Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Assess & Improve All Aspects of Your Fitness | Huberman Lab Guest Series

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: Welcome to the Huberman Lab Guest Series,

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where I and an expert guest discuss

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science and science-based tools for everyday life.

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I'm Andrew Huberman and I'm a professor

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of neurobiology and ophthalmology

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today's episode marks the first in a series

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with Dr. Andy Galpin.

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Dr. Andy Galpin is a professor of kinesiology at Cal State

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University Fullerton and one of the foremost world

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experts on the science and application of methods

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to increase strength, speed, endurance, hypertrophy,

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and various other aspects of fitness, exercise, and sports

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Across this six episode series, Dr. Andy Galpin

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pulls from his expertise working with everything

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from professional athletes to recreational exercisers

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and teaches us the mechanisms, logic, and specific protocols

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for how to achieve any of the number of different exercise

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adaptations that I mentioned a moment ago, ranging

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from strength to endurance, hypertrophy,

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and everything in between.

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We get really far into details, but at all times paying

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attention to the macroscopic issues.

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That is, how to create a program for endurance

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or strength or hypertrophy or speed,

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or one that combines all of those.

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We also talk about supplementation and nutrition

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and how to maximize recovery for each of the different types

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of exercise adaptations.

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During today's episode, Dr. Galpin

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teaches us how to assess our level of fitness

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and, more generally, how to think about fitness so that we

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can best achieve our fitness exercise and performance goals.

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Dr. Professor Andy Galpin.

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Super excited to have you here.

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You're such an immense treasure trove

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of information on physical training and optimizing

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for specific goals and outcomes with physical exercise.

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I'm curious, however-- so many people have

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different levels of fitness.

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Some people are professional athletes, of course,

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but most people are not.

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Many people exercise regularly.

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Some people are trying to do that more.

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Some people are doing too much of that; they're overtraining,

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they're not recovering enough.

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If we were to take a step back and each and every one of us

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ask how fit are we, with the word fit, of course,

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being a very broad encompassing word,

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could encompass endurance, certainly it does,

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strength, the ability to run fast,

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even if for short distances, it might even include hypertrophy

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or directed hypertrophy, trying to balance one's musculature

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to offset asymmetries, recover from injuries, et cetera.

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How should I, or anyone else for that matter

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think about their level of fitness?

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I know my resting heart rate, but what

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do I do in terms of really assessing whether or not

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I'm as fit as I could be and should be both for sake

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of health and performance?

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And here I'm asking you the question not as an athlete,

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but as somebody who's been pretty

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consistent as an exerciser.

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But if we were to throw our arms around this question of how

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do we assess our fitness, what would

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be the different levels of assessment

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that we should think about and do?

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ANDY GALPIN: When it comes to exercise,

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people generally have two major goals in mind.

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Goal number one is achieving some sort of appearance.

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This is I want to be big, or I want to not be too big,

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or I want to be lean.

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Something, right?

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It doesn't matter what that goal is,

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but there is an aesthetic component to almost everybody.

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They want to look a certain way or not look a certain way.

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The other one is functionality.

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So I want to be able to perform a certain way.

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Now, again, that definition differs per person.

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So I want to be better at strength,

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I want to be better at mobility, I

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want to be able to have energy throughout the day, whatever

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it is.

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So there's some sort of appeal to aesthetic

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and there's some sort of appeal to functionality.

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So within both of those categories,

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we want to be in a position where we can understand, where

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do I need to go with my exercise training

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so that I can be as fit and as healthy

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and achieve these goals that I want now,

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as well as be in a position where I can maintain them

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for a long period of time.

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So this blends both immediate goals.

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So say you're just interested in squatting a lot of weights.

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Say you're interested in running a 5K time the best run.

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It doesn't matter.

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It blends that with the desire to have a long wellness span,

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to be fit throughout life, to achieve all those things

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for as long as possible.

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So then the question kind of comes back

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to saying, well, how do I know which area I need

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to focus on the most, and why am I not achieving these goals,

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or how can I get there more effectively.

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And if we look at the big picture,

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we have to understand that there are several major components

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to physical fitness that are going to be required

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in all of these categories.

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And to achieve that, there are a handful of components

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that have to happen to be able to hit those goals.

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Now there are infinite methods.

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So the saying we actually use here a lot is, the methods are

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many, but the concepts are few.

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So what I'd love to do today is, over the course

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of our discussion is hit exactly what those concepts are

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and then cover a whole bunch of different methods.

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And we could do that for hours.

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But we'll cover a number of them for various goals.

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: So one of the reasons

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I went into neuroscience and not into exercise science is

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because of this thing neuroplasticity,

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the nervous system's ability to adapt.

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But the more time I spend with you

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and the more I learn from you, I realize that many, if not all

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of the organ systems of our body have this incredible ability

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to adapt.

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And when we're talking about physical exercise,

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there are incredible adaptations that,

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of course, involve the nervous system,

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but also involve muscle and connective tissue and so

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many other cell types and tissues.

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That said, when we talk about fitness,

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what are the major types of adaptations

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that underlie this thing that we call fitness?

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And later, I know we're going to get

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into how different forms of exercise

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can trigger different types of adaptations,

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but what are the major adaptations that one can create

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in their body using exercise?

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ANDY GALPIN: There are many reasons why

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one should exercise, and we could perhaps

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cover that later in our chats.

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But the physiological adaptations

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can be bucketed really in a nine areas.

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So the very first one is what I call skill or technique.

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So just learning to move better, more efficiently

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with a specific position and timing and sequence,

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or whatever that is.

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This could be running more effectively,

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this could be practicing a skill like shooting

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a ball or an implement, swinging a golf club.

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Anything like that, I call that skill development.

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The second one is speed, so this is simply

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moving at a higher velocity or with a better

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rate of acceleration.

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That's very similar to the next one, which is power.

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And power is speed multiplied by force.

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The next one then, of course, on top of that,

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is force or strength.

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So those are really synonymous terms.

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How effectively can you move something?

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Now, this is often confused-- strength, rather--

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as muscular endurance.

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So what I mean by that is strength truly

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is a marker of what's the maximum thing you can move

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or what's the maximum amount of force you can produce one time.

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It's not how many repetitions in a row you can do.

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That's actually another one of our adaptations

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called muscular endurance.

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So that is typically under the order of say five to 25,

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maybe 50 repetitions.

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Think of a classic how many push-ups can you do in a row?

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How many sit-ups can you do in a minute?

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Things like that are muscular endurance.

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Muscular endurance tends to be localized,

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so this is specific to just, say,

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your triceps and your deltoids.

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It's not a overall cardiovascular endurance marker

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or anything like that.

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So that's strength, number four.

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Number five is muscle hypertrophy.

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And this is the first time now we're

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talking about an appearance rather

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than a functional outcome.

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So moving better, moving faster, and moving heavier

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are indicators of how well you can move.

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This is the first one that's just simply

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how big is your muscle?

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And that's muscle hypertrophy or muscle size.

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After that is muscular endurance.

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So this is how many repetitions you can typically

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do of a movement.

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So think of how many push ups in a row

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you can do, how many sit ups in a minute you can do,

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things that are typically in five

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to 50 repetition sort of range.

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And it is often or it is almost always local muscle.

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So what I mean by that is a push-up test

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is really how many reps that your triceps

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and pecs and deltoids can do.

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It is not a cardiovascular endurance.

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It is not a global physiological endurance.

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It's specific to, typically, one or a few muscle

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groups at a time.

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And this is why you have to do multiple tests for every group

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After that, now we've moved into number seven, which is

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what I call anaerobic capacity.

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This is more synonymous with maximum heart rate.

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And now we're actually looking at, rather

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than a single movement or muscle group,

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it is a total physiological limitation.

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So it is the maximum amount of work

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you can do in, say, 30 to 45 seconds,

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maybe even up to 120 seconds, of all-out work.

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Think of your classic interval type of stuff here.

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So how much work can you do at a maximum rate,

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where you're going to enter tremendous amounts

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of global fatigue?

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The next past that is maximal aerobic capacity.

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And this is probably actually something

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like in the eight to 15 minute range, where you're

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going to reach probably both a maximum heart rate

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as well as a true VO2 max, which we'll

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talk a lot more about what that is later.

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So that is different from the previous one,

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where you can't reach this in a matter of seconds.

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It simply takes multiple minutes to get to a position

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to where your VO2 max is actually

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going to be sufficiently challenged

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or an indicator there.

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And then the last one, number nine,

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is what I call long duration.

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And this is just your ability to sustain submaximum work

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for a long period of time with no breaks,

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no reduction whatsoever.

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This is often called steady state training or a lot

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of people just think of this when they think of,

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quote, unquote, "cardio," but your ability

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to continue to move without any breaks or change or drop

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is the last and final adaptation.

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: And for long distance steady state,

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I'm guessing it exceeds 15 minutes because--

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: --the previous one

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was eight to 15 minutes or so.

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What sort of rate ranges are we talking about in terms

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of this long duration?

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ANDY GALPIN: Well, that's actually wonderful.

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You're going to be anything past 15 minutes.

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So really, if you look at a minimal number there,

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it's generally 20 minutes of what we're looking for,

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but a more typical would be 20 to 60 minutes.

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But anything past that would still

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be limited by your long-duration endurance,

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so your ability to sustain work over time.

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So given that there are nine different major adaptations

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that can be induced with exercise of specific types,

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is there any one global test or assessment

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that people can take or do that allows them to determine

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what level of ability, of fitness they have in each

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and every one of these nine different categories?

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ANDY GALPIN: There are probably dozens or more tests

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that you can do for each one of those nine categories.

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And what I would actually like to do

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is walk you through my favorites for each

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and giving you both the scientific gold standard--

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so if you have the ability, unlimited resources, what

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should you go do?

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As well as some that are equipment-free,

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that are cost-free, things that anyone can do across the world.

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In addition to that, I want to walk you

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through what those numbers should be,

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how do you identify if you're really poor in something

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or if you're great.

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And then if you aren't as good, maybe, in a category

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and you want to get better at it,

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exactly what to do in terms of protocols

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for how to achieve optimal results in each of those steps.

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: So I noticed in your list of the nine

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different adaptations to exercise that you did not

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mention fat loss or health-promoting

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benefits, which are two reasons that a lot of people exercise.

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Was there a specific reason that you did not mention those?

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ANDY GALPIN: Absolutely.

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It's because those things are actually not specific training

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They are byproducts of these nine.

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So what I mean by that is if you understand how fat loss occurs,

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which we can certainly talk about,

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you'll realize some of these nine protocols

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are effective for fat loss and some are not.

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General health is the same thing.

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When we understand what it actually

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means to be healthy from a physiological perspective,

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then the rationale for what to train for

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is going to determine itself.

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So what I mean is, looking at things like,

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in order to be healthy, you have to have sufficient strength,

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you have to have cardiovascular fitness,

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and you have to have sufficient muscle and et cetera.

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Therefore, training for one's health

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is determined by those restrictions.

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So for you, Andrew, you may need to do more strength training

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to be healthy, where me, because I'm strong already,

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way stronger than you, I may not need to do as much strength

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So our, quote, unquote, "health-based protocols"

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are based on our current status or limitations in physical

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fitness among these nine areas.

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So what I would like to do today is

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to cover a brief history of exercise science.

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And the reason is it's going to explain a lot about why people

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are not getting the goals in their exercise programs

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that they want as well as gives you

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very specific direction about what to do instead.

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: I can't wait to hear all the things that I'm

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doing incorrectly and to have you help me remedy that.

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Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize

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that this podcast is separate from my teaching and research

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roles at Stanford.

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It is also separate from Dr. Galpin's teaching and research

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roles at Cal State Fullerton.

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It is, however, part of our desire and effort

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to bring zero cost to consumer information

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about science and science-related tools

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to the general public.

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In keeping with that theme, we'd like

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to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.

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Our first sponsor is Momentous.

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Momentous make supplements of the absolute highest quality.

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The Huberman Lab podcast is proud to be

Time: 840.03

partnering with Momentous for several important reasons.

Time: 842.512

First of all, as I mentioned, their supplements

Time: 844.47

are of extremely high quality.

Time: 845.98

Second of all, their supplements are generally

Time: 848.58

in single-ingredient formulations.

Time: 850.5

If you're going to develop a supplementation protocol,

Time: 852.93

you're going to want to focus mainly on using

Time: 855

single-ingredient formulations.

Time: 856.56

With single-ingredient formulations,

Time: 858.27

you can devise the most logical and

Time: 860.22

effective and cost-effective supplementation

Time: 862.47

regimen for your goals.

Time: 864.023

In addition, Momentous supplements

Time: 865.44

ship internationally.

Time: 866.345

And this is, of course, important

Time: 867.72

because we realize that many of the Huberman Lab podcast

Time: 870.053

listeners reside outside the United States.

Time: 872.1

If you'd like to try the various supplements mentioned

Time: 874.35

on the Huberman Lab podcast, in particular supplements,

Time: 877.05

for hormone health, for sleep optimization, for focus,

Time: 880.09

as well as a number of other things,

Time: 881.59

including exercise recovery, you can go to livemomentous--

Time: 884.4

spelled O-U-S-.

Time: 885.27

So that's livemomentous.com/huberman.

Time: 887.91

Today's episode is also brought to us by LMNT.

Time: 890.34

LMNT is an electrolyte drink that

Time: 891.9

contains the exact ratios of the electrolytes sodium, magnesium,

Time: 895.06

and potassium to optimize cellular functioning

Time: 897.51

for mental and physical performance.

Time: 899.16

Most people realize that hydration is key.

Time: 901.33

We need to ingest enough fluids in order to feel our best

Time: 904.32

and perform our best, but what most people do not realize

Time: 907.5

is that the proper functioning of our cells, and nerve cells,

Time: 910.71

neurons in particular, requires that sodium, magnesium,

Time: 913.93

and potassium be present in the correct ratios.

Time: 916.71

Now, of course, people with prehypertension

Time: 919.14

and hypertension need to be careful about their sodium

Time: 921.39

intake, but what a lot of people don't realize

Time: 923.73

is that if you drink caffeine, if you exercise,

Time: 926.275

and, in particular, if you're following

Time: 927.9

a very clean diet, that is not a lot of processed foods, which,

Time: 931.71

of course, is a good thing, chances

Time: 933.81

are you're not getting enough sodium, potassium,

Time: 936.4

and magnesium to optimize mental and physical performance.

Time: 939

LMNT contains a science-backed ratio

Time: 941.19

of 1,000 milligrams-- that's 1 gram of sodium, 200 milligrams

Time: 944.94

of potassium, and 60 milligrams of magnesium, and no sugar.

Time: 948.66

If you'd like to try LMNT, you can go to drink LMNT--

Time: 951.15

that's drinklmnt.com/huberman to get a free LMNT sample pack.

Time: 955.218

With your purchase.

Time: 956.01

Again, that's drinklmnt.com/huberman to claim

Time: 960.18

a free sample pack.

Time: 961.35

Today's episode is also brought to us by Eight Sleep.

Time: 964.17

Eight Sleep makes smart mattress covers with cooling, heating,

Time: 966.96

and sleep-tracking capacity.

Time: 968.52

I've been using an Eight Sleep mattress cover

Time: 970.41

for about the last eight months, and it has completely

Time: 973.02

transformed my sleep.

Time: 974.41

I'm sleeping about the same amount,

Time: 976.12

but I'm sleeping far deeper, and I'm now

Time: 978

getting the proper ratios of so-called rapid eye

Time: 980.55

movement, or REM sleep, and slow-wave sleep

Time: 982.47

and waking up feeling far more recovered

Time: 984.6

mentally and physically.

Time: 985.98

The underlying mechanism for all that is very straightforward.

Time: 989.175

I've talked many times before on this podcast

Time: 991.05

and elsewhere about the critical relationship between sleep

Time: 993.99

and body temperature, that is, in order

Time: 996.293

to fall asleep at night, your body

Time: 997.71

needs to drop by about one to three degrees in terms

Time: 1000.02

of core body temperature.

Time: 1001.16

And waking up involves a one to three

Time: 1003.44

degree increase in core body temperature.

Time: 1005.42

With Eight Sleep mattress covers,

Time: 1007.04

you can adjust the temperature of your sleeping environment

Time: 1009.56

to be one temperature at the start of the night,

Time: 1011.695

a different temperature in the middle of the night,

Time: 1013.82

and a different temperature as you approach morning,

Time: 1016.16

each of which can place you into the optimal stages of sleep

Time: 1019.4

and have you waking up feeling more refreshed than ever.

Time: 1022.285

If you'd like to try Eight Sleep,

Time: 1023.66

you can go to eightsleep.com/huberman

Time: 1025.94

and check out their pod three cover and save $150

Time: 1029.03

at checkout.

Time: 1029.9

Eight Sleep currently ships in the USA,

Time: 1031.7

Canada, United Kingdom, select countries in the EU,

Time: 1034.7

and Australia.

Time: 1035.93

Again, that's eightsleep.com/huberman to save

Time: 1038.599

$150 at checkout.

Time: 1040.31

Before we get into how the history of exercise science

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informs the mistakes that we are all making

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and how to remedy those mistakes, I'm curious as to

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whether or not you have any favorite one or two

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studies that point to a naturally occurring example

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of how people can become very fit in one area and not

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I'm familiar with seeing endurance athletes that

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apparently have terrific endurance

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but, at least to my eye, don't look like they are particularly

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I'm also familiar with seeing individuals that are very, very

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strong, particularly on social media,

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but that don't look like they could walk up

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a flight of stairs, much less run a mile.

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Do you have any examples of studies

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in or outside the laboratory that point

Time: 1083.91

to that in a concrete way?

Time: 1085.38

ANDY GALPIN: There's a lot to discuss here,

Time: 1087.43

but I'll answer really clear.

Time: 1089.697

If you look across the literature-- and this

Time: 1091.53

is actually back to as early as the mid 1950s.

Time: 1093.97

In fact, it actually goes back previous to that,

Time: 1095.97

to the Harvard Fatigue Lab, 1927 to 1947 area.

Time: 1100.89

People actually were advocating, at that point,

Time: 1103.86

a combination of strength training and endurance.

Time: 1106.24

ANDREW HUBERMAN: In the 1920s?

Time: 1107.49

ANDY GALPIN: Way back then.

Time: 1108.19

In fact, it actually goes prior to that.

Time: 1109.857

In the late 1880s, there is scientific evidence back then.

Time: 1113.79

It became more well-developed in the mid 1950s and '60s.

Time: 1117.33

In fact, there was the initial stages

Time: 1119.815

of what's called the Exercise As Medicine Movement, which

Time: 1122.19

is the movement now, but the initial stages of that actually

Time: 1125.01

route back to the 1950s.

Time: 1126.51

And I could actually go into that whole discussion

Time: 1128.7

and the story of how that all came about,

Time: 1131.4

but that's the Health Is Wealth mantra

Time: 1134.13

that came from the 1950s, from the scientific community then.

Time: 1138.09

All those data points are going to suggest

Time: 1140.79

you need a combination of some sort of broad strength

Time: 1143.64

training and broad endurance.

Time: 1145.23

Now, if you have a specific goal five months from now,

Time: 1148.47

you want to compete in a race or hit a certain physique

Time: 1151.23

thing, that's fine to focus on one area of training.

Time: 1153.69

Certainly, if you're an athlete, that's different.

Time: 1156.1

But if you want to maximize health

Time: 1158.04

and overall functionality throughout time,

Time: 1160.142

it needs to be a combination.

Time: 1161.35

And to really, really highlight this,

Time: 1162.42

I can actually talk about a couple of studies

Time: 1164.295

that I've done.

Time: 1164.97

One of them we actually did in Stockholm, Sweden.

Time: 1168

So I did this at the Karolinska Institute, which you probably

Time: 1171.42

are aware of.

Time: 1172.44

It's actually one of the founding places

Time: 1174.51

of all of exercise physiology.

Time: 1176.643

Generally, it started there.

Time: 1177.81

It was called something different back then,

Time: 1179.643

but really, our entire field came out

Time: 1182.19

of Stockholm and the Karolinska Institute.

Time: 1184.38

And we worked with a whole bunch of cross-country skiers

Time: 1187.5

that were in their 80s and 90s.

Time: 1189.15

And so they were competitive skiers in the 1940s and '50s,

Time: 1192

and they had been skiing competitively

Time: 1193.74

for that entire duration.

Time: 1195.55

So you're talking 50 to 60 consecutive years of competing.

Time: 1199.44

So these are 80 to 90-year-olds, living alone and healthy.

Time: 1202.38

And we compared them to a group of individuals

Time: 1205.14

here in America who are the same age but were not exercising.

Time: 1209.653

And what we wanted to do is to see

Time: 1211.07

and of look at, what are these lifelong endurance individuals?

Time: 1214.517

What do they look like?

Time: 1215.475

And when we brought them into the lab, which is, by the way,

Time: 1218.07

amazing, to do a VO2 max test on a 92-year-old,

Time: 1222.12

especially in a language that they don't speak,

Time: 1224.82

you can imagine, you're doing this in the hospital.

Time: 1227.183

And you're running people through,

Time: 1228.6

this is a cycling task.

