Dr. Alia Crum: Science of Mindsets for Health & Performance
- Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,
where we discuss science, and science-based tools
for everyday life.
I'm Andrew Huberman,
and I'm a professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology
at Stanford School of Medicine.
Today my guest is, Dr. Alia Crum.
Dr. Crum is a tenured professor of psychology
at Stanford university,
and the founder and director
of the Stanford Mind and Body Lab.
Her work focuses on mindsets.
How what we think and what we believe
shapes the way that our physiology,
our biology reacts to things like what we eat
or stress or exercise.
Indeed, as you will soon learn
from my discussion with Dr. Crum,
what you believe about the nutritional content of your food
changes the way that food impacts your brain and body
to a remarkable degree.
And the same is true for mindsets about exercise and stress,
and even medication.
For instance, recent work from Dr. Crum's laboratory shows,
that what we believe about the side effect profiles
of different drug treatments
or different behavioral treatments,
has a profound impact on how quickly those treatments work
and the effectiveness of those treatments.
I just want to mention one particular study
that just came out from a graduate student
in Dr. Crum's laboratory, Lauren Howe, H-O-W-E,
showed that, how kids react to a treatment
for peanut allergies, can be profoundly shaped
by whether or not those kids were educated
about the side effects of the treatment,
such that if they learned that the side effects
were a by-product of a treatment that would help them.
And they learned a little bit
about why those side effects arose
and that the side effects might even help them
in route to overcoming their peanut allergy,
had an enormous impact
on how quickly they move through the treatment
and indeed how much they suffered
or in this case did not suffer from those side effects.
And that is, but one example that you will learn about today
as we discuss what mindsets are,
the number of different mindsets that exist,
and how we can adopt mindsets that make us more adaptive,
more effective,
allow us to suffer less and to perform better
in all aspects of life.
I personally find the work of Dr. Alia Crum
to be among the most important work
being done in the fields of biology and psychology
and the interface of mind, body.
Everything that she's done up until now and published,
and indeed the work that she continues to do,
has shaped everything within my daily routines,
within my work routines, within my athletic routines.
And we probably shouldn't be surprised
by the fact that Dr.Crum works on all these things.
She's not only an incredibly accomplished
tenured research professor,
she's also a clinical psychologist
and she was also a division one athlete
and an elite gymnast at one period in her life.
So she really walks the walk
in terms of understanding what mindsets are
and applying them in different aspects of life.
I'm sure you're going to learn a ton from this conversation
as did I, and come away with many, many actionable items
that you can apply in your own life.
In fact, as we march into today's conversation,
you might want to just put in the back of your mind,
the question, what is my mindset about blank?
So for instance, ask yourself,
what is my mindset about stress?
What is my mindset about food?
What is my mindset about exercise?
What is my mindset about relationships of different kinds?
Because in doing that, you'll be in a great position
to extract the best of the information
that Dr. Crum presents, and indeed to adapt those mindsets
in the way that is going to be most beneficial for you.
Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize
that this podcast is separate
from my teaching and research roles at Stanford.
It is however, part of my desire and effort
to bring zero cost to consumer information about science,
and science related tools to the general public.
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And now, my conversation with Dr. Alia Crum.
Great to have you here.
- Great to be here.
- Yeah, for the record, it's Alia Crum,
but you go by Allie, correct?
- That is correct. - Right, Dr. Allie Crum.
- Or just Allie. - Okay, great.
Well, I've been looking forward
to talking to you for a long time.
Just to start off, you've talked a lot and worked a lot
on the science of mindsets.
Could you define for us what is a mindset,
and what sort of purpose does it serve.
- Of course, yeah.
Mindsets have been described or defined in a lot of ways.
We define mindsets as core beliefs
or assumptions that we have
about a domain or category of things,
that orient us to a particular set of expectations,
explanations and goals.
So that's kind of jargony, [chuckles], a little.
I can distill it down for you.
So mindsets are an assumption that you make about a domain.
So take stress, for example.
The nature of stress.
What's your sort of core belief about that?
And mindsets that we've studied about stress,
or do you view stresses enhancing good for you,
or do you view it as debilitating and bad for you?
Those mindsets, those core beliefs, orient our thinking,
they change what we expect will happen to us
when we're stressed,
how we explain the occurrences that happen
or unfold when we're stressed,
and also change our motivation for what we engage in
when we're stressed.
So we have mindsets about many things,
mindsets about stress, mindsets about intelligence
as Carol Dweck's work has shown.
Mindsets about food, mindsets about medicine, you name it.
It's sort of distilling down those core assumptions
that really shape and orient our thinking in action.
- I've heard you say before,
that mindsets simplify life in some way,
by constraining the number of things
that we have to consider.
And it sounds to me like we can have mindsets
about many things as, as you said.
What are some different mindsets?
I think many people are familiar
with our colleague, Carol Dweck's notion of growth mindset.
That if we're not proficient at something,
that we should think about not being proficient yet.
That we are on some path to proficiency.
But what are some examples of mindsets,
and how early do these get laid down,
or do we learn them from our parents?
Maybe if you could just flesh it out a bit for us
in terms of what you've observed
in your own science or your own life.
- Yeah, sure, so I think it's important
with Carol Dweck's work.
A lot of people kind of get focused
on growth, motivation and all these things,
but her work really originated
from thinking about, what she called as implicit theories
or core beliefs about the nature of intelligence
or ability, right?
So do you believe that your baseline levels
of intelligence or your abilities,
are fixed, static, set throughout the rest of your life?
Or do you believe that they can grow and change?
Now, those are over-simplified generalizations
about the nature of intelligence.
And the reality is as it always is complex,
and it's a bit of both and it's all the things.
But as humans, we need these simplifying systems
to help us understand a complex reality.
So those assumptions that we jumped to,
oh, intelligence is fixed or intelligence is malleable,
they help us to simplify this complex reality,
but they're not in consequential, right?
They matter in shaping our motivation.
And as she has shown, if you have the mindset,
that intelligence is malleable,
you're motivated to work harder, to grow your intelligence.
If you have a setback in your learning, you think,
okay, there's something there
that I can grow and learn and build from.
If you have the mindset that it's fixed,
you know, why work harder at math,
if you don't think you're good at it.
So, in retrospect, it's pretty clear
how these mindsets can affect our motivation.
What our work has and to do
is to expand the range of mindsets that we are studying,
focused on, and also understand and expand
the range of effects that they have.
So by and large, we focused on mindsets
in the domain of health and health behaviors.
So I mentioned mindsets about stress,
we've also looked at mindsets about food and healthy eating.
So do you have the mindset that foods that are good for you,
healthy foods are disgusting and depriving,
or do you have the mindset that healthy foods are indulgent
and delicious?
Now, it could be a variety of different foods.
You might have different thoughts
about different healthy foods.
But generally people, at least in our culture in the West,
have this view that, stress is debilitating,
healthy foods are disgusting and depriving.
And those mindsets, whether or not they're true or false,
right or wrong, they have an impact.
And they have an impact,
not just through the motivational mechanisms,
that Dweck and others have studied,
but as our lab has started to reveal,
they also shape physiological mechanisms
by changing what our bodies prioritize and prepare to do.
So those are just two examples.
Mindsets about stress, mindsets about food we've looked at.
Mindsets about exercise,
do you feel like you're getting enough,
or do you feel like you're getting an insufficient amount
to get the health benefits you're seeking.
Mindsets about illness.
Do you view cancer as an unmitigated catastrophe,
or do you view cancer as manageable
or perhaps even an opportunity.
We've looked at mindsets about symptoms and side effects.
Do you view side effects
as a sign that the treatment is harmful,
or do you view side effects
as a sign that the treatment is working?
Again, these are sort of core beliefs
or assumptions you have about these domains or categories,
but they matter because they're shaping,
they're synthesizing and simplifying the way we're thinking,
but they're also shaping what we're paying attention to,
what we're motivated to do,
and potentially even how our bodies respond.
- Yeah, I'd love to talk about this notion
of power of the mindset shaping how our bodies respond.
And maybe as an example of this,
if you could share with us this now famous study
that you've done with the milkshake study,
if you wouldn't mind sharing
the major contours of that study and the results,
because I think they're extremely impressive
and they really speak to this interplay
between mindset and physiology.
- Certainly, yeah.
This was a study that I ran
as a graduate student at Yale university.
I was working with Kelly Brownell and Peter Salovey.
Peter Salovey had done a lot of work
on really coining the term emotional intelligence,
studying [mumbles]. - He's now the president
of Yale, right? - He's now the president
of Yale, yes. - So he's done well.
- He's done well for himself
and for the university and society.
And Kelly Brownell, who was doing a lot of research
on food and obesity.
And I had come in doing some previous work
on mindsets about exercise and placebo effects in exercise,
and was in this sort of food domain
and this emotions and food domain.
And it really occurred to me,
that there was a very simple question
that hadn't been probed yet.
