Dr. Casey Means: Transform Your Health by Improving Metabolism, Hormone & Blood Sugar Regulation

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford School of

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Medicine my guest today is Dr Casey

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means Dr Casey means did her

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undergraduate degree at Stanford

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University and her medical degree at

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Stanford University School of Medicine

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she is one of the world's foremost

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experts in metabolic Health today we

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discuss how metabolic function and

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dysfunction impacts our health in

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particular we discuss mitochondria which

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are involved in energy production within

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our cells and the various things that we

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can each and all do to ensure proper

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mitochondrial function which is

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essential not just for things like body

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composition and physical and mental

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energy but also our ability to regulate

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hormones blood sugar and much more we

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discuss how exercise even simple

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exercise like walking as well as sleep

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as well as more vigorous exercise and in

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particular nutrition including the types

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of foods we eat the timing of food

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intake and the sources and quality of

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those Foods impact are mitochondria and

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other aspects of metabolic function we

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also discuss how particular

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micronutrients within specific foods can

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directly impact mitochondrial and

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metabolic Health Dr means explains how

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mitochondria inflammation and reactive

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oxygen species which are the byproducts

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of metabolism in our cells can combine

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to create conditions of obesity as well

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as ways that we can manage those things

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or even reverse mitochondrial

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inflammation and reactive oxygen species

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dysfunction in order to reverse obesity

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reverse diabetes and enhance our health

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in Myriad Ways by the end of today's

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discussion you'll have a clear picture

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of the cellular processes that occur in

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the brain and body that underly

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metabolic disease and metabolic health

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and most importantly you'll have a very

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clear picture of the actionable items

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that we can each and all carry out every

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day and every week in order to ensure

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metabolic Health proper mitochondrial

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function and indeed that can also

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body composition and overall feelings of

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well-being I would also like to share

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that Dr Casey means has a terrific new

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book coming out I know it's terrific

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because I've read it it is entitled good

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energy the surprising connection between

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metabolism and Limitless Health if

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you're interested in the book we

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provided a link to the book in the show

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note captions before we begin I'd like

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to emphasize that this podcast is

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separate from my teaching and research

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roles at Stanford it is however part of

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my desire and effort to bring zero cost

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to Consumer information about science

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and science Rel tools to the general

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public in keeping with that theme I'd

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like to thank the sponsors of today's

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podcast our first sponsor is Maui Nei

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venon Maui Nei venison is the most

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nutrient-dense and delicious red meat

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available I've spoken before on this

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podcast and with several expert guests

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on this podcast about the fact that most

Time: 168.519

of us should be seeking to get about one

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gram of quality protein per pound of

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body weight every day not only does that

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protein provide critical building blocks

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for things like muscle repair and

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synthesis but also for overall

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metabolism and health eating enough

Time: 182.76

quality protein each day is also a

Time: 184.48

terrific way to saave off hunger one of

Time: 186.84

the key things however is to make sure

Time: 188.48

that you're getting enough quality

Time: 189.64

protein without ingesting excess

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calories mauii venison has an extremely

Time: 194.12

high quality protein per calorie ratio

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such that getting one gram of protein

Time: 198.599

per pound of body weight is both easy

Time: 200.48

and doesn't cause you to ingest an

Time: 202.2

excess of calories also Maui Nei venison

Time: 204.799

is absolutely delicious they have

Time: 206.64

venison steaks they have ground venison

Time: 208.959

and they have ven bone broth I

Time: 210.879

personally like all of those in fact I

Time: 212.72

probably eat a Maui Nei venison Burger

Time: 214.64

pretty much every day and occasionally

Time: 216.56

I'll swap that for a Maui Nei steak and

Time: 218.64

if you're really on the go they have

Time: 219.879

Maui Nei venison jerky which has 10 gram

Time: 222.64

of protein per stick at just 55 calories

Time: 225.4

if you'd like to try Maui Nei venison

Time: 227.28

you can go to mauii venison

Time: 229.84

docomo to get 20% off your first order

Time: 232.76

again that's mauw venison

Time: 235.519

docomo today's episode is also brought

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To Us by eight sleep eight sleep makes

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Smart mattress covers with cooling

Time: 241.68

Heating and sleep tracking capacity now

Time: 244.239

I've spoken many times before in this

Time: 245.799

podcast about the critical need to get

Time: 247.879

sleep both enough sleep and enough

Time: 250.04

quality sleep when we do that everything

Time: 252.2

our mental health our physical health

Time: 253.799

performance in any sports or School Etc

Time: 256.239

all get better and when we're not

Time: 257.72

sleeping well or enough all those things

Time: 259.919

suffer one of the key things to getting

Time: 261.6

a great night's sleep is that your body

Time: 263.44

temperature actually has to drop by

Time: 264.919

about 1 to 3° in order to fall and stay

Time: 267.68

deeply asleep and in order to wake up

Time: 269.479

feeling feeling refresh your body

Time: 270.639

temperature actually has to increase by

Time: 272.4

about 1 to 3° one of the best ways to

Time: 275

ensure that happens is to control the

Time: 276.639

temperature of your sleeping environment

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and with eight sleep it makes it very

Time: 280.28

easy to do that you program in the

Time: 282.44

temperature that you want at the

Time: 283.44

beginning middle and end of the night

Time: 285.08

you can even divide the temperature for

Time: 286.56

two different people if you have two

Time: 287.759

different people sleeping in the bed and

Time: 289.639

it tracks your sleep it tells you how

Time: 291

much slow wave sleep and rapid eye

Time: 292.4

movement sleep you're getting it really

Time: 294.08

helps you dial in the correct parameters

Time: 295.88

to get the best possible night sleep for

Time: 297.68

you I've been sleeping on an eight Sleep

Time: 299.199

mattress car for well over 3 years now

Time: 301.52

and it has completely transformed my

Time: 303.36

sleep for the better if you'd like to

Time: 304.72

try eightsleep you can go to 8sleep.com

Time: 307.28

huberman and save $150 off their pod

Time: 310.52

three cover eight sleep currently ships

Time: 312.479

in the USA Canada UK select countries in

Time: 315.199

the EU and Australia again that's eights

Time: 317.84


Time: 319

huberman today's episode is also brought

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To Us by Aeropress Aeropress is like a

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French press but a French press that

Time: 325.479

always Brews the perfect cup of coffee

Time: 327.319

meaning no bitterness and excellent

Time: 329.199

taste Aeropress achieves this because it

Time: 331.24

uses a very short contact time between

Time: 333.319

the hot water and the coffee and that

Time: 335.039

short contact time also means that you

Time: 336.6

can brew an excellent cup of coffee very

Time: 338.68

quickly the whole thing takes only about

Time: 340.319

3 minutes I started using an aero press

Time: 342.319

over 10 years ago and I learned about it

Time: 344.52

from a guy named Alan Adler who's a

Time: 346.08

former Stanford engineer who's also an

Time: 348.12

inventor he developed things like the

Time: 349.52

aobi Frisbee in any event I'm a big fan

Time: 351.72

of Adler inventions and when I heard he

Time: 353.72

developed a coffee maker the Aro press I

Time: 356

tried it and I found that indeed it

Time: 358.12

makes the best possible Tas in cup of

Time: 359.919

coffee it's also extremely small and

Time: 361.68

portable so I started using it in the

Time: 363.639

laboratory when I travel on the road and

Time: 365.639

also at home and I'm not alone in my

Time: 367.319

love of the Aeropress coffee maker with

Time: 369.52

over 55,000 f-star reviews Aeropress is

Time: 372.68

the best reviewed coffee press in the

Time: 374.44

world if you'd like to try Aeropress you

Time: 376.4

can go to Aero press.com huberman to get

Time: 379.639

20% off Aeropress currently ships in the

Time: 382.36

USA Canada and to over 60 other

Time: 384.639

countries around the world again that's

Time: 386.199


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press.com huberman and now for my

Time: 389.72

discussion with Dr Casey means Dr Casey

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means welcome Dr Andrew hman thank you

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so much for having me really excited to

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talk to you today about all things

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Health one of the things I love so much

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about your work is that you really give

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people a sense of agency through

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knowledge and actionable tools which is

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very near and dear to my mission and my

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heart but to kick things off let's talk

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about metabolic function and dysfunction

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I think most people hear the word

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metabolism and they think okay the

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burning of energy maybe they think about

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ATP maybe they think about calories in

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calories out that sort of thing but what

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are we talking about when we're talking

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about metabolic function and dysfunction

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because these are really important

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concepts for everyone to understand yeah

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I think you're exactly right I think

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that when we hear the word metabolism

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the first thing that comes to most

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people's minds is my weight do I have a

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fast metabolism or do I have a slow

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metabolism or something like basil

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metabolic rate and I think what's really

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important for people to realize is that

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metabolism is actually the foundation of

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all Health it is the core foundational

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pathway that drives all other aspects of

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health and it's also the core

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foundational pathway that's truly

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getting crushed in the modern American

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World and underlying nine of the 10

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leading causes of death in the United

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States today it's really quite relevant

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to everyone and the spectrum of

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metabolic rooted disease is vast and

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actually really relevant to most

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Americans the latest research from

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American College of Cardiology suggests

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that 93% of American adults have

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suboptimal metabolism and we can go into

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what that means but

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fundamentally when we're talking about

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metabolism we're talking about how we

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convert food energy to human energy so

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we take in a

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astonishing 70 metric tons or so of food

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in our lifetime and that is potential

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energy it's energy from the environment

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that's outside of us that through our

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metabolic pathways gets converted to a

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currency of energy that can then be used

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to pay for essentially Every chemical

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reaction inside our body and the

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bubbling up of all of those chemical

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reactions is our lives and so when

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metabolism is not working properly it's

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essentially creating underpowered cells

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and like any City or factory or machine

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not having adequate power will lead to

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dysfunction and the reason that the

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metabolic spectrum of disease is so vast

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is because we have over 200 cell types

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in the body and underpowering in

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different cell types is going to look

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like different symptoms because

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underpowering in a asite is going to

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look different than underpowering an

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ovarian thica cell or an endothelial

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cell it's going to look different but

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the core foundational process that is

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dysfunctional can actually be the same

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and I think the biggest blind spot in

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Western healthc care and actually the

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reason that Health outcomes are actually

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getting worse every year in the United

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States is because fundamentally we are

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ignoring metabolic health and metabolic

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dysfunction we are laser focused on the

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downstream symptoms that result from

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metabolic dysfunction in different cell

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types and we spend all of our energy uh

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focusing on those symptoms playing wacl

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with them and really ignoring that

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underlying foundational root cause of

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metabolic function and what's so

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fascinating to me and what I saw in the

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Health Care system as like a Super Subs

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specialist as an ENT surgeon is that you

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know the more we specialize in health

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care we have over a hundred Specialties

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now that we've just like invented in the

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Health Care System the more we

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specialize in health care the sicker

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we're actually getting so the more we do

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technological innovation in all these

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different Specialties the sicker we're

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getting and I think what what the real

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nugget there that that everyone really

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needs to understand is we've bought into

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a system where we value

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specialization and this is the game in

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Western medicine but while we've done

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that what has happened is we have the

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worst chronic disease epidemic and the

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lowest life expectancy of any High

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income country in the world and the

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reason is because in that specialization

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were focused on the downstream

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manifestation of underpowering of cells

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the the cell specific symptoms and not

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the metabolic function itself so really

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our chronic disease epidemic in this

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country it is a metabolic dysfunction

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epidemic and underpowering epidemic and

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that is the biggest blind spot in health

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care and I think a focus on metabolic

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function as the center of our health

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care System it's a completely new

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paradigm for health that is urgently and

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I cannot overs say it enough it's

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urgently needed we know we're not in the

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right Paradigm right now when we have a

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hundred isolated Specialties and yet 85

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to 90% of the conditions in those

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Specialties if you go to the science and

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look at the real physiology is metabolic

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dysfunction so that's kind of the

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landscape of what metabolic dysfunction

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is and how it's kind of creating a a big

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blind spot in the Health Care system

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that really represents an outdated way

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of categorizing disease that

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unfortunately is killing us I would say

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yeah thank you for that I have um

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several Reflections and a question uh

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first off the the analogy that comes to

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mind is an assembly line that's

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constructing let's say an automobile and

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it sounds like 80 to 90% of the

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automobiles that are coming off that

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assembly line are not working well tires

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aren't on line engines isn't working

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well transmission isn't working a bunch

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of issues

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and no Factory no car manufacturer would

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tolerate that nor would the customers

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but we're tolerating that in ourselves

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it sounds like many people are and then

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accepting the fact that then a bunch of

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other businesses are going to crop up

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like the business that aligns the tires

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the business that goes and repairs the

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Pistons and and essentially when you

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talk about these multi Specialties that

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have evolved in the in the medical care

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system they provide an opportunity to go

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and fix the problems or try and

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ameliorate the problems but really what

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we need to do to make this analogy uh

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much briefer than it otherwise would be

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is just to go further up the assembly

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line figure out whether or not the

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hardware is correct the software is

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correct and where the hardware and

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software are becoming deficient in this

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um in this analogy where we are the

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automobile that's essentially coming off

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the conveyor broken and the good news is

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and I know this because I've read your

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book and because I follow your work very

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closely the good news is that we each

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and all can take matters to some extent

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into our own hands collaborate with

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healthc care providers yeah and repair

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metabolic dysfunction essentially make

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us metabolically functional so um the

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question therefore is I think most

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people when they hear

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metabolism they think energy yep and

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when we hear energy we think ATP

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sometimes but typically people think

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about mitochondria right the PowerHouse

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of the cell so to speak um so you've

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talked about the trifecta or the the big

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three mitochondria inflammation and

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oxidative stress as three critical

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factors underlying metabolic dysfunction

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and I'm presuming those are also the

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Avenues to address in order to create

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metabolic function because ultimately

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what we want of course is an optimistic

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picture that we can actually take some

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control that we have some agency in all

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of this which I believe we do so if you

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would could you get us all on the same

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page about you know what are

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mitochondria and what they do why are

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they so important then we can turn to

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inflammation and oxidative stress yes

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absolutely so the mitochondria or are

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the structure within the cells we have

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40 trillion cells and each cell might

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have a handful or many thousand

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mitochondria and they are the magical

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part of the cell that does that

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conversion process of food breaking down

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uh and then converting to energy to

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translating it to a currency of energy

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our body can recognize and So

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currently what's happening is that our

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environment the environment that our

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cells exist in across every

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single facet of our life over the past

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50 to 75 years has changed rapidly you

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look at how our food system has changed

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from whole real food in good soil to

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Industrial food our sleep habits have

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changed we're sleeping less it's very

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fragmented our movement patterns have

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changed we're sitting 80% of the waking

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day our time in nature has changed we

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actually are indoors As Americans 93% of

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a 24-hour periods that totally changes

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our relationship with light we have

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80,000 synthetic toxins in our food

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water air personal care products home

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care products we live a Thermon neutral

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existence now with our thermostats

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there's no real swings in temperature

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unless you're in intentionally trying to

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um and then our emotional health is very

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different we are very much exposed to

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lowgrade chronic stress triggers so

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across food sleep movement emotional

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health toxins light and temperature

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things are not what they once were and

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it's changed in the blink of an eye I

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mean the light bulb was created in 1806

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this is like 0.04% of human history that

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we' even had artificial light so things

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have changed and the the unique thing

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about all of these Chang in our

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environment is that each one of those

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pillars each of those changes in our

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environment synergistically directly

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hurts the mitochondria through different

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mechanisms The Chronic low-grade stress

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the sitting the ultr processed nutrient

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devoid food even the the blue light at

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nighttime all of it through different

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core biologic mechanisms synergistically

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hits this part of the cell the

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mitochondria so we have the food coming

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in but we're not doing a a job of

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converting it to an energy form we can

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use so we have these underpowered

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dysfunctional cells because of

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mitochondrial dysfunction caused by our

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environment and of course what happens

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if you've got energy substrate that you

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can't process it's going to be stored

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and that's of course why we have an

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obesity and overweight epidemic that's

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affecting close to 80% of American so

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wild it's it's just we talk about

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obesity like it's the problem obesity is

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one branch of a tree that that's rooted

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in this

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mitochondrial dysfunction that's caused

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by our environment and just to back up a

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little bit to just sort of

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share kind of maybe like how I sort of

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started thinking about that you know I I

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had trained as an ENT surgeon and I was

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at Stanford Medical School and I I was

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so fascinated by this idea of like the

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way that we're

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defining the diseases we're treating in

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these in in like a specialty like ENT is

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like I I saw sinusitis day in and day

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out and we'd have these patients on the

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table that we'd be literally drilling

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into their skulls to suck out sinus pus

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and that's like the treatment for

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sinusitis and the way we diagnose the

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patients is we say like okay this

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patient has

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sinusitis if they have facial pressure

