program in the country for psychiatry.

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So they would have looked at me and said, you're fine.

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But I wasn't.

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I was actually on medications.

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I was trying different medications,

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trying to figure out how to feel better,

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how to stop obsessing so much, how to not be so depressed.

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And I found that those medications,

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they actually came with more side effects for me

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than benefits.

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I was on Prozac for a long time.

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It totally messed up my sleep.

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And then the psychiatrist was like,

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you need pills to help you sleep now.

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And I'm-- I just--

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I'm like, that doesn't--

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that's not really resonating very well with me.

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And I'm now a psychiatrist.

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I'm in my psychiatry residency.

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And I'm thinking, you know what?

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That's just not sitting well with me

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that you're going to prescribe more and more meds for all

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the side effects that you're causing.

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And yet at the same time, I wanted to feel better.

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And I was learning chemical imbalances.

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This is what we do to get rid of depression and OCD.

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You're supposed to take your pills.

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And so I was taking my pills.

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I was in psychotherapy.

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I had been in psychotherapy on and off for years.

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I had received much more intensive treatment

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when I was younger.

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And that was essentially worthless for me.

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It actually probably just caused harm at the end of the day.

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: Psychoanalysis?

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CHRIS PALMER: Various psychotherapies-- not

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psychoanalysis per se, but some of them

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were psychoanalytically-oriented psychotherapies.

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I was actually hospitalized at one point.

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I had been put on lithium and imipramine, which

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is a tricyclic antidepressant, and other things.

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And they were actually horrible.

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They were horrible.

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They did nothing beneficial for me.

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I gave them a decent amount of time to work.

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I really wanted to feel better.

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So at the time that I tried this diet,

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I certainly wasn't impaired in the same way.

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I wasn't struggling that much.

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But I was-- still have these low grade symptoms,

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was trying to feel better.

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And the thing that was the most striking to me,

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after doing the diet for three months,

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was not the fact that my metabolic syndrome was gone.

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That was my goal, and it was a seemingly miraculous

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achievement because I got rid of everything

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with one dietary change.

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But the thing that I noticed was dramatic improvement

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in my mood, energy, concentration, and sleep.

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I-- for the first time in my life,

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I started waking up before my alarm went off

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and feeling rested.

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That never happened to me before.

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I was meticulous about planning when my alarm went off

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and how many times I could push the snooze button in order

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to be on time for wherever I needed to be,

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whether it was school or the hospital or whatever.

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I had it.

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I had this good system.

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I was never late for anything.

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But that was shocking to me, that I felt so good.

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And one of the things that I've often said to people, prior

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to the diet, I always felt like there are two types

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of people in the world.

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There are "haves" and "have-nots."

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There are these happy, peppy people,

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who just are so positive, and they've got energy.

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And they have the saying, they like

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to work hard and play hard.

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And I always understood working hard.

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I totally got that because I was a hard worker

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and I understood the value of hard work.

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And you got to do something useful with yourself.

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But I never understood who the hell wants to play hard,

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like who's got energy for that?

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Aren't you tired from working so hard?

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How on Earth do these people have energy

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to go and play hard?

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And I assumed that they were just part

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of the "haves" in the world.

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And they were just lucky and privileged.

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They either had good genetics or maybe they

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had good childhoods or good parents

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or something-- something that I didn't have.

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: The kids with genuine smiles

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in the yearbooks.

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CHRIS PALMER: Yes, exactly.

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: Whereas, the rest--

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and by the way, I really appreciate

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you sharing some of your personal story

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because I think it is very important for people

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to hear and understand that people like yourself,

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who are extremely high functioning and accomplished,

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that the road was--

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from everything I'm hearing and understanding-- very choppy

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internally at times, and that you've overcome

Time: 1161.95

a lot in order to get there.

Time: 1163.16

And also, have been going through what

Time: 1165.58

sounds like a very long iterative process of trying

Time: 1168.16

to figure out what works and what

Time: 1169.54

doesn't work to finally arrive at a solution,

Time: 1172.15

and then make that the basis of much of the work

Time: 1175.152

that you're doing today for other people.

Time: 1176.86

I think it's very important because I think many people

Time: 1179.8

share with you this notion that there

Time: 1183.44

are indeed two groups-- a happy group

Time: 1185.92

and then fated-to-be unhappy group.

Time: 1188.77

And it speaks to the fact that--

Time: 1192.16

your story, rather, speaks to the fact that what we see

Time: 1195.28

is not always what's going on internally with people and that

Time: 1200.11

this notion of there just being two groups--

Time: 1202.27

the happy or the haves and the have-nots--

Time: 1205.9

can't be the way that it works, and there are probably

Time: 1208.15

many more people suffering than we realize,

Time: 1211.01

and that there is an important need for tools

Time: 1214.03

to overcome that suffering.

Time: 1215.78

So I really just hear you.

Time: 1217.39

Even early in our discussion, I just

Time: 1218.89

want to extend a genuine thanks because so much

Time: 1222.04

of what I hear from people is questions about health,

Time: 1225.455

and mental health, and physical health.

Time: 1227.08

But that clearly point to the fact

Time: 1229.51

that many people are struggling to varying degrees.

Time: 1232.12

And even the people who are in this category

Time: 1234.13

of great childhood and happiness could do far better

Time: 1238.27

for themselves and then also for other people.

Time: 1240.8

So thank you for that.

Time: 1243.23

I want to know.

Time: 1245.311

At the point where you realized that nutrition

Time: 1248.65

can play a profound role in how you feel and operate

Time: 1252.07

in a large number of domains, you

Time: 1255.29

are still a student or a resident at that point?

Time: 1257.29

CHRIS PALMER: I was a resident.

Time: 1259.05

ANDREW HUBERMAN: At that point, did you

Time: 1260.07

decide that you were going to explore

Time: 1261.63

this in a professional context?

Time: 1263.973


Time: 1264.89


Time: 1265.723

So what was the journey forward into the work

Time: 1268.38

that you're doing now?

Time: 1271.68

CHRIS PALMER: So the next step was that I just

Time: 1274.23

had friends and family who saw me,

Time: 1277.56

saw that I had improved my health,

Time: 1279.69

saw that I lost some weight pretty easily.

Time: 1283.53

In particular, I remember my sister and sister-in-law,

Time: 1286.23

they got really pissed at me one Thanksgiving

Time: 1288.9

because I could resist all the pumpkin pie, and apple pie,

Time: 1292.08

and everything else.

Time: 1292.96

They were like, how the hell are you doing that?

Time: 1294.96

How are you resisting all of this food?

Time: 1297.57

And I said, I don't crave it anymore.

Time: 1299.29

I don't want it, I'm fine.

Time: 1300.73

I'm just-- I'm having turkey and green beans.

Time: 1302.94

And that's good enough for me.

Time: 1305.35

So I got them to do the diet.

Time: 1307.41

And they too noticed dramatic improvement in their moods,

Time: 1310.8

and energy, and sleep, and everything else.

Time: 1314.11

So within a few years, the primary thing I noticed

Time: 1320.88

is this powerful antidepressant effect.

Time: 1325.11

And now, I'm an attending physician.

Time: 1328.77

I've got all these patients in my clinical practice

Time: 1331.2

with treatment resistant mental illness.

Time: 1333

I'm in a tertiary care hospital.

Time: 1335.26

So I almost never get somebody off the street

Time: 1339

with their first episode of depression.

Time: 1341.4

Out of the gate, as part of my career,

Time: 1344.1

I get treatment resistant mental disorders.

Time: 1346.48

So I get people who've already been to 6-plus psychiatrists,

Time: 1350.31


Time: 1351.21

They've usually tried dozens of different medications.

Time: 1354.12

They've been in decades of psychotherapy.

Time: 1356.76

They've often had ECT and other things.

Time: 1359.85

And nothing's working.

Time: 1361.74

And I'm thinking, well, we're kind

Time: 1363.39

of out of options for these other people.

Time: 1365.55

And this diet is having this really powerful antidepressant

Time: 1368.85


Time: 1369.66

I think I'm going to try it and just see if any of my patients

Time: 1372.42

are game to try it to see if it might help them.

Time: 1376.44

Sure enough, it did.

Time: 1378.85

Didn't help everyone and not everybody

Time: 1380.7

was interested and/or able to do it.

Time: 1384

But some of the ones who were able to do it

Time: 1387.03

ended up having a remarkable and powerful antidepressant effect.

Time: 1391.44

One woman actually became hypomanic within a month.

Time: 1394.83

And she had been depressed pretty much

Time: 1397.59

nonstop for over five years--

Time: 1399.75

chronically depressed, suicidal, in and out of hospitals.

Time: 1403.71

And I saw her become hypomanic.

Time: 1405.24

And I'm thinking, wow, this really

Time: 1406.68

is a powerful antidepressant effect.

Time: 1409.26

This is amazing.

Time: 1410.58

This is like a medication but better because it actually

Time: 1414

is working for her.

Time: 1417.6

But I laid low at that point because, at that point,

Time: 1421.59

we didn't have many clinical trials of the safety

Time: 1425.15

or efficacy of the Atkins diet for even weight loss

Time: 1428.72

or diabetes, let alone any mental disorders.

Time: 1431.79

And so I really actually felt like I'm on the fringe here.

Time: 1434.63

And this is not going to be met with praise by anyone.

Time: 1440.13

So I'm just going to lay low.

Time: 1441.77

I'm going to offer it to patients.

Time: 1445.25

And I went along that way up until 2016.

Time: 1452.27

ANDREW HUBERMAN: And may I just ask about the diet?

Time: 1454.46

When you say "Atkins diet," so this is low to zero starch,

Time: 1460.46

so low carbohydrate diet, certainly low sugar.

Time: 1463.61


Time: 1465.02

ANDREW HUBERMAN: And was it traditional Atkins?

Time: 1468.2

Were you tailoring it to the individual patient

Time: 1470.72

depending on their psychiatric symptoms,

Time: 1473.96

whether or not they were overweight or not overweight?

Time: 1476.655

I'm assuming you're not a nutritionist,

Time: 1478.28

so how did you prescribe a nutrition

Time: 1481.49

plan for your patients?

Time: 1483.92

And what was involved in making sure

Time: 1485.81

that they adhered to that, maybe even

Time: 1488.643

some of the things you observed in terms

Time: 1490.31

of who was more willing to try this or not try this?

Time: 1493.57

Any observations or maybe even data?

Time: 1496.46

CHRIS PALMER: So early on, I was winging it.

Time: 1498.5

And I was-- the first few patients,

Time: 1501.8

it was try this Atkins diet.

Time: 1504.02

I want to see ketosis, so I was going for ketones.

Time: 1507.043

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So they were pricking their finger,

Time: 1509.21

and they were doing a blood ketone test?

Time: 1512.42

CHRIS PALMER: I didn't know about blood ketone monitors

Time: 1515.15

if they existed back then.

Time: 1516.62

So I was-- we were using urine strips.

Time: 1518.52

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Which are not quite as accurate

Time: 1520.52

but still useful as a general guide, from what I understand.

Time: 1522.94


Time: 1523.26

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Is that right?

Time: 1523.76

CHRIS PALMER: Absolutely.

Time: 1524.155


Time: 1527.54

CHRIS PALMER: So I was strongly recommending that patients

Time: 1531.74

achieve urinary ketosis.

Time: 1534.17

And the interesting thing is I noticed a pattern,

Time: 1537.38

that when they were trying the diet and not getting ketones,

Time: 1540.265

they often did not get a clinical benefit.

Time: 1543.26

It was once they got into ketosis

Time: 1545.51

that I began to notice the clinical benefit

Time: 1548.63

and the powerful antidepressant effect.

Time: 1552.09

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So probably any nutrition plan, a.k.a diet,

Time: 1557.49

that elevated ketones in the urine to the point where you

Time: 1561.84

would say, this person is in ketosis--

Time: 1564.42

or they would say I'm in ketosis--

Time: 1566.52

that was a step in the right direction,

Time: 1568.74

independent of exactly what they were eating or not

Time: 1572.79

eating to get there, including fasting?

Time: 1576.24

At that time, probably, fasting wasn't as popular now.

Time: 1578.58

Thanks to the incredible work--

Time: 1580.65

I think it's incredible, and he is a former colleague.

Time: 1582.99

And I know there's a lot of controversy about fasting.

Time: 1585.06

But I think, for many people, fasting is a powerful tool.

Time: 1587.435

For others, it's a less useful tool

Time: 1590.01

--of Satchin Panda and others.

Time: 1593.67

But fasting certainly will limit your carbohydrate intake

Time: 1596.88

and get you into ketosis.

Time: 1598.02


Time: 1598.543


Time: 1599.46

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Did you have any patients fast

Time: 1600.99

or do intermittent fasting?

Time: 1602.37


Time: 1606.3

I had some patients who did what Atkins had called a fat fast,

Time: 1610.92

where they eat primarily fat.

Time: 1613.65

So they either fast and/or they eat primarily fats

Time: 1617.04

to try to get into a state of ketosis.

Time: 1619.908

So for some patients, it was actually

Time: 1621.45

quite easy to get into ketosis, especially overweight

Time: 1624.75

and obese patients.

Time: 1626.62

They have a lot of fat stores on their body

Time: 1628.53

and actually limiting carbohydrates

Time: 1630.57

usually results in high levels of ketosis for them.

Time: 1633.923

ANDREW HUBERMAN: And they probably

Time: 1635.34

feel better too, I imagine, because when

Time: 1637.47

we limit our starch intake, we start

Time: 1639.6

to excrete a lot of water.

Time: 1640.74

People can get some pretty quick weight loss

Time: 1644.22

that even though it may not be fat loss,

Time: 1646.11

makes them feel literally a little lighter

Time: 1648.15

and maybe a little more energetic.

Time: 1650.117

Is that right?

Time: 1650.7

CHRIS PALMER: Absolutely.

Time: 1653.67

And as the years went on, the field was advancing,

Time: 1658.41

more research was coming out.

Time: 1661.11

People were getting a little more sophisticated

Time: 1663.27

with blood ketone monitoring, with different versions

Time: 1666.69

of ketogenic diets.

Time: 1668.52

And I was evolving my practice.

Time: 1675.08

The thing that completely upended everything

Time: 1678.185

that I knew as a psychiatrist, though, was when I helped

Time: 1681.35

a patient in 2016 lose weight.

Time: 1684.75

So this was a patient, 33-year-old man

Time: 1688.19

with schizoaffective disorder.

Time: 1690.23

He had been my patient for eight years now.

Time: 1692.06

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Could you clarify

Time: 1692.75

for people what schizoaffective disorder is?

Time: 1694.73

I'm not a clinician.

Time: 1695.69

But as I recall, it's like a low level of schizophrenia.

Time: 1700.182

So there might be some auditory hallucinations.

Time: 1702.14

If I met this person, I might think

Time: 1703.49

they're kind of different, quote unquote, "weird."

Time: 1705.573

But they would not seem necessarily

Time: 1710.99

scary to me and to typically to other people.

Time: 1716.03

And I mean that with respect, of course.

Time: 1717.742

But oftentimes, people with schizophrenia

Time: 1719.45

can seem just like-- you don't even

Time: 1721.16

know how to interact with them because their world seems

Time: 1723.493

so altered because they have all these so-called positive

Time: 1726.627

symptoms-- hallucinations, and they're

Time: 1728.21

talking to people that no one else can see, et cetera.

Time: 1730.49

Is that schizoaffective?

Time: 1732.41


Time: 1733.7

So schizoaffective is the same as schizophrenia essentially.

Time: 1737.51

The only difference is it's schizophrenia

Time: 1739.7

with superimposed mood episodes.

Time: 1741.447

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Oh, so it's actually more severe than--

Time: 1743.78

CHRIS PALMER: It can be.

Time: 1744.62


Time: 1744.92

So I have it backwards.

Time: 1745.94

CHRIS PALMER: So schizoaffective disorder

Time: 1747.98

is essentially schizophrenia and plus some mood episodes.

Time: 1751.193

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Ah, maybe I'm thinking of schizotypal?

Time: 1753.485

CHRIS PALMER: Schizotypal is the low grade,

Time: 1756.8

kind of mild paranoia, or kind of eccentric beliefs,

Time: 1761

and other things.

Time: 1761.9


Time: 1762.997

Folks out there, I have my nomenclature backwards.

Time: 1765.08

Schizotypal is the, quote unquote, lower--

Time: 1767.66

"low level" schizophrenia or schizoid-like.

Time: 1771.47

Schizoaffective is as or more severe.

Time: 1773.757

CHRIS PALMER: Full-blown schizophrenia

Time: 1775.34

plus full-blown usually bipolarism.

Time: 1776.982

ANDREW HUBERMAN: And now, it's absolutely clear

Time: 1778.94

who the clinician in the room is.

Time: 1780.62


Time: 1781.16

Thank you for that reminder.

Time: 1783.2

CHRIS PALMER: No worries.

Time: 1784.55

So this man had schizoaffective disorder.

Time: 1788.666

He had daily auditory hallucinations.

Time: 1791.63

He had paranoid delusions.

Time: 1793.58

He could not go out in public without being terrified.

Time: 1798.47

He was convinced that there were these powerful families,

Time: 1802.37

that they had technologies that could control his thoughts.

Time: 1805.16

They could broadcast his thoughts to other people.

Time: 1807.44

They were trying to hurt him.

Time: 1808.88

They had targeted him for some reason.

Time: 1811.04

He wasn't quite sure why.

Time: 1812.63

He had some suspicions and beliefs about maybe

Time: 1815.96

when he did this bad thing when he was 11 years old, that's why

Time: 1820.31

they decided to target him.

Time: 1822.83

This man was tormented by his illness, tormented.

Time: 1826.37

It ruined his life.

Time: 1828.17

He had already tried 17 different medications,

Time: 1831.02

and none of them stopped his symptoms.

Time: 1833.36

But they did cause him to gain a lot of weight.

Time: 1835.86

ANDREW HUBERMAN: These medications, as I recall,

Time: 1837.86

for schizophrenia-- the classical ones are dopamine

Time: 1840.425

receptor blockers-- caused people to--

Time: 1843.29

huge increases in prolactin.

Time: 1845.147

That's why sometimes men--

Time: 1846.23


Time: 1846.44

ANDREW HUBERMAN: --will get breast development.

Time: 1847.85

And they'll put on a lot of weight.

Time: 1849.308

And they'll be catatonic-- or movement disorders.

Time: 1851.93


Time: 1852.68

ANDREW HUBERMAN: They make you feel like--

Time: 1854.43

I have to imagine, given how good

Time: 1856.46

most things that release dopamine make us feel,

Time: 1858.62

that blocking dopamine receptors with antipsychotics

Time: 1861.89

makes people feel lousy.

Time: 1863.96


Time: 1866.45

And it's a huge challenge in our field because a lot of patients

Time: 1869.84

don't want to take them.

Time: 1872.09

And then you get these rebound effects.

Time: 1874.1

If patients are on them for several months,

Time: 1876.29

and then they stop them cold turkey,

Time: 1878.12

they can get wildly psychotic and ill,

Time: 1880.64

end up aggressive or hospitalized or sometimes dead.

Time: 1889.39

So that's him.

Time: 1890.59

He weighs 340 pounds.

Time: 1892.81

And for whatever reason, he gets it in his head,

Time: 1895.33

I'm never going to get a girlfriend

Time: 1896.92

if I don't lose some weight.

Time: 1899.74

He also recognizes, I'm never going

Time: 1901.6

to get a girlfriend because I'm a loser.

Time: 1903.34

I'm schizophrenic.

Time: 1904.57

I live with my father.

Time: 1906.28

I have nothing going for me.

Time: 1908.18

But I could at least try to address

Time: 1911.62

one of these awful, horrible things about myself.

Time: 1915.19

And maybe I could lose some weight.

Time: 1917.05

So he asked for my help.

Time: 1919.69

For a variety of reasons, we ended up

Time: 1921.25

deciding to try the ketogenic diet.

Time: 1923.65

Now, at this point, I have no anticipation

Time: 1928.18

that the ketogenic diet is going to do anything

Time: 1930.19

for his psychiatric symptoms because this man

Time: 1933.31

has schizoaffective disorder.

Time: 1934.6

That's not depression.

Time: 1935.99

Depression is very different.

Time: 1937.67

They're totally different disorders.

Time: 1940.77

So he decides to give it a try.

Time: 1944.36

Within two weeks, not only does he start losing weight,

Time: 1948.53

but I begin to notice this dramatic antidepressant effect.

Time: 1952.25

He's making better eye contact.

Time: 1954.17

He's smiling more.

Time: 1955.4

He's talking a lot more.

Time: 1957.2

I'm thinking like, what's gotten into you?

Time: 1959.09

You're coming to life.

Time: 1960.05

Like you're-- I've never heard you talk this much.

Time: 1962.133

I've never seen you so excited or present or alive.

Time: 1967.35

I haven't changed his meds at all.

Time: 1970.86

The thing that upended everything

Time: 1973.41

that I knew as a psychiatrist was six to eight weeks in,

Time: 1977.49

he spontaneously starts reporting,

Time: 1979.77

you know, those voices that I hear all the time?

Time: 1982.68

They're going away.

Time: 1985.44

And he says, you know how I always thought that there were

Time: 1988.29

all these families who were controlling my thoughts

Time: 1990.87

and out to get me, and they had targeted me?

Time: 1993.12

And I'm thinking, oh, yeah.

Time: 1994.703

We've been talking about that for eight years.

Time: 1996.62

We can talk about that again.

Time: 1998.37

He says, you know what?

Time: 2002.88

Now that I think about it, I don't think that's true.

Time: 2006.077

And now that I say it, it sounds kind of crazy.

Time: 2008.035

It probably never was.

Time: 2011.28

I've probably had schizophrenia all along

Time: 2013.71

like everybody's been trying to tell me.

Time: 2016.82

And I think it's going away.

Time: 2020.3

That man went on--

Time: 2022.58

he's now lost 160 pounds and kept it off to this day.

Time: 2026.06


Time: 2027.29

CHRIS PALMER: He was able to do things

Time: 2029.3

he had not been able to do since the time of his diagnosis.

Time: 2032.21

He was able to complete a certificate program.

Time: 2034.67

He's able to go out in public and not be paranoid.

Time: 2038.03

He performed improv in front of a live audience.

Time: 2041.31


Time: 2041.81

One point, he was able to move out of his father's home

Time: 2044.93

and live independently.

Time: 2047.46

And that completely blew my mind as a psychiatrist.

Time: 2054.969

And I went on a scientific journey

Time: 2057.909

to understand what in the hell just happened.

Time: 2060.82

ANDREW HUBERMAN: That is indeed mind-blowing.

Time: 2063.04

I'd like to take a quick break and acknowledge

Time: 2065.29

one of our sponsors, Athletic Greens.

Time: 2067.48

Athletic Greens, now called AG1, is a vitamin mineral probiotic

Time: 2071.77

drink that covers all of your foundational nutritional needs.

Time: 2075.13

I've been taking Athletic Greens since 2012,

Time: 2077.889

so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast.

Time: 2080.17

The reason I started taking Athletic Greens and the reason

Time: 2082.587

I still take Athletic Greens once or usually twice a day

Time: 2085.659

is that it gets me the probiotics

Time: 2087.76

that I need for gut health.

Time: 2089.409

Our gut is very important.

Time: 2090.55

It's populated by gut microbiota that

Time: 2093.06

communicate with the brain, the immune system, and basically

Time: 2095.56

all the biological systems of our body

Time: 2097.27

to strongly impact our immediate and long-term health.

Time: 2100.81

And those probiotics in Athletic Greens

Time: 2102.76

are optimal and vital for microbiotic health.

Time: 2106.513

In addition, Athletic Greens contains a number

Time: 2108.43

of adaptogens, vitamins, and minerals

Time: 2110.05

that make sure that all of my foundational nutritional needs

Time: 2112.69

are met.

Time: 2113.32

And it tastes great.

Time: 2115.318

If you'd like to try Athletic Greens,

Time: 2116.86

you can go to athleticgreens.com/huberman,

Time: 2120.04

and they'll give you five free travel packs that make it

Time: 2122.59

really easy to mix up Athletic Greens while

Time: 2124.607

you're on the road, in the car, on the plane, et cetera.

Time: 2126.94

And they'll give you a year supply of vitamin D3/K2.

Time: 2130.51

Again, that's athleticgreens.com/huberman

Time: 2133.12

to get the five free travel packs and the year supply

Time: 2135.7

of vitamin D3/K2.

Time: 2137.47

I have a couple of questions.

Time: 2139.16

First of all, did he stay on any kind

Time: 2141.91

of antipsychotic or other medication?

Time: 2145.33

If so, were the dosages adjusted, excuse me,

Time: 2148.84

while undergoing this remarkable transition?

Time: 2153.22

Because as we know, it's not an either

Time: 2155.08

or medication or nutrition changes, it can be both.