And that was, do our beliefs about what we're eating
change our body's physiological response to that food,
holding constant, the objective nutrients of that thing.
So that question might sound outrageous at first,
but it's really not outrageous
if you're coming from a place
of having studied in depth, placebo effects.
Placebo effects, in medicine, at least,
are these sort of a robust demonstration
in which simply taking a sugar pill, taking nothing,
under the impression that it's a real medication
that might relieve your asthma,
reduce your blood pressure and boost your immune system,
can lead to those physiological effects
even though there's no objective nutrients.
And we have more evidence on placebo effects
than we have for any other drug.
- Really?
- Because of the clinical trial process,
in which all new drugs and medications are required
to outperform a placebo effect.
So we have a lot of data on the placebo effect.
Now, you know, we can get nuance there.
We don't have a lot of data comparing the placebo effect
to doing nothing, which is important
for distilling mindset effects or belief effects
from sort of natural occurring changes in the body.
But anyways, going back to this question, it was like,
all right, we've moved
from medications solving our health crisis
to behavioral medicine solving our health crisis,
increase people's exercise, get them to eat better.
To what degree are these things influenced by our mindsets
or beliefs about them.
So to test this question, we ran a seemingly simple study.
This was done at the Yale center
for clinical and translational research.
And we brought people into our lab under the impression
that we were designing different milkshakes
with vastly different metabolic concentrations,
nutrient concentrations,
that were designed to meet different metabolic needs
of the patrons of the hospital, right?
So, you're going to come in,
you're going to taste these milkshakes,
and we're going to measure your body's physiological response
to them.
This was within subjects design.
So it was the same people
consuming two different milkshakes,
two different time points separated by a week.
And at one time point,
they were told that they were consuming
this really high fat, high caloric indulgent milkshake.
It was like 620 calorie, super high fat and sugar.
The other time point, they were told that it was a low fat,
low calorie, sensible sort of diet shake.
In reality, it was the exact same shake.
It was right in the middle.
It was like 300 calories,
moderate amount of fats and sugars.
And we were measuring their body's gut peptide response
to this shake.
And in particular, we are looking at the hormone ghrelin.
So as you know, ghrelin,
medical experts call it the hunger hormone,
rises and ghrelin signal, you know, seek out food.
And then theoretically,
in proportion, the amount of calories you consume,
ghrelin levels drops signaling to the brain.
Okay, you don't need to eat so much anymore,
you can stop eating,
and also revving up the metabolism
to burn the nutrients that were just ingested.
What we found in this study was that,
when people thought they were consuming
the high fat high calorie indulgent milkshake,
in response to the shake,
their ghrelin levels dropped at a three-fold rate
stronger than when they thought
they were consuming the sensible shake.
So, essentially their bodies responded
as if they had consumed more food,
even though it was the exact same shake at both time points.
So this was really interesting and important
for two reasons, really.
One was that it was, to my knowledge,
one of the first studies to show any effects
of just believing that you're eating something different
on your physiology.
Lots of studies have shown that
believing you're eating different things
changes your tastes and even your satisfaction
and fullness after.
But this shows
that it has a metabolic or a physiological component.
But the second piece was really important as well.
And especially for me, this was one study
that really transformed the way I think about
how I approach eating.
And that was the manner in which it affected our physiology,
was somewhat counterintuitive.
So, I had gone in thinking,
the better mindset to be in when you eat
is that you're eating healthy, right?
Like, you know, just makes sense.
Like placebo effects think you're healthy,
you'll be healthy, you know.
But that was a far too simplistic way of thinking about it.
And in fact, it was the exact opposite
because thinking that they were eating,
when these participants thought they were eating sensibly,
their bodies left them
still feeling physiologically hungry, right?
Not satiated.
Which could potentially
be corresponding to slower metabolism and so forth.
So, if you're in the interest
of maintaining or losing weight,
what's the best mindset to be in?
It's to be in a mindset that you're eating indulgently.
That you're having enough food, that you're getting enough.
And at least in that study,
we showed that has a more adaptive effect
on ghrelin responses.
- So interesting.
And especially interesting to me as a neuroscientist
who has worked on aspects of the nervous system
that are involved in conscious perception,
like vision and motion and color perception and so forth.
But also, our lab has worked
and is increasingly working on autonomic functions
that are below our conscious detection.
In this case, a lie about how much something
these milkshakes contained affected a subconscious process,
because I have to imagine that the ghrelin pathway
is not one that I can decide,
oh, this particular piece of chocolate
is going to really reduce my ghrelin
'cause it's very nutrient rich,
as opposed to one,
if you told me that a different piece of chocolate,
for instance, is a low calories or sugar free chocolate
or something that sort.
The ghrelin pathway, however, it seems based on your data,
that the ghrelin pathway is susceptible to faults,
which is incredible.
But then again, there must be crossover
between conscious thought and these subconscious
or kind of autonomic pathways.
So, it's really remarkable.
It raises a question that I just have to ask,
because it increasingly,
so I'm involved in online discussions and social media,
in one of the most barbed wire topics out there,
and that's being generous,
is this topic of which diet or nutrients are best?
You've got people who are strictly plant-based,
you've got people who are omnivores,
you got people who are carnivores.
You have every variation.
You have intermittent fasting,
also called time restricted feeding.
And it seems like, once a group
and it plugs into a particular mode of eating
that they feel works for them,
for whatever reason, energy wise, mentally,
maybe they're looking at their blood profiles,
maybe they're not.
But once they feel that it works for them,
each camp seems to tout all the health benefits
and how great they feel.
Could it be that mindset effects are involved there?
That people are finding the nutritional program
that they feel brings them the most enrichment of life,
but also nutrients.
And that their health really is shifting
in a positive direction,
but not necessarily because of the food constituents,
but because of the community,
and the ideas and the reinforcement.
- Yeah, and the belief
that this is the right way of doing something.
I think, a hundred percent it has something to contribute.
I'm not going to weigh in on the debate.
What I will most certainly weigh in on,
is the notion that,
look going back to the placebo effect, right?
We have a outdated understanding of what that is,
which is based on this randomized controlled trial,
you compare a drug to a placebo.
If the drug works better than the placebo,
you say, great, the drug works.
If the drug doesn't outperform the placebo,
you say the drug doesn't work.
That's really over simplified.
It's a good test for the specific efficacy of the drug.
It's not a good test
for understanding the total impact of that drug.
Because in the reality of things,
if a drug outperforms a placebo,
then you start prescribing it.
But the reality is, that the total effect of that drug,
is a combined product
of the specific chemical attributes of that drug
and whatever's going on in the placebo effect,
which is, at least from our perspective,
its beliefs, its social context,
and it's your body's natural ability
to respond to something.
So, that's in the placebo effect example.
The same is true for everything we do or consume.
So when it comes to what diet you're eating,
both are true.
It does matter what it is
and it matters what you think about that diet
and what others around you
in our culture think about that diet.
Because those social contexts inform our mindsets,
our mindsets interact with our physiology
in ways that produce outcomes that are really important.
So let's not get dualistic
and say, it's either all in the mind or not in the mind.
Let's also not be unnecessarily combative
and say, oh, it should be all plant-based
or keto or whatever.
It's all of those things are a combined product
of what you're actually doing,
and what you're thinking about.
If you believe in it, if you don't, if you're skeptical,
or in some cases,
you think you should be eating a certain way
and then you don't live up to that.
It might have even an adverse effect because of the stress
and the anxiety associated with that.
- Very interesting.
Along the lines of belief effects,
could we call these belief effects or mindsets?
- Sure, yeah.
- Is there a difference
between these what I'm calling belief effects
and placebo effects?
I mean, are placebo effects distinctly different
from mindset effects or they more or less the same thing.
- They're related?
So I think placebo effects,
maybe should be reserved for the conditions
in which you're actually taking a placebo,
which is inactive substance.
When you get out of that sort of placebo versus drug realm,
and you start looking at placebo effects,
I use quotes with my hands here, in behavioral health,
the term kind of becomes confusing because you're not--
In the milkshake study,
we didn't give people a placebo milkshake, right?
We just changed what they believed about it.
So, how I like to think about it is that,
placebo effects, as they're traditionally construed
are made up of three things.
It's the social context, mindsets or beliefs,
and the natural physiological processes
in the brain and body that can produce the outcomes.
And so, we could just call them belief effects
because the beliefs are triggering
the physiological processes,
and the beliefs are shaped by the social context.
Does that make sense?
- It makes sense. - Yeah.
- Yeah, there was a paper a year or two ago
published in science magazine
about brain regions involved in psychogenic fever.
That if people or you can actually do this
in animal models to think that they are sick,
you get a genuine one to three degree
increase in body temperature,
one to three degrees Fahrenheit increase in body temperature
is pretty impressive.
- Yeah.
- And I guess it plays into symptomology generally.