Time: 1131.039

purulent pus you know nasal discharge um

Time: 1134.32

nasal obstruction and low sense of smell

Time: 1136.6

so if they have these symptoms then they

Time: 1138.96

have this disease but when you actually

Time: 1141.919

go to the science and you actually go to

Time: 1144.24

the studies of like what is actually

Time: 1146.6

happening to create this what you find

Time: 1149.2

is a lot of papers about mitochondrial

Time: 1152.12

dysfunction because Chron you know

Time: 1154.48

sinusitis is a chronic inflammatory

Time: 1156.96

condition where the cells are

Time: 1159.88

essentially sensing some threat and then

Time: 1162.24

they mount this immune response that

Time: 1164.08

creates swelling and then you get pus

Time: 1166.12

buildup but we confuse the the pus

Time: 1169.2

buildup with the disease which is

Time: 1171.52

actually happening inside the cells and

Time: 1174.159

so you start looking at PubMed as a as a

Time: 1177.28

clinician through a slightly different

Time: 1179.12

lens of like what's actually happening

Time: 1181.24

in the cells and what you find for

Time: 1183.919

almost every chronic disease we're

Time: 1185.559

seeing in the US is that you will find a

Time: 1188.159

lot of papers on how the mitochondria

Time: 1190.48

are dysfunctional lower ATP generation

Time: 1194.159

in a lot of these cell types and then

Time: 1196

what does that do and this gets your

Time: 1197.2

question about chronic inflammation oxa

Time: 1199

of stress well when you've got that

Time: 1200.919

dysfunctional mitochondria let's say in

Time: 1203

a nasal mucosal tissue that is a cell

Time: 1206.44

that can't do its job that is a cell

Time: 1208.159

that's underpowered and what could be

Time: 1209.52

more threatening to the body than a cell

Time: 1211.08

that can't do its job so interestingly

Time: 1215.039

those cells will initiate a whole

Time: 1217.76

process which is called the cell danger

Time: 1219.96

response um it's work that's been done

Time: 1222.559

by Robert navio at uh

Time: 1225.159

UCSD where basically they understand the

Time: 1228.039

mitochondria is not working properly

Time: 1230.039

this is of course caused by the

Time: 1231.159

environment and they will actually

Time: 1232.24

release extracellular ATP which is not

Time: 1235.44

really supposed to go outside of the

Time: 1237.159

cell and that creates a massive innate

Time: 1241.64

immune response saying like I'm

Time: 1244.28

underpowered I need help my mitochondria

Time: 1246.4

is broken this is the cell releases ATP

Time: 1249.84

outside of the cell usually the

Time: 1251.559

concentration of ATP is a million times

Time: 1253.76

higher inside the cell so releases it

Time: 1255.76

almost as a neurotransmitter a purogen

Time: 1257.6

neurotransmitter that massively

Time: 1259.799

activates the immune system to come and

Time: 1262.039

help but the immune system comes and is

Time: 1265.2

like not much we can do for you here

Time: 1267.559

because the problem is not something

Time: 1270.12

that the immune system can help with

Time: 1272.32

like grabbing a bacteria and licing it

Time: 1275.039

or you know taking care of some cells

Time: 1277

infected with a virus the problem is

Time: 1279.679

outside the body it's the environment so

Time: 1282.12

you end up getting this tornado of

Time: 1284.2

dysfunction of mitochondrial dysfunction

Time: 1286.52

caused by the environment leading to the

Time: 1288.76

cell danger response which leads to

Time: 1290.88

innate immunity and then on top of this

Time: 1294.24

you get the oxa of stress which is the

Time: 1296.12

third piece of the trifecta which is

Time: 1298.08

essentially these mitochondria trying so

Time: 1299.76

hard to do their work but they're not

Time: 1301.08

working properly so they create damaging

Time: 1302.799

metabolic byproducts called oxid of

Time: 1304.559

stress free radicals that cause more

Time: 1307.32

damage so this is happening in the nose

Time: 1311.32

it's happening all over the American

Time: 1313.6

Body because of our environment so

Time: 1315.12

you've got these tornadoes of

Time: 1317.08

interrelated physiology of mitochondrial

Time: 1320.08

dysfunction chronic inflammation

Time: 1322.84

oxidative stress which if you start

Time: 1327.52

going to the research as a clinician

Time: 1330.24

who's focused on symptoms and confusing

Time: 1332.96

those for the disease and look at what's

Time: 1335.52

the pathophysiology of arthritis what's

Time: 1337.84

the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's

Time: 1340.2

dementia what's the pathophysiology of

Time: 1342.44

type2 diabetes obesity fatter fatty

Time: 1344.88

liver disease polycystic ovarian

Time: 1346.159

syndrome erectile dysfunction it all

Time: 1349.4

traces back to this Trifecta that no

Time: 1353.159

medication or surgery you obviously

Time: 1354.679

can't operate on oxidative stress you

Time: 1356.799

can operate on the downstream symptoms

Time: 1358.4

so that's the real secret that I really

Time: 1361.88

feel like we need to reorient the

Time: 1364.32

Healthcare System around since 90% of

Time: 1366.88

health care costs go towards treating

Time: 1370.32

the downstream symptoms of these and for

Time: 1372.919

every marginal dollar we're spending on

Time: 1374.52

treating symptoms we're getting s the

Time: 1376.36

rates are going up because they're doing

Time: 1378.2

nothing to actually affect that Trifecta

Time: 1380.48

but to really make it

Time: 1382.48

simple I like to think of this Trifecta

Time: 1385.6

of what I call Trifecta of bad energy

Time: 1387.159

Trifecta underlying metabolic

Time: 1389.2

dysfunction of chronic inflammation

Time: 1390.72

mitochondrial dysfunction oxidative

Time: 1392.159

stress as chronic inflammation is

Time: 1394.52

biochemical fear its response to a

Time: 1397.2

threat mitochondrial dysfunction is kind

Time: 1399.679

of like rolling blackouts it's not

Time: 1401.36

enough power and the oxid of stress is

Time: 1404.48

like wildfires so it's kind of what's

Time: 1406.679

funny to me a little bit is like what's

Time: 1408.52

happening inside the cell is almost like

Time: 1409.84

what's happening like in our society

Time: 1411.76

it's like this is like living in

Time: 1412.72

California it's like blackouts fire fear

Time: 1416.08

and that's literally what's happening

Time: 1417.679

inside our cell because of the

Time: 1419.12

environment and uh again the optimistic

Time: 1422.36

news that you alluded to is that we

Time: 1425.799

actually have tons of tools and tests

Time: 1430.08

that can actually help us understand our

Time: 1431.6

level of metabolic health and even give

Time: 1433.799

us hints about inflammation oxidative

Time: 1435.6

stress and mitochondria dysfunction and

Time: 1437.44

it's very easy easy to improve if we

Time: 1440.52

know what we're actually focused on well

Time: 1442.88

that's reassuring and we're definitely

Time: 1444.12

going to go there um I appreciate the

Time: 1446.12

analogy to living in California I've

Time: 1447.559

lived here my entire life I have been

Time: 1449.96

outside of California but um perhaps the

Time: 1452.2

only thing you left out besides rolling

Time: 1454.919

blackouts fires and what was the other

Time: 1456.76

one fear and fear is high taxes the

Time: 1458.88

taxes the health debt on on the on the

Time: 1460.96

body so in any case not to be too dark

Time: 1463.72

and pessimistic well that's the

Time: 1465.2

healthare cost I maintain great hope and

Time: 1467.44

and still a lot of love for California

Time: 1469.52

you know pretty great it's got It's

Time: 1471.6

Great aspects and it's not so great

Time: 1473.44

aspects and I can say that as a lifelong

Time: 1475.12

California resident um there are other

Time: 1477.24

wonderful places to live a couple of uh

Time: 1479.399

questions first of all about places to

Time: 1480.96

live you've been talking a lot about in

Time: 1482.72

the United States are some of the same

Time: 1484.64

issues with metabolic dysfunction

Time: 1486.36

occurring outside of the United States I

Time: 1487.919

would imagine so y any country where

Time: 1490.399

we've exported the standard American

Time: 1492.08

diet and some of the other Norms of

Time: 1495.6

Western living are starting to see the

Time: 1497.76

same rat

Time: 1498.84

uh of of chronic disease but like it is

Time: 1503.2

worth not mincing words here of all high

Time: 1506.12

income countries in the world the United

Time: 1509.36

States has the worst chronic disease

Time: 1511.6

rates and the lowest life expectancy and

Time: 1513.88

our life expectancy is going down and we

Time: 1516.44

spend about twice as much on health care

Time: 1519.2

than the second highest spending country

Time: 1521.159

in the world so we are we are abjectly

Time: 1524.12

failing and that failure is predicated

Time: 1526.76

in our Cult of siloing conditions into

Time: 1533.399

different you know different Specialties

Time: 1536.36

and not focusing on this root cause and

Time: 1538.679

I want to just be super clear like

Time: 1540.64

there's a war being fought right now to

Time: 1543.72

get us to believe that siloing is the

Time: 1546

way because as you alluded to siloing is

Time: 1549.12

profitable if you can convince doctors

Time: 1552.399

and people that they 10 different

Time: 1554.84

symptoms are separate things then

Time: 1556.36

they're going to 10 different specialist

Time: 1558.039

office office

Time: 1560.32

meanwhile 75% of American adults are

Time: 1563.64

overweight and obese some of the highest

Time: 1565.44

in the world um a full 50% of American

Time: 1570.12

adults now have pre-diabetes and type 2

Time: 1572

diabetes 50% 30% of teens have

Time: 1575.36

pre-diabetes 40% of Americans have a

Time: 1578.039

mental health diagnosis cancer is set to

Time: 1580.799

reach 2 million cases this year in 2024

Time: 1584.72

highest ever in recorded history

Time: 1586.48

Alzheimer's is going up fat liver

Time: 1588.6

disease is affecting 40% of adults 18%

Time: 1590.799

of teens autoimmune diseases

Time: 1592.64

skyrocketing infertility is going up at

Time: 1595.039

huge rates all these things are going up

Time: 1597.36

all at once in the US and yes in many of

Time: 1599.88

the other countries that are eating our

Time: 1601.279

diet um and there's no sign of it

Time: 1603.88

slowing down and so that's really if you

Time: 1607.399

look at if you look at the research

Time: 1609

through this this different lens you'll

Time: 1610.679

find that all of those diseases Trace

Time: 1612.72

back to metabolic dysfunction caused by

Time: 1615.679

our environment that no that no shot

Time: 1617.72

pill or surgery can really address

Time: 1620.36

unless we unpack the environmental piece

Time: 1623.72

scary picture I'm glad that but hopeful

Time: 1626.799

but hope exactly I'm glad that you are

Time: 1629.399

um creating Solutions and and I should

Time: 1631.88

say and just remind people I said this

Time: 1633.6

in my introduction but you know you're

Time: 1636.279

talking about siloed medical care you're

Time: 1638.84

talking about the kind of standard

Time: 1640.44

medical system but let's not forget

Time: 1643.559

right um I happen to be a faculty at

Time: 1645.36

Stanford you did your medical training

Time: 1647.44

at Stanford are a medical doctor right I

Time: 1649.6

mean you have MD and are highly trained

Time: 1652.44

you were an ENT your nose and throat

Time: 1654.32

doctor so if anyone would be familiar

Time: 1656.88

with the industry and the practice and

Time: 1659.88

the educational system around this it's

Time: 1662.2

you so uh you're not speaking outside

Time: 1664.64

your bwick so before we pivot to

Time: 1667.76

Solutions yeah I know people are eager

Time: 1669.76

to hear Solutions but in order to

Time: 1671.519

understand how to best apply those

Time: 1672.64

Solutions I do think it's worth drilling

Time: 1674.279

into um some of the issues here just a

Time: 1676.2

little bit more you talked about

Time: 1678.64

underpowered cells yeah you've also

Time: 1681.159

alluded to the fact that most people are

Time: 1683.519

consuming enough and probably excess

Time: 1685.519

amounts of caloric energy yes so is it

Time: 1689.44

the lack of mitochondria or

Time: 1692.48

mitochondrial dysfunction that's at the

Time: 1694.919

root of the problem the analogy I come

Time: 1696.399

up with is you've got um a power plant

Time: 1699.08

that can convert incoming power line to

Time: 1702.6

um Power that can be distributed to a

Time: 1704.36

community yeah the community in this

Time: 1706.36

analogy being the organs and cells of

Time: 1708.519

the body yeah there's plenty of

Time: 1709.919


Time: 1711.24

energy but there's something about the

Time: 1713.64

power plant that is inefficient or

Time: 1716.679

dysfunctional they shorts they circuitry

Time: 1720.039

that's just not working such that the

Time: 1722.559

energy that the community can benefit

Time: 1725.32

from the cells and organs of the body is

Time: 1727.48

just not there so it's not a lack of

Time: 1729.88

input it's a lack of conversion and

Time: 1732.36

output and the consequence of this we

Time: 1735.64

see in the form of excess adapost tissue

Time: 1737.64

and all the Downstream effects it's not

Time: 1739.48

just aesthetic it's really all the

Time: 1740.919

downstream effects of visceral fat

Time: 1742.519

subcutaneous fat

Time: 1744.84

Etc what is it that would

Time: 1749.12

improve access to energy and energy

Time: 1751.559

utilization in cells is it simply a

Time: 1753.88

matter of getting the mitochondria to

Time: 1755.36

function better or is it that one can

Time: 1757.919

actually create more mitochondria this

Time: 1760.36

is the key question for how we can get

Time: 1762.279

healthy and it's really

Time: 1766

about creating capacity

Time: 1768.6

in the body to turn more potential

Time: 1770.88

energy to usable energy as opposed

Time: 1774.399

to taking that potential energy and

Time: 1776.799

shunting it to a storage form it's all

Time: 1779.039

just like I think about everything

Time: 1780.6

visually and I'm like you got the

Time: 1782.279

circular cell from high school biology

Time: 1783.88

textbook inside are all the little

Time: 1785.36

mitochondria with the squiggly lines

Time: 1786.84

inside and it's just like there's X's

Time: 1788.6

through those mitochondria so instead of

Time: 1791.08

you know after glycolisis and you've got

Time: 1792.76

the pyate instead of going through the

Time: 1794.48

mitochondria it's being shuttled into

Time: 1796.88

something else and I I mean this is

Time: 1798.44

fundamentally the the cause of insulin

Time: 1800.08

resistance because when the body senses

Time: 1802.12

that the mitochondria can't do that

Time: 1804

conversion process the cell basically

Time: 1807.32

says because I can't convert this I

Time: 1809.919

don't have the capacity to convert it to

Time: 1811.6

usable energy I'm going to take the

Time: 1813.36

substrates and I need to block them I

Time: 1815.44

mean got to turn them to basically a

Time: 1817.08

storage form which inside the cell could

Time: 1819.08

be toxic fats like ceramides and diog

Time: 1821.88

glycerol and I'm also going to block the

Time: 1824.519

cell from taking any more substrates

Time: 1827.6

because can't do anything with them that

Time: 1829.96

is fundamentally a root of insulin

Time: 1831.32

resistance so the body says okay we're

Time: 1833

going to block the ability of the

Time: 1834.44

insulin receptor to transduce its

Time: 1836.76

intercellular signaling pathway we're

Time: 1839.039

going to block it and when that insulin

Time: 1841.679

binds we're not actually going to allow

Time: 1843.2

for glucose to come in so essentially

Time: 1844.88

insulin resistance is the cell

Time: 1846.96

compensating for the mitochondria being

Time: 1848.96

broken and telling the insulin receptor

Time: 1852.399

that it it you know that it's not going

Time: 1853.96

to be functional and so you don't get

Time: 1855.24

the glute for you don't get the glute

Time: 1856.48

receptors on the cell membrane to allow

Time: 1858.72

the glucose to come in so that's that's

Time: 1860.639

insulin resistance again we talk about

Time: 1862.76

that as the problem but the problem is

Time: 1865.32

actually inside the cell leading to that

Time: 1867.76

you know so that's why just giving

Time: 1869.919

someone insulin isn't necessarily answer

Time: 1871.84

we have to increase mitochondrial

Time: 1873.559

capacity to let the flow happen through

Time: 1876.2

it to energy which then trickles up into

Time: 1878.679

relieving a lot of these problems so to

Time: 1880.399

answer your question what we really want

Time: 1882.559

to do to increase our metabolic capacity

Time: 1885.96

from a first principal perspective it's

Time: 1888.6

we need to make more mitochondria we

Time: 1892.12

need to get each mitochondria to be more

Time: 1896.12

functional and we need to have each more

Time: 1898.639

functional mitochondria processing more

Time: 1901.039

energy substrates it's it's really that

Time: 1903.36

simple and the beauty is we can do all

Time: 1905.08

of those things if you actually break

Time: 1906.96

down like what it what those three

Time: 1909

things mean it means promoting mitophagy

Time: 1911.88

the recycling of o old mitochondria to

Time: 1914.2

to new mitochondria it means promoting

Time: 1916.159

mitochondrial biogenesis it means

Time: 1919.12

increasing the oxitive capacity of our

Time: 1922.159

individual mitochondria it means

Time: 1924.24

improving mitochondrial Fusion which is

Time: 1926.48

actually when mitochondria come together

Time: 1928.159

to form long chains of mitochondria that

Time: 1930.159

are more efficient so there's like a lot

Time: 1932.279

of technicality to like what it means to

Time: 1934.84

print more mitochondria have them each

Time: 1936.639

be more efficient and have each one do

Time: 1938.159

more work but that's really what we want

Time: 1940.679

to do and that's when it just kind of

Time: 1942.919

gets into the simple Habits Like There's

Time: 1944.72

simple things we can do for each of

Time: 1946.279

those things for mitophagy

Time: 1948.36

you know we can focus on various types

Time: 1950.639

of like endurance exercise and uh

Time: 1953.96

high-intensity interval exercise there's

Time: 1955.76

compounds like Ethan a that promote

Time: 1958.039

mitophagy um when we talk about

Time: 1960.88

improving our you know oxy of capacity

Time: 1963.6

this is things like the Sprint workouts

Time: 1965.639

we want to build more mitochondria this

Time: 1967.559

is resistance training literally telling

Time: 1970.559

the body to make more so but first

Time: 1973.6

principles it's how do we get more of

Time: 1976.559

these working better do doing more work

Time: 1978.559

every day and then we think about you

Time: 1980.159

know you look at the data on walking and

Time: 1981.96

it's like people who walk more than

Time: 1983.799

7,000 steps a day have a 50 to 65% lower

Time: 1987.76

chance of dying in 10year follow-ups and

Time: 1990.2

it's like yeah because walking is

Time: 1992.12

literally a glucose disposal signal so

Time: 1995

you're just simply asking it's not a

Time: 1996.76

great biogenesis signal it's not a great

Time: 1998.559

mitophagy signal but it's a great

Time: 2000.44

disposal so if you're doing lifestyle

Time: 2002.919

habits that do one of those three things

Time: 2004.679

which we can of course go into more

Time: 2006.76

you're improving the cell's capacity to

Time: 2010.08

um do that conversion process better I'd

Time: 2013.36

like to take a brief break and

Time: 2014.519

acknowledge our sponsor ag1 by now most

Time: 2017.44

of you have heard me tell my story about

Time: 2019.12

how I've been taking ag1 once or twice a

Time: 2021.36

day every day since 2012 and indeed

Time: 2023.639

that's true I started taking ag1 and I

Time: 2026.08

still take ag1 once or twice a day

Time: 2028.36

because it gives me vitamins and

Time: 2029.679

minerals that I might not be getting

Time: 2031

enough of from Whole Foods that I eat as

Time: 2033.48

well as adaptogens and micronutrients

Time: 2036.159

those adaptogens and micronutrients

Time: 2037.88

really critical because even though I

Time: 2039.24

strive to eat most of my foods from

Time: 2041.399

unprocessed or minimally processed Whole

Time: 2043.24

Foods it's often hard to do so

Time: 2045.12

especially when I'm traveling and

Time: 2046.399

especially when I'm busy so by drinking

Time: 2048.56

a packet of ag1 in the morning and often

Time: 2050.639

times also again in the afternoon or

Time: 2052.56

evening I'm uring that I'm getting

Time: 2054.72

everything I need I'm covering all of my

Time: 2056.399

foundational nutritional needs and I

Time: 2058.48

like so many other people that take ag1

Time: 2060.359

regularly just report feeling better and

Time: 2062.879

that shouldn't be surprising because it

Time: 2064.28

supports gut health and of course gut

Time: 2065.879

health supports immune system health and

Time: 2068

brain health and it's supporting a ton

Time: 2070

of different cellular and organ

Time: 2071.639

processes that all interact with one

Time: 2073.839

another so while certain supplements are

Time: 2075.56

really directed towards one specific

Time: 2077.359

outcome like sleeping better or being

Time: 2079.159

more alert ag1 really is foundational

Time: 2082.04

nutritional support it's really designed

Time: 2084.04

to support all of the systems of your

Time: 2085.76

brain and body that relate to mental

Time: 2087.52

health and physical health if you'd like

Time: 2089.24

to try ag1 you can go to drink a1.com

Time: 2092.399

huberman to claim a special offer

Time: 2094.839

they'll give you five free travel packs

Time: 2096.44

with your order Plus a year supply of

Time: 2098.599

vitamin D3 K2 again that's drink a1.com

Time: 2103.599

huberman there's a lot of great science

Time: 2106.4

and a lot of um great stuff related to

Time: 2109.16

testing and assessment of one's

Time: 2111.56

metabolic Health that we should get into

Time: 2113.28

and will get into but since we touched

Time: 2115.4

on lifestyle and because we've been

Time: 2118.24

talking about the sort of dysfunctional

Time: 2120.32

dark side for a bit maybe we could just

Time: 2122.4

touch on some of the lifestyle factors

Time: 2124.64

that you just mentioned because I do

Time: 2126.24

think it's important that people really

Time: 2127.96

start to feel into their sense of agency

Time: 2129.68

and here we're talking about um things

Time: 2131.88

that are relatively low time investment

Time: 2134.64

certainly don't have much Financial cost

Time: 2136.96

in the sense that they could be done in

Time: 2138.4

gyms and with fancy equipment but they

Time: 2140.2

don't require that um again I I want to

Time: 2143.76

point out that these are not like strict

Time: 2146.04

prescriptives but if you had a magic

Time: 2148.72

wand and because you are interested in

Time: 2151.24

the health of humans um let's talk about

Time: 2154.52

a few of these things that can improve

Time: 2156.96

um glucose disposal um and mitochondrial

Time: 2159.92

function uh mitophagy the removal of of

Time: 2163.16

dead or dysfunctional mitochondria so

Time: 2164.76

they can be replaced um let's talk about

Time: 2166.76

the walking one first you said 7,000

Time: 2168.839

steps a day I don't track my steps um

Time: 2171.119

what are we really talking about there

Time: 2172.56

we talking about taking the stairs and

Time: 2173.839

trying to walk as much as possible maybe

Time: 2175.72

we like if we were going to just give

Time: 2176.839

like a really crude prescription you're

Time: 2178.24

a doctor so you can prescribe things um

Time: 2180.8

what would you tell people to do like

Time: 2182.359

how many short walks per day is is it

Time: 2184.44

like three is it five is um what are we

Time: 2187

talking would say up I mean at at least

Time: 2190.28

three I would say aiming for more than

Time: 2192.28

that is good though there's so so to

Time: 2194.64

sort of just give a sense of the picture

Time: 2196.44

of walking if walking were a pill it

Time: 2198.839

would be the most uh impactful pill

Time: 2201.52

we've ever had in all of modern medicine

Time: 2205

um there was a paper in jamama uh 6,300

Time: 2209.2

participants followed

Time: 2211.24

for uh 10 to 11 years and the people who

Time: 2215.56

simply walked seven th000 steps per day

Time: 2219.24

compared to less than that had in up to

Time: 2222.56

70% lower risk of all cause mortality in

Time: 2225

the follow-up period so not causality

Time: 2226.96

but it's it's pretty incredible they've

Time: 2229.04

done follow-up research with slightly

Time: 2231.04

different numbers showing again though

Time: 2233.319

like many thousands of people uh in the

Time: 2236

study followed for about 10 years 8,000

Time: 2239.04

to 12,000 steps per day was associated

Time: 2242.24

with 50 to 65% lower uh all cause

Time: 2245.4

mortality and this has been played out

Time: 2247.24

in many many studies showing about a 50%

Time: 2249.52

reduction in Alzheimer's uh dementia

Time: 2252.56

obesity type 2 diabetes depression

Time: 2255.24

cancer gastric reflux just all across

Time: 2258.599

the board and I think the key thing is

Time: 2262.319

that it's not about the steps it's about

Time: 2265.64

the fact that muscle contraction is

Time: 2268.2

medicine when we contract our muscles

Time: 2270.599

even in a very like lowgrade way like

Time: 2273.2

walking or doing a couple air squats you

Time: 2275.44

know we're activating ampk and we are

Time: 2279.8

essentially causing that cell to have a

Time: 2283.04

stimulus to push glucose channels to the

Time: 2286.16

cell membrane most of the time the

Time: 2288.16

glucose channels are like in vesicles

Time: 2290.48

ins in little bags inside the cells

Time: 2292.76

they're not on the cell membrane so of

Time: 2294.88

course that's going to keep the the

Time: 2296.16

glucose in your in your bloodstream not

Time: 2298.599

being processed by the mitochondria so

Time: 2300.88

when we think about steps it's a proxy

Time: 2303.599

metric for just moving more throughout

Time: 2305.72

the day so let's take two people you

Time: 2307.72

have a person who's walking for 1 to two

Time: 2310.28

minutes every 30 minutes throughout the

Time: 2312.48

day maybe they're exercising at the end

Time: 2314.52

of the day or the beginning of the day

Time: 2315.359

maybe they're not that person is

Time: 2318.24

stimulating glucose channels to be at

Time: 2320.76

the membrane all day now let's take

Time: 2324

another person who works out really hard

Time: 2326.56

for one hour in the beginning or the end

Time: 2328.72

of the day they feel great about it

Time: 2330

they've checked that off their box but

Time: 2331.52

they're sitting the entire rest of the

Time: 2333.319

day yes they have gotten the benefits

Time: 2335.68

from the exercise but for a lot of that

Time: 2338.16

day those glucose channels are inside

Time: 2340.64

the cell not doing the work they could

Time: 2342.48

be doing so I think about these little

Time: 2344.88

teeny short walking breaks or push-up

Time: 2347

breaks or air squat breaks every 30

Time: 2349.119

minutes or so throughout the day as me

Time: 2352.359

essentially inside the cell pushing the

Time: 2354.64

glucose channels the cell membrane to

Time: 2356.119

make them constituently active um it's

Time: 2358.72

totally different physiology and it's so

Time: 2361.16

easy so it's not about the steps it's

Time: 2362.68

about muscle contraction regularly

Time: 2365.76

throughout the day and and this has been

Time: 2368.24

shown out in actually more clinical

Time: 2369.88

research which has taken there's been

Time: 2371.52

several studies two that I think are

Time: 2373.68

fascinating where they basically took

Time: 2374.88

two groups and they said okay we're

Time: 2376.24

going to have you walk 20 minutes before

Time: 2378.319

each meal three times a day 20 minutes

Time: 2381.4

after each meal so that's also three

Time: 2383.96

times a day or for like 2 minutes every

Time: 2387.079

30 minutes throughout the day so these

Time: 2388.52

are three separate groups either 20

Time: 2390.359

minutes before I either 20 minutes after

Time: 2393

or 2 to 3 minutes every 30 minutes all

Time: 2395.88

added up to 60 minutes of walking or

Time: 2398.599

light jogging a day I'm kind of

Time: 2400.56

paraphrasing two different studies that

Time: 2401.96

showed the same thing one was jogging

Time: 2403.48

one was walking but it was basically

Time: 2405.04

chunks versus short walks every 30

Time: 2408.92

minutes throughout the waking day the

Time: 2411.119

groups that do the short movement

Time: 2414.28

regularly throughout the day even though

Time: 2416.16

the total time is the same across all

Time: 2418.359

the groups have significantly lower

Time: 2420.76

24-hour glucose level averages 24-hour

Time: 2423.68

insulin level averages they are

Time: 2425.56

metabolically healthier and I believe

Time: 2427.64

and the research mechanistically has

Time: 2429.16

shown that it's because we're

Time: 2430.319

constitutively putting this these

Time: 2432.96

channels at the membrane to take up the

Time: 2434.56

substrate use the substrate so this is

Time: 2437.24

not in uh to to replace exercise but I

Time: 2440.04

think it's a

Time: 2441.72

reframe I think the concept of exercise

Time: 2444.4

is something we're really very wedded to

Time: 2447.44

in our Western culture and you look at

Time: 2449.56

more like the blue zones and the

Time: 2450.8

centenarians and it's like they're kind

Time: 2452.16

of moving is built into their everyday

Time: 2453.76

life so we've taken movement out of our

Time: 2456.52

everyday life as these knowledge workers

Time: 2458.599

as we've been industrialized and then we

Time: 2460.92

think that exercise replaces that all

Time: 2464.24

day movement but biochemically it does

Time: 2467.24

not so I think a big part of kind of

Time: 2469.68

digging ourselves out of this chronic

Time: 2471.079

disease mess and creating capacity for

Time: 2473.119

mitochondria is finding ways to take a

Time: 2475.64

lot of the activities we do now seated

Time: 2478

and just find a way to do more of them

Time: 2480.359

moving standing or walking or if that's

Time: 2484.2

tough you really need to sit at your

Time: 2485.44

desk all day then every 30 minutes

Time: 2488.319

taking 2 minutes to do some just light

Time: 2491.96

movement Flex those muscles get the

Time: 2493.92

glucose channels at the membrane get the

Time: 2495.839

mitochondria active so and I think

Time: 2499.2

another fascinating stat is like our gym

Time: 2501.8

memberships in the US have doubled since

Time: 2504.44

the year 2000 and obesity has gone up in

Time: 2506.839

the same period so there's some mismatch

Time: 2509.079

between our obsession with exercise and

Time: 2511.079

our actual outcomes that we're seeing

Time: 2513.48

and I think it's that we have not

Time: 2516.52

actually rebuilt

Time: 2517.8

constitutive movement into our daily

Time: 2519.48

lives very interesting because I think a

Time: 2521.2

lot of people are now working out so to

Time: 2523.4

speak doing resistance training which I

Time: 2525.16

think is terrific ter used to be such

Time: 2527.64

you know such so restricted to Niche

Time: 2530

subculture stuff like bodybuilding

Time: 2531.64

preseason football military Etc and now

Time: 2534.359

it's a more ubiquitous uh for everybody

Time: 2537.04

men women young old that's terrific same

Time: 2539.359

thing with things like yoga and

