Dr. Andy Galpin: Maximize Recovery to Achieve Fitness & Performance Goals | Huberman Lab

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welcome to the huberman lab guest Series

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where I and an expert guest discuss

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science and science-based tools for

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everyday life

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I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a professor

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of neurobiology and Ophthalmology at

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Stanford School of Medicine today's

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episode is the fifth in a six episode

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series on fitness exercise and

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performance and today's episode is all

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about recovery that is how to maximize

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your recovery to achieve your fitness

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and exercise and performance goals and

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how to avoid over training Dr Andy

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great to be back

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today we're discussing recovery and I'm

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very excited to have this discussion

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because as we know despite the fact that

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different types of exercise can be used

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to trigger different types of adaptation

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such as increased long distance

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anaerobic capacity strength hypertrophy

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the workouts themselves are not actually

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when the progress occurs when the

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adaptation occurs and this to me is

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extremely interesting because it

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parallels what we see with so-called

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neuroplasticity which is the nervous

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system's ability to change in response

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to experience we sit down to learn

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we experience something

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and that is the trigger for rewiring of

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the nervous system but the actual

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rewiring occurs away from the experience

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or the learning

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so too in Fitness and in exercise

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recovery is where the Real Results

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actually emerge where we get better

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so I'd love for you to explain what

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recovery really is

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and the different types of recovery

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certainly different ways to enhance

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recovery and I'd also love for you to

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explain whether or not there are ways

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that people can become better at

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recovering because if indeed recovery is

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when progress emerges when we get better

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well then anything that supports our

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recovery and gets us better at

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ought to increase our rate and our

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degree of progress absolutely you nailed

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it in the description what people really

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want is some sort of change whether you

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are talking athletes or general

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population this change is uh some sort

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of improvement in muscle function

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reduction in body fat

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higher functioning metabolism whatever

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the case is and the only way that

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happens is

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we talk about the equation of stress

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causes adaptation but as you alluded to

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the piece in the middle is only if you

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can recover from it and so the game

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we're playing here is we all agree we

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want more adaptation that means we need

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to bring more stress into the system but

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we then have to ensure that our recovery

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the stress input or else no adaptation

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will occur in fact what happens is you

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will actually be in a negative spot and

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start going backwards and so what I

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would love to do is is talk about how

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we've handled this and I've had a decent

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amount of experience here I was

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fortunate enough to do my master's

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degree in the laboratory of a gentleman

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named Andy Frye who's an nsca Lifetime

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Achievement Award winner and he studied

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in large part recovery over training

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overuse overload in a lot of areas in

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addition I've been fortunate enough to

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work with individuals from high

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functioning CEOs and Executives who have

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little time for Recovery High job stress

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to in to athletes uh and they think of

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the example of pitchers in Major League

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Baseball who have to recover in a matter

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of four days that they can pitch again

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at maximum velocity so I would love to

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outline some of the tools and tactics

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strategies that we use for all these

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individuals give you some foundational

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stuff and I would love to maybe actually

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cover some things that most people have

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never heard of some stuff you may not

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have access to some technologies that we

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use some biomarkers and then even a

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whole bunch of things that are keeping

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with the theme of your show here cost

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free or extremely low cost so all those

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strategies what I'd also like to do is

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cover nutrition and supplementation and

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fueling and hydration and things but

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that's probably going to have to be

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saved for an additional conversation

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that we'll do in the next episode yes so

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we will absolutely hold a conversation

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about nutrition and supplementation

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where you can educate us about all the

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top Contour stuff all the way down to

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the the fine details

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I do have a question about recovery and

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it's one that I think most people are

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familiar with themselves

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which is soreness

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we think of it as a muscle soreness but

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I was trained early on in my scientific

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career to always question the

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seemingly obvious so a couple of

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questions about soreness first of all

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what does soreness really reflect

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is it really muscle soreness

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it feels like it's in the muscles but

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what other organ systems and tissues and

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cell types does it involve and then I'm

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particularly interested in this concept

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or this experience that many of us

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including myself

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had which is delayed onset muscle

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soreness why would it be that when we

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are less in shape or when we perform a

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movement that is extremely novel to us

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the soreness seems to arrive after

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a reasonable delay of maybe even a day

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you know we're fine the next day but

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then 48 hours later we are exceedingly

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and as we get more fit or more familiar

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with the movement the soreness seems to

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arrive earlier so I realized I just

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asked you about three questions or more

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first of all what is muscle soreness

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at a seller level which sells which

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organ systems and so forth what is it

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mean if we are sore is something I know

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we'll get into a little bit later and

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then why the delayed onset muscle

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soreness it's actually one question so

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it's totally fine you answered all you

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asked all three because I'm going to

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actually answer number three which will

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answer number two which will actually

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answer number one

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I'd love to tell you that I set it up

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that way intentionally but uh I'm just

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happy to hear that where I was unable to

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be concise you are able to be concise

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thank you

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we are still learning a lot about this

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area it's actually really difficult to

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perform these studies anytime you ask a

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question about something like pain

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or soreness you're immediately talking

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about perception

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and there is obviously a physical

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component to that and there's also

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perception and so teasing those things

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out is extraordinarily challenging that

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said there has been a lot of work in

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this area in fact probably um you may

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have a show already out on pain or maybe

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one's coming down the road we did an

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episode on pain uh a while ago but it's

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definitely time to revisit that

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literature I also have some amazing

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colleagues at Stanford who work on pain

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both from the uh cellular molecular side

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but also from the psychological side

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about how our understanding of pain and

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what we believe about pain shapes the

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experience of pain and Pain Relief

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amazing that's that stuff is incredibly

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important and I'm glad we flagged that

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and maybe we'll just call that good for

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now they could come back later for

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another one of your shows so that being

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why does it happen uh 28 to 48 hours

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after you exercise well that actually

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should give you some Clues into what's

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happening so the traditional dogma of

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delayed onset muscle soreness is what

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this is called is that it is a result of

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quote unquote micro tears and the muscle

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and so you can sort of think I challenge

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the muscle there was some small tears in

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there and I'm feeling the results of

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that well in fact that certainly does

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happen and it can happen that is not

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what's explaining your muscle soreness

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and in fact you can be quite sore

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from exercise and have no measurable

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amount of muscle damage

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and so much like anything else when

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we're in this idea of pain it's not a

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explanation there are multiple factors

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that are probably causing your

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perception of pain muscle damage

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can be one of them it is not the only

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one and it is probably in my opinion

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though this has yet to be shown

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probably not even the leading cause of

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it and so what's actually happening well

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the reason is taking you 24 to 48 hours

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is you can actually find various papers

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literature reviews dating back in a

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number of years now over a decade that

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show these wonderful curves of an

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inflammatory and immune response and we

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don't need to necessarily go through the

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entire physiology right now but

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effectively what's happening is those

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things have a little bit of a time delay

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and so some of those steps happen

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immediately like right when the exercise

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is there and then some of them are

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delayed six to 24 to 48 hours if you

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know a little bit about this physiology

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it's you have a combination of

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neutrophils and macrophages and a bunch

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of things happening and this has a Time

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sequence so what happens is by the time

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we get to this 28 to 48 hour window

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now the muscle soreness kicks in

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which wait a minute if I if this was a

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result of my muscles being torn

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and that happened immediately

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wouldn't that pain start immediately

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well the answer is it would and so that

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that is your first clue that that's not

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responsible for it when we look at that

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immune response and we see that that is

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actually Peak 24 to 48 hours later

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and then that's the same time the pain

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kicked in that's cooling you with the

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problem so we have this immune response

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happening in inflammation then all of a

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sudden we start getting fluid

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accumulation and now there are what are

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called nociceptors and you're probably

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very obviously you're very familiar with

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these and these are pain receptors

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what's actually interesting is we don't

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necessarily know

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a lot of information about how many pain

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receptors are in muscle

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they're not really in the belly in fact

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this is why I can perform my muscle

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biopsies and they don't really hurt you

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mean in the belly of the muscle correct

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yeah we do have pressure sensors though

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and so if you change the volume of the

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tissue you will respond to that very

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very quickly so by enhancing swelling in

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the actual muscle that is immediately

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putting pressure

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on those pressure receptors if you will

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that's the signal so what's probably

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happening here and I just I just hate to

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give you another bone but a lot of

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delayed on some muscle soreness is

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probably just a neural feedback loop

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rather than it is actual muscle damage

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yeah it makes a lot of sense there's a

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lot of interactions between the types of

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neurons that control

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touch sensation and pain sensation and

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itch sensation in fact a lot of people

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um kind of collapse itch and pain

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together Bingo yeah you know that's

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something it's painful and it itches is

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a familiar thing for people mosquito

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bites and such

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um and of course there's the classic

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gait theory of pain yeah which uh people

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will be familiar with and then I'll

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explain why I'm explaining this

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um which is if you you something hurts

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you know you Bonk your knee or you stub

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your toe we tend to grab that body part

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and try and rub it totally and that

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rubbing is not a coincidental thing it

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activates a set of uh touch sensors that

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are that respond to kind of broad dull

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um and that actively inhibits through

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the release of an inhibitory

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neurotransmitter the fibers that control

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the pain signal so anytime we rub a you

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know like a charlie horse our leg or we

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or we stub our toe and we you know we

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wince and then we grab the tone we got

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like squeezing it a little bit that's

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actually deactivating or partially

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inactivating the the pain mechanism so

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the idea that uh a swelling response

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would then trigger a neural response

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that then would recruit the pain

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receptor response here I'm using broad

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broad brush

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um Strokes here to explain this

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um makes very good sense to me

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um now and only now that you've

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explained how this process works I can

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actually even add more to that so

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if you remember how muscles work so we

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have to have some sort of signal from

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the nervous system that has to actually

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go in and tell the muscle to contract

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well remember there are a few episodes

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ago we covered the physiology here of

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what's called a motor unit

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okay well what I didn't explain to you

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are called muscle spindles

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and we have talked about proprioception

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in an episode of before as well but we

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never tied this picture together so let

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me walk you through that really quickly

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and it's going to tie this Loop into a

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nice bow so what happens is

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um this motor unit is is coming in from

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what's called an alpha motor unit and

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that's going to be innervating your

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muscle fibers and that's going to tell

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the muscle fibers to contract those are

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typically spread out throughout the uh

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all sides of the muscle in interior

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exterior all over on the outside though

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there is another type of muscle called a

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muscle spindle now these are

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non-contractiles so they don't have that

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actin and myosin and they don't produce

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Force they are responsive they are

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proprioceptive so what that means is

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they sense stretch and this is why for

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example if you were to stretch a

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hamstring and stretch any muscle group

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it doesn't really matter or muscle

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its innate response is to fire back to

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close that distance and this is what

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keeps you from say if you're leaning to

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the right

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you can imagine that the example we give

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is if you're if you're standing on one

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and you start swaying to the right

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all right let's say you're standing on

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your right foot and this makes this

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easier for folks and you start swaying

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to the right like you're going to fall

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on your right ear will hit the ground

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the inside of your right calf muscle

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will start being stretched the outside

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will start being compressed right so the

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stretch on the inside of the right calf

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muscle will sense that stretch and it

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will respond by Contracting that pulls

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you back to the middle and stops you

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from falling that's proprioception and

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muscle spindles sense stretch and tell

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you to contract the way that they work

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is is through gamma motor neurons and so

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these are sensory things so what's

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happening is unlike when you tell your

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muscle to contract it goes Alpha

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to the muscle contract these muscle

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spindles work such that it is oh I've

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been stretched sends signal back to some

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Central Point typically in the spinal

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cord and we don't actually want to go

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all the way up the brain we've got a

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time delay this is why these are

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subconscious autonomic right versus

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somatic so the gamma is going to go back

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to the central location and then come

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back through the Alpha motor neurons

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until it to contract so you have this

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wonderful mechanism of sensing stretch

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going back well one Theory that's been

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put forward regarding muscle damage is

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that the pressure is actually being

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applied to those nerve endings of the

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muscle spindles

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and that's actually responsible for the

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pain signal that's going back

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and coming up to your brain and you're

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registering that as pain rather than it

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is actually in the the contractile units

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so the muscle fibers that's a very

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intriguing idea uh because

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it would suggest that stretching muscles

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in order to alleviate soreness might be

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the exact incorrect thing to do yeah now

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I'm not saying that's for sure for

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certain I'm just building off the

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mechanistic logic that we've laid out

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here yeah really that you've laid out

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here there's the more effective

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principle based on exactly that which is

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this is generally why low level movement

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is effective at reducing acute soreness

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because that's low-level contraction

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with the muscles and you're going to

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anti-stretch and get tissue out and get

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fluid out

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wow you're literally pumping it out of

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the the cell yes and in our previous

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episode where we were talking about

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programming we're using the Wii but

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let's be fair here where you were

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educating us including me

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um in the audience about different

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structures for programming exercise

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for specific adaptations Etc of the

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week year scales Etc

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we had a brief um discussion about the

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fact that if one trains legs very hard

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with resistance training you know some

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heavy squatting or dead lifting it yeah

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or and there's some soreness that

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oftentimes doing some quote-unquote

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lighter cardio or

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um some uh low impact work the next day

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or or any number of different things

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that involve

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um not high intensity

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contractions of the muscles but that do

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require contractions of the muscles that

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it can alleviate soreness more quickly

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than if one were to Simply lie around

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and you know watch Netflix or something

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yeah that's exactly right the um

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to go back just a little bit as well the

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if that's really the case

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um the question is like where is this

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inflammatory signal coming from and

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while there's much to be learned there

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there is a little bit of

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information right now that suggests it's

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potentially coming from free radicals

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released from the mitochondria again

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that may or may not hold up as more

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research comes I'm not sure but if you

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remember back to our uh conversation on

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endurance so we talked about the

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electron transport chain and aerobic

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metabolism and regardless of whether or

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not you're getting energy from

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or carbohydrates remember they have to

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be finished

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through aerobic metabolism so even if

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you're lifting weights

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and you're using carbs for your fuel you

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have got to finish that metabolism by

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running it into the mitochondria and

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Performing oxidative metabolism as a

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result of that that electron transport

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chain runs so theoretically if free

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radicals which is which are

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hyper-reactive oxygen species basically

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they're oxygen molecules that are

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missing in electrons so that they react

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to a lot of things they're the opposite

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of antioxidants by the way this is

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the oxygen molecules with extra protons

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so they can balance the charge if those

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leak out that in and of itself is going

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to be a massive inflammatory signal and

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that's probably what signals the cause

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of these neutrophils and macrophages and

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kicks off this entire Cascade again I

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believe we need more research there I

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need to look into it maybe it's more

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definitive than I that I know but that's

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probably what's happening potentially