So, I'm a believer in belief effects.
- Just say that, you know,
the term that we use in our field
is nocebo effect for that,
which is sort of the placebo's ugly stepsister.
It's when negative beliefs cause negative consequences.
So, you are told you will have--
It's very well demonstrated
that when people are told about certain side effects,
they're far more likely to experience those side effects.
When people think that they're sick or going to get sick,
sometimes that can create the physiological symptoms.
And there's various debates.
That it's not only that physiology changes,
it's also that your attention changes.
So we're experiencing things like fatigue and headache
and upset stomach all the time.
And then when you take a drug and somebody says,
you're going to feel fatigue and headache,
you start noticing that you're tired,
and that headaches attributed to the drug.
So, some of the mechanisms are attention,
and some of them are real changes in physiology.
- I'd love for you to tell us about the hotel workers study.
- Yeah, sure.
- I know you get asked these questions all the time,
but I find just these results also amazing.
- Yeah, no, I think that this is a really good example
of this phenomenon, right?
That the total effect of anything
is a combined product of what you're doing
and what you think about what you're doing.
So this was a study that I ran with Ellen Langer
way back when I was an undergrad actually.
We started this study.
Ellen Langer is a professor of psychology at Harvard,
and she's done a lot of really fascinating work
on her flavor of mindfulness,
which is distinct from a more Eastern mind,
Buddhist sort of mindfulness-based work.
She actually was the one who said to me originally,
you know, I was an athlete at the time.
I was an ice hockey player and I was training constantly.
And one day I'll never forget it.
She said, you know the benefit of exercise
is just a placebo, right?
And I was like, well, that's outrageous.
Ellen's known for saying very provocative,
but also very wise things.
And that statement really got me thinking about that.
So we designed this study together and that was to look at,
how would you study?
If the benefits of exercise were a placebo,
how would you even test that?
Because, what does it mean to give a placebo exercise?
So we sort of flipped it on its head.
And we found a group of people
who were getting a lot of exercise,
but weren't aware of it, that they were, right?
So this, we settled on a group of hotel housekeepers.
So these are women working in hotels
who were on their feet all day long,
pushing carts, changing linens, climbing stairs,
cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming.
It was clear that they were getting above and beyond
at least the surgeon General's requirements at that time,
or which were to accumulate 30 minutes
of moderate physical activity per day.
But what was interesting was when we went in
and surveyed them and asked them,
Hey, how much exercise do you think you're getting?
A third of them said, zero.
I don't get any exercise.
And the average response was like a three,
on a scale of zero to 10.
So it's clear that even though these women were active,
they didn't have that mindset, right?
They had the mindset that their work was just work.
Hard, maybe thankless work that led them to feel tired
and in pain at the end of the day.
But not that it was good for them,
that it was good exercise.
So what we did was we took these women
and we randomized them into two groups,
and we told half of them that their work was good exercise.
In this case, it was true factual information.
We oriented them to the surgeon General's guidelines.
We oriented them
to the benefits that they should be receiving.
And then we had measured them previously,
on their physiological metrics, like weight and body fat
and blood pressure.
And we came back four weeks later and we tested them again.
And what we found was that these women,
even though they hadn't changed anything in their behavior,
at least that was detectable to us.
They didn't work more rooms,
they didn't start doing pull-ups or push-ups
in between cleaning hotel rooms, as far as I'm concerned.
They didn't report any changes in their diet,
but they had benefits to their health.
So they lost weight.
They decreased their systolic blood pressure
by about 10 points on average.
And they started feeling better about themselves,
their bodies and their work, not surprisingly.
- That's amazing.
How do we conceptualize that result
in light of all of our efforts
to get more out of exercise, right?
Because earlier you mentioned it from the milkshake study
and our perceptions about nutrient density,
that the right message
that is actually a little bit counterintuitive.
That if you think, oh, this is very low calorie,
nutrient sparse, then it's good for me
in the context of losing weight for instance.
But it turns out the opposite is true,
because as you told us, the body responds differently
when you think something is nutrient dense
and can actually suppress hunger more.
So, in light of this result, if I were to say,
okay, my current understanding of the literature
is that getting somewhere
between 150 and 180 minutes per week
of cardiovascular exercise
is probably a good idea for most people.
If I tell myself that it's not just a good idea,
but that it's extremely effective
in lowering my blood pressure
and maintaining healthy weight, et cetera, et cetera,
according to these results,
it will have an enhanced effect on those metrics.
Is that right?
- Definitely.
So this is a really important point,
because what this reveals
is that we have to be more thoughtful
in how we go about motivating people to exercise
or teaching people about the benefits.
Our current approach is just to basically tell people,
writ large, here's what you need to get.
Here's what you need to get good for.
To get enough exercise to receive the health benefit.
The problem with that approach is that,
most people aren't meeting those benefits yet,
they aren't meeting those requirements yet.
And the risk with that is that,
well, the intention with that is to motivate them
because public health officials think,
well, if I just tell people you need to get more exercise
because it's good for you, they'll do it.
We know now that that doesn't work,
that these guidelines are not motivational.
They don't change our behavior.
And what our work adds to that,
is that not only is it not motivational,
it also creates potentially a mindset
that makes people worse off
than they were without knowing about the guidelines.
So again, it's tricky.
I'm not saying that mindset is everything.
Certainly exercise is good for us and is helpful for us.
It's one of the things we have the best data on.
So I'm not saying, oh, exercises all a placebo.
What I am saying is that, we need to be more mindful
about how do we motivate people to exercise,
but how do we help people
to actually reap the benefits of the exercise
they are already doing?
Now, Octavia, who is a grad student in my lab,
ran a number of interesting studies along these lines.
One in which she looked at
three nationally representative data sets,
which had this interesting question in them,
which was how much exercise do you get relative to others?
Do you get about the same, a little more, a lot more,
do you get a little less or a lot less, right?
So, the audience, your listeners,
you could all answer this.
And then in these datasets, what she did,
was she had pulled from data that tracked death rates
over the next 21 years.
And a couple interesting things revealed themselves.
One was that,
the correlations between these perceptions of exercise
relative to others, and people's actual exercise
as measured through accelerometer data,
as well as more rigorous sort of what did you do today,
kind of data.
Those don't correlate much at all.
- People lie.
- Well, people lie, but also...
- Or misperceive.
- ...They misperceive.
Or who's to say, it's misperceiving,
everything's relative, right?
I used to do triathlons very seriously.
So if you were to ask me now,
I feel like I'm totally inactive, right?
Because I'm not doing anything near what I used to.
And if that's my focus set, right?
I feel like I'm not exercising much.
But if I think about, you know, compared to other people,
given what I know about national representative statistics,
and I could feel like, oh, I'm getting a lot, right?
So you can see how these perceptions
are decoupled from objective reality.
And what we found in these studies,
is that, that one question mattered
in some cases, more than objective activity,
but in all cases controlling for objective activity
and predicting death rates.
And in one of the samples,
it was a 71% higher risk of death rate.
You know, if people rated themselves
as feeling like they were getting less activity than others.
- Wow.
That's a big deal.
- It's a big deal.
And again, that study is cross-sectional, longitudinal,
it was not experimental.
But combined, these really sort of coalesced to say,
Hey, this is important too, right?
Like, let's figure out ways to be active
and get people active,
but let's also not make people feel horrible
about themselves when they're not getting enough.
And going back to the hotel study again,
I mentioned that I did that at a time
when I was a division one ice hockey player at the time.
We were training all the time.
And I was in an unhealthy mindset about that,
I never felt like I was getting enough.
I would come off a two hour practice
into a weightlifting session.
And then I would get on the elliptical for 30 minutes,
'cause I thought I had to do that also.
My teammates who were with me at the time
could attest to that.
And so, that study was really helpful for me,
to realize that I needed pay attention,
not just to what I was doing,
but also take care of my mindset about that.
And I think the essence is how do you get people
to feel like they're getting enough?
It's a sense of enoughness that really matters.
- Yeah, I can see the dilemma
because you don't want people thinking
that exercise and its positive effects are so potent
that they can get away with a three minute walk each day.
And that they're good because most likely they are not.
But again, you don't want them
to be so back on their heels psychologically
that they don't even do that or that they never exceed that
by very much.
But it seems like the message from the milkshake study
and what we're talking about now in terms of exercise
would be to really communicate to the general public
that food has a potency,
even healthy foods have a potency to give us energy,
to fuel our immune system and endocrine system, et cetera.
And that exercise has a remarkable potency,
and that that potency can be enhanced
by believing in or understanding that potency.
- Exactly.
- Is that an accurate way to state it?
- Totally, that's exactly right.
And that's where I really feel like we need to push.
And what I try to do in our research,
is to not just show, oh, mindset matters,
isn't that interesting?
But it both matter, right?
Both exercise and what you think about it matter.
Both what you eat
and how you think about what you eat matter.