Time: 2540.76

cardiovascular training I mean I it like

Time: 2544.44

to study the history of exercise culture

Time: 2546.68

and it wasn't

Time: 2547.72

but in the' 60s when you know jogging

Time: 2549.68

was considered kind of like whoa that's

Time: 2551.079

like a really esoteric Niche culture

Time: 2552.88

thing so A lot's changed um I love the

Time: 2555.079

prescriptives you gave because it's just

Time: 2557.119

very straightforward a couple of short

Time: 2558.599

walks um it just makes so much sense um

Time: 2562

and I love the visual and I hope people

Time: 2563.64

will really hold it in mind so I'll

Time: 2565.559

reiterate it the the um translocation of

Time: 2569.04

these um energy utilization stores vles

Time: 2572.76

as you call them these little packets

Time: 2574.68

from the center of the cell out to the

Time: 2576.4

cell surface where then they can be Evol

Time: 2578.72

involved excuse me in metabolic

Time: 2580.2

processes and the utilization of energy

Time: 2582.48

in ways that um otherwise they wouldn't

Time: 2585.079

and glucose disposal being a big part of

Time: 2587.28

this so I have heard that a short walk

Time: 2589.28

after a meal will reduce blood glucose

Time: 2591.96

in a way that's really dramatic huge

Time: 2593.72

amount 30 35% just taking a walk around

Time: 2596.88

the block after meal that's definitely a

Time: 2598.72

prescription I think everyone should do

Time: 2601

because the research is so strong on it

Time: 2602.92

is that building in simply a 10minute

Time: 2607.28

walk around the block or a dance party

Time: 2609.16

in the kitchen moving your muscles for

Time: 2611.52

10 minutes after a meal can drastically

Time: 2614.599

reduce your glucose response because

Time: 2616.2

you're just bringing all those channels

Time: 2617.319

to the membrane you're taking up the

Time: 2618.359

glucose you're using it it's a whole

Time: 2619.64

different physiology than sitting on the

Time: 2621.16

couch after a meal that's very high

Time: 2623.119

impact it's high leverage if it's after

Time: 2624.839

a meal so highly recommend that and the

Time: 2626.72

levels data and clinical data has shown

Time: 2629.44

that out time and time again whenever I

Time: 2632.359

go to a city like New York when I am

Time: 2634.44

forced to walk more I I always just feel

Time: 2636.72

so much better we also know that the

Time: 2638.64

optic flow that one experiences with

Time: 2640.52

walking has some interesting effects on

Time: 2642.079

the lyic pathways and quieting of some

Time: 2643.96

of the anxiety and stress related

Time: 2646.16

Pathways um this links up with things

Time: 2648.24

like EMDR although there are factors

Time: 2650.92

that are separate from EMDR basically

Time: 2653.28

moving through space um not outer space

Time: 2655.76

but walking through space with optic

Time: 2657.04

flow has a certain um anxiety reduction

Time: 2661.119

function in the brain which they

Time: 2662.88

beautiful data there in my opinion um

Time: 2665.559

okay so that touches on walking you did

Time: 2668.079

mention higher intensity exercise so

Time: 2670.28

let's um keep it within the

Time: 2671.88

cardiovascular realm for now so um

Time: 2675.079

getting heart rate way way up you know

Time: 2677.8

getting breathing hard for you know some

Time: 2681.16

minutes um each week maybe a couple

Time: 2683.44

times per week um seems that's a good

Time: 2686.28

way to increase mitochondrial function

Time: 2688.16

and mitochondrial number is that right

Time: 2691

yeah so you take sort of each each type

Time: 2694.04

of exercise we've got walking we've got

Time: 2696.44

resistance training we've got

Time: 2697.88

high-intensity interval training we've

Time: 2700.079

got endurance training and then we've

Time: 2702.2

got sort of more like zone two uh so

Time: 2706.079

we've got these different flavors of how

Time: 2708.64

we get our heart rate up how we get the

Time: 2710.119

blood flowing what we signal to the

Time: 2711.8

cells and each one actually has like a

Time: 2713.44

slightly different impact on the

Time: 2715.28

mitochondria when we think about

Time: 2716.88

biogenesis we're thinking mostly like

Time: 2719.72

endurance exercise and really um more of

Time: 2723.72

that zone two and like that is really

Time: 2726.16

going to be a stim inside the cell to

Time: 2728.319

print more mitochondria when we think

Time: 2730.76

about improving mitochondrial Fusion

Time: 2732.8

high-intensity interval training is

Time: 2734.359

really really good for that when we

Time: 2736.079

think about resistance training it's

Time: 2737.599

like that's like muscle hypertrophy

Time: 2739.2

we're going to be creating more muscle

Time: 2740.24

cells and we need more mitochondria for

Time: 2741.839

those so each one has kind of a

Time: 2744.079

different impact and I think this is

Time: 2746.599

where honestly I think the regular

Time: 2748.24

guidelines that we have even by our

Time: 2750.76

government you know actually make a lot

Time: 2752.839

of sense it's like work every major

Time: 2754.599

muscle group three times a week in a

Time: 2757

distance type training and then work to

Time: 2758.8

get 75 to 150 minutes of moderate

Time: 2762.96

activity so 75 minutes of strenuous

Time: 2765.4

activity or 150 minutes per week of

Time: 2767.44

moderate activity so that actually makes

Time: 2769.92

a lot of sense 80% of Americans are not

Time: 2773

meeting those very basic guidelines and

Time: 2775.72

20% of Americans don't get any physical

Time: 2777.68

activity really at all activity for the

Time: 2779.559

average American is 3,000 to 4,000 steps

Time: 2782.839

per day which is less than 2 miles so we

Time: 2785.76

are not even close to even even meeting

Time: 2787.4

the basic recommendations that are out

Time: 2789.72

there but I think those are pretty

Time: 2791.28

reasonable resistance training two to

Time: 2793.599

three times a week most major muscle

Time: 2795.52

groups and working to you know get the

Time: 2799.24

get the heart rate up moderate level uh

Time: 2802.28

for 150 minutes a week or strenuous for

Time: 2804.68

75 minutes a week those are going

Time: 2807.24

together to be potent stimuli for

Time: 2811.04

biogenesis mitophagy mitochondrial

Time: 2813.4

Fusion for increasing antioxidant

Time: 2815.96

enzymes that are going to

Time: 2817.359

protect the mitochondria from that oxa

Time: 2819.28

of stress um and the one that's just

Time: 2823.079

actually not in there in the in the sort

Time: 2824.72

of the basic recommendations for

Time: 2826.04

Americans is the walking and I would

Time: 2827.48

just absolutely add to that at least

Time: 2829.92

7,000 steps per day based on what the

Time: 2833

the data is showing which honestly would

Time: 2836.16

probably take less than an hour total to

Time: 2838.839

do if you if you break it up throughout

Time: 2840.52

the day it's just a few minutes a day so

Time: 2843.119

that right there are going to be like a

Time: 2844.96

big multifaceted

Time: 2847.44

set of signals for increasing

Time: 2849.68

mitochondrial capacity in different ways

Time: 2852.72

terrific what what are your thoughts on

Time: 2854.92

um under the desk treadmilling I I don't

Time: 2857.28

own one of these but and I try and get

Time: 2859.319

walks and I definitely do my three

Time: 2861.839

resistance training exra uh sessions per

Time: 2864.079

week different muscle groups on

Time: 2865.52

different days so it ends up being each

Time: 2867.72

muscle group is hit directly once and

Time: 2869.599

indirectly a second time but I like to

Time: 2871.64

do a long hike once on the weekend a run

Time: 2874.839

in the middle of the week that's 30

Time: 2876.16

maybe 35 minutes and then some V2 Max

Time: 2878.4

really short workout 12 minutes total

Time: 2880.319

where basically I'm just going for um

Time: 2882.599

you know the feeling that my uh heart is

Time: 2884.44

going to jump out of my chest and I'm

Time: 2885.76

going to get going to die from gasem of

Time: 2887.72

a but luckily thus far I haven't died

Time: 2890.04

nonetheless um the total time commitment

Time: 2892.559

isn't that great but I find that I'm at

Time: 2894.16

a desk a lot and I have a standing desk

Time: 2896.96

is it wise to get a treadmill to

Time: 2898.44

treadmill under the desk seems like it

Time: 2899.76

would be one of the best things one

Time: 2901.04

could do I'm a massive fan of under

Time: 2903.319

treadmill desks because genuinely I

Time: 2906.04

believe that if we

Time: 2907.559

if we move more of our daily activities

Time: 2909.52

that we're doing seated indoors to

Time: 2911.48

Outdoors moving it would it would it

Time: 2913.96

would radically change the health of the

Time: 2915.4

United States with real physiology

Time: 2917.92

underneath it so there's actually been

Time: 2920.2

research on underdesk standing desk that

Time: 2923.359

is pretty interesting small studies but

Time: 2926.04

they you know took a handful of people I

Time: 2928.559

think it was around 10 um in a workplace

Time: 2931.4

environment and they had them use under

Time: 2933.48

desk treadmills for two and a half hours

Time: 2937.28

uh per day during the workday so not a

Time: 2939.599

lot at very so speeds for uh two weeks

Time: 2943.28

and people lost on average 2.6 lb of fat

Time: 2947.68

and put on 2.2 lbs of lean mass wild in

Time: 2951.359

a very short period of time the study

Time: 2953.48

makes a somewhat wild claim that if this

Time: 2958.28

were extrapolated to a year we

Time: 2960.44

anticipate that we could see a loss of

Time: 2963.119

44 to 66 pounds assuming assuming it's

Time: 2966.48

line near progression exactly which is

Time: 2968.2

not which is not the case folks but I

Time: 2970.04

that's why I'm saying it was it was a

Time: 2971.4

pretty but that was there in the

Time: 2973.44

discussion and but I think that short

Time: 2975.88

period is quite interesting um so that's

Time: 2979.359

that's pretty significant and that's

Time: 2980.799

just for two and a half hours a day so I

Time: 2983.119

think now that they're about $150 on

Time: 2986.799

Amazon these underd dust treadmills I

Time: 2989.04

think for anyone who's a knowledge

Time: 2990.319

worker it's a good thing to have at your

Time: 2991.96

house and the way I use it is like I

Time: 2993.76

basically just force myself to start my

Time: 2996

day on the treadmill desk and I say to

Time: 2997.68

myself if I don't like it after 5

Time: 2999.24

minutes I'll sit down if I need to sit

Time: 3000.799

but I'll start and just see how it feels

Time: 3002.64

and then an hour goes by and I've

Time: 3005.44

forgotten I'm even on it is that right

Time: 3007.28

so you're able to work without thinking

Time: 3008.96

about having to to um to treadmill I am

Time: 3012.4

putting it at such a slow speed I think

Time: 3015.119

I'm usually walking at like one mile per

Time: 3017.52

hour I mean it's very very glacially

Time: 3019.72

slow I do put my aura ring on my second

Time: 3022.4

toe when I do this because otherwise it

Time: 3024.119

doesn't count my steps because if your

Time: 3025.92

hands are your desk they uh they it

Time: 3028.119

won't count your steps because the AA

Time: 3029.72

Rings measuring hand accelerometry yeah

Time: 3032.44

but um it it it's incredible how even at

Time: 3035.119

a 1.0 one mile per hour speed after two

Time: 3037.799

to three hours you're easily going to

Time: 3039.2

get six seven 8,000 steps and then throw

Time: 3041.16

in a couple other short walks throughout

Time: 3043.28

the day and you're you're getting there

Time: 3044.559

easily so it's just a it's just a great

Time: 3047.119

way to build back in what modernity took

Time: 3050.839

away and that unfortunately is

Time: 3053.24

unavoidable that that regular movement

Time: 3055.44

for good physiology so I'm a big fan of

Time: 3059.68

them and the data suggests that for a

Time: 3062.079

couple hours a day they can actually

Time: 3063.52

have a have an impact on body

Time: 3065.2

composition which I think is is a great

Time: 3067.319

easy inexpensive thing for people to do

Time: 3070.92

but if you if you don't want to buy one

Time: 3072.24

like just set those timers and uh and

Time: 3075.2

build in the walks you know throughout

Time: 3077

the day outside terrific yeah I'm a I'm

Time: 3080.599

a fan of getting walks when I can I also

Time: 3082.799

I wonder your thoughts on there was a

Time: 3084

study not sure if you're familiar with

Time: 3086.04

it um published at the University of

Time: 3088

Houston where they looked at what they

Time: 3090.24

called Solus push-ups um which all the

Time: 3093.799

gym goers are going to roll their eyes

Time: 3096.44

um imagine sitting down and raise

Time: 3100.64

pressing your toe against the ground and

Time: 3102

raising your heel so kind of like seated

Time: 3103.72

calf raay but no weight right under the

Time: 3105.319

desk and this study had some remarkable

Time: 3108.16

claims and conclusions um which included

Time: 3112.44

as I recall that the activation of this

Time: 3114.2

muscle the Solus which makes up about 1%

Time: 3116.24

of the body's total musculature um

Time: 3119.48

involved caused rather a

Time: 3121.839

disproportionate use of blood glucose so

Time: 3125.72

it mobilized blood glucose in a good way

Time: 3128.839

um and the idea was if people would it's

Time: 3132.119

not just bouncing your knee but would

Time: 3133.64

actively push their toes against the

Time: 3135.359

ground and raise their heels as they

Time: 3136.64

were seated and doing work that somehow

Time: 3138.88

there would be a positive effect on

Time: 3140.72

metabolism and blood glucose utilization

Time: 3143.16

I talked a little bit about this on

Time: 3144.319

social media and a few other podcasts

Time: 3146.319

and and it was interesting to see that

Time: 3147.52

sort of attacks that I got like people

Time: 3149.319

really didn't like the idea um that this

Time: 3152.079

was any different than so-called neat

Time: 3153.64

non-exercise and um activated

Time: 3155.359

thermogenesis so it's known that people

Time: 3156.92

that fidget a lot or or move around a

Time: 3158.72

lot burn a lot of calories this actually

Time: 3160.76

goes back to some really beautiful work

Time: 3163.4

um several decades or more ago from

Time: 3165.96

Rothwell and stock who talked about like

Time: 3168.28

the fact that animals and people who

Time: 3169.68

fidget a lot burn a lot of energy they

Time: 3172.119

tend to be thinner they tend to have

Time: 3173.4

lower adapost tissue stores um and it's

Time: 3176.839

because they're just burning a lot more

Time: 3178

calories and this is actually what um

Time: 3180.44

people who suffer from anorexia which is

Time: 3182.48

by the way the most deadly of the

Time: 3183.64

psychiatric condition so it's um we're

Time: 3185.72

talking about true anorexia are

Time: 3187.44

encouraged not to do because um they

Time: 3191.16

either do it spontaneously or they learn

Time: 3192.799

that it's a very efficient way to burn

Time: 3194.119

calories and that's not what they need

Time: 3196.28

but many people do need to burn more

Time: 3197.64

calories so um bounce in the knee that

Time: 3200.28

thing that drives everybody crazy if

Time: 3201.64

you're not the one doing it um Solus

Time: 3203.799

push-ups uh what are your thoughts about

Time: 3205.64

this in that study we don't have to pick

Time: 3207

it apart in detail but I thought it was

Time: 3208.799

kind of interesting it's all coming back

Time: 3210.359

to just moving the body as much as

Time: 3213.16

possible during the day Contracting

Time: 3214.72

muscles Contracting mus Contracting

Time: 3215.96

muscles it's medicine and I I find the

Time: 3219

concept of neat just endlessly

Time: 3221.079

fascinating you know because we we kind

Time: 3222.72

of come up with this term non-exercise

Time: 3224.76

activity thermogenesis and the data is

Time: 3226.76

really good about it like it's basically

Time: 3228.4

shows that this is a a prime potential

Time: 3231.24

intervention for the Obesity epidemic

Time: 3234.2

and it all goes back to the cell like

Time: 3236.64

it's a it's essentially a stimulus

Time: 3238.4

that's telling the body to stay

Time: 3240.799

metabolically active as opposed to

Time: 3243.079

keeping all those metabolic pathways you

Time: 3245.4

know dormant during the day um and I

Time: 3248.88

think that it just it is funny though

Time: 3251.48

that like we have these acronyms for

Time: 3253.119

basically like this is just the way life

Time: 3255.079

was a hundred years ago if you look at

Time: 3257.559

like the

Time: 3259.799

1800s Almost 100% of Americans lived on

Time: 3262.72

a farm basically like

Time: 3264.079

pre-industrialization pre- urbanization

Time: 3266.799

most Americans not 100% but close lived

Time: 3270.559

they grew some of their own food they

Time: 3272

lived either on a farm or had a large

Time: 3273.68

garden now that number is less than 1%

Time: 3276.28

so like movement was just buil into

Time: 3278.52

everything we did and and you think from

Time: 3280.44

there like what has happened like we

Time: 3282.24

were outside we were moving our

Time: 3285.119

activities of daily living involved

Time: 3287.28

movement and if you just take the

Time: 3288.599

grocery example then it moved to like

Time: 3290.359

okay maybe farmers markets and sort of

Time: 3292.119

like you know outdoor open air markets

Time: 3294.48

then it's supermarkets then it's you

Time: 3297.799

know now it's literally buying food

Time: 3300.4

online with the click of the button and

Time: 3302.16

now some people aren't even doing that

Time: 3303.359

they're literally on the food delivered

Time: 3304.839

to them with Uber Eats so at every level

Time: 3306.799

we've taken away movement from everyday

Time: 3309.52

life and now we have sort of an acronym

Time: 3311

to like bring it back in but really it's

Time: 3312.76

about just you know giving the body

Time: 3315.68

stimulus stimuli that the cells have

Time: 3318.44

been entrained to expect throughout all

Time: 3320.599

of human history and building the back

Time: 3322.24

into our Modern Life so I think neat

Time: 3325.2

it's incredibly important

Time: 3327.039

and I think it also brings up this point

Time: 3328.76

that like is so critical which is

Time: 3332.96

like I really think our way out of this

Time: 3336.319

chronic disease epidemic and even for

Time: 3339.079

people who are listening don't have a

Time: 3340.079

chronic disease any real chronic

Time: 3341.799

symptoms we're dealing with and just the

Time: 3343.28

fact that we're not feeling as good as

Time: 3344.4

we could like the way out is pretty

Time: 3346.52

simple like it's it's some of these

Time: 3349.68

basic things like walking more

Time: 3352.24

throughout the day moving more

Time: 3353.68

throughout the day getting outside you

Time: 3355.48

know eating clean unpoisoned food the

Time: 3358.52

the a lot of these things that have the

Time: 3360.76

best data are so simple and I think it's

Time: 3365.72

like really important to just always

Time: 3367.079

remember like the game and the industry

Time: 3369.76

it's all about how complex can we make

Time: 3372.52

it like specialization talking about

Time: 3375.76

some of the minutia but like at the end

Time: 3377.319

of the day all the simple habits that we

Time: 3379.76

know are healthy like fundamentally

Time: 3381.359

improve cellular biology and like some

Time: 3383.559

of these things like the neat like the

Time: 3385.359

walking like it's emblematic of the fact

Time: 3388.359

that um some of the simplest Solutions

Time: 3391.2

are the ones that are by far the most

Time: 3393.52

effective and I think I think the

Time: 3395.2

biggest misconception in healthcare

Time: 3397.76

right now is that the way out and the

Time: 3399.799

way to get really back to to True

Time: 3403.44

incredible health is complicated like

Time: 3405.4

it's it's really not that complicated we

Time: 3407.24

we've got to move more you know

Time: 3408.44

throughout the day that's one of them

Time: 3409.64

and you know on each pillar that we

Time: 3411.48

touched on earlier food sleep all of

Time: 3413.599

this you know when we talk about the

Time: 3415.4

simple habits that know work the reason

Time: 3417.24

they work is because they all positively

Time: 3419.24

impact the mitochondria they positively

Time: 3421.599

impact oxy of stress they positively

Time: 3423.4

impact inflammation so yeah I love it I

Time: 3427.2

love Simple Solutions that hit multiple

Time: 3430.4

cellular Pathways that can make

Time: 3432.92

everybody healthier I'd like to just

Time: 3435.2

take a quick break and acknowledge one

Time: 3436.839

of our sponsors insid tracker inside

Time: 3439.559

tracker is a personalized nutrition

Time: 3441.28

platform that analyzes data from your

Time: 3443.039

blood and DNA to help you better

Time: 3445.319

understand your body and help you reach

Time: 3446.64

your health goals now I've long been a

Time: 3448.72

believer in getting regular blood work

Time: 3450.28

done for the simple reason that many of

Time: 3452.44

the factors that impact our immediate

Time: 3454.24

and long-term Health can only be

Time: 3456.039

addressed that is can only be measured

Time: 3458.079

with a quality blood test now one issue

Time: 3460.48

with many blood tests out there is that

Time: 3461.92

you get information back about lipid

Time: 3463.839

levels hormone levels metabolic factors

Time: 3466

Etc but you don't know what to do with

Time: 3467.559

that information with inside tracker

Time: 3469.64

they make it very easy to understand

Time: 3471.16

your levels and what they mean and

Time: 3473.48

specific actionable items that you can

Time: 3475.28

undertake in in order to bring those

Time: 3476.92

levels into the ranges that are optimal

Time: 3478.76

for you insid tracker also offers insid

Time: 3481.4

Tracker Pro which enables coaches and

Time: 3483.64

health professionals to provide premium

Time: 3485.72

and personalized Services by leveraging

Time: 3487.839

inside trackers analysis and

Time: 3489.319

recommendations with their clients if

Time: 3491.4

you'd like to try insid tracker you can

Time: 3493.079

go to insid tracker.com huberman and

Time: 3495.96

you'll get 20% off any of insid

Time: 3497.88

tracker's plans again that's insid

Time: 3500.2

tracker.com huberman I'd like to talk

Time: 3502.839

about assessment blood tests in

Time: 3505.319

particular um I remember in college I

Time: 3508.039

was just very curious about blood

Time: 3509.68

testing and I had read a little bit

Time: 3511.28

about it but it was really hard to

Time: 3512.48

access um I actually went to the Student

Time: 3514.48

Health Center and said you know can I

Time: 3516.119

just get um like my lipids measured some

Time: 3519.119

hormone stuff measured I was in great

Time: 3520.64

health I just want to do that and

Time: 3523.039

they're like no like what's the issue

Time: 3524.599

you know why why why would you do that

Time: 3526.039

now it's very easy to find places that

Time: 3527.88

will do blood tests but there is some

Time: 3529.16

cost often um and nowadays thanks to

Time: 3533.799

your efforts your innovative and

Time: 3536.24

Engineering efforts and the efforts of

Time: 3538.96

others there are ways to measure what's

Time: 3542.039

in your blood blood glucose in

Time: 3543.92

particular um with continuous monitoring

Time: 3546.76

and with um snapshot monitoring so um

Time: 3550.119

let's talk about blood tests what what

Time: 3552.44

do you think are um the three to five

Time: 3555.4

things that basically everybody if they

Time: 3557.92

can should know about what circulating

Time: 3560.599

in their blood I'm I'm imagining LDL HDL

Time: 3564.119

this kind of thing I guess apob is a big

Time: 3566.359

uh favorite of our our friend Peter AA

Time: 3569.4

um fasting blood glucose continuous

Time: 3572.319

blood glucose postmeal Etc just kind of

Time: 3575.079

evaluating how exercise food Etc impacts

Time: 3577.319

blood glucose and then I'll leave the

Time: 3578.799

other categories open because my my

Time: 3580.599

point here is not to answer the question

Time: 3581.839

for that's what comes to mind you've got

Time: 3583.52

you know you've got the big ones so this

Time: 3586.64

this is key is that every single person

Time: 3589.68

listening I hope after this episode will

Time: 3593.16

go to their health record or send their

Time: 3595.52

doctor a message and at least get the

Time: 3597.559

following test and the first seven that

Time: 3601.44

I'll mention are very basic and people

Time: 3605.079

might take umage to them because

Time: 3607.039

obviously there's a lot of debate about

Time: 3608.359

like what's everyone's favorite lab test

Time: 3610.48

but I think about it as like what are

Time: 3612.2

the basics that everyone should know and

Time: 3614

then what's like the next tier up that

Time: 3616

are easy to access and are cheap that'll

Time: 3617.799

give you a lot more richness but which

Time: 3619.799

you still might have to kind of fight

Time: 3621.2

your doctor for so the first few that

Time: 3622.92

you will not have to fight your doctor

Time: 3624.16

for and are often free on an annual

Time: 3625.599

physical and literally Define metabolic

Time: 3628.119

syndrome are fasting glucose fasting

Time: 3630.76

triglycerides HDL cholesterol hemoglobin

Time: 3633.76

A1c total cholesterol waste

Time: 3635.88

circumference and blood pressure okay

Time: 3638.119

sorry I hate to interrupt and my

Time: 3640.24

audience hates it even more but I'm

Time: 3641.52

going to just could you just explain

Time: 3643.4

what each of those is and what it what

Time: 3645.52

it corresponds to yes great thank you

Time: 3647.72

and and I will say first of all the

Time: 3649.039

reason I'm choosing these it's not it's

Time: 3650.799

not even my own choice really it's it's

Time: 3652.4

two reasons one is that the two studies

Time: 3656

over the past 5 years that have shown Us

Time: 3658.16

in large populations that the vast

Time: 3660.119

majority of American adults are

Time: 3661.52

metabolically dysfunctional use those

Time: 3663.28

biomarkers so I think because of that

Time: 3665.119

it's important to know them and the two

Time: 3666.559

studies that I'm referring to are one

Time: 3668

from UNCC in 2018 which showed that

Time: 3670.96

based on those biomarkers 88% of

Time: 3674.28

American adults are have suboptimal

Time: 3676.52

metabolism and then a follow-up study

Time: 3678.72

from the Journal of the American College

Time: 3680.119

of Cardiology from last year show that

Time: 3682.599

that number has gone to

Time: 3684.079

93.2% of American adults are suboptimal

Time: 3687.319

in their metabolism and these are the

Time: 3690.119

metrics that they used and they're very

Time: 3692.359

basic if you had to pay out of pocket

Time: 3694

they would be less than $100 so let's

Time: 3696.48

talk through them why they're great is

Time: 3699.92

because together they give you kind of

Time: 3702.559

like a tapestry of what's actually

Time: 3704.76

happening inside the cell if you choose

Time: 3707.359

to look at them that way if you read The

Time: 3709.28

Tea Leaves of them are the doctors often

Time: 3713.72

if they see all these lab tests it'll be

Time: 3715.559

an electronic health record we've all

Time: 3717.039

been through this experiment experience

Time: 3718.799

they'll come up on the screen and there

Time: 3720.119

will either be like a green orange or

Time: 3722.799

red color next to it like it's high it's

Time: 3725.24

low it's borderline and the doctor will

Time: 3727.48

basically it's very algorithmic oh you

Time: 3729.88

know your LDL is high we need to bring

Time: 3731.559

it down oh your glucose is high we need

Time: 3732.92

to bring it down oh your blood pressure

Time: 3733.88

is high we need to bring it down but

Time: 3735.119

what I'm inviting people to do is

Time: 3736.48

understand a little bit about each test

Time: 3737.76

and then read the Tea Leaves of what

Time: 3739.359

it's telling us about our mitochondria

Time: 3741.92

so let's start with fasting glucose so f

Time: 3745.92

fting glucose when you look at these

Time: 3748.72

studies that I'm referring to they call

Time: 3751.44

Optimal less than 100 so to define

Time: 3755.16

whether you were in that 88 or 93% you

Time: 3757.319

had to essentially be in the their their

Time: 3759.2

optimal range for all biomarkers not on

Time: 3761.359

medication so I'll quickly run through

Time: 3763.2

what their ranges were my ranges for

Time: 3765.72

optimal are tighter than these but

Time: 3767.64

fasting glucose less than 100

Time: 3769.44

triglycerides less than 150 HDL above 40

Time: 3773.48

for men or 50 for women hemog glob1 C

Time: 3777.279

less than

Time: 3778.68

5.7% total cholesterol to HDL ratio less

Time: 3783.16

than 3.5 to 1 waist circumference less

Time: 3786.359

than 35 in for women or 40 in for men

Time: 3788.96

and blood pressure less than 120 over 80

Time: 3791.799

if those things were in those ranges and

Time: 3795.279

you weren't on medication for blood

Time: 3796.799

sugar or or blood pressure or whatnot

Time: 3799.96

you were considered optimally

Time: 3801.559

metabolically healthy that's now 6.8% of

Time: 3804.599

Americans um

Time: 3806.68

all of these biomarkers are easy to

Time: 3808.44

change in one to two months I would say

Time: 3810.44

with simple lifestyle habits could you

Time: 3812.2

remind us what hemoglobin A1c is I think

Time: 3814.279

most people are familiar with HDL

Time: 3815.88

cholesterol being the quote unquote good

Time: 3817.559

cholesterol and LDL being the bad

Time: 3820.079

cholesterol and as I say that I know I'm

Time: 3822

going to get dog piled oh totally but

Time: 3824.92

I'm not sure that I adhere to that I'm

Time: 3827.079

not sure I don't adhere to that I'm not

Time: 3829.4

sure about a lot of things but I am sure

Time: 3831.92

that most people think of them that way

Time: 3834.599

um so just as a yeah to stay functional

Time: 3837.2

here we we'll frame it that way for now

Time: 3839.2

with with the caveat that that might not

Time: 3841.079

be the whole story isn't the whole story

Time: 3843.44

but um triglycerides fat in the blood

Time: 3846.68

fatty stuff but so key to understand

Time: 3849.079

about the triglycerides it's not PE we

Time: 3851.16

don't want to confuse triglycerides with

Time: 3853.039

eating more fat triglycerides are a

Time: 3855.799

storage form of excess carbohydrates in

Time: 3859.119

the blood so this is why it can tell us

Time: 3861.48

something about and I know you and you

Time: 3862.72

and Rob lusting talked about this at

Time: 3864.119

length but LAN

Time: 3866.76

yeah I mean one of the things that's

Time: 3867.88

really tricky gosh is that the the

Time: 3869.839

language around nutrition and health is

Time: 3871.72

complicated because people hear the word

Time: 3873.16

fat they think body fat but then they

Time: 3875.279

also think the macronutrient fat we just

Time: 3878.24

need more words to better parse totally

Time: 3882.119

the reality in biology we call the two

Time: 3885.44

major groups of of people lumpers and

Time: 3887.64

Splitters lumpers like to lump

Time: 3889.279

everything together it oversimplifies

Time: 3891.279

and complicates Splitters like to split

Time: 3893.4

everything give a name for everything

Time: 3894.92

individual name for everything it

Time: 3896.599

complicates and so there's a middle

Time: 3897.92

ground right there's a there's a land of

Time: 3900.079

reasonable people and nomenclature and