Time: 1053.299

what's happening rather

Time: 1055.16

causes that Cascade in Signal also

Time: 1058.78

what you have is this combination of

Time: 1061.4

well if that's the case why am I not

Time: 1063.919

getting tremendous amount of muscle

Time: 1065.059

damage when I do more aerobic based

Time: 1067.88


Time: 1068.96

well because you don't have the

Time: 1070.64

mechanical tension pulling on the fibers

Time: 1072.559

that's actually causing damage to the

Time: 1074.36

cell wall that allows these free

Time: 1076.28

radicals to escape the mitochondria and

Time: 1078.799

the cell wall so that's the best we can

Time: 1080.84

postulate at this moment as to why those

Time: 1082.58

things are happening and then why again

Time: 1085.039

low level exercise tends to enhance even

Time: 1088.4

things like percussion so using either

Time: 1091.22

instruments that put a low level of

Time: 1093.2

vibration into your leg or like

Time: 1095.24

pneumatic boots so you can massage all

Time: 1097.7

these things are generally probably

Time: 1099.22

helping because they're moving that

Time: 1101.48

stuff out

Time: 1103.1

a demon most specifically so pressure

Time: 1105.5

comes off of those nerve endings and the

Time: 1107.9

muscle spindles

Time: 1109.28

and allows you to stop receiving that

Time: 1111.32

signal of pain despite the fact that you

Time: 1113.24

didn't actually regenerate tissue at all

Time: 1115.58


Time: 1116.66

fascinating and I think

Time: 1118.82

that beautifully frames where we're

Time: 1120.44

headed next which is to talk about all

Time: 1122.78

the different modes of recovery and how

Time: 1125.36

to accelerate them and perhaps even how

Time: 1128.24

to combine different forms of recovery

Time: 1130.58

in order to become better at recovering

Time: 1132.919

and in doing so make faster progress

Time: 1135.62

with Fitness before we begin I'd like to

Time: 1137.84

emphasize that this podcast is separate

Time: 1139.7

from my teaching and research roles at

Time: 1141.14

Stanford it is also separate from Dr

Time: 1143

Andy galpin's teaching and research

Time: 1144.86

roles at Cal State Fullerton it is

Time: 1146.78

however part of our desire and effort to

Time: 1148.94

bring zero cost to Consumer information

Time: 1150.38

about science and science related tools

Time: 1152.48

to the general public in keeping with

Time: 1154.52

that theme we'd like to thank the

Time: 1155.9

sponsors of today's podcast our first

Time: 1158.12

sponsor is momentous momentous makes

Time: 1160.46

supplements of the absolute highest

Time: 1162.14

quality the huberman Lab podcast is

Time: 1164.48

proud to be partnering with momentous

Time: 1166.1

for several important reasons first of

Time: 1168.08

all as I mentioned their supplements are

Time: 1169.52

of extremely high quality second of all

Time: 1171.5

their supplements are generally in

Time: 1173.72

single ingredient formulations if you're

Time: 1175.82

going to develop a supplementation

Time: 1177.08

protocol you're going to want to focus

Time: 1178.94

mainly on using single ingredient

Time: 1180.44

formulations with single ingredient

Time: 1182.179

formulations you can devise the most

Time: 1184.46

logical and effective and cost-effective

Time: 1186.74

supplementation regimen for your goals

Time: 1188.9

in addition momentous supplement ship

Time: 1190.58

internationally and this is of course

Time: 1192.2

important because we realize that many

Time: 1193.64

of the huberman lab podcast listeners

Time: 1195.26

reside outside the United States if

Time: 1197.48

you'd like to try the various

Time: 1198.5

supplements mentioned on the huberman

Time: 1199.76

Lab podcast in particular supplements

Time: 1201.919

for Hormone Health for Sleep

Time: 1203.6

optimization for Focus as well as a

Time: 1205.82

number of other things including

Time: 1206.78

exercise recovery you can go to live

Time: 1208.76

momentous spelled ous so that's live

Time: 1210.679

momentous.com huberman today's episode

Time: 1213.44

is also brought To Us by element element

Time: 1215.48

is an electrolyte drink that contains

Time: 1217.22

the exact ratios of the electrolyte

Time: 1219.02

sodium magnesium and potassium to

Time: 1221.179

optimize cellular functioning for mental

Time: 1222.919

and physical performance most people

Time: 1224.6

realize that hydration is key we need to

Time: 1226.76

ingest enough fluids in order to feel

Time: 1228.799

our best and perform our best but what

Time: 1230.9

most people do not realize is that the

Time: 1233.36

proper functioning of our cells and

Time: 1235.039

nerve cells neurons in particular

Time: 1236.6

requires that sodium magnesium and

Time: 1239

potassium be present in the correct

Time: 1240.98

ratios now of course people with

Time: 1243.32

pre-hypertension and hypertension need

Time: 1245.12

to be careful about their sodium intake

Time: 1246.74

but what a lot of people don't realize

Time: 1248.36

is that if you drink caffeine if you

Time: 1250.94

exercise and in particular if you're

Time: 1252.559

following a very clean diet that is not

Time: 1255.08

a lot of processed foods which of course

Time: 1257

is a good thing chances are you're not

Time: 1259.64

getting enough sodium potassium and

Time: 1261.38

magnesium to optimize mental and

Time: 1263

physical performance element contains a

Time: 1264.919

science-backed ratio of 1 000 milligrams

Time: 1267.62

that's one gram of sodium 200 milligrams

Time: 1269.84

of potassium and 60 milligrams of

Time: 1271.88

magnesium and no sugar if you'd like to

Time: 1274.34

try element you can go to drink element

Time: 1275.9

that's lmnt.com huberman to get a free

Time: 1279.38

element sample pack with your purchase

Time: 1280.94

again that's drink element lmnt.com

Time: 1283.52

huberman to claim a free sample pack

Time: 1285.98

today's episode is also brought To Us by

Time: 1288.26

eight sleep eight sleep makes Smart

Time: 1290.24

mattress covers with cooling Heating and

Time: 1292.1

sleep tracking capacity I've been using

Time: 1294.08

an eight-sleep mattress cover for about

Time: 1295.7

the last eight months and it has

Time: 1297.559

completely transformed my sleep I'm

Time: 1299.48

sleeping about the same amount but I'm

Time: 1301.4

sleeping far deeper and I'm now getting

Time: 1303.2

the proper ratios of so-called rapid eye

Time: 1305.48

movement or REM sleep and slow wave

Time: 1307.1

sleep and waking up feeling far more

Time: 1309.08

recovered mentally and physically the

Time: 1311.179

underlying mechanism for all that is

Time: 1313.28

very straightforward I've talked many

Time: 1314.78

times before on this podcast and

Time: 1316.159

elsewhere about the critical

Time: 1317.539

relationship between sleep and body

Time: 1319.52

temperature that is in order to fall

Time: 1321.62

asleep at night your body needs to drop

Time: 1323.179

by about one to three degrees in terms

Time: 1324.98

of core body temperature and waking up

Time: 1326.84

involves a one to three degree increase

Time: 1328.88

in core body temperature with eight

Time: 1330.799

Sleep mattress covers you can adjust the

Time: 1332.84

temperature of your sleeping environment

Time: 1334.22

to be one temperature at the start of

Time: 1336.799

the night a different temperature the

Time: 1338

middle of the night and a different

Time: 1339.679

temperature as you approach morning Each

Time: 1341.299

of which can place you into the optimal

Time: 1343.22

stages of sleep and have you waking up

Time: 1345.44

feeling more refreshed than ever if

Time: 1347.48

you'd like to try Aid sleep you can go

Time: 1348.919

to adesleep.com huberman and check out

Time: 1351.44

their pod 3 cover and save 150 at

Time: 1354.08

checkout Aid sleep currently ships in

Time: 1356.059

the USA Canada United Kingdom select

Time: 1358.64

countries in the EU and Australia again

Time: 1361.159

that's eightsleep.com huberman to save

Time: 1363.5

150 at checkout so to kick off this

Time: 1366.38

discussion about recovery

Time: 1368.059

and with the understanding that recovery

Time: 1370.4

is when the specific adaptations to

Time: 1372.679

exercise actually occur

Time: 1374.539

I'd love for you to share with us what

Time: 1377.059

happens or needs to happen during

Time: 1378.86

recovery in order for us to get better

Time: 1381.559

at anything endurance strength Etc

Time: 1385.22

but also how specific types of exercise

Time: 1388.34

stimuli and specific types of

Time: 1390.62

adaptations that we trigger so running a

Time: 1393.26

bit further lifting a bit more weight

Time: 1395.96

slowing the Cadence of a given movement

Time: 1398.659

Etc how those specific types of triggers

Time: 1401.36

for adaptation relate to the specific or

Time: 1404.9

maybe similar types of recovery that are

Time: 1406.82

required for us to make progress in one

Time: 1409.4

of our previous episodes we were talking

Time: 1410.84

about how the Harvard fatigue lab really

Time: 1412.82

identified this idea of homeostasis or

Time: 1415.76

at least sort of championed it for it

Time: 1417.5

and that's important because

Time: 1419.6

and all levels physiology wants to

Time: 1422.299

return to homeostasis so what happens in

Time: 1425.6

terms of adaptation is you've challenged

Time: 1428.24

it to a level that it realizes if it

Time: 1430.039

does not make a change it will not be

Time: 1432.2

able to get back to the same level of

Time: 1434

homeostasis that's fundamentally what's

Time: 1436.4

happening that is recovery that process

Time: 1439.7

of taking an insult being temporarily

Time: 1442.94

reduced in functionality

Time: 1445.28

causing a change so that now we come

Time: 1447.559

back and get what we often call in

Time: 1449.179

support performance super compensation

Time: 1451.7

all that really is doing though is

Time: 1453.38

bringing you to a new level of

Time: 1454.88

homeostasis effectively

Time: 1457.7

it is understanding if that same insult

Time: 1460.28

comes again

Time: 1461.48

I need to be able to make sure that that

Time: 1463.22

doesn't cause the same level of

Time: 1464.84

disruption and so we raise the bar

Time: 1467.059

whether this is enhancing our ability to

Time: 1471.2

take the same level of mechanical

Time: 1472.88

tension on the muscle and not result in

Time: 1474.679

micro damage whether this is being able

Time: 1477.2

to take the same reduction in energy and

Time: 1479.659

not have that compromise of sleep or

Time: 1483.08

anything it's really fundamentally

Time: 1485.059

changing so we can have a new level of

Time: 1487.22

homeostasis because it's presuming it's

Time: 1489.679

predicting that that same insult is

Time: 1491.659

going to come again down the road

Time: 1494.299

I wanted to clarify for people that when

Time: 1497.36

Dr Galvin says insult

Time: 1499.82

while he may actually insult me

Time: 1502.76

um insult is the nerd speak terminology

Time: 1505.22

for some sort of damage inflicted to a

Time: 1508.039

tissue or system so

Time: 1510.08

um he's speaking about the insult to the

Time: 1512.9

muscle or insult to the neuromuscular

Time: 1514.58

connection created by adding more weight

Time: 1517.28

to the bar running a further distance

Time: 1520.52


Time: 1521.2

running a bit fast or or pedaling faster

Time: 1524.36

that creates a micro insult or an insult

Time: 1527.419

and now because everyone is familiar

Time: 1529.4

with um psychological and verbal insults

Time: 1532.1

you'll never forget that biological

Time: 1533.9

concept it's important we tag another

Time: 1535.52

thing here which is called hormesis it's

Time: 1538.4

one of my favorite phenomenon and it

Time: 1539.84

effectively means this that there is a

Time: 1541.76

dosage or toxicity

Time: 1543.86

responds to almost everything and if you

Time: 1546.14

think about this in the context of say

Time: 1547.82

drugs what this means is if I gave you

Time: 1550.159

10 milligrams of something

Time: 1552.559

that it would be okay but if I give you

Time: 1554.36

20 it'd be a problem and eventually if I

Time: 1556.22

go up and give you enough this thing

Time: 1557.539

turns toxic this is the case of

Time: 1559.7

everything from cyanide where it can

Time: 1562.82

actually be in small dosages in nature

Time: 1564.86

in fact it's in many of the fruits that

Time: 1566.48

you eat but it's not a dosage that it

Time: 1568.22

doesn't matter if that dosage gets

Time: 1570.02

higher though that actually can cause

Time: 1571.279

problems and if it is high enough it can

Time: 1573.44

actually kill you instantaneously

Time: 1575.24

the back end of that though is because

Time: 1577.94

you introduce this micro insult as you

Time: 1580.7

framed it for me perfectly your body

Time: 1583.34

will then adapt to it and that's really

Time: 1584.84

what's happening with exercise

Time: 1585.799

adaptation is it is a hormetic stressor

Time: 1588.86

and why that's important is

Time: 1591.02

if you look at the immediate responses

Time: 1593.36

to exercise you see an extremely large

Time: 1595.76

increase in inflammation you see

Time: 1597.919

oxidative stress you see a whole Cascade

Time: 1600.38

of autophagy like all these problems

Time: 1602.6

quote unquote happening it's what's

Time: 1604.46

actually quite funny here is as a part

Time: 1606.919

of my PhD the academic portion I had to

Time: 1609.98

go through the medical side of the

Time: 1612.02

school and so I was my physiology class

Time: 1614.299

was in med school so I'm the only

Time: 1615.74

non-medical doctor in that class right

Time: 1617.9

I'm a PhD so I leave my lab I walk

Time: 1619.88

across campus and I take physiology

Time: 1621.2

class with these folks and I died the

Time: 1623.96

whole time internally because every time

Time: 1626.36

we would cover a new area

Time: 1628.46

it was basically the the exact same

Time: 1631.159

value or number

Time: 1633.08

in a medical setting is like oh my gosh

Time: 1635.059

they're going to die

Time: 1636.559

and in performance setting is like this

Time: 1638.48

person's in fantastic shape

Time: 1640.22

is I I I've never it still amuses me to

Time: 1643.7

this day obviously because it's just

Time: 1644.9

simple things like total blood volume

Time: 1646.159

right and you cover like okay if you

Time: 1647.96

have a patient come in and their blood

Time: 1649.279

volume is six liters you know I can

Time: 1651.32

immediately get them on a diuretic of

Time: 1653.24

some sort because they're going to have

Time: 1654.08

a heart attack as blood pressure gets up

Time: 1655.34

right now I'm immediately thinking damn

Time: 1656.539

six leaders that that person is super

Time: 1658.279

fit because that is actually a positive

Time: 1660.32

adaptation to training it's one of the

Time: 1661.94

most important if not the most important

Time: 1663.62

adaptation to endurance training is

Time: 1665

enhance total blood volume so you'll

Time: 1666.62

store more blood in your body when

Time: 1668.299

you're more fit than you are less fit so

Time: 1669.919

I mean I could go on all these things

Time: 1671.72

sodium concentrations potassium

Time: 1673.279

concentrations are like you look at

Time: 1675.86

these things on paper and you don't know

Time: 1677.419

if that person is about to die because

Time: 1678.74

they're 65 years old and out of shape or

Time: 1680.96

if that person is going to break a world

Time: 1682.1

record the marathon this brings up a

Time: 1683.9

very important tangent which is uh for

Time: 1686.12

instance if you go and take a blood test

Time: 1687.46

and you are somebody who exercises very

Time: 1690.5

intensely uh with resistance training

Time: 1692.96

you're blood creatinine levels can be

Time: 1695.419

way out of range and if your physician

Time: 1698.539

doesn't know that you're doing certain

Time: 1699.799

forms of exercise might say wow there's

Time: 1701.6

a lot of muscle tissue damage occurring

Time: 1703.4

in your body yeah as you mentioned

Time: 1705.2

before your total blood volume is is

Time: 1707.539

dangerously High when in fact you are

Time: 1709.46

far healthier and and need much fitter

Time: 1712.1

than the person who as numbers would be

Time: 1714.26

in range that said obviously there are

Time: 1717.14

um limits to these to these statements

Time: 1719.659

whereby you would want to be cautious

Time: 1721.76

and take action to ameliorate a very

Time: 1724.7

elevated blood creatinine level or

Time: 1726.679

something of that sort but the point

Time: 1728.36

you're you're bringing up is is also one

Time: 1731.12

about the field of medicine which is

Time: 1732.559


Time: 1733.4

many not all but many Physicians don't

Time: 1736.76

take into consideration uh the outside

Time: 1739.46

activities that people are doing and so

Time: 1741.08

it becomes a kind of a plug-and-play

Time: 1742.82

type um type way of looking at blood

Time: 1745.76

charts yeah we've done many thousand

Time: 1748.58

athletes blood chemistry and uh we we

Time: 1751.7

don't use

Time: 1753.08

first of all we never look at disease

Time: 1755.299

stuff that's not what we do we take

Time: 1756.38

people that are healthy and try to

Time: 1757.4

optimize performance and blood chemistry

Time: 1759.02

is one of the best tools if you really

Time: 1761.72

understand what you're doing there you

Time: 1764.6

can get some incredibly powerful

Time: 1766.82

information out of blood chemistry that

Time: 1768.5

actually relates to what we're going to

Time: 1769.52

talk to today in terms of measuring

Time: 1772.76

everything from acute to Chronic

Time: 1774.679

dehydration to sleep deprivation can be

Time: 1777.02

identified in in blood chemistry to

Time: 1779.539

optimization improvements in nutrition

Time: 1781.76

supplementation there's a lot you can

Time: 1783.38

get there if people are interested in

Time: 1784.64

that field I would Point them to a

Time: 1786.08

gentleman named Dan Garner it was just

Time: 1788.48

an absolute Juggernaut and wizard in

Time: 1790.34

blood chemistry for high performance but

Time: 1792.5

well you can get a ton of information

Time: 1793.76

from that if you understand the

Time: 1795.74

difference between exactly what you

Time: 1797.12

talked about looking for signals of

Time: 1799.52

increased risk of cardiovascular events

Time: 1801.86

25 years down the road versus is this

Time: 1804.08

the optimal value for high performance

Time: 1806

in an athlete which is what our our

Time: 1808.039

database and all of our software and

Time: 1809.36

stuff does is only looking for those

Time: 1811.22

things so I'm going to talk about some

Time: 1813.02

of the biomarkers to look for a little

Time: 1815.179

bit later salivary so some blood stuff

Time: 1817.419

but we'll maybe save that part of the

Time: 1819.679

conversation for down the road tell me

Time: 1821.36

about different time scales of recovery

Time: 1823.82

sure this is actually where I was trying

Time: 1826.22

to answer your question for and then I

Time: 1827.419

got myself way off track but the reason

Time: 1828.919

I brought up the Hermetic thing is if

Time: 1831.2

you understand that some things in the

Time: 1834.08

acute say 24 to 40 hour period

Time: 1837.76

look terrible

Time: 1840.08

it's actually fine right so this is the

Time: 1842.24

stimuli that's causing adaptation so the

Time: 1844.76

reason I brought up the medical

Time: 1846.7

exchange there is because you if you

Time: 1849.5

looked at inflammatory markers and then

Time: 1851.179

you mentioned some of them you would see

Time: 1853.52

that they are highest acute within

Time: 1855.32

seconds to minutes to hours after

Time: 1857.48

exercise however that's exactly the

Time: 1860.779

stimuli needed to bring them down

Time: 1862.64


Time: 1864.32

okay and so chronically meaning maybe in

Time: 1867.26

that moment they are elevated and then

Time: 1868.58

maybe they're coming down 24 hours later

Time: 1870.14

in 48 hours however if you were to

Time: 1872.36

compare your resting level say that

Time: 1873.919

Monday before you worked out

Time: 1875.84

to your resting level that Monday the

Time: 1878.24

week following the week following that

Time: 1880.22

what you would probably see is your

Time: 1881.84

Baseline inflammation goes down

Time: 1883.94

and so we got to be really careful are

Time: 1885.559

we talking immediately post-exercise man

Time: 1887.84

these markers look terrible maybe my

Time: 1890.179

recovery score is awful

Time: 1892.22

Etc that's not necessarily a bad thing

Time: 1893.779

because what we're like looking to do is

Time: 1895.58

to not only change what's happening

Time: 1897.86

today but we're trying to cause

Time: 1899.6

adaptation that may take us weeks or

Time: 1903.14

months to actually

Time: 1904.88


Time: 1906.2

I love that you're highlighting this

Time: 1907.88

principle because one of the more

Time: 1909.86

obvious ones to me now that you've said

Time: 1912.08

this is heart rate absolutely my heart

Time: 1914.48

rate goes very very high during exercise

Time: 1916.279

and I do that fairly consistently or

Time: 1919.34

even semi-consistently my resting heart

Time: 1921.98

rate will actually be quite a bit lower

Time: 1923.96

that's a fantastic example really what

Time: 1926.419

you're getting at here is this concept

Time: 1928.22

where I think it's important to

Time: 1929.899

differentiate between adaptation and

Time: 1931.46


Time: 1932.659

now we hear that word and I use it and

Time: 1934.82

most scientists hate it but it's a good

Time: 1936.679

communication tool optimization

Time: 1939.08

if you're optimizing for the current

Time: 1941.059


Time: 1942.26

you're almost surely compromising the

Time: 1945.679

late adaptation

Time: 1947.36

right if if I were to say do the thing

Time: 1949.7

right now that makes you feel the

Time: 1950.899

absolute best in the world and you're

Time: 1952.58

like great you took a nap and you had a

Time: 1954.2

donut like awesome you feel amazing but

Time: 1957.44

you know it's causing long-term issues

Time: 1960.5

the same can be said on the back end if

Time: 1962.419

you're never choosing things that make

Time: 1963.86

you better right now

Time: 1965.6

you're never actually going to see an

Time: 1967.34

adaptation so what we're really doing

Time: 1968.899

with this recovery conversation is

Time: 1970.7

playing this game of balancing immediate

Time: 1973.24

gratification with the leg gratification

Time: 1975.5

and how do we identify how much to do

Time: 1978.14

now versus not how do I use a value or a

Time: 1981.2

marker whether this is how tired I feel

Time: 1982.88

today how sore I am today versus a score

Time: 1986.299

on an app or a tracking metric but this

Time: 1989.659

is a blood marker anything and

Time: 1992.12

understand if that's what I need to

Time: 1994.22

cause the adaptation I want a week a

Time: 1996.44

month three months from now in the case

Time: 1998.539


Time: 1999.26

some of our other athletes it's even up

Time: 2000.88

to four years right we're trying to

Time: 2002.26

cause adaptations that will get us where

Time: 2003.94

we want to get in the Olympics or World

Time: 2005.5

Championships or World Cup or wherever

Time: 2007.179

we're going to be so that's the

Time: 2008.5

framework we have to think about

Time: 2009.7

recovery we we maybe falsely think about

Time: 2013.12

it as I need to maximize my recovery

Time: 2015.1


Time: 2016.12

and you could do something like

Time: 2018.519

taken anti-inflammatory whether this is

Time: 2021.22

a supplementation or a drug or maybe

Time: 2023.14

this is ice

Time: 2025.299

oh cool that's great that will enhance

Time: 2027.58

your recovery in this moment that'll

Time: 2029.44

make you feel better today probably

Time: 2030.88

tomorrow but what we know is that blocks

Time: 2032.86

the signal for adaptation so you're not

Time: 2034.779

going to get the same results you know

Time: 2036.22

four six eight weeks from now so when we

Time: 2038.74

talk about recovery we have to

Time: 2039.94

understand what tool am I using and why

Time: 2042.34

and in order to do that we have to

Time: 2043.96

understand what am I training for

Time: 2046.419

and what am I trying to maximize if I am

Time: 2049.3

in the middle of a season with an

Time: 2050.74

athlete and we are competing tomorrow I

Time: 2053.5

am going to head towards acute recovery

Time: 2056.44

right because I have to actuate that

Time: 2058.419

performance right now if I am starting

Time: 2060.52

the off season

Time: 2061.78

I'm not hedging towards recovery I'm

Time: 2063.76

actually hedging towards adaptation so

Time: 2065.74

we're not going to deploy any of these

Time: 2068.379

especially things like

Time: 2069.94

there's evidence that a combination of

Time: 2071.859

vitamin C and vitamin E

Time: 2073.54

will blunt hypertrophic adaptations

Time: 2076.24

because they're anti-inflammatory with

Time: 2077.98

antioxidants right other other Studies

Time: 2080.919

have shown maybe they don't have

Time: 2082.659

uh an inhibitory fact they may or may

Time: 2085.54


Time: 2086.379

point is conceptually

Time: 2088.599

you want to be careful of what you're

Time: 2090.22

trying to optimize for and you have to

Time: 2092.44

have that forethought and that alone is

Time: 2094.3

going to dictate your decision making

Time: 2095.859

with whether or not again you get in the

Time: 2098.2

eyes uh you do that now we will cover

Time: 2101.14

some tools like massage

Time: 2104.02

that are pretty fine to use you don't

Time: 2105.94

have to worry about those blocking

Time: 2107.26

long-term adaptation but others you're

Time: 2109.18

going to want to be very careful about

Time: 2110.26

so this principle that you've laid out

Time: 2112.18

for us

Time: 2113.14

which is that there's a set of events

Time: 2117.22

that occur during exercise that trigger

Time: 2119.56

the adaptation

Time: 2121.599

and that sets in motion a number of

Time: 2123.339

adaptations that occur during recovery

Time: 2125.98

that then

Time: 2127.42

give us the exact opposite response to

Time: 2129.64

what the trigger was so I'll go back to

Time: 2131.8

the heart rate example

Time: 2133.48

um heart rate is close to maximal or

Time: 2136

maximal you do that enough times within

Time: 2137.859

a short you know a week or so or two

Time: 2139.72

weeks and you're

Time: 2141.099

resting heart rate goes down

Time: 2143.26

as I recall a few episodes ago you said

Time: 2145.54

that your maximum heart rate doesn't

Time: 2147.16

really change that much is that correct

Time: 2149.32

yes okay but your resting heart rate can

Time: 2152.68

go down quite a bit yep

Time: 2155.44

is that a general theme meaning

Time: 2158.98

do we have a more or less set upper

Time: 2161.92

limit or ceiling for things like

Time: 2164.079

inflammatory markers for heart rate

Time: 2167.02

maybe even things like stress and what

Time: 2170.32

we do when we deliberately trigger

Time: 2172.24

stress or a

Time: 2174.52

dramatic increase in heart rate or

Time: 2176.32

dramatic increase in inflammatory

Time: 2177.82

markers is that we are lowering the

Time: 2179.44

floor but that the ceiling Remains the

Time: 2181.66


Time: 2183.339

it's very dependent upon the marker so

Time: 2185.859

in the case of maximum heart rate it

Time: 2187.54

will not change

Time: 2189.16

with the exception of one thing which is

Time: 2191.56


Time: 2192.4

brings it down training will not change

Time: 2194.8

it up in most circumstances if you look

Time: 2197.8

at something like an inflammatory

Time: 2199.06

response I suppose theoretically there

Time: 2201.4

is a ceiling though I'm not aware of it

Time: 2204.04

um I can tell you right now looking at

Time: 2205.42

blood markers the things like creatine

Time: 2206.859

kinase so remember the conversation

Time: 2208.78


Time: 2209.8

metabolism and with that we use the

Time: 2211.9

phosphocreatine as one of our primary

Time: 2213.7

fuel sources for explosive exercise well

Time: 2216.04

if we're using phosphocreatine this

Time: 2218.92

creatine kinase remember kinase are

Time: 2220.66

enzymes that that function to break

Time: 2222.76

things down for the most part so

Time: 2224.02

creatine kinase is the enzyme you use to

Time: 2225.94

break down creatine when you do that a

Time: 2228.04

lot then that creatine kinase gets out

Time: 2230.14

of muscle

Time: 2231.339

and seeps into the blood myoglobin is

Time: 2233.92

actually another fantastic marker by the

Time: 2235.48

way myoglobin is if you think about

Time: 2238.119

hemoglobin being in blood is the

Time: 2240.64

molecule that carries oxygen around when

Time: 2242.74

it's in the muscle tissue then it's

Time: 2244.06

myoglobin mild meaning muscle and it's

Time: 2245.98

the same globulin thing so there's a

Time: 2247.839

bunch of markers you can look at muscle

Time: 2249.099

breakdown and one of the things that you

Time: 2251.56

can see is a creatine kinase level

Time: 2253.48

that's elevated after say

Time: 2255.82

um one bout of exercise and and you

Time: 2258.4

might it might be up

Time: 2260.079

you know five or six-fold I've actually

Time: 2262.54

seen this number in offensive lineman in

Time: 2265.06

the NFL be something like 500 plus fold

Time: 2267.64

so even within just one category to the

Time: 2270.64

next that number can get extraordinarily

Time: 2272.98

high and if you know this is actually

Time: 2274.72

one in an important Point here

Time: 2277.18

if you're paying attention to any

Time: 2279.22

mechanistic research or you use you're

Time: 2281.32

using that to inform your decision

Time: 2282.579

making you have to be extraordinarily

Time: 2284.26

careful of magnitude

Time: 2286

and what I mean by that is

Time: 2288.099

if I were to be running a western blot

Time: 2290.74

looking at a signaling protein

Time: 2293.02

um and a muscle uh did this activation

Time: 2295.359

of this protein turn on mitochondrial

Time: 2297.76

biogenesis and I saw that whatever

Time: 2300.099

intervention we gave it whether it was a

Time: 2301.599

nutrition thing or a drug or an exercise

Time: 2303.579

and I saw that that signaling protein

Time: 2305.68

increased by 20 percent

Time: 2307.96

I would basically assume that to be

Time: 2309.7

totally physiologically irrelevant

Time: 2311.92

because in order for that to be

Time: 2313.119

important it totally depends on the

Time: 2314.32

market you're looking at but

Time: 2316

you some markers I might need to see

Time: 2317.8

four or five six hundred fold increase

Time: 2319.18

before I know that that will actually be

Time: 2321.28

enough to be what we call

Time: 2322.24

physiologically relevant others if

Time: 2324.94

they're up one or two percent that is

Time: 2326.92

relevant and so you really want to be

Time: 2329.079

careful when you're either reading

Time: 2330.7

papers or looking at Social Media stuff

Time: 2333.7

if people are just talking about this

Time: 2335.32

marker increase this much it may not

Time: 2337.24

matter it may be totally irrelevant

Time: 2338.92

physiologically and so you have to that

Time: 2341.68

does also if you're wondering like how

Time: 2342.7

the hell are the all these people well

Time: 2345.22

that's how they can trick you a little

Time: 2346.66

bit and intentionally or not it could be

Time: 2348.579

just they're trying their best but they

Time: 2350.079

don't really understand that area enough

Time: 2351.64

and so that's an important point to pay

Time: 2354.22

attention to so to answer your question

Time: 2355.54

again fully

Time: 2357.4

it would be hard to determine if there

Time: 2359.14

was truly a maximum level

Time: 2361.54

um some things don't want to move

Time: 2363.46

like blood pH

Time: 2366.04

it doesn't really want to move the range

Time: 2367.66

that you're going to move from is you

Time: 2369.339

know like 6.8 to 7.4 and if you get up

Time: 2371.859

to like 7.9 like you're probably in big

Time: 2375.22

big big trouble other things again can

Time: 2377.5

go up 500 5 000 fold and so the markers

Time: 2381.16

will really determine that answer

Time: 2383.859

well at some point in the future I'd

Time: 2385.839

love to continue this discussion around

Time: 2387.28

the topic of stress specifically yeah um

Time: 2389.619

and maybe we will get into that a little

Time: 2391.42

bit later today when we um get into the

Time: 2393.94

use of deliberate cold exposure

Time: 2396.22

because that's certainly

Time: 2398.02

um has effects related directly to

Time: 2400.42

temperature on tissue but it certainly

Time: 2402.28

has mental effects in terms of raising

Time: 2404.68

one's level of perceived pain it's fun

Time: 2408.579

um where some people love it and some

Time: 2410.92

people love it for the feeling they get

Time: 2412.18

during it

Time: 2413.44

um deliberate cold exposure some people

Time: 2414.88

only like it for the feeling that they

Time: 2416.68

get after it not unlike exercise totally

Time: 2419.5

I love to train I love exercise but I

Time: 2421.9

know many people who uh um they loathe

Time: 2424.42

exercise but they love the feeling

Time: 2425.74

afterward so this will be a theme that

Time: 2428.32

we will come back to

Time: 2430.599

thank you for indulging my interest in

Time: 2433

that semi-tangent I think it's a

Time: 2434.68

relevant tangent if there is such a

Time: 2436.359

thing if you can now return us to the

Time: 2438.46

different time scales yeah and modes of

Time: 2441.04

recovery because I think where we are

Time: 2442.78

headed is how to get better at recovery

Time: 2446.26

yep let's talk about the tools let's

Time: 2448.3

talk about what to measure and identify

Time: 2449.859

for all four of these distinct levels so

Time: 2453.28

level one is what we call overload and

Time: 2456.4

just very quickly what that means is I

Time: 2458.5

did a workout today

Time: 2460.54

the sign and symptom of overload is your

Time: 2463.24

fatigued acute performance is down so I

Time: 2466.3

worked out hard right now

Time: 2468.099

if I were to go try to do a maximum

Time: 2470.079

effort I would be reduced in my ability

Time: 2472.42

the recovery period for acute overload

Time: 2474.46

is minutes to days

Time: 2477.22

right that's generally what we call

Time: 2478.54

acute overload and that's what we're

Time: 2479.68

looking for right so we systems should

Time: 2482.02

theoretically see that hormetic stressor

Time: 2483.82

come back in response come back bigger

Time: 2486.16

better more efficient Etc

Time: 2488.859

if you were to continue training in that

Time: 2490.9

state like most of us do and say I did a

Time: 2492.88

workout today I had a little bit of

Time: 2494.14

acute overload gonna work out again

Time: 2495.94

tomorrow a little more acute overload

Time: 2497.74

can work out the next day a little more

Time: 2499.3

acute overload even if you took a day in

Time: 2500.8

between it's that doesn't matter right

Time: 2502.54

you just continue these acute bouts of

Time: 2504.46


Time: 2505.42

then you're going to be pushing into the

Time: 2507.88

absolute golden Target

Time: 2509.74

which is what we call functional

Time: 2511.3


Time: 2513.099

so you have over reached

Time: 2515.56

what you can currently do and it results

Time: 2517.96

in a functional outcome and what we mean

Time: 2520.3

functionally here is performance is

Time: 2521.8


Time: 2522.88

and again performance being whatever you

Time: 2524.44

deem it to be you're stronger

Time: 2526.42

you've enhanced muscle size your

Time: 2528.82

mitochondria has improved you've

Time: 2530.619

whatever the thing is it's not just a

Time: 2532.3

physical performance thing right

Time: 2534.28


Time: 2535.619

recovery time for functional

Time: 2537.7

overreaching is typically a few days to

Time: 2540.94

maybe even a week or so

Time: 2542.859

and so typically what we see happen is

Time: 2545.079

prior to a competition individuals will

Time: 2547.06

do what we call a taper which is a

Time: 2548.619

reduced training volume

Time: 2550.119

for some short period of time and there

Time: 2551.619

was the reason they do that is to again

Time: 2554.64

actualize is the phrase We year is here

Time: 2557.56

the adaptations and so you worked hard

Time: 2559.78

for six weeks and you know theoretically

Time: 2562.839

the workouts you did three four five six

Time: 2565.48

weeks ago once you allow the system to

Time: 2567.82


Time: 2568.78

will be actualized which means your

Time: 2570.76

performance will be enhanced here so

Time: 2572.68

functional overreaching is the golden

Time: 2574.96

Target okay if you were to be at the

Time: 2577.54

point of functional overreaching and you

Time: 2579.819

continue to train so it intensified

Time: 2581.92

whether this was through intensity this

Time: 2583.48

through volume or really as we said

Time: 2585.7

earlier you had something holding back

Time: 2587.92

your recovery it doesn't really matter

Time: 2589.359

right it's it's sort of two sides of the

Time: 2592.18

same coin

Time: 2593.38

then you would move into what we call

Time: 2595.14

non-functional overreaching so you've

Time: 2598.359

over reached again but now it is

Time: 2600.64

non-functional as in you did not see a

Time: 2602.68

positive benefit once recovery allowed

Time: 2605.68

this typically means you have weeks it

Time: 2608.619

takes weeks to come back from and you

Time: 2610.48

basically just get back to Baseline and

Time: 2612.76

this is where a lot of folks are who end

Time: 2614.619

up in this vicious cycle and so you're

Time: 2616.9

like man I'm not getting the results I

Time: 2618.88

want I'm going to train harder I'm not

Time: 2621.579

getting results I want I'm going to

Time: 2622.839

train harder and harder but because

Time: 2624.04

you've caught recovery isn't improved

Time: 2626.44

you just end up in the same spot so then

Time: 2628.66

you train more and you end up the same

Time: 2629.92

spot and you end up then just either

Time: 2631.42

blowing up or quitting and you're not

Time: 2632.619

getting where you want

Time: 2633.94

if you were to continue past that point

Time: 2636.46

you may actually be in what we actually

Time: 2638.44

call over training and that typically is

Time: 2641.859

a considered to be over trained if it

Time: 2644.319

takes months to recover from so most

Time: 2647.02

people think they're over trained are

Time: 2649.06

really not you're just probably

Time: 2651.24

non-functionally overreached

Time: 2654.099

and again classic distinction is if you

Time: 2656.079

took three or four days off and you felt

Time: 2657.52

better you weren't probably quote

Time: 2659.319

unquote over trained you were probably

Time: 2661.3

just in this area of non-functional

Time: 2663.04

reaching you need a little bit of a back

Time: 2664.42

off if you and this has been the case

Time: 2665.859

I've had this happen with gymnasts and a

Time: 2669.16

cheerleader and some other things where

Time: 2671.44

they take a month off and we're barely

Time: 2674.079

seeing them start to come back to their

Time: 2676.06

Baseline numbers in any number of areas

Time: 2678.94

mood desire to train testosterone

Time: 2682.3

cortisol ratios biomarkers in a number

Time: 2684.819

of areas physical performance vertical

Time: 2686.68

jump height like all these things they

Time: 2688.119

just start to get back to Baseline so

Time: 2689.8

over true over training is actually

Time: 2691.3

quite rare non-functional overreaching

Time: 2693.819

is much more common

Time: 2695.859

and it is a shorter time frame scale so

Time: 2698.5

