Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimal Protocols to Build Strength & Grow Muscles | Huberman Lab Guest Series

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welcome to the huberman lab guest Series

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where I and an expert guest discuss

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science and science-based tools for

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everyday life

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I'm Andrew huberman and I'm our

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professor of neurobiology and

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Ophthalmology at Stanford school of

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medicine today marks the second episode

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in the sixth episode series with Dr Andy

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Galpin a professor of kinesiology at Cal

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State University Fullerton and one of

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the foremost world's experts on the

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science and applications of methods to

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increase strength hypertrophy and

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endurance today's episode is all about

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how to increase strength speed and

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hypertrophy of muscles Professor Dr Andy

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Galpin great to be back

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last episode you told us about the nine

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specific adaptations that exercise can

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induce everything from strength and

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hypertrophy to endurance muscular

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endurance so on and so forth and you

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gave us this incredible toolkit of fit

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tests for each of those adaptations so

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that people can assess them for

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themselves and then of course improve on

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each and every one of them if they

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by the way people can access that

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information simply by going to the first

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episode in this series with you and it's

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all there and time stamped and I highly

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recommend people do that today we're

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talking about strength and hypertrophy

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and so right out the gate I just want to

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ask you why should people think about

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and train for strengthen hypertrophy and

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that question is of course directed

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towards those that are trying to get

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stronger and grow bigger muscles

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but I know that many people out there

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perhaps have not thought about the

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benefits of strength and hypertrophy

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training and how beneficial it can be

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not just for people that want to get

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bigger biceps Etc but that have other

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goals longevity goals and health goals

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unrelated to what most people associate

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with hypertrophy so what are the

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benefits of training for strength and

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hypertrophy for the everyday person for

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the athlete for the recreational

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exerciser and so on there's a wonderful

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saying I think it was Bill Bowerman the

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founder one of the founders of Nike and

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he always said if you have a body or an

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athlete and and I think that's very

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important for people to understand

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because one of the major disservices

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we've done in this field is convince

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people that things like strength

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training are for athletes or for growing

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bigger muscles and cardiovascular

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training are for things like fat loss

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and heart health

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and that is a tremendous disservice

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because it puts a lot of unnecessary

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barriers and leads to a lot of false

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assumptions and then therefore poor

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actions classic examples of this are

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people who are resistant to strength

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training because they don't want to put

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on too much muscle people who only

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perform one type of exercise because

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they want say fat loss or they're in it

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for longevity and health and they don't

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work they're not worried about you know

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being an athlete and so right out the

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gates we can actually draw back a little

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bit to what we were our previous

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conversation when I walked you through

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the history of exercise science and the

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reason I did that is to help you

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understand these are the railroads that

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you're running down and you don't even

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realize it in terms of everyone thinks

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of strength training and they

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immediately default to our principles to

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optimize muscle growth and that's not

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the only adaptation one should be after

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with strength training when we think of

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endurance training we immediately

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default to things like again

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cardiovascular health or fat loss or

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things like that what I really want to

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do across this entire series and

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conversations is to to just break that

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immediately talk about all the other

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things that you can do with your with

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your training and so that people can be

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comfortable and confident in doing an

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optimal training program for whatever

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goal they have whether that be specific

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like growing muscle or non-specific like

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just feeling better having more energy

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being more prepared for life and

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Longevity and so to directly answer your

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question I could really we could do a

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hundred episodes on the benefits of

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exercise and we could run all the way

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from mood and focus cognitive tasks to a

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better immune function you'll get less

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colds you'll be you'll fight them off

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more effectively to mortality right so

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some of the strongest predictors of how

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long and how well you will live are

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exercise however

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there are independent benefits that come

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from just endurance training and there

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are independent benefits that come from

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strength training and so to just give

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you one categorically the way that you

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want to think about this is resistance

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exercise and strength training is the

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number one tool to combat neuromuscular

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you cannot get that through any other

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form of exercise besides heavy overload

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strength training and we and we can walk

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through in detail what that is but that

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is reason number one in general human

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movement is is a function of number one

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some sort of neuromuscular Activation so

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nerves have to turn on the second part

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is muscles have to contract and the

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third part is those muscles have to move

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a bone all right

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if you want to be alive and you want to

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live by yourself you have to be able to

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engage in human movement

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if you have

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any dysfunction in the neuromuscular

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system there then you're not going to be

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able to do that and again as I mentioned

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the only way to preserve that or fight

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that loss of Aging is to strength train

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so people will tend to hear numbers like

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you lose about one percent of muscle

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size per year after age about 40. and

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that's true however what they don't

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realize is you lose about two to four

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percent of your strength

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per year so the loss of strength is

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almost double that

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the loss of muscle mass with aging

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muscle power is more like eight to ten

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percent per year

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and so we can very clearly see the

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problem you're going to have with aging

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is not going to be preservation of

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muscle although that is incredibly

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important it's going to be very

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specifically preservation of muscle

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power and strength and why that really

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matters is your ability to again stand

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up and move your ability to catch

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yourself from a fall your ability to

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feel confident doing a movement that is

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a function of muscle power more than it

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is muscle size and so functionality is

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really what we want to be right you want

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to be able to do whatever you want to be

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do physically and feel confident in

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doing that as you age that's going to

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only be obtained through strength

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training so is it appropriate to say

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that training for strength and

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hypertrophy is also a way to keep your

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nervous system healthy and young

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absolutely it is the only exercise route

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we have for that if you look at just

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basic numbers like motor units you're

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going to see that older individuals have

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like a 30 to 40 reduction in total motor

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units So when you say older

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approximately what ages are you

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referring to because I know many people

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out there such as myself are

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40 and older but I know many of our

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listeners are in their 20s maybe even in

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their teens and I can imagine that

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people that start doing strength and

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hypertrophy training younger will afford

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themselves an advantage over time but

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that everybody should be doing strength

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and hypertrophy training for as much of

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their lifespan as possible that's really

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the message that I'm getting so if

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somebody is for instance 45 would that

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fall into the bin of older you're going

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to start seeing decrements passed again

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around that age of 40 or so now there's

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a lot of genetic variation there and a

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lot of other things go into that

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equation like your sleep and your

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nutrition but that's a fair number to

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sort of think about one actually

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responses it's actually sort of

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counterintuitive the wonderful thing

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about strength training is you don't

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actually have to start at a young age

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uh you can actually in fact I was

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reading a paper this morning because of

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our previous conversation it was an over

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age 90. so these are folks 90 plus and

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they saw improvements like 30 to 170

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percent in things like muscle size and

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hypertrophy over a very short period of

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time I think it was 12 weeks so you

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don't actually have to start there are

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some adaptations that you're going to

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need for health that you God you really

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need to start in your 20s the reason I

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like to mention that is because if you

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are listening and you are 50 and you're

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like oh [ __ ] I I haven't been strength

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training you're not toast like you

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should absolutely start now

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um but you're going to be able to get to

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a fantastic spot

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very quickly

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similarly though if you are 20 or 25 and

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30 and you aren't lifting there are

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still many reasons why you should do

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that now and I I'd like to point that

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out because a lot of folks will be like

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oh my gosh they said I have to do it

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when I'm 20 or 25 or you know I'll be

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sort of screwed and that's not the case

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at all there's really no age limit on

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this in fact there's actually

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interesting data that just came out

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showing this reduction in muscle

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strength and I perjury that I sort of

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talked about is basically ameliorated

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with a preservation of activity in other

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words you don't lose these

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functionalities because of Aging you

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lose these because of a loss of training

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to state that again you don't lose these

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because of some innate physiological

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thing that happens with genes become

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less sensitive or you lose functionality

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you pretty much can describe the loss of

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function of strength and muscle and

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aging as exclusively because of a loss

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of training and nutrition and anabolic

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resistance and some other things so

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you can do a lot more than you think

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when it comes to maintaining high

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quality muscle and that's really

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important to point out I'm reminded of

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the words of the great sharington he won

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the Nobel Prize he's a physiologist I

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guess the neuroscientists try and claim

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him as a neuroscientist because he

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worked on the nervous system the

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physiologists claim as a as a

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physiologist he is 100 a physiologist I

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would call him a neuroscientist maybe we

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can argue about this later

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um we will but I think one of the key

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things that sharington pointed out was

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that I believe the quote was that

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movement is the final common path and

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what he was referring to was the fact

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that a significant fraction of the brain

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itself is devoted to our ability to move

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and our ability to engage in resistance

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type movements and that resistance type

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movements and the continuation of

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movement throughout the lifespan

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is what keeps the brain young and

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healthy and vital and there are so much

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data now to support that but I'm so

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grateful that you brought up early this

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fact that there's a neuromuscular link

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because I think a lot of people think

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about musculoskeletal they forget that

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the nervous system is really in charge

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of the um strength of the muscle

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contractions and the types of muscle

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contractions that occur I'm certain

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we're going to get into that in a lot of

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depth today you're close there we're not

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totally right but we're close Okay well

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I look forward to being corrected

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um and to achieving the Precision that

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you're known for uh around that

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discussion so if we are to step back and

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say strength training and hypertrophy

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training is critical for people of all

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ages yeah

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for developing and maintaining the

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neuromuscular system and for

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our ability to function in the world

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not just offset injury but the ability

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to pick things up and move Etc

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what are some of the other things that

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strengthen hypertrophy training can

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provide I know a lot of people use

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strength and hypertrophy training for

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changing their Aesthetics what is your

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sense about its potency for changing

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Aesthetics as compared to say

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cardiovascular exercise yeah the the

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Mantra I always like is the reason you

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want to exercise is threefold right you

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want to look good feel good play good

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that that's really that comes from sport

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comes from football specifically we

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always say that and what that means

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really is you want to look good people

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want to look the way they want to look

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whatever that means to them and there

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are any versions of what you feel to be

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aesthetically pleasing and that's

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totally irrelevant but people want to

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look the way they want to look number

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two you want to be able to feel good

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what's that mean you want to be injury

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free you want to have energy throughout

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the day you want to be able to execute

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anything you want to so whether you want

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to go surf in the morning you want to

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play racquetball you want to hike or you

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want to do all three of those in one day

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you should have the ability to do that

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and then you want to play good which

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means you should be able to execute any

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again activities that you want to

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execute whatever that means all right so

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backing all up what's that got to do

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with your question

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um one of the major benefits of strength

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training is the responses tend to happen

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extremely fast so you can see noticeable

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changes in muscle size certainly within

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a month absolutely within six weeks and

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so we have this wonderful feedback loop

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that sort of tells you am I doing the

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same correctly

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oh my gosh yes I am also it's very

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addicting the feedback the response the

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physical changes whether this is

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actually point two or three look good or

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feel good play good or it's even just

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part one you're starting to see that

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when you compare that to things like fat

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loss that Journey tends to be longer

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it's more difficult it's more Reliant

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upon other factors like nutrition

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Etc strength training is really about

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like there's some very minimal nutrition

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requirements outside of that it comes

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down to the training and the feedback is

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immediate that's powerful because if you

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look across the literature on exercise

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adherence you'll see that that is in

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fact the number one predictor of

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effectiveness of any training program

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so what that means is if you were to put

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any variable possible and figure out

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what is going to determine

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whether or not this program works this

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is what we typically call the methods or

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many in the concepts are few so the

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methods of exercise the methods of

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strength training the mess of the

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methods of hypertrophy training which

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we'll talk about are are infinite

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however there are only a handful of key

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Concepts that you have to achieve in

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order for that program to work adherence

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is one of them and again is often the

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top one so you need to do something you

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need to do something consistently

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when you are getting that feedback and

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you're seeing results in your appearance

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immediately and you see that every

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single day every time you take off your

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shirt or every time you look in the

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mirror you see that result that tends to

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drive adherence

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um really powerfully so it's important

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to give people wins especially people

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who are not maybe like you and I who are

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like I'm gonna lift weights and I'm

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gonna exercise like no matter what the

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rest of my life because I just love it

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not everyone's like that and so giving

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them a little bit of carrot of success

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and if you can achieve that in you know

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say three to four to five weeks already

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it's very powerful tool before we begin

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I'd like to emphasize that this podcast

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is separate from my teaching and

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research roles at Stanford it is also

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separate from Dr galpin's teaching and

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research roles at Cal State Fullerton it

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is however part of our desire and effort

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to bring zero cost to Consumer

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information about science and science

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related tools to the general public in

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keeping with that theme we'd like to

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thank the sponsors of today's podcast

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our first sponsor is momentous momentous

Time: 865.079

makes supplements of the absolute

Time: 866.579

highest quality the huberman Lab podcast

Time: 868.86

is proud to be partnering with momentous

Time: 870.959

for several important reasons first of

Time: 872.94

all as I mentioned their supplements are

Time: 874.38

of extremely high quality second of all

Time: 876.3

their supplements are generally in

Time: 878.519

single ingredient formulations if you're

Time: 880.62

going to develop a supplementation

Time: 881.88

protocol you're going to want to focus

Time: 883.68

mainly on using single ingredient

Time: 885.18

formulations with single ingredient

Time: 886.92

formulations you can devise the most

Time: 889.26

logical and effective and cost-effective

Time: 891.48

supplementation regimen for your goals

Time: 893.699

in addition momentous supplement ship

Time: 895.44

internationally and this is of course

Time: 897

important because we realize that many

Time: 898.44

of the huberman Lab podcast listeners

Time: 900

reside outside the United States if

Time: 902.279

you'd like to try the various

Time: 903.24

supplements mentioned on the huberman

Time: 904.56

Lab podcast in particular supplements

Time: 906.72

for Hormone Health for Sleep

Time: 908.339

optimization for Focus as well as a

Time: 910.62

number of other things including

Time: 911.639

exercise recovery you can go to live

Time: 913.62

momentous spelled ous so that's

Time: 915.36

livemomentis.com huberman today's

Time: 917.94

episode is also brought To Us by eight

Time: 919.74

sleep eight sleep makes Smart mattress

Time: 921.899

covers with cooling Heating and sleep

Time: 923.639

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Time: 925.56

eight-sleep mattress cover for about the

Time: 927.24

last eight months and it has completely

Time: 929.1

trans formed my sleep I'm sleeping about

Time: 931.5

the same amount but I'm sleeping far

Time: 933.42

deeper and I'm now getting the proper

Time: 935.16

ratios of so-called rapid eye movement

Time: 937.139

or REM sleep and slow wave sleep and

Time: 938.94

waking up feeling far more recovered

Time: 940.86

mentally and physically the underlying

Time: 942.899

mechanism for all that is very

Time: 944.76

straightforward I've talked many times

Time: 946.199

before on this podcast and elsewhere

Time: 947.82

about the critical relationship between

Time: 949.56

sleep and body temperature that is in

Time: 952.38

order to fall asleep at night your body

Time: 953.94

needs to drop by about one to three

Time: 955.5

degrees in terms of core body

Time: 956.82

temperature and waking up involves a one

Time: 959.399

to three degree increase in core body

Time: 961.079

temperature with eight Sleep mattress

Time: 962.76

covers you can adjust the temperature of

Time: 964.68

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Time: 966.779

temperature at the start of the night a

Time: 968.579

different temperature the middle of the

Time: 969.72

night and a different temperature as you

Time: 971.76

approach morning Each of which can place

Time: 973.62

you into the optimal stages of sleep and

Time: 976.079

have you waking up feeling more

Time: 977.279

refreshed than ever if you'd like to try

Time: 979.44

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Time: 981.12

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Time: 983.699

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Time: 986.639

currently ships in the USA Canada United

Time: 988.92

Kingdom select countries in the EU and

Time: 991.32

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Time: 993.6

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Time: 996.779

episode is also brought To Us by levels

Time: 998.82

levels is a program that lets you see

Time: 1000.62

how different foods and activities

Time: 1002.18

affect your health by giving you

Time: 1003.68

real-time feedback on your blood glucose

Time: 1005.66

using a continuous glucose monitor many

Time: 1008.18

people are aware that their blood sugar

Time: 1009.98

that is their blood glucose level is

Time: 1012.139

critical for everything from Fat Loss to

Time: 1015.38

muscle gain to healthy cognition and

Time: 1017.899

indeed aging of the brain and body most

Time: 1020.779

people do not know however how different

Time: 1022.639

foods and different activities including

Time: 1024.86

exercise or different temperature

Time: 1027.079

environments impact their blood glucose

Time: 1029.12

levels and yet blood glucose is

Time: 1030.74

exquisitely sensitive to all of those

Time: 1032.66

things I first started using levels

Time: 1034.819

about a year ago as a way to understand

Time: 1036.919

how different foods exercise and timing

Time: 1039.74

of food relative to exercise and quality

Time: 1041.839

of sleep at night impact my blood

Time: 1043.459

glucose levels and I've learned a

Time: 1045.14

tremendous amount from using levels it's

Time: 1047.959

taught me when best to eat what best to

Time: 1050.6

eat when best to exercise how best to

Time: 1053.059

exercise and how to modulate my entire

Time: 1055.76

schedule from work to exercise and even

Time: 1058.52

my sleep so if you're interested in

Time: 1060.2

learning more about levels and trying a

Time: 1061.88

continuous glucose monitor yourself go

Time: 1063.919

to levels.link huberman that's

Time: 1066.34

levels.link huberman let's talk about

Time: 1069.08

strength and hypertrophy

Time: 1071

if you would please remind us what

Time: 1074

strength and hypertrophy are in terms of

Time: 1076.88

the specific adaptation they represent

Time: 1079.58

what I mean by that is when somebody is

Time: 1081.44

training for strength what are they

Time: 1083.6

really training for obviously it means

Time: 1085.82

the ability to move more weight but I

Time: 1088.7

know that it includes a number of other

Time: 1090.32

things as well and when one is training

Time: 1092.48

for hypertrophy for the growth of muscle

Time: 1095.539


Time: 1096.799

what does that represent because I think

Time: 1099.679

if people understand that they will far

Time: 1102.02

better understand the methods and

Time: 1103.64

protocols that are going to be best for

Time: 1105.44

strength and hypertrophy at its core

Time: 1107.12

you've basically described it when we

Time: 1108.799

talk about strength we're talking about

Time: 1110.179

an actual function so can you create

Time: 1112.76

more Force across a muscle or muscle

Time: 1115.16

groups or our total movement and when we

Time: 1117.74

talk about hypertrophy now we're

Time: 1119.179

specifically referring to just an

Time: 1120.38

increase in size there's no actual

Time: 1121.88

mention of function so a muscle can grow

Time: 1125.78

larger without actually technically

Time: 1127.58

being stronger for a number of reasons

Time: 1129.94

however there is a strong relationship

Time: 1132.919

between strength and hypertrophy so a

Time: 1134.72

lot of the times in the general public

Time: 1136.28

in the lay conversations we sort of lump

Time: 1139.039

those two things in it's the same thing

Time: 1140.84

and so we have to recognize people who

Time: 1143.299

are new to training or people even are

Time: 1146.2

intermediately trained there is a huge

Time: 1148.76

overlap between strength and our perjury

Time: 1151.28

once you get past that though they

Time: 1153.799

become disentangled and a good example

Time: 1155.84

of it is this if you look at the

Time: 1158.179

strongest people in the world this would

Time: 1159.559

be people who compete in the sport of

Time: 1161.24

power lifting

Time: 1162.38

right that's a true test of maximal

Time: 1164.299

strength so it is a deadlift a bench

Time: 1166.52

press and a back squat and you're going

Time: 1168.32

to do a one repetition Max in all three

Time: 1169.94

of those and so whoever wins is the

Time: 1171.559

person who lifted the most amount of

Time: 1172.82

weight one time that's it it's not like

Time: 1175.28

World's Strongest Man where it is how

Time: 1176.96

many reps can you do in a row or your

Time: 1178.52

time right is a true maximal strength

Time: 1180.74

test and you compare those to say

Time: 1183.02

bodybuilders now both of those

Time: 1185.84

individuals are strong and both of those

Time: 1189.26

individuals have a lot of muscle however

Time: 1191.419

it is extremely clear the power lifters

Time: 1193.88

will be significantly stronger

Time: 1196.34

than the bodybuilders on average right

Time: 1198.98

there are individual exceptions but

Time: 1200.72

we're just talking Collective averages

Time: 1202.22

and the bodybuilders will have more

Time: 1204.5

muscle than the other ones in addition

Time: 1207.2

whether you look at Olympic

Time: 1208.82

weightlifting or power lifting or

Time: 1211.1

world's strongest man for that matter

Time: 1212.299

there are weight classes and the reason

Time: 1214.4

is as you go up in weight classes you

Time: 1216.799

will always see the world records go

Time: 1219.08

higher and higher and higher right so

Time: 1220.76

you can clearly get stronger without

Time: 1224

adding any muscle however there's a

Time: 1227.299

point right where you simply have to add

Time: 1229.94

more mass to get a higher number and

Time: 1231.86

that's why we have weight classes in

Time: 1233.78

those Sports and in Combat Sports and

Time: 1235.4

lots of other things so

Time: 1236.84

we have there's a lot of confusion right

Time: 1238.76

because people think man either these

Time: 1241.1

are the same thing or if I want to get

Time: 1244.1

stronger I have to get bigger which is

Time: 1245.96

not the case at all another misnomer

Time: 1248.179

here is I can't get stronger

Time: 1250.88

unless I add muscle that's not true

Time: 1252.74

either right it's a similar idea

Time: 1255.26

so what I'm saying is you have the

Time: 1256.88

ability to do whatever you'd like if

Time: 1258.5

you'd like to get stronger and add

Time: 1260.179


Time: 1261.38

great if you add muscle you're probably

Time: 1264.44

going to bring some strength along for

Time: 1266.419

the ride

Time: 1267.26

however if you want to get stronger and

Time: 1270.38

you don't want to add muscle for any

Time: 1272.059

reason personal preference on Aesthetics

Time: 1274.76

whether you're in a weight class and you

Time: 1276.62

simply can't afford it it is quite easy

Time: 1278.539

to get stronger and not add much muscle

Time: 1280.28

mass either and so differentiating these

Time: 1282.86

two things is one of them is simply a

Time: 1284.66

measure of size and the other one is a

Time: 1286.82

measure of force and when we talk about

Time: 1289.64

strength what we're really talking about

Time: 1291.14

are two unique components component one

Time: 1293.539

is what I call the physiology so what it

Time: 1295.88

what is the ability of the neuromuscular

Time: 1297.62

system what is the ability of the muscle

Time: 1300.08

fibers to contract and produce Force the

Time: 1303.02

other one is what we call mechanics and

Time: 1304.88

mechanics is simply things like it's

Time: 1307.22

minutia down to how long your femurs are

Time: 1310.4

relative to your tibia or or other

Time: 1313.039

things like this is biomechanics this is

Time: 1315.02

also technique this is skill this is how

Time: 1318.14

smooth you feel this is are you firing

Time: 1320.78

the right muscle group in the right

Time: 1322.94

sequence and Order and all of these

Time: 1325.039

things play into strength so somebody

Time: 1326.539

who maybe has more Force capability in

Time: 1330.2

their muscle fibers but their technique

Time: 1332.299

in the movement is worse may lose in a

Time: 1334.7

competition or somebody again who's

Time: 1337.64

um like if you go into the world of

Time: 1339.44

speed and power especially you'll hear a

Time: 1341.72

lot of people talk about like the Rhythm

Time: 1343.1

and there's just a certain Rhythm that

Time: 1344.78

has to happen if you want to jump as

Time: 1346.28

high as possible or run as fast as fast

Time: 1347.96

as possible but that's all mechanics at

Time: 1350.36

this fundamental level so when we look

Time: 1352.22

at hypertrophy

Time: 1354.02

it's just still simply about how big the

Time: 1356.36

muscle is

Time: 1357.62

so those are the really the the

Time: 1359.059

similarities and distinctions between

Time: 1360.98

strength and hypertrophy when strength

Time: 1363.98


Time: 1365.539

and when hypertrophy increases

Time: 1369.38

is there also involvement in the

Time: 1373.46

ligaments and tendons that is of course

Time: 1376.46

the ligaments and tendons are involved

Time: 1378.26

in the movements and yeah but do

Time: 1380.72

ligaments and tendons themselves grow

Time: 1383.299

and or get stronger

Time: 1385.4

this field is really difficult because

Time: 1388.179

connective tissue is not vascular and so

Time: 1391.7

their plasticity is significantly lower

Time: 1393.919

than skeletal muscle in fact if you look

Time: 1395.6

across all the organs a skeletal muscle

Time: 1397.64

is one of if not the most plastic

Time: 1399.26

meaning it's the most pliable the most

Time: 1401.48

responsive the one that's going to

Time: 1403.34

adjust it's basically it's paying

Time: 1404.9

attention to everything that's being

Time: 1406.52

said in the body you cannot change blood

Time: 1409.22

pressure or pH or

Time: 1411.94

macronutrients floating around without

Time: 1413.78

muscle knowing about it it is in fact

Time: 1416.179

this is why we call muscle an organ

Time: 1418.039

people don't tend to think about this if

Time: 1419.6

you were ever on like Jeopardy and they

Time: 1421.7

ask you that question like what's the

Time: 1422.96

biggest organ system in the body people

Time: 1424.58

tend to say the skin muscle is actually

Time: 1427.7

the correct answer all right well I'm

Time: 1429.14

going to cite you when I get it yeah

Time: 1431.919

Jeopardy I don't have any immediate

Time: 1433.94

plans to go on Jeopardy but who knows oh

Time: 1435.74

there you go Celebrity Jeopardy Angie

Time: 1437.48

huberman wait I don't know about the

Time: 1439.1

celebrity part but uh Jeopardy would be

Time: 1440.96

fun yeah um but I will say the muscle

Time: 1443.299

and I'll I'll if you get a phone call in

Time: 1445.46

Jeopardy I don't know I haven't seen

Time: 1446.419

that show in a very long time yeah uh

Time: 1448.039

maybe ever then I'll I'll call you but

Time: 1450.2

that makes sense

Time: 1451.52

um so that muscles would be the largest

Time: 1453.26

organ system in the body the reason I

Time: 1454.7

was saying that is so muscle is both

Time: 1456.08

listening and talking it is controlling

Time: 1458.6

uh the immune system a lot it's

Time: 1460.82

controlling blood glucose regulation it

Time: 1462.919

is it is the central Depot for uh amino

Time: 1466.64

acids which are needed to do things like

Time: 1469.039

regulate the immune system build any new

Time: 1472.1

red blood cells a lot of this stuff is

Time: 1473.48

coming from skeletal muscle so when we

Time: 1476.179

say organ by the way that's actually

Time: 1477.44

like a physiological definition so

Time: 1479.36

something that's communicating uh to

Time: 1481.34

either another organ itself or uh

Time: 1483.32

throughout the system so it's listening

Time: 1485.24

and it's talking connective tissue is

Time: 1487.28

not the same way and so we do see

Time: 1489.38

adaptations with strength training in

Time: 1492.14

connective tissue

Time: 1493.64

it's just much lower it's difficult to

Time: 1495.74

measure effectively what we know now is

Time: 1498.74

you're going to have a combination of

Time: 1500.6

adaptations throughout the connective

Time: 1502.1

tissue it is beneficial this is probably

Time: 1504.2

one of the major reasons that's that

Time: 1506.059

strength training reduces injury risk

Time: 1507.559

which is very very important because

Time: 1509.12

people who tend to want to pick up an

Time: 1511.28

exercise routine after say 10 years the

Time: 1515

classic cliche is like I played all

Time: 1516.98

these things in high school then I went

Time: 1518.78

to college got a job now I'm 25 or 35 or

Time: 1521.78

whatever and you sort of want to jump

Time: 1523.4

back into what you did when you were 20.

Time: 1525.62

well there's no tissue tolerance left

Time: 1527.24

and what we almost always mean by that

Time: 1529.279

is connective tissue the tolerance in

Time: 1531.62

there is not ready for the load you're

Time: 1533.36

about to handle and so you go through

Time: 1535.1

some movement and then boom sprains

Time: 1537.559


Time: 1539.12

um you know even like the more

Time: 1540.5

significant ones are on Achilles tear

Time: 1542.24

which is going to really sideline you so

Time: 1543.98

those are some of the problems and we

Time: 1545.059

know strength training as a large role

Time: 1547.88

in injury reduction for stress and

Time: 1549.799

strain and overuse injuries and that's

Time: 1551.12

specifically coming from the connective

Time: 1552.5

tissue adaptations again the difficult

Time: 1554.419

part here is

Time: 1555.98

it's very hard to assess we actually

Time: 1558.679

um when I was a doctoral student we

Time: 1560.6

played around with patella tendon

Time: 1562.64

biopsies so I actually had one this is

Time: 1565.039

like a there's a little piece of your

Time: 1566.299

patella tendon missing yeah because your

Time: 1568.7

own yeah own lab so now I've probably

Time: 1570.919


Time: 1571.94

I don't know how many hundreds of

Time: 1573.32

biopsies I've performed on people

Time: 1575.299

um probably well over a thousand

Time: 1576.38

certainly well over a thousand I've

Time: 1578.12

probably had 35 or 40 done in myself

Time: 1581.08

there's no problem here I have no Scar

Time: 1583.159

Tissue I have no loss of function and

Time: 1584.84

I've stuck needles in every leg like all

Time: 1586.88

over myself right quads uh my Soleus

Time: 1590.48

gastroc like all up taking tissue out

Time: 1592.58

yeah you want the needle looks like a

Time: 1594.62

pen basically and you you know you're

Time: 1596.36

alive and you go in and grab a chunk and

Time: 1597.62

you pull it out and can I come to your

Time: 1599.539

lab and get biopsy absolutely yeah

Time: 1601.1

you're probably looking under the

Time: 1602.36

microscope it'll just look like the

Time: 1603.799

molecule caffeine there's a there's a

Time: 1606.919

mutual friend of ours who came down and

Time: 1609.08

did that he's a big big big gentleman

Time: 1611.36

big into lifting very into strength

Time: 1613.58

training uh and he he went through that

Time: 1616.82

experience and he was like oh my gosh it

Time: 1619.039

was not what he was hoping to get he

Time: 1620.72

actually had

Time: 1621.88

unbelievable muscle morphology his

Time: 1624.2

fibers were the diameter of muscle

Time: 1626.36

fibers is extremely large it's one of

Time: 1628.46

the biggest cells by volume in all the

Time: 1629.9

biology skeletal muscle and human and

Time: 1632.24

how large I can't help myself

Time: 1634.58

um millimeters

Time: 1636.02

well you so you have length right and

Time: 1638

then you have width right so lengthwise

Time: 1639.5

it can be extraordinarily long you can

Time: 1641.179

be the classic example is like your

Time: 1643.22

Sartorius which is like the front of

Time: 1644.9

your hip to the inside of your kneecap

Time: 1646.46

theoretically those cells can run the

Time: 1648.44

entire length which would be one muscle

Time: 1650.419

fiber running that thing if I were to do

Time: 1652.7

a biopsy on you and I and I pulled that

Time: 1654.74

tissue out I could actually pull an

Time: 1656.12

individual fiber out with tweezers and

Time: 1657.74

hold it up and you could see that whole

Time: 1659.659

muscle cell yeah I'm definitely not

Time: 1661.039

going to get biopsy um you'd be stunned

Time: 1663.5

how big they are anyways his was the

Time: 1665.059

size of a rhino so the diameter of his

Time: 1667.34

now he has a well-documented assistance

Time: 1670.34

in the area of muscle growth we'll say

Time: 1673.52

um but yeah those can be large so what

Time: 1676.34

were we even talking about there well I

Time: 1677.72

was asking about tendons and ligaments

Time: 1679.76

um because I'd like to understand the

Time: 1681.799

various tissues and organ systems that

Time: 1683.6

adapt when one gets stronger when muscle

Time: 1685.46

tissue grows and I I do want to ask

Time: 1687.32

about bone yeah um and here I'm not

Time: 1689.9

referring to Bone mineral density what I

Time: 1692.659

was going to ask is whether or not

Time: 1694.34

bone itself can grow and get stronger

Time: 1697.22

and the reason I'm asking is there's a

Time: 1698.659

favorite result of mine I have about

Time: 1700.7

3 800 favorite results 3 000 pet peeves

Time: 1703.7

and 3 800 plus favorite results

Time: 1706.7

um but one of my favorite results is

Time: 1708.5

from Eric kindel's Lab at Columbia Eric

Time: 1711.02

won the Nobel Prize for learning and

Time: 1712.46

memory and his laboratory got really

Time: 1713.84

into the effects of exercise on learning

Time: 1715.52

and memory yeah and they had this

Time: 1717.08

incredible result

Time: 1719.299

which is that

Time: 1721.34

load-bearing exercise yeah stimulates

Time: 1724.039

the bones to release something called

Time: 1726.52

osteocalcin excuse me and then

Time: 1728.539

osteocalcin acts as a more or less a

Time: 1730.7

hormone travels to the brain and

Time: 1732.08

enhances the memory systems in the brain

Time: 1733.7

by enhancing neuron Health that's the

Time: 1735.679

basic Crux of of the studies there were

Time: 1737.659

several of these and

Time: 1739.7

The Moment I Saw the first of those

Time: 1742.1

studies I thought well here's another

Time: 1743.36

reason to do resistance type exercise

Time: 1745.88

and not just aerobic exercise and then

Time: 1748.76

it brings to mind whether or not bones

Time: 1750.62

themselves get stronger when we do

Time: 1753.02

resistance training I don't know the

Time: 1754.64

answer to that yeah that's very clearly

Time: 1756.919

demonstrated and we've known that for

Time: 1758.659

for many decades

Time: 1760.22

um you have a

Time: 1762.2

a diminishing ability to do so with age

Time: 1764.98

particularly you need to do this in your

Time: 1767.899

teens and 20s this is where you're going

Time: 1769.46

to have the largest ability to enhance

Time: 1770.96

bone mineral density and it's

Time: 1773.059

particularly responsive to axial loading

Time: 1774.98

now I'm a muscle guy I'm not a bone

Time: 1777.02

specialist so we would have to consult

Time: 1779.24

somebody who can give you more position

Time: 1780.44

here but that's you explain axial

Time: 1782

loading it's up and down it's vertical

Time: 1783.679

okay so it's almost like a like a

Time: 1785.84

cylinder putting the weight of the on

Time: 1787.64

the small end of the cylinder on both

Time: 1789.74

small end of the cylinders yeah if

Time: 1791.179

someone doesn't do this in their 20s or

Time: 1793.399

teens however

Time: 1795.02

can we assume that some degree of

Time: 1797.84

positive change will occur if they do

Time: 1799.279

resistance training even if it's a small

Time: 1801.26

fraction the answer is yes it is small

Time: 1804.1

we have worked with a number of women in

Time: 1806.84


Time: 1808.039

um our rapid health program that come in

Time: 1810.74

and they are in their 20s and they're in

Time: 1812.72

their 30s and they have significant bone

Time: 1814.159

marrow density problems and eight months

Time: 1816.08

later we can see noticeable changes that

Time: 1818.24

are outside of the measurement error of

Time: 1821.179

a positive change positive changes

Time: 1823.279

correct and if you worked with the there

Time: 1825.38

are many Physicians that specialize in

Time: 1826.7

this area you you're going to need a

Time: 1829.039

Nutri nutrition here strengthening alone

Time: 1831.98

is probably not going to get you there

Time: 1833.419

particularly with women because you have

Time: 1835.039

to figure out why and and there's a lot

Time: 1838.1

going on with the physiology and

Time: 1839.48

biochemistry so you probably like almost

Time: 1842.12

surely needed to have some blood

Time: 1843.32

chemistry done with that you have to

Time: 1845.72

figure out what's going on menstrual

Time: 1846.98

cycle wise in fact like oftentimes what

Time: 1848.779

we'll do

Time: 1849.799

for our women very specifically is we

Time: 1852.62

use a thing called The Rhythm plus a

Time: 1854.299

30-day test so you can actually do a

Time: 1855.86

salivary test across the entire

Time: 1857.24

menstrual cycle and you can take uh

Time: 1859.58

samples it's about every other day so

Time: 1861.2

you get 15 or 16 samples and you get a

Time: 1863.899

really beautiful picture of what's

Time: 1865.039

Happening hormonally across the entire

Time: 1867.34

menstrual cycle and that's really really

Time: 1869.48

important because typically for women if

Time: 1872.779

you get a single sample or simple time

Time: 1874.76

Point whether it's salivary urine or

Time: 1876.98

blood you can have

Time: 1879.26

um well like a order of magnitude

Time: 1881.36

difference in any number of metrics

Time: 1883.159

because of what phase are in this is one

Time: 1885.44

of the many reasons why it's been such a

Time: 1887

challenge to do a lot of physiology

Time: 1888.559

research with females some metrics

Time: 1891.44

change throughout the menstrual cycle

Time: 1894.08

others don't like strength is a very

Time: 1895.94

good example I can strengthen and I can

Time: 1898.159

do a one rep max test on a woman at any

Time: 1900.32

point I don't have to do that at a

Time: 1902.179

certain phase of their menstrual cycle

Time: 1903.44

because it's the evidence I think is

Time: 1905

pretty clear at this point that number

Time: 1906.919

won't change so I have no qualms

Time: 1909.02

including female files in any of my

Time: 1910.82

studies where strength is an absolute is

Time: 1913.22

an important dependent variable because

Time: 1914.72

I don't have to adjust around menstrual

Time: 1916.1

cycle other factors like anything in in

Time: 1919.52

blood anything hormone related you're

Time: 1921.14

going to have to automatically account

Time: 1922.279

for it so what I would say is those

Time: 1925.58

folks should absolutely work with a

Time: 1926.96

qualified physician and you you're going

Time: 1929.6

to have to get some nutrition

Time: 1930.98

supplementation potentially and then

Time: 1933.5

maybe even some other stuff going on to

Time: 1935.24

make that even more complicated

Time: 1937.52

if you're on any form of birth control

Time: 1939.32

or not that's going to change the entire

Time: 1941.48

equation especially if it's a

Time: 1942.559

hormone-based birth control so it just

Time: 1944.48

gets really really complicated to answer

Time: 1947.12

it though you can see adaptations they

Time: 1950.24

are significantly diminished relative to

Time: 1952.64

if you would have started in your teens

Time: 1953.84

and 20s but there is hope you just need

Time: 1955.76

to work with somebody who specializes in

Time: 1957.14

that area

Time: 1958.52

so for both men and women boys and girls

Time: 1962.72

what are the major adaptations that

Time: 1965.96

occur to underlie improvements in

Time: 1968.36

strength and if you would if you could

Time: 1970.279

just provide a bullet point list of that

Time: 1972.919

and then we can dive into each of those

Time: 1974.72

in detail

Time: 1977.059

for instance

Time: 1978.98

are nerves getting more efficient at

Time: 1981.44

firing our bones enjoying adaptations in

Time: 1984.5

different yeah bone connective tissue

Time: 1987.08

relationships that that underlie

Time: 1989.12

strength I have to imagine all these

Time: 1990.62

things are happening but what are the

Time: 1991.76

the major changes that are occurring in

Time: 1993.799

those Origins and organ systems that

Time: 1995.179

reflect someone's ability to on one day

Time: 1997.88

lift you know 100 pounds and then a week

Time: 2001.299

later to lift uh 105 pounds now I'll try

Time: 2005.14

to keep this condensed again this could

Time: 2006.46

be an entire University course

Time: 2009.059

I will also try to give you a little bit

Time: 2011.62

of Bones here so normally as a muscle

Time: 2013.48

guy I only I take all the credit and

Time: 2015.46


Time: 2016.299

turns out the nervous system gets a

Time: 2018.519

little bit of credit too here thank you

Time: 2020.64

so as we walk through it just in as a

Time: 2023.98

big picture if we think about again what

Time: 2025.36

causes human movement basically

Time: 2027.22

everything along that chain will improve

Time: 2030.039

the strength training and I'm not really

Time: 2032.08

being using too much hyperbole there

Time: 2034.12

it's quite impressive so it's going from

Time: 2037.299

the nervous system side of the equation

Time: 2038.32

what has to happen for human movement is

Time: 2040.179

a nerve has to send a signal through a

Time: 2042.039

motor unit now a motor unit is comes

Time: 2045.039

down and interface multiple muscle

Time: 2046.419

fibers so if you think about your actual

Time: 2048.339

muscle it's not a thing it is a

Time: 2050.619

component of many individual muscle

Time: 2052.119

fibers so you've got millions if not

Time: 2053.619

more think of it like a ponytail so we

Time: 2056.44

collectively say ponytail and you think

Time: 2058

of it as like one thing but really a

Time: 2059.8

ponytail is a combination of tons of

Time: 2061.78

individual hairs okay muscles the same

Time: 2064.659

way so this motor unit comes in and

Time: 2066.879

innervates a lot of different muscle

Time: 2068.619

fibers now every one of the fibers in a

Time: 2070.72

motor unit is generally of the same

Time: 2072.339

fiber type so fast switch or slow twitch

Time: 2074.679

and they are not laid out next to each

Time: 2076.899

other in the muscle they are spread out

Time: 2078.159

across horizontally vertically as well

Time: 2081.099

as closer to the Bone and further to the

Time: 2083.679

surface so they're moved throughout the

Time: 2085.359

entire way and this is what allows you

Time: 2086.679

to have smoother contractions and you

Time: 2088.06

don't have spasticity and things like

Time: 2089.44

that so we see improvements from the

Time: 2091.599

neuromuscular side like firing rate we

Time: 2093.879

see synchronization improvements um that

Time: 2096.82

are coming in you also see improvements

Time: 2099.58

in things like acetylcholine release

Time: 2101.8

from the presynaptic neuron so you're

Time: 2104.38

getting it faster we see calcium

Time: 2105.76

recycling is improved back uh to there

Time: 2108.64

so in order for without walking into too

Time: 2111.339

much of the biochemistry in order for a

Time: 2112.78

signal to go from nerve to muscle

Time: 2114.16

there's a little bit of a gap there's a

Time: 2115.839

physical space that happens and what

Time: 2117.52

happens is you release this molecule

Time: 2118.9

called acetylcholine this goes into the

Time: 2120.88

postsynaptic left and then that actually

Time: 2122.26

binds to a receptor that receptor

Time: 2124.839

actually opens up a door that lets

Time: 2127.18

sodium in that's really what's happening

Time: 2129.099

so it's not the acetylcholine without

Time: 2130.359

acetylcholine then sits on that receptor

Time: 2132.22

site it's broken down put back in and

Time: 2135.339

recycled back up in the presynaptic

Time: 2137.079

nerve site the faster you can do that

Time: 2138.94

the faster you can recycle that signal

Time: 2142.119

and so almost everything that I describe

Time: 2145

in that entire system improves and has

Time: 2147.46

been shown to to increase with training

Time: 2149.859

so that alone is given to give you

Time: 2152.14

benefits we haven't even walked into to

Time: 2154.54

getting from an electrical signal now

Time: 2156.579

into an action potential which is going

Time: 2158.56

to cause a muscle contraction

Time: 2160.48

so getting from nerve into the muscle we

Time: 2163.66

see everything from improvements when we

Time: 2165.82

call contractility which means the

Time: 2167.8

muscle fiber themselves can produce more

Time: 2169.66

force or more velocity independent of

Time: 2172.359

muscle size changes this is another

Time: 2174.579

component when we ask like well how is

Time: 2176.26

it I got stronger

Time: 2177.7

without getting bigger well in the

Time: 2180.4

muscle fiber itself its ability to

Time: 2182.74

contract Force increases and this is

Time: 2184.96

because we have everything like the

Time: 2186.04

sarcoplasmic reticulum which is the

Time: 2187.78

place that stores and releases the

Time: 2189.04

calcium which is what's needed for this

Time: 2191.5

entire cross-bridge interaction from the

Time: 2193.96

myosin and actin to happen I know a lot

Time: 2196.42

I just lost a lot of people but you can

Time: 2198.579

go look at some of these images the

Time: 2199.8

sarcoplasmatricium gets gets activated

Time: 2202.78

more it gets more sensitive it is better

Time: 2204.28

at releasing calcium bringing it back in

Time: 2206.32

and doing it again the bond between the

Time: 2209.5

crossbridge the myosin actin gets

Time: 2211.48

stronger the calcium Affinity is the

Time: 2214.78

phrase that we use there increases so

Time: 2218.2

we're literally walking through almost

Time: 2219.7

the entire process of skeletal muscle

Time: 2221.44

contraction here and every step along

Time: 2223.18

the way we we see improvements so that

Time: 2225.16

net result is we see again more Force

Time: 2228.28

production independent of any change in

Time: 2230.44

size independent of any increase in

Time: 2232.42

contractile units we didn't add anything

Time: 2234.28

to the equation we didn't change size we

Time: 2236.74

did nothing but improve efficiency

Time: 2238.98

effectively independent of that now we

Time: 2242.02

can actually start talking about

Time: 2242.92

changing muscle fiber type so we can

Time: 2245.2

change our fibers from a slow twitch

Time: 2246.82

fiber to a fast twitch fiber that alone

Time: 2248.92

is going to give you more forced

Time: 2250.119

production again independent of size

Time: 2251.56

fast switch fibers 10 to be larger than

Time: 2254.44

Soul touch fibers but not always

Time: 2256.619

especially in the presence of endurance

Time: 2259.119

training so if you do a lot of

Time: 2260.56

consistent endurance training it's very

Time: 2262.359

common for us to find slow touch fibers

Time: 2264.099

that are as similar size if not larger

Time: 2266.619

often very often larger than those fast

Time: 2269.44

touch fibers if you take slow fibers big

Time: 2272.74

slow very metabolically effective

Time: 2274.68

vibrous so extremely fatigue resistant

Time: 2277.06

so it's not a bad thing to call them

Time: 2279.16

slow is like we tend to say fastest low

Time: 2281.14

and slow has this negative connotation

Time: 2282.94

but it's like quite healthy like fiber

Time: 2285.82

type to have outside of that now we

Time: 2288.52

haven't even gotten into things like

Time: 2289.72

penation angle so this is an angle at

Time: 2291.579

which your muscle fibers interact with

Time: 2293.14

your bone so we tend to think about this

Time: 2295.18

as like a muscle fiber is pulling on a

Time: 2296.98

muscle well some some of these are

Time: 2298.839

oriented are almost a 90 degree so a

Time: 2301.359

fiber runs perpendicular into the bone

Time: 2303.28

and some of them are closer to like a 45

Time: 2304.839

degree and some of them are closer to

Time: 2306.76

almost parallel and that confers a lot

Time: 2309.339

of unique mechanical benefits so in one

Time: 2311.859

area it's actually going to increase

Time: 2313.3

Force production you go the other

Time: 2315.22

direction increases velocity and so we

Time: 2317.98

have all kinds of changes in the angle

Time: 2319.54

at which the muscle inserts into the

Time: 2321.16

bone now we're already on the mechanic

Time: 2323.26

side of it right so we've we've

Time: 2324.579

influenced how effectively it pulls and

Time: 2327.52

with any of these things it's always a

Time: 2328.96

give and take so you're going to give up

Time: 2330.52

in the case of a Nation angle you're

Time: 2331.839

going to give up strength but you're

Time: 2333.04

going to increase of a lot shortening

Time: 2334.119

velocity or if you want to increase the

Time: 2336.099

velocity you're going to give up sort of

Time: 2337.839

the strength right we haven't gotten to

Time: 2340.18

any of the energetics at all so we

Time: 2342.16

haven't talked about increasing storage

Time: 2343.839

of phosphocreatine which is the energy

Time: 2346.2

system needed to power that muscle

Time: 2348.52

contraction at the fastest possible rate

Time: 2350.2

so we can continue to go as long as you

Time: 2352.24

want here but hopefully you're getting

Time: 2353.619

the point of a little bit of the

Time: 2355.06

adaptations that occur the reason I want

Time: 2358.119

to actually why I think that stuff is

Time: 2359.859

important to bring it back maybe for

Time: 2361.78

some Muslims I know I took you on a

Time: 2363.04

journey there and you're just like what

Time: 2363.94

the hell just happened

Time: 2365.5

that matters because again this is the

Time: 2367.42

specific explanation for how is it

Time: 2369.22

possible that I got stronger but I

Time: 2370.839

didn't get bigger and this is also why

Time: 2373.42

strength and hypertrophy are intertwined

Time: 2376.24

and heavily overlapped but are not

Time: 2378.22

necessarily the same thing so for

Time: 2380.2

example we can increase muscle size

Time: 2383.14

and actually reduce strength because of

Time: 2385.96

what's called lattice spacing so what

Time: 2388.06

happens is you have to kind of remember

Time: 2390.4

your muscle fibers are these long

Time: 2391.9

cylinders and the way that they contract

Time: 2394.2

requires an optimal space and so what

Time: 2396.94

happens is you have this molecule called

Time: 2398.44

actin and you have this molecule called

Time: 2400.599

myosin myosin sits in the middle and

Time: 2403.839

there are six actin that surround each

Time: 2406.119

individual myosin in a three-dimensional

Time: 2408.579

Circle here so you got a myosin in the

Time: 2410.98

middle that has all these globular heads

Time: 2412.48

and they can reach up and grab man

Time: 2413.74

acting and again there's six sort of

Time: 2415.48

around them right

Time: 2417.04

um well one of the things that can occur

Time: 2418.9

is if those those actin are too close

Time: 2421.48

together so I imagine my hands

Time: 2424.66

um I'm reaching out and doing a giant T

Time: 2426.88

right so I'm horizontal out there well

Time: 2428.74

if my fingertips are the tips of the

Time: 2430.54

myosin and I'm trying to reach up and

Time: 2432.04

grab an actin and I want to pull those

Time: 2433.9

actins closer to my face well those act

Time: 2436.42

and stack on top of each other and

Time: 2437.92

that's what actually makes your muscles

Time: 2439.3

grow up like if I flex my bicep it

Time: 2442.3

actually you know grows up three or four

Time: 2443.74


Time: 2444.82

because you're stacking these these

Time: 2446.56

sarcomeres or what they're called on top

Time: 2448.119

of each other all right great well if

Time: 2450.579

I'm reaching out to grab them and the

Time: 2452.14

muscle is stretched too far I can't

Time: 2454.72

actually make that strong of a

Time: 2455.859

connection it would be like if I reached

Time: 2457.24

out and grabbed something but I can only

Time: 2458.5

reach my longest fingertip on it when I

Time: 2460.78

go to contract I can't make that strong

Time: 2462.28

of a contraction because my grip is weak

Time: 2464.02

my grip's gonna break before I reach my

Time: 2466.24

strength limit if I'm too close there's

Time: 2469

nowhere to go I'm already as close so if

Time: 2471.82

you actually disrupt that lattice

Time: 2473.68

spacing too much you can actually lose a

Time: 2475.96

little bit of strength so it's not that

Time: 2478.54

getting bigger will ever make you weaker

Time: 2480.46

it's simply that you're not optimizing

Time: 2482.92

for strength You're simply optimizing

Time: 2484.98

for size and so that can that can

Time: 2487.359

explain a little bit of the of the

Time: 2488.8

disconcurity between growing and

Time: 2491.68


Time: 2492.94

I'd like to take a brief break and

Time: 2494.68

acknowledge our sponsor athletic greens

Time: 2496.54

athletic greens is a vitamin mineral

Time: 2498.82

probiotic and adaptogen drink designed

Time: 2501.46

to help you meet all of your

Time: 2502.599

foundational nutritional needs I've been

Time: 2504.82

taking athletic greens daily since 2012.