Time: 3902.799

unfortunately that does not exist on the

Time: 3904.76

internet nor does it exist in any one

Time: 3907.2

specific subfield of medicine or science

Time: 3909

I mean so much of the confusion out in

Time: 3910.88

the world is because of a lack of

Time: 3912.319

adequate language right in order to

Time: 3914.68

explain okay so um the triglycerides are

Time: 3917.039

a reflection of excess carbohydrate

Time: 3918.799

intake and how it's helping us with that

Time: 3920.96

tapestry of understanding the trifecta

Time: 3922.92

of bad energy is that if you think about

Time: 3925.119

it let's just go back to that cell and

Time: 3927.4

that Poe mitochondria that's being

Time: 3929.559

absolutely decimated by our environment

Time: 3932.359

uh and its capacity is low okay so that

Time: 3934.839

mitochondria is like I can't process

Time: 3936.559

glucose or fatty acids to ATP very well

Time: 3938.52

so I'm going to block their entry into

Time: 3941.279

the cell so now you've got glucose

Time: 3943.68

rising in the bloodstream so okay

Time: 3945.88

fasting glucose that was one of our

Time: 3947.039

enviral markers if that's going up that

Time: 3949.119

is a little bit of that tapestry of

Time: 3951.039

maybe something's going on inside the

Time: 3952.279

cell that's blocking the entry into the

Time: 3953.76

cell so it's rising the bloodstream okay

Time: 3955.24

well where's all that the this the body

Time: 3957.24

does not want lots of glucose floating

Time: 3959.279

around in the bloodstream because it can

Time: 3961

literally independently cause

Time: 3963.119

endothelial dysfunction which is

Time: 3964.839

basically blood vessel problems it can

Time: 3967.24

cause oxidative stress in the

Time: 3968.799

bloodstream it can cause glycation which

Time: 3970.96

is sugar literally just sticking to

Time: 3972.72

things we the body doesn't want that

Time: 3974.52

glucose high in the bloodstream so it

Time: 3977.16

converts it to triglycerides to be

Time: 3979.92

stored in a storage form of energy

Time: 3982.4

that's a key point that I think is

Time: 3983.799

helpful to understand is that the body

Time: 3985.599

it's always trying to like kind of keep

Time: 3987.2

things in the right range so it'll

Time: 3988.64

convert things so then triglycerides a

Time: 3991.44

picture in your blood of glucose being

Time: 3994.2

high and triglycerides being high is

Time: 3997.4

very much should signal to everyone when

Time: 4000.72

they look at their Labs that there's

Time: 4002.24

probably something going on inside in

Time: 4004.4

inside the cell that's blocking the cell

Time: 4006.799

from being able to use and process it's

Time: 4008.359

a sign of mitochondrial dysfunction and

Time: 4010.359

chronic overnutrition too much substrate

Time: 4012.92

not enough processing glucose is going

Time: 4014.44

to go up Tri are going to go up and so

Time: 4017.68

so then if you kind of squint and read

Time: 4019.079

the tea leaves it's like huh I think

Time: 4020.599

metabolic dysfunction and what's

Time: 4022.039

fascinating is that the travesty in our

Time: 4024.16

healthare system is that a patient might

Time: 4026.16

go into the

Time: 4027.44

doctor and their fasting glucose is 99

Time: 4031.24

one point under what we'd consider the

Time: 4033.319

normal range and their triglycerides are

Time: 4035.16

149 one point under what we'd consider

Time: 4037.72

the normal range from these things that

Time: 4040.68

doctor might say to that patient you're

Time: 4042.64

totally fine both glucose and

Time: 4044.359

triglycerides are normal

Time: 4046.48

but that's just really problematic

Time: 4050.64

because they're on the upper end of

Time: 4052.319

normal for both of those and so really

Time: 4055.079

what that would say to me as someone

Time: 4056.44

thinking about the mitochondria is like

Time: 4057.76

this person is definitely metabolically

Time: 4059.64

dysfunctional they're on the highest end

Time: 4061.76

of normal for both triglycerides and

Time: 4063.68

glucose there's something there's

Time: 4065.52

definitely insulin resistance going on

Time: 4067

here I would much rather see that

Time: 4068.4

glucose at 703 and that triglyceride at

Time: 4071.68

50 which to me would say oh this cell's

Time: 4074.72

processing through energy great and

Time: 4077.599

things are moving through and we're not

Time: 4079.799

backing up in the bloodstream we're not

Time: 4081.2

converting to triglycerides so that's

Time: 4083.319

where really optimal ranges get in but

Time: 4085.52

but so that's so that's glucose and

Time: 4087.079

triglycerides why if those are starting

Time: 4088.559

to creep up it's a sign that something

Time: 4090.319

is happening metabolically and then when

Time: 4093.52

we look at some of the other biomarkers

Time: 4094.88

so hemoglobin A1c is really so that's a

Time: 4098.12

marker that's looking at how many of the

Time: 4100.44

hemoglobin molecules that are in the red

Time: 4103.08

blood cells that carry oxygen how many

Time: 4105.6

of those hemoglobin molecules have sugar

Time: 4109.159

stuck to them and that's glycation so

Time: 4113.159

you're looking at glycated hemoglobin

Time: 4115.4

and you can imagine that if the

Time: 4116.719

concentration of glucose is higher over

Time: 4120.199

time more glucose is going to stick to

Time: 4122.199

red blood cells and that's going to

Time: 4123.4

create a higher percentage of glycated

Time: 4125.92

hemoglobin so that's why that lab is

Time: 4127.92

represented as a percentage so less than

Time: 4130.56

5.7 is what we want you want those cells

Time: 4133.799

nice and smooth and slippery smooth no

Time: 4135.839

sugar stuck to them causing dysfunction

Time: 4138.799

um and because blood cells last for

Time: 4141.359

about 9 to 120 days hemoglobin A1c is

Time: 4144.44

giving us a basically a snapshot of

Time: 4147.199

average blood sugar levels over 9 to 120

Time: 4150.64

days and if that average is higher again

Time: 4153.44

probably a sign that cells are rejecting

Time: 4155.759

glucose from the cell and it's causing

Time: 4157.359

to rise in the

Time: 4158.44

bloodstream and

Time: 4160.239

then just talking about one other

Time: 4162.48

biomarker in that that we talked about

Time: 4164.319

which was blood pressure people might

Time: 4166.08

say well how does blood pressure relate

Time: 4167.64

to like what's going on inside the cell

Time: 4169.48

you know in the mitochondria and whatnot

Time: 4172.44

and a really the fascinating link is

Time: 4174.96

that when that cell becomes insulin

Time: 4177.48

resistance which again is a compensatory

Time: 4179.759

mechanism for mitochondrial

Time: 4183.159

dysfunction the insulin is going to rise

Time: 4185.359

in the blood because the body's insulin

Time: 4186.96

resistant so the body's going to turn

Time: 4188.239

out more insulin to try and overcome the

Time: 4189.96

insulin block to drive the sugar into

Time: 4191.56

the cells so insulin levels rise well

Time: 4193.84

insulin is one of the key activators of

Time: 4197.159

nitric oxide which is the molecule in

Time: 4199.4

the blood that dilates and relaxes blood

Time: 4201.84

vessels and so when we become insulin

Time: 4203.84

resistant and we're not responding to

Time: 4206.12

that insulin signal we end up getting

Time: 4208.36

less nitric oxide activity so this is

Time: 4210.52

how kind of looking at even these very

Time: 4212.52

basic very cheap biomarkers through the

Time: 4214.8

lens of basic cellular physiology we can

Time: 4218.36

start to see man my body might be like

Time: 4221.28

underpowered I might I might have a

Time: 4223.08

mitochondrial issue here so that's a few

Time: 4225.8

of those tests that we really want to

Time: 4227.44

shoot for terrific and um thanks for

Time: 4229.679

bringing up blood pressure again it's

Time: 4231.12

sort of um comes across to many people

Time: 4234.48

as old school right but when AO was here

Time: 4238.52

um one of the several times he was here

Time: 4239.92

he he really pushed on blood pressure is

Time: 4241.88

such such a key metric right I mean

Time: 4244.56

obviously if blood pressure is high

Time: 4246.84

you're getting less nitric oxide through

Time: 4248.76

for whatever means here uh vessels and

Time: 4252.28

capillaries are constricted um cells

Time: 4255.719

aren't able to use the energy that's

Time: 4257.48

coming in there's excess energy there's

Time: 4258.96

buildup of metabolic waste there's all

Time: 4260.76

this stuff and now we can start to see

Time: 4262.679

the picture yeah it's trying to emerge

Time: 4264.8

and as you mentioned um briefly these

Time: 4267.48

markers can be put into healthy range or

Time: 4270

maybe even fantastic range in a very

Time: 4272.36

short period of time so we'll talk about

Time: 4274.679

um how to go about that um in terms of

Time: 4278.239

getting a basic blood test is you're a

Time: 4280.239

physician what's the secret code um I'll

Time: 4283.88

give away one that um

Time: 4286.28

a former guest who's also an MD shared

Time: 4288.96

which is oftentimes if you ask your

Time: 4290.76

physician for a blood test they will say

Time: 4293.04

well unless there's a particular need or

Time: 4294.88

you're um struggling with something they

Time: 4296.52

won't give it to you but if you have a

Time: 4298.8

shift from Baseline in a symptom or in a

Time: 4302.44

number that can help all the Physicians

Time: 4304.08

are going to come after me now with I

Time: 4305.52

guess with stethoscopes um uh I'm

Time: 4308.48

willing to Stand My Ground

Time: 4311.239

um if you want a blood test it's often

Time: 4314.12

useful to mention that there's 's been

Time: 4315.52

some Market shift um you want to be

Time: 4317.679

honest right but some Market shift in

Time: 4320.6

sleep in lifestyle in how you feel

Time: 4323.199

standing up sitting down I'm not trying

Time: 4324.56

to you know lace people's minds with

Time: 4326.199

ideas to to uh create narratives here

Time: 4328.48

but um oftentimes where Physicians are

Time: 4331.56

resistant they'll be more amendable if

Time: 4334.12

they understand that hey like

Time: 4335.12

something's changing and the patient

Time: 4336.48

saying something's changing it actually

Time: 4337.6

would be irresponsible of them to not

Time: 4339

give the blood test so there you go um

Time: 4341.199

Bring It On MDS so yeah truly and I

Time: 4343.6

think the nice thing about the again

Time: 4346.08

very basic tests and there are so many

Time: 4348.199

other tests that I talked about in my

Time: 4349.36

book and that you've talked about on

Time: 4350.28

your podcast apob uric acid fasting

Time: 4352.44

insulin hom IR hscrp liver function test

Time: 4356.199

ggt all these other tests that are great

Time: 4358.32

that can really tell us more about

Time: 4360.639

mitochondrial dysfunction oxidative

Time: 4362.04

stress chronic inflammation but the ones

Time: 4364.239

I'm mentioning are the ones that you

Time: 4365.52

will not have to fight with your doctor

Time: 4367.12

about like the the the everything I just

Time: 4369.28

mentioned like the doctor should order

Time: 4371.6

on an annual physical and it's really

Time: 4373.84

about us learning to act like read the

Time: 4376.28

Tea Leaves of what they're saying and

Time: 4377.84

not look at them in this algorithmic way

Time: 4379.8

but like how together if they're

Time: 4381.8

creeping up or if many of them are a

Time: 4384.12

little bit high like we need to focus

Time: 4386.88

all of our energy on improving

Time: 4388.28

mitochondrial capacity basically and and

Time: 4390.159

bring those numbers down which we can do

Time: 4391.639

very very quickly once you start getting

Time: 4392.92

the mitochondria moving through more of

Time: 4394.239

those substrates a lot of them will just

Time: 4395.679

naturally come down now in the book I

Time: 4398.4

give scripts to literally talk to your

Time: 4400.4

doctor with because you are going to get

Time: 4402.52

push back often if you ask for a fasting

Time: 4405.239

insulin I would say probably I mean even

Time: 4406.96

though doctors are waking up a little

Time: 4408.76

bit like maybe 85% of people are going

Time: 4410.8

to have their doctors say they won't

Time: 4412.12

order that for them so I actually think

Time: 4413.48

there's a huge benefit I hate to say it

Time: 4415.8

but like going outside the system this

Time: 4417.36

is where I think

Time: 4418.52

innovation has been valuable there's a

Time: 4420.84

lot of like amazing companies doing

Time: 4423.36

direct to Consumer lab testing so you

Time: 4426.719

can basically avoid the hassle and some

Time: 4428.48

of them are very affordable there's um

Time: 4431.8

function health is a company that's

Time: 4433.719

doing 110 biomarkers including all the

Time: 4437.12

key metabolic biomarkers for less than

Time: 4438.679

$500 and they'll do it twice a year so

Time: 4440.96

you don't ever have to and then they do

Time: 4442.76

interpretations um insid tracker uh next

Time: 4446.44

Health levels is doing labs and so

Time: 4449.239

there's a lot of this springing up

Time: 4451.28

because I think people are sick of

Time: 4452.92

fighting with their doctors to get a a

Time: 4454.96

crumb of information about their health

Time: 4457.44

and it's it's it's we should probably be

Time: 4461

testing these I would say three to four

Time: 4463.44

times a year um and the beauty is is

Time: 4466.36

that like I think a lot of what keeps

Time: 4468.84

people down in the health world is that

Time: 4471.52

they're confused about what to do

Time: 4473.76

there's a lot of noise there's a lot of

Time: 4475.239


Time: 4476.32

strategies you know do I do you know

Time: 4479.96

paleo keto carnivore vegan Mediterranean

Time: 4483.239

do I do hit or Zone 2 or Ecentric it's

Time: 4486.92

like there's so much noise and the

Time: 4489.28

beauty with having a plan for

Time: 4492.639

understanding your biomarkers regularly

Time: 4494.159

is that you can cut through all the

Time: 4495.36

noise try a strategy see where you stand

Time: 4499.8

re retest in a few months and see if

Time: 4502.239

you're moving in the right direction s

Time: 4505.08

you don't have to trust your doctor you

Time: 4506.36

don't have to trust me you don't have to

Time: 4507.6

trust anyone you can literally trust

Time: 4509.679

your own labs and I I I say to people

Time: 4512.28

like if your labs are optimal and the

Time: 4516.88

ranges I just mentioned are not optimal

Time: 4518.6

like we you want to actually get to

Time: 4519.84

better than all of those if you want to

Time: 4521.12

be optim if your if your key metabolic

Time: 4523.84

biomarkers are optimal

Time: 4526.04

if you feel absolutely freaking

Time: 4528.12

incredible and you have no symptoms then

Time: 4530.56

you're probably doing the right strategy

Time: 4532.6

whatever that is vegan keto whatever

Time: 4534.639

like and and exercise and your lifestyle

Time: 4536.52

because that is showing that your cells

Time: 4538.6

are fundamentally working properly so I

Time: 4541.84

think that's just a really empowering

Time: 4543.159

message and now there's phenomenal

Time: 4544.56

companies that are cropping up to

Time: 4545.8

basically help allow people to do this

Time: 4548.6

on their own schedule which I think is

Time: 4550.159

really the future of health and actually

Time: 4551.639

will help lessen I think some of the

Time: 4555.04

intensity of the diet Wars you know

Time: 4557.12

because it's like people can just say

Time: 4558.12

like I trust my strategy I know I'm

Time: 4559.88

doing what's right for me cuz like look

Time: 4561.159

at all my biomarkers and I feel great

Time: 4563.84

you know so yeah what used to be the

Time: 4566.679

before and after um you know pre-diet

Time: 4570.6

exercise post- diet exercise um photos

Time: 4573.679

on social media are now starting to also

Time: 4575.679

include numbers which is kind of

Time: 4577.6

interesting I mean obviously these

Time: 4578.96

aren't randomized control trials but

Time: 4580.56

it's cool to see people posting their

Time: 4582.679

numbers yeah of things that are

Time: 4585.6

not just related to Aesthetics but are

Time: 4588

um or body weight but are related to

Time: 4590.719

health metrics yeah uh it's it's it's

Time: 4593.199

fun I think it it speaks to um a more

Time: 4595.719

scientific or at least a more

Time: 4597.32

quantitative approach to things and I

Time: 4599.28

think it's inspiring for people um

Time: 4601.32

thanks for putting those scripts in the

Time: 4602.76

book that people can refer to um let's

Time: 4606.08

say that um I go in for these blood

Time: 4608.44

tests I do the basic 7 and I find that

Time: 4611.04

my fasting glucose is a little high my

Time: 4613.28

triglycerides are a little high my LDL

Time: 4615.84

is a little high um maybe a few other

Time: 4618.48

things are okay so I'm kind of in the

Time: 4620.92

you know not in the Red Zone but I'm in

Time: 4623.4

the like I should probably pay attention

Time: 4625.159

to these things what are some of the

Time: 4626.84

things that one can do in order to try

Time: 4628.52

and move those needles in the right

Time: 4630.36

direction um I know we talked about

Time: 4632.36

walking in movement before what are a

Time: 4634.32

few others and maybe we could start to

Time: 4635.88

touch into Nutrition a little bit and

Time: 4637.96

then we'll pivot to um insulin and blood

Time: 4641.32

glucose I think on the highest level

Time: 4644.159

it's about

Time: 4645.48

running through what are the

Time: 4647.639

science-based things that we know in our

Time: 4649.84

environment can lead to metabolic

Time: 4652.48

dysfunction and take honest stock of how

Time: 4655.88

those factors are playing out in your

Time: 4657.32

life and then choose a few to start

Time: 4659.48

moving in a different direction so the

Time: 4662.48

ones that I think are ones that we can

Time: 4665.12

really control um and that are we know

Time: 4668.6

based on the science are impacting our

Time: 4670.04

mitochondrial and metabolic health is

Time: 4671.52

the food the Sleep the movement the

Time: 4673.28

emotional health the toxins our

Time: 4674.96

relationship with light and our

Time: 4675.84

relationship with temperature and your

Time: 4679

journey to Optimal metabolic Health

Time: 4681.199

might be totally different from mine

Time: 4682.96

because I might really need to focus on

Time: 4685

the food and the sleep and the emotional

Time: 4686.88

health and you might really need to

Time: 4687.96

focus on the toxins and the light and

Time: 4690.28

the movement and so it's a lot of it is

Time: 4692.8

actually taking stock on where the

Time: 4694.32

levers are in your own life where are

Time: 4696.12

you crushing it and where is there a lot

Time: 4698.32

of room for improvement so Step One is

Time: 4701.04

knowing like that those are the thing

Time: 4703.639

those are the things in our environment

Time: 4705.639

that we need to to basically improve to

Time: 4708.04

have to give our CS the best capacity

Time: 4709.96

and then of course checking your

Time: 4711

biomarkers to make sure your

Time: 4712.159

interventions are working but but food I

Time: 4715.04

think is one that is like totally

Time: 4716.52

unavoidable of those pillars those Seven

Time: 4718.48

Pillars food is one that most of us are

Time: 4721.08

getting wrong and that we really

Time: 4722.44

actually have to get right to improve

Time: 4725

our metabolic health for a lot of

Time: 4726.4

reasons I mean our bodies are basically

Time: 4729.04

100% molecularly made from food that's

Time: 4731.719

so wild it's so wild every time I think

Time: 4733.76

about that I kind of like blows my mind

Time: 4736.04

like babies are 3D printed from food

Time: 4738.36

basically inside a woman's body it's

Time: 4740.44

it's wild to me and then what's so cool

Time: 4742.88

about the body what brings me just

Time: 4744.44

immense awe every day is that like we

Time: 4746.719

have this conception in our Western

Time: 4748.28

world that the body is like a thing that

Time: 4750.4

we're with throughout our life because

Time: 4751.6

we kind of look the same and we like age

Time: 4753.199

slowly so it's like Casey is a thing and

Time: 4754.96

Andrew is a thing but the body is

Time: 4757

actually a process the body and there's

Time: 4759.32

this amazing dos statement like life is

Time: 4761.84

a process not an entity I love that

Time: 4765.8

no I'm sorry to interrupt I'm just I I

Time: 4769

always you know wish that if people

Time: 4771.04

could understand that um with Biology

Time: 4774.239

and health understanding the nouns and

Time: 4776.44

the names is important but it's verbs

Time: 4778.6

it's verbs verbs verbs if you understand

Time: 4781.08

that things are processes or processes

Time: 4783.4

depending on who you are and where you

Time: 4784.84

live in the world um it all becomes so

Time: 4788.04

much more tractable yes and it's so much

Time: 4790.36

more hopeful because if I'm a process if

Time: 4793

you're a process then every every day

Time: 4795.08

we're eating we are changing the process

Time: 4798.12

whereas if you think you're a thing then

Time: 4801.04

there's no hope cuz I'm just I'm Casey

Time: 4803.36

and that's who I am and I have this

Time: 4804.8

disease you know and I think so much in

Time: 4807.719

our language actually of healthc

Time: 4809.96

care both are Western sort of despir

Time: 4813.12

nature like we don't really have a lot

Time: 4814.32

of curiosity with with process but even

Time: 4817.48

like the ideas the way we talk about

Time: 4819.159

disease I have diabetes you know and I I

Time: 4823.6

and and we don't even talk about

Time: 4824.84

diabetes cures which now a lot of people

Time: 4827

are curing their diabetes we call it

Time: 4828.719

remission like it's this thing that's a

Time: 4831

part of you and I think I just love this

Time: 4833.239

idea of like we're evolving every day

Time: 4835.04

and food is so important because again

Time: 4837

we take in 70 metric tons of food in the

Time: 4838.96

lifetime two to three pounds per day one

Time: 4841.04

metric ton per year on average and that

Time: 4843.4

is like the printer ink that's the 3D

Time: 4845.199

printer ink to create tomorrow's version

Time: 4847.239

of oursel which is molecularly different

Time: 4849.159

than the Casey of today that's a hopeful

Time: 4851.679

message because if we can give the body

Time: 4854.719

food which you know I think we again our

Time: 4857.84

our conception of food I think is very

Time: 4859.92

limited um food is the molecular

Time: 4863.239

building blocks of the body it is the

Time: 4865.84

cell signaling functional molecules that

Time: 4868.92

tell our cells what to do they act as

Time: 4872.679

transcription factors epigenetic

Time: 4874.96

modifiers um cell signaling pathway

Time: 4879

intermediates and it's also of course

Time: 4881.8

the substrate to change what the

Time: 4883.28

microbiome does and the composition of

Time: 4885.12

the M microbiome which is basically a

Time: 4886.92

pharmacy inside our bodies to create

Time: 4888.639

different molecules that can affect our

Time: 4890.08

health so food is certainly a calorie is

Time: 4894.84

a calorie from the concept of

Time: 4896.4

thermodynamics but from the concept of

Time: 4898.4


Time: 4899.56

information it has three massively

Time: 4902.56

important parts that are unavoidable for

Time: 4906

creating cellular health so I would just

Time: 4908.679

say that that is the pillar that we can

Time: 4910.239

drill be happy to drill into of like

Time: 4912.4

what do we really do to

Time: 4915.04

you know build build as much metabolic

Time: 4916.6

Health as possible yeah I want to focus

Time: 4919.199

now if you're willing on food not just

Time: 4922.84

macronutrients proteins fats and

Time: 4924.4

carbohydrates not just calories although

Time: 4926.4

that as well but things like timing

Time: 4928.88

things like fasting um and

Time: 4931.4

micronutrients which I think is a a

Time: 4933.44

highly underexplored topic so with

Time: 4935.84

respect to food um gosh I feel like

Time: 4939.12

we've all been exposed to pretty much

Time: 4940.88

every variation of you know it's it's

Time: 4944.56

all calories in calories out and by the

Time: 4946.199

way I believe in the laws of

Time: 4947.719

thermodynamics um so yes total caloric

Time: 4951.32

load matters total energy expenditure

Time: 4954

matters without question within the

Time: 4957.199

framework of not consuming excess

Time: 4961.28

calories there's a lot to explore

Time: 4963.44

however um I can just say for myself for

Time: 4966.239

what it's worth I'm not very hungry

Time: 4968.239

until 11:00 a.m. noon or 1 I'm okay not

Time: 4971.92

eating until then and just you know

Time: 4973.719

water electrolyt and caffeine does me

Time: 4976.199

just fine I can exercise Etc but once I

Time: 4978.12

start eating I I really enjoy eating and

Time: 4979.84

I mostly like the proteins I like Meat

Time: 4981.8

and Fish and eggs and I like cheese and

Time: 4983.96

vegetables and carbohydrates and fruit

Time: 4986.52

and all of it I like all the stuff and I

Time: 4988.44

I tend to like single or few ingredient

Time: 4991.08

Foods I just naturally do so I've been

Time: 4992.719

lucky in that way but I know a lot of

Time: 4996.52

people like sandwiches processed foods

Time: 4999.56

things that are combinations of

Time: 5001.719

ingredients what do we know about about

Time: 5005.28

kind of uh I don't want to say optimal

Time: 5008.199

but if one we're going to explore

Time: 5010.159

different ways of eating for sake of

Time: 5011.76

adjusting these biomarkers in the right

Time: 5013.48

direction and improving metabolic health

Time: 5016.04

is there kind of a a generic jumping off

Time: 5019.08

point would most people for instance be

Time: 5021.199

wise to um cut back on the total number

Time: 5023.96

of sugars or the the total amount of

Time: 5026.239

sugar rather and perhaps reduce the

Time: 5028.08

amount of carbohydrate and replace it

Time: 5029.52

with some lean quality protein I mean

Time: 5032.12

are there generalizations that we can

Time: 5033.92

make or is it really all just about not

Time: 5036.159

getting excessive calories and trying to

Time: 5037.92

get those calories from the most

Time: 5040.8

nutrient-rich sources well just Drilling

Time: 5043

in on two things you just said there so

Time: 5044.639

one thing you said that was interesting

Time: 5045.92

was that you're lucky that you like all

Time: 5047.92

of those foods and then the second thing

Time: 5050.04

was is it just about not getting excess

Time: 5052.48

calories but I think what's interesting

Time: 5054.159

about both of those is that I would

Time: 5056.36

argue that the reason you like those

Time: 5058.679

Foods is because you have given your

Time: 5061.159

body enough whole real foods that now

Time: 5063.719

everything in your biology

Time: 5066.28

neurobiologically your reward circuitry

Time: 5068.6


Time: 5069.48

microbiome your satiety hormone

Time: 5072.36

threshold all of these are now basically

Time: 5074.88

creating a situation in which you like

Time: 5076.84

those foods and then the caloric thing

Time: 5079.199

fits into that because the reason we're

Time: 5081.48

eating excess calories the reason

Time: 5083.28

chronic nutrition is happening and the

Time: 5086.159

reason we are quite literally in the

Time: 5087.96

United States eating ourselves to death

Time: 5091.76

for the first time in human history is

Time: 5094.44

because we're not eating real food and

Time: 5097.32

we're eating 60 to 75% of our calories

Time: 5101.6

of ultra processed nutrient depleted

Time: 5105.44

foods that

Time: 5107.28

fundamentally don't give our cells what

Time: 5110.28

they need and a real premise that I

Time: 5114.199

think is so important to realize is that

Time: 5115.84

our cells are brilliant and if the cells

Time: 5118.52

aren't getting what they actually need

Time: 5120.8

to function properly they will drive you

Time: 5124.679

to eat until they get their needs met

Time: 5127.92


Time: 5129.48

because the ultra processed food is

Time: 5131.84

designed to be highly addictive and it's

Time: 5134.239

devoid of what the cells actually need

Time: 5137

for good function we end up eating

Time: 5139.84

ourselves into a grave and now almost

Time: 5142.719

80% of Americans are overweight or obese

Time: 5145.239

close to 50% of the country is obese we

Time: 5148.28

literally gloss over this as a culture

Time: 5149.92

it has become so normal in such a short

Time: 5151.44

amount of time but I always think about

Time: 5153

the fact that like

Time: 5155

there are really no other animal species

Time: 5157.679

in the world that have obesity and

Time: 5160.119

chronic disease epidemics and they don't

Time: 5162.639

have social media they don't have

Time: 5164.56

experts they don't have PubMed they

Time: 5166.04

don't have the FDA they don't have the

Time: 5167.639

USDA they don't have any of it and they

Time: 5169.52

have somehow figured out a way to stay

Time: 5171.6

at a healthy weight and to not get heart

Time: 5173.719

disease and it's because they're eating

Time: 5175.56

real food that meets the needs of their

Time: 5178.44

cells and so I think to just boil that

Time: 5181.56

down the root cause of the problem is

Time: 5184.08

that we have a toxic food supply that's

Time: 5186.159

no longer filled with the molecular

Time: 5188.88

information that our body needs to know

Time: 5190.88

to be satiated and to function properly

Time: 5194.6

and so through the complex biology of

Time: 5198.28

satiety hormones and neurobiology and

Time: 5200.719

microbiome function we are driven to eat

Time: 5203.56

so so so much more so truly the jumping

Time: 5207.6

off point for anyone on the quest to

Time: 5210.159

Better Health is to eat as much real

Time: 5214.239

unprocessed food from good soil as

Time: 5218.199

possible and of really of any dietary

Time: 5220.32

philosophy they want truly I I think if

Time: 5222.48

someone's eating real unprocessed food

Time: 5224.44

from good soil who is you know

Time: 5226.719

plant-based or who is keto they are

Time: 5229.239

going to have such a higher chance of

Time: 5230.639

meeting their body's actual fundamental

Time: 5233.239

needs and the good thing about biomarker

Time: 5234.88

testing is they can track for themselves

Time: 5236.76

if they are having good cellular

Time: 5238.199

function with that strategy there's been

Time: 5240.92

studies that have panned this out you

Time: 5242.36

know we we know that the mor Ultra

Time: 5243.8

process food you eat the higher risk of

Time: 5245.639

obviously obesity but also chronic

Time: 5247.119

diseases are but then of course there's

Time: 5248.92

an amazing study from Kevin Hall just

Time: 5251.32

recently where he basically locked

Time: 5252.92

people up at the NIH and he for two

Time: 5254.56

weeks he had them eat Ultra processed

Time: 5255.88

food and for two weeks he had them eat

Time: 5257.32

real food and people ate 7,000 more

Time: 5261.6

calories in the two week period uh when

Time: 5265.28

they were eating Ultra processed food

Time: 5266.84

versus the unprocessed food they were

Time: 5269.199

locked at the NIH I've been to NIH quite

Time: 5271.679

a bit um I don't it's it's great for a

Time: 5274.84

day job or a day visit I don't know that

Time: 5276.239

I want to be locked there that sounds

Time: 5277.6

like a that sounds like the Stanford

Time: 5279.119

Prison prisoner experiment I say this

Time: 5281.8

tongue and Chic and with such admiration

Time: 5283.52

for what he had to do but I think it's