And so, we really, as individuals and as a society
need to work on, what is the right way to cultivate
both behaviors and mindsets
about those behaviors that serve us?
And in the food context, this--
Again, that milkshake study really changed me
on a personal level,
because I had been somebody
who was constantly trying to restrain my eating, right?
I wanted to maintain or lose weight, look fit.
And so, I was like, well, I should diet
and I should have low calorie, low carb.
Low this, low that.
But what that was doing,
was putting me into this constant mindset of restraint.
And what that study suggested,
was that that mindset was potentially counteracting
any benefit or any objective effects of the restrained diet.
Because my brain was saying, okay, you're restraining.
Maybe my body was responding to that.
But the brain was also saying, eat more food,
stay hungry 'cause you need to survive.
And so, the answer isn't,
oh, we'll throw everything into the wind
and just drink indulgent milkshakes all day long.
The answer is, eat healthy foods, right?
Based on the latest science
and what we know to be true about nutrients
and our body's response to them,
but try to do so in a mindset indulgence,
a mindset of satisfaction, a mindset of enjoyment, right?
That is really the trick.
And that's what I at least try to do in my own life.
- I love that, and as I get more involved
in the anti-public facing health communications,
this comes up again and again, you know,
how should we conceptualize our behavior?
How should we think about all these options
that are offered to us?
And I'm excited that the potency of mindsets
are coming through again and again.
So, I have a question about this.
I don't know if this study has ever been done,
but a lot of these mindset effects
are something that years ago,
I felt I did vis-a-vis sleep.
Because I was in graduate school, and as a postdoc,
and even as an undergraduate, I had so much work to do
that I decided I would sleep when I was "dead".
Not a good idea from what we know.
However, I found that a couple nights of minimal sleep
or even an all-nighter and I could do pretty well.
Eventually it would catch up with me.
Has there ever been a study
exploring whether or not the effects of sleep deprivation
can be impacted by these mindset effects?
Because over the years, I keep learning more and more
about how much sleep I need and I've really emphasized it,
but I do feel much better when I'm getting it.
But as new parents know,
or students know or athletes know
or anyone that lives a normal life
find sometimes that they don't get a good night's sleep.
Would believing that we can tolerate that
and push through it and function just fine,
and that it's not going to kill us or give us Alzheimer's.
Could that help us deal with a poor night's sleep
or even two or chronic sleep deprivation?
- Certainly I would guess.
There's been one study to my knowledge that's tested that.
[indistinct] and colleagues, and they looked at--
They had people come in and they gave them
sort of a, I think it was a sham sort of EEG test
to figure out how--
This was done a number of years ago.
Now we actually have devices to test this,
but there's was this sham test.
And then they gave people fake feedback
about the quality of their sleep
and how it had been the night before.
And they also asked the participants
how they felt about their sleep.
And essentially what they found was that this sham feedback,
if they were told that they had gotten
and let lower quality sleep
led to deficits in variety of cognitive tasks.
And that was sort of decoupled
from their actual [laughs] qualities of sleep,
at least as self-reported.
So that's one study that attest to this, I think certainly,
I would bet a lot of money, I haven't run those myself,
but that your mindsets can push around
your cognitive functioning, physiological effects of sleep.
But once again, it's not all or nothing, right?
There are real important benefits of sleep,
and how far we can push around that through our mindset,
is an open question.
- You know what?
The result that you mentioned is really interesting
because a lot of people use these sleep trackers now.
They're using rings or wristbands.
In fact, my lab has worked pretty closely
with a company that they supplied us data
on how well people are sleeping,
and you get a score, people get the score back.
When they see that score,
they might think based on these results,
oh, my recovery score, my sleep score is poor.
I shouldn't expect much from myself today,
or it makes sense that my memory would be going.
For this reason,
and I'll probably lose a few friends for saying this,
but hopefully I'll gain a few as well.
That's why I like to just do a subjective score for myself.
If I wake up in the morning,
I just decide, okay, did I sleep well or not?
I don't like seeing a number.
I don't like getting a readout from a device.
That's me, I know a lot of people like it,
and they can be very useful.
But gosh, it seems that these belief effects
are weaving in at all levels.
I'd love for us to talk about stress,
because your lab has worked extensively on this.
And if you would, could you tell us
at some point about the study that you've done
about informing people
about the different effects of stress.
But also, if there's an opportunity,
some takeaways about how we could each conceptualize stress
in ways that would make it serve us better
as opposed to harm us
and our mental and physical performance.
- Great, yeah, so I'd come off the heels
of doing some research in exercise and diet
and finding these provocative
and also counterintuitive effects
with respect to how we should try to motivate people, right?
And, as I was thinking about this,
and this grouping of going from medicines to saving us
to behaviors to saving us,
and how those behaviors might be influenced by mindsets.
The obvious next thing to think about with stress, right?
Because it's like, okay,
well you want to be healthier and fix your diet,
fix your exercise and stress less.
And so I started doing some digging
into the nature of stress
and a couple things were clear.
One was that the public health message
was very clear, right?
That stress was bad, right?
Unmitigated and harmful on our health,
our productivity, our relationships, our fertility,
our cognition, you name it, right?
And the messages that were out there,
by and large over-simplified messages
focused on the damaging consequences of stress.
But as you know, if you actually dive deeper
into the literature on stress and the origins of stress,
what you find is that, the literature like most literatures
is not so clear cut.
And in fact, there's a large amount of evidence
to support the fact that the experience of stress,
meaning encountering adversity or challenge
in one's goal related efforts,
does not have to be debilitating.
And in many cases, the body's response
was designed to enhance our ability
to manage at those moments, right?
So some research showing that stress narrows our focus,
increases our attention,
speeds up the rate
at which we're able to process information.
There was some research out there
showing this phenomenon of physiological toughening,
the process by which the release of catabolic hormones
and the stress response
recruit or activate anabolic hormones,
which help as you know build our muscles,
build our neurons, to help us grow and learn.
And there was a whole body of emerging research
on post-traumatic growth
or this phenomenon in which even the experience
of the most traumatic stressors,
the most chronic and enduring stressors,
could lead not to destruction,
but in fact, to the exact opposite,
to an enhanced sense of connection with our values,
connection to others, sense of joy and passion for living.
And so, I found that to be interesting.
And my work since then has been not to try to argue
that stress is enhancing and not debilitating,
but try to point out that the true nature of stress
is a paradox.
The true nature of stress is manifold and complex,
and lots of things can happen.
But to question, what's the role of our mindset about stress
in shaping our response to stress.
So some work had already been done
looking at your perception of the stressor, right?
So, do you view a stressor like a challenging exam
or a health diagnosis as a challenge or a threat.
And that had shown pretty convincingly
that when you view stressors more as a challenge,
less as a threat,
that your brain and body responds more adaptively.
What our question was,
was to take the sort of psychological construal
one step higher in abstraction.
So not just the stressor, but the nature of stress, right?
At that core level,
do you view stress as something that's bad,
is going to kill us and therefore should be avoided,
or do you view some stress as natural
and something that's going to enhance us?
And so, we set out to design a series of studies
to test the extent
to which these mindsets about stress mattered.
We first, this again
was with Peter Salovey and Shawn Achor, originally.
We designed a measure to test people's mindsets
about stress.
Simple questions like, what extent do you believe
or agree or disagree with statements like,
stress enhances my performance and productivity.
Stress heightens my vitality and growth, things like that.
And we found in a number of correlational studies
that a more enhancing stress mindset
was linked to better health outcomes,
better wellbeing and higher performance.
So then we set out
to see if we could change people's mindsets.
And in our first test of this, we decided to do so
by creating these multimedia films
that showcased research, anecdotes,
facts about stress, all true,
but oriented towards one mindset or the other, right?
So you can imagine one set of films
showed basically the messages that were out there
in the public health context.
The other showed,
Hey, you know, stress has been linked to these things,
but in fact, the body's stress response
was designed to do this.
Did you know it could do that?
And we had empowering images
like LeBron James making the free-throw in the final minute
versus missing it, right?
So all of these things are true possibilities
but oriented to two different mindsets about stress.
- So either people saw a video that basically made it seem
like stress will diminish you, crush you, reduce you,
or a video very similar, stress will grow you,
bring out your best,
and maybe even take you to heightened levels of performance
that you've never experienced before.
- Exactly, exactly.
So, yeah, examples in the sports,
we also had like true leaders emerge
in the moments of greatest stress, you know, Churchill.
And so, all those examples are out there
for both the enhancing nature and the debilitating nature.
And our question was,
does orienting people to different mindsets
change how they respond to stress?
So this study was done
in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.
We worked with UBS, a financial service company
that was undergoing pretty massive amounts of layoffs.
So these employees were stressed about being laid off.
They were taking on more pressure.
It was just a tough time.
And we randomized them into three conditions.