Time: 2507.52

so I'm delighted that they're a sponsor

Time: 2509.2

of this podcast the reason I started

Time: 2511.06

taking athletic greens and the reason I

Time: 2512.56

still take athletic greens once or twice

Time: 2514.599

a day is that it helps me meet all of my

Time: 2516.82

foundational nutritional needs that is

Time: 2518.74

it covers my vitamins my minerals and

Time: 2520.78

the probiotics are especially important

Time: 2522.46

to me athletic greens also contains

Time: 2524.26

adaptogens which are critical for

Time: 2526.06

recovering from stress from exercise

Time: 2527.68

from work or just general life if you'd

Time: 2530.14

like to try athletic greens you can go

Time: 2531.52

to athleticgreens.com huberman to claim

Time: 2534.28

a special offer they'll give you five

Time: 2535.66

free travel packs and they'll give you a

Time: 2537.28

year's supply of vitamin d3k2 again if

Time: 2540.46

you'd like to try athletic greens go to

Time: 2541.96

athleticgreens.com huberman to claim the

Time: 2544.72

special offer what are a few of the

Time: 2546.76

major changes that occur in muscle nerve

Time: 2551.14

Etc when

Time: 2552.46

we experience hypertrophy

Time: 2555.76

I've heard of protein synthesis changes

Time: 2559.359

I'm assuming that's true maybe you can

Time: 2561.099

tell us a bit more about that

Time: 2562.78

changes in blood flow yep

Time: 2565.78

perhaps changes in neural innervation

Time: 2568.44

who knows maybe even changes in fascia

Time: 2571.24

I'm not aware of any specifically but um

Time: 2574.3

I have to imagine that they're somehow

Time: 2576.22

involved sure so the when we talk about

Time: 2579.22

hypertrophy a lot of the adaptations are

Time: 2581.319

going to be similar because the the mode

Time: 2583.3

of training is close enough so your

Time: 2586.3

nerves probably aren't smart enough to

Time: 2588.46

differentiate between a set of five reps

Time: 2590.26

or a set of eight repetitions they're

Time: 2592.18

smart enough to differentiate anything

Time: 2593.38

like they know everything that's going

Time: 2594.88

on but it's going to be a huge overlap

Time: 2597.4

the primary difference with hypertrophy

Time: 2599.68

is a couple of things so if you think

Time: 2601.9

about the muscle microstructure

Time: 2604.359

um I have a whole series of videos on

Time: 2606.28

YouTube if you want to see the visuals

Time: 2607.48

behind this in fact in there I include

Time: 2609.22

the specific diameter size of muscle

Time: 2611.02

fibers that I've failed to give you a

Time: 2612.819

few minutes ago we will provide an

Time: 2614.619

active link to this right so

Time: 2617.079

um what happens is this when we talk

Time: 2619.3

about and you hear that this classic

Time: 2620.8

Buzz phrase of muscle protein synthesis

Time: 2623.02

generally what we're talking about there

Time: 2624.76

is is contractile units and so when we

Time: 2627.52

say contractile units we're talking

Time: 2628.72

about the myosin and actin and so what

Time: 2630.4

we're really trying to do

Time: 2632.14

is say okay there's some amount of

Time: 2634.18

protein turnover where we're coming in

Time: 2637

and we're trying to add more proteins to

Time: 2639.16

the equation and so what has to happen

Time: 2640.54

there is a series of steps so step

Time: 2642.4

number one is there has to be some sort

Time: 2643.9

of signal from the external World um

Time: 2646.3

this could actually oftentimes it's

Time: 2647.68

things like stretching of the cell wall

Time: 2650.02

which is what happens with exercise

Time: 2651.52

right so you're Contracting a short and

Time: 2653.02

you get this big stretch of the cell

Time: 2654.28

wall it can come from a simple things

Time: 2656.44

like an amino acid infusion this is just

Time: 2658.599

eating protein this is why protein

Time: 2660.04

ingestion alone is anabolic right it'll

Time: 2662.26

help you grow muscle independent of even

Time: 2663.76

moving so just eating

Time: 2666.22

protein will grow your muscles yeah

Time: 2668.68

certainly and those that those data are

Time: 2670.599

very clear

Time: 2671.98

um of course like anything there's a

Time: 2673.54

saturation point

Time: 2674.8

in terms of total amount you need to get

Time: 2676.599

to and and things like that but yeah if

Time: 2679.78

you were to walk into a laboratory

Time: 2681.04

fasted overnight and I gave you 30 grams

Time: 2683.98

of protein we would see a very

Time: 2685.48

measurable increase in protein synthesis

Time: 2687.04

quite clearly for several hours probably

Time: 2688.96

four to five plus hours um we could

Time: 2691

maybe bring us to people that would know

Time: 2692.38

those data better but many hours with no

Time: 2694.9

waitroon correct I am betting that most

Time: 2698.44

people are not aware of that fact you

Time: 2700.18

know what's actually interesting about

Time: 2701.02

it is if you do the exact same study

Time: 2703.42

again and you just did strength training

Time: 2705.64

you would also see an improvement in

Time: 2707.079

protein synthesis right but those

Time: 2708.64

factors are independent and the

Time: 2709.9

mechanisms are independent such that if

Time: 2711.46

you do them both together they stack on

Time: 2712.96

top of each other

Time: 2714.16

which is really wonderful and if you

Time: 2715.839

were to add carbohydrate into that mix

Time: 2717.339

now you're actually adding fuel for the

Time: 2719.14

entire muscle protein synthesis process

Time: 2721.24

and now you're going to see even

Time: 2722.68

additive benefits and this is why for so

Time: 2724.9

many years uh this is what bore the

Time: 2727.54

whole like post exercise anabolic window

Time: 2729.22

thing which is like you got to get carbs

Time: 2730.96

and protein in post exercise to maximize

Time: 2734.319

um mostly perjury now that turned out to

Time: 2735.819

be like not totally true in terms of the

Time: 2739.18

Windows window to not be as strict as

Time: 2741.339

people initially uh asserted as I recall

Time: 2744.099

but but still I think that's super

Time: 2745.66

interesting these are parallel Pathways

Time: 2747.4

for for protein synthesis simply eating

Time: 2749.98


Time: 2751.3

um or training each independently

Time: 2754.26

increases protein synthesis uh I can't

Time: 2757.119

help but ask is the same true if one

Time: 2759.04

doesn't endurance type exercise if I go

Time: 2761.2

out for a 45 minute jog where I can

Time: 2764.619

nasal breathe the whole time but if I

Time: 2766.119

were to go any faster I would have to

Time: 2767.68

kick over into mouth breathing as well

Time: 2769.3

so-called Zone 2 ish cardio will I see

Time: 2773.02

an increase in protein in synthesis as

Time: 2775.72

simply as a consequence of that jog now

Time: 2777.94

this is one of the unique factors of

Time: 2780.099

strength training you're not going to

Time: 2781.3

say that in fact you would it's

Time: 2783.04

difficult to measure protein breakdown

Time: 2784.359

that's been as extraordinarily

Time: 2785.68

challenging to do in the laboratory but

Time: 2787.42

you're not going to see those benefits

Time: 2788.92

in fact you're going to see quite the

Time: 2790.3

opposite it's an entire molecular

Time: 2791.8


Time: 2793.38

so this is kind of how it works so you

Time: 2795.819

have to have some sort of signal on the

Time: 2797.44

outside and this can be an energetic

Time: 2799.839

signal so this could be glucose uptake

Time: 2802.3

it could be protein intake it could be a

Time: 2804.88

physical stretch what happens is on the

Time: 2807.7

cell wall there is some sort of it could

Time: 2809.14

be testosterone right testosterone could

Time: 2810.76

bind to beta adrenergic receptors and

Time: 2813.04

this activates a whole series of

Time: 2814.42

Cascades of signaling proteins and these

Time: 2816.46

proteins basically play a game of

Time: 2817.96

telephone so one tells the next one this

Time: 2820.3

is the next one and I sort of walk this

Time: 2821.859

entire way well that molecular Cascade

Time: 2823.9

is fundamentally the same thing with

Time: 2825.94

regardless of the insult but they're

Time: 2827.74

different Pathways and so

Time: 2829.54

the pathway from strength training or

Time: 2831.46

protein ingestion is going to go to the

Time: 2833.619

same nucleus it's going to activate a

Time: 2835.66

whole set of Gene Cascades that are

Time: 2837.28

going to tell you to to go through this

Time: 2838.78

entire process of protein synthesis

Time: 2840.28

which I'll walk through what that is in

Time: 2841.48

a second if you do endurance training

Time: 2843.28

it's a different pathway and so instead

Time: 2845.079

of activating this entire thing of like

Time: 2846.46

mtor and akt and this is anabolic

Time: 2848.859

signaling Cascade it's going to do a

Time: 2850.9

different one which you can think of

Time: 2852.819

more of like as ampk an energy signaling

Time: 2856

thing so there's a crossover Point here

Time: 2858.28

in fact one of the things you'll notice

Time: 2859.96

is mtor and akt don't really influence

Time: 2862.78

ampk but there is some literature that

Time: 2865.9

years ago showed ampk will activate

Time: 2867.94

another protein called tsc2 and that

Time: 2870.64

will actually inhibit mtor and that was

Time: 2872.98

the first molecular explanation for the

Time: 2875.2

quote-unquote interference effect of

Time: 2877.48

endurance training on hypertrophy could

Time: 2879.099

you just take a highlight for people

Time: 2880.42

what this is because as you describe

Time: 2882.22

these signaling Pathways I just want to

Time: 2884.2

um maybe just put a top Contour

Time: 2886.48

explanation the mtor pathway is

Time: 2888.76

synonymous with cell growth yeah both

Time: 2890.619

during development as organisms humans

Time: 2893.92

included mature and cells get larger

Time: 2897.52

mtor's abundant in the system to put it

Time: 2901.24

quite simply and then the ampk pathway

Time: 2903.7

and some of the metabolic signaling that

Time: 2905.5

you're referring to is more synonymous

Time: 2907.24

with cardiovascular exercise in this at

Time: 2909.94

least in the context of this discussion

Time: 2911.319

and fuel utilization yep and what you

Time: 2914.92

described as a crossover point where

Time: 2917.5

certain forms of exercise can tap into

Time: 2919.42

both of these yep but

Time: 2922.06

at least for sake of this conversation

Time: 2923.56

we're largely separating them yeah

Time: 2926.14

because the the byproduct is the thing

Time: 2928.24

that uh that matters here so the result

Time: 2930.099

of uh mtor and akt getting into the

Time: 2934.3

nucleus is going to be increased in

Time: 2935.92

protein synthesis the result of ampk

Time: 2938.2

running down to the mind is going to be

Time: 2940.3

result in increasing mitochondrial

Time: 2941.92

biogenesis so the net outcome is

Time: 2944.2

different now

Time: 2946.48

I do want to flag it very quickly

Time: 2949.24

this is an extraordinarily complicated

Time: 2952.06

thing and um in fact in our laboratory

Time: 2955.06

we were able to to be one of the first

Time: 2956.74

that figured out how to measure all the

Time: 2958.839

different subunits of ampk and

Time: 2960.579

individual muscles by fiber type so

Time: 2962.98

because you're ripping people's muscles

Time: 2964.3

out of their knees and their patellar

Time: 2966.16

tendons uh so anxious teasing they're

Time: 2968.26

they're gently removing with under IRB

Time: 2970.96

protocol of course

Time: 2972.52

um so even when we say something like

Time: 2974.2

ampk it's not one thing Amy we say

Time: 2976.599

things like mtor it's not one thing

Time: 2977.98

either it is you have the total amount

Time: 2979.72

that matters you have the activation the

Time: 2981.22

activation sites or many of them so it's

Time: 2983.319

not a simple

Time: 2985.06

um as what I'm laying it on I just wanna

Time: 2987.94

a big concept of kind of what's

Time: 2990.52

Happening Here to actually kind of

Time: 2992.319

answer your question

Time: 2993.64

which is okay so how is the muscle

Time: 2996.339

actually growing what you have to

Time: 2998.319

understand is is a little bit of how

Time: 3000.66

um protein synthesis occurs so what I'm

Time: 3002.579

generally meaning is you have a whole

Time: 3003.9

bunch of amino acids and this actually

Time: 3005.22

goes back to maybe like middle school

Time: 3007.02

biology class right so if you take a

Time: 3009.119

bunch of amino acids and you combine

Time: 3011.099

them together we get these things called

Time: 3013.02

a peptide right and if anyone who's ever

Time: 3015.359

heard of like peptides that's all it

Time: 3017.339

really means you put a bunch of those

Time: 3018.78

together you have a poly peptide you put

Time: 3021.18

a bunch of those together and we now

Time: 3022.5

have a protein so any protein I want to

Time: 3025.14

make is going to go through the exact

Time: 3027.06

same system the exact same steps it

Time: 3030.24

doesn't matter if that protein is going

Time: 3031.68

to be a red blood cell it doesn't matter

Time: 3033.18

if that's going to be a hair follicle

Time: 3034.619

doesn't matter if it's going to be

Time: 3035.819

skeletal muscle that's basically protein

Time: 3038.339

synthesis so when we tend to think of

Time: 3039.839

protein synthesis we we just paint this

Time: 3042.18

picture of growing more muscle and

Time: 3044.339

that's not the only thing and so when we

Time: 3045.9

talk about the benefits of having high

Time: 3047.52

quality muscle as being this place

Time: 3049.5

that's going to regulate most of your

Time: 3051.059

protein synthesis we tend to lose some

Time: 3053.339

people because they're thinking oh I

Time: 3054.48

don't need to gain muscle

Time: 3055.92

and that's not what we're talking about

Time: 3057.48

we're talking about regulating the

Time: 3058.859

immune system or regular we're talking

Time: 3060.3

about regulating any protein turnover so

Time: 3062.76

any Protein that's degradated or needs

Time: 3064.68

to be broken down in your in your system

Time: 3066.54

at all autophagy this is the end like

Time: 3068.94

this is such an important buzzword

Time: 3071.22

um that's just protein breakdown of an

Time: 3073.02

unneeded or damaged protein right that

Time: 3076.38

whole thing is going to go through

Time: 3077.579

protein synthesis to be able to come

Time: 3079.14

back and replace the things the only

Time: 3080.88

reason you go through autophagy so you

Time: 3082.619

can clean that garbage out and then come

Time: 3084.059

back and build in a more properly

Time: 3085.8

functioning protein so it's not just

Time: 3088.079

about growing more muscle mass it's why

Time: 3089.76

you want these systems to be operating

Time: 3091.44


Time: 3092.339

so the protein ingestion is going to

Time: 3095.28

just activate that Cascade because it's

Time: 3096.72

basically saying oh hey look we have an

Time: 3099.48

abundance of Supply here why don't we

Time: 3102.059

make something out of it because we

Time: 3103.2

don't know the next time this thing is

Time: 3104.46

going to be around carbohydrates and fat

Time: 3106.68

are very easy to store protein is very

Time: 3110.099

challenging it's more transient and so

Time: 3112.38

you can store some of it and keep it

Time: 3113.819

around but most of it you're going to

Time: 3115.319

lose and so when it's available your

Time: 3117.359

body wants to act very quickly it

Time: 3119.819

doesn't necessarily care if you have

Time: 3121.2

extra fat floating around in your system

Time: 3122.819

it's all right let's package it up and

Time: 3124.38

store it we can easily bring this back

Time: 3125.579

out but if you've got protein around

Time: 3127.339

you're going to want to use it and so

Time: 3129.48

that's why it alone will activate and

Time: 3131.339

increase protein synthesis independent

Time: 3133.68

of exercise so those effects are

Time: 3135.359

additive like I said because that

Time: 3136.74

signaling process is independent and

Time: 3139.14

once you hit a rate limiting phase then

Time: 3141.839

it you are you're there but at its onset

Time: 3144.54

those things will work independently

Time: 3145.98

okay so that being said what is skeletal

Time: 3148.44

muscle hypertrophy in general we think

Time: 3151.079

about it as this increase in contractile

Time: 3152.819

proteins so those myosin and actin

Time: 3154.5

effectively get thicker okay now what

Time: 3156.839

happens is since they are thicker and as

Time: 3158.94

I talked about a second ago that

Time: 3160.68

influences and actually hurts the

Time: 3162.54

lattice spacing and so what your body

Time: 3164.46

does as a result is say hey let's

Time: 3166.5

increase the diameter of the entire cell

Time: 3168.78

so that we can maintain our spacing

Time: 3170.819

between these things right it's

Time: 3172.44

effectively like if you know the two of

Time: 3174.059

us were sitting in this room and you

Time: 3175.98

doubled in size and I was like well

Time: 3177.839

you're in my personal space like and I

Time: 3180.119

doubled in size now we're in each

Time: 3181.2

other's space the at some point we just

Time: 3182.819

have to make the room larger and that's

Time: 3184.68

exactly what's happening in the cell and

Time: 3186.72

so as you can continue to

Time: 3189.3

increased muscle size you're going to

Time: 3191.7

get a muscle myofibular accretion you're

Time: 3194.52

going to continue to increase muscle

Time: 3196.079

fiber size

Time: 3197.819

for years there was this other comment

Time: 3200.16


Time: 3201.26

non-functional hypertrophy

Time: 3203.64

and this is often called sarcoplasmic

Time: 3205.98

hypertrophy now this is not sarcoplasm

Time: 3207.9

particular this is a fancy way of saying

Time: 3209.64

my muscle is larger but it has no

Time: 3211.38

function and the question would be why

Time: 3213.42

the hell is that possible if I have more

Time: 3215.28

contractile units and I can make more of

Time: 3217.559

these cross Bridges perform more of

Time: 3219.059

these power strokes this is what these

Time: 3220.74

contractions are called how could I

Time: 3222.359

possibly be losing function

Time: 3224.16


Time: 3225.599

that was challenged for that was Bro

Time: 3227.16

Science for a very very long time in

Time: 3229.319

fact what it really came down to was are

Time: 3231.359

there different types of hypertory

Time: 3232.859

training some that induce contractile

Time: 3235.26

protein hypertrophy and some that induce

Time: 3237.059

the sarcoplasmic hypertree and that was

Time: 3240.24

the significantly challenged until

Time: 3241.619


Time: 3242.819

Mike Roberts did at Auburn did a series

Time: 3245.339

of wonderful studies that showed quite

Time: 3246.96

clearly that sarcoposmic hypertrophy is

Time: 3249.119

probably happening and in fact there's

Time: 3251.64

probably a pretty easy explanation in

Time: 3254.22

general what happens is it is it is a

Time: 3256.44

increase in fluid

Time: 3257.88

in the muscle fiber

Time: 3260.099

and so this would allow for the diameter

Time: 3262.38

to be larger but since there's no

Time: 3263.76

addition of contractile units no more

Time: 3265.559

forced production happens and so he

Time: 3268.02

actually has a wonderful review paper I

Time: 3269.52

believe it's open access where you can

Time: 3271.2

go look and he created a wonderful graph

Time: 3273.54

um I think that's in my hypertrophy

Time: 3275.099

videos on YouTube as well and you can

Time: 3276.72

actually see that it's likely happening

Time: 3278.94

in phasic changes throughout your

Time: 3280.74

training experience so at the beginning

Time: 3282.54

of your training but as as the years and

Time: 3285.3

year or weeks rather than months and

Time: 3287.22

then eventually years go by in your

Time: 3288.54

training we have a change in the

Time: 3290.28

hypertrophy that's coming from

Time: 3291.599

contractile units versus sarcoplastic so

Time: 3295.14

I think that is an important note

Time: 3296.88


Time: 3298.26

again people are wondering like how the

Time: 3299.88

hell is it even possible for me to get

Time: 3301.2

larger muscle and somehow I'm not

Time: 3302.579

stronger well if it came from Simply

Time: 3304.8

fluid retention and this is not bloating

Time: 3306.839

this is not there's no negative really

Time: 3309.059

to this it is simply holding a more

Time: 3311.7

hydration in the cell diameter gets

Time: 3313.68

larger and then everything works that

Time: 3315.54


Time: 3316.38

what you just described calls to mind

Time: 3318.059

something similar in the nervous system

Time: 3319.619

which is neuroplasticity which of course

Time: 3321.54

is the nervous system's ability to

Time: 3322.859

change in response to learning and

Time: 3324.119

experience and damage for that matter

Time: 3325.74

yep and we think about it as one term

Time: 3329.46

but there are many different forms of

Time: 3331.079

neuroplasticity a discussion that we

Time: 3334.559

don't need to get into now but there's

Time: 3335.7

Spike timing dependent plasticity and

Time: 3337.14

ltp and long-term depression which has

Time: 3338.819

nothing to do with psychological

Time: 3339.9

depression and on and a pair pulse

Time: 3341.88

facilitation and on and on and on in

Time: 3343.559

short-term elasticity and so what I'm

Time: 3346.26

starting to understand is that there are

Time: 3347.94

many paths to what we call strength

Time: 3350.28

increase and there are many paths to

Time: 3352.38

what we think of as hypertrophy many of

Time: 3355.559

these are going to operate in parallel

Time: 3357.119

it's going to be rare that any one of

Time: 3359.819

them is going to be active alone in

Time: 3362.64

order to create hypertrophy or strength

Time: 3364.319

changes and that certain forms of

Time: 3366.24

exercise and certain ways of doing

Time: 3369.18

exercises in terms of sets and

Time: 3371.16

repetition schemes and rest intervals

Time: 3373.26

between sets and between training

Time: 3374.819

sessions are going to tap into different

Time: 3377.819

mechanisms but also overlapping sets of

Time: 3380.04

mechanisms which is why if I understand

Time: 3382.619

correctly you mentioned at the beginning

Time: 3384.3

that often not always but often strength

Time: 3387.9

increases are associated with some

Time: 3389.76

hypertrophy changes and hypertrophy

Time: 3393.119

increases are often not always

Time: 3394.98

associated with strength increases do I

Time: 3396.96

have that right correct and the beauty

Time: 3399

of this whole thing is while we don't

Time: 3401.16

yet know the mechanisms specifically and

Time: 3404.22

there's a lot of Confusion And there's a

Time: 3405.48

lot of changes that happen there's uh we

Time: 3407.76

actually just submitted a paper a few

Time: 3409.079

days ago

Time: 3410.819

um my stuff uh Jimmy Bagley at San

Time: 3412.92

Francisco and Kevin murick at uh one has

Time: 3415.14

a wonderful muscle physiology Lab at

Time: 3416.64

Arkansas and we we actually this is a

Time: 3420.18

very late article actually it's

Time: 3421.319

incredibly easy to read

Time: 3423.119

um we describe the the role of

Time: 3425.22


Time: 3426.599

in uh muscle my per tree

Time: 3429.42

and there's actually a lot of energy

Time: 3430.559

stuff we get into there but

Time: 3432.119

um we're learning more and more about it

Time: 3433.559

uh as a quick example so

Time: 3436.68

skeletal muscle is unique in the fact

Time: 3438.72

that it is so large in diameter it's

Time: 3440.88

also unique in the fact it's

Time: 3441.9

multinucleated what that means is

Time: 3444.079

typically in biology you see like a cell

Time: 3446.94

has one nucleus that's the place that

Time: 3448.559

houses and holds the DNA and it's the

Time: 3450.359

control center that was a degro shrink

Time: 3451.98

die repair that whole thing well

Time: 3453.78

skeletal muscle and human is awesome

Time: 3455.16

because it has thousands if not more

Time: 3457.38

there's nuclei which gives it that

Time: 3460.619

plasticity and so a normal cell has one

Time: 3463.559

place it has to go to for any time it

Time: 3465.3

wants to upregulate down regulate do

Time: 3467.22

whatever the thing is your muscle fibers

Time: 3469.44

have these little control centers all

Time: 3471.96

throughout them and for years we were

Time: 3474

like okay great

Time: 3475.44

the amount of hypertrophy that you can

Time: 3478.14

experience is probably limited by the

Time: 3480.72

amount of nuclei you have because you're

Time: 3482.579

not going to exceed a certain size of

Time: 3484.74

muscle fiber if that's going to mean you

Time: 3487.079

lose control and so we're like okay

Time: 3489.359

great we found and identified a limiting

Time: 3491.64

factor to what will determine how much a

Time: 3493.74

muscle can actually grow and then the

Time: 3495.599

next question was and then where are

Time: 3496.74

these things coming from and this is

Time: 3498.599

where satellite cells come in and so it

Time: 3500.28

was very clear a satellite cell that's

Time: 3501.48

lying dormant sort of on the outside the

Time: 3503.22

periphery of the fiber will then go in

Time: 3506.4

um into the into the fibroid will turn

Time: 3508.619

into a myonuclei and then it can

Time: 3510.599

actually you know increase your diameter

Time: 3512.52

like that and so then actually it was

Time: 3513.66

like hey you're actually limited by the

Time: 3516.119

amount of these satellite cells you can

Time: 3517.319

get in and turn into nuclear and then

Time: 3519.48

the evidence came out that showed hey

Time: 3521.22

what if you D train so what if I used to

Time: 3523.5

lift weights like a long time ago and I

Time: 3525.24

got big but now I've lost a lot of my

Time: 3526.68

muscle if I train again you actually get

Time: 3529.5

that muscle back faster than it took you

Time: 3532.2

the very first time to build it

Time: 3534.119

like that's what we call muscle memory

Time: 3535.619

like in our film now on your side

Time: 3537.78

equation muscle memory is something

Time: 3539.22

different rights and nervous when people

Time: 3540.9

talk about muscle memory

Time: 3542.46

um like the ability to ride a bicycle

Time: 3543.9

after so many years of not having tried

Time: 3546.18

to ride one that's actually

Time: 3548.4

largely independent of the muscle it has

Time: 3550.5

something to do with exclusively

Time: 3551.64

Independence it's basically a nervous

Time: 3553.859

system phenomenon 100 so muscle memory

Time: 3555.9

uh has been co-opted by different

Time: 3558.059

communities to mean different things

Time: 3559.559

yeah so on our side muscle memory is

Time: 3562.02

going to mean that ability to remember

Time: 3563.78

that muscle size right that hypertrophy

Time: 3566.52

because as you explained the motor

Time: 3569.099

control thing is that it's a totally a

Time: 3570.48

nerve thing that's the one I'll give you

Time: 3572.28

this one right you guys the nerve people

Time: 3573.599

can have this one well it seems to me

Time: 3575.22

that there are a tremendous number of

Time: 3576.839

parallels between strength and

Time: 3578.76


Time: 3580.319

changes and neuroplasticity this is

Time: 3582.66

coming up again and again in this

Time: 3583.92


Time: 3585.059

um because we know for instance that if

Time: 3587.579

you are exposed to a couple of different

Time: 3589.44

languages early on in life you will

Time: 3591.359

learn any number of different languages

Time: 3593.52

far more easily later in life of course

Time: 3595.74

and that's because there's some

Time: 3596.52

crossover between different languages

Time: 3597.96

especially Latin based languages that

Time: 3599.94

allows for that there's a substrate for

Time: 3601.859

it it's similar to the the ability to

Time: 3603.66

hop on a bicycle again phenomenon or

Time: 3605.819

play an instrument phenomenon but it's

Time: 3607.98

broader than that and again I think this

Time: 3610.859

speaks to the huge number of different

Time: 3613.339

adaptive changes that are occurring in

Time: 3615.42

the cells and in the nerves that

Time: 3616.619

innervate these cells when one

Time: 3617.7

experiences increases in strength and

Time: 3619.98

hypertrophy so to round that out

Time: 3622.68

um and to go back to what I was saying

Time: 3624.54

there what we're actually learning now

Time: 3626.28

is that nucleation thing

Time: 3628.319

and by the way this entire trajectory

Time: 3630.18

story is probably over the last like

Time: 3631.98

eight years like this is how fast we've

Time: 3634.799

changed our understanding of how muscle

Time: 3636.78

grows uh the sarcoplasmic reticulum

Time: 3638.94

thing five years ago was was Bro Science

Time: 3640.98

now it's it's pretty well established

Time: 3642.299

the mononucleation thing was eight to

Time: 3643.559

ten years ago it's changing every week

Time: 3645.54

this paper we just submitted this week

Time: 3647.4

showed actually why we had generally

Time: 3650.52

thought a few years ago and in fact you

Time: 3652.14

can find me on podcasts and probably in

Time: 3653.88

some of my videos talking about this and

Time: 3655.5

I'm going to tell you right now those

Time: 3657.18

things are wrong like we've just had new

Time: 3658.74

things come out these last couple years

Time: 3660

where that D training effect we thought

Time: 3662.64

was a reason of well what happens is if

Time: 3665.099

you had the muscle before

Time: 3666.839

and you've brought in these nuclei and

Time: 3669.119

they differentiated and turned into into

Time: 3670.859


Time: 3672.059

and then the muscle got small again you

Time: 3674.16

would preserve those nuclei and that's

Time: 3676.319

why when you go to train again they were

Time: 3678.059

already around so the muscle grows

Time: 3679.92

faster the second time they did the

Time: 3681.599

first time well now it looks like that's

Time: 3683.22

actually not the case in fact it's

Time: 3685.38

actually probably hap what's happening

Time: 3687.119

is it's a it's a epigenetic change

Time: 3690.059

in the nuclei's ability to access the

Time: 3693.119

DNA needed to grow muscle it's

Time: 3695.22


Time: 3696.48

the analogy we used it's the nuclei are

Time: 3700.02

remembering how to ride a bike so it's

Time: 3702.359

quite funny that you said that because

Time: 3703.559

it's not really necessarily that they're

Time: 3705.24

being preserved over time they have

Time: 3706.92

learned the sequence it takes to grow

Time: 3709.319

the protein there and it goes it happens

Time: 3711.42

faster the second time and we've also

Time: 3714.78

learned that there are specific nuclei

Time: 3716.339

we've known this for actually a while we

Time: 3718.02

found this in our lab and we didn't

Time: 3719.7

Discover it we just we saw this in our

Time: 3721.98

sum of our Harbors but there are

Time: 3723.42

different shapes the nuclei some are

Time: 3725.579

more oval some are more elongated and

Time: 3727.74

the shape determines a lot of the

Time: 3729

functions some of them are hanging out

Time: 3730.26

more towards the periphery and some of

Time: 3731.819

them are hanging out right around the

Time: 3733.38

nucleus well it looks like there's

Time: 3735.18

actually probably different types of

Time: 3736.92

nuclei a lot of them that are specific

Time: 3739.14

to the mitochondria in fact you can see

Time: 3741.18

like on some of the Imaging we have

Time: 3742.5

you're just like they're just packed

Time: 3743.88

around the the ma the mitochondria and

Time: 3747

there are some that are probably

Time: 3747.96

specific to injury repair

Time: 3749.76

and so this is probably explaining a lot

Time: 3751.799

of the the individual variation I mean I

Time: 3753.48

know you've you've said previously like

Time: 3755.46

you're just a very you're very slow at

Time: 3757.44


Time: 3758.52

there's a lot of things that go into

Time: 3759.839

that and I would I would love to walk

Time: 3761.339

through sort of all the buckets uh maybe

Time: 3764.099

later into recovery but one of the

Time: 3766.859

inherent genetic variations this could

Time: 3768.72

be simply that you maybe have more or

Time: 3770.52

less of the nuclei responsible for

Time: 3772.14

tissue repair

Time: 3773.16

um that's something that's been

Time: 3773.88

happening in the last like handful of

Time: 3775.2

months that's been coming out we'll see

Time: 3777.119

if that holds up as true or not

Time: 3779.64

um so as we're learning more and more

Time: 3781.26

almost every day about muscle physiology

Time: 3783.5

what's super fun and interesting and I

Time: 3785.819

think the most exciting

Time: 3787.74

what to do in order in terms of like how

Time: 3790.2

to train and how to eat and how to do

Time: 3792.299

everything else to get these adaptations

Time: 3793.859

has been pretty well established for a

Time: 3796.2

long long time we're just figuring out

Time: 3798.54

how like what's happening in the muscle

Time: 3800.819

now but we know what to do so from a

Time: 3803.76

practical standpoint putting together

Time: 3805.68

protocols for any outcome that you want

Time: 3809.04

or don't want

Time: 3810.839

for any modality you don't have a gym

Time: 3814.079

you have uh weights you have dumbbells

Time: 3816.96

only you only have kettlebells you don't

Time: 3818.94

want to you only use body weight we can

Time: 3820.74

you only have three days a week you have

Time: 3822.059

seven days a week you wanna maximize

Time: 3823.74

muscle growth you want to get a Little

Time: 3824.94

Bit Stronger any of these variables you

Time: 3827.099

want to throw at me we have a large

Time: 3829.319

evidence base for exactly how to get

Time: 3831.24

those adaptations and not others so

Time: 3832.92

while we have a lot to learn about the

Time: 3835.26

mechanisms and the physiology we have

Time: 3837.42

pretty good legs to stand on in terms of

Time: 3838.619

what to do to get whatever adaptations

Time: 3839.819

you want so what are the essential

Time: 3841.44

components of an effective strength and

Time: 3843.299

hypertrophy protocol okay so what I

Time: 3845.76

would like to actually do is is walk you

Time: 3847.5

through both of those because as we

Time: 3849.299

mentioned before they overlap but the

Time: 3852.359

training needs to be differentiated so

Time: 3854.579

that you can optimize either strength

Time: 3857.48

hypertrophy or if you actually want you

Time: 3859.619

can get a combination of both this

Time: 3861

allows you to then get the adaptation

Time: 3862.5

you want avoid ones you don't want and

Time: 3865.44

then get it even a combination if that's

Time: 3867.24

the preference so a lot of people will

Time: 3868.799

talk about I want to get a little

Time: 3869.76

stronger I want to add some muscle

Time: 3871.619

that's a different answer than someone

Time: 3873.119

who wants to truly maximize muscle which

Time: 3875.4

is a different answer from somebody who

Time: 3876.54

maximizes wants to maximize strength

Time: 3878.64

which is a different answer from

Time: 3879.78

somebody wants to Max my strength but

Time: 3881.819

not actually gain muscle so we have all

Time: 3883.38

these combinations what's important to

Time: 3885.18

understand before we get into the

Time: 3886.5


Time: 3887.52

there's a couple of things number one

Time: 3888.839

we've been teasing this concept so far

Time: 3891.48

of the concepts are few but the methods

Time: 3894.42

are many and so I want to hit those

Time: 3895.799

Concepts right now these are as you as

Time: 3898.68

you say these are the non-negotiables

Time: 3900.18

that have to happen in any training

Time: 3902.4

program and I'm referring to these in

Time: 3905.16

the strength and I particular

Time: 3906.119

conversation but these are true of power

Time: 3907.799

development speed development muscular

Time: 3909.66

endurance uh endurance any other thing

Time: 3912.119

these are things that just have to

Time: 3913.38

happen for any training program to work

Time: 3915.18

I mentioned one uh a little bit earlier

Time: 3918.48

which was adherence and so that my

Time: 3921.48

frequent collaborator Dan Garner will

Time: 3923.52

constantly say consistency beats

Time: 3925.92


Time: 3927.78

um again in fact the literature will

Time: 3929.4

show you very clearly inherence

Time: 3931.619

um is the number one predictor of

Time: 3933

physical fitness outcomes so we want to

Time: 3935.7

do something that you will engage in

Time: 3937.2

we'll uh you'll put effort into and

Time: 3939

you'll be able to repeat consistently

Time: 3940.319

over time so that's number one

Time: 3941.88

the second one is and this is a major

Time: 3944.579

reason that people don't hit their

Time: 3946.619

fitness goals in fact I would argue

Time: 3948.359

outside of not doing it the number one

Time: 3950.7

mistake they make is Progressive

Time: 3953.4

overload so I'm going to walk you

Time: 3955.559

through exactly how much you should be

Time: 3957.299


Time: 3958.799

um your sets and Reps and weight Etc per

Time: 3961.68

week per month later but that's the

Time: 3964.2

biggest thing you have got to have some

Time: 3965.76

sort of overload the body works as an

Time: 3969.24

adaptation mechanism right so in fact we

Time: 3972.059

talked previously about the Harvard

Time: 3973.859

fatigue lab and one of the things

Time: 3975.72

actually people don't realize is the

Time: 3977.28

concept of homeostasis is actually comes

Time: 3980.94

from research of the Harvard fatigue lab

Time: 3982.619

it was um work that they did on an

Time: 3984.24

endurance Runner I forget his name and

Time: 3986.88

they sort of realized that after a long

Time: 3988.44

period of time working out this is an

Time: 3990.78

acute exercise spell the body actually

Time: 3992.88

comes back to some stable place despite

Time: 3995.039

the fact he was continuing to work and

Time: 3996.66

that's exactly what bore the phrase

Time: 3998.099

steady state

Time: 3999.66

and that actually then they launched off

Time: 4001.579

and said wow there's this state that the

Time: 4003.14

body wants to be in and we'll call this

Time: 4004.72

homeostasis so those all Concepts came

Time: 4007.46

out of exercise physiology which is

Time: 4009.38

really really cool right um we don't get

Time: 4011

a lot of love a lot of times

Time: 4011.839

scientifically but that's a good one

Time: 4013.099

that we took so why that all matters is

Time: 4015.98

we have got to achieve some sort of

Time: 4017.72

overload without uh going excess so

Time: 4021.859

we'll cover that later uh exactly what

Time: 4024.619

to do and we'll potentially get into

Time: 4026.42

over training and monitoring and

Time: 4027.92

mattering things like that but you have

Time: 4029.839

to have some sort of consistent

Time: 4030.98

predictable overload that's what's going

Time: 4032.72

to cause adaptation to continue to cause

Time: 4034.22

stress if you don't do that you can

Time: 4036.799

still do things like burn calories you

Time: 4038.9

can still get some of the other benefits

Time: 4040.28

of exercise like improved mood cognitive

Time: 4043.039


Time: 4044.18

etc etc flexibility increases all those

Time: 4046.4

can happen without a progressive

Time: 4048.14

overload but if you want to see these

Time: 4049.819

gains in strength and hypertrophy you

Time: 4051.98

really need to progressively overload so

Time: 4054.319

that's concept number two

Time: 4055.819

the third one here is going to be

Time: 4058.7

individualization and this is where we

Time: 4060.74

can get into things like personal

Time: 4062.48


Time: 4063.92

you know equipment availability you have

Time: 4065.96

kettlebells or dumbbells you only have

Time: 4067.579

bands we have none of that these are all

Time: 4070.4

smaller details but that's an important

Time: 4072.38

component to it

Time: 4074.539

the last one I really want to get into

Time: 4076.039

is picking the appropriate Target and we

Time: 4079.76

went through this when we talked about

Time: 4081.14

the fitness protocol and and if you run

Time: 4083.299

through something like that and you run

Time: 4084.859

some testing and figure out where your

Time: 4086.359

biggest limitations are that's going to

Time: 4088.039

help you identify where you need to go

Time: 4089.799

so if you can do all those things

Time: 4092.839

you're going to be in a good spot to

Time: 4095.359

balance specificity

Time: 4097.339

and variation

Time: 4098.96

all right so if you want to make sure

Time: 4100.88

you grow your biceps you better make

Time: 4103.52

sure your biceps are working having said

Time: 4105.319

that if you over rely on specificity

Time: 4108.279

you're going to increase the likelihood

Time: 4110.66

of overuse injuries which is going to

Time: 4112.219

come back and actually hamper

Time: 4113.66

consistency over time

Time: 4115.819

all right so this is when hedging

Time: 4117.319

towards specificity is important but too

Time: 4119.12

much can cause a problem if you go the

Time: 4121.1

other direction and you go with too much

Time: 4123.199

variation so imagine you're just sort of

Time: 4125.299

doing all kinds of different exercises

Time: 4126.98

every time you you work out that's

Time: 4128.96

actually not enough stimuli directly on

Time: 4131.179

the muscle or muscle groups or movement

Time: 4132.739

pattern if you're wanting to learn a new

Time: 4134.299


Time: 4135.56

um to get you very far and so this is a

Time: 4137.42

classic problem of I'm doing a lot of

Time: 4139.339

work but I don't have a very clear

Time: 4140.779

Direction I lack specificity so I'm

Time: 4143.54

working but I'm not seeing a lot of

Time: 4145.52

improvements and this is like in the

Time: 4147.38

business World Etc this is like doing a

Time: 4149.179

whole bunch of different things means

Time: 4150.199

you get nothing really done so that's

Time: 4152.96

the game we're gonna play here right how

Time: 4154.52

do we overload this stuff how do we make

Time: 4155.96

sure we're balancing specificity and

Time: 4157.52

variation how do we make sure I want to

Time: 4159.199

do this and then how do I individualize

Time: 4160.88

it for my needs and circumstances and

Time: 4163.699

and movement restrictions and of time

Time: 4166.219

availability and my calendar and desires

Time: 4169.279

and all these things so those are the

Time: 4171.5

concepts we absolutely have to hit

Time: 4173.839

the methods that we choose

Time: 4176.359

run across a handful of variables and we

Time: 4179.06

call these things modifiable variables

Time: 4180.92

because as you modify them or you make

Time: 4183.02

different choices within these variables

Time: 4184.699

you get different outcomes or

Time: 4187.04

adaptations this is exactly what

Time: 4188.9

determines the nine adaptations that

Time: 4191.6

we've been talking about so the way that

Time: 4193.58

I like to say this is

Time: 4194.98

exercises do not determine adaptation

Time: 4199.1

so you can't simply go I want to get

Time: 4201.14

stronger therefore I'm going to choose

Time: 4203.6

these exercises

Time: 4205.1

that's not how it works what determines

Time: 4207.14

adaptation is the execution

Time: 4209.96

of the exercises so a deadlift is my

Time: 4212.9

favorite example a deadlift is a common

Time: 4215.38

example that people think of when they

Time: 4217.34

want to choose a lower body strength

Time: 4218.84

exercise but a deadlift will not

Time: 4220.46

increase your strength unless you're

Time: 4221.719

executing it in the proper fashion I'm

Time: 4224.3

not even talking about technique here

Time: 4225.62

I'm talking about these modifiable

Time: 4227.6

variables the same thing for power

Time: 4229.76

exercises we'll commonly see mistakes of

Time: 4231.86

doing uh activities like a box jump

Time: 4234.56

which is great people think oh I'm going

Time: 4236.3

to improve my power

Time: 4238.1

which we know is extremely highly

Time: 4240.08

correlated to activities of daily living

Time: 4242.48

and particularly living unassisted as

Time: 4245.06

you age right is reduction in power so

Time: 4247.699

they'll do an activity like a box jump

Time: 4249.02

what they're failing to realize is

Time: 4250.28

unless you do it powerfully

Time: 4252.38

you won't actually increase power

Time: 4254.48

if you don't move fast you won't get

Time: 4256.82

faster so the the way that we manipulate

Time: 4259.82

these variables is everything to

Time: 4262.82

determining the adaptation you get or

Time: 4264.92

again don't get so with that Foundation

Time: 4268.52

I think we can kind of run right into

Time: 4269.96

these things and we can start off with

Time: 4271.76

perhaps speed and power and what I would

Time: 4274.04

like to do is walk you through

Time: 4276.92

all those modifiable variables what to

Time: 4280.159

do with them and then hit you with as

Time: 4282.26

many different methodologies as we

Time: 4284.06

really have time for

Time: 4285.62

and then we'll move on to strength and

Time: 4287.12

hypertrophy and kind of round the entire

Time: 4289.1

thing out and then maybe at the end we

Time: 4290.54

can talk some other variables like

Time: 4292.88

what happens if I have a training

Time: 4294.98


Time: 4296.12

and I'm halfway through and I can't

Time: 4297.62

finish my workout what should I do

Time: 4299.3

reduce my weight or reduce my duration

Time: 4301.94

or things like that so there's lots of

Time: 4303.32

what-if scenarios that we can go through

Time: 4304.82

that potentially a lot of people

Time: 4306.679

listening have questions about so sound

Time: 4309.14

like a plan sounds like a plan

Time: 4311.36

I'd like to take a brief break to

Time: 4313.219

acknowledge our sponsor inside tracker

Time: 4315.08

inside tracker is a personalized

Time: 4317

nutrition platform that analyzes data

Time: 4318.86

from your blood and DNA to help you

Time: 4320.96

better understand your body and help you

Time: 4322.52

reach your health goals I've long been a

Time: 4324.8

believer in getting regular blood work

Time: 4326.239

done for the simple reason that many of

Time: 4328.4

the factors that impact your immediate

Time: 4329.96

and long-term health and well-being can

Time: 4331.82

only be analyzed from a quality blood

Time: 4333.679

test one issue with a lot of blood tests

Time: 4335.42

and DNA tests out there however is that

Time: 4337.1

you get information back about various

Time: 4338.719

levels of lipids and hormones and

Time: 4340.28

metabolic factors Etc but you don't know

Time: 4342.5

what to do with that information inside

Time: 4344.179

tracker makes knowing what to do with

Time: 4345.739

all that information exceedingly easy

Time: 4347.719

they have a personalized platform that

Time: 4350.179

lets you see what your specific numbers

Time: 4351.92

are of course but then also what sorts

Time: 4354.199

of Behavioral do's and don'ts what sorts

Time: 4356.659

of nutritional changes what sorts of

Time: 4358.159

supplementation would allow you to bring

Time: 4359.96

those levels into the ranges that are

Time: 4361.82

optimal for you if you'd like to try

Time: 4363.679

inside tracker you can visit

Time: 4364.84

insidetracker.com huberman to get 20 off

Time: 4368.06

any of inside tracker's plans again

Time: 4369.8

that's insidetracker.com huberman to get

Time: 4372.86

20 off so just interrupt briefly and

Time: 4375.14

make sure that I and everybody else have

Time: 4377.719

in mind the proper nine adaptations that

Time: 4379.94

we've been referring to and that were

Time: 4381.02

discussed in detail in episode one

Time: 4384.14

I have listed number one skill and

Time: 4386.54

technique number two speed number three

Time: 4390.26

power which is speed times Force number

Time: 4393.62

four strength number five hypertrophy

Time: 4397.52

number six muscular endurance number

Time: 4401.06


Time: 4401.98

anaerobic capacity number eight maximal

Time: 4405.8

aerobic capacity and number nine long

Time: 4408.92

duration steady state exercise yep you

Time: 4411.62

nailed it thank you for for that it was

Time: 4413.239

probably important clarification for

Time: 4414.86


Time: 4415.94

um so that being said let's jump right

Time: 4417.5

into speed and power now I'll do these a

Time: 4420.56

little bit simultaneously they are

Time: 4423.44

different if you're a high performance

Time: 4425.54

athlete you really need to separate

Time: 4427.04

these two things

Time: 4428.659

for the most people that we can probably

Time: 4430.82

think about them is is the same thing

Time: 4432.32

there's not a lot of pure speed training

Time: 4434.78

that the general public is is interested

Time: 4437.239

in um if you want to actually further

Time: 4439.1

break down speed there are multiple

Time: 4440.36

components there's acceleration there's

Time: 4442.04

top end velocity there's change of

Time: 4443.6

direction or agility and things like

Time: 4445.64

that so we'll just kind of call All That

Time: 4447.739

speed and power for now now at the onset

Time: 4450.92

there's this three to five concept that

Time: 4452.96

we talked about many times

Time: 4455.96

where this is really fairly true for

Time: 4458.84

speed power or strength now I I didn't

Time: 4462.44

develop the three to five it's just an

Time: 4464.48

easy way to help you remember one

Time: 4467

concept that will run true across all

Time: 4469.04

these things so three to five it refers

Time: 4471.86


Time: 4473

three to five days per week

Time: 4475.219

uh pick three to five exercises and

Time: 4478.04

you're gonna do three to five

Time: 4479.179

repetitions per set

Time: 4480.98

you'll do three to five sets and you'll

Time: 4483.92

rest three to five minutes between each

Time: 4486.98


Time: 4488.12

if you do that and you execute any of

Time: 4491.659

the exercises that you choose at a high

Time: 4494.12

intent and that part is critical you

Time: 4497.36

don't get faster by moving kind of fast

Time: 4500.42

you can't improve Power by moving like

Time: 4503

and powerfully you have to be trying

Time: 4504.92

regardless of whether actually moving

Time: 4506.6

faster or not

Time: 4508.239

anytime you're talking about speed or

Time: 4510.32

power you're by definition using sub

Time: 4512.42

maximal weights so you're going to be

Time: 4514.64

able to lift it that's not the question

Time: 4515.96

the question is how fast can you lift

Time: 4518.96

that Implement and so intention is

Time: 4521.06

incredibly important so if you do that

Time: 4522.679

the same for strength by the way

Time: 4524.9

so if you land on that that allows you

Time: 4526.88

to run the gamut from as little as three

Time: 4529.219

days a week

Time: 4530.36

you're doing a three exercises you're

Time: 4532.4

gonna do three sets of three which is a

Time: 4534.86

very very low volume it's a a very low

Time: 4537.98

amount of days easy to handle all the

Time: 4541.159

way to five sets of five of five

Time: 4542.9

exercises five days a week so it it's

Time: 4545.239

again it's just one sample that's

Time: 4548.48

something easy to remember and is quite

Time: 4550.76

effective for a very long time and this

Time: 4552.62

has been tested quite extensively in in

Time: 4555.26

both the coaching Realms as well as the

Time: 4557

scientific Realms to be quite productive

Time: 4559.46

and easy to follow and grasp if you do

Time: 4561.86

that all you need to do is slightly