when we talk about recovery those are

Time: 2701.079

the four pieces that we're really

Time: 2702.7

thinking about and so if you are

Time: 2704.619

concerned about oh I'm super sore how do

Time: 2707.26

I get less sore how do I either not be a

Time: 2710.02


Time: 2710.92

next time I do that same workout or I'm

Time: 2713.02

super sorry now how do I recover those

Time: 2715.119

are playing in that first category of

Time: 2717.4

overload and we can certainly talk about

Time: 2719.92

how to figure that out but the quick

Time: 2721.78

answer is

Time: 2723.22

you got to go back to our previous

Time: 2724.42

episodes and just pay attention to the

Time: 2725.92

volume intensity recommendations

Time: 2728.14

if you're getting significantly uh more

Time: 2731.8

damage or fatigue in a workout you

Time: 2734.859

probably have increased your volume too

Time: 2736.24


Time: 2737.8

or something else is dragging your

Time: 2740.319

stress bucket down but generally this is

Time: 2741.94

a problem of training

Time: 2743.92

um you either didn't warm up

Time: 2744.88

sufficiently you're fueling strategy is

Time: 2747.819

off which we'll talk about in The Next

Time: 2749.319

Episode or you've violated one of our

Time: 2751.54

principles of increasing intensity and

Time: 2753.22

volume sort of too quickly

Time: 2755.28

if it's past that and you're getting to

Time: 2758.38

a stage where you're just like I'm

Time: 2759.76

feeling beat up all the time my energy

Time: 2762.52

is going down I'm just not feeling like

Time: 2764.44

I'm recovered now we're in this

Time: 2766.18

overreaching stage so the the story I

Time: 2770.14

kind of tell here always is a few years

Time: 2772.42

ago I was working

Time: 2774.099

and my wife Natasha was in the garage

Time: 2776.68

training and I'm doing something and

Time: 2778.96

like she comes stumbling

Time: 2780.52

and she has this look on her eyes and

Time: 2782.44

they're like her eyeballs are giant

Time: 2784.3

she's just like wobbling and she's like

Time: 2786.22

I effed up I was like what do you mean

Time: 2788.38

you like effed up and she's just like

Time: 2790.54

I read the program wrong and she's like

Time: 2792.46

Trump like what'd you do like she was

Time: 2794.02

supposed to be doing 10 sets of three

Time: 2796.599

every minute on the minute and she did

Time: 2798.819

three sets of ten every minute on the

Time: 2800.38


Time: 2801.04

and she was absolutely wrecked she

Time: 2804.64

couldn't move for a few hours afterwards

Time: 2806.92

and then for days she's just like you

Time: 2808.359

have to handle the kids like I can't get

Time: 2809.74

out of bed I can't move so that was like

Time: 2811.599

a classic example of all right like we

Time: 2813.88

don't need to fix recovery here you're

Time: 2815.319

just a dummy and you did the dream way

Time: 2817.839

too hard too long like this is not we

Time: 2820

don't have a problem here so if it's a

Time: 2822.16

situation like that it's generally you

Time: 2823.78

just the program was way off if it's

Time: 2826.42

constantly happening where you're just

Time: 2828.52

like man like for whatever reason every

Time: 2830.2

once in a while I'm getting really sore

Time: 2831.94

or having a really bad performance in

Time: 2834.52

these workouts then we need to go to our

Time: 2836.8

other stress bucket take a look at our

Time: 2838.66

allostatic load or allostasis and get

Time: 2840.94

figured out what's happening there um so

Time: 2843.22

those are the the easy ways to flag

Time: 2844.78

acute overload problems

Time: 2847.48

I'd like to take a brief break and

Time: 2849.099

acknowledge our sponsor athletic greens

Time: 2851.02

athletic greens is a vitamin mineral

Time: 2853.3

probiotic and adaptogen drink designed

Time: 2855.94

to help you meet all of your

Time: 2857.14

foundational nutritional needs I've been

Time: 2859.359

taking athletes at greens daily since

Time: 2861.119

2012. so I'm delighted that they're a

Time: 2863.5

sponsor of this podcast the reason I

Time: 2865.359

started taking athletic greens and the

Time: 2866.8

reason I still take athletic greens once

Time: 2868.78

or twice a day is that it helps me meet

Time: 2870.88

all of my foundational nutritional needs

Time: 2872.74

that is it covers my vitamins my

Time: 2874.599

minerals and the probiotics are

Time: 2876.28

especially important to me athletic

Time: 2877.96

greens also contains adaptogens which

Time: 2880

are critical for recovering from stress

Time: 2881.68

from exercise from work or just general

Time: 2883.72

life if you'd like to try athletic

Time: 2885.46

greens you can go to athleticreens.com

Time: 2887.339

huberman to claim a special offer

Time: 2889.48

they'll give you five free travel packs

Time: 2891.099

and they'll give you a year's supply of

Time: 2893.02

vitamin D3 K2 again if you'd like to try

Time: 2895.48

athletic greens go to athleticgreens.com

Time: 2897.46

huberman to claim the special offer I'm

Time: 2900.22

happy that you pointed out the

Time: 2901.96

distinction between functional

Time: 2903.52

overreaching over training and being

Time: 2905.8

over trained I think one one common

Time: 2908.68

mistake that people make in thinking

Time: 2910.06

about biology generally is that they

Time: 2912.64

think in terms of nouns and adjectives

Time: 2914.5

and not verbs amazing I love that so

Time: 2916.839

much you know biology is a collection of

Time: 2920.02

processes or processes depending on who

Time: 2923.5

you are and where you live and who you

Time: 2925

trained with

Time: 2927.28

being over trained

Time: 2929.319

is a state that in many ways is an

Time: 2933.099

adjective you're over trained I'm over

Time: 2935.14


Time: 2936.4

it's like saying uh you know I'm an

Time: 2938.619

American I'm a you know Czechoslovakian

Time: 2940.96

whatever it happens to be right and in

Time: 2942.94

many ways people do start to associate

Time: 2944.319

with an identity at least a transient

Time: 2947.02

identity and they start making all sorts

Time: 2948.88

of decisions it sounds like about what

Time: 2950.8

sorts of verbs they will and will not

Time: 2952.48

engage in whereas I think if we look at

Time: 2955.3

things as processes and we

Time: 2958.06

assign verbs to them then we can say

Time: 2961.24

okay I'm

Time: 2963.16

functionally overreaching

Time: 2965.5

or I'm truly over training which is a

Time: 2967.96

matter of degrees correct right or under

Time: 2970

training for that matter I'm not I'm

Time: 2972.46

reaching but I'm not

Time: 2974.38

functionally reaching it's just it's

Time: 2976.18

just performance and you know just as

Time: 2978.28

with the nervous system won't change

Time: 2979.72

unless you give it a reason to this is

Time: 2981.04

the reason why if you can perform

Time: 2981.819

something perfectly or speak a language

Time: 2983.38

perfectly there's there's no rewiring of

Time: 2985.9

the nervous system this myth that we've

Time: 2987.4

all been told that every experience

Time: 2988.839

rewires your nervous system it's

Time: 2990.22

different now than it was two seconds

Time: 2991.42

ago that's that's a ridiculous illogical

Time: 2994.3

statement we know that's not true if

Time: 2996.04

your nervous system can perform

Time: 2997.119

something it has no reason to change and

Time: 2999.22

it won't muscles the same way this is

Time: 3001.14

why you have to progressively overload

Time: 3002.7

you have to learn something new or

Time: 3004.319

challenge your muscle to do something

Time: 3005.46

new it's same thing so in the example

Time: 3007.98

that you gave uh with your wife doing

Time: 3010.079

this workout that turned out to be far

Time: 3011.339

more strenuous she had functionally

Time: 3013.74

overreach in some sense she might have

Time: 3015.66

been over training or heading in the

Time: 3017.88

direction of over training but the

Time: 3019.98

mistake would be to assume that

Time: 3021.72

she was over trained right as I kind of

Time: 3024.18

it's almost becomes a bit of a state or

Time: 3026.16

a character assignment

Time: 3028.56

um as opposed to a verb and in any case

Time: 3030.54

there's no perfect way to describe this

Time: 3031.68

we're talking about nouns and adjectives

Time: 3033.119

and and we're also um talking about

Time: 3035.579

verbs but I think the verbs are really

Time: 3037.2

anchored down in processes and things

Time: 3040.02

that we do actions that we can take and

Time: 3042.54

so um if I may I'd like to just

Time: 3044.4

highlight this this idea of

Time: 3047.4

shifting one sinking towards verb

Time: 3049.92


Time: 3051.3

rather than labels on the state that we

Time: 3054.24

happen to be in or the person that we

Time: 3056.28

happen to be right sometimes it even

Time: 3057.96

does become kind of character logical in

Time: 3060.059

the way that people describe it and uh

Time: 3062.94

so I have to believe that there is

Time: 3065.579

something called over training that over

Time: 3067.44

training is real in other words but that

Time: 3070.02

we don't ever really know if we're over

Time: 3072.18


Time: 3073.619

you nailed it there's there's no you

Time: 3076.02

know it's not like a red flag uh you

Time: 3078.119

know shoots up out of your shoulder and

Time: 3079.319

say I'm over trained you know it's

Time: 3081.18

um so in doing so I hope that we can

Time: 3083.76

start thinking about some of the verbs

Time: 3085.559

the actions that we can all take in

Time: 3087.72

order to ensure that we stimulate

Time: 3090.3

Progressive overload one way or another

Time: 3092.579

and at the same time that we don't fall

Time: 3094.68

into these bins of character assignment

Time: 3096.9

where suddenly we decide that we need to

Time: 3098.94

do X like take a month off or something

Time: 3100.74

like that because I I'm beginning to

Time: 3102.599


Time: 3103.619

um from our discussion that that's

Time: 3105.24

exactly the wrong way to go those are

Time: 3107.819

fantastic points I want to make sure it

Time: 3110.339

is clear

Time: 3111.48

that there is no clinical diagnosis for

Time: 3114.119

over training there are no standards

Time: 3115.5

there's no test or a blood panel you can

Time: 3118.319

pull that would actually identify you in

Time: 3120.119

that state so your your distinction Here

Time: 3122.339

Andrew of these are verbs and rather

Time: 3124.2

than nouns is is so wonderful because

Time: 3125.7

that is exactly the case the only way we

Time: 3128.4

could really come retroactively diagnose

Time: 3130.68

one with over training is if again we

Time: 3133.2

had you did weeks

Time: 3135.54

of recovery and you only got back to

Time: 3138.3

Baseline so we can't do it in the moment

Time: 3140.52

I can't take a single test

Time: 3142.5

there's no subjective marker or anything

Time: 3144.24

that says you are over trained it is

Time: 3146.7

simply you are probably over training

Time: 3149.04

and we need to reverse that quickly or

Time: 3151.619

in the case of the step before you are

Time: 3154.14

probably non-functionally overreaching

Time: 3156.24

and if you continue to do this you will

Time: 3158.52

probably enter a new stage where this is

Time: 3161.7

you're over training and we need to come

Time: 3163.68

back so that's an important thing to let

Time: 3166.02

people know is there's no one thing we

Time: 3167.76

could actually point to that says you

Time: 3169.559

are here you are not a noun this is a

Time: 3171.9

verb so what are some tools that we can

Time: 3173.88

use to enhance our recovery yep let's

Time: 3176.04

start off with that acute overload phase

Time: 3178.14

so in other words I just did a workout

Time: 3179.64

and I'm feeling awful or I just did one

Time: 3182.88

two days ago and I'm super sore how do I

Time: 3184.74

get rid of that right now well there's a

Time: 3186.54

couple of things you can do immediately

Time: 3187.92

after your workout and then others that

Time: 3190.26

are maybe more actionable a day later or

Time: 3192.66

two days later and we'll just cover

Time: 3193.98

handful of them we'll do some nutrition

Time: 3196.319

and hydration and supplementation in the

Time: 3199.079

next episode I'm going to cover

Time: 3200.52

everything else not in that category

Time: 3201.839

right now so a couple of things number

Time: 3204.3


Time: 3205.8

you can actually start Kickstart that

Time: 3208.619

recovery process at the end of your

Time: 3211.44

current training session and I guess I

Time: 3213.18

should say it this way

Time: 3214.68

I strongly suggest you start this

Time: 3217.38

recovery process immediately after the

Time: 3219.599

workout you mentioned earlier about this

Time: 3222.059

idea of

Time: 3223.38

you got to get a really high peak of

Time: 3225.48

stress to cause adaptation but I

Time: 3228.24

actually didn't explain that correctly

Time: 3229.44

because what has to happen is you need

Time: 3230.94

that extremely high peak but you then

Time: 3232.38

you have to be met with an extremely

Time: 3235.26

sharp recovery back down and so you know

Time: 3238.619

you've talked about this before in some

Time: 3240.359

of your neuroplasticity stuff and in

Time: 3243.119

terms of what has to happen that caused

Time: 3245.339

the insult and then you immediately need

Time: 3247.2

to be able to recover to make sure that

Time: 3248.819

that causes changes in the brains same

Time: 3250.859

thing happens here so we need a really

Time: 3252.839

sharp and high inflammatory response and

Time: 3255.78

then if you do not meet it with an

Time: 3257.52

immediate recovery period

Time: 3259.68

the signal won't be there to maximize

Time: 3261.96

your results so what's that mean you can

Time: 3263.579

actually do a couple of things number

Time: 3265.319

one is actually listening to slow paced

Time: 3267.72


Time: 3268.5

there's evidence to suggest fast-paced

Time: 3270.72

music may slow down your recovery and

Time: 3273.96

slow pace when actually enhance it so if

Time: 3276.059

you just change from you know your

Time: 3278.16

maximum get you up and get going music

Time: 3280.68

during the workout to a slower lower

Time: 3283.14

Cadence that will help you kick start

Time: 3285.48

the idea of a similar note you can also

Time: 3288

use what we call down regulation

Time: 3289.38

breathing you could do them in

Time: 3290.819

conjunction or one or the other

Time: 3292.619

whichever is up to you so my personal

Time: 3294.599

favorite method here is somewhere

Time: 3297.059

between three to ten minutes of

Time: 3299.76

finishing your training session laying

Time: 3302.22

down I'd like to be in that position you

Time: 3304.38

could certainly do it in the Lotus

Time: 3305.4

position but I think laying on your back

Time: 3306.72

is generally more effective personal

Time: 3308.579

preference there no science I like the

Time: 3310.98

items being covered getting into this

Time: 3312.72

dark quiet sort of area

Time: 3315.359

and then just breathing through your

Time: 3317.16

nose in a structured Cadence there's a

Time: 3319.26

lot of different things you can try an

Time: 3320.7

easy example is just box breathing so

Time: 3322.8

and you can imagine box having four

Time: 3324.72

squares so what you're going to do is

Time: 3326.76

inhale for somewhere between like three

Time: 3329.04

to eight seconds and whatever number you

Time: 3331.559

choose you keep that same tempo and so

Time: 3334.559

let's say you chose to do a five second

Time: 3336.059


Time: 3337.8

that's going to take you up vertically

Time: 3339.119

and then horizontally for your box is a

Time: 3341.099

five second hold

Time: 3342.48

and then a five second exhale

Time: 3344.7

and then a five second hold and you just

Time: 3346.92

need to repeat that for the time domain

Time: 3348.359

now I typically honestly don't use a

Time: 3349.74


Time: 3350.46

you'll actually notice a lot of people

Time: 3351.9

will like fall asleep or get really

Time: 3354.48

close to falling asleep in this period

Time: 3356.28

you can do a triangle version of that

Time: 3358.5

where you do an inhale

Time: 3360.54

hold exhale and then go right back into

Time: 3362.88

your inhale or up there's a bunch of

Time: 3364.38

different tricks you can try here you

Time: 3365.819

need to play around and see what

Time: 3366.9

actually works best for you

Time: 3369.18

um 10 minutes is probably better but if

Time: 3371.16

you can just at least give me three

Time: 3373.04

that'll work if you're really really

Time: 3375.72

resistant you can actually do that just

Time: 3378

in the shower and so if you're gonna

Time: 3380.04

finish your workout get in the shower

Time: 3381.3

again just close your eyes in the shower

Time: 3382.74

give me three minutes of focused

Time: 3384.3

relaxation breathing and that will

Time: 3386.46

accelerate the recovery process I love

Time: 3388.5

it and I particularly love it because my

Time: 3390.42

laboratory works on stress and

Time: 3392.16

respiration okay breathing and the

Time: 3394.2

interactions between the two

Time: 3395.94

and I'll just mention a result that was

Time: 3399.18

just accepted for publication so should

Time: 3401.64

be out by time this day so there's uh

Time: 3403.8

thank you uh this is the beautiful work

Time: 3405.9

of uh not me directly although it took

Time: 3408.18

place in my lab but as we know it's the

Time: 3409.5

students at both doctors of

Time: 3412.26

um Dr Melise uh balbon uh in my lab it's

Time: 3415.68

a phenomenal researcher

Time: 3417.96

that showed that a short period of five

Time: 3421.2

minutes of box breathing of exactly the

Time: 3423.3

type that you described

Time: 3424.68

or cyclic sign so two inhales followed

Time: 3428.16

by an extended exhale to lungs empty

Time: 3429.9

ideally the inhales are done through the

Time: 3431.46

nose the exhales are done uh through the

Time: 3433.74

mouth although it could all be done

Time: 3435.18

through the nose

Time: 3436.619

um or the mouth for that matter but

Time: 3438.18

probably nose nose for inhale inhale

Time: 3440.819

mouth for exhale or

Time: 3443.52

um uh in inhales through the nose and

Time: 3446.22

and exhale through the nose cyclic

Time: 3448.38

sighing as we refer to it done for five

Time: 3450.119

minutes both of those produce very

Time: 3452.28

significant decreases in resting heart

Time: 3454.74


Time: 3456

the over time will increase things like

Time: 3458.16

heart rate variability and so on and so

Time: 3459.96


Time: 3460.8

um so provided that there are extended

Time: 3464.099

exhales it seems like the calming

Time: 3466.26

response and the reduction in overall

Time: 3468.839

stress occurs the only thing that really

Time: 3471.48

sends things in the other direction

Time: 3472.559

would be something like cyclic

Time: 3473.7

hyperventilation I'm sure you've

Time: 3475.44

observed that

Time: 3476.579

um and interestingly uh when we had

Time: 3479.76

people just do five minutes of

Time: 3481.619

meditation which during which of course

Time: 3483.66

they are breathing but they're just

Time: 3486.359

allowing their breathing to progress

Time: 3487.559

however it happens to be in that moment

Time: 3490.2

um or moments across the five minutes uh

Time: 3493.619

there were reductions in the same sorts

Time: 3495.78

of markers of stress that I described

Time: 3497.819

but not as significant as breathing so I

Time: 3499.98

love the Brock's breathing tool post

Time: 3501.599


Time: 3503.099

um and there's some other Alternatives

Time: 3504.3

there too that I just mentioned but I

Time: 3506.64

think people greatly underestimate the

Time: 3509.64

potency of breathing for shifting one's

Time: 3511.8

nervous system function away from stress

Time: 3514.559

or if one wants toward more alertness

Time: 3516.9

and stress I actually have a couple

Time: 3518.64

questions for you on that sure I think

Time: 3520.26

the audience would appreciate this uh

Time: 3522

how long were those boxes was it just

Time: 3524.579

user selected great question so we use

Time: 3527.52

the carbon dioxide tolerance test

Time: 3529.14

amazing in order for people to determine

Time: 3531.72

how long the different sides of the Box

Time: 3533.64

should be and you cover carbon dioxide

Time: 3535.44

tolerance tests in a previous episode we

Time: 3537.66

can provide a link to that clip um in

Time: 3539.64

the show note captions but as you point

Time: 3541.02

out it involves a long extended exhale

Time: 3543.66

to lungs empty

Time: 3546.059

um and of course people could sit with

Time: 3547.5

lungs empty but they have to accurately

Time: 3550.04

Faithfully as we say report how long it

Time: 3552.839

took them to empty their lungs we use

Time: 3555.059

that as a as a gauge typically if it

Time: 3557.22

takes if people go to lungs empty in 20

Time: 3559.98

seconds or less I believe I have to go

Time: 3562.619

back to the paper and look but I believe

Time: 3563.76

that the duration for each of the sides

Time: 3565.98

of the boxes as it were was somewhere

Time: 3567.839


Time: 3568.92

um two and three seconds if they had a

Time: 3572.28

CO2 discard time of anywhere from uh 20

Time: 3575.88

seconds up to about 40 45 seconds we use

Time: 3578.76

it the sides of the box where I believe

Time: 3580.98

between four and six seconds and then

Time: 3582.96

for people longer than them who could

Time: 3584.579

discard their Arrow over a period of a

Time: 3586.98

minute or more we used a box duration

Time: 3591.599

that is inhale hold exhale hold duration

Time: 3593.88

of somewhere between

Time: 3595.74

I believe it was

Time: 3596.67


Time: 3597.359


Time: 3598.26

seven or maybe it was eight and as long

Time: 3600.78

as 11 or 12 seconds yeah those will get

Time: 3603

your kind of free diver types who can

Time: 3604.559

really do this who are really well

Time: 3606.24

trained for this sort of thing the don't

Time: 3609.72

quote me exactly on those numbers but

Time: 3611.339

that that was approximate those line up

Time: 3613.26

exactly with what what we've done so I

Time: 3615.42

believe it's it's going to be close

Time: 3616.5

within seconds of non-important

Time: 3618.66

Distinction is it's going to be close

Time: 3620.099

enough so that's great and that was uh

Time: 3622.68

it took them what six weeks so this

Time: 3625.44

study was done over the period of a

Time: 3627.119

month and then when they were swapped

Time: 3628.5

into a new pattern of breathing

Time: 3631.44

um condition or meditation condition and

Time: 3634.14

this was all done in the natural world

Time: 3636.359

as we say um they were wearing whoop

Time: 3638.46

bands they were getting heart rate heart

Time: 3639.96

rate variability sleep data subjective

Time: 3641.819

data about mood Etc so there are a lot

Time: 3643.74

of measures but this was

Time: 3645.66

um more than 100 subjects out in the

Time: 3647.76

wild of life

Time: 3649.319

um and we tried as best we could to

Time: 3651.599

track life stress events and exercise

Time: 3653.46

and things like that that was harder to

Time: 3655.319

control outside the laboratory really

Time: 3657.119

all those results speak to exactly

Time: 3658.2

exactly what you're describing here

Time: 3659.76

which is that deliberate respiration

Time: 3662.4

that involves controlled holds and

Time: 3664.5

exhales really has a dramatic and very

Time: 3668.24

immediate impact on reducing our levels

Time: 3671.46

of stress that's wonderful I'm not

Time: 3673.619

surprised at all with your findings and

Time: 3676.2

what's really interesting about that is

Time: 3677.94

you mentioned how the exhalation portion

Time: 3680.96

is primarily responsible for the down

Time: 3683.46

regulation and that's actually goes back

Time: 3685.619

to our previous endurance conversation

Time: 3687.839

which is that in general at rest at

Time: 3690.839

non-altitude increases in CO2 are the

Time: 3693.96

primary driver for ventilation and so

Time: 3695.88

what that generally means is inhales are

Time: 3698.04

associated with an uptick and

Time: 3699.54

sympathetic State and exhales are

Time: 3702.24

associated with a uptick of

Time: 3704

parasympathetic State this is generally

Time: 3706.2

why folks will do things like exhale and

Time: 3710.4

finish that exhale right before they

Time: 3713.099

perform a very high

Time: 3715.98

Precision neurological tasks so if

Time: 3718.559

you're going to say aim at a Target and

Time: 3720.599

shoot you're going to Exhale fully and

Time: 3722.16

then almost always execute that movement

Time: 3724.92

at the end of the exhale because that's

Time: 3726.48

when you're in your highest

Time: 3727.619

parasympathetic State and lowest drive

Time: 3729.359

for ventilation I have to say I'm not

Time: 3731.52

surprised at all that you guys found

Time: 3732.54

that there's actually other data that

Time: 3734.76

point to individuals particularly after

Time: 3737.52

endurance training that can get back

Time: 3739.859

down to Baseline heart rate

Time: 3742.14

is going to be correlated with who gets

Time: 3744.359

the most actual results of their

Time: 3745.98

training said that if you take a bunch

Time: 3749.28

of individuals and put them through an

Time: 3750.72

endurance training program and if you

Time: 3753.059

measure how quickly they can get back

Time: 3754.74

down to Baseline after each workout in

Time: 3757.799

general those folks that are better at

Time: 3759.48

that are going to see greater

Time: 3761.22

improvements in performance at the end

Time: 3763.319

of your say four or six or eight week

Time: 3765.18

training block and so there's a little

Time: 3767.819

bit of causation and correlation there

Time: 3769.5

that we have to untie but I think it's

Time: 3772.14

enough to say hey

Time: 3773.7

if you invest these three and in your

Time: 3776.04

case your your study was five minutes

Time: 3779.28

it's only going to enhance recovery

Time: 3782.28

you have a likelihood

Time: 3784.319

of increasing the results from your

Time: 3786.18

training and now we also have additional

Time: 3789.599

benefits like being able to transition

Time: 3791.16

more appropriately into our next task

Time: 3793.319

going to work going to see family

Time: 3795.48

whatever the thing is and it's it's a

Time: 3798.299

nice close

Time: 3799.559

to I asked you to be in a high

Time: 3801.24

sympathetic State body and I asked you

Time: 3802.92

to perform and to be under stress I gave

Time: 3805.559

you recovery and now we're ready to

Time: 3807.359

transition in our next thing so that we

Time: 3808.799

don't take that exercise energy if you

Time: 3811.2


Time: 3812.04

into our next

Time: 3814.02

task which may or may not want me in a

Time: 3817.2

sympathetic Drive state so if somebody

Time: 3819.059

is sore following a workout either

Time: 3821.339

locally sore in a muscle group or group

Time: 3823.68

of muscles maybe in their legs or chest

Time: 3826.74

or torso or maybe their whole body is

Time: 3829.44


Time: 3830.339

as it sometimes is the case

Time: 3832.859

what are some tools that they can

Time: 3834.359

Implement in order to accelerate the I

Time: 3837.599

want to call it moving out of that

Time: 3838.92

soreness but it's really as we know the

Time: 3841.74

alleviation of the soreness through a

Time: 3843.9

bunch of different processes what are

Time: 3845.52

the most effective tools to push back on

Time: 3847.98

that soreness and dissipate it yeah

Time: 3850.2


Time: 3851.339

first of all it's not lactate that's

Time: 3853.74

just a really important thing that we

Time: 3855.059

still hear people talk about is you know

Time: 3857.16

you're sore 24 hours later you got to do

Time: 3858.839

this thing to get the lactate out of

Time: 3860.4

there as we talked about in the

Time: 3862.26

metabolism uh conversation and episode

Time: 3864.78

that that is not the cause of fatigue

Time: 3867.72

and it's certainly not the cause of

Time: 3868.98

soreness so not an actionable tip there

Time: 3871.799

but just a pet peeve of mine when I hear

Time: 3873.66

people say that that I get irritated so

Time: 3875.76

we can maybe end that conversation

Time: 3878.28

um strategies tools

Time: 3879.9

here's what you can do you can actually

Time: 3882

wear compression gear that will help a

Time: 3884.099

little bit there's a decent amount of

Time: 3886.079

evidence suggesting if you just were to

Time: 3887.819

you know put some tighter fitting

Time: 3889.2

clothes on Leisure wear or compression

Time: 3891.119

gear if you have it that can actually

Time: 3892.92

prevent a little bit of soreness from

Time: 3895.5

occurring so if you're in the case of

Time: 3896.819

poor Natasha and you realize you've just

Time: 3898.619

done way way too much or you went and

Time: 3900.66

hung out with your bow hunting friend

Time: 3902.52

and you trained way too hard and you

Time: 3904.2

realize oh my goodness I'm going to be

Time: 3906.24

very sore here you can immediately put

Time: 3908.28

on compression gear and weigh that

Time: 3909.599

really for as long as possible what are

Time: 3912.359

some examples of compression gear I've

Time: 3913.68

seen people on the plane with those high

Time: 3915.42

high socks

Time: 3917.22

um I mean anything that you wear

Time: 3918.66

compression gear for what you do for

Time: 3920.88

exercise so whether these are just you

Time: 3922.859

know compression pants and leggings and

Time: 3924.78

tight fitting leggings uh whether this

Time: 3927.059

is a long sleeve shirt that's like a

Time: 3929.099

rash guard you would wear in you know

Time: 3930.72

Jiu Jitsu or surfing or something like

Time: 3933

that as long as it's tight fitting it

Time: 3934.859

doesn't have to be much more than that

Time: 3936.54

you can wear I suppose you could get the

Time: 3938.819

socks it would be great but we generally

Time: 3940.799

just tell our leads them they've put on

Time: 3942.78

a long sleeve compression shirts that

Time: 3945

they would wear for their training and

Time: 3946.2

then long compression leggings and

Time: 3948.48

that'd be fine can people apply these

Time: 3950.7


Time: 3951.96

um Garb after training and still get

Time: 3955.38

some of the positive effects yeah I have

Time: 3957.359

not seen any evidence to suggest that

Time: 3959.46

that would block adaptation that may be

Time: 3961.5

the case I I am not aware of those

Time: 3963.119

studies if that happens but I certainly

Time: 3965.4

know that the information suggests it

Time: 3967.079

can hands a little bit of Muscle

Time: 3968.579

Recovery but ideally one knows if they

Time: 3971.16

are about to do a workout that could

Time: 3972.78

trigger a lot of soreness yeah and then

Time: 3975.119

where's compression gear of some sort to

Time: 3978.42

offset that and if so

Time: 3981.839

does it have to be local to the muscle

Time: 3983.579

groups that you're working on the reason

Time: 3984.96

I asked about the socks is my

Time: 3986.22

understanding the socks uh the the

Time: 3987.9

compression socks people were on the

Time: 3989.16

plane is that it's going to shift the

Time: 3990.539

patterns of blood flow not just in the

Time: 3992.099

lower legs but all over the body yeah

Time: 3993.839

you're probably going to want to focus

Time: 3995.099

it on the actual exercising tissue

Time: 3996.839

though actually that's a really good

Time: 3997.859

question I don't know the answer of

Time: 3999.599

whether or not you did an upper body

Time: 4000.799

workout only or lower body compression

Time: 4002.96

gear if that would actually help that's

Time: 4004.22

a great question it may have been done I

Time: 4005.839

don't know but I don't know the answer

Time: 4007.52

to that in general we just

Time: 4009.38

tell people like where where the whole

Time: 4011.059

thing as much as you can um I actually

Time: 4013.64

am not concerned that you're wearing it

Time: 4014.78

during your workout

Time: 4015.98

it is something you could put on

Time: 4017.599

afterwards or even wear just a little

Time: 4020.119

bit of compression the other day um

Time: 4021.619

we've actually did a really fun study uh

Time: 4024.319

I collaborated with

Time: 4026

um Bill Kramer who's uh you know Sports

Time: 4029.18

scientist of the Year award is the bill

Time: 4030.92

Cramer award if that gives you an

Time: 4033.14

indication out of uh University of

Time: 4034.94

Connecticut as well as with Lee Brown so

Time: 4036.68

two Lifetime Achievement Award winners

Time: 4038.539

and we we put people on a plane in

Time: 4041.9

stores Connecticut and flew them to Cal

Time: 4044.299

State Fullerton so a cross-country

Time: 4045.92

flight and some of them got to wear

Time: 4047.72

compression gear during the flight and

Time: 4049.099

others did not and then they landed in

Time: 4051.02

California did a training bout put them

Time: 4053.599

back on the plane went back to stores

Time: 4055.16

and I think they did another training

Time: 4056.359

bout when they got back there

Time: 4057.92

there was a lot of data that came out of

Time: 4059.599

that paper but one of the things that

Time: 4061.22

was clear is the compression group was

Time: 4063.14


Time: 4064.18

at handling some of the blood related

Time: 4066.92

coagulation and other issues associated

Time: 4069.5

with long flights and particularly

Time: 4072.68

athletic performance so that's actually

Time: 4074.48

a sneaky little Insider trick that I'll

Time: 4076.22

use a lot with people particularly with

Time: 4077.9

athletes that are traveling is just wear

Time: 4079.52

that compression gear on the plane so

Time: 4081.26

you talked about that and that sort of

Time: 4083.18

rung that study to mind that as another

Time: 4085.52

effective strategy so compression gear

Time: 4087.559

in general as well as particularly on a

Time: 4089.48

plane basically the tighter you can get

Time: 4091.7

it the better without obviously making

Time: 4093.98

your hands purple and being

Time: 4095.119

uncomfortable and things like that so it

Time: 4096.56

doesn't have to be overly tight anything

Time: 4099.08

will work and probably help so I'm also

Time: 4101.48

doing that personally anytime I'm taking

Time: 4103.1

a flight like that as much as I can just

Time: 4105.56

to feel a little better when I get there

Time: 4107.299

so what are some other methods that we

Time: 4109.04

can use to alleviate acute soreness well

Time: 4111.98

if we continue down the same theme which

Time: 4114.319

is saying okay we'll use some sort of

Time: 4116.12

pressure manipulation to enhance

Time: 4119


Time: 4120.259

if compression is one strategy you can

Time: 4122.839

also use things like compression boots

Time: 4126.44

or garments and these are nomadic

Time: 4128

devices that will you know pump uh air

Time: 4131.06

outside you and compress back and forth

Time: 4133.52

there's any number of devices that will

Time: 4135.14

do this you can also use the physical

Time: 4136.88

hand so this would be massage and body

Time: 4138.92

work they're all really working as best

Time: 4141.38

we can tell on the same mechanisms which

Time: 4144.62

are effectively moving fluid in and out

Time: 4147.679

of the tissue as well as potentially

Time: 4149.42

enhancing blood flow increasing

Time: 4152

capitalization and which is going to

Time: 4153.799

only get nutrients in and waste products

Time: 4155.96

out so you can kind of pick and choose

Time: 4158.06

based upon your budget preferences

Time: 4160.819

availability timing things like that so

Time: 4163.46

those are all effective strategies

Time: 4165.679

outside of that really is the next

Time: 4168.08

largest category

Time: 4169.699

which is now thermal and uh and so far

Time: 4172.64

in this discussion we've mentioned cold

Time: 4174.14

water immersion and I talked about in

Time: 4177.08

the hypertrophy section how you would

Time: 4178.339

not want to do that immediately post

Time: 4180.38

exercise which would be getting into

Time: 4182.179

cold water or an ice bath if you're

Time: 4184.58

trying to grow muscle mass having said

Time: 4186.98

that there is good evidence showing that

Time: 4190.16

cold water immersion specifically is

Time: 4192.859

effective at reducing muscle soreness

Time: 4195.199

so it is a fair consideration and it's a

Time: 4198.08

classic example of how there are no free

Time: 4201.14

passes in physiology nothing is always

Time: 4203.48

good or always bad it's always about

Time: 4205.16

what are you willing to give up and

Time: 4206.54

versus what you're willing to get and

Time: 4209.12

the case of like cold water immersion

Time: 4211.4

you may be thinking yeah I might want

Time: 4213.14

some of the hypertrophic adaptations but

Time: 4215.239

if you're in that phase of training

Time: 4216.62

where you're actually trying to push

Time: 4217.76

more towards optimization in that moment

Time: 4220.4

rather than long-term adaptation then a

Time: 4223.1

an ice bath might be a great choice in

Time: 4225.56

addition if you fall into a scenario

Time: 4226.94

like Natasha did and you realize like

Time: 4229.58

I'm just so unbelievably sore this might

Time: 4231.62

cost me three or four or five or six

Time: 4234.02

days of training it might be worth it

Time: 4236.3

for you to accelerate that recovery

Time: 4237.739

process by a couple of days so that you

Time: 4239.54

don't miss so much training so it's just

Time: 4242.12

a it's an algorithm it's an equation

Time: 4243.62

what am I looking for again if I'm in

Time: 4246.02

season or trying to compete or if I have

Time: 4248.06

just done way way too much exercise and

Time: 4250.699

I am really in significant pain you

Time: 4253.1

would probably be willing to give up

Time: 4254.36

some small percentage of eventual muscle

Time: 4256.28

growth after a single session to get out

Time: 4258.56

of pain so of the cold strategies cold

Time: 4261.44

water immersion is clearly the best

Time: 4263.78

approach rather than cold air or some

Time: 4266.12

other tactics so a cold shower is

Time: 4267.92

probably not enough here you really do

Time: 4269.78

want to be either in moderately cold

Time: 4271.94

this is maybe 40 to 50 degree water for

Time: 4275.48

probably north of 15 minutes or you can

Time: 4277.76

be in sub 40 for as little as maybe five

Time: 4280.52

minutes to get some of the fact there

Time: 4281.6

and there's been a number of studies

Time: 4283.699

um so I'm sort of summarizing a bunch of

Time: 4285.02

that kind of into one rather than going

Time: 4286.4

through them Point by point

Time: 4288.26

the numbers you just threw out uh which

Time: 4291.199

I'm assuming are um uh Fahrenheit

Time: 4294.679

um seem seem really cold to me right

Time: 4297.08

uncomfortably cold absolutely so I

Time: 4300.679

always recommend that people ease into

Time: 4302.719

it as a protocol overall that they not

Time: 4305.179

immediately go to 35 degree uh cold

Time: 4307.82

water if they've never done it before uh

Time: 4310.04

that said once people are comfortable

Time: 4312.92

being uncomfortable because I always

Time: 4315.56

answer the question how cold should it

Time: 4317.719

be exactly would you agree that it

Time: 4320.06

should be very very cold so much so that

Time: 4322.4

you really really want to get out but

Time: 4324.26

that you're able to stay in safely

Time: 4326

whatever that value happens to be you

Time: 4327.98

absolutely need to be safe having said

Time: 4329.54

that we have actually in our xbt

Time: 4331.88

Retreats put dozens if not hundreds of

Time: 4334.699

people at this point uh immediately in