Time: 2159.61

And then the other question is one of adherence.

Time: 2163.15

I think about someone with schizoaffective disorder,

Time: 2165.79

who's suffering from all the sorts of things

Time: 2168.34

that you described.

Time: 2170.28

How does somebody like that organize themselves in order

Time: 2172.83

to stay on a ketogenic diet?

Time: 2175.23

And I say this with all the seriousness in the world.

Time: 2177.485

I think there are a lot of people

Time: 2178.86

who do not have schizotypal or schizoaffective disorder

Time: 2182.85

who have trouble, they claim, adhering to a ketogenic diet.

Time: 2189.66

It's not the easiest diet.

Time: 2191.93

Certainly in its extreme form at first,

Time: 2194.51

it's not the easiest diet to stick to.

Time: 2197.85

So how did he do it?

Time: 2199.41

That sounds like a remarkable individual.

Time: 2202.17

And I'd also like to just know your general thoughts

Time: 2204.36

about adherence to things when people are back on their heels

Time: 2209.34


Time: 2210.22

How do they get motivated and stick to something?

Time: 2213.7

So the questions were, medication, yes or no?

Time: 2216.22

If yes, dosage adjusted, yes or no.

Time: 2219.27

And if people are suffering from depression

Time: 2223.095

or full-blown psychotic episodes,

Time: 2225.21

how does one ensure that they continue to adhere to a diet?

Time: 2230.25

CHRIS PALMER: So in terms of medications,

Time: 2232.68

he has remained on medication.

Time: 2235.93

So early on, I wasn't adjusting anything.

Time: 2238.71

I was just in disbelief and shock that this was happening.

Time: 2242.49

I didn't know what was going on.

Time: 2244.83

Over the years, we have slowly but surely

Time: 2247.8

tried to taper him off his meds.

Time: 2249.9

He has been on meds for decades.

Time: 2253.02

He started medications when he was a young child.

Time: 2256.62

His brain is as developed in response

Time: 2263.04

to all sorts of psychiatric medications.

Time: 2266.25

And it has not been easy to try to get him off.

Time: 2270.03

We continue to try to get him off medication.

Time: 2272.76

And it's challenging and difficult.

Time: 2276.13

And I just want to say for any listeners, it is--

Time: 2279.36

getting off your meds is very difficult and dangerous.

Time: 2282.33

And you need to do it with supervision,

Time: 2284.73

with a mental health professional or a prescriber

Time: 2289.8

because it is dangerous.

Time: 2291.24

When people reduce their meds too much,

Time: 2294.54

they can get wildly symptomatic.

Time: 2297.312

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Is that true for depression as well?

Time: 2299.52

CHRIS PALMER: It's true for any psychiatric medication.

Time: 2302.76

The brain makes adaptations in response

Time: 2304.98

to psychiatric medications.

Time: 2306.99

And when you stop them cold turkey--

Time: 2310.71

some people are fine.

Time: 2312.09

But I wouldn't recommend finding out

Time: 2315.78

because I've seen patients-- when they stop antidepressants,

Time: 2319.62

I've seen patients get flooredly depressed and suicidal

Time: 2324

within three months.

Time: 2325.17

I had one patient, almost quit her job

Time: 2327.63

because she became convinced that, well, my life sucks,

Time: 2332.73

and it's all because of my boss.

Time: 2334.17

And I know that she's just a horrible human being.

Time: 2338.07

And she's abusing me.

Time: 2339.3

And I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Time: 2341.28

I think this is related to your medication change.

Time: 2343.65

We got her back on her meds, within three days,

Time: 2347.74

she said, oh my god, I can't believe that happened.

Time: 2351.63

I almost quit my job.

Time: 2353.52

And that would have been the most illogical and irrational

Time: 2356.775

decision I've ever made in my entire life.

Time: 2359.97

But somehow, it seemed so real just several days ago.

Time: 2365.1

And now that I'm back on this medication--

Time: 2367.77

and it doesn't mean that she needs the meds.

Time: 2370.71

But it doesn't mean that he needs the meds.

Time: 2372.84

It means that meds need to be adjusted very safely,

Time: 2375.99

and cautiously, and gradually.

Time: 2378.69

So that's the medication piece.

Time: 2380.25

The adherence piece was not easy for him and for other patients.

Time: 2385.71

It is very rare that I have a patient who I can say,

Time: 2389.7

do the ketogenic diet.

Time: 2391.02

Come see me in 3 months, and let me know how it was going.

Time: 2394.35

That almost never happens.

Time: 2397.21

It has happened, I think, on two occasions.

Time: 2399.57

ANDREW HUBERMAN: But that is, if I understand correctly, what--

Time: 2402.78

perhaps not you-- but many psychiatrists

Time: 2405.39

do with medication.

Time: 2406.74

It's, here's your prescription.

Time: 2408.36

Let's talk in--

Time: 2409.35


Time: 2410.1

ANDREW HUBERMAN: --a month or three months.

Time: 2411.21


Time: 2412.14

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So that's a variable that is probably

Time: 2414.39

worth us exploring a little bit here

Time: 2415.95

as the conversation continues.

Time: 2417.398

CHRIS PALMER: Absolutely.

Time: 2418.44

ANDREW HUBERMAN: That frequent contact

Time: 2420.023

and making micro adjustments or macro

Time: 2422.4

adjustments to medication or nutrition, could be meaningful.

Time: 2426.278

CHRIS PALMER: Absolutely.

Time: 2427.32

So with this particular patient, early on, he

Time: 2431.67

was actually pretty adherent.

Time: 2433.14

I was seeing him once a week.

Time: 2435.79

And so I could do a lot of education.

Time: 2438.3

I was weighing him.

Time: 2439.59

I was checking his ketones.

Time: 2441.24

I was checking his glucose levels.

Time: 2443.37

At that point, I had a blood ketone monitor in my office.

Time: 2446.85

So I knew whether he was compliant or not,

Time: 2449.97

which is so beneficial in doing clinical work

Time: 2454.08

and research on this diet.

Time: 2455.73

It's the only diet where within seconds, I

Time: 2458.85

can have an objective biomarker of compliance or noncompliance.

Time: 2463.38

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Such a key point and again,

Time: 2465.78

brings to mind, for me, the parallel with medication.

Time: 2469.11

A patient can say they're taking their medication,

Time: 2472.02

and unless they're in a hospital setting,

Time: 2474.278

where somebody's checking under their tongue and all of this,

Time: 2476.82

they very well could not be taking it or taking more.

Time: 2480.78

And you and I both know that blood

Time: 2484.14

draws for neurotransmitter levels are complicated

Time: 2486.687

because you want to know what's in the brain

Time: 2488.52

and what's functional in the brain.

Time: 2490.448

And then we have to imagine that most people there prescribed

Time: 2492.99

drugs for any number of different psychiatric

Time: 2495.66

conditions are not giving blood every time they

Time: 2497.82

talk to their psychiatrist or psychologist.

Time: 2499.62


Time: 2500.52


Time: 2502.815

On that front, when we've looked at studies of compliance,

Time: 2506.49

the majority of patients are at least

Time: 2510.27

somewhat noncompliant with prescription medications.

Time: 2513.99

It's not on purpose.

Time: 2516.96

They forgot.

Time: 2518.34

They take it at night.

Time: 2519.66

They were out late.

Time: 2521.52

They were off their routine.

Time: 2524.1

They forgot to brush their teeth--

Time: 2526.35

because that's when they take their meds.

Time: 2528.36

And so because it was so late, they just

Time: 2531.75

crashed when they got home.

Time: 2533.1

They forgot to take their meds.

Time: 2534.83

Happens all the time.

Time: 2536.61

If it's a medication that people take more than once a day,

Time: 2539.58

the noncompliance rates are much higher because it's just

Time: 2543.66

easy to forget.

Time: 2544.62

So it's not that people are willfully disobeying

Time: 2548.25

their doctors or anything else.

Time: 2550.21

It's just hard to remember to take meds consistently

Time: 2553.14

every day.

Time: 2554.28

ANDREW HUBERMAN: When you say measuring ketones,

Time: 2556.44

I want to drill into this a little bit

Time: 2558.81

because it does seem that the presence of ketones

Time: 2563.1

and somebody being, quote unquote, "in ketosis,"

Time: 2566.02

it turns out to be the key variable.

Time: 2567.52

Certainly, in your book, that's one of the major takeaways--

Time: 2571.21

although there were many important takeaways--

Time: 2574.12

that people get into ketosis.

Time: 2576.49

Do they have to stay in ketosis?

Time: 2578.62

So for instance, I've followed the--

Time: 2580.72

I don't any longer.

Time: 2581.68

But I've tried, in the past, the so-called cyclic ketogenic

Time: 2584.38

diet, where every third or fourth day, get

Time: 2586.45

some pasta, or rice, et cetera.

Time: 2591.64

That was interesting as an experiment.

Time: 2594.19

But to stay in ketosis, what sort of blood levels of ketones

Time: 2600.07

do you like to see in your patients?

Time: 2602.44

What is the range that you think most people could aspire to?

Time: 2606.89

CHRIS PALMER: So it really depends on the patient

Time: 2609.01

and what I'm treating, quite honestly.

Time: 2613.44

And I don't think every patient needs the ketogenic diet.

Time: 2616.41

For some patients, simply getting rid of junk food

Time: 2618.72

can make a huge difference in a mood disorder, for instance.

Time: 2621.643

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So a junk food, meaning, highly processed food,

Time: 2624.31

food that could last on the shelf a very long time.

Time: 2626.52

CHRIS PALMER: Highly processed foods

Time: 2628.2

that are usually high in both sugar, carbohydrate,

Time: 2631.83

and carbs, and fats.

Time: 2634.95

Those seem to be the worst foods.

Time: 2638.07

That combination-- high sugar, high fat--

Time: 2642.57

seems to be the worst combination

Time: 2644.46

for metabolic health.

Time: 2646.2

And lo and behold, we've got emerging data that suggests,

Time: 2650.37

that strongly suggests, it's also bad for mental health.

Time: 2653.79

Depression and anxiety are the most common mental disorders.

Time: 2657.39

And so we have the best data for those disorders.

Time: 2660.36

But we actually have a lot of data with even bipolar disorder

Time: 2663.9

and schizophrenia that insulin resistance, in particular,

Time: 2668.1

and insulin signaling in the brain

Time: 2671.22

is impaired in people with chronic mental disorders

Time: 2676.08

kind of across the board--

Time: 2677.91

all the way from chronic anxiety, depression,

Time: 2680.73

to bipolar, to schizophrenia, and even Alzheimer's disease.

Time: 2684.39

We know that patients with all of those disorders

Time: 2687.15

have impaired glucose metabolism and that the insulin signaling

Time: 2693.285

system in the brain, which is different than insulin

Time: 2695.85

signaling in the periphery, seems to somehow

Time: 2700.53

possibly be playing a role.

Time: 2704.16

So to step back from that, so for some patients,

Time: 2706.8

I might just want to decrease glucose and insulin levels.

Time: 2710.41

And I can do that by getting rid of sweets.

Time: 2713.43

For other patients, like patients

Time: 2715.8

with schizoaffective disorder or schizophrenia or bipolar

Time: 2718.53

disorder, especially if it's chronic,

Time: 2720.6

if I'm using it as a brain treatment,

Time: 2724.83

then I do want a ketogenic diet.

Time: 2727.38

And I usually want reasonably high levels of blood ketones.

Time: 2731.52

Usually, for depression, I want to see at least greater

Time: 2736.01

than probably 0.8 minimal.

Time: 2739.25

For psychotic disorders and bipolar disorder,

Time: 2744.38

I usually want to see levels greater than 1.5.

Time: 2747.98

That's what I'm shooting for, if at all possible.

Time: 2755.57

So yeah, I think that's what I'd go for.

Time: 2759.59


Time: 2760.97

and sorry, I didn't mean to imply

Time: 2762.38

that people need to be in ketosis in order

Time: 2764.78

to see some mental health benefits from changing

Time: 2767.63

their diet.

Time: 2769.52

You make very clear in your book--

Time: 2771.14

and we'll go into this in more detail--

Time: 2773.54

that avoiding insulin resistance,

Time: 2776.76

reversing insulin resistance, and essentially trying

Time: 2780.3

to reverse what earlier you described

Time: 2782.55

as this metabolic syndrome, which

Time: 2785.37

is a bunch of different things, is the target.

Time: 2788.79

And for some people, getting rid of highly processed foods

Time: 2792.39

and focusing mainly on nonprocessed or minimally

Time: 2794.97

processed foods will really help.

Time: 2796.5

For others, going straight to the full-blown ketogenic diet

Time: 2799.74

will be of most benefit.

Time: 2802.34

I'd like to back up a little bit in history

Time: 2804.65

and get to something which I find incredibly interesting,

Time: 2808.89

which is epilepsy and the longstanding use

Time: 2812.87

of ketogenic diet and fasting to treat epilepsy.

Time: 2816.98

And the reason I want to kind of rewind to that point in history

Time: 2821.06

is that, I think that for a lot of listeners and people

Time: 2825.89

out there who are familiar with how changing your diet

Time: 2830.09

or changing your exercise can positively

Time: 2832.1

impact sleep and weight and all these things,

Time: 2834.32

and it cascades into feeling better--

Time: 2836.54

that makes perfect sense.

Time: 2838.32

But for a lot of the world still,

Time: 2841.27

the idea that changing or using nutrition as a dissection tool

Time: 2847.39

or as a treatment tool to understand and treat

Time: 2850.45

mental illness, is still a kind of heretical idea,

Time: 2854.05

that to them, it kind of falls in the,

Time: 2855.91

OK, well, that's like a woo science or something like that.

Time: 2859.6

Now, obviously you're a board-certified physician

Time: 2862.27

or psychiatrist at arguably one of the finest medical schools

Time: 2866.59

in the world, Harvard Medical School.

Time: 2869.38

Even though I'm on the Stanford side, we acknowledge--

Time: 2871.63

we acknowledge our East Coast--

Time: 2873.67

CHRIS PALMER: You're the Harvard--

Time: 2874.12


Time: 2874.54

CHRIS PALMER: --of the West Coast.

Time: 2875.5

ANDREW HUBERMAN: We're not going to talk--

Time: 2876.16


Time: 2876.505


Time: 2876.85

ANDREW HUBERMAN: We're not going to talk--

Time: 2877.63

CHRIS PALMER: Or we're the Stanford of the East Coast.

Time: 2879.4

ANDREW HUBERMAN: That argument could go back and forth

Time: 2881.65

a number of times.

Time: 2882.79

You're a serious clinician and a serious scientist.

Time: 2886.36

And you're a serious thinker.

Time: 2889.09

But for a lot of people out there,

Time: 2891.04

the notion of using diet, they immediately

Time: 2894.07

think, ah, well, that makes perfect sense.

Time: 2897.1

Or I think there's a category of people who think, well, yeah,

Time: 2900.31

didn't Atkins die of a heart attack?

Time: 2902.14

I hear that a lot.

Time: 2904.51

That was crazy.

Time: 2905.83

People immediately discard the Atkins diet

Time: 2909.49

for that reason, which I do think is throwing the baby out

Time: 2912.808

with the bathwater.

Time: 2913.6

But it's an interesting thing nonetheless.

Time: 2915.577

And then I think that the majority of people

Time: 2917.41

sit in the middle and just want to see

Time: 2920.17

science and medicine come up with treatments that work.

Time: 2922.85

And I have to say, I'm very relieved to hear what you said

Time: 2926.262

earlier, which was-- you never said that people should come

Time: 2928.72

off their medication and just become--

Time: 2930.52

go on a ketogenic diet and everything will be cured.

Time: 2933.04

You're certainly not saying that.

Time: 2934.432


Time: 2935.14

ANDREW HUBERMAN: And rather you're

Time: 2936.73

saying, if I understand correctly,

Time: 2938.8

that nutrition needs to be considered

Time: 2941.47

one of the major tools in the landscape of effective tools

Time: 2945.13

and that it can be very effective,

Time: 2946.6

evidenced by the story that you shared.

Time: 2948.55

And there are many other stories in there

Time: 2950.86

as well of truly miraculous transformations.

Time: 2955.16

So let's talk about epilepsy and how the ketogenic diet is not

Time: 2959.74

just used for epilepsy but is one

Time: 2962.53

of the oldest, if not the oldest, examples

Time: 2965.44

of the use of nutrition to treat a condition

Time: 2969.16

of the nervous system that can be incredibly

Time: 2971.35

debilitating, even deadly.

Time: 2972.838


Time: 2973.63

And the reality is that this literature,

Time: 2977.38

and this clinical history, and all of the research we have

Time: 2980.95

was the godsend that I needed to do the work that I'm doing.

Time: 2985.72

Otherwise, I would have been discredited on day one.

Time: 2989.3

Chris Palmer is claiming that a dietary change

Time: 2992.3

can influence schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.

Time: 2995.54

That's impossible.

Time: 2996.77

And he's a quack.

Time: 2999.15

But the thing that immediately got me credibility was I

Time: 3003.19

didn't focus on it as a diet.

Time: 3006.58

I did a deep dive into the epilepsy literature.

Time: 3010.58

So the ketogenic diet, unbeknownst to most people,

Time: 3014.38

was actually developed a hundred years ago, 1921,

Time: 3019.39

by a physician for one and only one purpose--

Time: 3023.23

to treat epilepsy.

Time: 3025.03

It wasn't developed as a weight loss diet.

Time: 3027.19

It wasn't developed as the diet that all human beings should

Time: 3030.97


Time: 3032.52

And the reason it was developed is

Time: 3034.2

because of this longstanding observation,

Time: 3038.46

since the time of Hippocrates, that fasting can stop seizures.

Time: 3045.07

Now, fasting is not a healthy diet.

Time: 3048.6

Fasting is the process of no diet.

Time: 3053.77

So we now understand a tremendous amount of science.

Time: 3057.25

Most people think going without food is bad.

Time: 3061.1

And they equate it with starvation.

Time: 3063.97

But in fact, when we go without food,

Time: 3066.61

it causes tremendous shifts in metabolism--

Time: 3070.33

both brain and body metabolism.

Time: 3073.15

And it puts the body into a mode of autophagy, and conservation

Time: 3078.91

of resources, and all sorts of things that

Time: 3083.65

are beneficial to human health.

Time: 3085.55

And this is why fasting has been used

Time: 3087.4

as a therapeutic intervention in almost every culture,

Time: 3090.55

in almost every religion for a millennia.

Time: 3095.802

But for the most part, that was all

Time: 3097.26

thought to be religious folklore.

Time: 3099.375

That was just crazy talk.

Time: 3100.68

And those stupid people way back then thought

Time: 3104.37

God cured everything.

Time: 3105.67

And so they fasted.

Time: 3106.71

And they just assumed that they were getting better.

Time: 3109.65

Well, in 1921, one physician used intermittent fasting

Time: 3116.69

on a child with seizures and found that, oh, Lo and behold,

Time: 3120.03

this religious folklore stuff has something to it.

Time: 3122.15

It actually worked.

Time: 3123.98

The problem with fasting is that you

Time: 3125.78

can only fast for so long before you starve to death.

Time: 3128.21

And that's not a very effective treatment.

Time: 3130.49

ANDREW HUBERMAN: And this child was ingesting water, correct?

Time: 3134.19


Time: 3134.94

ANDREW HUBERMAN: It was just food elimination fasting.

Time: 3136.79

CHRIS PALMER: Food elimination.

Time: 3137.495


Time: 3138.328

CHRIS PALMER: So no special diet.

Time: 3141.11

But the problem with fasting for epilepsy

Time: 3143.81

is that as soon as people start eating a normal diet again,

Time: 3146.51

their seizures usually come right back--

Time: 3148.85

oftentimes, with a vengeance.

Time: 3150.77

And so it can be a good short-term intervention.

Time: 3154.883

The fasting can take a few days because it can

Time: 3156.8

take a few days to get ketosis.

Time: 3159.92

And then you can get some relief from chronic seizures.

Time: 3163.34

But it's not a good long-term treatment

Time: 3165.68

because, again, people will starve to death.

Time: 3169.16

As soon as they start eating, seizures come back.

Time: 3171.59

So it was actually Dr. Russell Wilder at the Mayo Clinic

Time: 3175.46

who developed the ketogenic diet with one and only one purpose.

Time: 3179.49

He wanted to see, can we mimic the fasting state, using

Time: 3184.94

this special diet, to see if it might stop seizures long-term?

Time: 3191.72

And lo and behold, it worked.

Time: 3194.66

Early results were extraordinarily positive.

Time: 3197.72

50% of patients who use the ketogenic diet

Time: 3200.6

became seizure-free.

Time: 3202.25

And another 35% had a 50% or greater reduction

Time: 3206.84

in their seizure frequency, so about 85% efficacy rate.

Time: 3210.32

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Sorry to interrupt.

Time: 3211.82

I didn't mean to do that there.

Time: 3214.07

Was it just for pediatric epilepsy

Time: 3216.41

or for adult epilepsy as well?

Time: 3218.042

CHRIS PALMER: So back in the 1920s,

Time: 3219.5

we didn't have many anti-epilepsy treatments.

Time: 3222.35

And a lot of adults were struggling as well.

Time: 3224.4

So they were using it on anybody who would do the diet.

Time: 3228.74

By the 1950s, pharmaceuticals were coming out.

Time: 3232.49

And we had many more anticonvulsant treatments.

Time: 3235.19

And there's no question, they work for a lot of people.

Time: 3238.91

That's great.

Time: 3239.93

And taking a pill is so much easier than doing this diet.

Time: 3243.53

So the diet pretty much fell out of favor.

Time: 3245.69

And nobody was using it from the 1950s to about the '70s.

Time: 3250.19

But lo and behold, even to this day, people with epilepsy,

Time: 3254.78

about 30% don't respond to the current treatments

Time: 3258.5

that we have available.

Time: 3259.76

30% will have treatment resistant epilepsy,

Time: 3262.62

which means they continue to have seizures

Time: 3264.62

no matter how many anticonvulsants they're taking,

Time: 3267.44

even if they've had brain surgery.

Time: 3269.48

It just doesn't stop their seizures.

Time: 3272.18

And so in the 1970s, the ketogenic diet

Time: 3274.61

was resurrected at Johns Hopkins for these treatment-resistant

Time: 3278.48


Time: 3279.11

And lo and behold, it works--

Time: 3281.18

not for all of them, but it works in--

Time: 3284.86

about 1/3 become seizure-free.

Time: 3288.613

And these are people who've tried everything and nothing's

Time: 3291.03


Time: 3291.53

So 1/3 become seizure-free.

Time: 3293.34

Another third get a clinical benefit,

Time: 3295.87

meaning a 50% or greater reduction in their seizure

Time: 3298.17


Time: 3299.04

And the other third, it doesn't seem to work.

Time: 3302.05

It's not always clear if that's because of noncompliance

Time: 3304.71

or if that's because the diet's just not working.

Time: 3307.38

But about a third, a third, a third--

Time: 3309.87

seizure freedom, reduction in seizures,

Time: 3312.39

or it just doesn't work.

Time: 3315.7

And so the reality, the godsend for me

Time: 3318.93

is that we have decades of neuroscience research

Time: 3321.78

on the ketogenic diet and what it is doing to the brain.

Time: 3324.87

We know that the ketogenic diet is influencing neurotransmitter

Time: 3328.77

levels-- in particular, glutamate, GABA, adenosine.

Time: 3332.43

It changes calcium channel regulation and calcium

Time: 3336.36

levels, which is really important in the function

Time: 3338.64

of cells.

Time: 3340.32

It changes gene expression.

Time: 3342.9

It reduces brain inflammation.

Time: 3345.33

It changes the gut microbiome.

Time: 3348

Gut microbiome is a huge topic right now.

Time: 3349.92

And there are some researchers who

Time: 3351.337

argue that is the primary benefit of the ketogenic diet--

Time: 3354.06

it's changing the gut microbiome in beneficial ways.

Time: 3358.12

So it's doing a lot of things.

Time: 3359.88

It obviously improves insulin resistance.

Time: 3363.015

It lowers glucose levels, lowers insulin levels,

Time: 3366.3

which improves insulin signaling.

Time: 3369.6

The key for my research that I've outlined, the real magic,

Time: 3377.88

is that this diet stimulates two processes that

Time: 3382.08

relate to mitochondria.

Time: 3383.85

It stimulates a process called mitophagy,

Time: 3386.67

which is getting rid of old and defective mitochondria,

Time: 3390.18

and replacing them with new ones.

Time: 3392.16

And it also stimulates a process called

Time: 3394.14

mitochondrial biogenesis, which means

Time: 3397.26

that after people have done the ketogenic diet for a while--

Time: 3401.31

months or years-- many of their cells in their bodies

Time: 3405.69

and brains will have more mitochondria.

Time: 3409.45

And those mitochondria will be healthier.