Time: 4564.199

increase the load

Time: 4565.699

or the volume but mostly the load over

Time: 4568.699

time and the number we want to look for

Time: 4570.5

there is something like a three to five

Time: 4572.48

percent increase

Time: 4573.8

per week so an example would be if

Time: 4576.679

you're going to do

Time: 4578.179

an exercise at 100 pounds you can't

Time: 4581.659

necessarily just add five pounds every

Time: 4583.219

week that's going to touch you pretty

Time: 4584.659

quickly and so you may have to run some

Time: 4586.34

a smaller increment if you're doing like

Time: 4588.86

a lower body exercise where you might

Time: 4590.48

have a couple of hundred pounds on the

Time: 4591.679

weight you can probably get away with

Time: 4593.3

adding five pounds because it's still a

Time: 4594.86

low percentage of the total load so

Time: 4596.78

that's roughly uh the guide that we want

Time: 4599.719

to get to for speed power and strength

Time: 4602

so that sounds incredibly simple and

Time: 4603.98


Time: 4604.94

yet I have a number of questions

Time: 4607.64

first off

Time: 4609.5

if somebody is using the three to five

Time: 4611.719

approach does that mean they should not

Time: 4614.179

be doing any other weight training of

Time: 4617.06

any kind

Time: 4618.44

in those workouts or at all

Time: 4620.9

no you can certainly do that in

Time: 4623.48

combination with anything else you would

Time: 4624.92

like especially if you think about speed

Time: 4627.26

and power those are very non-fatiguing

Time: 4630.739

and so if you can imagine you're going

Time: 4633.26

to go to the beach and you're going to

Time: 4635.84

take a 10 pound to 20 pound medicine

Time: 4638.36

ball with you and you're going to do you

Time: 4640.64

know four different exercises or you're

Time: 4642.32

throwing the medicine ball as high as

Time: 4643.64

you can in the air four times in a row

Time: 4645.739

taking a break and you two or three hits

Time: 4647.84

that you do maybe three or four

Time: 4649.1

different types of throws that's very

Time: 4651.56

good for improving power extremely good

Time: 4654.44

but it's not very fatiguing so you could

Time: 4656.36

certainly finish that workout in 20

Time: 4658.04

minutes and then run on and then do any

Time: 4660.679

number of other things so you could do

Time: 4662

some high intensity and aerobic capacity

Time: 4664.4

work you could do steady state stuff you

Time: 4666.26

could you could even do hypertrophy on

Time: 4668.3

top of that so there's a there's two

Time: 4670.76

major categories of what we call

Time: 4672.199

periodization there's there's many many

Time: 4674.239

of them but the two that have the most

Time: 4676.28

scientific literature are what's called

Time: 4678.56

linear periodization

Time: 4680.06

and another is called undulating or

Time: 4682.52

often daily undulating periodization and

Time: 4685.04

I'm flagging these two

Time: 4686.9

again despite the fact there are many

Time: 4688.4

many more because they represent two

Time: 4690.5

different concepts which you actually

Time: 4691.58

just touched upon so linear

Time: 4692.78

periodization is a hallmarked by

Time: 4694.64

basically saying we're going to train

Time: 4695.84

one adaptation at a time so imagine

Time: 4698.36

going say six to eight weeks and you're

Time: 4700.76

only doing strength or you're only doing

Time: 4702.86

hypertrophy you're endurance for that

Time: 4704.36

matter so in that particular case

Time: 4707

you you would not do anything else in

Time: 4709.04


Time: 4710.179

if you contrast that to undulating

Time: 4712.4

periodization you would actually be

Time: 4713.96

doing multiple different styles of

Time: 4715.76

training even with either within the

Time: 4717.5

same day

Time: 4718.699

or just different days so it could be

Time: 4720.8

Monday is power Wednesday is strength

Time: 4723.44

Friday's hypertrophy whatever or it

Time: 4725.9

could be a little bit of strength every

Time: 4727.4

single day a little bit I perch for

Time: 4728.6

every day a little bit of power every

Time: 4729.62

day and you would just change the amount

Time: 4731.659

of each that you do within the day to

Time: 4734.54

alter the emphasis all right now

Time: 4737.96

if you look at the studies and there

Time: 4739.34

have been many uh rcts on this

Time: 4742.82

the result of both of these training

Time: 4744.8

programs is generally basically the same

Time: 4746.9

thing they are equally effective

Time: 4749.719

here's the major difference though one

Time: 4752.239

if your goal is very specific to one

Time: 4755.239

outcome you want a hedge toward

Time: 4757.28

specificity so if you're like hey I'm

Time: 4758.9

trying to maximize the amount of muscle

Time: 4761.12

I can build in the next eight weeks then

Time: 4763.219

you don't really anything else besides

Time: 4765.38

that is just distraction and potential

Time: 4767


Time: 4768.38

does it really matter or not it doesn't

Time: 4770.06

matter but it's not helping anything

Time: 4771.44


Time: 4772.34

so linear periodization is is

Time: 4774.679

fundamental at providing focus and

Time: 4776.42

therefore the the adaptations tend to be

Time: 4778.9

oftentimes larger in that specific area

Time: 4781.1

that downside is you now go six to eight

Time: 4784.28

to ten weeks of doing nothing else and

Time: 4786.98

so you were losing those other

Time: 4788.48

adaptations that are great at a faster

Time: 4790.219

rate and you can imagine doing something

Time: 4792.5

like speed work only again speed work by

Time: 4795.32

definition is non-fatiguing so when

Time: 4798.08

oftentimes we think of speed work it's

Time: 4799.46

like oh I did ladder drills and I did

Time: 4800.96

all these things and like I threw up at

Time: 4802.46

the end

Time: 4803.239

that's not speed work you just did a

Time: 4805.159

different type of endurance training

Time: 4806.3

okay which is great and important so

Time: 4807.92

true speed work is very high rest

Time: 4810.56

very low fatigue and actually truly

Time: 4812.54

trying to reach a new level of speed or

Time: 4814.28


Time: 4815.42

so non-fatiguing if you did that

Time: 4817.46

exclusively for 10 weeks you would be

Time: 4819.98

pretty unfit by the end of it because

Time: 4822.08

you did you would also lose a decent

Time: 4823.52

amount of muscle mass not because

Time: 4824.659

there's an interference effect but

Time: 4826.76

simply because the fact you have not

Time: 4827.96

stimulated muscle growth for eight to

Time: 4829.52

ten weeks and so neither one of these is

Time: 4831.86

better than the other we're going to see

Time: 4833.719

this classically across all program

Time: 4836.36

design or periodization strategies is

Time: 4838.88

it's just a it's a give and take there

Time: 4840.92

are tons of different systems and and

Time: 4842.36

perhaps at the end we can talk about

Time: 4843.62

some of the more advanced periodization

Time: 4845.12

Styles these ones are are both effective

Time: 4848.26

you could do these with beginners you

Time: 4850.52

could do these with Advanced athletes

Time: 4851.96

you can do them any Spectrum but they're

Time: 4853.76

they're some of the more well-documented

Time: 4855.679

ones it's just a pro and con game right

Time: 4857.96

it's what are you willing to give up

Time: 4859.88

the way that you solve that problem is

Time: 4862.219

going back to that fitness assessment

Time: 4864.14

and your analysis and really truly

Time: 4866.78

understanding what your goal is is your

Time: 4870.38

goal to do a little bit of strength and

Time: 4871.64

a little bit okay great maybe undulated

Time: 4873.8

periodization is an approach if your

Time: 4875.48

goal is really to maximize strength

Time: 4877.88

and maybe you can wait on putting some

Time: 4879.56

muscle mass on maybe a linear

Time: 4881

periodization is a better report or

Time: 4883.1

another style of periodization that's

Time: 4884.239

optimal for strength gain so it's just

Time: 4886.159

simply about addressing your things one

Time: 4888.62

of the major problems folks have in

Time: 4890.48

addition to lacking Progressive overload

Time: 4892.159

is they don't have any foresight past

Time: 4894.5

the next day of the training right and

Time: 4896.9

so it's really important that you set

Time: 4898.4

off blocks that are anywhere between six

Time: 4901.82

to 12 weeks long

Time: 4903.38

where you're going to have the specific

Time: 4904.76

plan ideally you have an idea for the

Time: 4907.52

whole year I actually have like a

Time: 4909.14

structure I could walk you through for

Time: 4910.94

that but even if you don't have that

Time: 4912.92

really think about what you want the

Time: 4914.42

next 12 weeks and then maybe the next 12

Time: 4916.4

weeks after that and that's going to

Time: 4917.78

give you a lot of guidance about what to

Time: 4919.52

do and what to focus on

Time: 4921.739

terrific what about warming up

Time: 4924.8

I was taught that one should do higher

Time: 4927.92

repetition movements with lighter

Time: 4929.6

weights in order to warm up and then one

Time: 4931.159

of the things that did make a big

Time: 4933.14

positive difference for me in terms of

Time: 4934.94

strength and hypertrophy training was to

Time: 4937.52

do a moderate repetition warm-up with a

Time: 4940.94

fairly lightweight but then to actually

Time: 4943.28

keep the number of warm-up repetitions

Time: 4945.739

fairly low

Time: 4947

and work progressively toward the first

Time: 4949.42

so-called work set when you say three to

Time: 4953.48


Time: 4954.5

that's three to five work sets correct

Time: 4956.54


Time: 4957.38

are you also going to tell me three to

Time: 4958.76

five warm-ups no are you also going to

Time: 4960.86

tell me it has to be done between three

Time: 4962

and five pm

Time: 4964.159

so in terms of five friends in all

Time: 4967.219

seriousness uh what does a good warm-up

Time: 4969.62

look like yeah and I realize this will

Time: 4971.3

vary depending on how cool your training

Time: 4973.159

environment is time of day Etc but as a

Time: 4976.1

kind of umbrella for a good warm-up okay

Time: 4980.42

what should people do

Time: 4982.06

the you've already sort of jumped the

Time: 4984.26

gun with with my answer it it is

Time: 4986.42

honestly very dependent upon the person

Time: 4988.04

so some folks respond very well to a

Time: 4990.32

minimum work well others I've had lots

Time: 4992.179

of actually

Time: 4993.199

um professional fighters I've worked

Time: 4994.52

with where they'll actually have a major

Time: 4996.26

league baseball player right now he's

Time: 4997.94

one of the best pitchers in the game

Time: 4999.679

probably the best and the longer we warm

Time: 5002.86

up the better his numbers get we

Time: 5004.659

actually did a vertical jump test with

Time: 5005.86

him he's gonna kill me because he got so

Time: 5007.96

mad uh I wanted to see how long it sort

Time: 5010.36

of took him to reach a peak vertical

Time: 5011.679


Time: 5012.699

and most times this takes people

Time: 5014.679

something like five to ten sort of reps

Time: 5017.56

and I said take it up all the way to a

Time: 5020.44

maximum vertical jump

Time: 5021.82

and then what I want you to do is

Time: 5022.84

continue to Jumping until you have three

Time: 5024.52

consecutive jumps or you're down lower

Time: 5026.38

than 90 percent

Time: 5027.82

and so what we're trying to look at is

Time: 5029.62

sort of when is he going to break

Time: 5030.76

because in baseball he's going to throw

Time: 5032.38

like 100 pitchers or so and we're trying

Time: 5033.88

to figure out when is his Peak velocity

Time: 5035.56

on his fastball gonna drop and sort of

Time: 5037.96

basis conditioning on that so it's a

Time: 5039.46

different style of conditioning it's

Time: 5040.48

power endurance is really what it is

Time: 5043.179

um he called me in the middle of it I'm

Time: 5044.739

like oh you're done whatever and he's

Time: 5045.82

just like no like how many of these am I

Time: 5047.199

supposed to do

Time: 5048.219

and I was like what are you talking

Time: 5049.42

about he's like I'm on rep 130 or

Time: 5051.64

something and I was like what

Time: 5053.44

and I'm like what rep did you peek on he

Time: 5055

peeked on rep 70. something like that 69

Time: 5057.699

I think technically because he's goofy

Time: 5060.52

um so he's a classic example I've worked

Time: 5062.679

in for many many years we have a ton of

Time: 5064.36

data on him a ton of biological data a

Time: 5066.82

ton of um neural muscular stuff like all

Time: 5069.04

kinds of stuff and it just the more he

Time: 5070.719

warms up an absurd amount of warm-up the

Time: 5073.6

better he gets and the better he gets in

Time: 5075.46

power production and the better he gets

Time: 5076.96

in speed and velocity so his warm-up

Time: 5079.179

prior to games is it's totally absurd

Time: 5081.46

and just the more volume we throw at him

Time: 5083.8

the better he does I have other folks

Time: 5086.679

you get past like two or three reps and

Time: 5088.54

fatigue starts to set in and now you're

Time: 5090.46

actually like reducing power production

Time: 5091.78

so there is a ton of variation that goes

Time: 5094.719

in that I can give you some guidelines

Time: 5096.4


Time: 5097.719

you need to differentiate if you're

Time: 5099.219

training for speed power strength or

Time: 5100.719

hypertrophy here's why

Time: 5102.94

if we understand a little bit about

Time: 5104.56

what's causing the adaptation that's

Time: 5106.48

going to tell you what you need to do or

Time: 5108.34

avoid for example

Time: 5110.38

volume is the primary driver in

Time: 5112.9


Time: 5115.36

intensity is the primary driver in speed

Time: 5117.82

power and strength

Time: 5119.32

all right which what that means is you

Time: 5121.48

need to preserve intensity for the first

Time: 5123.1

three you need to preserve volume in the

Time: 5124.84

second one at most so if your warm-up is

Time: 5127

so extensive in the hypertrophy training

Time: 5129.76

that it compromises your training volume

Time: 5131.44

because of fatigue even if it

Time: 5133

compromises the last set of the last

Time: 5135.219

exercise then you're actually probably

Time: 5137.02

walking yourself backwards by doing that

Time: 5139.179

extensive you would have been better off

Time: 5140.62

starting your first working set slightly

Time: 5142.96


Time: 5144.28

right because it's not really you're

Time: 5145.659

just trying to accrue volume at that

Time: 5148.06


Time: 5149.02

strength Empower is the opposite

Time: 5151.36

until you're moving very very fast or

Time: 5154.179

powerfully you're not really causing the

Time: 5156.34

adaptation so there's no point of

Time: 5158.08

starting your working set until you're

Time: 5159.46

really basically at a hundred percent so

Time: 5161.8

the warm-up should be as long as it

Time: 5163.42

takes you to get to where your Mobility

Time: 5165.4

is in the right spot like your joints

Time: 5167.32

feel good you feel fresh you feel

Time: 5169.179

activated and you really feel Peak power

Time: 5171.34

anything before that is a warm-up set in

Time: 5174.52

the sport of Olympic weightlifting a lot

Time: 5177.1

of times the coaches will measure

Time: 5178.78

barbell velocity Travis Mash has done a

Time: 5181.12

fantastic job with this he's got a lot

Time: 5182.86

of data on what's called velocity-based

Time: 5184.48

training I'm Brian Mann at Missouri and

Time: 5186.639

Miami tons of work here and generally

Time: 5189.34

those communities are not going to count

Time: 5191.8

any repetition as a working set until

Time: 5194.199

you exceed 70 of your one rep max

Time: 5197.62

where that's changed because of a lot of

Time: 5200.02

people doing the velocity-based stuff is

Time: 5201.46

now they're basing that simply on an

Time: 5202.96

achieved velocity

Time: 5204.52

and so really the warm-up is irrelevant

Time: 5206.679

they don't even it's sort of just like

Time: 5208

do whatever you want and we're going to

Time: 5209.08

measure the barbell until you actually

Time: 5210.28

hit an outcome and now you're at what a

Time: 5212.199

working set

Time: 5213.34

um so different ways to think about it

Time: 5215.98

um depending on what you're training for

Time: 5217.3

that'll give you a little bit of a

Time: 5218.62

guideline if you're training for

Time: 5220.78

anything past hypertrophy then really

Time: 5223.12

and especially even hypertrophy it just

Time: 5224.739

comes down to

Time: 5225.94

are you feeling

Time: 5228.159

um ready to work are you cold are you

Time: 5231.04

moving to the correct positions and if

Time: 5232.84

all those things are fine I don't care

Time: 5234.699

if you start a little bit early and save

Time: 5236.08

some gas then especially if you're a

Time: 5238.12

person like you who may be a bit more

Time: 5239.699

inclined to fatigue quickly relative to

Time: 5243.58

Trevor who's just has no response to

Time: 5246.04

fatigue whatsoever

Time: 5247.36

is it useful to do more warm-up at the

Time: 5250.6

beginning of a workout say before the

Time: 5252.88

first exercise and then once one has

Time: 5255.88

achieved both local and systemic warm-up

Time: 5259

in air quotes

Time: 5260.62

um then perhaps on the second or third

Time: 5263.5

exercise fourth exercise Etc

Time: 5267.46

one or maybe even zero warm-ups yeah

Time: 5270.58

fair point we generally think about

Time: 5272.44

warm-ups in a couple of ways this is a

Time: 5274.179

really actually this is a very clever

Time: 5275.92


Time: 5276.88

you want to have some sort of General

Time: 5278.38

Global warm-up scheme we tend to prefer

Time: 5282.46

Dynamic warm-ups so this is whole body

Time: 5285.159

movements rather than like sitting and

Time: 5286.84

stretching static stretching things like

Time: 5288.94

that so something that involves momentum

Time: 5290.98

yeah momentum or movement right so this

Time: 5293.44

is like

Time: 5294.34


Time: 5295.659

think about this in like old gym class

Time: 5297.639

it's like your high knees and your butt

Time: 5299.92

kickers and just different things like

Time: 5301.12

that where you're moving in different

Time: 5302.199

planes you're moving joints through tons

Time: 5304.6

of range of motion you're getting a lot

Time: 5306.219

of movement there so you're getting the

Time: 5308.02

local warm-up you're also getting the

Time: 5310

the total systemic activation everything

Time: 5312.46

else is going on there so that is what

Time: 5314.32

we consider to be a general warm-up five

Time: 5316.42


Time: 5317.26

is a very sufficient number perhaps 10

Time: 5319.9

if you're a slow goer achy and some

Time: 5322.78

things like that and you really got to

Time: 5323.98

get the ankle warmed up if you're doing

Time: 5325.96

lower body stuff really make sure that

Time: 5327.52

that's moving correctly the hips and

Time: 5329.5

knees will follow

Time: 5330.82

um upper body stuff really get the

Time: 5332.679

shoulder blades and the neck like making

Time: 5334.78

sure you're going there and the elbows

Time: 5336.639

will follow after that

Time: 5338.26

um so five to seven minutes of a general

Time: 5340.3

warm-up a lot of times like classic

Time: 5342.28

exercise science it will even just put

Time: 5344.139

you on a bike cycling for five minutes I

Time: 5346.54

don't like that personally Dynamic

Time: 5348.699

movement is more preferred if you really

Time: 5349.96

just move for five to seven minutes

Time: 5351.04

you'll be fine there now specificity

Time: 5353.139

within each movement it's very important

Time: 5355.719

that your first exercise of the day is

Time: 5358.179

generally the thing you've prioritize

Time: 5359.86

that's oftentimes the most important

Time: 5362.44

you're going to do it often times is

Time: 5365.139

also the most complex and the most

Time: 5367.96

moving parts so it tends to be

Time: 5370.12

multi-joint it tends therefore you need

Time: 5372.82

to have movement precision and skill

Time: 5375.219

diode right you don't typically start

Time: 5376.9

your workouts off with the forearm curl

Time: 5379.36

all right like this you don't need a

Time: 5381.58

tremendous amount of warm-up to get

Time: 5382.719

going on that you're going to start off

Time: 5384.4

with medicine ball throws or a snatch or

Time: 5387.159

some agility work you you need to have

Time: 5388.78

the whole system going because multiple

Time: 5390.34

joints are moving position matters

Time: 5391.96

technique there's just a lot of skill

Time: 5393.34


Time: 5394.54


Time: 5395.5

so the individualized workout

Time: 5398.679

um or the specific workout for the

Time: 5400.3

specific movement for that very first

Time: 5402.159


Time: 5403

my general rule of thumb is like

Time: 5404.5

whatever it takes

Time: 5406

to move perfect in that first exercise

Time: 5408.699

past that you don't necessarily need to

Time: 5411.52

do individualized warm-ups for your next

Time: 5413.199

movements unless it is a movement you're

Time: 5415.48

trying to learn or just even get a

Time: 5417.4

little bit better at

Time: 5418.54

like drop the load a little bit work on

Time: 5420.88

some accruing some practice reps

Time: 5422.8

fantastic or it's another dissimilar

Time: 5426.46

complex movement so let's say your first

Time: 5428.32

exercise was

Time: 5430

a front squat and you got loaded for

Time: 5432.219

that and now you're going to move into a

Time: 5433.36

pull-up but your mechanics aren't the

Time: 5434.8

best there and so you really need to

Time: 5435.94

change and do some maybe more specific

Time: 5438.48

activation warm-ups for that or

Time: 5440.62

something else or it's running or

Time: 5442.06

something totally different so yeah you

Time: 5443.98

don't need to re-warm up for every

Time: 5445.54

single exercise as you go generally once

Time: 5447.88

you're good to go the same muscles that

Time: 5450.4

you're going to use in the next exercise

Time: 5451.54

are warm same joints

Time: 5453.699

then you're good to go

Time: 5455.56

you talked about intent

Time: 5457.659

within the movement

Time: 5459.34

what about specific cadences for

Time: 5462.9

repetitions yeah I was taught that one

Time: 5466.9

should lower the weight slowly the

Time: 5468.88

so-called eccentric portion of the

Time: 5470.44

movement and then to try and

Time: 5473.94

explode the weight through the

Time: 5476.5

concentric phase and then also make sure

Time: 5480.46

that one is using full range of motion

Time: 5482.5

and perfect form yeah as it were now of

Time: 5486.76

course that is one tiny slice of the

Time: 5489.88


Time: 5491.139

rep cadences and ways to approach

Time: 5493.9

resistance training although I think

Time: 5496.36

it's a pretty good one yeah what are the

Time: 5499.659

general parameter sets that one needs to

Time: 5501.639

consider you could imagine lifting you

Time: 5503.98

know four seconds concentric pause for

Time: 5505.84

one pause for two

Time: 5507.52

eccentric I realize there's an infinite

Time: 5509.5

number of variations here yeah but is

Time: 5512.08

there a way to use rep Cadence

Time: 5513.82

repetition Cadence that is as a way to

Time: 5517

work through weak points

Time: 5519.04

um and to be strong in every position of

Time: 5521.32

the movement yeah a lovely question I

Time: 5523.84

think the

Time: 5524.98

the way I would like to answer this

Time: 5527.139


Time: 5528.82

maybe going back just a touch to get

Time: 5531.219

directly to that so I think if we walk

Time: 5533.26

through Power strength and hypertrophy

Time: 5535.78

and I hit you with the concepts that are

Time: 5538.36

specific to each one

Time: 5539.98

that's going to lay out your answer

Time: 5541.6

because the most true answer there is it

Time: 5544.179

depends on the goal the answer for what

Time: 5547.42

is optimal for strength is diametrically

Time: 5549.82

opposed for potentially what's optimized

Time: 5551.46

hypertrophy the same exact thing can be

Time: 5554.08

said for momentum so we've classically

Time: 5556

heard things like this you know don't

Time: 5558.1

bounce at the bottom you're cheating

Time: 5560.739

right so if you're doing a lap pull down

Time: 5562.84

or something you know you don't you

Time: 5564.699

don't bounce and rebound you don't you

Time: 5567.52

stop at the bottom slow down all these

Time: 5569.739

things are thought to be truisms of

Time: 5572.44

strength conditioning but guess what

Time: 5573.76

those are all truisms assuming

Time: 5576.4

or trying to grow muscle

Time: 5578.44

and that's that actually goes back to

Time: 5580.12

our conversation and and episode one

Time: 5582.159

about a lot of the things we think are

Time: 5584.32

just fundamental truths about strength

Time: 5586.12

training are just fundamental truths

Time: 5587.679

that came from the bodybuilding world

Time: 5589.42

and they're not wrong they're good ideas

Time: 5590.86

but they're all their adaptations one

Time: 5593.5

needs to get from strength training that

Time: 5595.9

are not just maximizing muscle growth so

Time: 5598.239

what I will lay out to you is a case for

Time: 5599.98

which you should bounce

Time: 5602.26

a case for when you should go fast a

Time: 5604.48

case for when you should be under

Time: 5605.62

control all these things are are

Time: 5608.38

different variables we can modify and

Time: 5611.02

get different adaptations for it is

Time: 5612.639

there a way that you could lay out for

Time: 5613.84


Time: 5614.92

optimal repetition cadences for

Time: 5619.719

strength specifically versus hypertrophy

Time: 5622.659

specifically just to sort of bookend the

Time: 5624.94

conversation and then migrate toward the

Time: 5626.679

middle in terms of rep cadences that

Time: 5629.199

would satisfy the desire to have a bit

Time: 5631.42

of both we can get pretty close

Time: 5633.219

yeah so when you're talking about

Time: 5635.8

strength versus hypertrophy remember

Time: 5637.96

strength is a movement

Time: 5640.12

hypertrophy is muscle size

Time: 5642.4

that's that's the the key to your answer

Time: 5644.56

here so when you're trying to get

Time: 5646.36

stronger what you're effectively trying

Time: 5647.92

to do is get better at producing a

Time: 5650.26

certain amount of Force 3 movement okay

Time: 5651.94

now Force

Time: 5653.8

is mass times acceleration

Time: 5656.199

so what's the mass in the bar multiplied

Time: 5658.3

by how well I can accelerate it

Time: 5660.88

intentionally going slower

Time: 5663.88

is only reducing acceleration

Time: 5667.12

right so it's hard to argue that going

Time: 5671.08


Time: 5672.4

is going to improve strength because

Time: 5674.86

you're simply reducing acceleration

Time: 5677.02

so you need to practice

Time: 5679.78

lifting heavier at a faster rate now

Time: 5683.219

does that mean if you're trying to get

Time: 5685.36

stronger there are no phases of your

Time: 5687.58

training in which you'll slow down or

Time: 5689.08

plus no of course not there are certain

Time: 5691.3

rules in different organizations where

Time: 5693.34

you have to pause the bottom like

Time: 5695.56

there's all kinds of little things like

Time: 5697.179

there but in general we want to think

Time: 5698.98

about what are we trying to do here

Time: 5700.42

we're trying to get better at moving a

Time: 5702.94

heavier Mass

Time: 5704.32

at a faster rate of acceleration that is

Time: 5706.659

more force that is more strength

Time: 5709.139

hypertrophy is not that

Time: 5711.4

the goal here is not a functional

Time: 5713.5

outcome it is what is needed to cause

Time: 5715.54

the most amount of hypertrophy

Time: 5717.94

and when you get to ipertory then your

Time: 5719.92

optimal Cadence

Time: 5721.42

is up to you

Time: 5722.98

you can do any combination in fact you

Time: 5725.08

could do it the same exact Cadence that

Time: 5727.78

you did your strength training with and

Time: 5729.219

get the same adaptations as a poetry if

Time: 5732.219

you modify the other variables

Time: 5733.659

appropriately or you could go slower or

Time: 5737.44

you could do pauses or you could do a

Time: 5740.199

thing that is called triphasic training

Time: 5742.6

where you spend the first phase several

Time: 5744.34

weeks of your training where you do

Time: 5745.659

eccentrics only so you're just lowering

Time: 5748.06

the bar and you're basically stopping

Time: 5749.679

you can then do the next phase of your

Time: 5751.6

training which is isometrics you're just

Time: 5753.4

holding at that bottom position and then

Time: 5755.199

the next phase you're training you're

Time: 5756.28

focusing on the concentric portion of it

Time: 5758.44

right triphasic one two three eccentric

Time: 5760.06

isometric concentric so that's a

Time: 5762.58

fantastic way of developing actually

Time: 5764.199

strength a little bit of hypertrophy but

Time: 5766.78

you're manipulating the variables in

Time: 5768.639

terms of how you execute the repetition

Time: 5770.26

range you can actually induce a lot of

Time: 5772.84

hypertrophy moving the weight fast as

Time: 5775.719

you mentioned even down slow under

Time: 5776.98

control now

Time: 5778.239

one thing one will never Advocate is

Time: 5780.94

moving any sort of weight or load

Time: 5782.739

uncontrolled the Assumption here when

Time: 5784.9

I'm saying go fast is you're always in

Time: 5786.4

control I never want you bouncing and

Time: 5788.38

crushing your sternum with the barbell

Time: 5790.42

Off Your Dust but you you can move at a

Time: 5792.76

lot of rates you can um the isometric I

Time: 5794.98

mentioned because this is when things

Time: 5796.179

like body weight training come into play

Time: 5798.219

absolutely you can gain strength and

Time: 5800.38

even a little bit of hypertrophy

Time: 5801.78

especially in the upper body doing

Time: 5803.98

isometrics is much harder to do this but

Time: 5806.86

the lower body

Time: 5808.06

um you just you just you outrun that

Time: 5809.32

coverage really quickly you need load

Time: 5811.3

but there's a lot of ways this is also

Time: 5813.219

probably why people have done things

Time: 5814.54


Time: 5815.56

gone to yoga only or Pilates or some of

Time: 5818.56

these things that are body weight based

Time: 5819.88

and there's no external load and they've

Time: 5821.139

actually increased muscle size so I'm

Time: 5823.6

getting the picture there are a ton of

Time: 5825.46

options in terms of rep cadences

Time: 5827.679


Time: 5829.6

can we say that one should pick a given

Time: 5832.42

rep Cadence within an exercise rather

Time: 5835.36

than changing it from set to set within

Time: 5836.92

an exercise or that one should perhaps

Time: 5839.139

even pick a certain rep Cadence for an

Time: 5840.88

entire workout I'm suspecting that your

Time: 5843.52

answer is going to be it depends yeah it

Time: 5845.679

is but if you know I'm not going to use

Time: 5847.6

the if you had a gun to your head kind

Time: 5849.219

of situation but if you had a gun to

Time: 5851.199

your head what would be the rep Cadence

Time: 5853.96

that you would prescribe yeah

Time: 5856.56

for strictly strength or as much

Time: 5859.239

strength with as little hypertrophy as

Time: 5860.92

possible and in picking that rep Cadence

Time: 5863.159

then it therefore has to thread

Time: 5865.84

throughout the entire exercise bout so

Time: 5868.659

you're actually right you can because of

Time: 5870.34

that undulating periodization stuff I

Time: 5871.719

talked about you can actually do this in

Time: 5873.46

a lot of ways so you could do one

Time: 5875.32

exercise at the beginning where you have

Time: 5877.6

a set Cadence say a three one one it is

Time: 5880.96

like a very one so that's con so that's

Time: 5882.88

Lifting for three pause for one lower

Time: 5885.52

for one uh be generally the opposite

Time: 5887.86

okay so the first number is always The

Time: 5889.3

Eccentric generally okay so depending on

Time: 5891.58

exercise lowering the the weight for a

Time: 5894.46

count of three yeah pause for one yeah

Time: 5896.679

it totally depends on the exercise like

Time: 5898.12

a deadlift starts concentric and

Time: 5899.679

finishes eccentric but a bench press

Time: 5901.06

starts yeah okay so it's start to finish

Time: 5902.62

start to finish is the better way to

Time: 5904.06

think about it yeah so in

Time: 5906.159

I'll clarify actually

Time: 5908.08

when we say 3-1-1 we're generally

Time: 5909.82

talking about almost always The

Time: 5911.62

Eccentric is the slower portion

Time: 5913.6

regardless if it's the first or the last

Time: 5915.219

right so whether you're doing a bench

Time: 5917.139

press or The Eccentric is lowering the

Time: 5919.659

bar to your chest that's the first part

Time: 5921.52

of the movement one two three pause one

Time: 5924.719

one up which means accelerate as hard as

Time: 5928.06

you can the way up that's what you

Time: 5929.56

describe right as opposed to say a row a

Time: 5931.96

row which is actually going to be

Time: 5933.159

starting off concentric

Time: 5935.199

so you're going to be pulling that thing

Time: 5936.46

to your chest as fast as you can under

Time: 5937.96

control not slamming off your chest

Time: 5939.34

holding for one second and then taking

Time: 5940.78

three seconds to lower it back on the

Time: 5942.94

rack or on the ground or whatever so the

Time: 5945.88

reason we do that is somewhat intuitive

Time: 5947.56

but it is again to make sure you're not

Time: 5949.36

advancing a bar or an Implement onto

Time: 5951.88

your physical body at an extremely fast

Time: 5953.62

rate that that's very difficult to deal

Time: 5956.08

with so a three one one is a very

Time: 5958.179


Time: 5959.92

um strength protocol that is something

Time: 5961.719

you can just run with if that's all you

Time: 5963.699

ever wanted to do it'd be absolutely

Time: 5965.139

fine lower the bar for a count of three

Time: 5967.36

it actually ends up being approximately

Time: 5969.159

three hardly anybody is counting off

Time: 5971.5

seconds precisely I mean it's I suppose

Time: 5973.78

it's doable but then pausing briefly yep

Time: 5977.02

and that brief is almost uh that pause

Time: 5979.48

is almost

Time: 5981.46

um unmeasurable it is simply are you

Time: 5984.219

under control before you transition from

Time: 5986.32

the center to concentricular

Time: 5987.82

concentration it's just a safety thing

Time: 5989.739

so once you feel down you've reached

Time: 5991.12

complete range of motion you're ready to

Time: 5992.38

transition then just go you don't really

Time: 5993.699

need to go like 1000 Watts and then go

Time: 5995.92

up it's just making sure again we don't

Time: 5997.42

slam weights off of body parts and that

Time: 6000.06

final one in the three one one the

Time: 6003.659

execution of the usually concentric

Time: 6005.76

portion of of the exercise yep as fast

Time: 6008.219

as you possibly can okay so that would

Time: 6009.719

be for

Time: 6012.06

the majority of the outcome being

Time: 6014.52

strength yep okay and of course we

Time: 6017.4

should acknowledge again there are a ton

Time: 6020.04

of variations that one could Implement

Time: 6021.78

there but that that would be a good

Time: 6023.639

starting place on the opposite side for

Time: 6025.679

somebody who's mainly interested in

Time: 6027

hypertrophy yeah what would be the rep

Time: 6029.28

Cadence that

Time: 6031.02

um if you had a gun to your head that

Time: 6033.179

you would prescribe I would probably do

Time: 6034.8

the exact same thing but I would like I

Time: 6036.48

would make the last number two

Time: 6038.88

so three one two

Time: 6042.6

you could also just keep three one on it

Time: 6045.06

is still very fine even exploding on the

Time: 6048

contrast is still highly effective for

Time: 6050.46

training hypertrophy so if you want to

Time: 6051.96

keep it super simple and just make rep

Time: 6053.52

Cadence not a variable that you play

Time: 6055.679

with because you have other ones to move

Time: 6057.12

that's great if you want to add a little

Time: 6058.98

bit of time to the concentric phase fine

Time: 6062.1

it's not going to do it's not going to

Time: 6064.739

make enough of a difference for most

Time: 6066.96

people for you to really worry about

Time: 6069.239

I guess that's sort of the point I

Time: 6071.58

really want to make this is we're

Time: 6073.199

classically this is a classic example of

Time: 6074.639

we're deep into a method

Time: 6076.199

right if as long as you get the concepts

Time: 6078.48

I talked about earlier whether you want

Time: 6079.86

to do three one one three two three

Time: 6081.3

three three three try phase this is just

Time: 6084.239

a method choice that doesn't mean

Time: 6085.62

they're irrelevant they are there are

Time: 6087.659

subtle changes within them it's just 80

Time: 6089.699

20 rule right so 80 of the benefit is

Time: 6092.28

going to be from the concept 20 is this

Time: 6094.139

small thing if you're super into this

Time: 6096.06

field or you actually want to work with

Time: 6098.1

a qualified uh certified coach or

Time: 6100.56

something they there's lots of reasons

Time: 6102.42

to play with this if you're just on your

Time: 6103.86

own here and running this thing

Time: 6105.659

311 is fine 312 totally fine anything

Time: 6108.96

like that you really just want to make

Time: 6111.78

sure that in the strength side of the

Time: 6114.3


Time: 6115.26

you're under control and you can add

Time: 6117.36

enough load to stimulate strength and

Time: 6120.719

not get hurt with an acute trauma right

Time: 6122.88

on the hypertrophy side you're just

Time: 6125.04

wanting to load enough to where you can

Time: 6126.36

hit volume

Time: 6127.38

because you got to put a lot on there so

Time: 6129

if you want to go lighter if you want to

Time: 6130.679

go slower fine you if you go slower in

Time: 6133.56

your repetition so maybe even like a

Time: 6135.36

five SEC second eccentric a two second

Time: 6138.239

pause a three second Rise that's great

Time: 6141.36

you can actually then stimulate the same

Time: 6143.219

amount of hypertrophy and either do it

Time: 6145.32

with less weight

Time: 6146.699

or do it with less repetitions so it's a

Time: 6149.28

variable you can play with if you're

Time: 6150.54

like hey

Time: 6151.98

I don't have

Time: 6153.78

enough weights at my house or I only

Time: 6155.58

have a kettlebell or a dumbbell

Time: 6157.619

how am I going to stimulate hypertrophy

Time: 6159.36

your only option is really doing more

Time: 6161.28

reps well eventually that that train

Time: 6163.08

runs pretty shallow okay here's the

Time: 6165.84

thing you can play with maybe just add

Time: 6167.52

time under tension that's what we're

Time: 6169.139

calling right just you know do slower

Time: 6171.48

repetitions go longer ones and hold it

Time: 6173.28

so it's a variable that we use to

Time: 6175.26

individualize programs rather than

Time: 6176.76

something that you should really be

Time: 6177.84

focused on as like a core aspect that's

Time: 6179.94

going to be driving whether or not your

Time: 6181.26

program works it's just a tool we can

Time: 6183.239

play with in the what-if scenarios

Time: 6185.639

um I will use this stuff a lot when I'm

Time: 6187.86

traveling you can do a tremendous

Time: 6189.78

workout in your hotel room just doing

Time: 6191.88

like a 10 second eccentric a 10 second

Time: 6194.1

hold a 10 Centric concentric yeah I've

Time: 6197.1

had some decent hotel room workouts

Time: 6199.199

they're not my preference but

Time: 6201.3

um by simply doing things like

Time: 6203.699

um 10 second lowering uh handstand push

Time: 6207.96

up against the door totally

Time: 6209.88

um obviously assisted for me I don't I

Time: 6212.28

can't do a free handstand push-up yeah

Time: 6214.32

um I just don't have the skill or the

Time: 6216.36

strength or both

Time: 6217.56

um you can do some sort of configured

Time: 6219.36

dips between the beds or chairs and this

Time: 6222.119

kind of thing

Time: 6223.199

um squats are great to do in hotels put

Time: 6225.84

your back foot up on a on a bed and get

Time: 6228.06

a an amazing split squat workout done

Time: 6229.98

yeah a lot glute Bridges lots of stuff

Time: 6231.48

you can do that yeah with a jump rope if

Time: 6233.04

you've ever heard someone jumping in the

Time: 6234.78

in the morning yeah

Time: 6237.239

um it may or may not have been me it

Time: 6238.5

could be any number of things but I am

Time: 6239.88

known to skip rope in uh in hotel rooms

Time: 6243.119

um not to get overly detailed but I

Time: 6245.58

think there are going to be a number of

Time: 6246.96

people wondering about

Time: 6249.119

how to breathe during repetitions

Time: 6252.9

and how to breathe in between sets so

Time: 6255.48

I'd like to just briefly touch on this

Time: 6256.86

and this is something that I know we're

Time: 6258.119

going to return to again when we have

Time: 6259.739

our discussion about recovery but is

Time: 6262.8

there a general rule of thumb for how to

Time: 6266.04

breathe during repetitions during work

Time: 6268.44

yep for strength maybe even strength

Time: 6271.5

versus hypertrophy in in a way that

Time: 6274.26

maximizes oxygen input to the system you

Time: 6277.08

know keeps you uh alert and conscious

Time: 6280.08

but that also protects the body by

Time: 6283.02

creating some rigidity in the system

Time: 6284.58

right because certainly being def with

Time: 6287.159

all your exhale the body is a very

Time: 6289.619

different beast in terms of stability

Time: 6291.54

than with the body full of air versus

Time: 6293.58

you know breathing during the repetition

Time: 6295.32

movement there's a maneuver that is long

Time: 6298.38

been uh labeled the valsalva techniques

Time: 6302.219

so what that really means is you're

Time: 6304.08

trying to use air to create

Time: 6305.28

intra-abdominal pressure and what you're

Time: 6307.5

really trying to do is create a cylinder

Time: 6309.719

around your spine the real issue you

Time: 6312.48

have to to play here is regulation of

Time: 6314.76

blood pressure and spinal stability now

Time: 6317.639

you should be able to breathe and Brace

Time: 6319.739

what I mean by that is you should be

Time: 6321.36

able to create total intra-abdominal

Time: 6323.1

pressure regulate uh spine control while

Time: 6325.92

breathing it's just very hard for a lot

Time: 6328.08

of people to do it's a skill you should

Time: 6329.46

absolutely work on you can actually you

Time: 6332.04

can do this and you can go around like I

Time: 6333.36

do this trick in class and students can

Time: 6335.159

come and they can push any part

Time: 6337.5

um of my entire abdomen it's super tight

Time: 6339.719

and I can talk now it's going to be a

Time: 6341.159

little bit labored you can hear a little

Time: 6342.36

bit of a difference but you should be

Time: 6343.38

able to do that if you have to like

Time: 6345.239

hunch down and you can't even muster

Time: 6347.34

your breath and it takes that to create

Time: 6349.679

pressure you're not actually you don't

Time: 6352.679

really understand the abdominal control

Time: 6354.06

necessary to create that stability so

Time: 6357.179

step number one is that's the goal now

Time: 6359.58

with the blood pressure thing we have to

Time: 6360.96

be careful because a standard blood

Time: 6362.76

pressure ideally if we sat around right

Time: 6365.1


Time: 6365.88

it was probably something like 120 over

Time: 6367.92

80. systolic versus diastolic that's a

Time: 6370.44

normal number right high blood pressure

Time: 6372.06

is something over that well

Time: 6374.28

with an acute bout of exercise you can

Time: 6376.199

see that number reach as high as like

Time: 6377.58

450 over 350. which effectively means

Time: 6380.219

you have total blood occlusion right

Time: 6381.9

your blood pressure is so high blood is

Time: 6383.219

not moving anywhere and it's in the

Time: 6384.48

middle of a very heavy set especially

Time: 6386.04

complex movements especially when

Time: 6387.9

they're loaded on your body this could

Time: 6390.06

be an overhead press or squat variations

Time: 6392.94

anything like that blood pressure is

Time: 6394.86

going to be a problem and the reason why

Time: 6396

that matters is that's what's going to

Time: 6397.02

make you pass out it's not the fact that

Time: 6398.94

you ran out of oxygen in three seconds

Time: 6400.5

it's the fact that blood pressure got so

Time: 6402.36

high you blocked out and so we want to

Time: 6404.58

have we're gonna have to play this game

Time: 6405.659

of releasing a little bit of the

Time: 6406.86

pressure so we can actually get blood to

Time: 6408.659

move a little bit making sure that

Time: 6411.179

we don't lose spinal stability so we can

Time: 6414.239

finish our workout that's really the

Time: 6415.44

question you asked right how do I play

Time: 6417

this game of oh I have several hundred

Time: 6419.219

pounds on my back or my chest and I

Time: 6421.32

don't want to Exhale

Time: 6423.179

right so I don't lose spinal stability

Time: 6424.86

but at the same time I don't want to

Time: 6426.239

pass out right which is which is a

Time: 6428.1

problem so a kind of a couple of rules

Time: 6429.9

of thumb if you're going to be doing

Time: 6431.58

something in which you can complete the

Time: 6433.32

entire exercise without a breath

Time: 6435.96

and it is of a maximal or close to load

Time: 6438.119

that's probably your best strategy so in

Time: 6440.04

that particular case you'll see a lot of

Time: 6441.36

breathing techniques where you're going

Time: 6443.34

to take a very large inhale

Time: 6445.02

ideally this is done through the abdomen

Time: 6447.36

not the shoulders so we shouldn't seeing

Time: 6449.219

clavicles Rising during this thing

Time: 6451.32

you'll see a common mistake of of the

Time: 6453.119

bars on their back and you see people do

Time: 6454.44

this like big inhale thing and all they

Time: 6456.42

do is Elevate their collabos that's not

Time: 6458.639

necessarily going to increase pressure

Time: 6460.139

through the abdomens which is what

Time: 6461.46

you're looking for so you want to be

Time: 6462.48

thinking about belly moving out in all

Time: 6464.76

four areas in front of you to your left

Time: 6466.739

and right and to your back that's that

Time: 6468.96

quadrant sort of idea of stabilizing

Time: 6471.239

your spine you can do that independent

Time: 6473.4

of your clavicles moving like your

Time: 6475.38

shoulders don't need to rise for that

Time: 6476.88

you don't really need the oxygen for

Time: 6479

metabolic purposes you're just using the

Time: 6481.86

air for a brace that's really all you're

Time: 6484.56

after so you're trying to visualize your

Time: 6487.08

torso is more or less a cylinder yep and

Time: 6489.78

you're trying to fill it with air

Time: 6491.88

the logic being that if I were to push

Time: 6493.619

down onto a say a full unopened can of

Time: 6496.739

soda yep water

Time: 6499.02

for all your sugar phobes out there soda

Time: 6501.36


Time: 6502.26

uh and then

Time: 6504.6

push as hard as I could it's going to be

Time: 6506.219

hard for me to crush that can but if the

Time: 6508.38

can were empty or if it were a little

Time: 6510.06

bit kinked in the middle correct then I

Time: 6512.28

could likely Crush that can yeah what

Time: 6514.199

you're really doing is you have your

Time: 6515.58

spinal Erectors in the back right and

Time: 6517.38

then a whole series of abdominal

Time: 6518.699

exercises and you actually have some

Time: 6520.26

neural control systematic control of

Time: 6522.619

Contracting those but the you don't have

Time: 6525.6

muscles on the inside

Time: 6527.28

that you can do so you're basically

Time: 6528.78

bringing in air and saying I'll use air

Time: 6530.28

to push from the inside out and I'll use

Time: 6532.26

muscles to push from the outside in to

Time: 6534.3

create this brace and I don't want over

Time: 6535.98

compression with the muscles this is a

Time: 6538.38

like if you if you see people that have

Time: 6539.88

just enormous spinal Erectors

Time: 6542.28

sometimes that's an indicator of

Time: 6544.32

actually a poor breathing or bracing

Time: 6546.179

strategy because they're using spinal

Time: 6548.88

rectors to create all their compression

Time: 6550.199

and not actually using the inside enough

Time: 6552.06

that's not always the case but sort of

Time: 6554.1

like a thing to think about so over

Time: 6555.54

compression through the spinal rectus is

Time: 6557.94

not necessarily ideal if you wanted the

Time: 6561

best scenario is a little bit of a brace

Time: 6562.679

of both so we use some air to push this

Time: 6564.48

side we use some musculature depressed

Time: 6566.4

that way and then that that spine is

Time: 6568.139

just nicely

Time: 6569.639

held in position again not in a position

Time: 6572.58

where I've locked down my diaphragm and

Time: 6574.26

I can't get any air out I should be able

Time: 6576.239

to get that brace pattern and then be

Time: 6578.82

able to speak in fact like I'm doing it

Time: 6579.96

right now and you'll see like a little

Time: 6581.219

bit of if you're really paying attention

Time: 6582.719

to my voice you can hear a little bit of

Time: 6584.34

a subtle difference but I should be able

Time: 6586.08

to do this for quite a long time

Time: 6587.58

right like I I could take a maximum rep

Time: 6589.44

right here in this position whether I'm

Time: 6591.42

overhead pressing doing some sort of row

Time: 6593.639

like anything and feel very braced in in

Time: 6596.699

the entire quadrant

Time: 6598.5

this is very helpful I I'm going to work

Time: 6601.56

on it but can we say that a an effective

Time: 6604.44

way to start off in terms of breathing

Time: 6607.38

during repetitions would be to take a

Time: 6609.78

gulp of air during the lowering phase

Time: 6612.48

The Eccentric phase and then to Exhale

Time: 6614.699

during the yeah concentric exertion

Time: 6617.1

phase I asked that because that's what

Time: 6619.02

I've been doing for a while and it makes

Time: 6621

me feel safe I don't know if I am and it

Time: 6623.76

allows me to Exhale as I exert the the

Time: 6627.199

hardest portion of the exercise yeah and

Time: 6630.719

perhaps I also borrowed that from

Time: 6632.52

martial arts where one tends most often

Time: 6635.1

is trained to Exhale on the on the

Time: 6637.5

strike yeah if you're going to be doing

Time: 6639.36

again the number of repetitions can be

Time: 6641.34

completed without a breath

Time: 6642.96

a lot of times you're better off saving

Time: 6645.119

that exhalation until you complete

Time: 6647.219

wow but you don't have to but for a

Time: 6649.139

reasonably heavy set of hack squats or

Time: 6651.239

even leg extensions and given that I

Time: 6652.98

already can't leg extension my body

Time: 6655.619

weight maybe it's established oh maybe

Time: 6657.659

this is why

Time: 6658.92

um the idea of holding my breath for an

Time: 6661.38

entire compound set so again I'm kind of

Time: 6665.04

listening to mine

Time: 6666.3

um you know like where is my insurance

Time: 6668.159

card who's going to drive me to the

Time: 6670.02

hospital this kind of thing

Time: 6672.42

um in all seriousness what if I want to