And this was all pre-work before getting training on stress,
but the three different conditions, some watched no videos,
some watched the stressful crushy videos
and some watched the stress could enhance you videos.
And what we found was that just--
It was a total of nine minutes of videos
over the course of the week,
led to changes in their mindsets about stress,
which led to changes in their physiological symptoms
associated with stress.
So people who watched the enhancing films
had fewer backaches, muscle tension, insomnia,
racing heart, and so forth.
And they also reported performing better at work
compared to those who watched the debilitating videos.
Now interestingly, we didn't make anyone worse
with the debilitating videos.
- Wow, that's good. - Which was good.
We were told that the IRB we didn't expect that
because that message was already out there,
that's what they were already seeing,
that wasn't new to them.
It was more of this enhancing perspective
that turned out to be inspiring.
- I love that study, and I know
we both have friends and ties
in the special operations community
through just sort of happenstance
and maybe we'll get into that a little later,
but a good friend from that community always says,
there are only three ways to go through life at any moment,
which is either back on your heels,
flat-footed or forward center of mass.
And I said, well, well,
what's the key to forward center of mass?
And he said, "Stress is what places you
"in forward center of mass,"
meaning leaning forward and into challenge.
And I know that you've actually looked at that community
and it does really seem
like that's a mindset that either they have going in
or that they cultivate through the course of their training.
But this notion
that stress is what puts us in forward motion,
is true physiologically, right?
I mean, adrenaline's major role
is to place us into a moment of,
or bias us towards action, that's why we tremble.
It's the body trying to initiate action.
But actually this is probably a good opportunity.
If there was anything interesting
to extract from the study on SEAL teams, what was it?
- Yeah, no, I loved working with the SEALs.
And one of the interesting things we found,
so we've studied this, measured this mindset
in several different populations.
And in every single one that we have tested so far,
the average had been on the debilitating side of the scale.
- People just saying stress is bad.
- Stress is bad, right?
Like with measures of growth and fixed mindsets
about intelligence, people are in the middle,
but oftentimes have a more positive mindsets
about intelligence.
That was not the case with stress, [chuckles].
It's still not the case.
I'm trying to get the message out there.
Except for this group of Navy SEALs.
When they were actually recruit,
so people who were going through basic training
in order to become Navy SEALs.
And we found that they on average
had stresses enhancing mindset,
perhaps not surprisingly, right?
If you're going in
to devote your whole life to being a Navy SEAL,
you must have some inclination
that stress is a source of strength for you.
But what we found with them,
we measured this at the beginning of their basic training,
of buds training,
and then looked at how well they succeeded
through that program.
So as you know, this is an extremely rigorous program.
At the time it was only like 10 or 20% of trainees.
- Still is, the numbers have never shifted from about that.
No matter how hard pressures on the community change,
the numbers are still about on average, about 15%.
- Yeah, wow.
So, what we found was that our measure predicted that rate.
So people even within that range
had a more stresses enhancing mindset
were more likely to complete training, become a SEAL.
They also had faster obstacle course times,
and they were rated by their peers more positively.
So, again, let's break this down, right?
This doesn't mean, and people get this wrong sometimes.
They think that I'm saying,
that a stresses enhancing mindset
means you should stress, right?
Well, maybe SEALs do.
But that's not what we're saying, right?
Having a stresses enhancing mindset
doesn't mean the stressor is a good thing, right?
It doesn't mean it's a good thing
that you have to go into combat and it's not pretty, right?
It doesn't mean
that getting a cancer diagnosis is a good thing
or being an abject poverty is a good thing.
These are not good things.
But the experience of the stress associated with that,
the challenge, the adversity,
that experience can lead to and enhancing outcomes
with respect to not just our cognition,
but our health, our performance and our wellbeing.
So that mindset, right?
How does that work, right?
Well, it works through a number of different pathways.
One is that it changes fundamentally
what we're motivated to do.
So if you just imagine we're stressed about something,
maybe a global pandemic, for example.
- For instance.
- For instance.
And you think that stress is bad,
then what's your motivation, right?
Your motivation is to,
well, first you get worried about the stress, right?
Now not only do you have the pandemic,
you're stressed about the stress of the pandemic.
But second is,
your reaction is typically to do one of two things.
It's either to freak out and do everything you can
to make sure that this doesn't affect you negatively,
or to check out and say, oh, it's not a big deal.
I'm not going to deal with that.
You're basically in denial.
So, people who have a stresses debilitating mindset
and we've shown this in our research,
tend to go to one of the other of those extremes.
They freak out, or they check out, why?
Because if stress is bad you need to either get rid of it
and deal with it or it needs to not exist, right?
If you have a stressors enhancing mindset,
the motivation changes, right?
Then the motivation is, how do I utilize the stress
to realize the enhancing outcomes?
What can we do here, right?
To learn from this experience, to make us stronger, fitter,
have better science and treatments for the future,
deepen my relationships with others,
improve my priorities and so forth, right?
So the motivation changes, the affect around it changes,
it doesn't make it easy to deal with.
But what we've shown in our research is that,
people who have a stresses enhancing mindset
have more positive effect,
not necessarily less negative effect,
and it potentially changes physiology.
We have a few studies that show that
people who are inspired to adopt more enhancing mindsets,
have more moderate cortisol response,
and they have higher levels of DHA levels
in response to stress.
So, more work needs to be done on the physiology,
but I'd love your take on the mechanisms
through which that's possible.
- Yes, and DHA of course is an anabolic hormone
in both men and women.
Very interesting, because we had a guest on this podcast.
He actually he's a PhD scientist
who runs the UFC Performance Training Institute,
his name is Duncan French.
And his graduate work at Yukon stores was very interesting.
It was in exercise science and physiology.
What he showed was that,
if you could spike the adrenaline response...
I think they did this through first time skydive
or something like that.
...That testosterone went up.
Now, this spits in the face
of everything that we're told about stress
and testosterone levels, right?
And this has also been looked at in females with estrogen.
Although of course, there's estrogen and testosterone,
both males and females,
but that's how they had designed the study.
So it turns out that at least in the short term,
that a very stressful event can raise anabolic hormones.
And I think that people forget at a mechanistic level
that adrenaline is epinephrin,
and epinephrin is biochemically derived
from the molecule dopamine.
If you look at the pathway,
and even just Google it and go images,
you'll see that adrenaline is made from dopamine.
And dopamine and these anabolic hormones
they're sort of close cousins.
They work together in the pituitary and hypothalamus.
So it makes sense that one could leverage stress
toward growth,
and towards anibalism as opposed to cannibalism,
which is not saying cannibalism as in eating other people,
but catabolic processes,
is I guess, the right way to refer to it.
But what's again remarkable to me,
is that all of these brain structures
that control dopamine, epinephrin,
testosterone and estrogen,
they're all thought to be in the subconscious,
meaning below our ability to flip a switch
and turn them on or off. - [Alia] Right.
- And yet mindset seemed to impact them.
So I've all that to say,
that there's a clear mechanistic basis
by which this could all work.
So on the one hand I'm surprised,
because these are incredible results.
On the other hand, I'm not surprised
because there's a physiological substrate there
that could readily explain them.
- Yeah, and I think figuring out exactly how it works
is really, [chuckles].
- We should do that. - We should do that.
- We should collaborate. - Let's do it.
- We've got common friends in both departments,
so we should do it.
- But I did want to mention,
the way I think about mindset,
and again, I think we need to study this.
I'm not a neuroscientist, so I haven't looked at this,
but this is something we could do.
But the way I think about mindset,
is that mindsets are kind of a portal
between conscious and subconscious processes.
They operate as a default setting of the mind, right?
So, if sort of programmed in there,
you have stress equals bad, right?
That is going to be something maybe conscious, right?
But it doesn't have to be conscious, right?
People don't have to know their mindsets about stress
until they're asked really.
That's been programmed in through our upbringing,
through public health messages and through media
and other things.
And it kind of sits there as an assumption in the brain,
and the brain is then figuring out
how should it respond to this situation?
And if the assumption, the default,
the programming is, stress is bad,
that's going to, through our subconscious trigger,
all the things that's like,
okay, well, I need to rev up the things that protect me
versus rev up the things that help me grow.
And so, that's at least how I think about it.
And what's cool about it is that,
because it operates as a sort of portal,
it communicates with more
subconscious physiological processes,
but it can also be accessed
through our consciousness, right?
So just talking about this, right?
For your listeners, they're now invited
to bring their stress mindsets up to the consciousness
and say, what is my stress mindset?
How am I thinking about stress?
Can I reprogram that?
Can I start to think about it as more enhancing?
That takes a little bit of a conscious work potentially,
but then once you do that,
that can kind of operate in the background,
influencing how your body responds
and you don't have to say, okay, I'm stressed,
I better tell my anabolic hormones.
- Right, right. - That doesn't work that way.
- No.
- But these mindsets can help
with the translational process.
- I love the idea that mindsets are at the interface
between the conscious and subconscious.