Time: 5285

so amusing that you know we have this

Time: 5287.08

totally Franken food toxic food system

Time: 5289.92

that's that's largely Ultra processed

Time: 5292.159

and it took amazing Kevin Hall to

Time: 5295.28

basically do an NIH you know funded

Time: 5297.48

study where people what I say by locked

Time: 5299.48

is that they were impatience at the NIH

Time: 5302.96

and every had ad Li you know unlimited

Time: 5306.159

access to food during each of those two

Time: 5308.28

week interventions so it was two weeks

Time: 5310

of ultra processed food two weeks of

Time: 5311.6

unprocessed or minely processed food and

Time: 5313.96

they could eat whatever they wanted as

Time: 5316.4

much as they wanted in both groups and

Time: 5319.719

then they would weigh every single bite

Time: 5321.639

that was left on their trays so they

Time: 5323.159

knew exactly exactly how many calories

Time: 5325.679

they ate and literally just giving

Time: 5327.36

people this Ultra processed food which

Time: 5329.119

is devoid of what our bodies need and

Time: 5332.76

and therefore will drive people to eat

Time: 5335.48

more they ate uh 500 calories more per

Time: 5338.92

day for a total of 7,000 calories more

Time: 5341.4

in that two weeks and they gained about

Time: 5343.96

two pounds and then lost two pounds in

Time: 5346.04

the unprocessed Group which makes sense

Time: 5348.159

of course because a pound is about 3500

Time: 5350.119

calories and so we have to do these kind

Time: 5352.88

of crazy studies just to prove what we

Time: 5355.239

kind of know is true which is that this

Time: 5357.08

Ultra processed food environment that's

Time: 5358.8

cropped up over the past 50 years is an

Time: 5361.119

experiment that has failed it has failed

Time: 5364.119

you know close to 45% of kids are

Time: 5366.08

overweight or obese now like it's not

Time: 5368

working and that really is uh the root

Time: 5370.92

cause so I think a lot of food is about

Time: 5373.28

quality and how do we actually really

Time: 5376.48

meet the needs of of the cells so that

Time: 5379.28

our satiety hormones get secreted and we

Time: 5381.56

naturally stop eating because just

Time: 5384.36

telling people eat less calories but eat

Time: 5386.76

whatever you want that's just doesn't

Time: 5389.119

work we have to inspire the body to not

Time: 5392.44

want to eat excess calories

Time: 5394.719

which we do by stimulating satiety

Time: 5398.8

hormones you know helping the microbiome

Time: 5402.44

support that process and then change our

Time: 5404.28

reward circuitry which is done with

Time: 5407

nutrient-rich the most nutrient-rich

Time: 5409.08

food we can possibly get and that's why

Time: 5410.92

I mentioned the soil because our food is

Time: 5413.32

drastically dep depleted of nutrients so

Time: 5415.8

when we look at that 70 metric tons of

Time: 5417.32

food we're eating in the lifetime it's

Time: 5419.4

just fasting you that's that's the

Time: 5420.96

information for our body what it's going

Time: 5423.36

to be built from how it's going to

Time: 5424.48

function well right now 60 to 75% is

Time: 5428.36

ultra processed so we slash the value

Time: 5430.44

because the ultr processing just like

Time: 5431.56

slashes the nutrients we slash the value

Time: 5433.639

of that 70 metric tons and then we have

Time: 5437.6

crappy soil because our industrial

Time: 5439.4

agriculture system which means the the

Time: 5441.119

food in some cases has 70% less of key

Time: 5444.119

micronutrients in it so that 70 metric

Time: 5446.76

tons what's actually useful for our body

Time: 5448.88

becomes so much smaller so what we want

Time: 5452.28

to do is basically expand and the value

Time: 5455.48

of that substrate we're putting in the

Time: 5457.52

body and that means real food

Time: 5459.239

unprocessed from good soil meet the

Time: 5461.28

needs of the cells naturally don't be

Time: 5462.92

hungry maintain a healthy weight um and

Time: 5466.76

you know something I talk about is that

Time: 5468.96

we could I mean we could talk about

Time: 5470.04

nutrition the biochemistry of nutrition

Time: 5471.52

all day but in my review of sort

Time: 5474.239

of the biology and the biochemistry like

Time: 5476.96

there's five main things I think we can

Time: 5478.84

strive for in our food that can really

Time: 5481.239

help meet the needs of our cells and and

Time: 5485.04

when it really comes there are obviously

Time: 5486.719

more things our body needs but if we

Time: 5488.119

strive for these five things we will

Time: 5489.6

ultimately I think eat a really healthy

Time: 5491.239

diet and that is fiber

Time: 5495.08

Omega-3s adequate healthy protein a good

Time: 5498.4

amount of probiotics and high

Time: 5500.119

antioxidant sources and if we build our

Time: 5503.32

diet around knowing a few things in each

Time: 5505.52

of those categories that we really love

Time: 5507.28

and stock our kitchen with it and make

Time: 5508.92

our meals a mixing and matching of each

Time: 5510.88

of those components and we get a good

Time: 5513.199

amount of those

Time: 5514.4

we will give the body a lot of what it

Time: 5517.4

needs to have mitochondrial Health

Time: 5519.28

reduce chronic inflammation reduce oxy

Time: 5521.8

of stress it's interesting for me to

Time: 5523.96

take a step back from nutrition as it's

Time: 5527.159

typically presented and think about the

Time: 5530.08

brain the hypothalamic circuitry that

Time: 5532.119

drives hunger and satiety and things

Time: 5534

like that and to map that on to what

Time: 5536.84

I've heard and I I believe to be true

Time: 5538.679

based on my view of the literature which

Time: 5540.52

is that we are largely meaning these

Time: 5542.6

circuits in the brain make us largely

Time: 5546.239

amino acid foraging machines because we

Time: 5549.08

need those amino acids in order to carry

Time: 5551.239

out metabolic processes and reconstruct

Time: 5553.28

any tissues that need repair and and

Time: 5555.32

Recovery not just from exercise but just

Time: 5557.76

daily turnover um removal of waste Etc

Time: 5561.239

um so we're foraging for amino

Time: 5564.159

acids unconsciously we're foraging for

Time: 5568.199

micronutrients and of course we need

Time: 5570.32

macronutrients we need enough energy

Time: 5572.08

from proteins fats and carbohydrates or

Time: 5573.88

some either combination of the three I

Time: 5576.36

feel like I'm sort of in the dying

Time: 5578.04

category of omnivores right I'm neither

Time: 5580.4

you know I'm not meat-based and I'm not

Time: 5582.6

uh plant-based I'm omnivores I think

Time: 5584.96

most people are omnivores actually but

Time: 5587.4

uh omnivores aren't discussed quite as

Time: 5589.159

quite as much as um the other categories

Time: 5591.159

at least not on social media but that

Time: 5593.239

you know we're we think of ourselves as

Time: 5595

getting hungry and wanting to eat um and

Time: 5600.04

I think eating the foods some of them I

Time: 5602.32

listed off before like Meat and Fish and

Time: 5604.639

eggs and vegetables and fruits and some

Time: 5606.56

I do like starches like you know rice

Time: 5608.199

oatmeal some pastas some sourdough

Time: 5610.48

Breads and things I love butter who

Time: 5611.88

doesn't love butter um of course none of

Time: 5614.159

that stuff in excess olive oil but if

Time: 5616.84

one looks at kind of that um

Time: 5619.679

Buffet of of options you realize you can

Time: 5623.119

get some high quality amino acids you

Time: 5625.56

can get some high quality lipids you um

Time: 5628.8

probably want to get more of them from

Time: 5629.76

olive oil than from butter but you can

Time: 5631.36

get the micronutrients you need provided

Time: 5633.36

those food sources are healthy now

Time: 5635.4

contrast that with a highly processed

Time: 5637.44

diet or even a minimally processed diet

Time: 5640.04

and you can get the taste you can get

Time: 5642.04

the macronutrients you can get the

Time: 5644.04

calories but you don't meaning the brain

Time: 5647

doesn't really have a sense of it can't

Time: 5649.36

directly map taste calories

Time: 5652.84

micronutrients on um onto one another

Time: 5655.52

and so you can imagine that the neural

Time: 5657.159

circuits and here I'm it's a little bit

Time: 5659.159

of hypothesizing SL conjecture but that

Time: 5661.4

the neural circuits responsible for

Time: 5662.84

hunger and satiety

Time: 5664.28

would get immensely confused by what's

Time: 5667.84

in a highly processed food right a

Time: 5670.28

Snickers bar if you like sweets tastes

Time: 5672.32

pretty good but it's unclear what's in

Time: 5674.32

it except sugar except some you know

Time: 5676.52

it's got a certain Snickers bar taste

Time: 5678.719

right but if the circuits of the brain

Time: 5681.44

are really trying to drive us to get

Time: 5684.48

amino acids and

Time: 5686.28

micronutrients um for bodily health and

Time: 5689

repair well then highly processed and

Time: 5691.4

even moderately processed food has just

Time: 5693.4

got be pure confusion I'm sorry to go

Time: 5696.159

long here but it reminds me of the of an

Time: 5699.52

idea I had once where like imagine if

Time: 5701.119

you took a pill that in greatly

Time: 5703.04

increased the level of dopamine

Time: 5704.92

norepinephrine acetylcholine and

Time: 5706.719

serotonin all at once that's

Time: 5709.199

polypharmacology and it might make you

Time: 5710.8

feel a certain way maybe good maybe bad

Time: 5712.48

and then afterwards you'd probably have

Time: 5713.679

a bit of a crash from as the drug wore

Time: 5715.6

off no doubt you would but let's say you

Time: 5718.48

wanted more of that feeling you wouldn't

Time: 5720.159

really know what to go look for because

Time: 5721.56

you don't know what what was in it

Time: 5723.719

because it's poly pharmacology so I feel

Time: 5725.48

like Pro highly processed food is

Time: 5727.56

polypharmacology whereas when you are

Time: 5729.84

eating foods that create a more pure

Time: 5732.56

experience of micronutrients amino acid

Time: 5734.719

content calories and taste those four

Time: 5736.84

things map to one another that

Time: 5738.679

intuitively we can start to understand

Time: 5740.52

oh I like this food and it's good for me

Time: 5743.159

and this is enough of it right I don't

Time: 5745.44

know anyone who of reasonable size that

Time: 5748.56

that eats like four ribeye steaks you

Time: 5751.04

know they eat one I me I'm sure there's

Time: 5752.84

some freaks out there that do that but

Time: 5754.56

you know one you know even small piece

Time: 5757.76

of quality meat is very satiating yeah

Time: 5760.44

you will self-regulate because the body

Time: 5763.04

like every other animal in the world is

Time: 5766

exquisitly designed to regulate hunger

Time: 5769.56

on a very intuitive level if we eat

Time: 5773.52

natural food it's you know it's I think

Time: 5776.44

it's almost ridiculous to talk about

Time: 5778.6

calories and isolation because the

Time: 5780.4

reason we're eating more calories is

Time: 5782.84

because we're eating ultra-processed

Time: 5785.08

food and so but I love what you just

Time: 5788.32

said Andrew about the brain and the poly

Time: 5791.44

faracy I think that literally is it's

Time: 5793.6

I've never heard that said and I think

Time: 5795.199

it's like processed food is like poly

Time: 5797.32

Pharmacy of food it is the definition of

Time: 5799.719

processed food which I know you talked

Time: 5800.92

about with Rob lusting the Nova four

Time: 5803.04

criteria is literally it's breaking down

Time: 5805.48

Foods into these constituent parts that

Time: 5807.88

were never meant to be separated from

Time: 5809.6

each other like the endosperm of a wheat

Time: 5812.8

kernel separate from the brand and the

Time: 5815.04

you know the germ um and then take that

Time: 5817.92

and like a little science experiment

Time: 5819.6

pair it up with all these other

Time: 5820.88

individual components and synthetic

Time: 5823.159

chemicals that are made in a factory and

Time: 5825.04

put them together to create this thing

Time: 5826.679

that the body I I I truly think our

Time: 5830.719

insatiable hunger again we're eating

Time: 5832.92

ourselves to death in the United States

Time: 5834.92

that's the reality our insatiable hunger

Time: 5837.88

and our chronic disease epidemic

Time: 5839.28

fundamentally is a lot of it's It's Mass

Time: 5841.36

cellular confusion and when you think

Time: 5843.96

about what chronic inflammation is

Time: 5845.639

chronic inflammation is biochemical fear

Time: 5850.04

on the cellular level well when you put

Time: 5852.28

this stuff into the body that's never

Time: 5853.8

seen before obviously that's going to

Time: 5855.76

generate some confusion and you know you

Time: 5858.36

could you could trace that back to what

Time: 5860.159

that really means with leaky gut and you

Time: 5862.36

know all the sorts of the real

Time: 5864.04

physiology of that but um there's a

Time: 5867.599

wonderful book that is called the end of

Time: 5869.76

Cravings by Mark shatzer he also wrote

Time: 5871.56

the Dorito effect but he talks a little

Time: 5873.239

bit what you're talking about which is

Time: 5874.719

ideal that processed food is actually

Time: 5876.4

the ultimate sort of food um based

Time: 5880.119

variable reward so in the way that it in

Time: 5882.48

like things that I mean I'm speaking the

Time: 5884.52

expert here but things that the body

Time: 5887.04

can't predict what the outcome is going

Time: 5888.84

to be are going to kind of get you in

Time: 5890.32

that dopamine motivation pathway and

Time: 5893.44

that's actually what processed food is

Time: 5894.84

doing is it's every time we eat a

Time: 5897.199

different ver we think we're eating a

Time: 5899

tortilla but it's like completely

Time: 5900.719

different than all the other weird

Time: 5902.92

tortilla Ultra process tortillas on the

Time: 5904.719

Shelf so every time we eat tortilla and

Time: 5906.679

our brain is this incredible prediction

Time: 5909.08

machine and as it's coming towards our

Time: 5911.639

mouth we're predicting what the load is

Time: 5913.48

going to be but we have no idea is it a

Time: 5915.28

Coke Zero is it a Diet Coke with

Time: 5916.92

Aspartame is it is it a regular Coke it

Time: 5918.84

all tastes the same but the nutrients

Time: 5920.719

that our gut are totally different so we

Time: 5922.679

end up actually triggering the

Time: 5924.36

motivation Pathways because of process

Time: 5927.56

food representing a variable reward

Time: 5931

whereas every time you eat a ribeye your

Time: 5933.56

body is pretty much getting a similar

Time: 5935.92

thing each time and so the

Time: 5938.08

prediction um matching is going to be

Time: 5941.96

more conducive to uh getting off the

Time: 5945.44

motivation treadmill for more which I

Time: 5947.52

think is so fascinating um but I think

Time: 5951.32

backing up a little bit one one concept

Time: 5953.28

I have for food that really helps me is

Time: 5956.119

really thinking about the body's always

Time: 5958.8

trying to help me be satiated and trying

Time: 5960.76

to help reduce my Cravings I literally

Time: 5962.96

just have to give the body what it needs

Time: 5965.04

I have to stimulate the body in a way

Time: 5966.96

that it will serve me in giving me

Time: 5969.599

satiety hormones to basically regulate

Time: 5971.56

my hunger and again with visuals I think

Time: 5974.76

it's so helpful I think about these

Time: 5976.44

cells lining our small intestine that

Time: 5978.96

literally have nutrient sensors like and

Time: 5981.36

literal receptors on the cell membrane

Time: 5983.96

in the luminal side of the gut that's

Time: 5985.679

facing all the food that are just

Time: 5987.119

sitting there like waiting to bind with

Time: 5990.599

these things in our food that will

Time: 5992.239

stimulate the cell to make the satiety

Time: 5994.44

hormone that poof effortly makes us not

Time: 5997.119

hungry gets rid of that grip of

Time: 5999.04

attachment to Cravings that all of us

Time: 6000.679

are so plagued by and like I think you

Time: 6004.599

know we have this intense conversation

Time: 6007.239

happening in society right now about gp1

Time: 6009.44

analoges and OIC and mjara and all these

Time: 6011.84

things gp1 Agonist but like you know we

Time: 6015.119

rarely talk about the fact that like we

Time: 6017.119

have nutrient sensing cells of the gut

Time: 6019.36

the L cells of the gut that when

Time: 6021.239

stimulated appropriately will make glp1

Time: 6024.119

and when stimulated the way they want to

Time: 6026.119

be will secrete hordes of glp1 for us

Time: 6029.599

and so how do we actually think about

Time: 6031.4

just literally giving the body what it

Time: 6032.719

needs to stimulate the society hormones

Time: 6034.92

and the processed foods aren't giving us

Time: 6036.239

those things you know the things that

Time: 6037.56

are goingon to um stimulate those

Time: 6041.52

cells well well the things that will I

Time: 6043.719

mean this is kind of fascinating if you

Time: 6044.92

don't mind going down a little road

Time: 6046.44

talking yeah please with the gp1

Time: 6049.52

conversation I feel like so missing from

Time: 6051.8

the conversation is the idea that like

Time: 6054.599

from a first principles perspective

Time: 6056.52

there's three ways our body could make

Time: 6058.36

more gp1 we make more cells that make it

Time: 6061.88

l cells of the gut each of those cells

Time: 6064.76

makes more glp1 and importantly we can

Time: 6068.32

also inhibit the inactivator of gp1

Time: 6071.28

which is an enzyme called dpp4 so gp1

Time: 6074.119

actually gets rapidly degraded by dpp4

Time: 6077.04

in the body so if we can figure out how

Time: 6078.92

to inhibit dpp4 we can raise our glp1

Time: 6081.88

levels what is dpp4

Time: 6083.92

it's an enzyme that breaks down

Time: 6086.28

gp1 said that and I missed I apologize

Time: 6088.639

so fascinating and so how often have you

Time: 6090.48

seen in the headlines oh here's some

Time: 6092.119

strategies to inhibit your dpp4 never

Time: 6094.599

because OIC is is you know on track to

Time: 6097.96

be the highest grossing Med in human

Time: 6099.48

history and just like we talked about in

Time: 6100.719

the beginning of the

Time: 6102.04

episode the whole industry this4

Time: 6105.32

trillion doll health care industry is

Time: 6108.28

desperate for not us to not understand

Time: 6110.639

how to do the things that drugs could do

Time: 6112.36

for us so when we look at those three

Time: 6114.679

first principles approaches of how do we

Time: 6116.4

make more L cells get them to produce

Time: 6118.04

more glp1 from each L cell and then

Time: 6120.119

inhibit the breakdown through the

Time: 6121.239

inhibition of

Time: 6122.36

dpp4 for the first one we know that

Time: 6125.44

short chain fatty acids which of course

Time: 6127.8

are the byproduct of microbial

Time: 6129.44

fermentation of fiber in the diet

Time: 6131.32

stimulates the differentiation of more L

Time: 6133.599

cells in the gut so more short chain

Time: 6135.119

fatty acids more L cells can we

Time: 6137.04

translate that into support the gut

Time: 6138.92

microbiome eat more fiber eat more fiber

Time: 6141.199

and um we had Justin sonenberg from

Time: 6143.32

Stanford on a world expert in gut

Time: 6145.28

microbiome and he was a big proponent of

Time: 6148.56

based on work he's done um with Chris

Time: 6150.36

Gardner and others at Stanford so

Time: 6152.44

happens of ingesting one to three

Time: 6155.4

servings of low sugar fermented foods

Time: 6158.4

each day things like sauerkraut kimchi

Time: 6160.92

again low sugar variety is probably

Time: 6163.719

best yeah maybe not you said not

Time: 6166

kombucha yeah cuz that's going to be

Time: 6167.36

like the highest sugar of the fermented

Time: 6169.599

foods which people often go to but now

Time: 6172.28

sod cly the sauerkraut you can actually

Time: 6174.679

make your own sauerkraut Tim Ferris had

Time: 6176.639

a great recipe for this in the 4our chef

Time: 6179.48

you have to be careful because you know

Time: 6181.92

that you can create some unhealthy

Time: 6183.239

ferment you have to do it the way he

Time: 6184.48

describes so check out the the recipe

Time: 6186.08

it's online um or you can buy sauerkraut

Time: 6188.56

and the brins um drinking the brine off

Time: 6191.639

the sauerkraut or off um seems to be

Time: 6194.119

good for the gut that's such a great

Time: 6195.88

point which is that

Time: 6198.32

ultimately we want the short chain fatty

Time: 6200.84

acids which is the the the medicine that

Time: 6203

the the microbiome are making for us

Time: 6205

through the microbial fermentation

Time: 6206.56

process and we can basically do that in

Time: 6208.199

three ways one is we can eat more fiber

Time: 6210.36

which is prebiotics we can also eat more

Time: 6213

polyphenols because we're now learning

Time: 6215

that the microbiome actually processes

Time: 6216.84

they ferment polyphenols from our which

Time: 6219.48

is basically you'll find those in

Time: 6221.119

colorful fruits and

Time: 6222.84

vegetables um spices teas cocoa things

Time: 6226.08

like that so fermentation of polyphenols

Time: 6228.84

and fiber to short chain fatty acids

Time: 6230.599

which then we absorb um and then like

Time: 6233.76

you just said in a fermented food the

Time: 6236.96

bacteria in that food will be making

Time: 6239.36

short chain fatty acids by fermenting

Time: 6241.199

the food in there and then if we drink

Time: 6242.599

that we're getting the short chain fatty

Time: 6243.96

acids directly so that's the kimchi

Time: 6247.04

sauerkraut uh Greek yogurt kavass which

Time: 6250.199

I'm obsessed with which is like low

Time: 6251.639

sugar kambucha it's like made with

Time: 6253.44

fermenting beets basically good stuff

Time: 6255.4

it's such good stuff uh miso NATO so

Time: 6258.32

that's one that has been shown to

Time: 6259.76

differentiate more L cells in the gut we

Time: 6262.119

also know that people with 2 diabetes

Time: 6264.199

have much fewer L cells in the gut and

Time: 6266.679

it's hard to know what the causality is

Time: 6269.599

there but I think a safe assumption is

Time: 6271.88

like if we keep our blood sugar under

Time: 6273.28

better control and sort of stay out of

Time: 6275

that diabetic range it probably lends

Time: 6276.639

itself I don't know what the chicken in

Time: 6277.88

the egg is there but blood sugar

Time: 6279.719

stability more L cell differentiation

Time: 6281.639

and then actually ginsing has been shown

Time: 6284.119

to um to improve l l cell

Time: 6287.8

differentiation so that's just sort of

Time: 6289.44

one one set of things and I don't think

Time: 6292.48

the dose on sing has been has been

Time: 6294.84

settled but um very high antioxidant

Time: 6297.679

component plant when we look at actually

Time: 6299.88

stimulating more glp1 you've talked

Time: 6302.04

about your remate I think having like a

Time: 6304.8

a mild effect on glp1 but there's

Time: 6307.08

actually a lot of other things um in the

Time: 6309.56

literature protein of course Very

Time: 6312.719

potently stimulates these nutrient

Time: 6314.119

receptor cells and specifically like

Time: 6315.96

veiling and glutamine seem to have a

Time: 6319.159

potent stimulatory effect on glp1 so

Time: 6321.96

you're find that and like meat and

Time: 6323.8

turkey and eggs and things like that

Time: 6326.92

what are your thoughts on supplementing

Time: 6328.04

El glutamine it's controversial I know

Time: 6330.52

that some people do it um in an effort

Time: 6332.96

to relieve leaky gut but that's but

Time: 6335.44

there aren't any randomized control

Time: 6336.88

trials for that so the um depending on

Time: 6340

one's stance on what's required for uh

Time: 6342.84

uh kind of a threshold for for adopting

Time: 6345.36

something you know some people say

Time: 6346.719

that's crazy other people really swear

Time: 6348.52

by supplementing El glutamine maybe it's

Time: 6350.679

through this this route of increasing um

Time: 6353.239

L cells um that some of the gut relief

Time: 6355.679

might might exist I guess we'd have to

Time: 6357.36

explore it so that's speculative folks

Time: 6359.44

um so this is interesting these are ways

Time: 6361.4

to increase the cells that then make gp1

Time: 6364.04

so fiber Prebiotic probiotic fiber and

Time: 6366.76

fermented antioxidants lowering blood

Time: 6368.8

sugar Jin saying so those are kind of

Time: 6370.96

the L cell ones the actual secretion of

Time: 6373.84


Time: 6375.48

glp1 the one of the most potent ones and

Time: 6378.8

the study that looks at this like the

Time: 6380.28

bar graphs are very clearly

Time: 6382.119

statistically sign significant lots of

Time: 6383.88

asteris is actually thids thids tell me

Time: 6387.52

more about thid thids are so fascinating

Time: 6389.92

thids are actually a structure in plants

Time: 6393.28

that are part of the chloroplasts so you

Time: 6396.08

know chloroplast and this also is

Time: 6397.679

fascinating because chloroplasts are

Time: 6398.8

basically the plant version of

Time: 6400.4

mitochondria essentially and thids are a

Time: 6403.52

molecule in the chloroplast and there's

Time: 6405.56

actually been research that shows that

Time: 6406.88

when you eat about 100 gram of spinach

Time: 6410.84

which gives you five grams of straight

Time: 6414.56

thy covid over 12 weeks daily it led to

Time: 6418.119

a a significant increase in glp1 and

Time: 6421.119

again I don't remember the exact it was

Time: 6423.08

two or threefold higher um secretion so

Time: 6427.119

this is in part so so so that's a direct

Time: 6429.52

stimulatory effect of the the L cells

Time: 6431.96

and so this is this equates to 3.5

Time: 6434.28

ounces of spinach a day which is like

Time: 6436.199

nothing so just getting ra spinach or

Time: 6438.08

cooked spinach I think I actually I

Time: 6439.88

don't think it actually it might have

Time: 6441.32

said in the methods but I I would

Time: 6443.32

imagine raw because you want to get

Time: 6445.44

those undenatured thids in the gut so

Time: 6449.719

just kind of another actually thids do a

Time: 6452.679

lot of other interesting stuff they

Time: 6453.96

inhibit lipase in the gut and so

Time: 6456.159

actually help more fat get down to the

Time: 6458.32

distal small bowel and promote satiety

Time: 6460.4

so this is one of the reasons why you

Time: 6462.32

talk about oh the people who eat all

Time: 6463.679

these healthy foods and greens they're

Time: 6465.4

less hungry it's like it's biochemistry

Time: 6467.639

like there's stuff happening in there

Time: 6469.56

that is making the hunger signals go

Time: 6473.159

down through things like inhibiting

Time: 6475.239

lipase you know in improving gp1

Time: 6477.84

secretion so other things for gp1

Time: 6479.679

secretion the thids also Fiers has been

Time: 6482.4

shown specific amino acids so high

Time: 6484.56

protein foods things that involve a lot

Time: 6486.32

of veine and glutamine uh green tea and

Time: 6489.4

specifically the uh elic the EC um ecgc

Time: 6494.719

that uh is one of the compounds in green

Time: 6496.4

tea that's been shown to stimulate glp1

Time: 6499.239

curcumin um so there's several things

Time: 6501.52

that are all in that like food you know

Time: 6504.639

basically things you would associate

Time: 6506.599

with a healthy diet but we actually know

Time: 6508.159

they stimulate glp1 so I you know those

Time: 6510.08

are all things I try to include in my

Time: 6511.32

diet and the last one is inhibition of

Time: 6513.08

dpp4 and that one there's just actually

Time: 6515.92

when you look at the research there's

Time: 6517.08

some kind of random foods that tend to

Time: 6519.119

inhibit dpp4 um black beans Mexican

Time: 6523.44

oregano other forms of oregano Rosemary

Time: 6526.76

guava and um I wrote this one down

Time: 6530.36

because it's a word I hadn't seen very

Time: 6531.679

much before I started digging into this

Time: 6533.04

but mtin which is found in berries

Time: 6535.04

cranberries and peppers and and Swiss

Time: 6537.639

chards so all that is to

Time: 6540.239


Time: 6542.08

ultimately many of us are gripped by

Time: 6544.8

cravings and the idea

Time: 6548.76

of have you know just sort of not being

Time: 6552.159

constantly driven to eat more which I

Time: 6554.159

would argue that about 80% of Americans

Time: 6556.36

are feels really hard to overcome but a

Time: 6559.4

lot of it is literally just

Time: 6561

communicating to your CS in in a clear

Time: 6563.28

way through food to help you be satiated

Time: 6567.32

and the science can show us how to do

Time: 6569.36

this and a lot of it comes down to

Time: 6570.679

eating essentially what you were talking

Time: 6573.239

about how you eat omnivorous protein um

Time: 6576.56

healthy sources with nutrient you know

Time: 6578.679

density and lots of colorful fruits

Time: 6582.92

vegetables um

Time: 6585

spices herbs things like that um so yeah

Time: 6589.119

yeah it's interesting um again these

Time: 6592.08

aren't randomized control trials nor are

Time: 6593.679

they peer-reviewed studies but I have a

Time: 6595.08

few friends who I've known for most of

Time: 6597.44

my life who really struggled with their

Time: 6599.599

weight uh carried a lot of excess weight

Time: 6602.28

and we starting to suffer health issues

Time: 6604.52

um in their even their 30s but in their

Time: 6607.159

40s I'm 48 so they're my peers and so

Time: 6609.639

they're about that age range and they've

Time: 6613.199

all done extremely well meaning they

Time: 6615.92

lost a tremendous amount of body fat are

Time: 6619.48

terrifically healthy now by way of

Time: 6622

basically restricting their uh food

Time: 6624.599

intake to proteins so fish and meat eggs

Time: 6629.88

fruits and vegetables they basically

Time: 6631.88

just cut out starches and um but I don't

Time: 6634.32

think it was the starches per se I think

Time: 6636.76

it was the satiety that comes from

Time: 6638.8

eating high quality protein fruits and

Time: 6641.52

vegetables and from limiting the number

Time: 6645.159

of Highly processed foods and actually

Time: 6646.84

the toughest thing for all of them was

Time: 6648.639

to um stop asking me or themselves

Time: 6651.88

rather like can I include this condiment

Time: 6654.32

this this you know and what's

Time: 6655.639

interesting is all of them now seem to

Time: 6657.52

really enjoy eating Foods in their more

Time: 6660.119

pure form and I'm not somebody that like

Time: 6662.079

pushes on this on my friends they just

Time: 6663.8

come to me and say like how do I lose 50

Time: 6666.239

lbs with um without having to exercise

Time: 6669.119

it all off you know um as the only

Time: 6671.84

source of of of weight loss they they

Time: 6674.44

all exercise as well but um it's just so

Time: 6677.079

daunting to try and lose you know 20 30

Time: 6679.239

40 lounds and to do so quickly and then

Time: 6681.32

to keep it off cuz they've all had the

Time: 6682.76

experience of going on a diet and then

Time: 6684.079

you exercising a lot then um the point

Time: 6686.84

here is that I really think there's

Time: 6688.199

something powerful about that

Time: 6689.44

relationship between taste macronutrient

Time: 6693.199

value micronutrient value and um satiety

Time: 6697.32

yes I think there's really those

Time: 6698.44

powerful associations because the brain

Time: 6700.079

is such an associative machine uh one

Time: 6702.199

thing that I should have um said before

Time: 6705.159