Time: 1229.77

And so for a VO2 max test, you have a mask on your face,

Time: 1232.89

you're hooked up to a metabolic cart

Time: 1234.39

so we can collect all the gases that

Time: 1235.89

are coming out of your mouth, and you're

Time: 1238.08

chanting these people on.

Time: 1239.13

And basically, every minute, the workload

Time: 1240.875

gets harder and harder and harder

Time: 1242.25

until you can't complete it.

Time: 1244.56

And we're doing this in a cardiology center,

Time: 1247.56

and the cardiologists are usually waiting for their heart

Time: 1250.2

rate to get slightly elevated and they stop them

Time: 1252.42

because they're 85, 86 years old.

Time: 1255.067

And not only are we not stopping them,

Time: 1256.65

but we are screaming in their ears, just go, go, go.

Time: 1258.895

ANDREW HUBERMAN: In Swedish or English?

Time: 1260.52

ANDY GALPIN: In English.

Time: 1261.81

And then the translator-- but it doesn't

Time: 1263.657

take a lot of translation when someone's screaming

Time: 1265.74

at your face, go, go, go.

Time: 1268.59

So we ran them through a whole bunch of VO2 max tests.

Time: 1271.232

And we did the same thing for those folks

Time: 1272.94

back here in America.

Time: 1275.07

And what was incredibly clear from that study

Time: 1278.4

was the VO2 max--

Time: 1280.103

you can think about these numbers,

Time: 1281.52

and this is what's called relative.

Time: 1283.08

And the relative terms are milliliters

Time: 1285.06

per kilogram per minute.

Time: 1286.24

And so a standard number is about 18,

Time: 1288.69

is what we call the line of independence.

Time: 1290.61

So if your VO2 max is below 18 milliliters per kilogram

Time: 1293.58

per minute, it's very hard for you to live by yourself.

Time: 1295.98

So your fitness is so low, you probably

Time: 1298.187

are going to need to have somebody living with you

Time: 1300.27

or you'll need to be in some sort of assisted living home.

Time: 1302.89

So if you are in a VO2 max of 20 or 21 or 22,

Time: 1307.92

you're not below that line of independence,

Time: 1309.9

but you're on that threshold.

Time: 1311.95

And so what we found was our folks here in America,

Time: 1315.12

the group average was right around that number.

Time: 1317.198

So they were living at home, by definition.

Time: 1318.99

We picked them to be people living by themselves

Time: 1321.15

in their 80s and not in a living home,

Time: 1323.34

but they didn't have any bandwidth.

Time: 1324.88

So if they got a cold or they had anything pop up

Time: 1327.613

where they lost a little bit of fitness,

Time: 1329.28

they were going to drop below that line

Time: 1330.97

and would probably have to go to some sort of assisted living

Time: 1333.72


Time: 1335.04

The folks in Stockholm, the cross-country skiers, the group

Time: 1339.3

average was much closer to 35 to 38 milliliters

Time: 1342.93

per kilogram per minute.

Time: 1343.96

Now, that number is about the VO2 max

Time: 1346.95

you would find for a normal college male.

Time: 1350.4

And so these folks that were literally 80 or 90--

Time: 1354.39

the joke, if a sabertooth tiger ran in the room or whatever

Time: 1358.02

and it chased it down and we all had

Time: 1359.82

to run to see who didn't get eaten alive,

Time: 1361.85

the college men would probably have gotten

Time: 1363.6

eaten before the 90-year-olds.

Time: 1366.6

And in one case, we had a 92-year-old individual.

Time: 1368.95

And I think his VO2 max was 38, which

Time: 1370.68

was, in our estimation, a world record,

Time: 1372.84

the highest VO2 max for somebody over the age of 90.

Time: 1376.41

ANDREW HUBERMAN: May I ask what is the typical resting heart

Time: 1379.41

rate for somebody very fit, like these older

Time: 1384.33

Swedish cross-country skiers?

Time: 1386.64

If somebody has-- let's say their number is

Time: 1390.06

35 millimeters per kilogram in this VO2 max test,

Time: 1394.74

but since most of us don't have access

Time: 1396.33

to that kind of equipment, but we can measure our pulse rate.

Time: 1399.3


Time: 1400.26

ANDREW HUBERMAN: What was a typical resting heart

Time: 1401.82

rate, resting pulse rate?

Time: 1402.99


Time: 1403.85


Time: 1404.85


Time: 1405.3

I mean, typically that's a good number

Time: 1406.883

to go off of for anybody, regardless of age.

Time: 1409.8

Any time I see somebody above that,

Time: 1411.33

I'm going to start asking questions.

Time: 1413.04

Certainly above-- you'll see in the literature people will

Time: 1415.457

say 60 to 80 is normal, and I don't agree with that at all.

Time: 1419.97

If your resting heart rate is 75 beats per minute,

Time: 1422.96

there's either something going on or you're not fit.

Time: 1425.443

ANDREW HUBERMAN: How much cross-country skiing

Time: 1427.36

were they doing, on average, in the previous,

Time: 1430.39

let's say, if we take the previous 20

Time: 1432.88

years since they'd been longtime cross-country skiers.

Time: 1435.13

Divide that by 20 years.

Time: 1437.2


Time: 1437.95

ANDREW HUBERMAN: On average, are these people cross-country

Time: 1439.54

skiing five hours a day, two hours a day, an hour a day?

Time: 1442.39

ANDY GALPIN: Yeah, that's actually a good question.

Time: 1443.57

I don't remember.

Time: 1444.31

It's been many years, but they were not

Time: 1446.587

doing it every single day.

Time: 1447.67

And the volume would not have shocked you.

Time: 1449.95

It was the consistency over 50 years that got them there.

Time: 1453.132

Now, obviously, these people were, again,

Time: 1454.84

world champions and Olympic gold medalists in the 1940s

Time: 1457.24

and '50s, so they were elite.

Time: 1459.01

They just continued consistently over time,

Time: 1461.5

but it wasn't a shocking amount of physical fitness.

Time: 1464.92

They also didn't go out of their way to train hard.

Time: 1469.6

They were busy chopping wood.

Time: 1471.19

They were busy doing a number of other things.

Time: 1473.42

And then they just happened to do some of these races

Time: 1475.628

and ski along the way, but it wasn't a crazy amount too

Time: 1477.94

where you're like, oh, that's great,

Time: 1479.44

but I could never hit that number.

Time: 1481.12

It was something much more reasonable.

Time: 1482.842

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So is the takeaway

Time: 1484.3

to be consistent about getting cardiovascular exercise?

Time: 1488.14

And we can define what "consistent" means

Time: 1490.3

in terms of days per week a little bit later,

Time: 1492.31

and I know we will.

Time: 1493.42


Time: 1494.17

ANDREW HUBERMAN: What are some other examples?

Time: 1496.087

I love these examples from the real world.

Time: 1498.71

ANDY GALPIN: So here's the downside, though.

Time: 1500.59

So I only told you about the VO2 max.

Time: 1502.7

What I didn't tell you about is their leg strength

Time: 1505.57

and functionality.

Time: 1506.92

And that part was no more superior

Time: 1509.08

than it was their counterparts who were not exercisers.

Time: 1512.74

So what that showed really, really clearly-- and many

Time: 1516.37

other studies have been done since then that

Time: 1518.8

look at the classic, what we call

Time: 1520.21

lifelong endurance exercisers.

Time: 1522.55

You will see, in general, their VO2 max,

Time: 1525.43

their cardiovascular function, their resting heart rate,

Time: 1527.96

their blood pressure.

Time: 1529.04

It will be markedly healthier than folks who don't exercise.

Time: 1533.08

It is extraordinarily clear that type of exercise

Time: 1535.24

is very important for chronic disease

Time: 1536.95

management, no doubt about it.

Time: 1538.97

However, it is not sufficient for overall global health

Time: 1543.43

because it does almost nothing for leg strength,

Time: 1546.34

for any other marker of health, which

Time: 1548.11

we can talk about, what are the things that are actually

Time: 1550.45

going to predict mortality, morbidity than most.

Time: 1554.26

So was a big smashing indication that's like,

Time: 1559.22

hey, this is great.

Time: 1560.84

However, you're leaving things on the table

Time: 1563.22

for your overall health.

Time: 1564.22

Now, one could argue, they're 80,

Time: 1565.93

and they're doing pretty well, but they weren't doing as well

Time: 1569.11

in these areas.

Time: 1569.96

And so a study we did later, actually,

Time: 1572.5

as a follow-up was looking at monozygous twins.

Time: 1575.517

So this is actually interesting.

Time: 1576.85

Being a scientist, this is a classic example

Time: 1578.83

of one of my graduate students who had been in my lab

Time: 1581.2

for probably three or four years.

Time: 1583.06

And she was in our single fiber physiology lab.

Time: 1585.37

And you can imagine, she's isolating individual muscle

Time: 1589.54

fibers, from an athlete, one by one with a tweezer.

Time: 1592.6

And she's going to do several thousand individual cells.

Time: 1595.96

So you're down there for hours, and things happen down there.

Time: 1599.945

You kind of lose your mind.

Time: 1601.07

And she was going on one day with one of my colleagues

Time: 1604.71

and just talking, and she's like, oh yeah,

Time: 1606.46

my uncle is really, really fit and something or other

Time: 1609.43

and then.

Time: 1610.06

Oh yeah, he's a twin.

Time: 1611.385

And I was like, oh, is he a monozygous?

Time: 1613.01

And she's like, yeah.

Time: 1613.81

ANDREW HUBERMAN: For those that don't know,

Time: 1614.89

monozygous are identical twins.

Time: 1616.27

ANDY GALPIN: Yeah, which is interesting.

Time: 1617.17

So you basically have-- what I'm setting up here

Time: 1619.17

is this is the perfect exercise scientific experiment.

Time: 1622.51

Monozygous, identical twins mean they have the exact same DNA.

Time: 1626.86

So an egg was fertilized, split, and then two humans

Time: 1630.34

grew out of that with the exact same DNA.

Time: 1632.32

And so now we can start answering

Time: 1633.73

the question, well, yeah, OK.

Time: 1634.99

What about, maybe, these cross-country skiers?

Time: 1637.51

Maybe they were just genetic freaks.

Time: 1639.19

Maybe it didn't matter.

Time: 1640.39

It's like some people have-- well,

Time: 1641.83

genetics are always a component to it, but how much?

Time: 1644.95

Well, now we have a scenario lining up

Time: 1646.87

where it's like, wait a minute.

Time: 1647.56

You have monozygous twins.

Time: 1648.643

So we have a replica of a human being, exact same DNA.

Time: 1651.183

The only differences that we would see in their physiology

Time: 1653.6

now would be due to lifestyle circumstances.

Time: 1656.59


Time: 1657.64

So monozygous twin dad and uncle, right?

Time: 1661.39


Time: 1662.05


Time: 1662.65

Do they exercise?

Time: 1663.91

Well, one of them does.

Time: 1665.77

He's a lifelong endurance exercise, runner, cyclist,

Time: 1668.41

swimmer, Ironman, all these things.

Time: 1670.91

What about the other one?

Time: 1672.44


Time: 1672.94

He doesn't exercise at all.

Time: 1675

And at that point, I wanted to kill my graduate student

Time: 1677.61

because I'm like, you've been in my lab for three years or more,

Time: 1681.69

probably, and you've never told me

Time: 1683.67

that in your household is the perfect scientific experiment

Time: 1687

for exercise you could ever create.

Time: 1689.76

And Jesus, the look on her face when my colleague and I

Time: 1692.857

were staring at her.

Time: 1693.69

She's just like, oh my god.

Time: 1695.19

So I'm like, call them right now.

Time: 1697.672

They are coming into the lab.

Time: 1698.88

Fly them in from Chicago.

Time: 1699.96

I don't care what we have to do.

Time: 1701.43

We're getting them in.

Time: 1702.64

And so I wanted to-- actually, going back

Time: 1704.963

to the model that was first developed by the Harvard

Time: 1707.13

Fatigue Lab, one thing that's interesting about

Time: 1709.088

that community is they started off

Time: 1711.3

with the concept of trying to examine human performance

Time: 1714.09

through a holistic lens.

Time: 1715.23

And so it was the antithesis of looking at either organ

Time: 1719.19

by organ, so we're going to only look

Time: 1720.862

at the cardiovascular system.

Time: 1722.07

We're only going to look at skeletal muscle.

Time: 1723.6

And then we're saying, we're looking at this entire picture.

Time: 1726.16

And so that model, we wanted to carry through in these twins.

Time: 1728.52

And I said, all right, I want to bring them in the lab,

Time: 1730.812

but I'm not just going to look at one system.

Time: 1732.83

I want to do everything.

Time: 1733.83

So we took stool samples.

Time: 1735.45

We took blood.

Time: 1736.59

We did vertical jump tests.

Time: 1738.54

We did maximum strength tests.

Time: 1739.86

We did MRIs of muscle mass.

Time: 1742.41

We did VO2 max tests.

Time: 1745.79

We did efficiency stuff.

Time: 1746.79

We did genetic testing.

Time: 1747.9

We did an IQ test.

Time: 1748.792

We did psychological battery.

Time: 1750

We wanted to look at everything to figure out

Time: 1751.66

of these things, what differ between the twins?

Time: 1753.618

And if so, the second key question there is, by how much?

Time: 1757.87

So can I improve my VO2 max?

Time: 1760.89


Time: 1761.43

Everyone knows that, but how much?

Time: 1763.5

Can it change by 5%, 80%?

Time: 1766.267

Where is the number?

Time: 1767.1

And so putting some quantification on this

Time: 1768.87

was very important.

Time: 1770.47

And so again, we had another example

Time: 1772.53

of a classic endurance-only training paradigm

Time: 1775.53

compared to a non.

Time: 1777.672

So this is a person who's, I think,

Time: 1779.13

he's truck driver by vocation.

Time: 1781.16

I think, actually, he drove for a potato chip company, which

Time: 1783.66

was even funnier.

Time: 1785.07

The endurance athlete actually was great

Time: 1787.08

because, like any endurance people,

Time: 1788.97

he had physical books of all of his training mileage

Time: 1793.44

for the last 35 years.

Time: 1795.198

And we just went through them, and we

Time: 1796.74

calculated the total amount of miles he ran,

Time: 1798.66

his averages, his heart rates per time.

Time: 1800.55

We had this unbelievable thing, what races he was in.

Time: 1802.988

He had the documentation.

Time: 1804.03

He was just totally nuts, something that endurance people

Time: 1806.58

are like shaking their head right now going, oh, yeah.

Time: 1808.83

I got that too.

Time: 1809.58

ANDREW HUBERMAN: And endurance folks are pretty nerdy.

Time: 1811.53


Time: 1812.28

Super nerdy, right?

Time: 1813.21

So it was great because now we could validate, as close as one

Time: 1816.96

could, to actually how much you ran and things like that.

Time: 1820.81

So they had about a 35-year discord.

Time: 1822.998

They both exercised up through high school.

Time: 1824.79

About 18, they stopped doing it, and by the time

Time: 1826.59

I got them in the lab, they're in their mid-50s.

Time: 1828.03

So it was about 35 years of difference.

Time: 1829.96

And when we ran them through the testing,

Time: 1832.68

if you look at the measures that were similar to the Sweden

Time: 1835.86

study, it was almost identical.

Time: 1837.84

The exercising twin was significantly better

Time: 1842.16

at things like a lipid panel, resting heart

Time: 1844.41

rate, blood pressure, VO2 max.

Time: 1846.15

Any of those markers, as predicted, were much better.

Time: 1850.14

What was very interesting, though,

Time: 1851.605

was the things that were in the middle.

Time: 1853.23

First of all, their total amount of muscle mass

Time: 1855.96

was almost identical, to the gram,

Time: 1858.87

within the margin of error of a DEXA scan could possibly ever

Time: 1861.87


Time: 1862.65

The non-exerciser, though, was a little bit fatter.

Time: 1866.28

So the difference in actual body weight

Time: 1868.26

was explained almost entirely by body fat or non-lean tissue,

Time: 1872.1

really, same sort of deal.

Time: 1874.14

So OK.

Time: 1874.89

No one's surprised there that the exerciser

Time: 1876.75

was a little bit leaner, even though it

Time: 1878.7

didn't change total amount of muscle mass at all.

Time: 1881.76

When we looked at some of the more functional tests

Time: 1883.965

and we looked at things like muscle quality--

Time: 1885.84

so this is a metric you can get from an ultrasound.

Time: 1888.16

You can kind of think about this as how much fat

Time: 1890.91

is inside the tissue, which is sometimes

Time: 1893.473

an advantage for an endurance athlete to have a little bit

Time: 1895.89

more of what are called intramuscular

Time: 1897.432

triglycerides because it's a fuel directly in the tissue.

Time: 1899.89

But in general, the muscle quality

Time: 1904.5

he was not in favor of the exerciser.

Time: 1908.18

If you looked at the performance testing

Time: 1910.03

and if you looked at strength, it favored the non-exerciser.

Time: 1915.39

And so now, again, we have the same finding

Time: 1917.47

we saw in our Sweden study, but in identical twins.

Time: 1920.38

And so it really, really highlighted the fact

Time: 1923.11

that if you want to move forward with optimal health,

Time: 1926.44

simply picking one silo is not going to get you there.

Time: 1929.355

ANDREW HUBERMAN: One silo meaning

Time: 1930.73

just running, just cycling?

Time: 1932.68


Time: 1933.58

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Does this mean that the twin that did not

Time: 1936.31

exercise could jump higher or win an arm wrestling

Time: 1940.72


Time: 1941.62

Not that that's a vital thing to be

Time: 1943.24

able to do, but just in terms of measuring strength,

Time: 1945.76

it's our isometric strength.

Time: 1947.92

Was the non-exercising twin stronger or at least as strong

Time: 1951.91

as their exercising twin?

Time: 1953.08

ANDY GALPIN: Yes, particularly in grip strength.

Time: 1955.16


Time: 1955.67

And any of the measures like the vertical jump, leg extension

Time: 1958.97

power, and a number of things, they often

Time: 1961.61

favored the non-exerciser, which you're still

Time: 1964.343

a little bit of a chicken and egg.

Time: 1965.76

You don't know if, necessarily, the endurance training reduced

Time: 1968.36

that other twin's strength.

Time: 1970.25

It doesn't even really matter, per se.

Time: 1972.12

I think the highlight of it is, can you

Time: 1974.78

change some of these metrics of VO2 max?

Time: 1977.12

Yeah, not even close.

Time: 1979.22

These things are very responsive regardless of your genetics.

Time: 1982.32

Your genetics will give you a starting place very clearly.

Time: 1985.28

Even the non-exerciser was a pretty healthy guy.

Time: 1987.98

So they were in a good spot.

Time: 1989.24

Mid-50s, doesn't exercise, doesn't really

Time: 1990.95

pay attention to his diet at all,

Time: 1992.36

and he was in a pretty good shape.

Time: 1994.29

However, if you want to actually move progress and move forward

Time: 2001.03

high functionality, you have to do something besides just

Time: 2005.38

run, just distance run.

Time: 2007

Now, I could say the same thing for strength training.

Time: 2009.85

That alone-- because I don't want

Time: 2011.278

to make this thing like I'm saying endurance exercises.

Time: 2013.57

It worked.

Time: 2014.47

In both cases, both these studies,

Time: 2016.93

those folks were much better off in metrics

Time: 2020.65

that are incredibly important to mortality,

Time: 2022.81

how long you're going to live, VO2 max, et cetera.

Time: 2025.9

It's just not going to get there in terms of strength.

Time: 2029.11

We took a look at muscle fiber physiology

Time: 2031.712

as well, which is very interesting.

Time: 2033.17

So what I mean is there's generally

Time: 2034.81

two types of muscle fibers, fast-twitch and slow-twitch.

Time: 2038.44

And one of the things that is a hallmark of aging

Time: 2041.32

is a selective reduction in fast-twitch fibers.

Time: 2045.38

And that's because it's difficult to activate them

Time: 2047.74

unless you're doing high-force activities.

Time: 2050.26

You're going to activate slow-twitch fibers doing almost

Time: 2052.659

any activity of daily living.

Time: 2054.5

And so they stay around.

Time: 2056.025

Fast-twitch fibers, unless you're

Time: 2057.4

doing something of high force or going, not be used.

Time: 2059.603

And they're not going to be kept around.

Time: 2061.27

And that's a problem because when

Time: 2062.71

you look at things like the need for leg strength

Time: 2065.35

through aging, the ability to catch yourself from a fall,

Time: 2068.65

these things are incredibly important.

Time: 2070.36

If you don't have fast-twitch fibers,

Time: 2072.04

you don't have the speed to get your foot out in front of you

Time: 2074.11

on time, and you don't have the eccentric strength

Time: 2076.193

to stop the fall from happening.

Time: 2077.728

And so if you look across, again, the aging literature,

Time: 2080.02

they're very clear about the importance

Time: 2081.94

of maintaining strength and fast-twitch fibers over time.

Time: 2085.46

So we know that this is an important distinction

Time: 2088.3

here overall.

Time: 2089.71

And people will often talk about, how much of that

Time: 2093.25

is genetically determined?

Time: 2094.42

Can I change my fiber type?

Time: 2095.86

And the answer there is resoundingly yes.

Time: 2098.65

And can I change it with exercise?

Time: 2100.45

And the answer is, absolutely you can.