And I think there's a lot to unpack there.
But it clearly is the case, that the mindset,
they sort of act as heuristics, right?
And as we talked about earlier,
they can limit what the number of things to focus on.
Because one thing that is really stressful
is trying to focus on everything all the time.
I've been trying to navigate the public health
around anything.
The public health information around anything
it's kind of overwhelming.
As you mentioned for stress,
you see a lot in the stresses will crush you,
and then you can also find evidence
that stress will grow you.
How should we, the listeners, think about stress
and what's the most adaptive way to think about stress?
And should we talk about our stress?
Should we not talk about our stress?
Is there a short list
of ways that we can cope with stress better?
- Yeah.
- I should be careful with the word cope.
Is there a way that we can leverage stress to our advantage?
- Great, yeah, and that's an important nuance
in your language, which people have by and large
come from a place of how do you manage stress?
How do you cope with it?
Which implies, how do you fight against it, right?
- Vacation, massages, yoga classes.
- Fight against or check out from it, right?
- Exactly, exactly.
- And yeah, the real challenge is, how do we leverage it?
How do we utilize it?
How do we work with it?
And yeah, I have a lot of thoughts on this.
The first and most important thing
is to clarify our definition of stress.
So I think people often associate--
The negative stress mindset is so insidious,
that now people define stress
with its negative consequences.
So the first step is to decouple that,
and to realize that stress is a neutral, right?
Yet to be determined effect
of experiencing or anticipating adversity
in your goal related efforts.
So let me unpack that a little more,
you can be in the midst of it,
or you could just be worried about something happening.
That's one aspect.
Second is, adversity or challenge,
or something that's working against you.
But the third piece is critical,
and that is in your goal related efforts.
What that means is that,
we only stress about things we care about,
things that matter to us.
So this is really important, right?
Because stress is linked with,
it's the other side of the coin
of things we care about, right?
And so, I think that's the first thing to realize, right?
That as humans, we stress because we care,
and we don't stress about things we don't care about.
So the simplified example I like to use is,
you know, if Johnny was failing school,
that wouldn't stress you out,
unless Johnny was your son or you were Johnny,
or you really cared about
educating the Johnny's of the world, right?
It only becomes stressful
to the extent that you care about it.
So, why are we trying to fight or run away
or hide or merely cope with our stress
or overcome it through our massages,
when the stress is connected to the things we care about.
So then the question becomes, okay, if that's true,
how can I better utilize or leverage
or respond to the inevitable stresses
that we're going to experience?
I'm not saying go out and seek out more stress.
What I am saying is that, you're going to experience stress
if you have any cares or values or passions
and most all of us do.
And so, then what do you do?
And we've developed a three-step approach
to adopting a stresses enhancing mindset,
and briefly, the first step
is to just acknowledge that you're stressed,
to own it, see it, be mindful of it.
The second step is to welcome it.
Why would you welcome it?
You welcome it because inherently in that stress
is something you care about.
So you're using it as an opportunity
to reconnect to what is it that I care about here?
And then the third step is to utilize the stress response,
to achieve the thing that you care about,
not spend your time, money, effort, energy,
trying to get rid of the stress.
Does that make sense?
- Makes sense and I love it.
As somebody who's laboratory studies,
the physiological effects of stress,
the effects that impressed me the most
are for instance, the narrowing of visual attention,
that it then drives a capacity to pass time more finely,
which then drives the capacity
to process information faster.
It's almost like a superpower.
- Right.
- And yes, it can feel uncomfortable often,
but I love the idea that, acknowledging it,
embracing it and then understanding its power
and leveraging that power.
I think what I like so much about that framework
is that the stress response is very generic.
Unlike the relaxation response,
we don't actually have to train up the stress response.
So we all kind of get this as a freebie.
And then it sounds like it's a question
of what we end up doing with that.
- Right, and Hans Selye, father of stress said himself,
it's a nonspecific response, right?
So it occurs, it's what you're doing with it.
It's how you're channeling it.
And yeah, like we talked about before,
what most people do is they stress about the stress,
which then over exacerbates it,
or they check out from the stress,
which leads to depression and anhedonia.
Because by checking out from stress,
you're also checking out from the things we care about.
- And substance abuse. - Exactly.
- Our colleague Anna Lembke, who also we had
the good fortune
of having as a guest on this podcast,
talked a lot about this.
I mean, so much of substance abuse,
because she runs the addiction clinic
over on the med side of campus.
It takes over people's lives
because of this increased stability
to find a solution to the stress,
that then eventually becomes its own stressor
and its own problem.
Well, I love that mindset and framework.
I'd love for you to tell us just a bit
about what you're up to right now,
and what's most exciting to you now.
If you are able or willing to talk
about some of the work that's on the way.
I saw a brief mention
of something on your publications website
of a paper about influencers,
online influencers and nutrition.
Now, that might not be the main thrust of what you're up to,
but if you're able to tell us about it,
sort of interesting given that a lot of the communication
in and around this podcast takes place through social media.
And I've kind of launched into this landscape now
where constantly bombarded with health information
and influencers, right?
At the time I didn't even know
until couple of [mumbles].
- You are one.
- One could argue one way or the other,
but what is the deal with influencers?
Are they doing something good for health information
or are they ruining the landscape?
And don't try and protect my feelings.
'Cause I now know that stress is actually an asset.
- Yeah, well, that work is part of a body of work
that we've been sort of venturing into,
which is to understand
where do these mindsets come from, right?
And I mentioned sort of public health entities
as one source of, say our mindsets about stress.
But I think that our mindsets
are influenced by four different sources.
First is our upbringing, how our parents talked about,
things like when we're stressed or food or other things.
Second is culture and media.
So movies, podcasts, and now social media.
Third is influential others.
So what doctors say to us or close friends or peers.
And fourth is your conscious choice.
So, we talked about that a little.
We have as humans have the ability to be mindful of,
and to change our mindsets.
But the social media and influencer stuff
has been in part in attempt to understand
where do our mindsets
about things like healthy foods come from.
And Brad Turnwald, who was a former grad student in my lab
has done a series of really interesting studies on this,
showing that, if you rate the nutritional quality
of the top grossing movies in the last 20 years,
or you look at the Instagram accounts
of all the most influential people on Instagram,
and you analyze the nutrition content
of what they're eating, what he's shown is that,
depending on the study,
70 to 90% of those movies or influencers
would fail the legal standards for advertising in the UK.
So they're putting out their nutrition contents
that are, maybe not surprisingly, but undeniably unhealthy.
And to me, that's interesting and important.
It shows that where are we getting this mindset
that those unhealthy foods are pleasurable, desirable.
What's maybe even more interesting than that
is some of the work that he and others in our lab have done
to show that the ways people are talking
about the foods they're eating really matter too.
So generally what we've found is that
when people talk about unhealthy foods,
they use a language that connotes a sense of excitement,
fun, sexiness, danger, indulgence,
basically anything good and desirable, right?
- These should be cookies, cakes, high sugar.
- Exactly, like truly unhealthy foods.
That's actually--
The objective, what?
Helped me is it's challenging,
but yeah, high fat, high sugar.
- Yeah, I think there's pretty good agreement now
that excessive sugar isn't good.
- Yeah, and highly processed.
- Yeah, highly processed, et cetera, et cetera.
I think there's general consensus.
I'm sure someone will--
If you're going to come after anyone come after me,
I'll stand behind [mumbles].
- But on the other hand, when people are talking about,
if they do, which, you know, healthy foods
aren't portrayed in media,
they aren't portrayed by influencers rarely ever.
And when they are, they're often talked about
with language that conveys a sense of deprivation.
It's nutritious, but it's sort of boring, it's bland.
It's not tasty. - Recovering
from the holidays.
Sort of the post-holiday reset, right?
- Exactly, and this is really important
because you're doing all this work trying,
and others are doing all this work,
trying to inform people
about what actually is good for them.
And meanwhile, there's this hurricane of other force
that's telling people, that seeping in our minds,
sure, those might be good for you,
but those foods are not fun or sexy or indulgent
or desirable in any way, shape or form, right?
And it's also paid advertising for fast foods
and sugary beverages and other things.
So it's not surprising that we have this mindset,
that healthy foods are the less desirable thing to eat
because of those cultural and social forces.
What our work has just tried to do is to reveal that,
quantify it, as a way to say,
all right, let's maybe be a little bit more mindful
about how we talk about healthy foods.
If you're a movie producer,
can you be a little bit more mindful
to showcase healthy and delicious foods
and have the characters talk about them
in ways that are more appealing?
There's a lot of room for people who produce this content
to have an impact, not just on what people do,
but what they think about the foods they're eating.
- It's really interesting.
I hadn't thought about it until now,
but it makes sense that any food that's packaging
can be sold as, can be woven into a film
or promoted by a celebrity influencer,
not a health influencer per se,
but a celebrity influencer because they'll get paid, right?