Time: 6674.88

breathe during the set yeah so

Time: 6677.159

I I'll clarify I'm generally meaning if

Time: 6680.219

you're doing like a one rep max

Time: 6681.96

or something like that okay well they

Time: 6683.76

certainly could hold my breath for a one

Time: 6685.02

repetition maximum that you know maybe

Time: 6687

like a double or something like that

Time: 6688.56

depending on what you're doing like

Time: 6690

maybe a triple a bench press you can

Time: 6692.159

probably do three

Time: 6693.42

and get away with it a squat it gets

Time: 6694.86

harder deadlift so it kind of depends on

Time: 6696.54

the exercise

Time: 6697.44

um you want to take that breath though

Time: 6699.179

prior to The Eccentric portion

Time: 6701.58

not during so lower breathe in lock or

Time: 6705.6

set and now start our movement pattern

Time: 6707.82

wherever it's going to be exhaling on

Time: 6710.159

the concentrate portion during it is

Time: 6711.78

fine it's no problem

Time: 6713.76

um especially if you're not extremely

Time: 6715.619

heavy and what's your what are your

Time: 6717.78

thoughts on grunting and screaming yeah

Time: 6719.46

fine I don't care I don't tend to do

Time: 6721.32

that I'm occasionally known to squeal or

Time: 6723.119


Time: 6724.94

I think of you and I think squeal

Time: 6728.28

whimper absolutely thanks

Time: 6730.32

um if you're going to be doing multiple

Time: 6731.699


Time: 6732.84

uh what we actually do for the NFL

Time: 6734.4


Time: 6735.42

is we teach them a very specific Excel

Time: 6737.159

strategy so there's one test that they

Time: 6738.48

do uh which is they bench press 225

Time: 6740.46

pounds for as many reps as possible a

Time: 6742.199

lot of these people will get 25 to 40

Time: 6744

repetitions so we have a very specific

Time: 6746.04

breathing pattern it would be something

Time: 6747.239

like if we think that they're going to

Time: 6748.44

do around 25 reps say that's like our

Time: 6750.9

goal we might say okay do the first 10

Time: 6753.44

without a breath and then exhale reset

Time: 6756.6

and then do five breath and then you

Time: 6758.76

might do five breath three breath two

Time: 6761.639

breath and then one breath per rep until

Time: 6763.679

we can't get any more um so we'll have

Time: 6765.36

very specific strategies for them

Time: 6767.699

um so what I would say is think about

Time: 6769.26

how many you're going to complete and

Time: 6771.42

and then breathe according to that and

Time: 6773.94

it tends to increase in frequency as the

Time: 6776.219

number gets closer to failure because

Time: 6777.719

you're going to want that that error a

Time: 6779.219

little bit but you just want to make

Time: 6780.3

sure that

Time: 6781.5

when you re when you're breathing back

Time: 6783.659

in you're in a safe spot so you don't

Time: 6786.179

want to be catching that like re-breath

Time: 6788.699

when the weight's on you you want to be

Time: 6790.739

in a locked out position or away from

Time: 6792.36

you when you're standing so it tends to

Time: 6794.639

be like at the end of the exercise not

Time: 6796.739

in the middle of it which is is going to

Time: 6798.9

be a recipe for problems if you take

Time: 6800.34

your breath then

Time: 6802.199

one of the reasons I'm so happy to have

Time: 6804.179

you here

Time: 6805.139

and having this discussion is we can

Time: 6807.179

really get into the weeds but also hit a

Time: 6809.46

number of questions that I hear a lot

Time: 6811.4

how does one contend with the first

Time: 6814.86

attempt at a lift not working out is it

Time: 6817.32

too heavy something goes wrong hopefully

Time: 6819.9

not injury promoting wrong but something

Time: 6822.48

goes wrong do you count that do you

Time: 6824.58

reset the workout

Time: 6826.26

and then the counterpart to that

Time: 6828.36

question is

Time: 6830.159

what do you do if it's too easy it went

Time: 6832.5

wrong because you didn't put enough

Time: 6833.76

weight on the bar do you pick up a heavy

Time: 6835.26

enough set of dumbbells do you abandon

Time: 6836.88

the set and and replace it with another

Time: 6839.28

and I guess this is really a question of

Time: 6842.34

how much margin for error is there in

Time: 6844.98

volume yep when doing this three by five

Time: 6847.56

program sure uh two things

Time: 6850.679

that I'd like to start with number one

Time: 6852

is I talked about linear periodization

Time: 6853.98

and unrelated periodization there's

Time: 6855.119

actually a new model newish model called

Time: 6857.52

Auto regulation which basically says

Time: 6859.92

you're going to go in today and

Time: 6861.719

depending on any number of biomarkers

Time: 6863.94

performance markers or your performance

Time: 6866.159

you will adjust your training based on

Time: 6868.619

how you're feeling that day and so 70 is

Time: 6871.8

not maybe for example not necessarily 70

Time: 6873.78

of your one repetition Max highest ever

Time: 6877.02

is 70 of what you can actually do that

Time: 6879.48


Time: 6880.26

and so it actually allows you to Auto

Time: 6882.06

regulate your training based on actually

Time: 6883.739

what's happening and so you don't have

Time: 6885.54

to have as much long-term planning in

Time: 6887.46

your program design

Time: 6889.26

um because it'll sort of figure itself

Time: 6890.76

out as you're going you can use velocity

Time: 6892.86

to determine the sort of Regulation you

Time: 6894.659

can use actually it's like taking it up

Time: 6896.34

to close to a Max for the day and then

Time: 6898.739

basing all your percentages on that

Time: 6900.659

daily Max or a lot of different ways so

Time: 6902.76

that is actually one of very effective

Time: 6904.5

strategy and there's a lot of research

Time: 6906.6

coming out on auto regulation there's a

Time: 6907.98

lot of different ways to do it so that's

Time: 6911.219

one thing to say another thing to say is

Time: 6913.56


Time: 6914.639

three to five okay it depends on if

Time: 6917.699

we're going for speed power or strength

Time: 6919.139

because while all those other variables

Time: 6921.239

are the same for three to five

Time: 6922.86

the core difference between whether that

Time: 6924.6

is a power workout or a strength workout

Time: 6927.08

is the load

Time: 6929.34

right so if you are at a moderate load

Time: 6931.619

say thirty percent of your one

Time: 6932.76

repetition Max up to about 70 percent

Time: 6935.639

that's going to be a power based

Time: 6937.699

adaptation assuming you're going with

Time: 6940.139

high intent

Time: 6941.52

can you sorry I I have to interrupt

Time: 6944.159

maybe just clarify what intent is yeah

Time: 6946.98

you're attempting to move the implement

Time: 6948.78

or go through the movement pattern as

Time: 6951.06

fast as you can great thank you if

Time: 6953.4

you're trying to go for strength and

Time: 6955.139

you're below 70 percent

Time: 6957.42

you're not really going to be improving

Time: 6959.219

strength because the total mass

Time: 6961.32

is not heavy enough and so really when

Time: 6963.96

we say strength we're assuming you're at

Time: 6965.76

at least generally 70 percent or higher

Time: 6968.96

now if you're new to training totally

Time: 6972.239

different thing right but if you're

Time: 6973.38

moderately trained to highly trained

Time: 6975

you're going to be whale north of 70 so

Time: 6977.52

anything below that we don't really

Time: 6978.48

count anyways um that's those are

Time: 6980.34

warm-up sets basically

Time: 6982.139

all right so one thing to actually give

Time: 6984.48

you some very specific numbers here and

Time: 6986.159

I don't have all of these memorized who

Time: 6988.08

can perhaps

Time: 6989.28

um provide a chart later or send out

Time: 6991.56

something to them but there's a chart

Time: 6993.36

that you can look up called a prilippin

Time: 6995.04

chart how do you spell that uh p r i l i

Time: 6999.36

p i n

Time: 7000.94

and there's actually been a a few

Time: 7003.44

studies on it it's it's a it's been old

Time: 7006.02

it's been around for a very long time

Time: 7007.46

it's sort of in the coaching realm and

Time: 7009.02

then a handful of studies out of New

Time: 7010.4

Zealand came out

Time: 7011.56

verifying and validating a lot of it but

Time: 7013.82

what it effectively does is if strength

Time: 7015.56

is the goal and this comes from the

Time: 7017.3

power lifting weightlifting sort of

Time: 7018.679

communities or optimizing for strength

Time: 7020.659

then how much time do I need to spend

Time: 7023.719

at each intensity range so 70 80 90

Time: 7028.699

Etc because specificity

Time: 7031.34

is going to say this if you want to get

Time: 7033.86

better neuromuscular guy at shooting a

Time: 7036.739

basketball the most important thing you

Time: 7038.599

could ever do is shoot a basketball

Time: 7039.619

under the exact circumstances that

Time: 7042.199

you're going to do it right specificity

Time: 7043.94

always wins if you want to get better at

Time: 7046.4

strength the most important thing you

Time: 7048.199

need to do is that exact movement at

Time: 7050.119

that load and in this case if you wanted

Time: 7052.159

to get better at

Time: 7053.84

your bench press

Time: 7055.58

lifting at 100 of your max on a bench

Time: 7058.4

press is the most specific thing you

Time: 7060.02

could ever do the more you can do that

Time: 7061.94

the faster you will increase your bench

Time: 7064.04

press Max however that's very hard to do

Time: 7067.34

without getting hurt it's also not

Time: 7070.4

addressing what I call your Defender so

Time: 7072.679

if the reason you can't bench press

Time: 7074.239

higher than whatever you're benching now

Time: 7075.98

it may not be your pure strength it may

Time: 7078.5

be any number of things like you don't

Time: 7080.119

have enough muscle or technique or these

Time: 7082.4

things okay great so specificity over

Time: 7084.56


Time: 7086.06

um variation on the other side so we're

Time: 7088.46

playing this game we've talked about of

Time: 7089.96

how do I make sure that I can have

Time: 7091.82

enough specificity in my training

Time: 7093.44

without leading to uh overuse injury all

Time: 7098.3

how do I maximize or how do I reduce my

Time: 7100.88

chance of injury while getting enough

Time: 7102.02

specificity and so we have a classic

Time: 7103.699

Paradigm however here one actually

Time: 7105.86

training protocol you can look up is

Time: 7107.48

called a Bulgarian method and the

Time: 7109.4

bulgarians were an amazing at the sport

Time: 7112.52

of Olympic weightlifting probably in

Time: 7115.28

fact the

Time: 7117.92

um the the patriarch of this entire

Time: 7119.54

thing recently passed away Ivan IBA

Time: 7122.179

jayev uh niams glue pocket Hercules one

Time: 7125.48

of the greatest weightlifters of all

Time: 7126.5

time came out of the system and they do

Time: 7128.179

a lot of things but one example in the

Time: 7130.52

Bulgarian system is you're going to do a

Time: 7132.139

one repetition maximum snatch

Time: 7134.659

you're gonna take a little bit of a

Time: 7135.679

break you'll do a one repetition maximum

Time: 7137.54

cleaner jerk take a little bit of a

Time: 7138.86

break do a one repetition maximum front

Time: 7140.9

squat take a little bit of a break and

Time: 7142.58

you're gonna repeat that two to three

Time: 7143.659

times a day every day

Time: 7145.76

that's specificity right those people

Time: 7147.86

get extraordinarily strong now they

Time: 7150.199

don't do that all year round they don't

Time: 7151.46

do that with all their lifters but this

Time: 7153.32

is when we're trying to Peak for a major

Time: 7154.94

competition like the Olympics we are

Time: 7156.44

going so far

Time: 7158.06

into specificity and that was very

Time: 7160.52

counter to the Russian system at the

Time: 7162.199

time which is much more of our classic

Time: 7163.639

periodization sort of approach okay

Time: 7166.04

specificity is tremendous but in doing

Time: 7168.739

that the bulgarians just brutalized a

Time: 7170.96

lot of athletes right because it's very

Time: 7172.34

difficult to handle something like that

Time: 7173.659

and you can't really do that that long

Time: 7175.28

without getting wrecked and they're the

Time: 7177.02

goal is to win medals the goal is it's a

Time: 7179

totally different thing than longevity

Time: 7180.38

out of here right like we're trying to

Time: 7181.76

push the boundaries of or aesthetic

Time: 7183.739

changes unless someone has a naturally

Time: 7185.84

balanced Physique in general if people

Time: 7188.3

do one sort of movement I find that they

Time: 7190.82

tend to resemble the equipment that they

Time: 7192.56

did that movement with over time right

Time: 7194.659

that was a joke against kettlebells of

Time: 7196.58

course of course of course I got it

Time: 7198.8


Time: 7200.48

we know specificity is technically

Time: 7202.46

optimal but it's not realistic not for

Time: 7204.619

that kind of a you know extreme

Time: 7206.3

situation so how do we balance these

Time: 7208.639

things well it turns out this prilippin

Time: 7210.32

chart gives you guidelines for how much

Time: 7212.48

time and by time I mean how many

Time: 7213.92


Time: 7215.3

to stand

Time: 7217.099

um in each of these rep ranges so that

Time: 7218.96

you get kind of the best of this world

Time: 7220.34

you're going to find the same thing by

Time: 7222.08

the way when we get into endurance

Time: 7223.159

training there's only so much training

Time: 7225.86

you can do at 95 of your heart rate

Time: 7227.54

before it starts becoming like quite

Time: 7228.92

detrimental you need to actually spend a

Time: 7230.9

lot of time at those lower intensities

Time: 7233.42

so the Philippine chart walks you

Time: 7235.099


Time: 7236.119

how many sets and it gives you a range

Time: 7238.219

like like the I think that the bottom of

Time: 7239.719

it is like

Time: 7240.92

um how much time do you spend at like 60

Time: 7242.719

to 70 every one or at Max and it says

Time: 7244.639

like you know minimum of this set to

Time: 7246.08

maximum of this set but the ideal number

Time: 7247.94

of reps per set per week is like 18. and

Time: 7250.34

then I'll walk you through and so

Time: 7251.239

there's there's four criteria on it

Time: 7253.58

um I think it's 55 to 65 again how many

Time: 7256.76

reps there's it's like three to six reps

Time: 7258.92

per set

Time: 7260.42

um 18 to 30 reps total and I think the

Time: 7264.619

ideal rep range is like 24. something

Time: 7266.9

like that so it takes you 55 to 65 70 to

Time: 7270.5

80 80 to 90 and the 90 plus percent what

Time: 7272.48

you'll see is the 90 plus percent number

Time: 7274.159

is more like one to two reps per set for

Time: 7277.82

a total of about seven total repetitions

Time: 7280.4

if you start cruising past that

Time: 7283.639


Time: 7284.42

other bad things start to creep up in

Time: 7286.52

there so that's a really effective chart

Time: 7288.199

what it really highlights though is even

Time: 7290.3

somebody who's trying to maximize

Time: 7291.56


Time: 7292.699

you're going to spend something like 30

Time: 7295.699

five or so percent of your training time

Time: 7297.8

between this like 55 to 65 range

Time: 7301.58

so you're asking her like well do I even

Time: 7303.32

count that one the answer is yeah you

Time: 7305.599

know in that range if it's below 55 60

Time: 7308.3

percent you probably don't count it now

Time: 7310.76

again some coaches don't count unless

Time: 7312.139

it's even above 70. fine it's not a

Time: 7314.48

major distinction but you're going to

Time: 7315.86

spend the bulk of your time you know

Time: 7317.96

accumulating some some technique

Time: 7319.82

basically and skill and tissue tolerance

Time: 7321.92

very important The Next Step Up is like

Time: 7324.4

28 I think is is sort of the cutoff of

Time: 7327.56

how much time you spend between 70 and

Time: 7329.84

80 percent of your 100 Max and then it

Time: 7331.88

jumps down to like 23 and then all the

Time: 7334.219

way to 70 so you can walk yourself

Time: 7335.96

through that and that gives you an

Time: 7337.159

extremely good guideline and you'll

Time: 7339.38

notice all of these are still in three

Time: 7341.9

to five range it's just really you're

Time: 7343.88

manipulating it by total sets or total

Time: 7345.98

exercises so that can give you some

Time: 7347.48

instruction to play with

Time: 7349.04

we will provide a link to the prilippin

Time: 7352.28

Chart yeah in the show note captions

Time: 7355.58

training to failure when the goal is

Time: 7357.92

Strife yeah

Time: 7359.54

should one do it should one avoid it

Time: 7362.78

or does it depend well yeah it always

Time: 7364.88

depends um the way that I'll generally

Time: 7366.619

say it is because of what we just

Time: 7368.239

outlined it in the brilliant chart you

Time: 7369.98

don't have to go to failure to see

Time: 7371.239

strength gains especially early or even

Time: 7374.179

moderate and I'm talking maybe five plus

Time: 7376.159

years in your lifting career would you

Time: 7379.159

um call beginner zero to five years of

Time: 7381.619

training intermediate five to twenty

Time: 7384.38

years of training yeah something like

Time: 7386.78

that and then Advance would be people

Time: 7388.219

that really put the time and energy into

Time: 7389.719

fine-tuning their program the vast

Time: 7391.4

majority of people who think they're

Time: 7392.42

Advanced are really what we would call

Time: 7393.86

intermediate in all domains of life Fair

Time: 7397.36

even as a scientist

Time: 7399.86

um it's quite rare to reach that number

Time: 7401.36

of advance so

Time: 7402.98

um I actually don't have any problem

Time: 7404.119

going to failure quite often I'm also

Time: 7407.06

fine with people who don't want to go

Time: 7408.56

all the way there you can get most of

Time: 7410.36

what you need getting what we call

Time: 7411.98

technical failure so this is like okay

Time: 7415.4

that was really challenging uh boy you

Time: 7419.239

started to have some breakdowns of

Time: 7420.5

technique we're gonna call that good The

Time: 7422.48

Only Exception here I want to point out

Time: 7425.179

is people who are either novice or

Time: 7427.94

beginners they really have no concept of

Time: 7431.659

what 100 means and so I think it's

Time: 7434.48

actually very fruitful to take them to

Time: 7436.82

100 just to give them a guideline of

Time: 7439.52

where it's at now of course do this on

Time: 7442.159

exercises that they are comfortable with

Time: 7443.78

or close and then you maybe maybe this

Time: 7446.179

is on a machine maybe this is single

Time: 7448.76

joint movements or whatever it takes for

Time: 7450.32

them to have confidence but I actually I

Time: 7451.82

don't think you should be scared of

Time: 7453.44

these they're not really um that much

Time: 7455.78

more dangerous than anything else

Time: 7457.04

there's I mean think about it if you're

Time: 7459.08

going to do a front squat or any

Time: 7461.06

exercise and your one rep max is 200

Time: 7463.099

pounds is it really that much more

Time: 7465.199

dangerous to do one try at 205 pounds

Time: 7468.56

than it is to do five tries at 190

Time: 7471.56


Time: 7472.639

is it really that much more no like it's

Time: 7474.679

not so you can do like we talked about

Time: 7476.119

in the the first episode you can do a

Time: 7478.46

repetition Max estimate where you get to

Time: 7480.98

like 85 to 95 of where you think you are

Time: 7484.34

and then instead of adding load you just

Time: 7486.139

do as many reps as you can

Time: 7487.82

Google that number and it'll tell you

Time: 7489.44

the conversion estimate of what your own

Time: 7490.94

right Max is that's fine but also I have

Time: 7492.86

absolutely no issue in fact I generally

Time: 7495.26

encourage it to take people up to that

Time: 7497.599


Time: 7498.32

um certainly not day one or anywhere

Time: 7500.48

close to that but at some point let's

Time: 7502.159

see what you actually got

Time: 7503.78

I'm just I'm just going to cut it off

Time: 7505.52

early what I'm going to consider to be

Time: 7506.84

100 Max anything more than a minor

Time: 7509.54

technical breakdown is is for that crew

Time: 7511.639

we're going to stop and call that good

Time: 7513.08

and ideally with a spotter especially

Time: 7515.84

um you know bench pressing don't bench

Time: 7517.219

press alone in your basement kind of

Time: 7518.54

thing a few people die each year from

Time: 7520.219

bench pressing alone in their basement

Time: 7521.48

yep or use dumbbells if you're going to

Time: 7523.28

do that yeah it's hard harder to die

Time: 7525.5

using dumbbells I suppose you could

Time: 7528.5

um drop them on your head or something

Time: 7529.76

but not get stuck under them

Time: 7531.98


Time: 7532.94

exercise selection and frequency of

Time: 7535.94

exercise implementation across the week

Time: 7539.3

so I can imagine with this three by five

Time: 7542.36

routine done three to five times per

Time: 7544.88

week you can imagine changing up the

Time: 7547.099

exercises every workout

Time: 7548.86

although considering that most of these

Time: 7551.84

three by five routines are going to be

Time: 7554.179

done with compound movements generally

Time: 7556.58

the sooner or later one runs out of

Time: 7559.04

movements if the goal is to hit major

Time: 7562.58

all the major muscle groups yeah however

Time: 7564.44

let me give an example

Time: 7566.659

and ask if it's okay

Time: 7568.82

to for instance do the three by five

Time: 7570.739

routine where one of the exercises for

Time: 7573.38

back is say a bent over row

Time: 7576.08

uh you do that Monday Wednesday and

Time: 7577.88

Friday okay you know I can imagine one

Time: 7581.06

could do that and still recover and

Time: 7582.679

improve over time but five days a week

Time: 7584.9

bend over rows five days a week is that

Time: 7587.719

okay I mean can one still progress

Time: 7591.56

um and there I could imagine it's a

Time: 7594.26

strong answer of Depends because some

Time: 7596.36

people recover more slowly

Time: 7598.639

and others I'm very comfortable doing

Time: 7600.739

hitting muscle groups once directly per

Time: 7603.38

week and once indirectly that's worked

Time: 7605.06

for me far better than two or three

Time: 7607.04

times per week you know I get you know

Time: 7609.08

looks of sympathy when when I say this

Time: 7610.699

but it's actually it's just how my

Time: 7612.44

physiology Works

Time: 7614.179

um kind of yeah well and maybe I'm not

Time: 7616.219

optimizing a number of different

Time: 7617.239

features but the point being that some

Time: 7619.52

people really do seem to be able to

Time: 7621.38

train a muscle every day and still make

Time: 7624.5

progress other people seem to have

Time: 7627.38

trouble when they train a muscle every

Time: 7628.82

day so how does one establish exercise

Time: 7631.219

selection when the goal is to make

Time: 7633.38


Time: 7634.94

um and this brings up something very

Time: 7636.8

important and we're going to have a

Time: 7637.88

whole episode about this but local

Time: 7639.98

versus systemic recovery yep that you

Time: 7642.619

know is the whole nervous system

Time: 7643.639

becoming fatigued

Time: 7645.32

and is the muscle group and the related

Time: 7649.34

musculoskeletal systems becoming

Time: 7651.44

fatigued we're going to go back to

Time: 7653.3

thinking about

Time: 7655.219

when you make these comments about it

Time: 7657.5

takes you three to five days and you've

Time: 7659.179

got better results in there the

Time: 7661.099

assumption that you're probably running

Time: 7662.9

under is your training Style

Time: 7665.96

is more reflecting that recovery time

Time: 7667.82

than it is your physiology

Time: 7670.159

it's not you it's how you're training so

Time: 7672.38

if you look at again all the Olympic

Time: 7674.719

weight lifters

Time: 7675.86

that are competing they're going to be

Time: 7677.36

squatting or some variation of squatting

Time: 7679.28

every day

Time: 7681.02

that that's going to happen like a lot

Time: 7682.94

of the times they're training multiple

Time: 7684.02

times a day and they will be doing some

Time: 7685.82

basically barbell full squat multiple

Time: 7688.28

times a day every day six days a week

Time: 7690.02

you know something like that

Time: 7692.42

they're the best in the world at getting

Time: 7693.619


Time: 7694.699

they're tremendously good at getting

Time: 7696.44


Time: 7698.36

you can do it right it comes down to

Time: 7701.06

what does your volume look like what

Time: 7702.679

type of movements are you doing what rep

Time: 7705.08

range what overall volume are you

Time: 7707.179


Time: 7708.199

and how are you doing it if you look at

Time: 7709.82


Time: 7711.44

they train their legs every day

Time: 7713.78

when they're running around they're

Time: 7715.04

doing Speed and Agility training every

Time: 7717.139

single day they don't need you know

Time: 7719.239

three days to recover can you imagine a

Time: 7720.739

basketball player trying to ask for like

Time: 7722

three days to recover between practice

Time: 7723.199

right well to be fair as you as you

Time: 7725

chuckle at me I'm doing other things on

Time: 7727.699

the intervening days yeah so I'll train

Time: 7729.8

a muscle group like legs and then I'll

Time: 7731.9

give it four days before I do an

Time: 7733.52

indirect yeah um uh what I call an

Time: 7736.88

indirect exercise for legs which for me

Time: 7738.619

would be sprinting yep then I get two

Time: 7740.78

days and then I'm training them again

Time: 7742.159

but nonetheless an athlete has to do

Time: 7743.719

that every day right right so the

Time: 7746.179

absolute the answer is you absolutely

Time: 7747.619

can train any of these muscles every

Time: 7750.139

single day it really comes down to

Time: 7752.48


Time: 7753.26

right and it comes down to movement type

Time: 7756.32

um and how are you getting it so with in

Time: 7758.239

the case of of weightlifters and

Time: 7759.619

athletes what we tend to see happen is

Time: 7761.42

there's not a there's two things there

Time: 7764.179

is a long period of conditioning and I

Time: 7766.82

don't mean endurance what I mean is is

Time: 7768.26

tissue tolerance and conditioning so

Time: 7769.699

they're not going to start off their

Time: 7771.199


Time: 7772.159

at that pace right their career might

Time: 7774.139

start off at five days a week but maybe

Time: 7777.02

every other of those days is a PVC pipe

Time: 7780.08

only and you're just training the

Time: 7781.76

movement patterns you're working on

Time: 7783.02

technique Etc and then eventually maybe

Time: 7785

after six months or a year those PVC

Time: 7787.82

pipe days turn into barbell only days so

Time: 7790.52

now you went from you know a pound to 45

Time: 7792.38

pounds and eventually as your years go

Time: 7794.48

on that that wrapses up so it depends on

Time: 7796.82

the style in general speed and power

Time: 7798.739

stuff is so light it almost requires

Time: 7801.98

because it's non-fatiguing it requires

Time: 7803.9

almost no amount of no recovery so if

Time: 7806

you were truly doing say like

Time: 7808.4

um you know when you say it's funny

Time: 7809.84

because when you say I do legs on

Time: 7811.28


Time: 7812.42

you don't even realize it but an athlete

Time: 7815.96

does legs every day right but you're

Time: 7817.4

saying legs and what you're really

Time: 7818.54

saying is I do hypertrophy legs Mondays

Time: 7820.34

pretty much that I don't want to get

Time: 7821.9

into what I do specifically because it's

Time: 7823.82

less important than what other people

Time: 7824.96

choose to implement but the repetition

Time: 7826.639

ranges anywhere from 4 to 12. correct so

Time: 7830.659

you're covering up pretty yeah you're

Time: 7832.34

smack dead in the peak soreness

Time: 7834.92

longest recovery rate volume is

Time: 7836.9

relatively low intensity is very very

Time: 7838.46

high workouts are very very true so if

Time: 7840.44

you were to switch that and you were to

Time: 7842.3

stay under four repetitions higher

Time: 7844.699

quality uh higher rest in between them I

Time: 7846.679

would be willing to bet a large amount

Time: 7848.42

of money that you'd be fine the next day

Time: 7850.159

certainly 48 hours and if you were to

Time: 7852.86

actually go way lower and keep you know

Time: 7855.26

three to five and keep it very very

Time: 7857.06

light and train for Speed you would have

Time: 7858.32

absolutely no issue

Time: 7859.699

the next day so it really comes down to

Time: 7861.739

a function of training you're right in

Time: 7863.119

that hypertrophy Zone which is something

Time: 7864.8

that you probably need 48 hours at

Time: 7867.32

minimum to recover from because what you

Time: 7869.239

won't see

Time: 7870.52

are bodybuilders

Time: 7873.02

training the same muscle group on

Time: 7875.119

multiple days like very often at most it

Time: 7877.4

will be indirect but generally they're

Time: 7878.9

not going to do that every single day

Time: 7880.04

for the same reason so you're training

Time: 7882.26

in that style that's what it's going to

Time: 7884.239

take to recover if you trained in a

Time: 7885.619

different style then it wouldn't take

Time: 7887.3

that long to recover so for the person

Time: 7889.159

starting out

Time: 7891.02

would you recommend they pick three to

Time: 7892.58

five exercises and stick with those so

Time: 7894.739

that they can get their skill and

Time: 7896.659

movement and positioning and breathing

Time: 7898.4

all that really dialed in and then start

Time: 7900.8

to experiment by varying one or two of

Time: 7903.86

those exercises over time that's great

Time: 7905.78

if you look at the the conjugate model

Time: 7907.82

so these are the the strongest power

Time: 7909.38

lifters as a collective group that ever

Time: 7911.78

existed what they're very good at is

Time: 7913.219

they keep almost the exact same weekly

Time: 7914.659

structure but they make a very small

Time: 7917.06

change in exercise variation so for

Time: 7919.34

example say Wednesday is bench day right

Time: 7922.04

they're going to always binge on

Time: 7923.719

Wednesdays but maybe this week they're

Time: 7924.98

going to do close grip bench and then

Time: 7927.02

maybe next week it's going to be maybe a

Time: 7928.88

a special type of barbell and then maybe

Time: 7931.099

the week after that it's

Time: 7932.719

um you know maybe they'll change the

Time: 7934.58

range of motion a little bit so it's

Time: 7936.38

actually the exact same exercise where

Time: 7937.76

they're making a very small variation

Time: 7939.08

and that change alone allows them to do

Time: 7941.36

enough specificity

Time: 7942.92

but also gives them enough variation

Time: 7944.42

where it's not the exact same stimuli in

Time: 7946.52

the exact same spot over and over and

Time: 7948.619

over and that's what allows that group

Time: 7950.54

plus lots of other assistance but it's

Time: 7954.26

what allows that group to train very

Time: 7956.179

very very heavy

Time: 7957.5

very consistently and not have to worry

Time: 7959.36

about too much planning for

Time: 7961.04

periodization and other stuff like that

Time: 7962.599

they get their back off by making small

Time: 7965.06

variations in exercise I will say

Time: 7967.46

a major mistake folks do make is they

Time: 7969.619

change their exercises entirely way too

Time: 7972.139

often if I were to have to pick one or

Time: 7975.38

the other I would say don't change

Time: 7976.88

anything on your exercises for six weeks

Time: 7978.98

probably realistic maybe even 10 to 12

Time: 7981.739

weeks and then you can make some changes

Time: 7983.48

you should not be changing every single

Time: 7985.579

week the general pump you're just you're

Time: 7987.8

not going to see progress it's going to

Time: 7989.06

be very difficult to do that so it's

Time: 7991.04

going to take you three weeks generally

Time: 7993.32

to figure out the groove of the exercise

Time: 7994.94

to figure out how well you can load it

Time: 7996.739

what's too much to where you woke up

Time: 7998.54

unbelievably sore that was a train wreck

Time: 8000.639

how much do I load it at what position

Time: 8003.04

how long is this going to take it's

Time: 8004

going to take you three or so weeks and

Time: 8005.679

then you can really start pushing there

Time: 8007.659

so changing it before that or in that

Time: 8009.82

time frame is is you're not going to be

Time: 8011.56

able to progressively overload because

Time: 8012.699

you're just not going to know exactly

Time: 8013.719

where you're at on all the exercises so

Time: 8015.34

it's very important to create

Time: 8016.719

standardization within them and then see

Time: 8020.02

some progress in a movement or a muscle

Time: 8021.52

Group whatever you're going for

Time: 8023.199

and then make some changes

Time: 8025.119

so before we dive into our discussion

Time: 8027.159

about hypertrophy

Time: 8029.32

can we just get a brief recap of the

Time: 8032.32

general parameters for an excellent

Time: 8034.36

power and strength training program okay

Time: 8036.94

let me hit you with these rapid fire and

Time: 8038.92

you can maybe come ask questions along

Time: 8040.48

that remember those modifiable variables

Time: 8043

okay so let's go through them in order

Time: 8044.679

and then what they mean specifically for

Time: 8046.42

power versus strength so modifiable

Time: 8048.34

variable number one is called choice so

Time: 8050.98

which exercises do I select for strength

Time: 8053.139

in general for power or speed or

Time: 8055.719

strength we want to select compound

Time: 8057.639

movements you don't often see people

Time: 8059.56

doing maximum strength work for like a

Time: 8062.079

tricep Kickback right it's typically

Time: 8064.06

multiple joint movements and typically

Time: 8066.28


Time: 8068.32

um movements

Time: 8069.88

in selecting these compound movements we

Time: 8072.46

generally want to actually think about

Time: 8073.36

exercise selection of movements rather

Time: 8075.76

than muscle groups so this is an

Time: 8077.679

important distinction because we'll see

Time: 8078.82

this is a different answer when we get

Time: 8079.9

hypertrophy what I mean by that is when

Time: 8082

we think about again strength training

Time: 8084.04

we tend to think about bodybuilding

Time: 8085.36

Concepts we go to the gym and we do

Time: 8086.86

things like I got to make sure I get my

Time: 8088.9

chest today and I got to make sure I get

Time: 8090.579

my hamstrings and now you're selecting

Time: 8092.8

exercises based on a muscle you want to

Time: 8094.54

work for strength development and power

Time: 8096.699

we want to think about movements rather

Time: 8099.04

than individual muscle groups so there

Time: 8100.78

should be like things like I need to

Time: 8102.639

train explosive hip extension which is

Time: 8105.4

like a a vertical jump or something like

Time: 8108.04

that I I want to train pushing or

Time: 8110.619

pulling movements or I want to attain

Time: 8112.36

road trip I want to train rotation which

Time: 8114.099

is a whole area we haven't gotten into

Time: 8115.42

which is very important for overall

Time: 8117.639

health and wellness and Longevity so we

Time: 8119.92

want to select big movements by the

Time: 8122.02

muscle the movement patterns that we

Time: 8123.88

want to introduce and we just want to

Time: 8125.199

select a reasonable balance between

Time: 8128.56

these I don't care what the exact ratio

Time: 8130.78

is you just don't want to go an entire

Time: 8133

six months without doing anything in

Time: 8135.4

this rotational area or an entire you

Time: 8137.98

know eight to ten weeks without doing

Time: 8140.38


Time: 8142.079

without the lower body hinge right so

Time: 8145.119

any number of examples there so just

Time: 8147.04

think about the rough movement patterns

Time: 8148.48

upper and lower push and pull and then

Time: 8151.48

some sort of rotation that puts you in a

Time: 8153.34

pretty good spot if you're using three

Time: 8154.54

by five method and you're going to pick

Time: 8157

as little as three exercises just pick

Time: 8158.92

one from each one of those group pick a

Time: 8160.54


Time: 8161.619

pick a push and pick a pull I can easily

Time: 8164.8

think of a pushing a pull so for example

Time: 8167.619

bench press or shoulder press sure row

Time: 8170.92

or chin for pull and then squat or

Time: 8173.32

deadlift for hinge yep what would be a

Time: 8176.02

good example of a quality rotational

Time: 8178.48

movement yep so anytime um you can use a

Time: 8181.78

cable machine like at the gym and you

Time: 8184

can do it's kind of hard to describe

Time: 8185.56

this exercise but basically you're going

Time: 8186.88

to stand facing the cable and you're

Time: 8189.699

going to pull it towards yourself and

Time: 8190.9

then rotate like you're pivoting like

Time: 8192.219

your either swing angle golf club or

Time: 8195.04

hitting a baseball bat so you're facing

Time: 8196.78

One Direction I'm facing you right now

Time: 8198.639

I'm pulling the cable towards myself and

Time: 8200.439

then I'm going to spin do a 180 degree

Time: 8202.42

pivot and face exactly away from you

Time: 8204.58

when I finish and then return it back to

Time: 8207.099

that same spot so that's a rotation

Time: 8208.599

great we will provide a link to an

Time: 8210.46

example of that that you consider a

Time: 8212.26

quality example a medicine ball throw

Time: 8214.059

any number of things like this are a

Time: 8217.059

great rotational exercise all right so

Time: 8219.939

we select our exercises based on that we

Time: 8222.46

generally then okay because that is the

Time: 8224.439

case we don't worry about things like

Time: 8226.26

eccentric versus concentric because

Time: 8228.34

you're deadly doing a whole body

Time: 8230.16

athletic movement right which The

Time: 8232.54

Eccentric concentric portion is going to

Time: 8234.399

be folded into that you really can't

Time: 8236.32

separate them out all right so that's

Time: 8238.54

exercise Choice our first variable the

Time: 8240.639

next one is exercise order so because

Time: 8243.16

that everything driving power and

Time: 8245.5

strength is quality based

Time: 8248.08

you want to do these at the beginning of

Time: 8250.059

your workout you would not want to do

Time: 8251.859

anything fatiguing before this so no

Time: 8254.92

cardiovascular training no other

Time: 8257.32

repetition to failure stuff if you do

Time: 8259.599

those before and now you're slower all

Time: 8262.54

you've done is practice getting slower

Time: 8264.28

and and so these need to be done when

Time: 8266.26

you're fresh you also need to do them

Time: 8267.639

when you're very fresh because they are

Time: 8269.2

the most neurologically demanding

Time: 8270.46

they're complicated they tend to have

Time: 8272.08

multiple steps and they're often in

Time: 8273.58

multiple planes and coordination is a

Time: 8275.5

difficult thing and if you're trying to

Time: 8276.939

do all that at maximum speed your

Time: 8279.099

nervous system needs to be tremendously

Time: 8280.359

fresh and so any amount of fatigue here

Time: 8282.04

is only going to compromise the results

Time: 8284.679

um to kind of recap that one of the

Time: 8287.139

major mistakes when training for

Time: 8288.28

strength and especially power is people

Time: 8290.32

worry way too much about fatigue those

Time: 8292.359

things should not be part of the

Time: 8293.38

equation in fact if they are that's a

Time: 8296.019

very good sign you're not doing this

Time: 8297.16

correctly right these are non-fatiguing

Time: 8299.5

movements especially speed and Power

Time: 8302.08

so Choice order is next

Time: 8304.74

the next one after that is volume and we

Time: 8307.3

sort of hit volume and intensity which

Time: 8309.82

is the other one we talked about that

Time: 8312.639

the volume is basically identical

Time: 8315.46

between power and strength the the

Time: 8318.58

general number we're going to look at

Time: 8319.78

here is something like 3 to 20 sets

Time: 8322.059

total per workout per workout

Time: 8325.12

um but that would be like 20 would be

Time: 8327.34

a little bit of a special case now three

Time: 8329.32

to five is what I told you earlier right

Time: 8331.12

I'm just saying like sometimes you can

Time: 8332.62

actually go quite higher in this cases

Time: 8334.719

but that's the general range and once

Time: 8337.78

somebody finishes the three by five

Time: 8339.399

workout for power or strength if they

Time: 8343.359

decide they want to throw in some calf

Time: 8345.46

raises and curls and totally a forearm

Time: 8347.74

work or a little bit of jogging on the

Time: 8350.2

treadmill or something that's okay

Time: 8351.88

absolutely there is you have very little

Time: 8354.76

risk of interference

Time: 8356.859

for things like speed and Power

Time: 8358.96

strength you have a little bit of a risk

Time: 8361.54

only because now you're introducing

Time: 8363.58

fatigue which if you're really pushing

Time: 8365.5

strength that might compromise your

Time: 8367.479

recovery I could imagine doing the three

Time: 8369.639

to five routine for strength or for

Time: 8371.559

power and then somebody finishing up

Time: 8373.66


Time: 8374.679

um 10 or 15 minutes of hypertrophy arm

Time: 8376.719

work and then being very seriously

Time: 8379.54

compromised if they try and come in the

Time: 8381.04

next day or even the next day correct

Time: 8382.66

and do those big compound movements for

Time: 8385.3

Speed and power that's right not just

Time: 8387.46

because they're sore but the muscles may

Time: 8389.14

actually still be damaged and I know

Time: 8391.479

later we're going to talk about the

Time: 8393.28

um somewhat tenuous relationship between

Time: 8394.96

soreness and Recovery yeah yep so that

Time: 8397.84

that's a that's a really nice uh

Time: 8399.399

heuristic to pay attention to is you can

Time: 8402.04

but just be careful

Time: 8403.66

Energy starts to matter at that point if

Time: 8406.54

you're really truly trying to maximize

Time: 8408.22

strength you would do nothing at all

Time: 8411.04

outside of that training if you're just

Time: 8413.38

like I kind of want to get stronger and

Time: 8414.64

some other things and you're willing to

Time: 8416.5

lose strength you know five percent of

Time: 8418.42

your strength gains then you're totally

Time: 8420.88

fine um the same can be said by the way

Time: 8422.56

for super setting so supersetting is an

Time: 8425.26

idea that says like wait a minute you're

Time: 8426.939

telling me dude I gotta take five

Time: 8429.1

minutes in between each set well that's

Time: 8432.16

not so much a problem nowadays with

Time: 8433.66

phone with um smartphones because people

Time: 8436.18

are filling their intercept intervals

Time: 8439

with social media and texting correct

Time: 8441.399

you you don't really have to go that

Time: 8443.38

long in fact there was actually a study

Time: 8444.939

that came out in the last month that

Time: 8446.439

showed you know like really two minutes

Time: 8447.819

is probably sufficient for most people

Time: 8449.8

having said that if you really are

Time: 8452.08

trying to push maximal strength

Time: 8453.76

adaptations like three to five is very

Time: 8455.38

very reasonable

Time: 8457.18

um your those training sessions are long

Time: 8459.399

because you have to take you're spending

Time: 8461.26

more time not doing anything

Time: 8462.88

then you are doing something but you're

Time: 8464.439

trying to maximize quality so that's

Time: 8466.24

just sort of like part and parcel if

Time: 8468.1

you're not super worried about it you

Time: 8469.72

can actually do super setting which is

Time: 8471.04

let's imagine again you're going to do

Time: 8472.72

some some lunges and while your legs are

Time: 8475.6

resting doing their three to five

Time: 8476.92

minutes you can go over and do an upper

Time: 8478.84

body row or pull

Time: 8481

and when your upper body is resting

Time: 8482.319

you're going back the legs so that

Time: 8483.7

really Cuts your time in half is it

Time: 8485.92

ideal no we actually ran a study uh

Time: 8488.2

maybe 10 years ago in our lab and we

Time: 8490.359

looked at that specifically and we did

Time: 8492.16

see a reduction in strength performance

Time: 8493.72

in the supersetting group relative to

Time: 8495.399

the group who did not superset

Time: 8497.319

the question then it becomes like is it

Time: 8499.06

enough for you to care so if you were to

Time: 8500.979

if I were to say hey I can cut an hour

Time: 8502.66

off of your workout time but you will

Time: 8505.06

lose five percent of your strength gain

Time: 8506.859

almost everyone would take that exchange

Time: 8508.899

with the exception of people who are

Time: 8510.52

getting close to competition or really

Time: 8512.56

trying to set a new lifetime PR or

Time: 8515.08

something then you might say no I don't

Time: 8516.819

want any interference there that last

Time: 8518.38

little margin is what I care about give

Time: 8520.24

me the extra rest great so it's not a

Time: 8523.3

does it work does it not work it's

Time: 8524.62

always a what are you willing to give up

Time: 8526.3

uh versus get the practicalities of

Time: 8529.18

supersetting are staggering push-pull

Time: 8531.1

push pull in my mind are real because

Time: 8533.859

you have to take over large segments of

Time: 8536.319

the gym which oftentimes leads to a

Time: 8538.66

situation where your rest times are too

Time: 8541.6

long or highly variable because people

Time: 8543.58

are working in or you can't finish your

Time: 8545.08

set because now someone jumped into the

Time: 8546.46

machine right it totally screws right

Time: 8547.96

you lose three to five of your friends

Time: 8549.58

because it's obnoxious when you're

Time: 8551.68

taking over all the equipment but in all

Time: 8553.24

seriousness I think

Time: 8554.8

um it's wonderful if you have the space

Time: 8556.78

and the format to do it but at least in

Time: 8559.24

my experience end observation these

Time: 8561.52

people know who they are it's not

Time: 8563.8

practical to do on a regular basis if

Time: 8566.319

you train in an open commercial gym yeah

Time: 8568.42

tough to pull up so

Time: 8570.88


Time: 8571.6

we've covered choice

Time: 8573.399

order volume and intensity to a

Time: 8576.34

sufficient level the last one is

Time: 8577.78

frequency and we've already sort of

Time: 8579.58

indirectly talked about that where

Time: 8580.84

frequency can be as high as you'd like

Time: 8582.46

in this area it really depends on your

Time: 8584.5

recovery if you're really truly pushing

Time: 8586.24

maximum strength you probably do need a

Time: 8589.18

few days to recover although that's

Time: 8591.1

dependent upon you but speed and power

Time: 8592.479

can be done multiple times a day almost

Time: 8594.04

every day basically the one exception

Time: 8596.439

would be maximum sprinting speed you

Time: 8599.2

need to be careful there for things like

Time: 8600.64

hamstring and injury especially if

Time: 8602.62

you're pretty fast so you want to be a

Time: 8604.06

little bit cautious of that but if

Time: 8605.56

you're doing easier movements like

Time: 8607.84

medicine ball throws or kettlebell

Time: 8609.34

swings or something you could do those

Time: 8610.479

quite often as long as the volume is is

Time: 8612.7

staying pretty low

Time: 8614.319

last little piece here is progression

Time: 8616.479

how do I progress over time

Time: 8618.399

so I mentioned this earlier but just

Time: 8619.72

want to fill this Gap right back in

Time: 8620.979

before we head over to hypertree which

Time: 8622.479

is three to five percent increase per

Time: 8625

week of intensity in general and you can

Time: 8628.3

do upwards of about five percent

Time: 8629.62

increase in volume per week over time

Time: 8631.479

and I generally recommend running that

Time: 8633.34

for at longest eight weeks

Time: 8636.46

but probably most realistically you want

Time: 8638.56

to go about five weeks or so and then

Time: 8641.02

have some sort of a deload or back off

Time: 8643.359

week if you do that you're generally

Time: 8645.58

going to be a pretty good spot so those

Time: 8647.979

are like the Core Concepts now

Time: 8650.14

there's a whole bunch of fun methods you

Time: 8653.02

can play with within all these

Time: 8654.76

categories and I I would like to

Time: 8656.5

actually cover just a couple of them

Time: 8658.359

um if we've got a little more space for

Time: 8659.68

that sure I'd love to hear about those

Time: 8662.26

I'd like to also just cue up one which

Time: 8665.56

is well I joked about people texting and

Time: 8668.5

doing social media between sets and I

Time: 8670.96

that's not a joke well I confess I

Time: 8673.06

stopped bringing my phone into the gym

Time: 8675.18

because of the urge to you know take my

Time: 8679.3

mind off of the workout and I just

Time: 8680.62

started enjoying my workouts a lot more

Time: 8682.18

yeah and the workouts go far better that

Time: 8685.12

way and they're just much more efficient

Time: 8686.859

it for me I realize that some people

Time: 8688.84

their careers take place in the gym and

Time: 8690.64

so for the I don't

Time: 8692.2

um look down upon anyone using their

Time: 8694

phone at the gym but that really tends

Time: 8695.74

to help me but I do wonder whether or

Time: 8698.68

not there's an optimal Behavior or

Time: 8702.1

mindset in between sets I've heard

Time: 8705.28

before that pacing around can actually

Time: 8707.319

help diffuse some of the lactate and

Time: 8710.02

other metabolic byproducts of of work

Time: 8713.2

and exertion yeah that can lead to

Time: 8715.12

better performance I've also heard that

Time: 8717.64

um you know shaking the muscles out I

Time: 8719.56

mean there's all sorts of gym lore

Time: 8721.84

um about this but maybe there's also

Time: 8723.819

some decent science I'm just curious uh

Time: 8725.979

if you have any specific recommendations

Time: 8728.74

that people could play with or try yep

Time: 8730.84

so for for Speed and Power

Time: 8733.6

you want to walk this balance of stiff

Time: 8737.439

but fresh

Time: 8738.88

and so if you were to literally finish a

Time: 8740.74

repetition sit on a bench for five

Time: 8742.42

minutes you would stand up after that

Time: 8743.8

fairly stiff and you wouldn't feel sort

Time: 8745.899

of smooth this is all

Time: 8747.46

so this is an all-known science this is

Time: 8749.26


Time: 8750.22

practical application right data

Time: 8752.62

anecdata there you go strength is a

Time: 8754.899

little bit different but it's the same

Time: 8756.04

concept you're walking that line in

Time: 8758.5

general a lot of the times if you see

Time: 8760.18

Power lifters and weightlifters in

Time: 8761.5

between sets they're going to sit down

Time: 8762.7

and not move for hypertrophy can be a

Time: 8764.74

little bit different because you're

Time: 8765.46

getting towards fatigue and so the

Time: 8767.14

factors you mentioned like clearing