Time: 2102.52

And then the next question is, how much?

Time: 2105.04

So now, again, we're going to see an order of magnitude.

Time: 2107.59

In general, without going too far down an area

Time: 2110.62

that maybe we can save for later,

Time: 2113.62

each one of your muscles in your body

Time: 2115.66

has a different percentage of fast-twitch and slow-twitch,

Time: 2118.15

for example, your calf.

Time: 2121

If you look at your soleus, which is the smaller one that

Time: 2123.76

goes in the back, that's generally mostly slow-twitch,

Time: 2126.97

typically 80% or so slow-twitch.

Time: 2129.632

The gastroc, which is the other one right next to it.

Time: 2131.84

So if you were to point your toe next to your face and that part

Time: 2134.507

that kind of flexes out in the middle pops out,

Time: 2137.267

that's your gastroc.

Time: 2138.1

That is almost the inverse.

Time: 2140.08

So it's generally 80% fast-twitch, maybe 20%

Time: 2142.75


Time: 2143.86

Generally, anything anti postural or postural,

Time: 2146.26

rather, anti gravity, spinal erectors,

Time: 2148.378

things that are meant to keep you up or moving all day,

Time: 2150.67

are going to be slow-twitch.

Time: 2151.6

And things like your hamstrings, which are for explosion,

Time: 2153.975

are going to be fast-twitch.

Time: 2155.66

Well, we biopsied the quad in these individuals.

Time: 2158.37

And in that muscle, it's generally about 50/50,

Time: 2162.08

fast-twitch, slow-twitch, as a really broad number.

Time: 2166.01

Well, one of the things that we found was in the non-exerciser,

Time: 2169.31

it was almost textbook what you would predict.

Time: 2171.8

It was about 50% or so slow-twitch,

Time: 2175.82

a little bit of percentage of fast-twitch, and then about 20%

Time: 2178.64

or what are these called hybrid fibers,

Time: 2180.84

which are a hallmark of an activity.

Time: 2182.61

All right.

Time: 2183.11


Time: 2183.86

In the exerciser, it was about 95% slow-twitch.

Time: 2188.07

And so it's extremely clear-- again,

Time: 2189.87

I don't know if maybe their set point was a little bit higher

Time: 2193.14

towards that, and the non-exerciser devolved down

Time: 2196.992

to his place or the other one, but it doesn't matter.

Time: 2199.2

I mean, you're going from 40% slow-twitch in one case

Time: 2201.51

to 95% slow-twitch in another case.

Time: 2204.31

It shows you that the limits of physiological adaptation

Time: 2207.96

are darn near boundless given enough exposure.

Time: 2211.09

In this case, 35 years of extremely consistent training,

Time: 2214.38

and his muscle morphology was completely

Time: 2216.87

different than his identical twin with the exact same DNA.

Time: 2221.22

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Those are two beautiful examples of people

Time: 2223.86

doing endurance work for a number of years

Time: 2226.69

and what that gives them in terms

Time: 2228.39

of benefits and functionality.

Time: 2232.32

Has the opposite experiment been done or observed,

Time: 2236.07

where somebody's just weight lifted

Time: 2237.93

or just sprinted for a number of years?

Time: 2241.84

I don't know that there's a identical twin control.

Time: 2245.022

That's a little--

Time: 2245.73


Time: 2245.79

I wish we had a third twin.

Time: 2247.08

ANDREW HUBERMAN: --too much to ask for.

Time: 2247.77

Right, triplets.

Time: 2248.7

So triplets out there, if you're exercising in different ways

Time: 2252.547

or people who have triplets, maybe you

Time: 2254.13

assign one kid to be a runner, one kid to be a weightlifter,

Time: 2256.41

and the other one to be sedentary.

Time: 2257.827

Please don't do experiments like that.

Time: 2259.63

But the expectation, as I understand it,

Time: 2263.44

would be that the person that sprints or that does

Time: 2267.36

heavy squats, explosive work, would then

Time: 2271.93

have more fast-twitch muscle fibers in their quad.

Time: 2274.48

And their non-exercising counterpart would have fewer.

Time: 2278.05

That would make sense.

Time: 2278.98

But what happens if you assess the endurance level in somebody

Time: 2284.02

who's just done strength training or just sprinted?

Time: 2286.81


Time: 2287.56

So we don't have those data specifically.

Time: 2289.99

We're actually just starting to have studies come out

Time: 2293.2

on lifelong strength trainers.

Time: 2295.235

And there's actually a very good reason

Time: 2296.86

for this, which is a whole story we can get into,

Time: 2301.12

but the quick answer is, we don't

Time: 2303.67

have a lot of people who've been lifting

Time: 2305.44

weights for 30-plus years.

Time: 2307.45

We have a whole swath of people who've

Time: 2310.057

been doing endurance training for that long.

Time: 2311.89

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Is that because fewer people

Time: 2313.54

have been weight training or are the weight trainers all dead?

Time: 2316.123

ANDY GALPIN: You've got to go back to 1953, 1954.

Time: 2318.247

You had two major things happen that changed

Time: 2320.08

the entire course of exercise physiology and exercise science

Time: 2322.66

and, really, exercise as we know it.

Time: 2324.23

It's important to understand the history of our field.

Time: 2327.51

A lot of the questions I get are based

Time: 2331.17

on false assumptions of what exercise can and can't do.

Time: 2336.03

As an example, questions like momentum.

Time: 2339.06

Should I use momentum or that's cheating, right?

Time: 2341.13

Or it doesn't work.

Time: 2343.02

It compromises my results.

Time: 2344.83

It's actually totally untrue.

Time: 2346.45

There are excellent reasons when you should use momentum

Time: 2349.44

when you lift.

Time: 2350.25

There are reasons when you should not.

Time: 2351.99

It is sometimes very beneficial to go fast

Time: 2354.57

with the exercise repetitions.

Time: 2355.83

Sometimes very slow and controlled is better.

Time: 2357.84

Any question I get-- in fact, I'm

Time: 2359.79

very infamous for always responding with, "It depends."

Time: 2364.17

The reason I say it depends is it depends on the goal.

Time: 2367.23

When you're training for speed or power or muscular endurance,

Time: 2370.11

the answer to some of these very common question differs.

Time: 2373.59

What people fail to realize is they

Time: 2375.87

think they're asking the right question because they don't

Time: 2378.9

understand this history, what's being planted in your brain

Time: 2381.96

subconsciously, is driving that question.

Time: 2384.72

And it's not necessarily the right one.

Time: 2386.35

So if we walk through that a little bit,

Time: 2388.08

you'll see what that field has led.

Time: 2390.42

Why you think certain things matter

Time: 2392.46

when they actually don't or maybe your assumptions are

Time: 2395.43

incorrect and then exactly what to do about them.

Time: 2397.822

ANDREW HUBERMAN: I'd like to take a brief break

Time: 2399.78

and acknowledge our sponsor, Athletic Greens.

Time: 2402.06

Athletic Greens is a vitamin, mineral, probiotic,

Time: 2404.91

and adaptogen drink designed to help

Time: 2407.04

you meet all of your foundational nutritional needs.

Time: 2409.71

I've been taking Athletic Greens daily since 2012,

Time: 2413.01

so I'm delighted that they're a sponsor of this podcast.

Time: 2415.62

The reason I started taking Athletic Greens and the reason

Time: 2418.037

I still take Athletic Greens once or twice a day

Time: 2420.51

is that it helps me meet all of my foundational nutritional

Time: 2423.07


Time: 2423.57

That is, it covers my vitamins, my minerals,

Time: 2425.76

and the probiotics are especially important to me.

Time: 2428.25

Athletic Greens also contains adaptogens,

Time: 2430.38

which are critical for recovering from stress,

Time: 2432.48

from exercise, from work, or just general life.

Time: 2434.988

If you'd like to try Athletic Greens,

Time: 2436.53

you can go to athleticgreens.com/huberman

Time: 2439.23

to claim a special offer.

Time: 2440.34

They'll give you five free travel packs,

Time: 2442.007

and they'll give you a year supply of vitamin d3k2.

Time: 2445.107

Again, if you'd like to try Athletic Greens,

Time: 2446.94

go to athleticgreens.com/huberman

Time: 2449.4

to claim this special offer.

Time: 2450.88

ANDY GALPIN: So in 1953, 1954, you

Time: 2453.3

had Roger Bannister breaking the four-minute mile,

Time: 2456.09

so subfour-minute mile.

Time: 2457.44

And then you also had Sir Edmund Hillary and then his sherpa,

Time: 2460.23

Norgay, summit Everest in the same, basically, two-year span.

Time: 2464.1

That exact same year after that was the formation

Time: 2466.74

of what's called the American College of Sports Medicine.

Time: 2469.5

Now, that is still around today.

Time: 2471.48

It is the preeminent group for this Exercise As Medicine.

Time: 2474.45

So if you're interested in things like exercise

Time: 2477.39

for obesity prevention, for cancer treatment, for things

Time: 2480.777

like that-- it's not really sports medicine.

Time: 2482.61

It's more for clinical exercise--

Time: 2484.8

that's the place to go, American College of Sports Medicine.

Time: 2487.41

So we have this launching of both a ton

Time: 2490.98

of people wanting to start doing endurance exercise

Time: 2493.32

and start swimming and cycling and running.

Time: 2495.172

And then you have a launch of people coming off

Time: 2497.13

of the back of the Harvard Fatigue Lab.

Time: 2499

So the fatigue lab actually shut down in 1947.

Time: 2501.93

So you have these people interested in physical fitness,

Time: 2504.72

but nowhere to go.

Time: 2506.16

Well, all those people left the Harvard fatigue. lab

Time: 2508.44

and started their own labs at other places.

Time: 2510.76

So you've launched the careers of people

Time: 2512.76

like Dave Costill and John Holloszy

Time: 2516.15

and some of these very famous exercise physiologists.

Time: 2519.09

And they start building laboratories.

Time: 2520.68

And we start, for the first time ever,

Time: 2522.51

studying the science of exercise.

Time: 2524.94

So years go by, and these people happen.

Time: 2527.55

The 1960s the 1970s is what we call the runner's boom.

Time: 2530.55

So people start-- in fact, if you

Time: 2532.44

look at the numbers of people who are doing marathons,

Time: 2534.93

it explodes through these two-decade spans

Time: 2538.35

because it's like, we could do these endurance feats.

Time: 2541.5

Notice both those feats were endurance, running short term

Time: 2544.473

as well as going over there.

Time: 2545.64

No one has thought anything about strength training

Time: 2549.42

and here's why.

Time: 2550.22

In the late 1880s, there was a very famous physician named--

Time: 2553.91

George Winship, I think was his name,

Time: 2555.74

who was a big proponent of strength training.

Time: 2557.72

Well, he died in the age of 50 something of a heart attack.

Time: 2561.44

And that terrified people of strength training for 70 years

Time: 2564.195

because they're like, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Time: 2565.82

That stuff will kill you because he was a doctor,

Time: 2568.52

he was trying-- he was running around the country,

Time: 2569.87

doing these exhibitions and reporting it, and then he died.

Time: 2572.24

ANDREW HUBERMAN: It's sort of like Atkins--

Time: 2574.04


Time: 2574.79


Time: 2575.48

Although some people say he died of a heart attack.

Time: 2577.605

Other people said he fell through the ice

Time: 2579.65

into cold water.

Time: 2580.4

That's debated, but the fact that a heavy proponent

Time: 2584.18

of a given nutrition plan dies suddenly.

Time: 2587.462


Time: 2588.17

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Not good for business.

Time: 2589.795

ANDY GALPIN: So now the little storm is brewing.

Time: 2594.17

1940s-- and I'm going back a little bit,

Time: 2596.33

but bear with me for a second--

Time: 2597.68

there's a guy named Peter Karpovich,

Time: 2599.93

and he's a scientist out of Springfield,

Time: 2603.53

the decorated physical education,

Time: 2605.22

PE, that's a legendary place, Springfield College.

Time: 2607.97

And he is anti strength training for a lot of the same reasons.

Time: 2610.92

In his entire career, he talked about, don't do this.

Time: 2613.16

He's the one that launched these ideas that strength training

Time: 2615.702

will make you lose flexibility, it

Time: 2618.08

will be bad for kids, all these things

Time: 2620.48

that we know now are clearly not true.

Time: 2623.42

He's a proponent of these things.

Time: 2624.92

And there is a show that happened

Time: 2627.71

at Springfield College, and a guy named Bob York--

Time: 2630.69

and if you-- York Barbell, that's still around today--

Time: 2634.19

is going around the country and putting on these exhibitions.

Time: 2636.77

They come to Springfield, and it's

Time: 2638.3

sort of like a new-age social media

Time: 2642.412

thing, where it's like, the students know

Time: 2644.12

what's about to happen because Karpovich shows up

Time: 2646.82

to this event.

Time: 2648.2

And everyone knows he hates strength training.

Time: 2650.57

And everyone is like waiting for it to end, just

Time: 2652.64

to see what he's going to say.

Time: 2653.89

So this whole exhibition goes on,

Time: 2655.37

and these people are doing--

Time: 2656.63

you've got to remember back at the time, bodybuilding,

Time: 2658.16

weightlifting, power lifting, strength, strongman,

Time: 2659.75

it's all the same thing.

Time: 2661.1

There's no differentiation yet.

Time: 2662.99

And it finishes, and Karpovich stands up,

Time: 2664.88

and the crowd goes silent.

Time: 2666.71

And he just asks one question.

Time: 2668.108

And he just points to one of the guys

Time: 2669.65

and says, scratch your back.

Time: 2671.947

And now he's just assuming and waiting for the guy

Time: 2674.03

to be like, ah and not be able to put

Time: 2675.77

his hand behind his head.

Time: 2677.207

And I think he pointed to John Grimek, who's

Time: 2679.04

a famous bodybuilder.

Time: 2680.63

And he reached back and scratched his back, no problem.

Time: 2683.082

And then they proceeded to grab two dumbbells--

Time: 2685.04

I think they were 50-pounds dumbbells-- and do a backflip,

Time: 2687.14

standing backflip with both in each hand.

Time: 2689.025

They started doing the splits on stage,

Time: 2690.65

and they start performing all kinds of physical function

Time: 2694.11


Time: 2694.61

And Karpovich is stunned.

Time: 2696.98

He's like, holy-- he has nothing to say.

Time: 2698.97

He leaves there, and his whole life has changed.

Time: 2700.97

All these things he was claiming were shown, in his face,

Time: 2704.57

to be false.

Time: 2705.71

He does a 180 on his career.

Time: 2707.69

He starts running study after study on strength training

Time: 2710.3

and starts finding immediately there

Time: 2712.43

are no detriments to strength training

Time: 2714.68

in terms of global health.

Time: 2716.18

Of course, you can do it wrong and things like that.

Time: 2718.43

And in fact, here comes a whole bunch of benefits.

Time: 2721.11

So through the 1950s, while this thing

Time: 2722.99

is going on with the endurance folks,

Time: 2724.79

no one's still strength training because there's

Time: 2728.45

no record to see.

Time: 2729.41

There's no American College of Sports Medicine.

Time: 2731.87

There's no societies.

Time: 2732.8

There's no science.

Time: 2733.61

We're not sure it's safe.

Time: 2734.66

And meanwhile, Karpovich is just hammering study after study

Time: 2737.27

after study showing you it's safe, it's safe, is safe,

Time: 2739.52

but it hasn't picked up yet.

Time: 2740.78

And then everything changed in 1977.

Time: 2743.88

Thank you, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Time: 2745.5

He came out with the trifold.

Time: 2747.36

He hits you with pumping iron, which I know

Time: 2749.43

you know that movie, right?

Time: 2750.628

Pumping Iron.

Time: 2751.17

ANDREW HUBERMAN: It's an interesting movie.

Time: 2751.8

Even for those not interested in bodybuilding,

Time: 2754.012

it's a very interesting movie because it really

Time: 2755.97

gives a window into not just him, but the way

Time: 2759.57

in which weight training started to show up

Time: 2763

as a regular practice.

Time: 2764.885

When I was growing up, the only people who weight trained

Time: 2767.26

were people preparing for football, bodybuilders,

Time: 2770.32

who basically didn't exist in the town where I grew up.

Time: 2772.72

And the only people who did yoga were yogis doing Bikram,

Time: 2776.86

but now you drive through any major American city

Time: 2780.34

or European city and there is yoga studios,

Time: 2782.41

there's gyms with free weights.

Time: 2784.84


Time: 2785.897

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Time: 2787.48

is largely responsible, I think, for initiating that shift.

Time: 2791.602


Time: 2792.31

Because think about it.

Time: 2793.268

He hit us with Pumping Iron, Conan, and then The Terminator,

Time: 2797.44

almost in back-to-back-- very close, within years.

Time: 2800.66

So you've got this whole cascade of the '70s of people

Time: 2803.32

running, cycling, and swimming.

Time: 2805.44

Now, science is starting to come out that it's not dangerous

Time: 2807.94

and maybe, actually, some benefit.

Time: 2809.357

And then boom.

Time: 2810.07

Not only is it not bad for you, it

Time: 2813.68

can make you into a real world superhero.

Time: 2818.13

I mean, think about the psychology of a child

Time: 2820.02

growing up, watching somebody like Conan.

Time: 2822.9

Think about what Batman looked like in the 1950s and '60s.

Time: 2826.14

And then boom.

Time: 2827.83

I can look like that?

Time: 2829.807

Now, not everyone wants to look like Arnold,

Time: 2831.64

but you see the power that can land in people.

Time: 2833.92

No one had ever seen or thought you can make

Time: 2836.14

your body transform like that.

Time: 2837.52

You could maybe be born like that, but no chance.

Time: 2840.34

That's within the grasp of all of you.

Time: 2841.985

ANDREW HUBERMAN: When I was a kid growing up,

Time: 2843.86

one of my favorite books was The Guinness Book of World Records.

Time: 2845.68


Time: 2846.46

ANDREW HUBERMAN: I still have images

Time: 2847.96

in my mind of the coldest animal.

Time: 2851.37

ANDY GALPIN: Yeah, sure.

Time: 2852.37

ANDREW HUBERMAN: The longest lifespan, et cetera.

Time: 2854.47

And there was a picture in there of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Time: 2857.86

And you know what his record was?

Time: 2859.66

It said, perfectly developed man.

Time: 2861.59

ANDY GALPIN: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Time: 2862.84

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Which is, as you point out,

Time: 2864.04

that isn't the physique that most people aspire to.

Time: 2866.17

ANDY GALPIN: It doesn't matter, though.

Time: 2867.795

ANDREW HUBERMAN: But it did inspire this shift.

Time: 2869.93

The other thing about resistance training

Time: 2871.638

that I think has a certain allure for some people, men

Time: 2877.06

and women, is that it's one of the few forms of exercise

Time: 2880.81

that because of the enhanced blood flow to the muscle that

Time: 2883.45

occurs during the training, the so-called "pump,"

Time: 2885.58

it gives you a transient but somewhat real

Time: 2888.67

window into what your results will be.

Time: 2891.382


Time: 2892.09

ANDREW HUBERMAN: When you run and you're gasping for air,

Time: 2894.67

you aren't experiencing what it's

Time: 2896.35

like to be faster than you are that day.

Time: 2898.15

ANDY GALPIN: That's correct.

Time: 2898.58

ANDREW HUBERMAN: But when you weight train,

Time: 2899.41

you get an aesthetic picture into how your functionality

Time: 2902.56

and aesthetic will change.

Time: 2903.73

It disappears a few hours later--

Time: 2905.105


Time: 2905.855

ANDREW HUBERMAN: --as the so-called "pump" subsides,

Time: 2908.11

but it's a very interesting form of exercise in that way.

Time: 2911.552

It's almost as if you go in to learn a language

Time: 2913.51

and during the process of learning, for brief moments,

Time: 2915.813

you're actually fluent, and then it gets taken away.

Time: 2917.98


Time: 2918.28

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So it puts the dopamine carrot out

Time: 2920.17

in front of you.

Time: 2920.9


Time: 2920.98

ANDREW HUBERMAN: This is just me hypothesizing

Time: 2922.51

as to why weight training might have taken off

Time: 2924.527

the way that it did.

Time: 2925.36

ANDY GALPIN: Yeah, I mean, it's like if you got

Time: 2927.318

paid every hour on the hour when you were working.

Time: 2929.47

And then at the end of the day, They

Time: 2930.73

take the money back, but you still--

Time: 2932.08

as the time clock is going on in your day, you're looking up,

Time: 2934.622

and you're watching your bank account grow in real life.

Time: 2937.24

You can see why it's so addicting to those folks.

Time: 2940.85

So to finish the story here, going back

Time: 2943.09

to your actual question answer.

Time: 2944.44

This is happening in the late '70s, early '80s.

Time: 2946.99

And so now Joe Wieder, all these gyms,

Time: 2950.44

they're exploding because people want to look like that

Time: 2953.78

or they realize they have the chance

Time: 2955.42

to change how they physically look.

Time: 2956.98

That had never been a reality before.

Time: 2959.02

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Mostly men at that point, I'm guessing.

Time: 2960.19

ANDY GALPIN: Almost exclusively, yeah,

Time: 2961.78

for a large number of reasons, cultural acceptance, et cetera.