Time: 4336.8

the sub 35 degree water their first time

Time: 4338.9

ever and done you know three minutes

Time: 4341.42

multiple rounds in a session so they can

Time: 4344.36

handle it but you don't need to go that

Time: 4345.92

crazy if you don't want you kind of have

Time: 4347.48

to play a game right do you want to be

Time: 4348.739

really really cold for a short amount of

Time: 4351.14

time or do you want to be like kind of

Time: 4352.4

cold for a longer amount of time I

Time: 4354.86

really the only mistake you can make is

Time: 4356.42

doing something like you know 65 degree

Time: 4359.06


Time: 4359.9

which for most people is not very

Time: 4361.58

comfortable and doing you know five or

Time: 4364.159

ten minutes it's just not going to be

Time: 4365.9

it's probably not going to be effective

Time: 4367.159

so if you're like man 35 is is

Time: 4369.26

absolutely crazy and you want to do 55

Time: 4371.54

degree water and there's literature in

Time: 4372.98

that area but it's going to say you need

Time: 4375.199

to probably be there somewhere almost

Time: 4377.54

really north of 10 minutes and some of

Time: 4379.88

it will actually show you need to be in

Time: 4381.02

there like well north of 20 to 30

Time: 4382.699

minutes so for my money I would rather

Time: 4385.04

go really really cold and get it done in

Time: 4386.48

five minutes but um personal preference

Time: 4388.52

on this one you can also make it a

Time: 4390.44

little bit easier on yourself

Time: 4392.06

there is not nearly as much evidence but

Time: 4394.28

there is some on contrast stuff so uh

Time: 4398.3

this is when you go cold hot and sort of

Time: 4401

back and forth there are no really good

Time: 4403.76

rules in terms of how much should you go

Time: 4405.62

how many rounds how long and cold how

Time: 4407.78

long and hot again there have been a

Time: 4409.699

couple of studies but

Time: 4411.14

and obviously those studies use numbers

Time: 4413.179

but that doesn't mean those have been

Time: 4414.679

tested to see what are optimal which is

Time: 4417.08

a very big difference so you can really

Time: 4419.6

just kind of play that by feel

Time: 4421.94

hot is good for Recovery you just have

Time: 4425

to be careful because you are going to

Time: 4426.38

put more blood flow in the area and so

Time: 4428.12

you may walk out of there with some

Time: 4430.04

additional acute swelling which isn't

Time: 4431.659

going to put greater pressure on there

Time: 4432.98

so you have to kind of play with that I

Time: 4435.26


Time: 4436.46

really like hot for Recovery I will feel

Time: 4439.82

maybe not great in that moment but the

Time: 4441.98

next day I tend to feel really really

Time: 4443.179

good in addition if I wake up the next

Time: 4445.46

morning and I'm really really hurting

Time: 4447.32

and I'm super stiff a hot bath will help

Time: 4450.8


Time: 4451.94

um quite a bit so you can play with some

Time: 4454.28

of those protocols again you don't have

Time: 4456.38

to do nice there's absolutely no

Time: 4458.3

requirement to do so it is just an

Time: 4459.98

option if you're interested the studies

Time: 4462.98

of Dr Susanna soberg sure yeah are not

Time: 4467.06

directly aimed at alleviating soreness

Time: 4469.46

or recovery they're more about

Time: 4470.8

increasing thermal capacity by a storage

Time: 4473.9

of uh Brown adipose tissue not the

Time: 4476.54

blubbery fat but the stuff around the

Time: 4478.28

clavicles and around the heart that help

Time: 4480.98

you generate body heat at rest and

Time: 4482.84

metabolism and so on and the numbers

Time: 4484.58

there that

Time: 4486.14

um she's come up with again have not

Time: 4488.06

been tested against all the possible

Time: 4490.64

derivations just like with breathing we

Time: 4492.44

did five minute sessions but who knows

Time: 4494.36

maybe a minute would have been equally

Time: 4495.92

effective we just there are constraints

Time: 4497.659

on these sorts of studies but the values

Time: 4499.76

that she's come up with which seem to be

Time: 4501.08

good thresholds for making sure that an

Time: 4503.36

adaptation response is triggered by heat

Time: 4505.28

and cold is it ends up being 57 minutes

Time: 4508.52

per week total of uncomfortable but safe

Time: 4511.219

heat in that case sauna and that can be

Time: 4513.8

all in one session or breaking it up

Time: 4515.48

into a couple of sessions on the same

Time: 4517.28

day or different days and then 11

Time: 4519.56

minutes per week of cold either in one

Time: 4522.199

single session or multiple sessions

Time: 4523.52

again one could do more

Time: 4526.04

um one could break that up over you know

Time: 4528.199

multiple days or do it all in one day or

Time: 4530.239

do it all in one you know an hour in the

Time: 4532.159

sauna and then 11 minutes in the colder

Time: 4533.659

vice versa although that seems a little

Time: 4535.04

bit extreme especially for the

Time: 4536.3

uninitiated but those are the numbers

Time: 4537.92

that have been studied but as you point

Time: 4539.36

out there are not a lot of really

Time: 4541.76

thorough studies examining different

Time: 4543.62

cold protocols according to temperature

Time: 4545.6

by time requirements so there is a bit

Time: 4547.52

of subjective feel required to establish

Time: 4550.28

a routine and I would actually say this

Time: 4551.96

is another time to re-emphasize

Time: 4553.28

something we talked about at the

Time: 4554.42

beginning of our conversation which is

Time: 4555.86

that pain itself is not a defined

Time: 4558.8

outcome it's heavily influenced by your

Time: 4562.4

perception and so if you don't feel like

Time: 4564.08

they work for you they won't work if you

Time: 4566.239

feel like they work fantastic they do so

Time: 4568.64

it's a challenging field to get really

Time: 4570.56

objective data on so there's always

Time: 4573.14

going to be a little bit of

Time: 4576.08

subjective nature to some of these

Time: 4578.179

things I can tell you anecdotally we've

Time: 4579.8

used hot and cold contrast for a long

Time: 4581.84

time with athletes some love it some

Time: 4584.96

don't care for it and everything in

Time: 4586.46

between so it's one of those things

Time: 4587.54


Time: 4589.1

I never mandate it of course I can't

Time: 4592.88

mandate anything for anyone I work with

Time: 4594.5

but I'm never you know like hey are you

Time: 4596.36

interested great you're struggling this

Time: 4597.8

area do you want to try this you did and

Time: 4599.54

you liked it great you're struggling in

Time: 4601.159

this area and you tried it you didn't

Time: 4602.42

love it okay fine I'm not we'll find

Time: 4605.36

other routes as we will get into there's

Time: 4607.88

a lot of ways to enhance recovery

Time: 4611.179

um this is only one and it hasn't even

Time: 4613.34

really come down to stopping the problem

Time: 4615.32

in the first place we're not we're just

Time: 4617.12

treating symptoms

Time: 4618.199

which is first line of defense but you

Time: 4620.36

really need to go back and figure out

Time: 4621.38

why it's happening to begin with as a

Time: 4623

solution these are just different again

Time: 4626.06

acute symptom management tactics

Time: 4629.42

one final point about uh deliberate cold

Time: 4631.699

exposure I think worth mentioning is one

Time: 4633.8

of the reasons the shower is effective

Time: 4637.1

but not nearly as effective as cold

Time: 4638.9

water immersion or immersion in ice up

Time: 4640.64

to the neck is simply because of the

Time: 4643.34

reason you stated before which is that

Time: 4644.659

most showers are not going to get that

Time: 4646.64

cold you're not going to get down you

Time: 4648.26

know into the sub 40s also

Time: 4652.28

cold showers haven't really been studied

Time: 4654.02

that much they have but not nearly as

Time: 4656.36

much as immersion and people always ask

Time: 4658.52

why just think about the challenges of

Time: 4660.56

studying cold water exposure in the

Time: 4663.199

shower where you can't really control

Time: 4664.46

for mango how much of the body is

Time: 4666.32

covered whether or not the head stays

Time: 4667.58

under different size bodies

Time: 4669.5

Etc whereas when people come into a

Time: 4671.78

laboratory they can get into a cold

Time: 4673.04

large and we know where the neck is we

Time: 4674.9

know where the chin is and we can make

Time: 4676.52

sure that people's arms and um legs are

Time: 4678.62

underneath but with cold shower sure you

Time: 4681.08

can make everyone face away or toward

Time: 4682.76

the shower but it's really tricky and

Time: 4685.219

um for all the variations that were

Time: 4687.199

described that said would you agree that

Time: 4689.239

if one wants to use deliberate cold

Time: 4691.219

exposure that cold shower is better than

Time: 4693.92

nothing and cold immersion in

Time: 4696.44

circulating cold water or ice bath is

Time: 4699.26

better than um than cold shower yeah

Time: 4701.42

what I'd actually say if you're looking

Time: 4702.739

for recovery for muscle soreness I would

Time: 4705.44

say cold shower is probably doing very

Time: 4708.08

little because you're not going to be

Time: 4709.76

able to get enough cold water onto any

Time: 4711.62

muscle besides basically your head

Time: 4713.96

so maybe you could try a cold bath

Time: 4717.04

and so you'd at least get some surface

Time: 4719.239

area coverage

Time: 4720.679

but yeah if you want to use cold shower

Time: 4722.48

for all the other awesome reasons to

Time: 4724.34

cold shower that's totally great but if

Time: 4726.5

you're trying to use that to recover

Time: 4728.06

your low back and glutes from being sore

Time: 4730.159

from training in a good way it's

Time: 4731.84

probably not going to do much the the

Time: 4733.34

immersion would be there you actually

Time: 4734.48

also hit a sneaky other point which is

Time: 4736.04

if you can't get your water super cold

Time: 4737.84

just make the water move so if you have

Time: 4740.36

Jets and stuff you can turn on and

Time: 4741.56

anyone who's tried this and be like okay

Time: 4743.3

I can do a 40 degree bath awesome try 60

Time: 4747.44

when the water is moving right because

Time: 4749.06

you break up the thermal layer normally

Time: 4750.62

you have a little thin layer of water

Time: 4752.239

that you're heating up you break that up

Time: 4753.5

it's a whole new world yeah absolutely

Time: 4755.36

so being very still in the cold water is

Time: 4757.46

actually the weaker way to go correct

Time: 4759.14

that you can make your face stoic but

Time: 4761

make your body circulate some water

Time: 4763.04

around you as long as we're on this

Time: 4765.08

maybe just one more point about heat

Time: 4767.239

uh I've certainly used sauna wet sauna

Time: 4770.179

dry sauna steam saunas excuse me

Time: 4772.659

jacuzzis can work pretty well yep um uh

Time: 4777.08

males if you are looking to conceive in

Time: 4779.239

the 60 days following uh uh following

Time: 4783.14

sauna or

Time: 4784.76

um hot tub do realize that it that both

Time: 4787.699

those approaches do severely limit the

Time: 4789.98

number of motile sperm um substantially

Time: 4792.26

so for people that are not trying to

Time: 4794.239

conceive uh don't think that this works

Time: 4796.64

reliably enough that you could use it as

Time: 4798.26

a form of contraception yeah but but for

Time: 4800.6

people that are trying to conceive it

Time: 4802.28

really is detrimental to sperm Health

Time: 4804.26

right and so for that reason some people

Time: 4805.64

bring an ice pack and put it on the

Time: 4807.62

groin or near the groin when they go in

Time: 4810.32

but um which is hard to do in a hot tub

Time: 4812.96

than a sauna so here we're getting into

Time: 4814.699

the fine points

Time: 4816.26

um or crude points if you will pun

Time: 4818.659

intended but um but the idea is that we

Time: 4821.12

we wouldn't want anyone to approach

Time: 4822.56

these techniques and compromise their

Time: 4824.06

other life goals certainly not allowed

Time: 4826.58

anywhere near these things when uh we

Time: 4829.1

were at that stage of Life I'll just say

Time: 4830.78

the Natasha put an x on me hanging out

Time: 4833.36

with Laird so

Time: 4835.42

for those reasons she's like you're not

Time: 4837.32

going in you're not going none of this

Time: 4838.46

stuff and I just had to wait right heat

Time: 4840.44

um heat and sperm have have a

Time: 4842.179

relationship but it's not one that's

Time: 4843.26

positive for the sperm I'd like to take

Time: 4845.48

a brief break to acknowledge our sponsor

Time: 4847.219

inside tracker inside tracker is a

Time: 4849.739

personalized nutrition platform that

Time: 4851.239

analyzes data from your blood and DNA to

Time: 4853.88

help you better understand your body and

Time: 4855.5

help you reach your health goals I've

Time: 4857.42

long been a believer in getting regular

Time: 4859.04

blood work done for the simple reason

Time: 4860.54

that many of the factors that impact

Time: 4862.58

your immediate and long-term health and

Time: 4864.02

well-being can only be analyzed from a

Time: 4866.36

quality blood test one issue with a lot

Time: 4868.04

of blood tests and DNA test out there

Time: 4869.719

however is that you get information back

Time: 4871.34

about various levels of lipids and

Time: 4872.96

hormones and metabolic factors Etc but

Time: 4875.36

you don't know what to do with that

Time: 4876.38

information inside tracker makes knowing

Time: 4878.48

what to do with all that information

Time: 4879.64

exceedingly easy they have a

Time: 4882.14

personalized platform that lets you see

Time: 4883.82

what your specific numbers are of course

Time: 4885.739

but then also what sorts of Behavioral

Time: 4887.9

do's and don'ts what sorts of

Time: 4889.88

nutritional changes what sorts of

Time: 4891.32

supplementation would allow you to bring

Time: 4893.12

those levels into the ranges that are

Time: 4894.92

optimal for you if you'd like to try

Time: 4896.84

inside tracker you can visit

Time: 4898

insidetracker.com huberman to get 20 off

Time: 4901.219

any of inside tracker's plans again

Time: 4902.96

that's inside tracker.com huberman to

Time: 4905.84

get 20 off are there ways to combine

Time: 4909.4

the various types of stimuli that you

Time: 4912.38

described for inducing recovery you

Time: 4914.54

talked about breathing based tools which

Time: 4917.42

while they could adjust and indeed do

Time: 4920.36

adjust oxygen and carbon dioxide ratios

Time: 4923.06


Time: 4923.96

Etc I'm guessing the major effect of

Time: 4925.76

those on recovery is going to be neural

Time: 4927.62

it's going to be deliberate calm of the

Time: 4929.659

nervous system more sympathetic based uh

Time: 4932.78

as you mentioned yeah most definitely

Time: 4934.64

and then you talked about some movement

Time: 4936.14

based and touch-based approaches

Time: 4939.02

um which will uh movement circulate

Time: 4941.179

certainly will circulate blood but also

Time: 4942.98

will generate contractions of the

Time: 4944.659

muscles yep right which maybe if indeed

Time: 4947.239

again it still speculates you if indeed

Time: 4948.92

some of the soreness is due to excessive

Time: 4951.02

stretch or swelling at the stretch ends

Time: 4953.12

of the of the muscles

Time: 4954.44

that would make sense so movement and

Time: 4956.42

touch and then thermal are there ways to

Time: 4958.34

to combine these

Time: 4960.199

um that are more effective or maybe even

Time: 4962.54

synergistic yeah I suppose you could

Time: 4964.52

throw on uh

Time: 4966.199

some compression garments put on a

Time: 4968.719

Pneumatic compression device and sit in

Time: 4970.82

the sauna while you down regulate your

Time: 4972.44

breath like that would be fine

Time: 4975.14

quite honestly though you probably don't

Time: 4976.699


Time: 4977.54

to maximize all of them we were joking

Time: 4980.02

you could probably go for a light swim

Time: 4982.82

while regulating your breathing in cold

Time: 4984.86

water you get the compression from the

Time: 4987.38

cold water and and you'd be in a good

Time: 4989

spot so you could certainly do that the

Time: 4990.92

reality of it is I generally look for

Time: 4992.78

some physical

Time: 4994.219

approach and then some holistic approach

Time: 4997.94

of the breath work basically so I want

Time: 4999.92

breath and then something else if you

Time: 5001.239

knock those two things out you're in a

Time: 5003.04

good spot so that could be breath while

Time: 5004.96

you're in thermal stress so just

Time: 5007.659

controlling and doing the unregulation

Time: 5008.98

stuff you have to also remember ice is a

Time: 5012.34


Time: 5013.42

and I'll actually show you some data

Time: 5015.34

here in a second about

Time: 5018.04

how that actually can enhance

Time: 5020.76

systemic recovery although it won't

Time: 5023.32

happen in the in the acute minutes in

Time: 5024.88

fact it's going to take at least 30 to

Time: 5026.44

60 minutes and then you'll eventually

Time: 5027.76

see a rebound effect but acutely it's

Time: 5030.219

going to make you actually more

Time: 5031.179

sympathetic which is going the other

Time: 5032.5

direction he can do the opposite or it

Time: 5035.44

can actually drive you up so it's a

Time: 5037

little bit dependent upon how you

Time: 5038.08

respond what time of day and how you're

Time: 5040.719

using so in general I guess combining

Time: 5043.179

them is

Time: 5044.8

if you need it

Time: 5046.96


Time: 5047.62

depending on what you have what's

Time: 5049.36

available so perhaps you don't have a

Time: 5050.8

sauna but you can take a hot bath great

Time: 5053.14

maybe you have some percussion device

Time: 5055.659

some tool and you can use that but you

Time: 5058.6

don't have a sauna amazing I don't have

Time: 5061.48

ice bath these things so I think rather

Time: 5063.28

than thinking about an optimal

Time: 5064.54

combination of them I would say just use

Time: 5066.219

a couple of the tactics based on what

Time: 5068.14

you have and what is

Time: 5070.96

easily available in your situation I'd

Time: 5074.739

love for you to teach us about some of

Time: 5076

the methods for longer form recovery as

Time: 5078.76

it relates to overreaching and over

Time: 5080.8

training sure you want to think about

Time: 5082.6

this in a couple of phases phase one is

Time: 5084.52

to try to prevent it from happening in

Time: 5086.02

the first place

Time: 5087.159

uh in terms of training load you're

Time: 5089.5

going to just go back to our previous

Time: 5090.58

episodes where we talk give you specific

Time: 5092.86

instructions for how much to increase

Time: 5094.239

your volume and intensity per week Etc

Time: 5096.28

the other thing you can do then is do

Time: 5098.44

some monitoring and I'll go over some

Time: 5100.659

different tools some cost free ones as

Time: 5102.76

well as some some higher technologically

Time: 5104.86

demanding ones to monitor to see if it's

Time: 5107.26

actually happening and then the third

Time: 5108.58

approach here is what if this has

Time: 5110.199

already occurred I figured it out I'm so

Time: 5112.78

how do I get back out of that hole so I

Time: 5114.94

would like to just sort of tackle these

Time: 5116.02

one by one in order and talk about

Time: 5118.48

what's happening what tools you can use

Time: 5121.12

and why they're going to work all right

Time: 5122.86

so anytime we're talking about fatigue

Time: 5125.739

management here

Time: 5127.42

most people are aware of these terms

Time: 5129.58

because if you have any sort of

Time: 5130.719

Technology you're probably getting some

Time: 5132.94

sort of Readiness score or recovery

Time: 5135.04

score or strain depending on which app

Time: 5138.28

or watch or Tech you have you have a

Time: 5141.159

little bit of vernacular change if

Time: 5142.3

you're in the sport performance world

Time: 5143.679

you might be looking at things again

Time: 5145.54

like load or a GPS tracking and

Time: 5148.3

monitoring and really all of it is is

Time: 5149.98

doing the same thing

Time: 5151.9

it's trying to either one

Time: 5154.6


Time: 5155.98

a problem is going to happen in a future

Time: 5158.44

and then placing restrictions upon you

Time: 5160.719

so that you don't run into that

Time: 5161.92


Time: 5163

the other thing is possibly doing is

Time: 5165.04

identifying a drop in physiology or

Time: 5168.88

performance and then saying we need to

Time: 5170.739

get you out of this hole that's really

Time: 5172.48

what's happening and so when we think of

Time: 5174.28

the first one just imagine a scenario

Time: 5177.219

like a mileage limitation uh pitch count

Time: 5180.58

in baseball and what has happened there

Time: 5183.52

is is you know individuals in those

Time: 5185.44

fields have looked and said hey what we

Time: 5186.94

notice is people who throw say more than

Time: 5189.04

100 pitches in a game

Time: 5190.9

tend to start losing Effectiveness and

Time: 5192.82

increase injury rate therefore we're

Time: 5195.04

predicting the next time you go to play

Time: 5196.96

if you cross that threshold we start

Time: 5199.42

having an increased risk of negative

Time: 5201.88

consequences so therefore we're going to

Time: 5203.739

cap your in this case pitching volume at

Time: 5206.62

that hundred pitches per game or

Time: 5208.36

whatever the case same thing with

Time: 5209.38

running etc etc so you could just simply

Time: 5211.84

do that and there's actually really cool

Time: 5213.219

data coming out now on sport performance

Time: 5215.5

stuff looking at things like I am using

Time: 5217.48

GPS trackers and trying to identify even

Time: 5220.3

position by position specific

Time: 5222.659

recommendations for how much distance

Time: 5224.8

you should cover in a practice in a

Time: 5227.08

trending session

Time: 5228.76

um so that you can say hey these

Time: 5230.44

positions don't cross this threshold

Time: 5232.179

these positions don't cross this

Time: 5233.56

threshold in basketball and tennis and

Time: 5236.26

all kinds of things like that that's not

Time: 5238.179

probably extremely applicable to many of

Time: 5240.76

the listeners right now but it is still

Time: 5242.92

conveying the idea that if we understand

Time: 5245.5

where we break then we can stop

Time: 5248.5

ourselves from getting there in the

Time: 5249.639

first place

Time: 5250.719

the functional example here is just

Time: 5253.9

thinking about basic things like where

Time: 5255.639

do I start my training program and then

Time: 5257.739

how do I progress it and we've already

Time: 5259.659

covered those numbers in either case

Time: 5262.12

though you want to have three markers

Time: 5264.4

that you're paying attention to if

Time: 5266.08

you're concerned you're getting into an

Time: 5267.52

overreaching phase or potentially going

Time: 5269.08

to lead to over training or you want to

Time: 5270.82

get out as three unique things number

Time: 5272.679


Time: 5273.76

we're going to look for some sort of

Time: 5275.38

performance metric right so this could

Time: 5277.719

be your times are going down your your

Time: 5281.56

squat numbers your your power is going

Time: 5283.6

down any of these things so it's got to

Time: 5285.1

be an actual performance number two some

Time: 5288.4

sort of physiology and so I want to see

Time: 5290.98

something happening with resting heart

Time: 5292.3

rate some biomarker is moving heart rate

Time: 5295.179

variability some other measure that is

Time: 5298.199

not influenced by you and the beauty of

Time: 5303.219

using biological markers are if we

Time: 5305.98

contrast that to like performance

Time: 5307.84

and I said okay here's our performance

Time: 5309.639

test every day you come in you're going

Time: 5310.96

to do a vertical jump

Time: 5312.28

and if one day you come in all of a

Time: 5314.739

sudden your vertical jump is super low

Time: 5316.54

I might think oh man maybe we're

Time: 5318.1

starting to overreach

Time: 5319.78

you also could be feeling lazy that day

Time: 5321.58

and just not have jumped very high on

Time: 5323.38

purpose because you didn't want to work

Time: 5324.34


Time: 5325.12

the beauty of biomarkers are you don't

Time: 5327.58

get to manipulate them like that they

Time: 5329.26

don't care there's a downside to it

Time: 5331.36

which is maybe they're just indirect

Time: 5332.92

markers right and so

Time: 5335.62

I'm not telling you biological markers

Time: 5337.42

are better than performance markers what

Time: 5338.739

I'm saying is you want to look at both

Time: 5340.3

all right in fact you want to look at

Time: 5342.4

our third category as well

Time: 5344.739

which is some sort of symptomology

Time: 5347.199

and so am I am I having a symptom of

Time: 5349.9


Time: 5351.159

am I seeing a performance Sacrament and

Time: 5353.139

then am I saying a biological marker as

Time: 5355.06

well if you see all three of these

Time: 5356.98

popping up you have reason to believe

Time: 5359.739

you've reached some overt reaching

Time: 5362.62

now what you have not identified yet is

Time: 5364.96

if that is functional overreaching

Time: 5367.26

non-functional overreaching or true over

Time: 5369.159

training and remember you shouldn't be

Time: 5371.32

feeling great after every training

Time: 5373.659

session you're trying to cause

Time: 5374.98

adaptation and until you back off maybe

Time: 5377.62

even weeks or months later to actualize

Time: 5380.26

the adaptation and get that super

Time: 5381.94

compensation and performance increase

Time: 5384.88

you're going to have to invest a little

Time: 5386.38

bit so you're going to go in the hole

Time: 5387.88

any sport performance coach is going to

Time: 5390.46

look at numbers throughout the year and

Time: 5391.659

say yeah when we first start training in

Time: 5393.52

preparation for the season we are going

Time: 5395.62

to see a drop in performance that day

Time: 5397.78

that week that's part of the plan though

Time: 5399.699

right that's the stress you're trying to

Time: 5401.44

accumulate so you want to see all three

Time: 5403.659

of those markers you just want to pay

Time: 5405.1

attention to a couple of things how long

Time: 5406.84

are they down for

Time: 5408.28

a day three days seven days 15 days

Time: 5412.48

Etc if you're seeing a performance drop

Time: 5414.659

in a day

Time: 5416.679

and I am far away from from performance

Time: 5419.98

uh so the day that I want to Peak for

Time: 5423.04

I'm not going to do anything different

Time: 5424.9

if I see two days in a row drop

Time: 5426.82


Time: 5428.26

I'm not worried if I see more than

Time: 5430.239

probably in my opinion five days in a

Time: 5432.52

row of decrement then I might start

Time: 5434.8

paying attention

Time: 5436.9

if you're in season though or close to

Time: 5439.06

competition or whatever that thing means

Time: 5440.8

to you

Time: 5441.639

and you see more than a couple of days

Time: 5443.139

in a row of dropping then you might

Time: 5444.88

actually want to take some some steps to

Time: 5447.82

mitigate that so it really is important

Time: 5450.1

you understand again what are we trying

Time: 5451.84

to do are we trying to cause adaptation

Time: 5453.58

are we trying to cause adaptation and I

Time: 5456.34

I have a very specific example of all

Time: 5458.38

this we can run through uh here in a

Time: 5460

second and then of course a bunch of

Time: 5461.92

tools to to pull you out of those phases

Time: 5464.62

but that's that's fundamentally what

Time: 5465.88

we're trying to do here I would

Time: 5468.159

encourage you again

Time: 5469.54

don't be too reactive and responsive to

Time: 5472.6

any one measure I'm going to cover a

Time: 5475

whole bunch of them in a second

Time: 5476.56

but you can get lost in in different

Time: 5478.84

things because they all have pros and

Time: 5480.4

cons and so

Time: 5482.02

I know it's simple to just look at one

Time: 5484.12

score in your watch and make your

Time: 5485.38

decisions because of that or check your

Time: 5487.239

app but you really want to be careful of

Time: 5489.159

doing that you're going to probably lead

Time: 5490.96

yourself in the wrong direction more

Time: 5492.52

often than you're going to help yourself

Time: 5493.6

I'm curious as to why when we overreach

Time: 5496.239

too much or too often where we are over

Time: 5500.02


Time: 5501.159

that performance is diminished because

Time: 5504.219

on the face of it it's kind of obvious

Time: 5505.84

you're overreaching you're over training

Time: 5507.34

so performance is diminished but that's

Time: 5509.92

completely circular

Time: 5512.02

you hear about things like adrenal

Time: 5514

fatigue and adrenal burnout well it

Time: 5516.159

turns out adrenal burnout doesn't even

Time: 5517.48

really exist absolutely not there is a

Time: 5519.28

such a thing as adrenal insufficiency

Time: 5521.199

syndrome but of course you know these

Time: 5522.639

phrases like burn out adrenal burnout

Time: 5524.98

over training

Time: 5526.78

um they're thrown around it you know as

Time: 5529.36

much as words like gaslighting and

Time: 5531.4

obsessive compulsive you know are

Time: 5532.84

without any real clinical definition

Time: 5535.42

um or there are clinical definitions but

Time: 5536.92

people aren't obeying them when they use

Time: 5538.84

the language I do want to acknowledge

Time: 5540.52

however what is absolutely true which is

Time: 5543.4

that overreaching too much too often

Time: 5546.82

over training these can degrade

Time: 5549.28


Time: 5550.6

but mechanistically speaking what's

Time: 5552.94

going on because I think if once we

Time: 5554.92

understand what's going on

Time: 5555.76

mechanistically then I think we can all

Time: 5558.82

look at tools whether or not it's

Time: 5560.56

breathing movement compression thermal

Time: 5563.08

psychological motivational

Time: 5566.26

Etc and have a much clearer sense as to

Time: 5568.48

what's going to work best and what

Time: 5570.28

likely won't work

Time: 5571.719

I love this question so much because as

Time: 5574.36

I mentioned at the beginning I I was

Time: 5576.34

fortunate to spend my some of my

Time: 5578.5

graduate work in Andy Fry's Lab at the

Time: 5581.32

University of Memphis and we did a lot

Time: 5583.54

in this area and so we in fact this is

Time: 5586.3

how I learned how to do assays and run

Time: 5590.139

Western blots and measure signaling

Time: 5591.699

proteins and things like this so this

Time: 5593.92

stuff is near and dear to my heart we

Time: 5596.08

also did a bunch of really wild studies

Time: 5598.96

and he had done some before I got there

Time: 5601.12


Time: 5602.08

I'm gonna combine kind of antifrey's

Time: 5604.06

entire career and just highlight some of

Time: 5608.08

the big pictures of what he found there

Time: 5609.639

um he was very interested in exercise

Time: 5611.98

particularly strength training and

Time: 5613.3

trying to figure out this entire

Time: 5614.56

question right which is like why is this

Time: 5616.719

actually happening when I work out too

Time: 5618.219

much when I lift too much

Time: 5619.96

that all of a sudden I can't sleep

Time: 5622.36

what's happening like why is my energy

Time: 5624.1

down why is my mood my motivation

Time: 5626.28

reduced if I squat too much so we did a

Time: 5629.92

whole series of studies across this

Time: 5631.239

career and again I'll just sort of

Time: 5632.32

highlight some of the the

Time: 5634.179

some of the themes that ran through them

Time: 5636.76

so the first one that jumps out to mind

Time: 5638.02

is early in his career he did this

Time: 5639.52

really awesome protocol

Time: 5641.08

um where he had people squat 100 of

Time: 5643.36

their back squat Max every day for two

Time: 5645.1


Time: 5646.06

so you're coming to the gym and I think

Time: 5648.159

this first one was on a machine and you

Time: 5650.26

did a one rep max and you came back in

Time: 5652.48

every single day for two weeks so these

Time: 5654.1

are what we would generally call kind of

Time: 5656.02

like that short to moderate range

Time: 5658.179

overreaching and by definition some of

Time: 5661.179

them end up actually being true over

Time: 5662.5

training because it would take the

Time: 5665.02

individuals sometimes two to up to eight

Time: 5667.48

weeks to return back to their one rep

Time: 5669.699

max at the end of these protocols

Time: 5671.98

um so some of them were non-functional

Time: 5673.719

overreaching or some combination of that

Time: 5675.94

well along with that he took a lot of

Time: 5678.58

blood samples as well as muscle biopsies

Time: 5680.92

to try to look at what's happening

Time: 5683.139


Time: 5685.139

neurologically muscle physiology wise to

Time: 5688.179

pay attention what's happened so a

Time: 5689.26

couple of things that jump out there one

Time: 5691.239

of his initial studies actually I think

Time: 5692.98

the very first one he did when they ran

Time: 5695.199

that first

Time: 5696.639

squat everyday protocol

Time: 5699.46

what they found is catecholamine levels

Time: 5701.32

change quite significantly and depending

Time: 5703.719

on kind of what you wanted to pay

Time: 5704.86

attention to there whether it was

Time: 5705.88

epinephrine or norepinephrine or even

Time: 5709.139

some other markers they basically

Time: 5712.8

increased by somewhere between two to

Time: 5714.76

threefold and so a little bit of

Time: 5717.4

understanding of sleep physiology if

Time: 5719.02

adrenaline is extremely high epinephrine

Time: 5721.42

you're going to have a hard time

Time: 5722.26

sleeping so that alone was was first

Time: 5724.36

indication this is like wait a minute

Time: 5725.739

something's actually happening here

Time: 5727.42

that's just beyond muscle soreness

Time: 5729.04

there's some sort of systemic fatigue

Time: 5731.44

happening and as you rightfully pointed

Time: 5733.239

out is not the adrenal glands becoming

Time: 5735.52

fatigued that's sort of a bit of

Time: 5737.62

tongue-in-cheek at pedantics it is

Time: 5739.179

cortisol dysregulation and general

Time: 5741.28

stress syndrome

Time: 5744.159

but it's really can be noted in in blood

Time: 5746.86

in terms of epinephrine and

Time: 5749.04

norepinephrine another study he had done

Time: 5751.36

of a similar realm was over the course

Time: 5753.94

of seven and a half days that people

Time: 5755.08

came in and did 15 training sessions so

Time: 5757.54

it was really cool these are these

Time: 5758.56

really short bouts of just ridiculous

Time: 5760.06

training and they said okay like

Time: 5762.52

something's happening with

Time: 5764.32

with epinephrine and norepinephrine

Time: 5766.239

something hap something's happening with

Time: 5767.86

testosterone what's it look like inside

Time: 5770.32

the cell so now muscle biopsies came on

Time: 5772.36


Time: 5773.32

and they started looking at things like

Time: 5774.76

map kinases which are these signaling

Time: 5776.92

proteins that are tend to be associated

Time: 5778.54

with an anabolic response say upregulate

Time: 5781.06

muscle protein synthesis and they do

Time: 5783.34

many other things but that's like a big

Time: 5785.44

factor of them they looked at various

Time: 5787.54

androgens and glucocorticoid receptors

Time: 5789.28

and they wanted to say like well maybe

Time: 5790.98

receptor density or and or sensitivity

Time: 5793.6

is changing and in fact surprise

Time: 5795.76

surprise that's exactly what they found

Time: 5797.86

so they found both Androgen and

Time: 5799.3

glucocorticoid receptor concentrations

Time: 5800.86

were reduced and so you can start to see

Time: 5804.28

a picture forming which is like hmm

Time: 5806.98

very similar to the insulin type 2

Time: 5809.8

diabetes story where you've you've

Time: 5812.5

really put yourself in a very high

Time: 5813.76

stress situation so presumably

Time: 5815.98


Time: 5817.96

Etc testosterone releases are extremely

Time: 5819.94

high in response to that to try to reach

Time: 5821.98

back to some level of homeostasis you

Time: 5824.02

start down regulating The receptors for

Time: 5827.139

them and so it's like the signal can

Time: 5829.42

only get so high if you're going to keep

Time: 5830.8

that gas on we're going to pull back the

Time: 5833.26

throttle and the receptor so that the

Time: 5834.82

total signal stays the same if that

Time: 5836.679

makes a little bit of sense

Time: 5838

well that becomes obviously problematic

Time: 5841.179

um so then like a final follow-up study

Time: 5843.1

here that is important to note is they

Time: 5845.199

did another protocol which was really

Time: 5846.52

really cool and they said the first ones

Time: 5848.26

weren't enough so how about this we're

Time: 5849.82

going to come in every day for two weeks

Time: 5851.5

and we're going to do 10 sets

Time: 5854.44

of a one rep max every day

Time: 5856.78

so they were coming in and they would do

Time: 5858.52

10 one rep Maxes every day for two weeks

Time: 5862.48

and what's really cool about that study

Time: 5864.639

if they didn't complete

Time: 5866.86

any other repetitions they had to repeat

Time: 5868.96

it until they had 10 successful one rep

Time: 5871.84

Maxes on that given day

Time: 5874.36

um absolutely brutal brutal protocol I

Time: 5876.699

wasn't there at the time

Time: 5878.139

um they had finished that right before I

Time: 5879.699

got on campus but I was actually able to

Time: 5881.199

be around when they were doing some of

Time: 5882.28

the final analyzes there of the tissue

Time: 5884.56

um what they want to look at in this

Time: 5885.76

particular study was beta adrenergic

Time: 5887.38

receptors which are those receptors were

Time: 5889.3

that are going to be epinephrine and

Time: 5890.92

such are going to be binding for so

Time: 5892.179

again similar story here

Time: 5894.46

um perhaps are we losing overall

Time: 5896.38

sensitivity because of this extreme

Time: 5898.56

sympathetic stimulation now actually

Time: 5900.639

thinking back what would have been

Time: 5901.9

pretty cool is if they had another group

Time: 5903.04

that did it and then did some down

Time: 5904.42

regulation breathing post to see if that

Time: 5906.4

can ameliorate some of the problems but

Time: 5908.02

no of course this was 20. plus years ago

Time: 5911.08

or something like that so

Time: 5913.42

a couple of things that happened is the

Time: 5915.76

one rep Maxes dropped by I think around

Time: 5918.82

like eight kilos by the end of the two

Time: 5920.98

weeks if I remember right like the group

Time: 5922.96

average was something in the

Time: 5923.92

neighborhood of 151 kilos so these were

Time: 5926.02

pretty well trained individuals and it

Time: 5928.179

went from rather I think actually it was

Time: 5930.699

about 160 kilos and they dropped to like

Time: 5932.86

152 kilos it's something close to that

Time: 5936.58

what was more significant though was

Time: 5939.46

their power dropped by 35 percent

Time: 5942.34

which is really really interesting

Time: 5943.9

because if if you pay attention to

Time: 5947.139

declines in physical performance over

Time: 5949.54

time and I mean that like through aging

Time: 5951.699

what you'll see is people can hold on to

Time: 5953.679

muscle mass pretty well

Time: 5955.6

it will go down by about you know one

Time: 5957.88

percent or so after the age of 40.