Time: 3412.8

And I believe that is the reason the ketogenic diet is such

Time: 3417.81

a powerful treatment not only for epilepsy but also

Time: 3421.59

for people with chronic mental disorders.

Time: 3424.698

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Would you mind listing off

Time: 3426.49

a few of the mental disorders?

Time: 3429.73

And I know this is not meant to be inside ball,

Time: 3432.658

but we should distinguish between psychiatric disorders

Time: 3434.95

and neurological symptoms and diseases.

Time: 3440.35

The fields of psychiatry and neurology

Time: 3442.342

hopefully someday will just emerge.

Time: 3443.8

But for instance, typically if somebody

Time: 3446.8

is presenting with something that

Time: 3449.05

looks like Alzheimer's, dementia,

Time: 3451.06

they'll talk to a neurologist.

Time: 3452.47

Whereas, if somebody is presenting with symptoms,

Time: 3454.59

like schizophrenia, bipolar, they'll talk to a psychiatrist.

Time: 3457.09

But if you wouldn't mind wearing a dual hat,

Time: 3460.6

could you just quickly list off some

Time: 3462.85

of the neurologic and psychiatric disorders

Time: 3466.57

for which ketogenic--

Time: 3468.73

or let's just say-- nutrition changes

Time: 3471.16

have been shown to improve symptoms significantly.

Time: 3473.618

And then maybe we can dive into a couple of these

Time: 3475.66

as well as get more deeply into these two very interesting

Time: 3478.99

aspects of mitochondrial function and repair

Time: 3481.96

and turnover.

Time: 3482.74


Time: 3485.575

In terms of nutritional psychiatry, it's a broad field.

Time: 3489.38

And it's in its infancy, is the real answer.

Time: 3492.25

If you're looking for randomized controlled trials documenting

Time: 3495.22

efficacy in large numbers of patients with these disorders,

Time: 3500.14

we don't have them.

Time: 3501.64

They're underway now.

Time: 3503.2

But we don't have them yet.

Time: 3504.91

What we do have are case studies.

Time: 3508.96

We have a lot of mechanistic science papers

Time: 3514.57

by some of the leading neuroscientists

Time: 3516.55

and psychiatrists in the world--

Time: 3518.08

and neurologists in the world kind of outlining,

Time: 3521.89

this is everything we know that the ketogenic diet is doing.

Time: 3524.77

These are the problems in the brains

Time: 3527.14

of people with these chronic mental or neurological

Time: 3530.02


Time: 3530.78

So we know that they should work.

Time: 3533.02

But the disorders range from chronic depression to--

Time: 3539.86

we've got a trial underway for PTSD.

Time: 3543.31

We've got one actually decent pilot

Time: 3547.69

trial from the National Institutes

Time: 3549.85

of Health for the ketogenic diet for alcohol use disorder,

Time: 3553.72

of all things.

Time: 3554.8

And we can go into that a little more.

Time: 3556.66

We've got a couple of pilot trials of the ketogenic diet

Time: 3559.81

for Alzheimer's disease.

Time: 3562.6

And those are randomized controlled trials.

Time: 3564.79

We've got case studies of the ketogenic diet

Time: 3569.14

for chronic depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.

Time: 3573.4

The largest study that we've got in that mental health sphere

Time: 3578.02

is a pilot study of 31 patients admitted to a French hospital.

Time: 3587.78

28 of those patients were able to do the diet

Time: 3590.57

and stay on the diet.

Time: 3592.83

So 10%, off the bat, noncompliant,

Time: 3596.3

couldn't do the diet.

Time: 3597.39

So we need to include that.

Time: 3598.79

But of the 28 patients who were able to do--

Time: 3601.1

and these are 28 patients with treatment-resistant mental

Time: 3603.5

disorders, chronic depression, bipolar, and schizophrenia.

Time: 3607.91

Of the patients who were able to do the ketogenic diet,

Time: 3610.64

100% had at least some improvement in symptoms.

Time: 3614.24

46% had remission of illness.

Time: 3618.35

Remission of illness, that does not

Time: 3620.15

happen with current treatments.

Time: 3622.43

And 64%, I think, were discharged on less medicine

Time: 3628.91

than they went into the hospital on.

Time: 3631.43

So it wasn't that the people were prescribing more medicine

Time: 3635.97

and that's why.

Time: 3637.19

They were being discharged on less medication.

Time: 3641.46

We've got at least--

Time: 3642.56

again, a lot of the hard core scientists are going to say,

Time: 3645.68

show us the randomized controlled trial

Time: 3647.9

with hundreds of patients.

Time: 3649.98

And we've got five randomized controlled trials underway now,

Time: 3654.89

funded primarily through philanthropy.

Time: 3659.66

I can tell you that--

Time: 3662.93

we've talked about that one index patient.

Time: 3665.24

But at this point, I have now treated dozens of patients.

Time: 3668.84

And I've heard from hundreds of patients

Time: 3671.69

who've been treated by other clinicians, researchers--

Time: 3675.23

or I've just heard from patients from around the world--

Time: 3678.02

who have shared stories of complete remission

Time: 3682.61

of long, chronic mental disorders--

Time: 3687.29

like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia--

Time: 3690.08

off of psychiatric meds.

Time: 3691.52

Some of them-- not all of them, but some of them

Time: 3693.77

are able to get off all psychiatric meds

Time: 3696.47

and remain in remission.

Time: 3699.88

Again, I think I didn't say this before.

Time: 3704.3

But it's really important to mention.

Time: 3706.54

For people who might be unfamiliar

Time: 3709

with the mental health field and its connection with epilepsy,

Time: 3713.29

the reason that it's such an important connection

Time: 3715.96

is that we use epilepsy treatments

Time: 3717.94

in psychiatric patients every day in tens of millions

Time: 3721.57

of people.

Time: 3723.14

So a lot of people don't know this,

Time: 3725.24

but I'll list off some names that a lot of your listeners

Time: 3729.88

may have heard of.

Time: 3730.87

And they probably know them as psychiatric drugs.

Time: 3733.09

But in fact, these are epilepsy drugs.

Time: 3735.22

Depakote, Tegretol, Lamictal, Topamax, Neurontin

Time: 3739.09

or gabapentin, Valium, Klonopin, Xanax--

Time: 3744.1

those are all medications that stop seizures.

Time: 3747.37

And many of them were developed initially for seizures.

Time: 3753.43

But we, in the mental health field,

Time: 3755.26

quickly steal them and start using them in tens of millions

Time: 3758.77

of people, even if they're off label.

Time: 3760.82

So that means, we don't have research studies documenting

Time: 3763.87

that they're effective.

Time: 3765.02

But we go ahead and use them anyway

Time: 3767.41

because the reality is far too many patients aren't getting

Time: 3770.56

better with the FDA-approved treatments

Time: 3772.75

that we do have to offer.

Time: 3774.38

So psychiatrists are just winging it in some cases.

Time: 3777.52

And we're just throwing whatever we can at them

Time: 3780.25

and we absolutely include epilepsy treatments.

Time: 3783.26

So in many ways, using the ketogenic diet

Time: 3786.04

as a treatment for serious mental disorders,

Time: 3788.11

is nothing new at all.

Time: 3790.117

It's an established evidence-based treatment

Time: 3791.95

for epilepsy.

Time: 3793.21

We use evidence-based treatments for epilepsy

Time: 3796.18

across the board for a wide range of mental disorders.

Time: 3799.9

And so in many ways, that's all I'm

Time: 3801.64

doing with the ketogenic diet.

Time: 3803.23

It just happens to be a diet.

Time: 3804.73


Time: 3805.975


Time: 3807.1

I love it.

Time: 3808

And I should say, I love it because we

Time: 3811.42

had a guest on here early days of the podcast.

Time: 3814.09

He's a colleague of mine at Stanford.

Time: 3815.93

He's a bioengineer, and a psychiatrist, phenomenal

Time: 3819.28

scientist and psychiatrist, called

Time: 3821.47

Deisseroth, who won the Lasker prize, and so on and so forth.

Time: 3824.708

And he made a really important point,

Time: 3826.25

which should have been obvious to me

Time: 3827.77

but wasn't until he said it, which

Time: 3830.62

was the psychiatrist has tools, just like the surgeon has

Time: 3835.64


Time: 3836.14

But the tools are language and observing behavior.

Time: 3841.33

Those are the dissection tools for what's

Time: 3843.55

going on in someone's brain.

Time: 3844.81

And then as a neuroscientist, I'm

Time: 3846.612

familiar with the neurotransmitters

Time: 3848.07

and neuromodulators.

Time: 3849.37

And you mentioned that--

Time: 3852.66

and there are these tools of altering brain chemistry, which

Time: 3858.03

are of the sorts of drugs you just listed

Time: 3859.95

off, or antidepressants, or antipsychotics,

Time: 3862.14

that fall into these major bins of adjusting

Time: 3864.09

dopamine or adjusting serotonin or some combination

Time: 3866.58

of dopamine, serotonin epinephrine, adenosine,

Time: 3869.34

and on, and on, and on.

Time: 3870.66

And it seems to me, it's an incredible field.

Time: 3874.63

But that the field is still very much in its infancy

Time: 3877.33

that it wasn't about a hundred years ago that people were

Time: 3881.32

measuring bumps on the head as a way to diagnose phrenology,

Time: 3884.47

and that there's still so much to learn.

Time: 3887.09

And so when I hear you say, adjusting nutrition or putting

Time: 3890.29

people into a ketogenic state or even just eliminating

Time: 3892.75

highly processed foods, sugars, et cetera,

Time: 3894.693

taking care of metabolic syndrome,

Time: 3896.11

and then observing tremendous relief

Time: 3898.6

in clinical syndromes of--

Time: 3901.75

or symptoms, rather, of psychiatric disorders,

Time: 3904.99

it makes perfect sense to me.

Time: 3906.31

It's yet another dissection tool.

Time: 3908.35

And a tool for altering brain chemistry.

Time: 3912.655

If I think about the landscape, the sort of sociology out there

Time: 3915.28


Time: 3916.03

again, there seem to be these bins, like a third of people

Time: 3918.94

saying, of course, diet, and exercise,

Time: 3921.04

and social connection, and limiting

Time: 3922.75

stress, that's the good stuff.

Time: 3924.77

That's the stuff that we really works.

Time: 3926.54

And then about a third of people are sort of unclear.

Time: 3928.31

And then a third of people think, well,

Time: 3929.935

if it's not a prescription drug, then

Time: 3932.14

it just has no place in medicine.

Time: 3934.36

And hopefully, that's changing.

Time: 3936.282

And certainly, the work that you're doing

Time: 3937.99

is going to be important in that transition

Time: 3941.38

that I think we will see.

Time: 3943.5

I'd like to talk about mitophagy and mitochondrial biogenesis.

Time: 3949.97

I think most people learn that the mitochondria are the energy

Time: 3954.5

factories of cells and that indeed, they are.

Time: 3957.087

As a neuroscientist, what I know about

Time: 3958.67

them is that they are present everywhere in neurons.

Time: 3960.837

Not just in the so-called cell body,

Time: 3962.64

but you can find mitochondria in the furthest little bits

Time: 3965.93

of neurons.

Time: 3966.47

And neurons can be quite big, very large.

Time: 3969.17

In fact, meters long or more in some cases and some species,

Time: 3972.96

including us.

Time: 3973.785

Depending on how tall somebody is, could be many meters--

Time: 3976.16

or several meters rather.

Time: 3979.45

And that mitochondria do a lot of stuff besides just

Time: 3982.48

produce energy, because I think people

Time: 3984.142

hear "mitochondria," "energy," and they think, oh, so

Time: 3986.35

these patients felt better.

Time: 3987.502

They lost weight.

Time: 3988.21

They had more energy.

Time: 3989.14

And then they're doing better.

Time: 3990.39

But here we're talking about remission

Time: 3992.23

of auditory hallucinations, people feeling suicidal

Time: 3997.48

and then changing their diet and feeling like life

Time: 4000.24

is something they can deal with, and maybe even function

Time: 4002.88

extremely well, and et cetera.

Time: 4004.53

So maybe we could just talk about mitochondria

Time: 4006.6

for a moment.

Time: 4007.227

And then talk about these two major effects.

Time: 4009.06

What are some of the other things

Time: 4010.53

that mitochondria are important for in neurons and maybe

Time: 4015.45

other cells of the brain?

Time: 4016.95

Because as an access point for all this,

Time: 4019.132

I think it would be great if people could learn

Time: 4021.09

a little mitochondrial biology.

Time: 4024.96

CHRIS PALMER: So I guess the first thing that I'll say

Time: 4027.21

is that this field is one of the most cutting-edge fields

Time: 4034.67

in medicine right now.

Time: 4039.08

20 years ago or so, I think the majority of research scientists

Time: 4043.82

thought of mitochondria as nothing

Time: 4045.59

more than little batteries.

Time: 4047.96

They take food and oxygen and turn it into ATP.

Time: 4052.16

And that's really important.

Time: 4053.36

Yeah, we get that.

Time: 4054.5

But they're just little batteries.

Time: 4056.69

That's all they are.

Time: 4059.46

And so one of the reasons that this work is so important

Time: 4066.38

it's because it combines cutting-edge research

Time: 4069.05

in the metabolic field in the aging field.

Time: 4073.46

And we can start to pair it with a mental health

Time: 4077.12

and neurological health field.

Time: 4079.44

So mitochondria-- one scientist gave me this analogy.

Time: 4085.96

He said, if you think of the cell as a computer,

Time: 4089.968

a lot of people think of mitochondria

Time: 4091.51

as the power cord to that computer

Time: 4093.34

because they're providing the power.

Time: 4095.02

And they are, in fact, the power cord to that computer.

Time: 4098.819

But actually, their real function

Time: 4100.194

is the motherboard of that computer.

Time: 4102.979

So mitochondria are directing in allocating resources

Time: 4106.899

throughout a cell.

Time: 4107.92

That is their primary function.

Time: 4110.02

And then they happen to be powerhouses as well.

Time: 4112.939

And so to give some clear examples,

Time: 4116.14

mitochondria play a direct role in the production, and release,

Time: 4121.27

and regulation of some really key neurotransmitters,

Time: 4124.819

including serotonin, dopamine, glutamate, acetylcholine.

Time: 4131.8

Those are pretty powerful neurotransmitters.

Time: 4133.795

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Yeah, I would call those--

Time: 4135.1

I would consider those the--

Time: 4136.353

I know you listed more than three.

Time: 4137.77

But the sort of primary colors of neurotransmission.

Time: 4141.279


Time: 4142.029

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Any one of those in excess or deficiency

Time: 4146.02

is going to have profound negative effects

Time: 4148.75

on a nervous system.

Time: 4149.87

Or it's going to alter the way that people and animals feel,

Time: 4153.52

think, move--

Time: 4154.39


Time: 4155.14

ANDREW HUBERMAN: --remember, et cetera.

Time: 4157.359

CHRIS PALMER: So mitochondria are providing both some

Time: 4160.149

of the building blocks, if you will,

Time: 4162.859

for some of those molecules that are

Time: 4165.22

part of the Krebs, citric acid cycle.

Time: 4167.74

Some of the intermediate products

Time: 4170.08

actually go into making those neurotransmitters.

Time: 4172.93

Much more importantly, mitochondria

Time: 4175.21

provide the energy for the production

Time: 4177.37

of those neurotransmitters.

Time: 4178.569

And fascinatingly, mitochondria are directly related

Time: 4182.859

to the release of neurotransmitters.

Time: 4185.62

ATP alone is not enough.

Time: 4188.439

There have been some research studies that have actually

Time: 4190.84

found that mitochondria move along

Time: 4194.5

the membrane of the synapse to release batches of vesicles

Time: 4200.77

of neurotransmitters, and that if the mitochondria are removed

Time: 4204.97

from the synapse and researchers flood that cell with ATP,

Time: 4211.33

neurotransmitters usually are not getting released.

Time: 4214.9

Mitochondria are doing other things.

Time: 4217.94

We don't entirely even understand what all they're

Time: 4220.78

doing or how they're doing it.

Time: 4222.59

But they're doing other things than just providing the power.

Time: 4227.68

Another really important example is

Time: 4229.48

that mitochondria are actually the primary regulators

Time: 4233.89

of epigenetics.

Time: 4235.48

If you look at any one factor--

Time: 4237.743

so one study actually found that they're

Time: 4239.41

responsible for the expression of about 60%

Time: 4244.12

of the genes in a cell.

Time: 4248.98

And mitochondria do this through a lot

Time: 4250.69

of ways that have been known for years and sometimes decades.

Time: 4253.74

So mitochondria are directly related

Time: 4255.76

to the levels of reactive oxygen species in a cell.

Time: 4259.54

They are managing calcium regulation in cells.

Time: 4264.5

And we know that those things play a role

Time: 4266.71

in epigenetic expression.

Time: 4268.3

We know the levels of ATP to ADP or AMP also play a role.

Time: 4274.19

And mitochondria are doing those things.

Time: 4276.588

But it turns out, mitochondria are actually

Time: 4278.38

doing much more sophisticated things

Time: 4279.91

than even those in terms of gene expression.

Time: 4282.7

Mitochondria at least play a role

Time: 4285.58

in all of the aspects of the human stress response.

Time: 4290.21

So when humans are stressed, either

Time: 4292.45

physically or psychologically, there

Time: 4296.71

are several things that happen--

Time: 4299.23

increased cortisol increased adrenaline, noradrenaline,

Time: 4303.7

inflammation, and gene expression-- in particular,

Time: 4306.91

in the hippocampus-- occur with the stress response.

Time: 4310.75

And one group of researchers actually

Time: 4312.79

genetically modified mitochondria

Time: 4314.71

in four different ways, and found

Time: 4316.27

that all of the stress response, all those four

Time: 4320.32

buckets of stress response were impacted in one way or another,

Time: 4325.33

implying that mitochondria are somehow

Time: 4328.06

playing a role in those.

Time: 4330.85

In terms of their role in cortisol,

Time: 4334

we know that mitochondria actually

Time: 4335.92

have the enzyme required for the synthesis of steroid hormones.

Time: 4341.51

So that includes cortisol, estrogen, testosterone,

Time: 4345.04

and progesterone, some names that maybe everybody's

Time: 4347.86

heard of.

Time: 4350.47

so that means that if mitochondria

Time: 4353.98

are in short supply or dysfunctional,

Time: 4357.46

the production of those hormones may become dysregulated.

Time: 4364.21

Mitochondria play a direct role in inflammation.

Time: 4368.11

And they turn the inflammatory system both on--

Time: 4374.17

or they at least play a role in turning the inflammatory system

Time: 4376.96

both on and off.

Time: 4379.24

I'm not going to be able to quote the exact study

Time: 4381.46

and author.

Time: 4382.12

But one paper in cell actually identified mitochondria

Time: 4386.44

as the key regulator in turning certain inflammatory cells off,

Time: 4390.73

and that when you inhibit mitochondrial function,

Time: 4393.22

those cells don't turn off, that mitochondrial levels

Time: 4396.91

of reactive oxygen species are a key signaling process

Time: 4402.46

to turn the inflammatory cell process off.

Time: 4406.12

Another study found that macrophages--

Time: 4408.92

so macrophages are an important immune cell

Time: 4412.06

that play a role in healing.

Time: 4413.6

So if you cut yourself, your body will get--

Time: 4417.4

send inflammation that way and send immune cells that way

Time: 4422.32

to try to heal your skin.

Time: 4424.42

And macrophages play an important role in that healing.

Time: 4427.96

One group of researchers tried to figure out

Time: 4430.6

how do macrophages know to switch

Time: 4433.78

between the different phases of wound healing

Time: 4436.51

because the macrophages do different things

Time: 4439.03

in the different phases of wound healing.

Time: 4441.73

And the conclusion of all of their research

Time: 4444.55

was that it's mitochondria.

Time: 4446.29

Mitochondria are sending the essential signals

Time: 4450.1

that change the state of the macrophages

Time: 4453.1

to induce these different phases of wound healing.

Time: 4458.26

So I've just talked about neurotransmitters, hormones,

Time: 4462.49

epigenetic expression, inflammation.

Time: 4467.42

For anybody familiar with the mental health field,

Time: 4471.31

they know these are some of the key variables that researchers

Time: 4477.4

have been struggling with for decades, trying to figure out

Time: 4480.85

how do these fit together.

Time: 4482.87

We know that all of those buckets

Time: 4486.1

can be disrupted in people with mental disorders.

Time: 4492.33

And our field has struggled to understand,

Time: 4494.79

but how do they fit together?

Time: 4496.72

How can we make sense of this disruption?

Time: 4500.43

And I believe once you understand

Time: 4503.49

the science of mitochondria, you can actually

Time: 4507.77

connect all of the dots of the mental illness puzzle.

Time: 4511.242

ANDREW HUBERMAN: I'd like to take a brief break

Time: 4513.2

and thank our sponsor, InsideTracker.

Time: 4516.11

InsideTracker is a personalized nutrition platform

Time: 4518.75

that analyzes data from your blood and DNA

Time: 4521.21

to help you better understand your body

Time: 4522.92

and help you reach your health goals.

Time: 4524.72

I've long been a believer in getting regular blood work done

Time: 4527.33

for the simple reason that many of the factors that impact

Time: 4530.282

your immediate and long-term health

Time: 4531.74

can only be analyzed from a quality blood test.

Time: 4534.307

The problem with a lot of blood and DNA tests out there,

Time: 4536.64

however, is that you get data back

Time: 4538.73

about metabolic factors, lipids, and hormones, and so forth.

Time: 4541.65

But you don't know what to do with those data.

Time: 4543.567

InsideTracker solves that problem

Time: 4545.12

and makes it very easy for you to understand

Time: 4547.31

what sorts of nutritional, behavioral, maybe even

Time: 4550.94

supplementation-based interventions

Time: 4553.19

you might want to take on in order

Time: 4554.87

to adjust the numbers of those metabolic factors, hormones,

Time: 4557.57

lipids, and other things that impact

Time: 4559.25

your immediate and long-term health to bring

Time: 4561.32

those numbers into the ranges that are appropriate

Time: 4563.81

and indeed optimal for you.

Time: 4565.55

If you'd like to try InsideTracker,

Time: 4567.08

you can visit insidetracker.com/huberman

Time: 4569.75

to get $200 off an ultimate plan or 34% off the entire site

Time: 4574.7

as a special Black Friday deal now through the end

Time: 4577.22

of November.

Time: 4578

Again, that's insidetracker.com/huberman

Time: 4580.97

and use the code Huberman at checkout.

Time: 4583.22

Super interesting little subcellular goodies,

Time: 4587.12

these mitochondria are.

Time: 4590.288

I come from a field where people are often divided

Time: 4593.54

into lumpers and splitters.

Time: 4595.19

And I'm somewhere in between.

Time: 4598.503

For those of you who don't know, lumpers

Time: 4600.17

are people that like to make things really simple--

Time: 4602.36

lists of no more than three functions or dividing brain

Time: 4605.63

areas into no more than three.

Time: 4607.138

Splitters are people that like to subdivide

Time: 4608.93

into a ton of detail.

Time: 4611.72

There's a history of scientists being splitters in order

Time: 4614.12

to be able to name things after themselves because--

Time: 4616.43


Time: 4617.45

ANDREW HUBERMAN: There's more territory

Time: 4618.38

to go around if you're splitting than if you're lumping.

Time: 4620.87

But we are doing neither here.

Time: 4622.55

What I'm hearing is that mitochondria, in addition

Time: 4627.23

to being important sources of energy production and output

Time: 4630.59

in cells--

Time: 4631.46

which, of course, they are--

Time: 4633.644

probably have other roles.

Time: 4637.22

Maybe someday, what we call mitochondria will actually

Time: 4641.3

be two or three different little subcellular or organelles.

Time: 4643.85

There may be little bits in there

Time: 4644.96

that are controlling gene expression and little bits

Time: 4647.127

in there that are controlling neurotransmitter production.

Time: 4649.7

But at least for now, the name is mitochondria.

Time: 4652.16

And thank you, by the way, for illustrating

Time: 4654.56

some of the other things that they do because

Time: 4657.68

in the landscape of science education,

Time: 4660.23

oftentimes, people will think, OK, energy production.

Time: 4662.737

There'll be a picture or a cartoon of mitochondria

Time: 4664.82

flexing its muscles.

Time: 4665.98

People go, OK, energy, mitochondria,

Time: 4667.73

mighty mitochondria.

Time: 4668.63

And then they'll think, oh, they're

Time: 4670.088

just sort of like a dumb jock portion of the cell.

Time: 4673.07

They're not doing anything sophisticated.

Time: 4674.96

And everything you listed off is that they

Time: 4676.73

are doing many sophisticated intricate things within cells.

Time: 4681.27

So I think how things are cartooned and discussed

Time: 4683.84

actually has an impact-- and not just on the general public,

Time: 4686.72

but on the medical field and on the science fields.