Time: 8768.76

lactate well first of all lactate is not

Time: 8770.319

actually causing fatigue that's that's a

Time: 8772.96

giant myth that will which is why I teed

Time: 8774.88

it up no I'm just kidding

Time: 8776.92

um but in the case of again speed power

Time: 8778.359

you're not going to fatigue so fatigue

Time: 8779.62

Management's not really an issue you

Time: 8781.06

want to make sure that you're getting

Time: 8782.02

complete neurological recovery which is

Time: 8783.88

a little bit slower than muscle

Time: 8785.68

energetically you're not out of any gas

Time: 8787.6

whatsoever right um You are not a lack

Time: 8790.359

of fuel

Time: 8791.319

you know doing three repetitions of a

Time: 8793.12

vertical jump yep no plenty of glycogen

Time: 8795.52

totally what about stretching between

Time: 8797.92

sets yeah you probably don't want to do

Time: 8800.26

that either there are very clear

Time: 8802.06

examples of pre-exercise stretching

Time: 8805

static stretching being quite

Time: 8806.74

detrimental for maximum power production

Time: 8808.479

the same thing for speed and strength

Time: 8810.58

and that's been shown actually a number

Time: 8811.78

of times in a number of Laboratories

Time: 8813.28

which is like a a classic Hallmark any

Time: 8815.68

scientist looks for of like really

Time: 8818.26

jumping on board with an idea if it's

Time: 8820.12

shown not only multiple times but in

Time: 8821.74

multiple Laboratories for multiple

Time: 8823.06

scientists and they're all seeing the

Time: 8824.439

same thing you start to get a lot of

Time: 8826.3

confidence that that's a real finding

Time: 8827.56

and that's been shown we've done that in

Time: 8829.359

our Center for sport performance not

Time: 8831.22

myself but one of my colleagues has done

Time: 8832.84

a lot of stretching research and he's

Time: 8833.92

seen that a lot on everything from

Time: 8835.479

vertical jump to ISO kinetic

Time: 8837.64

dynamometers and enforce velocity curves

Time: 8840.1

and there's we've seen this as printing

Time: 8842.26

we've seen this in speed we've seen this

Time: 8843.58

in loaded stuff so you don't want to

Time: 8845.859

spend a ton of time stretching

Time: 8847.12

statically stretching a muscle

Time: 8848.979

priority if you do that and you have to

Time: 8850.96

do that say say for example you finish

Time: 8852.28

that you're just like feeling really

Time: 8853.359

tight yeah go ahead like you need to get

Time: 8855.52

in the right position especially for

Time: 8857.08

most people where are you willing to

Time: 8859

sacrifice 10 of power to make sure you

Time: 8861.34

don't get hurt yes that answer is almost

Time: 8863.68

always yes outside of some very specific

Time: 8865.96

athlete scenarios so if you're not in

Time: 8868.6

the right position I actually remember

Time: 8870.399

having this conversation with Kelly uh

Time: 8872.26

Kelly started a long time ago it was

Time: 8873.7

just like yeah fine I'll lose five

Time: 8875.319

percent if that means I'm not going to

Time: 8876.88

get in a bad position and

Time: 8878.38

hurt my back and I totally totally agree

Time: 8880.96

so if you got to open up a hip or an

Time: 8882.819

ankle or something to get there get in

Time: 8884.68

the right position number one we'll live

Time: 8886.54

with the five percent reduction in power

Time: 8888.04

and if you do just reactivate

Time: 8890.56

so before you go do your working set go

Time: 8892.24

do something fast again a vertical jump

Time: 8893.92

a short Sprint acceleration and sort of

Time: 8896.02

get that system cleared back up

Time: 8898.66

um if you didn't stretch it for long

Time: 8900.399

enough and you didn't hold it for long

Time: 8901.96

enough you should be able to be just

Time: 8904.06

fine so when it comes to hypertrophy now

Time: 8907.3

you can really stretch all you want

Time: 8908.26

because we're not it's not driven by

Time: 8910.24

intensity or outcome it's being driven

Time: 8911.979

by an insult into the tissue and so if

Time: 8914.2

you're pre-fatigue for hypertrophy it

Time: 8915.7

doesn't matter if you're pre-stretched

Time: 8917.38

that doesn't matter we're not going for

Time: 8919.54

quality of outcome we're going for

Time: 8920.859

quality of internal signal which is not

Time: 8923.319

going to be changed by your Force output

Time: 8925.66

so it doesn't really matter

Time: 8928.18

you mentioned a few other things that

Time: 8929.8

one might consider in light of uh the

Time: 8932.8

list that you provided of choice order

Time: 8935.02

volume frequency and progression right

Time: 8937.899

so starting off with power I just wanted

Time: 8940.18

to hand

Time: 8941.2

the The Listener issue with a whole

Time: 8942.88

bunch of different methods to go play

Time: 8944.14

with right so as long as you get those

Time: 8945.76

Concepts the repetition range for power

Time: 8948.34

30 to 70 percent of your one repetition

Time: 8950.8

Max depending on the exercise and your

Time: 8952.78

training status

Time: 8954.64

um you're going to get the power as long

Time: 8956.319

as you're attempting to go fast it's

Time: 8957.52

gonna be great a lot of things you can

Time: 8958.96

try applyometrics are a great example of

Time: 8963.52

things that are effective for

Time: 8965.92

um for power development we've mentioned

Time: 8967.54

medicine ball throws

Time: 8969.16

short Sprints you can even do Sprints uh

Time: 8971.8

unlike an air bike which is a great

Time: 8974.56

super safe activity you can do them from

Time: 8976.72

Like a Rolling start where you kind of

Time: 8978.1

like get going a little bit and then you

Time: 8979.78

explode for five seconds and see how

Time: 8981.58

fast you can get or a dead start like

Time: 8983.979

both of those are very very acceptable

Time: 8985.8

weight lifting movements so snatches and

Time: 8988.24

cleaning jerks are tremendously

Time: 8990.1

effective in fact they are pound for

Time: 8991.6

pound by far the most effective exercise

Time: 8994.66

choice for power development like

Time: 8996.16

without question so those are good ones

Time: 8998.319

clapping push-ups speed squats these are

Time: 9001.08

all a whole host of different things

Time: 9002.52

that you can do for Speed and power

Time: 9004.14

development I'm depending on your

Time: 9005.939

kettlebell swings another great one all

Time: 9009

these can be done depending on your

Time: 9010.319

preference exercise availability what's

Time: 9012.899

at your gym or not gym any of those

Time: 9015.12


Time: 9016.02

if somebody is more focused on strength

Time: 9018.42

as opposed to power

Time: 9020.04

what are the additional variables they

Time: 9021.96

should consider again within the context

Time: 9024.42

of this overarching theme of choice

Time: 9026.76

order volume frequency and progression

Time: 9029.819

absolutely it's almost identical with a

Time: 9032.16

couple of small exceptions number one

Time: 9033.84

you probably can't do as many working

Time: 9036.3


Time: 9037.5

per week for strength because now you're

Time: 9039.479

introducing a heavier load and that's

Time: 9041.22

going to represent some sort of fatigue

Time: 9044.52

load on the tissue all those things so

Time: 9046.8

you could probably get away with doing

Time: 9048.479

20 sets of two

Time: 9050.399

of a vertical jump

Time: 9052.439

four or five times a week you probably

Time: 9054.42

couldn't do that at a 90 on squat right

Time: 9057.3

so the total amount of sets and the

Time: 9058.979

total amount of weekly load you can get

Time: 9060.3

to just needs to be lower and then the

Time: 9062.22

intensity right so we talked about that

Time: 9063.54

needs to be generally higher than 70

Time: 9065.359

yeah with you know some portion of that

Time: 9067.979

being working sets at some point so that

Time: 9069.479

really truly being at 90 plus everything

Time: 9072.3

else is pretty identical you still want

Time: 9075.12

to emphasize maximum speed despite the

Time: 9077.34

fact you may actually not be moving

Time: 9078.84

faster because you've introduced load

Time: 9080.52

you still need to be attempting that but

Time: 9082.26

you're going to be picking complex

Time: 9083.28

exercises you're generally going to be

Time: 9085.56

hedging more towards

Time: 9087.54

barbells and machines so this is a case

Time: 9090.12

where bodyweight training can be

Time: 9093.24

effective again particularly for the

Time: 9095.22

upper body but at some point you're

Time: 9097.5

really going to have to move past that

Time: 9098.819

because there's just a certain amount of

Time: 9100.439

load you can't put on the lower body

Time: 9102.479

with just your body weight you get

Time: 9104.399

limited by how much you weigh or I mean

Time: 9107.16

there's a couple of things you can do

Time: 9108.12

but you're going to run out past that

Time: 9109.979

pretty quickly and so in when it comes

Time: 9112.62

to strength they tend to be less

Time: 9113.939

athletic movements because you know we

Time: 9117

have to have a barbell on us we have to

Time: 9118.68

have a we have to be on a machine or

Time: 9120.18

something like that and so that's a

Time: 9122.1

subtle difference in exercise choice we

Time: 9124.439

need to also be careful about The

Time: 9125.76

Eccentric portion and things like that

Time: 9127.74

we don't have as much risk in like a

Time: 9130.14

speeder power one so um some of the

Time: 9132.3

different things you can play with there

Time: 9134.04

we've talked about doing things like

Time: 9135.6

pushes and pulls I also love carries so

Time: 9138.54

a farmer's carry pushing a sled dragging

Time: 9141.84

a sled all kinds of things a yoke walk

Time: 9143.819

all kinds of carry modalities that are

Time: 9146.7

very very effective for strength um

Time: 9149.22

there's eccentric overload

Time: 9151.439

training which we really haven't gone

Time: 9152.819

into but it's a really Advanced

Time: 9153.899

technique where you can actually load at

Time: 9155.88

greater than 100 percent

Time: 9157.8

of your one repetition Max but you're

Time: 9159.96

only going to do The Eccentric portion

Time: 9161.58

of it so physiologically you are much

Time: 9163.74

stronger eccentrically than you are

Time: 9165.12

concentrically for a variety of of

Time: 9167.52

muscle tissue reasons actually and so

Time: 9170.16

imagine if you can do a bench press at

Time: 9172.02

200 pounds and what you might actually

Time: 9173.7

do is load it to 220 and you would have

Time: 9176.28

a spotter and maybe even use it in a

Time: 9178.2

rack and you would lower it Down Under

Time: 9179.52

Control all the way to the bottom and

Time: 9181.859

then stop

Time: 9182.7

your friends would lift it back up the

Time: 9184.56

top and you just practice that eccentric

Time: 9186.72

portion you would actually be able to

Time: 9187.859

lower say 220 pounds effectively despite

Time: 9190.14

the fact that you wouldn't have been

Time: 9191.22

able to lift it back up you don't need

Time: 9193.38

to start there but that is a very

Time: 9194.88

effective method for increase in fact

Time: 9197.359

arguing one of my um one of my doctoral

Time: 9199.859

students right now is doing a project on

Time: 9201.54

this at USC

Time: 9203.28

and he uh like he's focusing directly on

Time: 9205.68

this and it's it's quite clear this

Time: 9207.72

oftentimes more effective at strength

Time: 9209.7

development than anything else because

Time: 9210.66

you can actually just like in the speed

Time: 9212.399

example where you want to actually

Time: 9213.78

practice moving faster so instead of

Time: 9215.88

practicing 100 of you on our Max for

Time: 9217.74

strength you actually practice that

Time: 9218.939

higher than that to get better at it so

Time: 9221.939

that's that's another much more advanced

Time: 9224.399


Time: 9225.96

please don't let me get sued by saying

Time: 9227.88

all that like folks be careful make sure

Time: 9230.46

you're doing the proper exercise in your

Time: 9231.899

positioning and like caveat caveat

Time: 9233.76

caveat okay

Time: 9235.38

um but outside of that it can be it's

Time: 9237.18

totally fine and safe yeah with it when

Time: 9239.76

people get injured they can't train you

Time: 9241.319

can't train you don't progress you lose

Time: 9243.899

progress so uh certainly that's worth

Time: 9246.06

highlighting so two more

Time: 9247.8

um a little more advanced techniques

Time: 9249.12

that I want to throw out there and one

Time: 9250.439

of them is called cluster sets so

Time: 9252.479

cluster sets are there's a bunch of ways

Time: 9254.28

to do it but imagine taking a mini break

Time: 9256.02

in between every single repetition

Time: 9258.78

so say you're going to do five

Time: 9259.92

repetitions yeah in a row what you're

Time: 9262.5

actually going to do is do one

Time: 9263.28


Time: 9264.479

set it down pause for five to ten

Time: 9267


Time: 9268.2

and then do the next one

Time: 9270.24

pause do the next one pause pause pause

Time: 9272.46

pause pause so you can imagine doing

Time: 9274.38

like a squat and you're gonna go down

Time: 9276.42

explode up and you're standing you're

Time: 9277.979

going to Rack it out

Time: 9279.24

you're gonna kind of like shake back out

Time: 9280.62

catch your breath

Time: 9282.42

walk back in do another one

Time: 9285.42

rock it out and you can repeat that

Time: 9287.16

until you've executed your three or four

Time: 9289.02

or five repetitions and then you take

Time: 9290.64

your three to five minute break before

Time: 9292.62

your next step

Time: 9293.819

that is an incredibly effective way for

Time: 9295.92

both strength power and actually even

Time: 9298.08

hypertrophy because you can keep the

Time: 9300.3

quality the force output the power

Time: 9302.76

output very very very high because

Time: 9304.859

you're getting these little mini breaks

Time: 9306.3

and you're not getting fatigue setting

Time: 9308.04

in by the time you're say third or

Time: 9309.6

fourth or fifth repetition in that set

Time: 9312.56

after repetition one

Time: 9315.479

you start to see very small subtle

Time: 9317.34

reductions power up but because you

Time: 9319.14

start to see a little bit of fatigue you

Time: 9321.24

you take those five to ten seconds off

Time: 9322.92

even up to 20 seconds you can actually

Time: 9324.359

do it you don't see any drop and enforce

Time: 9327.3

output over the course of the five and

Time: 9328.62

so what you really have done is you've

Time: 9330.12

gotten five in this example

Time: 9332.46

first repetitions which is the way we

Time: 9335.22

will kind of say it right so all five of

Time: 9336.6

those have the same quality as rep

Time: 9338.64

number one which is again as we're

Time: 9340.8

talking that's the driver and strength

Time: 9342.899

and so that's the one we want to

Time: 9343.859

preserve so it takes a little bit longer

Time: 9346.859

for some exercises it's not very good

Time: 9349.74

it's great for like a deadlift because

Time: 9351.78

you set it back down check it back out

Time: 9353.399

re-grip hard to do with the bench you

Time: 9355.319

got to re-rack it back in then re-rack

Time: 9356.939

it back out that's like kind of a pain

Time: 9358.319

in the ass so there's some exercises

Time: 9360.479

that doesn't work well with and some

Time: 9361.92

that it does but cluster sets and a lot

Time: 9364.74

of research on those

Time: 9366.96

um very effective would you recommend if

Time: 9369.54

somebody's doing cluster sets that they

Time: 9370.979

do them for every session within that

Time: 9372.96

week or just this is an occasional thing

Time: 9374.939

you could do it this could be your

Time: 9376.74

training strategy yeah absolutely so you

Time: 9378.96

can really take it that seriously um in

Time: 9380.819

fact like if you look at again the

Time: 9381.84

weight lifters

Time: 9382.92

they will do cluster sets by default not

Time: 9385.26

even trying still say they'll do like a

Time: 9386.7

clean and then they'll drop the weight

Time: 9388.26

back out they're supposed to be doing

Time: 9389.399

say a set of three but almost always

Time: 9391.08

they're gonna like shake it out re-grip

Time: 9392.819

and then pull it again and sometimes

Time: 9393.899

they're set of three takes like a minute

Time: 9395.22

and then like you hear it's funny

Time: 9396.96

because it's like like a I set a triple

Time: 9399.18

PR you're like no you did three singles

Time: 9401.58

like what's the difference between doing

Time: 9403.14

three singles and a set of three when

Time: 9404.28

you took a minute between each rep

Time: 9406.68

um I love that community so

Time: 9408.54

yeah I mean it could be your strategy

Time: 9409.92

like it could be like hey for this

Time: 9411.24

five-week block this is all my training

Time: 9413.7

especially for your compound movements

Time: 9415.26

if you're gonna go to start doing some

Time: 9416.58

of the smaller movements Maybe

Time: 9418.14

you give up on that um it could also

Time: 9420.06

just be something you do for your one

Time: 9421.62

primary exercise for the day

Time: 9423.54

so do that thing that is the most

Time: 9424.979

important first and just do it for that

Time: 9426.479

one and then the rest of them you can

Time: 9427.56

kind of ditch it if you need to save a

Time: 9429.3

little bit of that time it can also be

Time: 9431.28

something you do by feel

Time: 9432.84

so you know you're two reps in and you

Time: 9434.76

go God like I'm not feeling like poppy

Time: 9436.439

here like re-rack it catch my breath for

Time: 9438.3

a quick second and do it so it doesn't

Time: 9439.5

have to be ultra planned I guess what

Time: 9441.78

I'm doing is is I'm giving you an excuse

Time: 9444.96

to make sure you're super fresh for

Time: 9446.819

every rep it matters the last one I want

Time: 9449.64

to talk about here

Time: 9450.96

is what's called Dynamic variable

Time: 9453.12

resistance so Dynamic variable

Time: 9455.399

resistance is uh fixing the problem we

Time: 9459.18

have with What's called the human

Time: 9460.2

strength curve so theory of constraints

Time: 9463.2

again you're only as strong as you are

Time: 9465.6

in your weakest point of the movement so

Time: 9468.3

depending on the the movement you do

Time: 9469.68

this happens at a different range of

Time: 9471.06

motion well the deadlift has used this

Time: 9473.939

example it's also because we've done

Time: 9475.92

like research in my lab using this stuff

Time: 9478.319

on the deadlift so I can speak to it

Time: 9480.12

very directly when you go to pull it off

Time: 9481.92

the ground some people are going to fail

Time: 9483.18

right at the bottom meaning they won't

Time: 9484.859

get the weight off the ground at all

Time: 9486.12

some people will feel just below the

Time: 9487.8

knees that's likely kind of like the

Time: 9489.6

hardest transition period and then some

Time: 9491.64

people will feel right at the top just

Time: 9493.979

before they can lock out okay great so

Time: 9496.62

what that means is at some point of that

Time: 9498.6


Time: 9500.22

you're going to only be limited by your

Time: 9502.74

strength in the weakest area

Time: 9504.66

all right

Time: 9505.8

so if you have a constant load on the

Time: 9508.26

bar in those other two parts of the

Time: 9510.54

range of motion where you are not the

Time: 9512.76


Time: 9513.78

they are never truly being tested for

Time: 9515.939

their maximum strength because they're

Time: 9517.14

always being limited by the previous one

Time: 9518.52

and this is the same argument that we

Time: 9520.62

would get into if people ask about

Time: 9521.76

should I what do you think about using

Time: 9523.38


Time: 9525

right strapping your hand to a bar for

Time: 9527.7

deadlift things like that there's pros

Time: 9529.319

and cons here there are times when you

Time: 9530.88

want to use a strap and there are times

Time: 9532.08

when it's a bad idea so what dynamic

Time: 9534.42

variable resistance is is either using

Time: 9536.22

things like a heavy band or or chains on

Time: 9539.34

the bar if you've ever seen people do

Time: 9540.479

that so in my lab we actually have a

Time: 9542.58

force plate on the ground and then we

Time: 9543.96

have built-in basically hooks in the

Time: 9547.859

front and back so we can actually set a

Time: 9549.359

barbell on top of the force plate where

Time: 9551.1

you stand on it and then run bands from

Time: 9553.14

the back to the front running over top

Time: 9554.64

of the weights and so when you stand up

Time: 9557.16

as you're going up vertically the bands

Time: 9559.62

are getting Tighter and Tighter and

Time: 9560.64

pulling the weight towards the ground so

Time: 9562.56

the weight is getting heavier and

Time: 9563.76

heavier as you stand up

Time: 9565.62

so as you start to gain mechanical

Time: 9567.899

advantage in your positioning you start

Time: 9570.479

to increase load because the bands are

Time: 9572.939

getting Tighter and Tighter and Tighter

Time: 9574.14

so this allows you to train that full

Time: 9576.66

part of the strength curve and to

Time: 9578.52

challenge your stronger areas with

Time: 9581.22

heavier weight and your weaker areas

Time: 9582.96

with lower weight you can do the same

Time: 9585.479

thing with a bench press you can do it

Time: 9587.04

with a squat and any other exercise

Time: 9588.96

variation and dynamic variable

Time: 9590.7

resistance is incredibly effective

Time: 9593.76

for a number of things you're going to

Time: 9596.939

give up a little bit

Time: 9598.76

because the total load you can put on

Time: 9601.319

the barbell is lower because you're

Time: 9603.06

going to be adding you know in large

Time: 9604.439

cases several hundred pounds of band

Time: 9606

tension and so it pros and cons

Time: 9610.02

so it's always a game it changes the

Time: 9612

curve but it's it's a very good

Time: 9613.62


Time: 9615.42

um that that people is fairly easy to

Time: 9616.92

implement it's fun in fact if you try

Time: 9619.08

this on on a bench or a squat you're

Time: 9620.7

gonna be the first time you give it a go

Time: 9622.2

you're like oh my God because the bands

Time: 9623.88

are pulling you all over the place

Time: 9625.5

um so you have to get very stable very

Time: 9626.819


Time: 9627.899

um been shown a number of times a

Time: 9629.28

handful of studies out of many

Time: 9630.3

Laboratories to be a very effective

Time: 9632.04

training technique a little bit more

Time: 9633.78

advanced but I want to throw that in

Time: 9635.16

there for the folks that are maybe just

Time: 9636.84

tired of sort of doing the same barbells

Time: 9639.06

and doubles and machines and you want to

Time: 9640.62

try something different a very effective

Time: 9642.24

technique sounds like fun yeah it's

Time: 9644.22

great with your permission I'm going to

Time: 9645.84

read back my summary list of training

Time: 9648.24

for power and training for strength

Time: 9649.859

according to your description and you

Time: 9651.78

can tell me where I'm right and where

Time: 9652.92

I'm wrong

Time: 9654.24

I'm going to pick three to five

Time: 9655.8

exercises and these should be compound

Time: 9658.38

exercises so multi-joint movements

Time: 9660.72

I'm going to perform those exercises for

Time: 9663.72

three to five repetitions each

Time: 9666.96

I'm going to do three to five movements

Time: 9669.42

total per workout

Time: 9671.34

and I'm going to rest three to five

Time: 9673.439

minutes between sets

Time: 9675.66

okay if I'm training for power

Time: 9678.06

the weight loads on the work set so not

Time: 9680.7

the warm-up sets but the work sets are

Time: 9684.12

going to fall somewhere in the range of

Time: 9685.859

30 to 70 percent of my one repetition

Time: 9688.319

maximum yep and the larger the movement

Time: 9691.319

the higher that number goes so on a

Time: 9694.319

squat you're okay getting 50 or 60 on a

Time: 9696.78

bench you would not want to go that high

Time: 9698.52

you would want to stay close enough 30

Time: 9700.319

to 40 range so the way you scale that up

Time: 9702.54

and down is dependent upon the

Time: 9704.34

difficulty of the movement great

Time: 9707.1

if training for strength I'm going to

Time: 9709.859

have my work sets be

Time: 9713.04

70 or more of my one repetition maximum

Time: 9716.64

yep and the only thing to add there is

Time: 9719.7

in the case of actually all of them

Time: 9722.28

um it's okay to go less than three reps

Time: 9724.74

per set so a single or a double one or

Time: 9728.04

two represent is also fantastic so uh we

Time: 9730.74

use three to five as the concept but

Time: 9732.24

less is okay going more than that is

Time: 9734.7

generally not a good idea so less is

Time: 9736.68

okay more is generally not okay and then

Time: 9739.14

you listed off a number of really

Time: 9741.479

valuable I don't even want to call them

Time: 9743.64

fine points but important points to keep

Time: 9746.04

in mind within each and both of these

Time: 9748.68

programs one that really stands out in

Time: 9750.72

my mind

Time: 9752.1

is this idea of

Time: 9753.96

if I perform this three by five program

Time: 9756.439

but I'm also including some hypertrophy

Time: 9759.6

work for arms or calves or muscle groups

Time: 9762.6

that might not be hit as directly

Time: 9765.54

as one might like during the three by

Time: 9767.7

five component that's okay but do that

Time: 9770.28

after the three by five Training and

Time: 9772.68

keep in mind that that additional work

Time: 9775.74

can potentially compromise recovery for

Time: 9777.96

the three by five power promoting or

Time: 9780

strength promoting program the example

Time: 9782.46

being for instance if one does arm work

Time: 9785.96

on the first workout of the week or even

Time: 9788.88

the you know the third workout of the

Time: 9790.56

week or the fifth workout of the week

Time: 9792.42

and that arm work is higher repetition

Time: 9794.28

hypertrophy directed work it's

Time: 9796.979

reasonable to assume that it might

Time: 9799.26

impede some of the three by five power

Time: 9801.42

promoting or strength promoting training

Time: 9803.1

in the subsequent workout so just to be

Time: 9805.08

mindful of that and perhaps throttle

Time: 9807.24

back on the intensity or the volume or

Time: 9809.28

if my goal is strictly power or strictly

Time: 9813.06

strength probably best to leave out

Time: 9815.399

other forms of training yep love it one

Time: 9819.54

last little thing I don't think we did

Time: 9820.8

Justice is intention

Time: 9823.26

and the reason I want to go back to this

Time: 9825.3

now is because

Time: 9826.8

we've talked a lot about specific loads

Time: 9829.02

you have to hit

Time: 9830.46

and that's generally the case but if

Time: 9833.16

intention is there you can fudge those

Time: 9835.38

numbers in terms of how much load goes

Time: 9837.24

on the bar in fact you can get as low as

Time: 9838.74

no load on the bar a great example here

Time: 9841.62

is like a plank exercise so you can do a

Time: 9844.02

plank in which you get in a position and

Time: 9845.52

you simply contract the least amount

Time: 9848.16

necessary to hold the position

Time: 9851.52

also you could contract as hard as

Time: 9854.28

possible pulling your scapula down and

Time: 9856.56

back squeezing your core squeezing your

Time: 9858.72

quads squeezing your glutes that is

Time: 9861.06

actually going to still help strength

Time: 9862.62

production because you're attempting to

Time: 9864.24

contract very very hard even though

Time: 9866.28

quote unquote the load is the same

Time: 9869.34

that thing extends to weight on the bar

Time: 9872.04

so you could theoretically see large

Time: 9874.859

improvements in strength at 50 of your

Time: 9878.22

100 max if you're Contracting as hard as

Time: 9881.22

possible and so there's a lot lots and

Time: 9884.28

lots of different ways you can train for

Time: 9886.5

strength that are outside of this weight

Time: 9888.42

lifting weight training spectrum and you

Time: 9891.84

know if people if you hear things like

Time: 9893.28

this and you're like wow I know I read

Time: 9895.2

this book or I saw this other coach who

Time: 9897.96

you know like I got so much stronger

Time: 9899.58

that way well if intention is there

Time: 9901.319

those are absolutely possible

Time: 9903.6

this could be anything from bodyweight

Time: 9906.3

style of training it could be very low

Time: 9908.7

load Implement stuff so a kettlebell a

Time: 9910.92

light kettlebell or a ball it could be

Time: 9913.26

single leg training it's like all kinds

Time: 9915.06

of different methods they will only work

Time: 9917.22

for strength though

Time: 9919.02

when you're past your first you know

Time: 9920.939

handful of months of training if

Time: 9922.859

intention is there and if it is then

Time: 9925.2

these specific numbers and protocols

Time: 9927.12

don't matter as much so don't get too

Time: 9928.859

caught up in them if you're not worrying

Time: 9931.26

about exercise quality and this is very

Time: 9934.02

very important because you mentioned

Time: 9935.939

earlier about how you stop taking your

Time: 9937.62

phone into the gym with you one of our

Time: 9940.62

former students Ramsay ninja is uh the

Time: 9943.38

head strength Edition coach at the

Time: 9944.7

University of Kansas and he made he made

Time: 9946.2

a great post a couple of days ago where

Time: 9948.12

he gave sort of a tip of how do I

Time: 9950.58

improve training quality and one of his

Time: 9952.8

tips is set your playlist before you go

Time: 9955.5

to the gym and the reason is people send

Time: 9957.6

spend so much time in between sets just

Time: 9959.76

finding the next song that they like it

Time: 9962.1

makes their workout so long and so

Time: 9964.68

unproductive so that is one strategy or

Time: 9967.26

do what you do which is Ditch the music

Time: 9969.24

entirely when you don't have music or a

Time: 9971.22

phone to look at

Time: 9972.479

you only have one job you only have one

Time: 9974.58

thing to pay attention to and what

Time: 9975.78

you'll find is the quality of the

Time: 9977.52

training will go up exponentially you

Time: 9980.399

will feel kind of quote unquote bored

Time: 9981.84

but that's just means you'll go back to

Time: 9983.34

training and you'll get a lot more done

Time: 9984.72

because you have one thing to focus on

Time: 9986.16

so you can get a lot more done when you

Time: 9988.56

avoid those distractions and when you're

Time: 9990.359

doing strength and especially power work

Time: 9993

since it's not fatiguing strength will

Time: 9995.939

be a little bit but Power won't be p get

Time: 9998.399

very bored they're used to either

Time: 10000.14

feeling a pump or a burn or a sweat or

Time: 10002.899

and that's their like perception of my

Time: 10005.06

quality of workout

Time: 10006.56

these exercises will not hit that for

Time: 10008.479

you so there has to be another metric

Time: 10010.34

you're looking at which is I'm going to

Time: 10012.62

try to move as well as I can as hard as

Time: 10015.439

I can that's going to produce your

Time: 10017.54

results if you can't do that then you

Time: 10019.58

might as well just not do these workouts

Time: 10020.84

go do something else you're just going

Time: 10022.58

to be wasting time you're going to be

Time: 10024.26

burning a very low amount of calories

Time: 10025.52

you'll have wasted an hour and you're

Time: 10028.1

going to go right back to the place you

Time: 10029.359

were so be very intentional

Time: 10031.66

there are actually some some studies

Time: 10034.1

showing that music can enhance

Time: 10035.3

performance we've done some of these in

Time: 10036.68

our lab so what's that mean it's not

Time: 10038.54

about the music per se it's about the

Time: 10039.979

focus and intent and do whatever it

Time: 10041.42

takes to be very focused and intent and

Time: 10043.399

you can actually get in and out very

Time: 10044.54

quickly and get a lot of work done and

Time: 10046.1

see a lot of results

Time: 10047.66

love it okay let's talk about

Time: 10049.64


Time: 10051.62

a topic that occupies the minds of so

Time: 10054.8

many youth young men but also a lot of

Time: 10057.92

women I think one of the really

Time: 10059.72

interesting progressions that's taken

Time: 10061.22

place in the last decade or so is that

Time: 10064.16

far more men and women are using

Time: 10066.979

resistance training in order to evoke

Time: 10069.819

hypertrophy growth of muscles for

Time: 10072.38

aesthetic reasons and for all sorts of

Time: 10075.2


Time: 10076.52

what are the ways that people can induce

Time: 10079.1

hypertrophy so not to correct you or

Time: 10081.8

insult you but probably a better way to

Time: 10084.02

think about that question is really what

Time: 10086.479

stimuli do I need to give the muscle to

Time: 10089.359

induce hypertrophy now there are

Time: 10092.14

hormonal factors that are important

Time: 10094.16

there are nutritional factors but just

Time: 10095.84

to stick with the context of training

Time: 10097.66

this is really going to frame a lot of

Time: 10100.04

our answers and as you'll see it's one

Time: 10102.62

of the reasons why I call hypertrude

Time: 10104.78

training kind of idiot proof in terms of

Time: 10107.18

programming now the work is hard

Time: 10109.52

difficult and all that but the Precision

Time: 10112.28

needed is a lot less than what we saw in

Time: 10116.12

power and strength and so if you note

Time: 10118.399

there like it's very important that you

Time: 10119.66

do it in this style with this intent and

Time: 10122

with with these Within These parameters

Time: 10123.979

and if you're outside the parameters

Time: 10125.12

it's not going to be it hypertrophy has

Time: 10127.7

a very broad range in terms of your

Time: 10130.939

actual applications and this is why you

Time: 10133.7

have and will continue to see countless

Time: 10136.46

styles of training that all work I mean

Time: 10139.16

I know you were mentored earlier in life

Time: 10141.979

by one of my favorite people in this

Time: 10143.84

entire field Mike menser like just an

Time: 10145.819

absolute character his style was

Time: 10147.92

completely different than what you would

Time: 10149.66

see in a classic textbook

Time: 10151.96

or any number of different influencers

Time: 10156.68

or coaches or individuals and if you've

Time: 10159.26

ever thought thought to yourself like

Time: 10160.399

why is it all these programs work and

Time: 10162.439

people love to jump to things like well

Time: 10164.12

that's the steroids like just get that

Time: 10166.399

out of the equation for now

Time: 10167.78

independent of that right that's not

Time: 10169.399

even part of the equation you're still

Time: 10170.72

going to see results and the question is

Time: 10171.979

like why well that's because what's

Time: 10174.02

driving changes in strength and Power

Time: 10179.3

are the adaptations of specificity

Time: 10181.819

what's driving changes in hypertrophy is

Time: 10185.78

much more well-rounded and so you have

Time: 10187.22

options to get there remember you're

Time: 10189.62

training a movement and now you're

Time: 10191.6

training a response and a muscle that

Time: 10195.14

caused the growth that's very very

Time: 10196.28


Time: 10197.18

so if we look at like the classic Dogma

Time: 10200

we have to basically challenge the

Time: 10202.52

muscle to need to come back in this case

Time: 10205.16

specifically bigger and the nutrients

Time: 10207.02

need to be there to support that growth

Time: 10209.06

okay the nutrients aside perhaps we can

Time: 10211.16

come and a few more minutes and talk

Time: 10212.6

about that

Time: 10214.28

so all we really have to do is going

Time: 10216.38

back to our our dogma of activation of

Time: 10218.66

something on the cell wall we've talked

Time: 10220.46

about this earlier that's got to induce

Time: 10221.96

that signaling Cascade that's got to be

Time: 10224.06

strong enough to cause the nucleus to

Time: 10226.7

react to it to go to the ribosomes to

Time: 10229.1

initiate this entire Cascade of protein

Time: 10231.08

synthesis okay so that signal has to be

Time: 10233.06

one of a couple of things either has to

Time: 10235.16

be strong enough

Time: 10236.78

one time it has to be frequent enough

Time: 10240.439

or it has to be a combination of these

Time: 10243.02


Time: 10243.8

all right so I can get there with a lot

Time: 10246.38

of frequency and a moderate signal I can

Time: 10249.68

get there with very low frequency and a

Time: 10251.66

large signal like more akin to what you

Time: 10253.88

did with Mike back in the day I'm sure

Time: 10255.439

and still trained that way still

Time: 10257.12

training each muscle group mainly once a

Time: 10258.74

week directly and once a week indirectly

Time: 10262.46

so all you can all you have to do there

Time: 10264.319

to not fail is to make sure the training

Time: 10266.6

is hard enough

Time: 10267.5

and it's going to work if you choose the

Time: 10269.42

frequency path then you actually have to

Time: 10271.28

make sure you're not training too hard

Time: 10272.78

to where you can actually maintain the

Time: 10274.58

frequency the only wrong combination

Time: 10276.439

here is infrequent and low intensity and

Time: 10279.08

low volume that's it as long as one of

Time: 10281.479

those three variables is high you're

Time: 10283.58

going to get there because the

Time: 10284.96

mechanisms that are needed to activate

Time: 10287

that signaling Cascade are wide ranging

Time: 10289.16

and this is why when we even see things

Time: 10290.84

like Blood Flow Restriction Training

Time: 10293.479

right this is when you put like a cuff

Time: 10295.16

on your arm or your leg and you block

Time: 10296.6

blood flow and you use no load or as low

Time: 10299.42

as say 30 of your maximum and you take

Time: 10302.12

it to fatigue failure that actually is

Time: 10304.58

an equally effective way of inducing

Time: 10306.62

hypertrophy despite the fact that you

Time: 10308.78

know you're using three five ten maybe

Time: 10311.3

most 20 to 30 percent of your owner at

Time: 10313.7

Max why because you went through the

Time: 10315.56

route of metabolic disturbance okay

Time: 10317.779

other ways say a higher load maybe as

Time: 10321.26

heavy as you can for say eight

Time: 10322.58

repetitions is going to get through

Time: 10324.14

what's called mechanical tension and so

Time: 10326.96

there's there's these different paths

Time: 10328.16

that we can get to the same spot now

Time: 10329.24

eventually these things have a

Time: 10330.56

saturation point so you don't need all

Time: 10333.02

three of these mechanisms the third one

Time: 10334.88

of course being muscle damage or

Time: 10336.8


Time: 10337.819

and I and I know we want to chat a

Time: 10339.74

little bit about that but none of these

Time: 10341.6

three are absolutely required you can

Time: 10343.7

have multiple of them in a session

Time: 10346.1

um you don't have to have breakdown at

Time: 10347.72

all that is a complete uh well really

Time: 10350.479

it's a flat out lie that you have to

Time: 10352.34

break a muscle down

Time: 10354.08

to cause it to grow that's just not

Time: 10355.819

needed at all you have to have one of

Time: 10357.74

these three things though and so again

Time: 10359.18

this allows you a lot of flexibility

Time: 10360.68

which is why crafting your program which

Time: 10363.319

is best for you

Time: 10364.7

is actually fairly simple when it comes

Time: 10367.1

to hypertrophy you just have to make

Time: 10368.3

sure you do the work and you want to

Time: 10370.399

make sure you have a few standards in

Time: 10372.08

place with the exercise choice and some

Time: 10374.24

other things that will

Time: 10375.74

um we'll hit in just a second but that's

Time: 10377.24

really the fundamental way of getting to

Time: 10378.92

it making sure either that signal is

Time: 10381.38

loud enough

Time: 10382.52

or frequent enough to give

Time: 10386.06

the nuclei a convincing enough reason to

Time: 10388.7

spend the resources because you have to

Time: 10390.2

remember two things in order to grow new

Time: 10392.6

skeletal muscle you need amino acids

Time: 10395.24

which are your supply and then you need

Time: 10397.58

primarily carbohydrates as the energy

Time: 10399.56

source to power that synthesis process

Time: 10401.54

so you remember basic chemistry that

Time: 10404.12

says if you're going to take two atoms

Time: 10405.8

and you're going to pull them apart or

Time: 10407.779

put them together right that's going to

Time: 10409.46

take energy typically and in most of

Time: 10411.8

actually metabolism

Time: 10413.779

uh when you split a bond you're going to

Time: 10415.7

get it's called exergonic you're going

Time: 10416.96

to get energy from that but when you put

Time: 10418.52

them together

Time: 10419.779

that's going to take energy this is why

Time: 10421.58

we call that protein synthesis right so

Time: 10424.1

you have to convince your nucleus that

Time: 10426.62

one invest those resources in energy

Time: 10428.66

primarily carbohydrate but number two

Time: 10430.64

and more importantly invest that Supply

Time: 10433.06

there's a ton of possible ways to get

Time: 10435.56

energy but there's a very low amount of

Time: 10437.24

amino acids available and you need them

Time: 10438.92

for many more things than just taking

Time: 10441.319

your biceps from 17 inches to 18 inches

Time: 10444.26

right it's not going to do that if

Time: 10446.899

you're in a position where again you

Time: 10448.34

can't sustain an immune function if red

Time: 10450.38

blood cell turnover needs to be higher

Time: 10452

or any of the other main like tons of

Time: 10453.92

things that you need proteins for so you

Time: 10456.62

have to be able to say like are you sure

Time: 10458

you really want to spend these resources

Time: 10459.979

and build it in a muscle because once we

Time: 10461.899

do that it's very difficult to go

Time: 10464.24

backwards break them back down and bring

Time: 10466.76

the amino acids back into the to that

Time: 10468.5

availability pool so we can use them for

Time: 10470.54

either another function entirely or even

Time: 10473.3

another muscle group that's called

Time: 10475.7

protein redistribution by the way when

Time: 10477.56

you say maybe you don't do

Time: 10480.859

um a lot of upper body work in your

Time: 10482.3

training and you're not eating enough

Time: 10484.04

protein or a minimal amount and you're

Time: 10485.899

doing a lot of lifting in your legs

Time: 10487.1

you'll you'll notice your legs will get

Time: 10488.96

larger but that's actually a lot of

Time: 10490.7

times you're pulling the protein from

Time: 10492.56

say your upper body in this case and

Time: 10494.3

redistributing it back down

Time: 10496.46

um to the quads so that's the way you

Time: 10498.859

that's what you have to get to and in

Time: 10500.779

terms of application what numbers to hit

Time: 10502.58

we can go through each one of our

Time: 10503.84

modifiable variables just like we did

Time: 10506.18

with speed and strength and power and

Time: 10509.18

walk through some of our best practices

Time: 10510.8

in each category yes so I'd love to talk

Time: 10513.439

about those modifiable variables as they

Time: 10516.14

relate to

Time: 10517.76


Time: 10519.14

of movements order of movements

Time: 10522.8

volume so sets and repetitions and

Time: 10526.64

frequency of training and I'm

Time: 10528.38

particularly interested in frequency of

Time: 10529.76

training because that relates to the

Time: 10531.02

so-called split where

Time: 10533.72

typically one is not training their

Time: 10536.24

whole body every workout although there

Time: 10538.22

are I'm sure hypertrophy workouts that

Time: 10540.56

um our whole body workouts but where

Time: 10542.18

people are dividing on their body parts

Time: 10544.7

on onto different days

Time: 10546.979

so uh

Time: 10548.66

would love to go through this list one

Time: 10550.279

by one starting with exercise Choice

Time: 10552.8

cool great so in the previous section we

Time: 10555.439

pretty much said exclusively choose your

Time: 10557.42

exercises by the movement patterns and

Time: 10559.1

you want to balance between pushing and

Time: 10560.6

pulling and rotation and things like

Time: 10562.52

that in this particular case you have

Time: 10564.02

the option to do either here's my

Time: 10566

recommendation most people default

Time: 10567.92

almost exclusively to Choosing by body

Time: 10569.899

parts here right I'm going to do calves

Time: 10573.08

and shoulders today and chest and back

Time: 10576.08

whatever combinations of things they

Time: 10577.76

want that is clearly effective strategy

Time: 10579.979

however many Studies have actually been

Time: 10582.8

done where you choose by movement

Time: 10584.359

patterns and that is actually equally

Time: 10585.979


Time: 10587.24

now one little caveat I actually should

Time: 10589.279

have said a few minutes ago when we talk

Time: 10591.08

about the research on muscle hypertrophy

Time: 10592.939

it is important to distinguish the fact

Time: 10595.399

that the vast majority of This research

Time: 10596.84

is coming from a novice to moderately

Time: 10599.54

trained individuals there's actually

Time: 10600.68

more and more research coming out on

Time: 10602.24

trained individuals but that's still

Time: 10604.939

moderately trained right even those ones

Time: 10607.34

so what happens in those people that are

Time: 10609.14

actually way past that point we don't

Time: 10611.6

know scientifically it's very difficult

Time: 10613.04

to do research there so that's an

Time: 10614.72

important caveat I will acknowledge when

Time: 10616.939

I say hey you don't need to do this or

Time: 10618.74

you have to do this you're assuming a

Time: 10621.14

training status of moderate to low may

Time: 10625.16

or may not be true past that we don't

Time: 10626.96

know scientifically I have certain

Time: 10628.16

thoughts personally but the science will

Time: 10630.439

only take us that far so

Time: 10632.12

that being said you can actually choose

Time: 10634.399

by muscle or by movement pattern here

Time: 10637.46

whichever is is your personal preference

Time: 10639.26

and this is actually where you can act

Time: 10640.88

just become a good coach whether you're

Time: 10642.5

coaching somebody else through this

Time: 10643.7

fitness journey or it's yourself and

Time: 10645.859

give them a little bit of autonomy so

Time: 10647.72

maybe you select the first three

Time: 10649.22

exercises and then let them select one

Time: 10651.02

every day and so if they especially want

Time: 10653.84

to make sure that one muscle group grows

Time: 10656.12

let them Target that muscle and maybe

Time: 10658.16

the rest of the day you've actually

Time: 10659.359

split it up as Push Pull or something

Time: 10661.88

else like that all those strategies are

Time: 10664.22

effective personal preference as long as

Time: 10666.02

the total amount of volume on the

Time: 10667.34

working muscle is equated throughout the

Time: 10669.56

week which we'll get to those numbers in

Time: 10671.18

a second then you're going to be in the

Time: 10672.62

exact same spot no problem I would

Time: 10674.96

actually generally encourage

Time: 10677.06

people to choose exercises in a variety

Time: 10680.12

of Fashions I actually think that it's

Time: 10681.74

important that you do some number of

Time: 10684.74

combination of what we call bilateral

Time: 10686.359

and unilateral exercises so bilateral

Time: 10689.479

being think about it like a squat where

Time: 10691.04

bi meaning two lateral you have two feet

Time: 10693.439

on the ground moving in sequence here

Time: 10696.14

unilateral is one so this could be

Time: 10698.3

something as simple as a rear foot a

Time: 10701.359

limited split squat it could be a single

Time: 10703.1

leg leg press or single leg curl it

Time: 10705.02

could be a pistol squat something where

Time: 10706.939

the the individual limb is moving one at

Time: 10709.88

a time you need to have a combination of

Time: 10711.5

bilateral and unilateral trading that's

Time: 10714.14

good to do for strength as well probably

Time: 10715.819

not super important for power but I'm

Time: 10718.52

also very important for making sure

Time: 10721.64

for hypertrophy's sake you're not

Time: 10723.08

getting any imbalances

Time: 10724.96

as you progress especially through

Time: 10727.04

months and years of training so make

Time: 10729.319

sure you're doing a little bit of a

Time: 10730.279

combination whether you want to pick

Time: 10732.14

specific implements that's really a

Time: 10734.06

methods question and a preference

Time: 10736.22

question then it is Concepts so dumbbell

Time: 10739.819

great kettlebell fine barbell awesome

Time: 10742.34

band doesn't matter body weight none of

Time: 10744.979

these things are as important because

Time: 10747.02

all you're trying to do is create a

Time: 10748.58

certain insult in the tissue and the

Time: 10750.2

Implement is just whichever one you feel

Time: 10752.06

best doing it and this is where actually

Time: 10754.779

machines come into play a lot machines

Time: 10757.399

are greatly underappreciated they are a

Time: 10760.1

fantastic resource especially somebody

Time: 10762.399

who's either early in their fitness

Time: 10764.84


Time: 10765.859

or somebody who really is having a hard

Time: 10768.439

time targeting a muscle group with a

Time: 10770.96

bigger compound movement

Time: 10772.52

so when you're choosing exercises for

Time: 10774.02

hypertrophy you're going to want to

Time: 10775.819

start with those bigger compound

Time: 10777.38

movements that's going to be drive a lot

Time: 10779.6

of the adaptation you can get to these

Time: 10781.64

single joint movements like a little bit

Time: 10783.74

later but having said that

Time: 10785.72

because of of the way that people move

Time: 10788.779

differently their bomb or their

Time: 10790.279

anthropometrics and their biomechanics

Time: 10792.2

and even their technique the same exact

Time: 10794.54


Time: 10795.979

will not necessarily work the same exact

Time: 10799.04

muscle groups for multiple people so if

Time: 10801.02

you and I both went and did a back squat

Time: 10804.02

um if you did a little bit more of what

Time: 10805.76

we call a high bar squat so this is the

Time: 10807.979

bar is literally sitting up higher up on

Time: 10809.479

your neck you're keeping your back more

Time: 10811.939

vertical and because in order to do that

Time: 10814.7

you shift your knees much further past

Time: 10817.04

your toes keeping of course your whole

Time: 10818.84

foot on the ground in good position okay

Time: 10820.64

that's going to generally put more of an

Time: 10823.819

emphasis on the knee joint right and so

Time: 10826.279

that's not a bad thing you tend to see a

Time: 10828.8

little bit more work in the quads there

Time: 10830.359

a little bit less work in the spinal

Time: 10832.46

rectus and back because you're actually

Time: 10834.08

not supporting the weight horizontally

Time: 10837.14

which is a diff it's a much more

Time: 10838.7

difficult position it's vertically