Time: 5960.58

however strength will go down at like

Time: 5962.92

two to four percent and then Power by

Time: 5964.78

eight to ten percent and if you look at

Time: 5966.4

actually World Records across strength

Time: 5968.139

Sports by age you'll see that they will

Time: 5970.42


Time: 5971.679

by age but not that much however if you

Time: 5974.98

look at Speed Sports

Time: 5977.44

by age they fall off the planet so it's

Time: 5980.98

very challenging to preserve fast

Time: 5984.04

Through Time whether this is fatigue or

Time: 5987.82

because of age that's really important

Time: 5990.76

because that'll then tell you hey a

Time: 5992.98

little bit of a canary in the coal mine

Time: 5994.3

is not necessarily your strength but

Time: 5996.699

your speed

Time: 5997.78

and so a lot of different techniques

Time: 5999.639

that we use

Time: 6001.08

to measure performance remember that's

Time: 6002.94

our Triad right symptomology physiology

Time: 6005.88

and performance you're generally better

Time: 6008.34

looking at speed based performance tests

Time: 6010.679

rather than strength based performance

Time: 6013.139

tests to get an earlier indication of

Time: 6014.76

potential overreaching or over training

Time: 6018

so anyways back to the the individual

Time: 6020.82

study there

Time: 6022.5

um in that same group again we have the

Time: 6023.76

same problem where it took some of them

Time: 6025.08

two to eight weeks to come back so what

Time: 6027.12

they had to do is I can't remember the

Time: 6028.44

exact time frame I probably should have

Time: 6030.659

thought through this but they had they

Time: 6032.4

had to come back something like every

Time: 6033.48

week or every couple of days even after

Time: 6035.28

the study finished until they got back

Time: 6037.32

to their Baseline one rep max and some

Time: 6039.3

of them it took them up to eight weeks

Time: 6041.52

before they finally got back so they

Time: 6043.08

probably were in a classic uh over

Time: 6045.6

training State at that place which is

Time: 6046.92

was done in as little as two weeks and

Time: 6049.38

this is also another point that

Time: 6052.199

people always ask like how uh like how

Time: 6054.84

long does it take is this something that

Time: 6056.76

has to happen over the course of months

Time: 6058.139

or like if I were to go do two days or

Time: 6060.179

this intense training camp for two or

Time: 6061.739

three weeks could I actually cause over

Time: 6063

training and the answer is if it is

Time: 6065.4

actually truly enough volume and enough

Time: 6068.1

intensity you probably can do some

Time: 6070.08

significant damage in as little as two

Time: 6072.239

weeks probably doesn't happen that often

Time: 6074.1

most likely you you're probably going to

Time: 6076.199

be reaching a state of non-functional

Time: 6078.08

overreaching but you may actually be

Time: 6080.88

able to put yourself in a position where

Time: 6082.32

it might take three or four weeks or

Time: 6083.76

more to get back to Baseline after a

Time: 6086.04

truly intense and again think about this

Time: 6087.9

protocol it's like totally unrealistic

Time: 6089.88

for the most part 10 sets of one of a

Time: 6094.26

one rep max squat every day for two

Time: 6096.42

straight weeks um some folks

Time: 6098.82

if you're extremely highly trained

Time: 6100.619

weightlifter you might do something like

Time: 6101.88

that when you're very close to say World

Time: 6103.92

Championships but outside of that really

Time: 6105.78

specific scenario it's a totally absurd

Time: 6108.42

training protocol but that was the point

Time: 6110.28

right we were trying to ensure

Time: 6112.619

uh ensure that over training was met or

Time: 6116.159

close it's similar to when we've done

Time: 6118.679

and we've actually done I think three

Time: 6120.48

studies in the center for support

Time: 6122.4

performance on Dom's muscle soreness and

Time: 6125.88

in all those cases you do just like

Time: 6127.38

ridiculous leg extension protocols

Time: 6129.06

because you're just trying to ensure you

Time: 6130.619

cause super soreness if you don't then

Time: 6132.84

you have nothing to study so

Time: 6134.94

um absurd training protocols but but

Time: 6136.98

that's the point so nonetheless

Time: 6139.38

um as a result sure enough the beta

Time: 6141.36

adrenergic receptors were down regulated

Time: 6143.94

by something like 37 percent

Time: 6147.06

um what's probably even more significant

Time: 6148.679

though was the sensitivity in those

Time: 6150.3

receptors was reduced by like two and a

Time: 6152.34

half fold and so it's like okay wait a

Time: 6154.679

minute we're becoming desensitized in

Time: 6156.42

this timeline and we're also actually

Time: 6157.679

now starting to reduce our total

Time: 6159.3


Time: 6160.92

similar which is actually an interesting

Time: 6162.54

it was a very sneaky smart thing to do

Time: 6164.76

is they looked at nocturnal urinary

Time: 6166.32

epinephrine and guess what that was also

Time: 6168.96

up by like 50 percent

Time: 6170.639

15 one five five zero five zero yeah and

Time: 6174.78

so now you're seeing this tie-in where

Time: 6176.639

it's like

Time: 6177.719


Time: 6179.28

I'm seeing a response at the tissue

Time: 6181.199

level I'm seeing a response probably

Time: 6183.54

although they didn't actually look at

Time: 6185.179

pituitary anything like that I'm seeing

Time: 6187.38

adrenal and other endocrinological

Time: 6189.199

problems and then I'm also seeing this

Time: 6192.119

increase in concentration of Ben

Time: 6193.619

epinephrine when I'm supposed to be

Time: 6195.06

sleeping and surprise surprise I'm

Time: 6197.28

having a hard time

Time: 6199.139

sleeping symptomology that's a very

Time: 6202.5

interesting finding about nocturnal

Time: 6204.239

epinephrine epinephrine of course is

Time: 6206.28

adrenaline it's released from the

Time: 6208.5

adrenals no surprise there but also from

Time: 6210.179

this brain area called Locus ceruleus

Time: 6211.86

and the brain and the Brain tends to be

Time: 6213.3

called epinephrine in the body

Time: 6214.38

adrenaline just to complicate everyone's

Time: 6216.92

understanding but that nomenclature did

Time: 6219.78

not come from us so don't blame us

Time: 6221.699

the point is that

Time: 6224.88

rapid eye movements lead so called REM

Time: 6227.04


Time: 6228.719

is more abundant in the second half of

Time: 6230.46

the night we know that the dreams

Time: 6232.44

associated with rapid eye movement sleep

Time: 6234.179

are more emotionally Laden and that

Time: 6238.02

those dreams and those emotional states

Time: 6240.96

are actually important for discarding

Time: 6244.199

the emotional load of previous day's

Time: 6245.82

experiences it's a sort of a natural

Time: 6249.6

trauma therapy if you will because in

Time: 6252.54

the normal healthy state

Time: 6255.119

those dreams are associated within the

Time: 6257.4

inability to release epinephrine at

Time: 6260.34

night so for me what you just described

Time: 6262.44

first of all it's the first time I've

Time: 6264.06

ever heard of it

Time: 6265.32


Time: 6265.92

but it ties together something really

Time: 6268.199

quite clear from the Sleep Neuroscience

Time: 6270.78

literature which is that

Time: 6272.52

when people are stressed they tend to

Time: 6274.44

get less rapid eye movement sleep

Time: 6277.619

that rapid eye movement sleep normally

Time: 6280.139

is associated with low levels of

Time: 6281.52

epinephrine so whether or not it's

Time: 6282.6

causal or not isn't clear but sort of

Time: 6285.179

doesn't matter for sake of this

Time: 6286.38

discussion but what I'm wondering and I

Time: 6289.02

suppose one could test for but maybe

Time: 6291.719

observed is whether or not people who

Time: 6293.28

are over in over training too much over

Time: 6295.32

reaching too much because of this

Time: 6297.179

elevated nocturnal epinephrine

Time: 6299.28

diminished REM sleep whether or not

Time: 6301.26

their emotional state is also

Time: 6303.54

um disrupted because one thing we know

Time: 6305.88

for sure is if you want to disrupt

Time: 6307.44

somebody's emotional state you deprive

Time: 6309.36

them of sleep and rap and eye movement

Time: 6311.219

sleep in particular the one caveat to

Time: 6313.08

that is

Time: 6314.219

for those of you out there that have

Time: 6315.84

heard that rapid eye movement sleep

Time: 6317.219

deprivation deliberate rapid eye

Time: 6319.139

movement sleep deprivation

Time: 6321.6

is a treatment for depression that is

Time: 6324.3

true but it's coupled with a next night

Time: 6327.48

enhanced rapid eye movement sleep so one

Time: 6329.88

of the major takeaways from all of this

Time: 6331.8

uh that I'm realizing is that

Time: 6334.26

no surprise daytime activities impact

Time: 6336.48

nighttime endocrine function impact

Time: 6338.219

quality of sleep impact daytime

Time: 6340.26

activities yeah actually there's so many

Time: 6343.5

fun things I want to do here now um this

Time: 6345.719

is actually why measuring eye movement

Time: 6348.48

is a very fantastic tool for

Time: 6351.84

understanding total stress load and you

Time: 6353.34

can actually differentiate different

Time: 6354.54

types of stress so caffeine use versus

Time: 6356.699

alcohol use versus sleep deprivation by

Time: 6359.52

actually measuring eye movements that's

Time: 6361.56

actually what we do in our absolute rest

Time: 6362.88

sleep company is in addition to getting

Time: 6365.159

a full PSD sleep study done in your

Time: 6368.46

bedroom you're going to get an eye

Time: 6369.6

tracking assessment which we're going to

Time: 6371.159

be able to figure out why you're getting

Time: 6372.48

there so

Time: 6373.5

um nonetheless

Time: 6374.58

yeah if you actually look at the classic

Time: 6376.86

signs and symptoms of over training or

Time: 6380.46

over training syndrome it's going to be

Time: 6382.739

everything from performance decrements

Time: 6384.42

like we talked about

Time: 6385.92

um heart resting heart rate is going to

Time: 6387.78

increase you're going to see things like

Time: 6389.94

HRV drop by generally 20 or so percent

Time: 6392.699

that would be a very large disruption in

Time: 6395.94


Time: 6397.04

decreased body weight and then all the

Time: 6399.36

stuff Andrew you just talked about so

Time: 6401.1

motivation adherence appetite mood

Time: 6405.02

all of this stuff are classically known

Time: 6407.639

associations with with overtrain and

Time: 6409.5

that's for the exact reasons you're

Time: 6410.639

talking about sleep disturbances and

Time: 6411.96


Time: 6413.36

wanting to train motivation all of this

Time: 6416.34

stuff uh goes part and parcel with

Time: 6418.679

non-functional overreaching and or over

Time: 6420.6

training you can actually tie this back

Time: 6422.699

in a little bit more to some other

Time: 6423.84

biomarkers and this is this is great

Time: 6425.639

because this is the stuff we look for

Time: 6427.32

this is the physiology stuff we look for

Time: 6429.96

um you've probably talked about shpg

Time: 6432.9

before which is a sex hormone binding

Time: 6435.719

globulin so it's this protein that

Time: 6438.119

that'll float in your body that's

Time: 6439.92

going to bind up sex hormones in

Time: 6442.02

particular testosterone so what happens

Time: 6443.46


Time: 6444.659

um over training is you can actually

Time: 6445.86

take this serially like week by week and

Time: 6448.38

you will actually see this number rise

Time: 6450.119

and so if you see this like say you're

Time: 6452.28

using a a service like inside tracker

Time: 6455.82

and you're getting your your blood

Time: 6457.5

measured every so often and you see this

Time: 6459.06

number start ticking up

Time: 6460.92

this is actually associated with that

Time: 6462.54

because what's actually happening is

Time: 6463.5

it's binding up all your free

Time: 6464.52

testosterone and that's just leading

Time: 6466.44

back to the circle we're talking about

Time: 6467.699

and you can actually see the same thing

Time: 6468.84

happen with calorie restriction

Time: 6470.699

does not eat enough calories but in this

Time: 6472.619

particular case because it actually

Time: 6474.48

happens in both scenarios you know it's

Time: 6476.28

not an issue simply of being under

Time: 6478.5

caloried it's clearly an issue of the

Time: 6481.38

training load being too high so just to

Time: 6483.6

give another little tool there's I can

Time: 6485.219

get the link for it but there's a

Time: 6487.199

website that was created by which

Time: 6491.04

Journal uh I'm slipping but I'll get it

Time: 6493.08

to you you can link it up where you can

Time: 6494.76

actually go in and plug in

Time: 6497.34

a number of values for mud chemistry so

Time: 6499.619

if you got your blood work done and you

Time: 6501.9

can plug in your pre-number and your

Time: 6504.06

post number so say you got it done and

Time: 6505.8

then maybe 10 weeks later you got it

Time: 6507.78

done again and you're wondering and you

Time: 6509.219

notice hey my free testosterone's down

Time: 6510.9

or my shpg is up

Time: 6513.9

is it actually a meaningful number and

Time: 6515.76

you it will actually tell you whether or

Time: 6517.38

not the change prediposed is

Time: 6519.86

physiologically Meaningful or not or

Time: 6521.76

just within the error margin of the

Time: 6523.739

measure and you can actually change like

Time: 6525.96

right there on the website you can

Time: 6527.219

change your confidence interval so it's

Time: 6528.36

really really cool if you know if you

Time: 6530.58

just have your own blood and you want to

Time: 6531.6

know like hey I had any level this year

Time: 6533.699

and now it's you know here over there

Time: 6536.1

it's a totally free resource created

Time: 6538.619

gone through peer review all that stuff

Time: 6540

and I'll give the link to that so that's

Time: 6541.56

a pretty cool

Time: 6542.659

measure in addition to that like

Time: 6545.28

probably one of the more powerful and

Time: 6546.96

easy metrics uh biologically is to take

Time: 6549.96

your cortisol and DHEA ratio so this is

Time: 6552.6

known to be associated with a lot of

Time: 6554.159

things you want to be really careful you

Time: 6555.84

don't want this number to be too high or

Time: 6557.28

too low something like 0.09

Time: 6561.42

it is about cortisol to DHEA DHA to

Time: 6565.5

cortisol ratio DHEA to cortisol I'd love

Time: 6568.08

to tell you I said it backwards on

Time: 6569.46

purpose just to make sure everyone

Time: 6570.48

understood but I got it backwards yeah I

Time: 6574.02

mean this ratio has been associated with

Time: 6576.36

so many things you have to do you do

Time: 6578.46

have to be careful with Association

Time: 6579.96

right not being causation but everything

Time: 6582.42

from risk of infections the metabolic

Time: 6584.34

health and and like other disease States

Time: 6586.38

as well as more what we're talking about

Time: 6588.659

which is hey Mike am I am I getting sort

Time: 6591.6

of cortisolous Regulation which is what

Time: 6593.28

a lot of folks would call

Time: 6594.78

you know again adrenal fatigue and no

Time: 6596.58

that's not really what's happening but

Time: 6597.78

if adrenaline and epinephrine are off

Time: 6601.56

and testosterone cortisol is going to be

Time: 6603.48

along the right and so you can also look

Time: 6605.52

at things like testosterone to cortisol

Time: 6607.139

ratios so there's a lot of things you

Time: 6609.36

can glean here to give you some insights

Time: 6611.82

into where you're going if that if that

Time: 6614.04

ratio is too high that's going to be

Time: 6616.139

associated with metabolic syndrome and a

Time: 6619.38

bunch of other stuff if it's too low

Time: 6620.76

that's going to be associated with a lot

Time: 6622.92

of cognitive problems like aggression

Time: 6625.32

and mood and a bunch of things like that

Time: 6627.54


Time: 6628.5

again you want to keep it right around

Time: 6629.88

that 0.09 ratio and most the time

Time: 6632.639

actually in some blood chemistry stuff

Time: 6633.9

you'll get a you'll get a report of that

Time: 6635.639

or you can calculate it pretty quickly

Time: 6638.219

I'm sure we'll get into this in the

Time: 6640.139

episode that comes next on uh nutrition

Time: 6642.6

and supplementation totally

Time: 6645.48

what about compounds that lower cortisol

Time: 6648.719

such as ashwagandha

Time: 6650.76

um I can see now based on the logic

Time: 6652.98

you're spelling out that during phases

Time: 6655.32


Time: 6656.639

a lot of intense overreaching or

Time: 6658.56

frequent overreaching

Time: 6660.739

given that those compounds can indeed

Time: 6664.199

lower cortisol radoli rodolia rosacea

Time: 6668.04

rhodiola rhodiola rosacea

Time: 6671.04

um one word to say

Time: 6672.48

um two words but the first one more fun

Time: 6674.34

to say rhodiola Rhodesia rhodiola rosea

Time: 6676.76

rhodiola rosea folks and ashwagandha

Time: 6680.94

um I've been

Time: 6683.04


Time: 6684.659

trying rhodiola recently

Time: 6688.139

um and mainly as a buffer to Output

Time: 6693.719

um it does seem to have some good data

Time: 6696.6

attached to it related to lowering uh

Time: 6699.54

one's perceived threshold of how hard

Time: 6701.219

they're working so in other words you

Time: 6702.659

can work harder and not feel as if

Time: 6704.76

you're working really hard which allows

Time: 6706.02

you to do more work that's sort of the

Time: 6707.94

subjective description of how it works

Time: 6709.38

but you told me that it um Can blunt

Time: 6711.48

cortisol and ashwagandha we know

Time: 6713.94

blonde's cortisol both of these things

Time: 6715.619

of course can do other things but are

Time: 6717.119


Time: 6718.08

um compounds that you sometimes will

Time: 6719.639

incorporate into a training regimen uh

Time: 6722.639

I've been using rhodiola for probably

Time: 6724.739

six or more years like pretty

Time: 6726.6

consistently not personally but using it

Time: 6728.639

with the individual you work with you do

Time: 6730.5

need to be a little bit careful I

Time: 6732.06

wouldn't say that it blunts cortisol it

Time: 6734.1

is probably more purpley described as a

Time: 6736.02

cortisol modulator

Time: 6737.639

uh which means sort of if it's too high

Time: 6739.5

or too low it'll help kind of keep it

Time: 6741.239

within normative range

Time: 6743.52

um there's also there is important to

Time: 6745.38


Time: 6746.34

there have been a handful of studies at

Time: 6748.38

two of I know specifically

Time: 6751.08

showed that uh rhodiola use kind of

Time: 6753.54

hands strength gains

Time: 6755.219

however it may reduce muscular endurance

Time: 6758.52

so we need more human data on this stuff

Time: 6761.88

and it may turn out that's not a concern

Time: 6764.28

it may also turn out to be a concern so

Time: 6766.5

nothing is nothing is perfect and free

Time: 6769.44

there's no supplement that is a Panacea

Time: 6771.42

and um I have used again really in a lot

Time: 6775.44

of situations because the other thing

Time: 6777.659

you kind of have to pay attention to the

Time: 6778.56

cortisol is is you ha it's supposed to

Time: 6781.98

be modulated throughout the day it's not

Time: 6783.6

supposed to be at this normal now in

Time: 6784.86

fact if you look at the normative values

Time: 6786.78

um it's typically uh described in uh

Time: 6789.32

micrograms per deciliter and depending

Time: 6792.42

on literally what company used to draw

Time: 6794.46

your blood if you're getting it through

Time: 6795.6

the blood depending on what which method

Time: 6798.659

they use to analyze it the normative

Time: 6800.159

values are like frankly embarrassingly

Time: 6802.199

all over the place

Time: 6804

um they're mostly going to be like 5 to

Time: 6806.34

25 as a quote unquote normative value

Time: 6808.619

but that's outrageous we also know

Time: 6811.86

those numbers vary massively by age

Time: 6815.159

by sex and throughout the day and so if

Time: 6818.639

you only are taking a single point let's

Time: 6820.92

assume you're doing a fasted blood draw

Time: 6822.6

which is what most folks do it's really

Time: 6824.94

only going to tell you a lot about

Time: 6826.38

what's happening in that moment we need

Time: 6828.48

to know well like maybe let's say my

Time: 6831

cortisol was if I'm a say 38 year old

Time: 6834.239

woman and my 7am cortisol was

Time: 6838.38

15 milligrams per deciliter that's

Time: 6841.32

pretty good but if it's 15 milligrams

Time: 6843.36

per deciliter at 3 pm oh boy I'm I'm

Time: 6846.239

probably having some issues right so

Time: 6848.82

there's a change throughout the day and

Time: 6850.679

you need to be able to plot that curve

Time: 6851.88

so you can actually well pretty standard

Time: 6853.8

practice that we do is we look at

Time: 6855.06

cortisol throughout the day we're going

Time: 6856.44

to take multiple markers because I don't

Time: 6857.699

want to just see your Baseline cortisol

Time: 6859.38

I want to see this curve throughout the

Time: 6861.179

day that's going to tell me a ton about

Time: 6863.34

again as your sleep being caused by this

Time: 6866.1

regulation is it your training is it

Time: 6868.56

something else so I would like take a

Time: 6870.96

single Baseline blood marker of cortisol

Time: 6874.619

with a lot of grain of salt we would

Time: 6877.139

typically measured at least three times

Time: 6879.06

throughout the day so something like six

Time: 6881.04

to nine a.m twelve to three and then

Time: 6883.38

something like closer to the evening

Time: 6885.42

oftentimes we do much more we'll do like

Time: 6887.88

seven points or something like that

Time: 6889.26

throughout the day depending on the

Time: 6890.34

situation so you want to be careful of

Time: 6892.139


Time: 6893.1

um just since we're here you can also

Time: 6894.78

get cortisol in uh through saliva and

Time: 6898.08

now the sort of pros and cons to that

Time: 6899.76

because the the pro of doing it in your

Time: 6901.8


Time: 6902.88

is it's it it's much more stable

Time: 6906.36

um saliva is extremely responsive to

Time: 6909.06

whatever happened these seconds before

Time: 6911.28

you took that test the upside of it

Time: 6913.139

though is you can do a bunch of real

Time: 6915.119

world life experiments so for example we

Time: 6918.179

will do this sometimes if we want to see

Time: 6919.739

how an individual is responding to a

Time: 6921.78

given stressor let's take it right let's

Time: 6923.94

take it take it in the you know spin

Time: 6925.86

into the tube we're going to take it and

Time: 6927.119

we're going to go do this workout or

Time: 6928.679

this cold exposure whatever we're going

Time: 6930

to do take it at the end we know that

Time: 6931.86

it's responsive to what just happened

Time: 6933.54

but that's the point

Time: 6935.04

um so you can actually there's sort of

Time: 6936.179

pros and cons so you'll use the

Time: 6937.44

appropriate measure for the appropriate

Time: 6939

uh question you're trying to answer a

Time: 6941.52

couple of points and Reflections about

Time: 6943.08

cortisol my first uh laboratory Duty was

Time: 6946.08

an undergraduate was in a was actually

Time: 6948.3

in a biopsychology lab at the time they

Time: 6950.699

didn't have the field of Neuroscience as

Time: 6953.04

it's now called it was called

Time: 6954

biopsychology or psychobiology I didn't

Time: 6956.4

know that no there was used to be

Time: 6957.54

neurochemistry neurobiology they had all

Time: 6959.28

collapsed into what we call now called

Time: 6960.6

Neuroscience which was only some years

Time: 6963.239

ago but my job was to collect cortisol

Time: 6965.52

samples which means I I was collecting

Time: 6967.5

um spit which means I was collecting

Time: 6968.82

saliva and the advantage of saliva based

Time: 6971.52

cortisol is free cortisol it's the

Time: 6972.9

active form as you mentioned it's

Time: 6974.4

reflective of what happened in the

Time: 6975.659

seconds or minutes

Time: 6976.98

um just prior a couple of things about

Time: 6979.139

the regular cortisol pattern across the

Time: 6981.06

day because I realized that while it

Time: 6982.32

would be wonderful for everybody to get

Time: 6983.88

their cortisol measured in detail

Time: 6985.38

multiple times in Blood and and saliva

Time: 6988.02

and so on some people just won't do that

Time: 6990.6

for whatever reason or can't do that

Time: 6992.4

yeah and the basic Contour of a healthy

Time: 6995.04

pattern of cortisol secretion is uh to

Time: 6997.92

have highest levels of cortisol in the

Time: 6999.78


Time: 7000.619

um is actually part of the mechanism

Time: 7002.06

that's associated with waking you up

Time: 7003.56

viewing bright light ideally from

Time: 7005.3

sunlight but other forms of bright light

Time: 7006.739

early in the day actually can lead to a

Time: 7009.56

50 percent five zero percent increase in

Time: 7012.02

that cortisol Spike which is a good

Time: 7013.46

thing people hear elevated cortisol oh

Time: 7015.199

no but this sets in motion a Cascade of

Time: 7017.6

things related to enhanced mood and

Time: 7018.98

alertness immune system function Etc

Time: 7020.6

what I think it can be useful for people

Time: 7022.52

to understand is that many things will

Time: 7024.92

Spike cortisol throughout the day stress

Time: 7026.9

cold water exercise but the idea is that

Time: 7029.36

it comes down to baseline or near

Time: 7030.86


Time: 7032.179

um rather quickly

Time: 7033.5

one of the worst situations as you

Time: 7035.54

pointed out is when the highest level of

Time: 7038.48

cortisol is consistently shifted to the

Time: 7040.94

afternoon period in fact that's a pretty

Time: 7043.76

reliable signature of certain forms of

Time: 7046.4

depression this is worked by my

Time: 7048.44

colleague David Spiegel at Stanford

Time: 7050.239

Psychiatry and the the great Bob

Time: 7052.28

sapolski Robert sapolsky of uh why

Time: 7055.04

zebras don't get ulcers behave Etc and

Time: 7058.159

fame lots of lots of popular books there

Time: 7060.5

um I think that if people are trying to

Time: 7063.139

regulate their cortisol and they're just

Time: 7065.119

under and they just understand that

Time: 7066.619

basic Contour that the Baseline should

Time: 7068.42

be you know rise pretty quickly after

Time: 7071.36

one rises in the morning so it's easy to

Time: 7073.76

remember rise rise rise out of bed and

Time: 7075.86

Rise cortisol with light bright light

Time: 7078.679

with exercise

Time: 7080.54

um with caffeine these things will all

Time: 7081.98

increase cortisol and then across the

Time: 7083.48

day it's normal for cortisol to spike

Time: 7085.28

but then to use some of the down

Time: 7086.42

regulation methods that you described in

Time: 7088.219

particular the breathing methods and

Time: 7090.38

exercise itself as the case may be but

Time: 7093.02

then to really pay attention to how much

Time: 7095.38

psychological and physical stress is

Time: 7097.28

occurring in the six hours or so or

Time: 7098.96

eight hours prior to sleep um does that

Time: 7101

seem like a a good sort of broad Contour

Time: 7102.98

of how to have a healthy pattern of

Time: 7105.08

cortisol release because you actually

Time: 7106.159

want the cortisol to reduce inflammation

Time: 7108.139

and initiate or participate in the

Time: 7110.3

recovery process you will not see any

Time: 7112.04


Time: 7113.54

from exercise training without a large

Time: 7115.639

spike in cortisol

Time: 7117.619

it is critically important when we think

Time: 7119.659

of phrases like cortisol inflammation

Time: 7122.48


Time: 7123.98

this is not bad right physiology is not

Time: 7126.92

personified right there things don't

Time: 7129.199

like ate you in the body right it is all

Time: 7131.119

is not good and bad they just are

Time: 7133.58

um the more you try to suppress cortisol

Time: 7136.28

the more you suppress adaptation what

Time: 7138.5

you want is exactly what you mentioned

Time: 7140.179

large spikes met with large quick

Time: 7143.48

recovery and you want to do that

Time: 7145.159

throughout the day and get that hormetic

Time: 7146.599

stressor this is so going back to your

Time: 7148.28

ashwagandha and Rhodiola issue um it I

Time: 7150.86

think it would be very short-sighted for

Time: 7152.96

people that do that as this is a

Time: 7154.34

prophylactic okay because you if you

Time: 7157.04

blunt cortisol you're going to cause

Time: 7158.78

immunosuppressant especially early in

Time: 7160.82

the day totally taking ashwagandha

Time: 7162.679

before going to train is is

Time: 7164.8

counterproductive yeah we do not just

Time: 7166.88

this is not a baseline part of our

Time: 7168.56

foundational package right if you go

Time: 7169.94

look at the athlete foundations or the

Time: 7172.88

athlete resilience protocols that put

Time: 7174.619

together you're not going to see these

Time: 7176.179

things in there for that specific reason

Time: 7178.52

um any form of cortisol regulation needs

Time: 7181.099

to be done strategically if you are

Time: 7183.08

excessively high and we're bringing you

Time: 7184.46

back down to normative values at the

Time: 7185.9

right time then great if you're normal

Time: 7187.4


Time: 7188.659

then taking you down lower than that is

Time: 7190.76

actually problematic the same thing is

Time: 7193.04

actually true since we're here for

Time: 7194.719

oxidative stress for information

Time: 7197.679

antioxidant use we mentioned I think

Time: 7200.179

earlier about taking vitamin C and

Time: 7201.8

vitamin E post exercise will actually

Time: 7203.239

blunt adaptations or at least has the

Time: 7205.52

potential to do so same thing right if

Time: 7208.219

you're modulating this response

Time: 7210.56

just because and you have not done so

Time: 7212.78


Time: 7214.34

of actually biological testing that

Time: 7216.98

indicated you needed to do such then you

Time: 7219.139

actually may be making things worse and

Time: 7220.699

so we see this constantly with people

Time: 7223.04

who take a number of

Time: 7225.52

supplements and substances for sleep

Time: 7228.44

and then they wake up the next morning

Time: 7229.76

groggy and your your cortisol suppressed

Time: 7232.88

okay great so then they take something

Time: 7234.8

for stimulation and then the rest of the

Time: 7236.9

day they're trying to reduce and then I

Time: 7237.92

need this nasty cycle instead of just

Time: 7239.84

getting out of the way and letting

Time: 7241.88

cortisol do what it's supposed to do and

Time: 7244.58