Time: 4689.24

Anyway, that's more science sociology.

Time: 4691.07

But now that everyone is well aware

Time: 4694.28

that mitochondria are doing a large number of very important

Time: 4697.79

things in a very regulated way, let's talk about mitophagy.

Time: 4702.08

A few years ago, because a Nobel Prize was given for autophagy--

Time: 4706.16

sometimes called autophagy.

Time: 4707.9

Look, people, you can say it either way.

Time: 4709.58

People will know hopefully what it means is more important,

Time: 4712.44

which is the gobbling up of one's own cells

Time: 4715.31

that are dead or injured.

Time: 4718.7

And this idea of autophagy, of cells

Time: 4723.2

being eaten up within a system--

Time: 4726.23

nervous system or other system--

Time: 4728.36

has come up again and again.

Time: 4730.16

I actually wasn't aware that mitophagy could

Time: 4733.1

be such an important lever.

Time: 4734.72

So tell us about mitophagy, which I have to presume

Time: 4737.18

is the, intentional or not, gobbling up of mitochondria,

Time: 4743.6

presumably to replace them with newer healthier mitochondria.

Time: 4746.24

Is that right?

Time: 4746.72


Time: 4747.553

So in many ways, mitophagy is a subset of autophagy.

Time: 4752.99

But it's got its own name because it

Time: 4755.75

is specific to mitochondria.

Time: 4758.18

There do appear to be some unique regulators of mitophagy

Time: 4764.33

compared to autophagy more broadly.

Time: 4767.27

Mitochondria actually are playing a role in autophagy

Time: 4770.96


Time: 4773

And this makes sense because one of-- so the global picture

Time: 4776.69

of autophagy is stimulated by fasting states

Time: 4781.34

or fasting-mimicking states.

Time: 4783.47

So when your body senses that you don't have enough food,

Time: 4789.53

it actually hunkers down and starts

Time: 4792.95

to recycle dead old parts in this kind of carefully

Time: 4801.35

orchestrated way.

Time: 4802.88

And it takes them to lysosomes.

Time: 4805.22

They get degraded.

Time: 4806.18

And then those degradation products

Time: 4809.42

get used for either energy or to build new things.

Time: 4813.35

Autophagy is always occurring at a low level.

Time: 4817.4

But you can really hyperstimulate the process

Time: 4820.67

through fasting, calorie restriction,

Time: 4823.16

fasting-mimicking diets, other things.

Time: 4825.69

And this is why fasting and calorie restriction

Time: 4828.68

is so kind of such hot topics in the medical field now.

Time: 4832.55

It's because they've been shown to induce longevity.

Time: 4836.12

And we think it's probably through that process

Time: 4839.03

that you're stimulating the body to kind of become

Time: 4846.41

lean and conservative in terms of its allocation of resources.

Time: 4853.4

And the body doesn't just destroy the healthiest tissue

Time: 4856.7

along with the old dead stuff.

Time: 4858.32

It has these processes that identify the old and defective

Time: 4861.89

parts first.

Time: 4862.88

And they go first.

Time: 4864.11

And that's what's beautiful about the whole thing.

Time: 4866.67

And that's why fasting is so important.

Time: 4869.52

So mitophagy we know plays a really important role because--

Time: 4878.9

so there's this term called mitochondrial dysfunction,

Time: 4882.885

which some researchers are actually wanting to get rid of

Time: 4885.26

and move away from because, as you just said,

Time: 4887.87

mitochondria do so many different things.

Time: 4889.91

And different mitochondria even within the same cell

Time: 4892.58

may very well be specializing in different tasks.

Time: 4895.67

And mitochondria from one cell to another

Time: 4897.56

are sometimes doing very different things,

Time: 4899.91

like not all mitochondria can produce cortisol.

Time: 4903.02

That's specific to specific cells

Time: 4907.22

where those genes are getting turned on.

Time: 4909.66

So it's not like all mitochondria

Time: 4911.21

are producing cortisol.

Time: 4912.32

Just the ones in your adrenal gland, for instance,

Time: 4915.5

are producing cortisol.

Time: 4918.53

But there is this term "mitochondrial dysfunction."

Time: 4921.8

And it has long been known, for decades,

Time: 4926.48

that mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with everything

Time: 4931.61

that ails us essentially.

Time: 4934.6

So in the 1950s, we had a theory of aging

Time: 4941.66

that was based on reactive oxygen species.

Time: 4946.4

And that's where all the inflammation is bad

Time: 4948.32

for you comes from.

Time: 4949.34

ANDREW HUBERMAN: And where all the noise about antioxidants--

Time: 4954.77


Time: 4955.58

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Like in the '90s,

Time: 4956.51

it was like, it contains antioxidants.

Time: 4958.25

Not to say antioxidants are bad, but they are certainly not

Time: 4960.8

the be-all-end-all of health.

Time: 4962.055

CHRIS PALMER: They are not.

Time: 4963.18

But that's exactly where that research came from,

Time: 4965.81

is that researchers were narrowing

Time: 4968.27

in on these reactive oxygen species are highly, highly

Time: 4972.02

correlated with all of the diseases of aging

Time: 4976.4

and poor health outcomes.

Time: 4978.68

It turns out, they're also highly, highly correlated

Time: 4981.68

with all chronic mental disorders interestingly.

Time: 4987.12

So researchers used the antioxidants

Time: 4989.31

to see if, well, maybe if we can stop,

Time: 4991.92

somehow tame these reactive oxygen species,

Time: 4994.3

we'll improve health outcomes.

Time: 4995.55

Doesn't seem to work.

Time: 4996.93

By the 1970s, our understanding of mitochondria

Time: 5000.41

and their role in the production of reactive oxygen species

Time: 5003.08


Time: 5003.86

And that led to the mitochondrial theory of aging.

Time: 5006.95

So in the 1970s, we had this mitochondrial theory of aging,

Time: 5010.37

based primarily and exclusively on reactive oxygen species.

Time: 5015.77

Fast forward a couple of decades,

Time: 5017.39

that was disproven because we now reactive

Time: 5019.76

oxygen species aren't all bad.

Time: 5021.71

They actually serve a signaling process.

Time: 5024.02

They're a normal part of human functioning

Time: 5026.36

and cellular function.

Time: 5028.02

So they're not all bad.

Time: 5030.03

But we still know high levels of reactive oxygen species

Time: 5033.53

are bad for you.

Time: 5035.12

Fast forward to just, I think, maybe last year,

Time: 5039.32

with this expanded role of all of the different things

Time: 5042.08

mitochondria are doing.

Time: 5043.67

So David Sinclair published a paper

Time: 5047.48

in one of the cell journals, I think,

Time: 5050.21

saying that, oh, mitochondria are actually

Time: 5053.3

the unifying link of everything that we know about aging.

Time: 5057.11

Mitochondria are the cause--

Time: 5059.66

or defective mitochondria or defective mitochondrial

Time: 5062.63

function, mitochondrial dysfunction,

Time: 5065.39

is possibly the unifying cause of aging

Time: 5070.1

and all of the aging related disorders.

Time: 5074.38

So mitophagy is trying to address all that.

Time: 5078.88

It's trying to say, OK, this is bad.

Time: 5080.84

We don't want defective mitochondria and how can

Time: 5083.44

we get rid of old ones or defective ones

Time: 5086.935

and replace them with new ones.

Time: 5089.32

And I think the most powerful signal and tool

Time: 5096.15

that we have right now is, in fact, related to diet.

Time: 5101.77

It's calorie restriction.

Time: 5103.54

That is the oldest, truest, kind of best-proven way to prevent

Time: 5111.34

aging in a wide variety of animal species--

Time: 5115

fasting and intermittent fasting.

Time: 5117.94

And again, you can only do those things for so long.

Time: 5121.03

And then fasting-mimicking diets can also

Time: 5125.23

stimulate this process of mitophagy.

Time: 5128.98

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Before we talk about mitochondrial biogenesis,

Time: 5133.33


Time: 5134.71

and I certainly accept the idea that mitochondria

Time: 5138.01

are extremely important in physical health

Time: 5140.41

and mental health.

Time: 5141.37

That's, for me, is a straightforward conclusion

Time: 5144.94

at this point, based on what you've said,

Time: 5146.84

whatever and elsewhere, et cetera.

Time: 5150.56

And if various diets, including ketogenic diet, including

Time: 5155.11

fasting, reducing sugar intake, et cetera,

Time: 5158.2

can assist in mitochondrial function and mitophagy--

Time: 5161.83

and that's at least one of the levers by which diet

Time: 5165.25

can positively impact mental health and physical health,

Time: 5170.01

can we conclude that there's something special

Time: 5173.01

about low blood glucose in the brain?

Time: 5176.995

The sort of common pathway of all of those things-- fasting,

Time: 5180.03


Time: 5181.71

for some people, maybe they--

Time: 5183.27

maybe some people have great insulin management,

Time: 5186.21

so just removing sweets, refined sugars,

Time: 5190.66

brings down their blood glucose level substantially.

Time: 5192.9

They don't need to go on a ketogenic diet

Time: 5194.37

in order to relieve a low level depression

Time: 5196.132

or something like that.

Time: 5197.09

Seems like the common theme here is

Time: 5199.62

that glucose levels in the brain need

Time: 5202.46

to be reduced, which for me, is surprising

Time: 5207.17

because neurons love glucose.

Time: 5210.392

There are some really nice studies.

Time: 5211.85

One that I can think of recently that

Time: 5213.44

was published in Neuron, if you just

Time: 5214.94

look at the tuning of a neuron, how well a neuron in the brain

Time: 5218.75

represents some visual image in the environment in terms--

Time: 5222.578

here, we can just generalize and say,

Time: 5224.12

more action potentials, more electrical signals

Time: 5226.43

from the neuron generally correlates

Time: 5227.93

with better high fidelity representation.

Time: 5230.63

It's sort of if everyone's time someone says, shout,

Time: 5233.792

and then someone shouts, the neuron

Time: 5235.25

is the one responding to the order.

Time: 5237.83

And these neurons just, when there's high glucose,

Time: 5240.14

they are faithful representatives

Time: 5242.48

of what's out there in the world.

Time: 5244.28

But then when you fast an animal,

Time: 5246.2

they become less faithful representatives

Time: 5248.24

of what's out there.

Time: 5249.38

And yet when I've done intermittent fasting,

Time: 5251.78

and I do a kind of modified version of it,

Time: 5253.67

my mental clarity is far better than when

Time: 5255.59

I've had a big bowl of pasta--

Time: 5257.15

probably for other reasons related

Time: 5259.37

to serotonin and tryptophan.

Time: 5261.65

So I think for the typical listener out there,

Time: 5264.932

I have to imagine, it's got to be a little confusing.

Time: 5267.14

We hear neurons love glucose.

Time: 5268.94

They live on glucose.

Time: 5270.89

And here, we're saying, let's deprive them of some glucose.

Time: 5274.04

Or let's just bring glucose levels down.

Time: 5276.17

Or let's switch the fuel source of the brain from glucose

Time: 5279.29

to ketones.

Time: 5280.7

And now the brain really works the way it's supposed to.

Time: 5283.98

So this raises a little bit of just so story question,

Time: 5286.55

like why would it be the case that neurons love glucose,

Time: 5291.56

and yet if there's too much glucose around,

Time: 5293.6

they become sick?

Time: 5295.76

And of course, with any why-would-it-be story,

Time: 5299.54

as I would say, I wasn't consulted at the design phase.

Time: 5302.005

And I'm going to presume that you

Time: 5303.38

weren't consulted the design--

Time: 5304.4

CHRIS PALMER: I was not.

Time: 5304.76

ANDREW HUBERMAN: --phase either.

Time: 5305.6

And that if any of us say that we are,

Time: 5307.183

then we are probably the patients that need evaluation.

Time: 5309.78

So I think there's a name for that.

Time: 5311.255

There's delusion--

Time: 5312.005


Time: 5312.26


Time: 5312.53


Time: 5313.03

I threw out my first correct clinical assessment of myself.

Time: 5315.98

So how do I get my head around this?

Time: 5320.09

You've got me sold on mitochondria--

Time: 5321.702

not that I needed to be sold.

Time: 5322.91

But that's an easy yes, yes, absolutely, yes.

Time: 5326

The idea that diet can impact mental health

Time: 5327.89

and physical health-- yes, absolutely--

Time: 5329.63

by way of mitochondria-- at least in part, great.

Time: 5333.23

But then neurons love glucose.

Time: 5335.39

So what's going on?

Time: 5336.98

Or what do you think is going on?

Time: 5340.63

CHRIS PALMER: I am not convinced that glucose is the real story.

Time: 5352.21

Glucose may, in fact, be a symptom.

Time: 5358.26

We know that parts of the brain--

Time: 5360.84

there have been a couple of studies that just came out

Time: 5363.09

in the last couple of weeks, I think,

Time: 5365.91

documenting that actually astrocytes in the hypothalamus

Time: 5372.09

play a key role in glucose regulation throughout the body.

Time: 5379.68

And it appears to be a metabolic role, which in my mind,

Time: 5385.74

implies that the mitochondria in those astrocytes

Time: 5389.13

are probably playing a key role because we know mitochondria

Time: 5393

play a key role in sensing glucose levels.

Time: 5397.11

They play a key role in the release of insulin

Time: 5401.22

from the pancreas.

Time: 5403.89

But mitochondria in the brain is also

Time: 5408.18

playing a role in kind of balancing

Time: 5411.72

how much glucose is around.

Time: 5415

And so it's a difficult question because I think in some cases,

Time: 5422.55

high glucose levels are actually a symptom

Time: 5427.02

of metabolic dysfunction somewhere in the body or brain.

Time: 5431.65

And when I think about, well, what does that mean?

Time: 5436.97

In my mind, most of the evidence currently

Time: 5440.66

is pointing to mitochondrial dysfunction

Time: 5443.99

somewhere in the body or brain.

Time: 5447.5

That is the most likely cause of that dysregulation

Time: 5451.58

of glucose levels.

Time: 5455.74

But we know that if you consume massive amounts

Time: 5461.29

of junk food, sugar, and other things,

Time: 5465.01

that you can get dysregulation of glucose levels.

Time: 5473.05

The conundrum, though, is that that's not

Time: 5475.5

a universal response.

Time: 5477.035

ANDREW HUBERMAN: And what about the typical person?

Time: 5479.16

I've never really liked junk food that much.

Time: 5481.11

Maybe as a kid, I can recall liking candy.

Time: 5483.51

But I was a sandwich for lunch person for a long time.

Time: 5487.24

And as I've changed that out for salad

Time: 5490.26

and maybe a small piece of meat with my salad or something

Time: 5494.07

like that, I feel far better during the day, far more alert.

Time: 5496.71

But I do eat carbohydrates.

Time: 5497.843

I eat starches typically at night.

Time: 5499.26

But I tend to do some very hard training at some point

Time: 5502.08

during the day.

Time: 5502.8

So I imagine I have some glycogen to repack.

Time: 5505.24


Time: 5505.74

That's me.

Time: 5506.43

I only mentioned that because I'm not in ketosis

Time: 5509.76

as far as I know.

Time: 5510.48

I haven't-- unless you brought the strips,

Time: 5512.37

I haven't done the blood glucose test today.

Time: 5516.82

So what about the typical person who's

Time: 5519.06

an omnivore eating some rice, some pasta, pasta

Time: 5524.46

salads, people that are eating not junk food massive amounts

Time: 5529.11

of sugar but have blood glucose that's

Time: 5531.57

in kind of moderate range?

Time: 5533.49

Do you think-- and here, feel free to speculate.

Time: 5536.43

Do you think that those people might feel far better--

Time: 5540.75

or even a little bit better-- if they

Time: 5542.52

were in a lower glucose state?

Time: 5546.79

And I ask this because I think there

Time: 5548.993

are a lot of people out there who suffer

Time: 5550.66

from full-blown depression.

Time: 5551.95

But there are also a lot of people

Time: 5553.367

who suffer from moodiness and feeling not so great,

Time: 5556.84

subclinical depression.

Time: 5558.285

CHRIS PALMER: Yes, burnout is what I would call it.

Time: 5560.41

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Yeah, or just feeling some days are great,

Time: 5562.9

and then other days, they feel lousy for reasons

Time: 5565.27

they don't understand.

Time: 5566.35


Time: 5567.43

ANDREW HUBERMAN: And those make for less dramatic case studies.

Time: 5570.13

And yet I have to assume that that description will

Time: 5573.28

net a large fraction of the general public.

Time: 5577.77

CHRIS PALMER: So the way that I kind of break this field--

Time: 5582.23

and I'm probably getting too nerdy right now.

Time: 5584.33

But I kind of break this field into cause--

Time: 5588.01

what's the actual root cause--

Time: 5591.04

and what are effective treatments.

Time: 5594.4

And I really see them as two separate things.

Time: 5597.94

Just because the ketogenic diet is an effective treatment,

Time: 5603.01

does not imply that the cause of the problem

Time: 5606.46

was eating carbohydrates.

Time: 5608.98

And I think that's a really important distinction.

Time: 5612.29

There are many people who disagree with me on that.

Time: 5614.62

There's no doubt about it.

Time: 5615.95

And everybody's heard people say,

Time: 5617.74

sugar is the cause of everything that ails you.

Time: 5620.56

Or carbs are the cause of everything that ails you.

Time: 5622.87

If everybody does a low carb diet or a ketogenic diet--

Time: 5626.17

and then they go to, so it must be sugar that was the cause.

Time: 5631.69

I don't see it as clearly black and white as that.

Time: 5637.66

Calorie restriction, ketogenic diet,

Time: 5641.26

carbohydrate restriction are inducing metabolic changes

Time: 5646.84

in the brain and body.

Time: 5649.48

And regardless of what the person was eating,

Time: 5654.16

they are inducing metabolic changes

Time: 5656.44

that can be really beneficial to brain health.

Time: 5659.98

So let me just give a clear black and white example

Time: 5662.95

of this.

Time: 5664.12

And then I can speak to the broader topic

Time: 5666.49

that you brought up about just the general population.

Time: 5669.55

The easy example of the ketogenic diet

Time: 5672.31

being an effective intervention for somebody

Time: 5675.22

who was not following a bad diet is an infant with epilepsy.

Time: 5680.5

There are lots of infants who have uncontrollable seizures.

Time: 5684.82

They are drinking breast milk.

Time: 5687.28

To the best of our knowledge, that

Time: 5688.9

is the primary, most beneficial food source

Time: 5693.34

an infant could be consuming.

Time: 5697.28

Now, some might say, well, maybe the mother is--

Time: 5699.97

whatever, I don't buy that.

Time: 5702.41

The mother's breast milk is, in fact, the optimal food source

Time: 5707.233

for that infant.

Time: 5707.9

And yet that infant is still seizing.

Time: 5710.3

If we put that infant on a ketogenic diet,

Time: 5712.73

a lot of those infants seizures will stop.

Time: 5715.94

It doesn't mean that the cause of the infant seizures

Time: 5719.21

was a bad diet.

Time: 5720.77

But it means that dietary intervention

Time: 5723.23

can change brain metabolism and improve symptoms

Time: 5727.43

in that person.

Time: 5729.81

So going to your broader question about adults,

Time: 5732.53

modern-day, the real answer is-- there was just

Time: 5737.61

this conference in London, the Royal

Time: 5741.45

College of obesity medicine or something like that.

Time: 5744.847

That's not the name.

Time: 5745.68

But it's something along those lines.

Time: 5748.02

The conclusion of that conference

Time: 5752.83

that invited the greatest minds in obesity medicine,

Time: 5756.37

the overarching conclusion of that conference was we

Time: 5759.22

don't know what causes obesity.

Time: 5765.49

It's really important that we sit with that.

Time: 5768.47

We don't know what causes obesity.

Time: 5770.455

ANDREW HUBERMAN: They don't think

Time: 5771.83

excess caloric intake beyond one's daily metabolic needs

Time: 5776.24

is causing obesity?

Time: 5778.68

CHRIS PALMER: Some will argue that.

Time: 5780.75

And so some will say yes, it's all energy balance.

Time: 5784.67

But why do we have an epidemic of obesity?

Time: 5786.837


Time: 5787.67

Well, that's the N-gazillion dollar question.

Time: 5791.735


Time: 5793.85

Some will say, it's all the junk food.

Time: 5795.44

But we had junk food in the 1970s.

Time: 5797.51

When I was growing up, I grew up on Kool-Aid, and Twinkies,

Time: 5801.23

and King Dons, and HoHos, and--

Time: 5803.69


Time: 5804.548

ANDREW HUBERMAN: I'm rewatching the Mad Men series now.

Time: 5806.84

I love that series, and I'm rewatching it.

Time: 5808.59

And I happen to know someone who worked on that series.

Time: 5811.4

They researched everything for the props,

Time: 5813.588

and the costumes, everything, right down to diet.

Time: 5815.63

And if you look at the diet, it was terrible.

Time: 5817.91

It was mostly-- yes, there was a lot

Time: 5819.41

of excessive amounts of drinking and cigarette smoking.

Time: 5821.72

But the diets were terrible.

Time: 5823.67

It was pre-packaged foods.

Time: 5825.29

It was frozen dinners.

Time: 5826.97

That really came to prominence in the '70s and '80s.

Time: 5829.88

But even in the '50s and, from what I've been reading, even

Time: 5834.5

in the '30s and '40s, people were not

Time: 5838.46

eating grass-fed meat and Brazil nuts

Time: 5841.22

with a little bit of broccoli rabe on the side.

Time: 5843.95

That's not the typical intake.

Time: 5847.13

So something out there-- or maybe multiple things--

Time: 5850.73

are at play to increase obesity.

Time: 5853.82

CHRIS PALMER: And at the end of the day, I believe--

Time: 5858.3

some will call this speculative.

Time: 5859.92

But I actually think we've got a tremendous amount of evidence

Time: 5862.62

that continues to point in this direction.

Time: 5865.38

I believe that mitochondria are the key

Time: 5867.99

to the obesity epidemic, that there is

Time: 5870.87

something in our environment.

Time: 5874.51

So that is either our food, environmental toxins, stress

Time: 5879.63

levels, poor sleep, not getting adequate sunlight, whatever

Time: 5884.7

you want to speculate on, all of the above, all of those things

Time: 5890.96

are known to impair mitochondrial function.

Time: 5895.07

And if parts of your brain that regulate metabolism and that

Time: 5901.19

regulate eating behaviors are not metabolically healthy,

Time: 5907.1

it means that they will not stop you from eating.

Time: 5910.64

Or it means that your metabolism will not

Time: 5913.37

rise to the challenge of 10 donuts,

Time: 5918.23

because some people can eat 10 donuts

Time: 5920.15

and go on staying thin and healthy.

Time: 5923.185

ANDREW HUBERMAN: I totally agree.

Time: 5924.56

Although, I would just like to say

Time: 5926.6

that it seems to me that compared to when I was growing

Time: 5929.123

up-- and again, I haven't run the statistics--

Time: 5931.04

there are fewer and fewer of those individuals around now.

Time: 5933.8

Just as when I was growing up, it was one or two kids in class

Time: 5938.39

that were quite overweight.

Time: 5940.34

And then there were some that were mildly overweight.

Time: 5942.77

But most were of healthy weight.

Time: 5946.29

Nowadays, that's dramatically altered.

Time: 5948.6

The landscape is dramatically altered in the other direction.

Time: 5953.1

It is rare when I encounter one of those can-eat-anything type

Time: 5956.56


Time: 5957.06

I know one, he's actually an employee at Stanford.

Time: 5959.05

He's in our media team at Stanford.

Time: 5960.508

And this guy, when I take him to lunch, it's like--

Time: 5964.18

he's in his early 70s, and he can eat.

Time: 5967

And he's incredibly lean.

Time: 5968.137

He exercises a little bit.

Time: 5969.22

But he's one of these mutants that just can eat, and eat,

Time: 5973.99

and eat, and he's lean and he's vital, and he's--

Time: 5976.975

it's wild.

Time: 5978.79

And he's an expensive lunch.

Time: 5980.62


Time: 5982.36

ANDREW HUBERMAN: But those people are seem rare.

Time: 5985.22

And even those kids are now seem rare.

Time: 5987.57

CHRIS PALMER: They're getting increasingly rare.

Time: 5989.57

And that leads me to think it may

Time: 5991.67

be epigenetic factors in the womb environment,

Time: 5995.64

so that kids are actually coming out predisposed to obesity.

Time: 5999.268

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Well, let me ask you about

Time: 6001.06

that because I had a note here to ask this later.

Time: 6003.04

But I'm going to interrupt you now in order

Time: 6004.832

to capture this moment.

Time: 6006.52

My understanding is that--

Time: 6008.8

well, as everyone knows, we inherit DNA.

Time: 6010.63

We get genes from both of our parents.