Time: 2965.92

Even with endurance stuff, you could get fitter and run faster

Time: 2968.8

and that's better, but it wasn't going

Time: 2970.42

to change how you looked unless you were losing fat.

Time: 2973.66

Now you can change how you look, which

Time: 2975.28

is so incredibly addicting.

Time: 2976.51

In fact, there's a very famous quote.

Time: 2978.497

I think it was actually Joe Wieder who

Time: 2980.08

said, "Show me one man who wants to be strong,

Time: 2982.42

and I'll show you 10 who want to look strong."

Time: 2985.31

It's like, that's very, very powerful.

Time: 2987.53

There's this a whole--

Time: 2989.108

there's tons of this history I can go into,

Time: 2990.9

which is sort of explaining to you.

Time: 2992.358

But now you know you're in the mid- '80s,

Time: 2994.55

and you have what I call my generation.

Time: 2996.855

So you have my generation, who fall in love with strength

Time: 2999.23

training in the 1980s and '90s, but there's really

Time: 3002.71

no scientific field for it.

Time: 3004.48

It's not really come about yet.

Time: 3005.89

The science of endurance and exercise physiology

Time: 3008.5

is now humming along at a massive rate

Time: 3010.69

because these people came up in the '70s and '80s,

Time: 3012.85

and they're five, 10, 15 years in their career.

Time: 3015.73

They're producing.

Time: 3016.51

They're generating graduate students.

Time: 3018.267

They're starting their own labs.

Time: 3019.6

And they exercise physiology, still to this day,

Time: 3021.85

is 80% endurance, steady state stuff almost exclusively.

Time: 3025.6

Well, now my generation, you love sports.

Time: 3029.782

You love lifting.

Time: 3030.49

You love all these things.

Time: 3031.573

And now what we see happen is the Chicago Bulls,

Time: 3034.635

Michael Jordan starts picking up strength training.

Time: 3036.76


Time: 3037.36

That's on TV.

Time: 3037.96

He's on SportsCenter in the mid 1990s, lifting weights.

Time: 3041.02

And we go back, actually, to the late 1970s.

Time: 3043.48

And I'm not sure if you're a football fan,

Time: 3045.43

but any football fan will recognize the Nebraska

Time: 3047.83

Cornhuskers in the 1970s and '80s

Time: 3050.35

changed how football's played.

Time: 3052.03

Well, the reason is because they started strength training.

Time: 3054.73

And they started doing it with a guy named Boyd Epley, who

Time: 3057.22

was the founder of the NFCA.

Time: 3059.05

So the National Strength Conditioning Association

Time: 3061.45

is formed in the late 1970s as well.

Time: 3063.98

So just like ASCM was developed the year after those two

Time: 3066.88

events happened, 1978, the year after Arnold comes out, boom,

Time: 3070.69

NFCA is formed.

Time: 3071.8

And now you have a scientific organization dedicated

Time: 3075.43

to strength and conditioning.

Time: 3076.66

You've got NFL strength conditioning coaches that

Time: 3079.3

are starting to come on board.

Time: 3080.62

You've got scientists that are starting to come into labs.

Time: 3083.037

And strength conditioning becomes a scientific field.

Time: 3085.66

Well, everything swings now, from an exercise perspective,

Time: 3089.8

into bodybuilding.

Time: 3091.06

And so almost all of the things--

Time: 3093.56

in fact, we were sort of talking before, I could run

Time: 3096.31

a whole bunch of tricks on you.

Time: 3097.87

And I could ask you a whole bunch of questions about things

Time: 3099.88

that you think are absolute standards

Time: 3101.422

or guarantees about training.

Time: 3103.41

I'm supposed to do this.

Time: 3104.41

I'm never supposed to do that.

Time: 3105.83

ANDREW HUBERMAN: For instance?

Time: 3106.78

ANDY GALPIN: For instance, is it OK to train a muscle

Time: 3108.988

group on back-to-back days?

Time: 3111.628

Most people are at home thinking, no,

Time: 3113.17

you're not supposed to train a muscle--

Time: 3114.55

ANDREW HUBERMAN: It needs to recover.

Time: 3116.092

ANDY GALPIN: And that's total nonsense.

Time: 3118.06

Other things like body part split training, training one

Time: 3122.62

muscle group per day, other things like cardio,

Time: 3127.775

endurance training influencing, will it

Time: 3129.4

ruin my gains for my lift?

Time: 3130.84

All of these things are on at a base of assumptions

Time: 3134.62

that come from bodybuilding.

Time: 3136.78

Now, that's a fantastic world, but because everything started

Time: 3139.78

in the late 1970s as bodybuilding,

Time: 3141.405

in terms of-- basically strength training was that.

Time: 3143.53

Weightlifting and powerlifting were not at all around.

Time: 3147.763

They were, but nobody cared.

Time: 3148.93

Again, show me someone who wants to be strong.

Time: 3151.09

I'll show you 10 who want to look strong.

Time: 3153.22

The physique thing just dominated,

Time: 3154.96

and we're not getting out of that yet.

Time: 3157.107

We're not all the way out of it.

Time: 3158.44

We're starting to, though, because here's why.

Time: 3160.357

People started to realize, this bodybuilding thing

Time: 3163.3

is fantastic.

Time: 3164.15

I can change my physique.

Time: 3165.52

I'm getting better, but damn, these workouts

Time: 3169.76

take an hour and a half, two hours.

Time: 3172.34

And I'm going to spend that whole time on one or two body

Time: 3174.86

parts, which means I'm going to have to lift six days a week,

Time: 3178.13

and I'm going to have to do that consistently.

Time: 3180.527

Now all of a sudden, boom.

Time: 3181.61

Two hours on my elbow flexors.

Time: 3184.093

Damn, my elbow's starting to hurt.

Time: 3185.51

ANDREW HUBERMAN: And yet, my understanding

Time: 3187.26

is that it doesn't really require two hours a day--

Time: 3189.64

ANDY GALPIN: Not at all.

Time: 3190.64

ANDREW HUBERMAN: --of training in order

Time: 3191.36

to get benefits, even just for hypertrophy.

Time: 3193.64


Time: 3194.69

But a lot of the times, you're going

Time: 3196.19

to have to get some amount of time

Time: 3197.87

in because you're spending so much isolation.

Time: 3200.66

So we've gone away from training movement, running

Time: 3203.57

as a movement, cycling as a movement,

Time: 3206.18

training my biceps as a muscle or muscle group,

Time: 3209.842

training my hamstrings or a muscle group.

Time: 3211.55

That's not a human movement.

Time: 3212.75

So we've done a 180 in terms of selecting the exercises

Time: 3215.87

from movement-based prescription to now muscle

Time: 3220.04

group-based training.

Time: 3220.935

So when you're isolating muscle groups,

Time: 3222.56

that means a whole chunk of your body

Time: 3224.33

is really not doing much throughout the day.

Time: 3226.98

So what happens if you're doing, say, legs on Monday

Time: 3229.79

and you miss Monday because you're on a flight?

Time: 3232.6

Now your legs have to wait a whole other week,

Time: 3238.138

So this starts to become problematic.

Time: 3239.68

People start getting beat up.

Time: 3240.888

People start realizing, I actually don't feel that great.

Time: 3244.3

I'm not super fit.

Time: 3245.35

I'm sweating just walking up the stairs.

Time: 3247.06

I'm out of breath.

Time: 3247.81


Time: 3248.32

Because all that training, you've

Time: 3249.88

done nothing for your cardiovascular fitness.

Time: 3251.8

You've done nothing to improve heart rate, oxygenation,

Time: 3255.04

blood flow.

Time: 3255.83

And so that paradigm swung way too hard into the exercising,

Time: 3259.99

especially lifting weights, is single joint,

Time: 3262.99

often machine, often slow, often high-volume isolation stuff.

Time: 3269.2

And that left a giant opening of people going,

Time: 3271.43

well, wait a minute.

Time: 3272.33

What if you could get in the gym,

Time: 3273.97

I can promise you the same or better result

Time: 3276.4

in under 30 minutes?

Time: 3277.757

And, in fact, you'll also feel better.

Time: 3279.34

You'll lose more weight.

Time: 3280.78

And that opened up group exercise classes,

Time: 3283.57

kettlebell stuff, CrossFit type of stuff, circuit training

Time: 3286.81

because you can come in, you won't

Time: 3288.978

get so beat up because the volume is lower,

Time: 3290.77

the time is much lower.

Time: 3292.3

You get multiple adaptations at the same time.

Time: 3295.45


Time: 3296.03

The problem with that, though, fast forward 10 years,

Time: 3298.55

is it started burying people because you've now

Time: 3301.57

de-emphasized movement quality, and you've

Time: 3305.74

overemphasized scores.

Time: 3308.2

So this is a classic example.

Time: 3309.56

If you go and you watch Pumping Iron or any bodybuilder,

Time: 3312.79

you'll see if they're doing a bicep curl,

Time: 3314.71

they don't even really pay attention to the rep range.

Time: 3317.35

They don't really pay attention to the load.

Time: 3318.67

They are looking at their muscle.

Time: 3319.81

They're trying to figure out, how

Time: 3320.68

do I get that thing to fire?

Time: 3322.06

They're squeezing.

Time: 3322.81

They're flexing.

Time: 3323.35

They're posing at the end of every set.

Time: 3324.76

They're trying to figure out, am I getting enough pumps?

Time: 3327.093

It is exclusively founded on exercise quality.

Time: 3330.58

The rep brains, the numbers, almost irrelevant.

Time: 3333.85

When you go to the other model, exercise technique,

Time: 3337.78

it doesn't matter.

Time: 3338.688

Just get the most amount of weight up

Time: 3340.23

or the amount of reps or the fastest time,

Time: 3341.97

et cetera, et cetera.

Time: 3342.77


Time: 3343.02

ANDREW HUBERMAN: This would be CrossFit.

Time: 3343.83

I've walked past some CrossFit.

Time: 3345.09

I've done two CrossFit classes.

Time: 3346.29

ANDY GALPIN: I don't want to get sued.

Time: 3347.02

So you said "CrossFit."

Time: 3347.82

I didn't.

Time: 3348.32

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Oh, no I enjoyed them.

Time: 3350.11

I definitely felt like I was working hard.

Time: 3352.35

ANDY GALPIN: Oh, you will.

Time: 3352.71

ANDREW HUBERMAN: I observed a lot of people

Time: 3354.502

in very close proximity doing Olympic lifts

Time: 3357.78

and doing kipping--

Time: 3359.127

that's where you kick your legs, folks, say,

Time: 3360.96

sort of like bucking and kipping type pull-ups. No.

Time: 3364.86

I enjoyed it.

Time: 3366.36

It wasn't for me for the long term,

Time: 3368.92

but it did seem that there was a lot of ballistic movement

Time: 3373.2

in close proximity to other people.

Time: 3375.52

So the hazard to me seemed more about that

Time: 3377.61

than the actual movement.

Time: 3378.978

ANDY GALPIN: Well, again, the point I'm setting up here

Time: 3381.27

is, that was actually a really brilliant solution

Time: 3384.36

for a lot of the problems the classic bodybuilding

Time: 3386.7

hypertrophy introduced.

Time: 3388.21

So it got away from isolation movements

Time: 3390

and got people doing big movements, which

Time: 3392.04

are more effective, generally better.

Time: 3394.44

It got people doing things fast and explosive.

Time: 3396.78

That's more athletic.

Time: 3397.86

That is more important for longevity.

Time: 3399.48

It solved a lot of the problems.

Time: 3401.61

Joint health wasn't getting crashed.

Time: 3403.29

The issue they went with is they just pushed the pace on score

Time: 3408.39

rather than quality.

Time: 3409.74

They pushed the pace on how many people can

Time: 3411.63

be in here at the same time.

Time: 3412.797

So now you're doing higher-risk movements, higher intensity,

Time: 3416.16

higher fatigue, and with a total--

Time: 3418.712

not that they don't care about technique,

Time: 3420.42

but it's not the thing that they're most concerned about.

Time: 3422.795

It's getting the number and the thing done.

Time: 3425.14

They solved the time issue, though.

Time: 3426.66

You can get tremendous results in three days

Time: 3429.27

a week, under 45 minutes each session, et cetera.

Time: 3432.63

Burn people out, though.

Time: 3433.92

Way too much high intensity, way too often.

Time: 3436.26

And the other problem, safety concerns,

Time: 3438.6

all kinds of orthopedic issues and other stuff.

Time: 3441.358

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Can I interrupt you for a moment

Time: 3443.4

and just ask a question, as we go through

Time: 3445.108

this arc of the history of why endurance training predominated

Time: 3449.31

or strength training or bodybuilding type training

Time: 3452.1

or CrossFit type training because I think

Time: 3453.912

this is fascinating, and I know we're about to arrive

Time: 3456.12

at where we are today--

Time: 3457.155


Time: 3457.5

ANDREW HUBERMAN: --and what the future looks like for people

Time: 3460

and what they should focus on and do.

Time: 3462.81

At what point, if any, do you think

Time: 3465.75

resistance training started to become adopted by women?

Time: 3470.22

There was no equivalent of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Time: 3473.64

there was Linda Hamilton in The Terminator.

Time: 3475.77


Time: 3476.52

ANDREW HUBERMAN: There are some impressive physiques,

Time: 3479.43

certainly, on female actresses and athletes.

Time: 3483.84

The Williams sisters, very impressive

Time: 3486.627

musculature and physiques.

Time: 3487.71

And, of course, their tennis playing speaks for itself.

Time: 3492.5

Has that happened yet?

Time: 3494.78

What I mean is, do you think, since you work with both men

Time: 3498.5

and women, do you think that most women understand

Time: 3502.76

that weight training, done properly

Time: 3505.88

is going to be extremely beneficial for them, maybe even

Time: 3508.61

especially for them, in terms of offsetting bone density

Time: 3512.06

loss and things of that sort?

Time: 3514.25

Or are we still waiting for the popular stimulus

Time: 3519.47

for getting 80% of young women thinking,

Time: 3522.77

I want to lift weights?

Time: 3524.3


Time: 3526.3

Hard for me to answer because I'm not a woman.

Time: 3529.67

Now, I have a daughter.

Time: 3531.03

She's four, so we'll see.

Time: 3533.03

What I can say is, I've probably worked with--

Time: 3535.592

I don't know how many professional athletes in total.

Time: 3537.8

A lot.

Time: 3538.58

I've worked with them probably 14 professional sports.

Time: 3541.37

I've worked with Cy Young winners,

Time: 3543.74

MVPs, all the credentials.

Time: 3546.62

I bet 35%, 40% of the athletes I've worked with are female.

Time: 3550.738

So I've worked with Olympic gold medalists.

Time: 3552.53

I've worked with bronze medallists in multiple sports.

Time: 3554.9

I've worked with the most decorated powerlifter

Time: 3557.39

of all time in a number of these areas, fighters,

Time: 3560.36

world championship, all of these things.

Time: 3563.03

For me, I feel like that burst has already happened.

Time: 3567.84

My students, if you look at my classroom,

Time: 3570.743

I don't know what the numbers are,

Time: 3572.16

but there is no small number of females in exercise

Time: 3574.68

science and excess physiology.

Time: 3576.495

If you look at our laboratories, that's one thing you will see.

Time: 3579.12

There are very few female exercise scientists.

Time: 3582.09

There are very few female strength conditioning coaches,

Time: 3585.75

but that number is coming down at an astronomical rate.

Time: 3590.01

You have people that are being hired in every sport.

Time: 3594.06

You pick the NFL.

Time: 3595.08

You pick Major League Baseball.

Time: 3597.03

Every few months we're hearing, first female

Time: 3598.95

hired for this, first female hired for that.

Time: 3602.61

The Yankees, Rachel Balkovec is fantastic.

Time: 3605.675

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Yeah, Rachel's been out to my lab.

Time: 3607.8

She's terrific.

Time: 3608.425


Time: 3609.175

Oh, yeah.

Time: 3609.69

She's fantastic.

Time: 3610.447

I mean, she's now being hired as the--

Time: 3612.03

I think she's a hitting coach now, actual sport coach.

Time: 3614.43

She's going to be a GM.

Time: 3615.672

This is her goal.

Time: 3616.38

She's a terminator.

Time: 3617.82

So that's already happening.

Time: 3618.987

And my students that are coming through our program

Time: 3621.112

are getting placed in these roles.

Time: 3622.53

They haven't gotten through yet a lot

Time: 3625.32

in terms of being an actual scientist,

Time: 3627.78

but they're getting there.

Time: 3629.91

Sports scientists in the NBA are being hired, females,

Time: 3632.25

in terms of big data collection.

Time: 3633.48

And sports science and tech, we'll

Time: 3634.897

cover in another discussion, but I think it's happening.

Time: 3639.24

Whether or not the cultural and social--

Time: 3642.24

I can't speak to that end of the equation.

Time: 3644.28

What I can speak to, though, is one

Time: 3647.37

of the things I think is most fun coming forward

Time: 3649.86

scientifically is a number of years ago,

Time: 3652.62

NIH came through with their mandates.

Time: 3655.59

They're saying, it's no longer acceptable to exclude women

Time: 3658.62

from scientific research because we just did that for decades.

Time: 3662.748

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Well, what happened-- just

Time: 3664.54

to fill this in because I think it's worth

Time: 3666.73

noting is that for many years, studies even on rodents

Time: 3671.41

were mainly carried out on male rodents

Time: 3673.96

because the assumption-- and the assumption

Time: 3676.42

turned out to be wrong-- but the assumption was

Time: 3678.58

that the physiology of female rodents--

Time: 3681.06

because they don't have a menstrual cycle.

Time: 3682.81

It's not 28 days.

Time: 3683.56

They have an estrus cycle.

Time: 3684.643

It's four days, a different type of cycle--

Time: 3687.07

that would somehow disrupt the data.

Time: 3689.38

It turns out that's entirely wrong.

Time: 3691.3

Now it's actually required.

Time: 3693.67

When you sit on a grant study panel, which are the people who

Time: 3696.25

evaluate grants, they ask.

Time: 3698.2

They literally say, did they meet the criteria for sex

Time: 3701.56

as a biological variable?

Time: 3702.7

Here we're not talking about sex as the verb.

Time: 3704.575

We're talking about sex as biological sex.

Time: 3706.36

And if you don't say yes, that's a strong hit against the grant.

Time: 3710.3

And if you say yes, then it checks off that box.

Time: 3713.36

So it's now required that both male and female rodents

Time: 3716.38

and humans be studied in a given study

Time: 3718.18

unless the study is specifically geared toward understanding

Time: 3720.79

that only exists in one or the other population--

Time: 3723.505

ANDY GALPIN: Reproductive study, things like that.

Time: 3723.85

ANDREW HUBERMAN: --such as menopause, for instance,

Time: 3725.86

ANDY GALPIN: Yup, totally.

Time: 3726.25

ANDREW HUBERMAN: --menstrual cycle,

Time: 3727.708

andropause, for instance.

Time: 3729.7

But no, this is extremely important.

Time: 3731.74

I'm excited to hear that.

Time: 3732.968

ANDY GALPIN: So where I was going to go with that

Time: 3735.01

is actually, so that was step one, which is cool.

Time: 3737.275

You've got to include them.

Time: 3738.4

Where we haven't gotten to yet, but I've seen more and more

Time: 3741.67

grant applications come through for this,

Time: 3743.38

it's just the funding hasn't it yet,

Time: 3744.88

which is, it's one thing to let women be in the same studies.

Time: 3748.75

That's great.

Time: 3749.5

It's another thing, though, to start

Time: 3751

performing high-performance research specifically

Time: 3754.45

for female questions.

Time: 3755.71

That has not happened yet.

Time: 3757

And that's just a funding issue.

Time: 3758.41

We haven't gotten money yet.

Time: 3759.76

People aren't supporting that.

Time: 3761.11

We don't get a lot of financial support for sports science,

Time: 3763.57

but we can't track down the money yet of me going,

Time: 3766.36

I want to do a study in female athletes

Time: 3768.1

that answers female athlete questions.

Time: 3770.38

These won't help men.

Time: 3771.52

These are questions specific to the female.

Time: 3773.77

That's the next step.

Time: 3775.06

That's where we've got to get to so we can say,

Time: 3777.22

maybe we should do things differently

Time: 3780.19

around training or recovery or we shouldn't or it

Time: 3782.65

doesn't matter.

Time: 3783.34

There's a handful of--

Time: 3786.01

not lower-quality, but some studies.

Time: 3789.52

I don't love them yet.

Time: 3790.72

There just needs to be a ton of work.

Time: 3792.37

Birth control is a very good example the information

Time: 3796.99

for women at female athletes or even just hard exercisers--

Time: 3800.527

you don't have to be a competitive athlete--

Time: 3802.36

around what is birth control doing?

Time: 3804.13

What types?

Time: 3804.918

How should I manage that?

Time: 3805.96

What conversations should I be having with my doctor?

Time: 3809.35

Almost nothing.

Time: 3810.1

Women have nothing to go on for high-performance stuff.

Time: 3812.68

So what if I'm trying to compete in an event or run a race?

Time: 3816.49

All those types of questions should be answered.

Time: 3819.82

Normative value, normative data, performance testing.

Time: 3823.69

It's just not there on the female.

Time: 3825.26

So that's an area.

