Dr. Cal Newport: How to Enhance Focus and Improve Productivity

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welcome to the hubman Lab podcast where

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we discuss science and science-based

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tools for everyday

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford School of

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Medicine my guest today is Dr Cal

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Newport Dr Cal Newport is a professor of

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computer science at Georgetown

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University he did his training at MIT

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and he is currently both a professor and

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the author of many best-selling books

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focused on productiv

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focus and how to access the specific

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states of mind to bring out your best in

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terms of cognitive performance and

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indeed in terms of performance in all

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Endeavors one of his more notable books

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is entitled deep work rules for focused

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success in a distracted World deep work

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is a book that has had tremendous

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positive influence on my work life and

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indeed my life in general because it

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spells out how exactly to go about doing

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one's best possible work for me that's

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in the context of Science and podcasting

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But it includes tools that I and many

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others have extended to other aspects of

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their life as well and it's a book that

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I highly highly recommend everybody read

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Cal also has a new book out now it's one

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that I'm currently reading entitled slow

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productivity the Lost Art of

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accomplishment without burnout and as

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the title suggests it gets into specific

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protocols to avoid burnout and to bring

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about one's highest quality work over

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the greatest amount of time today's

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discussion starts off with extreme

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practical steps that any and all of us

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can use in order to enhance our level of

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focus productivity and creativity Cal

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shares much of his specific practices

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and also offers some alternative

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practices for those of you that perhaps

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do not want to disengage with social

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media or with smartphones or with email

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to the extent that he does I found the

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conversation to be extremely useful in

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the sense that I indeed am on social

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media I use email I use my phone and

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texting quite often so I'm not somebody

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who's willing to completely disengage

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from those tools but I share in the

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sentiment that those tools can often be

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an impediment to doing one's best work

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so today's discussion gets into not hard

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and fast rules for enhancing focus and

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productivity but a variety of different

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tools that you can select from in sort

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of a buffet to suit your particular

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needs we also of course discuss the

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specific research studies around focus

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and distraction task switching and

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context switching all of which support

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the specific protocols that Cal offers

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so whether you're someone who has issues

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with attention and focus or whether

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you're somebody that's just feeling

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overly distracted by the number of

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things in your email inbox or the number

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of text or what's happening out in the

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world by the end of today's episode I'm

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confident that you will be armed with

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the best science supported tools that is

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protocols in order to access the states

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of mind that will enable you to do your

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best possible work before we begin I'd

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like to emphasize that this podcast is

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separate from my teaching and research

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roles at Stanford it is however part of

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my desire and effort to bring zero cost

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to Consumer information about science

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and science related tools to the general

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public in keeping with that theme I'd

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like to thank the sponsors of today's

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podcast our first sponsor is Helix sleep

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Helix sleep makes mattresses and pillows

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that are of the absolute highest quality

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I've spoken many times before on this

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podcast about the fact that quality

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sleep is the foundation of mental health

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physical health and performance and to

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get the best possible night sleep it's

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absolutely key that your sleeping

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surface that is your mattress suit your

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specific spe ific needs Helix

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understands this and they developed a

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brief two-minute quiz in which you can

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match your body type and sleep

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preferences that is whether not you

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sleep on your back your side or your

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stomach whether or not you tend to run

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hot or cold in the middle of the night

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perhaps you don't know the answers to

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those questions that's okay you answer

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the questions in that brief two-minute

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quiz and they match you to the specific

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mattress ideal for your sleep needs in

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my case that was the dusk DS mattress I

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started sleeping on a dusk mattress well

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over three years ago and it has

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significantly improved my sleep and as a

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consequence I feel more focused and

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alert I'm better able to do all the

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things that I need to cognitively

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physically throughout the day so if

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you're interested in upgrading your

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mattress simply go to helixsleep.com

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huberman take that brief two-minute quiz

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and they'll match you to a customized

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mattress ideal for you you'll get up to

Time: 255.799

$350 off any mattress order and two free

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pillows again go to helixsleep.com

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huberman for up to $350 off and two free

Time: 265.199

pillows today's episode is also brought

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To Us by Maui Nei venison now venison is

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the most nutrient-dense and delicious

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red meat available I've spoken before on

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this podcast and there's General

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consensus that most people should strive

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to consume approximately one gram of

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protein per pound of body weight now

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when one strives to do that it's

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important to maximize the quality of

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that protein intake to the calorie ratio

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because you don't want to consume an

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excess of calories when trying to get

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that one gram of protein per pound of

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body weight Maui Nei venison has an

Time: 297.4

extremely high quality protein to

Time: 298.919

calorie ratio so it makes getting that 1

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gr of protein per pound of body weight

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extremely easy it's also delicious

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personally I like the ground venison I

Time: 306.759

also like the venison steaks and then

Time: 308.759

for convenience when I'm on the road I

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like the jerky the jerky is a very high

Time: 313.28

protein to calorie ratio so it has as

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much as 10 grams of protein per jerky

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stick and it has something like only

Time: 319.24

like 55 calories so again making it very

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easy to get enough protein without

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consuming excess calories if you would

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like to try mauii venison you can go to

Time: 327.52

mauii venison

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huberman to get 20% off your first order

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again that's Maui venison

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docomo to get 20% off today's episode is

Time: 338.12

also brought To Us by ju ju makes

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medical grade red light therapy devices

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now there's one theme that I've

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consistently put forward on this podcast

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it's the powerful role that light has on

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our mental health physical health and

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performance juv makes medical grade

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devices that emit both red and near

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infrared light red and near infrared

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light is so-called long wavelength light

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and it's able to penetrate deeper into

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tissues than shorter wavelength light

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like blue and green lights those red and

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near infrared long wavelength lights

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have been shown to be beneficial for

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everything from skin Health to wound

Time: 371.4

healing to Eye Health and even for

Time: 373.639

mitochondrial Health what sets juv apart

Time: 376.24

from other red light and near infrared

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light devices is that they are

Time: 379.639

clinically proven to emit the specific

Time: 381.56

wavelengths at the specific intensities

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required to achieve specific biological

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effects personally I use the ju handheld

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light both at home and when I travel

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it's only about the size of a sandwich

Time: 392.4

it's very convenient to use I also have

Time: 394.52

a ju whole body panel and I use that

Time: 397.039

about three or four times a week if you

Time: 399

would like to try ju you can go to

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huberman ju is offering an exclusive

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discount to all huberman lab listeners

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with up to $400 off select ju products

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again that's ju

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jv.com huberman to get $400 off select

Time: 415.96

ju products and now for my discussion

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with Dr Cal Newport Dr Cal Newport

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welcome Dr huberman good to see you I'm

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a huge fan I've been a huge fan ever

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since I read deep work I can't say that

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I've adopted all the principles but

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that's on me not you you provide

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incredible incentive for why one ought

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to pursue deep work and slow

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productivity in service to high quality

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true productivity Etc um some of the

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protocols as we'll call them are

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incredibly easy to Implement others take

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some discipline so I'd like to talk

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about both sets today but the first

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question I have is um do you own a

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smartphone I do have a smartphone yeah

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well here's the thing I don't use social

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media so it turns out smartphones aren't

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that interesting if you don't have any

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social media apps on it yeah what's that

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like so there's there's nothing if you

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have nothing that is engineered to try

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to grab your attention the smartphone

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actually goes back to 2007 Steve Jobs

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keynote address smartphone which is the

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is a really nice phone and your music

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you can listen to things on it and uh

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the phone interface is really good and

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look there's a Maps app and you can like

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look at maps on it like it's actually a

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useful piece of technology that you're

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happy to have but uh you don't use it

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much what about text messaging do you

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text message and if so do you get into

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conversations by text or is it more of a

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a plan and meet type tool uh I try right

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so so I try I do use text messaging I

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mean this is how like my wife gets in

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touch with

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uh but I'm notorious somewhat among my

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friends of my the ability to capture my

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attention with text messages really hit

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or miss because I'll go hours without

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looking at my phone so it's not this

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default appendage I think for a lot of

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people if you know someone you can

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basically assume like look if I text

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them they're going to get right back to

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me H my problem is I'll go to three four

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hours you know without looking at my

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phone and then there'll be text messages

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on there from conversations that people

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were trying to start and I typically

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just have to declare text bankruptcy a

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few times a day like look if they really

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needed me I guess they would have called

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so I do text but uh I'm not considered

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to be very good at it a few other

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questions about your phone practices

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this makes me nervous um is your phone

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in a drawer on on the desktop um while

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you're working is it face down face up

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is the ringer on is it off Oh you mean

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if I'm writing or it's nowhere near me

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yeah Ian it could be anywhere it's just

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not going to be anywhere near me so I

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have in my house uh two different

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offices basically right so there's a

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home office the pr is there the filing

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cabinets are there like the nice big

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monitors there you pay taxes that type

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of thing and then I have a library and

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there's no permanent technology in the

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library no computer in there no monitor

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no printers nothing like this I have

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this sort of custombuilt desk I had made

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by a company from Maine that makes desks

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for college libraries like that's what

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they do so I had this like custom fit

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desk to fit into uh it's not that big of

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a space that's where I go to write I'm

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surrounded by books that I've really

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carefully curated what's where each

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shelf like what type of book it has on

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it so I can look different ways for

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different Inspirations I got a fireplace

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so I can just turn on a fire if I need

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it I'll bring my laptop in there to

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write if I'm going to write on a

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computer and my phone doesn't come in

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there yeah you don't you don't look at

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you don't look at a phone in that room

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and it just helps me it's a ritual right

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if I'm in there I'm thinking I'm

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creating with the sort of same patterns

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of cogitation that we would have been

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using for hundreds of years when people

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have been thinking professionally if I

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want to be near a printer and I want to

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go on to a web browser and pay my taxes

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or whatever I have a different place for

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that I'm curious about the fireplace I

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have this Theory based on my

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understanding of visual neuroscience and

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the fact that when we're looking at

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visual scenes that have some degree of

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predictability to them yeah um we get

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into a mode of anticipation our thinking

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is at least somewhat linear um and so

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forth when we are looking at say ocean

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waves or um up in a skyscraper we're

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staring down at the street of say New

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York City and the cars are moving in

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obviously not random fashion but at

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least to our visual perception pseudo

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random you're not tracking any one thing

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that the the Mind goes into this sort of

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um state where our thoughts become

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nonlinear they're not anchored to any

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kind of if then kind of what I call DPO

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duration path outcome kind of trajectory

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there not a lot of Neuroscience on this

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but there's a little bit same thing

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happens when you're looking at an

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aquarium by the way um so I wonder

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whether or not staring at the fire which

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is something that humans have been doing

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for many many many thousands of years um

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because it has that uh random aspect to

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it does it tend to spark creativity

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linear thinking at what point in your

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writing do you turn to the fire and

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stare at it oh that's interesting

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actually that there's a a neurological

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explanation when I use to fire is

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actually when I read right so chairs by

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the fire but I think for exactly this

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reason right because when I'm reading

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I'm looking to spark ideas right like

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okay what am I what's my takeaway from

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this what's the connection you're making

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between this thing you're reading here

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and this idea over there that type of

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connection making is a lot of my

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brainstorming and I read by the fire

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when the weather allows it uh I also

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walk a lot so I wonder if there's

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something similar going on like when I'm

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trying to work through an idea for an

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article or a math proof or something

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like this almost always I'm going to do

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that on foot and there might be

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something similar going on there where

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you're encountering it's not entirely

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exotic stimuli right so it's not oh my

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God you know my attention's being drawn

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but it's you you don't you don't quite

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know what you're going to see and you

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also have that that circuit quieting

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effect of the walking your motor neurons

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are going you can tell me if I'm getting

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this right or not abely the motor

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neurons are going and you get some

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inhibition going on in some of these

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these key networks which allows you to

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actually um maintain the the the

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internal focus on a concept a little bit

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better so I do a lot of my original

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focused ideating on foot but a lot of my

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serendipitous ideating will be with the

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fire going right it's a win I read by

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the fire and so when I read that I get a

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lot of my original ideas I have this

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theory that the

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two opposite states of mind that both

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facilitate creativity and

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productivity look something like this

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and you can tell me whether or not this

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Maps anything that that you know one is

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just as you described our body is in

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motion um could be running

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walking might be in the shower or

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something of that sort uh but we aren't

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trying to direct our mind toward a

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specific linear trajectory or outcome

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it's not it's not like working out an

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equation or a theorem um the same way we

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would if we were at a piece of paper or

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writing out a sentence a structured

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paragraph So it's body and motion mind

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not channeled toward one specific Target

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um the opposite extreme to me is body

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still mind very active um which

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resembles rapid eye movement sleep when

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we learn a lot and neural rewiring

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occurs and dreaming but uh for which

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there's also a lot of examples of very

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accomplished um creatives using that

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sort of thing of meditative like um

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approaches you know forcing oneself to

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be still and thinking so it sounds like

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you incorporate both um and I'm curious

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as a computer scientist who writes code

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does theorems does a lot of math where

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you can't just kind of wing it yeah um

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right and wrong answer uh involved what

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is your mode for sitting down and

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working through something that's linear

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and hard yeah that it's interesting the

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way you talk about it right because when

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I'm walking uh and this is actually

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something you can train you know and I

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talked about this one of my books once

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that you can actually train yourself to

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uh maintain your internal eye of focus

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more stably while you're walking right

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so I called this productive meditation

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in deep work actually uh and I I

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practiced this in grad school right okay

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so I'm going to work on a particular

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problem while I walk and then you

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actually practice bringing your

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attention back to the central problem

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and it I don't know exactly what's

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happening but you get a little bit more

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uh facility working with your working

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memory a little bit more efficiency with

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bringing stuff in and out of the working

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memory and so I trained myself that I

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could actually write a couple paragraphs

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in my head maybe not word for but

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basically word for word like figure out

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how I'm going to do it or uh figure out

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enough steps of a math proof to capture

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a key Insight like okay I know I'm going

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to get around this then you have to sit

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down and actually formally capture that

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and yeah for me that's still working

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with notebooks though when I was coming

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up in grad school and I was just

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Excavating these thoughts recently we

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were talking before the we recorded that

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you know I just wrote this essay about

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what I learned as a grad student that

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impacted all my writing uh as a grad

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student in the theory group at MIT which

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was just purified concentration this is

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where all the Deep work ideas come from

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right I mean it was just worldclass

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concentrators they're the method was

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very still more than one person

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whiteboard so if you have two or three

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people staring at the same whiteboard

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you're actually going to up the level of

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concentration you achieve because if you

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let your attention wander you disengage

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that attention there's a social capital

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cost because now I've fallen out of the

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the Whiteboard effect discussion that's

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going to be a problem so you actually

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maintain your focus at a higher level

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and then when someone else is making

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their move okay you know what about this

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and they're working math it's all math

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on the board you're giving that the

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highest attention you're capable of

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because you want to keep up right you

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don't want to fall behind so it was like

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this Hack That was figured out in the

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theory group that if you put two or

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three people at the same whiteboard to

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try to alchemize these insights into

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actual mathematically precise proofs you

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get a 20 30% boost in your concentration

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level and and that could make all the

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difference right if you're working on a

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very hard proof 20 30% boost could be