Time: 10840.2

stacked okay

Time: 10842.12

if I were doing the classic low bar

Time: 10844.16

squat which is again lowering the bar

Time: 10845.779

down my further down my back towards uh

Time: 10847.76

one more like my shoulder blades I

Time: 10849.56

probably take a little bit of a wider

Time: 10850.819

stance and when I squat I drive my

Time: 10853.22

glutes back further away from the

Time: 10855.08

midline in as in fact as a general rule

Time: 10857.479

if you take the midline of your body the

Time: 10860.06

thing that moves is the farthest away

Time: 10861.439

from that midline is likely to be the

Time: 10863.3

thing that's activating the most

Time: 10865.16

so in the case of the of the front squat

Time: 10867.08

you're not generally going to be using

Time: 10869.06

your glutes as much if you're in that

Time: 10871.399

are not even front side just that high

Time: 10872.66

bar squat where you're very very

Time: 10873.68

vertical your knees are going to be

Time: 10875

moving very far over your toes which is

Time: 10876.56

fantastic therefore it's a little bit

Time: 10878.42

more knee dominant as can we say it the

Time: 10880.34

other version here you can keep your

Time: 10881.66

shins really close to Vertical you move

Time: 10883.34

your butt backwards

Time: 10885.26

you're going to have to then lean

Time: 10886.7

forward with your torso which means

Time: 10888.68

it'll be more low back more glutes and a

Time: 10890.66

little bit less knee now that's a

Time: 10892.399

general statement it's not necessarily

Time: 10893.84

always true but as a guideline there

Time: 10896.06

that is one exact exercise where you may

Time: 10898.04

be going man I'm trying to improve this

Time: 10901.1

clear weakness I have in my quads I

Time: 10903.319

can't even leg extension my body weight

Time: 10904.939

I have a significant problem there so

Time: 10907.22

maybe in your particular case if I'm

Time: 10909.5

hammering you or you're hammering

Time: 10910.819

yourself in a squad exercise and you're

Time: 10912.439

wondering why your quads aren't getting

Time: 10913.88

any stronger or growing in any size it

Time: 10917.12

may be because of the style of the

Time: 10918.8

movement so I may need to go Andrew all

Time: 10920.42

right look squats in general if you look

Time: 10923.3

at the research are an excellent

Time: 10924.56

exercise for Quad development but for

Time: 10926.3

you they're not because of the way you

Time: 10928.34

stand or just because of you know neural

Time: 10930.979

activation it doesn't matter so I need

Time: 10932.54

to take you to a machine and isolate

Time: 10934.64

that muscle group so we can make sure we

Time: 10936.2

see development in that so if you're

Time: 10938.3

trying to grow a specific body part area

Time: 10941.12

individual muscle it's very important

Time: 10943.399

that you're actually seeing progress

Time: 10944.72

there and don't worry about well in the

Time: 10947.3

textbook the bench press is supposed to

Time: 10948.979

be good for your PEC because if you're

Time: 10950.779

not actually moving the right position

Time: 10951.8

or depends on the angle in which your

Time: 10953.42

sternum actually sits in your body a

Time: 10955.939

bench press may actually be doing very

Time: 10957.56

little for your PEC and you may need to

Time: 10959.479

adjust to say an incline bench or a

Time: 10961.1

decline bench or a PEC fly so machines

Time: 10963.8

can be fantastic at letting you isolate

Time: 10966.02

without having to worry about things

Time: 10967.46

like stability your low back position

Time: 10970.16

getting hurt where's your neck at you

Time: 10972.08

can really concentrate on just the

Time: 10973.64

movement concentrate on the muscle and

Time: 10976.279

let everything else kind of go away and

Time: 10977.779

ensure you're getting training in that

Time: 10979.819

specific area those are excellent

Time: 10981.859

recommendations one thing I want to ask

Time: 10983.54

about is prioritizing specific body

Time: 10986.779

parts and therefore specific exercises

Time: 10990.2

and here I'm not necessarily referring

Time: 10992.24

to trying to bring up a so-called weak

Time: 10994.76

body part you know an area that tends to

Time: 10997.52

be either genetically deficient because

Time: 10999.439

in some cases I learned for instance

Time: 11002.38

having seen a lot of competitive track

Time: 11004.24

and field championships I love watching

Time: 11006.7

track and field as a spectator up to

Time: 11008.26

Hayward Field in Oregon whenever there's

Time: 11009.64

a meat oh sure I really love that the

Time: 11012.22

sprinters are amazing

Time: 11014.2

um they have some of the highest calves

Time: 11015.939

in the world that I've ever seen I mean

Time: 11017.62

like little like little micro Cavs but

Time: 11020.38

they're fast as hell they're right

Time: 11023.02

behind the knee and they have a very

Time: 11024.279

long distance between that calf and

Time: 11025.96

their foot which makes it propulsion

Time: 11027.7

excellent right they wouldn't stand a

Time: 11029.439

chance as a competitive bodybuilder but

Time: 11031.66

because something different is being

Time: 11033.58

selected for in bodybuilding but

Time: 11035.2

obviously they're they're magnificent

Time: 11037.6

for sprinting most people of course

Time: 11039.52

reside somewhere between the extreme of

Time: 11041.68

you know very long muscle bellies from

Time: 11043.96

you know origin to insertion or very

Time: 11046.72

very short muscles usually people have

Time: 11048.819

one or two body parts parts that they

Time: 11050.859

want to emphasize for whatever reason

Time: 11052.42

you know these days it seems to be

Time: 11053.979

people are really what are they saying

Time: 11056.14

now like glutes to the new biceps or

Time: 11057.819

biceps are the new glutes or I don't

Time: 11059.5

know anyway you see this stuff I love

Time: 11061.12

them by the way I am so Pro curls in the

Time: 11064.359

squat rack there you go love it right

Time: 11066.34

there you go so nobody kill me so

Time: 11068.38

everyone has their thing but the that

Time: 11070.479

they would like to emphasize but I have

Time: 11072.22

a question because we're specifically

Time: 11073.54

talking about hypertrophy which is

Time: 11077.02

should people give themselves permission

Time: 11079

to not train a body part if their goal

Time: 11082.42

is balanced hypertrophy I'll give a

Time: 11084.939

couple of examples one of the reasons

Time: 11086.68

why I for instance not done a lot of

Time: 11089.5

free weight squatting is because despite

Time: 11092.68

my quadriceps being rather weak

Time: 11094.54

according to you

Time: 11095.859

um they tend to grow rather easily

Time: 11098.14

relative to other muscle groups and the

Time: 11100.42

goal for me has always been balanced

Time: 11101.979

development yeah and so I emphasize

Time: 11104.14

hamstring work and I emphasize a you

Time: 11106.42

know calf work and hamstring work

Time: 11108.58

um it's not that I don't train my quads

Time: 11109.96

at all but I do far less for them and I

Time: 11112.6

avoid the big compound movements for

Time: 11114.7

them I I occasionally do them and what

Time: 11117.52

again this is not about what I do or

Time: 11118.96

don't do but I think that in the context

Time: 11121.899

of a conversation about hypertrophy is

Time: 11124.18

it appropriate to give people permission

Time: 11125.68

to say listen if you're just genetically

Time: 11127.72

you know strong large lats

Time: 11130.899

doing a lot of chin-ups and rows might

Time: 11133.06

actually be the worst thing for you if

Time: 11134.62

your goal is balanced development and I

Time: 11136.899

um I ask because I don't often hear

Time: 11138.42

anyone any you know credentialed people

Time: 11142.96

give people permission to completely

Time: 11145.96

avoid training a given body part if

Time: 11148.12

their goal is balanced development and

Time: 11150.399

yet I think most people who are

Time: 11152.2

resistance training are seeking balance

Time: 11154.6

development I don't know anybody that

Time: 11156.76

actively wants to have big upper body

Time: 11158.62

small legs I think that comes from

Time: 11160

neglect and laziness in most cases

Time: 11161.979

sometimes injury related or other things

Time: 11163.779


Time: 11165.7

um I think this is an important point to

Time: 11166.96

raise that any good program for

Time: 11168.88

hypertrophy I would think would have to

Time: 11171.1

take into account people's genetic and

Time: 11173.14

natural variation

Time: 11174.76

um sport based variation in which muscle

Time: 11177.04

groups just tend to grow easily for them

Time: 11178.84

and which ones require a lot more focus

Time: 11181.18

and work yeah absolutely you first of

Time: 11184

all you have permission to do or not do

Time: 11186.279

anything you'd like to do in terms of of

Time: 11188.56

hybrid tree I generally wouldn't not

Time: 11191.439

recommend disregarding a muscle group

Time: 11193.3

entirely I know that's not what you

Time: 11194.74

actually suggested but just to make sure

Time: 11196.12

that people didn't hear it that way

Time: 11198.46

um what I would do is in this example is

Time: 11200.38

I would continue to do those big

Time: 11201.58

movements I would just keep the volume

Time: 11202.72

low so I might do two sets or something

Time: 11206.08

uh twice a week there's a whole bunch of

Time: 11208.66

reasons you want to make sure that those

Time: 11209.8

motor patterns are there you want to

Time: 11212.38

make sure that the the especially the

Time: 11214.24

benefit of these compound movements is

Time: 11216.04

you get to work so many complementary

Time: 11218.979

muscle movements at the same time so in

Time: 11220.72

the case of like loaded squat you're not

Time: 11222.76

only working stability in the hip as

Time: 11225.46

well as the knee but you're also working

Time: 11226.96

upper body uh your your rhomboids are

Time: 11229.66

keeping you in position your neck has to

Time: 11231.1

stay in position your toes everything is

Time: 11233.02

working and so it's really difficult to

Time: 11234.64

get those things when you take that

Time: 11237.58

movement out and you replace it with say

Time: 11239.2

a a machine hamstring curl that whole

Time: 11242.859

element of balance and neurological

Time: 11244.42

control is very very important to

Time: 11246.399

maintain over time and that just gets

Time: 11249.04

removed with if you go to machines only

Time: 11251.08

so I would keep some of those things in

Time: 11253.779

maybe even not all year round but maybe

Time: 11255.46

one quarter of the year two quarters

Time: 11257.08

every other rotate it something like

Time: 11258.399

that as long as it's getting you're not

Time: 11260.8

if the reason you weren't doing say

Time: 11262.54

those squats was uh because you're like

Time: 11264.7

ah it hurts my backers okay great then

Time: 11266.2

leave it out but if it's just simple you

Time: 11267.52

don't want your quads to go too much I

Time: 11268.84

would just keep that volume low and do

Time: 11271

something just to kind of touch it keep

Time: 11272.38

it activated and to maintain all those

Time: 11274.899

other things like flexibility range of

Time: 11277.54

motion I would bet anything your

Time: 11279.399

adductors are probably underdeveloped

Time: 11281.56

right now you can get those by doing

Time: 11283.18

your squats because you're not really

Time: 11284.26

doing I'm sure in much adduction

Time: 11286.18

training and so this things like that

Time: 11288.279

that just get lost when you're only

Time: 11290.08

thinking all big muscle groups that that

Time: 11292.66

come inherent in doing the larger

Time: 11294.939

movements and so you don't have to worry

Time: 11296.2

about them or train them separately I

Time: 11298.12

appreciate that and in reality I do two

Time: 11301.359

to three really hard work sets of hack

Time: 11304.24

hack machine squats per week which is

Time: 11306.7

plenty for me to maintain and even get a

Time: 11308.56

Little Bit Stronger but per our earlier

Time: 11311.14

discussion about a year ago I shifted to

Time: 11313.96

doing very low repetition ranges to main

Time: 11316.42

strength in that movement there you go

Time: 11317.92

but I am actively avoiding hypertrophy

Time: 11320.26

in that muscle group yeah or another

Time: 11322.3

solution would actually be do something

Time: 11323.8

like one set to failure a week

Time: 11326.38

not even extremely long just you know do

Time: 11328.66

something in the 8 to 15 repetition

Time: 11330.34


Time: 11331.54

um at the end of all that strength set

Time: 11333.16

and just get a little bit of pump there

Time: 11334.66

and then and then just so just so that

Time: 11336.64

those muscles can touch that level of

Time: 11338.2

fatigue touch that level of strain and

Time: 11339.88

mechanical tension walk away

Time: 11342.16

great thank you for that

Time: 11343.96

what about exercise order amazing so

Time: 11347.939

implicit in this exercise Choice thing

Time: 11350.26

it's what you're going to notice is

Time: 11352

these modifiable variables interact with

Time: 11353.979

each other right and you can clearly see

Time: 11355.66

how when we talked about volume and to

Time: 11357.819

clarify volume is the repetitions

Time: 11359.56

multiplied by the sets that's typically

Time: 11361.12

how we express the volume well that's

Time: 11362.68

going to be directly influenced by

Time: 11363.76

intensity the heavier load you put on

Time: 11366.16

the barbell the less repetitions you can

Time: 11367.899

do and the inverse right rest intervals

Time: 11370.6

the shorter you keep your rest intervals

Time: 11372.279

then either the lower the weight has to

Time: 11373.779

go the intensity or the lower the rep

Time: 11375.279

range has to go order is the same thing

Time: 11377.439

choice is the same thing so all of these

Time: 11379.66

things modify each other they play a

Time: 11381.52

little bit of a hand and what everything

Time: 11382.899

else does so with the exercise Choice

Time: 11385.66

thing rolling into exercise order you

Time: 11387.7

get to play a couple of games here when

Time: 11389.439

we talked about strength and power I

Time: 11391

basically said stick to the big

Time: 11392.56

movements most complicated and compound

Time: 11394.72

movements first you don't have to do

Time: 11396.7

that with hypertrophy you can do this in

Time: 11399.16

a couple of ways you can do the thing

Time: 11400.96

you're just simply most interested in

Time: 11402.46

first you can do this thing called

Time: 11404.62

pre-fatigue so say you're you're going

Time: 11407.26

to do a back day you could go in and do

Time: 11408.939

nothing but isolated biceps as your very

Time: 11411.22

first exercise and then roll into your

Time: 11414.819

your pulling movements because what

Time: 11416.08

you'll see is during most pulling

Time: 11417.46

activities the biceps are a secondary or

Time: 11419.26

tertiary muscle group but you've

Time: 11421.06

pre-fatigued them you've guaranteed that

Time: 11422.5

muscle of most interest God it's it's

Time: 11424.42

most training in and everything else is

Time: 11426.52

secondary so you can start if you want

Time: 11428.5

with single joint movements you can

Time: 11430.12

start with isolation stuff or you can

Time: 11431.8

start with compound stuff either way it

Time: 11434.38

just really comes down to preference and

Time: 11435.7

what you're specifically trying to

Time: 11437.8

develop now this also goes back to the

Time: 11440.979

exercise Choice question right because

Time: 11442.479

it's sort of the same thing right like

Time: 11444.04

what which one am I choosing

Time: 11446.02

and where I wanted it the campus was the

Time: 11449.14

exercise splits and and so we just sort

Time: 11451.899

of talked about am I doing body part

Time: 11453.16

splits and I know a question I get a lot

Time: 11454.96

here is well which ones should I package

Time: 11456.52


Time: 11457.54

I'm not really concerned with it what

Time: 11459.399

you all you should worry about is how

Time: 11461.5

many times per week and in fact total

Time: 11463.54

volume you achieve on a muscle group

Time: 11465.939

per week and I don't doesn't really

Time: 11468.04

matter how those things are folded in

Time: 11470.2

it's really a personal preference issue

Time: 11472.439

one mistake that we see here commonly

Time: 11475.359

is grossly under appreciating that the

Time: 11478.84

legs are not a muscle group

Time: 11481.359

right so the legs have a whole bunch of

Time: 11484.3

muscle groups in them so we see a

Time: 11486.04

classic split like I'll Do shoulders and

Time: 11488.68

chest Monday and then I'll do you know

Time: 11492

biceps and forearms Tuesday and then

Time: 11495.58

legs Wednesday

Time: 11497.08

or whatever and then back to upper body

Time: 11499.12

and then I was like you're like wait a

Time: 11500.38


Time: 11501.1

you have four days dedicated to the

Time: 11503.14

upper body and one for quote-unquote

Time: 11504.88


Time: 11506.38

well like you hopefully you can see the

Time: 11508.54

imbalance what's that's going to happen

Time: 11509.859

there over time is you're going to do it

Time: 11511.779

do far more upper body than you are

Time: 11513.46

lower body and that's not appropriate so

Time: 11515.26

you just want to think about your lower

Time: 11516.46

body like you would do if you're going

Time: 11518.2

to do body part splits then include

Time: 11519.819

those things as well and they'll just

Time: 11521.2

chunk everything in as legs once a week

Time: 11523.359

if you want to do that that's actually

Time: 11525.04

okay but that day has to be very very

Time: 11527.38

challenging and you probably should do

Time: 11528.88

quite a bit of volume

Time: 11530.62

um there because you're almost surely

Time: 11532

not going to hit the total weekly volume

Time: 11533.439

needed to optimize muscle growth if

Time: 11536.14

you're literally only doing once a week

Time: 11537.819

of your quote-unquote legs so along

Time: 11541

those lines Let's Talk Volume yep how

Time: 11543.88

much volume does each muscle group need

Time: 11546.16

per week in order to generate and for

Time: 11550.3

that matter maintain hypertrophy right

Time: 11552.279

so the kind of a minimum number we're

Time: 11554.319

going to look for here is 10 working

Time: 11555.819

sets per week correct per muscle group

Time: 11558.7

correct and just to make sure that

Time: 11561.399

everyone's on the same page if I do a

Time: 11564.279

chin up or a pull-up

Time: 11566.68

I'm going to mainly be training my back

Time: 11569.8

muscles my lats if I'm doing it

Time: 11572.2

correctly lats and rhomboids and biceps

Time: 11573.939

right and a few so but they'll be

Time: 11575.62

indirect targeting of the biceps so

Time: 11578.68

would you include indirect

Time: 11581.02

targeting so for instance if I you said

Time: 11583.899

10 sets per week let's just use biceps

Time: 11585.76

because it seems that that's the go-to

Time: 11587.319

uh generic muscle for what why is that

Time: 11590.2

by the way that when people ask somebody

Time: 11591.46

to you know Flex their muscle they

Time: 11593.2

always Flex their bicep they don't flex

Time: 11594.399

their calf or their quad or their glutes

Time: 11596.38

or something I guess there's some um you

Time: 11598

know public decency issues I can tell

Time: 11599.8

you uh with my children that's the very

Time: 11602.26

first muscle I taught them to flex their

Time: 11603.7

glutes no they're biceps

Time: 11607.42

and and good

Time: 11609.939

um good uh healthy parenting advice from

Time: 11612.52

Dr Andy Galpin so if it's 10 sets per

Time: 11614.92


Time: 11616.12

for biceps in order to maintain or

Time: 11618.7

further grow the biceps

Time: 11620.68

but does that mean if somebody does 10

Time: 11623.439

sets of chin-ups or 10 sets of chin ups

Time: 11626.26

and rows that they are checking off any

Time: 11628.06

of the boxes for biceps assuming that

Time: 11630.52

they're doing the movement properly yeah

Time: 11632.26

and targeting the major muscle group

Time: 11634.96

that a given movement is supposed to

Time: 11636.819

Target which in my mind when you're

Time: 11638.979

doing a chin up you're supposed to

Time: 11640.779

mainly be using your back muscles and

Time: 11642.76

then there are secondary muscles or

Time: 11644.859

secondary activation of other muscles

Time: 11647.38

but of course some people their arms

Time: 11649.479

grow like crazy when they do chin ups

Time: 11651.399

and their back doesn't grow at all so

Time: 11652.479

this is where we're back to the kind of

Time: 11654.399

um genetic preloading of the system yep

Time: 11657.64

um if you will so how does one meet this

Time: 11660.64

10 sets per week minimum when dividing

Time: 11664.24

different body parts and thinking about

Time: 11665.62


Time: 11666.76

direct and indirect Activation so two

Time: 11668.859

things there's no specific exact rule

Time: 11671.02

here and this is why these set ranges

Time: 11672.88

are ranges right and this is why we

Time: 11675.52

don't say like 10 is so 10 would be sort

Time: 11677.26

of the minimum number you want to get to

Time: 11678.7

the more realistic number that most

Time: 11680.92

people especially if you're Advanced or

Time: 11683.08

even intermediate is more like 15 to 20

Time: 11685.779

working sets per week okay now if you're

Time: 11688.66

very well trained you probably want to

Time: 11690.16

even push more towards like 25 and in

Time: 11692.14

fact past that

Time: 11694.359

there's just not a lot of research so

Time: 11696.34

the optimal number may be 30. we don't

Time: 11697.96

we don't really know it's just hard to

Time: 11699.34

get that much work in um it may actually

Time: 11701.5

be detrimental and here we're referring

Time: 11703.3

to Natural athletes that is people who

Time: 11706.479

for whatever reason either because

Time: 11708.52

they're not taking any prescription

Time: 11710.08

drugs or maybe if they are whose levels

Time: 11713.5


Time: 11714.64

steroid hormones

Time: 11716.319

mainly the androgens like testosterone

Time: 11718.42


Time: 11719.74

do not exceed the normal reference range

Time: 11722.02

values either because that's what they

Time: 11723.939

are naturally or that's what they're

Time: 11725.14

replacing through pharmacology whereas

Time: 11727.24

when we think of

Time: 11729.34

technically someone could be taking

Time: 11730.96

exogenous hormones to replace a

Time: 11733.6

deficiency and then there's still a

Time: 11735.04

normal range okay but I just want to

Time: 11737.2

clarify because you work with athletes a

Time: 11740.02

number of different sports where drugs

Time: 11741.52

are and are not tolerated Etc and the

Time: 11743.62

general population that what we are

Time: 11745.54

talking about here is for the general

Time: 11746.92

population not for steroid using

Time: 11748.899

athletes correct okay yeah great so

Time: 11751.6

um so Ken was just sort of that like

Time: 11753.46

absolute minimum number to maintain

Time: 11754.96

which is actually pretty cool if you

Time: 11756.279

think about it this way uh if you went

Time: 11758.5

in and you did three sets of ten

Time: 11761.2

it's a very three sets of ten

Time: 11762.76

repetitions correct

Time: 11764.26

you're already at three you do that

Time: 11765.819

three days a week

Time: 11767.14

you're at your nine that's almost ten if

Time: 11769.18

you also just went to the gym one day a

Time: 11771.04

week you did three sets of ten and you

Time: 11773.14

did three exercises

Time: 11775.24

you're at nine is that working sets

Time: 11776.74

you're basically done so achieving 10

Time: 11778.899

sets per week per muscle group and now

Time: 11781

we're not even talking about indirect

Time: 11782.5

activation of a secondary so you're

Time: 11784.84

going to hit 10 fairly easy

Time: 11788.319

um extension to that hitting 20 is

Time: 11790.54

actually still not that hard because of

Time: 11792.7

what's actually going to happen there so

Time: 11794.14

in your example if you're doing your

Time: 11795.34

chin UPS well

Time: 11797.38

would the biceps count there's no exact

Time: 11800.26

rule there because uh there could be

Time: 11802.3

technique issues it could be hand

Time: 11803.859

positions so you mentioned chin up very

Time: 11805.42

specifically a chin up is actually going

Time: 11807.04

to put your hands in in this position

Time: 11808.72

where your palms are facing up right

Time: 11810.22

this is supination and pronation so

Time: 11811.66

you're gonna be there well that's

Time: 11813.04

actually quite different than a pull-up

Time: 11814.479

or your hands are in the opposite

Time: 11816.22

direction so a chin up actually is going

Time: 11818.92

to be pretty good activator in your

Time: 11820.3


Time: 11821.14

for most people

Time: 11822.52

um so you would expect actually to

Time: 11824.08

probably count that because it's going

Time: 11825.76

to be very difficult to not see some

Time: 11827.26

fatigue in your biceps depending on your

Time: 11829.96

mechanics depending on and by that I

Time: 11832.3

mean just the the segment lengths of

Time: 11835.479

your bones right that's where your

Time: 11837.399

muscles or originate and insert there's

Time: 11839.5

been something you can do about it's not

Time: 11840.58

even a technique or a focus issue it's

Time: 11842.14

just simple fact the matter that's how

Time: 11843.819

you pull best in that area the position

Time: 11846.399

in which your hands are on the wider

Time: 11849.16

grip more narrow grip it's going to

Time: 11850.6

change muscle use so we talked about

Time: 11853.2

earlier I think in the previous episode

Time: 11855.819

that exercises do not determine

Time: 11858.16

adaptations applications do but

Time: 11859.84

exercises do determine things like the

Time: 11862.06

movement plane The Joint you use and

Time: 11865.12

typically The Eccentric concentric sort

Time: 11867.58

of ratio as well as oftentimes the

Time: 11869.74

muscle groups involved so there's just

Time: 11873.22

not a lot of things you can do depending

Time: 11874.779

on how you are built of you know some

Time: 11877.18

exercises activating a secondary group

Time: 11879.46

and you don't want it so it's not always

Time: 11880.54

a technique you it may just be that's

Time: 11882.64

how you're built right and the same

Time: 11884.74

could be true for a squat the high bar

Time: 11887.92

versus low bar sort of example we talked

Time: 11889.72

about earlier it's you know you you

Time: 11891.64

could see plenty of evidence on muscle

Time: 11894.52

activation studies where people even

Time: 11896.859

doing the vertical back squat style have

Time: 11899.38

tremendous glute activation and folks

Time: 11901.3

doing the the low bar have tremendous

Time: 11903.88

quad Activation so a lot of it depends

Time: 11906.34

on personal mechanics so what I counted

Time: 11908.319

is the question really you just have to

Time: 11909.76

ask yourself number one

Time: 11911.74

do you really care that much you know

Time: 11914.02

you have a range to get to if you're

Time: 11915.7

anywhere between 10 to 25 working sets

Time: 11918.04

you know you're fine so if you count it

Time: 11920.56

or don't count it it's just going to

Time: 11921.64

change the difference between whether

Time: 11922.479

you did 17 working sets or 23 and either

Time: 11924.76

way you're fine so I don't really care

Time: 11926.74

number two are you actually feeling

Time: 11928.96

anything there so if you're doing your

Time: 11930.88

chin ups and your biceps are blowing up

Time: 11933.16

I'm counting that right if you're doing

Time: 11935.02

it you're like no I don't feel any

Time: 11936.04

fatigue there it's all my then I'd

Time: 11937.899

probably say okay we're not going to

Time: 11938.74

count that as towards it so um you can

Time: 11940.72

just let that guide you a little bit

Time: 11942.22

towards your account yeah I've always

Time: 11944.62

noticed that there are certain muscle

Time: 11946.54

groups that are very easy to isolate

Time: 11950.14

yeah when under load and those are

Time: 11952.84

almost always the same muscle groups

Time: 11955.359

that are easy to

Time: 11957.52

contract very hard without any load

Time: 11960.64

whatsoever Bingo you know that's

Time: 11962.62

actually really insightful so

Time: 11964.779

um you can kind of use this heuristic of

Time: 11966.46

like if you can contract your lats just

Time: 11968.68

standing here you're probably going to

Time: 11970.6

contract them very well when you lift if

Time: 11972.279

you can't you can probably assume about

Time: 11974.5

the same thing's going to happen so uh

Time: 11976.84

yeah you'll know

Time: 11978.52

um this is actually the lats are

Time: 11979.66

actually really interesting because they

Time: 11982.12

tend to be one of the more difficult

Time: 11983.319

muscle groups to learn how to activate

Time: 11985.24

so if you're in your journey you're just

Time: 11987.34

like I have no idea and um you can look

Time: 11989.68

up like a lat pose so how do you like

Time: 11992.26

how do you puff your last how do you

Time: 11993.52

show it and if you do that and you're

Time: 11994.899

like wow there's no movement here

Time: 11997.24

just recognize that's extremely common

Time: 11999.279

and that is probably going to take you

Time: 12001.319

many many many months of trying before

Time: 12003.66

you start to see some movements and

Time: 12005.04

probably even a few years before you

Time: 12006.479

really start to see Activation so you're

Time: 12008.399

not some sort of like specific like

Time: 12010.14

special genetic anomaly it's very very

Time: 12013.08

common it's uncommon to not be able to

Time: 12015.6

activate your biceps

Time: 12017.16

right that everyone can do that but if

Time: 12018.72

you're just like man

Time: 12020.22

I can't get this here I'm just going to

Time: 12021.84

stop doing it do not do that just keep

Time: 12023.819

at it and just keep concentrating and

Time: 12025.74

thinking about that muscle group it will

Time: 12027.24

take some time it's very common to have

Time: 12029.52

challenges activating Lots yeah I've

Time: 12032.399

noticed that many of the muscle groups

Time: 12034.979

that were responsible for a large

Time: 12037.26

fraction of the work in the various

Time: 12039.3

sports that I played as a young child

Time: 12041.84

are muscles that are very easy for me to

Time: 12045.899

selectively isolate and induce

Time: 12047.7

hypertrophy in um I suppose I'm one of

Time: 12050.1

those mutants where my lats happen to be

Time: 12051.899

one such of those muscle groups but I

Time: 12054.359

think that's because I swam a lot when I

Time: 12055.92

was a kid literally going to ask me a

Time: 12057.66

swimmer yeah that's like a Telltale yeah

Time: 12059.22

every every kid in my town swam and

Time: 12060.899

played soccer there you go and then

Time: 12062.58

later I you know I skateboarded and did

Time: 12065.819

something you generally hear that

Time: 12066.84

answers you either were a swimmer or

Time: 12069.24

you're a wrestler

Time: 12070.5

so it's like that pulling and pull

Time: 12071.819

toward you is

Time: 12073.16

thousands of repetitions allowed you to

Time: 12075.66

get very good at Contracting but because

Time: 12078.42

um I also played soccer and

Time: 12080.04

skateboarding but I didn't do any

Time: 12081.96

baseball basketball or football muscle

Time: 12084.24

groups like deltoids are very

Time: 12086.1

challenging to activate nicely yeah so I

Time: 12088.439

do think that early development is

Time: 12090.3

superimposed on a genetic template that

Time: 12093.359

sort of predicts which muscle groups are

Time: 12095.58

going to be easier or harder to isolate

Time: 12097.26

and train it's also a very good case for

Time: 12099.3

why it's important to do as many

Time: 12101.52

different athletic activities as you can

Time: 12103.859

in your youth yeah and if you do

Time: 12105.72


Time: 12106.8

definitely learn to ride switch because

Time: 12108.979

every every skateboarder I know has one

Time: 12111.479

leg that's larger than the other one

Time: 12112.859

calf that's larger than the other and

Time: 12114.779

actually for that matter um people that

Time: 12116.34

do martial arts that don't learn to um

Time: 12118.2

if they're not Southpaw if they don't

Time: 12119.819

learn to switch up and do their uh their

Time: 12121.92

work Southpaw you see the same thing I

Time: 12123.66

mean you're building an asymmetry into

Time: 12125.16

the system and it's not just muscular

Time: 12127.38

it's neural oh strongly neural yeah um

Time: 12130.8

so yeah kids

Time: 12132.3

um parents get your kids doing a bunch

Time: 12134.819

of different things I suppose gymnastics

Time: 12136.5

would probably be the best sport all

Time: 12138.3

around in terms of movement in multiple

Time: 12140.52

planes and activating all the different

Time: 12141.96

muscle groups uh yes and no there's a

Time: 12145.5

lot of benefit no question about it

Time: 12147.84

there's a lot of other things though

Time: 12149.16

that it that has limited abilities so

Time: 12151.62

um almost everything in not like gyms is

Time: 12153.66

great but almost everything in that is

Time: 12155.1

pre-planned which is a major downfall

Time: 12157.56

right so the joy of skating is there's

Time: 12159.84

so much proprioceptive input that you

Time: 12161.58

have to make decisions very quickly

Time: 12163.92

um in in small Windows now you have a

Time: 12165.479

little bit of that when you're flipping

Time: 12166.319

in the air you have to land but you

Time: 12167.76

gymnastics gymnasts tend to have a very

Time: 12169.8

specific routine that they're working on

Time: 12171.06

and they work on that routine for years

Time: 12172.68


Time: 12174.359

um for me was Transportation it was

Time: 12176.819

freedom and it didn't require any

Time: 12178.319

coaches or parental oversight yeah yeah

Time: 12180.359

Ball Sports have the beauty of reaction

Time: 12182.16

and things like that so all of them are

Time: 12183.84


Time: 12185.279

um yeah good to do a lot of them you've

Time: 12188.1

established that 10 really to 20 sets

Time: 12190.739

per week yeah is the kind of bounds for

Time: 12194.76

um maintaining and initiating hypertri

Time: 12197.52

yep if I were to like flag one of them I

Time: 12199.979

would say 15 to 20. is this that's right

Time: 12202.02

that you want to get um working now

Time: 12204.3

it gets complicated when you ask well

Time: 12206.52

how many reps per set

Time: 12208.56

do I have to get to okay well

Time: 12211.14

we also can complicate that by

Time: 12212.819

repetition type and tempo just sort of

Time: 12216.06

let all that go for now and just think

Time: 12217.56

if you're getting close to that range

Time: 12220.2

you're in the spot and all you have to

Time: 12222.779

do now is balance two things

Time: 12224.939

recovery and continued training okay so

Time: 12227.76

if you're somewhere in this 10 to 20

Time: 12229.2

working sets range and you're in a

Time: 12232.56

position where you can continue to do

Time: 12233.939

that you're not so sore and so damaged

Time: 12236.46

and beat up that you can't maintain that

Time: 12238.8

volume for you know eight weeks at a

Time: 12240.899

time or at least six weeks at a time

Time: 12242.46

then I'd probably say either the style

Time: 12244.859

of repetitions the amount of repetitions

Time: 12246.66

per set you're doing are too much the

Time: 12248.22

volume is getting to you however if

Time: 12250.08

you're not seeing adaptations then I'd

Time: 12252.18

say maybe the repetitions aren't enough

Time: 12253.62

and so that's like that's the kind of

Time: 12255.84

game you're running now there could be

Time: 12257.1

plenty of other factors intensity of

Time: 12259.62

course yeah intensity

Time: 12261.96

um intent and then of course the other

Time: 12264.18

things sleep nutrition

Time: 12266.58

Etc all these other things that go into

Time: 12268.56

our visible stressor category that we

Time: 12270.84

always analyze this sort of brings up

Time: 12273.06

this idea of responders and

Time: 12274.2

non-responders so we get this one a ton

Time: 12276.6

so why is it some people my gym buddy my

Time: 12280.56

roommate we go to sleep the same time

Time: 12282.06

we're on the same nutrition plan we work

Time: 12283.979

out together she triples in muscle size

Time: 12286.5

and I don't have like no again

Time: 12288.359

whatsoever well there's a lot of work

Time: 12290.88

that we're trying to do to identify the

Time: 12292.2

molecular mechanisms behind responders

Time: 12294.779

and non-responders because they clearly

Time: 12296.16

exist in fact this is one of the reasons

Time: 12297.72

why every paper I basically will ever

Time: 12300.42

publish again if I you know if I do

Time: 12302.279

always reports individual person data so

Time: 12305.939

rather than group averages you get to

Time: 12307.56

see you know if there's 10 subjects in

Time: 12308.88

it you get to see how each of the ten

Time: 12310.38

responded because the group average can

Time: 12312.84

get confusing what you really want to

Time: 12315.239

see is how many actually people got

Time: 12317.46

better how many got worse how many maybe

Time: 12320.04

change you know so so we'll always

Time: 12322.02

report those individual data because

Time: 12323.359

when you go to train you're you you're

Time: 12325.979

not the group average that's very

Time: 12327.479

important to know

Time: 12328.68

all right so if you do that you can see

Time: 12330.84

a beautiful line of these hyper

Time: 12332.819

responders the bell curve in the middle

Time: 12334.979

of the normal responders and those folks

Time: 12336.54

who like through any training study just

Time: 12338.64

won't get any better if you can tease

Time: 12341.279

out what you can't but let's say in

Time: 12342.6

science you could tease out all the

Time: 12343.92

extra factors total stress load

Time: 12345.72

hydration sleep

Time: 12347.34

Etc what you often see is non-responders

Time: 12350.22

a lot of the time it's not that they

Time: 12352.08

have a physiological inability it's just

Time: 12353.939

that they need a different protocol and

Time: 12356.1

a lot of times it's they just need more

Time: 12357.42


Time: 12358.26

so if they can handle that and they're

Time: 12359.819

not successfully beat up just give them

Time: 12361.02

more volume and they tend to see a lot

Time: 12362.76

of breakthroughs you see the same thing

Time: 12364.859

with plateaus

Time: 12366.239

so typically it's sort of just like okay

Time: 12368.04

the routine you're on you've been on it

Time: 12369.42

for too long we need to either go to the

Time: 12371.52

other end of the hypertrophy Spectrum

Time: 12373.08

for intensity which means like if you've

Time: 12375

been in the like 60 to 70 percent of

Time: 12377.64

your one repetition max range maybe we

Time: 12379.979

actually need to go heavier

Time: 12382.14

take our repetitions down maybe even our

Time: 12383.819

total volume down and go heavier try

Time: 12385.56

that a great way to break through

Time: 12387

plateaus of grand if all the other boxes

Time: 12389.46

are checked

Time: 12391.08

um the other one is is due to the

Time: 12392.279

opposite which is like okay we're gonna

Time: 12394.08

go higher we're gonna go sets of 20. set

Time: 12396.239

to 25 High very high repetition range

Time: 12398.58

and really get after it not to do as

Time: 12401.04

much damage because you don't tend to

Time: 12402.3

get as sore from those really high

Time: 12404.16

repetition ranges you'll get more sore

Time: 12406.38

from the lower repetition higher

Time: 12408.3

intensity range than you will typically

Time: 12410.16

the other ones and and see if we can

Time: 12412.2

bust through some plateaus there so it

Time: 12414.42

just generally means you need to do

Time: 12415.5

something a little bit different than

Time: 12416.7

your your training partner

Time: 12418.439

so we've talked about exercise choice

Time: 12420.3

and we've talked about the number of

Time: 12422.279

sets that one needs in order to induce

Time: 12424.439

hypertrophy per week

Time: 12426.479

what about repetition ranges you've

Time: 12428.58

mentioned some pretty broad repetition

Time: 12430.38


Time: 12431.46

how many repetitions per set is required

Time: 12434.76

in order to induce hypertrophy yep so

Time: 12437.34

there are two caveats here before I give

Time: 12438.84

well the number is somewhere between

Time: 12440.34

like four

Time: 12441.66

to 30 reps 30 repetitions absolutely in

Time: 12445.02

fact I think you can go much higher the

Time: 12446.58

first 20 have to be feel exceedingly

Time: 12450.359

light correct and during those first 20

Time: 12453.479

or so repetitions is the goal still to

Time: 12455.46

contract the muscle as hard as possible

Time: 12457.439

on each repetition so this is the

Time: 12459

caveats here so

Time: 12461.16

caveat number one

Time: 12463.26


Time: 12464.58

there is an assumption that by the end

Time: 12467.76

of this set you're getting somewhat

Time: 12469.38

close to failure

Time: 12470.939

and so you don't have to go to Absolute

Time: 12473.279


Time: 12474.42

to to induce most like perjury but you

Time: 12477

you also have to get kind of close so if

Time: 12480

you're going to do a set of 25 and you

Time: 12481.56

finish it and you're like oh yeah like

Time: 12483.899

that was kind of starting to get hard at

Time: 12484.979

the end that's not going to be enough

Time: 12487.5

if you're going to do a set of five or

Time: 12489.06

six and the same sort of expression

Time: 12490.8

comes out of your mouth it's not going

Time: 12491.819

to be up so in that case it doesn't

Time: 12493.2

matter your rep range if you're not

Time: 12495.66

getting somewhat close to failure again

Time: 12497.7

it doesn't need to be complete failure

Time: 12499.62

um a good number to think about is like

Time: 12501.359

minus two which is what we call reps and

Time: 12503.88

Reserve which is sort of like I got

Time: 12506.04

within two or so reps of failure and

Time: 12508.319

then I stopped and can we Define failure

Time: 12510.359

at least for sake of this portion of the

Time: 12511.979

conversation as the point at which you

Time: 12515.22

can no longer move the resistance

Time: 12519.12

could be your body could be yeah a

Time: 12520.92

weight machine Etc that you can no

Time: 12523.38

longer move the resistance

Time: 12525.84


Time: 12527.399

in the concentric phase

Time: 12529.5

of the exercise movement in good form

Time: 12532.26

correct that's a really nice momentary

Time: 12534.06

muscular failure is how we typically

Time: 12535.8

Define it there's a wonderful review I

Time: 12537.479

think it's open access that just came

Time: 12539.52

out in the last handful of months Eric

Time: 12541.92

helms's team out of New Zealand Eric's

Time: 12543.899

is a great scientist and a very

Time: 12546.479

experienced physique coach and a

Time: 12547.859

competitor himself so he knows a lot

Time: 12549.18

about this area and that paper rent

Time: 12552.06

through all the exact definitions in

Time: 12553.859

detail all the caveats that we're not

Time: 12556.26

gonna have time to get into today so I

Time: 12557.58

would recommend folks like check that

Time: 12558.84

out if they want more information but

Time: 12560.399

I'll try to get the highlights of it

Time: 12562.38

right here so what they basically showed

Time: 12564.359


Time: 12565.14

going all the way to failure in the

Time: 12567.72

defining failure like you just did right

Time: 12569.76

so momentary muscular failure you can't

Time: 12572.7

complete another repetition through

Time: 12574.8

complete range of motion through

Time: 12576.42

whatever range of motion you determine

Time: 12577.8

prior to

Time: 12578.939

as well as with good technique so other

Time: 12581.04

body parts aren't being compromised sort

Time: 12582.779

of Etc and doesn't need to be total

Time: 12584.88

failure that minus two

Time: 12586.92

failure is still needed

Time: 12589.26

in caveat two which is again very very

Time: 12592.859

highly trained individuals you won't see

Time: 12594.96

people who are like Eric or other folks

Time: 12597.3

who are six to eight to ten years in a

Time: 12599.34

very serious training

Time: 12601.8

um who don't have to go to failure

Time: 12603.18

probably a little bit more than what I

Time: 12605.22

just said so the the layout that they

Time: 12607.859

brought in their paper was very nice and

Time: 12609.479

they basically said okay here's a couple

Time: 12610.739

of scenarios in which going to failure

Time: 12613.08

is maybe the best way to do it number

Time: 12615.12

one you probably should do it

Time: 12617.46

on a little bit of the safer exercises

Time: 12619.859

so maybe taking your back squat on a

Time: 12623.22

barbell to complete failure

Time: 12625.08

and doing that as like a standard

Time: 12626.58

protocol multiple times a week it's

Time: 12628.14

maybe not the best choice so maybe if

Time: 12631.56

you're going to do barbell back squats

Time: 12633

you take that to your you know your your

Time: 12635.46

one or two reps in reserve stop there

Time: 12638.1

it's a lot of work it actually going

Time: 12640.2

back to our discussion on the prolapin

Time: 12641.819

chart it's a similar idea right where

Time: 12643.68

you're going to spend most of your time

Time: 12645

in these working sets 70 to 90 sort of

Time: 12647.76

percent and then you're going to take

Time: 12649.26

that failure to maybe the hack squat

Time: 12650.88

machine or maybe even the leg extension

Time: 12653.04

machine so a little bit of a safer

Time: 12654.6

exercise they also can tend to be single

Time: 12656.7

joint exercises don't have to be but

Time: 12658.92

they're just ones that are not as

Time: 12660.18

complicated and you're not likely to

Time: 12662.279

injure other body parts when you're

Time: 12664.38

doing it all right

Time: 12665.7

um so that's one one way to go about it

Time: 12668.16

another way to go about it is simply

Time: 12670.2

doing it on like the last movement of

Time: 12672.54

the day right and so again you're not

Time: 12674.58

going to do it on your first three or

Time: 12675.899

four exercises but whatever your last

Time: 12677.399

finisher is you'll hit total failure on

Time: 12680.279

that one and that kind of keeps you in a

Time: 12682.68

range of yeah you hit some failure you

Time: 12684.779

got a lot of overall work done so that's

Time: 12686.76

a lot of stimulus that's a lot of noise

Time: 12688.859

going to that nucleus that says grow

Time: 12690.359

grow grow but you didn't totally

Time: 12692.7

obliterate yourself

Time: 12694.399

especially if you don't have the

Time: 12696.3

assistance of anabolic steroids right

Time: 12698.279

that's very very important if you have

Time: 12700.02

those you can push this a lot harder

Time: 12701.399

because your recovery would be

Time: 12702.72

significantly enhanced if not you kind

Time: 12705.18

of want to walk away from that I have to

Time: 12706.8

assume that you know 99 of people are

Time: 12708.66

saying this do not and um and and yet

Time: 12711.359

among those who are not taking anything

Time: 12714

in terms of anabolics they're I think is

Time: 12717.42

a large range of recovery quotients out

Time: 12719.7

there some people just tend to recover

Time: 12721.26

better some people I think also are far

Time: 12723.18

more diligent about what I would call

Time: 12725.34

the um necessary but not sufficient

Time: 12727.8

variables of yeah adequate sleep yep uh

Time: 12730.859

proper nutrition

Time: 12732.2

limiting stress and and so on yeah I

Time: 12735.899

can't wait to break all that stuff down

Time: 12737.22

I got a whole got a very long discussion

Time: 12739.56

for all those things we will get into it

Time: 12741.54

in all its practical realities and

Time: 12744.359

actionables before long what about rest

Time: 12747.84

between sets great this is the interplay

Time: 12750.359

now so one actually thing we said for a

Time: 12752.64

long time is you want to stick between

Time: 12753.84

30 to 90 seconds of rest between sets

Time: 12757.439

for hypertrophy and that's because

Time: 12759

you're trying to

Time: 12760.979

um activate this metabolic disturbance

Time: 12763.8

or disruption you'd need a little bit of

Time: 12766.2

a burn a little bit of a pump to go

Time: 12767.64

there more recent research a lot of this

Time: 12769.68

out of Brad show on Phil's lab and

Time: 12771.72

others have shown that that's just

Time: 12772.92

doesn't seem to be the case again for

Time: 12775.14

moderate uh to newly trained individuals

Time: 12778.739

whether that's the case for the highly

Time: 12780.06

trained folks I don't necessarily know I

Time: 12783.42

don't think there's any difference here

Time: 12784.439

so you can take up to three to five

Time: 12786.12

minutes of rest in between sets and be

Time: 12788.46

fine the caveat here though is this

Time: 12792.06

if you're gonna rest longer that means

Time: 12794.58

the metabolic challenge is lower so you

Time: 12798.06

need to then increase the challenge in

Time: 12799.859

either mechanical tension which think

Time: 12801.66

about as weight load or muscle breakdown

Time: 12805.56

so you can't lower one of the variables

Time: 12807.96

keep everything else the same and expect

Time: 12809.34

the same result so if you're going to

Time: 12811.62

have more rest then you need to either

Time: 12813.18

preserve the load on your bar or the

Time: 12816.96

volume one of the two has to happen so

Time: 12819.239

this gives people a lot of opportunity I

Time: 12821.58

generally tell people

Time: 12823.859

if you're going to train for hypertrophy

Time: 12825.54

it's probably best to stay in a two

Time: 12827.279

minute range at most you can go longer

Time: 12831.06

but a lot of people have a hard time

Time: 12832.68

actually coming back and then executing

Time: 12834.479

that next set with enough intent

Time: 12836.58

to get there and or it's going to make

Time: 12838.859

your workouts tremendously long so you

Time: 12841.26

can stick to the shorter one you don't

Time: 12843.54

have as much mechanical tension but

Time: 12844.979

that's okay you can still get there but

Time: 12846.96

in reality of it is you can do whatever

Time: 12849.06

you would like

Time: 12850.5

tell me if this is a reasonable

Time: 12851.88

structure given what you've told us

Time: 12854.7

three exercises per muscle group

Time: 12857.46

first exercise

Time: 12858.92

slightly heavier loads so repetition

Time: 12861.72

range is somewhere between let's say

Time: 12863.34

five and eight with perhaps hitting

Time: 12866.16

failure close to it on the last set

Time: 12868.979

rest periods of somewhere between two or

Time: 12872.279

let's let's get wild and say five

Time: 12874.08

minutes okay so it's a little bit more

Time: 12875.88

of a strength type workout at that point

Time: 12878.04

but then moving to a second exercise of

Time: 12880.38

three or four sets where the repetition

Time: 12882.72

ranges and now 8 to 15.