Time: 3826.01

I think-- if somebody really wanted to make a change,

Time: 3828.812

the scientists want to do it.

Time: 3830.02

I know it.

Time: 3830.52

I've talked to so many in our field

Time: 3832

that would really love to explore it

Time: 3834.25

because it's getting there.

Time: 3836.08

Like I said, the coaching side is getting there.

Time: 3838.24

They're seeing it.

Time: 3838.99

They're hiring these people.

Time: 3839.98

I'm seeing it in my students.

Time: 3844.01

My followings is not all men.

Time: 3845.8

It's a very large percentage of females,

Time: 3847.48

and all I do is post about exercise science.

Time: 3849.97

This is all I do.

Time: 3851.08

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Well, this podcast is very--

Time: 3853.06

we know very clearly the audience is 50% women,

Time: 3856.24

50% men--

Time: 3856.978

ANDY GALPIN: That's nice.

Time: 3858.02

ANDREW HUBERMAN: --which is great.

Time: 3859.13

ANDY GALPIN: So just to jump back in our history discussion

Time: 3861.43

and to finish that point of where we're at now

Time: 3863.38

and where I think we're going to go or should go.

Time: 3866.38

So we walked through the bodybuilding running everything

Time: 3870.28

and people walking into a gym.

Time: 3871.66

Any time they lift weights, they're

Time: 3874.24

making all of their choices based on the assumption

Time: 3876.4

that maximizing muscle size is the goal.

Time: 3878.8

And clearly, that's not the case.

Time: 3880.49

There are other adaptations you may be after.

Time: 3883.69

So we talked about how that had problems,

Time: 3885.63

and then we talked about how some

Time: 3887.005

of these other forms of exercise filled those gaps

Time: 3890.48

and then what problems those things introduced.

Time: 3893.435

Well, I think we're actually at a point

Time: 3895.06

where that pendulum is slowly shifting into the middle.

Time: 3898.21

What I mean by that is, if you want

Time: 3899.917

to maximize muscle strength, we look towards the power lifting

Time: 3902.5


Time: 3903

If you want to maximize muscle power,

Time: 3904.99

we're going to look to the weightlifting community.

Time: 3907.115

If you want to look for muscular endurance, well-roundedness,

Time: 3909.7

maybe we look into the CrossFit communities

Time: 3911.492

and some of these obstacle course races or functionality

Time: 3914.01


Time: 3914.51

So what we can do now is generate protocols

Time: 3917.92

that get us the exact adaptations we want

Time: 3920.68

and not ones we don't want, because we can look back

Time: 3923.77

at each of these different styles of training

Time: 3926.35

and pick and choose optimal protocols

Time: 3929.08

or combinations for them.

Time: 3930.2

So if somebody simply wants to get healthy,

Time: 3932.5

like we talked about when we listed the nine adaptations

Time: 3935.41

and I mentioned health wasn't one of them,

Time: 3937.39

that's because what determines your health

Time: 3939.82

versus what determines my optimal health differs.

Time: 3942.22

So if I need more hypertrophy, I can look towards bodybuilding

Time: 3945.46

concepts, but if I have enough or maybe

Time: 3947.98

for personal reasons, I decide I have too much

Time: 3950.05

or I don't want to add any more, then I can say, hey,

Time: 3953.06

how can I get stronger without getting bigger?

Time: 3955.3

And boom, I look towards powerlifting concepts.

Time: 3957.49

How can I get more powerful?

Time: 3958.94

How can I get faster but I don't, again, want to lose fat?

Time: 3963.01

OK, great.

Time: 3963.73

Or if I want physique changes.

Time: 3965.05

So we have all these different areas

Time: 3966.55

we can pick and choose from that have expertise

Time: 3969.76

in specific adaptations and develop ourselves

Time: 3972.79

perfect protocols based on that information.

Time: 3975.315

ANDREW HUBERMAN: I'd like to take

Time: 3976.69

a brief break to acknowledge our sponsor, InsideTracker.

Time: 3979.81

InsideTracker is a personalized nutrition platform

Time: 3982.3

that analyzes data from your blood and DNA

Time: 3984.85

to help you better understand your body

Time: 3986.56

and help you reach your health goals.

Time: 3988.3

I've long been a believer in getting regular blood work done

Time: 3990.94

for the simple reason that many of the factors that impact

Time: 3993.807

your immediate and long-term health and well-being

Time: 3995.89

can only be analyzed from a quality blood test.

Time: 3998.41

One issue with a lot of blood tests and DNA

Time: 4000.223

tests out there, however, is that you get information back

Time: 4002.64

about various levels of lipids and hormones

Time: 4004.56

and metabolic factors, et cetera,

Time: 4006.143

but you don't know what to do with that information.

Time: 4008.31

InsideTracker makes knowing what to do with all that information

Time: 4011.2

exceedingly easy.

Time: 4012.45

They have a personalized platform that lets you see what

Time: 4015.558

your specific numbers are, of course,

Time: 4017.1

but then also what sorts of behavioral

Time: 4019.26

do's and don'ts, what sorts of nutritional changes,

Time: 4022.05

what sorts of supplementation would allow you to bring those

Time: 4024.6

levels into the ranges that are optimal for you.

Time: 4027.21

If you'd like to try InsideTracker,

Time: 4028.8

you can visit insidetracker.com/huberman

Time: 4031.38

to get 20% off any of InsideTracker's plans.

Time: 4033.96

Again, that's insidetracker.com/huberman

Time: 4036.87

to get 20% off.

Time: 4038.23

So with the understanding in mind as to how we all, myself

Time: 4041.73

included, arrived at such lopsided fitness,

Time: 4045.842

too much endurance, not enough strength, too much strength,

Time: 4048.3

not enough endurance, it's really hard

Time: 4050.31

to imagine that anyone's perfect in this regard.

Time: 4054.06

Can you walk us through the nine different adaptations

Time: 4056.46

that you mentioned earlier and give us

Time: 4059.67

a way to assess our level of ability

Time: 4064.05

or our level of adaptation in each of those nine?

Time: 4066.572

ANDY GALPIN: All right.

Time: 4067.53

The very first one we want to talk about is movement skill.

Time: 4070.2

Now, set aside sport specific.

Time: 4073.17

So I'm not going to give you an assessment for optimal golf

Time: 4075.87

technique swing.

Time: 4076.68

This is really about human movement

Time: 4078.61

so that you stay injury free and you

Time: 4080.893

can continue to train for as long as possible.

Time: 4082.81

So what are the minimum requirements?

Time: 4084.352

Now, if you can have access to a highly-qualified physical

Time: 4088.17

therapist or movement specialist,

Time: 4090.09

that's the best route.

Time: 4091.53

Go to them.

Time: 4092.34

Have them identify all of your movement patterns,

Time: 4095.79

overhead pressing, squatting, running, all these things.

Time: 4099.24

That's your gold standard.

Time: 4100.38

If you want to do it yourself, though, here

Time: 4102.27

is a very simple four-step solution.

Time: 4105.52

So the way that I teach this is I go joint by joint.

Time: 4108.51

And so I think of this as the major ones, your shoulder,

Time: 4111.75

your elbow, your low back, hip, knee, and ankle.

Time: 4116.77

Now, what you can do is do a representative movement

Time: 4119.1

for you.

Time: 4119.95

So if you bench a lot, use the bench.

Time: 4121.89

If you do pull-ups, use the pull-up.

Time: 4124.2

If you squat, do that.

Time: 4125.46

I would recommend doing an upper-body press,

Time: 4127.83

an upper-body pull, a lower-body press, a lower-body pull.

Time: 4131.25

An example would be a push-up, a pull-up, or a bent row,

Time: 4136.319

a squat, and then a deadlift.

Time: 4138.27

That would be a very, very well-rounded approach.

Time: 4141.327

What you're going to do is do that movement.

Time: 4143.16

And I would record it for yourself.

Time: 4146.12

And record a frontal view and a side view.

Time: 4149.34

Probably do three to 10 repetitions per angle,

Time: 4153.8

slow and controlled.

Time: 4155.147

You don't need any body weight.

Time: 4156.439

What you want to do is move, and you want to look for key things

Time: 4160.04

at every joint.

Time: 4161.689

So again, imagine I'm doing a squat.

Time: 4163.707

I'm going to do a squat, and I'm going

Time: 4165.29

to focus on just my ankle.

Time: 4166.58

And I'm going look for these four things of the ankle.

Time: 4168.83

And then I'm going to go back and watch my knee

Time: 4171.2

and look for these same four things of the knee

Time: 4173.359

through the hip, et cetera.

Time: 4175.22

So what are these four things?

Time: 4176.7

Number one is you want to look for symmetry.

Time: 4178.819

So symmetry is front to back, left

Time: 4181.22

to right, and your right limb and your left limb.

Time: 4185.42

And so what we want to look for are if they aren't

Time: 4188.3

moving perfectly, that's fine.

Time: 4189.84

But you want to see is one moving further

Time: 4191.758

ahead than the other one?

Time: 4192.8

Is one turning to the side and one's not?

Time: 4195.68

Is one fidgeting and twitching around differently?

Time: 4199.08

So you want to look just to check,

Time: 4200.75

to see and make sure that they're stable.

Time: 4202.458

That's one.

Time: 4203.3

Number two, you want to look for stability.

Time: 4205.86

So a key indicators here are things

Time: 4207.59

if you can't get through Squat, a controlled squat,

Time: 4211.97

where your knees don't start shaking.

Time: 4214.212

That would be an instability issue.

Time: 4215.67

So can you do the movement slow?

Time: 4217.92

Can you pause at the bottom, maybe three seconds, maybe five

Time: 4220.44

seconds or 10?

Time: 4221.18

You should have complete control of that movement

Time: 4224.33

and all of these joints.

Time: 4226.7

Are your hips sliding to one side when you stand up?

Time: 4229.1

Is one elbow closer to your body when you're benching

Time: 4232.31

and the other one's more flared out?

Time: 4233.81

These are the things I'm talking about.

Time: 4235.59

I'm not worried about what angle they should be at or not.

Time: 4239.06

You're simply looking for asymmetries or instabilities.

Time: 4242.25

So again, as you're pushing up, does

Time: 4243.8

one elbow start flipping and twitching and going

Time: 4245.96

all over the place?

Time: 4246.93

The third one is what I call awareness.

Time: 4249.26

So there are a lot of movement technique issues

Time: 4252.8

that, simply, people don't know.

Time: 4254.48

And so you'll watch them squat.

Time: 4255.86

I do this in my classes all the time.

Time: 4257.402

I'll have 100 kids out there, squatting.

Time: 4259.205

And you'll see some horrible squat technique.

Time: 4261.08

And then when you just tell them, hey,

Time: 4262.71

did you realize your heels are supposed to be on the ground

Time: 4265.27

all times when you squat?

Time: 4266.312

They're like, oh, OK.

Time: 4267.2

And they can correct it.

Time: 4268.16

It's not actually a movement flaw.

Time: 4269.577

It was just simply an awareness.

Time: 4271.01

I didn't know, and then I actually

Time: 4272.63

didn't realize that was happening that position.

Time: 4275.09

So we want all of our joints to be

Time: 4276.77

going through a general full range of motion,

Time: 4278.76

which is number four.

Time: 4279.77

So the ankle-- during a squat, your knees

Time: 4282.74

should be able to go as far over your toe as possible while

Time: 4285.38

maintaining good position, your feet

Time: 4287.03

flat on the floor, your three points of contact,

Time: 4290.09

your whole flat foot, and you're not compromising another joint.

Time: 4293.053

So that's all you're going to look

Time: 4294.47

for are those four things, symmetry, stability, awareness,

Time: 4299.27

and range of motion through each joint, through each movement.

Time: 4302.78

It sounds difficult and time-consuming.

Time: 4306.46

It's really not.

Time: 4307.21

You can generally clear these things in one

Time: 4309.49

or two repetitions in a couple of seconds.

Time: 4311.247

And what you're really going to look for-- there's

Time: 4313.33

lots of scoring schemes you can test, that physical therapists

Time: 4317.058

will sort of do.

Time: 4317.725

I just look for absolutely terrible,

Time: 4321.61

can't do it at all, minor flaw, or pretty close to good.

Time: 4325.513

That's really all I'm looking for.

Time: 4326.93

So my scoring system is zero, one, three.

Time: 4328.69

Zero is like, you're not going to do

Time: 4329.56

this exercise because you're at a very high acute risk.

Time: 4332.35

You might get hurt on rep one tomorrow.

Time: 4335.77

Number one, a score of one is like, there's

Time: 4337.77

a minor flaw here.

Time: 4338.783

We can probably do it, but we need

Time: 4340.2

to be cautious of load and volume.

Time: 4343.222

And the other one is, maybe it's perfect,

Time: 4344.93

maybe it's not, but go ahead and it on a reasonable protocol.

Time: 4349.13

You'll be fine.

Time: 4350.28

So that's generally what you would

Time: 4352.04

need to do as a cost-free method of identifying good movement

Time: 4355.34

technique within any of the things that you would do.

Time: 4358.603

ANDREW HUBERMAN: What about speed?

Time: 4360.02

ANDY GALPIN: I actually don't think this

Time: 4361.1

is one most people should test.

Time: 4362.408

If you're a high-performance athlete,

Time: 4363.95

we can run a 40-yard dash or we can do some different things

Time: 4367.82

with a velocity transducer on a barbell,

Time: 4370.527

if you're a weightlifter or something.

Time: 4372.11

For most people, pure speed is really

Time: 4374.6

maximum velocity or acceleration are

Time: 4377.87

the two ways we break it down.

Time: 4380.27

It's generally not that necessary to test.

Time: 4382.22

ANDREW HUBERMAN: What about number three, power,

Time: 4384.62

which I believe before you told me was speed times force.

Time: 4387.752

ANDY GALPIN: So the reason why I don't worry too much

Time: 4389.96

about speed is because you can infer a lot of it

Time: 4391.96

from a power test.

Time: 4393.05

And a power test is easier to do as well as easier to train

Time: 4396.74

for for most people.

Time: 4398

So the cost-free version here is a simple broad jump.

Time: 4401.54

So this is stand with normal position,

Time: 4405.23

jump out as far in front of you as you possibly can,

Time: 4407.63

and measure the distance between where you started

Time: 4409.76

and the back of your heel, where it lands.

Time: 4411.83

A super basic number to look for there is your height.

Time: 4416.132

So you should be able to broad jump how tall you are.

Time: 4418.34

If you're 5' 5," you should hit 5' 5," 6' 5," et cetera.

Time: 4422.03

It's not perfect.

Time: 4423.53

That's going to ratchet down a little bit, about 15%,

Time: 4427.04

for females.

Time: 4428

They just simply don't have the power,

Time: 4429.59

in general, that men have.

Time: 4430.673

And so you're going to want to bring that down a little bit,

Time: 4433.173

but it's a very crude number.

Time: 4434.96

If you were to look at a high-performance NFL player,

Time: 4438.5

if they're six feet tall, they're

Time: 4439.91

going to be jumping nine to 10 to 11 feet.

Time: 4442.7

If you can jump your body height--

Time: 4445.1

we're not looking for optimization

Time: 4446.69

in this particular test.

Time: 4447.71

You are looking for red flags if you can jump your body height,

Time: 4452.06

you're going to be just fine.

Time: 4453.268

ANDREW HUBERMAN: That's incredibly straightforward

Time: 4455.352

and yet, I have one question.

Time: 4456.74


Time: 4457.13

ANDREW HUBERMAN: I'm assuming that I can squat down

Time: 4459.255

as low as I need to before I jump,

Time: 4460.85

I can swing my arms from back to front as harder,

Time: 4465.36

with as much momentum as I can muster.

Time: 4468.66

And when I land, you said I'm going

Time: 4470.16

to take the measure from where the back of my heels.

Time: 4472.68

ANDY GALPIN: You want to measure the distance you actually

Time: 4474.27


Time: 4474.77

So to clarify, there's no running approach here.

Time: 4477.36

There's no steps into it.

Time: 4479.52

You're going to stand at a still.

Time: 4481.14

Yeah, you can swing, bounce as much as you'd like to do.

Time: 4483.568

You're going to projectile off.

Time: 4484.86

So you're going to measure the distance

Time: 4485.94

from the tip of your toe-- so basically, stand

Time: 4487.86

behind the line and then the furthest

Time: 4490.74

point back where you land.

Time: 4492.79

So basically, the worst possible score,

Time: 4494.91

not the best possible because your feet

Time: 4497.13

won't land symmetrically.

Time: 4498.51

One's probably going to be a little bit farther.

Time: 4500.708

Now, technically, if you fall backwards and your hand touches

Time: 4503.25

the ground, we mark that number, but in this case,

Time: 4505.98

just use the furthest point back over your back heel,

Time: 4509.88

and go from there.

Time: 4510.87

ANDREW HUBERMAN: I'll be trying it tomorrow morning.

Time: 4512.47

ANDY GALPIN: Now, if you have access

Time: 4514.038

to a little bit more technology or you just really want

Time: 4516.33

to know a better number, a classic vertical jump

Time: 4519.84

is a good starting place.

Time: 4521.2

So you can actually do this in a simple, cost-free way.

Time: 4523.71

You can just measure two of your hands.

Time: 4525.97

Put them together so that both of your middle fingers

Time: 4528.45

are touching.

Time: 4529.05

Overlap them, and put them directly over your head.

Time: 4531.612

And then you want to reach up as high as you can get.

Time: 4533.82

And you mark that on the wall.

Time: 4535.693

My brother and I used to do this all the time.

Time: 4537.61

We would take a highlighter, the yellow ones, and color

Time: 4541.537

as much as we could on our fingertips,

Time: 4543.12

touch the wall so that the highlighter would

Time: 4545.13

stain the wall--

Time: 4546.06

if you actually go back to my house from my childhood,

Time: 4548.58

you'll see these markers all over our house.

Time: 4550.692

ANDREW HUBERMAN: I'm sure your parents were thrilled.

Time: 4552.9

ANDY GALPIN: My dad didn't care.

Time: 4554.25

Single dad, he didn't care.

Time: 4555.18

He's just like, whatever, you guys.

Time: 4556.35

Do whatever you want.

Time: 4557.22

So you want to measure that.

Time: 4558.21

And then, of course, you're going

Time: 4559.585

to jump with those two hands and touch as high as you can up.

Time: 4562.56

And you're going to measure the distance between your standing

Time: 4565.143

reach and the actual height that you jumped there.

Time: 4567.94

Now, the reason you're doing it two-handed by the way,

Time: 4570.19

is because if you do one-handed, you

Time: 4571.71

can actually reach pretty high by offsetting your shoulders.

Time: 4574.99

And now you're getting into differences

Time: 4576.72

of who has more shoulder mobility, who has the ability

Time: 4579.57

to get up there.

Time: 4581.73

A two-handed standard approach is there.

Time: 4584.07

Same thing, no running approach here.

Time: 4586.32

You can dip.

Time: 4587.01

You can drive.

Time: 4587.61

You can do all those things.

Time: 4588.63

You can swing your arms, but you're

Time: 4590.088

going to be a two-handed touch, is a general way to do that.

Time: 4593.1

You want to look for a number of something

Time: 4595.74

like 24 inches or higher.

Time: 4598.36

If you're past the age of 50, that number

Time: 4600.78

can come down a little bit, to closer to 20.

Time: 4603

And again, for females, it's going to be ratcheted down

Time: 4605.34

about 15% everywhere you go.

Time: 4607.98

If you're a middle-aged female, and you're jumping 20 inches,

Time: 4613.2

you're in a pretty good spot.

Time: 4614.505

You're going to be looking really nice there.

Time: 4616.38

Now, if you can do that on a force plate,

Time: 4618.69

that's even better.

Time: 4619.9

So these are, basically, scales that

Time: 4622.77

will go out to multiple digits, sometimes five to nine digits

Time: 4626.01

past zero.

Time: 4626.91

And you're going to stand on these things,

Time: 4628.09

you're going to do the exact same test.

Time: 4629.13

And these are very interesting because they'll tell you

Time: 4630.81

not only how high you jump, but they'll

Time: 4632.643

tell you how much force you put in the ground.

Time: 4634.56

They can also tell you how long it took you--

Time: 4636.87

and this is called your rate of force development--

Time: 4639

as well as impulse and speed and a bunch of other stuff, which

Time: 4642

are important to help you understand where on the power

Time: 4645.15

spectrum you need to be.

Time: 4647.52

So you would do that in addition to using some sort of velocity

Time: 4651.51

transducer on a barbell.

Time: 4652.96

So a very classic thing to do would be,

Time: 4655.53

let's say, you're going to do a squat.

Time: 4657.12

And you're going to put this device on the barbell,

Time: 4659.928

and that's going to measure the speed

Time: 4661.47

at which the barbell moves.

Time: 4662.76

And you're going to do that at 40% of your one repetition max,

Time: 4665.82

50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, up to 100%.

Time: 4669.06

And that allows you to create what's

Time: 4670.56

called a force-velocity curve.

Time: 4672.67

And you can start to see at what point,

Time: 4674.55

when you start loading things heavy,

Time: 4676.23

do you start slowing down too much.

Time: 4678.66

And that will tell you what part of the force-velocity curve

Time: 4681.39

that you want to train in to optimize your power.