Time: 1014.04

the difference between solving it or not

Time: 1016

in one of these situations where you're

Time: 1018

at the white whiteboard or chalkboard

Time: 1019.44

and their two other individuals facing

Time: 1021.079

it are they interrupting you or is the

Time: 1023.44

um etiquette uh in that scenario to just

Time: 1026.36

let the person go until their natural

Time: 1028.439

yeah uh inclination to raise a hand and

Time: 1031.039

and scream help whoever has the marker

Time: 1032.959

on the board they're the one's talking

Time: 1035.439

so you go okay what about this you say

Time: 1037.959

and now you're working you're writing

Time: 1039.48

down equations or drawing your diagram

Time: 1041.52

and everyone is just watching and then

Time: 1043.36

when they're done everyone steps back

Time: 1044.919

and looks at it then you can step

Time: 1046.559

forward okay but what if we did this and

Time: 1048.919

then and you still work on it so so when

Time: 1050.559

I got uh built some offices or worked

Time: 1053.4

out some offices near my house like one

Time: 1054.72

of the first things we put in there was

Time: 1056.32

a whiteboard so I could have computer

Time: 1058.2

science collaborators come because we

Time: 1059.84

can't work on Theory otherwise like it

Time: 1061.559

is the thing we need is a whiteboard

Time: 1063.679

right when I started grad school they

Time: 1065.679

had just built this new $300 million

Time: 1069.4

Frank Gary design building for the

Time: 1071.72

computer science artificial intelligence

Time: 1073.36

laboratory and uh Linguistics but half

Time: 1075.96

of it was computer science I know those

Time: 1078.039

buildings cuz the peow and the McGovern

Time: 1080.32

Neuroscience C and those buildings are

Time: 1082.64

very interesting people should check

Time: 1083.799

them out if they're ever in Cambridge

Time: 1085.4

Kendall Square stop the status Center

Time: 1087.28

yeah right down the street from the K

Time: 1088.64

sop yeah so the sixth floor was where

Time: 1090.52

the theoreticians were this is where I

Time: 1091.799

was uh so I you know they opened that

Time: 1094.36

building the year I started my the

Time: 1096.4

doctoral program and what did they want

Time: 1097.96

to show me when they when they brought

Time: 1099.32

me to this $300 million Building look at

Time: 1101.159

our whiteboards that's what they were

Time: 1103

proud of they had filled the common

Time: 1104.52

space on the sixth floor the theory

Time: 1105.919

floor with these uh freestanding

Time: 1108.36

double-sided whiteboards it was like a

Time: 1110.039

maze of whiteboards and this is what

Time: 1111.64

everyone was so excited about was yeah

Time: 1113.96

look at our whiteboard coverage

Time: 1115.76

surrounded by a $300 million meal I Tred

Time: 1118

I was trying to explain this to someone

Time: 1119.039

recently uh having good whiteboards to

Time: 1121.24

us as like an astronomer saying look we

Time: 1122.88

got this great radio telescope like this

Time: 1124.76

is going to allow us to get data to work

Time: 1126.64

on that we wouldn't otherwise have

Time: 1128.08

access to I think to a theoretician uh

Time: 1130.559

that's why you see a whiteboard because

Time: 1132.28

you know if you want to think at the

Time: 1133.76

very highest level you need two or three

Time: 1135.96

people staring at the same thing taking

Time: 1137.76

turns with the marker or pushing each

Time: 1139.4

other past where they're comfortable I I

Time: 1141.88

love this because I often think about

Time: 1143.28

visual maps that represent our internal

Time: 1145.32

memory stores and plans etc for

Time: 1147.559

productivity I've always relied heavily

Time: 1149.64

on the on the Whiteboard I getting one

Time: 1152.039

for home I have one here in the podcast

Time: 1153.52

studio all of my podcast notes for my

Time: 1155.84

solo episodes are distilled down to four

Time: 1159.52

8 and 1 half by 11 notes which are

Time: 1161.799

photographs of the the Whiteboard yeah

Time: 1164.32

and um I don't use a teleprompter um

Time: 1167.44

I've been accused of using one before I

Time: 1168.919

don't even know how that would work um

Time: 1171.84

but um it's extremely useful to use the

Time: 1174.52

Whiteboard and I think because um ideas

Time: 1177.159

are so easily put up there and removed

Time: 1180.799

um there's something about uh writing on

Time: 1183.96

things that are vertical as opposed to

Time: 1185.96

on a flat surface I really because

Time: 1187.6

that's actually the way our visual

Time: 1188.679

perception casts things we don't cast

Time: 1190.52

visual perception onto the ground we're

Time: 1192.039

used we experience the visual world

Time: 1193.88

mostly in front of us I think the

Time: 1196.24

cognitive map and the visual map are

Time: 1198.6

inextricably linked for at least for

Time: 1200.039

cited folks um so I I think there's

Time: 1203.2

really something there so um in the

Time: 1205.64

absence of colleagues to sit there and

Time: 1207.88

boost our attention by 25 to 30%

Time: 1211.559

um what could one do do you have a you

Time: 1215.44

said you have a whiteboard at home I

Time: 1217.159

certainly use the Whiteboard do you um

Time: 1219.52

work on it the same way you would in

Time: 1221.039

those early days just with in the

Time: 1223.08

absence of of colleagues looking on yeah

Time: 1225.6

yeah so you work on it just like

Time: 1226.559

someone's there uh the hack is using

Time: 1229.88

really good notebooks that's always made

Time: 1232.24

a big difference for me paper notebooks

Time: 1233.88

paper notebooks yeah yeah though though

Time: 1235.6

recently I've been messing around with a

Time: 1237.28

remarkable which is one of these digital

Time: 1240.039

notebooks where it's eink technology so

Time: 1242.6

it's like a Kindle but you can write on

Time: 1243.96

it h but you have endless pages on it so

Time: 1246.08

I've been messing around with that

Time: 1247.12

recently but I remembered when I was a

Time: 1249.32

postto for example I found it recently I

Time: 1252.159

went and bought a lab notebook because

Time: 1254.36

those are expensive at least for a

Time: 1255.64

postto right they're like $70 because a

Time: 1257.6

lab note book has to have archival

Time: 1259.4

quality paper it's bound it's bound yeah

Time: 1261.679

people might not realize this lab

Time: 1262.799

notebooks need to be kept for many years

Time: 1264.799

yes you you uh you're not supposed to

Time: 1266.6

tear Pages out of them and so they tend

Time: 1268.52

to be bound so if you have terrible

Time: 1270.52

handwriting like I do you just have to

Time: 1271.84

deal with it yes you can't rip it out

Time: 1273.679

and it's thick thick paper acidfree

Time: 1275.4

archival paper big sturdy covers um but

Time: 1278.76

I bought this because I thought okay

Time: 1279.88

look I'm going to take it more seriously

Time: 1281.48

because I think that's also part of what

Time: 1282.84

goes on with the Whiteboard is your mind

Time: 1285.279

thinks about writing on uh the big

Time: 1287.32

vertical space as a a public

Time: 1289.6

crystallization of thoughts I'm putting

Time: 1291.2

this up for people to see even if

Time: 1293.679

there's no one actually there to see it

Time: 1295.24

and so you take it more seriously right

Time: 1297

if I'm writing on a a whiteboard in

Time: 1298.559

class I'm not just going to put up

Time: 1300.12

nonsense like I'm GNA be very careful

Time: 1301.6

about what I'm writing because you

Time: 1303.039

imagine there's an audience this is

Time: 1304.48

something for other people to see and so

Time: 1306.48

you get a little bit of a similar effect

Time: 1307.88

if you have a very nice notebook you

Time: 1309.24

think look I don't want to waste pages

Time: 1311.36

and somehow that helps with the thinking

Time: 1312.84

so then I found this notebook because I

Time: 1314.48

store my old notebooks in my closet so I

Time: 1316.72

found it when I was working on a recent

Time: 1319.24

book I found it I went through it right

Time: 1321.559

and then I started ticking off uh this

Time: 1324.96

turned into a paper this turned into a

Time: 1327

grant this notebook I used it for maybe

Time: 1328.88

two years only used maybe about half the

Time: 1330.799

pages it's all very careful neat script

Time: 1333.679

and diagrams I think I found seven

Time: 1335.919

different peer-reviewed papers or funded

Time: 1338.159

grants where the core ideas were in this

Time: 1340.44

notebook so it's like that

Time: 1342.44

$70 was a an incredible investment

Time: 1345.279

because when I when I got to work in

Time: 1346.679

that notebook it must have been

Time: 1348.48

pushing my thinking to a new level

Time: 1349.96

because it was an incredible

Time: 1350.96

concentration of actual publishable

Time: 1353.44

results were coming out of his Pages

Time: 1355.84

yeah it seems like we would all do well

Time: 1358.24

regardless of our field um to have some

Time: 1361.6

very low Bar Method of capture where if

Time: 1363.48

we just have an idea that spontaneously

Time: 1365.12

comes to mind that we can capture that

Time: 1366.48

in a voice memo or um dare I say in a a

Time: 1370.12

phone uh notes segment but then

Time: 1372.6

something as you're suggesting like a a

Time: 1375.159

whiteboard um like a bound note notebook

Time: 1378.72

where the moment we look at it it brings

Time: 1381.159

about a level of seriousness yeah to our

Time: 1383.72

to our thinking and to our actions like

Time: 1386.4

this is different than just um texting

Time: 1389.08

um I what we're really talking about our

Time: 1390.76

our kind of layers of sophistication um

Time: 1393.84

but not in a snobby way in terms of um

Time: 1396.559

highest productivity and quality to kind

Time: 1399.559

of um I don't know bubble gum wrapper on

Time: 1402.679

on the floor type levels of quote

Time: 1404.76

unquote productivity well I mean I

Time: 1406.72

become a fan of this idea of of having

Time: 1408.799

specialized capture for specific type of

Time: 1411.679

work so for example I'm a big believer

Time: 1414.24

in pretty quickly you want to capture

Time: 1416.279

ideas in the tool you use to do that

Time: 1418.24

work so when I have ideas for an article

Time: 1421.48

or a book I'm going to go write the

Time: 1422.919

scrier which is uh specialty this is

Time: 1426.08

specialty software writers used to write

Time: 1427.72

right I going to go right to a scrier

Time: 1429.12

project and start putting these in the

Time: 1431.159

research section of that scrier project

Time: 1433.72

when I'm working on a math or computer

Time: 1435.36

science thing I might work out proof

Time: 1437.6

ideas on paper but I pretty quickly want

Time: 1439.919

to get that into a latch document so so

Time: 1442.76

the markup language that you use for

Time: 1444.76

doing sort of like applied math papers

Time: 1446.32

right the the the tool we use to

Time: 1447.679

actually write papers I'm going to move

Time: 1449.279

an idea into there as soon as I can I'm

Time: 1452.12

going to move proofs out of a notebook

Time: 1455.36

and into formally marked up like you

Time: 1457.48

would for a paper you know as soon as I

Time: 1459.559

would so this idea this just something

Time: 1461.44

I've been leaning to more is capture the

Time: 1463.64

notes in the tool you're going to use

Time: 1465.679

take out the middleman in some sense

Time: 1467.24

right so it's it's uh reducing friction

Time: 1469.44

but also puts you in the right mind

Time: 1470.799

space like okay this idea I'm going to

Time: 1472.44

put it where I'm going to need it later

Time: 1474.88

as opposed to a more elaborate

Time: 1476.32

thirdparty system that you construct

Time: 1478.039

that you then later pull everything out

Time: 1479.64

of as needed uh this what I've been

Time: 1481.32

doing more recently let's just get

Time: 1482.559

straight to the tool I'm eventually

Time: 1484.64

going to use with maybe a high quality

Time: 1486.919

notebook intermediary if I'm actually

Time: 1488.72

literally working out thoughts so math

Time: 1491.08

you have to work out thoughts but I'll

Time: 1492.88

get that into an actual paper format

Time: 1495.559

pretty quickly tell me what you think of

Time: 1498.64

um this what I always call protocol if I

Time: 1501.84

want to learn something from a

Time: 1503.44

manuscript I read or a book chapter yeah

Time: 1506.2

I used to highlight things and I had a

Time: 1508.039

very elaborate um extracted from my

Time: 1510.159

University days system of stars and

Time: 1512.279

exclamation marks and underline that

Time: 1513.76

mean a lot to me that can yes bring me

Time: 1516

back to a given segment within the

Time: 1517.799

chapter but a few years ago I was

Time: 1519.72

teaching a course in the biology

Time: 1521.32

department at Stanford and for some

Time: 1523.6

reason we had them read a study about

Time: 1526.72

information retention

Time: 1528.96

and um and I learned from that study

Time: 1531.76

that one of the best things we can do is

Time: 1533.76

read information um in whatever form a

Time: 1536.72

magazine research article Etc book um

Time: 1539.559

and then to take some time away from

Time: 1542.12

that material maybe walk maybe close

Time: 1544.6

one's eyes maybe leave them open doesn't

Time: 1546.24

matter and just try and remember

Time: 1548

specific elements how much does one

Time: 1549.72

remember then go back to the material

Time: 1550.96

and look at it and I've just been um

Time: 1553.84

positively astonished at how much more

Time: 1556.32

information I can learn

Time: 1558.24

when I'm not simply going through motor

Time: 1559.679

commands of just underlining things and

Time: 1561.24

highlighting them but stepping away and

Time: 1562.559

thinking okay yeah they I don't oh I

Time: 1564.84

don't remember how many subjects there

Time: 1566

were I'll go back and check that maybe

Time: 1567.36

make a note and okay they did this then

Time: 1569.24

they did that and then like and then

Time: 1570.399

it's crystallized and and when as I say

Time: 1572.52

this I realize of course this should

Time: 1574.279

work this is the way that the brain

Time: 1576.279

learns um but somehow that's not the way

Time: 1580.2

we are taught to learn yeah well I'm

Time: 1582.64

smiling because I when I was 22 uh I

Time: 1585.679

wrote this book called how to become a

Time: 1587.679

straight A student right and the whole

Time: 1589.679

premise of the book was I'm going to

Time: 1591.6

talk to actual college students who have

Time: 1593.96

straight A's uh and who don't seem

Time: 1596.6

completely ground out right like not

Time: 1598.399

burnt out and I'm just going to

Time: 1599.72

interview them right and the protocol

Time: 1601.48

was uh how did you study for the last

Time: 1603.159

test that you study for how did you take

Time: 1604.48

notes for the life so I was just asking

Time: 1606.12

them to walk through their methodology

Time: 1608.679

the core idea of that book was active

Time: 1611.84

recall that was the core idea that

Time: 1614.799

replicating uh ideas way used to say is

Time: 1616.76

replicating the information from scratch

Time: 1618.399

as if teaching a class without looking

Time: 1619.799

at your notes that is the only way to

Time: 1621.919

learn and and the thing about it was

Time: 1623.919

it's a tradeoff uh it doesn't take it's

Time: 1626.24

efficient doesn't take much time but

Time: 1627.679

it's incredibly mentally taxing right

Time: 1629.6

this is why students often avoid it it

Time: 1631.08

is difficult to sit there and try to

Time: 1633.84

replicate and pull forth okay what did I

Time: 1636.2

read here how did that work it's it's

Time: 1637.919

mentally very taxing but it's very time

Time: 1640.48

efficient right if you're willing to

Time: 1641.88

essentially put up with that with that

Time: 1643.52

pain um you learn very quickly and not

Time: 1645.52

only do you learn very quickly you don't

Time: 1646.76

forget it's almost like you have a

Time: 1648.48

pseudo photographic memory when you

Time: 1650.039

study this way you sit down to do a test

Time: 1651.679

and you're you're replicating like whole

Time: 1654.12

lines from like what you what you

Time: 1655.919

studied I the ideas sort of come out

Time: 1658.32

fully formed because it's such a

Time: 1660

fantastic way to to actually learn um it

Time: 1662.76

was my key like the whole premise that

Time: 1664.6

got me writing that book is I went

Time: 1667.72

through this this period as a college

Time: 1669.919

student where where I came in freshman

Time: 1672

year was like a fine student not a great

Time: 1674.159

student but a fine student and uh I was

Time: 1676.48

rowing crew and I was sort of like

Time: 1677.96

excited to do that um and then I got

Time: 1679.88

developed a heart condition and had to

Time: 1681.72

stop congenital wiring in the heart

Time: 1684.88

atrial flutter thing mean I couldn't R

Time: 1686.399

crew anymore is a prolapse of some sort

Time: 1688.519

it was a a a circuit a circuitry issue

Time: 1692.32

that would lead to a extremely rapid

Time: 1693.96

heartbeat it's like U really rapid like

Time: 1696.48

tardia right you get two 250 beats a

Time: 1698.559

minute just and it could be exercise

Time: 1700.039

induced right which is not optimal um

Time: 1702.44

you could take beta blockers which would

Time: 1704.799

moderate the electrical timing but beta

Time: 1707.519

blockers reduce your max heart rate and

Time: 1709.039

if you're a athlete where the entire

Time: 1711.519

thing that matters is your max heart

Time: 1712.919

rate so you're doing something like a

Time: 1714.6

2,000 meter rows your performance on

Time: 1716.72

beta blockers just goes down it makes no

Time: 1718.96

sense it's like being a basketball

Time: 1719.919

player that wears weighted shoes it's

Time: 1721.32

too frustrating right it also makes you

Time: 1722.919

super mow I was pretty mellow guy but I

Time: 1726.6

was a worse rower so um so I stopped

Time: 1728.76

that I was like okay I want to get

Time: 1729.72

serious about my my studies I I I can

Time: 1731.559

get serious about my studies and writing

Time: 1733.08

right that's when I actually made the

Time: 1735.36

decisions that I didn't stuck with for

Time: 1736.96

the next 25 years after that but one of

Time: 1739.919

the things I did to get serious about my

Time: 1741.44

studies is I said I'm going to

Time: 1743.44

systematically experiment with how to

Time: 1746.72

study for test and how to write papers

Time: 1749.12

and I had I would try this how did it go

Time: 1751.24

deconstruct experiment try this how did

Time: 1752.799

it go deconstruct experiment and active

Time: 1755.36

recall was the thing to turn me all

Time: 1756.679

around and so I went from a pretty good

Time: 1759.32

student to 40 every single quarter

Time: 1762.44

sophomore year junior year senior year I

Time: 1763.84

got one a minus between my sophomore

Time: 1766.32

year through my senior year it was like

Time: 1767.799

this miraculous transformation it was

Time: 1769.32

active recall I rebuilt all of my

Time: 1771.36

studying so if it was for a humanities

Time: 1773.2

class I had a whole way of taking notes

Time: 1775.08

it was all built around doing active

Time: 1777.159

recall for math classes my main study

Time: 1779.84

tool was a stack of white paper all

Time: 1782.32

right do this proof white piece of paper

Time: 1784.64

and just can I do it from scratch if I

Time: 1786.88

could I know that technique if I don't

Time: 1788.84

all right I'm gonna come back and try it

Time: 1789.96

again later completely transformed you

Time: 1791.559

know I did so well academically that's

Time: 1793.2

why I ended up writing that book that

Time: 1795.159

basically spread that message to other

Time: 1796.519

people so I'm a huge advocate for active

Time: 1798.96

recall it's really hard but it is the

Time: 1801.44

way to learn new things I'd like to take

Time: 1803.32

a brief moment and thank one of our

Time: 1804.96

sponsors and that's ag1 ag1 is a vitamin

Time: 1808.44

mineral probiotic drink that also

Time: 1810.279

contains adaptogens I started taking ag1

Time: 1813.44

way back in 2012 the reason I started

Time: 1816.08

taking it and the reason I still take it

Time: 1817.76

every day is that it ensures that I meet

Time: 1819.76

all of my quotas for vitamins and

Time: 1821.519

minerals and it ensures that I get

Time: 1823.6

enough Prebiotic and probiotic to

Time: 1825.399

support gut health now gut health is

Time: 1827.6

something that over the last 10 years we

Time: 1829.44

realized is not just important for the

Time: 1831.76

health of our gut but also for our

Time: 1834.2

immune system and for the production of

Time: 1836.32

neurotransmitters and neuromodulators

Time: 1838.159

things like dopamine and serotonin in

Time: 1839.88

other words gut health is critical for

Time: 1842.08

proper brain functioning now of course I

Time: 1844.2

strive to consume healthy Whole Foods

Time: 1846.24

for the majority of my nutritional

Time: 1847.679

intake every single day but there are a

Time: 1850.519

number of things in ag1 including

Time: 1852.159

specific micronutrients that are hard to

Time: 1854.039

get from Whole Foods or at least in

Time: 1855.44

sufficient quantities so AG G1 allows me

Time: 1857.919

to get the vitamins and minerals that I

Time: 1859.48

need probiotics prebiotics the

Time: 1861.279

adaptogens and critical micronutrients

Time: 1864.039

so anytime somebody asks me if they were

Time: 1866.08

to take Just One supplement what that

Time: 1868.12

supplement should be I tell them ag1

Time: 1870.84

because ag1 supports so many different

Time: 1872.72

systems within the body that are

Time: 1874.32

involved in mental health physical

Time: 1875.72

health and performance to try ag1 go to

Time: 1878.32

drink a1.com huberman and you'll get a

Time: 1881.519

year supply of vitamin D3 K2 and five

Time: 1884.559

free travel packs of ag1 again that's a

Time: 1886.919

drink a1.com

Time: 1889.12

huberman and as you pointed out it is

Time: 1891.799

very time efficient oh yeah yeah I mean

Time: 1894.399

it was a problem it was a social problem

Time: 1896.639

for me that I would have to pretend

Time: 1899.559

during finals period that I was going to

Time: 1901.36

the library to study because I would be

Time: 1903.639

done studying this active recall it's

Time: 1905.519

brutal but it's incredibly efficient you

Time: 1907.159

sit down there I would have my cards I

Time: 1909.08

would mark it okay I struggled with this

Time: 1911.279

I'd put it in this pile I got it done

Time: 1913.24

I'd put it in this pile and so then you

Time: 1915.039

would just go back to the I struggled

Time: 1916.799

with it pile uh and work on that and

Time: 1918.919

then make a new I struggle with a pile

Time: 1920.32

and these would exponentially Decay and

Time: 1922.48

so in like a few hours you could really

Time: 1924.36

Master you know with a few other tricks

Time: 1926.44

that worked you could really Master the

Time: 1927.6

material pretty quickly and then what am

Time: 1929.08

I supposed to do I didn't do all

Time: 1930.08

nighters like it wouldn't make any sense

Time: 1931.88

like active recall is how you prepare

Time: 1933.44

it's going to take four hours and it's

Time: 1934.639

going to be tough so do it in the

Time: 1936.039

morning when you have energy and then

Time: 1937.2

you're done I love it I learned

Time: 1939.919

essentially all of neuroanatomy looking

Time: 1942.72

down the microscope at tissue samples

Time: 1946.24

and then I would try and take

Time: 1947.88

photographs with my eyes I do not have a

Time: 1949.559

photographic memory but then I would get

Time: 1951.279

home in the evening look through the

Time: 1952.639

neuro Anatomy textbook lie down and try

Time: 1955.639

and fly through the different circuits

Time: 1957.44

in my mind and then if I arrived at a

Time: 1959.48

structure in the brain that I couldn't

Time: 1961

identify I would then go check my notes

Time: 1963.08

and go back so I just so basically I

Time: 1964.799

learned neur Anatomy which I you know um

Time: 1967.639

I'm poor at a great many things in life

Time: 1969.039

but neur Anatomy I'm I'm I'm solid at um

Time: 1972.08

with and then some if I may say so and

Time: 1974.799

it's because there's a mental map move

Time: 1977.24

through it you know fly through it

Time: 1978.559

dynamically um and that it's the same

Time: 1981.24

process um not all things lend

Time: 1983.44

themselves to that approach um I'm

Time: 1985.48

guessing maybe we could think of a few

Time: 1987

that don't um I guess if people were

Time: 1989.679

learning music yeah um that might be

Time: 1992.519

tricky maybe they need the sheet music

Time: 1994.08

in front of them I don't know I'm not a

Time: 1995.279

musician yeah I mean I studied a a

Time: 1998.039

professional guitar player at one point

Time: 1999.88

you were a professional guitar I studied

Time: 2001.559

one oh so for for a book everything's

Time: 2004

from some book I've written a lot of

Time: 2005

books I wrote a book 10 years ago um

Time: 2007.36

where I was trying to figure out as part

Time: 2008.519

of it how to people get better at things

Time: 2010.36

and so I spent time with a professional

Time: 2012.12

guitar player that said I just wanted to

Time: 2014.12

see how he practiced like what does this

Time: 2015.76

actually look like and what I learned

Time: 2017.12

from them is like what they do is yeah

Time: 2019

they have the music in front of them but

Time: 2020.399

for them it's all speed so they take a

Time: 2022.72

piece he was working on licks for he was

Time: 2024.84

a new acoustic style player and they had

Time: 2026.76

these kind of blueg grassy type licks um

Time: 2029.6

and he probably had it memorized and he

Time: 2031.08

knew how fast he could comfortably play

Time: 2032.559

it for them it's all about adding 20% to

Time: 2035.519

what they're comfortably doing and then

Time: 2037.639

that that that push passed where they're

Time: 2039.799

comfortable and the thing I remember

Time: 2041.399

writing about him was he was

Time: 2043.159

concentrating so hard to try to hit this

Time: 2045.08

lick 20% faster than he was used to it

Time: 2047.559

is he'd forget to breathe so he'd be

Time: 2049.44

like going going going and then just

Time: 2050.839

gasp you know like because his body

Time: 2052.399

would you know force them force them to

Time: 2053.919

breathe so yeah there it seemed to be

Time: 2055.76

all about uh deliberate practice so like

Time: 2057.839

how do you they don't waste any time

Time: 2059.24

professional musicians waste no time

Time: 2061.44

doing things they're comfortable doing

Time: 2063.52

every time they spend practicing and

Time: 2065.119

this is also incredibly difficult uh but

Time: 2067.679

every time they been practicing it's

Time: 2069.079

almost entirely in a a state of I'm not

Time: 2071.72

comfortable with this but if I focus as

Time: 2073.879

hard as I can maybe I'm G to pull this

Time: 2076.72

off like I'll pull off the Sonata at

Time: 2079.04

this new speed I'm trying to do maybe

Time: 2080.839

I'll pull it off it's like the maximal

Time: 2083.119

growth stimulating State uh and so I

Time: 2086.159

wrote in the in this chapter why was he

Time: 2089.359

so much better at Guitar than I was at

Time: 2091.919

the same age because I played a lot of

Time: 2093.079

guitar when I was younger and was in

Time: 2094.839

rock bands right and this kid was young

Time: 2096.76

right right but really really good and I

Time: 2098.76

said okay now I realize it I can

Time: 2100.44

recognize me when I look back at my time

Time: 2102.64

playing guitar at his age I played stuff

Time: 2104.28

I knew how to play like that's what was

Time: 2106.32

fun like yeah I want to like jam along

Time: 2108

with the songs I knew or you know rip

Time: 2109.76

some pentatonic scales you know to like

Time: 2111.599

a jimmi Hendrick album uh it was fun and

Time: 2114.92

he spent almost no time the pro spent no

Time: 2116.599

time having fun practicing was your

Time: 2118.8

brain had to be you know uncomfortable

Time: 2121.64

so I learned a lot from that you know um

Time: 2124.119

this actually led to a bit of a battle

Time: 2126.92

because of my my readers there was this

Time: 2128.8

uh a this battle that emerged where

Time: 2132.2

people were trying to combine Andre

Time: 2133.88

Ericson in deliberate practice with uh

Time: 2137.2

Maley chmi and Flo and really they were

Time: 2141.04

trying to make flow apply everywhere

Time: 2142.96

like it's all about flow uh deliberate

Time: 2144.88

practice is flow everything is flow the

Time: 2146.52

whole thing is to get into a state of

Time: 2147.64

flow and I remember Anders talking about

Time: 2149.88

this at some point and say like no no no

Time: 2151.56

like the state of practice that makes

Time: 2152.96

you better it's the opposite of flow

Time: 2155.839

right in flow you lose track of time

Time: 2157.92

when you're practicing like that

Time: 2159.16

professional guitar player you know

Time: 2161.24

every second it passes by because it's

Time: 2163.24

like incredibly difficult like what

Time: 2164.92

you're doing your mind is rebelling it's

Time: 2167.28

not natural you know it's not fun it's

Time: 2169.64

not the skier going down the the hill

Time: 2171.599

and it's all Instinct it's you it's all

Time: 2173.839

you thinking about exactly what you're

Time: 2175.28

trying to do and so you know I began to

Time: 2178.079

push this point out here is like it's

Time: 2179.24

not all about flow like actually getting

Time: 2181.079

better at things is really painful

Time: 2182.72

sometimes deliberate practice is not the

Time: 2184.359

same as flow and there's a lot of fights

Time: 2186.4

about this for a while I think there was

Time: 2188

a lot of flow Advocates that just wanted

Time: 2189.88

life to be flow all the time but I think

Time: 2192.24

Anders was right because I watched these

Time: 2193.92

professionals practice like that's what

Time: 2196.04

it is it's not fun well everything we

Time: 2198.359

know about neuroplasticity which of

Time: 2200.04

course is the nervous system's ability

Time: 2201.52

to change in response to experience says

Time: 2204.319

that there needs to be some

Time: 2206.88

neurochemical or electrical condition

Time: 2210.52

that changes in the nervous system in

Time: 2212.52

order to queue up plasticity and um to

Time: 2215.64

my knowledge one of of the most um

Time: 2218.079

robust of those is the release of the

Time: 2220.079

so-called catac colomines dopamine

Time: 2221.68

epinephrine norepinephrine um dopamine

Time: 2224.4

because it's involved in so many things

Time: 2226.52

uh can be a little bit of a distractor

Time: 2227.92

so let's just say epinephrine

Time: 2229.319

norepinephrine adrenaline nor adrenaline

Time: 2231.48

it create in the body and mind to some

Time: 2233.8

extent a state of alertness and often a

Time: 2235.52

state of agitation but if you think

Time: 2237.319

about it in the absence of some

Time: 2239.76

neuromodulators like those yeah um that

Time: 2242.72

change the conditions for wiring of

Time: 2244.8

neurons you know everyone loves fire

Time: 2246.2

together wire together yeah beautiful

Time: 2248.28

statement by Carla shatz not Donald Hebb

Time: 2250.52

Dr Carla shat said that not Donald Hebb

Time: 2253.44

um but why would neurons need to change

Time: 2256.76

their patterns of connectivity if you

Time: 2259.16

can complete the operation the nervous

Time: 2261.16

system needs to um it doesn't feel

Time: 2264.28

discomfort it creates discomfort but the

Time: 2266.48

nervous system needs a cue to that okay

Time: 2268.96

this is different I'm failing and it's

Time: 2271.319

the failures that actually trigger the

Time: 2272.88

plasticity it's the discomfort that cues

Time: 2275.319

that conditions are different different

Time: 2276.96

now otherwise there's simply no reason

Time: 2278.96

to devote energetic resources to

Time: 2280.64

rewiring neurons and I feel like we

Time: 2282.72

don't learn this when we're kids we um

Time: 2285.28

and I think as kids we can learn so much

Time: 2287.48

without that feeling of agitation we get

Time: 2289.56

into these modes of looking for flow and

Time: 2292.76

um I have respect for the the research

Time: 2295.079

on Flow and the people Bal in but I'd

Time: 2296.92

like to talk about flow a little bit the

Time: 2298.28

only thing I really know about flow for

Time: 2299.68

sure is that backwards it spells wolf so

Time: 2302.44

um one of flow it's such an attractive

Time: 2304.92

idea right it's like Star Wars like you

Time: 2306.839

have the force and you're kind you're

Time: 2309.16

doing things without thinking and um

Time: 2312.04

awesome but I can't flow myself through

Time: 2315.119

a paper Y and extract the critical data

Time: 2317.52

I can't create a podcast in flow but

Time: 2319.96

when it's done it feels great especially

Time: 2323.72

if you nail the the key metrics so what

Time: 2325.68

do you think about flow let's I'm not

Time: 2327.119

trying to beat up on it I just want to

Time: 2328.64

understand how how you place it in the

Time: 2329.839

framework of learning and and deep work

Time: 2333.76

if it belongs there at all it doesn't

Time: 2335.28

have a big place in it in the Deep work

Time: 2337.44

framework and and this was what the

Time: 2338.76

controversy was for a while and and I I

Time: 2341.119

knew mahaley a little bit like we we

Time: 2342.64

corresponded some and I knew Andre a

Time: 2344.04

little bit like we corresponded some so

Time: 2345.359

I sort of felt like I was um you know