then making sure again you're teaching

Time: 7246.08

it so this is actually a coachable

Time: 7247.4

response you can coach your own body

Time: 7249.86

to go down in the later part of the day

Time: 7252.26

and go up in the earlier part of the day

Time: 7255.38

you want to make sure that you are

Time: 7256.88

driving that train with intent and so

Time: 7260

again to reiterate if you don't need

Time: 7262.219

that you shouldn't do it right if you

Time: 7265.099

don't need to lower cortisol you

Time: 7266.659

shouldn't walk around doing it you're

Time: 7268.46

just going to suppress the state even

Time: 7270.139

far and this is what's needed this is

Time: 7272.36

needed for anabolic responses like

Time: 7273.8

you're not going to grow muscle if

Time: 7274.94

cortisol is not spiked it's going to

Time: 7276.8

compromise it rather so you want to be

Time: 7279.139

intentional with these practices

Time: 7281.679

especially in the form of of

Time: 7283.639

supplementation be very very intentional

Time: 7286.52

I've heard it said that carbohydrates in

Time: 7290.48

particular starchy carbohydrates can

Time: 7293.179

inhibit cortisol definitely and this

Time: 7296.42

could be through the uh tryptophan amino

Time: 7300.02

acid related pathway that ratchets up to

Time: 7303.46

uh serotonin release probably some other

Time: 7306.139

things too I mean the idea that

Time: 7307.639

carbohydrates just stimulate serotonin

Time: 7310.34

is a little bit uh overly similarious

Time: 7312.08

cellular mechanisms ampk going up and

Time: 7314.239

immediately turning on there yeah right

Time: 7315.92

so um you know I think we've all

Time: 7318.5

experienced this uh you know we're

Time: 7320.239

stressed we're stressed we doesn't

Time: 7322.28

necessarily even have to be highly

Time: 7323.599

processed you know uh fat associ you

Time: 7326.3

know fatty carbohydrates

Time: 7327.92

um you know like potato chips and and

Time: 7330.139

potato chips and dip or these kinds of

Time: 7331.76

things it can also be uh polarizable

Time: 7334.219

oatmeal Bowl pasta

Time: 7336.44

um which here I'm not trying to demonize

Time: 7338.48

um carbohydrates I I do ingest

Time: 7340.46


Time: 7341.96

um minimally or non-processed

Time: 7343.159

carbohydrates um most of the time but

Time: 7345.139

not all the time and they have a fairly

Time: 7349.099

potent effect on on lowering stress and

Time: 7352.159

perceived stress and even quality of

Time: 7354.199

sleep which is not to say that somebody

Time: 7355.699

has to load up on them like crazy unless

Time: 7358.28

their glycogen is really depleted talked

Time: 7360.26

a lot about this in the endurance

Time: 7361.159

episode I know we'll touch on it more in

Time: 7363.08

the nutrition supplementation episode

Time: 7364.699


Time: 7366.38

um in thinking about the relationship

Time: 7368.239

between carbohydrates and cortisol and

Time: 7370.34

what we've just been talking about in

Time: 7371.84

terms of cortisol as being vitally

Time: 7373.82

important for the adaptation Trigger or

Time: 7377.42

triggering adaptation it's probably a

Time: 7378.92

better way to put it

Time: 7380.239

but that it can blunt cortisol

Time: 7383.239

taken post training or um maybe in the

Time: 7386.239

evening before sleep what are some of

Time: 7388.4

the basic ways that one can think about

Time: 7390.02

and maybe use carbohydrates in specific

Time: 7393.44

ways in order to let's say control

Time: 7396.739

cortisol rather than uh quash cortisol

Time: 7399.5

uh you actually have alluded to it a

Time: 7402.08

number of times already so we oftentimes

Time: 7404.84

will give people a lot of carbohydrates

Time: 7407.48

at night

Time: 7408.76

for some of these reasons you're going

Time: 7411.739

to feel fantastic a lot of people it

Time: 7413.9

helps you sleep both get to sleep and

Time: 7416.48

stay asleep Sleep Quality you talked

Time: 7418.52

about specifically remember think about

Time: 7419.78

it this way cortisol at its core is an

Time: 7423.679

energy signaling molecule it says we are

Time: 7426.44

in the need for energy

Time: 7429.139


Time: 7430.52

um epinephrine's the same way you you'll

Time: 7432.739

start seeing for example cortisol will

Time: 7434.179


Time: 7435.199

free fatty acids put them in the

Time: 7436.82

bloodstream get you prepared to do

Time: 7438.56

something the problem is if it's

Time: 7440.36

continually elevated throughout the day

Time: 7442.04

with no down regulation we start running

Time: 7443.659

into issues right so again this is the

Time: 7445.76

differentiation between oh my cortisol

Time: 7447.619

is slightly elevated all day versus I

Time: 7450.08

had a really big big spike after

Time: 7452.06

training I had a really big spike after

Time: 7454.159

a breath protocol Etc and then it went

Time: 7455.9

back down

Time: 7457.04

so that being said if you then ingest

Time: 7459.199

carbohydrates you are telling it is

Time: 7461.239

quick to see the signal we have

Time: 7462.98

nutrients we have energy again

Time: 7464.9

specifically carbohydrates therefore

Time: 7466.34

cortisol can sort of go back down we

Time: 7468.139

don't need to be liberating free fatty

Time: 7469.46

acids and preparing uh the need for fuel

Time: 7471.619

so you can help yourself go to sleep for

Time: 7473.84

many as you pointed out many mechanisms

Time: 7475.699

actually of why carbohydrates will help

Time: 7477.139

you sleep at night

Time: 7478.52

um for some not all people but some

Time: 7480.739

that would be one of the relationships

Time: 7482.96

it has with cortisol great I look

Time: 7485

forward to hearing more about how the

Time: 7486.44

various macronutrients and

Time: 7488.5

micronutrients and so-called adaptogens

Time: 7491.239

this very mysterious group of yeah yeah

Time: 7494

compounds you know the word adaptogen

Time: 7495.679

gets thrown around so much nowadays but

Time: 7498.08

as long as we're talking about

Time: 7498.86

adaptation I think that'll be fair play

Time: 7501.26

for the uh discussion in the next

Time: 7503.599

episode about nutrition and

Time: 7504.86

supplementation in my laboratory when we

Time: 7506.96

study stress we use a number of

Time: 7508.4

different markers subjective reports of

Time: 7510.8

how stressed people feel uh heart rate

Time: 7514.94

morning heart rate heart rate

Time: 7516.98


Time: 7518.54

cortisol free cortisol and on and on

Time: 7521.84

what are some of the other markers of

Time: 7524.06

stress as it relates to exercise

Time: 7526.159

adaptations and Recovery because once

Time: 7528.56

again I think we're seeing a lot of

Time: 7530.48

parallels between the study of

Time: 7532.28

psychological stress and the study of

Time: 7534.679

physical stress as it relates to

Time: 7536.48

exercise adaptation remember

Time: 7539.3

in terms of physiology stress is stress

Time: 7541.639

this is why we have this cool term of

Time: 7543.32

valastatic load or allostasis such that

Time: 7545.96

it really doesn't matter which system

Time: 7548.9

you test for it will reflect overall

Time: 7551.239

stress you know you mentioned several of

Time: 7553.88

them we've got done talking about some

Time: 7555.8


Time: 7557.119

HRV and heart rate are another great

Time: 7559.34

example because what you're trying to do

Time: 7561.02

is this when we were talking about the

Time: 7562.58

muscle soreness thing what we were

Time: 7564.619

really getting at was

Time: 7566.179

a marker of how do I fix the overuse in

Time: 7570.56

that particular muscle now we've really

Time: 7572.239

transitioned into Global markers of

Time: 7574.46

overuse and why these are problematic

Time: 7576.86

or important to pay attention to rather

Time: 7578.599


Time: 7579.739

again these are the indicators that you

Time: 7581.659

didn't just work a muscle out too hard

Time: 7583.219

but you have actually done something

Time: 7584.48

where you've compromised all of your

Time: 7585.8

physiology to a level where you've

Time: 7588.26

influenced a circulating catecholamine

Time: 7590.659

or something that's going to influence

Time: 7592.699

multiple markers now like your sleep and

Time: 7594.679

your mood and your behavior so that's

Time: 7596.9

why these things are problematic that

Time: 7598.34


Time: 7599.36

you could look at resting heart rate not

Time: 7601.34

a bad thing to do however that does have

Time: 7603.32

multiple downsides one thing we do know

Time: 7606.26

is your resting heart rate will Elevate

Time: 7608.719

with excessive stress load this actually

Time: 7611.54

doesn't matter if it is physical stress

Time: 7613.219

or psychological stress or a combination

Time: 7614.9

so you will see that number drift up

Time: 7616.52

over time here's the downside though

Time: 7618.739

it's not tremendously sensitive to

Time: 7621.32

smaller stressors uh in other words if

Time: 7624.139

you were to do something like alcohol is

Time: 7625.639

a very good example you will see your

Time: 7627.38

resting heart rate Elevate with alcohol

Time: 7629.239

use excessive tobacco use and

Time: 7631.94

psychological stress however if you do

Time: 7634.4

something smaller like hard training

Time: 7636.679

sessions resting heart rate's not

Time: 7638.599

sensitive enough to pick that up it will

Time: 7640.639

actually probably stay the same so for

Time: 7642.199

those reasons we don't actually use

Time: 7644.119

resting heart rate that much we will

Time: 7645.8

take it but it's not our primary

Time: 7647.36

indicator that being said HRV is a

Time: 7649.76

better use so just wear the quickly for

Time: 7651.619

those that are not familiar uh your

Time: 7653.9

heart rate let's say for example you

Time: 7656.42

your resting heart rate is 60 beats per

Time: 7658.4

minute that means every second it's

Time: 7659.78

beating it doesn't actually happen on a

Time: 7661.699

consistent Rhythm such that it would

Time: 7663.08

beat on second one beat on second two

Time: 7664.94

beat on second three Etc the rate is

Time: 7667.699

more variable so it might go beat

Time: 7670.699


Time: 7672.02


Time: 7674.199

there's a variation in the heart rate

Time: 7676.52

and at the end of that 60 seconds in

Time: 7678.619

this example you would have still

Time: 7679.699

completed 60 beats they just aren't on

Time: 7681.8

the exact same pattern well one thing

Time: 7683.78

that's actually quite interesting is

Time: 7685.639

the amount of variation in your heart

Time: 7687.739

rate is actually associated with your

Time: 7690.02

overall sympathetic or parasympathetic

Time: 7691.94

State such that

Time: 7693.38

a large variation so an arithmic pattern

Time: 7696.619

is generally more representative of

Time: 7698.659

being more rested and recovered and

Time: 7700.34

being more parasympathetic you'll notice

Time: 7702.38

during times of extremely high stress

Time: 7704.06

you will be very rhythmic beat beat beat

Time: 7708.32

b b and so this is a little bit of a of

Time: 7711.44

a confusing idea but a high HRV

Time: 7715.34

is there indicated of a lot of variation

Time: 7717.92

meaning you're pretty recovered a low

Time: 7720.619

HRV meaning there's not a lot of

Time: 7722.96

variation means you're probably pretty

Time: 7724.699

stressed and wired so it's it's uh

Time: 7727.76

related to heart rate but in my opinion

Time: 7730.219

it is a significantly better marker

Time: 7733.159

of that now one thing you want to pay

Time: 7735.44

attention to if you do this a couple of

Time: 7737.36

things there are some accuracy issues

Time: 7739.159

with many of the devices basically

Time: 7741.679

everybody at this point probably has

Time: 7743.179

some device

Time: 7744.38

that's telling them their hrb what you

Time: 7746.78

do not want to do is simply compare your

Time: 7748.76

number to somebody else

Time: 7750.8

for a lot of reasons not all of these

Time: 7753.92

Technologies are actually even measuring

Time: 7755.36

the same thing again some of them are

Time: 7757.699

actually combining with other metrics

Time: 7759.56

and calling it your overall Readiness or

Time: 7761.48

your recovery and so now we've what

Time: 7763.34

we've actually done is made a couple of

Time: 7764.84

assumptions and then stacked them on a

Time: 7766.76

whole host of other assumptions and then

Time: 7768.56

giving you a number and you don't know

Time: 7770.42

what that sort of black box score

Time: 7772.159

actually even represents so I would

Time: 7773.84

caution one against taking too much

Time: 7775.76

information from that if you are

Time: 7777.98

actually measuring HRV even within that

Time: 7779.84

there's a lot of ways to calculate it

Time: 7781.46

that are not important here so

Time: 7783.739

don't necessarily worry about the score

Time: 7786.739

and then come compare it to yourself but

Time: 7788.599

not to others what you will see is if

Time: 7790.88

you use similar devices and techniques

Time: 7793.46

me is hard to find data here but in

Time: 7795.8

general people that are overweight might

Time: 7799.4

have a little bit of a of a lower score

Time: 7801.92

as in a worse score

Time: 7803.92

we need more information on that to be

Time: 7806.179

clear so

Time: 7807.26

in large part the best way to use

Time: 7808.88

something like HRV is to measure it

Time: 7811.04

under the exact same circumstances

Time: 7813.44

every day so whether you're going to use

Time: 7815.44

just a device on your watch or your

Time: 7818.96

phone or your bed or anything else or

Time: 7820.639

are you going to buy a special HRV on it

Time: 7822.44

it's fine just take that measure at the

Time: 7824.179

same time

Time: 7825.46

mostly this means first thing in the

Time: 7827.48


Time: 7828.199

so you wake up you go to the bathroom

Time: 7830

you come back down and take your measure

Time: 7831.5

or something like that you don't uh wait

Time: 7833.54

sometimes you took it before food then

Time: 7835.099


Time: 7836.78

look at your phone like all these other

Time: 7838.46

things that can influence stress so so

Time: 7839.9

take I didn't usually take somewhere

Time: 7841.52

between seconds to minutes to record so

Time: 7843.32

you want to pay attention to that now

Time: 7844.58

one of the things you'll notice is there

Time: 7846.56

is a natural change in your HIV that

Time: 7848.42

just happens and so what you kind of

Time: 7849.679

really want to pay attention to is

Time: 7851.48

I guess answering the question of how

Time: 7853.219

much of a change in HRV has to happen

Time: 7855.26

for before I should care and it's hard

Time: 7857.78

to answer right so let's just say your

Time: 7859.82

HRV was a hundred I just made that

Time: 7861.739

number up

Time: 7862.76

what if you wake up tomorrow and it's

Time: 7864.26


Time: 7865.4

what's that mean

Time: 7866.78

well I don't know if you wake up

Time: 7868.639

tomorrow when it's 20. that's probably a

Time: 7871.28

bad thing well where's that line it's

Time: 7873.5

hard one thing I would recommend doing

Time: 7875.119

is taking your HRV for at least a month

Time: 7878.06

before you start using that value to

Time: 7879.8

make any changes and you recommend

Time: 7881.3

taking it first thing in the morning yep

Time: 7883.219

always roughly the same time basically

Time: 7885.199

under the same circumstances it doesn't

Time: 7886.82

have to be technical in the morning but

Time: 7888.26

because your day

Time: 7890.179

will change on most days what you get

Time: 7892.76

into that's the most stable

Time: 7894.92

thing in your life so I would take it

Time: 7896.42

then and I would collect it for at least

Time: 7897.86

a day at least a month rather maybe even

Time: 7900.02

six weeks and then give yourself

Time: 7901.88

basically a running average so what we

Time: 7904.28

all quite honestly do is uh we will

Time: 7907.099

actually track it for forever and then

Time: 7909.619

what we always look at is

Time: 7911.54

what does it look like today relative to

Time: 7913.4

the last week on average and then what

Time: 7915.02

does that look like to our historical

Time: 7916.699

average and we always compare those

Time: 7919.159

things and you also want to make sure

Time: 7921.32

you compare like to like so in other

Time: 7923.54


Time: 7924.8

I generally will not going to worry

Time: 7926.42

about today's HRV score relative to

Time: 7928.58

tomorrow's what I want to look at is

Time: 7930.92

today's relative to this exact same day

Time: 7932.78

last week

Time: 7934.159

not for athletes but for non-athletes

Time: 7936.08

this is very important so imagine don't

Time: 7937.699

worry about the difference between HRV

Time: 7939.08

score and Monday compared to Tuesday

Time: 7941.719

pay attention to Monday compared to last

Time: 7943.639

Monday and the Monday before that

Time: 7945.86

that's because you typically have the

Time: 7948.679

same sort of weekly schedule

Time: 7950.599

and what you don't want to do is say

Time: 7952.639

look at Monday's HRV score which is a

Time: 7954.8

reflection of what happens Sunday

Time: 7956.96

and compare that to Tuesdays which is

Time: 7958.88

actually a reflection of what happened

Time: 7959.96

Monday you probably didn't do the same

Time: 7962.96

stressors on Sundays Monday so you're

Time: 7965.119

not actually comparing the same thing

Time: 7966.38

but if you have a General weekly

Time: 7968.3

schedule you're likely to compare this

Time: 7970.099

Mondays relative to last Mondays because

Time: 7972.56

they're both comparing what happened on

Time: 7974

the previous day so did that sort of

Time: 7975.739

Distinction make sense absolutely I do

Time: 7977.9

the same thing with body weight by the

Time: 7978.98

way if you're trying to track body mass

Time: 7980.9

gain or fat loss or something compare

Time: 7982.82

like the like you can look at the daily

Time: 7984.56

changes but you need to pay attention to

Time: 7986.239

what that normal distribution is so if

Time: 7988.639

you kind of do that you know Monday to

Time: 7990.5

Monday thing that'll give you a rough

Time: 7992.719

area of saying okay my normal weekly

Time: 7994.88

variation is say five so my average is

Time: 7997.76

100 but I will fluctuate between 95 to

Time: 7999.98

105. that's my standard deviation is

Time: 8001.9

sort of a science dorks would call that

Time: 8004.079

if you start very changing more than

Time: 8007.42

five percent

Time: 8008.619

outside of your normal standard

Time: 8010.3

deviation then I'm going to start paying

Time: 8012.159

attention a little bit and I'm going to

Time: 8014.5

actually run a little bit of an

Time: 8015.46

algorithm on this one

Time: 8017.199

and so here is my thinking process when

Time: 8020.38

I get HIV really any metric but HRV is

Time: 8023.02

the example we're using first step

Time: 8025.3

did I collect good data and what that I

Time: 8028.06

mean again did I measure it the same way

Time: 8029.619

I measured every single day or did I get

Time: 8031.179

up and look at my phone first and I

Time: 8032.56

realized oh crap I forgot to take my HRV

Time: 8034.599

and then I went back and got there so

Time: 8036.699

say I had a 15 derivation from my normal

Time: 8039.04

number and then I realized oh yeah

Time: 8040.54

that's right I was up super late last

Time: 8042.579


Time: 8043.42

doing whatever okay great I'm going to

Time: 8045.699

consider that bad data

Time: 8047.139

you didn't good

Time: 8048.639

if it's bad day then I'm not doing

Time: 8050.02


Time: 8051.28

ignore and bad data and you throw it out

Time: 8053.56

you don't use it if you decide for the

Time: 8055.48

most part let's assume it was good data

Time: 8056.86

okay great then I'm going on in my next

Time: 8058.78

question which is

Time: 8060.76

it acute in other words is it just today

Time: 8064.06

right or is it chronic as this is a is

Time: 8066.76

this pattern happening for more than

Time: 8068.26

five days or at least three out of the

Time: 8071.079

last four or something like that three

Time: 8072.46

minimum is what I like honestly I

Time: 8074.619

generally look at five or more days

Time: 8076.659

that's a very big distinction if it is

Time: 8078.579

something that just happened today and

Time: 8080.5

the next question I'm going to ask

Time: 8081.579

myself is

Time: 8083.079

and I am that adaptation phase

Time: 8085.3

am I trying to be in a phase where I'm

Time: 8086.92

trying to cause insults of the body that

Time: 8089.26

it needs to respond with if that is the

Time: 8091

case I'm just going to ignore it right

Time: 8093.46

in fact it's almost sometimes a good

Time: 8095.56

sign hey we are stressing the body and

Time: 8097.9

it is stressed what we're doing is

Time: 8099.639


Time: 8100.48

amazing in fact if you don't see that

Time: 8102.219

it's sort of like maybe we're not doing

Time: 8103.84

enough to push the pace all right so

Time: 8105.699

we're great

Time: 8106.84

if the answer is no we're in a peeking

Time: 8109.54


Time: 8110.32

then we're actually going to use what I

Time: 8112.179

call acute State shifters so this is a

Time: 8115.659

whole host of little tricks that I have

Time: 8117.28

that can change HRV or any recovery

Time: 8119.8

metric within seconds

Time: 8122.619

again these are not chronic fixes this

Time: 8125.86

is just I'm having a bad day today I

Time: 8128.26

feel like crap can I make myself feel

Time: 8130.78

better right now and so I kind of call

Time: 8132.4

these parlor tricks a lot of the times

Time: 8134.56

and there's a thousand of them we're

Time: 8138.04

certainly not going to go over them but

Time: 8139.119

I'll give you some examples

Time: 8140.619

um you can pull out first of all

Time: 8142.3

physical movement we'll do it you'd be

Time: 8144.46

stunned I'll just

Time: 8146.38

doing some yoga moving around doing some

Time: 8148.599

jumping jacks starting your workout I

Time: 8150.94

mean you've probably experienced this

Time: 8152.26

it's sort of cliche in our world at this

Time: 8154.119

point but

Time: 8155.44

um if you ever do any serious lifting

Time: 8157.599

over a serious amount of time there will

Time: 8158.92

be days in which you walk in the gym and

Time: 8160.659

you feel awful

Time: 8161.86

and somehow that day you said a lifetime

Time: 8163.54


Time: 8164.38

oud yeah that's a strange

Time: 8166.54

strange phenomena yeah I uh

Time: 8170.26


Time: 8171.219

I've experienced that more than a few

Time: 8173.38


Time: 8174.34

um it's rare the inverse is rare however

Time: 8177.34

you feel great you have a horrible

Time: 8179.619

workout it happens yeah um and it can

Time: 8182.199

happen for any number of different

Time: 8183.099

reasons but yeah I think the the former

Time: 8186.52

when when isn't feeling very good and

Time: 8188.619

then somehow is a terrific workout does

Time: 8191.679

set a kind of a seed of Doubt as to how

Time: 8194.679

good our subjective assessments really

Time: 8196.24

are which I guess is why we're talking

Time: 8198.219


Time: 8199.479

um objective assessments yep like HRV

Time: 8201.82

and remember if it's a single day here

Time: 8204.16

uh you can even do hard training uh

Time: 8206.62

people sort of have this idea like well

Time: 8208.12

if you get up and your recovery scores

Time: 8209.5

down do a lighter day

Time: 8212.019

that's probably I can probably never

Time: 8213.7

making that choice to be honest not in

Time: 8215.8

this situation remember this is one bad

Time: 8217.84


Time: 8218.8

and we are in a phase of even trying to

Time: 8221.8

improve performance right now like we're

Time: 8223.719

probably still training hard you will

Time: 8225.099

again often see I felt terrible when I

Time: 8227.62

trained super hard and it totally

Time: 8229.179

changed my day around this is all can

Time: 8231.34


Time: 8232.179

so exercise is my first love here I'm

Time: 8234.939

absolutely breathing any sort of

Time: 8236.979

upregulation breathing so we talked a

Time: 8238.96

lot about down regulation breathing

Time: 8241.24

just do the opposite right and so this

Time: 8243.16

is when hyperventilation strategies can

Time: 8245.26

work instead of accentuating the exhale

Time: 8248.32

you accentuate the inhale or you

Time: 8250.359

restrict the exhales this is working on

Time: 8251.8

the exact opposite situation you can

Time: 8253.719

also play little this is where things

Time: 8255.46

like music

Time: 8256.599

motivational quotes if you're the type

Time: 8259.179

that follows people on Instagram that

Time: 8260.979

motivate you or can work with these

Time: 8263.2


Time: 8263.859

um coaching tactics these can be things

Time: 8266.26


Time: 8267.96

finding out or talking about that

Time: 8270.04

person's why

Time: 8271.599


Time: 8272.26

you sort of shared something that a

Time: 8274.359

mantra you use when you're training hard

Time: 8276.76

to keep you go better I'm not going to

Time: 8278.019

ask you to share that now but some

Time: 8279.88

people have this sometimes right or you

Time: 8281.8

may have this conversation with your

Time: 8283.059

athlete we call this finding out your

Time: 8284.8

why right so finding out like why are

Time: 8286.899

you really here what are we doing here

Time: 8288.16

and a lot of times you'll hear things

Time: 8289.3


Time: 8290.559

it's because I grew up poor and I don't

Time: 8292.96

ever want to be poor again okay great

Time: 8294.219

this is for my children or like any

Time: 8296.92

number of things and you can pull that

Time: 8298.84

out on these days you need to be really

Time: 8301.3

careful that's why I call these parlor

Time: 8302.74

tricks because when you play that card

Time: 8305.139

too often it starts to lose effect right

Time: 8307.78

and you can only dig to a whole so often

Time: 8310.66

before it's sort of like a um the same

Time: 8312.76

thing as with music right if you every

Time: 8314.2

time you go to the weight room it's

Time: 8315.639

blasting death metal at level 10. well

Time: 8317.92

eventually it's not it's no longer

Time: 8319.599

motivating right it's no longer helpful

Time: 8321.099

so you want to deploy these things

Time: 8323.519

strategically yeah the the phrase that

Time: 8326.32

comes to mind is signal the noise you

Time: 8327.88

know the nervous system especially the

Time: 8329.26

dopamine system and the adrenaline

Time: 8330.82

system which are part of this larger

Time: 8332.139

system called the catecholamine system

Time: 8333.639

so that's dopamine epinephrine

Time: 8334.84

norepinephrine the the get up and go

Time: 8336.7

focus on external goals movement

Time: 8339.34

Associated it's and on and on that that

Time: 8342.16


Time: 8343.599

responds best to high signal relative to

Time: 8346.899

noise so if you're as you point out

Time: 8349.78

um listening music every time drinking a

Time: 8351.399

ton of caffeine energy drinks

Time: 8352.96

pre-workout nootropics and then you know

Time: 8355.899

stacking all those things uh sometimes

Time: 8358.78

refer this as dopamine stacking

Time: 8360.46

informally referred to as dopamine

Time: 8362.32

stacking you're doing all those things

Time: 8363.76

and then you know first of all then

Time: 8364.84

you're wondering why later that

Time: 8366.219

afternoon or the next day you're feeling

Time: 8367.599

like you're you're under a cloud it's

Time: 8369.219

obvious you're you're kind of combine

Time: 8371.139

system crashed but it's also that

Time: 8374.74

um you don't necessarily become

Time: 8375.88

dependent on it it's just that you start

Time: 8378.639

to wonder whether or not you have the

Time: 8380.08

internal mechanisms and motivation to

Time: 8381.82

train without those things and someone

Time: 8383.32

tends to use them more and more and then

Time: 8384.639

they have a diminishing effect over time

Time: 8386.34

the rule that I've been

Time: 8388.66

um sort of applying has been I never do

Time: 8391.72

two workouts in a row where I'm stacking

Time: 8394.12

in stimulants loud music and any kind of

Time: 8397.6

uh sort of high potency inspiration

Time: 8400.08

however every set in the gym or when I

Time: 8403.3

run I really try and be diligent about

Time: 8404.74

form and attention to what I'm doing the

Time: 8407.14

one exception would be the long duration

Time: 8409.32

endurance work

Time: 8411.28

part of the reason I do that work is to

Time: 8413.32

let my mind go into states of drifting

Time: 8415.62

I'm not trying to think in complete

Time: 8417.88

sentences or even close to it just let

Time: 8420.28

my my brain kind of idle at a low hum uh

Time: 8424.24

and for that reason generally listen to

Time: 8426.64

something that's more of a story or

Time: 8428.8

don't listen to anything at all and just

Time: 8430.24

let my thoughts kind of spool through

Time: 8431.56

anyway I don't want to take us too far

Time: 8433

off track but I think this idea of

Time: 8434.92

signal to noise will resonate with the

Time: 8436.66

engineers out there but since most

Time: 8438.46

people are likely not Engineers it is

Time: 8441.28

the way that the nervous system works

Time: 8442.92

evidenced by the fact that whatever area

Time: 8445.359

of your body right now is in contact

Time: 8446.74

with a chair or any other surface that's

Time: 8449.74

been in contact with for more than a few

Time: 8451.24

seconds you forget that it's in contact

Time: 8452.68

with it because there's low signal to

Time: 8455.08

noise at that point a similar note you

Time: 8457.24

actually mentioned stimulants basically

Time: 8458.62

there whether you're talking caffeine or

Time: 8460.78

any other stimulant any other cortisol

Time: 8463.18

modulators or adaptogens any of these

Time: 8465.58

things fall in the category if you're

Time: 8466.96

not using them consistently and you're

Time: 8468.88

having a rough day and all of a sudden

Time: 8470.02

you throw down 200 mL grams of caffeine

Time: 8472.18

it's going to change real fast strong

Time: 8475.479

performance enhancing effect yeah

Time: 8476.979

absolutely and for these reasons right

Time: 8478.66

so we mentioned a couple of them breath

Time: 8480.46


Time: 8481.54


Time: 8482.2


Time: 8483.399

more calories just eating some food

Time: 8485.2

sometimes we'll give people like what we

Time: 8487.72

call Comfort Foods

Time: 8489.04

so this is just like hey you're uh you

Time: 8491.56

know you're from Georgia and we know you

Time: 8492.939

love grits so we're having grits for

Time: 8495.22

breakfast oh my great like just

Time: 8496.54

something to change your mood acute

Time: 8498.76

State shifters

Time: 8500.439

um to alter it

Time: 8501.88

the other couple of Tricks here are

Time: 8504.1

light so if we know that maybe say

Time: 8506.08

multiple people are struggling that day

Time: 8507.28

