Developing a Rational Approach to Supplementation for Health & Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday life

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I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a professor

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of neurobiology and Ophthalmology at

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Stanford school of medicine today we are

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discussing supplements or more

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specifically a rational guide to

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supplementation now to be forthright I

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want to tell you that I am not a fan of

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the word supplements because it stems

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from this idea that all supplements are

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somehow food supplements or designed to

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compensate for what one could otherwise

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get from food and that's simply not the

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case many supplements are compounds that

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are extremely efficacious for instance

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for enhancing sleep or for enhancing

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hormone function or for enhancing focus

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and many of those compounds are simply

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not found in food or are not found in

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enough abundance in food to have the

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desired effect

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now that raises the issue as to whether

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or not these compounds are good to take

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safe to take and whether or not they are

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actually beneficial for us and the short

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answer is that like everything else

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supplements can either be good for us or

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dangerous for us depending on dosage

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sourcing Etc but more importantly we

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need to think about supplements and a

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rational guide to supplementation as

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taking into account a number of

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different factors and we need to set

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aside the idea that all non-prescription

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compounds that fall under this umbrella

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term supplements are simply things that

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could be extracted from food but most

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people don't either ingest enough of

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those Foods or pay enough attention to

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their diet in order to obtain them in

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fact during today's episode I'm going to

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give you a number of different very

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specific questions that you can answer

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in order to decide whether or not you

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should be taking any so-called

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supplements or not and whether or not

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you should be taking one type of

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supplement or another type of supplement

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more or less than the other I'm also

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going to discuss safety of course and I

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will discuss cost because obviously

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monetary cost is a serious consideration

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for most if not everybody considering

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the use of supplements during today's

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episode I will also discuss which

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specific supplements are optimal for

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achieving specific endpoints such as

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improved sleep such as improved focus

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and such as improved hormone function

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among other things I plan to cover the

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full range of what I referred to as

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supplements including so-called

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foundational supplements that are

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designed to act as a sort of insurance

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policy against any deficiencies that

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might exist within your diet all the way

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up to very targeted outcome supplements

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and compounds that is compounds that are

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non-prescription that are designed to

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achieve very specific endpoints such as

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enhanced Focus over the next four to six

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hours of physical work or mental work so

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on and so forth

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plan to cover everything in between that

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as well and I promise to cover how

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supplements interact with other things

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such as behavioral tools prescription

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drugs when supplements might be a good

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alternative to prescription drugs when

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they might not be a good alternative to

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prescription drugs when supplements can

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serve as an augment to already excellent

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nutrition and prescription protocols and

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every feature of supplements as it

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relates to mental health physical health

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and performance by the end of today's

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episode you should be armed with a

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number of different questions as I

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mentioned before that will allow you to

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develop the most biologically effective

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and cost-effective supplement regimen

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for you and of course I want to

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acknowledge that for some people the

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total amount or dosages of a given

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supplement were supplements that you

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might need to take could be zero there

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are such individuals but that many

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people can in fact arrive tremendous

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benefit from supplements in a way that

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can be more cost effective than trying

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to obtain the same non-prescription

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nutrients from food as we head into

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today's conversation I want to emphasize

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something very important not just as it

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relates to supplements but as it relates

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to all aspects of mental health physical

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health and performance and that is I

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take the stance that behavioral tools

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that is specific actions that we take

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and specific actions that we avoid form

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the foundation of mental health physical

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health and performance so things like

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viewing morning sunlight and exercise

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are behavioral tools they don't require

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the ingestion of anything within the

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realm of Behavioral tools there are also

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some don'ts or do not that can greatly

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enhance our mental health physical

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health and performance such as avoiding

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bright light exposure to your eyes

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between the hours of 10 pm and 4 AM or

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avoiding caffeine too late in the

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afternoon because even if you can fall

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asleep after ingesting caffeine in the

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late afternoon we know it disrupts the

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architecture of your sleep in ways that

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greatly diminish your mental health

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physical health and performance the

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following day for instance so behavioral

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tools form the foundational layer of all

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tools for mental health physical health

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and performance second to that I would

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say the next layer is in fact nutrition

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no amount of supplementation or

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non-prescription compounds or

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prescription compounds for that matter

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can never compensate for poor nutrition

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at least not for very long okay so this

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is a key Point even though many

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supplements are not simply food

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supplements because they are not

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designed to compensate for anything that

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you could otherwise get from food that

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is not to say that you can live on

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supplements you know I suppose you could

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live on whey protein and fish oil

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capsules and vitamin capsules or tablets

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for a short while but before long you'd

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either suffer from boredom to the extent

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that you'd want to go back to food or

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some other deficiency would show up I

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think it's the rare individual that

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tries to survive entirely on food

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supplements and things of that sort most

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everybody and I would hope everybody is

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paying attention to their nutrition so I

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would Place behavioral tools do's and do

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Nots as layer one the deepest layer the

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Bedrock of all mental health physical

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health and performance

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on top of that I would Place nutrition

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and of course that's going to mean

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different things to different people

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with the understanding that there's a

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huge array of different food choices and

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nutritional programs

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nutrition is fundamentally important for

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macronutrients for storage of energy in

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the form of glycogen fats and

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phosphocratine stores and so forth but

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also for obtaining basic nutrients

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vitamins minerals and micronutrients

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Okay so we've got behavioral tools

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nutritional tools then on top of that I

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would place what is typically called

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supplementation although today I'm

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trying to expand that word to include

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not just things that compensate for food

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deficiencies or that are layered on top

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of food as a way to enhance the amount

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of nutrients that you could get from

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food but as I mentioned before

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compounds that are non-prescription that

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can be for a variety of different

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purposes and many of which are not

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available in food so I would place

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supplementation right on top of

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nutrition then past that I would say

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prescription drugs obviously prescribed

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from a board-certified MD can serve a

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very vital purpose in the treatment or

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augmentation of mental health physical

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health and performance goals so some

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people do in fact need prescription

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antidepressants other people do not some

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people do in fact need prescription

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drugs for attention deficit

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hyperactivity disorder or sleep Related

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Disorders so on and so forth

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the whole issue of whether or not there

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is an over prescription epidemic or not

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um is a separate conversation for a

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separate podcast I would argue that many

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prescription drugs do in fact save lives

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this includes the category of

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prescription drugs related to statins

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and cardiovascular health related to any

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number of different things even sleep

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disorders and insomnia narcolepsy and so

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that said there are many instances in

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which people can either reduce their

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dosages of prescription compounds or can

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replace those prescription compounds

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with quality behavioral tools nutrition

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and supplementation but there are many

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instances in which prescription drugs

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are the only route by which people can

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achieve the mental health physical

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health and performance goals that they

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wish to achieve so I would place that as

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the fourth layer in this stack of layers

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directed towards mental health physical

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health and performance so just to list

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off again I fundamentally believe that

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behaviors do's and do Nots form the

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foundation of mental health physical

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health performance and next in line

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would be nutrition

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that is the specific Foods we eat the

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amount that we eat the combinations of

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foods that we eat in a given sitting and

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the timing in which we eat our food then

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on top of that I would Place

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supplementation the topic of today's

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episode and finally prescription drugs

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and of course all of these things

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interact in important and interesting

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ways many of which interactions we will

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discuss during today's podcast as we

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drill into the topic of supplementation

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developing a rational supplementation

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protocol and one that is most

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biologically and cost effective before

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moving further into today's episode I

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want to emphasize a very important point

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which is that I am not a physician that

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is I'm not a clinician so I do not

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prescribe anything nor am I going to do

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that today I'm a professor I review the

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research literature I describe tools

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gleaned from the research literature and

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developed from the research literature

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so I profess many things but I do not

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prescribe anything and I think it's

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vitally important that anytime you are

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thinking of adding or subtracting any

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behavioral protocols nutritional

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protocols supplementation based

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protocols and certainly prescription

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drug based protocols

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for whatever purpose that you consult a

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trusted board-certified physician that's

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absolutely essential I don't say that

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merely to protect me I mainly say that

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to protect you the most important aspect

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of today's episode is not going to be

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that you discover one particular

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supplement or category of supplements or

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blend of supplements that is going to

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transform your mental health physical

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health and performance

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no the purpose of today's episode is for

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you to understand where you have needs

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that can be met by supplementation

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better than any other approach and most

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importantly how to think about

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supplementation that is how to think

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about the different categories of

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supplements that are out there and how

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those interact with your nutrition and

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your behaviors so that you can maximize

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your immediate and long-term health

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what I mean by this is that we have this

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word supplements or supplementation but

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that means many many different things it

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means vitamins it means minerals it

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means adaptogens most people probably

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don't even know what an adaptogen really

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is and in fact many people talking about

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adaptogens never actually Define what an

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adaptogen is or designed for or the fact

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that many adaptogens are also used for

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other purposes so today's discussion is

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really about you learning how to think

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about supplementation the same way you

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would learn to think about nutrition or

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exercise or anything related to brain

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and body health for that matter in a way

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that lets you navigate this vast space

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that we call supplementation and develop

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protocols that are optimal for you and

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indeed it may be the case that the ideal

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dosage of a given supplement for you is

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zero milligrams for instance if I ask

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you are you sleeping deeply and enough

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each night do you feel rested throughout

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the day maybe you need a short nap and

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that's it or maybe you don't and you say

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yes I feel great I sleep great I wake up

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feeling great I only need a short nap or

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no nap during the day to feel rested

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throughout the day well then there's

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really no discussion about sleep

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supplementation to be had between you

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and me however

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if you are not sleeping well then a big

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discussion opens up as to what the

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reasons are as it relate to nutrition or

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when you're exercising or ingesting

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caffeine in other words no discussion

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about supplementation can be had in a

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rather discussions about supplementation

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need to be considered in a larger

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context so today you're going to learn

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how to place the discussion and thinking

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about supplementation in a larger

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context and think about how specific

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supplements that is specific ingredients

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and combinations of ingredients can

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indeed be used to buffer and support

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your overall health and lead you to

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specific health and performance outcomes

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before we begin I'd like to emphasize

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that this podcast is separate from my

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teaching and research roles at Stanford

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it is however part of my desire and

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effort to bring zero cost to Consumer

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information about science and science

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related tools to the general public in

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keeping with that theme I'd like to

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thank the sponsors of today's podcast

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our first sponsor is momentous momentous

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makes supplements of the absolute

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highest quality the huberman Lab podcast

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has decided to partner with momentous

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because of the extremely high quality of

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momentous supplements and because they

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have single ingredient formulations as

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we'll discuss more on today's episode

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single ingredient formulations are

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essential for most all aspects effects

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of developing a rational highly

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efficacious supplement regimen and

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that's because the ideal supplement

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regimen allows you to adjust the dosages

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of individual ingredients as well as

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alternate days in which specific

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ingredients are consumed it also allows

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you for instance to assess whether or

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not one given ingredient works for you

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and another ingredient does not and it

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also allows you to assess whether or not

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any side effects originate from a

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specific component of your supplement

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protocol another advantage of momentous

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supplements is that they ship anywhere

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in the world because we realize that

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many of you reside outside of the United

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States if you'd like to try any of the

Time: 783.839

supplements mentioned in today's or

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other episodes of The huberman Lab

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podcast so for instance things related

Time: 788.279

to sleep augmentation hormone

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augmentation enhancing Focus metabolic

Time: 792.12

health or otherwise you can go to live

Time: 794.16

momentous spelled ous so

Time: 795.899 huberman and you'll get

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20 off any of their products today's

Time: 801.06

episode is also brought To Us by element

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element is an electrolyte drink that has

Time: 805.32

everything you need and nothing you

Time: 806.88

don't that means plenty of sodium

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magnesium and potassium the so-called

Time: 810.779

electrolytes and no sugar getting

Time: 813.42

sufficient hydration and electrolytes is

Time: 815.7

key to brain health and body health and

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that's because every cell in your brain

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and body relies on having enough

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electrolytes available in order to

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function this is especially true of the

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so-called neurons or nerve cells in your

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brain they actually require sufficient

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amounts of sodium and potassium and

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magnesium but especially sodium and

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potassium available to them in order to

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fire what are called Action potentials

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or electrical signals that's what allows

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you to think to feel to move what gives

Time: 840.899

you energy so on and so forth so when

Time: 842.639

you are dehydrated oftentimes you will

Time: 844.68

need to get electrolytes and that's true

Time: 846.6

if you're exercising a lot or if you

Time: 848.22

sweat a lot but for many people it's

Time: 849.839

just true because they're not consuming

Time: 851.459

enough water and electrolytes in the

Time: 852.839

form of liquids and Foods throughout the

Time: 854.76

day element contains a science back

Time: 856.38

electrolyte ratio of 1 000 milligrams of

Time: 858.72

sodium 200 milligrams of potassium and

Time: 860.88

60 milligrams of magnesium if you'd like

Time: 863.16

to try element you can go to drink

Time: 864.6

element that's huberman to

Time: 867.959

claim a free element and sample pack

Time: 869.519

with your purchase again that's drink

Time: 871.26

element huberman to get a free

Time: 874.56

sample pack today's episode is brought

Time: 876.54

To Us by Helix sleep Helix sleep makes

Time: 878.579

mattresses and pillows that are

Time: 880.56

absolutely phenomenal I've been sleeping

Time: 882.12

on a helix mattress for close to two

Time: 883.86

years now and it's the best sleep that

Time: 885.899

I've ever had one of the reasons is the

Time: 888.36

mattress is customized to you so you

Time: 891.12

simply go to the Helix site you take a

Time: 892.98

brief two minute quiz it asks you

Time: 894.779

questions like you tend to sleep on your

Time: 895.98

back your side of your stomach or maybe

Time: 897.6

all of those across the night or maybe

Time: 899.699

you don't know you tend to run hot

Time: 901.26

during the night or cold during the

Time: 902.459

night or maybe you don't know and they

Time: 903.959

match you to the ideal mattress for you

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for me it was the dusk dusk mattress

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that allowed me to achieve the best

Time: 910.56

sleep of my life if you're interested in

Time: 912.6

upgrading your mattress you can go to

Time: 914.04 huberman take their brief

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two minute sleep quiz and they'll match

Time: 918.24

you to a customized mattress for your

Time: 919.86

sleep needs and you'll get up to 200 off

Time: 922.199

all mattress orders and two free pillows

Time: 924.36

they have a 10 year warranty on their

Time: 926.1

mattresses and you get to try it out for

Time: 927.72

100 nights risk free three they'll even

Time: 929.76

pick it up for you if you don't love the

Time: 931.079

mattress although I think you absolutely

Time: 932.82

will again if you're interested you can

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go to Helix huberman to get up

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to 200 off and two free pillows let's

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talk about supplements and

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supplementation and how to develop a

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rational supplementation regimen one of

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the things that's really emerged over

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the last 20 years is that supplements

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and there I'm referring to

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non-prescription compounds designed to

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augment nutrition prescription drugs and

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behavioral protocols

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have emerged as a Mainstay within the

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health and wellness but also the medical

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communities that are focused on

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developing mental health physical health

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and performance for their patients and

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their athletes and for the everyday

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person essentially what I'm saying is

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that 20 years ago a discussion about

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supplements would mainly take place

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within the niche communities of health

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food stores or particular athletes but