Time: 6012.34

And they mix.

Time: 6012.94

Although there are incredible data from Catherine Dulac's

Time: 6015.79

lab at Harvard and others showing that we actually

Time: 6018.28

have entire regions of our brain that

Time: 6020.26

carry neurons that are of purely of mom's or of dad's DNA,

Time: 6026.51

depending on the brain region.

Time: 6027.76

This is a wild finding.

Time: 6029.5

But it's accurate.

Time: 6030.715

And this has actually been known about in terms of heritability

Time: 6033.34

of disease, et cetera.

Time: 6036.34

Maternal DNA, DNA from mom, genes from our mother--

Time: 6040.75

not to place blame on mothers at all.

Time: 6044.14

My understanding is that the mitochondrial DNA

Time: 6046.32

come exclusively through the maternal side.

Time: 6048.81

Is that true?

Time: 6050.165

CHRIS PALMER: So it's a great question.

Time: 6051.79

And I've been asked this before.

Time: 6053.123

And yeah, psychiatrists are known for blaming mothers.

Time: 6056.16

And some might say that I'm trying to redo that whole thing

Time: 6059.85

and blame mothers again.

Time: 6061.735

ANDREW HUBERMAN: The data are the data.

Time: 6063.36

I'm not trying to blame mothers here.

Time: 6064.902

Mothers play an essential role in everything.

Time: 6068.89

But if it is true that mitochondria

Time: 6071.97

are the linchpin of all this and maternal DNA is what determines

Time: 6074.79

the mitochondrial DNA, I think it's an important place

Time: 6077.04

to look.

Time: 6077.43

CHRIS PALMER: It's an important question.

Time: 6079.138

And the answer is unequivocally no.

Time: 6081.48

That's not the way it works.

Time: 6082.65

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Well, then vindication for anyone

Time: 6084.75

that was asserting that.

Time: 6085.81

CHRIS PALMER: And so let me explain it.

Time: 6087.435

So mitochondria have 36 genes unto themselves.

Time: 6091.05

13 of those genes code for some of the mitochondrial machinery

Time: 6095.28

of making ATP.

Time: 6096.51

And the other 36 play roles in epigenetic regulation,

Time: 6101.82

play roles in whole body metabolism, and other things.

Time: 6105.84

So that is what you're inheriting from your mom.

Time: 6108.72

It's the mitochondria and those 36 genes for the most part.

Time: 6114.24

But the majority of proteins that make up mitochondria,

Time: 6119.49

over, I think, 1,300 genes that make up mitochondria

Time: 6123.18

are actually encoded in the nuclear DNA.

Time: 6126.84

And so you inherit a copy from both your mother

Time: 6129.81

and your father.

Time: 6131.01

So the majority of people who have mitochondrial defects

Time: 6134.64

or rare mitochondrial diseases actually

Time: 6139.05

could inherit them from either mom or dad

Time: 6142.47

because it can be a defect in the nuclear genes that code

Time: 6148.59

for proteins that make up mitochondria.

Time: 6152.11

The much bigger issue when--

Time: 6154.54

so when I talk about mitochondrial dysfunction

Time: 6158.11

being a primary driver of mental illness, metabolic illness,

Time: 6165.08

it's not that people inherit a defective mitochondrion

Time: 6170.12

or mitochondria from mom, and then

Time: 6173.84

that just ruins their life forever.

Time: 6176.09

That's actually not the way it works.

Time: 6178.53

The beautiful thing about this theory

Time: 6182.06

is that it connects all of the risk factors

Time: 6185.12

that we already know play a role in mental health

Time: 6189.9

but also metabolic health.

Time: 6192.21

Sleep disruption impairs mitochondria and mitochondrial

Time: 6196.59


Time: 6197.67

Stress, high levels of stress and trauma,

Time: 6200.37

impair mitochondrial function.

Time: 6202.65

Drug and alcohol use, alcohol, tobacco definitely--

Time: 6208.65

in terms of the smoke--

Time: 6210.15

and marijuana-- THC, in particular-- all impair

Time: 6214.53

mitochondrial function.

Time: 6215.88

ANDREW HUBERMAN: THC directly or the smoke?

Time: 6219.48


Time: 6220.83

Those studies have been done.

Time: 6224.07

So mitochondria actually have CB1 receptors right on them.

Time: 6229.17

And various researchers, a couple

Time: 6232.92

of studies from Nature actually documented

Time: 6235.92

this, that the mitochondrial CB1 receptors are primary--

Time: 6244.74

kind of primary points of the influence of marijuana

Time: 6248.64

on human behaviors and effects.

Time: 6253.44

Because when they remove CB1 receptors in animal models,

Time: 6257.69

these changes don't happen.

Time: 6260.04

So the CB1 receptors--

Time: 6263.28

we've got some large studies of adolescents

Time: 6265.86

who use a lot of marijuana.

Time: 6267.57

And the areas where the mitochondria have the greatest

Time: 6270.87

number of CB1 receptors are areas of their brains

Time: 6274.5

that actually are atrophied or shrunk compared

Time: 6279.18

to normal healthy controls.

Time: 6280.96

So that means their brain tissue is aging prematurely.

Time: 6283.92

It's shrinking prematurely.

Time: 6287.49

But the CB1 receptors on mitochondria

Time: 6290.19

also seem to play a role in the memory impairment that

Time: 6293.22

can be induced from THC.

Time: 6296.97

And they also play a role in the kind

Time: 6301.17

of lack of motivation, the behavioral amotivational state

Time: 6305.76

from THC.

Time: 6307.56

Now, again, for people who want to chillax,

Time: 6311.22

that's what they're looking for.

Time: 6312.99

They don't want to remember anything.

Time: 6314.76

They don't want to think.

Time: 6316.98

They want to be spaced out.

Time: 6318.57

They want to relax.

Time: 6320.4

That's great.

Time: 6322.92

But it's important that they know

Time: 6324.63

that they're actually harming the mitochondria in their brain

Time: 6327.81


Time: 6329.76

And that although there's always an opportunity

Time: 6334.14

to repair mitochondria and always an opportunity

Time: 6337.02

to stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis,

Time: 6339.31

so you can get it back, but if you keep doing it chronically,

Time: 6342.57

you're probably not helping your overall mental or metabolic

Time: 6346.58


Time: 6347.08

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Yeah, I'm glad you brought up THC.

Time: 6348.6

We did an episode on cannabis.

Time: 6349.92

We also did one on alcohol--

Time: 6351.69

probably lost some friends from that one.

Time: 6354.158

When you look at the data, it's very clear.

Time: 6355.95

I'm not arguing that people dislike

Time: 6358.56

the effects of these compounds when they take them.

Time: 6361.98

But it is clear that, at least to me,

Time: 6365.19

based on the data that regardless of what people

Time: 6367.26

have read about red wine, that not drinking any alcohol is

Time: 6369.747

going to be healthier than drinking alcohol,

Time: 6371.58

and that the thresholds for alcohol ingestion before people

Time: 6374.13

start to negatively impact their health

Time: 6375.755

is about one or two per week.

Time: 6377.4

And then THC, because of the very high concentrations

Time: 6380.01

of THC that are present in a lot of products now--

Time: 6383.09

vaping and smoking THC and even edibles--

Time: 6386

that it can be problematic.

Time: 6388.115

You mentioned adolescents that predisposition,

Time: 6390.65

and brain atrophy, psychosis, et cetera.

Time: 6392.93

In any case, because you mentioned alcohol

Time: 6396.35

because it is a commonly used substance,

Time: 6400.34

I heard you give a talk in which--

Time: 6402.59

I think I have this right-- in which alcohol can disrupt

Time: 6408.25

the way that the brain uses fuels of all kinds,

Time: 6412.49

which may disrupt one's response to alcohol,

Time: 6418

make alcohol seem more rewarding to those that drink alcohol.

Time: 6423.915

So drinking alcohol makes alcohol

Time: 6425.29

more rewarding to the brains of alcohol drinkers,

Time: 6429.76

but that it also might alter glucose metabolism,

Time: 6432.67

that basically alcohol is not good for our brains.

Time: 6436.84

Do I have that correct?

Time: 6437.86

CHRIS PALMER: You do have that correct.

Time: 6439.485


Time: 6441.23

What happens if you take an alcoholic or somebody that just

Time: 6444.71

drinks two to four nights a week a couple

Time: 6448.28

of drinks, which I think is pretty common out there,

Time: 6451.28

and you put them on a ketogenic diet?

Time: 6453.68

Has that experiment been done?

Time: 6455.27

CHRIS PALMER: That experiment has been done.

Time: 6457.103


Time: 6458.653

CHRIS PALMER: It led by none other

Time: 6460.07

than a woman named Nora Volkow, who

Time: 6462.32

is one of the leading neuroscientists and addiction

Time: 6466.25

researchers in the world.

Time: 6467.76

She is the director of the National Institute

Time: 6469.85

of Drug Abuse.

Time: 6471.14

She's been hot on the trail of metabolic abnormalities

Time: 6474.86

in the brains of people with alcohol use disorder, which

Time: 6478.01

I will just refer to as alcoholics

Time: 6480.17

because that's what everybody knows it as.

Time: 6482.96

So she's been hot on this trail for many, many years.

Time: 6487.79

And as you said, it turns out that the reward pathways,

Time: 6493.67

in particular, are metabolically compromised in alcoholics.

Time: 6497.75

And the metabolic compromise essentially, in a nutshell,

Time: 6500.57

means they aren't getting enough fuel from glucose.

Time: 6503.99

The interesting thing is that when people drink alcohol,

Time: 6507.89

your liver converts alcohol into a molecule called acetate.

Time: 6512.15

That acetate travels up to the brain and fuels brain cells,

Time: 6516.98

in particular, some of these reward

Time: 6518.75

pathway cells more than others.

Time: 6521.04

And so chronic alcoholics have this chronic deprivation

Time: 6527

of energy in these cells.

Time: 6529.59

And so Nora Volkow and other researchers at the National

Time: 6532.94

Institutes of Health did a study in which they set out

Time: 6538.58

to see if we can change this brain metabolic problem

Time: 6543.32

in alcoholics.

Time: 6544.79

Will that affect clinical symptoms of alcoholism?

Time: 6548.66

And will it do anything?

Time: 6551.255

It's clinically useful.

Time: 6553.41

And so they actually did a pilot randomized

Time: 6557.51

controlled trial, admitted alcoholics to a detox unit.

Time: 6562.02

Half of the patients got a ketogenic diet.

Time: 6564.5

The other half got the standard American diet.

Time: 6567.26

And then everybody else, all of them

Time: 6569.21

got the same detox protocol.

Time: 6571.98

The patients who got the ketogenic diet

Time: 6575.37

required fewer benzodiazepines for their detox.

Time: 6580.14

Despite that, they had fewer withdrawal symptoms

Time: 6584.4

from the alcohol.

Time: 6585.99

They reported fewer cravings for alcohol.

Time: 6590.49

And the researchers did brain scans,

Time: 6593.11

which showed improved brain metabolism in these key areas

Time: 6598.02

that they were looking at.

Time: 6600.39

And their brains showed reduced levels

Time: 6603.51

of neuroinflammation, which was also something

Time: 6606.84

they were really interested in.

Time: 6609.19

And so that one study says to us that even though most people

Time: 6616.38

would think alcoholism has nothing to do with diet,

Time: 6619.8

alcohol is just drinking too much.

Time: 6622.08

It's a matter of willpower.

Time: 6624.18

Or it's somebody who's addictive.

Time: 6625.67

They've got an addictive personality,

Time: 6627.81

and it's that simple.

Time: 6629.38

You come out of the womb with an addictive personality.

Time: 6632.31

And those people are novelty seekers, and they're impulsive.

Time: 6637.89

And they have no patience.

Time: 6639.42

They have no discipline.

Time: 6640.71

They can't sustain any kind of rewarding experience.

Time: 6645.45

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Or childhood trauma.

Time: 6647.67

There's a--

Time: 6648.21


Time: 6648.63

ANDREW HUBERMAN: --story there, which there very well may be.

Time: 6651.15


Time: 6651.54

CHRIS PALMER: And there may be.

Time: 6652.38


Time: 6653.58

CHRIS PALMER: But what that research study strongly

Time: 6656.52


Time: 6657.81

and again, yes, maybe we need larger controlled trials.

Time: 6661.29

But this is one of the leading neuroscientists in the world

Time: 6663.78

who's hot on this trail.

Time: 6664.83

This is what she believes.

Time: 6666.09

And this is what I believe.

Time: 6668.25

It's that if we can correct the brain metabolic defects

Time: 6671.82

from chronic alcohol use, we might

Time: 6674.49

be able to help people be sober and give them a fighting

Time: 6679.11


Time: 6679.68

Or give them an edge up or pull a lever

Time: 6682.98

that we can use in their favor, for their benefit.

Time: 6687.66

There's one caution to all of this research

Time: 6689.58

that I really do want to highlight.

Time: 6691.3

And so now, I'm going to get hate mail

Time: 6693.24

from all the keto community.

Time: 6695.34


Time: 6696.81

I admire you for talking about nutrition at all

Time: 6698.97

because anytime one talks about nutrition,

Time: 6701.58

you're going to get hate mail from somebody.

Time: 6704.52

CHRIS PALMER: So the caveat to all of this

Time: 6707.91

is that as part of the research that those researchers were

Time: 6712.77

doing, they actually wanted to see

Time: 6715.26

what will happen to alcohol levels

Time: 6719.64

if an animal consumes alcohol while on a ketogenic diet.

Time: 6726.1

So they didn't do this in humans yet.

Time: 6728.22

This is a fairly easy study to do.

Time: 6730.29

So I'm hoping somebody will do this study soon.

Time: 6732.87

But they instead put rats half of them

Time: 6736.44

on a standard diet and half of them on a ketogenic diet.

Time: 6739.175

And then they exposed them to the exact same amount

Time: 6741.3

of alcohol.

Time: 6742.8

The rats who were on the ketogenic diet

Time: 6745.11

had a five-fold increase in blood alcohol levels.

Time: 6749.84

Five-fold increase.

Time: 6750.82

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Meaning, they drank more?

Time: 6752.57


Time: 6752.9


Time: 6753.11

ANDREW HUBERMAN: --it was metabolized differently.

Time: 6754.73

CHRIS PALMER: It was metabolized differently.

Time: 6756.605

The rats all got the same amount of alcohol.

Time: 6759.3

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So for people out there who are ketogenic,

Time: 6762.59

I'm chuckling, but who are not alcoholics-- please,

Time: 6764.763

alcoholics, please do something about it

Time: 6766.43

because it's so detrimental.

Time: 6767.597

But I guess does this mean that they can drink less in order

Time: 6770.66

to get the effect of alcohol that most people are seeking?

Time: 6773.3

CHRIS PALMER: Cheap dates.

Time: 6774.56

Cheap date is what you call that.

Time: 6776.3

You only need a half a drink instead of three drinks.

Time: 6778.858

ANDREW HUBERMAN: I would think the keto community would thank

Time: 6781.4

you for this unless they somehow have a stake in the alcohol

Time: 6784.67


Time: 6787.047

CHRIS PALMER: The reason that I put it

Time: 6788.63

as a caution is that if anybody is struggling with alcoholism

Time: 6792.32

and thinks hey, I need an edge up.

Time: 6794.33

I need a lever to pull because I'm really struggling

Time: 6796.94

to give this stuff up.

Time: 6798.47

I just find myself going back.

Time: 6800.27

And if you're telling me my brain metabolism is messed up,

Time: 6803.39

and this might help it, I'm all in favor of that.

Time: 6807.56

And yes, that's what the researchers are pursuing.

Time: 6809.9

And that's what I'm saying with the following caveat--

Time: 6814.07

that if you relapse while on a ketogenic diet,

Time: 6817.7

you better not drink the same amount of alcohol

Time: 6820.4

that you think you can drink.

Time: 6822.99

ANDREW HUBERMAN: It could be deadly.

Time: 6824.49

CHRIS PALMER: It could be deadly,

Time: 6826.01

and/or it could be really--

Time: 6828.41

yeah, deadly to you or someone else because unfortunately,

Time: 6831.47

a lot of times when people drink,

Time: 6833.21

they get behind the wheel.

Time: 6834.8

And they think that they can handle two drinks safely.

Time: 6838.28

And they think, well, I can go out for dinner

Time: 6840.83

and have two glasses of wine and drive home safely.

Time: 6844.1

I know myself.

Time: 6845.48

If you go to a ketogenic diet, please

Time: 6848.93

don't drive with the same two drinks

Time: 6851.54

because it means your blood alcohol level--

Time: 6854.36

if it models anything that we found in the rat study--

Time: 6858.08

your blood alcohol levels may be five times higher

Time: 6860.72

than they would normally be.

Time: 6862.32

And that means you are really wasted.

Time: 6865.13

And you're probably not safe to be driving.

Time: 6866.922

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Probably the same

Time: 6868.338

is true for drinking on an empty stomach, right?

Time: 6870.35


Time: 6870.62


Time: 6871.537

Now, it's a very important point.

Time: 6872.96

And thank you for raising that.

Time: 6875.21

I hear this again about mitochondria,

Time: 6880.97

about blood glucose, you mentioned astrocytes.

Time: 6884.09

And for those of you--

Time: 6885.65

that earlier astrocytes are a non-neuron cell type

Time: 6888.83

in the brain, a glial cell type that my postdoc advisor was

Time: 6893.6

known for popularizing the modern science of glia,

Time: 6896.638

which include astrocytes.

Time: 6897.68

And I'd be remiss if I didn't say that they are considered

Time: 6902.27

the cells that hold everything together in the brain

Time: 6904.64

and are kind of passive observers.

Time: 6906.29

But they do many things actively.

Time: 6909.41

I think now people appreciate the astrocytes at least

Time: 6913.04

as important as the neurons.

Time: 6915.07

And certainly, for disease, they are often

Time: 6916.82

implicated in warding off of disease, et cetera.

Time: 6920.76

Everything that you're telling me about the fact

Time: 6922.76

that the brain can regulate things that are happening

Time: 6924.98

in the body, metabolism, et cetera, organ health, obesity,

Time: 6928.91

et cetera, to me, as a neuroscientist,

Time: 6930.74

that's not surprising.

Time: 6932.15

All of it just screams hypothalamus, hypothalamus,

Time: 6935.075

hypothalamus because here, you're telling me,

Time: 6936.95

it's regulating these basal functions like metabolism.

Time: 6940.4

It's regulating how much we crave things.

Time: 6942.92

And of course, hypothalamus is involved

Time: 6944.84

in motivation and craving.

Time: 6946.04

There are other areas, too--

Time: 6947.542

other areas of the brain, too, of course.

Time: 6949.25

But I would imagine that someone ought to

Time: 6953.03

or has mapped out where the receptors for all this business

Time: 6959.55

are in the brain.

Time: 6962.13

And I guess that raises the question of, when

Time: 6964.38

one goes on a ketogenic or low blood glucose diet or fast,

Time: 6970.32

has anyone observed changes in the brain?

Time: 6972.39

Has anyone had neuroimaging of humans and their brains

Time: 6976.59

under conditions of ingesting one diet or another,

Time: 6979.38

whether or not they're psychiatric--

Time: 6980.97

suffering from a psychiatric disorder or not?

Time: 6984.12

I would think that's where the gold is.

Time: 6986.49

CHRIS PALMER: We do have some of those studies.

Time: 6991.845

When you do a neuroimaging study,

Time: 6993.51

you can measure a lot of different things.

Time: 6995.26

So one thing with a PET scan, you

Time: 6997.32

can measure glucose metabolism.

Time: 6999.49

So a researcher, Stephen Cunnane is

Time: 7002.39

doing that research in particular in Alzheimer's

Time: 7005.42

disease patients and Alzheimer's disease models but in humans.

Time: 7011.12

And that's because we know that--

Time: 7015.47

again, a common finding in patients

Time: 7018.41

with Alzheimer's disease is this glucose hypometabolism,

Time: 7022.83

some people are attributing it to insulin

Time: 7025.82

signaling impairment.

Time: 7027.26

And so some people are calling it type III diabetes.

Time: 7030.26

At the end of the day, I think the clearest

Time: 7033.68

signal that we have is that cells

Time: 7036.14

aren't getting enough energy from glucose as a fuel source.

Time: 7039.95

That is something that I think I can confidently

Time: 7042.98

say that's backed by numerous research studies.

Time: 7046.67

There's debate in the research field

Time: 7048.26

about whether that's a primary driver of the illness.

Time: 7051.68

I happen to believe it is.

Time: 7053.48

And if you ask the question, well,

Time: 7055.56

why would cells not be getting enough fuel from glucose?

Time: 7059.03

You have to focus on mitochondria

Time: 7060.71

because they're the ones producing

Time: 7062.18

the fuel from that glucose.

Time: 7064.08

So you somehow you have to implicate mitochondria

Time: 7066.44

in that process one way or another.

Time: 7069.83

Others will say, no, that's just a side effect of whatever's

Time: 7073.31

causing Alzheimer's disease.

Time: 7075.44

So Stephen Cunnane has done studies where he even

Time: 7077.72

gives ketone supplements.

Time: 7079.82

ANDREW HUBERMAN: These are liquid ketone esters?

Time: 7081.89

CHRIS PALMER: Yeah, ketone esters or ketone salts.

Time: 7084.74

And it has actually found that these brain metabolism deficits

Time: 7090.05

can be corrected, at least short-term,

Time: 7093.41

by giving a ketone supplement.

Time: 7096.138

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Is this in the context of people

Time: 7098.18

also ingesting some carbohydrate?

Time: 7099.95

Because I confess, I've tried the ketogenic diet.

Time: 7103.64

I probably did it wrong.

Time: 7104.768

This was years ago.

Time: 7105.56

And then the cyclic ketogenic diet.

Time: 7107.09

But in the last year or so, I've started

Time: 7110.87

using liquid ketone esters.

Time: 7113.36

And I do eat some carbohydrates each day,

Time: 7116.33

usually in proportion to how much high intensity exercise

Time: 7119.6

I'm doing.

Time: 7122.05

Those liquid ketone esters, for me--

Time: 7125.14

at least subjectively-- I feel greatly

Time: 7127.45

increase my energy levels and my ability to focus mentally.

Time: 7131.53

And they improve my sleep.

Time: 7133.06

This is my observation tracking some data

Time: 7135.61

but just, again, subjectively.

Time: 7137.32

So in this example, are you talking

Time: 7139.39

about people taking ketone esters or ketone

Time: 7141.58

salts on a backdrop of a ketogenic diet

Time: 7144.82

or on the backdrop of a more typical diet?

Time: 7147.88

CHRIS PALMER: So he's done both.

Time: 7149.98

So he's done studies where patients aren't doing

Time: 7154.66

anything special with the diet.

Time: 7156.08

So they're eating whatever they normally

Time: 7157.747

eat, absolutely nonketogenic, giving them

Time: 7160.9

a ketone salt or ester, and then noticing

Time: 7164.62

immediate and direct changes in the metabolism

Time: 7168.16

of these metabolically compromised brain cells

Time: 7173.41

as measured by PET imaging.

Time: 7176.063

ANDREW HUBERMAN: These are not household pets, by the way.

Time: 7178.48

Sorry, I have-- we have to just--

Time: 7180.01

P-E-T, positron emission tomography, not pets.

Time: 7182.277

Although, I'm sure that there are people out there

Time: 7184.36

who have their dogs, or cats, or whatever,

Time: 7186.49

or their pet kangaroos, whatever you might own,

Time: 7189.25

on ketogenic diet.

Time: 7190.29


Time: 7190.878

CHRIS PALMER: Absolutely.

Time: 7191.92

So he's actually moved further.

Time: 7193.93

He's done a pilot trial in a nursing home

Time: 7196.12

actually, where he did not put the patients

Time: 7198.76

on a ketogenic diet.

Time: 7200.32

He simply reduced carbohydrate consumption

Time: 7204.43

at breakfast and lunch.

Time: 7206.89

They still got the same dinner as everyone else.

Time: 7209.8

And simply reducing carbohydrate consumption

Time: 7212.68

at breakfast and lunch resulted in cognitive improvement

Time: 7216.79

in a statistically significant way in some of those subjects.

Time: 7220.755

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Oh, I love that result. I'm sorry,

Time: 7222.88

I just have to highlight this.

Time: 7224.13

I'm a huge believer in directing carbohydrates

Time: 7227.53

to specific portions of the day when

Time: 7229.18

one needs to be less focused and alert

Time: 7231.97

and yet can replenish glycogen.

Time: 7235.33

Limiting carbohydrates most of the time during the day,

Time: 7238.75

for me, has been a game changer in terms of maintaining

Time: 7241.96

alertness, et cetera.

Time: 7242.92

I'm not aware that I have age-related cognitive decline.

Time: 7245.89

But then again, I would-- people around me may argue otherwise.