um and I know most people are familiar

Time: 6706.56

with OIC yeah um and its commercial

Time: 6709.639

names are I forget what the the um OIC

Time: 6712.239

is the commercial name and munaro and

Time: 6714.76

movi and yeah got it um is that glp1

Time: 6717.84

acts more or less as an appetite

Time: 6720

suppressant um powerful appetite

Time: 6721.96

suppressant so um many millions of

Time: 6725.76

people are now taking uh gp1 analogs is

Time: 6729.079

that right I think there were over 20

Time: 6730.599

million pres scripts in the United

Time: 6732.04

States wow last year is it expensive

Time: 6734.48

it's it's $20,000 per year does

Time: 6737.48

insurance cover it typically uh right

Time: 6739.48

now insurance is covering it for

Time: 6741.32


Time: 6742.84

um but there is a allout

Time: 6745.36

assault uh from the pharmaceutical

Time: 6748.679

industry to essentially classify obesity

Time: 6752.32

as a genetic disease and a chronic

Time: 6754.52

disease in order to be able to feed this

Time: 6759.04

medication more into the insurance

Time: 6761.76

pathway and essentially get more

Time: 6763.639

taxpayer dollars to pay for this

Time: 6765.88

medication um and it is extremely

Time: 6769.679

expensive and it's on track to be the

Time: 6771.04

highest grossy medication in history

Time: 6773.56

because uh it's now being recommended

Time: 6775.88

for people with obesity type 2 diabetes

Time: 6778.4

and then the American Academy Pediatrics

Time: 6781.04

recently has talked about giving this to

Time: 6782.639

children as young as 12 as part of the

Time: 6785.719

first line for

Time: 6788.199

overweight um and you know I think

Time: 6791.44

really it's such a travesty based on the

Time: 6794.599

conversation we've had because what OIC

Time: 6797.48

does not do in any way shape or form is

Time: 6800.679

impact the toxic environment that we're

Time: 6802.52

living in that's hurting our

Time: 6803.599

mitochondria losing weight is different

Time: 6805.96

than improving mitochondrial function

Time: 6807.84

and mitochondrial dysfunction is the

Time: 6809.36

root cause of basically every chronic

Time: 6812.92

illness and symptom that's torturing

Time: 6814.44

American lives today and so in many ways

Time: 6817.199

it represents like the ultimate Band-Aid

Time: 6820.36

for an environment that is not changing

Time: 6823.28

um and when you think about what we

Time: 6826.599

could do with

Time: 6827.84

$220,000 per year and it's a weekly

Time: 6831.56

injection so say well per person like oh

Time: 6834.48

it's and it's a medication that is

Time: 6836.96

intended to be taken for life because

Time: 6839.56

when people come off this medication

Time: 6841.719

many people are gaining back all of the

Time: 6844.56

weight or even more weight afterwards

Time: 6847.199

and then there's been conversations

Time: 6848.48

Peter Tia is waiting on this about loss

Time: 6850.639

in lean mass you know part of the weight

Time: 6852.92

loss is disproportionately muscle and so

Time: 6855.199

there's a lot of concerns about it um

Time: 6858.04

above and beyond its ability to lower

Time: 6859.84

the number on the scale that uh we

Time: 6861.8

should all be very alert too because um

Time: 6864.679

you know the reality is is that the 40

Time: 6867.159

trillion cells in our body are in an

Time: 6869.76

environment in the western world right

Time: 6871.52

now that is not conducive to core

Time: 6875.28

biologic functioning and there is

Time: 6877.44

obviously no shot that can mitigate the

Time: 6881.96

multi-front assault on our biology that

Time: 6884.719

ultimately generates a body that's

Time: 6887.8

immensely profitable for those 100

Time: 6890.36

Specialties of healthare so you know

Time: 6892.639

we're living in this this Matrix and

Time: 6894.44

this game of you know a devil's bargain

Time: 6897.04

between a $4 trillion dollar Healthcare

Time: 6898.599

and pharmaceutical industry and a$6

Time: 6899.96

trillion dollar processed food industry

Time: 6902

that all want us to think that you know

Time: 6904.92

the answer is found in a shot and we

Time: 6906.32

don't need to change anything about our

Time: 6907.36

lifestyle but of course you know these

Time: 6909.32

simple habits that we're talking about

Time: 6911.04

eating real food moving walking Etc

Time: 6913.239

getting out in the sunlight um rapidly

Time: 6915.96

can inrease our mitochondrial capacity

Time: 6918.079

and um you know are just the most

Time: 6921.32

disruptive thing that we can do you know

Time: 6923.119

in our culture today is is learn about

Time: 6924.92

metabolic health and improve it and um

Time: 6928.04

it's it's just interesting to see what's

Time: 6929.159

happening in the media with sort of the

Time: 6930.44

assault against these empowering habits

Time: 6933.119

and very in favor of uh a medication

Time: 6936.8

like OIC and then when you trace you

Time: 6938.88

know unfortunately incentives there a

Time: 6941.079

huge percentage of these Outlets that

Time: 6943.679

cover you know OIC as a miracle drug

Time: 6945.8

their bills are paid by Pharma 60% of

Time: 6948.079

mainstream media advertising budget is

Time: 6950.04

Pharma and so you know I just I just say

Time: 6952.52

that because I think um it's it's a

Time: 6955.56

scandal um that we give so much air time

Time: 6958.4

to these medications and not to simple

Time: 6960.199

metabolic habits that can make us feel

Time: 6962.44

you know so incredible and and really

Time: 6964.639

change our core biology so walking

Time: 6967.079

exercise eating minimally processed or

Time: 6969.119

nonprocessed Foods

Time: 6971.719

um you also mentioned temperature yeah

Time: 6974.88

very very interested in that but uh

Time: 6976.719

before we we go a little bit further

Time: 6978.44

down the path of what one can do in

Time: 6979.96

terms of um having agency over their

Time: 6981.679

metabolic Health um I just feel

Time: 6984.719

obligated to just entertain the

Time: 6987

possibility presumably somebody who's

Time: 6989

really struggled with their weight a

Time: 6990.32

long time um maybe because of excess

Time: 6993.48

Cravings you know challenges in

Time: 6995.639

regulating their appetite or whatever we

Time: 6997.599

don't know what the reasons are um maybe

Time: 6999.679

they injured their knee and they can't

Time: 7001.159

exercise I mean this happens right um at

Time: 7003.48

least not yet

Time: 7005.599

um take a GP analog like OIC loses some

Time: 7009.96

weight probably loses some muscle also

Time: 7012.239

one would hope that that would give them

Time: 7013.679

the sense okay now I can move my body

Time: 7015.36

better I'll start exercising eating

Time: 7016.84

better as well I think that I have to

Time: 7018.719

imagine that there's a middle case

Time: 7021.159

condition where people are not just

Time: 7022.4

relying on Pharmaceuticals and not just

Time: 7024.199

relying on um behavioral uh routes uh to

Time: 7028.679

improve metabolic Health but can do both

Time: 7031.599

right I mean that and one would hope

Time: 7032.76

they are if if they're already taking

Time: 7034.52

these meds or is it the case that when

Time: 7036.04

people have a pill or an injection or a

Time: 7038.679

potion that gives them the effect that

Time: 7040.199

they want that they just remain

Time: 7041.44

sedentary I think we have to look at

Time: 7043.52

history here I mean you first of all

Time: 7046.119

there have been other weight loss

Time: 7047.639

medications throughout history that

Time: 7049.48

you've talked about in the podcast like

Time: 7050.84

the fenfen and then there was another

Time: 7052.92

one I think even before that that made

Time: 7055.4

people their temperature go up that you

Time: 7057.119

talked about so the two these are I used

Time: 7058.639

to work on thermal regulation as an

Time: 7060.159

undergrad so uh fenfen was eventually

Time: 7062.4

banned because it caused some cardiac

Time: 7064

issues I believe it was a stimulant F

Time: 7066.36

Flur me so um sorry it's not Fen Flur me

Time: 7068.84

it alone it's a combination of things

Time: 7070.52

that's why it's called Fen Fen um and

Time: 7072.48

then um dinitrophenol right which was um

Time: 7076.84

based on the observation that workers in

Time: 7079.079

ammunitions factories were being exposed

Time: 7081.28

to this stuff and losing a lot of body

Time: 7082.76

fat and weight um it actually made its

Time: 7085.32

way into the sports Community it's

Time: 7087.599

highly deadly highly deadly just don't

Time: 7091

even don't even look it up it's highly

Time: 7093.679

deadly don't because the moment people

Time: 7095.56

start looking it up they started

Time: 7096.52

thinking about dabbling the way the

Time: 7097.719

internet is now

Time: 7099.679

dinitrophenol um and I think it has to

Time: 7101.8

do with with um sort of uh processing of

Time: 7106.239

the of mitochondria I think this is

Time: 7108.56

happening in the the electron chains in

Time: 7110.159

mitochondria so anyway or free

Time: 7112.92

electron look it

Time: 7115.159

up excuse me um the bottom line here is

Time: 7118.239

that um there have been plenty of drugs

Time: 7121.56

mostly stimulants used to help people

Time: 7123.52

lose weight and um or that have acted

Time: 7126.88

directly on the mitochondria it has not

Time: 7128.52

worked out well historically it just

Time: 7130.719

hasn't and I think that

Time: 7133.84

I'm not just going to lump it's a

Time: 7135.159

different mechanism so I don't want to

Time: 7136.44

lump it in with past weight Lo loss

Time: 7138.48

drugs however if you look at the trends

Time: 7140.88

throughout history the

Time: 7143.8

medicalization and pharmacology towards

Time: 7147.719

chronic issues has been an abject

Time: 7150.28

failure I cannot I don't know of and I'm

Time: 7152.92

sure people can correct in the comments

Time: 7154.719

but of a single chronic condition for

Time: 7158.76

which the explosion of the pill to treat

Time: 7161.8

and manage that condition has lessened

Time: 7164.48

the rates of that condition the more

Time: 7166.28

ssris you prescribe the more depression

Time: 7168.8

we have the more metformin we prescribe

Time: 7171.76

the more type 2 diabetes rates are going

Time: 7174.44

up the more OIC is being prescribed

Time: 7177.84

obesi is going up you know this is on

Time: 7180.159

Wall Street they're

Time: 7182.199

not this is on track to be a blockbuster

Time: 7185.639

drug and they're not assuming the rates

Time: 7188.239

of obesity are going to go down that

Time: 7190.239

wouldn't actually make sense for the

Time: 7191.679

business mod model I mean these are

Time: 7193.28

being talked about at the JP Morgan

Time: 7194.52

Healthcare conferences do you think

Time: 7196.28

they're thinking that this is going to

Time: 7197.4

plummet no like there are I can't think

Time: 7200.079

of very many chronic conditions for

Time: 7202.8

which the explosion of the medication

Time: 7205.199

has reduced the frequency of the disease

Time: 7208.28

that's really something to think about

Time: 7210.36

um and the reason is because of exactly

Time: 7212.88

what we started this conversation with

Time: 7214.28

they're not actually truly impacting or

Time: 7218.56

healing the root cause physiology in

Time: 7221.36

some cases they're worsening that root

Time: 7223.36

cause physiology like they are inducing

Time: 7225.159

oxidative stress they may help with the

Time: 7227.76

symptomatic management um but not

Time: 7230.56

actually reducing that Trifecta that we

Time: 7232.48

talked about in the beginning and so why

Time: 7234.4

do we have reason to believe that

Time: 7237.239

medicalizing obesity and not actually

Time: 7239.76

getting at the root cause which has to

Time: 7242.679

be impacted by multimodal gent gentle

Time: 7246.52

nudges in our daily life habits and

Time: 7248.84

environment that that's actually going

Time: 7250.36

to reduce the rates of the conditions so

Time: 7252.48

no that's very helpful okay so I'll then

Time: 7255.599

return to the other question about

Time: 7257.28

temperature uh what are some things that

Time: 7259.28

can do with temperature and by the way

Time: 7260.36

as I do this I I can't resist any longer

Time: 7262.8

uh Casey Dr means brought me this jar of

Time: 7264.719

blueberries people that know me know

Time: 7266.28

that I um I'm a driveby blueberry eater

Time: 7268.52

so if there's blueberries out on a on a

Time: 7270.56

table I'm going to take some I've never

Time: 7272.119

eaten during a podcast but I'm going to

Time: 7274.76

now so um I'll try and chew quietly do

Time: 7277.639

you want some sure okay um um I love

Time: 7281.56

blueberry Beres and um no I don't eat

Time: 7283.92

them one by one so I'm but I'm going to

Time: 7285.32

try and eat them quietly so we'll keep

Time: 7286.599

them here in the middle for the time

Time: 7288.239

being and I'm going to eat them by the

Time: 7290.04

handful just cuz I got hungry and and

Time: 7292.199

you mentioned berries earlier and it

Time: 7293.52

triggered a a neural circuit for me so

Time: 7296.4

what about temperature people that know

Time: 7298.32

me or even that just listen to the

Time: 7300.52

podcast know that I like the cold shower

Time: 7302.76

thing cold plunge thing I don't do it

Time: 7304.36

every day I don't do it after resistance

Time: 7307.119

training workouts for at least 6 hours

Time: 7309.239

and mostly keep it on days separate from

Time: 7311.04

the resistance training

Time: 7312.599

because there are some data that can

Time: 7314.52

inhibit hypertrophy and strength um

Time: 7317.36

adaptations but I like it I like it it

Time: 7320.28

feels good um I feel great afterwards

Time: 7322.88

for many hours and I I believe there are

Time: 7325.119

some health effects and um I'm willing

Time: 7327.639

to weather the storm uh of of naysayers

Time: 7331.32

because more and more data keep emerging

Time: 7333.239

that that's the case um not all the data

Time: 7335.96

are spectacular yeah one paper on this

Time: 7338.079

actually was just retracted we need to

Time: 7339.599

do an update um to an episode to um it's

Time: 7342.36

not work from my lab but I still think

Time: 7344.159

that there's a lot of really terrific

Time: 7345.599

work on um deliberate cold exposure

Time: 7348.719

what's the deal with temperature and

Time: 7350.199

mitochondria so no one has basically

Time: 7353.04

described this better than you I feel

Time: 7354.44

like on your on your platform but I

Time: 7356.36

think about it very very

Time: 7358.159

simply throughout human history humans

Time: 7362.119

have really in so many different parts

Time: 7364.4

of the world been exposed to hugely

Time: 7366.199

fluctuating temperatures like if you

Time: 7367.639

look at the Sahara Desert or like a

Time: 7369.679

regular day in Colorado it's like you

Time: 7371.599

can go from let's talk about s deser you

Time: 7373.96

can go from 30° to 110 degrees in the

Time: 7376.36

span of one day and like even the

Time: 7378.4

concept of indoors is like a relatively

Time: 7381.639

New Concept in human history four walls

Time: 7384.52

you know insulation then Central Heating

Time: 7387.4

and Cooling that's like the last 50 75

Time: 7390.76

years in most homes and so this

Time: 7394.079

idea our cells have evolved to respond

Time: 7398

to Big swings in temperature that very

Time: 7400

recently we have totally pulled away and

Time: 7403.159

I think that when I think about the

Time: 7405.28

mitochondria and increasing their

Time: 7406.679

capacity I'm thinking about well how do

Time: 7408.56

I use different energetic signals in my

Time: 7411.36

environment to essentially get the

Time: 7413.28

mitochondria to do better work and we

Time: 7415.8

can think about all the different types

Time: 7416.96

of energies that we're exposed to solar

Time: 7418.679

energy thermal energy acoustic energy

Time: 7421.4

mechanical energy you know food energy

Time: 7424

like there's there's that's basically

Time: 7425.32

what our environment is right and

Time: 7426.679

thermal energy is a big one of those we

Time: 7428.679

can speak to our mitochondria with the

Time: 7431.44

Lang of thermal energy and say hey it's

Time: 7434.88

cold outside we need you to print more

Time: 7438.119

of yourselves or work harder such that

Time: 7440.92

we can create heat inside the body to

Time: 7442.679

respond to this stimulus and so that's

Time: 7445.76

kind of the framing that I use for it

Time: 7448.04

and like you know this data is hard to

Time: 7450.159

know if it's totally accurate but like

Time: 7452.32

our population is is Cooling and some I

Time: 7456

think it was Data Stanford actually that

Time: 7458

was showing that like our temperature

Time: 7459.4

has gone down like 2% or something like

Time: 7461.52

that in the last 100 years and that

Time: 7463.36

fundamentally is mitochondria not

Time: 7466.239

working as well as they should research

Time: 7467.88

has shown we're making less ATP in a lot

Time: 7469.76

of our cells and that's you know

Time: 7470.92

function of mitochondrial dysfunction

Time: 7473.04

one fun fact I don't know if you knew

Time: 7475.88

this but uh the body makes about 88

Time: 7478.599

pounds of ATP per day for like the

Time: 7480.8

average American so we're constantly

Time: 7482.239

making it we're constantly recycling it

Time: 7484.199

in this like you know like basically

Time: 7486.92

make it use it make it use it make it so

Time: 7488.76

fast that like we essentially don't

Time: 7490.44

change our weight but but it's kind of

Time: 7492.28

and of course as it's being broken down

Time: 7493.8

HP to ADP we release heat and so I just

Time: 7497.159

think of cold as like one of the tools

Time: 7499.52

in our tool belt to talk to the

Time: 7501.92

mitochondria to say make more heat and

Time: 7506.52

in a world in which our mitochondria

Time: 7508.239

Under Siege I think it's a valuable

Time: 7510.52

often very inexpensive one that can we

Time: 7512.84

can use of course it does not

Time: 7515.84

supplement or replace food sleep

Time: 7520.28

exercise but I think it can be a very

Time: 7522.159

valuable tool to stimulate you know

Time: 7524.04

through that signal to to basically make

Time: 7526.4

more heat and you know we know of course

Time: 7528.159

it can help and it the data you know is

Time: 7530.92

is mixed but like incre increase Brown

Time: 7533.4

fat which is like mitochondrial dense

Time: 7535.04

fat and have it do more work and whatnot

Time: 7536.92

so ultimately Brown fat is mitochondrial

Time: 7538.92

dense fat and we want to you know help

Time: 7540.8

promote that so that's how I use cold

Time: 7542.679

and then on the heat side you know just

Time: 7544.8

fascinating how that's kind of acting to

Time: 7546.44

help metabolic Health um through the

Time: 7548.4

activation of the heat St protein some

Time: 7550.119

of which have you know the ability to

Time: 7551.8

upregulate antioxidant defense systems

Time: 7553.639

and quell some of that wildfire that we

Time: 7556.079

talked about that can hurt our

Time: 7557.159

mitochondria so um I put them lesser on

Time: 7560.96

my list um but you know because we just

Time: 7564.159

can't we can't avoid the food and you

Time: 7566.76

know the sleep and and the movement but

Time: 7568.48

I think it's a great tool that we can

Time: 7569.84

use I love it and I will just point out

Time: 7572.4

that the reason the brown fat is Brown

Time: 7574.04

at all is because of the density of

Time: 7575.76

mitochondria it's literally Brown down

Time: 7577.719

the microscope this is not the kind of

Time: 7579.159

fat that um is subcutaneous although it

Time: 7581.84

you know it sits around the scapula neck

Time: 7583.719

upper back there's other um pockets of

Time: 7585.8

it on the body too and such an

Time: 7587.44

interesting tissue um yeah I don't know

Time: 7590.079

why deliberate cold exposure is so

Time: 7591.679

controversial I think it's because

Time: 7592.84

people who don't like it and frankly no

Time: 7595.119

one likes getting in it the the best

Time: 7597

part is getting out and how you feel

Time: 7598.48

afterwards but I think it um nothing

Time: 7601.36

Gres on people uh like deliberate cold

Time: 7603.96

exposure if they don't like deliberate

Time: 7605.28

cold exposure and there's no requirement

Time: 7606.76

for it but I think it's a very

Time: 7608.239

interesting stimulus and I think there's

Time: 7610.32

also a very interesting relationship

Time: 7611.719

between light and temperature because in

Time: 7613.52

most areas of the world as days get

Time: 7615.599

longer meaning more sunlight available

Time: 7618.079

temperatures go up um and nowadays we

Time: 7620.8

can really divorce ourselves from all

Time: 7622.36

this like day lengthening and shortening

Time: 7624.4

temperature fluctuations which is not to

Time: 7626.36

say that we should all be running around

Time: 7627.719

in a minimal amount of clothing Outdoors

Time: 7630.559

but there's just such beautiful data

Time: 7632.88

from Dr Susanna soberg work um showing

Time: 7636.92

for instance that deliberate cold

Time: 7638.599

exposure then leads to one feeling more

Time: 7641.92

comfortable at cold temperatures because

Time: 7643.28

you become a you know a essentially more

Time: 7645.48

of a furnace more more more Brown fat

Time: 7647.639

anyway we could go on and on but I think

Time: 7649.52

it's um yet another lever of of of

Time: 7652

autonomy in terms of taking control of

Time: 7654.04

one's Health as you said um not as

Time: 7657.04

critical as food intake and quality

Time: 7661.159

amount and maybe timing as well um

Time: 7663.119

speaking of timing what are your

Time: 7664.079

thoughts on fasting and then of course

Time: 7665.84

movement and exercise yeah the way I

Time: 7668.079

conceptualize the idea of fasting

Time: 7669.639

obviously this is one where we we need

Time: 7671

more work right because the word fasting

Time: 7673.4

is so limited there's so many different

Time: 7675.32

parts of this but skipping breakfast for

Time: 7677.559

me would be that or or skipping dinner

Time: 7679.96

sometimes I'll skip dinner sometimes

Time: 7680.92

I'll skip breakfast right um I think

Time: 7684.719

that some of the most interesting data

Time: 7686.52

that I've seen has been about if we

Time: 7689.32

reasonably compress our eating into

Time: 7692.719

daytime hours during the heart of the

Time: 7695.04

dial cycle when we are supposed to be

Time: 7697.639

eating so essentially matching our

Time: 7700.36

chronobiology with our Behavior which

Time: 7703.599

you know we are dial organism so we kind

Time: 7705.76

of need to respect that like when we do

Time: 7708

that and we compress it in a moderate

Time: 7710.119

way our metabolic health is better and

Time: 7713.159

so some of the studies that have looked

Time: 7715.199

at this one that was interesting was and

Time: 7717.88

I think very hopeful for people is that

Time: 7719.96

if you take all the food all the

Time: 7722.159

calories that you're going to eat and

Time: 7724.36

eat them in a sixh hour window versus a

Time: 7727.36

12-hour window totally same amount of

Time: 7730.679

calories exact same food this is a

Time: 7732.199


Time: 7733.52

experiment people who eat the same

Time: 7735.76

amount of calories in a six-hour period

Time: 7737.679

are going to have much lower

Time: 7739.4

statistically significantly lower

Time: 7741.559

glucose uh 24-hour glucose and insulin

Time: 7744.04

levels compared to people who just space

Time: 7745.52

it out over the course of a 12-hour

Time: 7747.92

period and it makes sense because if

Time: 7750.599

you're spacing that food out over the

Time: 7753

course of 12 hours that is a different

Time: 7756.32

biochemical millu in your body

Time: 7758.079

throughout the day it's kind of similar

Time: 7759.04

to The Walking you know it's like you

Time: 7760.84

are then stimulating insulin several

Time: 7763.84

more times you are exposing the

Time: 7766.119

bloodstream to insulin and glucose just

Time: 7769

more throughout the day um and giving

Time: 7772.639

the bloodstream less of an opportunity

Time: 7774.639

to sort of be clear from that glucose

Time: 7777.36

and that insulin and so compressing our

Time: 7779.84

eating Windows seems to be helpful uh

Time: 7782.559

for for metabolic health and it's a bang

Time: 7784.52

for your buck right like you can eat the

Time: 7786.159

same amount of food you just have to eat

Time: 7787.44

in a shorter period of time so for

Time: 7788.8

people who want to eat you know a lot

Time: 7791.599

maybe just consider compressing it into

Time: 7793.84

daytime hours six to eight hour window

Time: 7796.639

yeah for me six is tough the one meal

Time: 7798.84

per day thing is tough I have friends

Time: 7800.679

like Lex Friedman that do the one meal

Time: 7802.119

per day I end up eating so much food at

Time: 7803.96

that meal I experience a lot of like

Time: 7805.88

kind of like mechanical distress it's

Time: 7808.079

typically later in the day I think an 8

Time: 7810.079

to 10 hour window has worked well for me

Time: 7812.28

most most days um I know as soon as we

Time: 7815.559

talk about intermittent fasting which is

Time: 7817.239

what or Tim restricted feeding same

Time: 7818.92

thing which is what we're talking about

Time: 7820.36

right now I'm sure somebody's going to

Time: 7822.8

call up the um there's been a study

Time: 7826.119

that's been circulating about a um

Time: 7828.92

massive increase in cardiovascular risk

Time: 7830.88

in people doing intermittent fasting in

Time: 7832.8

particular the six-hour feeding window I

Time: 7834.8

just want to point out we study as far

Time: 7837.4

as I know I could be wrong but as far as

Time: 7839.159

I know that study is still in abstract

Time: 7841.4

form it's not yet peer-reviewed yeah

Time: 7843.84

it's like the fact that um studies that

Time: 7847.079

haven't been peer reviewed aren't even

Time: 7849.159

close to being peer-reviewed are um are

Time: 7851.679

being like put out there as news stories

Time: 7853.559

is is really problematic because um I

Time: 7856.239

can tell you as somebody who sat on the

Time: 7857.679

editorial Boards of many journals for

Time: 7859.52

many years I still sit on a few reviewed

Time: 7862.04

countless papers I've submitted and had

Time: 7864.04

to deal with reviews on countless papers

Time: 7866.599

the fact of the matter is like until the

Time: 7868.96

reviews are done the revisions are made

Time: 7870.8

like that paper may never see the light

Time: 7872.52

of day and it may end up in a journal

Time: 7875

that you is barely worthy of a placem it

Time: 7878.239

might end up in a high tier high quality

Time: 7879.84

Journal but it might not so because

Time: 7881.719

there was quote unquote a study done

Time: 7883.52

means very little but it means

Time: 7885.119

especially little maybe nothing until

Time: 7887.36

it's peer reviewed absolutely and the

Time: 7889.48

methods were very poor in that study it

Time: 7891.28

was a recall based study I think for two

Time: 7894.159

days of of recall of people's diets

Time: 7897.32

which is notoriously very bad in terms

Time: 7899.48

of accuracy so yeah and I think I'm not

Time: 7902.119

in any way suggesting that a six-hour

Time: 7903.8

window is the optimal window I'm just

Time: 7905.4

sharing the data that suggests that

Time: 7907.76

compressing the

Time: 7909.48

window uh seems to have a favorable

Time: 7912.239

effect and I certainly don't do six

Time: 7914.079

hours but I think when you look at what

Time: 7916

the average American is doing which is

Time: 7918.32

the average American has 11 eating

Time: 7921.199

events per day and 50% of Americans eat

Time: 7925.88

over a 15h hour window per day I can

Time: 7929.48

recall those because I remember when I

Time: 7930.679

was writing the book I I was like that's

Time: 7933.28

a long time 15 hours and 11 events and

Time: 7937

and every time you're doing that you're

Time: 7938.88

going to be stimulating this glucose in

Time: 7941.44

the bloodstream explo exposing the blood

Time: 7943.679

vessels to that glucose you're going to

Time: 7945.119

be turning on all the pathways with

Time: 7947.04

insulin to basically store it or you

Time: 7948.8

know and it's so it's it's strain for

Time: 7950.4

the body and so I think giving the body

Time: 7952.76

times intentionally to allow insulin to

Time: 7957.48

come down and to allow glucose to come

Time: 7960.52

down what that does is it generates

Time: 7962.679

metabolic flexibility it gives our body

Time: 7964.679

an opportunity to have space to use

Time: 7968.8

accessible glucose and then convert into

Time: 7972.239

using stored fat but be and that

Time: 7975

ultimately is metabolic flexibility the

Time: 7976.679

ability for the body giving the body

Time: 7978.44

opportunities to use glucose but then

Time: 7980.8

have times when there's not high glucose

Time: 7983.559

and Insulin around to actually get into

Time: 7985.719

the fat stores and I think one of the

Time: 7988.239

reasons why we have such a massive

Time: 7991.28

overweight and obesity you know rates in

Time: 7994.04

the country is because with the way the

Time: 7997.199

culture of eating right now 11 eating

Time: 7999.119

events per day eating over the course of

Time: 8000.599

15 hours per day I would imagine the

Time: 8002.679

average American body is rarely if ever

Time: 8006.36

tapping into their fat stores for energy

Time: 8008.639

and a meaningful way because we always

Time: 8010.679

have glucose available to the body if

Time: 8013.719

you think about again the stats about

Time: 8015.559

ultr processed food um about 70% of the

Time: 8019.159

the items on the shelves in the grocery

Time: 8020.8

store Ultra processed food and those

Time: 8022.159

ultr processed foods are built on

Time: 8024.159

refined added sugars and refined added

Time: 8026.119

grains so we're just we very rarely give

Time: 8028.639

the body the opportunity to rest and and

Time: 8030.639

move into fat burning and that's where

Time: 8032.559

compressing the eating window can be

Time: 8035.52

valuable um obviously people have talked

Time: 8038.719

about this before but fasting can be a

Time: 8041.88

stress for the body especially if your

Time: 8045.119

body's not used to using fat for energy

Time: 8047.8

and so it's something to ease into and

Time: 8049.32

go slow but I think if you're slowing

Time: 8052.199

down enough to really hear what your

Time: 8053.48

body's signal are saying you can kind of

Time: 8055.8

know whether I think your fasting is

Time: 8058.079

working for you or not I I can tell I've

Time: 8061.36

got too many other things going on I

Time: 8062.719

haven't slept well lot of stress I can

Time: 8065.52

tell that fasting is kind of making me

Time: 8067.119

jittery and not feel good versus if I'm

Time: 8069.28

really if I have good capacity I can

Time: 8070.96

feel that it's actually making me feel

Time: 8072.52

really incredible and so tune in with

Time: 8074.599

your body obviously and you know you can

Time: 8076.8

check your biomarkers if you have a CGM

Time: 8078.52

on you can see what's happening to your

Time: 8079.76

glucose if you have a ketone monitor you

Time: 8081.36

can see what's happening to your ketones

Time: 8082.679

and really actually track which I think

Time: 8084.119

makes fasting actually even even more

Time: 8087.639

fun I'll mention one other piece of data

Time: 8089.48

that I think is actually really kind of

Time: 8091.32

fun as well with timing of eating um

Time: 8094.199

there was a study that looked at people

Time: 8095.84

who ate the exact same meal at 9:30 a.m.