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nowadays I think almost everyone is

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familiar with the fact that yes indeed

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there are standard vitamin supplements

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but that there are also supplements such

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as Vitamin D3 which are designed to make

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sure that people have certain amounts of

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hormones in their bloodstream because

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they might not be getting enough

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Sunshine although I'll be very clear

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over and over throughout this episode

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that there is no pill replacement for

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Sunshine nor is there a pill replacement

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or food replacement for that matter for

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exercise or for social connection or for

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sleep or for simply getting smarter

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again there is no pill that's going to

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replace excellent behavioral protocols

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in fact a physician friend of mine has a

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great saying that I think everybody

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should keep in mind

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as we wade into this conversation which

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is that Better Living Through Chemistry

Time: 1027.079

still requires Better Living

Time: 1029.6

I think that's a very important phrase

Time: 1031.459

to keep in mind when thinking about the

Time: 1033.38

optimal supplementation or prescription

Time: 1035.12

drug protocol for you so what is an

Time: 1038.059

ideal supplementation protocol well I

Time: 1040.459

think what we need to do is to take a

Time: 1042.079

step back and ask what are different

Time: 1044.36

supplements designed to do for instance

Time: 1047.419

there are foundational supplements these

Time: 1050

are supplements that are designed to

Time: 1051.86

establish a foundation or provide

Time: 1053.72

Insurance along with your nutritional

Time: 1056.48

intake to ensure that you're getting all

Time: 1058.88

the things that you need in order to

Time: 1061.34

have a basic level of mental health

Time: 1063.2

physical health and opportunity for

Time: 1065.419

Optimal Performance now this is the one

Time: 1068.24

category of supplements for which I

Time: 1070.7

think it's appropriate and in fact

Time: 1073.76

advantageous to have multiple

Time: 1076.28

ingredients in a given supplement

Time: 1077.84

throughout the rest of today's

Time: 1079.16

discussion I'm going to talk about the

Time: 1081.08

advantage of mainly focusing on taking

Time: 1083.78

single ingredient formulations for a

Time: 1086.12

variety of reasons but when it comes to

Time: 1088.22

foundational supplements

Time: 1089.84

what we're mainly talking about are

Time: 1091.88

supplements that contain vitamins and

Time: 1094.22

minerals that are designed to compensate

Time: 1096.74

for any deficiencies you might have from

Time: 1098.84

diet or from lack of adequate diet how

Time: 1102.08

would such a lack of vitamin and mineral

Time: 1104.66

intake arise well for instance if you're

Time: 1107.059

somebody that practices intermittent

Time: 1108.679

fasting or other components of fasting

Time: 1110.96

or if you're somebody who does not get

Time: 1113.78

enough vitamins and minerals from

Time: 1116

vegetables and fruits and Grains and

Time: 1120.14

meats well then taking a supplement that

Time: 1123.26


Time: 1124.34

act as a insurance policy against any

Time: 1127.16

vitamin mineral deficiencies in many

Time: 1129.14

ways can be advantageous although I will

Time: 1131.059

talk about some of the safety concerns

Time: 1133.46

in just a few minutes now I want to

Time: 1135.38

acknowledge that as soon as we talk

Time: 1136.58

about vitamin mineral supplements the

Time: 1139.34

Skeptics immediately raise their hands

Time: 1140.96

and say well all that vitamin and

Time: 1142.94

mineral supplements do is give you very

Time: 1144.38

expensive urine and there the Skeptics

Time: 1146.539

are referring to the fact the reality

Time: 1148.64

that when you ingest high levels of

Time: 1151.16

water-soluble vitamins so think vitamin

Time: 1153.08

C and some of the other vitamins that

Time: 1155.059

indeed you will excrete them in your

Time: 1157.16


Time: 1158.36


Time: 1160.4

it's also the case that many people are

Time: 1162.32

not getting enough of the water-soluble

Time: 1164.48

vitamins from their foods and it's also

Time: 1166.7

the case that many people are and it's

Time: 1168.919

also the case that ingesting higher than

Time: 1171.02

needed amounts of most water-soluble

Time: 1173.66

vitamins provided those levels aren't

Time: 1175.82

exceedingly High

Time: 1177.86

is or at least we should say can be safe

Time: 1180.86

and again this is provided that the

Time: 1183.38

levels that they're ingesting are not

Time: 1185

exceedingly high so the typical vitamin

Time: 1187.039

mineral supplement is indeed going to

Time: 1188.539

cover any gaps or deficiencies that

Time: 1190.76

might arise in the water-soluble

Time: 1192.2

vitamins from your food intake but the

Time: 1194.36

reality is that most people are getting

Time: 1196.58

enough of the water-soluble vitamins

Time: 1198.26

from their food if they are paying

Time: 1200.66

attention to a couple of things

Time: 1202.46

and those things are very simple to lay

Time: 1204.679

out regardless of whether or not you're

Time: 1206.66

a vegan a vegetarian a more traditional

Time: 1209.539

omnivore eating from both animal-based

Time: 1212.059

and plant-based sources grains Etc or

Time: 1214.88

even if you're in the pure carnivore or

Time: 1217.4

strict I guess it's called The Lion diet

Time: 1219.62

where it's just meat and salt regardless

Time: 1222.02

of what type of nutrition you follow you

Time: 1224.539

will get vitamins and minerals but

Time: 1226.52

you'll get more or fewer of them

Time: 1228.14

depending on the nutritional program you

Time: 1230.12

follow and of course depending on how

Time: 1232.46

often and how much you eat that's just

Time: 1234.02

sort of obvious

Time: 1236.12

most people who take a vitamin mineral

Time: 1238.46


Time: 1239.36

will indeed excrete a lot of the

Time: 1241.66

water-soluble vitamins they will retain

Time: 1244.58

the fat soluble vitamins and there again

Time: 1247.28

the Skeptics will raise their hands and

Time: 1248.78

say you do not want to take high levels

Time: 1251.36

of fat soluble vitamins because they

Time: 1252.86

will be stored in your system

Time: 1253.82

potentially to levels that are dangerous

Time: 1255.919

again provided that vitamin mineral

Time: 1258.2

supplements are not taken in excess it's

Time: 1260.96

unlikely that you're going to have such

Time: 1262.52

a buildup of the fat soluble vitamins in

Time: 1265.039

your system that they're going to be a

Time: 1266.6

problem so that raises a very specific

Time: 1268.76

question that you need to ask do you

Time: 1270.44

want to take a vitamin mineral

Time: 1271.58

supplement well the answer to that will

Time: 1273.26

be highly individual but you really just

Time: 1274.58

need to address two things first of all

Time: 1277.28

is the cost within the range that you

Time: 1279.559

can afford and want to pay right

Time: 1282.14

oftentimes these vitamin mineral

Time: 1283.76

supplements can be quite inexpensive but

Time: 1286.16

some of them can be quite expensive and

Time: 1288.14

you can see the full range of ones that

Time: 1290.9

are pennies per day all the way up to

Time: 1293.299

many dollars or tens of dollars per day

Time: 1295.52

because of what are reported to be

Time: 1297.74

variations in quality and sourcing and

Time: 1300.08

so forth I'm not aware of any real

Time: 1302.299

differences between the quality of the

Time: 1304.34

water soluble and fat soluble vitamins

Time: 1306.2

found in the less expensive versus the

Time: 1308.78

more expensive vitamin mineral

Time: 1310.159

supplements more typically the cost

Time: 1312.799

scales with the dosages of these

Time: 1315.679

different vitamins and minerals and as

Time: 1318.32

could probably be expected the more

Time: 1320.96

expensive to obtain and source

Time: 1324.98

vitamins and minerals tend to be in

Time: 1327.679

lower quantities in the less expensive

Time: 1329.78

versions of vitamin mineral supplements

Time: 1331.22

that's just kind of obvious so you need

Time: 1332.419

to ask yourself can you afford it

Time: 1333.98

financially and then you need to ask

Time: 1335.48

yourself are you able to regularly

Time: 1338

ingest enough foods with enough variety

Time: 1340.22

to cover your vitamin mineral

Time: 1343.1

needs just from food and for some people

Time: 1346.82

the answer is going to be an immediate

Time: 1348.44

yes they are careful to get enough of

Time: 1350.6

the foods that allow them to obtain

Time: 1352.58

their vitamin and mineral quota and for

Time: 1355.159

other individuals the answer will be no

Time: 1356.72

I would say for people that are

Time: 1358.46

extremely physically and or mentally

Time: 1360.32

active and for people that perhaps are

Time: 1363.02

following a intermittent fasting

Time: 1365

schedule so they are not ingesting a lot

Time: 1367.159

of food in general or restricting their

Time: 1369.679

food intake to specific times of day

Time: 1371.24

well then a vitamin mineral supplement

Time: 1373.22

likely makes sense for them however it's

Time: 1375.74

going to be very important to ingest

Time: 1377.12

that vitamin mineral supplement with

Time: 1378.98

food and ideally early in the day so

Time: 1381.799

that can set up a little bit of a

Time: 1382.88

challenge for the intermittent fasters

Time: 1384.26

who are restricting their feeding window

Time: 1385.58

to late in the day why do I say this

Time: 1387.02

well many of the water-soluble vitamins

Time: 1389.12

in particular the B vitamins need to be

Time: 1391.52

ingested with food because otherwise

Time: 1393.32

they can cause some stomach upset and

Time: 1395.419

again there's a range there some people

Time: 1396.799

like myself can take B vitamins on an

Time: 1398.539

empty stomach and feel fine other people

Time: 1400.28

feel really lousy when they take B

Time: 1401.78

vitamins there are a few other things

Time: 1403.159

that we'll talk about later namely zinc

Time: 1406.28

and coenzyme Q10 that really should also

Time: 1408.74

be taken with food but the best time to

Time: 1411.38

take a vitamin mineral supplement is

Time: 1412.94

with food and I believe that if you're

Time: 1415.4

going to take a vitamin mineral

Time: 1416.48


Time: 1418.1

that you want to take it with food and

Time: 1420.2

you don't want to take dosages of

Time: 1421.76

vitamins and minerals from supplements

Time: 1423.74

that are exceedingly high for a couple

Time: 1426.26

of reasons one is the buildup of fat

Time: 1428.059

soluble vitamins that we talked about

Time: 1429.38

before the other reason is that when

Time: 1431.36

people tend to take very high levels of

Time: 1433.4

vitamins and minerals from supplements

Time: 1436.34

they tend to spend less time and focus

Time: 1438.86

on making sure that they're optimizing

Time: 1440.539

their nutrition or at least trying to

Time: 1442.039

get their nutrition right what do I mean

Time: 1443.9

by getting their nutrition right well I

Time: 1446.539

think regardless of whether or not your

Time: 1448.46

keto omnivore carnivore

Time: 1451.159

vegan or any other nutritional plan

Time: 1455.72

the key thing is to get most that is

Time: 1459.14

about 75 to 80 of your Foods or more

Time: 1461.48

from non-processed or minimally

Time: 1464.36

processed sources I think there is

Time: 1466.28

agreement across the board that most

Time: 1468.32

people should avoid highly processed

Time: 1470.36

foods highly processed foods are going

Time: 1472.039

to be foods with very long ingredient

Time: 1474.32

lists that have very long shelf lives so

Time: 1477.14

this often includes snack foods it does

Time: 1479.72

include snack foods like chips Etc

Time: 1482.24

pastries that could sit on the Shelf a

Time: 1484.039

long time

Time: 1484.88

but it also includes things like canned

Time: 1486.98

soups and number of different other

Time: 1488.539

foods that have many many ingredients

Time: 1490.4

preservatives most people would do well

Time: 1492.02

to avoid those kinds of foods and focus

Time: 1493.82

most of their intake on things that are

Time: 1496.7

non-processed so these would be things

Time: 1498.38

like fruits and vegetables you'll notice

Time: 1499.64

that the non-processed foods will tend

Time: 1501.08

to have very short shelf life or require

Time: 1503.419

refrigeration in some cases such as meat

Time: 1505.88

eggs Etc

Time: 1507.2

or minimally processed foods such as you

Time: 1510.44

know rice and oatmeals and pastas beans

Time: 1512.6

and things of that sort beans oftentimes

Time: 1514.58

can be completely unprocessed as well of

Time: 1516.2

course these are two general categories

Time: 1517.64

unprocessed and minimally process that

Time: 1519.74

should make up about 80 or more of your

Time: 1522.08

food intake if your goal is health and

Time: 1523.88

obtaining adequate amounts of vitamins

Time: 1525.62

and minerals the so-called foundational

Time: 1527.24

supplements include of course vitamin

Time: 1529.1

and mineral supplements

Time: 1530.659

but has expanded over the last decade or

Time: 1533.659

more to also include supplements that

Time: 1536

have vitamins and minerals but also

Time: 1538.52

things like digestive enzymes and again

Time: 1541.1

here we have an example where indeed you

Time: 1543.62

can get digestive enzymes from foods for

Time: 1546.86

instance eating a bit of papaya or even

Time: 1548.96

a little bit of Pineapple can

Time: 1551.179

assist in the digestion of certain

Time: 1553.039

aspects of macronutrients because these

Time: 1555.08

are naturally occurring enzymes that

Time: 1557.299

help digest things like carbohydrates

Time: 1559.4

fats and proteins

Time: 1561.2

and there are other food-based sources

Time: 1563.12

of enzymes you're welcome to look those

Time: 1564.44

up online if you just put food based

Time: 1566.72

sources of enzymes and you'll find those

Time: 1568.159

but nowadays A lot of the foundational

Time: 1570.62

supplements will include

Time: 1573.74

papain or they will include different

Time: 1575.86

lipases or anytime you hear the word Ace

Time: 1578.96

by the way it means an enzyme an enzyme

Time: 1582.08

is designed to break down or to catalyze

Time: 1584.12

some sort of reaction in biology and

Time: 1586.52

nutrition in particular so you can find

Time: 1589.22

foundational supplements that include

Time: 1590.659

vitamins and minerals and digestive

Time: 1592.34

enzymes and nowadays more and more the

Time: 1595.279

quality foundational supplements are

Time: 1596.84

also including things like adaptogens

Time: 1598.94

and here the name adaptogens is sort of

Time: 1602.48