Time: 7248.875

CHRIS PALMER: Let me say, you are Andrew Huberman.

Time: 7250.96

There is no way you have [LAUGHS] cognitive impairment.

Time: 7253.96

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Although you didn't know me

Time: 7254.62

as a six-year-old--

Time: 7254.83

CHRIS PALMER: If you have cognitive impairment,

Time: 7256.36

we're all screwed.

Time: 7257.5

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Well, I have plenty

Time: 7259

of flaws and impairments-- well over 3,000

Time: 7261.07

documented by people very close to me.

Time: 7265.37

But this is very interesting, I think,

Time: 7267.272

in the context of everything we've been talking about

Time: 7269.48

because could it be that supplementing

Time: 7272.81

with liquid ketones or prescribing

Time: 7276.53

liquid ketones to people who are challenged with mood

Time: 7281.42

disorders-- or things of that sort-- could be beneficial,

Time: 7284.24

even if they are not willing or able to adhere

Time: 7287.63

to a ketogenic diet?

Time: 7288.738

CHRIS PALMER: That is the million dollar question

Time: 7290.78

right now.

Time: 7291.35

And we don't have good trial data to say yes or no.

Time: 7299.06

My speculation, my hunch, having tried that clinically

Time: 7303.86

with patients, is it doesn't seem to work.

Time: 7308.4

It's not the same thing.

Time: 7312.01

The bigger reason for my feeling confident in saying that

Time: 7316.87

is that we've had ketone salts and esters

Time: 7320.68

available for over a decade now.

Time: 7324.64

We have tens of thousands of children and adolescents who

Time: 7328.33

are following a strict, ridiculously strict, ketogenic

Time: 7332.53

diet to control their epilepsy.

Time: 7336.03

Those kids would love to be off the ketogenic diet.

Time: 7339.84

Their parents would love to have them off the ketogenic diet.

Time: 7343.255

ANDREW HUBERMAN: They had no birthday cake, no ice cream.

Time: 7345.63

CHRIS PALMER: There is not one case report

Time: 7349.26

of any child controlling his or her seizures using

Time: 7353.79

exogenous ketones without also doing the ketogenic diet.

Time: 7359.53

I just find it hard to believe that at least some

Time: 7363.1

of those people haven't tried it out to see.

Time: 7366.58

I do know some patients with bipolar disorder

Time: 7370.27

and even schizophrenia who are doing extraordinarily well

Time: 7375.49

on a ketogenic diet.

Time: 7377.35

They have tried to switch off the ketogenic diet using

Time: 7381.07

exogenous ketones.

Time: 7382.72

Their symptoms came back.

Time: 7384.89

And so they found that it just wasn't effective.

Time: 7388.49

Now, again, those are anecdotes.

Time: 7391.61

My scientific speculation about why

Time: 7395.24

is because the ketogenic diet is actually not necessarily about

Time: 7401.4

ketones themselves.

Time: 7403.86

Ketones are one of a multifaceted story there.

Time: 7408.16

And so when people do a ketogenic diet,

Time: 7411.96

they're also improving-- they're lowering glucose levels.

Time: 7415.35

They're improving insulin signaling.

Time: 7418.65

They're ramping up mitochondrial biogenesis, in particular,

Time: 7423.81

in the liver because mitochondria actually

Time: 7427.65

make ketones.

Time: 7429.24

That's where they're made.

Time: 7430.35

And they're primarily made in the liver mitochondria.

Time: 7433.72

So when somebody is on in a fasting state

Time: 7436.68

or on a ketogenic diet, their liver mitochondria

Time: 7440.79

go through the roof because they're being called to action.

Time: 7444.42

It's like, hey, body's in starvation mode.

Time: 7447.03

Get to work.

Time: 7448.09

And so the mitochondria--

Time: 7450.18

the cell senses we need more mitochondria to process

Time: 7454.02

fat to turn it into ketones so that those ketones can get up

Time: 7457.53

to the brain and keep the brain fueled,

Time: 7459.9

because fatty acids can't fuel the brain.

Time: 7463.5

Only ketones can.

Time: 7465.78

Now, so my sense is that-- and the gut microbiome changes

Time: 7470.94

and everything, the changes in hormones--

Time: 7472.93

so if you're eating a lot of donuts

Time: 7476.94

and drinking a bottle of ketones,

Time: 7479.49

the donuts are going to prevent your body

Time: 7482.79

from lowering glucose levels.

Time: 7484.598

You're still going to have the high glucose

Time: 7486.39

levels from the donuts.

Time: 7487.512

You're still going to probably have

Time: 7488.97

the impaired insulin signaling.

Time: 7490.89

You're probably still going to possibly

Time: 7493.59

have some inflammation from the inflammatory effects

Time: 7497.19

of that food.

Time: 7499.62

And so just drinking ketones alone won't be enough.

Time: 7505.41

I think for people who are metabolically healthy, I'll

Time: 7509.37

include you in that, I think ketones can play a really

Time: 7512.67

beneficial role, no doubt.

Time: 7515.01

I think exogenous ketones may, in fact,

Time: 7519.75

proven valuable in clinical use for patients

Time: 7524.13

who maybe can't follow a super strict ketogenic diet

Time: 7526.77

but maybe could do a low carb diet.

Time: 7529.403

And then given the research that's

Time: 7530.82

happening with alcohol use disorder,

Time: 7534.17

I could imagine a situation-- here's

Time: 7536.36

the million dollar tip to whoever

Time: 7539.84

wants to go out and get this, if it actually turns out

Time: 7542.09

to be true.

Time: 7543.6

I could imagine a scenario where we use exogenous ketones

Time: 7547.25

with alcoholics.

Time: 7548.78

And that every time they have a severe craving for alcohol,

Time: 7552.08

they drink ketones instead.

Time: 7554.34

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Which sort of tastes like alcohol.

Time: 7556.54

The ketone esters, when I take them, I drink them straight.

Time: 7560.162

Sometimes I'll put them in seltzer.

Time: 7561.62

And I'm not a big drinker, as I mentioned.

Time: 7563.37

I might have an alcoholic drink every once in a while.

Time: 7565.7

I just don't ever crave it.

Time: 7567.11

I just do it every maybe--

Time: 7570.47

I think 2020 was the last time I had a drink of alcohol.

Time: 7574.31

So obviously, I'm not a good representative example.

Time: 7577.55

But the ketones taste good to me.

Time: 7579.83

And they obviously don't get you drunk.

Time: 7582.56

They do seem to flick on my alertness pretty quickly.

Time: 7588.11

My understanding is that they are the brain's preferred fuel

Time: 7592.52


Time: 7593.49

Meaning, they are going to be the first fuels used

Time: 7596.9

by the brain when there's a buffet of fuels available.

Time: 7603.818

If there's glucose in my bloodstream,

Time: 7605.36

there's circulating liquid ketones,

Time: 7607.49

the ketones would be used first or preferentially.

Time: 7610.4

Is that true?

Time: 7612.12

CHRIS PALMER: I think it's a complex question.

Time: 7617.015

Some research that we have suggest that there are brain

Time: 7620.93

areas or brain cells that require glucose and cannot use

Time: 7626.27


Time: 7627.51

So 100% of the brain cannot be fueled with ketones as far

Time: 7631.58

as we can tell.

Time: 7632.81

So there are some areas that require glucose.

Time: 7636.71

And that's probably the reason we have gluconeogenesis

Time: 7639.56

to keep the body going and keep the brain going no matter what.

Time: 7645.57

But when ketones are available, especially if ketones are high,

Time: 7652.66

the way I think about it is not that ketones

Time: 7655.9

are the preferred fuel source and glucose

Time: 7658.45

goes to the wayside.

Time: 7660.7

But the way I think about it is that you

Time: 7662.8

have a range of cells with varying

Time: 7666.16

degrees of metabolic health.

Time: 7668.86

And some of those cells are going

Time: 7670.24

to be extraordinarily healthy with appropriate healthy

Time: 7674.83

abundant mitochondria.

Time: 7677.21

And those cells are probably going

Time: 7678.82

to continue to use glucose as a fuel source.

Time: 7682.22

But if ketones happen to be there,

Time: 7683.89

sure, they'll use that, too.

Time: 7685.3

Why not?

Time: 7686.89

But the real money is metabolically

Time: 7689.14

compromised tissues, whether it's

Time: 7692.23

brain cells or other tissues that--

Time: 7695.13

we're talking about the brain.

Time: 7696.38

So if you've got metabolically compromised brain cells--

Time: 7699.76

because it's not across the board.

Time: 7701.44

Like with Alzheimer's brain scans,

Time: 7703.93

there are specific regions that are more metabolically

Time: 7706.9

compromised than others.

Time: 7708.35

And that's why we see patterns of atrophy in specific brain

Time: 7712.81


Time: 7713.68

It's because those regions are dysfunctional metabolically

Time: 7718.63

for whatever reason.

Time: 7720.1

And we can get into why that might be.

Time: 7723.97

But my sense is that if you've got a metabolically compromised

Time: 7727.21

cell, that cell is sending out a distress signal.

Time: 7730.96

That cell is calling resources from the body, like feed me.

Time: 7737.35

Give me something.

Time: 7739.03

And if it can't use glucose effectively,

Time: 7741.58

it is going to suck up those ketones

Time: 7744.1

and then start running on all cylinders or closer to it.

Time: 7749.38

And that process is so critical because what it means

Time: 7755.17

is that if that cell was barely getting

Time: 7759.58

by on 60% of its real ATP requirement,

Time: 7765.19

it means that it doesn't have enough energy for maintenance

Time: 7768.34

and repair functions.

Time: 7770.74

As soon as you give that cell a hundred percent energy

Time: 7774.19

or close to it, even if you get it up

Time: 7776.77

to 90% of its preferred energy amount,

Time: 7782.74

it can start to repair itself.

Time: 7786.01

That's the beauty of the human body

Time: 7787.84

in living organisms, is that they

Time: 7789.94

have a priority list of what they're going to do.

Time: 7795.325

If that cell senses that there are defective molecules,

Time: 7800.2

defective proteins in this cell that

Time: 7803.17

need to be replaced, once it gets enough fuel,

Time: 7807.61

it will start repairing itself and doing that work.

Time: 7811.963

ANDREW HUBERMAN: That makes sense.

Time: 7813.38

Thank you for that clarification.

Time: 7817.463

I'd like to talk about Alzheimer's

Time: 7818.88

and age-related cognitive decline generally.

Time: 7822.36

I know many people out there are just

Time: 7825.3

terrified of losing their memory for the obvious reasons.

Time: 7829.32

Memory sets context, et cetera.

Time: 7831.48

And many people have relatives that

Time: 7834.51

suffer from Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia.

Time: 7837.75

I've heard that the ketogenic diet and diets like

Time: 7841.86

it can be very effective for helping

Time: 7846.12

to offset some of the symptoms of Alzheimer's

Time: 7848.88

and age-related cognitive decline.

Time: 7850.51

In fact, I even have a friend I won't out by institution,

Time: 7854.22

who's the chair of Cardiology, who contacted me,

Time: 7857.88

of all people, asking whether or not I was aware of any studies

Time: 7863.28

or whether or not I knew of anybody who had benefited from

Time: 7867.42

ketogenic diet for Alzheimer's.

Time: 7868.868

And I thought, well, why don't you ask one of your colleagues

Time: 7871.41

in neurology?

Time: 7872.22

But his response was really interesting.

Time: 7874.57

He said there are many books out there for the general public.

Time: 7878.46

There are a lot of online discussions about this.

Time: 7880.832

There are a lot of assertions about this,

Time: 7882.54

and some animal studies.

Time: 7885.26

Again, these are his words.

Time: 7887.92

There are very few, if any, controlled clinical trials

Time: 7892.47

exploring the role of the ketogenic diet

Time: 7895.17

for the treatment or reversal of Alzheimer's

Time: 7898.17

and age-related cognitive decline.

Time: 7899.76

I'm hoping that statement was incorrect or soon will be

Time: 7902.7

incorrect-- because those trials are ongoing--

Time: 7904.92

but he said, yeah, the people are most popular for telling us

Time: 7910.59

about the important role and positive role of being

Time: 7914.67

in ketosis for Alzheimer's, for some reason,

Time: 7917.22

they just won't do a clinical trial.

Time: 7919.51

And that's been frustrating to the community.

Time: 7922.36

So this is a very educated, very accomplished person

Time: 7925.11

who's a physician of heart medicine as opposed

Time: 7928.44

to something else related to the brain.

Time: 7932.26

But what is the story there.

Time: 7935.28

And for goodness' sake, why aren't there clinical trials

Time: 7938.31

on ketogenic diet and Alzheimer's?

Time: 7940.26

I don't expect you to be responsible for that fact.

Time: 7945.42

But goodness, I would think this would

Time: 7947.67

be the obvious thing for NIH.

Time: 7951.12

I'm on study section but not for these sorts of experiments.

Time: 7954.93

Why isn't money just avalanching into this area based on all

Time: 7959.04

the anecdotal evidence that people are talking about?

Time: 7962.082

CHRIS PALMER: So we've got a couple

Time: 7963.54

of small pilot clinical trials.

Time: 7967.08

The best one was a randomized controlled trial.

Time: 7970.62

I think it only included 26 subjects, something like that,

Time: 7974.52

randomized to 12 weeks of a low fat diet, 10-week washout,

Time: 7981.54

12 weeks of ketogenic diet.

Time: 7984.45

Some of the participants got keto first and then low fat.

Time: 7987.9

Other participants got low fat then keto.

Time: 7991.02

And that trial actually found that when patients

Time: 7996.18

were in ketosis, they had statistically significant

Time: 8002.87

improvement in activities of daily living and quality

Time: 8007.49

of life.

Time: 8008.99

And they did have improvement in cognitive function.

Time: 8012.47

But it didn't reach statistical significance,

Time: 8015.05

that improvement did not.

Time: 8018.65

We've got other trials.

Time: 8020.84

We've got several animal models showing that the ketogenic diet

Time: 8025.49

can improve biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease

Time: 8029.12

in Alzheimer's models.

Time: 8031.28

So it can reduce plaques and tangles,

Time: 8033.68

can even improve cognitive impairment in animal models.

Time: 8040.25

And we've got a couple of other small pilot

Time: 8042.62

trials of ketogenic diet in humans,

Time: 8045.95

showing that it improves biomarkers compared

Time: 8048.98

to, say, the low fat diet or the American Heart Association

Time: 8051.8


Time: 8052.58

So we've got those.

Time: 8055.23

I think one of the biggest challenges

Time: 8056.87

that I'll just share openly--

Time: 8059.535

and this is-- I'm somebody who's pretty

Time: 8061.16

passionate about this research.

Time: 8062.48

And I believe it has a lot of potential.

Time: 8066.32

But Johns Hopkins' researchers attempted

Time: 8070.58

to do exactly this kind of a study, Alzheimer's patients'

Time: 8076.88

ketogenic diet versus the, I think,

Time: 8080.15

American Academy of Aging--

Time: 8081.56

or something like that-- diet, is the controlled diet.

Time: 8083.965

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Which presumably

Time: 8085.34

has starches in there.

Time: 8086.48


Time: 8086.54

ANDREW HUBERMAN: I think that's the key variable.

Time: 8087.56

CHRIS PALMER: Probably lots of-- yeah, lots of--

Time: 8089.33

ANDREW HUBERMAN: And some potatoes--

Time: 8089.93

CHRIS PALMER: Whole grains, lots of whole grains.

Time: 8091.08

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Yeah, some potatoes.

Time: 8093.11

CHRIS PALMER: And they spent, I believe, over three years.

Time: 8098.26

They screened over 1,300 people who expressed interest.

Time: 8107.583

At the end of the day, I think they only

Time: 8109.25

got 27 people to enroll.

Time: 8112.49

And only 14 of those people completed the study.

Time: 8116.18


Time: 8117.53

CHRIS PALMER: Despite that, what they

Time: 8119.69

found was that the subjects who achieved ketosis

Time: 8123.41

had cognitive improvement.

Time: 8126.98

But people on study section are going

Time: 8129.56

to look at a study like that and say, even if the science is

Time: 8135.11

there, if you can't get people to do this diet,

Time: 8139.86

why would we spend money on researchers trying

Time: 8143.7

to get people to do this diet?

Time: 8145.35

ANDREW HUBERMAN: I should mention,

Time: 8146.767

study section is this closed door panels of 40 or so people.

Time: 8151.303

There are many of these panels.

Time: 8155.34

Different divisions in the National Institutes of Health

Time: 8158.005

use different panels.

Time: 8158.88

And then grants are evaluated in a very small,

Time: 8163.128

because of the size of the federal budget for research,

Time: 8165.42

a very small percentage.

Time: 8168.54

Usually, about 10% of these studies are funded.

Time: 8171.78

The rest generally don't end up happening.

Time: 8176.7

That is very informative.

Time: 8179.94

What you just described is very informative

Time: 8181.8

because now it makes sense to me.

Time: 8184.83

There's no conspiracy.

Time: 8186.69

It's not big pharma, I don't think,

Time: 8188.97

is trying to suppress trials of ketogenic diets

Time: 8193.027

on Alzheimer's because I would imagine

Time: 8194.61

the first thing that pharma would want to do

Time: 8196.68

is to see that study done.

Time: 8197.921

So they didn't have to.

Time: 8198.879

And then the moment it was done, if it showed a positive effect,

Time: 8201.45

they'd probably want to isolate the molecule

Time: 8203.283

and wrap it up in something that people would take, right?

Time: 8205.74


Time: 8206.01

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So I don't think

Time: 8206.67

there's any active suppression by pharma.

Time: 8208.378

I think pharma would probably be cheering from the sidelines

Time: 8210.93

because they could capitalize on it, because ultimately,

Time: 8213.472

the studies are done by scientists.

Time: 8214.93

But the treatments are generally doled out

Time: 8216.9

by pharmaceutical companies and/or physicians.

Time: 8219.67

So I don't believe there's a conspiracy there.

Time: 8221.79

That is very interesting.

Time: 8223.2

And it's kind of amazing, given our discussion

Time: 8227.17

of earlier, which is that you had a patient that

Time: 8229.93

was having schizophrenic symptoms who

Time: 8232.54

managed to stay on this diet.

Time: 8234.1

So is there something special about Alzheimer's patients

Time: 8238.15

and people with age-related cognitive decline?

Time: 8240.309

Presumably, they're very dependent on others

Time: 8242.86

to cook for them and shop for them.

Time: 8246.58

I think that this is almost perfect controlled environment

Time: 8249.43

for getting this study done.

Time: 8250.91

CHRIS PALMER: I think that is the key issue.

Time: 8253.82

So again, I got patients--

Time: 8256.48

I get patients with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia,

Time: 8261.16

extraordinarily impaired people to do this diet

Time: 8265.6

and stay with it.

Time: 8266.59

But it's because I'm providing a weekly session for them.

Time: 8272.32

And I imagine this study did not provide

Time: 8276.04

that kind of intensive support.

Time: 8279.52

In the pilot trial that I described to you,

Time: 8281.83

they actually got, I think, over 90% compliance

Time: 8284.709

with the different dietary interventions.

Time: 8287.57

So some of it is going to be dependent on the research

Time: 8291.58


Time: 8292.18

And does the research group understand that this is not--

Time: 8295.87

it's not like prescribing a pill.

Time: 8298.18

Here, take this pill.

Time: 8300.1

And take it every day and come back in three weeks.

Time: 8303.79

And even then, we don't know for sure

Time: 8305.44

that the patient took the pill every day.

Time: 8307.27

We just assume they took the pill every day.

Time: 8309.52

And studies say they probably didn't.

Time: 8312.79

So I think when we think about a dietary intervention,

Time: 8315.7

we need to think about more intensive support

Time: 8319.6

and education.

Time: 8321.129

And that support could be a health and wellness coach.

Time: 8324.44

It could be a dietician.

Time: 8326.02

It could be education of the family.

Time: 8328.54

It might even be providing them with dietary meals.

Time: 8335.02

That maybe for six months, we actually provide them

Time: 8339.67

with ketogenic meals--

Time: 8342.879

once a week, put them in your freezer.

Time: 8345.91

Microwave them when needed--

Time: 8347.77

to make this diet as easy and doable as possible.

Time: 8354.2

Because if we can get people to do the diet,

Time: 8356.99

if we can get them through the first couple of months,

Time: 8359.879

most people can learn how to do this diet.

Time: 8363.26

More importantly-- I didn't mention this before.

Time: 8367.23

But the number one reason I am so successful at getting

Time: 8370.85

patients to stay on this diet for years,

Time: 8374.98

is because of the consequences to them when they go off of it.

Time: 8379.95

That is the reason I can get schizophrenic patients

Time: 8383.37

and bipolar patients to do this diet,

Time: 8385.629

whereas other people can't get an everyday human

Time: 8388.8

being to do it for weight loss because the weight loss

Time: 8391.98

patient doesn't experience devastating tormenting symptoms

Time: 8398.34

when they break the diet.

Time: 8400.83

Oftentimes, they are rewarded.

Time: 8402.45

They eat something they really enjoy.

Time: 8405.24

And they get a little bit of a dopamine rush from it.

Time: 8407.76

And they're off to the races.

Time: 8409.02

They're like, I'm going to-- oh, I've already cheated.

Time: 8411.27

I'll cheat again.

Time: 8412.21

I'll get back on it someday.

Time: 8413.52

And they never get around to it.

Time: 8415.85

My patients, when they go off the diet,

Time: 8419.3

they start hallucinating within 48--

Time: 8421.4

or 24, 48 hours.

Time: 8424.01

And they quickly realize that was a really stupid thing

Time: 8427.4

to do.

Time: 8428.21

That piece of cake was not at all worth

Time: 8431.39

the torment that I'm experiencing now.

Time: 8434.3

So they get back on the diet.

Time: 8436.25

I suspect with Alzheimer's disease,

Time: 8438.48

we might notice something similar.

Time: 8442.28

Some of these people have very mild symptoms.

Time: 8444.99

So maybe they won't have that kind

Time: 8447.65

of a reinforcement, negative reinforcing kind of experience.

Time: 8452.51

But I think some of them will.

Time: 8454.34

Some of them recognize that they are impaired cognitively.

Time: 8460.7

And if this diet could help them remember better,

Time: 8464.33

if this diet could help them function better--

Time: 8466.883

and again, that's what the pilot trial showed,

Time: 8468.8

is activities of daily living.

Time: 8470.367

That means these people are able to go

Time: 8471.95

to the bathroom on their own.

Time: 8473.39

They're able to get themselves dressed.

Time: 8475.4

Whereas, they needed help with those things before.

Time: 8479.81

Those are actually really important things

Time: 8482.72

to both the patient and the caregiver.

Time: 8487.37

And if they go off the diet and then

Time: 8489.26

quickly revert into a more symptomatic state,

Time: 8493.58

that might be reinforcing enough for them

Time: 8497.57

to figure out a way to do the diet on their own.

Time: 8501.38

And if we think about, if this really

Time: 8503.33

is an effective intervention-- and yes,

Time: 8505.13

we need longer trials, larger trials, all of that,

Time: 8508.04

because there are plenty of stories

Time: 8510.32

in the medical field where pilot trials looked really

Time: 8514.4

spectacular and promising.

Time: 8516.59

And then larger trials just failed to show the benefits.

Time: 8521.55

I believe, based on all the science of metabolism,

Time: 8525.3

mitochondria, glucose hypometabolism, all of that,

Time: 8528.3

I believe the science makes this an obvious treatment that

Time: 8534.42

has real potential.

Time: 8536.19

So people will call me biased.

Time: 8539.19

That's fine.

Time: 8539.727

I've got my bias.

Time: 8540.435

ANDREW HUBERMAN: No, based on clinical observation

Time: 8542.76

and extensive clinical observation at that--

Time: 8545.61

I think biases that are simply because we

Time: 8548.22

want to feel a certain way or believe something

Time: 8551.34

are worth critiquing.

Time: 8553.53

But bias based on observation-- here,

Time: 8557.01

I should mention that most of what we know about human memory

Time: 8562.17

was sparked by one patient, a famous HM, who I think

Time: 8565.62

was living in Harvard Medical, in one of the hospitals around.

Time: 8569.697

There are many hospitals on Longwood Campus.

Time: 8571.53

But one patient, the reason we associate

Time: 8576.21

the hippocampus with memory is because we knew that HM's

Time: 8579.69

the hippocampus was intentionally

Time: 8581.73

damaged for epilepsy treatment.

Time: 8584.28

So this idea that everything has to be

Time: 8586.89

a randomized clinical trial, to me, is crazy.

Time: 8589.89

Of course, that's a gold standard.

Time: 8592.35

And it's essential.

Time: 8594

But there's so much information in textbooks, medical textbooks

Time: 8598.38

in particular, that are gleaned from single-patient case

Time: 8601.38

studies or from three-patient neurostimulation in the brain

Time: 8605.34

or something of that sort.