Time: 8099.719

or 8:30 p.m. so basically after dark

Time: 8103.639

essentially in the part of the dial

Time: 8105.079

phase when we probably shouldn't be

Time: 8106.52

eating versus early in the morning 9:30

Time: 8110.639

um and the glucose and Insulin responses

Time: 8113.199

for the same meal at 8:30 p.m. were

Time: 8115.92

significantly higher than when eating at

Time: 8118.079

9:30 a.m. and so again banging for your

Time: 8120.599

buck it appears that eating in that

Time: 8123.559

earlier part of the day when we're

Time: 8124.88

active and our chronobiology is set up

Time: 8127.639

for metabolism and activity we have a a

Time: 8131.639

lower glucose and insulin response

Time: 8133.84

there's also some evidence that

Time: 8135.76

melatonin um which is secreted you know

Time: 8138.559

as we get closer to sleep um has

Time: 8141.76

somewhat of an effect on impairing our

Time: 8143.44

insulin sensitivity transient and so we

Time: 8145.8

may actually just be not absorbing the

Time: 8147.719

glucose from those meals effectively

Time: 8149.599

later at night so I tend to kind of move

Time: 8151.36

a little bit more a little bit more low

Time: 8154.239

carb I I would say throughout the day

Time: 8156.239

based on that data and what I've seen on

Time: 8157.96

my continuous glucose monitor basically

Time: 8159.76

just higher spikes for the same meal

Time: 8161.679

later in the day so why not just kind of

Time: 8163.92

move it up earlier very interesting

Time: 8166.32

something I'll I'll definitely try I

Time: 8167.76

tend to push my carbohydrates to a

Time: 8169.559

little bit later in the day for sake of

Time: 8171.52

sleep um unless of course I've done

Time: 8174.639

resistance training which I do three

Time: 8176.639

time I aim to do three times a week and

Time: 8178.76

post resistance training I try and get

Time: 8180.28

some start carbohydrate in me um just to

Time: 8183.239

replenish glycogen and that's um then

Time: 8186.679

tends to reduce my carbohydrate craving

Time: 8188.44

later in the day I love bread and butter

Time: 8189.96

bread and olive oil pastas and the other

Time: 8192.16

day I found this Argentine place and I

Time: 8193.92

love the steaks there but they had Mii

Time: 8196.28

that it took everything I had every

Time: 8198.2

neural circuit in uh that releases Gaba

Time: 8201.319

inhibition to my brain to not order

Time: 8203.04

three of those ORD it was so good but

Time: 8205.559

you can walk after the no yeah sure I'll

Time: 8207.88

allow myself to do those things I'm not

Time: 8209.439

super restricted but again I to eat high

Time: 8211.84

quality foods by the way these

Time: 8212.8

blueberries are amazing um I need to

Time: 8214.92

figure out where you got those cuz

Time: 8215.96

they're just Tangy enough um I'm doing

Time: 8218.359

everything I can to just not take the

Time: 8219.84

jar and funnel them into my into my

Time: 8222.04

mouth um yeah I think you know if if

Time: 8226.599

we're looking at blood sugar blood

Time: 8229.439

glucose and Insulin um and as as long as

Time: 8232.439

we're talking about that I I did use a

Time: 8234.519

levels tracker and yeah full disclosure

Time: 8236.319

they're sponsor of the podcast regularly

Time: 8238.319

and I I learned a ton I'll tell you tell

Time: 8241.04

you what I learned I I learned that um

Time: 8244.16

indeed my blood sugar goes up after I

Time: 8245.96

eat um that certain foods although the

Time: 8249.88

foods that did this surprise me um

Time: 8252.439

certain foods tend to spike my my blood

Time: 8255.24

sugar um quite a bit um grapes that

Time: 8258.88

shouldn't be surprising um Foods food

Time: 8262.719

order was very powerful for me I know

Time: 8265.16

that the dayon food order are a little

Time: 8266.559

bit mixed and it's controversial but um

Time: 8269.359

I like to eat like the French I like

Time: 8270.639

some soup then I like my entree I like

Time: 8272.559

the salad at the end that turned out to

Time: 8275

have the steadiest um and lowest rise in

Time: 8277.639

blood glucose for me and then across

Time: 8279.439

time I also found that um I love hot

Time: 8281.479

sauna I go um so hot with the sauna that

Time: 8284.2

I've been accused by Rogan and other

Time: 8286

people I'm going to turn myself into a

Time: 8287.24

brisket um but um after the sauna my um

Time: 8292.8

blood sugar spikes presumably because

Time: 8295.399

I'm a bit dehydrated and it's the

Time: 8297.2

concentration of blood glucose is that

Time: 8299.319

is that possible does that make sense it

Time: 8301.04

does make sense but also the heat can

Time: 8303.08

affect the accuracy of the sensor itself

Time: 8305.399

ah okay so that could be it too but yeah

Time: 8307.319

basically what it allowed me to do is

Time: 8308.76

make a few adjustments in terms of foods

Time: 8310.479

that I eliminated or eat less of food

Time: 8313.08

ordering within a meal and I find that

Time: 8315.639

I'm very susceptible to um if I don't

Time: 8318.399

include enough fat dietary fat in the

Time: 8321.479

meal then my blood glucose spikes even

Time: 8323.479

if it's just like tuna right but by

Time: 8325.8

including olive oil and other things it

Time: 8327.76

really blunts it and of course here

Time: 8330.399

we're doing correlative um anic data but

Time: 8333.8

for me I felt far better when I included

Time: 8337.479

a bit more fat um and when the food

Time: 8340.719

order was adjusted the way I mentioned

Time: 8342.519

before always including a little bit of

Time: 8344.08

fiber really helped it and that makes

Time: 8345.599

sense right slow the absorption of the

Time: 8347.28

food presumably um so I I found that it

Time: 8351

was a very valuable experiment for me

Time: 8354.28

again this isn't an advertisement it

Time: 8355.76

just so happens I did this and and

Time: 8357.599

really benefited from it um what are

Time: 8359.84

some other things that one can learn

Time: 8361.599

from continuous monitoring of blood

Time: 8363.88

glucose what are some things to watch

Time: 8365.359

for that might signal a problem and what

Time: 8367.399

are some fun things that one could do to

Time: 8369.359

explore an experiment because I like to

Time: 8371

explore an experiment yeah well I mean a

Time: 8373.679

lot of the things that you just

Time: 8374.92

naturally learned are the things that

Time: 8376.679

have been shown in data and and like you

Time: 8379.639

said some of this data it's like small

Time: 8381.28

studies small groups of people but for

Time: 8383.28

instance adding fat and fiber to meals

Time: 8386.28

has a significant and repeatable impact

Time: 8388.92

in populations on lowering gluc response

Time: 8392

uh fat probably in some part due to

Time: 8394.359

slowing uh gastric emptying and actually

Time: 8397.08

slowing the diges process so the rise in

Time: 8399.359

the bloodstream is going to slow down

Time: 8401

and then fiber both for that reason but

Time: 8402.88

also because fiber can in a sense create

Time: 8405.68

like a mesh sort of blocking the

Time: 8407.76

absorption of some of the glucose that's

Time: 8409.439

in the meal so literally kind of

Time: 8411.399

actually preventing you from absorbing

Time: 8413.92

all of the carbs and we've actually seen

Time: 8416.2

that in the levels data set that the

Time: 8418.439

more fiber people include with their

Time: 8420.88

meals we see essentially a direct

Time: 8423.64

relationship with lowering of their

Time: 8425.52

their glucose excursions which is really

Time: 8427.319

exciting because fiber is something that

Time: 8429.08

you can add to meals very easily I put

Time: 8432.52

basil seeds chia seeds hemp seeds flax

Time: 8434.88

seeds on a lot of my food at this point

Time: 8437.319

because it's essentially a little bit of

Time: 8438.84

fat a lot of fiber uh and it's kind of

Time: 8443.08

just helps you kind of get more from

Time: 8444.479

your from your meal um so what you can

Time: 8446.64

learn so I think step one the way I

Time: 8450.2

think about a glucose monitor first of

Time: 8452.359

all I'll say the purpose of the glucose

Time: 8453.88

monitor is not to have to game the

Time: 8456.6

system and get flat glucose the purpose

Time: 8459

of the glucose monitor is curiosity it's

Time: 8461.24

to start to understand

Time: 8464.04

how it's essentially an MRI for how all

Time: 8468

of our different dietary and lifestyle

Time: 8470

strategies are creating this readout of

Time: 8472

glucose in our body which I think can be

Time: 8473.84

really interesting and in a world where

Time: 8475.6

so many cards are stacked against us

Time: 8477.399

with diet and lifestyle and where

Time: 8479.12

there's a lot of confusion about what's

Time: 8480.399

right for us that can be like very

Time: 8482.64

helpful in actually reducing the

Time: 8484.28

confusion and the cognitive load of our

Time: 8486.52

choices we know

Time: 8488.8

that keeping your blood sugar through

Time: 8491.439

the course of a lifetime in a low and

Time: 8494.2

healthy range so I don't mean up and

Time: 8496.12

down spikes during the day but keeping

Time: 8497.64

your blood sugar healthy throughout the

Time: 8499.04

course of your lifetime is probably the

Time: 8501.64

best thing we can do for longevity

Time: 8503.399

staying insulin sensitive staying out of

Time: 8505.92

the diabetic range and so one thing that

Time: 8508.92

the glucose monitor does for us is just

Time: 8510.76

us more uh awareness and agency into

Time: 8514.28

like what the trends of our glucose are

Time: 8517.16

over time as opposed to a literally one

Time: 8520.64

Daya Point snapshot once a year in the

Time: 8523.319

doctor's office which is what the

Time: 8524.72

majority of us are used to um I really

Time: 8529.12

love the idea that people who are able

Time: 8531.16

to wear glucose monitors every now and

Time: 8533.12

again maybe once a year maybe more than

Time: 8534.96

once a year they know what their glucose

Time: 8538.439

is and so they're never going to walk

Time: 8540.24

into to a doctor's office and have a

Time: 8542.2

bomb dropped on them about pre-diabetes

Time: 8545.2

or type 2 diabetes because you have the

Time: 8547.2

data which is ultimately I hope the

Time: 8549.2

world that we can move towards for a lot

Time: 8550.56

of biomarkers so you can see Trends over

Time: 8553.08

time which I think is very valuable one

Time: 8555.2

thing that's fascinating in terms of

Time: 8557.2

early prediction of metabolic disease is

Time: 8559.84

that you can see how long it takes your

Time: 8562

glucose to come down after a meal so in

Time: 8565.88

a normal healthy insulin sensitive body

Time: 8567.8

even if the glucose goes way up it

Time: 8569.6

should come way down very quickly

Time: 8571.359

because the insulin is buying to insulin

Time: 8573.08

receptors and the glucose is getting

Time: 8574.439

taken up and it it'll lower what is

Time: 8577.12

quickly over the course of it should be

Time: 8578.92

down by two hours but from what I've

Time: 8581.76

actually seen in our like most insulin

Time: 8583.8

sensitive people and also in research

Time: 8585.56

that looks at young healthy populations

Time: 8587.76

you should basically be spiking and

Time: 8589.319

coming down Spike about 45 minutes and

Time: 8591.76

come down hour and a half 90 minutes to

Time: 8593.88

two hours but if this is after sorry

Time: 8596.12

after last bite after last bite although

Time: 8599.12

it's hard to kind of exactly but yeah is

Time: 8601.6

over I would say about 45es to go up to

Time: 8603.88

the and

Time: 8605.479

thenly now if you start to see that

Time: 8608.76

glucose is going up and then trailing

Time: 8612.96

very slowly back down to normal maybe

Time: 8615.279

taking more than two hours three hours

Time: 8618.16

that is going to be one of those early

Time: 8620.399

indicators of potential insulin

Time: 8622.84

resistance your body's not clearing the

Time: 8624.72

glucose but that's not a metric that we

Time: 8626.6

use in standard

Time: 8628.2

practice at all and I've actually seen

Time: 8631.279

myself very insulin sensitive my insulin

Time: 8633.72

is like 2.5 and you know if I don't

Time: 8636.84

sleep and I am stressed and I have been

Time: 8639.319

sitting my glucose will take way longer

Time: 8641.8

to come down I have become transiently

Time: 8644.16

insulin resistant so I think that's just

Time: 8645.68

fascinating to see that so looking what

Time: 8647.96

that ultimately the metric that we call

Time: 8650.359

that is area under the curve you want a

Time: 8652.56

low area under the curve a you see after

Time: 8655.52

a glucose Spike so you want to spike and

Time: 8657.399

come down quickly that's going to be if

Time: 8658.84

you shade the area under the curve it's

Time: 8661.2

a small amount if you go up and then

Time: 8664.08

Trail off for two to three hours um

Time: 8667.72

that's going to be a lot of shading

Time: 8669.479

under that curve and high Au is

Time: 8671.359

associated with insulin resistance

Time: 8673.399

basically another thing that you can see

Time: 8677.76


Time: 8679.399

is essentially glycemic variability and

Time: 8682.52

glycemic variability GV is a metric of

Time: 8685.399

how spiky your curves are fasinating

Time: 8688.359

paper out of Michael Schneider's lab uh

Time: 8691.72

at Stanford in 2018 called glucotype

Time: 8694.72

reveal new patterns of glucose

Time: 8697.72

disregulation totally Landmark study but

Time: 8700.76

basically they put continuous glucose

Time: 8702.8

monitors on non-diabetic individuals who

Time: 8705.279

by standard criteria of diabetes do not

Time: 8707.68

have diabetes and he showed that on a

Time: 8711.359

CGM a continuous glucose monitor you

Time: 8714.56

have these low variability people that

Time: 8716.16

are pretty much flat throughout the day

Time: 8717.6

with little teeny little teeny Rolling

Time: 8719.76

Hills after their meals you have

Time: 8721.279

moderately spiky people and then you

Time: 8722.8

have very spiky people who are going up

Time: 8724.479

down up down up down up down when you

Time: 8726.6

correlate those different patterns of

Time: 8728.279

glycemic variability in non-diabetic

Time: 8730.84

people you find that the spikier they

Time: 8733.279

are the worse their biomarkers are

Time: 8734.96

metabolically across the board insulin

Time: 8736.8

triglycerides Etc so basically they're

Time: 8739.56

they're showing signs through

Time: 8742.12

variability of underlying dysfunction

Time: 8744.6

that you would never know from a

Time: 8746.08

standard test those are the people who I

Time: 8748.12

imagine are probably going to go on to

Time: 8749.56

develop diseases and yet based on

Time: 8751.399

standard criteria their doctors telling

Time: 8753.12

them that they're fine that they're all

Time: 8755.04

the same so he also showed in that study

Time: 8757.8

that non-diabetic individuals when you

Time: 8760.52

have a CGM on are going into the

Time: 8762.24

diabetic range and the pre-diabetic

Time: 8764.56

range a fairly significant amount and we

Time: 8767.52

would never know that if you weren't um

Time: 8770.399

if you weren't actually tracking like a

Time: 8771.76

movie of the glucose so that's so

Time: 8773.279

glycemic variability um area under the

Time: 8775.84

curve those are two things another

Time: 8777.64

really interesting thing you can know

Time: 8778.64

from a CGM is Dawn effect so Dawn effect

Time: 8782.04

is basically a term in the literature

Time: 8784.76

for how high your glucose Rises right

Time: 8788.279

when you wake up in the morning I don't

Time: 8789.56

know if you noticed this when you were

Time: 8790.96

wearing a CGM but some people notice

Time: 8793.279

that the second they wake up their

Time: 8794.96

glucose jumps up 5 10 20 30 points

Time: 8799.08

What's Happening Here is that the

Time: 8800.64

cortisol Awakening response to actually

Time: 8802.76

get you to wake up and get out of bed

Time: 8804.8

that cortisol can cause you to dump a

Time: 8808.08

bunch of glucose from your liver because

Time: 8809.8

it's basically saying stress hormone

Time: 8812.04

cortisol we got to get up we need

Time: 8813.52

glucose to fuel the muscles let's dump a

Time: 8815.24


Time: 8816.399

glucose so it's it's normal but what the

Time: 8819.439

research shows is that magnitude of dawn

Time: 8822.479

effect is correlated with insulin

Time: 8825.72

resistance so the more the dawn effect

Time: 8828.04

you're getting I think it can signal

Time: 8829.84

maybe the more stress you're under the

Time: 8831.359

more cortisol you have floating around

Time: 8833.24

how big your cortisol Awakening

Time: 8834.56

responses but also if you imagine if

Time: 8836.479

you're dumping all that glucose from

Time: 8837.72

your liver and your cells aren't taking

Time: 8839.2

it up well because you're insulin

Time: 8840.92

resistant that that response that Dawn

Time: 8843.64

effect is going to be higher

Time: 8845.399

so I I don't have the numbers right in

Time: 8847.68

front of me but typically I I would want

Time: 8850.439

to see a dawn effect I think of like

Time: 8852.24

less than 10 points so you wake up and

Time: 8854.52

you you may very well see a rise this is

Time: 8856.76

absence of any food yet and you do not

Time: 8859.56

want to see that going up 20 30 40

Time: 8861.96

points um some people see a little bump

Time: 8864

again with caffeine in the morning

Time: 8865.439

because it's more cortisol and so that's

Time: 8868.24

another thing that standard stuff would

Time: 8871.76

never tell you so those are kind of some

Time: 8873.12

of the looking at early predictors of

Time: 8875.72

metabolic dysfunction more of the fun

Time: 8877.68

stuff is like actually just figuring out

Time: 8879.68

like how is food affecting your body and

Time: 8881.72

this is where people really enjoy it and

Time: 8883.359

like figure out like oh my God this food

Time: 8885.399

that I thought was healthy is actually

Time: 8888.2

not you know serving me and actually a

Time: 8890.52

lot of people I think who are trying to

Time: 8892.16

make healthy choices my boyfriend like

Time: 8894.68

he when we started dating he started

Time: 8896.24

using levels his healthy snack he worked

Time: 8900.2

in Venice would be to go to Moon Juice

Time: 8902.479

and get oh gosh I I don't want to throw

Time: 8904.24

Moon Juice on the bus here but he would

Time: 8905.76

get tasty stuff they do but he would get

Time: 8907.76

this green juice that was sweetened with

Time: 8909.479

dates and it was like $9 and this was

Time: 8911.68

like the healthy choice and he saw the

Time: 8914.2

second he put on levels that it was

Time: 8915.6

causing a huge Spike like 50 60 70

Time: 8919.08

points and then he was

Time: 8920.76

crashing um and he was actually trying

Time: 8924.64

to make a good decision so now he's he's

Time: 8926.84

swapped his snacks out for more like you

Time: 8929.2

know grassfish cheese and some flax

Time: 8931.52

crackers and maybe like a venison stick

Time: 8933.8

or something like grab and go stuff that

Time: 8935.52

isn't spiking as glucose but I think it

Time: 8937

can help people figure out like which

Time: 8939.08

foods are doing what I want them to do

Time: 8941.439

and which maybe aren't um and same thing

Time: 8945.479

happened for so many of our members with

Time: 8947.12

oatmeal unfortunately oatmeal instant

Time: 8949.92

oatmeal is one of the biggest spikers in

Time: 8951.399

our data set for breakfast and a lot of

Time: 8953.76

people are making that choice because

Time: 8954.96

they think it's heart healthy and in

Time: 8957.84

many people it's actually causing a big

Time: 8959.8

GL glucose Excursion and crash and then

Time: 8962.479

in some other people it's not and so

Time: 8964.92

it's it's really helping with um what

Time: 8966.8

are the sneaky spikers and then where's

Time: 8969.319

the biochemical individuality and there

Time: 8971.279

was a phenomenal paper out of um uh um

Time: 8976.64

Israel that from from cell about seven

Time: 8979.279

years ago called uh personalized

Time: 8981.399

Nutrition By prediction of glycemic

Time: 8983.08

responses it made big waves but it

Time: 8984.96

basically showed that you and I could

Time: 8987.56

eat the same handful of blueberries and

Time: 8990.2

have totally different glycemic

Time: 8993.92

responses so the idea of glycemic index

Time: 8997.359

as like a certain amount of food with a

Time: 8999.319

certain amount of glucose causes a

Time: 9000.6

certain glucose rise it it kind of

Time: 9002.399

debunked that and that matters because

Time: 9006.479

repeated sustained glycemic variability

Time: 9008.6

over time is not good for our health we

Time: 9010.64

want to choose the foods or balance the

Time: 9012.479

foods that are going to keep us

Time: 9014.16

relatively more stable um so that that's

Time: 9017.64

that's very helpful just understanding

Time: 9019.04

your personal respon to food and then

Time: 9020.8

what are the lifestyle strategies you

Time: 9022.56

can use sleeping better walking after

Time: 9025.2

meals more resistance training cold

Time: 9027.8

plunging breath work that can actually

Time: 9030.96

serve to modulate the food environment

Time: 9034.84

to actually reduce the glucose spikes

Time: 9036.84

and people find that all of those things

Time: 9038.52

can positively impact glucose spikes

Time: 9040.2

especially the walks after the meals but

Time: 9042.52

um to fascinating to see a lot of women

Time: 9045.439

especially like menopausal women in our

Time: 9047.319

community who find that their glucose

Time: 9049.64

pattern are getting worse because

Time: 9051.279

estrogen's dropping and that's going to

Time: 9053.279

you know really take a hit on insulin

Time: 9055.52

sensitivity they start resistance

Time: 9057.479

training glucose comes kind of right

Time: 9060.24

back down so because of the monitor they

Time: 9062.72

can feel more confident in the

Time: 9064.72

intervention they've chose to do to help

Time: 9066.92

with metabolism that kind of creates a

Time: 9068.88

virtuous cycle so um so those are some

Time: 9072.399

of the big things those are big can I

Time: 9075.399

mention one more I'm so I know I love I

Time: 9077.56

just I could obviously talk about this

Time: 9078.84

all day think fascinating but this is

Time: 9080.88

just one more that I think is

Time: 9081.92

fascinating because this was a paper in

Time: 9083.04

nature from last year that talked about

Time: 9088.04

and this might actually be one of the

Time: 9089.2

most valuable things to people which is

Time: 9091.279

that again talking about Cravings we all

Time: 9094.08

want to get off the craving grip this

Time: 9096.96

paper in nature showed that essentially

Time: 9099.72

when people Spike their glucose with

Time: 9101.319

high carb High starchy Foods they'll

Time: 9103.479

often have a big crash afterwards and

Time: 9105.68

the reason for that is because a big

Time: 9106.96

spike leads to a lot of insulin

Time: 9108.319

secretion and then you soak up all the

Time: 9109.64

GL glucose and sometimes you can

Time: 9110.96

actually go below your Baseline so a

Time: 9113.96

small Spike usually won't lead to a

Time: 9115.72

crash but a big spike often will that's

Time: 9118.2

called reactive hypoglycemia

Time: 9120


Time: 9122.279

hypoglycemia a lot of people think

Time: 9124.359

they're dealing with hypoglycemia when

Time: 9126.2

in fact what they're really dealing with

Time: 9128.399

is that they're spiking their glucose

Time: 9129.88

too high and then they're crashing I see

Time: 9132.359

and the paper showed that the extent of

Time: 9135.64

postmeal dips the crash after the spike

Time: 9139.319

was pred predictive of 24-hour energy

Time: 9141.64

intake and cravings for carbohydrates

Time: 9144.439

and this makes sense if you crash low

Time: 9147.359

that is a signal to your body we have to

Time: 9149.76

get our glucose back up and it it will

Time: 9153

drive you to eat high energy foods

Time: 9156.279

carbohydrate rich foods and Cravings so

Time: 9158.479

one of the best things we can do I I

Time: 9160.2

believe from my personal experience from

Time: 9161.72

Members experience and with some data to

Time: 9163.64

support this is that one of the adjuncts

Time: 9166.64

we can use to monitor our to manage our

Time: 9168.76

Cravings is actually to like lower the

Time: 9171.359

the the extent of our spikes so that we

Time: 9173.399

crash less and so that was a fascinating

Time: 9175.8

study looking at CGM data that's

Time: 9178

interesting so the cgms can reveal

Time: 9181.56

things not just in the immediate meal

Time: 9183.6

period but can relate to sort of

Time: 9185.8

Downstream uh consequences yeah again I

Time: 9188.479

found it to be tremendously useful I'm

Time: 9190.479

so glad you mentioned sleep by the way

Time: 9192.399

I'm going to resist the temptation to

Time: 9193.8

Rattle off 20 studies showing that oh

Time: 9196.16

god um you know even having um too much

Time: 9199.399

bright light in a room while one is

Time: 9200.84

sleeping at night even dim light which

Time: 9202.6

is you know I don't want to scare people

Time: 9203.84

into thinking they have to sleep in

Time: 9204.92

complete darkness although an eye mask

Time: 9206.56

can be can be great um can alter uh

Time: 9209.6

morning blood glucose levels in I

Time: 9212.04

believe it was adults and kids as well

Time: 9214.08

this a study in proceedings in the

Time: 9215.319

National Academy of Sciences uh have to

Time: 9217.68

go back and check if it included kids

Time: 9219.68

but um pretty striking and then it's

Time: 9222.04

there's something very clear about the

Time: 9224.6

fact that when people get the early

Time: 9226.16

night sleep of four to 5 hours but then

Time: 9228.52

don't get the

Time: 9230.6

dominating um you know last hour or two

Time: 9233.279

of sleep in the morning that resting

Time: 9234.96

blood glucose is is altered it's so

Time: 9236.8

interesting to think about what's going

Time: 9237.84

on in sleep there's at least one paper

Time: 9239.24

that I'm aware of where they had people

Time: 9240.76

breathing into a tube during sleep to

Time: 9242.279

measure what sorts of um met metabolism

Time: 9244.88

they were undergoing and it's

Time: 9245.88

interesting during a full night's sleep

Time: 9248.479

um all of us seem to transition between

Time: 9251.88

um different forms of metabolism I'll

Time: 9254.359

send you this paper it's really it's

Time: 9255.6

really cool and I'll put a link to in

Time: 9256.76

the show note caption such that at one

Time: 9258.76

portion of the night we're met

Time: 9260.319

we're rely more on let's just call it

Time: 9262.8

sugars for a sake of Simplicity other

Time: 9264.6

times we're more Ketone dominant there's

Time: 9266.2

a a market shifts in metabolism

Time: 9268.76

throughout the night it's almost like

Time: 9269.76

the brain and body cycle through all the

Time: 9271.359

different modes of of metabolism

Time: 9273.56

throughout the night and then almost

Time: 9275.84

like a rehearsal of the metabolic

Time: 9277.52

pathways if you know we can

Time: 9279

anthropomorphize a bit here but then if

Time: 9281.52

um sleep is truncated it clearly has an

Time: 9284.12

effect on daytime uh fuel regulation um

Time: 9287.88

just so interesting so um getting

Time: 9289.76

sufficient sleep getting quality sleep

Time: 9291.96

is is absolutely key there's a lot for

Time: 9293.92

people to pay attention to but you've

Time: 9295.08

given us a lot of tractable avenues for

Time: 9296.84

people to do that um that are mostly

Time: 9298.76

behavioral there's a few don'ts but

Time: 9300.399

mostly some dos yeah yeah we haven't

Time: 9302.279

mentioned that um you know you don't

Time: 9303.6

need to even perhaps belong to a gym

Time: 9305.56

it's like and with the cold uh exposure

Time: 9307.64

thing I always say you know if anything

Time: 9308.68

it'll save you money on the heating bill

Time: 9310.279

so um there's a there's a literally NE

Time: 9312.72

potential negative cost there um I think

Time: 9316.359

levels and other cgms are really

Time: 9318.68

interesting and value

Time: 9320.72

um to experiment with what sorts of

Time: 9322.8

other stuff is going to soon be

Time: 9324.72

monitored in our blood because for

Time: 9326.16

instance I would love to know continuous