vague and it indeed has no specific

Time: 1605.48

operational definition this is something

Time: 1607.1

really important to understand about

Time: 1608.9

supplementation is that companies and

Time: 1611.6

indeed podcasts can talk about

Time: 1613.1

adaptogens without actually defining

Time: 1614.9

what an adaptogen is

Time: 1616.64

in an operational way when we say

Time: 1618.62

operational what we mean is a definition

Time: 1620.539

that everyone in a given Arena or space

Time: 1623.98

research for instance can agree on so

Time: 1626.779

that when we talk about the adaptogenic

Time: 1628.94

effects of a given compound we're all

Time: 1630.38

talking about the same things well

Time: 1631.58

foundational supplements nowadays

Time: 1633.2

include vitamins minerals digestive

Time: 1635.539

enzymes and the so-called adaptogens and

Time: 1637.52

the adaptogens broadly speaking are

Time: 1640.46

thought to improve the body and brain's

Time: 1642.559

ability ability to buffer against

Time: 1644.36

various stressors so these could be

Time: 1646.46

things like herbs like ashwagandha that

Time: 1648.74

are designed to reduce cortisol levels

Time: 1650.779

in that sense ashwagandha is an

Time: 1652.4

adaptogen but ashwagandha has other

Time: 1654.44

effects related to hormone augmentation

Time: 1656.9

in both the testosterone and estrogen

Time: 1658.82

and maybe even the thyroid Pathways

Time: 1660.2

we'll talk about this a little bit later

Time: 1661.159

when we talk about supplements for

Time: 1662.36

hormone augmentation so foundational

Time: 1664.4

supplements has really expanded to

Time: 1666.5

include a lot of different categories of

Time: 1668.659

nutrients and micronutrients vitamins

Time: 1670.82

and minerals digestive enzymes designed

Time: 1673.4

to achieve a broad spectrum of effects

Time: 1676.1

again this is the one category of

Time: 1678.38

supplementation where I think it makes

Time: 1679.82

sense to explore

Time: 1682.24

multi-ingredient formulations and the

Time: 1684.74

other thing that's often included in

Time: 1685.94

these so-called foundational supplements

Time: 1688.34

are probiotics or prebiotics

Time: 1692

which are designed to augment and

Time: 1695

support the so-called gut microbiome the

Time: 1697.4

gut microbiome is the collection of

Time: 1699.62

trillions of little micro bacteria that

Time: 1701.6

exist in all of us they mainly exist in

Time: 1705.44

the mucous membrane-lined tissues of the

Time: 1708.32

body so that would be your nasal

Time: 1710.24

passages your mouth

Time: 1711.98

the vagina the urethra and the gut the

Time: 1715.88

whole way from your mouth all the way

Time: 1717.559

out the other end so not just your

Time: 1719.24

stomach trillions of bacteria live there

Time: 1721.76

trillions of microbacteria also live on

Time: 1724.76

your skin in fact every time you shake

Time: 1726.559

someone's hand you're exchanging

Time: 1727.76


Time: 1729.2

these micro bacteria often are healthy

Time: 1731.96

for us good for us they support a huge

Time: 1734.419

number of positive biological functions

Time: 1736.34

but there are other microbacteria that

Time: 1739.159

live in our gut and Elsewhere on those

Time: 1741.02

mucous line tissues that can be

Time: 1742.84

disadvantageous for us that can harm our

Time: 1745.46

health a growing idea these days based

Time: 1747.74

on a number of different Laboratories

Time: 1749.36

work including the laboratory of my

Time: 1751.64

upstairs neighbor at Stanford Dr Justin

Time: 1754.1

Sonnenberg who's been a guest on this

Time: 1755.6

podcast is that having a great diversity

Time: 1758.12

a range of microbiota as they're called

Time: 1761.26

microbiome microbiota and these

Time: 1764.299

microbacteria are all essentially

Time: 1766.64

referring to the same thing the

Time: 1767.899

microbiome is the whole collection of

Time: 1769.34

these microbacteria but having a lot of

Time: 1771.38

different so-called species of these

Time: 1773

microbacteria is known to be

Time: 1775.34

advantageous for immune system function

Time: 1777.38

hormone function it supports the

Time: 1779.84

so-called gut brain axis that's

Time: 1781.94

important for a number of things

Time: 1783.5

including mood and motivation actually

Time: 1785.36

supports the production of

Time: 1786.44

neurotransmitters in the brain and body

Time: 1788.179

that can help keep you motivated

Time: 1789.799

elevated mood

Time: 1791.72

support the general function of neurons

Time: 1793.46

well not surprisingly there are ways to

Time: 1797.48

support the gut microbiome and there are

Time: 1799.34

ways to harm the gut microbiome I'll

Time: 1800.84

refer to to the podcast episode we did

Time: 1803.419

with Justin Sonnenberg you can find that

Time: 1805.52

at if you want to learn

Time: 1807.02

all the different ways you can support

Time: 1808.159

your gut microbiome but for sake of

Time: 1810.44

today's discussion I want to emphasize

Time: 1811.82

that some of those methods of supporting

Time: 1814.039

the gut microbiome are through the

Time: 1816.2

direct consumption of particular foods

Time: 1818.419

and there are two categories of foods

Time: 1820.22

that if you're getting enough of them

Time: 1822.26

it's likely that your gut microbiome is

Time: 1825.86

diverse and is going to support all

Time: 1827.96

those important functions I just listed

Time: 1829.46

off and other functions as well the two

Time: 1832.1

sources of gut microbiota supporting

Time: 1834.86

foods are low sugar fermented foods so

Time: 1837.559

these would be things like sauerkraut

Time: 1839.299


Time: 1840.82

Greek yogurt again low sugar Greek

Time: 1843.62


Time: 1844.76


Time: 1846.039

kombucha in particular as a drink things

Time: 1849.74

like kefir there are a bunch of other

Time: 1851.539

varieties of fermented foods different

Time: 1854.539

cultures have different fermented foods

Time: 1856.1

so Japanese natto is um another source

Time: 1859.22

of of ferment that is very good for the

Time: 1861.98

gut microbiome and work from Justin

Time: 1864.38

sonnenberg's lab and close by Labs at

Time: 1867.08

Stanford School of Medicine have shown

Time: 1868.76


Time: 1869.659

if people ingest

Time: 1871.52

four servings a day of these low sugar

Time: 1874.1

fermented foods it greatly improves the

Time: 1877.159

function of the gut microbiome and in

Time: 1878.96

particular enhances the function of the

Time: 1881.659

immune system and it reduces the

Time: 1883.279

so-called inflammatorium it reduces

Time: 1885.08

inflammation in the brain and body in

Time: 1886.52

the ways that are helpful and effective

Time: 1889.22

for brain and body that is mental health

Time: 1891.02

physical health and performance so there

Time: 1892.88

are ways to support your gut microbiome

Time: 1894.62

strictly from food but it should come as

Time: 1897.679

no surprise that most people are not

Time: 1899.659

ingesting four servings a day of

Time: 1902.84

fermented foods hopefully they're

Time: 1904.88

getting enough fiber

Time: 1906.74

especially Prebiotic fiber which is one

Time: 1909.559

other way to support the gut microbiome

Time: 1911.24

although the studies from Justin

Time: 1912.32

sonnenberg's lab point to the fact that

Time: 1914.48

fiber intake itself was not directly

Time: 1917.899

supportive of the gut microbiome in

Time: 1920

everybody it was in some individuals but

Time: 1922.22

not in others and some had no effect and

Time: 1924.5

in other individuals it actually made

Time: 1926.12


Time: 1927.32

category or I should say the array of

Time: 1930.02

inflammatory markers worse it actually

Time: 1932.299

led to more inflammation so that's not

Time: 1935.179

to say that fiber is bad in fact in the

Time: 1937.34

episode that we did with Dr Lane Norton

Time: 1939.26

he discussed the many benefits of

Time: 1941.36

getting enough fiber there are a lot of

Time: 1942.86

reasons why people should get enough

Time: 1944.779

fiber in their diet but at least for

Time: 1946.76

supporting the gut microbiome

Time: 1949.76

four servings a day of low sugar

Time: 1951.38

fermented foods

Time: 1952.82

seems to be the best way to support the

Time: 1955.34

gut microbiome through the intake of

Time: 1957.2

nutrition again most people are not

Time: 1959.36

achieving that and therefore these

Time: 1960.98

foundational supplements that can be

Time: 1963.799

just vitamin and mineral supplements or

Time: 1965.779

it could be vitamin and mineral

Time: 1966.74

supplements plus digestive enzymes or

Time: 1969.26

both of those things plus adaptogens now

Time: 1972.38

also tend to include prebiotics and

Time: 1975.14

probiotics that are designed to support

Time: 1977.539

the proliferation and maintenance of

Time: 1980.36

enough gut microbiota in order to

Time: 1982.94

support the gut microbiome and the gut

Time: 1985.399

brain axis now because of the importance

Time: 1987.5

of the gut microbiome and because most

Time: 1989.059

people are not getting enough support

Time: 1990.559

for the gut microbiome in the form of

Time: 1992.779

low sugar fermented foods and Prebiotic

Time: 1994.94

fiber from their diet

Time: 1996.86

I think perhaps one of the most

Time: 1999.38

essential foundational supplements

Time: 2003.399

irrespective of whether or not it

Time: 2005.08

includes vitamins and minerals

Time: 2006.279

adaptogens and digestive enzymes is some

Time: 2008.86

way to support the gut microbiome now

Time: 2011.679

this gets into a whole dimension of

Time: 2014.32

of categories of Prebiotic and probiotic

Time: 2016.96

capsules and one needs to be very

Time: 2018.46

careful there I do want to say that most

Time: 2020.919

of the Prebiotic and probiotic capsules

Time: 2023.679

that you can buy first of all are very

Time: 2025.6

expensive the best ones are going to be

Time: 2027.84

refrigerated or required Refrigeration

Time: 2030.34

just as do any good low sugar fermented

Time: 2033.88

foods by the way so for instance pickles

Time: 2035.919

are a low sugar fermented food that can

Time: 2037.6

support the gut microbiome but if you're

Time: 2039.22

buying pickles from the section of the

Time: 2040.72

grocery store where they the pickles are

Time: 2042.58


Time: 2044.08

refrigerated well then you're not going

Time: 2046.059

to get the gut microbiome supporting

Time: 2047.86

effects from those pickles it's so funny

Time: 2050.2

we're even having this conversation

Time: 2051.22

talking about pickles but the reality is

Time: 2052.839

they can greatly enhance the microbiota

Time: 2055.48

if you are getting the pickles that are

Time: 2058.78

and require refrigeration and include

Time: 2061.06

the brine which is the the liquid around

Time: 2063.58

them the same is true for sauerkraut

Time: 2065.139

non-refrigerated sauerkraut is not going

Time: 2067.54

to support your gut microbiome it will

Time: 2069.399

supply some other things perhaps but

Time: 2071.619

it's not going to support your gut

Time: 2072.58

microbiome it has to be the refrigerated

Time: 2074.02

versions for the reason that most people

Time: 2075.7

are not getting enough food based

Time: 2077.5

support for the gut microbiome and

Time: 2079.179

because of the importance of the gut

Time: 2080.26

microbiome one of the key categories of

Time: 2082.24

foundational supplements are supplements

Time: 2084.339

that create

Time: 2085.72

support for the microbiome through

Time: 2087.639

prebiotics or probiotics again they tend

Time: 2090.399

to be the refrigerated varieties are the

Time: 2092.08

ones that are actually going to work

Time: 2093.159

those also tend to be very expensive

Time: 2096.22

and there are some evidence that taking

Time: 2098.619

excessive amounts of prebiotics and

Time: 2101.08

probiotics that is typical of these

Time: 2103.839

capsule forms of prebiotics and

Time: 2105.76

probiotics if they're taken ongoing not

Time: 2108.58

for short periods of time but if they're

Time: 2109.839

taken ongoing can lead to some issues

Time: 2112.119

like brain fog there's a nice literature

Time: 2114.46

on this that and a growing one at that

Time: 2116.32

so my suggestion is that if people are

Time: 2119.02

going to take supplements to support the

Time: 2121.42

microbiome that those supplements

Time: 2123.66

include low enough levels that is small

Time: 2127.54

enough amounts of prebiotics and

Time: 2129.16

probiotics that you don't start to

Time: 2130.78

venture into the realm of brain fog and

Time: 2133.9

some of the other issues that could be

Time: 2135.46

associated with taking too much

Time: 2137.079

Prebiotic and probiotic in the form of

Time: 2139.18

supplements I'd like to take a brief

Time: 2141.16

break and thank our sponsor inside

Time: 2143.44

tracker inside tracker is a personalized

Time: 2146.2

nutrition platform that analyzes data

Time: 2148.119

from your blood and DNA to help you

Time: 2150.099

better understand your body and help you

Time: 2151.78

reach your health goals I've long been a

Time: 2153.94

believer in getting regular blood work

Time: 2155.32

done for the simple reason that many of

Time: 2157.72

the factors that impact your immediate

Time: 2159.28

and long-term Health can only be

Time: 2161.02

analyzed from a quality blood test the

Time: 2163

problem with a lot of blood and DNA

Time: 2164.38

tests out there however is that you get

Time: 2166.3

data back about metabolic factors lipids

Time: 2169.06

and hormones and so forth but you don't

Time: 2170.32

know what to do with those data inside

Time: 2172

tracker solves that problem and makes it

Time: 2174.22

very easy for you to understand what

Time: 2176.2

sorts of nutritional behavioral maybe

Time: 2179.079

even supplementation based interventions

Time: 2181.42

you might want to take on in order to

Time: 2183.52

adjust the numbers of those metabolic

Time: 2185.079

factors hormones lipids and other things

Time: 2187.18

that impact your immediate and long-term

Time: 2188.619

Health to bring those numbers into the

Time: 2191.079

ranges that are appropriate and indeed

Time: 2192.82

optimal for you if you'd like to try

Time: 2194.859

inside tracker you can visit inside

Time: 2196.24 huberman and get 20 off any

Time: 2199.3

of inside tracker's plans that's inside

Time: 2201.099 huberman to get 20 off the

Time: 2204.88

other category foundational supplements

Time: 2206.32

are those adaptogens that we mentioned

Time: 2208.24

earlier adaptogens again being a very

Time: 2210.88

poorly defined category but these are

Time: 2213.94


Time: 2215.52

micronutrients herbs sometimes they go

Time: 2218.68

into the mushroom category again these

Time: 2220.3

are non psychedelic mushrooms that

Time: 2223.18

provide either some buffering to the

Time: 2225.28

stress system by reducing cortisol

Time: 2227.32

typically or that are thought to or

Time: 2230.32

known to based on research studies to

Time: 2232.48

enhance things like blood flow to the

Time: 2234.04

brain or to enhance some aspect of

Time: 2236.26

cognitive function by way of enhancing

Time: 2237.88

neurotransmitter function

Time: 2239.619

this category of so-called adaptogens is

Time: 2242.44

an important one we'll get back to this

Time: 2243.88

a little bit later the reason I mention

Time: 2245.5

it now is that it is indeed hard to get

Time: 2248.8

the so-called adaptogens in sufficient

Time: 2250.66

concentrations from food-based sources I

Time: 2253.78

have to assume that most people aren't

Time: 2255.04

out there collecting chaga mushroom or

Time: 2256.96

the ashwagandha herbs and then combining

Time: 2259.18

them with their salads or their foods

Time: 2260.8

and so that's why this adaptogen