Time: 8606.46

So to me, I'm still perplexed as to why

Time: 8612.78

there's this insistence on only one form of evidence.

Time: 8617.46

Clearly, what you're doing, the important work

Time: 8620.328

that you're doing clinically, and in the research side,

Time: 8622.62

and in public communication, is assisting this.

Time: 8626.05

I have a question about--

Time: 8627.79

or more of a statement/question about the ketogenic diet.

Time: 8631.54

Based on everything that we've talked about,

Time: 8633.73

seems to me that the ketogenic diet for weight loss

Time: 8637.6

is a very interesting aspect of the diet

Time: 8640.15

as is intermittent fasting for weight loss

Time: 8643.09

even though it might just be by way of caloric restriction

Time: 8646.06

that occurs with fasting.

Time: 8647.97

But then in some ways, the effects

Time: 8650.88

of the ketogenic diet on weight loss

Time: 8653.19

are a bit of a decoy for most people.

Time: 8655.402

That's where their mind goes.

Time: 8656.61

This person lost X amount of weight.

Time: 8658.26

Maybe that made them feel better.

Time: 8659.47

Maybe that actually made them underweight.

Time: 8660.72

I think you've talked about it.

Time: 8661.59

For some people, it can actually bring them under weight.

Time: 8666.68

I'm glad that we got the chance to dive

Time: 8668.33

into the description of ketogenic diet for epilepsy

Time: 8670.73

because it really is a medical intervention that

Time: 8673.88

has a side effect of weight loss or could

Time: 8676.73

be used to treat obesity and induce weight loss.

Time: 8680.12

But it's really about far more than that.

Time: 8684.12

And that raises a question for me, which is--

Time: 8687.431

we've been talking about the ketogenic diet as one thing.

Time: 8691.07

But I've heard you discuss this before,

Time: 8693.65

where just as a physician will prescribe different dosage

Time: 8698.45

ranges of a given drug, you can prescribe different dosage

Time: 8702.8

ranges of a nutritional plan, a diet.

Time: 8705.63

It's not one thing.

Time: 8706.73

It's not necessarily zero carbohydrates

Time: 8709.22

or 100 grams or 50 grams.

Time: 8710.69

It depends on the patient and a lot of other factors.

Time: 8714.14

I've heard you list off various things classic keto.

Time: 8716.667

Maybe you could just briefly tell us what that typically

Time: 8719

is, because I think most people think

Time: 8721.4

it means eating a lot of meat and not carbohydrates.

Time: 8724.82

But it might not be that.

Time: 8727.01

Fasting and then some of the other-- you

Time: 8729.2

mentioned Atkins earlier.

Time: 8730.488

We don't have to go into each of these in detail.

Time: 8732.53

And I know in your book, you talk about

Time: 8734.155

not just the science and clinical background but also

Time: 8736.43

some actionable steps that people could consider.

Time: 8739.26

So they can refer there for more detail.

Time: 8741.66

But for somebody who, let's say, is

Time: 8744.17

depressed-- they've had some rounds of depression.

Time: 8746.78

Maybe they're on antidepressants, maybe not--

Time: 8748.85

and they want to try something like this.

Time: 8751.56

Obviously, this has to be done in concert with a physician

Time: 8754.91

observing all this.

Time: 8756.14

But what is the typical thing that you probe with first?

Time: 8760.167

Just like with a drug, you might probe

Time: 8761.75

with 20 milligrams of a drug.

Time: 8763.22

What's your typical initial dietary intervention probe?

Time: 8768.26

Terrible languaging, I realize.

Time: 8769.67

And I'm criticizing myself for that.

Time: 8771.95

But I think people get the idea.

Time: 8774.08

CHRIS PALMER: The real answer is that I don't have

Time: 8776.24

a one-size-fits-all recommendation for any person.

Time: 8779.365

So the first thing that I'm going

Time: 8780.74

to assess with the patient is, what symptoms are they having?

Time: 8784.55

What is their current diet like?

Time: 8786.56

And what are they willing to do?

Time: 8788.6

I try to meet them where they're at.

Time: 8790.68

So if somebody-- and I want to point out.

Time: 8794.72

You mentioned the all-meat version

Time: 8797.39

of this diet, which is often referred

Time: 8799.82

to as the carnivore diet.

Time: 8800.972

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Very controversial diet.

Time: 8802.68

CHRIS PALMER: There is no doubt that exists.

Time: 8804.94

Some people swear by it.

Time: 8805.94

They swear they've tried other versions of ketogenic diets

Time: 8808.618

and only when they went to a carnivore diet

Time: 8810.41

did they get benefits.

Time: 8812.09

But there are vegetarian and vegan versions

Time: 8814.55

of the ketogenic diet.

Time: 8816.18

So in my mind, this is not at all

Time: 8818.9

about the diet wars of animal-sourced

Time: 8821.54

versus plant-sourced foods.

Time: 8823.28

It's about inducing a state of ketosis, which

Time: 8827.06

is mimicking the fasting state.

Time: 8829.07

That is what it's about.

Time: 8830.42

And you can do that by not eating anything,

Time: 8832.94

by fasting and/or intermittent fasting.

Time: 8835.88

And you get your results.

Time: 8837.36

So no diet is a ketogenic diet.

Time: 8841.62

So it's not about the foods or the types of foods

Time: 8844.67

that you're eating.

Time: 8845.55

It's about inducing a state of ketosis.

Time: 8848.27

The first variable I'm going to look at when I recommend this

Time: 8851.09

or prescribe this is the person's current weight.

Time: 8854.39

If somebody is obese versus somebody who's thin,

Time: 8859.58

I'm going to use different dietary strategies

Time: 8861.71

for those two situations.

Time: 8863.18

In the obese patient, they have tons of fat stores

Time: 8866.45

on their body already.

Time: 8868.22

Usually, it is a goal of theirs to tap into some of those.

Time: 8871.82

And they'd like to lose some weight

Time: 8873.83

if they're going to try a ketogenic diet for brain health

Time: 8876.53


Time: 8877.76

And so I'm going to use that.

Time: 8879.9

So that person, really, the diet is carbohydrate restriction.

Time: 8884.42

And that usually is a sufficient intervention.

Time: 8887.158

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Both simple carbohydrates,

Time: 8888.95

meaning sugars and fructose also?

Time: 8891.89

CHRIS PALMER: Fructose, definitely.

Time: 8893.39

So no added sugars, essentially.

Time: 8896.69

You can have added natural sweeteners like stevia or monk

Time: 8900.68


Time: 8902.09

You might use artificial sweeteners.

Time: 8906.26

Years of doing this, I'd probably

Time: 8908.858

recommend steer away from them if you

Time: 8910.4

can because I think they tend to stimulate

Time: 8912.2

cravings for high carb foods.

Time: 8915.02

So if you can kind of get through a couple of weeks

Time: 8917.84

without sweet things, your cravings for those

Time: 8923.09

will go down.

Time: 8923.87

And it'll make the diet easier and a little more sustainable.

Time: 8926.42

But let's say you can have your artificial sweeteners,

Time: 8929.72

if that's what you really want.

Time: 8932.93

So I'm going to say less than 20 grams of carbs a day

Time: 8935.17

for those people.

Time: 8936.93

They can have all the protein they want.

Time: 8939.06

They can have vegetables.

Time: 8940.643

And they can have all the fat they want.

Time: 8942.31

But I'm not going to push fat on those people.

Time: 8945.06

I'm not going to tell them, eat a lot of fat, at the same time

Time: 8947.82

because I want to use the fat on their body as the fat source,

Time: 8952.44

at least early on.

Time: 8953.64

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Are you encouraging

Time: 8955.14

healthy fats like monounsaturated fats,

Time: 8956.91

like olive oil?

Time: 8957.66

Are you encouraging people to eat a little less

Time: 8961.83

butter, et cetera?

Time: 8967.26

CHRIS PALMER: I tend to encourage, again,

Time: 8970.85

a wide range of fats.

Time: 8971.825

And it's going to depend on the person.

Time: 8973.45

A lot of times, people come to me with very specific ideas.

Time: 8977.17

But I'm going to tend to encourage olive oil, avocados,

Time: 8981.53

nuts, which are usually considered,

Time: 8984.07

even by the American Heart Association,

Time: 8985.75

healthy sources of fat.

Time: 8988.21

The more controversial thing are things

Time: 8989.98

like coconut oil or coconut cream, which the American Heart

Time: 8993.46

Association might say is not a healthy fat,

Time: 8996.1

I kind of disagree with that and don't think

Time: 8998.68

it's unhealthy at all actually.

Time: 9001.17

And when you look at the epidemiological studies

Time: 9004.14

of saturated fat causing heart disease

Time: 9007.47

or causing adverse outcomes, at best, maybe increases your risk

Time: 9012.6

10% to 15%-- at best.

Time: 9013.908

ANDREW HUBERMAN: How much coconut oil

Time: 9015.45

can people ingest, anyway, before they either develop

Time: 9019.29

diarrhea-- no joke-- or just sort of get

Time: 9021.99

tired of coconut oil?

Time: 9023.61

Anyway, your point is taken.

Time: 9027.06

But they can eat meat if they like meat?

Time: 9029.46

CHRIS PALMER: Absolutely.

Time: 9029.64

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Or they can eat eggs.

Time: 9030.81

Or if they don't like meat and eggs,

Time: 9032.4

they could eat sardines or things of that sort.

Time: 9034.5

I personally can't--

Time: 9035.407

I can't even stomach the--

Time: 9036.49

I don't even like the word "sardine."

Time: 9038.365

I have nothing against the actual fish.

Time: 9039.99

But that's just me.

Time: 9041.73

But obviously, people have--

Time: 9042.99

I say this because people have different preferences, right?

Time: 9045.6


Time: 9046.14

ANDREW HUBERMAN: I'll eat a steak.

Time: 9046.77

But I'm not going to eat a sardine.

Time: 9047.91

CHRIS PALMER: And I'm going to go with that.

Time: 9049.743

And again, there are vegan sources of protein that--

Time: 9052.38

people can eat tempeh and other things.

Time: 9055.51

So that's the obese person.

Time: 9060.12

It's carb restriction as the primary initial phase.

Time: 9064.72

The thin person is going to need to eat a lot of fat

Time: 9067.38

because they don't have a lot of fat stores on their body.

Time: 9070.66

And if I want them in ketosis, clinical ketosis,

Time: 9073.98

I'm going to have to feed them fat.

Time: 9075.612

So that's the person that I'm going

Time: 9077.07

to say, make sure you get in avocados,

Time: 9080.79

olive oil, butter, maybe heavy cream.

Time: 9085.72

So heavy cream is delicious.

Time: 9087.09

It's a delicious way to get your fats in.

Time: 9090.105

I have one patient who just drinks it straight,

Time: 9092.25

to just try to get it in.

Time: 9093.597


Time: 9094.68

I've never had an appetite for sweets.

Time: 9098.49

I absolutely love savory fatty food.

Time: 9102

When I was in high school, I was thin.

Time: 9104.52

So I was able to do this.

Time: 9106.27

But I used to drink half-and-half.

Time: 9107.687

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night

Time: 9109.603

and drink it just because it tastes so, so good.

Time: 9111.78

CHRIS PALMER: It does taste good.

Time: 9113.57

So if they're on a ketogenic diet,

Time: 9115.08

I'm going to push them away from half-and-half

Time: 9117.93

and toward heavy whipping cream.

Time: 9121.62

So you can whip that up.

Time: 9123.15

You can freeze it.

Time: 9124.11

It turns into ice cream.

Time: 9125.53

You can add vanilla.

Time: 9126.42

You can add cocoa powder.

Time: 9127.667

You can add all sorts of things.

Time: 9129

And you're off to the races with shakes, and ice cream,

Time: 9132.21

and mousse, and all sorts of things that you can have.

Time: 9137.82

With any of these patients, the beauty of this diet

Time: 9141.45

is I have objective biomarkers.

Time: 9144.06

I'm going to have them measuring ketones.

Time: 9146.13

And I'm going to adjust the diet based on their state of ketosis

Time: 9150.09

and/or the clinical benefits that I'm looking for.

Time: 9154.02

If it's an average person, who is not currently

Time: 9157.08

under psychiatric care, not taking prescription medicines

Time: 9161.64

but is saying, I'm burned out.

Time: 9164.43

I'm exhausted.

Time: 9165.93

I want some of that brain energy that Andrew Huberman

Time: 9168.63

is talking about.

Time: 9169.98

He talks about feeling good.

Time: 9171.33

I want some of that.

Time: 9173.16

I'm probably actually going to recommend

Time: 9174.93

the protocol you describe, which is,

Time: 9177.36

let's see if we can just carb restrict for a while

Time: 9181.47

and see if that produces clinical benefit.

Time: 9184.41

I have one-- he's not even a patient,

Time: 9187.32

just somebody who read my book.

Time: 9191.61

I didn't tell him anything.

Time: 9193.65

And he came away from it saying--

Time: 9195.57

he was ready to start an antidepressant for his anxiety.

Time: 9200.1

He had chronic anxiety, was trying meditation,

Time: 9202.59

was trying all sorts of things.

Time: 9204.84

Nothing-- those things weren't enough.

Time: 9207.64

He was ready to go on prescription medicine.

Time: 9210.3

He read an early copy of the book.

Time: 9212.16

He took it upon himself without consulting with me to restrict

Time: 9215.31

carbohydrates alone.

Time: 9216.66

He did not go ketogenic.

Time: 9218.4

He is a vegetarian.

Time: 9221.02

He restricted carbs.

Time: 9222.75

Within three weeks, said, I don't

Time: 9225.84

need prescription medicine.

Time: 9227.31

I can't believe how much better I feel.

Time: 9229.89

And all I did was cut out some of the high carb

Time: 9233.19

foods in my diet.

Time: 9235.27

So I think for some people, it can be that simple.

Time: 9239.44

For people with serious mental disorders,

Time: 9242.45

if they are chronically depressed, if they're

Time: 9244.51

on lots of prescription meds, if they're

Time: 9246.43

disabled by their symptoms, and certainly,

Time: 9248.83

if you're bipolar or have schizophrenia or something,

Time: 9253.6

those are the people I really do want

Time: 9255.16

them to work with a medical professional

Time: 9257.87

because meds may need to be adjusted.

Time: 9262.28

They need a real shot at this diet.

Time: 9266.71

It's not like weight loss.

Time: 9268.16

Weight loss, everybody wings it.

Time: 9270.41

And either you're successful or you aren't.

Time: 9272.36

You look on the internet or you read a book or you do--

Time: 9275.51

even the colleague that you mentioned,

Time: 9277.7

he's probably just reading--

Time: 9280.17

who knows whether it's credible information or not--

Time: 9284.37

and just winging it, and seeing whether it works or not.

Time: 9290.05

For people with serious mental disorders,

Time: 9293.08

I want you to treat it like you have epilepsy because you do

Time: 9298.75

have a serious brain disorder.

Time: 9301.39

It's impairing your ability to function in the world.

Time: 9304.21

It's impairing your health and happiness.

Time: 9306.55

You deserve a competent medical treatment.

Time: 9309.76

And we have that.

Time: 9310.81

We have a hundred-year evidence-based.

Time: 9314.24

We've got dieticians who know this

Time: 9317.06

like the back of their hand.

Time: 9318.62

They can monitor your level of ketosis.

Time: 9324.13

They can help look for vitamin and nutrient deficiencies

Time: 9327.13

that can be a consequence of the diet,

Time: 9329.53

and make sure that you're not developing those.

Time: 9331.81

They can help tweak the diet if needed.

Time: 9334.99

They can give you ideas if you're getting bored with eggs

Time: 9337.45

every morning.

Time: 9338.11

They can give you ideas for what else you might have.

Time: 9340.825

And if you're using it to treat a serious disorder,

Time: 9345.22

I think you need serious help.

Time: 9348.24

ANDREW HUBERMAN: A couple of questions,

Time: 9350.33

a little more detailed, but I think a lot of people

Time: 9353.09

will have this on their mind.

Time: 9355.13

Is it ever the case that you'll prescribe

Time: 9357.8

somebody the ketogenic diet in conjunction

Time: 9360.59

with intermittent fasting?

Time: 9361.7

So eat keto but eat between the hours

Time: 9364.16

of, whatever, 11:00 AM and 8:00 PM or something like that.

Time: 9368.057

That's the first question.

Time: 9369.14

CHRIS PALMER: Absolutely.

Time: 9370.58

And I have one patient with type 2 diabetes and chronic

Time: 9373.85


Time: 9374.63

And he will try to follow the ketogenic diet.

Time: 9378.05

And sometimes, his blood sugars are still very high.

Time: 9382.74

And sometimes I will ask him to do

Time: 9385.13

either intermittent fasting or even a three or four day water

Time: 9389.39


Time: 9390.89

And it is shocking.

Time: 9392.93

When he does a three or four day water fast, the first day

Time: 9397.22

or two, he feels like crap.

Time: 9398.87

I'll just say up front, don't do it if you've got

Time: 9401.96

an important meeting or business trip or anything.

Time: 9404.51

Don't be--

Time: 9405.11

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So this is just consuming water.

Time: 9406.89

CHRIS PALMER: This is just consuming water.

Time: 9408.682

ANDREW HUBERMAN: No black coffee?

Time: 9410.6

CHRIS PALMER: I usually tell him he can have plain black coffee

Time: 9413.9

or tea.

Time: 9415.37


Time: 9416.275

ANDREW HUBERMAN: You have mercy after all.

Time: 9418.025

CHRIS PALMER: I have a tiny ounce of mercy.

Time: 9422.43

But when he does it, his blood sugars plummet in a good way,

Time: 9428.22

his blood sugars are normalizing.

Time: 9430.6

But the last time he did it, he actually got to seven days

Time: 9434.8

at one point.

Time: 9436.14

And he said, I feel great.

Time: 9437.44

I want to keep going.

Time: 9438.45

I can't believe that I'm not hungry.

Time: 9440.92

But I am not hungry at all.

Time: 9442.59

I don't miss food at all.

Time: 9444.96

And at seven days, I kind of cut the cord.

Time: 9447.15

I was like, no, no.

Time: 9448.02

We're done.

Time: 9448.44

ANDREW HUBERMAN: He needs to eat.

Time: 9448.785


Time: 9449.73

ANDREW HUBERMAN: You got to eat.

Time: 9450.48

Well, I find it really interesting

Time: 9451.71

that the intermittent fasting, of course,

Time: 9453.418

controversial at some level, but as to whether or not

Time: 9457.56

it's just beneficial by way of caloric restriction--

Time: 9460.77

because it is one way to achieve caloric restriction--

Time: 9463.345

whether or not has additional benefits.

Time: 9464.97

But I'm very interested in the neural side of it.

Time: 9469.14

And it does seem that the fasted state

Time: 9471.18

can start to take on its own rewarding properties,

Time: 9473.97

where people get dopamine release not

Time: 9477.3

from eating, as most everyone does,

Time: 9479.34

but from abstaining from food.

Time: 9481.45

Now, this can be pathologic in the sort of example

Time: 9484.35

of anorexia nervosa, which is we both know as the most

Time: 9488.4

deadly psychiatric illness.

Time: 9490.32

But for non-anoxerics, I think it's

Time: 9493.47

interesting to note that eventually not eating can have

Time: 9496.53

its own rewarding properties to it that aren't just related

Time: 9499.86

to weight loss.

Time: 9500.65

But in the short-term, feeling--

Time: 9502.03

in other words, feeling really good by way

Time: 9503.82

of abstaining from eating.

Time: 9505.08


Time: 9506.13

And that's actually-- it raises an important risk

Time: 9509.76

that I haven't mentioned yet.

Time: 9511.89

But at least in psychiatric patients--

Time: 9513.87

but even in some patients who just

Time: 9515.55

use the keto diet for weight loss,

Time: 9517.35

I have seen definite hypomania.

Time: 9520.83

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So these are people

Time: 9522.33

that aren't sleeping very much.

Time: 9525.21

Are they also getting kind of delusional,

Time: 9527.43

thinking they're going to run for president?

Time: 9529.44


Time: 9530.25

So the distinction between hypomania and mania--

Time: 9533.46

so mania, you might become psychotic and delusional.

Time: 9536.88

Mania, by definition, is problematic.

Time: 9539.73

It's causing a problem in some way or another.

Time: 9542.4

And if you have psychotic symptoms,

Time: 9543.91

it's definitely called mania, full-blown mania.

Time: 9546.57

Hypomania, for better or worse, is

Time: 9549.84

something every human being probably craves.

Time: 9552.66

So it is feeling extraordinarily good.

Time: 9557.43

It's getting by on less sleep.

Time: 9559.38

But you don't need to sleep.

Time: 9560.58

Who needs sleep?

Time: 9561.42

I've got things to do.

Time: 9564.51

My brain is running on all cylinders.

Time: 9568.89

I feel so creative.

Time: 9572.44

There have been lots of famous people

Time: 9574.18

through the ages who have been bipolar, probably bipolar.

Time: 9579.04

And some of their most productive periods of time,

Time: 9582.62

whether it's art or creating scientific models

Time: 9587.08

or what-have-you, were probably during hypomanic episodes.

Time: 9591.23

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So what do you do in that case?

Time: 9593.29

I'm obsessed with getting sufficient quality sleep.

Time: 9596.32

It's a kind of a repeating theme in our podcast

Time: 9599.17

and many of my social media posts.

Time: 9601.69

And I always recommend behavioral tools first,

Time: 9605.41

then exercise, viewing sunlight, et cetera,

Time: 9609.1

at appropriate times, avoiding late night

Time: 9611.2

artificial light exposure, et cetera, and occasionally,

Time: 9615.465

for people who are doing all that

Time: 9616.84

and still struggle with sleep, supplementation.

Time: 9619.36

One of the things that I've seen some data on

Time: 9622.66

is that for people who are following a low carbohydrate

Time: 9625.09

diet, that inositol, in particular,

Time: 9627.55

can be helpful for getting into sleep

Time: 9631.06

probably because it's a bit of an-- has

Time: 9632.89

a bit of an anti-anxiety effect.

Time: 9634.63

But presumably, there are other things out there, too.

Time: 9636.88

The magnesiums will generally do that.

Time: 9638.47

A hot bath will do that, too, for that matter.

Time: 9640.72

But what you're talking about is people who are going,

Time: 9642.97

what, a day and a half without sleep?

Time: 9644.86

Or they're just two hours of sleep a night?

Time: 9648.525

CHRIS PALMER: So the worst case I

Time: 9649.9

saw was actually a mental health professional who

Time: 9652.15

didn't recognize it initially.

Time: 9653.92

He went six months with two to four hours of sleep

Time: 9657.73

every night.

Time: 9658.42

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Because they were on a ketogenic diet?

Time: 9659.89

CHRIS PALMER: He was on a ketogenic diet,

Time: 9661.75

was getting by on two to four hours of sleep every night,

Time: 9664.75

did not initially recognize that this was a problem.

Time: 9668.24

He was feeling great.

Time: 9670.76

He was feeling that keto high.

Time: 9674.29

And he was actually waking up at 4:00 AM,

Time: 9679.09

going for 10 to 20 mile runs most days.

Time: 9683.2

He finally stopped the ketogenic diet after about six months

Time: 9686.26

because he said, I can't maintain my weight.

Time: 9689.14

I'm losing too much weight.

Time: 9690.7

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.

Time: 9692.28

I was just thinking there are some social media

Time: 9694.238

personalities associated with nutrition

Time: 9696.13

that might be hypomanic.

Time: 9698.53

I'll let you do the clinical evaluation.

Time: 9702.47

So what does somebody do in that case?

Time: 9704.47

So I don't know that I've ever been hypomanic.

Time: 9707.29

But as I mentioned earlier, unless I've

Time: 9709.54

done a very high intensity workout early in the day

Time: 9712.067

and I need to replenish carbohydrates,

Time: 9713.65

I typically eat meat, fruit, and vegetables throughout the day--

Time: 9718.33

minimum amounts of fruit but some.

Time: 9720.76

And then at night, I switch over to mainly carbohydrate.

Time: 9723.7

It really helps me sleep.

Time: 9724.9

It replenishes glycogen stores.

Time: 9726.7

I sleep really well, wake up the next morning, repeat.

Time: 9730.425

And of course, this goes against a lot of the dogma

Time: 9732.55

that, oh, you're not supposed to eat carbohydrates

Time: 9733.99

late in the day and [MUMBLES].

Time: 9735.37

This is what works for me.

Time: 9738.31

And so I do it.

Time: 9740.08

For somebody like this mental health professional, who

Time: 9743.26

is hypomanic, would going off the ketogenic diet entirely

Time: 9747.31

be the best idea?

Time: 9748.63

Or could it be that adjusting when

Time: 9751.54

they eat their carbohydrates would be advantageous

Time: 9754.42

in order to make sure that they felt

Time: 9756.158

alert and great during the day?