Time: 2347.48

and and both of them actually tragically

Time: 2349.64

have died in the last three or four

Time: 2351.92

years I think oh that's very sad yeah I

Time: 2354.68

think both recently um Flo doesn't play

Time: 2358.079

a big role in the Deep the Deep work

Time: 2359.359

framework right so so when I was trying

Time: 2360.8

to justify deep work so why why focusing

Time: 2363.68

without distraction was important I was

Time: 2366.079

drawing a lot more for and's work right

Time: 2368.24

because uh why is focusing without

Time: 2370.839

distraction important well you have to

Time: 2372.599

quiet the neural circuitry so you can

Time: 2374.16

isolate the circuit that's actually

Time: 2375.44

relevant to the thing that you're doing

Time: 2377.16

right you're not going to get better at

Time: 2379

something if you have noisy circuitry

Time: 2381

this is and that requires uh really

Time: 2382.76

intense concentration so is one of the

Time: 2384.68

big advantages of deep work was if

Time: 2386.96

you're used to that cognitive State

Time: 2388.4

you're going to learn things faster and

Time: 2389.599

I think it was all Anders to understand

Time: 2391.16

why so if you're not distracted I'm

Time: 2393.2

really focusing hard on what I'm doing

Time: 2395.28

trying to learn this new thing

Time: 2397

you're giving the right mental

Time: 2398.359

conditions but it's not a flow State I

Time: 2399.96

always used to say okay when your when

Time: 2401.24

your deep work is not flow because of

Time: 2403.92

this like a lot of deep work is you're

Time: 2405.2

trying to do something that is beyond

Time: 2407.119

your comfort zone and that's going to be

Time: 2408.839

difficult that's a state of deliberate

Time: 2410

practice and there's a famous paper

Time: 2412.04

about this where Anders uh actually

Time: 2414.96

explicitly says deliberate practice and

Time: 2417.2

flow are very different and and I wrote

Time: 2419.52

an essay years ago called the father of

Time: 2422

deliberate practice disowns flow and

Time: 2424.4

again people are really flow partisans

Time: 2426.4

out there it's interesting I think

Time: 2427.68

people just like the idea because it

Time: 2430.04

feels good but I mean flow is the

Time: 2432.48

feeling of performance is the way I

Time: 2434

think about it like it's really hard to

Time: 2435.96

train for certain sports but then when

Time: 2438.96

you're actually performing you're in the

Time: 2440.28

game you can fall in the flow right

Time: 2441.8

because then everything is undo it's

Time: 2443.28

really hard to train guitar but like

Time: 2444.72

when you're performing in front of a big

Time: 2446.04

crowd you probably maybe you fall in the

Time: 2447.52

flow maybe you don't but you could right

Time: 2449.079

but it's the performance State not the

Time: 2451.319

practicing getting better state so you

Time: 2453.28

know to Me Flo has like very little role

Time: 2456.64

in how I think about what I do as a

Time: 2458.8

cognitive professional it's just not

Time: 2460.72

something that comes up that

Time: 2462.359

often I agree um that we learn through

Time: 2466.52

focused work and that uh flow does um

Time: 2470.4

manifest itself during performance and

Time: 2473.44

sometimes um so much so that people

Time: 2475.64

exhibit virtuosity they're surprising

Time: 2478.76

themselves even what what's in there and

Time: 2481.16

that's kind of I always think of it's a

Time: 2482.68

what is unskilled skilled Mastery

Time: 2484.52

virtuosity virtuosity seems to

Time: 2486.4

incorporate some sort random elements of

Time: 2488.92

maybe even the performer has not done

Time: 2490.64

that before and they surprise themselves

Time: 2492.4

or something like that who knows these

Time: 2494.28

are these are words for um for something

Time: 2497.16

that uh isn't easily Quantified in the

Time: 2499.079

first place but in terms of deep work

Time: 2501.359

and getting um a little bit back to kind

Time: 2503.44

of practical steps towards steep work I

Time: 2505.599

also have to ask you because I didn't uh

Time: 2507.2

earlier when you are on your laptop in

Time: 2509.64

your library with your fireplace and

Time: 2511.44

these books it's a beautiful image

Time: 2512.839

actually that you've drawn for us in our

Time: 2514.24

minds um is the Wi-Fi connection to your

Time: 2517.88

computer activated or are you offline uh

Time: 2521

it's connected um because it doesn't

Time: 2522.839

really matter to me you know because

Time: 2524.8

what what is what's drawing my attention

Time: 2527.079

um I mean the most important decision I

Time: 2529.04

think I made technically speaking to be

Time: 2531.2

a cognitive worker is I the lack of

Time: 2534.52

social media like I I I think we

Time: 2537.64

underestimate the degree to which our

Time: 2540.319

problem with digital distraction is not

Time: 2541.92

the Internet it's not our phones it is

Time: 2544.48

specific products and services that are

Time: 2546.599

engineered at Great expense they pull

Time: 2548.559

you back to them when you take that away

Time: 2550.28

the internet's not that interesting like

Time: 2552.359

I don't have a cycle of sites to go to

Time: 2555.88

you know I can check my email but I

Time: 2557.72

don't really know where else to go I

Time: 2559

mean I could go to the New York Times I

Time: 2560.2

guess but then you've seen the Articles

Time: 2561.559

right they they change it once a day

Time: 2563.4

there's just not much I've set things up

Time: 2565.04

so there's not much that's that

Time: 2566.119

interesting to

Time: 2568

me we've all heard of fomo fear of

Time: 2571.52

missing out I feel like there's the

Time: 2574.079

other thing which is um fear of missing

Time: 2577.28

something bad right sort of like an

Time: 2579.68

anxiety a more primitive anxiety within

Time: 2581.64

us that if we are not engaged on social

Time: 2583.839

media or looking at our phone often or

Time: 2585.68

texting often that it's not that we'll

Time: 2587.64

miss the party um we'll miss the

Time: 2590.28

emergency um you don't seem to suffer

Time: 2592.559

from those kind of everyday ills yeah I

Time: 2595.319

mean it doesn't happen that much I mean

Time: 2597

I have a phone you know a a standard I

Time: 2600.2

mean I have my phone I guess if I'm

Time: 2601.319

working away from it yeah I guess it's

Time: 2602.599

true if there was an

Time: 2603.72

emergency uh but this was the case for

Time: 2606.359

long time right we didn't have

Time: 2607.96

smartphones till really relatively

Time: 2609.96

recently this is you know 15 years ago

Time: 2612.68

so we were just used to this until

Time: 2614.92

yesterday essentially that there's just

Time: 2617.44

periods of time where you're you're out

Time: 2619

of touch like you're at a restaurant

Time: 2620.48

with someone you're out of touch until

Time: 2622.359

you get back to your office like we were

Time: 2623.64

okay you know we weren't plagued by

Time: 2625.24

emergencies that that uh led to

Time: 2627.44

disastrous results because we couldn't

Time: 2629

hear about it right then you go to the

Time: 2630.119

movies like you're out of touch right

Time: 2631.48

and be a couple hours till you're in

Time: 2632.96

touch again and so I don't you know it's

Time: 2635

not something that's affected me as much

Time: 2636.68

so maybe I'm working without my phone

Time: 2638.04

nearby a lot of people have this

Time: 2639.839

response they begin sort of

Time: 2640.92

catastrophizing like what if this

Time: 2642.359

happens or this or that and I'm thinking

Time: 2643.8

you know uh I survived before that my

Time: 2646.04

parents survived without that my my

Time: 2647.8

grandparents survived without that um I

Time: 2650.28

don't worry about it as much you know

Time: 2652.119

and and some of this maybe is just this

Time: 2654.119

doesn't upset people as as much as it

Time: 2655.8

used to the fact I don't use a lot of

Time: 2657.28

these apps or have my phone um but it

Time: 2659.359

really does upset people right there's

Time: 2661.92

what about this what about that what

Time: 2663.28

about this and I don't know how much of

Time: 2664.52

this is just maybe I'm oblivious and how

Time: 2667.359

much of this is people back sliding

Time: 2669.2

explanation for why they do need their

Time: 2671.96

phone why they do need to look at all

Time: 2673.2

the time but I I get a lot of it yeah

Time: 2675.16

well maybe they're upset and you don't

Time: 2676.16

know because you're not looking at your

Time: 2677.319

phone that's right hey I'll tell you

Time: 2679.52

what that's a blessing not knowing how

Time: 2681.16

upset people are at you yeah it's a

Time: 2682.68

blessing as a semi-public figure I'll

Time: 2684.28

tell you that uh yeah I can comment on

Time: 2686.559

that but I won't um I am on social media

Time: 2689.68

and um I do enjoy it as I've got started

Time: 2692.839

posting on Instagram and then expanded

Time: 2694.599

to other platforms including the the

Time: 2696.319

podcast but there's a threshold Beyond

Time: 2698.48

which it becomes counterproductive for

Time: 2700.28

sure um I think there's information

Time: 2702.76

there um that like questions that people

Time: 2705.76

ask are often informative it's sort of

Time: 2707.2

like ending a class and asking are there

Time: 2709.2

any questions sometimes the comments

Time: 2710.72

that people bring back are truly

Time: 2712.359

informative towards both where they

Time: 2714.88

might have some misunderstanding but

Time: 2716.76

also sometimes some really terrific

Time: 2718.64

ideas yeah um so there's that but I I

Time: 2721.559

completely agree that this is a a very

Time: 2724.64

uh precarious space um and I'll just

Time: 2728.92

relay a quick anecdote years ago I gave

Time: 2730.44

a quick lecture um down at Santa clar

Time: 2732.92

University south of Stanford and I was

Time: 2734.4

talking about this issue I recommended

Time: 2735.839

your book and a student came up

Time: 2737.04

afterwards and he said you don't get it

Time: 2739.92

at that time I was in my early 40s he

Time: 2741.4

said you don't get it you know you grew

Time: 2743.4

up without social media and the phone

Time: 2745.48

and so you've adopted it into your life

Time: 2747.48

but we grew up with it and when my phone

Time: 2749.839

he's speaking for himself in the first

Time: 2751.24

person when my phone loses power I feel

Time: 2754.72

a physical drain Within in my body and

Time: 2756.72

when it comes back on I feel a lift

Time: 2759.16

within my body so I I'd love your

Time: 2761.359

thoughts on whether or not you think the

Time: 2763.52

phone and perhaps social media as well

Time: 2766.48

are in some ways an extension of our

Time: 2768.319

brain it's almost like another cortical

Time: 2770

area that contains all this information

Time: 2772.359

it's sort it's a version of us this gets

Time: 2773.96

into Notions of AI that we can talk

Time: 2775.559

about as well I know you're involved in

Time: 2777

in Ai and writing about AI but you know

Time: 2779.68

to me the when the phone is used in that

Time: 2782.16

way um it really is a almost like a

Time: 2786.44

uh a piece of neural Machinery of sorts

Time: 2789.64

yeah I mean there's two ways of looking

Time: 2790.72

at it yeah so there is the the sort of

Time: 2793.2

cyborg image I suppose right like you

Time: 2795.24

are you're extending you're you're

Time: 2797.079

plugging into this neosphere like you

Time: 2799.52

have this sort of digital Network

Time: 2800.88

extension of information and what's

Time: 2802.319

going on there's also the much more

Time: 2804.4

pessimistic view which is no no that

Time: 2806.359

feeling is the feeling of a moderate

Time: 2808.44

behavioral addiction right so you you

Time: 2810.76

you'll hear the same thing from a a

Time: 2812.8

gambler I really when I'm away from

Time: 2815.4

being a ble to to play right to make my

Time: 2817.359

bets or do whatever like I feel really

Time: 2819.119

if I feel not myself and then when I'm

Time: 2821.28

when I'm around it and I can play make

Time: 2823.04

some bets play some poke or whatever it

Time: 2824.28

is feeling of the chips I feel I feel

Time: 2826.079

myself that chips right like they would

Time: 2827.559

say so there it could be both of these

Time: 2829.48

things could be true I think the

Time: 2831.2

moderate behavioral addiction side is is

Time: 2833.48

more true than than a lot of us want to

Time: 2835.2

admit actually like it it does feel bad

Time: 2837.599

because moderate behavioral addictions

Time: 2839.599

build these these feedback response

Time: 2841.44

loops and then you get the dopamine

Time: 2843

system going when the anticipation

Time: 2845.48

because what's on there is things that

Time: 2847.04

have been engineered that you're going

Time: 2848.16

to get this sort of Highly engaging

Time: 2849.559

stimuli and then you see the Deliverance

Time: 2851.68

of that stimuli right this really nice

Time: 2854.76

piece of glass on a piece of metal I'm

Time: 2856.24

going to press this sort of carefully uh

Time: 2858.68

this icon whose colors have been chosen

Time: 2861

because we know it's going to hit

Time: 2862.92

various parts of our neural alert

Time: 2864.52

systems to be as engaging as possible um

Time: 2866.92

and I'm going to see something in there

Time: 2868.48

that's going to generate some sort of

Time: 2870.28

emotional response so of course when you

Time: 2871.76

see that thing sitting there you want to

Time: 2873.8

use it and when you can't it's a a

Time: 2876.359

stying dopamine response you're like

Time: 2877.96

this this is not good I'm uncomfortable

Time: 2880.24

and I I think that's a big part of it as

Time: 2881.8

well um because I've had this you know

Time: 2883.64

I've had this argument with with some

Time: 2885.079

people and I by the way I see both sides

Time: 2887.2

of this like there there are great

Time: 2888.52

advantages to what people are doing with

Time: 2890.48

these tools it's just that it's all

Time: 2892.28

mixed up with all these disadvantages

Time: 2894.4

and it becomes very difficult it's like

Time: 2896.48

the alcohol in the neighborhood bar is

Time: 2897.92

too potent you know and and people are

Time: 2900.16

going there to socialize and they're

Time: 2901.839

coming home at 3 in the morning you know

Time: 2904

uh passing out you know it's like the

Time: 2905.72

balance is off not that there's not

Time: 2906.92

something good there but the balance is

Time: 2909

off so it becomes pretty difficult to

Time: 2910.359

navigate so I think some of that's

Time: 2911.72

what's going on especially with the

Time: 2913

younger generation that was raised on it

Time: 2915.119

which is why by the way I think the

Time: 2917

cultural norms are going to change

Time: 2918.2

around this I think we're going to think

Time: 2920

about unrestricted internet usage not as

Time: 2923.16

something that we just sort of bequeath

Time: 2924.64

on youth as they become 10 years old but

Time: 2927.4

something that we're actually much more

Time: 2928.4

careful about uh probably something

Time: 2930.4

that's going to be post pubescent is

Time: 2932.079

going to make a lot more sense once

Time: 2933.24

you've had more brain development once

Time: 2935

you've had more uh social entrenchment

Time: 2937.559

you sort of understand your identity Etc

Time: 2940.16

because we recognize you know the the

Time: 2942.16

flip side of plugging this thing into

Time: 2943.44

your brain is yeah you have access to

Time: 2944.559

more information but it also pumps that

Time: 2946.76

into your brain so I don't know I I lean

Time: 2949.64

a little bit heavier towards the

Time: 2950.839

pessimistic read because I know too many

Time: 2952.76

people because of my books um who've

Time: 2955.079

really reduced the impact of these

Time: 2956.319

things in their lives and they don't on

Time: 2958.48

the far side of that transformation they

Time: 2961.319

don't typically report a great

Time: 2962.92

impoverishment and experence experience

Time: 2964.76

they don't report

Time: 2966.24

um I'm less mentally agile the

Time: 2968.28

information at my fingertips is less I

Time: 2970.28

I'm I'm missing out on life there's

Time: 2972.28

typically this coming out of the fog on

Time: 2973.839

the other side of it where they're like

Time: 2975

oh this is fine so you know I'm a little

Time: 2977.319

bit suspicious about exactly what this

Time: 2978.92

mechanism is I think you're right about

Time: 2981.319

the um moderate behavioral addiction

Time: 2983.92

piece years ago when I was starting my

Time: 2986.359

lab I had grants to write and I found

Time: 2988.68

the phone to be pretty intrusive for

Time: 2990.76

that process so I used to give the phone

Time: 2992.599

to somebody in my lab and announc to

Time: 2994.079

everyone in my lab that if I asked asked

Time: 2995.72

for it back prior to 5:00 p.m. that day

Time: 2998.079

I would give everyone in the lab I think

Time: 2999.52

it was a $100 bill my lab was pretty big

Time: 3001.24

at the time I was a junior Professor

Time: 3002.799

they did not do not sorry uh academic

Time: 3006.119

institutions not to be named um pay us

Time: 3008.28

very much despite what people might

Time: 3009.52

think and um and it was difficult

Time: 3012.68

several times throughout the day or more

Time: 3014.2

I was like I really want to look at that

Time: 3015.68

thing but the end of the day um I'll

Time: 3018.16

tell you that no one got paid I got my

Time: 3019.88

phone back but it's wonderful the amount

Time: 3021.839

of work that you can get done when that

Time: 3023.52

thing is out of the room I mean it's my

Time: 3024.96

it's my super hour right I don't work

Time: 3027.799

that hard in the sense that I don't do

Time: 3029.44

long hours like I'm not constitutionally

Time: 3032.319

suited for long hours this was never my

Time: 3034.4

thing uh my brain tires right I mean I'm

Time: 3037.76

good for four four and a half good hours

Time: 3040.4

a day of actually producing good stuff

Time: 3043.2

with my brain probably Max but you know

Time: 3045.559

I don't use my phone that much I don't

Time: 3047

use the internet that much and I

Time: 3048.88

prioritize it and a lot just gets done

Time: 3050.64

it just sort of piles up over time you

Time: 3052.359

know and there's this sense of like you

Time: 3053.839

must be burning the midnight oil and you

Time: 3055.28

have all these things going on uh but

Time: 3057.48

again people I think underestimate and

Time: 3059.359

it's not the uh they underestimate the

Time: 3061.2

impact of this it's not just the the

Time: 3063.04

accumulation of time you spend looking

Time: 3065.079

on your phone it's also this network

Time: 3067.119

switching cost right because like the

Time: 3069.4

phone is very good at inducing a network

Time: 3071.24

switch and that's an expensive timec

Time: 3073.88

consuming energy consuming neuronal

Time: 3077.119

operation task switching I'm going to

Time: 3079.16

switch my focus of attention from this

Time: 3080.92

to that like we can't do that in two

Time: 3083.96

seconds right that's a hard process it

Time: 3085.76

takes a while it's why when you sit down

Time: 3087.319

to work on something really hard you

Time: 3088.92

have that feeling of for the first 15

Time: 3090.88

minutes this is terrible you know and

Time: 3093.16

then after like 15 or 20 minutes you

Time: 3094.52

sort of get into the groove I always

Time: 3096.48

assumed part of what's going on is it

Time: 3098.119

takes a while for your brain to really

Time: 3099.839

start marshalling okay so what semantic

Time: 3102.44

networks do we need to start activating

Time: 3104.2

here oh we don't need this let's inhibit

Time: 3105.88

this we're not doing that anymore it

Time: 3107.119

takes a while um so what happens then

Time: 3109.44

when you have a lot of these quick

Time: 3110.72

checks to social media you're jumping in

Time: 3112.68

on email back and forth is you have this

Time: 3115.559

disaster catastrophic pile up of aborted

Time: 3119.319

task switches happening right and so

Time: 3121.4

it's not just the total time you're

Time: 3123.319

looking at let's say email or social

Time: 3124.96

media it's the 15minute window you have

Time: 3127.76

to add around each of those checks in

Time: 3129.599

which you have this cognitive disorder

Time: 3131.799

that really adds up and then you realize

Time: 3133.559

oh there was no time during my day in

Time: 3136.2

which I was more than 15 minutes away

Time: 3138.52

from looking at something that induced a

Time: 3140.28

network switch the the data I like to

Time: 3142.16

site which was looking at email and

Time: 3144.16

slack checks and knowledge workers this

Time: 3145.799

came from Rescue time the software

Time: 3147.119

company the

Time: 3148.559

median average interval between checks

Time: 3151.68

was 5 minutes it's the median and the

Time: 3153.92

mode was one minute in this data set so

Time: 3156

it was like we are we are checking all

Time: 3158.319

the time that means you were never in a

Time: 3159.92

state then in your day where you don't

Time: 3161.76

have a confused cognitive space where

Time: 3163.839

you don't have partially you were

Time: 3165.599

switching to this task but then you

Time: 3167.4

switch back to this task before that

Time: 3168.839

finish but before you could fully lock

Time: 3170.319

in on this task you look back over here

Time: 3172.319

and so you're spending your entire day

Time: 3174.16

in the state of cognitive disorder which

Time: 3176.319

is going to be reduced cognitive output

Time: 3178.319

right so you get rid of that I mean I

Time: 3180.4

always say like one of my advantages is

Time: 3182.04

not that I'm doing anything smarter I'm

Time: 3183.72

just avoiding sometimes the dumb thing

Time: 3185.52

just holding slowing other people down

Time: 3187.839

you get rid of that and you feel like

Time: 3189.4

you're on the world's best uh

Time: 3190.72

neurotropic or something like this like

Time: 3192.359

oh I'm just doing this thing and I'm

Time: 3194.119

doing it pretty well now I'm done you

Time: 3195.839

why this didn't even take that long so I

Time: 3197.72

mean I I think people underestimate

Time: 3198.88

what's going on here I'd like to take a

Time: 3200.88

quick break to acknowledge our sponsor

Time: 3202.88

element element is an electrolyte drink

Time: 3205.44

that has everything you need and nothing

Time: 3207.079

you don't that means zero sugar and the

Time: 3209.359

appropriate ratios of the electrolytes

Time: 3211.319

sodium magnesium and potassium and that

Time: 3213.839

correct ratio of electrolytes is

Time: 3215.48

extremely important because every cell

Time: 3217.48

in your body but especially your nerve

Time: 3219.559

cells your neurons relies on

Time: 3221.44

electrolytes in order to function

Time: 3223.04

properly so when you're well hydrated

Time: 3225.359

and you have the appropriate amount of

Time: 3226.64

electrolytes in your system your mental

Time: 3228.52

functioning and your physical

Time: 3229.72

functioning is improved I drink one

Time: 3231.72

packet of element dissolved in about 16

Time: 3233.72

to 32 ounces of water when I wake up in

Time: 3236.079

the morning as well as while I exercise

Time: 3238.92

and if I've sweat a lot during that

Time: 3240.44

exercise I often will drink a third

Time: 3242.16

element packet dissolved in about 32

Time: 3244.16

ounces of water after I exercise element

Time: 3246.76

comes in a variety of different flavors

Time: 3248.599

all of which I find really tasty I like

Time: 3250.72

the Citrus I like the watermelon I like

Time: 3252.4

the raspberry frankly I can't pick just

Time: 3254.28

one it also comes in chocolate and

Time: 3256.559

chocolate mint which I find tastes best

Time: 3258.48

if they are put into water dissolved and

Time: 3260.24

then heated up I tend to do that in the

Time: 3262.319

winter months because of course you

Time: 3264.04

don't just need hydr on hot days and in

Time: 3266.88

the summer and spring months but also in

Time: 3268.599

the winter when the temperatures are

Time: 3270.64

cold and the environment tends to be dry

Time: 3273.119

if you'd like to try element you can go

Time: 3274.68

to drink element spelled

Time: 3276.799

el.com huberman to try a free sample

Time: 3279.52

pack again that's drink element.com

Time: 3282.24

huberman yeah would like to drill into

Time: 3284.92

the concept of context and task

Time: 3287.359

switching a bit more uh I do think that

Time: 3291.44

the brain has something akin to a

Time: 3294.319

transmission system system where you

Time: 3296.64

know for people that drive and have

Time: 3298.359

driven you know the the amount of energy

Time: 3300.72

that needs to be used in order to

Time: 3302.599

accelerate a vehicle to get up to a you

Time: 3304.839

know higher gear it's very different

Time: 3306.799

than the um equal amount of increase in

Time: 3309.88

speed at a given gear right so it's sort

Time: 3311.96

of the this is you hear this if you're

Time: 3313.4

not familiar with transmission say it

Time: 3315


Time: 3316.04

like it sounds as if there's it's more

Time: 3319.04

fasile at at higher speeds well how

Time: 3320.92

could it be that you're burning less

Time: 3321.92

fuel at a higher speed it's not exactly

Time: 3323.559

that way but but I think the brain has

Time: 3325.839

these sort of transmission systems and

Time: 3327.319

what you're describing with um people

Time: 3329.24

switching back and forth and checking

Time: 3330.799

email and phone Etc and back to the work

Time: 3333

um that should be at hand is sort of

Time: 3335.52

akin to going up and down the the gear

Time: 3337.599

system constantly yeah trying to arrive

Time: 3339.799

at a given destination and sure you

Time: 3341.92

might arrive but you're going to burn

Time: 3343.72

far more fuel it's the least efficient

Time: 3345.839

way to go about it you want to get into

Time: 3347.76

that deep Groove and I think when we

Time: 3349.96

hear about flow I feel like at least for

Time: 3352.24

me that's the sort of notion of flow

Time: 3354.359

that I'm looking for or dropping into

Time: 3355.839

that deep Groove even if there's some

Time: 3357.359

friction within that groove of the the

Time: 3358.76

challenge of the work that I'm doing

Time: 3359.88

it's about not thinking about anything

Time: 3361.359

else it's really about Focus yep right

Time: 3363.96

and the word flow is just a wonderfully

Time: 3365.96

attractive word um that I think gives us

Time: 3370.48

the the false impression that we can

Time: 3372.88

just drop into things like a square wave

Time: 3374.68

function sit down pen and paper go and

Time: 3377.44

there's no possible way that neural

Time: 3379.559

circuits could work that way no we let's

Time: 3381.079

let's invent the term and I'm you tell

Time: 3382.92

me if the term makes sense I'm invent on

Time: 3384.2

the fly but uh neuros semantic coherence

Time: 3387.52

this is going to be my alternative term

Time: 3389

for flow when you're working on

Time: 3391.319

something hard um it's not that you're

Time: 3393.4

in an actual Flow State where you lose

Time: 3394.839

track of what you're doing you're

Time: 3395.559

concentrating really hard but I'm why

Time: 3397.48

I'm saying neuros semantic coherence is

Time: 3399.96

you get to this place where the sort of

Time: 3401.559

relevant semantic neural networks are

Time: 3403.28

all um those that are activated are all

Time: 3405.48

relevant to what you're doing and you've

Time: 3408.119

uh over time inhibited most of the

Time: 3410.079

unrelated networks that were fired up

Time: 3412

before and so you get in this sense of

Time: 3414.16

it's hard

Time: 3415.48

maybe I'm not losing track of time but

Time: 3417.4

like I'm all focused on this you know

Time: 3419.52

I'm grappling with the the the bear here

Time: 3422.48

the the math equation the book chapter

Time: 3424.72

whatever it is um and so it's something

Time: 3426.76

different than flow but it's also

Time: 3428.4

different than Linda Stone had the term

Time: 3430.96

partial continuous attention which is

Time: 3432.52

what you're that cognitive disaster of

Time: 3434.319

I'm constantly Network switching back

Time: 3435.64

and forth so we'll call it neuros

Time: 3437.079

semantic coherence I'm going to coin

Time: 3438.559

that term um because it's uh you have

Time: 3441

this coherence of the semantic neural

Time: 3442.599

networks on what you're doing and that's

Time: 3444.52

the feeling of I'm getting after this

Time: 3447.16

hard problem and it might be really hard

Time: 3449.64

to do I mean I know the feeling of

Time: 3451.2

trying to solve a math proof for me for

Time: 3452.76

example could be so difficult because I

Time: 3455.079

mean what does it actually feel like in

Time: 3456.52

your head when you're solving a math

Time: 3457.96

proof it's a lot of you hold this here

Time: 3460.92

and then you try to get to the next step

Time: 3463.16

by doing this and it doesn't work but

Time: 3465.119

you have to keep holding this here which

Time: 3466.28

takes a lot of concentration okay let me

Time: 3467.599

try this that didn't work either but

Time: 3469.48

this looked promising okay so now I need

Time: 3471.039

to go back and in my mind's eye update

Time: 3473.799

this setup and now let me try this so

Time: 3475.4

it's a lot of holding things in your

Time: 3476.559

working memory um and keeping them

Time: 3478.64

loaded while you try an extension and

Time: 3480.48

then evaluating how that work without

Time: 3482.119

and so it requires um just internal

Time: 3485.359

concentration which isn't pleasant but

Time: 3487.28

in neuros semantic coherence it's all

Time: 3489.16

that's happening in your world you know

Time: 3490.76

is that in that proof so maybe that's

Time: 3492.119

what we should be pitching what people

Time: 3494.079

should be looking for is yeah forget

Time: 3496

flow but also remember like this default

Time: 3499.079

where you're like the rescue time data

Time: 3500.88

set participants checking email once

Time: 3502.44

every 5 minutes that's cognitive

Time: 3504.24


Time: 3505.319

that's crazy that's like you're trying

Time: 3507.359

to you know play football and you're

Time: 3509.44

covering over one of your eyes and

Time: 3510.96

wearing like a 50 pound ruck sack on

Time: 3512.52

you're just like handicapping your

Time: 3514.24

abilities here for no reason right so

Time: 3516.319

what's in between is this idea and that

Time: 3518.559

requires Focus you know it requires deep

Time: 3520.559

work yeah we're playing football and

Time: 3522.4

then um every three Downs or so running

Time: 3525.2

into the stands and having a

Time: 3526.319

conversation trying to work out

Time: 3527.48

something challenging with your spouse

Time: 3528.92

or whatever then going back and trying a

Time: 3530.799

totally different play set right um at

Time: 3534.079

risk of throwing too different too many

Time: 3536

analogies and and stories I'll just

Time: 3537.559

briefly say I went and saw the the play

Time: 3539.88

in New York with my sister this year I

Time: 3541.88

think it was Harry Potter and the cursed

Time: 3543.68

child or something like that um I didn't

Time: 3545.599

really enjoy the play that much but the

Time: 3546.96

set stuff was amazing and they had this

Time: 3548.599

magic Library I think is very very

Time: 3550.88

relevant here where essentially um the

Time: 3553.4

book that you open um has a certain

Time: 3556.359

topic I don't know maybe it's spells or

Time: 3557.599

something as Harry Potter again uh fun

Time: 3559.559

show but great set stuff didn't didn't

Time: 3561.88

really resonate with me too much in any

Time: 3563.64

event and then the book around it change

Time: 3565.76

their topic that but are related to that

Time: 3567.839

Central book interesting and then if you

Time: 3569.68

look at one particular thing like maybe

Time: 3571

it's potions or something I'm making

Time: 3572.2

this up and then all of a sudden the

Time: 3573.52

books the books around it change they

Time: 3575.52

become either more specific there might

Time: 3577.119

be a distant but related idea that could

Time: 3580.16

lend itself to creativity so sort of

Time: 3581.88

that's the way the brain works in

Time: 3583.52

cognition is that we get into a frame of

Time: 3586.559

of a certain discussion or a certain

Time: 3588.079

theme and and the and the the books on

Time: 3589.92

the Shelf change according to their

Time: 3591.48

relatedness based on memory of past

Time: 3593.72

what's going on now and plans for the

Time: 3595.16

future I think anytime we look at uh we

Time: 3597.319

change context and we look at you know a

Time: 3599.28

raccoon video on Instagram or our

Time: 3601.68

calendar and oh there's that thing the

Time: 3603.4

books become very scattered so when we

Time: 3605.079

return to it there's a lot more friction

Time: 3607.16

uh a lot more work or neural neural

Time: 3609.4

energy required to get back into that um

Time: 3612.839

this uh narrow states of cognition does

Time: 3615.16

that exactly explain sort of my

Time: 3616.44

experience and the way I think about it

Time: 3617.839

yeah yeah because you're it takes time

Time: 3620.079

uh to to load up the these sort of

Time: 3621.599

relevant these secondary and tertiary

Time: 3624.119

semantic ideas and now they're there so

Time: 3626.4

like you can pull from them and then as

Time: 3627.64

you shift you have to sort of shift this

Time: 3629.2

whole thing around that takes a lot of

Time: 3630.599

concentration I mean I I wrote this this

Time: 3632.92

article once that got me a little bit of

Time: 3634.76