Time: 2262.42

category fits into foundational now this

Time: 2265.599

opens up the category of foundational

Time: 2267.16

supplements that are broad spectrum that

Time: 2269.5

is that include vitamins and minerals

Time: 2271.3

that have digestive enzymes that have

Time: 2273.76

adaptogens and that also have prebiotics

Time: 2276.339

and probiotics at the appropriate

Time: 2277.9

dosages this is one reason why I'm a big

Time: 2280.24

fan of supplements like athletic greens

Time: 2282.4

which is as many of you know a sponsor

Time: 2284.56

of this podcast and does really nicely

Time: 2287.2

cover all of these categories of

Time: 2288.7

foundational nutrition but I do want to

Time: 2290.8

emphasize that this is not a way to

Time: 2293.32

focus on athletic greens specifically

Time: 2295.18

there are other categories and brands of

Time: 2298.359

excellent foundational nutritional

Time: 2300.28

supplements that cover these categories

Time: 2302.44

of vitamins and minerals probiotics

Time: 2304.72

prebiotics digestive enzymes and

Time: 2307.359

adaptogens it just so happens that that

Time: 2309.339

athletic greens is the one that I

Time: 2311.38

discovered and that works best for me

Time: 2312.64

and that many people find works really

Time: 2314.26

well for them so this is why when people

Time: 2316.3

approach me and they ask me as they

Time: 2318.88

often do very very often do I should say

Time: 2321.099

if I'm only going to take one supplement

Time: 2323.14

what supplement should I take rather

Time: 2325.3

than just give them one specific answer

Time: 2327.339

I actually asked them three questions

Time: 2329.02

first question I ask them is how well

Time: 2331.42

are you sleeping at night are you

Time: 2333.04

getting enough sleep are you waking up

Time: 2334.18

feeling rested because if they're not

Time: 2336.599

that opens up a whole different set of

Time: 2339.4

interactions that we need to have and

Time: 2340.96

discussions around what sorts of things

Time: 2342.579

they need to do and possibly take in

Time: 2345.22

order to get their sleep right because

Time: 2346.42

sleep is the foundation of mental health

Time: 2347.92

physical health and performance we will

Time: 2349.9

have that discussion a little bit later

Time: 2351.16

in this episode

Time: 2352.96

the second question I asked them is

Time: 2355.24

how's your nutrition that is are you

Time: 2358.42

eating regularly have you found the

Time: 2361.359

combination of macronutrients or which

Time: 2363.82

diet is right for you do you think

Time: 2365.44

you're getting enough vitamins and

Time: 2366.7

minerals how's your digestion we have

Time: 2368.68

that conversation and then the third

Time: 2370.78

thing that I ask which is extremely

Time: 2372.76

important is what's your budget because

Time: 2376.3

if somebody has ten dollars a month

Time: 2378.04

total to spend on supplements versus a

Time: 2380.56

thousand dollars a month to spend on

Time: 2381.88

supplements total well then there's a

Time: 2384.52

different set of conversations to be had

Time: 2386.38

as to which supplements they should take

Time: 2387.82

now once those three questions have been

Time: 2390.579


Time: 2391.9

assuming that somebody is able to spend

Time: 2394.54

about a hundred dollars or more on

Time: 2397.3

supplements per month

Time: 2398.98

then my recommendation is that they not

Time: 2401.92

focus on any specific supplements

Time: 2403.599

directed towards sleep or toward Focus

Time: 2405.64

or hormone augmentation but rather that

Time: 2408.04

they focus on buffering and enhancing

Time: 2409.9

their foundational nutrition adaptogens

Time: 2412.859

probiotics prebiotics and digestive

Time: 2415.359

enzymes because of the simple fact that

Time: 2417.4

if they do that they're going to raise

Time: 2420.16

the tide on all the biological and organ

Time: 2422.44

systems that are going to lead to

Time: 2423.7

enhanced mental health physical health

Time: 2425.079

and performance including sleep

Time: 2427.96

so this is one reason why if people say

Time: 2430.06

well if I can only take one supplement

Time: 2431.38

what should I take I say well what's

Time: 2433

your budget if they say they can meet

Time: 2434.98

that hundred dollar threshold per month

Time: 2436.66

then my recommendation would be athletic

Time: 2438.76

greens or something like it or that they

Time: 2441.46

invest the time and energy to go find

Time: 2443.2

the various combinations of vitamins and

Time: 2444.88

minerals and probiotics and prebiotics

Time: 2447.4

and adaptogens and so forth in

Time: 2450.4


Time: 2451.66

components that they can then take in

Time: 2454.54

combination in order to meet their

Time: 2456.339

foundational needs but most people are

Time: 2458.2

not interested in doing all that

Time: 2459.4

homework and legwork to figure out

Time: 2460.839

exactly what those dosages are that's

Time: 2463.06

one reason why indeed I have taken

Time: 2465.099

athletic green since 2012. I like it it

Time: 2467.2

makes me feel better I have more energy

Time: 2468.52

I sleep better my digestion is certainly

Time: 2470.38

better and it supports the gut

Time: 2471.339

microbiome I do that for that reason but

Time: 2474.28

again I want to emphasize that there are

Time: 2476.2

other great sources of all the relevant

Time: 2478.72

things within those foundational

Time: 2480.04

formulas that athletic greens contains

Time: 2482.26

so it's certainly not the only route to

Time: 2484.359

covering your foundational Health needs

Time: 2487.18

there are other ways to do that now if

Time: 2489.16

somebody has a budget lower than a

Time: 2490.72

hundred dollars per month to spend on

Time: 2492.46

foundational supplementation well then

Time: 2494.859

there are a couple of discussions to be

Time: 2496.839

had now if the amount of money that they

Time: 2498.7

have to devote to foundational

Time: 2500.32

supplementation is zero of course

Time: 2502.839

respect that and then it becomes a

Time: 2504.76

discussion about what sorts of foods and

Time: 2507.94

patterns of food intake are going to

Time: 2509.859

best support their mental health

Time: 2511

physical health performance now if

Time: 2513.4

somebody has somewhere between zero

Time: 2516.099

dollars and fifty dollars to spend on

Time: 2518.44

supplementation for sake of this thing

Time: 2520.66

we're calling foundational Health per

Time: 2522.339

month well then a different category of

Time: 2524.68

supplement discussion arises and we'll

Time: 2526.839

have that in a moment but to sort of

Time: 2528.4

close the conversation on foundational

Time: 2530.5


Time: 2532.24

again that means many different things

Time: 2534.579

it's vitamins and minerals sometimes

Time: 2536.44

that's one vitamin and mineral

Time: 2538.06

supplement it means digestive enzymes

Time: 2540.7

that could be its own supplement or in

Time: 2542.92

combination with vitamins and minerals

Time: 2544.24

it means often not always adaptogens

Time: 2547.42

things like ashwagandha different

Time: 2550.079

plant-based and mushroom-based

Time: 2551.98

formulations that can buffer stress and

Time: 2554.26

provide other brain and body support

Time: 2556.42

and it often although not always but

Time: 2559.72

should I believe include the probiotics

Time: 2562

and prebiotics or anything that supports

Time: 2564.46

healthy gut microbiome

Time: 2566.619

once again I think a broad spectrum

Time: 2569.44

supplement that has many many

Time: 2570.7

ingredients of high quality that covers

Time: 2573.04

all these bases is going to be the best

Time: 2575.26

route to ensuring foundational

Time: 2577.78

supplementation is covered and I do

Time: 2580.3

think that should be the starting place

Time: 2582.24

for any and all supplementation regimens

Time: 2586.54

I'll say that once again I think

Time: 2587.98

covering your foundational needs in the

Time: 2591.04

realm of vitamins minerals probiotics

Time: 2592.96

digestive enzymes and

Time: 2595.74

adaptogens is going to give you the most

Time: 2598.42


Time: 2599.8

by cost and the most benefit across the

Time: 2602.859

board in terms of brain and body systems

Time: 2604.48

that's going to allow you to feel better

Time: 2606.4

overall sleep better overall focus

Time: 2609.04

better overall and support all the

Time: 2611.68

different systems in your brain and body

Time: 2613.119

that are going to allow you to be at

Time: 2615.339

your best while of course also paying

Time: 2617.98

careful attention to your nutrition

Time: 2619.599

because you simply cannot abandon

Time: 2622

nutrition again Better Living Through

Time: 2623.92

Chemistry still requires Better Living

Time: 2625.9

so now that we've had that discussion

Time: 2627.579

about foundational supplementation

Time: 2629.8

and again highlighting the fact that

Time: 2631.54

that's the one category of

Time: 2632.92

supplementation where multi-ingredient

Time: 2635.38

formulations make the most sense I'd

Time: 2638.5

like to now shift our attention to

Time: 2640.54

single ingredient formulation

Time: 2641.92

supplements that are designed to achieve

Time: 2644.319

specific endpoints and here again rather

Time: 2647.2

than focus on specific ingredients and

Time: 2650.26

supplements to achieve specific

Time: 2651.579

endpoints because we've done that

Time: 2653.56

already in episodes related to sleep and

Time: 2655.48

focus Etc

Time: 2657.04

I'd like to take a step back and focus

Time: 2659.38

on the larger theme of today's episode

Time: 2661.38

which is how to think about

Time: 2663.76

supplementation in a rational cost

Time: 2666.4

effective and biologically effective way

Time: 2668.74

for each of these categories and the

Time: 2670.839

three categories that I'm going to cover

Time: 2672.3

are sleep

Time: 2674.74

hormone support and cognitive

Time: 2677.02

enhancement and focus cognitive

Time: 2678.88

enhancement and focus being the final

Time: 2680.38

third category

Time: 2682.359

let's talk about sleep and the rational

Time: 2684.88

approach to thinking about

Time: 2686.079

supplementation for sleep as I mentioned

Time: 2688.3

earlier in this episode and on many

Time: 2690.22

previous episodes of this podcast sleep

Time: 2693.04

is the foundation of mental health

Time: 2694.96

physical health and performance

Time: 2697.72

you might be somebody who can do an

Time: 2699.4

all-nighter and feel okay the next day

Time: 2701.68

or maybe even great but most everybody

Time: 2704.44

once they start to have minimal sleep

Time: 2707.319

for one or two nights in the form of

Time: 2709.3

broken sleep poor sleep not enough sleep

Time: 2711.94

or sleeping at the wrong time of night

Time: 2713.859

there is such a thing or day

Time: 2716.92

they start to suffer their mood starts

Time: 2719.26

to suffer their cognitive Clarity and

Time: 2721.9

performance starts to suffer their

Time: 2723.94

mental health can suffer severely and

Time: 2725.619

physical performance definitely suffers

Time: 2727.3

hormone suffer everything suffers

Time: 2729.579


Time: 2731.2

when people are sleeping well that is

Time: 2734.26

deeply and enough eighty percent of the

Time: 2736.839

nights of their life

Time: 2738.579

mental health physical health and

Time: 2740.319

performance all flourish and I think

Time: 2742.06

most people start to be almost amazed at

Time: 2745.54

how well they're doing in various

Time: 2747.52

domains of life that previously they

Time: 2749.14

might have struggled with so sleep is

Time: 2751.3

fundamental that's that's established

Time: 2754.9

when thinking about supplementation for

Time: 2756.64

sleep we need to ask ourselves a number

Time: 2758.5

of important questions first of all you

Time: 2760.839

should ask yourself how well that is how

Time: 2763.18

deeply and how much are you sleeping per

Time: 2764.74

night assuming you're somebody who can

Time: 2766.359

fall asleep easily stay asleep through

Time: 2767.8

the night wake up feeling relatively

Time: 2769.839

rested maybe a little groggy and then

Time: 2771.94

can move about your day with plenty of

Time: 2773.8

energy and focus you're not falling

Time: 2775.54

asleep in class or at work or behind the

Time: 2777.64

wheel whereas a passenger on public

Time: 2779.859


Time: 2781.599

well then you're probably getting enough

Time: 2783.16

sleep and by the way it's perfectly

Time: 2784.96

normal to require anywhere from a 10

Time: 2787.42

minute to a 90 minute nap in the

Time: 2788.98

afternoon for some people if you're not

Time: 2790.54

a napper no big deal it's known that

Time: 2793.839

naps can disrupt nighttime sleep but

Time: 2795.819

provided that they're early enough in

Time: 2797.38

the day if you take a nap and you are

Time: 2799.48

still able to fall asleep at night then

Time: 2802.24

naps are fine for you if you're somebody

Time: 2803.98

who doesn't like naps because you wake

Time: 2805.42

up groggy or grumpy which often happens

Time: 2807.7

to certain people then don't nap

Time: 2811.24

you certainly do not need to nap but if

Time: 2813.64

you're feeling energetic throughout the

Time: 2814.9

day chances are you're getting enough

Time: 2816.4

sleep at night but there are people of

Time: 2818.56

course who are struggling with sleep

Time: 2819.76

either falling asleep staying asleep or

Time: 2821.5

they're not feeling alert enough during

Time: 2822.819

the day or all of the above and then it

Time: 2824.98

makes sense to step back and take a look

Time: 2826.66

at what supplementation can provide

Time: 2829.24

if you are one of those people who is

Time: 2831.099

not sleeping enough or well enough at

Time: 2833.38

night that you are suffering during the

Time: 2835.599

day in whatever way mild to severe there

Time: 2838.18

are two questions you should ask

Time: 2839.2

yourself first of all are you ingesting

Time: 2840.94

caffeine after 2 pm if the answer is yes

Time: 2843.7

you want to limit or eliminate caffeine

Time: 2846.52

after 2 pm maybe even push it back to

Time: 2848.92

noon or earlier I know that can be

Time: 2850.96

excruciating for some folks but it can

Time: 2853.18

really help with your ability to fall

Time: 2855.22

and stay asleep at night second thing is

Time: 2857.02

most people would do well to avoid food

Time: 2859.3

within the two hours prior to bedtime

Time: 2862.42

but of course you don't want to be so

Time: 2864.52

hungry that you can't fall asleep all

Time: 2866.5

right so those are the nutrition and

Time: 2868.359

behavioral tools that everyone needs to

Time: 2869.74

consider if you are not ingesting

Time: 2871.66


Time: 2872.98

2 p.m or onwards and you are not eating

Time: 2876.52

excessively immediately prior to bedtime

Time: 2878.079

or within the two hours prior to bedtime

Time: 2879.64

and you're not hungry when you go to

Time: 2881.619

sleep well then there are certain

Time: 2883.24

supplements that can support your sleep

Time: 2884.859

and we've talked about these in the

Time: 2886.119

perfect sleep episode and in the episode

Time: 2888.819

with our guest expert Matt Walker from

Time: 2890.98

University of California Berkeley and in

Time: 2892.48

the master your sleep episode and we

Time: 2893.74

have a tool kit for sleep that you can

Time: 2895.54

access zero cost by going to

Time: 2897.22 and going to the menu go

Time: 2898.9

to the newsletter and you can find that

Time: 2900.099

toolkit you can sign up for other free

Time: 2901.96

toolkits like it but

Time: 2904.78

the point here is not to go

Time: 2906.22

systematically through each of the

Time: 2907.54

supplements that is beneficial or has

Time: 2909.4

been shown to be beneficial for sleep