maybe we'll put on the lights extra

Time: 8508.72

bright we'll bring in some extra things

Time: 8510.16

and just get it more light in there and

Time: 8511.84

not it doesn't even count actually going

Time: 8513.88

outside and seeing the Sun but perhaps

Time: 8515.319

we'll do that

Time: 8517.24

um and then other little tricks that

Time: 8518.74

I've learned over the years is uh one

Time: 8520.6

particular thing I love is literally

Time: 8522.399

drawing a line a physical line in the

Time: 8524.62

ground and

Time: 8526.54

you look at that line and you say like

Time: 8528.22

I'm going to train today and I'm going

Time: 8530.14

to accomplish

Time: 8531.58

this effort

Time: 8533.56

I'm not going to walk past this line and

Time: 8536.68

into that training space

Time: 8538.12

until I'm ready to give that effort

Time: 8540.28

and that may take a minute or 10 or

Time: 8542.26

whatever but it's the physical barrier

Time: 8545.08

is very important to saying like I'm not

Time: 8547.3

just going to get through it I'm going

Time: 8548.68

to actually perform the way I want to

Time: 8550.42


Time: 8551.439

or I'm not going to do it and I'm not

Time: 8553.359

going to cross this line until I'm ready

Time: 8555.16

to make that happen all right I really

Time: 8557.02

like that tool it also brings to mind

Time: 8559.24

the importance of at least thinking

Time: 8561.34

about how your relationship with your

Time: 8563.979

phone during training

Time: 8565.84

um Can perhaps help but also impede

Time: 8568.84

workout motivation and performance in an

Time: 8571.3

earlier episode you mentioned that if

Time: 8572.439

people are using their phone to play

Time: 8574.359

music during their workout that they

Time: 8577.12

establish the complete playlist

Time: 8579.64

prior to initiating the workout and then

Time: 8581.68

not deviate from that playlist as

Time: 8583.479

opposed to changing it in the middle

Time: 8584.859

because there's just too much of a uh of

Time: 8587.439

an Impulse to also check social media

Time: 8590.319

check email check text messages I mean

Time: 8592.72

the way I think about the phone actually

Time: 8594.16

is it's a bunch of little brain areas

Time: 8597.399

it's got a memory system for you it's

Time: 8599.92

got look up tables for lookup tables

Time: 8602.14

it's got websites to look things up on

Time: 8603.7

the Internet it's got photos I mean it

Time: 8605.859

is so rich with sensory data and it's so

Time: 8608.38

closely linked to our own brain

Time: 8610.6

architecture the algorithms are designed

Time: 8612.64

for those to be that way that I always

Time: 8615.16

think about it as bringing in a second

Time: 8616.96

person with me but that person is my

Time: 8619.96

twin that um has severe attention issues

Time: 8623.859

and for those that already have

Time: 8625.6

attention issues just think about this

Time: 8627.04

as a twin that would then compound You

Time: 8629.02

by tapping on your shoulder talking to

Time: 8631.12

you all the time interrupting you uh

Time: 8633.34

somebody that you like a lot but that

Time: 8635.439

frankly is um is a little bit irritating

Time: 8637.72

in that they're they're interrupting

Time: 8639.22

your ability to really show up and also

Time: 8640.96

your ability to show up for them so I

Time: 8642.58

started to think about the phone as um

Time: 8645.1

an entire individual and that it

Time: 8647.859

represents me and and certainly not the

Time: 8650.319

better version of me great exactly you

Time: 8652.54

actually mentioned something else that

Time: 8654.22

will use uh occasionally which uh what

Time: 8656.2

we call Brain Games or puzzles

Time: 8658.6

whether this is a crossword puzzle or

Time: 8660.46

something where you actually lose

Time: 8663.16

your thought of self for a second and

Time: 8665.38

your brain gets engaged in a task that

Time: 8667.06

you weren't regretting or even thinking

Time: 8668.439

about these can be stupid little games

Time: 8670.56

uh it could be little challenges

Time: 8672.76

especially if you're in like a group or

Time: 8674.08

a team setting all right like we're

Time: 8675.7

gonna play one round of dodgeball or

Time: 8678.16

we're gonna play one round of of Thumb

Time: 8679.6

Wars so you do encourage this yeah I see

Time: 8682.54

so you would play like a thing instead

Time: 8683.92

of warming up like all right get in

Time: 8685.06

everyone get going we're gonna you know

Time: 8686.319

get your foam roller your diamond

Time: 8687.64

whatever thing this is like all right

Time: 8688.899

everyone line up and we're gonna play

Time: 8690.04

Thumb Wars to see who wins right just

Time: 8692.439

like whatever right all of a sudden

Time: 8693.52

you've snapped into a new mental shift

Time: 8696.399

um or literally playing brain games

Time: 8698.56

playing Tetris on your phone like any of

Time: 8700.72

these things

Time: 8702.1

um can work in this acute setting can I

Time: 8704.979

ask you a question it's not directly

Time: 8706.06

related to recovery uh per se but I

Time: 8709.72

think it's worth mentioning

Time: 8711.52

um or asking about rather which is the

Time: 8713.74

use of mirrors or no mirrors while

Time: 8715.54


Time: 8716.74

um you know the experience of seeing

Time: 8718.359

oneself and observing one's form in the

Time: 8720.7

mirror I suppose has some utility you

Time: 8722.56

can get some sense of progress that you

Time: 8724.78

might trigger

Time: 8726.76

um you're almost specifically referring

Time: 8729.46

to resistance training I suppose it

Time: 8731.38

could be cardio if you're running on a

Time: 8732.64

treadmill or pushing a sled or something

Time: 8733.96

but um you can see form

Time: 8737.2

um you can get a sense of um what your

Time: 8739.66

face looks like when you Grimace uh but

Time: 8741.52

in all seriousness

Time: 8743.08

um you are without question

Time: 8746.38

a person not you Andy but

Time: 8748.96

um one is in a less

Time: 8751.5

interoceptive mode when looking at

Time: 8754.18

themselves in the mirror so extra

Time: 8755.38

reception perception of things beyond

Time: 8757.3

the confines of our skin even if it's a

Time: 8758.92

picture of us interception perception of

Time: 8761.859

everything from the skin inward

Time: 8764.439

um and so if we're looking at ourselves

Time: 8765.819

we're diverting some allocation of our

Time: 8768.52

attention let's say there's a hundred

Time: 8770.74

these are arbitrary units and you can I

Time: 8773.5

think put 50 of your attention on the

Time: 8775.3

feeling in your body or the muscles

Time: 8776.68

you're training and 50 on how it appears

Time: 8779.859

in the mirror or it could be 100 on the

Time: 8782.14

mirror 100 internally which you best

Time: 8784.12

accomplish probably by closing your eyes

Time: 8785.74

so obviously there are constraints here

Time: 8787.72

certain movements you wouldn't want to

Time: 8788.979

close your eyes Etc in general

Time: 8791.74

what are your thoughts on mirrors or no

Time: 8793.96

mirrors for resistance training

Time: 8796.12

specifically it depends on the metric

Time: 8797.68

that you find most important and what I

Time: 8799.78

mean by this is if you're training for

Time: 8800.859

say muscle hypertrophy there's emerging

Time: 8803.56

evidence that suggests uh actually

Time: 8805.66

looking at yourself in the mirror and

Time: 8807.16

even flexing in between sets can

Time: 8810.22

actually be advantageous or it can

Time: 8811.66

augment muscle gains oh my there's uh

Time: 8815.38

support for all the the uh mirror

Time: 8818.08

flexors absolutely not not making fun of

Time: 8820.96

you I just uh it is sort of interesting

Time: 8823.3

to be on the observing side of that but

Time: 8825.88

Hey listen results are what people are

Time: 8827.62

after yeah having said that if you're

Time: 8829.479

trying to enhance movement learning then

Time: 8833.38

it may be detrimental so if you're doing

Time: 8835.479

an exercise that is explosive and fast

Time: 8837.46

it's probably not the best thing to be

Time: 8839.2

looking into a mirror if you were to

Time: 8840.939

walk into any Olympic weightlifting

Time: 8842.58

Arena and you had any thoughts of using

Time: 8846.04

a mirror you would probably run out of

Time: 8847.359

the gym very very quickly you can't see

Time: 8850.3

yourself in time to make an adjustment

Time: 8852.46

with the movement that's happening that

Time: 8853.72

fast and also we'll do exactly what you

Time: 8855.88

mentioned which is it will remove your

Time: 8857.859


Time: 8858.84

to understand and feel the movement and

Time: 8862.24

so this is a big component to using

Time: 8864.399

technology for exercise at all is you

Time: 8867.939

have to make sure that the end point

Time: 8870.28

is you understanding you and your

Time: 8872.5

physiology more not less

Time: 8875.319

when you Outsource learning to

Time: 8877.479

technology in this case even if the

Time: 8879.1

technology is the mirror

Time: 8881.439

you remove your ability to gain and

Time: 8884.14

truly understand that learning process

Time: 8887.38

so you need to be very very careful

Time: 8889.24

whether you're using a mirror or whether

Time: 8891.04

you're using any number of apps where

Time: 8892.72

you can record say a movement and then

Time: 8895.3

watch it afterwards and it will give you

Time: 8896.859

a breakdown if your hand was in the

Time: 8898.84

right spot or if it was in the right

Time: 8900.16

spot these are all great

Time: 8901.78

but you need to then take the next step

Time: 8903.58

which is to say I need to be able to

Time: 8905.74

feel that position

Time: 8907.6

all right so in the case of performance

Time: 8909.16

if you can imagine trying to learn a new

Time: 8911.439

technique say running technique and you

Time: 8913.359

have to be able to watch yourself in the

Time: 8914.74

mirror to understand your stride in the

Time: 8916.78

right position if you don't take the

Time: 8918.7

next step of saying okay now I don't

Time: 8920.56

have to look in the mirror and I can

Time: 8921.76

feel when I'm getting out of rhythm or

Time: 8923.92

whatever the case is then you'll never

Time: 8925.479

be able to actually then use that in

Time: 8927.1

your race and so it's very very

Time: 8928.899

important that people again pay

Time: 8929.979

attention to what is the dependent

Time: 8931.3

variable that you're actually interested

Time: 8932.8

in doing if you're trying to get better

Time: 8934.42

at something the tech is okay as a

Time: 8936.399

starting place it just cannot be the

Time: 8938.56

finishing place thank you for those

Time: 8940.359

Reflections I'm curious as to what

Time: 8942.52

happens or what one should do if their

Time: 8944.74

HRV is reduced for maybe three or four

Time: 8948.34

or more days in a row absolutely the

Time: 8950.979

next question that I'm going to ask is

Time: 8953.26

in am I in that adaptation phase if so

Time: 8956.02

I'm gonna still ignore it just like I

Time: 8958.3

did if it was a single bad day

Time: 8960.28

but I'm gonna start watching it very

Time: 8961.84

carefully I may actually now introduce

Time: 8965.08

some other tests so I may use a

Time: 8967.72

performance test uh we may look at

Time: 8970.359

something else maybe ask questions maybe

Time: 8972.04

have some communication either with

Time: 8973.6

myself or somebody else so I'm going to

Time: 8975.52

start paying more attention but I'm

Time: 8976.72

still really not going to take much

Time: 8978.22

action until that crosses more than

Time: 8980.62

seven days of consistent problems if it

Time: 8984.64

does do that or we're in a peaking phase

Time: 8987.52

then I'm going to go to another set of

Time: 8989.439

solutions that are truly going to pull

Time: 8991.72

me out of the hole rather than just be

Time: 8994

those acute State shifters these are

Time: 8996.16

more what I call chronic stage shifters

Time: 8998.2

now some of these are actually very

Time: 8999.76

similar to the ones we've used before

Time: 9001.399

for example

Time: 9004.56

thermal stress so

Time: 9006.96

I can promise you if your recovery score

Time: 9009.78

is in the tanks

Time: 9011.28

and you walk outside and you jump in

Time: 9013.68

your 35 degree water and you get back

Time: 9016.02

out what's going to happen is your HRV

Time: 9017.76

score immediately afterwards I'm talking

Time: 9019.62

within seconds is going to be

Time: 9021.78

significantly compromised

Time: 9023.7

right in other words think about that

Time: 9024.84

remember a low HRV means High

Time: 9026.76

sympathetic I promise you cold water

Time: 9029.1

will put you in a high sympathetic Drive

Time: 9030.96

however and we've tested this pretty

Time: 9033.359

extensively looking at HRV zero

Time: 9037.74

15 30 60 90 all the way up to 180

Time: 9042.42

minutes post and on average you will see

Time: 9045.12

your HRV score continue to rise after

Time: 9048.12

that and so well you'll have this

Time: 9050.04

immediate sympathetic response

Time: 9052.8

you will immediately then respond you

Time: 9055.08

know about 30 minutes on most people

Time: 9056.899

depends on the person though and that

Time: 9059.34

score will be improved for several hours

Time: 9061.58

afterwards so heat can kind of have a

Time: 9064.859

similar effect

Time: 9066.08

that actually again isn't is sort of an

Time: 9069.479

acute fix but over time as we've

Time: 9072.359

described earlier I can also have a

Time: 9074.1

little bit of a chronic effect

Time: 9075.56

we can also then get into areas like

Time: 9077.88

sleep and so now we're going to start

Time: 9079.859

playing and exploring why are you

Time: 9082.68

sleeping poor as well or was your sleep

Time: 9085.02

score fine but your HRV was low that's a

Time: 9088.14

little bit of a different answer if your

Time: 9089.58

sleep is getting compromised then we're

Time: 9090.96

going to start going into and making

Time: 9092.04

sure we're improving our sleep in terms

Time: 9095.819

of like brain stuff

Time: 9098.16

instead of maybe playing a game or

Time: 9100.26

having music or some of these other

Time: 9101.88

tricks those aren't going to really have

Time: 9103.14

a chronic effect but you can do things

Time: 9105.24

like work on social connection that's

Time: 9108

actually been shown to improve uh

Time: 9110.1

recovery over time you can do things

Time: 9112.08

like journaling or meditation and those

Time: 9114.78

have an acute effect as well as a

Time: 9117.06

chronic effect so again if you go

Time: 9119.34

Journal right now you probably feel

Time: 9120.899

better but also we know that over time

Time: 9123

that will gradually improve things so

Time: 9126.479

um adaptogens and things like that also

Time: 9128.819

can have a chronic effect so can things

Time: 9131.16

like electrolytes or food or hydration

Time: 9133.08

if those things were were off so we're

Time: 9135.78

going to go to a whole number of areas

Time: 9138.42

but those are the primary ones

Time: 9140.06

outstanding of all that of course it may

Time: 9143.04

be simply a time to go back and reassess

Time: 9144.84

our training program and that's truly

Time: 9147.12

the case so that's where we're at if so

Time: 9149.7

we're probably going to either

Time: 9150.899

completely remove training

Time: 9153.84

or drop it to like 50 or so uh until we

Time: 9158.399

start rebounding back to Baseline and

Time: 9160.859

that's generally the numbers we use

Time: 9164.16

for many people who are not training for

Time: 9166.439

a competitive sport

Time: 9168.84

and maybe aren't pushing themselves

Time: 9170.52

really hard you know maybe uh

Time: 9173.22

they're they consider themselves

Time: 9175.26

somebody who exercises in order to

Time: 9177.72

maintain Health um and Aesthetics and

Time: 9179.899

Longevity Etc uh

Time: 9183.06

and they never really finish any workout

Time: 9185.899

completely exhausted

Time: 9188.939

they're sleeping okay their appetite's

Time: 9191.28


Time: 9192.24

can we assume that they are recovering

Time: 9194.22


Time: 9196.14

um or maybe they're not creating enough

Time: 9199.02

of a

Time: 9200.34

adaptation response like there's no

Time: 9202.319

Progressive overreaching and so there's

Time: 9204.899

really no stimulus for Recovery what I'm

Time: 9207.359

saying here is on the on the face of it

Time: 9210.359

I think is obvious right if you don't

Time: 9211.68

train hard there's nothing to recover

Time: 9213.12


Time: 9214.02

what I'm really saying is

Time: 9216

is the ability to recover itself

Time: 9218.399

something that we need to train in other

Time: 9220.74

words can we get better at recovering

Time: 9223.08

and the uh analogy here would be

Time: 9225.66

something like focus in order to perform

Time: 9229.319

work of any kind but certainly mental

Time: 9231.479


Time: 9232.5

and physical work we need to be able to

Time: 9234.6


Time: 9235.56

the ability to focus is the reflection

Time: 9238.02

of a bunch of neural circuits and

Time: 9239.52

chemicals and hormones Etc but we know

Time: 9242.34

roughly what those are and we know that

Time: 9245.1

if you are poor at focusing for every

Time: 9247.979

small bit of time that you can focus a

Time: 9249.84

little bit longer even if it's a matter

Time: 9251.22

of seconds those circuits themselves get

Time: 9253.5

better at focusing

Time: 9255.12

and so on and so forth so in other words

Time: 9257.7

is the recovery system however broad

Time: 9259.56

neurotransmitter hormones neural

Time: 9261.54

muscular immune based Etc can that

Time: 9264.6

system or set of systems

Time: 9266.64

become better can we get better at

Time: 9269.16

recovering meaning can it become faster

Time: 9271.26

and uh more effective can we think of

Time: 9275.399

the recovery system as kind of a blade

Time: 9277.08

that gets sharper by engaging recovery

Time: 9279.3

because if so then there's strong reason

Time: 9282.42

for people who are not pushing really

Time: 9284.64

hard to push at least a little bit

Time: 9286.859

harder than is comfortable for them

Time: 9288.24

every once in a while to make sure that

Time: 9289.92

that system doesn't start to slide back

Time: 9292.02

remember physiology is listening to

Time: 9294.54

everything you do and it is always

Time: 9296.819

responding so the analogy that I will

Time: 9300.479

meet your analogy with that I use here

Time: 9302.76

is the bowling alley so you've probably

Time: 9304.68

been bowling before and you've used the

Time: 9306.6

bumper Lanes right

Time: 9307.979

the bumper Lanes I've gone bowling

Time: 9309.84

before and I've spent time in the gutter

Time: 9312.18

and I've spent time on the pins okay

Time: 9314.58

um so it's been a while we used to have

Time: 9316.08

a bowling alley in the town where I went

Time: 9317.34

to and um it was fun we used to slide

Time: 9319.14

around on those shoes and like it all

Time: 9320.76

the kids would hang out there and I feel

Time: 9322.56

like do they still have bowling alleys I

Time: 9324.359

don't even know it feels like something

Time: 9325.979

that may have gone the way of the the

Time: 9328.38

mid-2000s I don't care if no one bills

Time: 9330.96

anymore you're not going to ruin my good

Time: 9332.22

analogy okay what my intent wasn't to

Time: 9334.439

ruin your analogy um okay tell us about

Time: 9336.66

bowling all the bowlers are going to

Time: 9338.34

come after me with with um bowling balls

Time: 9340.38

or something right you're gonna get

Time: 9341.34

blasted with all the stats on elevations

Time: 9344.66

cool so in if would one were to go

Time: 9347.58

bowling and they didn't want to put

Time: 9348.78

their ball in the gutter yeah you could

Time: 9350.58

put these little bumpers in those Lanes

Time: 9352.439

all right and these little foam pads

Time: 9353.939

that go in the gutter that if your ball

Time: 9355.2

is going towards the gutter it hits

Time: 9356.34

those and bounces off and goes back in

Time: 9357.899

the lane right okay so in this entire

Time: 9360.54

conversation and this is actually true

Time: 9362.34

of a lot of the way people approach

Time: 9364.5

their fitness and health

Time: 9366.359

people are very concerned oftentimes

Time: 9369.02

with optimizing meaning I want to make

Time: 9372.479

sure I don't go in the gutter I don't

Time: 9374.52

want to hit the walls so therefore I'm

Time: 9376.319

going to try to improve the accuracy

Time: 9379.439

in which I throw the ball so I want to

Time: 9381.3

make sure that I'm throwing it down the

Time: 9382.439

center of the lane more often and I want

Time: 9384.66

to get my disc my standard deviation

Time: 9387.54

Tighter and Tighter so that I don't get

Time: 9389.7

anywhere close to hitting the wall

Time: 9392.399

however what they're not realizing is

Time: 9394.92

if you do that the body will start

Time: 9397.38

shrinking the size of the lane because

Time: 9399.96

what it basically says is huh we haven't

Time: 9402.18

had a ball touch Us in years we don't

Time: 9404.34

need to be this wide let's get smaller

Time: 9406.68

and smaller and smaller so it's not that

Time: 9409.38

you actually

Time: 9410.42

are having a reduced

Time: 9413.88

ability to recover but you start

Time: 9415.62

becoming incredibly sensitive to that

Time: 9419.58

so your two strategies for enhancing

Time: 9421.92

recovery are to practice getting closer

Time: 9424.08

of throwing that ball down the middle

Time: 9425.7

lane or to widen

Time: 9428.399

to widen the alley and that's exactly

Time: 9431.1

what you're referring to and you

Time: 9432.54

absolutely should do that and so what

Time: 9434.7

happens is you don't have to be so

Time: 9436.08

precise with what you're doing because

Time: 9438

your ability to handle so many things is

Time: 9440.1

widened so if you're off now by four or

Time: 9442.38

five inches to the right no problem

Time: 9444.42

because you've just tripled the size of

Time: 9446.58

your alley that's exactly what you want

Time: 9448.319

to do so paying attention to two things

Time: 9450.54

number one is getting better at accuracy

Time: 9453.96

maybe staying really tight with your

Time: 9456


Time: 9457.04

using nutrition and sleep to optimize

Time: 9459.899

your recovery and

Time: 9461.88

push your resilience is what we call

Time: 9464.04

this in fact there's actually a

Time: 9465.12

biological way to measure resilience we

Time: 9466.68

do that in all of our folks this is

Time: 9469.08

scientifically validated stuff

Time: 9470.88

I didn't just make it up you can

Time: 9472.08

actually measure resilience and there's

Time: 9473.1

more and more coming out on this but

Time: 9474.479

that's exactly what that term meant so

Time: 9476.28

how well can you handle and bang things

Time: 9478.08

off the stressful so when you see a

Time: 9480.359

reduction in say 10 of your HRV

Time: 9484.08

today for you that might make you feel

Time: 9487.02

terrible for me

Time: 9488.939

I might not feel anything because I'm

Time: 9491.399

well adapted to large fluctuations and

Time: 9494.04

therefore I'm okay the less and less you

Time: 9495.96

do that the more and more responsive you

Time: 9498.359

will be to those slight deviations so

Time: 9501.359

that is exactly the target that's kind

Time: 9503.1

of what I allude to and I say you got to

Time: 9504.54

understand what are we optimizing for

Time: 9506.64

we optimizing for making sure I don't

Time: 9509.04

feel any different today are we

Time: 9510.6

optimizing to make sure when I do feel

Time: 9512.22

different I still am able to perform so

Time: 9515.1

this is why you want to do things like

Time: 9517.5

maybe use some caffeine today

Time: 9519.6

and feel great but if I have to use it

Time: 9521.7

every day all I'm doing is shrinking my

Time: 9523.74

sensitivity there so now if I have to go

Time: 9525.96

a day without it

Time: 9527.76

I can't train at all right caffeine is

Time: 9530.22

the easy example because people

Time: 9531.18

understand how that whole system works

Time: 9533.22

but this is really true of everything

Time: 9534.479

else so yeah you need to practice this

Time: 9537.359

and the way to do that is to give

Time: 9539.28

yourself more stress

Time: 9541.14

to continue to bring in the stress from

Time: 9543.42

nutrition from training from breath work

Time: 9546.3

you mentioned earlier about Focus

Time: 9549.42

the exact same thing right it's not just

Time: 9551.1

about getting better right now it's

Time: 9552.54

about training a system and you can

Time: 9554.88

clearly train that right

Time: 9556.439

um we will often say breath work is a

Time: 9559.14


Time: 9560.28

that's exactly what we're talking about

Time: 9561.78

right so you're practicing getting

Time: 9563.64

better at these things you're practicing

Time: 9565.319

returning your focus you're practicing

Time: 9567.979

recovering and quite literally

Time: 9570.06

physiologically you can up regulate

Time: 9572.12

whether we're talking enzymes whether

Time: 9574.38

we're talking about Regulators these

Time: 9575.939

will be up regulated so then the next

Time: 9577.74

time that insult comes in it's not as

Time: 9580.08

big as it's not as damaging so yeah

Time: 9582.18

absolutely you can and you should strive

Time: 9584.1

for that

Time: 9585.06

throughout all the episodes where we've

Time: 9586.68

been talking about exercise

Time: 9588.6

at the core of that is this word

Time: 9590.819

adaptations and I love that you

Time: 9593.64

mentioned that breath work

Time: 9595.979

can also create adaptations the way I'm

Time: 9599.399

visualizing all of this now is that

Time: 9603.96

resistance training with weights

Time: 9606.359

machines body weight otherwise

Time: 9609.84

cardiovascular training running jogging

Time: 9612.479

sprinting jumping and so on

Time: 9614.58

thermal training exposure to heat

Time: 9616.38

exposure to cold in a dedicated way and

Time: 9619.64

deliberate respiration AKA breathing or

Time: 9623.22

breath work as a practice all of those

Time: 9627

can be viewed as ways to trigger

Time: 9629.28


Time: 9630.42

and in the context of recovery the

Time: 9632.46

specific adaptations you're trying to

Time: 9634.2

engage are opposite to stress in fact

Time: 9637.5

with the exception of

Time: 9639.06


Time: 9640.68

deliberate cold exposure

Time: 9643.02

maybe you deliberate heat exposure

Time: 9644.399

because if the sauna is really hot you

Time: 9646.02

can get the dinorphine release which is

Time: 9647.52

kind of uncomfortable

Time: 9648.96

but still in both those cases the

Time: 9651.54

rebound from that in other words when

Time: 9653.34

you get out you shower you go to bed the

Time: 9655.02

next morning you do have this kind of

Time: 9656.46

blissed out feeling we know why that is

Time: 9658.68

that is the rebound to that

Time: 9661.5

uncomfortable situation

Time: 9663.72

so it seems it doesn't really matter

Time: 9665.22

whether or not you're using resistance

Time: 9667.14

you're doing cardiovascular training

Time: 9668.7

using thermal approaches or you're using

Time: 9671.939

respiration based approaches

Time: 9674.16

all of these are really ways of both

Time: 9676.14

triggering adaptations and if applied

Time: 9679.26

properly to actually help you recover

Time: 9682.38

from the stress and create the

Time: 9687.18

the literal result that you're that

Time: 9688.92

you're trying to achieve for some people

Time: 9690.479

that might have been obvious but I think

Time: 9691.859

for many people including myself

Time: 9693.84

this set of conversations that we've

Time: 9695.7

been having over the series

Time: 9697.5

these episodes It's really the first

Time: 9699.42

time that I've ever thought about

Time: 9700.5

exercise in these ways in any event it's

Time: 9703.979

just a reflection but it's one that at

Time: 9705.359

least for me

Time: 9706.38

um is tremendously useful because it has

Time: 9708.24

a lot of um organizational logic to it

Time: 9710.7

uh which at least appeals to to my brain

Time: 9713.28

because the more that things have a

Time: 9714.42

logic the more for me that they become

Time: 9715.8

simplified and the more that the vast

Time: 9718.5

array of tools

Time: 9720.18

uh becomes uh becomes visible to me as

Time: 9723.12

you said earlier what is it let me make

Time: 9724.74

sure I get this right it's um concepts

Time: 9726.84

are a few methods or many pretty close

Time: 9728.7

Okay how would you remind us how you

Time: 9731.1

state it methods are many Concepts a few

Time: 9733.02

ah okay either way the directionality

Time: 9735.12

probably it doesn't matter no let's keep

Time: 9737.04

it right the the methods are many uh

Time: 9738.96

concepts are few

Time: 9740.52

um galpin's law i i in science you're

Time: 9743.76

not allowed to name things after

Time: 9744.66


Time: 9745.74

um but you can name uh things after

Time: 9748.14

other people so uh it's a galpin's law

Time: 9750.479

because I'm definitely the one who

Time: 9751.92

created that idea right absolutely that

Time: 9754.68

was extreme and tremendous sarcasm to

Time: 9756.84

sword Ultra right regardless uh here we

Time: 9758.939

go galpin's law there you go one thing

Time: 9761.88

that's in my head right now is

Time: 9764.7

we've thrown out a lot of options for

Time: 9767.16

folks and maybe what we can do is try to

Time: 9769.439

simplify a little bit so what I can kind

Time: 9771.78

of walk you through is how we

Time: 9774

measure recovery if you will and how

Time: 9776.88

often and some tools and what I would

Time: 9778.859

recommend people do is not use

Time: 9781.979

everything I said

Time: 9783.479

you want to pick one or two things per

Time: 9785.939

category that are most important to you

Time: 9788.16

that are at your cost that are at your

Time: 9790.92

availability that are interesting and

Time: 9793.38

important relevant to you

Time: 9795.12

and do that the reason I kind of wanted

Time: 9797.46

to cover a a large number of things was

Time: 9799.38

to give them evokes options but again

Time: 9801.6

I want to emphasize the point is to not

Time: 9804.06

measure all of them in fact you don't

Time: 9805.319

need to we um I've ran this before with

Time: 9808.5

professional athletes where we've taken

Time: 9810.42

blood urine every single day we've done

Time: 9813.42

performance measures uh vertical jumps

Time: 9815.52

on a force plate a whole bunch of things

Time: 9817.8

every day for years on end and what I

Time: 9820.14

can tell you is there's tremendous

Time: 9822.12

redundancy in physiology all right

Time: 9824.22

Everything is Everything so you don't

Time: 9825.72

need to do them and don't feel like

Time: 9827.16

you're missing out if you aren't doing