trouble not not trouble but mild trouble

Time: 3638

uh but it was it was called was for the

Time: 3639.52

Chronicle of Higher Education um and the

Time: 3641.52

title they gave it was is email making

Time: 3643.48

Professor stupid which wasn't my title

Time: 3646.119

you basically called every every one of

Time: 3647.48

your colleagues stupid we all check

Time: 3649.16

email the dean at the time did call me

Time: 3650.64

in for lunch but actually he was here's

Time: 3652.079

the thing he was like hey this is real I

Time: 3653.52

agree with this um um but what I was

Time: 3655.88

arguing actually in that article

Time: 3658.16

essentially was what do we do at a

Time: 3660.599

university is is partially what we're

Time: 3662.599

supposed to be doing is trying to teach

Time: 3665.24

what the life of the mind is and how

Time: 3666.599

that works and we've kind of forgotten

Time: 3668.799

that so what we should maybe think about

Time: 3670.839

like at universities we need to be

Time: 3672.559

explicitly not just teaching how to

Time: 3674.96

think but also modeling the life of the

Time: 3678.039

mind at the at the highest level and so

Time: 3679.92

this idea that we just allow the the

Time: 3681.52

professor serot to to be drowned and um

Time: 3684.72

emails and and uh tasks and being

Time: 3687.72

distracted you know it's the main war

Time: 3689.839

that every research Professor has is how

Time: 3691.72

do I how do I fight the admin overload

Time: 3694.599

until I become famous enough to get an

Time: 3696

assistant right like this is the big

Time: 3697.52

problem and I was making this proposal

Time: 3699

of University should be the citadel's a

Time: 3700.92

concentration I said if you want to get

Time: 3702.839

the the best academics in the world to

Time: 3704.48

your University just tell them uh here's

Time: 3706.88

at the top of our contract you will not

Time: 3708.319

be assigned an email address like you're

Time: 3710.119

going to get Nobel laurates coming from

Time: 3711.839

you know all over the country to come to

Time: 3713.24

this place and so I was making this argu

Time: 3714.4

argument um we should think a lot more

Time: 3716.119

about thinking we should talk more about

Time: 3718.279

it we should model it exactly the type

Time: 3719.92

of things you're talking about um but we

Time: 3721.599

don't it's much more content Focus but

Time: 3723.359

really this should be something more

Time: 3724.559

that we we get into specifically like

Time: 3726.76

this is how you actually use the mind to

Time: 3729.72

produce Innovative uh interesting high

Time: 3732.44

value new cognitive artifacts this is a

Time: 3734.52

very hard thing we're asking you to do

Time: 3736.64

um but you can Apprentice here because

Time: 3738.279

this is what we do and we've mastered

Time: 3739.799

we're going to teach you how to do it uh

Time: 3741.48

but we never have that sort of meta

Time: 3743.559

conversation sort of metacognition

Time: 3745.2

conversation I've always thought that'd

Time: 3746.359

be important I think you'd have much

Time: 3747.68

better outcomes if that's part of what

Time: 3749.079

you learned at the University was how to

Time: 3751.079

take the thing in your head and really

Time: 3753.359

put it to work you know really extract

Time: 3755.44

out of it his capabilities or even high

Time: 3758

school or even Elementary School level I

Time: 3760.039

agree you U you have kids yeah um do

Time: 3762.92

they have smartphones no yeah how do

Time: 3766.2

they feel about that well I mean they're

Time: 3768.16

not they're not old enough yet that it's

Time: 3770.64

a it's a real problem um but they're

Time: 3773.4

they're not going to be having happy

Time: 3774.64

with me probably soon hate me now love

Time: 3777.52

me later as my mother used to say

Time: 3779.119

basically because I you know I'm I'm

Time: 3781.279

convinced having spent some time

Time: 3783

thinking about this writing about this

Time: 3784.64

doing some journalism on this talking to

Time: 3786.079

a lot of the experts that like I think

Time: 3787.64

where we're going to end up where all

Time: 3789.599

the the arrows from the the relevant

Time: 3791.48

social psych research which um I've been

Time: 3793.559

following This research since you know

Time: 3795.48

2017 this is 2017 is roughly when you

Time: 3799

see the first warning signs going up

Time: 3800.88

that we need to worry about the

Time: 3802.96

potential mental health impact of these

Time: 3805.119

tools especially social media and

Time: 3806.4

smartphones on young people and I you

Time: 3808.96

can track this right I have a talk I I

Time: 3811.079

actually gave it my kids school not

Time: 3812.359

happy about this where I tracked how

Time: 3814.4

this research evolved and you know like

Time: 3816.16

any literatures it's contentious at

Time: 3817.839

first and then you see um you you begin

Time: 3820.68

to see uh consilience between different

Time: 3823.119

lines of evidence and I think where

Time: 3824.599

where everything now in the last couple

Time: 3826.119

years is starting to come together this

Time: 3827.92

idea of we don't really know if this is

Time: 3829.559

bad or not I think that's just an old

Time: 3831

take the researchers mooved past that

Time: 3832.799

and I think where we're we're landing on

Time: 3835.079

is unrestricted internet use pre-puberty

Time: 3838.839

is risky and like the new standard is

Time: 3841.24

going to be uh post puberty is probably

Time: 3843.4

the right time to be given a device that

Time: 3845.359

gives you unrestricted access we're

Time: 3846.72

talking like 16 is probably the

Time: 3848.279

appropriate age so this does not make me

Time: 3850.839

popular at the middle school where my

Time: 3853.52

son's my oldest son's about to go um I

Time: 3855.76

think in two or three years that's just

Time: 3857

going to be common sense this is the

Time: 3859.24

direction I see the research literature

Time: 3861.16

and the advocacy going and I think

Time: 3862.64

there's a solid ground for this

Time: 3865.359

because you're a computer scientist I

Time: 3866.96

can ask this question what about video

Time: 3868.68

games I'm not a big consumer of video

Time: 3870.839

games it's been years since I've played

Time: 3872.359

one in fact um but video games are so

Time: 3875.319

very different than smartphones and um

Time: 3878.039

and other Technologies because they uh

Time: 3880.48

seem to put at least the kids I've

Time: 3882.16

observed playing them and adults um into

Time: 3884.88

a very narrow uh trench of attention

Time: 3887.96

yeah uh I mean there are definitely

Time: 3889.72

issues with it I mean look I'm not a

Time: 3891.359

social psychologist I just sort of play

Time: 3893.119

one in my articles but but I've I've

Time: 3894.92

looked into this literature a lot um

Time: 3897.92

there's a bit of a a gendered breakdown

Time: 3901.24

that has a lot of overlaps where when

Time: 3903.119

they're looking at potential harms of

Time: 3904.92

these Technologies uh young adolescence

Time: 3907.52

right pre-adolescent young adolescence

Time: 3909.4

you tenden see social media to be more a

Time: 3911.599

signal for cognitive distress for young

Time: 3915.039

women and girls and the video games to

Time: 3917.079

actually be the bigger culprit for uh

Time: 3920.44

young men and boys right there is a bit

Time: 3922.68

of a difference here because with the

Time: 3924.44

the social media impact the the content

Time: 3927.16

of what's Happening matters in this

Time: 3928.44

picture right so so um what I'm seeing

Time: 3930.92

the engagement I'm having how this

Time: 3932.559

impacts my social life this is part of

Time: 3934.079

the mental distress with video games it

Time: 3935.599

seems to be more uh an impact of just

Time: 3938.599

disharmonious passion and Obsession just

Time: 3940.599

the time it takes right because the

Time: 3942.4

games can be incredibly addictive so the

Time: 3944.52

problem that young men are having are

Time: 3945.92

just they're playing it all the time

Time: 3947.799

that I'm staying up late because I have

Time: 3949.68

an iPad in my room and I'm 14 and I

Time: 3952.44

going to play fortnite until 3: in the

Time: 3953.92

morning morning because my brain cannot

Time: 3955.4

handle like what you're what you're

Time: 3957.119

giving me here right um so it's less of

Time: 3959.2

a a Content concern than it is just a

Time: 3962.039

Time concern right that seems more

Time: 3964.079

solvable to me you know like my solution

Time: 3966.319

with my own kids I don't mind video

Time: 3967.48

games I'm a computer scientist but I

Time: 3968.72

said nothing that'ss online right

Time: 3971

nothing that was free because if it was

Time: 3973.319

free that means uh their business model

Time: 3976.24

involves getting you to play it all the

Time: 3977.44

time so you can upch charge or whatever

Time: 3979.2

uh they have Nintendo switches like I

Time: 3980.799

like Nintendo okay Nintendo switch

Time: 3982.76

here's a $60 Zelda game that someone

Time: 3984.799

spent 5 years making or whatever you can

Time: 3986.92

only play those games so long at a time

Time: 3988.68

before you know you're tired you come

Time: 3990.039

back to it um they don't have an

Time: 3991.72

addictive response to it if they get an

Time: 3993.24

iPad with a a game on it they'll just

Time: 3995.599

like play that till their eyes bleed

Time: 3996.88

because those are meant to be to be

Time: 3998.52

addictive so I'm wary about video games

Time: 4000.88

but there it's all just a usage game so

Time: 4002.64

you stick away from the more addictive

Time: 4004.16

games it's it's a much easier problem to

Time: 4005.96

solve I think than the social media the

Time: 4008.599

social media issue earlier you talked

Time: 4011.119

about books um I still read um hard

Time: 4014.64

cover and paperback books um what are

Time: 4017.72

your thoughts on audiobooks and learning

Time: 4020.039

by way of um audio book uh versus paper

Time: 4023.92

in front of you flipping a physical

Time: 4025.599

device or Kindles I don't know if

Time: 4027.119

there's any real research on this I've

Time: 4028.88

seen a little bit but I'm curious what

Time: 4030.4

what you've encountered and what your

Time: 4031.52

thoughts are as well you could speculate

Time: 4033.48

yeah I mean I'll tell you personally I

Time: 4035.039

can only do fiction in audiobooks right

Time: 4037.44

because when I'm in a non-fiction

Time: 4038.52

experience I'm just very used to

Time: 4040.72

constantly looking for connections and

Time: 4042.2

ideas you know and so I to be able to

Time: 4045.119

slow down and then speed up and then go

Time: 4047.279

back to something I just read um so I

Time: 4049.4

really have a distressing experience

Time: 4051.24

trying to listen to non-fiction

Time: 4052.559

audiobooks Fiction's fine that's great

Time: 4055.16

let put a thriller on you know audible

Time: 4057.48

great I you know I'll listen through it

Time: 4059.039

and I think some of this might be

Time: 4060.16

particular to my my engagement with

Time: 4062.319

books which is I'm you know I'm a writer

Time: 4063.96

and a thinker so I'm constantly looking

Time: 4065.24

for ideas and so I might have a

Time: 4067.559

different engagement with a non-fiction

Time: 4069.119

book than someone you know just

Time: 4070.319

listening to one of my books but I can

Time: 4072.16

only do fiction on audio that makes

Time: 4074.24

sense thinking about what works for me

Time: 4076.4

what doesn't I agree I I love stories

Time: 4079.319

and fiction by by audiobook um you

Time: 4083.72

ideally consumed on a long drive or a

Time: 4085.559

hike um but non-fiction requires that I

Time: 4088.76

take notes and see things in their kind

Time: 4091.24

of um respective spatial layout and yeah

Time: 4095.72

um in your most recent book um you

Time: 4099.52

describ this concept of pseudo

Time: 4101.199

productivity is pseudo productivity a

Time: 4103.359

general term term to refer to some of

Time: 4106.239

the things we've already talked about

Time: 4107.52

this Tas switching context switching or

Time: 4110.279

pseudo productivity something that uh

Time: 4112.239

includes other categories of of limiting

Time: 4115.08

ourselves as well I mean I think it's

Time: 4116.759

more specific than that right so it to

Time: 4119

me sud productivity was the answer that

Time: 4122.319

we came up with a knowledge work to a

Time: 4124.64

real dilemma which is that's a sector

Time: 4127.359

you know using your brain primarily to

Time: 4128.799

create value that's a sector that

Time: 4129.92

emerged as a major part of the economy

Time: 4132.64

in roughly the mid 20th centur

Time: 4134.64

um when that emerged all the definitions

Time: 4137.319

of productivity that we had were

Time: 4139.12

inspired from Agriculture and Industry

Time: 4141.759

right so so in agriculture we can have

Time: 4143.759

ratios um bushels of corn per whatever

Time: 4147.239

acres of land under cultivation and

Time: 4149.159

Industrial manufactur we have ratios

Time: 4150.92

modeles per input labor hour um so you

Time: 4154.279

could just measure these things uh we

Time: 4156.12

also had clearly defined systems of

Time: 4157.64

production so you could then say if I

Time: 4159.199

change this about the system of

Time: 4160.759

production what happens to this number

Time: 4162.48

and you could do gradient to Cent right

Time: 4164.04

okay I do this that number goes down

Time: 4165.88

let's not do that but I make this change

Time: 4167.199

it goes up that's a better way of

Time: 4168.359

building it like this was the dominant

Time: 4170.279

way of thinking about productivity since

Time: 4171.799

basically Adam Smith the knowledge work

Time: 4173.92

arises that doesn't work right because

Time: 4176.56

I'm working on whatever five different

Time: 4177.96

things it's different than what you are

Time: 4179.319

working on um how I'm managing my work

Time: 4181.759

is entirely ausc right in knowledge work

Time: 4184.359

uh organizational ideas is entirely left

Time: 4186.6

up to the individual how you manage your

Time: 4188.359

work and your workload and collaboration

Time: 4190.04

that's like up to you that's all off you

Time: 4191.48

skated there's no number to measure

Time: 4193.799

there's no system to improve so I think

Time: 4195.76

it was a real quandry my argument is

Time: 4198.76

what essentially the management class

Time: 4200.52

came up with is p productivity which is

Time: 4202.28

okay in the absence of being able to be

Time: 4203.56

quantitative about this we will use

Time: 4206.28

visible activity as a proxy for useful

Time: 4209.08

effort so that's it like we see you

Time: 4210.36

doing things that's better than not the

Time: 4211.88

more we see you doing the better I call

Time: 4214

that pseudo productivity and I think

Time: 4215.52

that's implicitly how we've been

Time: 4217.48

organizing the management of knowledge

Time: 4219.6

work labor since the

Time: 4222

1950s and when you say ability at people

Time: 4225.04

doing things this is the um conflating

Time: 4227.6

of busyness with actual productivity yes

Time: 4230.199

and so the problem came when we had this

Time: 4232.8

uh General way of measuring

Time: 4234.64

approximating productive effort which

Time: 4236.44

wasn't very good but whatever right I

Time: 4237.92

mean I want to see you're at the office

Time: 4239.48

and you're doing things the problem was

Time: 4241.719

the front office it Revolution right

Time: 4243.88

because I'm I'm essentially a techn

Time: 4245.36

Critic I see everything through the lens

Time: 4246.64

of technology in my writing we got

Time: 4249.48

computers we got networks we got email

Time: 4251.92

pseudo productivity can't be be

Time: 4253.8

sustainable in that context because now

Time: 4255.64

with something like email and then later

Time: 4257.56

tools like slack I can demonstrate

Time: 4260.719

effort at a very fine grain right

Time: 4263.199

because I can send an email respond to

Time: 4264.719

this jump onto a slack conversation I

Time: 4266.239

can now do that at a very fine grain

Time: 4267.92

level um and essentially everywhere and

Time: 4270.08

anywhere all throughout my day I can be

Time: 4272.52

demonstrating labor at home I can be

Time: 4274.12

demonstrating labor because we have

Time: 4275.4

mobile Computing we get the smartphone

Time: 4277.199

Revolution um so there there's now an

Time: 4280.12

ability to constantly be demonstrating

Time: 4283.199

effort at all points of our day and

Time: 4285.64

that's where I think the wheels came off

Time: 4286.88

the bus right and and led to this this

Time: 4289.28

this point that got worse and worse

Time: 4290.48

starting the early 2000s and hit ahead

Time: 4292.32

in the pandemic of knowledge worker

Time: 4293.96

burnout knowledge worker exhaustion and

Time: 4296.08

nihilism of like what's going on with my

Time: 4297.719

job like all I do is zoom all day what's

Time: 4299.6

happening I think that pseudo

Time: 4300.96

productivity plus front office it

Time: 4303.4

Revolution they did not play nice

Time: 4305.44

together and you can see this by the way

Time: 4307.88

if you look even at productivity books

Time: 4310.76

you see this huge shift that happens

Time: 4313.12

early 90s versus early 2000s it's like a

Time: 4315.639

completely shift in tone right early 90s

Time: 4318.239

it's stepen cvy is very optimistic it's

Time: 4320.48

like how are we going to self-actualize

Time: 4322.04

and like carefully choose the most

Time: 4323.92

meaningful activities to fulfill all of

Time: 4325.92

our dreams for all of our roles early

Time: 4327.719

2000s now we have email you have David

Time: 4330.159

Allen that's like oh my God we're so

Time: 4332.08

overwhelmed with task all we can hope

Time: 4333.96

for is like these little moments of Zen

Time: 4336.08

in the day if we can just automate how

Time: 4337.8

we're just churning through these

Time: 4339.08

widgets at least we can find some

Time: 4340.639

cognitive pieace uh what happened in

Time: 4342.44

those 10 years was to office it

Time: 4344.199

Revolution and now we just felt like we

Time: 4346.159

had to constantly be demonstrating that

Time: 4349.159

visible effort so you know I think

Time: 4350.639

that's where we got into the problem

Time: 4351.679

pseudo productivity plus

Time: 4353.96

technology recently my podcast team was

Time: 4356.4

in Australia and um my producer and uh

Time: 4360.76

close friend here uh Rob Moore uh

Time: 4363.32

instructed all of us to get rid of

Time: 4364.76

social media on our phones except one

Time: 4366.679

guy who would post our weekly episodes

Time: 4369.56

announcements um and it was pretty

Time: 4372.159

brutal at first and then coming back to

Time: 4374.52

social media has actually turned out to

Time: 4376.239

be more challenging you really

Time: 4378.76

experience the friction coming back the

Time: 4380.28

other way and then one experiences the

Time: 4383.28

the lack of friction and that's where it

Time: 4384.639

gets scary it's it's so interesting the

Time: 4386.48

way that the brain can adapt um the

Time: 4390

friction leaving something behind um the

Time: 4393

friction coming back to it um and I

Time: 4396.159

think for people listening to this I I

Time: 4397.76

raise this because I think of course

Time: 4400.12

many people listening are you know have

Time: 4402.8

work that they really need to focus on

Time: 4404.56

they may be having issues with uh

Time: 4406.32

productivity and burnout Etc I think a

Time: 4408.76

lot of people use the phone in social

Time: 4410.48

media because it fills their life you

Time: 4412.679

know it provides some enrichment and

Time: 4414.84

they aren't necessarily committed to

Time: 4416.239

specific projects but I guess through

Time: 4418.04

the lens of the the let's just call it

Time: 4419.88

the Cal new poran lens one might argue

Time: 4422.679

that those people uh almost certainly

Time: 4424.679

have untapped creativity untapped

Time: 4427.159

resources within them that um they don't

Time: 4430.639

yet know about because they're

Time: 4432.48

essentially using that energy elsewhere

Time: 4435.36

yeah I mean I think for a lot of people

Time: 4437.12

it's papering over the void right you

Time: 4439.44

have this void in your life because

Time: 4441.48

there's the unmet potential uh unmet

Time: 4445

interest um living in misalignment with

Time: 4447.639

the things you care about right I mean a

Time: 4449.159

lot of people this is the classic sort

Time: 4450.88

of catastrophe of life right social

Time: 4453.4

media and there's before this it was

Time: 4454.84

other things right there was other

Time: 4456.76

intoxicants or other sorts of

Time: 4458.159

distractions it's a way for some people

Time: 4460.719

of essentially putting a screen over

Time: 4462.88

that like gaping void and it like just

Time: 4465.199

makes it bearable enough that you can

Time: 4467.639

kind of go on with life and so it is

Time: 4469.96

true if you just rip it out you see the

Time: 4471.6

void and that's really difficult right I

Time: 4473.92

mean because I I did this experiment for

Time: 4475.76

one of my books I ran an experiment with

Time: 4478.36

1600 people and they all turned off all

Time: 4481.36

their social media for 30 days 30 days

Time: 4483.88

30 days right these are young people old

Time: 4485.6

people a whole mix okay a whole mix not

Time: 4487.92

just University students I recruited

Time: 4489.32

them from my my newsletter readership so

Time: 4491.48

they weren't University students and it

Time: 4492.719

wasn't formal research it was you know I

Time: 4494.239

put out the call right so this is not

Time: 4496.04

randomly sampled right but I put out the

Time: 4497.56

call and I said here I'm going to walk

Time: 4498.679

you walk you through this and then I got

Time: 4500.52

a lot of information back so people

Time: 4501.88

reported back how it went and this was

Time: 4504.199

like the number one thing I heard was

Time: 4506.679

it's really hard at first right and so

Time: 4508.88

who are the people that succeeded for 30

Time: 4511.08

days versus those who didn't the the

Time: 4512.96

ones who didn't succeed it tended to

Time: 4514.639

just try to White Knuckle it just be

Time: 4516.679

like I don't like how much I'm using

Time: 4518.239

social media I'm just going to stop

Time: 4519.76

because it's bad and I don't want to do

Time: 4521.04

a bad thing I'm just going to like you

Time: 4522.199

know hold on the table White Knuckles

Time: 4524.159

they wouldn't make it 30 days the people

Time: 4526.12

who did succeed followed my advice to

Time: 4528.92

incredibly aggressively pursue

Time: 4531.44

Alternatives in those 30 days so it's

Time: 4533.239

like go learn new hobbies join things

Time: 4535.159

right away get like really structured

Time: 4536.639

about your day um get into exercise

Time: 4539.12

again learn how to knit again a lot of

Time: 4540.84

people said oh I learned about I forgot

Time: 4543.32

how fun libraries were like you can go

Time: 4545.199

into this building and like all the

Time: 4546.36

books are free and there's there you

Time: 4547.719

could just grab whatever and it's okay

Time: 4549.36

if you don't like the book because you

Time: 4550.32

didn't have to pay for it uh I'm going

Time: 4552.52

out with friends again I'm I'm okay

Time: 4554.32

every week I'm going to have you know

Time: 4556.04

we're going to have drinks with this

Time: 4557.36

person and every Thursday morning I'm

Time: 4559

going to go running with this person the

Time: 4560.76

people who aggressively tried to put in

Time: 4562.88

place a more positive alternative

Time: 4565.28

through self-reflect experimentation

Time: 4566.719

they lasted the 30 days and Beyond right

Time: 4569.32

and so then I came to realize like oh I

Time: 4570.88

see what's happening here is you have

Time: 4572.28

these unmet needs these tools can give

Time: 4575.36

you sort of a a simulacrum of meeting

Time: 4577.48

them I need I'm a social being I need to

Time: 4579.4

be connected to people well I'm texting

Time: 4582.159

and like doing comments on social media

Time: 4583.92

it sort of touches that a little bit

Time: 4586.04

just enough that you don't feel

Time: 4587.08

hopelessly lonely but it's not really

Time: 4588.56

fulfilling that um I have a need to like

Time: 4590.639

see my intentions made manifest

Time: 4592.52

concretely in the world humans want to

Time: 4593.84

do this well I'm you know posting these

Time: 4596.159

things and people are responding it's

Time: 4597.719

sort of this simulacrum of real creation

Time: 4600.36

so it's like kind of satisfying that

Time: 4602.28

just enough that it's not just

Time: 4603.88

intolerable right um and so what happens

Time: 4606.679

is if you remove that you have to

Time: 4608.76

actually fill those things the right way

Time: 4610.4

so now I'm not socializing on social

Time: 4612.48

media but but I'm going out of my way to

Time: 4614.32

sacrifice time and attention on behalf

Time: 4615.8

of other people I'm feeling the social

Time: 4617.719

void in the right way now I don't really

Time: 4619.92

feel like I need to go back uh I'm

Time: 4621.639

actually build making my intentions

Time: 4624.04

manifest I'm learning skills and

Time: 4625.44

Building Things now this sort of pseudo

Time: 4627.8

construction and Collective attention

Time: 4629.56

economy of social media I'll post this

Time: 4631.239

and you'll like it I'll like this um I

Time: 4633.6

don't need that anymore to fill that

Time: 4635.199

void so it's like you have to fill the

Time: 4636.76

void first so so you know five years ago

Time: 4639.76

I wrote a book that was about reforming

Time: 4642.159

this part of your life

Time: 4643.6

and a lot of the book was had nothing to

Time: 4645.199

do with technology but about how to

Time: 4647.159

actually just rebuild parts of your life

Time: 4650.199

and on my podcast honestly like one of

Time: 4652.28

the big topics we talk about which is

Time: 4653.84

crazy that I'm a technologist and I

Time: 4655.8

write about trying to find focus in a

Time: 4657.84

distractive world is this thing we call

Time: 4659.6

the Deep life which is just straight up

Time: 4662.88

building a meaningful life 101 and it's

Time: 4665.08

like crazy that my podcast is talking

Time: 4667.08

about it but on the other hand it's not

Time: 4668.44

because my it's the podcast people go to

Time: 4670.04

when they're fed up with the digital

Time: 4671.159

world and it turns out if you don't get

Time: 4672.639

the anal anog World working right for

Time: 4675.679

you you need something to avoid staring

Time: 4678.199

to that void and then the digital world

Time: 4679.639

will do that well enough it's like just

Time: 4681.32

good enough to keep life

Time: 4683.639

tolerable there's a lot of discussion

Time: 4685.719

nowadays about ADHD attention deficit

Time: 4688.04

hyperactivity disorder sometimes U minus

Time: 4690.6

the H minus the

Time: 4692.159

hyperactivity uh a lot of kids have true

Time: 4695.92

clinically diagnosed ad ADHD so we want

Time: 4698.36

to be um sensitive to that it's a real

Time: 4701.04

issue for a lot of people a lot of

Time: 4702.28

adults true ADHD um but nowadays people

Time: 4705.56

talk about ADHD the same way terms like

Time: 4708.4

um depression trauma uh gas lighting and

Time: 4711.92

um Etc are discussed in in non-clinical

Time: 4715.08

territory OCD people use clinically as

Time: 4717.8

well right right and um and I'm not

Time: 4719.92

disparaging that it's just that we we

Time: 4721.639

have sort of a dilution of deeper

Time: 4723.36

understanding of what these things

Time: 4724.28

really are and aren't um what are your

Time: 4727.679

thoughts I realize you're not a

Time: 4729.04

psychiatrist but what are your thoughts

Time: 4730.56

on the idea that um many uh people that

Time: 4735.36

think they perhaps have true attention

Time: 4737.719

issues have either um built those

Time: 4739.76

attention issues through neuroplasticity

Time: 4742.36

um uh into their system meaning their

Time: 4746.239

system probably work nervous system

Time: 4747.679

probably worked pretty well to focus but

Time: 4749.239

they engaged in enough task switching

Time: 4750.84

that the circuits of the brain involved

Time: 4752.36

in cognition became optimized for um

Time: 4755.84

this very distributed cognition um as

Time: 4758.44

opposed to um narrow focused attention

Time: 4761.36

and what are your thoughts about um just

Time: 4764.239

the amount of stimulant use on college

Time: 4766.44

campuses and in in adult populations to

Time: 4769.199

to try and overcome this I feel like

Time: 4770.719

there's a lot of um attempts to use

Time: 4772.88

pharmacology to match the level of

Time: 4775.08

distraction to try and make that

Time: 4776.6

distraction not seem like distraction um

Time: 4779.159

but you know this is a this is an area I

Time: 4782.08

hear a lot about given the nature of the

Time: 4783.44

things I cover on the podcast I think a

Time: 4785.04

lot of these issues are phone induced

Time: 4786.679

right um and and I think the problem is

Time: 4788.8

yeah not solvable as much you don't need

Time: 4790.56

pills you need a different phone Rel

Time: 4792.84

relationship my optimistic hypothesis is

Time: 4796.56

again this uh

Time: 4799.08

non-clinical uh difficulty with

Time: 4802.04

maintaining attention like in your work

Time: 4803.48

or if you're a college student or

Time: 4804.48

whatever um it's not necessarily

Time: 4806.52

representing sort of knock on wood like

Time: 4808.08

a wholesale nural rewiring like that I

Time: 4810.4

basically rewired my circuits on my

Time: 4812.159

brain to be a sort of distributed

Time: 4813.88

switching processor I think most of this

Time: 4815.96

is is persisting um in that much more

Time: 4818.36

malleable area that gets affected by

Time: 4820

moderate behavioral addictions right so

Time: 4821.84

the the we have parts of the brain that

Time: 4823.84

are part of these like feedback reward

Time: 4825.36

Loops that's meant to be malleable right

Time: 4828.4

I mean this is supposed to be so we can

Time: 4830.159

have really rapid learning about what's

Time: 4832.6

happening in our environment and how

Time: 4833.8

we're supposed to respond to it and and

Time: 4835.8

this is what gets hijacked when you you

Time: 4837.36

build up these behavioral addictions and

Time: 4839.04

so it's it's very quick to change um but

Time: 4841.36

that malleability means you can change

Time: 4842.679

it back right so so I I I think this

Time: 4845.44

this drive to I have to keep checking my

Time: 4846.96

email or my phone is again you build up

Time: 4848.639

a moderate behavioral addiction because

Time: 4850.199

of like standard reward cues

Time: 4853.52

and and that's a part of the brain that

Time: 4855.04

you can't it's difficult but it's not

Time: 4857

your whole brain is now a social media

Time: 4859.84

brain and that's just the brain you have

Time: 4861.6

because you're exposed to this um it's a

Time: 4863.44

matter of you know getting the stimuli

Time: 4865.28

out of your life doing the same type of

Time: 4866.88

training you would do uh ex boredom

Time: 4869.6

exposure like get used to the idea of

Time: 4871.88

feeling that drive and not actually

Time: 4873.76

doing it you can work with blocking apps

Time: 4875.6

like there's stuff you can do this is

Time: 4876.679

sort of like standard it's painful it

Time: 4878.719

takes two months and then like you're

Time: 4880.08

doing better on it so I do think we have

Time: 4882.239

a a a large stratum of

Time: 4885.36

subclinical attention issues that are

Time: 4888.52

not representing wholesale neural

Time: 4890.679

rewirings but are like absolutely sort

Time: 4892.84

of expected outcomes of working with

Time: 4894.719

malleable reward CU circuits in the

Time: 4896.84

brain we can fix those just like we can

Time: 4899.679

if you know you're you're uh you're

Time: 4901.96

gambling too much or compulsively eating

Time: 4903.679

the junk food or something we don't say

Time: 4906.32

your whole brain got we red for junk

Time: 4908.04

food it's like no you have this ex this

Time: 4909.679

particular Q cycle that we have to work

Time: 4911.239

on so maybe I'm being optimistic that

Time: 4912.679

there and you know the brain better but

Time: 4914.36

like it would be extraordinary if in

Time: 4917.48

like a 10-year period right your entire

Time: 4919.679

brain somehow got rewired in a way that

Time: 4923.239

it couldn't sustain Focus anymore I

Time: 4925.88

totally agree with that statement unless

Time: 4928.8

uh you're a young person and you grew up

Time: 4930.48

in a distracted world and your brain

Time: 4933.199

optimized as the young brain does for

Time: 4935.679

the conditions it's in and then I think

Time: 4937.639

you have a real issue yeah um which is

Time: 4939.52

not to say it can't be rescued through

Time: 4941.12

the use of dis

Time: 4943.4

tools protocols pharmacology nutrition

Time: 4946.44

great sleep and if necessary

Time: 4948.4

prescription drugs right because there

Time: 4950.32

is a case for prescription drugs in

Time: 4951.8

certain um instances for ADHD and and as

Time: 4954.96

I understand it um you know anytime

Time: 4957.04

people say wait aren't those drugs just

Time: 4959.28

meth isn't it just speed y they are

Time: 4961.04

amphetamines in most cases and the idea

Time: 4963.159

is to increase the deployment of C

Time: 4965.6

certain neuromodulators the ones I

Time: 4967.32

mentioned before um as a means to induce

Time: 4970.719