Time: 2910.72

but rather to address specific aspects

Time: 2913.54

of sleep that can suffer and why and how

Time: 2916.359

certain patterns of supplementation can

Time: 2918.64

support or alleviate those pain points

Time: 2921.52

if for instance you're somebody who

Time: 2923.859

falls asleep just fine but wakes up in

Time: 2926.44

the middle of the night

Time: 2928.119

around 2 or 3 A.M or any time for that

Time: 2930.339

matter and has trouble falling back

Time: 2931.9

asleep there are two categories of

Time: 2934.06

supplements that you might want to

Time: 2935.74

consider the first is myoinositol

Time: 2938.26

typically taken as 900 milligrams of

Time: 2940.119

myoinositol myoinositol can help shorten

Time: 2942.819

the amount of time that it takes to fall

Time: 2944.26

back asleep if you wake up in the middle

Time: 2946.42

of the night myoinositol has other

Time: 2948.76

beneficial uses as well for mood Etc if

Time: 2952.359

you'd like to see many of the different

Time: 2954.16

effects that have been explored in the

Time: 2955.66

scientific literature from myoinositol

Time: 2957.4

you can go to it's an

Time: 2959.14

excellent site not just for inositol but

Time: 2961.66

for all supplements for that matter

Time: 2963.46

talks about the human effect Matrix that

Time: 2966.04

is the different effects of different

Time: 2967.48

supplement compounds on different

Time: 2969.099

aspects of hormone brain and body Health

Time: 2970.9

where the evidence is strong where the

Time: 2973.119

evidence is weak has links to studies

Time: 2974.98

and so on again it's amazing

Time: 2976.96

website wonderful website it's provided

Time: 2979.119

such a rich resource for me and for you

Time: 2981.4

know many many other people

Time: 2984.46

other people who wake up in the middle

Time: 2986.02

of the night will wake up because their

Time: 2987.64

dreams are very intense or they were

Time: 2990.819

having dreams that were so vivid that

Time: 2992.619

suddenly they were jolted from their

Time: 2994

dreams those people would do well to

Time: 2996.64

avoid certain supplements so in a moment

Time: 2999.22

I'll talk about the value of a

Time: 3000.839

supplement called theanine for falling

Time: 3003.119

asleep but theanine which typically is

Time: 3006.119

taken in dosages anywhere from 100

Time: 3008.339

milligrams to 400 milligrams depending

Time: 3011.28

on body weight and experience and what

Time: 3014.46

you find to be most effective for you

Time: 3016.079

minimally effective for you well the

Time: 3018.18

Indian can be great for many people but

Time: 3019.56

for people who have excessively vivid

Time: 3021.78


Time: 3022.98

those excessively vivid dreams can lead

Time: 3025.26

to immediate waking and sometimes a

Time: 3027.54

little bit of anxiety upon waking in the

Time: 3029.339

middle of the night so some people who

Time: 3031.2

wake up in the middle of the night so

Time: 3032.7


Time: 3033.9

mentally and physically out of sleep

Time: 3036.24

because of their intense dreams would do

Time: 3040.02

well to avoid theanine supplementation

Time: 3042.359

I've talked about this a bit before but

Time: 3044.76

it's something that I think a lot of

Time: 3046.92

nighttime middle of the night wakers

Time: 3048.66

might be familiar with and would want to

Time: 3051

take into consideration now for those of

Time: 3053.22

you that are not waking up in the middle

Time: 3054.42

of the night or not having excessively

Time: 3055.8

vivid dreams but are having trouble

Time: 3057.599

falling asleep

Time: 3059.22

two supplements in particular have been

Time: 3061.44

shown to be effective for shortening the

Time: 3063.96

transition time to sleep and allowing

Time: 3065.52

people to ease into sleep more readily

Time: 3068.339

and those are magnesium 3 and 8 which is

Time: 3071.16

interchangeable with magnesium bis

Time: 3073.619


Time: 3074.88

magnesium bisclycinate and magnesium

Time: 3077.099

threonate both

Time: 3078.78

have transporter systems that allow them

Time: 3081

to readily cross the blood-brain barrier

Time: 3082.74

and they lead to a mild form of

Time: 3084.9

drowsiness mild in the sense that it's

Time: 3086.7

not going to prevent you from operating

Time: 3088.079

a motor vehicle or kind of any

Time: 3090.319

conditions under emergency that might

Time: 3092.28

arise in the middle of the night or if

Time: 3093.96

they did a rise during the middle of

Time: 3094.92

night you'd still be able to function so

Time: 3096.18

it's not like a sleeping pill but people

Time: 3098.16

who take those often find that their

Time: 3100.68

transition time into sleep is much

Time: 3102.059

faster and their sleep is also much

Time: 3103.5

deeper incidentally those supplements

Time: 3105.9

are also thought to be useful for

Time: 3108.48

cognitive support and neuroprotection

Time: 3111.42

although there's less data on that

Time: 3113.64

okay so that's for falling asleep that's

Time: 3115.26

one category either magnesium magnesium

Time: 3118.02

three and eight or bis glycine would be

Time: 3119.52

interchangeable for assisting the

Time: 3121.44

transition time into sleep and then the

Time: 3123.96

other supplement is apogenin API

Time: 3125.88

g-e-n-i-n apogenin which is a derivative

Time: 3128.28

of chamomile I've talked about this in

Time: 3129.72

various podcasts before also acts as a

Time: 3132.3

bit of a anxiety lowering compound which

Time: 3135.96

is essential prior to sleep for people

Time: 3137.7

to essentially turn off their thinking

Time: 3139.98

or to be able to reduce the amount of

Time: 3141.48

ruminating and problem solving and

Time: 3143.16

future anticipation that they're doing

Time: 3144.48

which is a requirement for falling

Time: 3145.98

asleep so what's the rational approach

Time: 3148.2

to supplementing in a way that allows

Time: 3151.319

you to fall asleep more quickly and stay

Time: 3153.599

asleep well would you immediately take

Time: 3156.24

magnesium three Nate and apogenin

Time: 3158.22

together well that depends if you have

Time: 3159.66

the budget and you just simply want to

Time: 3161.52

fall asleep quicker and you don't care

Time: 3162.66

which of those two ingredients is going

Time: 3164.28

to be more effective for you well then

Time: 3165.839

you could try one for instance magnesium

Time: 3168.119

three and eight and try it for perhaps a

Time: 3170.88

week and see how that affects your

Time: 3172.38

latency to sleep time that is how

Time: 3174.119

quickly you fall asleep or you can try

Time: 3175.68

apogenic in the first week or you could

Time: 3177.599

combine them both or you could try

Time: 3179.64

magnesium three night for a week then

Time: 3181.44

switch to only apogenin for a week and

Time: 3184.5

evaluate which one works better for you

Time: 3186.42

if neither works for you I do recommend

Time: 3188.099

trying the combination together again

Time: 3190.14

this is just the way that any scientist

Time: 3192.119

would design an experiment to try and

Time: 3194.099

understand which variables that is which

Time: 3197.3

ingredients are most effective for the

Time: 3200.28

result that you want as opposed to just

Time: 3201.9

lumping them together and taking them

Time: 3203.46

that said a lot of people want excellent

Time: 3206.76

sleep so badly that they just say okay

Time: 3208.74

I'm just going to take magnesium 3 and 8

Time: 3210.359

I'm going to take apogen and I'm going

Time: 3211.44

to take theanine if my dreams are too

Time: 3213.18

Vivid and I'm waking up in the middle of

Time: 3214.559

the night from excessively vivid dreams

Time: 3216.54

I'll drop the theanine and many people

Time: 3218.52

actually derive great benefit from that

Time: 3220.5

approach but because today we're talking

Time: 3222.18

about the most rational cost effective

Time: 3223.859

and biologically effective approach to

Time: 3225.3

supplementation if you're not sleeping

Time: 3227.7

as well as you would like to

Time: 3229.559

or if you want to explore what sleeping

Time: 3232.02

even more deeply might do for your

Time: 3234.96

mental health physical health and

Time: 3236.16

performance well then it makes sense to

Time: 3238.559

think about the various supplements for

Time: 3241.2

falling asleep versus remaining asleep

Time: 3243.42

what to include what not to include and

Time: 3245.64

to do that systematically and again I

Time: 3247.38

think one week's time of taking

Time: 3249.24

something provided it doesn't

Time: 3251.4

induce any negative effects right if

Time: 3254.16

something induces a negative effect I

Time: 3255.96

recommend ceasing taking it immediately

Time: 3257.7

but if something does not produce any

Time: 3259.859

negative effects then I think you want

Time: 3261.78

to try a single ingredient formulation

Time: 3263.4

for about a week while not varying

Time: 3265.8

anything else not changing anything else

Time: 3267.9

in your overall Protocols of nutrition

Time: 3270.839

or supplementation I mean it's

Time: 3272.819

impossible to clamp everything perfectly

Time: 3274.859

from week to week but you know don't

Time: 3276.42

change anything else dramatically and

Time: 3278.4

just add that supplement for a given

Time: 3280.5

week see how it benefits your sleep

Time: 3282.18

maybe add in a second second supplement

Time: 3284.64

if you like or rather Swap and try a

Time: 3287.22

different supplement for a week and then

Time: 3289.02

see what works best and see if the

Time: 3291

combination works even better now I

Time: 3293.16

acknowledge that what I just described

Time: 3294.48

is exceedingly basic but it's something

Time: 3297.3

that I don't think most people do most

Time: 3299.64

people either decide they have the

Time: 3301.74

budget and the interest in just

Time: 3303.059

improving their sleep across the board

Time: 3304.26

and they don't care what ingredient is

Time: 3306.119

providing the maximum benefit or they

Time: 3309.54

simply try something and decide oh well

Time: 3311.7

it didn't work for me and so I'm not

Time: 3313.14

going to try anything else supplements

Time: 3314.64

don't work for me or magnesium doesn't

Time: 3316.02

work for me or

Time: 3317.46

um you know I woke up in the middle of

Time: 3318.72

the night from vivid dreams and that's

Time: 3319.98

because they're taking more of a shotgun

Time: 3321.54

approach without teasing out the

Time: 3323.4

different variables in fact if there's

Time: 3324.839

an overriding theme of today's

Time: 3325.98

conversation it's really about learning

Time: 3328.319

how to isolate variables in the realm of

Time: 3330.96

supplementation because once you do that

Time: 3333.38

and once you start to develop that

Time: 3336.119

Intuition or sensitivity of sorts to how

Time: 3339.3

different ingredients impact you

Time: 3341.88

it is an enormously powerful stance to

Time: 3344.339

have because you're going to keep your

Time: 3346.44

costs limited you're also going to find

Time: 3348.72

the things that work particularly poorly

Time: 3351.059

for you and more importantly the things

Time: 3353.04

that work particularly well for you

Time: 3354.66

toward your goals any discussion about

Time: 3356.76

supplementation for sleep

Time: 3359.4

I feel has to include a discussion about

Time: 3361.26

melatonin I've talked about melatonin

Time: 3363.059

before on numerous podcasts mine and

Time: 3365.099

others and I will say once again I am

Time: 3367.92

not a fan of melatonin for a couple of

Time: 3369.599

reasons melatonin is a hormone known to

Time: 3372.119

induce sleepiness but not keep us asleep

Time: 3374.88

so oftentimes people will take melatonin

Time: 3376.5

fall deeply asleep and then wake up and

Time: 3378.42

have trouble falling back asleep the

Time: 3380.7

other reason is that melatonin

Time: 3382.2

supplements almost always include levels

Time: 3384.18

of melatonin or amounts of melatonin

Time: 3385.859

that far far exceed the normal

Time: 3389.3

biological levels or so-called

Time: 3391.319

endogenous levels of melatonin that we

Time: 3393.18

would normally produce and yes it's true

Time: 3394.859

that as we age we produce less melatonin

Time: 3397.559

but melatonin as a hormone also impacts

Time: 3400.92

other hormone systems in particular the

Time: 3403.14

reproductive hormone access testosterone

Time: 3404.94

estrogen Etc which is not to say that if

Time: 3407.099

you've been taking melatonin for some

Time: 3408.48

period of time that you've disrupted

Time: 3410.4

your fertility or those hormone axes but

Time: 3413.76

it's possible that you've disrupted them

Time: 3415.38

somewhat and it's very clear that

Time: 3417.96

melatonin can impact not just sleep but

Time: 3420.18

other systems in the brain and body it

Time: 3422.7

can be useful for jet lag and for

Time: 3424.68

occasional use but they're also I want

Time: 3427.2

to voice a message of caution

Time: 3430.38

there have been studies exploring the

Time: 3432.72

dosages of melatonin contained in

Time: 3435.059

various supplements

Time: 3436.8

and whether or not what's listed on the

Time: 3438.599

bottle matches what's actually contained

Time: 3440.28

in those formulations and despite those

Time: 3443.339

formulations coming from quite reliable

Time: 3445.44

quote unquote or thought to be reliable

Time: 3447.48

sources it was found that these

Time: 3450

supplements contain anywhere from 15

Time: 3451.559


Time: 3452.819

of what's

Time: 3454.38

thought to be or is told to be in those

Time: 3457.02

supplements or

Time: 3459

many times more melatonin than is listed

Time: 3461.94

on the bottle so the dosaging does not

Time: 3463.619

seem to be consistent with what's often

Time: 3465.119

listed on the bottle and this is even

Time: 3466.619

true within some of the more reputable

Time: 3468.059

Brands so that's a real concern so we

Time: 3471.42

need to highlight melatonin as perhaps

Time: 3473.16

something that's only used occasionally

Time: 3475.44

if you want to talk about dosages for

Time: 3477.119

melatonin use for jet lag Etc go to

Time: 3481.14 there's some excellent

Time: 3483.14

references to studies there just put

Time: 3485.46

melatonin into the search function it'll

Time: 3487.26

tell you everything you need to know

Time: 3488.22

about melatonin but now you know my

Time: 3490.26

stance on melatonin one question I often

Time: 3492.42

get about supplementation for sleep is

Time: 3494.28

does it create a dependency that's an

Time: 3496.859

excellent question to ask

Time: 3498.599

I think most people

Time: 3500.52

worry about even fear relying on

Time: 3503.7

something so heavily that if they did

Time: 3505.319

not have it for whatever reason that

Time: 3506.88

they couldn't sleep

Time: 3508.26

in my experience there is no problem

Time: 3511.98

falling and staying asleep in the

Time: 3514.5

absence of a supplement for sleep even

Time: 3517.559

if you've been taking that supplement

Time: 3518.76

for sleep

Time: 3520.02

consistently seven days a week for

Time: 3521.819

months and months maybe even years on

Time: 3523.26

end I confess that I occasionally fall

Time: 3526.5

asleep having not taken my pre-sleep

Time: 3530.52

supplements and I happen to take

Time: 3531.9

magnesium three and eight theanine and

Time: 3533.52

epigenin I also take inositol it greatly

Time: 3536.64

enhances my sleep and there have been

Time: 3538.14

nights when I've fallen asleep not

Time: 3539.4

having taken any of those things and

Time: 3541.38

I've slept fine that said if I were to

Time: 3544.319

explore multiple nights of trying to

Time: 3546.96

sleep without that supplementation I

Time: 3548.4

find that my sleep is not as good I'm