It's part of the ecosystem that allows them an income
and it feeds back on sales to the company.
Whereas things that can't be commoditized,
it's more difficult, right?
It's hard to the whoever makes oranges and sells oranges
is unlikely to promote oranges in a celebrity post
or in a movie because oranges can be purchased
from many, many sources.
That there's no identifiable source of oranges
as there is with a packaged food, for instance.
- Yeah, but the interesting thing we found in those studies
is that it wasn't driven by promoted content
or branded content.
There was some of that certainly,
and yeah, all of the promoted and branded content
is usually for processed high sugar foods.
But 90% or more of these foods that they were showing
were not promoted or branded.
And so, there's a lot of flexibility
in what these producers or influencers
could show on their media.
Although it goes both ways, right?
It's not just the producers and the influencers
responsibility, the public is reacting to this.
And we showed too that people respond more positively,
there are more likes on posts about unhealthy foods.
So it's a sort of distasteful and in neck it,
you know, it's a distasteful culture around healthy eating
and we really have a lot to do to change it.
- Yeah, it's dopamine circuits through and through,
just the site of some very calorie dense,
extremely tasty food drives those dopamine circuits.
And I realized that there are people out there
who derive the same sort of,
or similar levels of pleasure from healthy foods.
And that's a wonderful thing if one can accomplish that.
So we just need more of that, is what it's sounds like.
- Yeah, exactly.
And that's what's really inspiring.
To me at least, is that, it is possible, right?
I mean, people think, oh, well,
vegetables are just inherently less tasty than ice cream.
And it's like, well, that's not necessarily true.
Also it doesn't have to be a competition, right?
I don't have to get my three-year-old to hate ice cream
in order for it her like broccoli.
There's a lot more I can be doing
to help shape a more positive approach oriented,
indulgent mindset around healthy, nutritious vegetables
and fruits and other foods, right?
In addition to having her like ice cream, right?
And that's totally fine.
- So, it's a really interesting study.
When it's published, let me know and all.
- Yeah, I think it was actually released this week, yeah.
In JAMA Internal Medicine.
- JAMA Internal, okay, great journal.
I will definitely talk about it on social media
and elsewhere, sounds very interesting.
What else are you up to lately?
My favorite question to ask any scientist or colleague
by the way, is what are you most excited about lately?
What are you up late thinking about
and getting up early thinking about?
- Yeah, so hands down, the thing I'm most [mumbles],
well, I guess there's so many things.
The thing that I'm most into right now,
we're doing the most work in is, you know,
I started by getting inspired by placebo effects
in medicine.
I did a long stint in placebo or belief like effects
in behavioral health.
And now we're moving back into medicine.
So I'm really interested
in looking at how we can work with active drugs
and treatments, to make them better
and make the experience of them better
by instilling different mindsets.
So, one study we did along those lines,
we worked with kids
or undergoing treatment for food allergies.
So allergies to peanuts, for example,
this was with Kari Nadeau,
who's the head of the Stanford Allergy Center here.
She has a great treatment for food allergies.
Basically kids take gradually increasing doses
of the thing they're allergic to, like peanuts.
And over the course of six or seven months,
these kids become less reactive to peanuts.
And the problem with that treatment is it's really difficult
because they're having all sorts of negative symptoms
and side effects.
These kids are getting itchy mouths and upset stomach,
they're puking and it's scary,
because they're literally eating the thing
that they've been told might kill them, right?
And what we did in the study,
was we attempted to improve the experience
and outcomes of that, by reframing mindsets
about the symptoms and the side effects.
So as it was being conducted before,
the kids were told, look, these side effects
are just an unfortunate by-product of this treatment,
and you have to sort of endure them to get through it.
But what we found in our conversation with Kari,
was that the reality of those side effects
was not so negative.
In fact, they were mechanistically linked
to the body learning how to tolerate peanuts
or the allergen.
And so what we did was we worked within a trial.
They were all getting the treatment,
but half of them were helped to see
this more positive mindsets.
That symptoms and side effects from this treatment,
were a positive signal that the treatment was working
and their bodies were getting stronger.
And what we found was that
that mindset led to reductions in anxiety, fewer symptoms,
when at the highest doses and most interestingly of all,
they had better outcomes.
So based on immune markers,
that were assign of the allergic tolerance,
those who had this mindset throughout
had better outcomes to the treatment.
So that's just one example.
I think, my goal is really to move us
beyond the placebo versus drug, mindset versus behavior,
to get to a place where we can blend them together
and maximize the benefit of these treatments.
So we're doing a lot of studies like that,
you know, how can we improve treatment for cancer
with different mindsets?
We've done some work recently with the COVID-19 vaccine,
and symptoms and side effects.
So that's what I'm really passionate about right now.
- It's incredible.
I can't wait to read that study.
Is that one out or on the way?
- Yes.
- Okay, well then I will also read and communicate with you
and then about that.
So who knows, maybe you would come on Instagram
and do a little Instagram live
to make sure that I don't screw up the delivery
and that we can hear it direct
from the person who ran the study.
I find this issue of side effects really interesting.
I don't take a lot of prescription drugs,
but recently I was prescribed a few,
and the list of side effects is, it's incredible
and it just goes on and on and on.
I realize some of that is legal protections.
It's hard for me to believe
that they're actually expecting anyone to read those
because you need a high powered microscope to read this,
print is truly fine print.
But I did realize that in reading over the side effects
that one prime is themselves,
to experience those side effects.
And so now I just rip up the side effects thing
or the sheet, and just throw it away.
I just take it as recommended.
Do you think it works in the other direction
to where if an effective medication
is supposed to have result A, B or C,
and you are told again and again,
how effective it is for that treatment,
that it could amplify the effect.
So in other words, it's strictly a placebo.
It's not nocebo, as you described before.
But that perhaps at a lower dose,
a given medication could have a amplified effect
or at a appropriate dose, if you will,
it could have a super physiological effect.
Has that ever been demonstrated?
- To some degree.
I think where it gets tricky is, for a long time,
people thought the effects of placebos
were expectancy based.
So you expect to get a benefit and that benefit occurs.
There's certainly some, some truth to that,
but I think the mindset approach is more powerful
because it helps us understand the mechanisms, right?
So if you just expect that your blood pressure will go down,
what are the mechanisms
through which that expectation
would lead to your blood pressure going down way?
It's hard to even understand that, right?
But if you have the mindset that, you're in good hands,
that this is being taken care of,
that this illness is not going to kill you, right?
That you're being treated well.
Then you can start to unpack the mechanisms
through which blood pressure could be relieved.
Maybe it's anxiety reduction,
maybe it's changing the sort of anticipation
of what are the prioritization
of what the body needs to focus on.
And so, I really think that, the work of the future
needs to be on getting more sophisticated about
what is the mindset that we're instilling
when we say something will work or it won't work.
And how do we understand the mechanisms
through which that changes physiology?
So to answer your question,
I think that that could be true,
but it depends on what actually is the mindset
you're evoking.
- I know you're a parent,
and to the other parents out there,
but also the kids and people who don't have kids,
what is the best way to learn and teach mindsets?
I mean, clearly a conversation like this informs me
and many other people out there about mindsets
and how we can adopt them.
But it also seems to me
that if we have the opportunity to teach mindsets
and really cultivate certain mindsets,
that the world will be a much better place.
- Yes.
- How does one go about that?
Given that there were kids and we are all being bombarded
with conflicting information all the time,
how do we anchor to a mindset?
- Yeah, and you're getting at my other major passion
right now, which is what we're calling in our lab,
meta mindset.
I'm working on this with Chris Evans and others.
And that is, how do we consciously and deliberately
change our mindsets?
And the first step is really simple,
and that's just to be aware that you have them.
That the world, your beliefs,
aren't sort of an unmitigated reflection of reality
as it objectively is.
They are filtered through our interpretations,
our expectations, our frameworks,
and simplifications of that reality.
And as you know, your work and then you're as you know,
so well that most of what goes on in our brain
is an interpretation of reality.
Mindsets are just the simplified core assumptions
about things.
And the first step is to realize that we have them.
The second step is to start to think about,
what the effects of those mindsets are on your life
to sort of play out the story, right?
Okay, I have this mindset that stress is debilitating.
How is that making me feel?
What is that leading me to do?
Is this mindset helpful or harmful?
The question isn't is the mindset right or wrong?
Because you can find evidence for her against it.
We can fight about it until we're exhausted.
The question is, is it helpful or harmful?
And then, you can go about seeking out ways
to adopt more useful mindsets.
So, we've been doing a lot of work
on how to actually do that.
How do you consciously change it?
Sometimes it's really simple.
I think in cases
where we don't have a lot of prior experience,
like the kids with allergies who are getting treatment,
they didn't have any other mindsets about symptoms.
So we just had the luxury of setting it, right?