Time: 12886.2

shortening the rest periods to 90

Time: 12888.479

seconds or so and then on the third

Time: 12890.58


Time: 12892.5

repetition ranges of 12 to 30. this

Time: 12896.7

number 30 kind of it makes me wide-eyed

Time: 12898.8

I know that can't remember the last time

Time: 12900

I did a set of 30 thinking it was for

Time: 12901.92

hypertrophy but what you're saying makes

Time: 12903.779

absolutely senses or is research back so

Time: 12907.439

very short rest intervals maybe 30

Time: 12910.56

seconds between between sets would that

Time: 12913.979

allow somebody to Target all three forms

Time: 12917.7

of major adaptation I mean my in my mind

Time: 12920.34

it works you know you're talking about

Time: 12922.02

mechanical loads you're talking about

Time: 12923.52

stress and damage and you're talking

Time: 12925.38

about metabolic stress

Time: 12927.42

is that better than to for instance do

Time: 12931.02

all the high repetition work in one

Time: 12932.819

workout per week

Time: 12935.16

um and then higher loads in the other

Time: 12936.779

workout it doesn't matter if you divide

Time: 12939.18

them up or combine them it would not

Time: 12941.1

matter I would say it matters in the

Time: 12943.92

sense of your personal practical

Time: 12945.84

situation well long rest for me I love

Time: 12948.479

training heavier with longer rest right

Time: 12951.06


Time: 12952.62

I'm hearing that there's real value to

Time: 12954.72

doing these higher repetition ranges

Time: 12956.279

yeah so the formula you set up there in

Time: 12959.58

a second is great if you want to do it

Time: 12961.26

the other way that's fine you really

Time: 12962.88

it's kind of idiot proof you can set

Time: 12965.22

this up however you'd like you could

Time: 12966.84

actually do the inverse theoretically

Time: 12969

you could do the sets of 30 first and

Time: 12971.7

then move to your sets of eight it

Time: 12973.5

doesn't really matter because we're

Time: 12975.6

trying to just get to a certain total

Time: 12977.7

stimuli and you're going to hit it

Time: 12978.84

eventually so you have a lot of room to

Time: 12980.939

play here you also have a lot of room to

Time: 12982.979

adapt based on your circumstances God

Time: 12985.439

I'm short on time today

Time: 12987.12

typically my workout takes me 60 Minutes

Time: 12989.1

for this plan I have I've only got 35

Time: 12990.899

today what do I do

Time: 12993.359

well if you're training for strength

Time: 12996.6

that's a different answer than if you're

Time: 12998.1

training for hypertrophy if you're

Time: 12999.18

training for a purge fee you need to

Time: 13001.16

make sure you hit that total volume so

Time: 13002.96

in this particular case lower the load

Time: 13004.76

lower the rest intervals and just get to

Time: 13007.76

the burn and get going as much as you

Time: 13009.38

can if you're training for strength I

Time: 13011.42

would rather you cut your volume in half

Time: 13014.06

get those few repetitions done at that

Time: 13016.22

high load and just don't do very many

Time: 13018.02

sets today that's a better result so the

Time: 13021.739

goal that you're going after is going to

Time: 13023.54

determine what we call chaos management

Time: 13025.279

which is that thing like that um running

Time: 13027.92

out of time today my time is short or I

Time: 13030.14

didn't even think my time was short

Time: 13031.279

something got cut off I'm not feeling it

Time: 13032.84

today I'm in a hotel

Time: 13034.64

etc etc etc which is life right that's

Time: 13036.62

going to be 10 to 50 of your workouts is

Time: 13039.56

going to be chaos management well how

Time: 13042.02

you make those decisions is going to go

Time: 13044.239

back to understanding number one what

Time: 13045.979

goal you're going after the number two

Time: 13047.42

what are the physiological consequences

Time: 13049.52

we call these physiological limiters

Time: 13051.62

for each one and that's going to tell

Time: 13053.42

you what to select and prioritize the

Time: 13055.819

volume the intensity or whatever else

Time: 13059.42

I'd like to ask about

Time: 13061.58

frequency but I'd like to frame it a

Time: 13064.16

little bit differently

Time: 13065.439

than that I'd like to ask about total

Time: 13068.779

workout duration which dovetails with

Time: 13071.6

frequency because

Time: 13073.46

if one is hitting the appropriate number

Time: 13075.5

of sets per week

Time: 13077.779

and one is combining different muscle

Time: 13079.7

groups on the same days well then

Time: 13081.92

workouts are going to be a very

Time: 13083.239

different duration than if one is doing

Time: 13085.16

a different body part each day for

Time: 13086.899

instance and so I feel like any

Time: 13089.06

discussion about frequency has to be

Time: 13091.279

within the context of workout duration

Time: 13092.96

and vice versa yeah if you are a

Time: 13096.5

a lifting junkie and you're very

Time: 13098.96

consistent in your schedule I'm actually

Time: 13100.64

okay with body parts but most people are

Time: 13103.64

not that and so the concern there is if

Time: 13106.04

you say are isolating and waiting to do

Time: 13108.26

your glutes on one day of the week and

Time: 13110.3

something happens on that day

Time: 13112.52

you might go another 13 days now before

Time: 13115.399

training it you know between workouts

Time: 13117.02

and that's really difficult to maintain

Time: 13118.399

the frequency won't be high enough

Time: 13119.899

unless the load and volume on that one

Time: 13123.08

day is astronomically high it's just not

Time: 13126.08

going to happen so while if you look at

Time: 13128.359

the research frequency in terms of how

Time: 13131

many days per week doesn't matter that

Time: 13133.22

much as long as the total load and

Time: 13135.2

failure are equivalent

Time: 13137.239

practically it's a challenge so it's

Time: 13140.96

hard because life gets in the way for

Time: 13142.939

most people

Time: 13144.319

especially if you have kids and a job

Time: 13145.939

and all these things over there so I

Time: 13147.68

actually prefer doing something more

Time: 13149.479

like three days a week of total body and

Time: 13152.06

if something happens you've just missed

Time: 13153.92

that body part for 48 hours 72 hours I

Time: 13157.399

like that a little better for most

Time: 13158.54

people not because it's more effective

Time: 13159.979

but just because

Time: 13161.779

it's a little bit more resilient to life

Time: 13164.3

and you can get there if you wanted to

Time: 13166.58

actually do a little bit of a

Time: 13167.42

combination so if you wanted to do like

Time: 13168.979

two days a week of whole body and then

Time: 13170.779

two days a week of a little bit of a

Time: 13172.04

body part split then you're actually

Time: 13173.54

sort of hedging against all risks there

Time: 13175.96

as long as you get to that total number

Time: 13178.22

there now there is actually some

Time: 13180.5

evidence in a couple of ways that maybe

Time: 13182.6

a little bit more frequently is a little

Time: 13184.34

bit better but the difficulties now

Time: 13186.14

we're going back to the practicality

Time: 13187.399

question of like how many people really

Time: 13189.38

can train just their strength training

Time: 13191.6

six days a week that doesn't count any

Time: 13194.12

of their long duration stuff it isn't

Time: 13195.859

other high heart rate their flexibility

Time: 13197.3

their okay it's just really really

Time: 13199.34

really hard to get all that stuff in so

Time: 13201.62

it is it tends to be easier on folks in

Time: 13204.14

terms of execution and long-term

Time: 13206.42

adherence in my opinion to get that

Time: 13210.26

volume accomplished in in a little bit

Time: 13213.02

more frequent patterns but not once a

Time: 13215.3

week so I like to kind of have it right

Time: 13217.279

there for most people not again not

Time: 13219.979

because it is technically more effective

Time: 13222.14

because you're less likely

Time: 13224.779

to fail to progress because of skipping

Time: 13227.6

a workout something popping up your

Time: 13229.819

power going out and your you know garage

Time: 13232.16

door being locked on your whatever

Time: 13234.02

imagine that that happened to me this

Time: 13235.7

morning folks couldn't get out of my

Time: 13237.02

driveway because the gate with the

Time: 13238.7

electronic gate was uh down because the

Time: 13241.46

power was down anyway solve that problem

Time: 13243.02

yeah the way you describe it my sense is

Time: 13245.54

that workouts will last somewhere

Time: 13247.16

between one and two hours of real work

Time: 13250.16

is that about right it doesn't have to

Time: 13251.96

be nearly that long I mean you could

Time: 13253.76

certainly get enough the work done in 30

Time: 13255.14

minutes if you're doing a whole body

Time: 13257.12

workout yeah yeah absolutely so if

Time: 13259.279

you're doing that three days a week

Time: 13261.02

so remember the numbers we're trying to

Time: 13262.7

hit here let's say we're trying to hit

Time: 13263.72

15 working sets per muscle group per

Time: 13265.52

week that's five working sets per day

Time: 13268.46

for muscle groups so if you did one

Time: 13270.26

exercise for that day let's say you did

Time: 13271.64

squats you did five sets you did that

Time: 13273.56

three days a week you're done there's

Time: 13274.7

your 15.

Time: 13275.899

but there are other muscle groups to hit

Time: 13277.7

on the same day you're doing squats if

Time: 13279.2

you're doing a whole whole body yeah so

Time: 13280.939

you've gotten them all ready and so like

Time: 13283.04

all the leg muscles in that example

Time: 13285.319

are taken care of uh so you would not do

Time: 13287.84

separate hamstring work you wouldn't

Time: 13289.52

need to now hamstrings is actually a

Time: 13291.739

little bit of a caveat like that's a

Time: 13292.819

good example of an exercise or a muscle

Time: 13294.739

group that's probably really good to

Time: 13296.359

make sure you isolate it's challenging

Time: 13298.22

to get with your standard uh dead lift

Time: 13300.859

and and the squat it's one of the

Time: 13303.439

probably ones that's most important to

Time: 13304.58

go Target outside of that but in theory

Time: 13306.8

theoretically though outside of that you

Time: 13308.42

would get most of your leg muscles done

Time: 13310.22

with even a single exercise and even if

Time: 13312.56

you wanted to change it up so you said

Time: 13314.06

all right Monday I'm going to do a squat

Time: 13316.1

variation uh Wednesday the next day I

Time: 13318.8

left I'm gonna do some sort of deadlift

Time: 13320.439

hinging variation and then maybe Friday

Time: 13323.359

my third day I'm going to do some sort

Time: 13325.04

of unilateral maybe rear foot elevated

Time: 13328.1

split squat or something like that all

Time: 13330.319

right maybe even a lateral lunge maybe a

Time: 13332.54

different plane okay you're in a pretty

Time: 13334.279

good spot you're going to hit most of

Time: 13336.14

those muscles

Time: 13337.7

um to your 15 working sets especially if

Time: 13340.16

you take sort of that last set each day

Time: 13342.02

so pretty close to failure that's going

Time: 13344.3

to get some more serious work done but

Time: 13345.92

you're not going to be so fatigued you

Time: 13347.06

can't come back and train it a couple of

Time: 13348.26

days later

Time: 13349.16

and you'll be fine so you could even

Time: 13351.2

split that up into two days a week and

Time: 13353.12

now all you really have to do is hit

Time: 13354.38

something like seven working sets so

Time: 13356.12

maybe that's two exercises per day maybe

Time: 13358.64

some sort of a leg press and a leg hinge

Time: 13361.88

you know three to four sets each you can

Time: 13364.76

hit six to eight sets that day you did

Time: 13367.1

that three days a week now all of a

Time: 13368.12

sudden you're at that 20 24 sets but

Time: 13370.399

same thing with the upper body I just

Time: 13372.26

gave lower body examples because you

Time: 13374.06

know I like the lower body more so it's

Time: 13376.46

not that challenging to get to those

Time: 13378.26

numbers and split and those workouts can

Time: 13380.42

be extremely short so if you're if

Time: 13382.04

you're doing that three days a week

Time: 13384.14

um you know you're getting you're doing

Time: 13385.34

that one exercise everybody one exercise

Time: 13387.38

lower body that certainly shouldn't take

Time: 13389

more than 40 minutes I'm happy to hear

Time: 13391.46

that not because I don't like training

Time: 13394.399

yeah please please excuse the double

Time: 13396.62

negative but I found that resistance

Time: 13399.319

training workouts that extend longer

Time: 13401.239

than one hour of work and certainly

Time: 13402.8

longer than 75 minutes of work leave me

Time: 13404.6

very fatigued oh sure and fatigue to the

Time: 13407.54

point where concentrating on cognitive

Time: 13409.46

work throughout the day can be

Time: 13411.56

challenging need a longer nap in the

Time: 13413.42

afternoon I'm a big proponent of naps in

Time: 13414.979

the afternoon in any case but requiring

Time: 13416.96

longer naps in the afternoon

Time: 13419.12

Etc so

Time: 13420.56

at least for me restricting the

Time: 13422.54

resistance training workouts to about 50

Time: 13424.88

50 to 60 Minutes of real work yeah for

Time: 13428.72

me three or four times per week has

Time: 13430.76

helped tremendously so it's a case where

Time: 13432.859

doing higher intensity work in a shorter

Time: 13435.5

period of time and actually hitting

Time: 13437.54

muscle groups less frequently for me

Time: 13439.52

that's again once directly once

Time: 13441.14

indirectly yep has worked really well

Time: 13443.779

and as you mentioned earlier this could

Time: 13446.6

very well be explained by not my

Time: 13448.58

recovery quotient as some sort of

Time: 13450.739

genetic or physiological variable but

Time: 13452.899

the way that I'm training and indeed I

Time: 13454.939

like to do a few four straps and go to

Time: 13457.04

failure on too many sets and you know

Time: 13458.54

I've weaned in the in that genre of

Time: 13460.88

training it's also fun like to just

Time: 13462.92

train hard it is it's really fun it is I

Time: 13465.2

think that um I've learned a lot by

Time: 13466.939

training to quote unquote to failure of

Time: 13468.92

course I think there's a lot of learning

Time: 13470.54

in there provided it's done safely but

Time: 13472.819

what you're describing actually inspires

Time: 13474.62

me to at least give a try to these other

Time: 13476.779

sorts of splits and and ways of training

Time: 13478.7

for hypertrophy and strengths because

Time: 13480.2

this notion of not necessarily having

Time: 13482

you go to failure and still being able

Time: 13484.279

to evoke strength and hypertrophy

Time: 13486.1

adaptations is a really intriguing one

Time: 13489.439

uh dare I even say a seductive one and

Time: 13492.38

that leads me to a question that is

Time: 13495.62

based on findings that I've heard

Time: 13497.239

discussed on social media which means

Time: 13499.399

very little if anything unless it's in

Time: 13502.1

the context of people who really

Time: 13503.96

um know exercise science and you're one

Time: 13506.66

such person and that's this idea that

Time: 13509.6

because resistance training can evoke a

Time: 13512.42

protein synthesis adaptation response

Time: 13516.5

but that adaptation response is lasts

Time: 13520.46

about 48 hours before it starts to taper

Time: 13523.34

off that the ideal in quotes frequency

Time: 13526.76

for training a given muscle group for

Time: 13528.859

hypertrophy is about every 48 hours is

Time: 13531.859

that true

Time: 13532.76

yes and no so a couple of things there

Time: 13536

remember in order to grow a muscle

Time: 13537.62

there's multiple steps here so you have

Time: 13539.42

the signaling response which actually

Time: 13540.8

happens within seconds of exercise and

Time: 13543.319

can last depending on the marker you

Time: 13545.18

know up to an hour or two hours step

Time: 13547.1

number two then is gene expression and

Time: 13549.8

we see that that's typically peaked

Time: 13551.6

around two to six hours post exercise

Time: 13553.64

and then you have following that protein

Time: 13555.62

synthesis and that's that longer time

Time: 13558.14

frame somewhere between 12 hours there

Time: 13560.899

it's certainly not peaked for 48 hours

Time: 13563.06

it may be still there 48 hours from now

Time: 13565.279

but it is is absolutely coming down at

Time: 13567.8

that point depending on sort of a number

Time: 13569.12

of factors so that part of is sort of

Time: 13571.34

true so this is a combination of like

Time: 13573.02

some half truths and some like maybe

Time: 13574.88

just pedantic things that aren't really

Time: 13576.8

that important to differentiate the real

Time: 13579.08

question I think is is like okay is it

Time: 13582.14

okay to train sooner slash is it better

Time: 13584.06

to train sooner or actually is it better

Time: 13585.68

to wait longer

Time: 13587.42

there's no real reason to think that you

Time: 13589.88

need to train if the goal is hypertrophy

Time: 13592.399

any sooner than 48 hours afterwards I

Time: 13595.399

can't think of an advantage that that

Time: 13597.5

would confer

Time: 13598.64

I I also can't think of any practical

Time: 13601.279


Time: 13602.899

athletes physique bodybuilders coaches

Time: 13606.2

that ever found tremendous success doing

Time: 13608.3

that so I would be very skeptical that

Time: 13611.12

that is anyway better now could you do

Time: 13613.939

it in some instances of say you know

Time: 13616.16

you've got travel coming up like that so

Time: 13618.08

that you just yeah you want to preload

Time: 13619.88

the system by destroying the muscle no

Time: 13622.279

problem and then waiting seven days or

Time: 13624.439

14 days I've known people have done that

Time: 13626.18

before I do Vacations or layoffs every

Time: 13628.46

time like every single annihilate

Time: 13630.26

themselves and then take a two-week

Time: 13631.64

layoff yeah and it's like there's no

Time: 13633.02

benefit there other than psychological

Time: 13634.7

like I just love it like it feels great

Time: 13636.68

to be super sore I feel less crappy not

Time: 13638.54

training for those couple days because

Time: 13639.68

I'm like I'm super sore anyway you need

Time: 13641.18

the extended rest yeah of course and

Time: 13643.76

it's just like

Time: 13645.439

it's just a crappy justification in my

Time: 13647.72

brain that like

Time: 13649.399

excuse to do something really wild and

Time: 13651.38

that I totally don't need and get way

Time: 13652.64

sore that I should get Dr Andy galvin's

Time: 13654.739

suggestions of what not to do but that

Time: 13657.56

he does yeah 100 so do as I say not as I

Time: 13660.5

do the famous words of every research

Time: 13662.12

Professor yeah I think 48 hours is a

Time: 13663.979

reasonable time uh to wait can't think

Time: 13666.979

of any advantage of going sooner than

Time: 13668.12

that there's really not a tremendous

Time: 13669.439

amount of advantage of waiting much

Time: 13670.7

longer than that certainly 72 hours is

Time: 13672.38

fine as long as you're hitting these

Time: 13674.72

Concepts we've talked about you can let

Time: 13677.18

really life

Time: 13678.5

determine that I mean there's situations

Time: 13680.84

too with like particularly our athletes

Time: 13683.239

where we have to kind of break that

Time: 13684.8

because of schedule obligations they're

Time: 13687.14

playing every fifth day every third day

Time: 13689.06

or something like that you're just gonna

Time: 13690.02

have to lift some back-to-back days

Time: 13691.279

you're just gonna have to get it done

Time: 13693.56

um but yeah I can't think of why I'd go

Time: 13695.779

out of my way to do that the

Time: 13698.479

second part of that question is let's

Time: 13701

say somebody trains a muscle

Time: 13703.88

they train it properly they hit it in

Time: 13705.739

the appropriate rep ranges and

Time: 13707.12

appropriate rest Etc that the stimulus

Time: 13709.58

is there the adaptation is set in motion

Time: 13711.8

they're getting someone where somewhere

Time: 13715.52

at 48 hours or so a protein synthesis

Time: 13717.979

Peak that's going to taper off yeah but

Time: 13720.859

they don't train it 48 hours later or 72

Time: 13723.5

hours later they train it five or six

Time: 13725.06

days later not because they're lazy not

Time: 13727.16

because they um they don't care but

Time: 13729.739

because they have other priorities that

Time: 13731.779

are woven in with getting hypertrophy in

Time: 13734.899

this muscle right there are people who

Time: 13736.64

exist only to get hypertrophy in a given

Time: 13738.38

muscle group but let's be fair most

Time: 13739.76

people would like to grow that muscle

Time: 13741.2


Time: 13742.58

but then does it necessarily mean that

Time: 13745.46

the muscle starts to revert to its

Time: 13747.5

pre-hypertrophic state that is does it

Time: 13749.54

atrophy and get smaller again because if

Time: 13751.279

it doesn't I could see a lot of reasons

Time: 13753.5

for hitting a muscle group once every

Time: 13754.7

five days or seven days provided you

Time: 13756.319

hold on to the hypertrophy that you

Time: 13758.54

initiated five or seven days ago yeah

Time: 13760.52

there's no reason to think you will lose

Time: 13761.779

anything in that sort of a Time domain

Time: 13764.3

five to seven days the only challenge

Time: 13766.22

with training that infrequently is can

Time: 13768.739

you actually get enough total volume

Time: 13770.06

done so if you're going to train them

Time: 13772.16

also once a week you either have to go

Time: 13774.5

to real failure real damage and soreness

Time: 13778.16

or you have to figure out a way to hit

Time: 13779.72

20 cents that day in that muscle not at

Time: 13782.18

all impossible especially if you're

Time: 13783.62

thinking well actually all I have to do

Time: 13784.58

is 15. I'm gonna do five sets of three

Time: 13787.76

exercises that's not outrageous not at

Time: 13790.34

all so so like absolutely possible if

Time: 13792.739

you're wanting to go more towards 20

Time: 13794

we're getting closer to that 25 like now

Time: 13796.939

it starts to get pretty challenging so

Time: 13799.06

scientifically the research will suggest

Time: 13801.26

it's going to be equally effective

Time: 13803.899

practically it's challenging for people

Time: 13806.06

to hit sufficient volume without just

Time: 13808.1

being so demoralized afterwards because

Time: 13810.14

they're in so much pain they can't get

Time: 13811.7

out of their car because their legs are

Time: 13813.26

so trash they can't sit on the toilet

Time: 13814.7

and get back up without crying from pain

Time: 13816.92

so that's not good no that's not good I

Time: 13819.56

say that because those are actual

Time: 13820.76

examples that have happened in my life

Time: 13822.38

yeah I I I'm realizing as we're having

Time: 13825.14

this conversation about ways to

Time: 13827.06

stimulate hypertrophy that I've sort of

Time: 13829.46

defaulted to more intensity as opposed

Time: 13831.8

to volume because of the time factor I

Time: 13833.479

have a lot of other things going on in

Time: 13834.859

my life and So within that hour

Time: 13836.899

I Can't Get Enough sets in across all

Time: 13839.6

the muscle groups I need to hit and I'm

Time: 13840.92

only going to do it about once a week

Time: 13842.359

and so it's at least for me more

Time: 13845.6

advantageous to just train extremely

Time: 13847.22

hard I actually use the pre-exhaustion

Time: 13848.84

technique that you mentioned before yep

Time: 13850.52

or pre-fatigue as you refer to it of

Time: 13852.62

hitting something really strong with an

Time: 13854.12

isolation exercise then doing compound

Time: 13855.739

exercises I'm starting to think based on

Time: 13858.979

what you've told me that pre-fatigue

Time: 13863.239

and then a compound exercise in some

Time: 13865.58

ways it's not really two sets because if

Time: 13867.92

you're going to fail your four straps

Time: 13869.96

you're kind of pushing past failure then

Time: 13871.76

you're doing a compound exercise and

Time: 13873.38

you're doing that two or three times

Time: 13874.779

well that sounds like four to six sets

Time: 13877.88

but the force repetitions are almost

Time: 13881

like an additional set right yep and so

Time: 13883.939

it's not 20 sets but it's four to six

Time: 13886.819

really really hard sets that go beyond

Time: 13889.1

what we normally think of as a set

Time: 13890.66

totally okay it's sort of the difference

Time: 13892.46

between running on concrete and running

Time: 13893.899

on Sand when I go for a sand run it's a

Time: 13896.479

very different experience totally yeah

Time: 13898.16

and this is why I should have mentioned

Time: 13900.62

this at the very very beginning of our

Time: 13902.18

our chat today but all of these numbers

Time: 13904.88

that I'll give you for any exercise

Time: 13906.56

adaptation you you cannot think of them

Time: 13909.26

as hard lines they are gradients and so

Time: 13913.16

when we think about the number for

Time: 13914.779

hypertrophy in terms of repetitions I

Time: 13916.819

said 4 to 30. what do you think happens

Time: 13918.859

at three do you think hypertrophages

Time: 13921.08

stops in fact the number you'll see in

Time: 13923.42

literature is more like six to Thirty I

Time: 13925.16

actually slide it down to four though

Time: 13926.84

like personal preference because of that

Time: 13928.34

but it just Fades away what do you think

Time: 13929.899

happens at rep 31 35 there's no it just

Time: 13932.3

Fades gradually over time so you

Time: 13936.02

actually sort of brought this up one of

Time: 13937.1

your other questions and I'm not sure if

Time: 13938.72

you were even thinking about this or

Time: 13939.62

maybe you were I just babbled on about

Time: 13942.08

something else but if strength happens

Time: 13944.3

between this like one to five repetition

Time: 13946.58

range and hypertrophy typically happens

Time: 13948.979

in this like 8 to 30 range what happens

Time: 13951.979

if I were to do the sets of six or God

Time: 13954.439

forbid seven like seven and nine are

Time: 13956.42

these numbers you just absolutely don't

Time: 13957.68

do in strength training right it's just

Time: 13959.479

like so that's a one two three four five

Time: 13961.46

six got eight ten twelve like do not

Time: 13963.62

program a set of 30. now when I'm

Time: 13965

trained sets of seven to nine yeah it's

Time: 13966.8


Time: 13967.54

uh we'll use sets of seven a lot with

Time: 13970.64

weightlifters because you can actually

Time: 13971.66

count numbers more effectively but what

Time: 13973.58

happens in seven to nine right so this

Time: 13975.62

is actually a wonderful area of these

Time: 13977.479


Time: 13978.46

five to eight repetitions where you're

Time: 13981.14

going to get a nice combination of a lot

Time: 13982.88

of strength gains and a lot of

Time: 13984.319

hypertrophy so someone who's coming in

Time: 13986.42

going man I want to get stronger and I

Time: 13989

want to add muscle what do I do here

Time: 13991.16

well that's actually a really nice

Time: 13992.239

answer train pretty hard in that like

Time: 13994.76

four to eight repetition range and

Time: 13997.04

you're going to get a lot stronger and

Time: 13998.3

you'll still induce a lot of hypertrophy

Time: 14000.04

if you want to really maximize

Time: 14003.04

hypertrophy I would probably spend most

Time: 14005.26

of your time in the 8 to 15 repetition

Time: 14008.68

per set range you can go up to 30.