Time: 3550.38

still able to fall asleep but the depth

Time: 3553.14

of my sleep and the duration of my sleep

Time: 3554.94

is not as good as when I'm supplementing

Time: 3557.04

so I think that's

Time: 3558.72

refreshing news at least to me that

Time: 3561.059

there isn't a dependence on these

Time: 3562.98

supplements in order to be able to fall

Time: 3564.839

asleep it's not the same sort of

Time: 3566.22

dependence that people experience from

Time: 3568.2

things like sleeping pills that said

Time: 3571.38

any compound any compound can create a

Time: 3574.92

placebo type effect where we think we

Time: 3577.98

need something in order to achieve a

Time: 3579.48

certain effect we had a guest on this

Time: 3581.46


Time: 3582.599

some time ago Dr Ali Crum who's a

Time: 3585.299

professor at Stanford and works on these

Time: 3586.98

mindset effects belief effects and

Time: 3589.74

Placebo effects and Placebo effects can

Time: 3592.38

be very real and in some sense dovetail

Time: 3596.52

with any conversation about dependency

Time: 3598.22

meaning if you are somebody who loves

Time: 3601.02

your sleep supplements and sleeps great

Time: 3603

with them and one night you discover you

Time: 3605.64

don't have them or you can't access them

Time: 3607.26

for whatever reason that can create a

Time: 3609.839

little bit of an anxiety around the idea

Time: 3612.059

that oh in the in their absence you're

Time: 3614.22

not going to be able to sleep and that's

Time: 3615.9

a sort of a placebo effect in Reverse if

Time: 3618.18

you will because what it suggests is

Time: 3620.04

that there's a emotional or a cognitive

Time: 3623.64

association with taking these things

Time: 3625.02

that allows you to sleep well I would

Time: 3627.48

highly recommend that people explore

Time: 3629.94

this issue of dependency and Placebo

Time: 3632.16

effects for Sleep supplements on their

Time: 3634.26

own and under conditions in which

Time: 3635.52

there's nothing pressing the next day

Time: 3637.38

that is you don't have a big

Time: 3638.28


Time: 3639.599

Etc so what I recommend is that every

Time: 3642.119

two weeks or so maybe every month or so

Time: 3645

take one night off completely from all

Time: 3648

your sleep supplements or leave out one

Time: 3650.04

sleep supplement try to understand to

Time: 3651.96

what extent you might have established a

Time: 3654.42

dependency either real or Placebo based

Time: 3657.059

on these sleep supplements and again I

Time: 3659.64

suggest doing this on perhaps a Friday

Time: 3661.619

night so that you know it's a weekend

Time: 3663.24

the next day so you don't have to work

Time: 3664.74

if perhaps you don't sleep well I think

Time: 3667.079

what you'll find is what most people

Time: 3668.64

find and that's

Time: 3671.16

in the absence of taking your supplement

Time: 3673.68

stack for Sleep one night you're still

Time: 3676.559

gonna sleep just fine now does that mean

Time: 3678.839

that these supplements are not actually

Time: 3680.7

working under normal conditions where

Time: 3682.92

you're taking them each night no what

Time: 3684.9

this means is that many of these things

Time: 3687.14

magnesiums in particular can build up in

Time: 3690.42

the body and brain in a way that can be

Time: 3692.7

beneficial and what probably explains

Time: 3695.46

the fact that you can still sleep if you

Time: 3697.38

miss a night of taking them is that the

Time: 3699.72

neural circuits that are involved in

Time: 3701.94

turning off thinking or in not thinking

Time: 3704.22

and falling asleep those neural circuits

Time: 3706.44

undergo what's called plasticity in

Time: 3708.299

other words if you get better at falling

Time: 3709.799

and staying asleep over time even if you

Time: 3711.72

got better at that through the

Time: 3713.64

Assistance or with the assistance of

Time: 3715.26

some supplement or combination of

Time: 3716.64

supplements well then those circuits are

Time: 3718.98

still going to function just fine even

Time: 3721.5

in the absence of not taking those

Time: 3723.54

supplements just once we'll get back

Time: 3725.22

into this conversation a little bit

Time: 3727.02

later when we talk about cognitive

Time: 3728.579

enhancement and focus

Time: 3730.44

it's the same story there where indeed

Time: 3733.44

there are things that people can take in

Time: 3735.42

stimulant form and non-stimulant form

Time: 3737.76

that can enhance cognitive ability and

Time: 3739.5

focus but that does not mean that you

Time: 3742.14

become so dependent on those that you

Time: 3744.299

can't focus unless you take them this

Time: 3746.52

has been shown multiple times over so

Time: 3748.559

again to answer the question is there a

Time: 3751.14

dependency established by taking

Time: 3752.339

supplements for sleep

Time: 3753.9

the short answer is no with the caveat

Time: 3756.059

that Placebo effects and belief effects

Time: 3758.579

are always going to be at play whether

Time: 3760.38

or not you're talking about

Time: 3760.92

supplementation prescription drugs or

Time: 3762.599

even behavioral protocols for that

Time: 3764.099

matter I'd like to take a brief break

Time: 3765.96

and acknowledge our sponsor athletic

Time: 3768.18

greens athletic greens is an all-in-one

Time: 3770.46

vitamin mineral probiotic drink that

Time: 3772.619

also contains digestive enzymes and

Time: 3774.54

adaptogens I started taking athletic

Time: 3776.7

Greens Way back in 2012 so that's 10

Time: 3779.339

years now of taking athletic greens

Time: 3780.96

every single day so I'm delighted that

Time: 3782.7

they're sponsoring this podcast the

Time: 3784.38

reason I started taking athletic greens

Time: 3786

and the reason I still take athletic

Time: 3787.68

greens is that it covers all of my

Time: 3789.66

foundational nutritional needs so

Time: 3791.4

whether or not I'm eating well or enough

Time: 3792.9

or not I'm sure that I'm covering all of

Time: 3795.299

my needs for vitamins minerals

Time: 3796.559

probiotics adaptogens to combat stress

Time: 3799.319

and the digestive enzymes really help my

Time: 3801.42

digestion I just feel much better when

Time: 3803.4

I'm drinking athletic greens if you'd

Time: 3805.079

like to try athletic greens you can go

Time: 3806.579

to huberman and for

Time: 3809.339

the month of January they have a special

Time: 3811.14

offer where they'll give you 10 free

Time: 3813.18

travel packs plus a year's supply of

Time: 3815.4

vitamin D3 K2 vitamin D3 and K2 are

Time: 3818.52

vital for immune function metabolic

Time: 3820.319

function Hormone Health but also calcium

Time: 3822.42

regulation and heart health again that's

Time: 3824.7

athletic huberman to claim

Time: 3827.339

their special offer in the month of

Time: 3828.72

January of 10 free travel packs plus a

Time: 3830.88

year supply of vitamin D3 K2 the next

Time: 3833.76

category of supplementation that I'd

Time: 3835.319

like to talk about is hormone support

Time: 3837.859

improving or so-called optimizing your

Time: 3840.599

hormones is a critical aspect of mental

Time: 3843.78

health physical health and performance

Time: 3845.119

we've done multiple episodes about

Time: 3847.619

hormones including testosterone and

Time: 3849.66


Time: 3850.799

for both men and women and for people of

Time: 3852.66

different ages we've also had episodes

Time: 3854.4

on thyroid hormone growth hormone and so

Time: 3857.7

on you can find all those at

Time: 3858.78 in fact you can go to

Time: 3860.52

the website there's a

Time: 3862.799

search function where you can just put

Time: 3863.94

in a keyword and it will take you to all

Time: 3865.68

the episodes and specific time points

Time: 3867.72

where that topic happens to be covered

Time: 3869.94

now Hormone Health is such an important

Time: 3871.859

topic to discuss in the context of

Time: 3873.9

supplementation because

Time: 3876.24

indeed there are compounds that are

Time: 3879.119

non-prescription based so-called

Time: 3880.98

supplements that can improve hormone

Time: 3883.92

function again anytime we are discussing

Time: 3886.26

a particular aspect of mental health

Time: 3887.819

physical health or performance we need

Time: 3890.339

to start with a mention of the few

Time: 3892.319

behavioral tools and nutrition-based

Time: 3894.54

tools or at least some top Contour

Time: 3896.76

coverage of those in a way that frames

Time: 3899.099

up the discussion about supplementation

Time: 3900.599


Time: 3902.16

so in the context of hormone support and

Time: 3905.099

augmentation and optimization

Time: 3908.28

if you are not getting adequate calories

Time: 3910.76

from high quality sources

Time: 3914.28

hormones like testosterone and estrogen

Time: 3916.26

will suffer this is one of the reasons

Time: 3917.819

why women will stop having their periods

Time: 3921.059

if they're not ingesting enough calories

Time: 3922.68

this is one of the reasons why

Time: 3924.359

testosterone levels will drop if people

Time: 3927.18

are not ingesting enough calories in

Time: 3928.799

fact on the episode with expert guest

Time: 3931.14

and medical doctor Peter attia he

Time: 3933.839

described how sex hormone binding

Time: 3935.819

globulin this is a protein that's

Time: 3938.04

present in males and females that binds

Time: 3940.14

to testosterone and other hormones and

Time: 3942.96

prevents it from being in its free form

Time: 3944.579

which is the more active form well

Time: 3947.28

insulin which of course is going to

Time: 3949.2

increase after the ingestion of

Time: 3950.88

carbohydrates in particular insulin

Time: 3953.339

actually inhibits or reduces sex hormone

Time: 3955.68

binding globulin what this means is that

Time: 3957.96

for you intermittent fasters or people

Time: 3959.7

that are ingesting very few

Time: 3960.78

carbohydrates or have very low blood

Time: 3962.64

glucose or perhaps are taking things

Time: 3965.4

like metformin or berberine which is a

Time: 3967.619

supplement based approach to reducing

Time: 3970.38

blood glucose well your sex hormone

Time: 3973.319

binding globulin is going to increase

Time: 3975.359

dramatically conversely if you are

Time: 3977.579

eating enough calories in the form of

Time: 3980.579

foods that allow your insulin to be a

Time: 3982.619

bit higher not excessively High we hope

Time: 3984.599

but a bit higher well then sex hormone

Time: 3986.819

bonding globulin will go down and free

Time: 3988.319

testosterone will go up so the

Time: 3990.42

discussion about hormone support and

Time: 3992.28

augmentation has to include some nod

Time: 3995.16

toward or understanding of the fact that

Time: 3996.839

nutrition and the way that nutrition

Time: 3998.94

impacts hormones and the way that

Time: 4000.68

hormones such as insulin impact other

Time: 4002.42

hormones such as free testosterone that

Time: 4005

all has to be acknowledged that is not

Time: 4006.559

the topic of today's discussion but it's

Time: 4008.24

important that I remind everybody that

Time: 4010.579

nutrition matters for General hormone

Time: 4013.819


Time: 4014.96

it's also important to remember that

Time: 4016.4

behaviors matter for hormone status

Time: 4019.64

getting morning sunlight increases

Time: 4021.98

cortisol levels cortisol levels are very

Time: 4024.74

important to have elevated early in the

Time: 4027.079

day for focus and alertness and for

Time: 4029.18

immune function and to make sure that

Time: 4031.039

cortisol levels are low at night and

Time: 4033.619

thereby levels of growth hormone and

Time: 4036.14

testosterone which is secreted mainly in

Time: 4038.059

the early morning can be elevated at

Time: 4040.52

night and in the early morning so

Time: 4042.44

getting morning sunlight getting

Time: 4043.94

strenuous exercise in the form of both

Time: 4045.619

cardiovascular exercise but also

Time: 4048.14

relatively short meaning an hour or less

Time: 4050.299


Time: 4051.44

of intense resistance training a few

Time: 4054.559

times per week can also dramatically

Time: 4056.9

alter hormone profiles in fact in the

Time: 4059.24

episode that we did with Dr Duncan

Time: 4060.68

French again you find that episode at

Time: 4062.539 he described a very

Time: 4064.819

strenuous but still brief two day a week

Time: 4068.96

protocol of using resistance training

Time: 4071.24

specifically to increase testosterone

Time: 4073.339

and free testosterone and growth hormone

Time: 4074.96

and so on

Time: 4076.099

so nutrition matters exercise matters

Time: 4079.28

when it comes to increasing supporting

Time: 4081.859

or augmenting different hormones and

Time: 4083.66

that's just the discussion about

Time: 4084.98

testosterone free testosterone and

Time: 4086.48

estrogen there's also the vast

Time: 4088.4

discussion about thyroid hormone Etc

Time: 4090.02

again we've covered all those topics in

Time: 4091.76

previous episodes but once those

Time: 4094.88


Time: 4096.14

tools are in place once you're doing the

Time: 4098.299

right things and you're avoiding the

Time: 4099.859

wrong things

Time: 4100.88

doing the right things to support your

Time: 4102.5

hormones and avoiding the things that

Time: 4104.42

diminish hormones in the ways that can

Time: 4107.12

be detrimental

Time: 4108.56

once your nutrition is in place to

Time: 4111.319

support your hormones then it makes

Time: 4112.88

sense to turn and consider what

Time: 4116

supplements can support hormones but I

Time: 4118.279

do believe that you want to get your

Time: 4119.839

behaviors and your nutrition correct

Time: 4121.52

before you start thinking about

Time: 4122.719

supplementation for hormones again I'll

Time: 4124.52

repeat that get your nutrition and your

Time: 4126.38

behaviors correct

Time: 4128.299

for sake of hormones and for other

Time: 4130.52

health purposes before you start

Time: 4132.08

thinking about supplementation for

Time: 4133.64

hormones and certainly before you start

Time: 4135.259

thinking about prescription-based

Time: 4136.52

approaches to improving hormones

Time: 4140.179

once all of those other elements are in

Time: 4142.52


Time: 4143.42

the supplements that make sense in terms

Time: 4146.48

of augmenting hormones come in two forms

Time: 4148.64

one are broadband support for multiple

Time: 4152.839

hormones and then the others are

Time: 4155.259

supplements that are designed to

Time: 4157.219

increase or in some cases decrease

Time: 4159.339

specific hormones or hormone Pathways so

Time: 4161.839

let's consider each of those in tandem

Time: 4164.9

there are certain supplements things

Time: 4167

like Sheila G for instance something

Time: 4168.92

from ayurvedic medicine which may mainly

Time: 4171.319

uh has the active ingredient fulvic acid

Time: 4173.96

which is known to for instance increase

Time: 4176

things like FSH follicle stimulating

Time: 4178.699

hormone which in women is going to

Time: 4180.739

increase certain aspects of egg growth

Time: 4184.58

hence the name follicle stimulating

Time: 4186.739

hormone it's going to stimulate certain

Time: 4189.739

aspects of fertility it's Pro fertile

Time: 4191.839

and in males can make for more sperm

Time: 4195.62

production or more motile sperm FSH is

Time: 4198.5

also going to indirectly increase

Time: 4200.06

testosterone in males it's known to

Time: 4201.86

increase libido in both males and

Time: 4203.96

females so things like shilaji can

Time: 4206.3

indeed augment multiple hormones and

Time: 4208.76

support multiple hormone systems

Time: 4210.32

generally in the direction of

Time: 4212.06

pro-fertility pro libido and increasing

Time: 4216.56

estrogen and testosterone

Time: 4218.9