neuroplasticity so that the focus state

Time: 4972.84

becomes more of a default State um so I

Time: 4975.96

think that young people are in trouble I

Time: 4977.679

think that we I do worry about young

Time: 4978.96

people I think we' it's um it's akin to

Time: 4981.719

putting them in a kind of a well we know

Time: 4984.52

this in the visual system if you take an

Time: 4986.04

animal or human and you put them into an

Time: 4987.96

altered visual environment um the visual

Time: 4990.4

system changes and your perception of

Time: 4992.08

the visual world is becomes inaccurate

Time: 4994.4

um and the way I think of this

Time: 4996

cognitively with respect to attention

Time: 4998.239

the analogy would be I think we've been

Time: 5000.719

for the last 10 years or so 10 15 years

Time: 5003.88

we've been raising kids in a sort of um

Time: 5006.76

House of uh funh house mirror things

Time: 5009.84

which is anything but fun where you look

Time: 5011.239

at yourself and your legs are shorter

Time: 5012.76

than and your torso is long and so

Time: 5014.36

everywhere you turn you're getting a

Time: 5015.56

distorted perception and trying to

Time: 5017.92

navigate the world through that

Time: 5019.159

distorted perception is very very

Time: 5022.44

difficult you can do it but it's a lot

Time: 5024.44

of extra work that's what I feel we've

Time: 5026.239

done to young people I'm I'm very

Time: 5027.92

concerned about that as well yeah yeah

Time: 5029.8

and and I think I don't know what your

Time: 5030.92

take on this but like do you think

Time: 5033.199

at the undergraduate level that we have

Time: 5035.719

just been not explicitly but just sort

Time: 5038.4

of implicitly uh professors in general

Time: 5041.76

we have been just sort of slowly

Time: 5044.28

adapting the difficulty of what we're

Time: 5046.679

teaching Etc because we maybe there's a

Time: 5049.56

reduced cognitive Focus capacity which

Time: 5051.8

is like the key skill for this sort of

Time: 5053.639

very artificial thing of learning you

Time: 5055.32

know complicated college level work I

Time: 5057.4

think this would be an interesting

Time: 5058.28

experiment to find out is have we been

Time: 5060.84

implicitly having to sort of simplify

Time: 5062.639

things to keep roughly speaking grade

Time: 5064.56

distributions where normatively we feel

Time: 5066.56

comfortable I mean do we see the signal

Time: 5068.76

yet that's my interest do we see the

Time: 5070.08

signal yet if we look back a generation

Time: 5072.04

20 years ago versus now I don't know for

Time: 5075.52

courses of the sort that I teach or

Time: 5078

taught until very recently I still teach

Time: 5080.08

but I was directing the neuron Anatomy

Time: 5081.44

course and there's a laboratory module

Time: 5083.44

so the students dissect brains they're

Time: 5085.08

holding actual human brains um that's a

Time: 5088.32

real physical contact that cannot be

Time: 5091.199

recapitulated um um digitally you just

Time: 5093.56

can't do you can try you use VR but it's

Time: 5096.76

it ain't the same I mean how would you

Time: 5098.76

like it if you're a neurosurgeon learned

Time: 5100.56

um on a virtual brain and then it does

Time: 5102.44

surgery on a real brain no not no such

Time: 5105.48

thing should or uh happen I think that

Time: 5109.04

um my experience with this is

Time: 5112.8

perhaps most relevant with respect to

Time: 5115.719

social media where I teach Neuroscience

Time: 5117.8

yeah and I use a variety of duration of

Time: 5120.4

Clips you know the 902 real the you know

Time: 5123.84

seven minute thing the two and a half

Time: 5126.32

hour podcast that you know we have

Time: 5127.84

podcast solo podcast have four and a

Time: 5129.48

half hours um I don't know how many

Time: 5131.159

people listen start to finish but I

Time: 5133.08

think having a variety of different

Time: 5134.4

durations really helps um and I'm told

Time: 5137.639

by my team I have a Tik Tok account

Time: 5139.199

although I've never logged on there um

Time: 5141.6

you know I think Tik Tok represents the

Time: 5143.679

extreme of kind of bubble gum level um

Time: 5149.08

information SL entertainment and they

Time: 5151.32

really nailed some some circuit that can

Time: 5153.8

handle information of about 30 to 60

Time: 5156.639

seconds in a format that um tickles the

Time: 5159.6

brain just right to keep swiping liking

Time: 5162.08

commenting and sharing yeah um and I

Time: 5165.52

don't think that's anything like a real

Time: 5168.08

understanding or education yeah I mean

Time: 5170.159

it's nothing like a real understanding

Time: 5171.52

or education yeah I mean Tik Tok in

Time: 5174.32

particular like I think something what

Time: 5175.8

people get wrong about Tik Tok is they

Time: 5177.44

think that there was a uh real

Time: 5180.119

algorithmic Innovation which is not the

Time: 5182.76

case like as far as I understand the the

Time: 5184.44

machine learning algorithm underneath

Time: 5186.639

Tik Tok is probably like a relatively

Time: 5188.8

standard sort of multiarm bandant you

Time: 5191.199

know uh intermittent feedback

Time: 5192.6

reinforcements algorithm all they did is

Time: 5194.4

they cleared out all the other noise so

Time: 5196.44

you know if you're Facebook or something

Time: 5198

like this uh you're trying to use

Time: 5199.44

algorithms to curate things but you have

Time: 5201.119

all these other Legacy structures you

Time: 5203.52

also have to try to satisfy there's

Time: 5205.639

friends and you know you want to show

Time: 5207.44

stuff that your friends like more than

Time: 5208.88

other people and there's groups you're

Time: 5210.44

joining Tik Tok just got rid of all the

Time: 5212.239

noise and so we're just going to all

Time: 5214.159

we're doing is optimizing uh watch time

Time: 5216.679

to we we think we don't know but we

Time: 5218.639

think watch time is the main thing that

Time: 5219.92

they're they're uh optimizing just want

Time: 5221.8

to optimize it watch time and everything

Time: 5224.119

all these videos all Just exist as

Time: 5225.84

multi-dimensional points in this sort of

Time: 5227.4

semantic cloud and all we're doing is

Time: 5229.119

just showing you things and then you

Time: 5231

swipe another thing swipe another thing

Time: 5232.36

so when you get rid of all the noise

Time: 5233.44

from a machine learning algorithm it

Time: 5234.719

doesn't also have to satisfy that I

Time: 5236.679

follow this person on Instagram or this

Time: 5238.48

is my friend all I have to do is

Time: 5240.56

optimize this one number how long did

Time: 5242

they watched before they swiped it just

Time: 5243.639

turns out like oh it's really easy like

Time: 5245.84

you do that for a couple hours you're

Time: 5248

going to hone in on these sub regions

Time: 5249.96

and this massive multi-dimensional space

Time: 5251.6

of stuff that just tickles this

Time: 5252.8

particular person's brain you know and

Time: 5254.4

it's very cybernetic because now I'm the

Time: 5255.96

user of Tik Tok I'm the content creator

Time: 5258

I'm getting immediate feedback what's

Time: 5259.36

working what's not I really quickly find

Time: 5261.44

these particularly Rich regions in this

Time: 5263.239

sort of cybernetic space and so it's

Time: 5265.6

like Tik Tok just purified something

Time: 5267.239

that was simple basic machine learning

Time: 5269.84

but just like purify what we're doing

Time: 5271.6

here and and that turned out to be

Time: 5272.88

enough to create what's like probably

Time: 5274.04

the most addictive Force we've seen in

Time: 5276.159

the digital world in a long time so Tik

Time: 5278.639

Tok is optimized for dwell time yeah

Time: 5281.44

that's the thought right because it's

Time: 5282.84

not public so like we don't exactly know

Time: 5284.52

how the algorithm works but people have

Time: 5286.4

been studying it like a Skinner box you

Time: 5288.52

know 100 phones and we we look at all

Time: 5290.52

these accounts looking at the variables

Time: 5292.199

it seems like that's largely what it's

Time: 5294.04

optimizing for is uh how long did you

Time: 5297.36

watch before you swiped right and that's

Time: 5300.52

it so there I mean it's not this was

Time: 5302.84

both uh what was smart about Tik Tok and

Time: 5304.8

also why I've been arguing it's it's

Time: 5306.4

destabilized the whole traditional

Time: 5307.8

social media narrative is because the

Time: 5310.639

traditional massive social media players

Time: 5312.6

of the last decade had this uh first

Time: 5315.119

mover advantage on these giant actual

Time: 5318.04

social networks right so like Twitter

Time: 5320.199

and Facebook and Instagram had these uh

Time: 5323.28

massive networks of people's uh

Time: 5326.199

preferences of I'm following this person

Time: 5328.04

and this person I'm following uh and

Time: 5330.119

they could leverage these actual social

Time: 5332.52

graphs as a huge source of producing

Time: 5335.04

interesting content right and this was a

Time: 5337

huge first mover Advantage because you

Time: 5339.04

can't it's hard to get a 100 million

Time: 5340.96

people to use something now right Tik

Time: 5342.92

Tok got rid of all that we don't want a

Time: 5344.239

social graph you as a user don't have to

Time: 5346.04

declare anything you don't have to

Time: 5347.4

follow people or say who your friends

Time: 5349.32

are will'll just start showing you

Time: 5351.04

things and that was more compelling than

Time: 5353.36

what you could generate with a social

Time: 5354.52

graph but now there's no first mover

Time: 5356.679

Advantage so as the big social media

Time: 5359.04

players follow the Tik Tok model which

Time: 5361.32

is much more Al rmic let's just try to

Time: 5363

curate based on algorithms not who you

Time: 5364.88

follow or who your friends are they're

Time: 5366.56

now much more vulnerable because Tik Tok

Time: 5368.88

could come along and do this without

Time: 5370.119

having to spend five years getting

Time: 5371.36

people to cleare their friends and now

Time: 5372.679

if someone else could come along and do

Time: 5374.04

this so I think the major players are

Time: 5376.04

giving away their competitive Advantage

Time: 5378.08

which is this uh the social graph IP

Time: 5379.92

that no one will ever replicate again

Time: 5381.8

they're giving away that advantage and

Time: 5383.4

now it's a free-for-all playing field of

Time: 5385

all sources of attention engagement so I

Time: 5387.159

don't know I think Tik Tok accidentally

Time: 5389.84

destabilized the social media decade

Time: 5392.159

that had been defining until I think

Time: 5393.679

just recently what I find so interesting

Time: 5396.199

about social media platforms like Tik

Time: 5397.92

Tok is that um sure it makes sense that

Time: 5401.119

um kids and teens would use it they were

Time: 5403.52

raised with it Snapchat Etc but when I

Time: 5406.48

see my peers who you know we call

Time: 5409.04

ourselves adults um people in their mid

Time: 5412.159

to late 40s 50s essentially like playing

Time: 5417

kids games or engaging through these

Time: 5419.08

platforms that are and they're not

Time: 5421.04

childlike necessarily but they they just

Time: 5423.76

prove that the um or rather that their

Time: 5426.92

adherence SL addiction to them just

Time: 5428.96

proves that this is tapping into some

Time: 5430.56

core neural circuit that exists in

Time: 5432.32

everyone um so while it might be shaping

Time: 5434.679

the uh young brain a lot this is adults

Time: 5437.199

basically eating junk food all day um

Time: 5439.52

which raises a question you know I think

Time: 5441.719

um while there are many different ways

Time: 5443.36

to eat and it's not a topic we want to

Time: 5445.04

get into now um Lord knows that's a

Time: 5447.4

great way to to create um a lot of

Time: 5449.36

social media content debating which diet

Time: 5451.679

on omore carav or vegan Etc um the

Time: 5454.36

notion of intermittent

Time: 5455.76

fasting um limiting one's portion of the

Time: 5458.92

day where they eat to whatever 6 hours 4

Time: 5461.28

hours 12 hours um is an interesting one

Time: 5465.04

that maybe has some applicability here

Time: 5467.92

um what are your thoughts about simply

Time: 5470.44

not turning on the phone maybe even not

Time: 5473.28

turning Wi-Fi on if people are are not

Time: 5475.199

as disciplined as you are with the

Time: 5476.6

laptop or tablet um for the first 2

Time: 5480.08

hours of the day or 4 hours of the day

Time: 5481.96

or for a portion of the day sort of like

Time: 5484.239

you're taking a a social media fast that

Time: 5487.52

isn't 30 days it's you know which I

Time: 5489.52

think for a lot of people is going to

Time: 5491

evoke um High cortisol release uh just

Time: 5493.8

the idea of it yeah uh know this is an

Time: 5496.4

idea I've written about before you know

Time: 5497.84

in deep work I had this chapter called

Time: 5499.56

Embrace boredom that was the entire idea

Time: 5502.52

right so the idea was um boredom by

Time: 5505.04

itself is not I think laudable right

Time: 5507.88

there there's a reason why it feels

Time: 5509

distressing when things feel distressing

Time: 5510.44

that's usually an evolutionary signal

Time: 5511.92

that there's something going on here but

Time: 5513.719

what I was arguing in that chapter was

Time: 5515.36

exactly what you're talking about you

Time: 5516.92

should have some moments every day where

Time: 5520.159

you're free from distraction even though

Time: 5523

you could be accessing distraction and

Time: 5524.76

you want to and like a little bit each

Time: 5526.719

day 20 minutes each day and then maybe a

Time: 5528.32

longer session once a week like a couple

Time: 5530.119

hours um my argument for that was it's

Time: 5533

about breaking a pavlovian connection in

Time: 5534.96

this sense right so if it's every time I

Time: 5537.36

feel bored I'm lack of Novel stimuli I

Time: 5540.08

get this release of the phone your mind

Time: 5542.52

is really going to make that Association

Time: 5544

of like this is what we always do if

Time: 5546.92

sometimes you don't it's a different

Time: 5548.92

cognitive landscape right your mind is

Time: 5550.84

uh sometimes we get the distraction

Time: 5552.76

sometimes we don't that's a much better

Time: 5554.76

place to be because now when it comes

Time: 5556.36

time to actually focus on something you

Time: 5557.92

know your mind's like I've been here

Time: 5559.239

before like we don't always get the

Time: 5561.119

distraction so you know this is going

Time: 5563.28

back you know early 20th century

Time: 5564.6

psychology there's probably a more

Time: 5565.719

neuroscientific way to think about this

Time: 5567.32

but it's like breaking pavlovian Loops

Time: 5569

if like sometimes at the end of the day

Time: 5570.92

I'm exhausted

Time: 5572.159

it's Instagram time and it like

Time: 5573.56

scratches an itch but other times I'm

Time: 5575.6

bored I'm in line at the pharmacy and I

Time: 5577.32

don't look at the phone my brain learns

Time: 5579.719

like yeah we don't always do it and and

Time: 5581.48

so the idea is that you know if you make

Time: 5582.639

boredom more

Time: 5583.92

tolerable then you're much more likely

Time: 5586

to succeed with doing things that are

Time: 5587.48

boring but hard and I think deep work

Time: 5588.96

for example is boring just in the

Time: 5590.8

clinical sense of there's lack of Novel

Time: 5592.76

stimuli you're just doing the same thing

Time: 5594.159

for a long time so I've always advocated

Time: 5596.4

for that is like you shouldn't be un

Time: 5598.28

super uncomfortable with boredom like

Time: 5600.56

don't go seeking it I'm a big believer

Time: 5602.28

of in boredom is where all creative

Time: 5605.119

Insight comes from I think it's a strong

Time: 5606.719

evolutionary cue like leave this state

Time: 5609.52

but you do have to have some tolerance

Time: 5611.239

for it I wonder if we need a different

Time: 5613.84

word than boredom um are you familiar

Time: 5616.96

with this notion of Gap effects in

Time: 5618.56

learning these Gap effects are similar

Time: 5621.08

to the effects of um neural processing

Time: 5623.56

during sleep um focused attention with

Time: 5626.08

some agitation triggers neuroplasticity

Time: 5627.96

and learning but it's during sleep in

Time: 5630.04

particular deep sleep rapid eye movement

Time: 5631.96

states of deep bre maybe in some forms

Time: 5634

of meditation that the actual rewiring

Time: 5636.08

takes place and then there's this

Time: 5637.119

literature about Gap effects which have

Time: 5638.52

been demonstrated for music for math for

Time: 5640.48

many things in which if people say are

Time: 5642.6

practicing new scales on the piano for

Time: 5644.84

instance but could be any skill and then

Time: 5646.96

they um intermittently are are cued by a

Time: 5650.8

buzzer to just stop and do nothing the

Time: 5652.76

the hippocampus which is involved in

Time: 5654.04

learning memory replays the action

Time: 5656.44

sometimes in Reverse just as it occurs

Time: 5658.04

during sleep um at a rate of maybe 20 or

Time: 5660.719

30 times faster at the neural

Time: 5663.239

level we're not talking about boredom

Time: 5665.28

what we're talking about is pauses

Time: 5666.88

during which perhaps

Time: 5669.4

um we are obtaining accelerated

Time: 5671.76

neuroplasticity the Gap effects

Time: 5673.199

certainly accelerate learning I've

Time: 5675.48

talked about these in other podcasts but

Time: 5677.08

I wonder whether or not this thing that

Time: 5678.04

you're calling boredom so being in line

Time: 5679.76

um to get some groceries yeah and not

Time: 5681.88

taking one's phone out while the Checker

Time: 5683.639

is you know scanning the groceries

Time: 5685.199

through and just not really doing much

Time: 5686.84

of anything it's entirely possible that

Time: 5688.96

the thing that we were working on

Time: 5690.159

earlier that day or the previous day is

Time: 5692

being processed in the hippoc campus at

Time: 5693.44

an unconscious level at a much more

Time: 5695.28

rapid rate where we to look at our phone

Time: 5697.119

we would inhibit those Gap effects which

Time: 5700.119

are truly beneficial yeah well I mean

Time: 5702.719

professors feel this all the time right

Time: 5704.08

at least a lot of ones I've talked to

Time: 5705.6

with peer reviews so I don't know if

Time: 5706.679

you've had this experience but you're

Time: 5707.84

like reviewing a paper I often have this

Time: 5710.199

experience where when I'm first engaging

Time: 5712.48

with the paper I feel incredibly

Time: 5713.96

frustrated like I I don't quite

Time: 5716

understand what they're doing here like

Time: 5717.159

this mathematics isn't quite making

Time: 5718.48

sense to me and it'll often be the fact

Time: 5720.76

I come back later

Time: 5722.239

like well let me just like write up what

Time: 5723.56

I have so far and your understanding is

Time: 5726.32

like much much better right so there's

Time: 5727.84

this this sense of maybe something's

Time: 5729

being processing I took that so

Time: 5730.76

seriously when I was uh especially at

Time: 5732.56

post stock like when I was at the height

Time: 5734.239

of just all I do in my life is produce

Time: 5736.32

value with my brain every day I would do

Time: 5738.32

what I call thorough walks because I I

Time: 5740.679

discovered thorough while a grat student

Time: 5742.8

I read it down by the Charles like the

Time: 5744.159

full sort of you know just minus the

Time: 5746.199

Beret like pretentious gratitude and

Time: 5747.639

thing but I was really in the the the

Time: 5749.159

Walden um real influential book for me

Time: 5751.639

so every day when I would walk back I

Time: 5753.52

was living on Beacon Hill walking from

Time: 5755.32

MIT so people who know Boston it's it's

Time: 5757.88

going across the Longfellow bridge I

Time: 5759.719

would say nothing but nature observation

Time: 5762

like that's what I'm doing I'm just uh

Time: 5763.92

oh the ice is thinner on the Charles

Time: 5765.679

today like look at this tree or the

Time: 5767

leaves coming back partially I think

Time: 5768.96

what was going on is like this was right

Time: 5770.6

after I'd been whiteboarding it right uh

Time: 5773.96

I think it was letting stuff process

Time: 5776.4

right so I had this explicitly in my

Time: 5778.6

routine uh a lot of time where I was

Time: 5781.719

okay I can't think about work at all I

Time: 5783.04

can't do anything else but you know I'm

Time: 5785.04

thinking about the tree I'm thinking

Time: 5788.08

about the water like really sort of

Time: 5789.32

minimal cognitive lifts and I wonder if

Time: 5790.92

that's what was going on there like to

Time: 5792.04

me that I that was a very productive

Time: 5793.48

period of my life yeah I feel like in

Time: 5795.8

the in the last five 10 years thanks

Time: 5798.159

largely in part to Matt Walker's book

Time: 5800.56

why we sleep and the advocacy around

Time: 5803.04

sleep from others um we've come to

Time: 5805.92

understand that sleep is essential for

Time: 5807.36

mental health physical health and

Time: 5808.92

learning cognitive Performance Physical

Time: 5810.6

performance so much much so that now

Time: 5812.199

people devote immense amounts of

Time: 5813.719

attention and and resources to trying to

Time: 5816.48

get the best possible night sleep

Time: 5817.76

whereas it was the I'll sleep when I'm

Time: 5819.04

dead mentality prior to that and I I

Time: 5821.52

would love to see a world where um

Time: 5824.119

people Embrace not the notion of boredom

Time: 5827

per se but the notion of gaps um lack of

Time: 5832.6

external stimuli coming into our our

Time: 5835.32

eyes and our cognitive system as a means

Time: 5837.639

to get smarter to get more creative to

Time: 5839.44

get better we just need a language fore

Time: 5841.4

this and I think it's the you know so

Time: 5843.36

often language is a separator when it

Time: 5845.4

comes to health and performance tools

Time: 5847.48

and something I've really strive for is

Time: 5848.719

to try and um create language that's not

Time: 5851.239

linked to any one person that

Time: 5852.88

illustrates what something is for so

Time: 5854.96

maybe um no small task Cal but maybe

Time: 5857.28

we'll just uh have you rename boredom as

Time: 5859.84

um neural rewiring um epox or something

Time: 5862.96

like that I'll come up with the term my

Time: 5864.84

whole writing cve by the way is based on

Time: 5866.639

taking things people already intuitively

Time: 5868.36

know in their gut and giving it a

Time: 5870.36

two-word name just having the language

Time: 5872.48

around that really matters like oh deep

Time: 5874.08

work oh okay that's like this activity I

Time: 5876.679

kind of knew that was important but I

Time: 5877.96

didn't have a name or digital minimalism

Time: 5880.239

like oh yeah that I kind of know what

Time: 5882.04

that means like it's a different

Time: 5883.32

different philosophy towards it but

Time: 5884.96

there's all so I do have a name related

Time: 5886.599

to the the gaps we're talking about but

Time: 5889

but for one of the other negative

Time: 5890.199

effects right so we have the positive

Time: 5891.52

effects you talked about which is

Time: 5893.04

consolidation of learning and

Time: 5894.48

acceleration of learning we had the one

Time: 5896.639

negative effect which was the pavlovian

Time: 5898.84

connection to distraction the other I've

Time: 5901.44

written about before is Solitude

Time: 5903.92

deprivation right so so I'm using a

Time: 5906.119

different definition of solitude than

Time: 5907.679

the colloquial one most people think of

Time: 5909.199

it as a physical thing I'm I'm just

Time: 5911.119

isolated but there's a there's a

Time: 5912.96

cognitive psychological definition of

Time: 5914.599

solitude which means absence of stimuli

Time: 5918.48

created by other human Minds right so

Time: 5920.639

I'm not taking in information that's

Time: 5922.92

coming directly from another human mind

Time: 5925.28

uh having no period with this Solitude

Time: 5928.84

so having no period in your day where

Time: 5930.88

your free from stimuli creative from

Time: 5933.639

other Minds is Solitude deprivation and

Time: 5935.96

it's a real issue and partially it's a

Time: 5938.04

real issue because when we're processing

Time: 5940.52

input from another human brain it's all

Time: 5942.88

hands- on Deck right I mean we're very

Time: 5944.56

social beings a huge portion of our

Time: 5946.639

brain is dedicated to this right um so

Time: 5949.52

it's a very cognitively expensive

Time: 5951.159

activity when I'm trying to understand

Time: 5952.92

another human's what they're saying I'm

Time: 5955.28

simulating their mental state I'm trying

Time: 5957.239

to understand like where do they fall in

Time: 5959.56

this sort of social hierarchy and one of

Time: 5961.32

my arguments was um when you spend your

Time: 5963.92

entire day in that state it's exhausting

Time: 5965.48

and anxiety producing and like until we

Time: 5968

had smartphones and ubiquitous wireless

Time: 5969.679

internet the idea that you could banish

Time: 5972.239

all Solitude from your day is laughable

Time: 5974

it's just impossible right so of course

Time: 5975.639

we had a lot of portions of our day

Time: 5977.28

where our brain was not like ramped up

Time: 5979.36

in gear four like the sort of social

Time: 5981.199

processing mode but smartphones makes it

Time: 5983.36

possible that you can be in that mode

Time: 5985.199

all day long and so like one of the

Time: 5986.88

things I hypothesize is some of the

Time: 5988.56

anxiety Rises that goes with the age of

Time: 5990.4

smartphones is brain exhaustion right so

Time: 5993.28

that's like that's another negative

Time: 5994.96

effect of the const we have two negative

Time: 5996.52

effects now for the constant stimuli and

Time: 5998.52

one positive effect for the absence of

Time: 6000.96

the constant stimula so I think we're

Time: 6002.199

making a case here for not always being

Time: 6005.32

on your device yeah I agree one of my

Time: 6007.639

favorite literatures from neurosciences

Time: 6009.56

I think most people have heard of the

Time: 6010.56

so-call critical period stages of

Time: 6012.08

development when the brain is

Time: 6013.119

essentially hyperplastic to any input um

Time: 6015.88

for better or worse this is uh a stage

Time: 6018

of Life called childhood um and then of

Time: 6020.56

course people throughout the number 25

Time: 6022.48

after age 25 plasticity is possible

Time: 6024.8

requires more effort tension Etc and

Time: 6026.52

then sleep um so forth but we know based

Time: 6029.8

on really beautiful studies that if you

Time: 6033.32

deprive someone of sensory input um for

Time: 6037.48

even a few hours um and we're not

Time: 6039.76

talking about sitting in a completely

Time: 6041

blackened room um with no input but you

Time: 6043.96

you essentially limit the amount of

Time: 6045.159

sensory input in the period that follows

Time: 6047.36

you get a uh an opportunity for a hyper

Time: 6050.199

plastic response to any stimuli and this

Time: 6052.92

just makes sense if you understand

Time: 6054.679

Basics about signal the noise and the

Time: 6056.239

visual system and uh and the and the

Time: 6058.56

Brain it just means when there's a lot

Time: 6060.04

of background shatter of stuff it's

Time: 6061.52

harder to see the stuff that matters and

Time: 6063

the stuff that the brain should rewire

Time: 6064.239

to um very computer sciency

Time: 6066.76

neuroengineering type perspective but um

Time: 6069.36

yes I would love for you to come up with

Time: 6070.679

a a two-word description of of this um

Time: 6073.599

it's not boredom induced plasticity it's

Time: 6075.599

this quiet induced hyper plasticity or

Time: 6077.8

something I don't know maybe we can Riff

Time: 6078.92

on this together sometime not trying to

Time: 6080.239

move into your space but um I have a

Time: 6083.119

very practical question um and I'd love

Time: 6086.76

to get a little more insight into the

Time: 6088.04

structure of your days um but are you a

Time: 6090.639

list maker like do you wake up in the

Time: 6092.04

morning and make lists and cross things

Time: 6093.56

off and then decide what are the key

Time: 6095.199

items on that list no I'm a Time blocker

Time: 6097.719

time blocker yeah yeah so I'm not a big

Time: 6100.04

believer in to-do list I like to Grapple

Time: 6102

with the actual available time like okay

Time: 6104.28

I have a meeting here I have to like

Time: 6105.8

pick my kids up from school here here's

Time: 6107.52

the actual hours of the day that are

Time: 6109.679

free and where they fall all right what

Time: 6111.56

do I want to do with that time well okay

Time: 6113.719

now that I see that there's a lot of

Time: 6114.88

gaps in the middle of the day here

Time: 6116

they're short maybe there I'm going to

Time: 6117.56

do a lot of small non-only demanding

Time: 6119.28

thing oh this first 90 minutes in the

Time: 6120.88

morning is like the main time I have

Time: 6122.56

uninterrupted okay so this I'm going to

Time: 6124.08

work on writing so i' I've been a big

Time: 6126.84

believer of this since I was an

Time: 6127.88

undergrad like you give your time a job

Time: 6131.28

as opposed to having a list which is

Time: 6132.8

somewhat orthogonal to what's actually

Time: 6134.119

happening in your day and then just as

Time: 6135.599

you go through your day saying what do I

Time: 6136.679

want to try to do next which I think is

Time: 6137.92

a lot less

Time: 6139.04

efficient I'm going to try your method

Time: 6141.92

um I try and structure my days as much

Time: 6143.639

as I can but it just never quite Works

Time: 6147.08

um do you work late into the night are

Time: 6149.159

you no no I'm I'm a 5:30 man okay yeah

Time: 6152.8

so 5:30 p.m that's it yeah more or less

Time: 6155.36

that's my cuto off now the the one

Time: 6156.96

exception is um if I'm writing on

Time: 6159.44

Deadline I'll sometimes like if I need

Time: 6161.88

to get more writing done I can do uh an

Time: 6164.199

evening writing session which which I

Time: 6165.96

got used to through long experience of I

Time: 6167.679

used to write my blog post at night

Time: 6169.239

after like my kids went to bed now older

Time: 6171.04

and they don't go to bed as early so

Time: 6172.36

it's like the one thing I have left that

Time: 6174.4

I'll do after 5:30 is like every once in

Time: 6176.119

a while I'll do like a 90minut evening

Time: 6178.32

writing block um but I call this by the

Time: 6180.52

way this whole philosophy I call fixed

Time: 6182.119

schedule productivity and I've been

Time: 6183.48

doing it since I was a grad student fix

Time: 6185.56

the work hour schedule that's my

Time: 6187.88

commitment I work in these hours um and

Time: 6190.32

then work Downstream from that for

Time: 6191.44

everything else so like this controls

Time: 6193.32

like even what you decide to bring into

Time: 6195.28

your life because you know I can't go

Time: 6196.56

past a schedule um and it drives you to

Time: 6198.88

be more Innovative and how you deal with

Time: 6200.159

your time and schedule you have to be

Time: 6201.639

efficient because you only have these

Time: 6203

these hours here uh that's been you know

Time: 6205.639

a signal for my my life since I was in

Time: 6208.44

my early 20s fix the schedule and don't

Time: 6211.119

work outside of that schedule now it's

Time: 6212.719

your move to figure out anything you

Time: 6214.36

want to do you have to make that work

Time: 6215.599

you want to become a professor figure

Time: 6216.599

out how to make that work you want to

Time: 6217.92

write books while you're being a

Time: 6218.84

professor figure out how to make that

Time: 6220.199

work you don't have the option of just

Time: 6221.52

throwing hours at it and you innovate a

Time: 6223.44

lot I think when you have the

Time: 6224.719

constraints where do sleep and exercise

Time: 6227.119

fit into your schedule uh what's your

Time: 6228.92

typical to bed time wakeup time what

Time: 6230.679

what's your um typical exercise routine

Time: 6233.32

and the reason I ask about this is

Time: 6235.199

because I think nowadays we hopefully

Time: 6238

people understand that exercise and

Time: 6240.199

cognitive function are are inextricably

Time: 6242.96

linked yeah and we're all going to live

Time: 6246.08

longer lives and be sharper mentally by

Time: 6249.52

doing exercise yeah so I mean my main

Time: 6252.119

like actual working with weights I do

Time: 6253.56

this pre-dinner right and this was an

Time: 6255.48

innovation the last couple of years it's

Time: 6257.08

it's a fantastic psychologically for me

Time: 6260

this is a trans I from work to like

Time: 6262.719

family time after work so so I'll do

Time: 6264.96

like 45 50 minutes uh garage gym you

Time: 6268.28

know the we built during covid after I'm

Time: 6270.32

done working before dinner and once you

Time: 6272.44

get used to that like it also forces you

Time: 6274.28

to like I got to finish work because I

Time: 6275.52

got to get this in before dinner but

Time: 6277.119

then I'll do also quite a bit of walking

Time: 6278.639

if it's not a teaching day so I'm not on

Time: 6280.239

campus uh I do a lot of thinking on foot

Time: 6282.96

um you know walking my kids to the bus

Time: 6284.44

stop which isn't particularly close in

Time: 6285.84

back so I'll do a lot of walking but

Time: 6288.28

that's when I my serious exercise now is

Time: 6290.199

always always pre- dinner then uh I want

Time: 6292.8

to be up you know in our room by 10:

Time: 6296.119

yeah and then at that point I don't

Time: 6297.239

track so I have uh insomnia issues which

Time: 6300.52

which actually has been like key driver

Time: 6302.48

of a lot of the things I think about

Time: 6303.92

especially with slow productivity is I'm

Time: 6306.32

very wary because I can without any

Time: 6309.04

control on my own just find myself

Time: 6311.36

unable to sleep sometimes fall asleep or

Time: 6313.28

stay asleep fall asleep yeah I mean I

Time: 6315.4

used to get it really bad um not so bad

Time: 6317.719

now but you know it comes and goes that

Time: 6319.84

really affected the way I thought about

Time: 6321.4

productivity because it seemed like to

Time: 6323.56

me the the definition of just I get

Time: 6326.199

after it with a bunch of stuff wasn't

Time: 6328.599

really on the table because if my notion

Time: 6331.199

of productivity depended on me like

Time: 6332.84

every day being able to just like hammer

Time: 6334.48

on a bunch of stuff I'm very busy have

Time: 6336.52

lots of commitments what would happen if

Time: 6338.36

I couldn't sleep I wouldn't be able to

Time: 6340.32

do that so it I drifted naturally

Time: 6342.56

towards a definition of productivity

Time: 6344.32

which was it doesn't really matter if

Time: 6346.4

you work tomorrow but it is important

Time: 6348.719

that like this month you work like

Time: 6349.96

writing a book it doesn't matter if you

Time: 6351.48

work on your book chapter tomorrow in

Time: 6353.4

particular but like this month you have

Time: 6354.84

to spend a lot of time working on it so

Time: 6356.28

it was uh like an insomnia compatible

Time: 6359.119

definition of productivity was sort of

Time: 6360.56

morphed into this idea of slow

Time: 6361.8

productivity taking your your time with

Time: 6363.44

it so it's interesting so like sleep

Time: 6365.52

issues really shaped the way I thought

Time: 6367.679

about work and put me on these much

Time: 6369.239

longer time scales of productivity try

Time: 6371.28

not to be dependent on any particular

Time: 6373.96

day being critical to what you do I

Time: 6375.36

don't want the high stress situation I

Time: 6377.199

don't want the like I'm just going to 10

Time: 6379

hours a day for the next 10 days we're

Time: 6380.88

going to make this deal happen like I

Time: 6382.96

can't operate in that space because I

Time: 6384.52

worry about it any time my brain could

Time: 6386.08

betray me and I could like lose sleep

Time: 6388

for a couple days I think it's really

Time: 6390.32

important that you're sharing this

Time: 6391.679

because while people's challenges differ

Time: 6394.36

I think oftentimes people hear the

Time: 6396.199

content of my podcast or other podcasts

Time: 6398.8

and think oh gosh I have to have

Time: 6400.159

everything dialed in just right when in

Time: 6402.239

fact most all of the tools and protocols

Time: 6404.44

that have been discussed on the huberman

Time: 6406.679

Lab podcast are in response to a

Time: 6409.239

particular challenge that I've had um or

Time: 6411.599

that others close to me have had um and

Time: 6414.56

I I love this well I I'm sorry that you

Time: 6417

suffer from insomnia we have a series uh

Time: 6419.4

on sleep with Matt Walker in which he

Time: 6420.84

lays out some some great tools that we

Time: 6422.92

haven't yet discussed on the podcast

Time: 6424.36

I'll just um send you text you I'll call

Time: 6427.52

you with with a short list of those and

Time: 6429.76

hopefully they'll help but as we do

Time: 6431.679

cover insomnia in some depth but but I

Time: 6433.84

think it's important that people realize

Time: 6435.8

that they can be very productive with

Time: 6437.56

the hours that they have and the the

Time: 6439.92

moments or hours of of high focused

Time: 6442.44

Clarity that they have um even if

Time: 6445.48

they're not sleeping great even if

Time: 6446.719

they're raising small children um

Time: 6449.199

because that's the real world and

Time: 6451.48

certainly that's the real world of

Time: 6452.76

deadlines and Academia but um family and

Time: 6457.239

um colds and flu and travel and jet lag

Time: 6460.239

and arguments and all the happy stuff

Time: 6463.28

too Vacations so um sounds like you're

Time: 6465.92

very good at adapting your day to what's

Time: 6468.239

going on around it but that you have

Time: 6469.88

certain sort of committed time um am I

Time: 6472.92

correct in assuming that you have at

Time: 6475.639

least one period of say 60 to 90 minutes

Time: 6479.159

of real what you would call Deep work uh

Time: 6482.48

let's say at least 5 days a week I know

Time: 6484.32

that might be an underestimate but seems

Time: 6486.32

like that's what what I'm that's what

Time: 6488

I'm extracting from this that's the goal

Time: 6490.04

right so so to me uh depending on the

Time: 6492.08

season is how extreme I can get so the

Time: 6494.84

the busiest season would be like a

Time: 6496.199

teaching semester right but even then

Time: 6499.04

I'm going to make sure that 5 days week

Time: 6500.44

I'm starting with deep work and the

Time: 6501.8

non-teaching days are more than the

Time: 6503.639

teaching days compare that to the summer

Time: 6505.48

for example where like all I do for the

Time: 6507.599

most part is deep work no meetings on

Time: 6509.239

Mondays and Fridays all admin stuff is

Time: 6512.4

uh midday to early afternoon Tuesday

Time: 6514.36

Wednesday Thursday um everything else is

Time: 6516.44

deep work you know just locked in you

Time: 6518.599

hours at a time but I want if I'm not

Time: 6520.719

getting five days five days of starting

Time: 6523.719

the day with deep work I'm I'm unhappy

Time: 6526.88

right because I mean I keep coming back

Time: 6528.36

to this is okay because I'm not going to

Time: 6530.48

be able to I mean fortunately the

Time: 6531.76

insomnia doesn't bother hasn't bothered

Time: 6533.119

me in years but the the the threat of it

Time: 6535.159

like completely shaped the way I I think

Time: 6536.84

about things and because I know I'm

Time: 6537.96

never going to be uh have a sort of like

Time: 6540.56

an Elon mus style energy of like I can

Time: 6542.56

just take on seven companies and make it

Time: 6544.239

happen right I just don't have that

Time: 6545.56

ability um I've always focused on the

Time: 6547.92

long game and to me the long game plays

Time: 6549.639

out with get your deep work time in you

Time: 6552.48

know just keep working on the stuff you

Time: 6555.119

do best and get better at it you know

Time: 6557.239

tomorrow doesn't matter but if you if

Time: 6558.84

you're doing this most days for the next

Time: 6560.36

four months like that's going to matter

Time: 6561.84

you know and so I often think about

Time: 6563.36

productivity in my own life at the scale

Time: 6565.159

of decades what do I want to do in my

Time: 6567

20s you know okay what do I want to do

Time: 6568.679

in my 30s you know what do I want to do

Time: 6570.119

in my 40s you know U and that helps like

Time: 6572.52

in my 30s I had a lot of young kids like

Time: 6574

it's yeah I mean the amount of time I

Time: 6575.599

could spend total working is like much

Time: 6578.8

less right but I could still think about

Time: 6580.32

what do I want to do in my 30s how do I

Time: 6582.48

make that happen let me make sure I'm

Time: 6584.639

pushing like on those things then

Time: 6586.48

everything else I can adapt to I can

Time: 6588

give here and there you know it allows

Time: 6589.36

you to be very adap adaptable when

Time: 6590.92

you're thinking about what do I want to

Time: 6592.08

do you know for the next 10 years it

Time: 6593.88

also means you're not on a random

Time: 6595.92

Tuesday chiding yourself because like

Time: 6598.44

why didn't I get three more hours of

Time: 6599.719

working and that becomes sort of a

Time: 6601.159

nonsensical question and what you care

Time: 6603.08

about is like what happens in the next

Time: 6604.44

decade which is that's a long game it's

Time: 6606.4

not about you know hustling today it's

Time: 6609.639

about I came back to deep work day after

Time: 6612.04

day after day when other people got

Time: 6614.56

distracted by Tik Tok you know like I'm

Time: 6616.32

GNA you whatever it's that coming back

Time: 6617.8

to what matters again and again

Time: 6620.76

years ago I was in a scientific

Time: 6622.679

competition SL battle and one of my

Time: 6624.84

tools it wasn't really the kindest tool

Time: 6626.88

was I would just suggest to the

Time: 6629.199

competitor um great television series so

Time: 6633.44

the wire you which at that time was

Time: 6635.199

great and um we want a few they w a few

Time: 6637.76

but um you know there's something very

Time: 6639.4

addictive about those um yeah Netflix

Time: 6642.719

shows I you know I mean they're

Time: 6645

unbelievably addictive just even seeing

Time: 6646.88

the the the um slider next episode

Time: 6649.48

slider come up you can skip the intro

Time: 6651.44

it's it's just like they've just dialed

Time: 6653.28

it in go um so I suggest those to

Time: 6655.599

competitors all the time do no longer

Time: 6658.4

but um and who knows what role they

Time: 6660.04

played but I just noticed in myself um

Time: 6662.96

how distracting they could be they could

Time: 6664.679

take me to when I started watching Ozark

Time: 6667.119

I found myself waking up in the middle

Time: 6668.36

of the night perhaps to use the restroom

Time: 6669.92

or something and then starting another

Time: 6671.52

episode of Ozark was wild and um I I

Time: 6675.76

wonder whether or not a way to reverse

Time: 6677.079

engineer one's way to uh productivity or

Time: 6680.079

verse hack our way to productivity would

Time: 6682.199

be to think about all the ways that you

Time: 6684.32

would um

Time: 6686

benevolently deploy distraction for a

Time: 6689.239

competitor and then um ask yourself

Time: 6692.92

which which of those you're still

Time: 6693.92

engaging in and think of yourself as

Time: 6695.639

sort of in a competition with the highly

Time: 6697.719

distracted version of oneself yeah um

Time: 6700.159

because I think that one task um I think

Time: 6703.719

for us today is to try and think about

Time: 6706

for the person listening to this who's

Time: 6707.199

not an academic um who's hearing about

Time: 6708.96

all this distraction that en enjoy some

Time: 6710.4

social media you know how how can they

Time: 6712

bring about the best version of

Time: 6713.199

themselves in terms of productivity but

Time: 6714.56

also presence for family um presence

Time: 6717.36

with self um Etc and um and if one isn't

Time: 6722.36

in a competitive environment um then

Time: 6724.639

maybe it's about setting up different U

Time: 6727.44

mental maps of the self and then trying

Time: 6730.44

to pit them against one another and be

Time: 6732.32

the best version literally I think

Time: 6734.36

that's interesting right like think

Time: 6735.48

about what would be yeah what what I

Time: 6737.88

like this idea of thinking about my

Time: 6738.88

competitor you know what would really

Time: 6740.88

give me a leg up you am I doing this I

Time: 6743.56

me but I would also add in here this is

Time: 6745.719

like a a slower productivity type idea

Time: 6748.04

um you figure out the thing you really

Time: 6749.199

care about you figure out what you would

Time: 6750.8

need to do to really show up for that

Time: 6752.56

thing and then if you're doing that like

Time: 6755.56

give yourself a break on everything else

Time: 6757.04

too you know what I mean it's like I'm

Time: 6759.119

this way with WR if I'm getting in my

Time: 6760.639

writing time I have to write I'm very

Time: 6762.599

uncomfortable when I'm not writing I

Time: 6763.719

just write all the time articles books

Time: 6765.44

you know I'm always writing if I'm

Time: 6767.079

getting in my writing time then it's

Time: 6768.96

like okay the rest of the day maybe like

Time: 6771.719

this week was a kind of a loss like the

Time: 6773.88

kids were homesick or there was a crisis

Time: 6775.88

at the University or whatever and like

Time: 6777.4

I'm just trying to keep that under

Time: 6779.239

control and like have good productivity

Time: 6781.36

habits and like don't contact switch too

Time: 6783.119

much and don't be too distracted but

Time: 6784.48

still have your fixed TA of productivity

Time: 6785.88

like end at 5:30 every day uh and time

Time: 6788.199

block and try to be reasonable with that

Time: 6790.119

time limit the damage but if I'm doing

Time: 6792.8

the thing that ultimately really matters

Time: 6794.88

I'm going to be pretty happy with it so

Time: 6796.52

it's like moving the the definition of

Time: 6799

am I happy with what I'm producing away

Time: 6801.36

from a quantity metric and this more am

Time: 6804.199

I aggregating the quality reps you know

Time: 6806.679

and like I think in weightlifting this

Time: 6807.88

would make a lot more sense right it's

Time: 6809.119

like yeah there's a there's a certain

Time: 6810.44

number of like a certain amount of time

Time: 6812.679

under load each muscle group needs to be

Time: 6814.84

on and like if I'm doing that I'm happy

Time: 6817.4

if I'm you know weightlifting right

Time: 6819.28

there's no notion of like why can't I

Time: 6820.76

why didn't I exercise five hours more

Time: 6822.48

this or that and so I sometimes try to

Time: 6823.719

think about my core intellectual work

Time: 6825.44

that way like if I'm getting in the core

Time: 6827.28

deep reps on the thing I care most about

Time: 6829.04

which for me is almost always writing

Time: 6831.04

then like the rest I just want to it's

Time: 6832.44

it's like damage control like I want to

Time: 6834.719

like do the other stuff well and like

Time: 6836.239

not get too stressed out about it and

Time: 6838.4

you know there's the productivity habits

Time: 6840.48

then that are about doing the stuff that

Time: 6841.76

matters and protecting it and then

Time: 6843.32

there's the habits that are all just

Time: 6844.679

about let's not let the other stuff get

Time: 6846.36

out of control um you I find it a little

Time: 6848.599

bit easier you go easier on myself when

Time: 6850.079

I think about it that way do you listen

Time: 6852.119

to music while you work no well the data

Time: 6855.4

certainly support not listening to music

Time: 6857.199

or if you do listen to music listening

Time: 6859.159

to music with without lyrics yeah you

Time: 6861

have to train even to get used to it

Time: 6862.88

right I mean even to get used to music

Time: 6864.119

without lyrics you got to get used to it

Time: 6865.599

I guess your brain's building the

Time: 6866.679

filters um some people I have met have

Time: 6869.639

trained themselves to work with lyrical

Time: 6871.8

music which I think it took them a long

Time: 6873.76

time but I I met a self-published

Time: 6875.88

novelist who does like a million words a

Time: 6878.32

year which is crazy U and he blasts

Time: 6880.8

because he has four kids he blasts

Time: 6883

Metallica in NASCAR earphones and I like

Time: 6885.96

how do you possibly write like this I

Time: 6887.159

think he just trained his mind has just

Time: 6889

like a a pure auditory filter that it's

Time: 6891.76

uh that it's adapted I guess or maybe

Time: 6895

his books aren't that good I don't know

Time: 6897.56

I but I like silence or like background

Time: 6899.76

noise but even background noise is hard

Time: 6901.719

I have a hard time riding at cafes for

Time: 6904.32

example like I really do like lack of

Time: 6907

stimuli do you use visual blinders you

Time: 6909.44

know like some people actually do this

Time: 6910.719

they you it's like a hoodie and they'll

Time: 6912.159

like really try and tunnel their Vision

Time: 6913.92

which makes perfect sense from the

Time: 6915.159

perspective of Neuroscience I mean your

Time: 6917.96

visual world

Time: 6920.239

strongly constrains to the the

Time: 6921.8

narrowness or the or the um broadness of

Time: 6924.4

your cognitive Maps yeah I mean I just

Time: 6926.04

have my spaces engineered right so like

Time: 6927.679

where I write in my uh my library at

Time: 6930.159

home all the interesting windows are

Time: 6932.159

like behind me and over here I'm staring

Time: 6934.639

across to Windows it just is right next

Time: 6936.719

to the neighbors and like just typically

Time: 6937.96

blinds down well as you say this it just

Time: 6941.199

makes me want to you know shout that you

Time: 6943.8

know so many people who think they have

Time: 6946.36

attention deficit issues um have

Time: 6948.84

probably just put put themselves in

Time: 6950.52

compromised environments which include

Time: 6953.199

smartphone um apps and things that I

Time: 6955.719

mean like like there's absolutely no way

Time: 6957.84

that they ought to be able to focus in

Time: 6959.76

fact perhaps the fact that they can

Time: 6960.92

focus at all is is miraculous given the

Time: 6963.599

the constraints like trying to run with

Time: 6964.88

shackles on yeah I I mean look we're

Time: 6967.04

used to this with physical stuff right

Time: 6969.199

if if we analogize to physical fitness

Time: 6971.599

we're so used to all these details right

Time: 6973.56

like it matters like what you're eating

Time: 6975.44

like how you're sleeping the details of

Time: 6977.84

how you train and when you train and how

Time: 6979.639

much like we're very used to this idea

Time: 6980.92

that that really matters we have no

Time: 6982.199

intuitions for cognitive development or

Time: 6984.4

application we we like treat our brain I

Time: 6987.119

guess because we associate it so much

Time: 6988.719

with a sense of self it's just this sort

Time: 6990.4

of um ineffable connection to us as a

Time: 6993.119

person we don't think of it as much of

Time: 6994.44

an organ as like a muscle or something

Time: 6996.04

like this but we don't have a

Time: 6997.36

sophisticated vocabulary at all for

Time: 6999.079

thinking about how do you do stuff with

Time: 7000.84

your brain which is the if you're in

Time: 7003.079

knowledge work that's the whole game

Time: 7005.199

like the whole game is this brain takes

Time: 7007.92

an information adds value value to it it

Time: 7010.159

alchemis value out of out of mind stuff

Time: 7013.719

and people who who alchemize value out

Time: 7015.84

of you know muscles I'm a relief pitcher

Time: 7018.56

in baseball I know like my whole job is

Time: 7020.84

like to take a certain muscles on my

Time: 7022.36

kinetic chain and use them to move a

Time: 7024.4

ball very fast and if I if I really am

Time: 7026.32

very careful about this I can have a

Time: 7028.239

multi-million dollar deal those of us

Time: 7029.96

who do this with our brain don't have

Time: 7031.88

any of these intuitions it's just like

Time: 7033.8

you know you have to uh work hard you

Time: 7036.639

know and we're on our phone all day I

Time: 7038.079

mean this has to be the physical

Time: 7039.48

equivalent if you had like an endurance

Time: 7041.32

athlete who was smoking all the time

Time: 7043.04

like this is crazy like this is directly

Time: 7045.44


Time: 7049.04

intricacies like what what the actual

Time: 7051.44

activity is that matters for your value

Time: 7053.079

production but with cognitive stuff we

Time: 7054.599

have no intuition like this yeah when I

Time: 7056.32

was a junior Professor this was down in

Time: 7057.88

San Diego not Stanford my girlfriend at

Time: 7059.599

the time she said to me she said you're

Time: 7062

like a professional athlete that was

Time: 7064.56

before I got tenure and she was like and

Time: 7066.239

you're trying to go from like minor

Time: 7067.76

leagues to Major go from a you know uh

Time: 7069.96

you know like second string to a starter

Time: 7072.04

yeah it's like you have to treat what

Time: 7073.4

you're doing like a a professional

Time: 7074.96

athlete with their their game like

Time: 7076.88

prioritize sleep prioritize food

Time: 7078.96

prioritize time prioritize you know it's

Time: 7081.199

and we as you point out we don't do that

Time: 7083.4

with the mind we we tend for cognitive

Time: 7086

stuff we tend to assume that we just

Time: 7087.44

flip a switch and like Focus time and I

Time: 7089.719

think that's in part because there are

Time: 7091.84

certain things such as social media such

Time: 7094.28

as a great movie such as certain social

Time: 7096.599

interactions that can immediately and

Time: 7098.32

completely harness our attention yeah

Time: 7100.48

unlike a marathon or where sure I could

Time: 7102.56

probably finish the 26 miles or whever

Time: 7104.4

it is 26.2 3 I forget what it is um if I

Time: 7107.48

had to do it right now to save my life

Time: 7109.639

but it's not like I can just hit a

Time: 7111.8

switch and and and I think that's the

Time: 7114.32

that's the kind of um caveat here is

Time: 7116.88

that the kid that loves video games can

Time: 7119.56

definitely Focus yeah give him or her a

Time: 7122.079

video game they love and boom they're

Time: 7123.8

focused so it seems as if there's a

Time: 7126.56

problem when they can't um but they know

Time: 7129.599

they can right stuff's obvious when one

Time: 7132.199

States it but I think um it's worth

Time: 7134.84

pointing out that this stuff needs

Time: 7136.76

attention it needs it needs work yeah

Time: 7139.159

which means and it starts with

Time: 7140.239

vocabulary it starts with intention

Time: 7141.76

starts with examples you know I mean

Time: 7143.719

there should be a book like how to think

Time: 7145.119

that we just give to everyone learn and

Time: 7148.04

learn right yeah like how to use your

Time: 7149.44

brain like the user manual you know like

Time: 7151.32

that would be a very useful user manual

Time: 7153.36

and I think in like Elite cognitive

Time: 7155

professions this gets handed down as

Time: 7157.04

lore and people figure it out right I

Time: 7158.56

mean like this was was like my

Time: 7160.28

experience training at MIT in the theory

Time: 7162.199

group is that you know everything was

Time: 7163.96

focused on getting the most out of your

Time: 7165.199

mind and so it's being passed down from

Time: 7167.28

you know person to person it was also in

Time: 7168.88

the culture it was in the way that

Time: 7170.159

people acted but most places that do

Time: 7172.52

cognitive work don't have these don't

Time: 7174.4

have these cultures yeah but here's the

Time: 7176.52

advantage though here like here's the

Time: 7177.599

Silver Lining right if you're one of the

Time: 7179.639

few who cares about it it's a huge

Time: 7180.84

Advantage right now like it's a it's a

Time: 7183.28

big part of like my success I I don't

Time: 7184.88

think I have the highest horsepower

Time: 7186.079

brain but like it I care a lot about

Time: 7188.159

trying to you know get the most out of

Time: 7190.32

it like to push it to like the edges of

Time: 7192.84

like the Reps I can I can actually RPMs

Time: 7194.88

I can actually get out of it you know so

Time: 7196.76

it's an advantage as you know someone

Time: 7198.44

who's listening to this you start caring

Time: 7200.599

about your brain how it works how you

Time: 7202.199

want to take care of it what you want to

Time: 7203.679

get out of it you start caring about

Time: 7205.599

this um you're going to get advantages

Time: 7207.76

compared to the person right next to you

Time: 7209.36

like suddenly in your office or you know

Time: 7211.4

in in your grad program it's going to be

Time: 7212.76

like what's going on here yeah you know

Time: 7214.48

little superpower and sometimes there's

Time: 7215.92

a bit of a social cost upfront yeah when

Time: 7218.119

I made the shift from being a let's just

Time: 7220.159

call it a not serious student to a

Time: 7221.88

serious student in college um and I was

Time: 7223.84

coming from behind I had to put so many

Time: 7225.199

more hours in and so

Time: 7227.56

partying was a something happened fairly

Time: 7230.079

seldom I still did it but and it was

Time: 7232.4

isolating actually lived alone in a

Time: 7234.199

studio apartment I mean it's isolating

Time: 7236.44

there you're you're going to miss out on

Time: 7237.76

certain things there there's some

Time: 7238.8

deprivation there but um you eventually

Time: 7241.48

end up in a position to do far more with

Time: 7243.599

your life yeah of course what um you

Time: 7246.239

said a moment ago also reminds me David

Time: 7248.4

goggin the David goggin no no

Time: 7250.239

introduction needed um has been um

Time: 7253.96

quoted saying you know it's easy

Time: 7255.76

nowadays to be exceptional because so

Time: 7257.56

many people are just distracted and and

Time: 7259.159

wasting their time so you put in 20%

Time: 7262.159

more effort to being more focused or to

Time: 7265.199

uh toward your fitness program and

Time: 7266.56

you're going to you're going to surpass

Time: 7268.28

many many people yeah so it's not that

Time: 7270.719

hard to accelerate it's just it it takes

Time: 7272.88

some practices that are um socially

Time: 7275.719

challenging to implement it's it's funny

Time: 7277.52

I had that same experience was an

Time: 7279.28

undergrad that you had yeah because I

Time: 7281.8

cared I was impatient to be done with

Time: 7284.52

college and like to do things with my

Time: 7286.159

brain I wanted to be a writer I want to

Time: 7287.84

be an academic but you know that takes a

Time: 7289.44

lot of work and I I really cared a lot

Time: 7291.639

about it so I was a I was a uh

Time: 7293.84

fraternity brother for one day and I

Time: 7296.4

went to the first meeting where they're

Time: 7298.52

doing you know held the pledging or

Time: 7299.88

whatever and I remember I just not for

Time: 7302.119

me and and I walked away I like I'm not

Time: 7304.159

going because this is going to be

Time: 7305.48

distracting like the the hangovers and

Time: 7307.159

this and that and and you know I want to

Time: 7308.76

focus on writing I want to learn how to

Time: 7310.52

do this it is pretty isolating yeah um

Time: 7313.04

and I know some people that were in the

Time: 7314.56

Greek system that also benefited

Time: 7316.4

tremendously from that I I wasn't one of

Time: 7318.239

them um but uh I I definitely resonate

Time: 7322.639

with it so not everyone yeah me say is

Time: 7325.36

like they don't all have to be as

Time: 7327.079

intense as you and I were um but but

Time: 7329.599

caring about your brain it gives you a

Time: 7331.719

lot of options and if you're playing

Time: 7333.52

catchup it there's almost always a

Time: 7335.88

social cost associated with it but you

Time: 7337.599

eventually are joined by many other

Time: 7339.04

people you find the other nerds that's

Time: 7340.92

been there's a lot of nerds the other

Time: 7342.679

the other nerds Misfits and people who

Time: 7344.8

um who are are you know seeking

Time: 7347.239

something uh they they come around you f

Time: 7349.4

you you find them uh I'm interested in

Time: 7351.88

this concept of burnout yeah um we hear

Time: 7354.56

about burn

Time: 7355.599

out um we associate with too much

Time: 7358.52

adrenaline lack of sleep tired and wired

Time: 7361.92

um feeling disengage the poet David

Time: 7364.36

White has a beautiful um poem I forget

Time: 7366.52

the title about burnout where he says

Time: 7368.599

that the I think the cure to burn out is

Time: 7373.079

wholeheartedness um and I I always like

Time: 7375.199

that's a bit more abstract than the

Time: 7376.639

kinds of things we're talking about

Time: 7377.88

today um but I like that because there's

Time: 7380.639

something about

Time: 7382

wholeheartedness um really leaning into

Time: 7384.199

something with with the the true desire

Time: 7386.639

to be there and to explore it no matter

Time: 7388.52

how hard that is um the opposite extreme

Time: 7391.36

of burnout yeah well I mean I think

Time: 7393.48

burnout in if we're thinking knowledge

Time: 7395

work like people with office jobs my

Time: 7397.079

diagnosis there it's not exactly

Time: 7399.48

quantity of work that that does play a

Time: 7402.48

role it's the kind of work because I I

Time: 7404.52

think what's happening what what's been

Time: 7406.28

deranging actually for people in these

Time: 7409

jobs is uh workloads are getting larger

Time: 7413.32

right in part because communication is

Time: 7414.92

low friction and we always want to be

Time: 7416.88

demonstrating activity because of pseudo

Time: 7418.719

productivity and people are always

Time: 7419.88

asking us to do things we say yes

Time: 7422.28

everything we say yes to brings with it

Time: 7424.96

administrative overhead right which is

Time: 7427.159

talking about the thing but not actually

Time: 7428.599

doing so it's like emails about the

Time: 7430.199

commitment it's a meetings about the

Time: 7431.88

commitment um because our workloads are

Time: 7434.199

larger what happens then is more and

Time: 7436.48

more of our time has to service this

Time: 7438.159

administrative overhead because

Time: 7439.4

everything we say yes to brings with it

Time: 7441.159

its own overhead it adds up it

Time: 7442.599

Aggregates right so now more and more of

Time: 7444.559

our day is spent talking about work and

Time: 7446.719

not actually doing the work and then

Time: 7447.92

make it even worse it's not like this

Time: 7449.44

overhead is all batched together it's

Time: 7451.599

sort of spread out throughout your day

Time: 7454.04

so it's also putting you in that state

Time: 7455.639

of uh constant distraction which makes

Time: 7457.199

it hard to do work what I think is is

Time: 7458.88

burning people out is they're now in

Time: 7460.599

this state where they're saying I'm

Time: 7461.88

spending most of my day talking about

Time: 7463.679

work sending emails attending meetings

Time: 7466

very little time is left to actually

Time: 7467.92

make progress on the work and then the

Time: 7470.36

the workload gets larger and larger this

Time: 7472.199

by itself is deranging right this it

Time: 7474.04

feels like you're in some sort of U

Time: 7476.04

nihilistic experiment like what what is

Time: 7478.4

this why do I have six hours of meetings

Time: 7480

I'm not actually this can't be the right

Time: 7481.44

way to work um and then what happens of

Time: 7483.679

course is you have to recover time in

Time: 7484.88

the morning in the afternoon maybe after

Time: 7486.559

your kids go to bed to try to actually

Time: 7488.32

make prog ress so now you also have just

Time: 7490.44

a straight work quantity issue so you're

Time: 7492.119

working more hours there's an energy

Time: 7494.159

drain but I think that psychological

Time: 7496.36

piece of this can't possibly make sense

Time: 7500.159

that like I am checking email once every

Time: 7502.119

two minutes and spent six hours in Zoom

Time: 7504.48

like doing very little actual high value

Time: 7506.559

work like this can't be the right way to

Time: 7508.28

work that's what I think the burnout

Time: 7509.88

epidemic right now is coming from is

Time: 7511.599

it's that psychological component of we

Time: 7513.52

all know this is stupid but no one is

Time: 7515.679

saying the emperor has no clothes on we

Time: 7517.36

all know that the amount of emailing

Time: 7518.84

meetings I'm doing is such a waste of my

Time: 7520.88

salary like this is a highly trained

Time: 7522.599

brain like I could be writing these

Time: 7523.88

reports or this code or creating these

Time: 7525.4

business strategies um but we're all

Time: 7527.079

just accepting this so I think the

Time: 7528.48

absurdity of the current situation is

Time: 7531.239

creating as much of the burnout as it is

Time: 7533.44

just we also have to add these extra

Time: 7535

hours there just like a straight

Time: 7536.199

aggregation of work

Time: 7537.8

quantity it's almost analogous to taking

Time: 7542.84

professional athletes or would be

Time: 7545.239

professional athletes and having them do

Time: 7547.639

a bunch of other physical labor so that

Time: 7549.36

they're showing up not fresh for the

Time: 7551.719

game and little micro injuries and

Time: 7554.04

distracted and um and no one's admitting

Time: 7556.4

that this doesn't make sense and

Time: 7557.44

everyone's just getting injured and no

Time: 7558.84

one's talking about it so it's the

Time: 7560.32

absurdity of it would drive people crazy

Time: 7562

and it is driving people

Time: 7563.719

crazy it it's so difficult though

Time: 7566.44

because certain things like smartphones

Time: 7568.679

are very useful on the hospital Ward I

Time: 7571.84

mean doctors can communicate nurses

Time: 7573.52

communicate so much faster now um

Time: 7576.4

parents and kids can communicate who's

Time: 7578.119

going to pick up the kids nope got stuck

Time: 7579.559

in traffic you go this way alternate

Time: 7581.159

route on Google Maps and and on and on

Time: 7583.32

so it's all woven in with stuff that's

Time: 7585.8

that's also highly adaptive it makes it

Time: 7588.28

tough yeah you know it's almost like the

Time: 7590.159

work of being a selective filter is half

Time: 7592.639

the work of trying to deload the

Time: 7594.4

cognitive systems that would allow you

Time: 7595.8

to do deep work yeah well in the

Time: 7597.719

workplace is even harder than that right

Time: 7599.92

because because part of the issue is

Time: 7602.28

email and slack but let's just say

Time: 7604.04

digital communication um I spent a lot

Time: 7606.239

of time studying that closely right from

Time: 7607.96

like a techn critic standpoint the

Time: 7610.159

introduction of digital communication to

Time: 7611.88

the workplace and the problem there is

Time: 7614.679

the reason why we're checking this all

Time: 7616.119

the time it's not some like individual

Time: 7618.88

habit deoptimization it's not oh I

Time: 7621.32

should just check this less often what

Time: 7623.04

happened is when we introduce low

Time: 7624.599

friction digital communication to the

Time: 7626.199

office this emerging consensus came

Time: 7630.079

about that said great let's just use ad

Time: 7632.8

hoc messaging as our major way of

Time: 7634.679

collaborating like we can just figure

Time: 7636.52

things out on the fly I can just be like

Time: 7637.88

Andrew what's going on with the whatever

Time: 7639.199

and you can answer me and I can send it

Time: 7640.719

back um this was very convenient the

Time: 7642.719

activation cost was low and so this is

Time: 7644.84

how we began actually collaborating on

Time: 7646.599

work now what happens is as workloads

Time: 7648.119

get higher we now have many things at

Time: 7650.36

the same time they're all generating

Time: 7651.88

these asynchronous back and forth

Time: 7653.36

conversations most of these have some

Time: 7655.36

sort of time sensitivity right so if I

Time: 7657.36

email you and say like what's going on

Time: 7659

with like the guest coming later today

Time: 7660.599

we have to kind of resolve this before

Time: 7662.76

later today um so now it's not just that

Time: 7665.28

these messages are going back and forth

Time: 7666.76

with all these different threads but I

Time: 7668.079

have to keep check in my inbox to make

Time: 7669.599

sure the gap's not too big this is not a

Time: 7671.679

failure of habits it's not a moral

Time: 7673.36

failure it's uh necessitated by the fact

Time: 7676.639

that all these back and forth

Time: 7677.76

conversations have to keep moving

Time: 7679.36

forward so it is difficult then if

Time: 7681.84

you're in this system to step out by

Time: 7684.679

yourself because this is the way we're

Time: 7686.92

collaborating is these asynchronous back

Time: 7688.639

and forth messages and I can't disengage

Time: 7691

myself from that without slowing things

Time: 7693.32

down like from a like a mathematical

Time: 7695.28

Game Theory point of view it's a

Time: 7696.8

suboptimal Nash equilibrium it's not the

Time: 7699.4

right place not the right way to to run

Time: 7701.719

this the the the utility value of this

Time: 7703.559

configuration is low but no one

Time: 7705.36

individual can deploy a different

Time: 7706.76

strategy that's going to be higher value

Time: 7708.4

we're stuck in it right and so now it

Time: 7710.52

becomes really hard for an individual

Time: 7712

just to say I want to check my email

Time: 7713.559

less often it it's built in systemically

Time: 7715.92

into this hyperactive hive mind workflow

Time: 7718

and the only way to break free from the

Time: 7719.679

suboptimal configuration is to basically

Time: 7721.92

have the organization itself do like a

Time: 7723.84

really high cost change to the rules of

Time: 7725.639

the game these are how we're

Time: 7727.04

collaborating now we're not using email

Time: 7729.119

freely anymore we're going to use this

Time: 7731.199

system instead here you it's a very

Time: 7733.719

expensive top down procedure to free

Time: 7736.92

ourselves from the suboptimality so like

Time: 7738.92

in the world of work that's partially

Time: 7740.32

why this is such an intractable problem

Time: 7741.88

I I tried to write a book about this

Time: 7743.4

recently um and it was really hard to

Time: 7745.599

gain traction because it's not easy to

Time: 7747.32

solve this like no individual can move

Time: 7749.079

out of this and you have to put in a lot

Time: 7751.119

of energy as an organization to try to

Time: 7753.159

to change this um so it's in some sense

Time: 7755.48

email is a more insu problem

Time: 7759.28

than social media on the phone because

Time: 7761.04

at least over here this is my engagement