Time: 14011.62

admittedly though I don't think it's

Time: 14013.3

optimal to spend most of your time at

Time: 14015.52

more than 15 reps per set it's very

Time: 14018.04

challenging to maintain the focus

Time: 14020.02

required at rep 27 to actually get

Time: 14023.14

sufficient failure by rep there you just

Time: 14024.939

you just give up way too early it's hard

Time: 14026.38

to do the same thing at the bottom end

Time: 14028.359

of that Spectrum in terms of of really

Time: 14030.939

heavy to get there so I really honestly

Time: 14033.399

think 8 to 15 is still it's cliche it's

Time: 14036.04

that textbook number but it's a reason

Time: 14037.6

that's a like it is tried and true and

Time: 14039.76

very very very effective if for instance

Time: 14042.22

you want to get stronger though

Time: 14044.26

and not invoke a lot of hypertrophy you

Time: 14047.62

have a couple of tricks you can pull

Time: 14049.06

number one stay south of that five

Time: 14051.939

repetition range you do sets of one sets

Time: 14054.939

of two go as heavy as you can with all

Time: 14058.18

appropriate considerations

Time: 14060.04

and stick within maybe even up to three

Time: 14061.779

reps per set you start getting to four

Time: 14063.76

to five to six now you're gonna start

Time: 14065.199

itching towards that that hypertriot

Time: 14067.42

range so stay down there do a lot more

Time: 14069.58

total sets so do a classic example would

Time: 14072.58

be something like eight sets of three

Time: 14074.8

right you're going to get a lot of

Time: 14076.479

practice you're going to get 24 very

Time: 14077.979

high quality reps with a lot of rest in

Time: 14080.38

between okay you go from there you go to

Time: 14082.66

managing caloric intake making sure your

Time: 14085.3

protein is still on point you want to

Time: 14087.22

recover but if your total calories

Time: 14089.02

aren't um you know greater than 10 to 15

Time: 14091.54

above your maintenance needs then you're

Time: 14094

not going to be able to put on a whole

Time: 14095.38

bunch of muscle mass because you just

Time: 14096.88

don't have the fuel for it you can also

Time: 14099.279

then space your workouts out so that

Time: 14101.38

stimulus isn't coming extremely often so

Time: 14103.899

if you do that thing a couple of times a

Time: 14105.22

week it's not enough frequency in that

Time: 14107.56

signal so remember that signal has to be

Time: 14109.479

frequent or loud you didn't make it

Time: 14111.46

super loud and now you're not making a

Time: 14113.439

super frequent you can get very very

Time: 14115.18

very strong like that and and put on

Time: 14117.939

very low amounts of vibratory if that's

Time: 14120.819

sort of the choice

Time: 14122.199

so you told us a lot about volume and

Time: 14124.72

frequency and how that relates to

Time: 14126.22

protein synthesis and Recovery to evoke

Time: 14128.739

the hypertrophy adaptation response how

Time: 14131.979

should people think about systemic

Time: 14134.26

damage and Recovery because obviously

Time: 14136.6

the nervous system and the way it

Time: 14138.699

interacts with the neuromuscular system

Time: 14140.14

is the site of all the action here or at

Time: 14143.62

least a lot of the action

Time: 14146.02

and the nervous system can in fact

Time: 14148.06

become fatigued you know that has a

Time: 14150.88

great capacity but the whole system that

Time: 14153.04

we're talking about can be worked to the

Time: 14155.92

extent that even if a muscle group like

Time: 14158.439

the biceps or the back is being allowed

Time: 14160.3

to rest while you're training legs and

Time: 14161.859

other muscle groups that your whole

Time: 14163.779

neuromuscular system needs rest how does

Time: 14166.66

one determine whether or not your entire

Time: 14168.279

body needs complete rest or or low level

Time: 14171.22

active rest or exercise of a different

Time: 14172.84

kind yeah yeah sure so I want to

Time: 14175

actually tackle this because we're on

Time: 14176.319

the topic of hypertrophy I'm assuming

Time: 14178

that that's the goal in mind here yes

Time: 14180.16

here I'm asking specifically within the

Time: 14181.96

contracts of hypertrophy I realize that

Time: 14183.88

for other training goals the answer of

Time: 14186.1

this question could be quite different

Time: 14186.939

yeah okay so we actually do this in a

Time: 14188.319

couple of different ways let's start

Time: 14189.22

local and work back to systemic right

Time: 14191.08

because number one what you're really

Time: 14194.02

concerned about is at the local muscle

Time: 14197.26

level is am I going to create excessive

Time: 14198.76


Time: 14199.72

and I don't necessarily mean muscle

Time: 14201.279

damage I mean injury right so um the

Time: 14203.5

kind of rule of thumb we use is like

Time: 14204.699

three out of ten in terms of soreness if

Time: 14206.38

you're more than three out of ten in

Time: 14207.939

terms of soreness we're going to start

Time: 14210.16

asking questions if you're higher than

Time: 14211.66

six out of ten we're probably not

Time: 14213.699

training this is subjective total

Time: 14215.68

subjective measure right and you'll

Time: 14217.359

you'll know very quickly right I feel

Time: 14218.979

like if you can barely graze your PEC

Time: 14221.199

with your fingertip and then you're like

Time: 14222.399

ah I don't care what you score that

Time: 14224.56

we're not training there's just no

Time: 14226.06

damage if you're three out of ten if

Time: 14228.1

you're just like oh I'm kind of like a

Time: 14229.42

little bit stiff here but once you get

Time: 14231.16

warmed up you start feeling okay you're

Time: 14232.899

probably okay to proceed there so that

Time: 14234.819

is is

Time: 14235.96

a very easy way to just think about

Time: 14238.319

soreness you're going to be a little bit

Time: 14240.04

tight depending on your training

Time: 14241


Time: 14241.899

now zooming out to systemic we use a

Time: 14244.3

whole host of things so we actually have

Time: 14245.62

a a whole host of biomarkers we use you

Time: 14248.26

can get a lot of these from blood so you

Time: 14249.76

can look at things like creatine kinase

Time: 14251.14

that's the very common one marker of

Time: 14253.06

muscle damage um we'll actually look at

Time: 14255.12

LDH we'll look at myoglobulin that's

Time: 14258.52

just like if you think about hemoglobin

Time: 14260.08

is the

Time: 14261.399

um is the molecule that carries oxygen

Time: 14263.319

throughout your blood the myoglobin is

Time: 14265

the the part of that that's actually in

Time: 14266.92

muscle so when muscle gets broken down

Time: 14268.54

that gets leaked out and put in your

Time: 14269.8

blood that's one of the markers actually

Time: 14271.479

it's gonna be associated with things

Time: 14272.439

like rhabdo which is uh like you're

Time: 14274.66

going to see your urine is purple and

Time: 14276.399

it's extremely dark because you've got

Time: 14277.6

so much muscle breakdown that that

Time: 14279.1

happens and kidneys can have a problem

Time: 14280.779

and you put a bunch of stuff in there so

Time: 14282.22

we use those biomarkers we'll actually

Time: 14283.899

also look at probably a couple things

Time: 14285.52

you're familiar with alt and ASD these

Time: 14288.34

are excellent biomarkers of muscle

Time: 14289.66

breakdown so if we are actually

Time: 14290.979

suspecting that this is a chronic

Time: 14292.54

problem we're going to actually go and

Time: 14294.939

pull some blood if it's just like I'm

Time: 14297.279

super sore today we're going to use that

Time: 14298.66

subjective marker but if we're seeing

Time: 14300.1

this as constant like man are we really

Time: 14301.66

pushed pushing you way too much is there

Time: 14303.279

some sort of systemic problem we're

Time: 14305.38

going to blood and we're going to look

Time: 14306.22

at all those different things now AST to

Time: 14308.26

alt is really specific and I don't want

Time: 14310.3

to take us too far off track here but

Time: 14311.859

the ratio to those things is actually

Time: 14313.66

very important as well so if you look at

Time: 14315.64

the AST to alt ratio typically the

Time: 14317.5

number we'll look at is like 1.67 as

Time: 14319.84

that ratio is like higher than that you

Time: 14321.46

have a pretty high risk of muscle damage

Time: 14322.899

but really

Time: 14324.399

between you know me and you and a few of

Time: 14327.16

these listeners anytime we start seeing

Time: 14329.199

AST out kick alt we're immediately

Time: 14331.239

thinking it has a ratio being higher

Time: 14332.92

than one we're immediately thinking like

Time: 14335.08

there's something happening muscle

Time: 14336.1

damage wise so um that's actually a

Time: 14337.84

sneaky good indicator of just total

Time: 14339.279

muscle mass because the vast majority of

Time: 14341.26

that's going to be in muscle so those

Time: 14343.6

are actually some markers that we like a

Time: 14345.279

lot if muscle damage is the thing we're

Time: 14348.22

concerned with if we are more concerned

Time: 14350.08

with things like total training volume

Time: 14352.479

systemic overload then we may turn to

Time: 14355

something more like sleep there's a lot

Time: 14357.34

of information we can actually get gland

Time: 14359.02

from changes in sleep behavior and

Time: 14361.479

function you could also look at things

Time: 14363.34

like HRV heart rate variability which is

Time: 14365.62

a very classic marker and much more

Time: 14368.02

sensitive to changes with training than

Time: 14370.06

something like a resting heart rate

Time: 14371.26

which is which is one thing you can

Time: 14373.18

actually do that's totally cost free

Time: 14374.319

just look at your changes and any

Time: 14376.359

elevation resting heart rate over time

Time: 14379.18

especially more than three to five

Time: 14380.92

consecutive days it is an indicator but

Time: 14383.199

HIV is much more sensitive to things

Time: 14386.02

like training induced overload so that's

Time: 14388.359

a quick version of stuff that we're

Time: 14389.8

going to pay attention to the last one I

Time: 14391.3

would add there is simply motivation

Time: 14393.76

so if you're really training hard and

Time: 14395.26

you like training hard and you just like

Time: 14396.58

cannot force yourself to go anymore that

Time: 14399.22

in of itself can be a good indication of

Time: 14400.96

it's maybe not the day maybe not the

Time: 14402.939

week with all of these things you want

Time: 14405.88

to be careful about overreacting to a

Time: 14407.62

single day measure again we look we need

Time: 14410.319

to look at at least a trend of more than

Time: 14412.359

three days honestly I'm looking at more

Time: 14414.04

than five days I'm gonna pull back from

Time: 14416.56

that and think about what phase of

Time: 14418.12

training we're in what part of the Year

Time: 14419.8

we're in typically with our athletes

Time: 14421.18

we're in season preseason post-season

Time: 14422.8

off season Etc to make our decisions

Time: 14424.96

about what we're going to do about it

Time: 14426.22

are we canning the entire workout are we

Time: 14428.5

doing a modified lower version lower

Time: 14430.3

intensity my default generally if

Time: 14433.479

hypertrophy is the goal remember

Time: 14436.12

volume is the driver there so if I can

Time: 14439.12

like can we get in can we go real light

Time: 14441.1

let's go to 6 out of 10 rpe so relative

Time: 14444.64

perceived exertion maybe we'll reduce

Time: 14447.1

the range of motion maybe we'll make it

Time: 14449.92

a little bit easier maybe go to machines

Time: 14451.479

or instead of going a squat we'll just

Time: 14453.279

do you know uh leg extension something

Time: 14455.68

like that but I want to still get enough

Time: 14457.359

volume in there that will keep you on

Time: 14458.979

target any again even going at 50 not

Time: 14462.399

not to high repetition you know 50 for a

Time: 14464.68

set of ten three sets just get a nice

Time: 14466.54

blood flow in there get it in get it out

Time: 14468.34

aid in recovery and then move on and

Time: 14470.56

come back the next day that's probably

Time: 14471.699

what I would do rather than canning the

Time: 14473.979

entire session

Time: 14475.3

how do other forms of exercise

Time: 14478.779

combine with hypertrophy training

Time: 14481.899

for instance can I do cardiovascular

Time: 14484.96

training for two or three days per week

Time: 14488.439

provided that cardiovascular training is

Time: 14490.899

of low enough intensity and not disrupt

Time: 14494.58

hypertrophy progression

Time: 14497.26


Time: 14499

can I do that cardiovascular exercise

Time: 14502.12

before or after the hypertrophy training

Time: 14505.72

or does it need to be separated out the

Time: 14508.479

answer to this is really what we call

Time: 14510.399

the crossover air interference effect

Time: 14512.14

okay it's really an energy management

Time: 14513.66

issue so the only time

Time: 14517.12

endurance exercise starts to interfere

Time: 14519.399

or block or hinder attenuate hypertrophy

Time: 14522.64

is in one of two broad categories number

Time: 14524.56

one total energy intake or your balance

Time: 14526.96

is off so you can ameliorate this by

Time: 14529.42

just eating more if you do that then the

Time: 14531.399

interference effect generally goes away

Time: 14532.66

the second one is you want to make sure

Time: 14534.46

you avoid exercise forms for your

Time: 14536.439

endurance training that are the same

Time: 14538.6

working group and specifically The

Time: 14540.279

Eccentric portion so for example we see

Time: 14542.08

much more interference with running

Time: 14543.52

unlike hypertrophy then we move cycling

Time: 14546.88

right less eccentric pounding and

Time: 14548.68

loading less damage less things to

Time: 14550.18

recover from the tissue seems to be

Time: 14552.16

totally fine the only other thing you

Time: 14554.08

need to worry about here is total volume

Time: 14556.18

of your endurance work so if you're

Time: 14558.04

doing a moderate intensity for a

Time: 14560.199

moderate duration say 70 of your maximum

Time: 14563.56

heart rate for 25 minutes it's unlikely

Time: 14566.38

to do much damage in terms of blocking

Time: 14568.779

hypertrophy you're totally fine can you

Time: 14571

do it before or after your workout it's

Time: 14572.439

probably not going to matter that much

Time: 14573.58

all right so pre-fatigue is okay for

Time: 14575.56

hypertrophy so if your pre-fatigue is

Time: 14577.479

coming from endurance then you're

Time: 14579.34

totally fine not a big deal afterwards

Time: 14581.62

cool you want to break it up into

Time: 14583.72

multiple sessions that's probably better

Time: 14585.46

right so if you do your endurance work

Time: 14587.08

on a separate day that's probably best

Time: 14589.06

case scenario if you can't do that but

Time: 14590.92

you can break it up into two workouts

Time: 14592.3

say you lift in the morning and then you

Time: 14593.739

do your quote-unquote cardio at night

Time: 14595.42

maybe that's second best third best is

Time: 14598

doing it at the end of your lift and

Time: 14600.279

finishing it that's fine just make sure

Time: 14602.26

that you're maximizing your recovery on

Time: 14605.14

all the other tricks we'll talk about

Time: 14606.34

later make sure the calories are there

Time: 14608.38

make sure you're not doing a lot of

Time: 14609.58

eccentric Landing in that endurance

Time: 14611.319

stuff and you'll be just fine and where

Time: 14613.54

does higher intensity cardio fit into a

Time: 14616.12

hypertrophy program so higher intensity

Time: 14618.699

cardio for instance in my mind is

Time: 14623.02

getting on the assault bike and doing

Time: 14625.72

um you know eight intervals of 20 second

Time: 14628.479

Sprints and 10 second rest in between or

Time: 14631.12

perhaps go into a field and doing some

Time: 14633.399

bounds and Sprints and things of that

Time: 14635.08

sort not going all out not you know

Time: 14637.779

running for one's life but getting up to

Time: 14640.06

about you know 85 90 percent of of

Time: 14642.399

running for one's life so we have a lot

Time: 14644.979

less information on the potential

Time: 14646.479

interference or not of high intensities

Time: 14648.22

of it um the stuff we do have suggested

Time: 14650.62

it may actually Aid

Time: 14652.12

and hypertrophy and that's because if

Time: 14654.16

you think about it one the potential

Time: 14655.6

paths to activation and muscle growth is

Time: 14657.52

this metabolic disturbance you're going

Time: 14660.46

to get that a lot with the the high

Time: 14661.72

intensity interval thing so it's not a

Time: 14663.399

terrible thing to do I wouldn't do it to

Time: 14666.22

the level that it compromises your

Time: 14667.72

ability to come back and do your primary

Time: 14669.16

training so if you're so fatigued your

Time: 14671.02

legs are super heavy and they're

Time: 14672.819

depleted you now have to ingest extra

Time: 14675.04

carbohydrates to replenish muscle

Time: 14676.6

glycogen to be able to handle both

Time: 14678.399

recovery and continued training Etc that

Time: 14681.16

could then lead to a problem but in

Time: 14682.6

general we really don't see any reason

Time: 14684.64

why that is going to completely block or

Time: 14686.739

or make it such that your training was

Time: 14688.96

quote unquote wasted or it didn't work

Time: 14690.76

in fact actually

Time: 14693.46

um a very recent study came out where

Time: 14696.34

they had individuals perform six weeks

Time: 14699.22

of purely aerobic endurance steady state

Time: 14702.52

long duration endurance for six weeks I

Time: 14704.62

think prior to starting a hypertrophy

Time: 14706.359

phase compared that to individuals who

Time: 14708.16

did not do that and those folks that did

Time: 14710.62

these six weeks of just I think it was

Time: 14713.199

cycling actually

Time: 14714.58

just endurance work

Time: 14716.56

had more muscle growth at the end of

Time: 14718.779

their hypertrophy training than those

Time: 14720.04

folks that did not

Time: 14721.239

so this shows you very clearly there are

Time: 14724.12

a lot of advantages that come with being

Time: 14725.739

physically fit to Growing muscle so

Time: 14728.199

folks that also have actually hit

Time: 14730.3

plateaus a lot one of the things you may

Time: 14732.46

actually see some benefit from is

Time: 14733.779

actually doing a little bit more

Time: 14734.8

endurance work whether it's a steady

Time: 14736.239

state stuff maybe a side the higher

Time: 14738.22

intensity stuff certainly if you're

Time: 14740.5

starting a training phase it's a pretty

Time: 14742.06

good idea to do that and there's a

Time: 14743.62

number of physiological reasons of why

Time: 14745.779

that's potentially occurring but the the

Time: 14748.12

lowest hanging fruit here is weak sort

Time: 14750.58

of joke you know like if you're so unfit

Time: 14752.68

that you're tying your shoes in your

Time: 14754.899

warm-up and you're already breaking a

Time: 14756.16

sweat you probably don't have enough

Time: 14758.199

Fitness to do enough training to get

Time: 14761.02

enough hypertree so that is in fact your

Time: 14763

limiting factor you're not recovering

Time: 14764.979

you're super fatigued and damaged and

Time: 14767.68


Time: 14768.699

because you're so unfit so get fit first

Time: 14771.699

and then you can actually get more gains

Time: 14773.68

a week later so you have to kind of Kick

Time: 14775.6

the Can down the road for a few weeks

Time: 14777.399

but 10 weeks later you'll be in a better

Time: 14779.319

spot than you were by investing a little

Time: 14781

bit in your conditioning so as you

Time: 14782.38

pointed out before and I can only assume

Time: 14783.939

you're referring to me hypertrophy

Time: 14786.04

training is idiot proof meaning there's

Time: 14788.8

a lot of leeway in the variables but not

Time: 14791.319

so much leeway that people can do

Time: 14793.18

anything it it's bounded by these

Time: 14795.699

general principles

Time: 14798.46

so with your permission I'm going to do

Time: 14800.26

a brief overview of my notes based on

Time: 14803.439

your description of the modifiable

Time: 14805.479

variables that will direct somebody

Time: 14808.06

towards hypertrophy keeping in mind this

Time: 14810.819

backdrop of exercise Choice exercise

Time: 14812.979


Time: 14814.239

selecting appropriate volume that sets

Time: 14816.46

and Reps training frequency and needing

Time: 14819.1

some Metric or way to have progression

Time: 14822.58

either by adding more weight or by more

Time: 14824.92

tension or more metabolic stress and so

Time: 14827.08


Time: 14828.04

in terms of exercise Choice it sounds

Time: 14830.5

like the choice of exercises is not

Time: 14833.56

super critical in terms of specificity

Time: 14835.66

yeah but that the ideal circumstances

Time: 14838.18

that people are targeting all the major

Time: 14840.699

and frankly

Time: 14842.62

secondary and minor muscle groups if you

Time: 14844.66

can even call them that yeah across

Time: 14847.239

their exercise choices that they're

Time: 14848.979

picking exercises that they can perform

Time: 14850.899

safely and that they can generate enough

Time: 14853.239

intensity so they're getting close to

Time: 14854.859

failure without placing themselves into

Time: 14857.26

danger right so um for some people that

Time: 14860.859

might mean including large compound free

Time: 14862.479

weight exercises like squats and

Time: 14863.92

deadlifts and bent over barbell rows as

Time: 14867.1

well as isolation exercises and for some

Time: 14869.319

people there might be a biased toward

Time: 14871.84

more isolation exercises and machines

Time: 14873.699

but of course machines don't necessarily

Time: 14875.26

mean that you can't use heavy loads in

Time: 14877.779

fact plate loaded machines like Hammer

Time: 14879.22

strange machines it will allow for quite

Time: 14881.02

substantial loads so picking two or

Time: 14884.739

three or more movements per muscle group

Time: 14887.859

can be valuable

Time: 14889.66

but that overall

Time: 14891.64

consistency is going to outshine

Time: 14895.12

variation in the sense that you don't

Time: 14897.46

need to hit muscles with a different

Time: 14899.439

exercise every workout coming back to

Time: 14901.3

the same things

Time: 14902.92

has a benefit and we heard about this in

Time: 14904.96

our discussion around strength and power

Time: 14906.279

as well

Time: 14907.3


Time: 14908.38

in terms of order of exercises there too

Time: 14911.08

it sounds like there's a lot of

Time: 14912.34

flexibility one could

Time: 14914.5

do the large compound exercise

Time: 14916.96

for let's say quadriceps and hamstrings

Time: 14919.479

and glutes first like a squat or a front

Time: 14921.46


Time: 14922.84

or could deadlift for that matter but

Time: 14925

then if one deadlifted and primarily hit

Time: 14927.34

the glutes and hamstrings then you might

Time: 14928.779

want to Target the quadriceps more

Time: 14931.54

directly with leg extensions or if one

Time: 14933.46

squatted and was loading that squat bar

Time: 14936.22

carrying the squat bar in a way that was

Time: 14937.779

predominantly quadricep yeah and less so

Time: 14940.3

glute and hamstring than leg curls would

Time: 14943.239

be a good choice Etc okay and train your

Time: 14945.76

calves folks

Time: 14947.02

very important unless you're a genetic

Time: 14948.939

freak of course it's actually a good

Time: 14950.739

opportunity to say unless you're a

Time: 14951.88

genetic freak or you just have a genetic

Time: 14953.26

predisposition yeah or you've done

Time: 14955.06

Sports and and you have a genetic

Time: 14956.5

predisposition that gives you you know

Time: 14958.359

very large caps that don't require any

Time: 14960.22

training at all I I know people like

Time: 14961.72

this they're they're somewhat rare but

Time: 14963.46

they're out there yeah and those folks

Time: 14965.199

sometimes want to stay away from or

Time: 14967.06

minimize their training you told me that

Time: 14969.1

even if you have a muscle group that's a

Time: 14970.779

hyper responder

Time: 14972.1

in terms of hypertrophy getting at least

Time: 14974.56

one or two

Time: 14975.939

good hard sets per week is good because

Time: 14978.279

you want to keep functionality in that

Time: 14979.899

neuromuscular system love it okay in

Time: 14982.66

terms of volume again we have a large

Time: 14985

amount of variation is what I'm hearing

Time: 14987.58

that the total number of sets per week

Time: 14990.34

is a strong driving force of program

Time: 14993.279

design and selection

Time: 14995.26

that ideally you're performing 10 to 20

Time: 14999.04

and probably more like 15 to 20 sets per

Time: 15001.56

week and that could be divided up across

Time: 15003.359

multiple workouts or done in one workout

Time: 15006.06

but that's 10 to 20 sets per week per

Time: 15009.3

muscle group

Time: 15010.8

not really taking into account indirect

Time: 15012.899

Activation so that would be 10 to 20

Time: 15015.239

sets for biceps

Time: 15017.34

your back work is going to hit your

Time: 15019.02

biceps a little bit maybe a bit more

Time: 15020.64

depending on the exercise selection but

Time: 15023.04

it's really 10 to 20 and given that

Time: 15025.199

hypertrophy can still occur and maybe

Time: 15027.479

even occurs better with more volume yeah

Time: 15029.939

then don't include the indirect work

Time: 15032.1


Time: 15033.3

something about the architecture of your

Time: 15035.399

body and the inability to engage certain

Time: 15037.5

muscle groups like makes the a pull-up

Time: 15040.26

really an arm exercise for you do I have

Time: 15042

that right the way that I would maybe

Time: 15043.199

Define it is typically with movements we

Time: 15045.3

consider to be there to be primary

Time: 15046.859

movers secondary movers and then

Time: 15049.199

tertiary right if it is a primary or

Time: 15052.14

secondary I'm probably counting it if

Time: 15054.239

it's tertiary or less I'm probably not

Time: 15056.46

counting it got it so going back to our

Time: 15058.859

example of a pull-up so an example of a

Time: 15061.5

pull-up I probably wouldn't count the

Time: 15062.939

biceps in a pull-up but I would probably

Time: 15064.26

count the biceps during a chin up would

Time: 15066.479

you count the rear deltoid in a pull-up

Time: 15068.22

probably not maybe like uh it just

Time: 15072.06

depends um probably not though okay

Time: 15073.979

train the rear delts also that's only

Time: 15075.779

honestly the reason I answered that is

Time: 15077.16

because most people don't do anything

Time: 15078

for the real adults anyways but they

Time: 15079.68

should right absolutely that's why I

Time: 15081.239

didn't want to count it I wanted you to

Time: 15082.26

go out of your way to make sure you did

Time: 15083.46

something specifically for the real rear

Time: 15085.38

delts for Aesthetics and for

Time: 15086.52

functionality for health and and balance

Time: 15089.1

across the shoulders totally neck uh

Time: 15091.62

shoulder all of it I'm so happy to hear

Time: 15093.72

you say this I'm a huge fan of people

Time: 15096.239

doing rear deltoid work for all the

Time: 15098.1

reasons you described n network for that

Time: 15100.199

matter I think people forget that the

Time: 15102

neck is the upper part of your spine

Time: 15103.38

yeah yeah and for postural reasons and

Time: 15106.08

for stabilization safety reasons it's

Time: 15108.42

really critical but

Time: 15110.16

I think most people aren't familiar with

Time: 15111.899

how best to train the rear deltoids and

Time: 15113.88

neck and I know a number of people are

Time: 15115.68

afraid of getting a big neck which for

Time: 15118.739

reasons that are still unclear to me is

Time: 15121.439

referred to as no neck but let's leave

Time: 15122.939

out that no neck comment for the moment

Time: 15125.52

what are some good exercises for

Time: 15127.439

targeting the rear deltoids and neck

Time: 15129.72


Time: 15130.92

that people can perform for

Time: 15133.64

stabilization and for hypertrophy yeah I

Time: 15137.399

would recommend people check out Eric

Time: 15138.96

Cressy he is a wonderful strength

Time: 15142.62

conditioning coach he actually is I

Time: 15144.3

think the director of pitching for the

Time: 15146.1

New York Yankees now is that spelled

Time: 15148.22


Time: 15150.56

c-r-e-s-s-e-y I believe and he's got a

Time: 15153.18

facility in uh I believe Boston as well

Time: 15156.359

as in Florida so he's very very involved

Time: 15159.479

in pitching as well as hockey and things

Time: 15162

like that so

Time: 15163.199

um he has so many free videos and

Time: 15166.68

resources on a on so much of the

Time: 15169.02

shoulder girdle mostly because he he's

Time: 15170.699

dealt with overhead and throwing

Time: 15172.02

athletes and so the Precision required

Time: 15174.359

there is tremendous so you want to be

Time: 15176.64

very careful when you start playing in

Time: 15178.38

this area because the wrong positioning

Time: 15180.96

of your scapula can cause a whole bunch

Time: 15182.939

of problems in your neck and low back

Time: 15184.68

and so he would be a great resource to

Time: 15186.479

go take a look at that um depending on

Time: 15187.859

how your your scapulas are gliding and

Time: 15190.439

sliding and the way that you want your

Time: 15192.359

rotator cuffs firing your rhomboids

Time: 15195.06

there's it's like very complicated very

Time: 15197.22

quickly so you want to learn more go

Time: 15199.02


Time: 15199.92

as a very very quick couple of answers

Time: 15203.04

um one of my favorite exercises is is

Time: 15204.72

lying on a bench or putting some bench

Time: 15207.359

and then just doing a reverse fly

Time: 15208.699

basically the reason I like stabilizing

Time: 15211.859

the rest of the body so you can make

Time: 15213.18

sure you can focus on just using those

Time: 15214.8

rear dual ties and putting your your

Time: 15216.239

scapulas in the right position now

Time: 15217.62

there's a there's a specific set of

Time: 15219.06

cueing that you want the scapula to move

Time: 15220.92

down and back for again check out Eric

Time: 15223.199

or any number of folks in that area to

Time: 15225.6

do it but that's a very simple way uh

Time: 15227.64

the reverse fly to get there great and

Time: 15229.8

then in terms of neck exercises I was

Time: 15232.02

told to avoid Bridges because they can

Time: 15234.479

cause damage to the discs I will

Time: 15236.279

probably never do a bridge ever uh the

Time: 15238.979

rest of my life so isometrics are a

Time: 15241.8

great exercise for that because if you

Time: 15243.239

think about what uh what you're asking

Time: 15245.52

muscle groups to do in the neck you

Time: 15247.68

mostly want it to be able to do a

Time: 15249.06

certain type of rotation a little bit of

Time: 15250.56

flexion extension and some some other

Time: 15253.38

movements but in general it should be

Time: 15254.939

being stable so you want to walk through

Time: 15257.279

these joints by asking kind of what they

Time: 15258.96

do are they a moving joint are they a

Time: 15260.279

stability joint in this case you want to

Time: 15261.779

be there so isometrics are going to put

Time: 15263.399

you in a much better position there are

Time: 15265.14

some actually pretty cool devices that

Time: 15266.819

you can wear and you can put them on

Time: 15267.84

your head and you can do all kinds of

Time: 15269.16

movement and get some great training

Time: 15271.68

there those are great starts but if you

Time: 15273.3

don't have any of that just basic

Time: 15274.739

isometrics are a great way to go about

Time: 15276.899

it um neck Bridges would not be on that

Time: 15278.819

list for me no neck Bridges folks

Time: 15282.6

in terms of sets and repetitions we

Time: 15285.779

briefly touched on this but anyway from

Time: 15287.699

I believe six repetitions all the way up

Time: 15290.16

to 30 repetitions but probably more in

Time: 15292.319


Time: 15293.54

8 to 15 repetition range for hypertrophy

Time: 15297.66

most of the time yeah and I'll just

Time: 15299.88

throw in there because I love this idea

Time: 15301.68

that if you want to get a

Time: 15303.899

relatively balanced adaptation related

Time: 15307.319

to strength and hypertrophy that seven

Time: 15308.939

to nine range the the No Man's uh or Dan

Time: 15312.359

no woman's uh land of

Time: 15314.699

of training repetitions I always joke in

Time: 15317.04

class I'm like okay we go through the

Time: 15318.479

whole thing right you're like one to

Time: 15319.439

five strength eight to twelve you know I

Time: 15321.96

perch reading like right and then I'm

Time: 15323.34

like okay so six to nine means nothing

Time: 15324.899

will happen at all the kids are just

Time: 15326.64

like writing it down like

Time: 15328.5

right a good way to for everybody to

Time: 15330.54

remember that there are adaptations

Time: 15332.58

triggered in the six to nine rep range

Time: 15334.14

and it's a balance of strength and

Time: 15335.399

height you'll just get thrown out of any

Time: 15336.66

gym that I'm a part of fantastic if you

Time: 15338.46

do that uh so

Time: 15341.22

but the important point is to get close

Time: 15343.26

to failure and occasionally hit failure

Time: 15345.72

maybe occasionally throw in a forced

Time: 15348.18

repetition or a rest pause where you

Time: 15350.22

rest and then do a few more something

Time: 15351.84

like that but those intensity increasing

Time: 15354.02

Maneuvers will require a little bit more

Time: 15357.779

attention to recovery either time or or

Time: 15360.06

attention in some other way and here's a

Time: 15361.56

little bit of care and I'll throw at

Time: 15362.64


Time: 15363.96

because people generally don't like to

Time: 15366.06

be told to not go to failure that often

Time: 15368.819

right so there's a handful of like half

Time: 15370.26

the folks are like sweet I don't have to

Time: 15371.819

train that hard to get there and those

Time: 15373.62

folks it's like well yes but I also said

Time: 15375.239

you just can't like do a half workout

Time: 15376.62

you have to get pretty darn close to

Time: 15378.779

failure and most people don't really

Time: 15380.76

know what failure means so for that

Time: 15382.439

group it's actually it's still probably

Time: 15383.64

harder than you think you want to train

Time: 15385.199

the other group though that like wants

Time: 15386.699

to completely blow themselves out every

Time: 15388.319

single time

Time: 15389.479

dragging them back is more the key now

Time: 15392.819

for those folks here's what I can say

Time: 15395.34

if you make sure that your hidden

Time: 15397.199

stressors invisible stressors are

Time: 15399.54

completely taken care of you can go to

Time: 15401.399

failure a lot more often and so you need

Time: 15403.979

to dial those things in and then now you

Time: 15405.72

can go hammer yourself because you'll

Time: 15406.979

recover so much quicker and we see this

Time: 15408.84

very commonly in all of our programs

Time: 15412.14

with our athletes and our non-athletes

Time: 15414.18

that when we get the rest of the Hidden

Time: 15416.46

invisible stressors taken care of their

Time: 15418.62

training volume goes up so much because

Time: 15420.479

they'll just start coming back and

Time: 15421.739

they're like oh my God I'm not sore

Time: 15422.88

anymore oh my God I'm not nearly a sore

Time: 15425.34

I did this exact workout you know

Time: 15427.38

countless times before and now I'm doing

Time: 15429.239

it and I'm not sore at all anymore what

Time: 15430.62

the hell like we didn't do anything

Time: 15431.939

different with the programming or really

Time: 15433.38

the nutrition but we got the rest of

Time: 15435.12

that allostatic load under control and

Time: 15437.52

boom things take off it's a lot like

Time: 15440.16

drivers so many people seem to be riding

Time: 15442.62

the brake and so many people seem to be

Time: 15444.3

heavy on the accelerator yeah that's

Time: 15446.16

actually one of the ways we describe it

Time: 15447.239

is like you want to go faster people's

Time: 15449.1

inclination step one is to hit the gas

Time: 15451.319

our our step number one is making sure

Time: 15453.42

your left foot's not on the brake you'll

Time: 15455.46

go faster with less resistance which

Time: 15457.26

means you'll actually wear down the

Time: 15458.699

system a lot slower by just taking your

Time: 15460.68

foot off the brake first if you're then

Time: 15462.18

not going fast enough now we can push

Time: 15463.5

the accelerator but I'm not pushing that

Time: 15465.18

accelerator while your foot's still on

Time: 15466.439

the brake you're going to go a little

Time: 15468.18

bit faster but not as fast as you should

Time: 15469.56

be going with that much work and you're

Time: 15471.42

going to start wearing down brake pedals

Time: 15473.04

and things like that so I like the

Time: 15474.359


Time: 15476.16

so hitting that 10 to 20

Time: 15479.279

sets per week repetition range is pretty

Time: 15482.76

broad provided you get close to failure

Time: 15484.26

hit failure every once in a while could

Time: 15485.76

be the final set of each exercise or

Time: 15488.22

maybe do one workout where you hit

Time: 15489.42

failure on everything but then you don't

Time: 15490.739

do it for a few more again there it

Time: 15492.479

sounds like there's a lot of play in the

Time: 15493.68

system here

Time: 15495

rest ranges anywhere from 30 seconds all

Time: 15498.359

the way up to three or four minutes

Time: 15499.5

depending on how heavy you're training

Time: 15501.12

and how close to failure or to failure

Time: 15503.64

maybe even quote unquote Beyond failure

Time: 15506.399

if there is such a thing you're training

Time: 15508.62

um throwing in negatives and things like

Time: 15510

that we didn't get into really high

Time: 15511.38

intensity techniques but people again

Time: 15513.84

vary in the extent to which they're

Time: 15515.46

pushing the system but

Time: 15517.56

there does seem to be some value to

Time: 15519.18

mixing up the

Time: 15521.04

rest between set ranges across exercises

Time: 15524.819

and across workouts but you could

Time: 15526.26

combine them all in the same workout as

Time: 15528.479

what I heard yep

Time: 15530.16

and then in terms of progression it

Time: 15533.46

sounds to me like the goal when

Time: 15535.199

hypertrophy training is not necessarily

Time: 15537.72

to add more weight to the bar although

Time: 15539.699

that's one way one could do it but that

Time: 15542.1

the progression actually can arrive

Time: 15544.319

through this really extensive kit of

Time: 15546.72

changing the speed of movement changing

Time: 15549.779

um the number of sets adding some volume

Time: 15551.66

maybe changing the split so that you go

Time: 15554.16

from a three day a week full body

Time: 15556.319

workout to more of a body parts one or

Time: 15560.76

two body parts per day every other day

Time: 15562.56

or two on one off at any number of

Time: 15564.479

different variations that are out there

Time: 15565.859

sounds like all of these can and will

Time: 15567.84

work provided that people

Time: 15569.52

are obeying the general principles of

Time: 15571.5

this uh hypertrophy adaptation inducing

Time: 15575.399

protocol that you described and that

Time: 15577.739

they are meeting the necessary but not

Time: 15579.66

sufficient variables as well

Time: 15582.12

such as sleep nutrition and managing the

Time: 15586.199

stress in the rest of their life

Time: 15588.479

do I have that correctly yeah that's

Time: 15590.699

really really good uh one more thing I'd

Time: 15592.979

like to add is this is a situation for

Time: 15595.5

hypertrophy in which there are some

Time: 15596.819


Time: 15597.899

that I actually don't think are good

Time: 15599.399

ideas so I want to make sure we included

Time: 15601.38

those in the conversation that's not

Time: 15603.239

necessarily the case for strength you

Time: 15605.399

can really do kind of whatever one you

Time: 15606.66

want and that is

Time: 15608.58

specifically Plyometrics although in

Time: 15611.279

fact if you look at there's a recent

Time: 15613.62

review paper came out showing that like

Time: 15615.12

Plyometrics are effective as well right

Time: 15617.279

just like one can do almost anything as

Time: 15619.859

long as it falls within this parameter

Time: 15621.66

set the concepts are few and the methods

Time: 15623.34

are many and the methods for hypertrophy

Time: 15625.199

are many many

Time: 15627.72

in general though Plyometrics are not my

Time: 15630.18

first second or even like 100th choice

Time: 15632.359

for hypertrophy they if they're a part

Time: 15635.1

of a total training program and you get

Time: 15636.479

some of our purchase as a result cool

Time: 15638.699

you're lucky not the first place I'm

Time: 15640.8

going the other major category are

Time: 15642.479

weightlifting variations so that when

Time: 15644.04

I'm saying weightlifting I mean

Time: 15645.12

specifically Olympic weightlifting as in

Time: 15647.279

Snatch clean and jerk and their

Time: 15648.6

variations those are just not a good

Time: 15650.22

exercise Choice it's not that they don't

Time: 15652.08


Time: 15653.16

it's just the risk to benefit ratio

Time: 15655.08

starts to fall pretty fast and in the

Time: 15657.42

negative favor and so it's just not

Time: 15659.1

worth doing sets of 10 of a snatch

Time: 15660.66

unless you're in a sport where that's

Time: 15662.399

like the competition or whatever but if

Time: 15663.84

the goal is simply hypertrophy choose

Time: 15666.18

different exercises than that great

Time: 15669.18

now I realize that we are going to do

Time: 15671.279

entire episodes related to nutrition

Time: 15673.38

supplementation recovery Etc but I'd

Time: 15675.84

like to just touch on two or three

Time: 15678.12

specific topics and questions that come

Time: 15680.52

up a lot around the

Time: 15683.64

question of hypertrophy specifically and

Time: 15686.58

that probably also relate to strength

Time: 15689.22

training and training for Speed

Time: 15691.62

so I'm going to ask these in

Time: 15693.54

um not rapid fire but I'll give you

Time: 15696

shorter answers we'll put it that way so

Time: 15697.5

I will ask these questions now but with

Time: 15699

the caveat that we will get into these

Time: 15700.979

topics in much more depth yeah very soon

Time: 15704.399

the first question is about the use of

Time: 15706.68

cold showers and Ice baths and cold

Time: 15708.72

water exposure which I know many people

Time: 15710.58

use for resilience training to increase

Time: 15712.979

their dopamine which it does

Time: 15715.26

and for recovery but

Time: 15718.08

there's also this issue of when one

Time: 15720.66

should use cold that is deliberate cold

Time: 15723.6

exposure relative to hypertrophy

Time: 15726

training specifically

Time: 15727.92


Time: 15729.3

that's because I've heard that if

Time: 15732.359

deliberate cold exposure is done too

Time: 15734.22

soon after a hypertrophy adaptation

Time: 15737.04

inducing workout yeah right all the

Time: 15739.68

sorts of things we've been talking about

Time: 15740.58

that the hypertrophy response can be

Time: 15743.16

blunted reduced or eliminated is that

Time: 15745.319

true and if so when could people do

Time: 15748.859

deliberate cold exposure while still

Time: 15751.14

also including hypertrophy training in

Time: 15752.76

their program and still get hypertrophy

Time: 15755.22

great so you know I'm a lover of the

Time: 15757.8

cold I still have a deep freezer in my

Time: 15761.04

house that is filled with water at all

Time: 15762.72

times that is plugged in and is a frozen

Time: 15764.64

chamber I still do the old school style

Time: 15766.62

of it please unplug it before you get in

Time: 15768.359

it oh yes absolutely and then don't do

Time: 15771.239

it by yourself so that the lid can close

Time: 15772.8

on top of you and then we don't see you

Time: 15774.239

sort of ever again the Han Solo effect

Time: 15776.819

it's time for me to upgrade and get one

Time: 15778.199

of these new fancy ones but I've been

Time: 15779.58

using this for so many years so I love

Time: 15781.26

it obviously I've been involved with xpt

Time: 15783.92

and and Gabby and Laird and Brian

Time: 15786.899

McKenzie and these folks so I've been

Time: 15788.399

doing this stuff for a long time I've

Time: 15789.72

but I don't even know how many hundreds

Time: 15791.52

of folks in the ice and a lot of reasons

Time: 15793.5

so there are a lot of benefits and we

Time: 15794.939

could talk about those later however

Time: 15797.1

that that being said it is very very

Time: 15799.26

true you do not want to get in the ice

Time: 15801.239

post hypertrophy training you wouldn't

Time: 15803.699

want to do that immediately after the

Time: 15804.84

workout you probably don't want to do it

Time: 15806.04

before the workout and you probably

Time: 15807.12

don't even want to do it that same day

Time: 15808.64

it's just not worth it it will blunt I

Time: 15811.8

apprecially in specifically we've talked

Time: 15813.42

earlier about what's driving muscle

Time: 15815.52

growth is that signaling Cascade through

Time: 15818.76

that gene expression through that muscle

Time: 15820.319

protein synthesis cold exposure blocks

Time: 15822.96

that signal

Time: 15824.22

remember adaptation comes from stress

Time: 15827.1

you've put in a stressor in now you've

Time: 15829.14

blocked that stress you've literally

Time: 15830.52

blocked this signal that tells your body

Time: 15832.8

come back and grow larger size so not a

Time: 15835.62

good idea to do it if you're training

Time: 15837.359

for some other purposes

Time: 15838.979

maybe strength maybe there's an argument

Time: 15841.319

there although maybe not for Speed and

Time: 15844.739

power maybe get away with the endurance

Time: 15846.18

maybe a separate conversation if you're

Time: 15848.399

in season

Time: 15849.72

I have no problem using it immediately

Time: 15851.64

after a game the goal is entirely

Time: 15853.739

different even if we did a hypertrophy

Time: 15855.18

type of training program we're not doing

Time: 15856.859

it try to try to maximize growth in that

Time: 15859.199

particular case our priority for

Time: 15861.66

Recovery is higher than our priority for

Time: 15864

muscle growth so we choose optimization

Time: 15866.16

in that category you can only make those

Time: 15868.92

choices though when you truly understand

Time: 15870.239

what is the goal for the day the week

Time: 15872.64

the month the phase of training and

Time: 15874.26

really what part of the year you're in

Time: 15875.58

we have that all plotted out for for all

Time: 15877.5

the people we work with so I know when

Time: 15879.359

we want to choose one over the other

Time: 15881.46

it's not a this is the choice you always

Time: 15883.14

make such a nation that's just not how

Time: 15884.819

we operate we need more Precision than

Time: 15887.1

that so that being said we're generally

Time: 15888.84

not going to do it if we want to do a

Time: 15891.239

lot of icing during a phase in which

Time: 15893.279


Time: 15894.479

using a lot of hypertrophy we're going

Time: 15896.58

to do a couple of things number one we

Time: 15897.779

may just not use it so there are phases

Time: 15899.939

in our training where I don't want to

Time: 15901.62

maximize recovery

Time: 15903.239

I'm not going to give you any tricks

Time: 15904.739

here I'm not going to do ice or any of

Time: 15906.479

the other methods we're going to talk

Time: 15907.56

about why because the whole point is to

Time: 15910.739

cause overload that's what's going to be

Time: 15913.199

the stimuli to cause adaptation if all

Time: 15915.06

I'm doing is blocking that stuff

Time: 15916.439

attenuating it smashing it back down I'm

Time: 15918.6

undercutting myself I'm choosing to feel

Time: 15920.819

a little bit better to have a little bit

Time: 15922.8

better performance right now knowing

Time: 15925.199

that's going to compromise the results

Time: 15926.52

I'm going to get 6 8 10 12 weeks from

Time: 15928.979

now all right so I'm not going to choose

Time: 15930.54

it at all in reality of it is if I

Time: 15932.64

really am trying to maximize hypertrophy

Time: 15934.62

I'm probably not doing any ice work

Time: 15936.3

through that whole phase maybe like my

Time: 15938.399

off day I know that's similar to a setup

Time: 15940.319

you have like one day a week when I'm

Time: 15941.88

not training we'll jump in some ice

Time: 15943.68

maybe even do some hot cold contrast I

Time: 15946.739

love the xbc protocol it's you know

Time: 15948.84

you've probably talked about it before

Time: 15950.18

that's a great setup or just not do it

Time: 15953.819

at all right it's just not something we

Time: 15955.62

need when we move into another phase of

Time: 15958.14

training where we're trying to maximize

Time: 15959.76

adaptation or maximize the result and

Time: 15962.399

and get the benefit of that training now

Time: 15964.68

we're going to hedge more towards

Time: 15965.88

recovery and we're going to bring in

Time: 15967.319

some of these strategies and techniques

Time: 15968.88

and not worry about causing the most

Time: 15970.8

stimuli there because we're trying to

Time: 15971.939

add attenuator because we're trying to

Time: 15973.979

actualize the work we did 6 8 10 12

Time: 15976.56

weeks before what about cold showers do

Time: 15979.26

those have the same hypertrophy blunting

Time: 15981.239

effect in general no in general you can

Time: 15983.46

do cold showers that's not going to be a

Time: 15985.02

problem you're not going to be in there

Time: 15986.22

very long and you're not going to get

Time: 15987.3

nearly as cold as you will submerge in

Time: 15990.96

30 degree ice water for like that the

Time: 15993.6

way that we do it nonetheless so I have

Time: 15995.64

no problem standing in the shower for a

Time: 15997.26

couple of minutes using it for other

Time: 15999.18

reasons if you want to that's no issue

Time: 16001.22

I'd like to talk a little bit about

Time: 16002.72

nutrition and supplementation as it

Time: 16005.3

relates to hypertrophy

Time: 16008.3

Dr Lane Norton who's been a guest on the

Time: 16010.699

Hebrew and Lab podcast and we both know

Time: 16012.699

throughout a number range

Time: 16015.5

related to protein intake

Time: 16018.439

on the backdrop of how much protein

Time: 16020.359

synthesis can occur by meal across the

Time: 16023.42

day Etc

Time: 16024.859

a lot of a lot of research done there

Time: 16026.42

and some important work by him in

Time: 16027.739

particular and then the value that he

Time: 16029.779

threw out was

Time: 16031.3

1.6 grams

Time: 16033.92

per kilogram of body weight being the

Time: 16035.659

lower end of the range up to I believe

Time: 16038.18

is it was as high as 2.4 maybe even as

Time: 16040.46

high as 2.7 grams of protein per

Time: 16044.18

kilogram of body weight per day

Time: 16046.699

that's a pretty broad range but it's on

Time: 16048.8

the higher end of what I think most

Time: 16050.779

people think of in terms of protein

Time: 16052.22

intake and then again some people might

Time: 16054.38

already be right there or maybe even

Time: 16055.819

above that value now of course this all

Time: 16057.92

depends on whether or not people are

Time: 16059.06

omnivore vegan uh

Time: 16062.359

meat based Etc we won't even go there

Time: 16065

but assuming people are getting enough

Time: 16067.279

protein per day so somewhere in that

Time: 16069.199

range and they are spreading out that

Time: 16071.42

protein intake

Time: 16073.279

to accommodate the fact that the body

Time: 16075.92

can only assimilate a certain amount of

Time: 16078.02

protein in any given sitting

Time: 16080.06

what do you like to see people ingest at

Time: 16083.779

some point post hypertrophy inducing

Time: 16086.779

workout in order to

Time: 16089.72


Time: 16091.1

the protein synthesis

Time: 16092.96

Advantage if you will yeah that is

Time: 16095.3

stimulated by that workout

Time: 16097.52

earlier you mentioned the you know the

Time: 16099.38

post-training feeding window that you

Time: 16101.359

know in the 90s and probably earlier

Time: 16102.92

people were talking about oh you know

Time: 16103.939

within the first 90 minutes you have to

Time: 16105.439

get 30 amounts for a while yeah was it

Time: 16107.479

30 minutes of excuse me a certain number

Time: 16109.819

of grams of carbohydrate and protein Etc

Time: 16111.8

I think now the understanding is that

Time: 16113.659

that window is much broader

Time: 16116.239

um and how broad and Etc is still a

Time: 16119.3

matter of debate but

Time: 16121.04

when somebody is training specifically

Time: 16122.84

for hypertrophy assuming they are

Time: 16124.819

getting enough protein from quality

Time: 16126.199

sources in their other meals

Time: 16128.18

and assuming that their overall

Time: 16130.12

macronutrient intake and caloric intake

Time: 16132.8

is high enough that is they have enough

Time: 16134.54

of a caloric Surplus that they have the

Time: 16136.64

the raw materials for

Time: 16138.8

for hypertrophy

Time: 16141.439

what do you like to see people ingest at

Time: 16144.68

some point post-workout in order to

Time: 16146.84

facilitate muscle protein synthesis and

Time: 16148.939

recovery and this could include

Time: 16150.5

nutrition and supplementation or if you

Time: 16152.479

want to divide those answers out feel

Time: 16154.819

free to do so of course yeah okay great

Time: 16156.199

so a ton of work came out of Don

Time: 16158.239

Layman's lab it was actually a Lane's

Time: 16159.92

Mentor as well as Stu Phillips at

Time: 16162.08

McMaster so a ton of work there and we

Time: 16164.239

can answer a number of things here so

Time: 16166.279

Lane's numbers that he recommended uh

Time: 16168.62

also known as about a gram of protein

Time: 16170.84

per pound of body weight it's a great

Time: 16172.279

start now once you slide below per pound

Time: 16175.22

right one gram per pound right in

Time: 16177.319

earlier which is also making sure

Time: 16178.88

because we're changing units here uh it

Time: 16180.56

was 1.6 grams per kilogram of body

Time: 16183.8

weight all the way up to I think it was

Time: 16186.08

2.4 but maybe a size 2.7 yeah grams of

Time: 16189.5

protein per kilogram of body weight so

Time: 16191.18

2.2 in that unit would be the same thing

Time: 16193.819

so 200 grams per kilogram is the same as

Time: 16195.68

one gram per pound right so depending on

Time: 16197.479

which where you're listening at to this

Time: 16199.399

at one of those may be easier than the

Time: 16201.38

other for you if you start getting below

Time: 16204.319

that number

Time: 16205.34

now you do start running into questions

Time: 16207.439

of protein quality protein type and

Time: 16209.6

protein timing this is one of the

Time: 16211.52

reasons why I actually fully agree with

Time: 16213.02

Lane is just get that number higher than

Time: 16215.359

you think and then all those other

Time: 16216.739

variables don't matter if that number is

Time: 16219.14

low then you need to start paying

Time: 16220.52

attention to a bunch of other stuff

Time: 16221.6

you've added now complexity to your

Time: 16223.76

program things you got to pay attention

Time: 16225.56

to just stay high and it doesn't matter

Time: 16227.779

and so you can just leave a lot of those

Time: 16229.22

things off the table

Time: 16230.659

that seems to be fairly clear in the

Time: 16232.819

work of some of this gentlemen I just

Time: 16234.08

mentioned that as long as you get to

Time: 16235.399

that total number the question about

Time: 16237.02

timing and types and quality it seems to

Time: 16240.14

matter a lot less in fact uh Stu's

Time: 16242.12

recent work in non-animal-based proteins

Time: 16244.699

it really showed that to be fairly clear

Time: 16246.68

that those are quite effective assuming

Time: 16248.239

total protein intake is high enough the

Time: 16251.479

amount of leucine and other amino acids

Time: 16253.279

in those actual proteins matter less if

Time: 16255.56

the total threshold is just super high

Time: 16257.12

so just do that and you're fine now the

Time: 16260

other caveat we have to say here is

Time: 16261.68

timing of macronutrients is seems to be

Time: 16264.68

somewhat Irrelevant for protein but that

Time: 16266.42

is not the case for carbohydrates so

Time: 16269.06

that timing does matter replenishment of

Time: 16271.1

muscle glycogen is very specific and you

Time: 16273.8

want to make sure that that is around a

Time: 16275.779

lot if you're doing either maintaining

Time: 16277.58

training quality or you're sliding into

Time: 16279.62

endurance type of work and so nutrient

Time: 16281.479

timing does matter with carbohydrates

Time: 16283.399

maybe less so with protein and certainly

Time: 16286.04

less so with protein if the total

Time: 16287.42

protein ingestion is high enough so um

Time: 16291.199

it depends on what we're going after in

Time: 16293.12

terms of a training goal and where we

Time: 16296

want to get with all these things in

Time: 16297.38

general the way that we like to think

Time: 16298.46

about this is

Time: 16299.779

if you're doing a strength type of work

Time: 16301.939

where you're truly targeting that then a

Time: 16304.22

one-to-one post exercise protein to

Time: 16306.859

carbohydrate ratio is generally what

Time: 16308.479

we're going to go after so this would be

Time: 16309.62

something like 35 grams of protein and

Time: 16311.54

35 grams of carbohydrate it doesn't have

Time: 16314.18

to be post it can be pre or my favorite

Time: 16316.52

is actually mid or post but somewhere in

Time: 16319.52

that range especially if you're training

Time: 16321.14

in the morning and you have not consumed

Time: 16322.939

anything prior to your workout and

Time: 16324.62

that's not necessarily eating in the

Time: 16325.88

middle of the workout that's drinking

Time: 16327.319

calories yeah yeah it's going to be able

Time: 16329.659

to see someone eating a sandwich on uh

Time: 16331.699

in the gym although I'm sure it's

Time: 16333.02

happened yeah so one to one is that like

Time: 16335.84

sort of standard number here

Time: 16338.18

um if you're going to do sort of more of

Time: 16340.34

a really hard conditioning workout that

Time: 16342.68

number slides up to something like three

Time: 16344.659

or even four to one which would be

Time: 16346.34

carbohydrate to protein ratio so if we

Time: 16348.62

want to stay at 35 grams of protein

Time: 16350.239

we're going to go maybe as high as like

Time: 16351.739

100 or 140 grams of carbohydrate again

Time: 16354.739

depending on what type of of training

Time: 16356.96

we're sort of doing if you're going to

Time: 16358.34

do a little bit of a combination then

Time: 16360.439

you like a little bit of strength a

Time: 16361.88

little bit of conditioning and kind of a

Time: 16363.14

standard workout which is probably

Time: 16364.399

something that a lot of people will do

Time: 16365.72

then you maybe want to go to something

Time: 16367.159

like two to one so you know 35 grams of

Time: 16370.279

protein 60 70 grams of carbohydrate and

Time: 16373.46

those are kind of just like rough

Time: 16374.54

numbers that you can go by

Time: 16376.399

and for Pure hypertrophy training would

Time: 16379.64

you like to see people ingest some

Time: 16381.02

carbohydrate post-training for Pure

Time: 16383.18

hypertrophy training

Time: 16384.92

I want to see that as many of those

Time: 16387.02

nutrients around the training is

Time: 16388.641

generally possible now again I might

Time: 16390.26

change my mind when our fasting study

Time: 16391.82

comes out but as it stands now

Time: 16394.52

there is no advantage to not fueling

Time: 16398.18

around the training and there are some

Time: 16401.119

known and some other potential

Time: 16402.5

advantages to fueling so I just see no

Time: 16404.719

reason to not do it

Time: 16406.52

um in fact

Time: 16407.719

most people are generally going to do

Time: 16409.641

better now this is not science this is

Time: 16411.74

just my coaching experience and this is

Time: 16414.141

with our athletes and all of our

Time: 16415.52

non-athletes that we've worked with and

Time: 16417.32

do work with they're just going to be

Time: 16419.061

better spreading those meals out

Time: 16420.199

generally throughout the day and they're

Time: 16422.6

going to be better if they have those

Time: 16424.1

nutrients either pre-mid or post and so

Time: 16426.68

they're going to get even for my Purge

Time: 16428.299

fee they're going to get something like

Time: 16429.619

that one three to one ratio of carbs to

Time: 16431.6


Time: 16433.039

personal preference some people don't

Time: 16434.539

like to eat before they train some

Time: 16435.74

people have to eat before they train

Time: 16437

some people can't you know put in food

Time: 16439.641

in their belly immediately after work

Time: 16441.74

around that you can you can play based

Time: 16443.119

on personal preference but we want that

Time: 16444.439

fueling in there because we want to

Time: 16446.779

maximize the potential growth and we

Time: 16448.279

want to just get a jump start on

Time: 16449.6

recovery because we're going to be

Time: 16450.98

training again pretty soon

Time: 16453.199

supplementation is a huge topic and one

Time: 16455.719

that we will go into in great depth in a

Time: 16459.219

soon to occur episode but if you had to

Time: 16463.279

pick one supplement that can benefit

Time: 16466.34

most everybody if not everybody yeah

Time: 16469.58

for their training directed toward

Time: 16471.58

strength power and hypertrophy what

Time: 16474.379

would that supplement be and how would

Time: 16475.82

you like to see people use it meaning

Time: 16477.5

how much should they take and when

Time: 16480.32

should they take it sure if you don't

Time: 16482.299

count protein and carbohydrates as

Time: 16484.1

supplements they technically are but

Time: 16485.779

we'll just walk out of it right sorry I

Time: 16487.641

I should be more specific I'm not

Time: 16489.26

referring to a non-food form

Time: 16492.799

um protein and carbohydrates so powdered

Time: 16495.32

protein and part of powdered

Time: 16496.82

carbohydrate Etc

Time: 16498.619

um technically are supplements they're

Time: 16500.18

highly processed but they're um but I'm

Time: 16502.279

not including that I'm I'm referring to

Time: 16504.619

um non-macronutrient type supplements

Time: 16506.779

yeah does testosterone count

Time: 16510.08

um well in the context of this

Time: 16511.879

discussion it's uh testosterone that

Time: 16513.68

people are manufacturing themselves ah

Time: 16515.66

okay the cheating kind the endogenous

Time: 16517.279

kind no

Time: 16518.18

um I mean creatine is the answer here

Time: 16520.039

without question it is the most well

Time: 16523.459

studied it is the most effective and its

Time: 16526.459

uh benefits are robust meaning they're

Time: 16529.039

going to confer positive adaptations

Time: 16532.219

across multiple physiological domains

Time: 16534.68

and we can certainly have a very long

Time: 16536.18

chat about some of the interesting

Time: 16538.58

things that people in fact we just had

Time: 16540.26

um during candel

Time: 16541.699

um on our Barbershop podcast and he went

Time: 16543.619

into extensive detail about all the

Time: 16545.539

benefits of creatine that people have no

Time: 16547.1

idea about including things like bone

Time: 16548.779

mineral density you asked about that

Time: 16550.641

earlier creatine is actually fairly

Time: 16552.199

effective for that let alone the thing

Time: 16554.92

the benefit in things like cognitive

Time: 16557.24

function decision making memory

Time: 16559.641

um the work that that's being done there

Time: 16561.141


Time: 16562.279

neurological disorders

Time: 16564.561

um depression a whole host of things

Time: 16567.141

that that creatine is being studied for

Time: 16568.641

some of those studies show a lot of

Time: 16571.641

benefits some of it show maybe a little

Time: 16573.08

bit some none but there's just a lot of

Time: 16575.359

things creatine can do so when we could

Time: 16577.52

talk about Muscle Recovery or muscle

Time: 16579.08


Time: 16580.699

um that's where the bulk of the research

Time: 16582.799

is and it and it's very effective in

Time: 16585.379

terms of

Time: 16586.58

type creatine monohydrate is still the

Time: 16589.459

best one and that's just because it has

Time: 16590.66

the largest evidence base you can maybe

Time: 16593.359

make some arguments for some other types

Time: 16594.92

but you're really going to reach

Time: 16595.939

saturation pretty quickly within a

Time: 16597.92

matter of weeks and there add a dosage

Time: 16600.26

of anywhere between like three to six

Time: 16601.58

grams per day now five grams is the very

Time: 16605.24

standard number we give reality is I

Time: 16608.119

change that number based on size that's

Time: 16610.1

just the honest truth

Time: 16611.779

um if you're 225 pounds you're not going

Time: 16614.18

to get the same dosage of creatine as

Time: 16615.68

125 pound girl that's just like this is

Time: 16618.199

not what we're going to do so we may

Time: 16619.52

slide that number down a little bit

Time: 16620.539

closer to three for the the smaller girl

Time: 16622.58

boy it doesn't matter it's just female

Time: 16623.9

physical size if you're one of our 275

Time: 16626.719

or 330 pound offensive right tackles in

Time: 16629.9

the NFL you're not going to get the same

Time: 16631.76

dosage as everybody else so that number

Time: 16633.26

is going to go up to seven eight nine

Time: 16634.52

maybe even 10 grams a day I'm there so

Time: 16636.379

that's just kind of the scale in general

Time: 16637.641

if you wanted an easy answer five grams

Time: 16639.439

is the standard taken after training the

Time: 16642.98

timing doesn't matter totally irrelevant

Time: 16644.9

take it in the morning of breakfast take

Time: 16646.039

it at night take it anytime you want

Time: 16647.18

take it pre we tend to put it in a lot

Time: 16649.34

of people's workout

Time: 16651.799

um shakes just to make sure they get it

Time: 16654.439

in throughout the day but the timing is

Time: 16655.641

irrelevant great well thank you for that

Time: 16657.92

very informative answer and I look

Time: 16659.299

forward to much more discussion about

Time: 16661.82

nutrition and supplementation and

Time: 16663.561

recovery and all the rest in the

Time: 16665.719

episodes to come this was incredibly

Time: 16667.879

informative thank you so very much I

Time: 16671.18

appreciate the opportunity I had a great

Time: 16673.1

time doing that I love talking about

Time: 16674.6

these things I also really like talking

Time: 16676.699

about what we're going to get into in

Time: 16678.379

our next conversation which is the

Time: 16680.061

physiology of endurance metabolism and

Time: 16683

fat loss if you're learning from and or

Time: 16685.459

enjoying this podcast please subscribe

Time: 16687.26

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Time: 16689.119

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Time: 16691.039

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Time: 16693.141

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Time: 16695.061

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Time: 16696.859

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Time: 16698.6

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Time: 16700.4

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Time: 16702.02

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Time: 16703.76

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Time: 16705.799

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Time: 16707.66

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Time: 16709.459

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Time: 16711.141

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Time: 16713

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Time: 16715.16

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Time: 16716.24

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Time: 16718.1

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Time: 16719.6

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Time: 16721.58

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Time: 16723.619

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Time: 16725.42

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Time: 16727.459

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Time: 16729.799

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Time: 16732.619

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Time: 16733.641

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Time: 16735.561

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Time: 16737.66

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Time: 16739.4

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Time: 16741.08

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Time: 16743.061

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Time: 16745.52

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Time: 16747.08

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Time: 16748.459

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Time: 16750.561

once again for joining me for today's

Time: 16751.939

discussion about fitness exercise and

Time: 16753.98

performance with Dr Andy Galpin and as

Time: 16756.5

always thank you for your interest in

Time: 16758.24


Time: 16758.88


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