now there are other supplements such as

Time: 4221.06

ashwagandha that also fall into this

Time: 4223.1

category of affecting multiple hormones

Time: 4225.219

ashwagandha is a very potent

Time: 4228.14

supplement in terms of reducing cortisol

Time: 4230.9

levels it has also been shown to

Time: 4233.42

increase testosterone levels but

Time: 4235.64

probably indirectly and that's because

Time: 4237.26

cortisol and testosterone sort of exist

Time: 4239.78

on a seesaw in terms of Pathways they're

Time: 4242.659

on separate Pathways but those Pathways

Time: 4244.46

interact enough that when cortisol is

Time: 4246.44

lowered in general testosterone tends to

Time: 4248.96

increase now it is important that with

Time: 4251

certain hormones like ashwagandha that

Time: 4252.44

you don't take them for more than two

Time: 4254.179

weeks at a time at high dosages if you

Time: 4255.86

want to know more of the specifics

Time: 4257.06

around ashwagandha and how long to take

Time: 4258.739

it how to cycle it Etc

Time: 4260.9

please see our episode on Master stress

Time: 4263

please also see the website

Time: 4266.06

and put in ashwagandha it will get into

Time: 4268.219

some of that description

Time: 4269.719


Time: 4271.1

Sheila G ashwagandha and things for

Time: 4274.159

instance like L-Carnitine a supplement

Time: 4275.9

that we often discuss in terms of

Time: 4278.239

fertility because it can indeed improve

Time: 4280.34

sperm motility and quality and egg

Time: 4283.159

quality so it's a pro fertile compound

Time: 4285.98

but it also impacts various

Time: 4287.659

mitochondrial Pathways so it's having a

Time: 4290.12

more indirect effect on hormones there

Time: 4292.64

are many other

Time: 4294.14

compounds present and available

Time: 4296

supplements that are purported to be

Time: 4298.659

pro-hormone support in particular for

Time: 4301.28

testosterone or estrogen fertility and

Time: 4303.199

libido there is a description for

Time: 4305.659

instance of things like maca root maca

Time: 4308.179

root can increase libido it's

Time: 4310.94

found to be particularly effective in

Time: 4312.679

women but in men as well and in all

Time: 4315.199

people who are suffering from lower

Time: 4317

libido due to intake of ssris selective

Time: 4321.739

serotonin reuptake inhibitors for

Time: 4323.42

whatever reason ssris are used to treat

Time: 4325.219

OCD they're used to treat depression any

Time: 4327.08

number of different things maca root can

Time: 4329.6

be in many instances effective in

Time: 4331.159

increasing libido it does that however

Time: 4333.8

through augmentation of dopamine related

Time: 4336.38

Pathways and some of the hormone

Time: 4338.3

Pathways Upstream of testosterone and

Time: 4340.34

estrogen the reports that Maca increases

Time: 4342.98


Time: 4344.42

are somewhat scant and a little bit weak

Time: 4347.6

to be honest so it's having these

Time: 4349.52

indirect effects that may impact

Time: 4351.32

testosterone Downstream so again I'd put

Time: 4353.239

Maca alongside ashwagandha alongside

Time: 4355.84

shilaji as

Time: 4357.92

supplements that are impacting multiple

Time: 4359.96

hormone Pathways toward increased libido

Time: 4362.239

increased fertility increased

Time: 4364.1

testosterone or estrogen likely through

Time: 4367.219

indirect pathways

Time: 4368.9

now with all that said I'd like to

Time: 4370.94

provide some examples of

Time: 4373.1

supplements that work more directly on

Time: 4375.679

specific hormone Pathways aimed at

Time: 4377.54

achieving more specific goals such as

Time: 4380

elevated testosterone or elevated free

Time: 4382.4

testosterone or elevated growth hormone

Time: 4385.34

for that matter and elevated thyroid

Time: 4387.92

hormone I'd like to talk about growth

Time: 4390.02

hormone first because it's actually a

Time: 4391.64

pretty short discussion first of all the

Time: 4394.46

best way to augment growth hormone is to

Time: 4396.38

get quality deep sleep especially the

Time: 4398.36

sleep that occurs in the first three or

Time: 4399.86

four hours of the night is when growth

Time: 4401.3

hormone is released and it's going to be

Time: 4403.64

beneficial to avoid caloric intake in

Time: 4406.159

the two hours preceding sleep again

Time: 4408.14

don't go to bed so hungry that you wake

Time: 4410.659

up an hour or an hour and a half later

Time: 4412.4

or you have trouble falling asleep but

Time: 4414.44

avoiding food intake in the two hours

Time: 4416

prior to sleep and certainly avoiding

Time: 4417.8

alcohol and cannabis is going to

Time: 4420.38

facilitate growth hormone release in the

Time: 4422.84

first hours of sleep many people use

Time: 4425.48

intermittent fasting or even longer

Time: 4427.1

periods of fasting to increase growth

Time: 4428.719


Time: 4429.56

one of the interesting things I learned

Time: 4431.36

from an expert guest Dr Kyle Gillette

Time: 4433.34

who's a medical doctor

Time: 4435.14

on this podcast is that indeed while

Time: 4438.219

lengthy or fast or intermittent fasting

Time: 4440.659

can increase growth hormone levels very

Time: 4442.94

substantially it has indirect effects on

Time: 4446.12

the genetic Pathways and The receptors

Time: 4448.46

for growth hormone that actually are

Time: 4451.04

detrimental for the function of growth

Time: 4452.9

hormone so avoiding food for the two

Time: 4454.76

hours prior to bedtime is a good idea if

Time: 4456.98

you avoid food for longer that's just

Time: 4458.54

going to assist even more certainly

Time: 4460.88

isn't going to hurt in terms of growth

Time: 4462.92

hormone release but extended fast

Time: 4465.44

specifically for the purpose of

Time: 4467

increasing growth hormone

Time: 4468.679

are not really logical when you look at

Time: 4471.5

the broader effects of extended fast

Time: 4473.9

that is not to say that extended fasting

Time: 4476.12

is not appropriate for some people it

Time: 4477.92

can be in certain instances or that

Time: 4480.02

intermittent fasted so-called time

Time: 4481.28

restricted feeding is not beneficial for

Time: 4483.26

some people it can be here I'm only

Time: 4485.36

referring to the effects or in this case

Time: 4487.58

the lack of effects of intermittent

Time: 4489.32

fasting time restricted feeding on

Time: 4491.48

growth hormones specifically now in

Time: 4493.52

terms of supplements to increase growth

Time: 4495.86

hormone there are very few supplements

Time: 4498.38

that have been shown to augment this

Time: 4500.179

pathway there is some idea that Arginine

Time: 4503.06

supplementation prior to bedtime can

Time: 4505.699

further Elevate levels of growth hormone

Time: 4508.1

especially when fasted that literature

Time: 4510.5

is rather weak to be honest I encourage

Time: 4512.12

you to go to if you want to

Time: 4513.86

peruse those particular studies

Time: 4516.26

really the things that increase growth

Time: 4518.48

hormone very potently fall outside the

Time: 4521.42

realm of supplementation they include

Time: 4523.58

exercise again look at the Duncan French

Time: 4525.8

episode or

Time: 4527.78

in the Kyle Gillette episode on

Time: 4529.34

optimizing hormones in males in

Time: 4531.08

particular but this also pertains to

Time: 4532.34

females that avoiding food two hours

Time: 4534.679

prior to bedtime really can boost growth

Time: 4536.84

hormone significantly in sleep beyond

Time: 4539.48

what it would be otherwise but it's

Time: 4540.98

really only once you get into the realm

Time: 4542.42

of prescription compounds things like

Time: 4544.52

peptides like sermorelin which increase

Time: 4547.159

igf-1 and growth hormone things like

Time: 4549.199

growth hormone Itself by prescription if

Time: 4552.199

and only if it's prescribed by a doctor

Time: 4554.179

of course and is safe for you that's

Time: 4555.92

when you start getting into really

Time: 4557.719

significant increases in growth hormone

Time: 4559.699

not a lot of supplements out there to

Time: 4562.159

increase growth hormone potently now

Time: 4564.38

it's a different story when you start

Time: 4566.12

thinking about and talking about

Time: 4567.82

testosterone and free testosterone and

Time: 4570.38

luteinizing hormone luteinizing hormone

Time: 4572.48

is released from the pituitary which is

Time: 4574.82

this gland

Time: 4576.02

not far from the roof of your mouth and

Time: 4578.48

its nearby neighbor the hypothalamus is

Time: 4581.06

a collection of neurons that sits above

Time: 4582.62

the roof of your mouth and talks to the

Time: 4584.36

pituitary talks to it through neural

Time: 4586.34

connections and hormone-based

Time: 4587.96

connections there is a hormone called

Time: 4589.82

GnRH gonadotropin releasing hormone that

Time: 4592.94

is released from the hypothalamus into

Time: 4594.44

the pituitary it stimulates the release

Time: 4597.02

of luteinizing hormone or LH which then

Time: 4599.659

travels in the bloodstream to impact

Time: 4601.64

multiple tissues in the body but mainly

Time: 4603.62

the ovary in females and the testes and

Time: 4605.48

males to stimulate estrogen production

Time: 4607.94

and testosterone production there are

Time: 4610.46

supplements that can potently increase

Time: 4612.08


Time: 4614

and or luteinizing a hormone and then

Time: 4616.58

indirectly increase testosterone and

Time: 4618.56

estrogen and I always like to remind

Time: 4620.42

people testosterone and estrogen are

Time: 4621.98

present in both males and females okay

Time: 4624.26

and both are important for things like

Time: 4626.3

libido muscle growth

Time: 4628.76

and so on a lot of people think that oh

Time: 4630.86

in males you know having very high

Time: 4632.239

testosterone and low estrogen is

Time: 4634.159

actually ideal it's actually not ideal

Time: 4636.02

if you want to keep your libido anything

Time: 4637.82

that lowers your estrogen too far is

Time: 4640.28

going to reduce your libido you don't

Time: 4642.199

want estrogen too high but you also do

Time: 4644.179

not want it too low so supplements that

Time: 4647.239

can tickle this pathway or actually can

Time: 4650.06

act as a bit more of a directed hammer

Time: 4652.28

on this luteinizing hormone pathway may

Time: 4654.5

also impact GnRH are things like fedojia

Time: 4659

agrestis this is an herb

Time: 4661.159

that I've talked about before on the

Time: 4662.84

podcast that when taken at dosages of

Time: 4666.08

600 milligrams per day many people not

Time: 4669.14

all report elevated levels of libido

Time: 4671.84

elevated sperm production elevated

Time: 4674.92

testosterone in some cases elevated

Time: 4677.36

estrogen a bunch of hormones Downstream

Time: 4679.64

of luteinizing hormone now are you going

Time: 4682.04

to be a fedojia agrestis responder or a

Time: 4685.1

non-responder there's simply no way to

Time: 4687.26

know except by trying it if you are

Time: 4689.78

going to go down this route

Time: 4691.699

there are two very important

Time: 4693.14

considerations first of all there's a

Time: 4694.699

fairly extensive literature on the fact

Time: 4696.92

that fidoji agrestis can be toxic to

Time: 4700.58

testicular cells and perhaps other cells

Time: 4702.679

when taken at very high dosages so

Time: 4704.6

obeying the particular dosages of

Time: 4706.94

fedogio aggressus that are recommended

Time: 4708.679

on various product labels and cycling

Time: 4712.159

for doji Augustus can be important some

Time: 4715.219

people need to cycle it eight weeks on

Time: 4717.38

two weeks off other people opt for 12

Time: 4719.9

weeks on a month off I know a few people

Time: 4722.659

who have taken it continuously with no

Time: 4724.58

issues but I do want to suggest caution

Time: 4728.06

when taking fidochio agrestis

Time: 4730.76

the cautionary notes are stay within the

Time: 4733.34

recommended dosage ranges you can go

Time: 4735.08

lower but certainly don't go higher and

Time: 4737.36

I think it is wise to cycle every eight

Time: 4740

weeks or so to come off it for two weeks

Time: 4742.82

and then going back on if that's your

Time: 4744.62

choice if you feel it benefited you

Time: 4747.08

or taking it for 12 week periods of time

Time: 4749.48

and then cycling off for a full month

Time: 4751.28

before repeating again

Time: 4754.76

the best way to know whether or not

Time: 4756.32

fedojia or any of these other

Time: 4758

supplements is impacting your hormone

Time: 4759.5

levels in the direction that you want

Time: 4760.88

and not impacting your hormone levels or

Time: 4762.8

other aspects of your biology in ways

Time: 4764.36

that you don't want is from a blood test

Time: 4766.46

there is simply no better tool to

Time: 4769.28

evaluate whether or not these

Time: 4771.38

supplements are working to support your

Time: 4773

hormones in the ways that you want and

Time: 4774.739

not causing issues

Time: 4776.239

except to take a blood test this podcast

Time: 4778.4

has inside tracker as a sponsor that can

Time: 4782.06

do in-home blood tests and give you

Time: 4783.44

blood panels there are other sources of

Time: 4785.659

blood tests that are quite good as well

Time: 4787.82

of course and in the first episode of

Time: 4790.219

The huberman Lab podcast that I did with

Time: 4791.9

Dr Kyle Gillette again a medical doctor

Time: 4794.3

expert in hormones diabetes and various

Time: 4797.239

other aspects of medicine he described

Time: 4799.64

and it is time stamped how to stand the

Time: 4802.34

best probability of getting your

Time: 4803.54

insurance to cover a blood test how to

Time: 4805.64

talk to your doctor about getting a

Time: 4806.96

hormone panel and so on so I'll refer

Time: 4809

you to that episode for that but blood

Time: 4810.679

tests are going to be very important I

Time: 4813.08

recommend taking them before adding in

Time: 4815.6

any supplement to increase

Time: 4817.76

hormones of any kind or decreased

Time: 4819.56

hormones of any kind for that matter and

Time: 4821.36

then again after about four to eight

Time: 4824.36

weeks of taking that particular

Time: 4825.8

supplement in order to evaluate whether

Time: 4827.659

or not it worked and whether or not it

Time: 4829.699

had any negative effects that you would

Time: 4831.679

like to avoid

Time: 4833.06

I also wanted to remind people of the

Time: 4835.04

dosage conversation that we had earlier

Time: 4837.08

just because there's a recommended

Time: 4838.58

dosage of fedogio agrestis of say 600

Time: 4840.679

milligrams per day

Time: 4843.199

first of all that is not an invitation

Time: 4845.06

to take twice as much and expect twice

Time: 4846.92

the positive effects that is not a good

Time: 4849.02

approach especially with something like

Time: 4850.84

fedogiograstis which can at high dosages

Time: 4854.659

be toxic but it's also important to

Time: 4857.78

perhaps consider taking a lower dosage

Time: 4859.58

and seeing how that affects your

Time: 4860.719


Time: 4861.8

that approach requires a bit more

Time: 4863.239

patience I know most people are thinking

Time: 4864.56

I want the effect and I want it now but

Time: 4866.719

I think it's very important when

Time: 4868.1

thinking about exercise your nutrition

Time: 4869.719

or supplementation to really play the

Time: 4871.76

long game to think about what's going to

Time: 4874.46

work for you in the immediate end in the

Time: 4876.5

long term and to ease into any kind of

Time: 4878.6

supplement regimen for instance by

Time: 4880.34

taking one thing at a time varying One

Time: 4882.86

supplement out and One supplement in

Time: 4884.36

starting at minimal effective dose and

Time: 4886.64

build up your protocols over a year or