Time: 7763.639

with this and I might have these

Time: 7764.92

moderate behavioral addictions but I

Time: 7766.199

could make differences here in my

Time: 7768.239

company oh this is much worse this is

Time: 7770.48

like a systemic problem it's an emergent

Time: 7773.52

deterministic work impact on a economic

Time: 7776.36

social cultural system that was

Time: 7778.36

completely dynamical and went in a way

Time: 7780.239

we didn't really expect so it's it's a

Time: 7782.32

it's a really tough situation sometimes

Time: 7784.36

especially in the world of work how do

Time: 7786.32

we get out of this constant distraction

Time: 7788.36

it's why you know I wrote deep work and

Time: 7790.36

I was like well why don't people just do

Time: 7791.559

this that's why they don't just do this

Time: 7793.32

because it's not so easy to to reclaim

Time: 7795.76

this time well it's like um when I was a

Time: 7799.119

graduate student in postto I was focused

Time: 7800.84

on eating pretty well meaning just

Time: 7803.32

clean-ish food and um people talked less

Time: 7807.88

about that at that time I was also

Time: 7810.36

really committed to exercise since I was

Time: 7812.32

16 um people were less committed to that

Time: 7815.32

in the academic sector at that time now

Time: 7817.159

I think it's common for people like I'm

Time: 7818.84

going to my yoga class I'm doing my zone

Time: 7820.159

2 cardio I go to the gym you know men

Time: 7821.76

and women do this you know I remember

Time: 7823.4

having like like sneak off to the gym

Time: 7825.36

like yeah um and um you know you felt

Time: 7829.88

like a bit of a of an oddball if you

Time: 7832

were the one bringing your lunch to the

Time: 7834.119

the you know the pizza lunch in not

Time: 7836.119

there's anything wrong with pizza love

Time: 7837.199

pizza but I was trying to eat well I

Time: 7838.88

have for a long time I feel better when

Time: 7840.28

I do and I'm grateful that I did but you

Time: 7842.4

get some weird looks like oh do you have

Time: 7843.88

an eating disorder or something like

Time: 7845.32

that that's what people would say then

Time: 7846.719

yep um now people would probably look

Time: 7849.28

and oh that looks better than the pizza

Time: 7850.88

people start to understand so I think

Time: 7852.119

there needs to be a cultural shift yep

Time: 7853.96

um and I think there has been a cultural

Time: 7855.48

shift around food and exercise certainly

Time: 7857.52

food meditation sleep y um I think

Time: 7861.679

people are far more accepting and

Time: 7863.119

actually encouraging of their workers

Time: 7865.559

and co-workers um taking really good

Time: 7867.76

care in order to function better for

Time: 7870

longer yeah I think this going to be the

Time: 7871.719

next Revolution and it's going to be a

Time: 7873.159

revolution that's going to unlock we're

Time: 7874.76

talking on the scale of like a trillion

Time: 7876.119

dollar GBP when we go through knowledge

Time: 7878.48

work and have this revolution I call it

Time: 7880.079

like the cognitive Revolution Let's Take

Time: 7882.32

really seriously how the brains of our

Time: 7883.639

workers work like these are our number

Time: 7885.88

one assets like not to be too

Time: 7887.44

mechanistic about it but what is our

Time: 7889.079

main capital asset if we're a knowledge

Time: 7890.92

work organization we have some buildings

Time: 7892.28

but it's really these brains that we

Time: 7893.8

have like employment contracts with

Time: 7895.079

these brains create value let's take

Time: 7897.32

seriously how the brains actually

Time: 7898.719

operate and as soon as we do we'll say

Time: 7901.04

oh my God these brains are checking

Time: 7902.52

email once every two minutes what a

Time: 7904.719

disaster it's like if we had a car

Time: 7906.639

factory and we spent $20 million on one

Time: 7909.48

of these German robots that can you know

Time: 7911.88

put cars on the doors or whatever and we

Time: 7914.239

just weren't taking care of it and it

Time: 7915.559

was like rusting and was dropping the

Time: 7917.119

doors and the production pipeline was

Time: 7918.679

going down like this is crazy we got to

Time: 7920.4

take care of this equipment right um

Time: 7922.639

when we have the cognitive Revolution

Time: 7924.239

the sort of cognitive Capital Revolution

Time: 7925.76

and knowledge work I think it's going to

Time: 7927.159

unlock a trillion dollar GDP I think

Time: 7929.119

that's how unproductive we've been if we

Time: 7932.239

just think in the pure raw terms of

Time: 7934.8


Time: 7936.119

producing stuff that's worth money like

Time: 7938.559

if we're like super deterministic and

Time: 7940.36

kind of inhumane about it uh so much is

Time: 7943.32

being lost because we're in the

Time: 7945.32

suboptimal Nash equilibrium everyone

Time: 7946.88

just email everyone all the time

Time: 7947.92

everyone's just on slack all the time

Time: 7949.36

that when we finally have the revolution

Time: 7951.32

to get over that it's going to be a

Time: 7953.48

massive economic hit and you know AI

Time: 7955.28

might play a role in this right because

Time: 7957.559

maybe AI once it gets planning

Time: 7959.119

capabilities is going to be able to take

Time: 7961.239

the burden of some of this back and

Time: 7962.88

forth planning I think it's easier to

Time: 7964.559

get there with cultural shifts I don't

Time: 7965.8

think we have to wait to build an email

Time: 7967.8

cap capable chat GPT to do this like you

Time: 7969.679

could solve this tomorrow this is

Time: 7971.079

cultural as much as it's tool based but

Time: 7973.119

I think it's going to be a huge

Time: 7974.4

Revolution when we get there Ain to uh

Time: 7977.679

like the assembly line in manufacturing

Time: 7980.679

which was like a 10x Improvement in

Time: 7983.04

productivity metrics when we figured out

Time: 7984.559

the continuous motion assembly line with

Time: 7986.119

interchangeable parts was a massive it

Time: 7988.719

created this uh productivity engine I'm

Time: 7991.04

using the economics s productivity now

Time: 7993.079

um you know dollars per worker uh the

Time: 7995.28

economic miracle that came from this

Time: 7997.679

process based industrial Innovations in

Time: 8000.199

the the late 19th early 20th century

Time: 8002.639

that the money generated by that the

Time: 8004.239

wealth generated by that was the

Time: 8005.48

foundation of the modern West like the

Time: 8007.719

whole world as we know it was built

Time: 8009.52

there's these huge latent potentials um

Time: 8012.119

and right now I don't think we're there

Time: 8013.159

with the brain and I think it's going to

Time: 8014.48

be a huge Revolution it's just it's just

Time: 8016.84

difficult right it's not an easy

Time: 8018.119

Revolution to start but I think it's

Time: 8019.4

going to change whole Industries in ways

Time: 8022.4

that we're it's going to be hard to even

Time: 8023.639

imagine yeah and I think as long as

Time: 8025.52

there are individuals who either by

Time: 8027.44

virtue of

Time: 8028.48

lack of family or other constraints or

Time: 8031.679

by virtue of just having more energy and

Time: 8033.4

requiring less sleep because these

Time: 8034.8

individuals do exist out there yeah um

Time: 8037.559

there will always be these individuals

Time: 8039.28

that can kind of apply themselves more

Time: 8041.239

than others in the sense that they can

Time: 8042.76

get in earlier and stay in later um and

Time: 8045.88

and that trying to be

Time: 8047.48

them is not a good idea that we all need

Time: 8050.8

to optimize for our you know best

Time: 8052.92

balance of productivity deep work and um

Time: 8056.639

work life balance for lack of of a

Time: 8058.44

better term uh when I was a graduate

Time: 8060.599

student um I was really committed to My

Time: 8064.639

My Craft and I remember that hearing

Time: 8066.28

about a student he's now a professor a

Time: 8068.04

very accomplished endocrinologist um

Time: 8069.639

I'll just give him a name because he he

Time: 8070.96

did this thing he doesn't know me but I

Time: 8072.28

heard about this guy that had been in

Time: 8073.4

the department Randy Nelson and everyone

Time: 8075.32

was like he used to work a 100 hours a

Time: 8076.92

week yeah so I was like all right great

Time: 8078.559

I'm going to start logging my work hours

Time: 8080.079

silently I'm going to do 102 hours and I

Time: 8082.36

ended up with a flu and an autoimmune

Time: 8084.28

condition I literally had an autoimmune

Time: 8086.159

condition I've never had one since then

Time: 8087.599

I stopped working that much started

Time: 8089.599

working quote unquote smarter along the

Time: 8091.32

lines of many of the things you're

Time: 8092.239

saying here although I didn't implement

Time: 8094.639

or know about all these tools that time

Time: 8096.92

and of course the autoimmune thing went

Time: 8098.559

away it was a fairly minor thing never

Time: 8100.239

had it again but you can destroy

Time: 8102.599

yourself simply by working more yeah um

Time: 8105.4

even if it's deep work so that the

Time: 8106.96

solution is not necessarily more it's um

Time: 8109.679

just like with exercise I guess that

Time: 8111.44

stands it's obvious but I I thought I'd

Time: 8113.199

share that anecdote because uh Randy

Time: 8115.159

Nelson taught me what I'm capable of and

Time: 8116.719

what I'm not capable of yeah well the

Time: 8118.76

other thing that happens by the way too

Time: 8120.119

it's not just who's capable of working

Time: 8122.159

more get these advantages there's these

Time: 8123.8

other unpredictable inequities um I

Time: 8126.159

talked to a law firm once years ago

Time: 8127.8

about deep work and I was uh invited by

Time: 8130.52

a group it was actually a a group of

Time: 8132.28

women lawyers who had a reading group

Time: 8134.04

and they said part of what was happening

Time: 8135.52

at this Law Firm is that people who were

Time: 8139

uh disagreeable like just sort of gruff

Time: 8142.44

and jerks would get asked to do less of

Time: 8146.119

what they would call non- promotable

Time: 8147.32

activities or can you organize this or

Time: 8148.84

whatever which meant they had more time

Time: 8150.28

to do deep work uh which meant they

Time: 8152.44

would do better and they would rise

Time: 8154.159

faster and then what was happening then

Time: 8155.84

was you had accidentally built a system

Time: 8157.4

that said let's make sure we have a fast

Time: 8159.599

track for like our most disagreeable

Time: 8161.719

employees to the partnership level where

Time: 8164.159

actually you need to be pretty agreeable

Time: 8165.88

because your uh client acquisition is

Time: 8168.36

really on the partners and so they

Time: 8170.04

accidentally had you know push towards

Time: 8172.4

this this uh inequity and these type of

Time: 8174.4

inequities happen all the time when we

Time: 8175.88

leave it like haphazard and okay so

Time: 8178.239

who's doing less work like like well I

Time: 8179.96

just sort of like I'm Gruff and people

Time: 8182.199

don't like me or I have something going

Time: 8183.559

on at my house that means I don't have

Time: 8184.84

the the same time to do this um and you

Time: 8186.88

end up pushing people up these paths

Time: 8188.92

that might not be who you really want to

Time: 8190.32

select because you're selecting for uh

Time: 8192.599

things that are sort of unrelated to

Time: 8194.8

their actual underlying Talent or like

Time: 8196.639

how much they can actually produce and

Time: 8198.28

so I'm I'm with you on that yeah it's a

Time: 8201.16

complex problem but a tractable one

Time: 8203.28

nonetheless I'm interested in your

Time: 8205.24

thoughts on remote work versus in-person

Time: 8207

work and the hybrid model yeah um I've

Time: 8210.679

heard about a hybrid model recently a

Time: 8213.28

friend who owns a big um record company

Time: 8216.28

here in Los Angeles said that um they

Time: 8218.479

require one in-person day per week

Time: 8220.88

unless on sick leave um they require one

Time: 8224.679

at home day per week and then the other

Time: 8227.76

day is it's at your discretion yeah it's

Time: 8230.16

kind of an interesting model but for in

Time: 8231.92

a five day a week model yeah I mean I my

Time: 8234.8

my proposals I've thought about this a

Time: 8236.96

lot is okay if you're going to do hybrid

Time: 8239

work and I I proposed this in Atlantic

Time: 8241.24

article recently which created some

Time: 8243.2

positive some negative wayes I was like

Time: 8244.719

here's the way you should do it uh

Time: 8246.28

synchronize the schedule here's at home

Time: 8248.479

days here's an office days but for

Time: 8250.84

everybody for everybody okay or have a

Time: 8252.84

few of these schedules but like groups

Time: 8254.599

of people who work together have the

Time: 8255.719

same schedule but then make the rule at

Time: 8257.88

home days no meetings no email like

Time: 8260.599

that's the way to really get the full

Time: 8261.84

benefit out of hybrid work when we're in

Time: 8263.319

the office we have meetings and we can

Time: 8265.599

talk about work and we're at home we're

Time: 8267.08

just doing work and we can do it without

Time: 8268.519

distraction and we can just stay deep

Time: 8269.96

and really turn through things I think

Time: 8271.479

it would really make a big difference on

Time: 8272.559

the overload issue I think it would be

Time: 8273.88

much more sustainable remote work so I

Time: 8276.639

did a lot of coverage of remote work as

Time: 8278

this was first emerging the early

Time: 8279.479

pandemic there I became convinced uh I

Time: 8282.04

was doing this twice a month column for

Time: 8283.319

the New Yorker back then that was just

Time: 8284.679

looking at the pandemic transforming

Time: 8287.08

work and I came away with the idea that

Time: 8288.96

remote work can be um fantastic but it's

Time: 8292.439

difficult and it can't just be do the

Time: 8295.24

job you were doing in person but just do

Time: 8297.12

it at home and we have zoom and we'll

Time: 8298.719

figure it out like if you're going to be

Time: 8300.599

fully remote we have to rethink what

Time: 8302.559

work means for that uh and there's a lot

Time: 8304.8

of differences that needs to have it

Time: 8306.28

needs to be way more structured it

Time: 8308.439

probably needs to be um you're working

Time: 8310.24

on less things it's very clear what

Time: 8312.04

you're working on the collaboration is

Time: 8314.399

much more defined and much less frequent

Time: 8316.439

you probably need to be freed from this

Time: 8318.359

sort of hyperactive hive my dance of

Time: 8320.08

we're just emailing each other all day

Time: 8321.319

and in Zoom meetings all day you have to

Time: 8323

sort of

Time: 8324.28

reconstitute what a remote work job is

Time: 8327.359

at I think before it works and we know

Time: 8328.599

this in part because software developers

Time: 8330.679

pre pandemic were one of the only

Time: 8332.359

knowledge sectors to have a a really

Time: 8334.12

successful track record with remote work

Time: 8336.679

that is the only sector within knowledge

Time: 8338.319

work where we had large companies fully

Time: 8340.319

remote they did that because their jobs

Time: 8343.2

they they had really structured them

Time: 8346

around these these agile workload

Time: 8348.16

Management Systems where okay here's

Time: 8350.2

when we talk about work here's how long

Time: 8352.08

it takes here's how we assign you new

Time: 8353.76

work you work on one thing at a time you

Time: 8355.319

sprint till it's done they had all this

Time: 8356.84

structure around work which then it

Time: 8358.719

didn't really matter if you in the

Time: 8359.679

office or not so the less structured

Time: 8361.28

work is the more free-for-all the more

Time: 8363.08

you need we have to be in the office so

Time: 8365.2

like I'm a huge fan of full-time remote

Time: 8366.92

work but I think those jobs have to look

Time: 8368.719

very different than like a standard 2019

Time: 8371.319

job yeah I've always done a hybrid of

Time: 8374.479

remote work um I used to take Wednesday

Time: 8376.679

mornings at home from the lab yeah um

Time: 8379.84

but nowadays it's wild because

Time: 8382.08

especially during the pandemic but still

Time: 8383.76

now I mean you can do the whole day in

Time: 8385.519

pajamas and getting work done and I love

Time: 8388.2

this idea of no um no email and limiting

Time: 8392.76

text and social media while at home

Time: 8394.64

doing work to really extract the most

Time: 8396.359

out of it yeah are there any data um

Time: 8398.68

maybe from the pandemic era or um prior

Time: 8402.04

or Beyond about zoom and things like it

Time: 8404.8

in terms of how they enhance or diminish

Time: 8408.04

or perhaps have no effect on

Time: 8409.68

productivity like Zoom specifically and

Time: 8411.96

and meetings I we just found ourselves

Time: 8414.84

in Zoom all the time for a while that

Time: 8417.16

was bigger problem I mean so so there is

Time: 8419.16

data that says for example a hybrid

Time: 8420.96

meeting some people are online some

Time: 8423.12

people aren't these are less effective

Time: 8424.52

meetings they don't they don't work as

Time: 8426.04

well um but the bigger problem with zoom

Time: 8428.12

I think was the quantity and and part of

Time: 8430.68

it was just the the technology involved

Time: 8433.64

right so so if we're in the office

Time: 8435.359

together and I have a relatively quick

Time: 8437.56

thing to talk to you about I can just

Time: 8438.84

grab you and we can talk about this and

Time: 8440.399

then the footprint is going to be five

Time: 8441.64

minutes that's not just that it's five

Time: 8443.04

minutes it's five well allocated minutes

Time: 8445.439

because I'm probably going to use the

Time: 8446.88

social cues of your doors open or you're

Time: 8448.72

going to get coffee anyways right um in

Time: 8451

the zoom era instead we would say well

Time: 8453.04

we should set up a meeting right because

Time: 8455

you know we have to talk about this but

Time: 8456.68

if you think about a standard online

Time: 8458.12

calendar it's difficult to have a

Time: 8459.88

meeting that's less than 30 minutes long

Time: 8461.359

I mean you just you have to drag it you

Time: 8462.64

know I mean 30 minutes is like the

Time: 8463.96

default smallest length meeting so we're

Time: 8466.8

taking a lot of informal back and forth

Time: 8468.439

and inflating the time I think that was

Time: 8470.04

part of it so we just had too much Zoom

Time: 8473.28

going on right if it was just I do one

Time: 8474.92

meeting a week now it's on Zoom it used

Time: 8477.319

to be in person we were all on Zoom we

Time: 8479

used to all be in person it's that's not

Time: 8480.359

that big of a deal it's maybe like a

Time: 8481.72

slightly less effective meeting but it's

Time: 8483.88

fine it's good enough but if it's I have

Time: 8485.68

4X more meetings than I used to because

Time: 8487.96

of the the inherent inefficiencies of

Time: 8489.72

having to go to prescheduled Virtual for

Time: 8491.28

basically all collaboration that could

Time: 8493.359

be a huge problem the data I saw from

Time: 8495.64

Microsoft the last data I saw was a 22%

Time: 8499.04

increase in these meetings from 20120 to

Time: 8501.8

now and it's not a number it's not like

Time: 8504.04

it peaked and then it started coming

Time: 8505.52

back down again once we went to hybrid

Time: 8507.28

it we just it's just high and it's still

Time: 8509.16

creeping up right that's a lot of time

Time: 8512.16

that just vanished and we sort of

Time: 8514.12

pretend like it didn't but that's a lot

Time: 8515.88

of time that is not actively working on

Time: 8518.72

things and just talking about work or

Time: 8520.72

talking about other stuff while we get

Time: 8522.52

around the talking about work I think

Time: 8523.88

it's a real issue is there a top three

Time: 8527.68

list of things that if you had a magic

Time: 8530.12

wand you would see everyone do um each

Time: 8534.88

day you know if you had if you had three

Time: 8537.8

wishes um yes what would they be workers

Time: 8542.56

enhancing work creativity focused work I

Time: 8545.24

mean I think you and I both um clearly

Time: 8547.92

agree that there's not just great value

Time: 8550.6

in terms of productivity yeah but a

Time: 8553.2

great degree of of Life Enrichment like

Time: 8556.6

a deep level of enrichment in terms of

Time: 8558.76

Happiness feelings of well-being con

Time: 8560.64

time for connectivity with others

Time: 8562.68

lessons about deep work that can be

Time: 8564.439

exported to time with others where we

Time: 8566.56

are really present Etc just so much to

Time: 8568.8

be gained from these from engaging in

Time: 8570.88

deep work and things like it that you've

Time: 8573.24

written about in your various books um

Time: 8575.96

and talk about on your podcast are you

Time: 8578.96

know is there a top three yeah yeah yeah

Time: 8581.52

so if I do three I would say Okay um

Time: 8584.52

first of all with your workload simulate

Time: 8586.84

something like a pull system instead of

Time: 8589.16

a push system and what I mean by that is

Time: 8591.359

when you keep track of what you're

Time: 8592.439

working on have the the top part of that

Time: 8595.439

list which is I'm actively working on

Time: 8597.56

these things and keep that top part of

Time: 8599

your list to like two or three things

Time: 8601.399

everything else is in the bottom part of

Time: 8602.76

the list it's to work on next and it's

Time: 8604.88

in an ordered queue and so when you

Time: 8607.08

finish something that you're working on

Time: 8608.439

you pull something new to take it slot

Time: 8611.2

from the list below right so what I'm

Time: 8613.6

trying to do with that advice is reduce

Time: 8616

all this administrative overhead because

Time: 8617.96

now even if like you can't get away you

Time: 8619.68

have to say yes to these things because

Time: 8621.16

it's the way like your your organization

Time: 8622.68

works the stuff that's in the waiting to

Time: 8625.08

work on Q you said I don't have meetings

Time: 8626.8

about that I don't do emails about that

Time: 8628.84

I wait till I'm actively working on it

Time: 8630.52

and I only actively work on three things

Time: 8632.04

at a time now I'm going to finish those

Time: 8633.8

things really quickly because I don't

Time: 8635.92

have 15 items worth of meetings I'm

Time: 8638.24

going to every day so things are going

Time: 8639.84

to pull up there pretty quickly and so

Time: 8641.439

the rate at which I'm accomplishing

Time: 8642.72

things will probably be higher than it

Time: 8643.96

was before but I only work on three

Time: 8646

things actively you could even make this

Time: 8648.52

visible it's in a shared document if you

Time: 8650.279

want to when someone asks you to do

Time: 8652.04

something new tell them to put it on the

Time: 8653.92

end of your queue they're like oh okay

Time: 8656.359

so like Andrew is not working on this

Time: 8657.96

right now he's working on these three

Time: 8659.12

things and there's seven things here and

Time: 8660.72

I'm adding something number eight so I

Time: 8662.64

know not to expect something for a while

Time: 8665.16

um in fact I can keep checking this list

Time: 8667.8

until I see Andrew's working on it so I

Time: 8669.64

can see it's making progress and then

Time: 8671.6

once I know he's working on it I can

Time: 8672.72

start email them about it and we can do

Time: 8674.04

just a normal type of overhead you would

Time: 8676.359

have with with projects right uh that

Time: 8678.96

alone is going to have a huge difference

Time: 8680.84

like now the amount of distraction your

Time: 8682.84

day is going to uh plummet because

Time: 8685.64

that's generated from overhead of things

Time: 8687.319

you've agreed to do and that's going

Time: 8688.56

that's going to plumm that down all

Time: 8689.56

right so that'd be number one could I

Time: 8690.92

just uh thank you could I just ask a few

Time: 8692.76

questions about that just to clarify so

Time: 8694.64

for I use myself as an example selfishly

Time: 8697.04

but then of course I don't know what

Time: 8698.24

everyone else out there is pursuing but

Time: 8699.68

so substitute the specifics I'm about to

Time: 8701.88

insert here for whatever it is that you

Time: 8704.04

care about in your life so um

Time: 8706.84

researching podcasts yeah SOLO podcasts

Time: 8709.8

in particular for me is my major task in

Time: 8711.68

life these days uh with respect to work

Time: 8714.08

so that would be top of the list yeah um

Time: 8716.479

and then

Time: 8718.56

um there could be two other items on

Time: 8720.84

this you know top of que um would daily

Time: 8723.72

activities like like exercise Social

Time: 8725.84

time with loved ones Etc would that be

Time: 8727.6

included there or we're talking

Time: 8729.2

specifically about work yeah let's just

Time: 8730.6

keep just work okay so it would be you

Time: 8732.399

know podcast prep you might podcast prep

Time: 8736.52

podcast prep you might have the

Time: 8737.56

particular topic though right right okay

Time: 8739.279

so pod right I'm working on an episode

Time: 8740.96

right now about about skin Health yeah

Time: 8743.279

um you could you could have two

Time: 8744.64

different episode topics you're prepping

Time: 8746.319

those could both be up there yep so skin

Time: 8748.08

Health allergies episode These are two

Time: 8750.279

that I'm spending a lot of time on um

Time: 8752.68

months in fact y right and then your

Time: 8754.52

third might be something that that

Time: 8755.64

involves the uh the media companies

Time: 8757.6

something around the business side like

Time: 8758.96

okay we're trying to figure out um a

Time: 8761.12

plan for whatever right content for for

Time: 8764.56

brand Association or something okay got

Time: 8766.24

it great so that those three would be

Time: 8767.96

top of the list and every day until

Time: 8770.12

those are done they could sit top of the

Time: 8772.479

list and then there are a number of

Time: 8773.8

items underneath those that fall under

Time: 8776.88

whatever yeah and and critically when

Time: 8778.399

these other items come up right like oh

Time: 8780.279

this is like a topic for example I want

Time: 8781.64

to do a show on you have a place to put

Time: 8783

it it's not being forgotten or here's a

Time: 8784.84

there's a business idea like we need to

Time: 8786.84

figure out like whatever we want to add

Time: 8788.56

do something with our camera configure

Time: 8790.24

okay put on the list so it's not being

Time: 8791.52

forgotten like it it's on there and you

Time: 8793.76

can see where it is not only is it on

Time: 8795.52

there but like this could be shared

Time: 8797.12

among your team so as people had extra

Time: 8800.6

information or things to add to one of

Time: 8802.279

these projects they can add it to it on

Time: 8805.16

the list right so the information is

Time: 8806.76

aggregating so if you use a tool like

Time: 8808

Trello for this Trello spelled t r l l o

Time: 8812.52

okay is it an app it's a web based

Time: 8814.76

service that the metaphor is just index

Time: 8816.92

cards in piles got right but they're

Time: 8819.279

virtual um but you can flip over the

Time: 8821.439

index card digitally attach files write

Time: 8824.16

notes and and so I use Trello for my own

Time: 8826.64

organization what I'm working on so now

Time: 8828.88

you have a place where you can gather

Time: 8830.64

like oh we just I just heard about

Time: 8832.04

something that's relevant to this thing

Time: 8833.2

I need to work on you have a place to

Time: 8834.319

put it like it goes onto the Trello card

Time: 8836.96

or you could do this with shared

Time: 8837.92

documents doesn't matter you're just

Time: 8839.08

like literally typing things into a

Time: 8840.56

Google doc you or a whiteboard or a

Time: 8842.319

whiteboard yeah yeah you could be we're

Time: 8844.52

keeping track of these things right I'm

Time: 8846.16

going to do this by the way yeah well I

Time: 8847.88

mean I'm a big believer in this and then

Time: 8849.2

everyone can see what you're working on

Time: 8851.279

um and then uh but the key thing is if

Time: 8853.08

it's not in your active list you don't

Time: 8854.319

have meetings about it and you don't

Time: 8856.04

have emails about it right like if

Time: 8857.8

people have ideas or things they just

Time: 8859.319

add it to the card so when that gets up

Time: 8861.2

to the active list we can work on all

Time: 8863.72

the information there we haven't

Time: 8864.68

forgotten anything and what two word

Time: 8867.24

uh language do you use to describe this

Time: 8869.439

first point this method I love this I

Time: 8871.52

called it a pull based pull based right

Time: 8874.16

what pulled up you pull into the so

Time: 8876.399

you're fixing in advance here's how much

Time: 8877.96

concentration I have to give on work and

Time: 8879.52

you pull stuff into that the alternative

Time: 8881.359

is push based which is how most

Time: 8883.16

organizations run which is when I want

Time: 8884.6

you to do something I just push it on to

Time: 8886.12

you and now you have to deal with it got

Time: 8887.479

it um I once heard email described as a

Time: 8890.359

public post to-do list yeah that made me

Time: 8892.6

scared of email in a way that nothing

Time: 8894.08

else had um it's newport's pull-based

Time: 8897.52

system I called it that by the way um

Time: 8900.319

this is what in the a lot of the advice

Time: 8901.92

in the first uh one of the chapters of

Time: 8903.52

the new book is basically how do you get

Time: 8906.52

away with implementing this in when you

Time: 8909.16

have a boss and there's like all sorts

Time: 8910.52

of different so you're your own boss so

Time: 8912.2

you can just say this is what we're

Time: 8913.279

doing here's the board but there's a lot

Time: 8914.76

of like subtle ways you can do this yeah

Time: 8917.08

um right so that's number one that's

Time: 8918.2

number one the um Cal newport's

Time: 8920.76

pull-based system I'm going to do this

Time: 8922.6

and I'm actually going to report back on

Time: 8924.279

this at some point um you won't see the

Time: 8925.96

post on social media because you're not

Time: 8927.479

there but others will all right so

Time: 8929.12

that's one all right number two would be

Time: 8930.76

multiscale planning okay so now this is

Time: 8934.08

planning uh you're planning on three

Time: 8936.439

different scales daily

Time: 8939

weekly seasonally or quarterly however

Time: 8941.359

you want to think about it right so you

Time: 8943.88

have a a plan for like the semester the

Time: 8946.52

season or the quarter like this is what

Time: 8948.12

I'm working on these are the big

Time: 8949.279

objectives I want to hit here's the

Time: 8950.6

reminders to myself about like what

Time: 8952.04

matters like remember like I'm I'm

Time: 8953.72

overhauling my my workout routine we're

Time: 8955.96

trying to like this with the podcast you

Time: 8958.52

look at that scale of planning every

Time: 8960.08

week when you build your weekly plan and

Time: 8963.16

the weekly plan it could free form text

Time: 8964.96

you don't need anything you know any

Time: 8966.279

special tools your weekly plan you're

Time: 8967.8

looking at the actual calendar all right

Time: 8970.439

uh what from my bigger scale plan my

Time: 8972.96

seasonal quarterly plan what am I trying

Time: 8974.88

to make sure I can make progress on this

Time: 8976.64

week and you you confront the reality of

Time: 8978.479

your week you see where's the empty

Time: 8979.88

space where there's the busy space you

Time: 8981.76

also change what's on your plate right

Time: 8983.56

here you know if I cancel this thing

Time: 8986.16

that frees up that whole morning which

Time: 8987.96

means like I could really make progress

Time: 8989.359

on this which I really want to make

Time: 8990.52

progress on so great I'm going to cancel

Time: 8991.84

that thing on Friday so you're looking

Time: 8992.96

at the whole week as one unit then every

Time: 8995.359

day you look at your weekly plan like

Time: 8998.64

okay so so I'm going to use this when I

Time: 9000.319

make my plan for the day and when you do

Time: 9001.84

your daily plan you do time

Time: 9003.6

blocking now I'm every I'm giving a job

Time: 9006.16

every minute on my work day not my day

Time: 9008.16

after work but every minute on my work

Time: 9009.479

day I'm time blocking so I call it time

Time: 9011.2

blocking is you're literally drawing

Time: 9012.96

blocks around the free time okay this

Time: 9014.72

I'm working on this this I'm working on

Time: 9016.08

this so you're making a plan for your

Time: 9017.76

day that is informed by the weekly plan

Time: 9020.76

so in multiscale planning you have like

Time: 9022.56

the the big picture things you care

Time: 9024.24

about trickle their way all the way down

Time: 9027.279

to okay I'm what am I going to do during

Time: 9029.72

this hour during the day um but you

Time: 9031.76

don't have to

Time: 9032.88

Grapple every this what most people do

Time: 9035.2

every time I'm figuring out what to do

Time: 9036.92

next I'm not grappling with all these

Time: 9038.319

scales at the same time what are my

Time: 9039.88

objectives what's my big plan what's

Time: 9041.52

going on this week uh you're you're

Time: 9043.68

dealing with each of these scales when

Time: 9044.96

the time is right and so when I find

Time: 9046.439

finally gets down to it's now 3:00

Time: 9048.439

you're just doing what that block is and

Time: 9050.08

you figured out that block earlier today

Time: 9051.479

when you looked at your weekly plan that

Time: 9052.76

weekly plan reflected what was in your

Time: 9055.12

semester plan which you figured out you

Time: 9056.88

spent a whole afternoon working on at

Time: 9058.52

the beginning of the semester so

Time: 9059.84

multiscale planning uh it keeps you

Time: 9062.399

focus on what matters it prevents you

Time: 9064.52

from wandering through your day and how

Time: 9066.84

you disperse your energy um and it gives

Time: 9069.08

you control over your time on different

Time: 9070.88

scales from like canceling major ongoing

Time: 9073.72

obligations to just being more efficient

Time: 9075.24

about what you do during a given day

Time: 9077.16

uh so I swear by multiscale planning to

Time: 9079

try to keep this whole lumbering ship

Time: 9082

that is sort of like Kell Newport um

Time: 9084.72

aiming in the towards the right Shores

Time: 9086.92

you know like keep correcting and

Time: 9088.439

keeping it aim back I love this I this

Time: 9091.52

is more or less what I do with my

Time: 9093.04

physical workouts every week I know I'm

Time: 9095

going to get three resistance training

Time: 9096.68

sessions two or three cardiovascular

Time: 9099.16

training sessions I know I'm going to

Time: 9100.88

train my legs once it's either going to

Time: 9102.359

be on depending on travel Sunday Monday

Time: 9104.8

or Tuesday I'll train torso muscles in

Time: 9107.16

the middle of the week I'll train sort

Time: 9108.8

of limb accessory muscles on a Saturday

Time: 9111.399

yeah long run on Sunday or hike on

Time: 9113.04

Sunday or some other day there'll be

Time: 9114.6

some sort of hit workout in the middle

Time: 9115.88

of the week and ideally there's a jog in

Time: 9117.68

there too and you can adjust it a little

Time: 9119.08

bit based on the reality of the week

Time: 9120.68

yeah I might double up for two days and

Time: 9122.52

take a day off I have my ideal schedule

Time: 9124.88

but sometimes it gets compromised and um

Time: 9127.56

and then I do that for 16 we Cycles

Time: 9131

where I vary the kind of intensity load

Time: 9133.399

Etc um and I've done this for years and

Time: 9136

it's just kind of works for me yeah um

Time: 9138.64

now with cognitive work I don't tend to

Time: 9140.2

do this it tends to be more deadline

Time: 9141.68

based yeah but I think that the um the

Time: 9144.439

pull-based system is really going to

Time: 9145.8

help um if I dovetail it with this

Time: 9148.08

multiscale planning um I love this and

Time: 9150.88

you can see the deadlines now you see

Time: 9152.16

them coming right so that's part of

Time: 9153.76

what's nice about multiscale planning is

Time: 9155.279

you know the deadlines coming up and so

Time: 9157.84

when you're doing your semester planning

Time: 9159.16

you start thinking like okay the big

Time: 9160.8

deadlines like when I get to December I

Time: 9162.319

need to be really starting getting after

Time: 9164.72

this thing that's going to be due a book

Time: 9166.6

do yeah so then you know and so this

Time: 9168.76

really helps me book writing because now

Time: 9170.399

when I'm planning it's like you know a

Time: 9172.439

year in advance I know this month I need

Time: 9175.08

to get like roughly the rough draft of

Time: 9177.2

chapter 2 done you know and then that

Time: 9179.399

trickles down to my week where I'm going

Time: 9180.76

to make sure I have enough time cleared

Time: 9182.2

to like be on track for finishing it and

Time: 9184.479

then that trickles into my day now I

Time: 9186.72

know to like block those mornings to

Time: 9188.08

work on it so it all it all works

Time: 9189.479

together an added bonus of the daily

Time: 9191.72

scale is I would say communication

Time: 9194.439

should get its own block email social

Time: 9197.2

media whatever that's like you