Time: 4684.21

Why that's important, a lot of people

Time: 4685.918

will do things like, when I'm training for power,

Time: 4687.96

how heavy should I lift?

Time: 4689.19

Well, the general answer people say

Time: 4691.05

is, 30% of your one-rep max, but that's actually not

Time: 4693.3

true at all.

Time: 4694.17

What's most optimal for power development--

Time: 4696.33

which we'll discuss more much later--

Time: 4699.27

is depending on where you're flawed

Time: 4701.07

in the force-velocity curve.

Time: 4702.34

So if you have access to technology like that,

Time: 4705.012

that can give you a lot more insight and information.

Time: 4707.22

If not, do the broad jump test or the highlighter

Time: 4711

on your fingertips and jump it up and touch the wall test.

Time: 4713.76

ANDREW HUBERMAN: At Andy Galpin's house.

Time: 4715.5

ANDY GALPIN: Hey, just come along.

Time: 4717.417

The walls are already messed up.

Time: 4718.75

Just go ahead and come up to Washington, and we'll do it.

Time: 4721.3


Time: 4723.23

What about strength?

Time: 4724.298


Time: 4725.09

So strength is really important.

Time: 4726.423

You need to measure this in multiple areas.

Time: 4728.36

And we'll start off with grip strength.

Time: 4730.5

So you can do this in two ways.

Time: 4732.21

You can buy a hand grip dynamometer.

Time: 4733.97

Now, these are anywhere between $20 to $100, anywhere.

Time: 4738.32

These actually used to be, when I was

Time: 4740.18

in school, hundreds of dollars.

Time: 4741.59

And now you can literally buy them on any website for $25.

Time: 4744.77

So my honest recommendation is technically,

Time: 4746.57

that's not cost-free.

Time: 4747.77

I know your whole thing about the cost-free protocols,

Time: 4750.02

but $25, I'm calling that basically cost-free.

Time: 4753.17

You can bring that in and test that.

Time: 4754.67

And that's just a little device where you're going to squeeze,

Time: 4756.62

and you're going to do it.

Time: 4757.19

And I would do your right hand and your left hand.

Time: 4759.53

You want to look for asymmetries there,

Time: 4761.51

but you want to look for something like--

Time: 4763.49

typically, they're going to give you a value in kilograms.

Time: 4767.49

And you want to look for something like a minimum score

Time: 4770.81

here of 40 kilograms.

Time: 4772.43

Ideally, you're up past 60 would be a really good spot to be in.

Time: 4776.485

You want to make sure that there's no less than 10%

Time: 4778.61

variation between your left and right hand.

Time: 4780.41

Your non-dominant hand actually shouldn't be

Time: 4782.45

that much weaker in this test.

Time: 4784.14

So what you'll actually see, a lot of times,

Time: 4785.973

is the non-dominant can be oftentimes stronger

Time: 4788.81

because the dominant hand is more for movement precision,

Time: 4791.66

writing, things like that.

Time: 4792.99

So you want them to be close.

Time: 4794.7

If you are a male and you are under 40 kilograms on a hand

Time: 4797.6

grip dynamometer, we're going to need to train that.

Time: 4801.69

If you're a female, it's not that much lower,

Time: 4803.67

but about 35 kilograms is the cutoff point.

Time: 4807.15

If you're above 55, we can add it to your training,

Time: 4810.883

but I'm not worried about leaving it out

Time: 4812.55

of your training.

Time: 4813.16

If you're a female, if it's above 50,

Time: 4814.702

that's my cut off of where we want to go.

Time: 4817.12

So that's a fairly cheap one.

Time: 4818.82

Another one that you can actually do

Time: 4820.32

is just a dead hang.

Time: 4821.55

So you can hold on to any bar, ideally,

Time: 4823.68

one that is thin enough to where you can

Time: 4826.048

wrap your whole hand around it.

Time: 4827.34

So you don't want to be using a giant fat grip.

Time: 4830.75

You're going to have a false reading here.

Time: 4832.5

So something like going to the gym

Time: 4834.66

and jumping on any pull-up bar or pull-up rack.

Time: 4838.582

And you want to hang, and this is a simple time test.

Time: 4840.79

So in general, we should be able to hang

Time: 4843.51

for a minimum of 30 seconds is what we're looking for.

Time: 4847.53

30 to 50 seconds is my good, but we could probably

Time: 4852.45

get better here.

Time: 4853.41

If you're cruising above 60 seconds,

Time: 4855.21

I'm generally pretty happy.

Time: 4857.665

This is actually a good example of when

Time: 4859.29

females tend to be better.

Time: 4862.01

Grip strength on women tends to be strong,

Time: 4863.76

and they can hang for quite a long time.

Time: 4865.84

So those standards don't really change that much for women.

Time: 4869.64

Now, if you are exceptionally large,

Time: 4872.31

this thing doesn't scale perfectly.

Time: 4874.05

If you're 240 pounds and even if you're lean,

Time: 4877.2

it's just hard to hang and hold 240 pounds.

Time: 4881.24

Conversely, if you're 145 pounds,

Time: 4883.67

even if you're unhealthy, you're going

Time: 4885.29

to be able to hang for a long time.

Time: 4886.41

It's just not that much weight to carry.

Time: 4888.077

So just rough numbers to start off with.

Time: 4890.482

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So that's grip strength.

Time: 4892.19

What about strength elsewhere in the body?

Time: 4894.2

ANDY GALPIN: The primary ones, you can do an upper body

Time: 4896.54

strength test if you would like, although it's not technically

Time: 4899.15

something we do very often.

Time: 4900.98

I'm happy to do it one at max bench press or something

Time: 4903.27

like that.

Time: 4903.77

That's great.

Time: 4904.838

What I'm generally more interested in

Time: 4906.38

is a leg extension test.

Time: 4907.91

And the reason I like this is, a back squat is better.

Time: 4911.27

A barbell back squat is-- look, that's my jam.

Time: 4914.49

That's my life.

Time: 4915.56

It's just very technically demanding,

Time: 4917.57

and it's challenging.

Time: 4919.13

You need spotters.

Time: 4920.06

You need comfort.

Time: 4922.13

A lot goes into this.

Time: 4923.43

So for the average person, a leg extension test

Time: 4925.82

is fairly standardized.

Time: 4927.033

You don't have to worry about technique,

Time: 4928.7

and people can just get into it and go.

Time: 4931.05

And so what you want to look for there is a couple of standards

Time: 4935.143

you want to hit.

Time: 4935.81

Again, a very simple answer here is body weight.

Time: 4939.05

Can you do a leg extension with your body weight?

Time: 4942.077

ANDREW HUBERMAN: One repetition?

Time: 4943.41

ANDY GALPIN: One repetition.

Time: 4944.49

ANDREW HUBERMAN: I can answer that right now.

Time: 4945.81


Time: 4946.24


Time: 4946.8

ANDY GALPIN: You can't?

Time: 4947.34


Time: 4948.173

I can hack squat a reasonable amount of weight,

Time: 4950.19

but I was on the leg extension this morning,

Time: 4952.59

and it was a Nautilus machine.

Time: 4954.81

And I certainly could not leg extension my body weight.

Time: 4957.87

ANDY GALPIN: Let me clarify.

Time: 4959.16

Were you doing a single leg?

Time: 4960.577


Time: 4961.41

ANDY GALPIN: So bilateral, you can't leg

Time: 4962.62

extension your body weight?

Time: 4963.33


Time: 4964.163

But I certainly can hamstring curl my body weight.

Time: 4966.593


Time: 4967.26

So we maybe have some deficiencies in our quads

Time: 4970.56

that we need to go after, but that's

Time: 4972.295

a pretty good number you want to be at.

Time: 4973.92

If you go up in age past age 40, every decade that

Time: 4977.76

can come down about 10%, and you'll still

Time: 4980.04

be in a pretty good slot.

Time: 4981.16

So if you're 50 years old and you're

Time: 4983.73

170 pounds, if you can do 160, you're in a pretty good spot.

Time: 4988.23

And then you could just, again, take it down about 10%

Time: 4990.81

every decade after 40, but prior to 40,

Time: 4994.23

there's really no change in strength,

Time: 4996.27

but certainly, somebody in their 40s to 50s

Time: 4999.12

should be able to leg extension their body weight.

Time: 5001.82


Time: 5003.68

I look forward to our discussion a bit

Time: 5005.63

later, talking about how to build strength.

Time: 5007.7


Time: 5008.45

Any of these strength tests, they

Time: 5009.98

don't have to be done to a technical true one-rep max.

Time: 5012.89

You can use what are called repetition conversion equation.

Time: 5016.35

So put on a load that you think is

Time: 5018.77

kind of close to your maximum and just do it

Time: 5021.14

for as many reps as you can.

Time: 5022.49

As long as it's under five reps total,

Time: 5024.83

you can then actually go online and enter that

Time: 5027.11

into any number of calculators anywhere, and it will tell you,

Time: 5030.06

OK, you did three repetitions at 200 pounds.

Time: 5033.14

Your one-rep max is probably 215, whatever.

Time: 5036.772

So there's estimate equation.

Time: 5037.98

So if you don't want to spend the time

Time: 5039.68

or you're not truly comfortable absolutely

Time: 5041.6

going to your true one-rep max, just

Time: 5044.06

get to a number that's fairly close and do as many as you can

Time: 5047.06

and then go on line, again, one-rep max estimator equations

Time: 5050.33

are everywhere.

Time: 5051.98

If you get past five repetitions or so,

Time: 5054.74

the accuracy of those equations starts going down.

Time: 5058.11

So don't put on something and go, oh, I did 12 reps of it

Time: 5061.187

and then try to figure out your one-rep max.

Time: 5063.02

It'll get close.

Time: 5063.687

You start moving past that, you're just getting worse

Time: 5065.895

and worse and worse accuracy.

Time: 5067.11

So I want to make sure whether you're doing the leg extension

Time: 5069.652

test or a front squat test, you don't technically

Time: 5072.23

have to do it in absolute one-rep max.

Time: 5075.11

If neither of those are an option,

Time: 5076.98

another one I like a lot here is simply a front squat

Time: 5080.96

or a goblet squat hold.

Time: 5082.73

So you're going to hold a weight in front of your chest.

Time: 5085.22

A kettlebell is great here.

Time: 5086.39

A dumbbell is fine here.

Time: 5087.62

And you want to hold about half of your body weight,

Time: 5090.957

go all the way to the bottom position,

Time: 5092.54

and try to hold that for about 45 seconds.

Time: 5095.71

So it's a pretty good indicator of number one, your position.

Time: 5100.052

It's hard to be in a bad position for that long

Time: 5102.01

at that load as well as core strength and low back

Time: 5104.66


Time: 5105.16

So it's a very different indicator

Time: 5107.53

than, say, the leg extension test,

Time: 5109.18

but it's a really nice one.

Time: 5111.13

It doesn't require many moving parts.

Time: 5113.17

It's more difficult than the leg extension,

Time: 5115

but it's quite a bit more functional.

Time: 5116.692

And it's going to give you insights

Time: 5118.15

into a lot more areas than just the quadriceps.

Time: 5120.79

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So 45 seconds down at the bottom of the squat

Time: 5123.45

and then returning to a standing position.

Time: 5125.2


Time: 5126.22

And if you can't do the return, actually, I'm

Time: 5128.983

not that worried, but as long as you can hold that good position

Time: 5131.65

without a technical breakdown in that 45 seconds, that's

Time: 5134.44

a really good spot.

Time: 5136.27

As an intro, I want a third of your body

Time: 5138.61

weight for 30 seconds.

Time: 5140.02


Time: 5141.103

I plan to attempt all of those strength tests very soon.

Time: 5145.23

What about hypertrophy?

Time: 5146.67


Time: 5147.66

Actually, before we get into that,

Time: 5148.78

I want to jump back really quickly.

Time: 5150.06

It's important to add a couple of caveats

Time: 5151.89

to the strength training stuff.

Time: 5153.182

So there's two that I want to do.

Time: 5154.8

Number one, these are assuming you are technically proficient.

Time: 5159.81

So I don't want you to do any exercise to exhaustion

Time: 5163.23

or to maximum strength if you're not

Time: 5165.407

comfortable with your technique.

Time: 5166.74

So adjust these accordingly.

Time: 5168.382

If you're not comfortable with the front squat,

Time: 5170.34

do the leg extension.

Time: 5171.15

If you're uncomfortable with that, do something different.

Time: 5173.567

So we never want to utilize maximum testing

Time: 5176.96

if it's going to come with a consequence

Time: 5178.85

of serious acute injury.

Time: 5180.27

So that's the most important flag.

Time: 5182.93

The second one is, your warm-up protocol

Time: 5186.05

will have a huge effect on your actual results.

Time: 5189.95

And so whenever you do these tests,

Time: 5191.518

especially if you're going to do a test and then a test again

Time: 5194.06

down the line, you want to make sure that warm-up protocol is

Time: 5197


Time: 5198.02

Now, again, the NFCA--

Time: 5199.28

and I can give you resources-- has specific guides for exactly

Time: 5203.45

what to do for your warm-up protocol

Time: 5204.95

prior to one-rep max testing.

Time: 5206.48

So we can go there, and you can look that stuff up.

Time: 5208.648

We can add that to show notes or something.

Time: 5210.44


Time: 5211.357

And I think when we get into a deeper

Time: 5212.93

discussion about strength and hypertrophy

Time: 5214.79

and resistance training in general,

Time: 5216.44

maybe we could touch into the best warm-up protocol.

Time: 5218.69

I know I have mine, and I'm certain it's

Time: 5221.03

going to be suboptimal based on everything--

Time: 5223.43

ANDY GALPIN: Maybe that's causing the problems.

Time: 5224.03

ANDREW HUBERMAN: --based on every conversation

Time: 5225.08

we've ever had, where I learned all the things

Time: 5226.73

I'm doing incorrectly.

Time: 5227.48

But I do make changes on the basis of what you tell me.

Time: 5229.7

ANDY GALPIN: It's not incorrectly so much

Time: 5231.408

as it is suboptimal.

Time: 5232.725

ANDREW HUBERMAN: That's a very kind way

Time: 5234.35

of telling me it's incorrect.

Time: 5235.558

Thank you.

Time: 5236.81

What about hypertrophy?

Time: 5238.303

ANDY GALPIN: So the thing you want

Time: 5239.72

to pay attention to here is, you have the aesthetic portion

Time: 5244.86

of hypertrophy.

Time: 5245.49

That's entirely up to you.

Time: 5246.91

There is no rationale.

Time: 5248.04

You can decide what you feel like looks good or doesn't

Time: 5250.08

look good.

Time: 5250.58

That's irrelevant.

Time: 5251.71

There is a sufficient amount you need to have,

Time: 5254.73

where below that, it's detrimental to your health,

Time: 5257.16

regardless of your outcomes.

Time: 5258.67

And so the best way to do this is a couple of ways.

Time: 5261.51

Any sort of body composition tests can do this.

Time: 5264.76

So whether this is a scan through like a DEXA scan,

Time: 5268.5

which is a gold standard or other ways

Time: 5271.68

of biological, bioelectrical impedance or otherwise.

Time: 5274.662

So there's a ton of different tests

Time: 5276.12

you can get that are pretty close.

Time: 5277.96

So what you want to pay attention

Time: 5279.93

to when you get a DEXA scan is a number called FFFMI.

Time: 5285.2

And so that stands for "fat-free mass index."

Time: 5287.34

So you can look at again, any number of online calculators.

Time: 5290.22

These are all standard, so it doesn't actually

Time: 5291.62

matter where you pull them up.

Time: 5292.56

You don't have to worry about looking it up

Time: 5294.352

and whether or not it's right or not or something.

Time: 5296.73

And so that's going to actually tell you

Time: 5298.91

if you have sufficient muscle mass.

Time: 5300.56

And so a number you want to look for, in general, is something

Time: 5303.77

like if you're a man, your FFMI should

Time: 5305.6

be something like 20 or higher.

Time: 5308.61

If you're a woman, you want to look for something like 18.

Time: 5311.39

So those are the targets.

Time: 5312.71

If you get past 24, 25 for a man,

Time: 5316.22

that's a lot of muscle mass, assuming you're

Time: 5318.41

reasonably lean.

Time: 5319.25

Now, if your FFMI is like 24, 25 but your body fat is 40%,

Time: 5324.68

you're actually just a very, very large individual.

Time: 5328.4

You're not in a great spot.

Time: 5329.64

So when we say these sort of numbers,

Time: 5331.34

it's the assumption that you're probably

Time: 5333.007

sub 30% body fat for a man and sub 35% for a woman.

Time: 5337.59

So those are the numbers.

Time: 5339.23

There are online calculators.

Time: 5340.61

All you really need to know is your total body weight,

Time: 5343.31

your body fat percentage, and then your height.

Time: 5345.777

And you can enter those three numbers,

Time: 5347.36

and then they'll tell you your FFMI score,

Time: 5349.28

and it'll correct for an adjusted value.

Time: 5351.08

And then most of those will actually

Time: 5352.58

tell you the grading rubric and then they'll

Time: 5354.413

say, good, average, bad, et cetera,

Time: 5356

but those are the numbers we look at.

Time: 5358.13

If you are, as a man, sub 17, as a woman, sub 15,

Time: 5363.95

now we're in an area of pretty severe physiological detriment

Time: 5368.06

for insufficient muscle.

Time: 5369.59

And in some of our later discussions,

Time: 5371.243

we'll talk about why that matters.

Time: 5372.66

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So that's not sub 17% body fat.

Time: 5375.29

That says specifically, the FFMI.

Time: 5377.173

ANDY GALPIN: That's correct, yeah.

Time: 5378.59

ANDREW HUBERMAN: What about muscular endurance?

Time: 5380.66

Is this where you're going to tell me I need to do wall sits?

Time: 5383.55

ANDY GALPIN: So this is really nice.

Time: 5385.05

You can do any number of tests here.

Time: 5387.35

A standard plank it is a good test of muscle endurance.

Time: 5392.71

So can you hold a front plank for 60 seconds?

Time: 5395.93

Can you hold a side plank for 45 seconds?

Time: 5399.13

Pretty easy.

Time: 5400.15

If you're able to do a push-up.

Time: 5402.103

So if you can't, that sort of tells you alone.

Time: 5404.02

It's actually interesting.

Time: 5405.103

If you can't do a single push-up,

Time: 5406.48

that's not a muscular endurance issue.

Time: 5408.25

That's actually now a strength issue

Time: 5409.75

because that's a one-rep max problem.

Time: 5412.25

So we want to be able to--

Time: 5413.77

again, for a general male, we should have no problem doing

Time: 5417.16

25 plus consecutive push-ups.

Time: 5419.227

ANDREW HUBERMAN: I apologize for interrupting you,

Time: 5421.31

but as long as we're talking about push-ups,

Time: 5423.29

could you just mention form?

Time: 5425.1

Are we talking chest touching the ground?

Time: 5428.07

Elbows breaking right angles?

Time: 5429.39

What is a proper push-up, according to your laboratory?

Time: 5432.845

ANDY GALPIN: Unless you have a very specific reason

Time: 5434.97

to limit range of motion, I want all my testing

Time: 5437.73

done through a full joint range of motion.

Time: 5440.62

This is different for the person.

Time: 5442.42

So it's individualized to them, but in general, for a push-up,

Time: 5445.2

this would be a full complete lockout

Time: 5447.36

of the elbows on the top and a full chest touch

Time: 5450.21

or close to it at the ground.

Time: 5452.61

You can do it different.

Time: 5453.683

It doesn't really matter, but just

Time: 5455.1

keep it standard from your pretest to your post-test

Time: 5457.267

if you're trying to mark progress,

Time: 5459.09

but for us, unless we have a very specific reason,

Time: 5461.28

we're going full range of motion for all of these tests.

Time: 5464


Time: 5464.833

So 25 push-ups for a male.

Time: 5466.36

ANDY GALPIN: 25 push-ups for a male is the standard.

Time: 5468.72

And even something like 10 is a number

Time: 5470.82

we're looking for, again, as minimum categories

Time: 5474.36

for an upper body muscular endurance.

Time: 5476.31

ANDREW HUBERMAN: And not to get too down in the weeds,

Time: 5478.56

but I have observed other people-- of course,

Time: 5480.96

never myself.

Time: 5481.68

No, I'm kidding-- but observed other people

Time: 5483.57

pausing maybe at repetition 15, catching their breath

Time: 5486.96

and then continuing.

Time: 5488.74

ANDY GALPIN: That would be a fail test.

Time: 5490.365

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So continue like a piston.

Time: 5491.37

ANDY GALPIN: That would be a fail test.

Time: 5492.09

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So no pauses.

Time: 5493.14


Time: 5493.65

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Just up down, up down,

Time: 5495.275

and trying to hit at least 10, but ideally 25.

Time: 5498.205

ANDY GALPIN: I learned this lesson in one of our studies,

Time: 5500.58

probably nine years ago, where we didn't clarify that.

Time: 5504.25

And so we actually had an individual--

Time: 5506.637

he wasn't being nefarious.

Time: 5507.72

He just figured out, if I do a couple, take a quick break

Time: 5511.14

and do a couple, he quadrupled his post-test results

Time: 5514.53

from his pre-test result because he figured out

Time: 5517.26

that little hack.

Time: 5519.22

So you want to standardize it.