Time: 9828.78

them one or two metrics is probably fine

Time: 9831.359

I generally recommend one subjective

Time: 9833.76

measure this could be as simple as

Time: 9836.58

what's your mood

Time: 9837.899

how do you feel today

Time: 9839.58

great and one objective measure

Time: 9843.24


Time: 9844.62

a resting heart rate anything else right

Time: 9847.439

so if you even literally just did that

Time: 9849.72

you'd probably have pretty good insight

Time: 9852.3

as to what you're doing so

Time: 9854.58

maybe in fact I'll go more detail here

Time: 9857.1

um maybe I'll give you a couple of

Time: 9858.12

examples of things to measure every day

Time: 9860.64

some things that you should measure

Time: 9862.38

maybe quarterly monthly and then maybe

Time: 9864.899

even some annually and then you can

Time: 9866.76

maybe just pick a couple from each of

Time: 9868.56

these categories and have yourself a

Time: 9869.76

pretty good monitoring system for what

Time: 9872.16

to do and I'll include some that are a

Time: 9874.74

little bit of Technology based and then

Time: 9876.06

others that are totally cost free and

Time: 9877.68

require nothing

Time: 9878.88

okay to start off I would recommend

Time: 9880.56

taking something like HRV every day or

Time: 9883.92

or most days if you don't have a device

Time: 9886.8

like that you could also use honestly

Time: 9889.14

the CO2 tolerance test and we've talked

Time: 9891.359

about that a number of times and we

Time: 9893.22

probably have plenty of resources to go

Time: 9894.42

find that but that doesn't require

Time: 9895.979

anything it typically takes about a

Time: 9897.6

minute or so and you can do that under

Time: 9899.52

the same circumstances in which HRV in

Time: 9901.5

other words do at the same time every

Time: 9903.54

day have the same standardization stuff

Time: 9905.399

and that is actually been in our

Time: 9907.26

coaching experience

Time: 9908.76

um while admittedly there's no

Time: 9910.74

peer-reviewed research on this yet just

Time: 9913.74

in our experience this tends to track

Time: 9915.3

extremely closely with HRV and other

Time: 9918.12

metrics of recovery

Time: 9919.8

in fact we actually did do a a pilot

Time: 9922.979

trial in my lab and it attracted

Time: 9924.899

decently well with both state and trade

Time: 9926.88


Time: 9927.78

so it's a nice metric I'm not perfect

Time: 9930.42

but you you could take that so if you

Time: 9932.58

wanted you could do both but again

Time: 9934.439

remember you're trying to capture

Time: 9936.5

systemic stress and so you're really

Time: 9939.06

just showing you're measuring one thing

Time: 9941.22

two ways so you don't necessarily have

Time: 9943.319

to have them both I will do both just

Time: 9945.78


Time: 9946.859

I'm super interested in small

Time: 9948.06

differences but globally they're going

Time: 9950.399

to tell you basically the same thing so

Time: 9952.62

those are two things where we use again

Time: 9954.18

basically daily year round or or close

Time: 9956.939

to it if you want to go past that a

Time: 9959.28

little bit

Time: 9960.84

um you can look at you can use an actual

Time: 9962.399

a a pretty old commonly used survey

Time: 9966.42

called a dalda

Time: 9968

d-a-l-d-a I forget the exact acronym but

Time: 9971.28

it is a fairly lengthy questionnaire and

Time: 9973.859

it accounts for things like how do you

Time: 9975.359

feel today how did you sleep

Time: 9978

um any stressors going on in your life

Time: 9979.56

how you've been eating and this is like

Time: 9981.899

fairly comprehensive lengthy survey that

Time: 9985.8

came out I mean Jesus it's probably been

Time: 9987

around for 30 years or something is it's

Time: 9988.859

nothing new and been used extensively I

Time: 9991.74

you would not want to do that every day

Time: 9993.12

if you wanted to take some subjective

Time: 9995.64

measures every day we typically stick

Time: 9997.14

with like I said mood motivation

Time: 10000.2

something like that you would you could

Time: 10003.02

perform this to all the test though

Time: 10004.16

something more like monthly or at the

Time: 10006.02

end of each training phase you know

Time: 10007.819

every couple of months and probably

Time: 10009.38

worth looking at it's not going to tell

Time: 10011.359

you if you're in a bad spot today or

Time: 10013.28

tomorrow but you would pick that up with

Time: 10014.84

the HRV or suit autonomous test it would

Time: 10017.06

though tell you information especially

Time: 10018.92

if you're working with another

Time: 10019.7


Time: 10020.84

about major life changes and if anything

Time: 10023.42

it just facilitates that conversation

Time: 10025.22

right I noticed you reported X happening

Time: 10029.66

um let's let's talk about that and can I

Time: 10031.58

help et cetera

Time: 10032.78

so another kind of sneaky helpful one is

Time: 10035.66

is simply body fat like I said

Time: 10038

um non-functional overreaching and over

Time: 10039.8

training are associated with the number

Time: 10041.24

of things like energy appetite

Time: 10044.54

suppression changes and and body weight

Time: 10047.84

or body composition so you can measure

Time: 10049.46

that monthly or even really quarterly uh

Time: 10052.939

depending on what kind of athlete or

Time: 10054.38

individual you're working at or if

Time: 10055.7

you're trying to especially if you're

Time: 10056.84

not trying to lose weight or if you're

Time: 10058.1

trying to be at maintenance and that'll

Time: 10059.24

give you some insights as well so moving

Time: 10061.34

past that now actually we're going to

Time: 10062.72

move into the realm of things that we

Time: 10064.76

call Hidden stressors so those are all

Time: 10066.5

visible stressors

Time: 10067.819

um so hidden stressors the most common

Time: 10069.859

ones we've sort of mentioned and I would

Time: 10071.899

probably do this

Time: 10073.52

um well you're gonna have to do these

Time: 10074.54

ones through serum so this is blood work

Time: 10077.24

cortisol like we talked about and

Time: 10079.1

testosterone and then of course

Time: 10080.78

testosterone a cortisone ratio and then

Time: 10082.88

the other ones I mentioned you can do

Time: 10084.859

those quarterly it's not bad there are

Time: 10087.68

some blood markers that there's really

Time: 10089.479

no sense to do them that soon and there

Time: 10091.939

are other markers I mean in our system

Time: 10093.439

our individuals are getting pretty

Time: 10095.6

extensive blood work saliva work urine

Time: 10098

and stool and so there's plenty of those

Time: 10100.1

things you just do not need to measure

Time: 10101.54

you know every 10 weeks or so in this

Time: 10105.02


Time: 10105.979

you know cortisol as you know sort of

Time: 10108.02

changes rapidly

Time: 10109.479

testosterone can change pretty quickly

Time: 10112.84

but if you're really trying to notice a

Time: 10115.399

large Trend you know certainly a

Time: 10117.319

quarterly or so is is an appropriate

Time: 10119.42

time frame I'm doing it every four or

Time: 10121.399

five weeks is probably unnecessary so

Time: 10122.96

you can save yourself some money and do

Time: 10124.76

that other stuff you can look at

Time: 10126.8

actually more like semi-annually in

Time: 10128.72

plasma like glutamine and glutamine to

Time: 10131.12

glutamate ratio and it can maybe save

Time: 10133.46

the why you want to look at those for

Time: 10135.26

another conversation but those are

Time: 10136.46


Time: 10137.96

um we always look at something from the

Time: 10139.22

oxidative stress

Time: 10140.72

thing so this could be something like

Time: 10142.16

tnf alpha or interleukin-6 something

Time: 10144.319

like that again we're looking at that in

Time: 10146.12

serum and we're looking at that you know

Time: 10147.68

like semi-annually and then another

Time: 10149.359

sneaky actually one um that I love to

Time: 10151.7

look at is uh the neutrophil lymphocyte

Time: 10154.46

ratio which will give you some pretty

Time: 10156.2

good insight and again you could look at

Time: 10157.46

that like fairly quarterly if that

Time: 10159.62

number starts to get really high

Time: 10161.06

certainly like more than nine to one you

Time: 10163.22

got a pretty good Insight that something

Time: 10164.96

gnarly is going on with your immune

Time: 10166.52

system so we will actually take action

Time: 10168.62

much lower than that number but that's

Time: 10171.14

like a nice cutoff you'll see it's like

Time: 10172.46

that's very very high number so those

Time: 10174.859

are some things you can use most folks

Time: 10177.14

have the ability hopefully to get some

Time: 10178.88

basic blood work done get a basic what's

Time: 10180.56

called a CBC and CMP

Time: 10182.96

um if you have a great physician and you

Time: 10184.64

can get insurance to cover that and you

Time: 10185.899

just go on and ask for a CBC and CMP

Time: 10188

they'll know what that means you can

Time: 10189.92

Google that and they'll order it and

Time: 10191.24

you'll get all the information typically

Time: 10192.8

that I just described or close enough

Time: 10194.54

and you'll get some insights and then

Time: 10196.46

again you can just use that free service

Time: 10198.62

I mentioned earlier to check to see

Time: 10200.06

whether or not the changes are just a

Time: 10203

matter of testing quality or actually

Time: 10205.1

physiologically relevant what you just

Time: 10207.319

described is an amazingly powerful array

Time: 10209.78

of tools

Time: 10210.979

I'm hoping that you can also mention a

Time: 10212.78

few tools that are either lower cost

Time: 10216.14

truly low cost or zero cost that while

Time: 10220.64

they may not have the accuracy or give

Time: 10224.66

the complete picture that some of the

Time: 10226.58

biomarkers and other tools that you

Time: 10227.96

mentioned do that they can still provide

Time: 10230.979

reasonably reliable metrics that people

Time: 10233.84

can use in order to assess their level

Time: 10235.88

of recovery absolutely the CO2 tolerance

Time: 10238.76

test would be the first one and you can

Time: 10241.76

just take that metric anytime you'd like

Time: 10243.92

the other ones we've talked about so far

Time: 10246.2

are things like your mood we haven't

Time: 10248.54

mentioned libido but that's another

Time: 10250.479

assessment that people also tend to have

Time: 10252.8

a pretty good grip on and they know what

Time: 10254.54

feels normal so when things go out of

Time: 10256.64

whack it tends to be a pretty good

Time: 10258.08

signal that people will recognize yeah

Time: 10260.24

and one note about that

Time: 10261.92

um something that came up in an episode

Time: 10263.6

on uh on hormones both for male and

Time: 10267.08

female Health that at some point it will

Time: 10270.02

Air which is that

Time: 10272.42

you know there's no objective measure

Time: 10275.18

for people in terms of libido across the

Time: 10277.88

board meaning people vary tremendously

Time: 10281.479

um age life circumstances

Time: 10284.479

um uh and on and on and so um this is

Time: 10287.54

one of those subjective measures that I

Time: 10289.52

think people need to

Time: 10291.2

uh have some sense of what their

Time: 10293.18

critical Baseline really is and I'm

Time: 10296.3

guessing that the time to assess that

Time: 10298.1

might best be when initiating or Midway

Time: 10302.66

through a relatively low intensity

Time: 10305.359

training phase

Time: 10307.64

um maybe during the time of year in

Time: 10309.439

which all the other factors

Time: 10312.26

um that can influence libido are not

Time: 10314.54

um at their maximum so if you think

Time: 10316.52

about you know light and dopamine and

Time: 10318.319

the relationship between those and the

Time: 10319.88

testosterone estrogen systems we know

Time: 10321.68

that libido uh testosterone estrogen men

Time: 10324.5

and women tends to peak in the summer

Time: 10326.479

months so if that's your Baseline that

Time: 10328.819

you're comparing to I don't know that

Time: 10330.8

that's as reliable as

Time: 10332.42

um thinking something like the the fall

Time: 10333.979

or the spring yeah um and so anyway this

Time: 10336.92

again is very subjective but would just

Time: 10338.899

encourage people to recognize that

Time: 10340.939

there's no standard numbers for this no

Time: 10343.279

lookup table and there's no equivalent

Time: 10345.38

of the libido BMI the LMI um no

Time: 10348.02

disrespect to the the acronym that

Time: 10349.58

probably is LMI um so I think that

Time: 10353.359

it's just something to keep in mind as

Time: 10355.58


Time: 10356.6

um do comparisons or subjective

Time: 10358.88

comparisons is

Time: 10360.56

don't pick a comparison to an extreme

Time: 10363.02

try and pick a comparison to a average

Time: 10365.779

as you know it to be that actually sort

Time: 10368.6

of reminded me one issue that we have

Time: 10369.979

seen a lot lately is people

Time: 10372.62

if they're having libido issues or just

Time: 10374.779

even slightly noticing a drop they just

Time: 10377.779

assume that then therefore means their

Time: 10379.34

testosterone is crashing and those

Time: 10381.979

things are certainly connected but that

Time: 10383.84

is not necessarily the case and where

Time: 10385.1

that becomes a problem is then people

Time: 10386.359

then go on things like trt Etc with no

Time: 10391.399

true oversight and then all kinds of

Time: 10393.38

other problems so make sure that if

Time: 10395.24

you're going to take that step that you

Time: 10396.439

actually get testosterone measured and

Time: 10397.88

you're working with a qualified person

Time: 10399.14

to guide you through that process don't

Time: 10400.76

just assume because you're having low

Time: 10402.62

energy or your libido is a little bit

Time: 10404.6

down it could be simply training related

Time: 10406.52

it could be sleep related could be any

Time: 10408.319

number of things

Time: 10409.88

um so that's like a little bit of a word

Time: 10411.68

of caution there two quick points along

Time: 10413.24

the lines of what you just said one

Time: 10415.399

interesting thing that I learned when

Time: 10417.2

researching our episode on testosterone

Time: 10419.42

and estrogen optimization this was an

Time: 10421.64

episode that we've done some time ago

Time: 10423.02

but is still available in our

Time: 10424.46

hubertlab.com all formats Etc

Time: 10426.8

is that many people actually increase

Time: 10430.04

their libido and even their levels of

Time: 10432.2

testosterone and estrogen as they

Time: 10434.66

progress from their 20s into their 40s

Time: 10436.399


Time: 10437.6

they take excellent care of themselves

Time: 10439.54

including the correct exercise

Time: 10441.319

adaptations correct body fat to lean

Time: 10444.14

lean muscle uh ratios but of course they

Time: 10448.1

can go the other way too A lot of people

Time: 10449.72

can be training to achieve such low body

Time: 10452.24

fat stores that libido can suffer so it

Time: 10454.16

you know the age depend age-related

Time: 10456.92

declines in libido are not necessarily

Time: 10459.979

written into the script of life in fact

Time: 10462.14

there are some data points from a really

Time: 10463.46

interesting paper I talk about in that

Time: 10465.319

episode of uh individuals this was a

Time: 10468.38

study focused on males in their 80s and

Time: 10470.479

90s who maintained total and free

Time: 10472.7

testosterone as high as

Time: 10475

individuals in their 20s but then when

Time: 10477.68

you look at the lifestyle factors of

Time: 10479.359

those people in their 80s and 90s they

Time: 10480.979

were doing a lot to create that that

Time: 10482.899

scenario the second point is one related

Time: 10485.66

to what you just said

Time: 10486.979

um which is very true which is people

Time: 10488.54

generally tend to assume that a drop in

Time: 10491.12

libido is related to a drop in

Time: 10492.859


Time: 10494.42

um and then assume that they need to

Time: 10496.399

increase their testosterone and in some

Time: 10498.26

cases that is true absolutely but it's

Time: 10500.779

also often the case that people who take

Time: 10503.6

estrogen or aromatase blockers that is

Time: 10506.6

enzyme Inhibitors that prevent the

Time: 10509.18

conversion of testosterone to estrogen

Time: 10510.92

experience severe deficits in libido

Time: 10513.26

because of estrogen totally low so

Time: 10515.66

estrogen blockers are as much an issue

Time: 10517.399

here as um low testosterone then the

Time: 10519.68

final point is also one that many people

Time: 10522.319

now men and women are um I think need to

Time: 10525.62

be aware of which is that

Time: 10526.899

dihydrotestosterone DHT is among the

Time: 10530.12

more powerful androgens for

Time: 10532.3

power output physical power output but

Time: 10535.22

also for libido and DHT is strongly

Time: 10538.52

inhibited by certain things like

Time: 10540.5

turmeric so a lot of people who are

Time: 10542.54

taking high doses of turmeric uh can

Time: 10545.6

experience drops in libido so there and

Time: 10548.72

who are taking

Time: 10550.16

um various compounds to prevent hair

Time: 10552.92

loss things like finasteride so there's

Time: 10555.68

a whole catalog of things that can

Time: 10557.6

reduce libido that are not directly in

Time: 10561.14

the testosterone pathway it can be DHC

Time: 10563.24

related estrogen related and this I

Time: 10565.04

think points to the importance of yes

Time: 10566.6

take a subjective measure of your libido

Time: 10569.3

pay attention essentially be aware don't

Time: 10571.399

you know don't obsess but be but be

Time: 10573.02

aware and try and figure out what

Time: 10574.1


Time: 10575.3

um are involved for you but don't

Time: 10578

immediately assume that it what's needed

Time: 10580.64

is more testosterone and oftentimes um

Time: 10582.74

the opposite is the case yeah yeah try

Time: 10585.08

to put on a lot of muscle with no

Time: 10586.52


Time: 10587.779

good luck right and indeed a lot of um

Time: 10590.72

athletes in particular uh you know

Time: 10592.399

competitive bodybuilders that have that

Time: 10593.779

you know Saran Wrap thin skin if you get

Time: 10596.42

to know some of those people when you

Time: 10597.62

talk to them they they can look like the

Time: 10600.68

sort of comic book archetype of what

Time: 10603.26

um someone might might want to be I mean

Time: 10605.84

that's not what this discussion or these

Time: 10607.52

episodes have been about but oftentimes

Time: 10609.319

they can have um serious libido issues I

Time: 10611.779

mentioned earlier and I will emphasize

Time: 10613.939

it once more you need to be very

Time: 10616.16

cautious when you're taking antioxidants

Time: 10619.84

anti-inflammatories cortisol reducers

Time: 10623.12

for all those reasons right I didn't

Time: 10625.279

really sort of get in examples but you

Time: 10626.84

just nailed another fantastic reason of

Time: 10628.88

it we do not give those things

Time: 10630.88

prophylactically I I strongly discourage

Time: 10634.22

people from just walking around taking

Time: 10636.68

supplementation of antioxidants

Time: 10639.04

especially powerful ones for no reason

Time: 10641.359

if you have done some testing and you

Time: 10644.66

have a good reason to do so I'm fine or

Time: 10646.399

if you're in a very specific take

Time: 10647.72

training phase or something like that

Time: 10649.46

cool but if you're just walking around

Time: 10652.04

doing that you are oftentimes not always

Time: 10654.2

but you're oftentimes causing problems

Time: 10656.66

that then you then try to solve by

Time: 10659.42

taking more of those

Time: 10661.54

anti-inflammatories I feel terrible low

Time: 10664.1

energy a little libido blah blah blah

Time: 10665.66

blah I'm too inflamed

Time: 10668.479

Etc so yeah antioxidants in the form of

Time: 10670.88


Time: 10671.899

are fantastic

Time: 10673.64

almost no issue there is a good evidence

Time: 10676.64

actually there

Time: 10677.779

so don't worry about man I shouldn't eat

Time: 10679.64

High antioxidant rich foods you're going

Time: 10682.46

to be fine what we're talking about here

Time: 10684.14

is Pharmaceuticals and supplementation

Time: 10686.479

where you can take orders of magnitude

Time: 10688.52

higher dosages very quickly than you

Time: 10690.56

could in the presence of food so that

Time: 10692.72

distinction is also very important

Time: 10694.42

antioxidant rich foods are generally

Time: 10696.8

fine and thus consumed in totally absurd

Time: 10699.62

concentrations supplementations powders

Time: 10702.74

creams drugs Etc is where you can get

Time: 10704.479

into problems so yeah you want to be

Time: 10705.74

very careful of doing that unless you

Time: 10706.939

have a reason we don't do that unless uh

Time: 10708.74

we see a reason to do so in someone's

Time: 10711.2

markers yeah and herbal compounds

Time: 10713.66

despite the fact that their herbal can

Time: 10715.279

be quite potent modulators of of

Time: 10717.26

hormones um ashwagandha being an example

Time: 10720.58

two herbal compounds that we've talked a

Time: 10723.02

lot about on our podcast before and and

Time: 10725.3

repeatedly including in that

Time: 10727.58

testosterone estrogen and optimization

Time: 10730.12

episode uh Tonga Ali and fedogi agrestis

Time: 10734.859

Tonga Ali is now taken by a large number

Time: 10738.2

of men and women

Time: 10740.359


Time: 10741.14

Tonga Ali and fedoja typically men I'm

Time: 10743.84

not sure that there are any good studies

Time: 10744.92

about the effects of fedocia in women

Time: 10747.319

those are herbal compounds that can have

Time: 10749.6

potent effects in increasing

Time: 10751.279

testosterone and luteinizing hormone do

Time: 10754.46

they work yeah they work to varying

Time: 10756.319

degrees in in most everybody not

Time: 10758.359

certainly not in everybody

Time: 10760.22

um but they do work but they they work

Time: 10762.08

because they're potent they have effects

Time: 10764.42

so the idea that herbal compounds are

Time: 10766.399

not powerful

Time: 10768.439

um is wrong and it's important to

Time: 10771.26

remember that that can cut both ways

Time: 10772.76

hence my mention of this uh observation

Time: 10775.58

related to turmeric which is not to say

Time: 10777.8

that some people can't take turmeric and

Time: 10779.66

feel perfectly fine maintain or even

Time: 10781.46

increase their libido that I sure that

Time: 10783.2

can happen it's just that for people

Time: 10784.34

that are very DHT sensitive

Time: 10786.56

this tends to be an issue so

Time: 10788.62

unfortunately for many of these

Time: 10790.76

compounds the only way to find out is

Time: 10792.38

really to try them or to just completely

Time: 10795.74

avoid them and decide you don't want to

Time: 10796.939

try them as fine too but there really

Time: 10799.22

aren't ways to predict who will respond

Time: 10801.08

who won't and who will be hyper

Time: 10803.12

responders and

Time: 10805.1

um in that case it's a bit of a it's a

Time: 10806.96

little bit of a wild west I'm also sort

Time: 10810.2

of remembering what the point of this

Time: 10812.54

conversation was supposed to be and

Time: 10814.1

maybe I'll return back to that which

Time: 10816.14

were some cost free or low cost metrics

Time: 10819.68

that was a very fun tangent but

Time: 10822.14

nonetheless uh another couple of ones

Time: 10824.42

you can do are uh grip strength testing

Time: 10827.96

so if you can buy a you know fairly

Time: 10831.14

cheap hand grip dynamometer on any

Time: 10834.38

number of places these are typically

Time: 10836.2

able to be purchased for 20 to 40 or

Time: 10839.42

something like that right

Time: 10840.92

um You can actually just test that every

Time: 10842

day I've done that uh in a number of

Time: 10844.34

athletes for a decent amount of time uh

Time: 10846.74

admittedly I don't do it anymore

Time: 10848.779

and that's not because I disagree with

Time: 10850.279

it but because we just we're getting the

Time: 10851.779


Time: 10852.92

already and it was just too redundant

Time: 10854.66

but if that's the only option it is a

Time: 10856.7

great one to do I mentioned Also earlier

Time: 10858.979

how I actually like speed tests over

Time: 10862.7

strength tests as an earlier indication

Time: 10864.68

of overreaching and so because of that I

Time: 10867.62

like a vertical jump test if you have

Time: 10869.66

access to a force plate that's great and

Time: 10871.819

then you can get more in-depth

Time: 10873.979

characteristics of the force velocity

Time: 10875.359

curve and acceleration and things like

Time: 10877.34

that used a lot in high performance

Time: 10879.62

situations if not simply looking at you

Time: 10882.74

know your performance and so you can

Time: 10884.899

kind of go back to one of our earlier

Time: 10885.979

episodes when I described coloring my

Time: 10887.72

fingertips with highlighters earlier in

Time: 10889.58

my life you could do the same thing and

Time: 10891.62

go out in your garage and every day jump

Time: 10893.24

up and touch that marker and see where

Time: 10895.64

you're at

Time: 10896.96

um so a system like that could be done

Time: 10898.46

you can also use tools like uh Force

Time: 10902.3

transducer and do a standard movement I

Time: 10905.479

can say a vertical jump or a high pull

Time: 10908.12

or something like that and measure the

Time: 10909.68

velocity and just compare that

Time: 10910.819

day-to-day of a standard load right so

Time: 10912.92

you do it every single time with the

Time: 10914.359

same load

Time: 10915.74

um same similar thing could be done with

Time: 10917.18

like a medicine ball throw so you have

Time: 10919.819

the same ball you throw the same thing

Time: 10921.439

and just sort of where you're at today

Time: 10922.7

you want to do a little bit of warm-up

Time: 10924.38

but not excessive here you want to kind

Time: 10926

of get an idea of where your Baseline is

Time: 10927.979

and you don't want to influence it by

Time: 10929.72

the veracity of the warm-up every single

Time: 10932.899

day because that alone again changes

Time: 10934.46

same thing with stretching acute static

Time: 10937.1


Time: 10938.24

directly influences power production so

Time: 10940.58

you don't want to go out there and one

Time: 10941.899

day do a 20 minute stretch before then

Time: 10943.58

the other day you didn't stretch at all

Time: 10945.439

because that alone will will cause

Time: 10947.319

deviations in your performance so try to

Time: 10949.819

keep everything you can think of

Time: 10951.14


Time: 10952.76

and that'll give you a little bit better

Time: 10954.2

data remembering all of these values

Time: 10957.8

the biomarkers the performance stuff

Time: 10959.84

they have normal variations

Time: 10962

you just want to figure out first and

Time: 10963.8

foremost what those normal variations

Time: 10965.42

are for you so you have your normal

Time: 10967.46


Time: 10968.3

you have your standard deviation

Time: 10970.52

when you start getting outside of that

Time: 10972.26

standard deviation you start paying

Time: 10973.58

attention and so that's kind of like

Time: 10974.779

what we typically call that the gray

Time: 10976.46

Zone and so if it is in the gray Zone

Time: 10978.68

we're fine we're not adjusting but if

Time: 10980

it's outside of that whatever that is

Time: 10981.2

for you recognizing that the grave zone

Time: 10984.02

is smaller for some folks and larger for

Time: 10986.84

others but what is normal for you and

Time: 10988.58

your situation and then you can make

Time: 10990.5

your decisions outside of that when you

Time: 10993.2

see numbers that are consistently or

Time: 10995.479

more than three to five days

Time: 10997.52

in a row or close for the last five days

Time: 11000.1

for the last six something like that

Time: 11002.62

then you maybe have some cause for

Time: 11005.319

action well that was an incredible

Time: 11007.42

description of the various tools and

Time: 11009.819

modes for recovery and I realized I

Time: 11012.52

jumped the gun a bit during our

Time: 11014.08

discussion about food and supplements

Time: 11016.96

but I like to think that it serves as a

Time: 11019.96

nice precursor to the next episode which

Time: 11022.84

is going to be all about nutrition and

Time: 11024.58


Time: 11025.72

if you're learning from and or enjoying

Time: 11027.46

this podcast please subscribe to our

Time: 11029.26

YouTube channel that's a terrific zero

Time: 11031.18

cost way to support us in addition

Time: 11032.68

please subscribe to the podcast on

Time: 11034.84

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Time: 11036.76

and apple you can leave us up to a

Time: 11038.62

five-star review if you have questions

Time: 11040.359

for us or comments or suggestions about

Time: 11042.16

topics you'd like us to cover or guess

Time: 11043.779

you'd like me to include on the huberman

Time: 11045.46

Lab podcast please put those in the

Time: 11047.56

comments section on YouTube we do read

Time: 11049.359

all the comments please also check out

Time: 11051.22

the sponsors mentioned at the beginning

Time: 11052.899

and during today's episode that's the

Time: 11054.76

best way to support this podcast I'd

Time: 11056.859

also like to inform you about the

Time: 11057.939

huberman Lab podcast free newsletter

Time: 11059.8

it's called the neural network

Time: 11061.3

newsletter and each month the neural

Time: 11063.279

network newsletter is sent out and it

Time: 11065.38

contains summaries of podcast episodes

Time: 11067.12

specific protocols discussed on the

Time: 11069.16

human Lab podcast all in Fairly concise

Time: 11071.5

format and all completely zero cost you

Time: 11074.319

can sign up for the neural network

Time: 11075.34

newsletter by going to hubermanlab.com

Time: 11077.26

go to the menu and click on newsletter

Time: 11079.359

you provide us your email we do not

Time: 11081.1

share it with anybody and as I mentioned

Time: 11082.779

before it's completely zero cost by

Time: 11084.819

going to huberman lab com you can also

Time: 11087.22

go into the menu tab and go to

Time: 11088.779

newsletter and see some example

Time: 11090.16

newsletters from months past thank you

Time: 11092.26

once again for joining me for today's

Time: 11093.64

discussion about fitness exercise and

Time: 11095.68

performance with Dr Andy Galpin and as

Time: 11098.2

always thank you for your interest in

Time: 11099.939


Time: 11100.56


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