Time: 9328.76

hormone levels lipid levels blood blood

Time: 9331.2

sugar levels I mean are we moving past

Time: 9334.399

um just blood glucose and are are there

Time: 9337.279

soon to be other um things in these

Time: 9339.64

monitors so that when we and by the way

Time: 9341.72

if you haven't used this it's really

Time: 9342.88

cool you just take your phone you scan

Time: 9344.16

it over the the sensor and then it

Time: 9345.84

basically gives you a chart graph of of

Time: 9347.88

what's going on in your bloodstream and

Time: 9349.8

now they're all the latest gen of each

Time: 9352.12

of them are all Bluetooth now so no more

Time: 9354.04

scanning which is kind of nice and the

Time: 9356.359

answer is yes there're are several

Time: 9358.72

different um analytes that we're going

Time: 9360.56

to be able to track and uh Abbot which

Time: 9363.72

is one of the three main manufacturers

Time: 9365.84

of cgms has announced that they're they

Time: 9368.279

have a new product called the lingo

Time: 9370.08

which is going to actually be able to

Time: 9371.52

measure ketones lactate and alcohol um

Time: 9375.72

continuously which is pretty interesting

Time: 9377.68

from like a metabolic comprehensive

Time: 9379.12

metabolic standpoint different sensors

Time: 9381.56

for each not all in one so I think we'll

Time: 9384.439

have to like polka dot ourselves if

Time: 9386.439

we're tracking all those things um and

Time: 9390.12

then Dexcom which is the other main

Time: 9392.92

company that makes cgms has just

Time: 9395.16

announced they're coming out with an

Time: 9396.24

over-the-counter non-prescription

Time: 9398.08

version of a CDM CGM called the Stell

Time: 9400.439

later this year so there's exciting

Time: 9402.319

things happening in the industry and I I

Time: 9404.359

really do think um continuous monitoring

Time: 9407.439

it's it's going to expand to a lot these

Time: 9409.88

other things that you're talking about

Time: 9411.24

hormones Etc and I mean it it it really

Time: 9413.96

needs to I think that um you know

Time: 9417.12

snapshots of dynamic system are just

Time: 9418.88

never going to really be able to give us

Time: 9420.64

a full picture on what's going on and um

Time: 9423.72

what we really want to be able to do to

Time: 9425.96

dig our way out of this Health Care

Time: 9427.56

crisis I think is is empowerment

Time: 9430.08

individually and understanding how this

Time: 9432.359

rapidly changing environment is

Time: 9433.84

affecting our own biology so we can make

Time: 9435.88

the targeted choices to hopefully change

Time: 9438.8

the environment to be more conducive to

Time: 9440.72

Cellular health and continuous

Time: 9442.04

monitoring is a closed loop bio feedback

Time: 9445

that can that can help us with that

Time: 9447.279

decision- making and and essentially

Time: 9448.92

predict failure of the system rather

Time: 9451.319

than wait for failure of the system

Time: 9453.279

before we do something about it so yeah

Time: 9455.479

I think lot's coming down the pipeline

Time: 9457.279

love it

Time: 9458.24

yeah let's talk a little bit about

Time: 9460.96

mindset this is a really interesting

Time: 9463.24

topic that you included in your book

Time: 9464.84

we've had guests come on and talk about

Time: 9466.2

growth mindset stress can be enhancing

Time: 9468

mindset I'm big on mindset um because

Time: 9471.319

I'm interested in how our cognitive

Time: 9473.68

reframing or cognitive framing can just

Time: 9475.72

change the way our biology works and

Time: 9477.359

vice versa of course um but you talk

Time: 9480.12

about mindset in a certain context and

Time: 9481.88

one of the um favorite passages around

Time: 9485

that that I really enjoyed was the

Time: 9486.72

relationship between kind of like trying

Time: 9488.72

to control everything and nature you

Time: 9492.16

know like and uh and how uh getting into

Time: 9494.92

nature uh itself um can be valuable for

Time: 9497.96

us so maybe touch a little bit on

Time: 9499.56

mindset if you will and um yeah what are

Time: 9501.92

your thoughts on nature literally

Time: 9503.52

getting out of doors

Time: 9505.76

yeah so I think I think that

Time: 9510.16

mindset and more broadly than mindset I

Time: 9513.2

think psychology and our relationship

Time: 9515.24

specifically with fear and control I

Time: 9518.319

think they're probably the most

Time: 9519.52


Time: 9521.24

thing that is impacting the metabolic

Time: 9523.88

Health crisis the chronic disease

Time: 9525.319

epidemic there has been data that's

Time: 9527.16

looked into this we know that there's

Time: 9528.6

studies showing that loneliness impacts

Time: 9530.52

mitochondrial function and that

Time: 9532.319

loneliness is a risk factor and stress

Time: 9534.04

is a risk factor and these things and

Time: 9535.92

something really fascinating actually

Time: 9537.04

with the CGM data is that many people

Time: 9540.52

who wear a CGM I don't know if you saw

Time: 9542.16

this but when you feel stressed it

Time: 9545.08

actually has a diabetogenic effect it

Time: 9547.439

literally causes our blood sugar to go

Time: 9549.279

up when we feel stress and that can be a

Time: 9553.04

fascinating um unlock for people to

Time: 9555.84

realize I kind of feel like I'm okay

Time: 9557.96

right now but my body is telling me

Time: 9560.24

something different it's telling me that

Time: 9563.359

biochemically I'm actually releasing

Time: 9565.72

energy stores from my liver glucose to

Time: 9568.359

fight some threat that you know I wasn't

Time: 9570.84

really aware of so there's there's we

Time: 9572.56

definitely understand there's this link

Time: 9574.08

here but but it's certainly not made its

Time: 9576.08

way into clinical practice so the way I

Time: 9578.399

think about it is that what we know

Time: 9579.88

about the cells and especially the

Time: 9581.56

mitochondria is that the mitochondri

Time: 9583.8

more than the PowerHouse of the cell

Time: 9585.92

they actually

Time: 9587.2

are a part of the cell is constantly

Time: 9590.52

tracking resources and threats and are

Time: 9593.8

basically modulating energy resources

Time: 9595.76

based on that and the threats can be

Time: 9597.88

anything they can be a virus they can be

Time: 9600.279

and this is all coordinated through this

Time: 9601.56

thing called the cell danger response it

Time: 9603.56

can be a virus it can be a toxin in the

Time: 9605.76

environment it can be lack of

Time: 9607.08

micronutrients for the electron

Time: 9608.52

transport chain that it needs to do its

Time: 9610.92

function it can also be psychological

Time: 9613.359

threats because of course our

Time: 9615.04

psychological milu translates through

Time: 9617.92

nerves and hormones and

Time: 9620.439

neurotransmitters and our microbiome to

Time: 9622.68

affect our cellular biology throughout

Time: 9624.279

our whole body our cells hear every

Time: 9626.24

single thought that we're thinking

Time: 9627.439


Time: 9628.88

biochemistry and when a cell and a

Time: 9632.76

mitochondria are getting the message

Time: 9636.2

that there is a threat or something to

Time: 9637.88

be afraid of they are going to change

Time: 9640.359

metabolic function towards defense alarm

Time: 9643.399

threat response and away from repair

Time: 9648

homeostasis build building essentially

Time: 9651.12

thriving so our and and and I think

Time: 9654.56

what's really maybe the most unnatural

Time: 9657.359

thing about our modern world you know

Time: 9659.76

the food of course is unnatural 70% is

Time: 9662.08

ultra processed but we also have this

Time: 9666.16

device in our

Time: 9667.479

hands literally with us all the time

Time: 9671.8

streaming fear inducing media into our

Time: 9675.04

brains and eyeballs every waking moment

Time: 9677.64

of the day if we let it so we're glued

Time: 9680.24

to our screens and our devices and right

Time: 9683.96

now essentially the traumas and fears of

Time: 9685.92

eight billion people all over an entire

Time: 9688.479

Globe are now ours to process and our

Time: 9691.2

cells and our mitochondria there is no

Time: 9694.24

escaping it they are going to respond to

Time: 9697.319

that and so I think a big part of the

Time: 9699.84

metabolic Health conversation

Time: 9701.8

is how do we create a sense of safety in

Time: 9706.92

our bodies no matter what is happening

Time: 9708.96

out out side of our bodies and this can

Time: 9712

come down to every person's Journey will

Time: 9715

be different for this because the things

Time: 9716.479

that cause a sense of threat or fear for

Time: 9719.24

any two people are going to be different

Time: 9721.2

and I think some of the main categories

Time: 9723.12


Time: 9724.88

one unresolved childhood trauma like

Time: 9727.439

something that I think is getting a lot

Time: 9729

more talked about these days but like

Time: 9730.92

what's embedded in our nervous system

Time: 9732.8

these limiting beliefs and memories that

Time: 9734.6

are really wired that create a sense of

Time: 9736.359

hypervigilance in US sort of all the

Time: 9737.84

time what's coming in through our

Time: 9739.479

devices our phones our computers the

Time: 9741.6

media that we're exposed to that's

Time: 9743.68

constantly giving a fear signal and I

Time: 9745.96

think on a broader level a big Western

Time: 9748.88

one that we don't talk about is

Time: 9750.68

literally like existential feel of fear

Time: 9752.6

of mortality we have a very Des

Time: 9755.24

spiritualized very

Time: 9756.84

uniquely death fearing culture like you

Time: 9759.359

look at other

Time: 9760.68

cultures Eastern indigenous the stoics

Time: 9763.72

they all had intense curiosity about

Time: 9765.96

death we talk about the cycles of life

Time: 9767.96

there's this real

Time: 9770

engagement with it that we are so afraid

Time: 9772.96

of in the in the western system to the

Time: 9775.72

extent that our entire healthc care

Time: 9777.319

system actually I think you know we've

Time: 9780.279

built it around like we're not going to

Time: 9782.8

we're we're not going to help you thrive

Time: 9785

we're just going to do whatever we can

Time: 9786.2

to make sure you don't die like that's

Time: 9788.24

it's built in everywhere and so we've

Time: 9791.12

got the devices we've got the childhood

Time: 9793.359

trauma we've got the fear of mortality

Time: 9796.04

we have a very poor system of

Time: 9799.64

mental health care in the culture and I

Time: 9803.24

think that through all these things

Time: 9805.52

Americans are getting crushed mindset

Time: 9808.24

and psychology wise and that is a big

Time: 9810.88

big trigger of our mitochondria

Time: 9812.96

essentially diverting resources towards

Time: 9815.279

defense threat and alarm rather than

Time: 9817.399

homeostasis building repair so again it

Time: 9820.479

comes back to taking really honest stock

Time: 9825.279

of what are the true fear triggers in

Time: 9828.439

our lives across those and

Time: 9830.92

others and creating a sense of safety in

Time: 9834.479

our minds and bodies no matter what the

Time: 9837.2

external world looks like which may mean

Time: 9839.16

putting boundaries up to you know the

Time: 9841.64

media doing the therapy doing the

Time: 9843.6

different modalities what I believe and

Time: 9845.6

I talk about in the book getting back to

Time: 9846.96

the question about nature is one of the

Time: 9849.6

best things that we can do is actually

Time: 9852.16

literally just go outside and I it

Time: 9856.479

sounds so simple but

Time: 9859.8

one of the most astonishing stats I

Time: 9861.8

literally found in researching this

Time: 9863.8

entire book was that the average

Time: 9864.92

American is spending 93.7% of their time

Time: 9867.84

indoors wild

Time: 9870.12

93.7 that's in a car or in a building so

Time: 9876.04

we are locked in these cages staring at

Time: 9879.479

fear inducing media and our mitochondria

Time: 9882.16


Time: 9882.92

like what like what I don't know where

Time: 9885.84

to channel my energy it's just I it's

Time: 9887.64

short circuiting I think so many things

Time: 9889.8

happen when we go outside as you know I

Time: 9891.6

mean even what the vision system is

Time: 9893.6

doing to our anxiety levels we are

Time: 9896

getting sunlight which of course for uh

Time: 9899.439

for you know complex reasons is very

Time: 9902

helpful for our metabolic Health

Time: 9903.24

separately entrains our you know

Time: 9905.279

chronobiology and uh you know light

Time: 9909.319

light from the sun as an incredible

Time: 9911.319

regulator of our mitochondrial function

Time: 9914.279

um but it also it's our best teacher you

Time: 9918.2

know when we're out nature and we really

Time: 9920.04

look at how beautiful the world is and

Time: 9922.04

the cycles of nature we see the cycles

Time: 9924.24

of you know the the seasons and we see

Time: 9927.16

the awe of the sun and the trees and

Time: 9930.399

just this all this Alchemy that's

Time: 9932.04

happening outside of us we see you know

Time: 9934.479

spring to Summer to fall to winter we

Time: 9936.68

see the tides moving in and out

Time: 9938.8

everything's in phases and I think when

Time: 9942.08

we reflect and meditate on all the

Time: 9945.52

cycles and the polarities in nature

Time: 9948.479

night and day cold and hot new moon you

Time: 9953.04

know quarter moon full moon you know all

Time: 9956.08

these things it's actually it it

Time: 9959.479

entrenches on a subconscious and

Time: 9961.479

conscious level that there is a

Time: 9963.6

fundamental Harmony and pattern to the

Time: 9967.12

world we're living in that is bigger

Time: 9968.8

than us and that is fundamentally good

Time: 9971.479

and beautiful um and we are locked

Time: 9974.56

inside of the Four Walls of our house I

Time: 9976.6

think we get very scared we get very

Time: 9979.319

controllable and the system wants it

Time: 9981.439

that way because when we are scared and

Time: 9983

when we are existentially afraid we will

Time: 9985.439

literally do anything we will buy

Time: 9987.84

anything do anything watch anything that

Time: 9990.6

will in some way ameliorate that pain

Time: 9993.6

that we're feeling and we will take any

Time: 9997.399

pill we'll get any surgery anything that

Time: 9999.96

makes us feel like we're controlling

Time: 10001.68

this seemingly out ofc control situation

Time: 10004.399

and that's what drives us into all the

Time: 10006.12

dopamine Loops you know the the social

Time: 10008

media the process food the porn the

Time: 10010.72

gambling the alcohol all of it it's all

Time: 10012.8

to amate I think ultimately fear and I

Time: 10017.56

think yeah I think by actually really

Time: 10019.319

just spending a lot more time try and

Time: 10021.2

get that 93.7% down to like 50% spend as

Time: 10024.479

much time as you can outside we know

Time: 10026.359

that people who spend more time outside

Time: 10027.76

are metabolically healthier and I think

Time: 10029.12

it's for pleotropic reasons but I think

Time: 10031.64

one of it is that it is the

Time: 10036

ultimate convincing of abundance and

Time: 10039.439

fundamental abundance in our world and

Time: 10043.08

of awe which I think is really the

Time: 10045

antidote to

Time: 10046.8

fear and that has a profoundly soothing

Time: 10050.96

effect on our psychology um and the

Time: 10054.56

sense of scarcity that drives a lot of

Time: 10056.76

the decisions that actually make us

Time: 10059.52

unhealthy it's fundamentally rooted in

Time: 10062.24

in scarcity and I think also when we

Time: 10065.08

realize we are part of nature again

Time: 10068.04

going back to that doubt statement we're

Time: 10069.52

a process not an entity realizing like

Time: 10073.84

you know all the trees around us and we

Time: 10075.76

take that walk even in a city we see all

Time: 10077.56

the trees all those plants all those

Time: 10079.16

leaves are making the oxygen that

Time: 10080.84

process that that literally let us do

Time: 10082.279

oxid of phosphorilation and that sun and

Time: 10085.24

that leaf on the tree the sun's energy

Time: 10088.08

is literally being stored in the carbon

Time: 10090.08

carbon bonds that the plants are

Time: 10092.04

generating in photosynthesis that

Time: 10093.92

ultimately all metabolism is is

Time: 10096.68

unlocking the potential energy stored

Time: 10098.56

from the sun to create the human energy

Time: 10100.6

that lets us love and move and live and

Time: 10102.56

think and do all the things we love to

Time: 10104.24

do and then it just becomes so obvious

Time: 10107.76

like of course we have to like eat real

Time: 10110.359

food and of course we have to not poison

Time: 10112.2

our soil with pesticides and of course

Time: 10113.88

we have to like you know care about the

Time: 10116.439

environment and we have to get outside

Time: 10117.96

and move and we have to be in the

Time: 10118.92

sunlight during the day because we are

Time: 10121.16

the environment we are a process that's

Time: 10123.399

constantly in Dynamic conversation with

Time: 10126.24

it and um

Time: 10129.319

I think I think a lot of people will

Time: 10132.319

find that their health gets a lot better

Time: 10133.92

if they spend radically more time

Time: 10135.439

outdoors and I think a lot of people

Time: 10136.92

might say well I can't I work on a

Time: 10139

computer and I'm like you know Rome is

Time: 10141.6

burning like we're sick as hell right

Time: 10143.24

now we need to get creative like move

Time: 10146.52

your computer outside take a walking

Time: 10148.56

meeting open your mail Outdoors chop

Time: 10151.56

your vegetables on your balcony at your

Time: 10154

apartment like we we have to find a way

Time: 10156.24

to connect back with our source

Time: 10158.84

understand that the world is abundant

Time: 10160.319


Time: 10161.16

harmonious uh

Time: 10168.04

re-enchanting from that sense of

Time: 10170.04

gratitude and awe and that will lead us

Time: 10172.12

right where we need to go which is um a

Time: 10175.239

really I think joyful experience of our

Time: 10178.56

health Journey um that's rooted

Time: 10181

fundamentally in connection rather than

Time: 10183.8

us being siloed from all of this which

Time: 10186.88

going back to the beginning of the

Time: 10187.68

conversation that's fundamentally what's

Time: 10189.359

wrong with the Healthcare System it's

Time: 10190.76

silos and we have siloed oursel from all

Time: 10193.319

of the life-giving things in our

Time: 10194.68

environment and that has ultimately

Time: 10196.52

leted us to be very very very sick and

Time: 10198.479

we've just I think we got to go back

Time: 10200.2

outside so that's one of the things but

Time: 10202.08

there there's many other things we can

Time: 10203.52

do to change those our relationship with

Time: 10206.239

fear but um we can't change the world as

Time: 10211.56

a whole but we can change what happens

Time: 10214.76

inside our body in terms of how we

Time: 10216.56

respond to it and for our mitochondria

Time: 10219.04

we have to we have to create a sense of

Time: 10221.52

safety in our bodies for our

Time: 10224.239

mitochondria to do the work we need them

Time: 10225.8

to do for health I love it and I love it

Time: 10230

for many reasons I I think um it was my

Time: 10233.8

I know it was my friend and former guest

Time: 10236.04

on this podcast Rick Rubin who several

Time: 10238.439

times early in our friendship he said um

Time: 10242.76

Back To Nature the only truth um and I

Time: 10245.92

asked him what he meant by that and you

Time: 10247.88

know cuz Rick can be a little bit um

Time: 10250.279

cryptic sometimes um not always but

Time: 10252.68

sometimes and what he was saying is you

Time: 10254.12

know it's a real thing you know you can

Time: 10256.279

immediately feel the connectedness

Time: 10258.2

between The Human Experience and um life

Time: 10261.56

of other types plants animals you know

Time: 10264.56

sunlight the circadian rhythms and the

Time: 10266.6

and the rhythms of the of light and dark

Time: 10269.56

um because they impact us so powerfully

Time: 10271.76

I mean if if there were ever a force in

Time: 10276.279

the world that impacts how we feel it's

Time: 10278.64

the Circadian rhythm it's the rising and

Time: 10280.16

setting of the sun it's um the impact of

Time: 10282.279

light and dark and then all the other

Time: 10283.68

things that you talked about today um I

Time: 10285.96

can't help but reflect on kind of your

Time: 10287.8

take on kind of what a lot of not all

Time: 10290.92

but a lot of U modern society attempts

Time: 10293.279

to do um it attempts to do a lot of good

Time: 10295.88

things too I believe I'm a Believer in

Time: 10297.479

technology um but that it if I were to

Time: 10300.68

translate it sounded like um what you

Time: 10303.76

were saying is that it gives us a sense

Time: 10306

of loss of control by instilling fear

Time: 10308.92

like we don't have control and then um

Time: 10311.319

there are a number of let's just call

Time: 10313.279

them programs in the world um that then

Time: 10315.76

sell back the illusion of some sense of

Time: 10318.399

agency little by little right a

Time: 10320.239

temporary agency and then puts you back

Time: 10321.8

into the cycle and there's something

Time: 10322.8

about going into nature which just um

Time: 10325.72

removes one from all of that at least

Time: 10327.56

temporarily gives you a more basic

Time: 10329.84

understanding of the relationship to

Time: 10331.68

self and things around us even just

Time: 10333.239

looking being able to see it to a

Time: 10335.399

distance we know is powerful for the the

Time: 10337.8

brain reducing anxiety we know being

Time: 10339.8

outdoors for 2 hours or more per day

Time: 10341.479

reduces myopia nearsightedness this is

Time: 10343.68

independent of all the other effects of

Time: 10346.239

of uh circadian rhythms Etc anyway and

Time: 10349.239

on and on so I second and third and um

Time: 10352.64

and uh here here all the um all the

Time: 10356.12

statements you made before I also just

Time: 10358.239

have to say I I really appreciate how

Time: 10360.12

you are able to tackle the cellular

Time: 10363.72

biology the molecular biology the

Time: 10367.16

macroscopic things that we can all do

Time: 10369.12

walking resistance training um cold

Time: 10371.8

exposure sleep um high-intensity

Time: 10374.76

interval training um and make make a

Time: 10377.239

case for each and all of those as it

Time: 10378.68

relates to the underlying biochemistry

Time: 10381.2

and weave all that together in a way

Time: 10382.96

that then uh you beautifully wrapped

Time: 10384.92

into this idea of connecting to Nature

Time: 10386.84

and not divorcing ourselves from Modern

Time: 10388.64

Life but really looking at the ways in

Time: 10389.88

which certain components of Modern Life

Time: 10391.319

are really making us sick not just the

Time: 10393.92

the behaviors not just the dos and the

Time: 10395.76

don'ts that it's kind of imparting on us

Time: 10398

but also so kind of the psychology

Time: 10400.12

around it it's uh that it is quietly but

Time: 10404

powerfully oppressive is is the message

Time: 10405.88

that I'm getting and that we have to

Time: 10407.399

take a stand against it and the way to

Time: 10408.76

take a stand against it is to do what

Time: 10410.6

are very um basic and fairly easy to

Time: 10413.479

access things making better choices

Time: 10415.12

about food timing quality amount

Time: 10418.72

exercise and on and on so so I'm running

Time: 10421.64

long in my response to your much more

Time: 10424.08

eloquent description of mindset uh but

Time: 10427.399

what I want to say is on behalf of

Time: 10429.399

myself and everyone listening I so

Time: 10431.12

appreciate we appreciate the work that

Time: 10433.08

you're doing to be a medical doctor

Time: 10435.64

specialized in one of these silos and

Time: 10437.16

then to take a step out and say nope not

Time: 10440.04

me I'm going to do what I see as best

Time: 10442.359

for the greater good in terms of giving

Time: 10444.399

people tools giving people a sense of

Time: 10445.96

agency and autonomy to take control of

Time: 10447.8

their health this is in some ways a

Time: 10449.439

heretical idea um but

Time: 10452.84

luckily the numbers of folks like you

Time: 10456

are growing and you're a real leader in

Time: 10457.88

this field um by example and by the

Time: 10460.479

incredible work you're doing with

Time: 10461.56

technology and information sharing love

Time: 10464.239

love love the book I did go through it

Time: 10466.92

um front to back um I haven't tried the

Time: 10468.92

recipes yet but thank you for bringing

Time: 10470.52

the blueberries I'll try the recipes um

Time: 10472.68

at least one of them and um I just want

Time: 10475

to thank you for sharing what you do and

Time: 10477.439

um for continuing to do what you do we

Time: 10480

we need it and we appreciate it so thank

Time: 10482.8

you thank you thank you for joining me

Time: 10484.84

for today's discussion about metabolic

Time: 10486.56

function with Dr Casey mean

Time: 10489.08

if you're learning from and or enjoying

Time: 10490.72

this podcast please subscribe to our

Time: 10492.64

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Time: 10494.56

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Time: 10496.72

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Time: 10498.52

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Time: 10500.76

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Time: 10502.279

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Time: 10504.08

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Time: 10505.72

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Time: 10507.52

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Time: 10509.76

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Time: 10511.64

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Time: 10513.439

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Time: 10514.52

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Time: 10516.64

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Time: 10518.88

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Time: 10520.68

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Time: 10522.359

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Time: 10524.359

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Time: 10527.64

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Time: 10529.72

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Time: 10531.68

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Time: 10533.6

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Time: 10534.88

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Time: 10536.56

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Time: 10538.08

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Time: 10540.479

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Time: 10542.319

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Time: 10543.92

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Time: 10546.08

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Time: 10547.8

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Time: 10549.92

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Time: 10551.76

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Time: 10554.04

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Time: 10556.399

to improve your sleep optimizing

Time: 10558.12

dopamine deliberate cold exposure

Time: 10559.68

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Time: 10561.279

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Time: 10563

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Time: 10564.68

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Time: 10567.12

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Time: 10569.279

enter your email and I should mention

Time: 10570.84

that we do not share your email with

Time: 10572.479

anybody thank you for joining me for

Time: 10574.239

today's discussion about metabolic

Time: 10575.8

Health with Dr Casey means and last but

Time: 10578.8

certainly not least thank you for your

Time: 10580.76

interest in science

Time: 10584.56


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