Time: 5520.75

It's not that I'm against or have

Time: 5522.685

some sort of strong belief.

Time: 5523.81

It's just trying to keep protocol standardized, which

Time: 5526.36

means any break, failed test.

Time: 5528.43

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So 10 to 25 push-ups, minimum, for males.

Time: 5532.21

What about for females?

Time: 5533.31

ANDY GALPIN: So I'll clarify.

Time: 5534.518

If it's sub 10 for a man, that's again,

Time: 5537.01

and you're like, very severe red flag problem.

Time: 5539.86

We really, really like to see a number above 25.

Time: 5542.522

That's where we're anchoring.

Time: 5543.73

Anything between 10 and 25 is like, yeah, but not severe.

Time: 5549.312

ANDREW HUBERMAN: It means they have work to do.

Time: 5551.27

ANDY GALPIN: We have work to do.

Time: 5552.16

ANDREW HUBERMAN: And for females?

Time: 5553.87

ANDY GALPIN: For a female, you're

Time: 5554.67

going to scale that back.

Time: 5555.712

So a female, the answer could be as little as zero.

Time: 5558.55

So you're going to see that, can you do a full position?

Time: 5561.16

If they're in that position, we're

Time: 5562.3

generally not going to do a muscular endurance test

Time: 5564.425

from the knees.

Time: 5565.57

We already know the answer is you're zero.

Time: 5567.687

We'll actually default to another test, which I'll

Time: 5569.77

talk about in a second here.

Time: 5571.64

So for those folks, that's going to scale down a little bit.

Time: 5574.51

So basically, you're looking at 15 is that marker, like 25

Time: 5577.48

was for the male, where I want to see above 15.

Time: 5580.26

And if I do, we're good.

Time: 5581.26

Anything between five to 15 is the number of, OK.

Time: 5586.15

If you're sub five, we generally have some problems.

Time: 5590.5

And if that is different, between one and zero,

Time: 5593.56

then zero is a problem.

Time: 5596.557

So we should be able to do that.

Time: 5597.89

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So if a female cannot do 10 full push-ups.

Time: 5601.75


Time: 5602.59

10 full push-ups hard for a female, depending on size.

Time: 5605.597


Time: 5606.43

Let's say a female can't do five full push-ups. You said,

Time: 5609.14

rather than go to a knees-down version,

Time: 5611.98

what would you do to assess their muscular endurance?

Time: 5615.4

And would you then also encourage

Time: 5618.76

them to work on their strength?

Time: 5620.08

ANDY GALPIN: Well, absolutely.

Time: 5622.03

So again, if they can't do-- they

Time: 5623.77

can do anything less than three, you're going to be strength.

Time: 5627.115

In fact, if you want to look at muscular endurance in general--

Time: 5629.74

so this is a bit of an off topic,

Time: 5631.325

but I promise I'll keep it short,

Time: 5632.7

and I'll come right back.

Time: 5634.98

When I was a doctoral student, I had two lab mates.

Time: 5638.79

One of them was a runner, a female, 120 pounds,

Time: 5642.075

something like that, small.

Time: 5643.2

The other one was a male, and he was basically

Time: 5645.117

like a straight bro, he lifts weights,

Time: 5647.557

doesn't do any other sort of training.

Time: 5649.14

Does a very classic not training program, but kind of training.

Time: 5652.74

And they were bantering back and forth for a while.

Time: 5655.353

And basically she was saying, you're so unfit.

Time: 5657.27

You can't run at all.

Time: 5658.02

And he's saying, you're so weak.

Time: 5658.98

You can't do a pull-up.

Time: 5660.01

And so they challenged each other to a competition.

Time: 5661.66

They said, at the end of the year,

Time: 5663.42

the girl is going to do 26 pull-ups,

Time: 5667.2

and the guy had to run a marathon, so 26 miles.

Time: 5670.29

So that was the thing.

Time: 5671.47

And then there was some sort of consequence for whoever failed.

Time: 5675.433

So the guy quickly tried to figure out, how the hell

Time: 5677.6

am I going to run 26 miles when I have not

Time: 5679.35

run a mile in many, many, many years?

Time: 5681.49

So he just started running, three miles, four miles,

Time: 5683.72


Time: 5685.07

Well, of course, both of them ran immediately to me.

Time: 5687.74

And then she was like, how the hell?

Time: 5689.24

I can't do a pull-up.

Time: 5690.41

And I was like, great.

Time: 5691.56

And I gave her a very specific maximal strength protocol.

Time: 5694.312

And she was like, whoa.

Time: 5695.27

I want to go to the assisted pull-up machine

Time: 5697.91

and work on doing sets of 25 because I've got to get

Time: 5700.49

my muscular endurance up.

Time: 5701.713

And I tried to explain to her, your muscle endurance

Time: 5703.88

is irrelevant if you can't do one.

Time: 5706.07

It's never going to matter.

Time: 5707.45

She did the muscular endurance protocol, the entire thing.

Time: 5710.51

Didn't listen to me.

Time: 5711.388

The end of the year came.

Time: 5712.43

She still produced exactly zero pull-ups.

Time: 5715.58

So the point is, if you look at muscular endurance,

Time: 5719.69

where is it strength and where is it actually

Time: 5721.868

muscular endurance?

Time: 5722.66

The general number that you're looking for is under 80%.

Time: 5726.88

That's going to tell you, is this a muscular endurance

Time: 5729.13

problem or is it an absolute strength problem?

Time: 5731.047

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Under 80% of a one-repetition maximum?

Time: 5733.338


Time: 5734.12

So what I mean by that is this.

Time: 5736.33

In fact, this actually is in your question.

Time: 5739.25

The other way to assess muscular endurance

Time: 5741.02

is take the exact strength tests you did from the talk

Time: 5745.1

five minutes ago, which one did you do?

Time: 5746.96

Load that to 75%, and then do that for as many repetitions

Time: 5751.16

as you can.

Time: 5751.76

And that is a tremendous barometer

Time: 5754.4

of muscular endurance.

Time: 5755.33

So if you were able to do 200 pounds in your leg extension

Time: 5757.76

test, put 75% on that and do that as many reps as you can.

Time: 5760.625

You want to look for more than eight repetitions.

Time: 5763.16

If you are below eight repetitions,

Time: 5765.29

then we have a muscular endurance problem.

Time: 5769.06

If it is higher than that, if you've got 15 or 20,

Time: 5771.98

then we know we have probably some problems

Time: 5774.35

in your peak strength or the test itself.

Time: 5777.24

So that is a good-- eight to 12 number

Time: 5779.45

is where you want to be looking at for there.

Time: 5783.416

ANDREW HUBERMAN: What about anaerobic capacity?

Time: 5786.222

ANDY GALPIN: This one's more challenging.

Time: 5787.93

You either have to go to a laboratory

Time: 5790.18

and do something like a Wingate Test.

Time: 5792.22

So this is a 30-second maximal test

Time: 5796.36

where you're going to see how much work can you possibly do

Time: 5800.05

in that 30 seconds.

Time: 5801.28

If you don't have access to laboratory,

Time: 5803.5

you can do this on any protocol you want.

Time: 5807.13

This could be sprinting.

Time: 5808.27

This can be on an air bike.

Time: 5810.49

This could be on a rower, anything

Time: 5812.59

like that, anything where you can exert maximal effort

Time: 5815.14

and you don't have to worry about technical problems.

Time: 5817.36

So I generally don't like to do things like a kettlebell swing

Time: 5821.382

or something like that.

Time: 5822.34

There's just too many other variables.

Time: 5823.54

You need to be able to go as hard as you possibly can,

Time: 5825.79

knowing you're going to get to a place of tremendous fatigue.

Time: 5829.66

Now, in the lab, we often use what's called a Bosco Protocol.

Time: 5832.908

And you're going to stand on a force plate,

Time: 5834.7

and you're going to do as many vertical jumps

Time: 5836.575

as fast as you can, as high as you can, for 60 seconds.

Time: 5839.8

And you are absolutely destroyed by second 45.

Time: 5843.55

So we'll either use that Wingate Protocol or that Bosco

Time: 5845.95


Time: 5846.76

If you want, though, again, take any of those other places,

Time: 5851.11

30 seconds or so, up to 45 seconds,

Time: 5853.552

up to a minute if you want, it doesn't really matter.

Time: 5855.76

And you just mark down the distance you cover.

Time: 5858.4

That's all.

Time: 5858.9

We don't really have standards for these things

Time: 5860.858

because it's going to be different.

Time: 5862.36

How far you can travel in 30 seconds on a treadmill

Time: 5865.78

is just going to be so different than sprinting in the field

Time: 5869.92

or on the assault bike or whatever.

Time: 5872.08

So what you really want to worry about there is,

Time: 5874.72

can you complete it?

Time: 5876.58

And then how awful do you feel afterwards?

Time: 5879.71

So what you really want to think about here

Time: 5882.76

is not those protocols, but this.

Time: 5885.9

You want to think about can you get

Time: 5887.94

close to your predicted maximum heart rate?

Time: 5891.31

So the number we throw out is 220 minus your age.

Time: 5896.05

So if you're 50 years old, 220 minus 50,

Time: 5898.828

you should be able to get to a maximum heart rate

Time: 5900.87

of around 170 beats per minute.

Time: 5902.83

Now, that number is extremely generic.

Time: 5905.882

If you don't get there, that doesn't have

Time: 5907.59

any indication of your fitness.

Time: 5908.965

If you get higher, that doesn't mean you're any more fit.

Time: 5911.34

It's just a rough number.

Time: 5912.79

So here's what I want you to do.

Time: 5914.61

In this case, your heart rate recovery is the better metric.

Time: 5918.15

So I want you to get up to a maximum heart rate

Time: 5921.16

and then test your heart rate recovery.

Time: 5923.41

And what you should be looking for there

Time: 5925.09

is about a half a beat recovery per second.

Time: 5928.89

So you're going to get up to a place

Time: 5930.68

where you reach absolute terrible exhaustion,

Time: 5934.61

maximum fatigue, test your heart rate, and then count.

Time: 5939.62

Have a timer going.

Time: 5940.49

Within 60 seconds, you should have, again,

Time: 5943.37

that half a beat per second.

Time: 5944.708

You should have a heart rate recovery

Time: 5946.25

of 30 beats per minute.

Time: 5947.45

Within the next minute, so two-minute recovery,

Time: 5951.197

it should be, again, half that, so 60 beats.

Time: 5953.03

Those are rough numbers to go by.

Time: 5954.56

And your three-minute recovery is, again, half of that again.

Time: 5957.47

So that is the closest way.

Time: 5959.84

If your heart rate recovery is worse than that,

Time: 5961.94

then we know we have a problem in your anaerobic capacity

Time: 5964.61

or your cardiovascular capacity.

Time: 5967.82


Time: 5969.42

What about number eight, maximal heart rate?

Time: 5971.607

Because what you just described sounds

Time: 5973.19

a lot like maximal heart rate.

Time: 5974.4

ANDY GALPIN: So this is your VO2 max.

Time: 5975.942

So the gold standard here is to actually go into a laboratory

Time: 5978.89

and get this thing done.

Time: 5980.24

So we can actually run a VO2 max test, where you put a mask on,

Time: 5983.36

collect all your gases, and run you to there.

Time: 5985.52

And there is a very specific protocol for completion

Time: 5989

of a true maximum test.

Time: 5990.47

And any scientist will know that.

Time: 5992.75

If you don't have access to that,

Time: 5994.4

you can do a couple of tests.

Time: 5995.78

One of them is called a 12-Minute Cooper's Test.

Time: 5999.74

So this is simply time.

Time: 6000.85

You're going to run for 12 minutes as far as you can,

Time: 6002.83

and you're going to record the distance you covered.

Time: 6004.997

Again, you can go online to any number of calculators,

Time: 6009.19

enter that distance in.

Time: 6010.66

And that will tell you your proximal or estimated VO2 max.

Time: 6014.023

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So that's a 12-minute sprint.

Time: 6015.94

ANDY GALPIN: 12-minute sprint, maximum distance

Time: 6018.1

you can cover in 12 minutes.

Time: 6019.84

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Keeping a steady pace the whole time

Time: 6021.37

or going--

Time: 6021.62

ANDY GALPIN: Do whatever you want.

Time: 6023.21

The goal is to get maximum distance covered in 12 minutes.

Time: 6026.62

So that's anywhere between a mile to two plus miles,

Time: 6030.61

depending on how fit you are, but you just

Time: 6032.59

do that Cooper 12-Minute Test.

Time: 6035.82


Time: 6036.82

ANDY GALPIN: I told you.

Time: 6037.99

So if you remember, aerobic capacity

Time: 6039.73

is eight to 12 minutes where you're

Time: 6041.53

going to see a real true test of that VO2 max.

Time: 6044.26

You simply can't get that in under a few minutes.

Time: 6048.82

So if you want, you can do a little gentler version of that.

Time: 6055.22

So there are a number of submaximal tests.

Time: 6057.79

In fact, there is a one-mile walk test you can do.

Time: 6060.61

So again, all you're going to do is-- in this case,

Time: 6063.11

you have to have of either a stopwatch or, ideally, a heart

Time: 6067.06

rate monitor.

Time: 6067.72

And all you have to do is-- this is a walk for one mile

Time: 6070.51

submaximal test.

Time: 6071.48

So you're going to walk a mile, record the time,

Time: 6073.9

record your heart rate at the end, enter those in.

Time: 6077.02

And those will give you, again, estimates of your VO2 max.

Time: 6079.76

So that's the like, oh my gosh, I can't run for 12 minutes

Time: 6084.16

as hard as I possibly can or I don't want to do it.

Time: 6087.28

We have a lot of these in our executive program.

Time: 6090.16

It's like, my knee hurts too bad.

Time: 6091.67

I've got back pain when I run or whatever.

Time: 6093.42

Can I-- OK.

Time: 6094.39

And you do the walk test.

Time: 6094.93

And it's pretty accurate if you do it correctly.

Time: 6096.93

So technically, all you have to actually do

Time: 6098.98

is measure your heart rate on you neck and count 60 seconds,

Time: 6102.018

but it's just easier to--

Time: 6103.06

with everyone's watches and stuff now,

Time: 6105.19

just wear the heart rate monitor, plug in those numbers.

Time: 6108.58

And again, those are all standard calculations.

Time: 6112.82

So anywhere you find those, you don't

Time: 6114.858

have to worry about the source.

Time: 6116.15

So you just enter your stuff in, and they're

Time: 6117.34

going to be running off the same equation.

Time: 6119.38

ANDREW HUBERMAN: I like the idea of the 12-minute run.

Time: 6121.7

I'm going to give it a shot, see what happens.

Time: 6123.67

ANDY GALPIN: For years, we did a one-mile version of this,

Time: 6126.64

and there's just a lot more science on the 12-Minute Cooper

Time: 6129.24


Time: 6129.74

So we did that.

Time: 6130.54

It's pretty good, and it is not even remotely close to fun.

Time: 6136.02

ANDREW HUBERMAN: It sounds like fun for other reasons.

Time: 6138.34

ANDY GALPIN: Yeah, yeah.

Time: 6139.34

Well, it is it.

Time: 6140.532

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Fun in the sense that it reveals a lot.

Time: 6142.865


Time: 6143.15

ANDREW HUBERMAN: It's powerful, potent.

Time: 6144.71


Time: 6145.502

There's no hiding.

Time: 6148.682

You can hide with the leg extension test.

Time: 6150.39

It doesn't hurt that bad.

Time: 6151.65

But you cannot feel anything but the 12-minute "run as far

Time: 6155.64

as you can" test.

Time: 6156.39

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So these are really, actually,

Time: 6158.348

psychiatric diagnostic tests--

Time: 6160.423

ANDY GALPIN: They are.

Time: 6161.34

ANDREW HUBERMAN: --of a sort.

Time: 6161.835

ANDY GALPIN: For sure.

Time: 6162.825

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Number nine, long-duration, steady-state

Time: 6166.44


Time: 6167.61

I think of this as a.k.a.

Time: 6169.32

endurance, but as you mentioned before, there

Time: 6172.012

are other forms of endurance.

Time: 6173.22

So long-duration, steady-state exercise.

Time: 6175.542


Time: 6176.25

So you really want to think about this

Time: 6179.38

as not a standard number.

Time: 6182.29

You should maintain consistent work output

Time: 6185.65

for over 20 plus minutes.

Time: 6188.68

And this one I want you to just pick something

Time: 6190.75

that it was in your lifestyle.

Time: 6192.23

So is there a loop around your house that you can do?

Time: 6195.31

Is there some protocol that you like to use before?

Time: 6198.64

And you're simply going to test your ability.

Time: 6200.74

Can you maintain work without stopping?

Time: 6202.9

That's all it needs to be.

Time: 6204.19

Now ideally, I personally like to throw a little twist

Time: 6207.31

in here, which is, can you do this with nasal breathing only.

Time: 6210.008

That's when I feel really good.

Time: 6211.3

If you can go 30 straight minutes

Time: 6212.675

without needing to take a break--

Time: 6214.3

walking doesn't really cut it unless you're very, very unfit,

Time: 6217.75

in which case, if walking 30 minutes without a break

Time: 6220.45

is a challenge, OK.

Time: 6222.8


Time: 6223.3

But if you can, I want you moving at a non-walking pace.

Time: 6227.32

I don't care what zone this is, two, three, four, five.

Time: 6230.08

I don't care.

Time: 6231.07

Show me you can maintain minimum of 20 minutes of work

Time: 6234.52

with no breaks, no intervals, no downtime and, again,

Time: 6237.85

ideally breathing through your nose only.

Time: 6240.28

ANDREW HUBERMAN: I love this list, but it worries me a bit.

Time: 6243.61

Not because any one of these tests is necessarily

Time: 6246.55

that overwhelming, but because I'm

Time: 6249.58

unclear about how to arrange performance

Time: 6253.068

of these different tests.

Time: 6254.11


Time: 6254.53

ANDREW HUBERMAN: For instance, do I separate them

Time: 6256.82

so I'm doing one test, like long-duration output on one day

Time: 6260.35

and I'm doing strength on another day?

Time: 6262.06

Those seem pretty obvious to me, but are there

Time: 6264.607

ones that one can combine on different days?

Time: 6266.44

How much time should one give oneself in between these tests?

Time: 6269.35

And how often should one do an assessment?

Time: 6272.32

Just as we don't want to necessarily evaluate

Time: 6274.588

body weight changes by getting on the scale three times

Time: 6276.88

a day, maybe once a day at the same time each day

Time: 6280.69

is more practical.

Time: 6282.43

How often should we be assessing our fitness for each

Time: 6285.402

and every one of these?

Time: 6286.36

ANDY GALPIN: Well, the way that I would say this is, you

Time: 6288.693

want to pick the one that is the worst

Time: 6290.77

and do that more frequently.

Time: 6292.46

So if, for example, you do the upper body strength test

Time: 6296.74

and you are fantastic, if you can bench press double

Time: 6299.47

your body weight, I don't need to test your bench very often,

Time: 6303.9

for the average person.

Time: 6304.98

If you're not a powerlifter, maybe once a year or something.

Time: 6307.5

Maybe not even that.

Time: 6308.4

We just don't need to get there.

Time: 6309.82

However, if we then test your VO2 max and in your 12 minutes,

Time: 6315.36

you cover a total of a half a mile,

Time: 6317.55

then we might want to test that every month.

Time: 6320.13

And so we're going to let our priorities emphasize which one

Time: 6323.242

we're going to do more often.

Time: 6324.45

I would recommend doing this full battery once a year.

Time: 6326.76

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Full battery, meaning the entire list

Time: 6329.01

on one day.

Time: 6329.76

ANDY GALPIN: No, not on one day, but within a week.

Time: 6332.018

So you could take a week.

Time: 6333.06

Now, you could do these, technically, all in two days.

Time: 6336.01

Three-day split here is probably best.

Time: 6338.16

So if you were to just say, hey, this is testing week.

Time: 6340.41

I actually love this for beginning of the year

Time: 6343.29

or whenever it is that you change your training,

Time: 6345.96

but I think once a year, just like once a year you

Time: 6348.425

should probably go to a physician

Time: 6349.8

and get full bloodwork, a full heart scan and everything

Time: 6355.2

like that.

Time: 6356.653

And then if maybe you had a heart issue,

Time: 6358.32

they would come back in and test you more frequently, whatever

Time: 6360.51

the case is.

Time: 6361.14

You should probably run through this.

Time: 6362.682

And you're going to be thinking, yeah,

Time: 6364.32

but I don't want to give up on my exercise routine that week.

Time: 6366.75

Well, I promise you, you're not going to finish this week

Time: 6369.125

and think, I didn't do very much work this week.

Time: 6371.64

It's going to feel great.

Time: 6372.88

And then you're going to have a very nice barometer

Time: 6375.12

of exactly where you need to change and prioritize

Time: 6377.82

your training for the next quarter or half a year

Time: 6379.95

or wherever you want to go.

Time: 6381.27

If you want to actually do this every six months,

Time: 6383.64

we end up, actually, doing this, quite honestly,

Time: 6385.77

more like every six months as a general test.

Time: 6389.543

That's a really good way to do it,

Time: 6390.96

but minimum, if you're arguing with me,

Time: 6393.015

give me once a year that you want to do this.