Time: 9199.24

communicating with the outside world

Time: 9200.92

goes into your time block plan so if

Time: 9202.84

your block doesn't include that you

Time: 9204.04

don't do it so it's like this block is

Time: 9206.76

writing it's not email it's not social

Time: 9208.56

media so the rule is really simple I'm

Time: 9210.439

not going to use email or social media

Time: 9212.399

um but I still need to do email at some

Time: 9214.04

point so I have to put a block in for it

Time: 9215.6

and when I'm in my email blocks I'm

Time: 9217.479

doing the email if I need to go on

Time: 9218.76

social media to see what's going on with

Time: 9220.2

like the latest episode or something I

Time: 9221.96

got to give that time and then you can

Time: 9224.359

mono Focus because then uh it's a

Time: 9227.08

psychological hack but basically um when

Time: 9229.64

you particularly when you schedule

Time: 9231.319

communication and distraction now the

Time: 9233.56

only thing you have the muster willpower

Time: 9235.2

to do is obey the single rule of I'm

Time: 9237.52

following my blocks if you don't do that

Time: 9240.88

if you're like I just sometimes do email

Time: 9242.479

and social media sometimes I don't now

Time: 9244.439

what you have to do is just constantly

Time: 9246.04

be having this debate is now the right

Time: 9248.359

time to do this I know I'm going to do

Time: 9249.479

it at some point today why not now well

Time: 9251.08

what about now what about now like

Time: 9252.279

you're just constantly asking yourself

Time: 9254.2

right that's impossible right that's

Time: 9255.68

going to drain you but if all you have

Time: 9257

to do instead is say my commitment today

Time: 9258.52

is to follow my blocks and I get I

Time: 9260.52

really feel good when I do it and like I

Time: 9262.12

check off a box if I do give yourself

Time: 9263.68

some feedback here it's a much easier

Time: 9266.279

cognitive battle to win than just trying

Time: 9268.319

to be reasonable about well let me wait

Time: 9269.96

a little longer to check my email like

Time: 9271.319

you're going to lose that battle you

Time: 9273.08

know eight times out of 10 which is like

Time: 9274.88

enough to to Really overcome it so

Time: 9276.479

that's like a a hidden bonus of time

Time: 9278.76

blocking is now you can really get your

Time: 9280.84

arms around separating different

Time: 9283.76

cognitively distinct activities this is

Time: 9286.359

where the analogy of Tim restricted

Time: 9287.92

eating comes to mind yep um again not

Time: 9292.12

that that's the best way to lose weight

Time: 9293.399

or maintain weight or it's its role in

Time: 9295.64

longevity is still debated Etc but I

Time: 9298.24

think for many people not all but for

Time: 9299.92

many people the decision that they do

Time: 9301.76

not eat during certain time blocks and

Time: 9303.84

they do eat in other time blocks is just

Time: 9306.04

far more tractable in the real world for

Time: 9309.319

them than trying to limit portion size

Time: 9311.279

decide whether or not they're going to

Time: 9312.319

eat they're going to pass the cookie and

Time: 9314.08

have a little bit nope they're they're

Time: 9315.279

in their fasting it's just it simplifies

Time: 9317.6

the issue yep and as a consequence I

Time: 9319.6

think it improves um Behavior overall

Time: 9322.52

although the clinical trials point to

Time: 9324.479

some mixed results with that last

Time: 9325.88

statement again I don't want the uh

Time: 9327.359

nutritionista after me the point is the

Time: 9329.76

time blocking and the and the the the

Time: 9331.64


Time: 9332.76

blacklined of the yes no the binary yes

Time: 9335.88

no as um eat don't eat or single commit

Time: 9338.88

email communicate don't communicate in a

Time: 9340.8

given time block I think that's that

Time: 9342.88

really um is what it's about it it

Time: 9344.76

honors the the uh the power of of those

Time: 9347.8

sorts of neural

Time: 9349

computations all right and there's

Time: 9350.439

another hidden bonus of time blocking

Time: 9351.8

too is visually distinct blocks so what

Time: 9354.92

I do for example is I put a double thick

Time: 9358

line around deep work blocks focusing on

Time: 9360.56

some not just deep work but deep work on

Time: 9362.04

things I really care about just this

Time: 9364.04

gives you a visual record how much deep

Time: 9366.2

work am I doing right like it's this

Time: 9368.08

diagnosis I use a a paper based time

Time: 9370.92

block planner so uh you flip through

Time: 9373.56

those pages and you're just looking for

Time: 9375.399

dark blocks right so you see if I see I

Time: 9378.279

don't have a lot of dark blocks I say

Time: 9380.479

this is my whole job like my whole life

Time: 9383.04

I've been trained in a lab to think

Time: 9384.479

really hard about things and write

Time: 9385.68

things why do I not have very many dark

Time: 9387.64

blocks you get this feedback mechanism

Time: 9389.479

so there's all these bonuses when you

Time: 9391.2

start doing this type of doing this type

Time: 9393.279

of planning before you tell us about

Time: 9395.319

number three I often have fantasized

Time: 9397.6

about a web-based program that seems to

Time: 9399.76

run countercurrent to much of what

Time: 9401.08

you're talking about but goes back to

Time: 9402.56

this the Whiteboard MIT Observer stuff

Time: 9405.359

that you talked about at the beginning

Time: 9406.6

which is I often longed for okay I need

Time: 9408.399

to write today I need to write a book or

Time: 9410

I'm going to do some podcast prep I'm

Time: 9411.6

going to pop up a few Windows of other

Time: 9413.12

people that are also doing deep work and

Time: 9415.08

we're not going to communicate in fact

Time: 9417.2

if we do or if music comes through on

Time: 9419.52

the microphone or somebody coughs that's

Time: 9421.279

going to be considered a distraction but

Time: 9423.52

does anyone want to join me for some

Time: 9425.04

deep work yes where we don't communicate

Time: 9427.319

and I've often thought I would just pay

Time: 9429

someone to be there yeah to just sit

Time: 9431.12

there and um but I haven't done that

Time: 9433.96

there are multiple companies that do

Time: 9435.279

this okay yeah it's interesting where

Time: 9436.96

you you're you're

Time: 9438.439

online with uh or in person with just

Time: 9441.279

other people doing deep work so a deep

Time: 9444.12

work Club the challenge is synchronizing

Time: 9446.72

schedules because I might want to do

Time: 9447.88

this with somebody on the east coast and

Time: 9449.16

they might not be doing deep work at the

Time: 9450.2

same time and a recording isn't the same

Time: 9451.84

because then you know they're not really

Time: 9452.84

watching but but there's something

Time: 9454.92

really to this right I especially for at

Time: 9457.04

home workers or people like me that work

Time: 9458.92

often in isolation students do this

Time: 9460.52

right dissertation boot camps I don't

Time: 9462.279

know if if you had this experience but

Time: 9463.88

Georgetown does a lot of colleges do

Time: 9465.319

this uh okay everyone working on their

Time: 9467

dissertation we're all going to get

Time: 9468.279

together and we're going to work on it

Time: 9470.279

together because they would often have

Time: 9471.319

me come speak at these things earlier in

Time: 9472.72

my career it would just be a bunch of

Time: 9473.96

grad students they were just coming to

Time: 9476.16

the same space and they would work for

Time: 9478.12

like okay 90 minutes and then they would

Time: 9479.52

have like a speaker come in or lunch and

Time: 9481.08

90 so the the group cohesion of everyone

Time: 9484.08

working deeply at the same time writers

Time: 9485.64

Retreats are the same way we all go to

Time: 9487.52

the same house in the middle of nowhere

Time: 9489.64

um so that we're all just going to

Time: 9490.64

encourage each other to write because

Time: 9491.72

that's all what everyone's doing here

Time: 9493.439

yeah so social pressure I'm with you I

Time: 9495.84

was thinking if I ever needed to you

Time: 9497.439

know put a big extension on my house

Time: 9499.72

that's that's what I should do just like

Time: 9501.04

okay pay me money and I will sit there

Time: 9503.04

on zoom and do deep work with you this

Time: 9504.96

is my secret plan I'd pay money I'd pay

Time: 9507.12

money to do deep work in parallel with

Time: 9511.92

you by with a virtual window there

Time: 9513.92

there's Cal in his office doing that I

Time: 9515.92

think there's something nice about

Time: 9517.04

having some knowledge of who people are

Time: 9519.76

you know like hey logging in today yeah

Time: 9522.399

yeah all right let's get down to it set

Time: 9523.84

the timer and go and then you know a to

Time: 9526.12

them out you know working at the library

Time: 9527.92

academic libraries why do people do that

Time: 9529.72

right just everyone there is working

Time: 9531.88

right yeah now I'm a big believer in

Time: 9533.2

that there's really something sticky to

Time: 9535.56

that okay number three all right I have

Time: 9537.68

a shutdown

Time: 9539.04

ritual which clearly demarcates uh the

Time: 9542.279

end of work in the start of the night

Time: 9545.08


Time: 9546.319

work and the shutdown ritual so it has

Time: 9549.04

to uh you have to close open Loops right

Time: 9551.92

so you got to make sure this is like a a

Time: 9553.88

review type period and let me look back

Time: 9555.76

at my inbox and look at my plan let me

Time: 9558.04

look at my you know my time block and my

Time: 9559.96

calendar um really make sure I there's

Time: 9562.24

nothing urgent that needs to be dealt

Time: 9564.76

with that I didn't and there's nothing

Time: 9567.04

that's just in my head that I don't want

Time: 9569.439

to forget that's not written down

Time: 9570.84

somewhere like take care of all of that

Time: 9572.399

right so you review all these things you

Time: 9574.16

get what am I going to do tomorrow you

Time: 9575.439

don't have to build your whole plan for

Time: 9576.399

tomorrow you have a sense for it um and

Time: 9578.56

then you need some sort of

Time: 9581.16

demonstrative thing you do to indicate

Time: 9584.2

that you finished the routine right

Time: 9585.68

right so my my longtime newsletter

Time: 9587.56

readers know I used to actually have a

Time: 9589.2

phrase I would say schedule shutdown

Time: 9591.76

complete like a crazy phrase right it's

Time: 9593.88

not how normal people talk right um now

Time: 9597

I have a planner that has like a

Time: 9598.16

checkbox that says shut down complete

Time: 9600.359

next to it the reason why that it's a

Time: 9602.56

demonstrative anchor is that you use

Time: 9604.92

this then for cognitive behavioral

Time: 9606.359

therapy because at first people have a

Time: 9607.84

hard time shutting down work I mean I

Time: 9610.12

invented this because I had a very hard

Time: 9611.479

time shutting down working on my

Time: 9612.88

dissertation I just what if this proof

Time: 9614.96

doesn't work and blah blah blah so what

Time: 9616.64

you do is when you're you get a

Time: 9618.08

rumination post shutdown hey what about

Time: 9621

what's going on with our work are we

Time: 9622

doing the right thing do we forget this

Time: 9623.359

or that instead of engaging in the

Time: 9625.56

rumination well it's like no I think

Time: 9627.6

we're okay let me think about my

Time: 9628.72

schedule tomorrow what's my plan you

Time: 9630.479

instead can just say um I said that

Time: 9633.12

crazy phrase or I checked that box I

Time: 9635.2

wouldn't have said that phrase unless I

Time: 9636.84

had gone through everything and made

Time: 9638.279

sure that I had a good plan and

Time: 9639.56

nothing's being missed and it was okay

Time: 9641.2

to shut down work because of that I'm

Time: 9643.92

not going to engage with you rumination

Time: 9645.64

I said the weird thing let's get back to

Time: 9647.04

what we're doing this is like cognitive

Time: 9648.88

behavioral therapy that after a month or

Time: 9650.88

so you are really able to actually uh

Time: 9654.479

effortlessly disengage from work and do

Time: 9657.08

everything you know all the other stuff

Time: 9658.12

that matters right without having the

Time: 9660.319

constant ruminations about work which

Time: 9662.24

gives your mind an actual break to you

Time: 9663.8

know do other things so I mean this is

Time: 9665.76

more mental health and productivity but

Time: 9668.6

for me it was critical I mean I can

Time: 9670.439

really remember when I came up with this

Time: 9672.479

you know exactly where I was in my grad

Time: 9674.16

student career and there's just too much

Time: 9676.479

too many ideas and concerns that were

Time: 9678.359

just roing and like once I did this you

Time: 9681.359

know it took a few weeks and then I

Time: 9683.64

could actually like shut down and go on

Time: 9685.399

and do other things yeah the par

Time: 9687.359

associative nature of the brain can make

Time: 9689.88

it um really problematic if you're

Time: 9691.8

thinking about work at the dinner table

Time: 9694.08

you start to associate the dinner table

Time: 9695.56

with work I mean when Matt Walker came

Time: 9698.04

here to do this six-part series that's

Time: 9699.6

soon to be released um and we were

Time: 9702.52

discussing insomnia he said you know one

Time: 9704.16

of the major issues with insomnia is

Time: 9706.479

people who have trouble falling asleep

Time: 9707.76

or staying asleep will often stay in bed

Time: 9709.479

when they can't sleep and then the bed

Time: 9711.16

becomes associated with challenges with

Time: 9713.08

sleep that you know hence the

Time: 9714.76

recommendation that virtually every

Time: 9716.359

sleep coach and sleep scientist um

Time: 9719.2

recommends that people actually if they

Time: 9720.72

can't sleep for 20 minutes or so of

Time: 9722.6

effort then you get up and leave the bed

Time: 9724.2

and go someplace else until until you

Time: 9726.08

feel sleepy enough to go back and try or

Time: 9727.68

fall asleep on the couch elsewhere yeah

Time: 9729.72

um I put put that in as a as a as a note

Time: 9732.92

to you um but um this seems incredibly

Time: 9736.16

important also for enrichment of of

Time: 9737.92

relationships with spouses and children

Time: 9740.24

and people in your life I mean the the

Time: 9742.359

problem is the first thing that we ask

Time: 9743.72

people when they walk in the door

Time: 9744.8

typically was how was work today yeah

Time: 9746.52

how was work what' you do today yeah

Time: 9748.359

tell me about your school day tell me

Time: 9749.68

about your work maybe we need to come up

Time: 9751.08

with better questions yeah like here's

Time: 9753.04

something interesting we could do or

Time: 9754.88

here's like something I read about

Time: 9755.88

unrelated the work yeah no I think that

Time: 9757.8

I think it makes a huge difference uh

Time: 9759.96

and again there's all these meta

Time: 9761.479

benefits for these things so so one of

Time: 9763.16

the meta benefits for all of these is

Time: 9764.92

also these are all very structured

Time: 9767.76

you'll begin to build a reputation as

Time: 9770.439

someone who is very careful about how

Time: 9772.72

they manage themselves in their time

Time: 9774

like if you're doing multiscale planning

Time: 9775.399

and certainly if you're doing you know

Time: 9776.76

pull-based workload management people

Time: 9778.56

are going to start thinking this is

Time: 9780.279

someone who thinks a lot about like how

Time: 9782.2

they managed their workday and how

Time: 9783.479

things happen this gives you massive

Time: 9786.2

leeway right yeah because we we think

Time: 9788.8

what like our colleagues want from us is

Time: 9791.24

accessibility but really why they want

Time: 9793.359

accessibility is because they have no

Time: 9795.399

clarity about you know are we going to

Time: 9797.2

do this thing are we going to remember

Time: 9798.399

to do this thing um am I going to have

Time: 9800.439

to keep bothering you you know what if I

Time: 9801.96

don't really think you have your act

Time: 9803.319

together I just wish you would just do

Time: 9805.2

this right away or respond to me right

Time: 9806.479

away because I'm going to have to worry

Time: 9807.88

about this until I hear back from you

Time: 9809.319

that you did it like accessibility is

Time: 9811.319

born from lack of trust or lack of

Time: 9813.2

clarity right so if you have the

Time: 9814.76

reputation of someone who really has to

Time: 9816.08

act together you can for example lean

Time: 9818.6

into a shutdown I don't do email at all

Time: 9820.96

and people they don't think that you're

Time: 9822.6

being lazy or that you're not keeping up

Time: 9824.84

with the work you're like no like Andrew

Time: 9826.8

has his act together with this stuff I

Time: 9828.319

trust him when you show him something

Time: 9830.04

like this workload management system

Time: 9831.479

like this is where the queue is like I

Time: 9832.72

can't get to this yet like okay that's

Time: 9835.2

reasonable like you have your act

Time: 9836.72

together so there's this meta benefit of

Time: 9838.8

starting to get a little bit more

Time: 9839.92

structured about your your time and

Time: 9841.56

cognitive work is that people will give

Time: 9843.92

you more flexibility to work with the

Time: 9846.64

better you get at actually working with

Time: 9848.64

you know the resources you have as your

Time: 9850.319

reputation grows um your autonomy grows

Time: 9854.439

yeah and of course as your reputation

Time: 9856.479

grows um more gets thrown at you and it

Time: 9859.16

probably takes a bit more discipline to

Time: 9860.84

to enforce these things but I always

Time: 9862.56

remind myself and other people that you

Time: 9864.84

know the reason people want to access

Time: 9866.52

you is because of presumably the

Time: 9868.2

consequences of the deep work you did

Time: 9870.12

yeah not um but people love meetings

Time: 9872.72

gosh do they um I won't do brainstorm

Time: 9874.64

meetings anymore unless it's with my

Time: 9876.04

close team it's like you can pitch me a

Time: 9878.439

contract and we can reverse engineer the

Time: 9880.72

idea you know um but it just doesn't

Time: 9883.88

work to to meet with people and kind of

Time: 9885.84

brainstorm stuff and but I don't know

Time: 9887.8

what this is like I think maybe people

Time: 9889.6

are taking their own lack of structure

Time: 9891.84

and um projecting it onto other people

Time: 9894.16

as a way to fill the time yeah it's p

Time: 9896

productivity as well like this is what I

Time: 9898.08

have like visible activity and so let's

Time: 9900.319

can we have meetings let's talk let's

Time: 9901.88

hop on calls like that all feels useful

Time: 9905.52

when ultimately it's not like I'm with

Time: 9907.24

you on it like remember the reason why

Time: 9909.439

everyone wants to talk to me is because

Time: 9911.08

not I'm so great at brainstorming

Time: 9913.16

meetings you know people like this is

Time: 9914.64

great like Andrew's great at

Time: 9915.96

brainstorming meeting so that's why you

Time: 9917.16

want to bother no it's because you were

Time: 9918.24

really good at the podcasting you were

Time: 9919.72

doing like the Deep thing and then that

Time: 9921.279

brings in the better you get at what you

Time: 9922.96

do best the more the world conspires to

Time: 9925.56

take away your time to actually work on

Time: 9927.279

it uh like professors know this well

Time: 9929.439

like pre- 10 year they most big

Time: 9931.319

universities are pretty good at

Time: 9932.399

preaching the professors all that's

Time: 9934.56

going to matter is going to be your

Time: 9935.64

research but they throw a ton of other

Time: 9937.399

stuff at you at that time it depends on

Time: 9938.68

the school like I would say like

Time: 9939.64

Georgetown is very good about this they

Time: 9941.16

like we don't uh from our perspective

Time: 9943.16

it's a waste of resources to hire you

Time: 9944.68

and and and have you not get tenure so

Time: 9946.64

like we want to try to protect you from

Time: 9948.72

they keep service requirements low for

Time: 9950.92

example and like just focus on you know

Time: 9953.2

just focus on your research because

Time: 9954.319

that's what's going to matter at least

Time: 9955.319

professors know this right like uh

Time: 9957.24

there's a clear process like the tenure

Time: 9959.08

process most people don't understand

Time: 9960.439

tenure they think it's like getting

Time: 9961.76

promoted at a job and there's like all

Time: 9963.359

these different ways you can sort of

Time: 9964.76

impress your boss it's none of that

Time: 9966.439

right I mean it's these confidential

Time: 9968.279

letters from leading scholars in your

Time: 9970.319

field that are doing nothing but

Time: 9971.88

brutally assessing your research how

Time: 9973.8

good is Cal who are two people who are

Time: 9976.08

better than him on the market right now

Time: 9977.68

who are like two people he's slightly

Time: 9979.04

better than would you tenure him at your

Time: 9980.76

University what university could he get

Time: 9982.319

tenured at I mean it's all that matters

Time: 9983.84

is yeah research quality um so you have

Time: 9986.319

to some somehow ReDiscover what that is

Time: 9988.04

if you're not a professor like

Time: 9989.56

ultimately like this is the thing I do

Time: 9991.319

best for my company so let me do that

Time: 9993.96

let me do that really well there's also

Time: 9996.12

an aspect by the way of uh if you do a

Time: 9998.68

deep thing really well that does not

Time: 10000.96

attract as much work as if what you do

Time: 10003.56

is you're just really good at like

Time: 10004.6

responding ing to people's things and

Time: 10005.96

putting out fires it's like you don't

Time: 10007.8

want to get too much trapped in that

Time: 10010

game unless that's the game you want to

Time: 10011.479

play you know if you get trapped in the

Time: 10013.12

game of how I distinguish myself is I

Time: 10014.72

reply right away doesn't matter when it

Time: 10016.72

is I make your life easier you're

Time: 10019.16

playing the game and making other

Time: 10020.279

people's lives easier and that's what

Time: 10021.8

they're going to ask you to do but if

Time: 10023.24

instead you play the game of I'm

Time: 10025.399

competent with this like I'll respond to

Time: 10027.08

the emails and not be uh I won't be

Time: 10029.479

pathological about it but the real thing

Time: 10031.479

you care about is like this code on

Time: 10033.319

producing or these reports on producing

Time: 10035

are just really Second To None then

Time: 10038.439

you're not going to get a much of the

Time: 10039.52

small stuff they're like okay well do

Time: 10041.2

that then you know like that's what we

Time: 10042.96

want that's what we want you to work on

Time: 10044.2

so like what is your equivalent of

Time: 10045.88

research is probably a really key

Time: 10047.16

question for a lot of people how do you

Time: 10049.72

treat um social engagements through work

Time: 10052.8

like you know like the company barbecue

Time: 10055.359

I don't know anyone does company

Time: 10056.479

barbecues anymore but um you know like

Time: 10059.2

happy hour or I don't know if anyone

Time: 10061.08

does that either um and social

Time: 10063.8

engagements with family like you know

Time: 10066.04

because obviously those things are

Time: 10067.08

important too yeah um are those on your

Time: 10069.68

schedule well you know I treat uh work

Time: 10072.12

schedule different from not on work

Time: 10073.24

schedule right so my work schedule is

Time: 10075.04

this time block plan part of a

Time: 10076.56

multiscale plan um really dialed in like

Time: 10079.72

when I'm working I'm working right um

Time: 10081.84

but then when I'm not working I'm way

Time: 10083.04

more LAX you know so I don't do time

Time: 10086

block planning of my weekends or my

Time: 10088.08

evenings uh the work shutdown being

Time: 10090.6

clear gives you more flexibility there

Time: 10092.68

so I like okay what do we want to do

Time: 10093.96

like let's go like see people do the

Time: 10095.479

things with the family um I like to be

Time: 10097.68

flexible and not overly planned outside

Time: 10100.88

of the work day but then during the

Time: 10102.8

workday itself you know it's much more

Time: 10105.56

machine like so you're you're fairly um

Time: 10110.56

not LAX but you're a bit more relaxed

Time: 10113.08

around social engagements and engaging

Time: 10115.399

with the kids but at at work or when

Time: 10117.6

you're working at home or or in the

Time: 10119.439

office you're you're obese yeah I'm like

Time: 10121.24

a black box in the workday like when I'm

Time: 10123.12

when I'm working like I disappear nice

Time: 10125.279

yeah and then when I'm done like I'm I'm

Time: 10126.68

around but like my family and friends

Time: 10128.52

and they've learned like if you text me

Time: 10131.2

during the work day I'm I'm not part of

Time: 10133.68

that game of like I'll just respond back

Time: 10136.08

to it people know like it may have been

Time: 10137.52

four hours since I saw my phone that's

Time: 10139.16

like Lex fredman yeah and people often

Time: 10141.399

ask to get in touch with Lex and I've

Time: 10143.479

you know made that connect for a few

Time: 10145.359

people but I always point out you know

Time: 10147.359

Lex will go long periods of time where

Time: 10148.76

we don't connect and then we're close

Time: 10150.359

close friends we spent a lot of time in

Time: 10151.8

person on the phone text but I

Time: 10154.479

understand that if I text Lex I might

Time: 10156.12

not hear from him for four or five days

Time: 10157.68

and it's all good yeah you know it's

Time: 10159.88

just in fact that it tells me he's good

Time: 10161.96

it's like that that scene at the end of

Time: 10163.239

Goodwill Hunting where he's like I just

Time: 10164.399

want to show up at your house know

Time: 10165.68

you're not there and he gets there and

Time: 10166.6

he smiles his friend's gone he knows he

Time: 10168.16

went the direction of of his of his

Time: 10170.319

heart you're saying if you start to get

Time: 10172.239

a lot of like memes texted to you from

Time: 10174.279

Lex that's not going to happen you're

Time: 10175.319

going to be like what's going on Lex

Time: 10177.12

that's never going to happen What

Time: 10178.359

struggle what struggle are you having in

Time: 10179.88

your life right now I'm a big believer

Time: 10181.359

in the phone I'm old school I pick up

Time: 10183.04

the phone make a call we'll get on a

Time: 10184.76

call sometimes FaceTime um we do text

Time: 10187.239

one or two things back it's often really

Time: 10189.279

quick yeah really quick and I have other

Time: 10191.16

friends in the podcast space for which

Time: 10192.479

it's the same it's just um phone is a

Time: 10194.96

great tool yep and you know drop in and

Time: 10197.2

then get back to it not a lot of chitter

Time: 10199.68

chatter on I like that I always like

Time: 10201.64

text is like a great logistical tool you

Time: 10204.04

know like wait what what restaurant are

Time: 10205.84

you at oh you know okay I'll meet you

Time: 10207.6

there or are you free to talk like I

Time: 10209.52

love text as a logistical tool but

Time: 10211.84

you're right as a conversational tool

Time: 10213.96

yeah it's not for me either

Time: 10215.2

and do you take vacations where you are

Time: 10217.12

on pure vacation so just with family or

Time: 10220

or maybe even Solo or with your spouse

Time: 10222.16

where it's but no digital

Time: 10224.72

anything uh yeah digital is not a

Time: 10226.84

problem for me on vacation but my wife

Time: 10228.359

won't let me not bring something to work

Time: 10231.319

on on vacation because because I become

Time: 10233.439

a monster got it your brain needs that

Time: 10235.68

it needs it yeah when we had little kids

Time: 10238.16

I tried this right I was like okay like

Time: 10240.08

this is it I'm not going to think about

Time: 10241.68

anything like this is and I would just

Time: 10243.52

become a like an xiety case so what I've

Time: 10245.76

learned is bring one thing that's like

Time: 10247.52

very deep and non-urgent um like a book

Time: 10250.359

concept I'm trying to make work or an

Time: 10252

academic paper that I was like trying to

Time: 10253.56

crack or like something new and I need

Time: 10255.359

like that 90 minutes a day to like walk

Time: 10257.64

on the beach and think and I have to

Time: 10258.92

have a notebook I have it with me in

Time: 10261.04

here I have to have a notebook with me

Time: 10262.52

so that like I can capture notes and get

Time: 10264.319

them out of my head on vacation and that

Time: 10265.92

now we have a happy medium like I work a

Time: 10267.96

little bit every day no email I don't

Time: 10270.08

get not email not no deep work thinking

Time: 10273.08

uh I'm much happier it's an itch that

Time: 10275.56

you have to scratch yeah if I'm not

Time: 10277.239

writing or thinking it's it's I I get

Time: 10280.88

cognitively antsy I get anxious you know

Time: 10284.08

like I'm on I've been now I'm talking to

Time: 10286.439

you now but I've been you know traveling

Time: 10287.96

doing some podcast and stuff like this

Time: 10289.479

and I'm way out of my cognitive comfort

Time: 10292.2

zone here because I'm not vlogging like

Time: 10294.439

early in this trip I I was uh on a New

Time: 10296.359

Yorker and Atlantic deadline like riding

Time: 10298

all the time you know California time up

Time: 10299.92

at 5:00 a.m. like you know and I'm done

Time: 10301.92

with that now and I'm really cognitively

Time: 10303.68

ay like I just feel out of sorts right

Time: 10305.64

now you know like I'm not working I'm

Time: 10308.04


Time: 10309.279

thinking love

Time: 10311.359

it Cal I for me this has been such an

Time: 10314.64

honor I mean I should have said this at

Time: 10317.279

the beginning of the episode but I've

Time: 10318.52

been such a fan for such a long time um

Time: 10321.52

long before we met or communicated at

Time: 10323.56

all uh I started reading your books and

Time: 10327.52

um I would say you and Tim Ferris are

Time: 10329.12

the people who early in my academic

Time: 10331.88

career had such a profound influence on

Time: 10334.08

how I approach work and and it required

Time: 10336.319

that I do things um kind of Against the

Time: 10338.64

Grain people around me and very quickly

Time: 10341.04

I saw um that I was making progress much

Time: 10344.12

faster than I would have otherwise yeah

Time: 10345.96

and I never looked at as a competitive

Time: 10347.439

Endeavor with others but and um youve

Time: 10350.08

just continue to churn out valuable

Time: 10352.88

information actionable tools you know in

Time: 10355

book and after book after book and um

Time: 10358.52

and obviously they require some

Time: 10359.64

structure and some some restriction but

Time: 10362.04

also some moving toward um action items

Time: 10365.56

and I love these these top three that

Time: 10367.64

you provided us on the the pull forward

Time: 10369.68

the uh multiscale planning and and the

Time: 10371.399

shutdown ritual and all all the others

Time: 10374.8

um that you put forth and I guess the

Time: 10377.2

the um major takeaway for me today is is

Time: 10380.92

that yes you've developed all these

Time: 10383.2

tools but you also use them and um it's

Time: 10385.8

not lost on me that you also have a

Time: 10387.239

flourishing career as a computer

Time: 10388.96

scientist so you're not just somebody

Time: 10390.88

who talks about and here I'm not dissing

Time: 10392.72

anyone else in the in the information

Time: 10394.64

sphere like just talks about habits or

Time: 10396.279

just talks about protocols you do these

Time: 10398.76

things and you implement them in the

Time: 10400.56

context of your work life your creative

Time: 10402.52

life your family life and your

Time: 10403.92

relationship to self and you exercise

Time: 10405.68

and um and I think that that all

Time: 10408

combines to to be an amazing example of

Time: 10411.8

what's possible if we introduce um a bit

Time: 10414.96

of understanding about how we function

Time: 10417.359

as a as a being um and that we Implement

Time: 10421.84

some of these tools in in the user

Time: 10423.72

manual that that you've come up with and

Time: 10425.399

so I just want to say on behalf of

Time: 10427.08

myself and everyone who's listening and

Time: 10428.88

watching you know thank you so much this

Time: 10430.76

is incredibly valuable information

Time: 10432.72

regardless of what one is doing in life

Time: 10435.04

and um I'm certainly going to implement

Time: 10437.08

this um three-step uh system and I do

Time: 10440.56

have the book I always like to read

Time: 10441.76

books after guests are on I'm going to

Time: 10443.2

read the book um and I'm going to do

Time: 10446.479

some posts about uh what I uh experience

Time: 10449.6

as a consequence so thank you so much I

Time: 10453.16

would pay a substantial amount of money

Time: 10455.359

to do deep work sessions with you in the

Time: 10457.6

on the screen there but I won't put that

Time: 10458.88

on you I'm just going to I'm going to

Time: 10460.08

just bite down and and uh and do this

Time: 10462.64

stuff so thank you so much for being a

Time: 10465.2

Pioneer in the space and for such a

Time: 10466.88

clear Communicator we all owe you a debt

Time: 10469.12

of gratitude oh thanks Andrew well and

Time: 10471

for the rest of us professors who are

Time: 10472.479

also podcasting we owe you a Deb of

Time: 10474.479

gratitude because you're showing us

Time: 10475.76

what's actually uh what's actually

Time: 10477.479

possible so this has been great meeting

Time: 10479.439

you as well has been fantastic right

Time: 10481.239

well thank you we won't um we won't see

Time: 10483.12

each other on social media but but we'll

Time: 10484.8

we'll share a meal at some point uh

Time: 10486.439

before long thank you for joining me for

Time: 10488.319

today's discussion with Dr Cal Newport

Time: 10491.239

to find links to Cal's website books and

Time: 10494.08

to his excellent podcast please see the

Time: 10496.319

links in the show note caption if you're

Time: 10498.319

learning from and or enjoying this

Time: 10499.88

podcast please subscribe to our YouTube

Time: 10502.04

channel that's a terrific zeroc cost way

Time: 10504.08

to support us in addition please

Time: 10506.279

subscribe to the podcast on both Spotify

Time: 10508.52

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Time: 10510.76

you can leave us up to a five-star

Time: 10512.319

review please check out the sponsors

Time: 10513.92

mention at the beginning and throughout

Time: 10515.52

today's episode that's the best way to

Time: 10517.56

support this podcast if you have

Time: 10519.68

questions for me or comments about the

Time: 10521.16

podcast or guests or topics that You'

Time: 10523.12

like me to consider for the hubman Lab

Time: 10524.84

podcast please put those in the comment

Time: 10526.6

section on YouTube I do read all the

Time: 10528.64

comments not during today's episode but

Time: 10530.6

on many previous episodes of The

Time: 10531.92

huberman Lab podcast we discuss

Time: 10533.56

supplements while supplements aren't

Time: 10535.239

necessary for everybody many people

Time: 10536.96

derive tremendous benefit from them for

Time: 10538.68

things like improving sleep improving

Time: 10540.399

focus and for hormone support to learn

Time: 10542.52

more about the supplements discussed on

Time: 10543.76

the Hub Lab podcast go to Liv momentous

Time: 10546.64

spelled o

Time: 10547.76

us.com huberman that's liv.com huberman

Time: 10552.08

if you're not already following me on

Time: 10553.399

social media I am hubman lab on all

Time: 10555.56

social media platforms so that's

Time: 10557.319

Instagram X LinkedIn Facebook and

Time: 10560.16

threads and at all of those places I

Time: 10562.04

discuss science and science related

Time: 10563.56

tools some of which overlaps with the

Time: 10565.319

content of the hubman Lab podcast but

Time: 10567.279

much of which is often distinct from the

Time: 10569.08

content on the huberman Lab podcast so

Time: 10571.12

again it's huberman lab on all social

Time: 10572.96

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Time: 10574.8

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Time: 10576.08

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Time: 10578.12

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Time: 10579.88

podcast summaries as well as protocols

Time: 10582.2

in the form of brief 1 to three page

Time: 10583.92

PDFs where we spell out specific items

Time: 10586.96

for say neuroplasticity and learning or

Time: 10589.56

deliberate cold exposure or Fitness or

Time: 10592.72

managing and optimizing dopamine all of

Time: 10595.2

which are available completely zero cost

Time: 10597

you simply go to huberman lab.com go to

Time: 10599.04

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Time: 10601.2

and Supply your email I should point out

Time: 10603.399

that we do not share your email with

Time: 10605.279

anybody thank you once again for joining

Time: 10607.359

me for today's discussion with Dr Cal

Time: 10609.239

Newport and last but certainly not least

Time: 10612.279

thank you for your interest in

Time: 10617.56


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