When it comes to healthy food,
I think it's harder to change people's mindsets
because we have a lot of baggage weighing us down.
As a parent, for me,
I guess my number one piece of advice is to lighten up,
trying to get your kids to do certain things
and focus more on helping them to adopt
more adaptive mindsets.
So, I'm by no means an expert at this,
but I'm testing it with my own child.
- Your child real, real child.
The real kind of experiment.
- It's how do I resist the urge
to force my child to eat her dinner
so that she can have her dessert, right?
Because that's the real urge.
It's like, no, you need - Or you're negotiating.
- to do that.
Because when you start thinking about it
in terms of mindset, you realize, oh,
that's just reinforcing to her,
that the dessert is the exciting, fun thing to have.
And this thing that I have to do must be horrible.
So horrible that my parent is forcing me to do it, right?
So it's letting go a little bit of the behavior,
the objective reality,
and really thinking about the subjective reality
and focusing on adaptive mindsets.
So my goal as a parent
has been to try to help her instill a healthy mindset
about eating,
that healthy foods are indulgent and delicious.
That the experience of stress is inevitable,
that it's natural.
And that going through stressful experience
can help her learn, grow,
and become a more connected and happier individual.
And with exercise and physical activity,
we haven't really gotten to that yet,
but [laughs] we will with time.
- Yeah, that's great.
I wrote down
and I'm going to keep this in the front of my mind,
going forward, to continually ask
what is the effect of my mindset about X?
And just to evaluate that.
About exercise, about food, about school, about stress,
about relationships,
about relationship to self, et cetera.
And to really think about that in a series of layers
that you think that would be a useful exercise?
- Definitely, and you know, and your work speaks to this.
I mean, the mindful, it's not--
I would really urge against people getting dogmatic
about their mindset also, right?
Like, oh, I need to have the right mindset.
Or, and if I don't have the right mind--
It's like, okay, mindset is a piece of the puzzle.
It's a piece of the puzzle that's really empowering
because we have access to it and we can change it.
But it is just one piece of a puzzle.
So treat yourself like a scientist, look at your life,
look at your mindsets, see what's serving you,
see what isn't.
Find more useful, adaptive, and empowering mindsets
and live by those.
- I love it.
Now, in one version of this kind of discussion,
I would have asked
the question I'm going to ask next at the beginning,
but I'm going to ask it now close to the end,
which is, you're unique constellation of accomplishments
and attributes, and I only know a subset of them, of course,
because today's the first time that we've met in person,
even though I've known your work for a long time
and we're colleagues across campus.
So you run your laboratory, where you do research.
You were also an athlete in university, a serious athlete,
and then you're also a clinical psychologist, is that right?
- I was trained as a clinical psychologist.
So my PhD is in clinical psychology.
And I did all my pre and post internships
that dealt with stress and trauma.
- Do you see patients or did you see patients at that time?
- I did.
Yes, I don't anymore.
- Okay, that's a very unique constellation
of practitioner and researcher.
So what are the mindsets that you try and adopt
on a regular basis in as a consequence
or in relation to those things,
sort of athlete, researcher, clinician?
For yourself as you move through life,
do you have an overarching mindset
that all challenge's good,
or do you have any kind of central mindsets
that help you navigate through,
you know, it was passed
to be a pretty complex set of daily routines
given everything that you juggle.
But I think that people like you are unique,
in that you have the inside knowledge
of how this stuff works,
and you've also existed in these different domains.
And I know a lot of listeners
have a more athletic slant to their life
or a more cognitive or some are raising kids,
or some people are doing any number of things.
So, this is where I think it would be useful
for people to hear kind of, what do you do?
This is what I'm asking.
- Yeah, well, it's certainly true in my case,
that research is me search.
Everything that I study as an intellectual
has come from my own experience or my own failings, right?
And when I was really intensely exercising and training,
those were the questions I asked
when I was dealing with eating and concerns about my weight,
those were the questions I asked.
When I was stressed about my dissertation.
I decided to do my dissertation on stress, right?
Now I think we're in the midst of a global pandemic.
How can our mindsets be useful here?
I don't think there's a obvious answer to your question
other than the guiding light for me
has been an undercurrent of understanding
that our mindsets matter.
I think I got that very clearly and deeply as a child,
both through my experiences as an athlete.
I know many of you listeners are athletes.
Any athlete knows that you can be the same physical being
from one day to the next one moment to the next,
and perform completely differently,
just depending on what you're thinking.
I was a gymnast growing up.
And if you can't visualize,
if you can't see something in your mind
then you have no chance
when you get up there on the balance beam, right?
And also, my father was a martial artist,
a teacher of meditation.
So this kind of mind body work
was baked into me from an early age.
And I think what I've done recently,
is to try to understand it scientifically,
and more importantly,
to figure out how can we do better with this, right?
We're all talking about AI taking over the world,
and technology this and all the personalized medicine that,
and it's like, we have done so little, relatively,
so little with the human resource, our human brains,
that the potential for which is so great.
And we've done almost nothing.
Take the placebo effect, we know a lot about what it is.
We've done almost nothing to leverage that in medicine
consciously and deliberately.
So, what keeps me going, what gets me through the hard times
is just that burning question of, what is going on here
and what more can I do with the power of my mind?
- Well, I and millions of other people are so grateful
that you do this work.
It's so important and it's truly unique.
Tell us where people can learn more about your research,
where they can find you online.
I'm going to try and persuade you
to take more of a social media presence going forward.
But whether or not I succeed in that effort or not,
where can people find you, ask questions, find your papers,
learn more.
I'd love to have you back for a conversation in the future,
but in the meantime.
- Yeah, it's been such an honor getting to chat with you
and just you have such an impact on the world.
And I look forward.
I hope we can do some science together also.
- Absolutely, absolutely.
- Yeah, all our papers and materials and interventions
are housed on our website, mbl.stanford.edu.
We also have a link there too,
that takes you to Stanford SPARK,
which stands for social psychological answers
to real world questions.
We have a lot of toolkits on that website,
including a toolkit for this rethink stress approach
of acknowledging, welcoming, and utilizing your stress.
And then I guess I'm on Twitter, Alia Crum, [chuckles],
I don't do much there, but maybe I will start to.
- Well, those are all great resources.
We will provide links to all of those
for our listeners and viewers.
And I also hope to convince you
to write a book or many books in the future.
The world needs to know about this,
but thank you so much for taking time
out of your exceedingly busy schedule
to talk to us about these ideas.
I learned so much.
I'm going to definitely think about
what is the effect of my mindset about blank
in every category of life
and really, on behalf of everybody and myself.
Thank you so much.
- Yeah, thank you.
And I guess I just want to end by saying,
I think this work is really the tip of the iceberg
of what can and should be done.
And so, I really invite you, your listeners,
and anybody who's inspired by this work.
If they want to share stories
or want to partner on a collaboration to please reach out.
- Great, well, and the comments section on YouTube
is a great place to do that as well.
You will hear from them.
- Great, [laughs]. - All right.
Thank you so much, Allie.
- Thank you.
- Thank you for joining me for my conversation
with Dr. Alia Crum.
I'm guessing by now, you can appreciate
the enormous impact that mindsets have
on our biology and our psychology,
and how those interact at the level of mind and body.
If you'd like to learn more about Dr. Crum's work,
and perhaps even be a research subject
in one of their upcoming studies on mindsets,
you can go to mbl.stanford.edu.
There, you will also see a tab for support,
where if you like, you can make a tax deductible donation
to support the incredible research
that Dr. Crum and her colleagues are doing.
If you're learning from and are enjoying
the Huberman Lab Podcast,
please subscribe to our YouTube channel.
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Please also check out our sponsors
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If you're not already following us on Instagram
and on Twitter, we are Huberman Lab
at both Instagram and Twitter,
and there I teach neuroscience in short form,
sometimes videos, sometimes texts, slides.
Some of that information
overlaps with what you find on the podcast.
Some of it is distinct from what you find on the podcast.
On previous episodes of the Huberman Lab Podcast,
I often discuss supplements.
While supplements aren't necessary or used by everybody,
many people derive tremendous benefit from them.
An important consideration when using supplements
is that they be sourced from the highest quality sources.
For that reason, we partner with Thorne, T-H-O-R-N-E.
Because Thorne supplements
use the highest quality ingredients
and the greatest degree of precision,
in terms of what's listed on the bottle
is actually what you will find in their products.
And that is not true for all supplement companies.
If you'd like to see the supplements that I take,
you can go to Thorn, that T-H-O-R-N-E.com/U/Huberman,
and you can get 20% off any of those supplements.
In addition, if you navigate into the Thorne site
through that portal, thorne.com/u/huberman,
you can also get 20% off any of the other supplements
that Thorne makes.
In closing, I'd like to thank you once again
for joining me for my discussion about mindsets
with Dr. Alia Crum,
and as always, thank you for your interest in science.
[upbeat music]