Time: 6394.89

So which order to do them in?

Time: 6397.38

The non-fatiguing tests, you can do whenever.

Time: 6400.05

So this is the body composition scan, the FFMI, the body

Time: 6403.53

fat composition.

Time: 6404.31

All this stuff can be done whenever.

Time: 6406.2

I generally like to do that, though,

Time: 6408.15

as your very first activity.

Time: 6410.05

The reason is we know that acute exercise can heavily

Time: 6414.007

influence things like body composition

Time: 6415.59

measurements because of inflammation, water storage, et

Time: 6418.15


Time: 6418.65

So it's easiest to just get that off of a 48 hour rest.

Time: 6422.17

You want to make sure you don't do any hard exercise the day

Time: 6424.86

before a body composition test and probably 48 hours

Time: 6427.65

before that.

Time: 6428.47

So just start yourself off with that.

Time: 6430.8

Your movement tests can be the same thing.

Time: 6433.05

You don't want to try to do a assessment of how well you're

Time: 6436.08

squatting if you're incredibly sore from your brutal squatting

Time: 6439.54


Time: 6440.04

So tend to do those things when you're the most fresh.

Time: 6442.29

Then what you want to do is any skill or maximum strength

Time: 6445.95

or power goes at the very beginning of the day.

Time: 6448.95

And any fatiguing thing happens at the end.

Time: 6451.51

And so you could easily do this.

Time: 6453.6

All right, I'm going to do my power test, my broad jump,

Time: 6458.56


Time: 6459.06

You're not going to be fatigued at all from that.

Time: 6461.102

And on the same day, since I'm already pretty warmed up,

Time: 6463.59

now I'm going to roll right into my leg strength test.

Time: 6467.58

And since I'm really warmed up, I'm

Time: 6469.11

going to do my leg muscular endurance test right there.

Time: 6472.12

So this is a very common strategy we use.

Time: 6473.88

We do our one-rep max leg extension, five minutes,

Time: 6476.905

seven minutes, whatever we need to do, come back, load it

Time: 6479.28

to 75%, do as many reps as you can.

Time: 6482.16


Time: 6482.76

You could roll right into, then, your upper body

Time: 6484.86

test or your grip strength test or anything else

Time: 6486.87

that you want to do there.

Time: 6488.16

Is there a little bit of influence?

Time: 6491.21

Yeah, but really, for most people, it's not that bad.

Time: 6495.32

What influence I mean.

Time: 6496.43

If you do a leg strength test, coming back and doing

Time: 6499.1

an upper body strength test afterwards,

Time: 6501.32

it's not that big a deal.

Time: 6502.55

Give yourself 15, give yourself 20 minutes.

Time: 6505.37

Give it plenty of time.

Time: 6506.72

So you can knock out your strength testing

Time: 6508.47

and muscular endurance testing all in one day.

Time: 6511.145

You could do your performance, your skill diagnostic,

Time: 6515.12

your power jump test, your strength,

Time: 6517.235

and your muscular endurance, and all that stuff is knocked out.

Time: 6519.86

You're going to have to come back on a separate day

Time: 6522.14

and do your anaerobic tests.

Time: 6524.09

This is 30-seconds maximal endurance, things like that.

Time: 6527.3

You could, though, if you wanted, do that

Time: 6529.76

after your long duration tests.

Time: 6532.173

You're long duration test again, is just

Time: 6533.84

going to function as a big, warm up.

Time: 6536.648

Or you could flip those things or you

Time: 6538.19

can do them on separate days.

Time: 6539.6

You're going to have to do your VO2 max test on its own day,

Time: 6543.577

for the most part, unless you wanted to do, again,

Time: 6545.66

your movement or your body composition

Time: 6548.3

before those things.

Time: 6549.53

So you really have the ability to mix and match.

Time: 6552.2

Ideally, this most realistically probably takes three days.

Time: 6555.92

If you want to separate them into four or five,

Time: 6558.44

the more separation you do, the better data

Time: 6560.27

you're going to get.

Time: 6561.71

It's just a question of how pedantic are you really trying

Time: 6564.74

to get here?

Time: 6565.25

And are you willing to lose 5% to then save a whole day?

Time: 6569.69

Then you can do these things in multiple stacks.

Time: 6572.18

So that's how I would break it up.

Time: 6573.86

ANDREW HUBERMAN: So what I'm hearing

Time: 6575.36

is, better to do it than to not do it.

Time: 6577.092

ANDY GALPIN: Most definitely.

Time: 6578.3

ANDREW HUBERMAN: And be rational.

Time: 6580.3

Don't try and do your strength output

Time: 6582.8

late in the day when you're fatigued.

Time: 6584.795

If you're going to combine some of the steady state

Time: 6587.51

endurance and maximal heart rate, fine.

Time: 6590.57

Understand there might be a slight deficit there, but test

Time: 6593.417

it the same way each time.

Time: 6594.5

And what you're really looking for is improvement.

Time: 6596.39


Time: 6596.75

And you can also do the heart rate recovery

Time: 6598.683

under any of the modalities.

Time: 6599.85

So you could do the heart rate recovery after your VO2 max

Time: 6602.39

as well.

Time: 6603.33

So you finish that thing, and then

Time: 6605.18

just, again, do the same test for up to three minutes.

Time: 6608.368

ANDREW HUBERMAN: These are fantastic tools.

Time: 6610.16

I'm almost tempted to say that I'm willing to post my numbers,

Time: 6612.86

but that actually violates the core principle that I think

Time: 6615.95

we're getting at here, which is that it's highly

Time: 6618.77

unlikely that anybody is going to be phenomenal

Time: 6621.68

across the board.

Time: 6622.4

I mean, certainly there will be individuals that are,

Time: 6624.71

but based on everything we talked about earlier,

Time: 6626.87

specificity of training and how extensively somebody has

Time: 6630.83

been training a certain way will, without question, lop

Time: 6635.28

side them, if you will, toward being

Time: 6637.35

better in some of these assessments and less good

Time: 6640.5

in others.

Time: 6641.16

And that's just simply the way that these adaptations work.

Time: 6643.71


Time: 6645.85

You don't need to be optimal in all of these areas to be,

Time: 6649.66

quote, unquote, "optimal health" from this perspective.

Time: 6652.15

You just want to make sure, again,

Time: 6653.567

there's no severe performance anchors.

Time: 6656.62

This is what we call them.

Time: 6657.865

We don't want any of these severe constraints

Time: 6659.74

because you're going to get limited by that thing.

Time: 6663.02

And so what you want to do is move that up

Time: 6665.23

to just sufficient or concerning and get it away from that.

Time: 6669.13

If you do that, that thing's not going to catch you.

Time: 6671.35

You're going to be able to continue to pursue optimization

Time: 6673.935

in any of the one things that you

Time: 6675.31

have a specific passion for, which

Time: 6677.47

is generally what moves people.

Time: 6679

You train so that you feel better.

Time: 6681.94

You train because you know there are all these benefits to it.

Time: 6685.36

And jeez, this audience probably could list hundreds of them.

Time: 6689.2

But you also train because you generally like

Time: 6691.255

to get better at something.

Time: 6692.38

A lot of us have something.

Time: 6694.245

And so you want to make sure that you're not going,

Time: 6696.37

hey, I know you're good at endurance,

Time: 6698.055

but you really shouldn't train anymore.

Time: 6699.68

We don't want that message, not at all.

Time: 6701.305

I want you to love your training.

Time: 6703.63

We just want to make sure that you're not loving that

Time: 6706.3

so much that you're not taking some blinders off and missing

Time: 6708.97

another area, which would actually--

Time: 6712.24

again, you pull that performance anchor, this whole ship sails

Time: 6715.18

faster, with less effort and less friction.

Time: 6719.52

ANDREW HUBERMAN: What I love about this is also that,

Time: 6721.83

as you've described it, it's not just

Time: 6723.93

for athletes or people that are super into fitness.

Time: 6726.54

It's also for people that just want to be healthy and want

Time: 6729.42

aesthetic changes.

Time: 6730.42

And that's why they're exercising, which, I think,

Time: 6732.503

accounts for a fairly large percentage of people out there.

Time: 6735.01

So I think what you described is incredibly well-structured,

Time: 6739.44

incredibly clear, and incredibly actionable.

Time: 6742.54

So I want to thank you for that I'm

Time: 6746.49

serious about my willingness to do this and at least share

Time: 6750.39

those numbers with you.

Time: 6751.53

And I think for most people that are seeking what you listed off

Time: 6755.76

before aesthetic changes, functionality,

Time: 6758.13

and longevity, it's clear that all nine of these

Time: 6760.74

are going to be important in some regard or another.

Time: 6763.3

ANDY GALPIN: So before we close out,

Time: 6764.8

I want to go back and finish off the metrics for VO2 max

Time: 6768.743

because I don't actually think I gave you numbers on that.

Time: 6771.16

So in general, for men, a minimum number

Time: 6773.97

we want to look at here is 35 milliliters

Time: 6776.1

per kilogram per minute.

Time: 6777.1

And for women, that would be about 30.

Time: 6779.34

So we can actually push a lot higher on those things.

Time: 6782.85

In reality, I want to see men above 50.

Time: 6785.53

ANDREW HUBERMAN: If I could just interrupt you for a second.

Time: 6788.03

When you say 40 milliliters per kilogram, milliliters of what,

Time: 6793.6


Time: 6794.26


Time: 6794.47

So what, actually, those metrics mean is

Time: 6796.48

the first one, milliliters, is oxygen.

Time: 6798.68

So it's amount of oxygen. Kilograms is body weight.

Time: 6802.28

So it's, how much oxygen can you bring in per kilogram

Time: 6805.18

of body weight per minute?

Time: 6807.23

So does a volume of oxygen per your size in a time duration.

Time: 6811.87

In fact, the way that you calculate it

Time: 6814.45

is you multiply your cardiac output by what's

Time: 6817.442

called your a-vO2 difference.

Time: 6818.65

Your cardiac output is your heart rate times your stroke

Time: 6821.38

volume, so how much blood you're pumping out per pump

Time: 6824.753

is your stroke volume.

Time: 6825.67

How many times you're pumping or you're beating.

Time: 6828.76

You multiply that by your a-vO2 difference.

Time: 6830.77

Your a-vO2 difference is artery minus vein difference.

Time: 6834.44

So it's the amount of oxygen in your arteries

Time: 6836.32

minus the amount of oxygen in your vein, which

Time: 6838.72

is going to tell you how much you took up

Time: 6840.448

in your capillaries, in your muscles.

Time: 6841.99

So you take those two factors, multiply them together,

Time: 6844.24

and there's your VO2 max.

Time: 6845.5

ANDREW HUBERMAN: As you were describing that,

Time: 6847.375

I imagine you getting to an fMRI machine

Time: 6849.16

and seeing that equation lighting up in your brain

Time: 6852.07

because clearly, it's committed to memory very well.

Time: 6854.47

Thank you for that clear description.

Time: 6856.27


Time: 6857.02

So to finish those numbers, I really, truly

Time: 6859.24

want to see a man above 50--

Time: 6861.85

and I'm not even really stoked until I get above 55.

Time: 6864.68

In fact, it's sort of funny.

Time: 6865.96

Dave Costill, whose lab I did my PhD in-- he

Time: 6868.9

was retired by the time, but he's, again,

Time: 6870.79

one of these legendary figures in exercise physiology,

Time: 6874

started in the '70s.

Time: 6875.02

He would always say, "There's no human excuse

Time: 6877.3

to be below 60," which I was always like, damn.

Time: 6880.63

That's really, actually, pretty hard to get to.

Time: 6882.92

ANDREW HUBERMAN: Was he at 60 or above?

Time: 6884.805

ANDY GALPIN: Oh, yeah. he's still, actually,

Time: 6886.638

setting world records in these last couple of years,

Time: 6889.18

all the Masters records for swimming and cycling and stuff.

Time: 6892.36

So he was a super, super fit guy.

Time: 6895.18

So he was always above 60.

Time: 6896.74

He's probably like 50 something now,

Time: 6898.9

even though he's 80 or whatever.

Time: 6900.29

ANDREW HUBERMAN: 80 years old.

Time: 6901.54


Time: 6902.08

ANDREW HUBERMAN: With a VO2 max of 50.

Time: 6903.64

ANDY GALPIN: He's probably really not 50.

Time: 6904.72

He's probably-- but he's probably

Time: 6906.7

going to-- remember earlier on we

Time: 6908.77

talked about how I had the 92-year-old who

Time: 6911.2

had VO2 max of 38.

Time: 6912.007

Dave's probably going to break that record when he gets there,

Time: 6914.59

I'm sure.

Time: 6914.95

I'm sure.

Time: 6915.54

In fact, I guarantee you he has that number in his brain.

Time: 6918.52

I haven't talked to him in 15 years,

Time: 6920.23

but I guarantee you that number is in his brain,

Time: 6922.24

and he's probably training for it.

Time: 6923.84


Time: 6924.965

And I love it because it proves that exercise pays off.

Time: 6928.463

ANDY GALPIN: Oh, yeah.

Time: 6929.38

ANDREW HUBERMAN: It's one of the few things in life

Time: 6931.505

where there's a direct relationship between work

Time: 6933.85

and outcome.

Time: 6934.54


Time: 6935.71

As Henry Rollins described in his wonderful essay,

Time: 6938.56

if you're familiar with that.

Time: 6940.18

Oh my gosh, you're a punk rock guy.

Time: 6941.778

You know Henry, I'm sure.

Time: 6942.82

ANDREW HUBERMAN: I mean, I certainly know who he is,

Time: 6944.987

and I know his work.

Time: 6946.3


Time: 6947.05

He has incredible one-page paper.

Time: 6949.17

It's something to do with the iron.

Time: 6951.22

And he basically describes that as, this is

Time: 6953.11

the one thing where it's truth.

Time: 6955.96

It is the most true thing you'll ever do, which I love that.

Time: 6959.567

ANDREW HUBERMAN: It's almost like a principle of nature.

Time: 6961.9


Time: 6962.66


Time: 6963.16

So with the women, I really want to see the women--

Time: 6967.18

if I want to see men above 55, I really

Time: 6969.07

want to see women above 50 as the target.

Time: 6971.562

And if you like, you're there, I'm pretty good.

Time: 6973.52

So you can do the math on, then, the middle ground of what's

Time: 6975.79

like OK, but we need to work on it.

Time: 6977.248

In fact, if you look across the literature,

Time: 6980.8

at different athletes, you're going

Time: 6982.27

to see the really high-level endurance folks,

Time: 6986.41

they may pass 70 or 80.

Time: 6988.3

In fact, there was talk a few years ago of a guy breaking 100

Time: 6992.59

as an 18 or 19-year-old, but I actually

Time: 6994.93

don't think it was ever fully confirmed or repeated,

Time: 6997.84

but certainly, you'll see plenty of people

Time: 6999.61

95, in those extremes.

Time: 7003.03

If you look at other sports, like football or basketball,

Time: 7005.64

they're probably going to be in the 55, 65 range.

Time: 7008.86

So if you, as, an average person are 55,

Time: 7011.65

that's a really good marker to be in.

Time: 7013.68

If you get even close to that, you're in a good spot.

Time: 7016.12

I'm sorry if I let you down, Dave.

Time: 7017.537


Time: 7018.37

I just love how you're describing this average person,

Time: 7020.79

you're looking at me with just a little bit of sympathy,

Time: 7023.123

like if you reach the standard of average, Andrew.

Time: 7026.16

Listen, you're giving me prompts all over the place

Time: 7028.62

to try and improve my metrics, whatever they happen to be.

Time: 7031.69

And I think that's one of the great values of getting

Time: 7034.41

objective numbers, even if they have to be measured by some

Time: 7037.44

of these back-of-the-envelope techniques that, I guess,

Time: 7041.73

we always teach people in the laboratory,

Time: 7044.16

that a tool can be not extremely precise,

Time: 7048.48

but as long as it's reliable, there is still value there.

Time: 7051.72

I mean, of course, you'd love to have the most precise and most

Time: 7054.36

reliable tool, but if you can't, then

Time: 7056.82

at least go for a reliable tool and measure for consistency.

Time: 7059.79


Time: 7060.54

For the real world, reliability beats validity

Time: 7063.45

as much as we can.

Time: 7064.2

For a lot of the things we're talking about,

Time: 7066.033

especially for using it as a metric of did I get better, as

Time: 7068.52

long as that tool is reliable.

Time: 7070.08

Body composition, just all of these things

Time: 7071.91

have inherent error in them.

Time: 7074.037

Some of them are smaller, some of them are larger,

Time: 7076.12

but as you mentioned, having standardization

Time: 7078.03

within the testing protocol is going to allow

Time: 7080.57

you to measure progress.

Time: 7081.57

And that's going to tell you sort of where you're at.

Time: 7084.45

Now that we've covered all these areas of adaptation,

Time: 7087.528

we walked through the history, and we

Time: 7089.07

walked through a bunch of the explanations

Time: 7091.32

for why people are maybe not getting the results that they

Time: 7094.14

want to get through their training,

Time: 7096.168

the way I would like to go with the rest of our conversations

Time: 7098.71

would be to just go through each of those adaptations step

Time: 7101.26

by step and make sure I cover very specific protocols for,

Time: 7104.56

if you have run through this testing

Time: 7106.36

and identified an area of weakness.

Time: 7108.01

So maybe you've been lifting a lot because you like lifting,

Time: 7111.31

and you maybe realize that your cardiovascular fitness

Time: 7114.54

or your heart rate recovery is not where it really should be

Time: 7117.04

or the opposite, like we've talked about.

Time: 7118.748

Maybe you're doing a lot of that type of work,

Time: 7120.82

and your strength isn't there.

Time: 7122.14

Your movement quality is not there.

Time: 7123.67

So you've identified a problem.

Time: 7125.95

How do I specifically solve it?

Time: 7127.72

What are the evidence-based and most effective

Time: 7131.8

protocols that I can put myself in for each one

Time: 7133.99

of these categories?

Time: 7134.9

And I think that would give people

Time: 7136.99

a lot of take-home value, but it's

Time: 7139.25

going to take us some time to cover.

Time: 7140.75

So it's going to have to come across

Time: 7142.42

over multiple conversations between you and I.

Time: 7144.402


Time: 7145.36

Well, I'm looking forward to each

Time: 7146.735

and all of those conversations.

Time: 7148.36

And I want to add just one more metric

Time: 7152.08

to our discussion today, which is really

Time: 7154.45

just my way of saying thank you because if there were

Time: 7157.87

a metric for amount of useful information per sentence spoke,

Time: 7163.39

you would be at the upper level of that metric.

Time: 7166.33

You have this amazing ability to provide so much knowledge

Time: 7170.71

in a clear and concise and, today, listed-out format that

Time: 7175.24

is both interesting, grounded in science, and actionable.

Time: 7179.45

So on behalf of everyone listening,

Time: 7181.99

and certainly for myself as well, I just

Time: 7183.91

want to say thank you.

Time: 7185.08

ANDY GALPIN: Well, I appreciate the compliments.

Time: 7187.08

And I'm looking forward to the next conversation,

Time: 7189.91

jumping right into speed, strength, and hypertrophy

Time: 7192.8

training and what are the evidence-based

Time: 7195.1

and best practices for protocols in those areas.

Time: 7197.162

ANDREW HUBERMAN: If you're learning from and/or

Time: 7199.12

enjoying this podcast, please subscribe

Time: 7200.98

to our YouTube channel.

Time: 7202.16

That's a terrific, zero-cost way to support us.

Time: 7204.22

In addition, please subscribe to the podcast

Time: 7206.56

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Time: 7208.03

And on both Spotify and Apple, you

Time: 7209.68

can leave us up to a five-star review.

Time: 7211.6

If you have questions for us or comments or suggestions

Time: 7213.952

about topics you'd like us to cover

Time: 7215.41

or guests you'd like me to include on the Huberman Lab

Time: 7217.72

podcast, please put those in the comment section on YouTube.

Time: 7220.72

We do read all the comments.

Time: 7222.333

Please also check out the sponsors

Time: 7223.75

mentioned at the beginning and during today's episode.

Time: 7226.27

That's the best way to support this podcast.

Time: 7228.563

I'd also like to inform you about the Huberman Lab podcast

Time: 7230.98

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Time: 7232.09

It's called the Neural Network Newsletter.

Time: 7234.04

And each month, the Neural Network Newsletter is sent out,

Time: 7236.86

and it contains summaries of podcast episodes,

Time: 7239.44

specific protocols discussed on the Huberman Lab podcast,

Time: 7242.29

all in fairly concise format, and all completely zero cost.

Time: 7245.888

You can sign up for the Neural Network Newsletter

Time: 7247.93

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Time: 7250.36

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Time: 7251.5

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Time: 7252.64

We do not share it with anybody.

Time: 7254.2

And as I mentioned before, it's completely zero cost.

Time: 7256.63

By going to hubermanlab.com, you can also go into the Menu tab

Time: 7260.32

and go to the Newsletter and see some example newsletters

Time: 7262.78

from months past.

Time: 7263.813

Thank you once again for joining me for today's discussion

Time: 7266.23

about fitness, exercise, and performance with Dr. Andy

Time: 7268.87


Time: 7269.53

And as always, thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 7272.32


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