Time: 9757.45

Maybe not hypomanic but then could

Time: 9761.68

have a four to eight-hour a night sleep as opposed to a two

Time: 9765.04

to four hours a night, which is really very little sleep.

Time: 9767.59

CHRIS PALMER: Yeah, it's not--

Time: 9768.31

ANDREW HUBERMAN: It can't be healthy.

Time: 9769.33

CHRIS PALMER: It's not healthy.

Time: 9770.35

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Even if you can do it and feel great,

Time: 9771.98

I imagine that the brain is suffering.

Time: 9773.657


Time: 9774.49

And the body is suffering.

Time: 9776

ANDREW HUBERMAN: And your friends and family

Time: 9777.01

are suffering.

Time: 9777.593

CHRIS PALMER: The body is repairing itself with sleep.

Time: 9780.02

And so yeah, it's--

Time: 9784.51

if it's somebody who is not a patient,

Time: 9787.4

they're not a mental health patient.

Time: 9789.25

They're not using the ketogenic diet

Time: 9791.2

as a mental health treatment.

Time: 9792.52

They're simply doing it for whatever.

Time: 9795.55

I actually start with everything you've just outlined.

Time: 9800.61

Let's start with behavioral measures first.

Time: 9804.03

And the first intervention is education.

Time: 9807.51

You need at least six hours of sleep a night.

Time: 9811.14

Period, end of story.

Time: 9812.85

That's non-negotiable.

Time: 9814.44

If you're not getting at least six hours of sleep a night,

Time: 9817.56

we need to consider this a problem.

Time: 9819.82

So figure out a way to get 6 hours of sleep.

Time: 9822.66

For some people, that's enough, just the education.

Time: 9825.83

They don't get out of bed at 3:00 AM.

Time: 9829.258

It might take them an hour to fall back to sleep.

Time: 9831.3

They fall back to sleep.

Time: 9833.57

For most people, if you can get three nights of decent sleep

Time: 9838.31

in a row, the hypomania goes away.

Time: 9842.3

That is the way to extinguish it.

Time: 9845.36

And then they still go on feeling a high from it.

Time: 9848.51

They feel great.

Time: 9850.4

Their brain feels good in terms of memory, concentration,

Time: 9855.47

motivation, all of those things.

Time: 9857.27

But they're not hypomanic anymore.

Time: 9861.34

And then I might use supplements, melatonin, others

Time: 9865.53

that you mentioned, magnesium is a big one.

Time: 9867.99

And for some, I will recommend exactly what you're doing--

Time: 9873

eat some carbohydrates in the evening

Time: 9875.94

before you're going to bed.

Time: 9877.66

Either have them at dinner and then wait a few hours

Time: 9880.235

before you're going to go to bed or have them right

Time: 9882.36

before you're going to go to bed, just

Time: 9884.22

to try to calm your body down and get it going.

Time: 9890.37

When I'm using this as a clinical intervention,

Time: 9892.9

especially with patients with serious mental illness,

Time: 9897.05

I actually want them in a state of ketosis long-term.

Time: 9901.11

So I'm not going to do the carbohydrate intervention.

Time: 9903.71

I'm going to try all the other ones.

Time: 9905.81

But if they still can't sleep even with supplements,

Time: 9909.05

over the counter supplements, then I'm

Time: 9910.76

probably going to go with prescription, sleeping

Time: 9914.24

medicines, as a temporary stopgap

Time: 9918.72

to try to get them three to seven days of decent sleep.

Time: 9923.88

That usually breaks the hypomanic cycle.

Time: 9927.41

And then they stay on the ketogenic diet

Time: 9929.75

because it ends up resulting in all of these other improvements

Time: 9932.96

that I've described.

Time: 9934.73

Their illness can sometimes go in to full remission.

Time: 9939.95

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Is it low dose trazodone as a first line

Time: 9942.5


Time: 9943.28

CHRIS PALMER: I would not use trazodone.

Time: 9944.99

I would actually specifically avoid trazodone

Time: 9947.21

because it's an antidepressant.

Time: 9949.46

And they're already hypomanic.

Time: 9951.26

And I certainly don't want to push that further.

Time: 9953.97

So as long as it's somebody without a history of addiction,

Time: 9958.43

I'm going to use a benzodiazepine

Time: 9961.37

or either commonly called the Z medicines for sleep--

Time: 9966.68

zolpidem or Ambien or something like that.

Time: 9969.17

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Those tap into the opioid pathway?

Time: 9971.48

GABA opioid?

Time: 9972.5


Time: 9974.3

I usually start with something like Ativan or Klonopin

Time: 9976.55

or something like that--

Time: 9977.75

probably Ativan because it's shorter-acting.

Time: 9980.76

And again, I'm only looking to use it short-term.

Time: 9983.09

I let them know that up front.

Time: 9984.95

We're looking for three to seven days of decent sleep.

Time: 9987.62

And then we're going to try to get them off that medicine.

Time: 9990.83

And usually, people are off to the races

Time: 9993.59

and can sustain it well.

Time: 9997.73

ANDREW HUBERMAN: A question about hormones.

Time: 10000.01

Many of the Huberman Lab podcast listeners will ask--

Time: 10004.39

any time we're talking about something like exercise

Time: 10006.85

or a drug treatment or behavioral training,

Time: 10009.46

people will say, what about the menstrual cycle?

Time: 10012.19

How is that impacted by this?

Time: 10015.88

How does the menstrual cycle impact its efficacy, et cetera?

Time: 10020.84

Carbohydrates and caloric restriction

Time: 10023.93

have been implicated in different interactions--

Time: 10027.05

are known to interact with the endocrine system.

Time: 10030.33

So what do you do if you have a patient who is depressed

Time: 10036.95

or could have psychotic symptoms--

Time: 10038.493

but let's go with depression because that's probably a bit

Time: 10040.91

more familiar to most people--

Time: 10042.92

and then they're on a low carbohydrate

Time: 10045.23

or full ketogenic diet, but their menstrual cycles cease.

Time: 10050.72

How do you deal with those adjustments?

Time: 10053.58

And I guess we could expand this conversation

Time: 10055.7

and say, what about male fertility also?

Time: 10057.8

Because some caloric diets seem to--

Time: 10061.67

my understanding is that submaintenance caloric diets,

Time: 10067.67

so weight loss diets, will improve

Time: 10071.35

testosterone-estrogen ratios in males that are obese.

Time: 10074.86

But for someone that's not obese,

Time: 10077.95

to go on a sub-caloric diet, that it can start to impair

Time: 10081.64

testosterone levels and--

Time: 10083.29

probably not render them infertile

Time: 10085.51

but certainly adjust that whole axis.

Time: 10088.94

So what about interactions between ketosis, diets,

Time: 10093.37

et cetera, and the endocrine system?

Time: 10095.895

CHRIS PALMER: The real answer is,

Time: 10097.27

I don't think anybody knows.

Time: 10098.71

And there's not a one-size-fits-all answer

Time: 10101.41

because I've seen examples.

Time: 10104.94

And I'm aware of science to back up polar opposite conclusions.

Time: 10113.07

So the first general observation that I'll make--

Time: 10115.97

I know so many couples, husbands and wives,

Time: 10120.41

boyfriends and girlfriends, heterosexual couples,

Time: 10124.58

who have tried the ketogenic diet to lose weight together--

Time: 10127.893

ANDREW HUBERMAN: And end up with a baby?

Time: 10129.56

No, I'm just kidding.

Time: 10130.18


Time: 10130.51


Time: 10131.218

Almost universally, the men have a much easier time with it

Time: 10134.56

than the women.

Time: 10138.005

It's not across the board.

Time: 10139.49

But I know so many examples where the women say

Time: 10142.97

I couldn't tolerate that diet.

Time: 10145.73

It did not make me feel better.

Time: 10148.08

It actually made me feel worse.

Time: 10150.26

And I think in those cases, it probably

Time: 10152.57

does relate to hormones.

Time: 10155.75

I'm aware of animal models, of mice--

Time: 10159.35

in particular, ketogenic diet in mouse models.

Time: 10163.16

One researcher shared with me, the thing that was striking

Time: 10167.39

is that the female mice never got pregnant

Time: 10171.53

on the ketogenic diet.

Time: 10173.79

Whereas, the mice on the standard diet

Time: 10175.91

were just having babies right and left.

Time: 10177.86

And it was just shocking, the difference.

Time: 10182.16

On the surface, it makes sense.

Time: 10185.07

The ketogenic diet is mimicking the fasting state.

Time: 10189.56

Women who are trying to reproduce

Time: 10191.57

should not be fasting.

Time: 10194.87

If your body is in a fasting state,

Time: 10197.84

it probably does not want to expend resources,

Time: 10202.55

metabolic resources, calories, nutrients, and other things,

Time: 10206.96

to creating a baby because your very life is

Time: 10210.8

being threatened by, quote unquote,

Time: 10213.62

"fasting" or starvation.

Time: 10216.41

That even though the ketogenic diet

Time: 10218.75

is a sustainable, nonstarvation diet,

Time: 10221.66

we're really using that diet to trick

Time: 10223.79

the body into thinking that it is in a fasting or starvation

Time: 10227.99


Time: 10229.22

And so just from a kind of evolutionary stance,

Time: 10233.51

it makes sense that women's bodies may actually

Time: 10237.26

have significant changes in hormonal status

Time: 10240.38

to prevent pregnancy because a woman should not

Time: 10244.49

be having a baby when she's starving to death.

Time: 10249.97

I know of examples of women who are the opposite, though,

Time: 10255.83

who have benefited dramatically and tremendously

Time: 10259.99

from the ketogenic diet, have put

Time: 10262.51

schizophrenia, bipolar disorder into full remission.

Time: 10265.12

And I do actually know of one case, at least one case.

Time: 10269.12

A woman, infertile, she and her husband

Time: 10272.08

had been trying for three years, no pregnancy.

Time: 10275.23

She went keto.

Time: 10276.58

Within four months, she was pregnant.

Time: 10280.85

How do I make sense of that?

Time: 10282.62

I don't know.

Time: 10283.58

And unfortunately, I don't think we really

Time: 10286.04

have good control data on what does the ketogenic diet do

Time: 10292.31

to male hormonal systems, what does the ketogenic diet do

Time: 10296.27

to female hormonal systems.

Time: 10299.21

But clearly, I think changes are happening.

Time: 10306.61

I don't have a way to predict it, at least.

Time: 10308.44

If somebody else has great insights, I welcome them.

Time: 10311.45

But I haven't seen them published.

Time: 10313.27

ANDREW HUBERMAN: It's a terrific answer

Time: 10314.895

because when things are all over the place and bidirectional,

Time: 10317.71

depending on one circumstance or the other,

Time: 10319.88

I think it screams for controlled studies,

Time: 10323.11

and more descriptions of case studies,

Time: 10325.93

and anecdotal data, too.

Time: 10327.53

So I think it's an excellent answer.

Time: 10329.53

It also calls to mind the important public service

Time: 10333.13

announcement that because of these bidirectional effects

Time: 10336.04

that you described, please don't use

Time: 10337.96

fasting or the ketogenic diet as a reliable form

Time: 10340.312

of contraception.

Time: 10341.02


Time: 10342.21

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Yes, please don't.

Time: 10343.99

I have a final question, which relates

Time: 10347.38

to something that is very much starting to get buzz now--

Time: 10352.48

and maybe more so for people that

Time: 10354.16

hang out in the Twitter space or the nutrition space.

Time: 10356.92

But there's a new class of drugs that I

Time: 10359.71

think initially were developed to treat diabetes

Time: 10364.03

but are now being evaluated for their efficacy

Time: 10367.84

to treat obesity.

Time: 10369.22

And these are the semaglutide drugs that are involved in--

Time: 10377.98

they tap into these glucagon related GLP-1 pathways.

Time: 10382.03

And it is a story that we've talked about a little bit

Time: 10385.39

on the podcast before.

Time: 10386.38

But many people, I imagine, probably

Time: 10387.97

haven't heard that conversation.

Time: 10389.5

I would simply like to know what you think about these drugs.

Time: 10393.37

They obviously adjust the way that glucose and insulin are

Time: 10397.39

managing energy, both in the body and the brain,

Time: 10400.96

and can produce weight loss.

Time: 10402.91

So that to me, when I look at the data, it's impressive.

Time: 10406.33

But a good logical shift in diet and exercise

Time: 10412.75

could achieve similar weight loss.

Time: 10414.28

But a lot of people just won't do that.

Time: 10415.905

So the question I have is, what are your thoughts

Time: 10418.57

on semaglutide and other GLP--

Time: 10420.818

I think I might have said GLT before, excuse me--

Time: 10422.86

GLP-1 related compounds?

Time: 10426.16

And do you ever prescribe these in conjunction

Time: 10430.03

with these dietary shifts?

Time: 10431.47

Because it seems to me, they would

Time: 10432.97

fall right in with the catalog of other approaches

Time: 10436.39

that you have available.

Time: 10439.155

CHRIS PALMER: The real answer is,

Time: 10440.53

I am not at all an expert on these medications.

Time: 10444.558

ANDREW HUBERMAN: But what are your thoughts about them?

Time: 10446.85

They seem to be weight loss drugs,

Time: 10448.44

not unlike the fen-phen drugs of the '90s that

Time: 10451.56

then were banned because a few people didn't handle them well.

Time: 10454.682


Time: 10459.33

We had fen-phen.

Time: 10460.5

And even before that, in the 1950s,

Time: 10462.72

and '60s, and '70s, Dexedrine--

Time: 10465.142


Time: 10466.35

CHRIS PALMER: Amphetamine--

Time: 10467.04

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Mother's little helper.

Time: 10467.97

CHRIS PALMER: --was, yes, was the treatment

Time: 10469.92

of choice for women across the United States

Time: 10473.49

to keep their slim figures.

Time: 10475.95

And we created addicts and all sorts of problems.

Time: 10480.33

But they were widely used and probably millions of women

Time: 10484.05

because they work.

Time: 10486.127

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Because they kill appetite.

Time: 10487.96

CHRIS PALMER: They kill appetite.

Time: 10494.57

My overall thoughts are this.

Time: 10496.7

There is zero doubt in my mind that the obesity epidemic

Time: 10502.94

is a threat to human health and potentially the human species.

Time: 10508.69

If it keeps going at the rate it's going,

Time: 10511.54

it is a threat to our species.

Time: 10515.88

We have to figure out what on Earth is happening,

Time: 10518.73

and what can we do about it.

Time: 10523.3

These medications, in early studies,

Time: 10527.49

are highly effective over a year or two.

Time: 10534.31

That's promising.

Time: 10537.55

I am worried, though, that we're not attacking

Time: 10541.57

the root cause of obesity.

Time: 10546.4

If the root cause of obesity ends up

Time: 10549.31

being some kind of poisoning of the metabolic machinery

Time: 10555.77

in the brain or body--

Time: 10558.08

and I would argue that probably relates to mitochondrial health

Time: 10562.16

and mitochondrial function--

Time: 10564.86

I have every reason to believe that taking a medication that

Time: 10570.01

helps you lose weight may not be addressing that problem.

Time: 10577.41

And therefore, may not be addressing

Time: 10580.38

all of the negative health consequences of what

Time: 10584.01

we call obesity.

Time: 10587.4

So obesity, in it of itself, we know

Time: 10589.68

that excess fat can become inflammatory

Time: 10593.55

and can cause problems, in and of itself.

Time: 10596.04

But I actually see obesity as a symptom.

Time: 10600.75

I see obesity as a symptom of metabolic derangement

Time: 10604.41

in the body or brain.

Time: 10607.04

And that is why people become obese.

Time: 10610.63

And that if we're really going to get anywhere,

Time: 10612.73

we need to identify what is causing

Time: 10614.89

that metabolic derangement.

Time: 10617.82

Using a symptomatic treatment like a GLP-1 medication,

Time: 10628.23

to the best of my knowledge, is not addressing

Time: 10630.6

that core problem.

Time: 10632.82

And we're just ignoring it.

Time: 10635.55

Maybe I'll be wrong.

Time: 10637.05

And maybe these will be the wonder drug that

Time: 10639.84

saved the human species, and everybody

Time: 10642.15

will be thin and healthy forever and ever.

Time: 10646.33

I'm not hopeful, because we've never-- we've

Time: 10649.59

had so many promising drugs come along.

Time: 10653.22

Fen-Phen, Dexedrine, and other things,

Time: 10655.5

we've had so many promising drugs.

Time: 10659.81

And at the end of the day, when you

Time: 10661.28

try to muck with human metabolism using

Time: 10663.59

a single processed molecule, manmade,

Time: 10668.96

I can't think of even one example where it's been great

Time: 10675.65

for large numbers of people.

Time: 10678.56

Certainly, manufacturing insulin is

Time: 10681.05

life-saving for people with type 1 diabetes.

Time: 10684.33

So that would be an example.

Time: 10686.45

But giving massive doses of insulin

Time: 10688.76

to people with type 2 diabetes, actually is a downward spiral.

Time: 10693.76

I would much rather see people with type 2 diabetes control

Time: 10696.55

their diabetes through diet and lifestyle.

Time: 10699.01

And that might be a ketogenic diet, or a low carb diet,

Time: 10701.96

or exercise or good sleep, or all of the other thing.

Time: 10705.85

All of it.

Time: 10707.46

I'd much rather see that because when

Time: 10709.26

people try to control their type 2 diabetes with a molecule,

Time: 10712.3

even though it's a natural molecule insulin,

Time: 10714.84

we know that thats results in really poor health

Time: 10718.26

consequences, results in higher rates

Time: 10720.87

of cardiovascular disease, higher

Time: 10722.46

rates of mental disorders, higher

Time: 10724.32

rates of premature mortality.

Time: 10726.75

Do I think GLP-1 molecules are going to be different?

Time: 10731.46


Time: 10732

I don't have any reason to think they are going to be.

Time: 10735.36

So that would be my two cents, but we'll see.

Time: 10739.15

Time will tell.

Time: 10740.297

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Time will tell.

Time: 10741.63

Meanwhile, I want to thank you for doing

Time: 10745.08

what is, without question, pioneering work.

Time: 10750.75

Again, I'm not a clinician.

Time: 10752.25

But I've been around this space long enough

Time: 10755.64

to know that indeed there there are no wonder drugs.

Time: 10759.57

There are drugs that certainly can help alleviate symptoms

Time: 10762.78

in some individuals.

Time: 10764.98

But that lifestyle and in the case of your work--

Time: 10768.89

in particular, in the discussion today--

Time: 10770.63

diet and, the ketogenic diet, in particular, it's clear,

Time: 10775.82

can have incredible effects, miraculous effects,

Time: 10778.82

in some individuals.

Time: 10780.32

And positive effects in others that

Time: 10782.66

might not be of the same magnitude

Time: 10784.25

but nonetheless are extremely important,

Time: 10786.84

so on behalf of myself, and the listeners, and and certainly,

Time: 10791.18

just on behalf of everybody out there-- because everyone does

Time: 10795.29

need to be concerned about mental health issues,

Time: 10797.908

whether or not they have them and in their family themselves.

Time: 10800.45

Or otherwise, because they impact everybody.

Time: 10802.61

Just really want to thank you for viewing the work

Time: 10804.693

that you're doing because it really is pioneering.

Time: 10807.44

And it's brave.

Time: 10808.82

And I can see now, based on our discussion, why it would work.

Time: 10815.54

You've given us a lot of hints into the underlying mechanisms

Time: 10819.48

that suggest as to why it would work.

Time: 10821.58

And you're going to given us examples

Time: 10823.38

as to how it has worked in patients that you've

Time: 10826.2

worked with.

Time: 10826.74

And this field is expanding fast.

Time: 10829.17

I think this is an area of psychiatry and medicine

Time: 10831.87

in general.

Time: 10832.492

Meaning, behavioral, nutritional interventions,

Time: 10834.45

that is expanding very fast.

Time: 10836.16

So thank you for being brave and for taking this on, and doing

Time: 10840.72

it in such a structured way, and for communicating it

Time: 10843.39

here today.

Time: 10843.89

And with the general public, through your book,

Time: 10845.848

and your online presence.

Time: 10847.02

We will certainly point people in the direction

Time: 10848.978

of those valuable resources.

Time: 10851.26

Thanks so much.

Time: 10852.03

CHRIS PALMER: Yeah, I know.

Time: 10852.43

ANDREW HUBERMAN: I appreciate it.

Time: 10853.18

CHRIS PALMER: Thank you, Andrew, for being brave and having me

Time: 10855.763

on your [LAUGHS] show--

Time: 10856.847

ANDREW HUBERMAN: And a pleasure.

Time: 10858.18

CHRIS PALMER: --and for a great conversation.

Time: 10860.132

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Thank you for joining me for my discussion

Time: 10862.59

with Dr. Chris Palmer.

Time: 10863.94

I hope you found it to be as informative, actionable,

Time: 10866.94

and exciting in terms of the various treatments

Time: 10869.61

that we can now think about when considering treatments

Time: 10873

for psychiatric disorders.

Time: 10874.38

Once again, if you're interested in his work or his new book,

Time: 10877.2

Brain Energy, I encourage you to go to his website.

Time: 10880.02

That's chrispalmermd.com.

Time: 10881.91

You can also find the book Brain Energy

Time: 10883.59

by Chris Palmer on Amazon and other sites where

Time: 10885.84

books are sold.

Time: 10886.69

And we provide links to the book and to Dr. Palmer's website

Time: 10889.77

in the show note captions.

Time: 10891.18

If you're learning from and/or enjoying this podcast,

Time: 10893.68

please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Time: 10895.45

That's a terrific zero cost way to support us.

Time: 10897.72

In addition, please subscribe to the podcast on Spotify

Time: 10900.96

and on Apple.

Time: 10901.89

And on both Spotify and Apple, you

Time: 10903.6

can leave us up to a five star review.

Time: 10905.52

If you have questions or suggestions

Time: 10907.14

about topics and guests you'd like

Time: 10908.557

me to include on the Huberman Lab podcast,

Time: 10910.74

please put those in the comments section on YouTube.

Time: 10913.05

I do read all the comments.

Time: 10914.85

In addition, please check out the sponsors

Time: 10916.68

mentioned at the beginning of today's episode.

Time: 10918.6

That's the best way to support this podcast.

Time: 10921

During today's episode, we did not discuss supplements.

Time: 10923.52

But on many previous episodes of the Huberman Lab podcast,

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we do discuss supplements because while supplements

Time: 10929.16

aren't necessary for everybody, many people

Time: 10931.29

derive tremendous benefit from them

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for things like enhancing sleep, and focus, and hormone

Time: 10935.37

augmentation, and so forth.

Time: 10936.787

The Huberman Lab podcast has partnered

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with Momentous Supplements because they are

Time: 10940.68

of the very highest quality.

Time: 10942.33

And they ship internationally.

Time: 10943.943

And in addition to that, they have

Time: 10945.36

single-ingredient formulations that

Time: 10947.19

allow you to devise the supplement regimen that's

Time: 10949.8

most effective and most cost effective for you.

Time: 10952.203

If you'd like to see the supplements discussed

Time: 10954.12

on the Huberman Lab podcast, please go

Time: 10956.16

to LiveMomentous.com/Huberman.

Time: 10958.83

The Huberman Lab also has a zero cost newsletter

Time: 10961.26

that you can access.

Time: 10962.28

It includes summaries of podcast episodes

Time: 10964.74

as well as summaries of various protocols

Time: 10966.57

for mental health, physical health, and performance.

Time: 10968.873

You can sign up for the newsletter

Time: 10970.29

by going to hubermanlab.com.

Time: 10971.91

Go into the menu and look for the Neural Network Newsletter

Time: 10975.21


Time: 10975.87

You just provide your email.

Time: 10977.19

And I assure you we do not share your email with anybody.

Time: 10979.59

And again, it's completely zero cost.

Time: 10981.132

Again, go to hubermanlab.com and sign up for the Neural Network

Time: 10984.18


Time: 10984.81

And if you're not already following us on social media,

Time: 10987.31

we are Huberman Lab on Instagram,

Time: 10989.34

Huberman Lab Lab on Twitter, and Huberman Lab on Facebook.

Time: 10991.845

And at all of those sites, I provide

Time: 10994.41

science and science-related tools

Time: 10995.873

for mental health, physical health, and performance.

Time: 10998.04

Some of which overlap with information

Time: 10999.99

covered on the Huberman Lab podcast.

Time: 11001.67

But often which is distinct from information covered

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on the Huberman Lab podcast.

Time: 11005.66

So again, that's Huberman Lab on Instagram, Twitter,

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and Facebook.

Time: 11008.84

Once again, thank you for joining me

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for today's discussion with Dr. Chris Palmer.

Time: 11012.92

And last, but certainly not least,

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thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 11016.67


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