Time: 4889.34

several years it really can be

Time: 4891.02

beneficial I can say for myself I

Time: 4892.76

started exploring the supplement space

Time: 4894.62

and taking different supplements in

Time: 4896.659

different combination

Time: 4898.04

and alone evaluating which ones worked

Time: 4900.679

and did not work for me some were

Time: 4902.239

absolutely dreadful for me I have tons

Time: 4904.4

of stories about supplement fail some of

Time: 4906.26

which were just kind of innocuous

Time: 4907.699

meaning they were a waste of money which

Time: 4909.62

isn't innocuous but at least it wasn't

Time: 4911.06

detrimental to my health other

Time: 4912.679

supplements which fortunately don't

Time: 4914

exist on the market anymore

Time: 4916.04

um I think actually uh were quite

Time: 4918.14

dangerous and I feel lucky that I did

Time: 4919.94

not experience even greater negative

Time: 4922.159

effects from them other supplements have

Time: 4923.78

been tremendously useful for me and for

Time: 4926.06

other people for things like sleep and

Time: 4927.92

hormone support focus and so on so for

Time: 4930.739

Doja gracias is a good example of a

Time: 4933.44

supplement that is known to have potent

Time: 4935.659

effects but you need to approach it with

Time: 4937.94

the appropriate um I would say respect

Time: 4940.94

for the fact that the dosage ranges in

Time: 4942.679

which it works

Time: 4943.94

um have to be kept pretty narrow without

Time: 4946.64

causing issues

Time: 4948.739

it does increase luteinizing hormone and

Time: 4951.86

thereby testosterone and estrogen so if

Time: 4954.38

you're somebody who's already

Time: 4955.219

excessively high in one or the other

Time: 4957.32

it's going to be very hard to just

Time: 4959.12

direct it to only testosterone or only

Time: 4961.82

estrogen now the topic of today's

Time: 4963.62

episode is not about fedoji Augustus per

Time: 4966.8

se I highlight it because it is one of

Time: 4969.02

the more potent

Time: 4970.52

supplements for sake of hormone

Time: 4972.38

augmentation but it's still fairly

Time: 4974.179

Broadband it's a little more specific

Time: 4975.92

than something like shilaji but it's

Time: 4978.8

still fairly Broadband in terms of

Time: 4980.48

hitting multiple endpoint hormones

Time: 4982.88

testosterone and estrogen and maybe some

Time: 4984.62

other hormones as well

Time: 4986.6

there are other supplements in

Time: 4988.699

particular Tonga Ali which is known to

Time: 4991.82

for instance increase libido whether or

Time: 4994.46

not it does that by way of augmenting

Time: 4996.38

dopamine related Pathways or

Time: 4998.54

testosterone Pathways still isn't clear

Time: 5000.34

it is known to increase free

Time: 5002.98

testosterone by reducing sex hormone

Time: 5007.3

binding globulin

Time: 5009.159

Tonga Ali can be beneficial both for men

Time: 5012.64

and for women

Time: 5014.14

in dosages anywhere from 200 milligrams

Time: 5016.48

to 600 milligrams per day so there I

Time: 5019.12

would say scale according to body size

Time: 5021.219

although start with the minimum amount

Time: 5022.719

and find the minimal effective dose for

Time: 5024.76

you again blood work is going to be the

Time: 5026.5

most effective way to determine what's

Time: 5028.3

working or not working at the level of

Time: 5030.46

objective numbers but subjective

Time: 5032.679

experience matters too you know if you

Time: 5034.42

take it at 400 milligrams for four weeks

Time: 5036.699

and you don't notice any effect you

Time: 5038.38

might try it at 600 milligrams but not

Time: 5040.36

higher and if you still don't see an

Time: 5043.659

effect well then it doesn't appear to

Time: 5045.52

have worked for you other people

Time: 5046.6

experience dramatic effects from things

Time: 5048.28

like fedoja and Tonga Ali why would that

Time: 5050.5

be the case well if you look to the

Time: 5052.42

scientific literature what you find is

Time: 5054.52

that the studies that report the biggest

Time: 5056.8

effects of any supplement usually start

Time: 5059.32

with a population that somehow

Time: 5061.36

diminished or back on its heels in one

Time: 5063.4

particular Dimension so for instance

Time: 5065.02

people that are hypogonadal that are not

Time: 5068.14

making enough testosterone or free

Time: 5069.64

testosterone in fact their levels are

Time: 5071.14

very very low they're subclinical

Time: 5074.08

off range in terms of the charts

Time: 5076.78

below the normal

Time: 5079.06

well those people when they take

Time: 5080.62

supplements like Tonga Ali fedoja tend

Time: 5082.719

to experience greater effects because

Time: 5084.1

they're starting from a lower level than

Time: 5085.9

people who perhaps are close to the

Time: 5087.52

optimal levels achieved through either

Time: 5089.5

age genetics exercise nutrition or some

Time: 5091.96

combination of those so that's an

Time: 5093.76

important thing to think about these are

Time: 5094.96

called floor effects and sealing effects

Time: 5097.48

ceiling effects are for instance if an

Time: 5099.88

individual already has very high

Time: 5101.32

testosterone and free testosterone and

Time: 5103.54

they take a supplement to increase it

Time: 5104.92

further they might not see any increase

Time: 5106.42

whereas somebody who sits more in the

Time: 5107.86

middle to low range stands to experience

Time: 5110.199

a much greater increase in fact one

Time: 5113.32

individual I know who took Tonga Ali

Time: 5115.98

admittedly on my recommendation his

Time: 5118.78

testosterone was initially very low and

Time: 5121

he was having a number of different

Time: 5122.02

symptoms he did blood work he that's how

Time: 5125.08

he knew it was low and he then took

Time: 5127.659

Tonga Ali and fedoja in combination

Time: 5129.76

because he decided he just wanted

Time: 5131.62

results he didn't care which What which

Time: 5134.199

thing was going to give him the results

Time: 5135.28

and he experienced big increases in

Time: 5137.62

testosterone this would be not free but

Time: 5139.84

total testosterone of he experienced as

Time: 5141.76

much as 600 nanograms per deciliter

Time: 5143.679

increase from where he was before which

Time: 5145.239

is very dramatic it was a near tripling

Time: 5147.219

of where his testosterone had started

Time: 5149.86

off to where he ended up I don't know if

Time: 5151.9

he's ever done the experiment of

Time: 5152.98

removing fidojia or Tonga to find out

Time: 5154.84

which one it was and this is why many

Time: 5156.219

people just take them in combination and

Time: 5157.84

if you have the budget for it and you

Time: 5159.58

are interested in just finding what

Time: 5161.26

works but not isolating what works at

Time: 5164.679

the level of single ingredients that

Time: 5166.179

would be the approach I recommend

Time: 5167.92

however again I think most people do

Time: 5170.5

well to figure out which specific

Time: 5171.639

ingredients are going to work best for

Time: 5173.199

them by isolating the variables the way

Time: 5175.179

I've described repeatedly throughout

Time: 5176.62

this episode to my knowledge Tonga Ali

Time: 5178.54

does not need to be cycled meaning you

Time: 5180.1

don't have to take periods of time off

Time: 5181.54

from it I should note that the effects

Time: 5184.12

of Tonga Ali can take a little bit

Time: 5185.38

longer to experience so perhaps blood

Time: 5188.32

work should be done 8 to 12 weeks after

Time: 5190.3

initiating the Tonga Ali protocol

Time: 5192.699

as opposed to earlier and it does seem

Time: 5195.82

to have sort of cumulative effects on

Time: 5198.46

libido and that points to the likelihood

Time: 5201.639

that it's having some impact on neural

Time: 5203.44

Pathways as opposed to hormone Pathways

Time: 5205.42

hormone Pathways can be slow but in

Time: 5207.04


Time: 5207.88

neural pathways are the ones that are

Time: 5209.92

going to explain slow Rising shifts in

Time: 5212.56

any kind of physical or mental aspect

Time: 5214.659

that then remains stable over time so

Time: 5217.6

the exact effects of Tonga Ali and where

Time: 5220.659

meaning where they arise in the brain

Time: 5222.94

and body aren't known I will provide a

Time: 5224.679

link to a really beautiful review

Time: 5226.54

article that covers the literature on

Time: 5228.52

tonganali this came out fairly recently

Time: 5230.32

and that I've reviewed with a number of

Time: 5231.88


Time: 5233.38

um MDS and medical or medicine related

Time: 5237.159

podcasters it's a really nice review

Time: 5238.9

I'll provide a link to that gives a

Time: 5240.699

survey of Tonga Ali what people are

Time: 5242.32

discovering what they're finding what

Time: 5243.58

they're not finding and so forth as a

Time: 5245.32

final note on supplements for hormone

Time: 5247.12

augmentation and supplementation I want

Time: 5249.28

to make a brief mention of something

Time: 5250.78

specifically related to female Health

Time: 5252.94

which is of course the menstrual cycle

Time: 5254.62

and across the menstrual cycle different

Time: 5256.06

hormones are present at different levels

Time: 5257.5

follicle stimulating hormone is very

Time: 5259.6

high during the so-called follicular

Time: 5261.1

phase right and then you have your

Time: 5262.659

luteal phase we have an entire episode

Time: 5265

coming up about female hormones and

Time: 5266.86

Hormone Health that will cover this we

Time: 5268.6

also covered a little bit of this in the

Time: 5270.52

other episodes on testosterone and

Time: 5273.34

estrogen but the point I'd like to make

Time: 5275.44

now is that for women

Time: 5277.659

they should fully expect that certain

Time: 5279.76

supplements not all but certain

Time: 5281.02

supplements because of the way they

Time: 5283.06

impact different hormones would have

Time: 5285.4

different effects maybe even opposite

Time: 5287.32

effects at different phases of the

Time: 5289.06

menstrual cycle and for that reason I

Time: 5290.92

believe it is especially important

Time: 5293.5

to have tight control over dosage and

Time: 5297.28

individual ingredients in your

Time: 5298.6

supplement regimen so for instance if

Time: 5300.28

you're somebody who takes Sheila Gene I

Time: 5302.26

know many women who take Sheila G or

Time: 5304.06

Tonga Ali

Time: 5305.62

for instance or Maca and you find that

Time: 5308.5

it really serves you well that is it

Time: 5310.48

provides the mental and physical

Time: 5311.5

benefits that you want and enjoy

Time: 5314.32

at certain phases of your menstrual

Time: 5316.12

cycle but at other phases of your

Time: 5317.739

menstrual cycle it feels like too much

Time: 5319.36

or it actually can start to give you

Time: 5320.739

negative mental or physical effects well

Time: 5322.78

then obviously having control over those

Time: 5324.699

specific ingredients is going to be

Time: 5326.679

extremely important so that you can

Time: 5329.26

titrate the dosage or increase the

Time: 5331.36

dosage as the case may be or cease

Time: 5333.46

taking those things entirely at certain

Time: 5335.38

phases of your menstrual cycle

Time: 5337.3

that's not to say that some women can't

Time: 5339.219

just continuously take these supplements

Time: 5340.9

throughout their menstrual cycle some

Time: 5342.28

can but some find that that makes them

Time: 5345.219

very uncomfortable or that they would do

Time: 5347.139

well to alter different ingredients at

Time: 5349.6

different phases of their cycle so again

Time: 5351.219

this speaks to the critical importance

Time: 5352.96

of single ingredient control dosage

Time: 5355.9

control and the ability to cease taking

Time: 5358.12

individual or multiple ingredients

Time: 5359.98

according to the backdrop of your health

Time: 5362.139

generally and obviously the menstrual

Time: 5363.639

cycle is a profound shift in the

Time: 5365.739

hormones and thus the entire biological

Time: 5368.5

and psychological milieu that exists in

Time: 5370.719

the body and of course there's the issue

Time: 5372.639

of birth control and whether or not

Time: 5374.02

people are taking hormone-based birth

Time: 5375.4

control certain forms of hormone-based

Time: 5377.739

birth control and women involve

Time: 5379.6

tonically elevating that means

Time: 5381.159

consistently elevating estrogen that's

Time: 5383.62

certainly going to reduce the

Time: 5385.42

fluctuations and thus the probability

Time: 5387.88

that certain hormones and hormone

Time: 5389.26

Pathways will change across the

Time: 5390.4

menstrual cycle but not eliminate it

Time: 5391.9

altogether also there's the key issue of

Time: 5394.84

fertility in both males and females one

Time: 5397.239

important note even though this is not

Time: 5398.98

an episode about fertility we're going

Time: 5400.9

to have one soon but the important point

Time: 5403.42

about fertility is that there are

Time: 5405.4

supplements not just Sheila G but there

Time: 5407.08

are supplements and supplement protocols

Time: 5408.639

such as

Time: 5409.84

L-Carnitine in particular injectable

Time: 5412.06

L-Carnitine which does require a

Time: 5413.739

prescription at least in the US but also

Time: 5415.36

orally ingested L-Carnitine that can

Time: 5418.3

improve sperm health and motility and

Time: 5420.34

egg health and motility I mentioned that

Time: 5421.78


Time: 5422.679

but if couples are trying to conceive

Time: 5425.98

it is important that if you're going to

Time: 5427.96

take something that is a supplement

Time: 5429.76

directed towards sperm and or egg Health

Time: 5432.3

that you also consider how that

Time: 5434.739

interfaces with some of the other

Time: 5436.239


Time: 5437.62

compounds that is prescription drugs

Time: 5439.42

that you may be taking this is true for

Time: 5440.739

people who are doing IVF in vitro

Time: 5442.6

fertilization or not

Time: 5444.34

again that entire discussion will be

Time: 5446.8

handled in our episode on fertility and

Time: 5449.139

on female hormone health and we already

Time: 5450.639

did the episode with Dr Kyle Gillette on

Time: 5452.98

male hormone Health optimization the

Time: 5455.139

next category of supplementation that

Time: 5456.699

I'd like to address is supplements

Time: 5458.08

related to cognitive enhancement and

Time: 5460

focus and here there are a number of

Time: 5462.34

very useful strategies that one could

Time: 5464.139

take I'd like to divide this

Time: 5465.88

conversation into two general categories

Time: 5468.28

of supplements to address cognitive

Time: 5469.96

enhancement and focus the first category

Time: 5472.62

are supplements that increase energy by

Time: 5475.96

way of stimulant properties so the most

Time: 5478.96

obvious of these is caffeine caffeine is

Time: 5482.5

of course a molecule that can increase

Time: 5485.739

levels of alertness it also can increase

Time: 5487.78

levels of focus provided that dosages

Time: 5490.06

are in the appropriate range the

Time: 5493.06

appropriate range in most cases is going

Time: 5495.1

to be one to three milligrams per

Time: 5496.6

kilogram of body weight taken

Time: 5499.48

30 minutes or so before any kind of

Time: 5502.179

mental or physical Endeavor we did an

Time: 5504.28

entire episode about caffeine where you

Time: 5505.78

can learn lots of facts about caffeine

Time: 5508.36

how best to utilize caffeine and indeed

Time: 5510.52

I'll just give you a few of those now

Time: 5511.659

turns out that if your regular caffeine

Time: 5514

user you can still derive the cognitive

Time: 5517.42

enhancing and focus enhancing effects of

Time: 5519.82

caffeine if you ingest caffeine every

Time: 5522.4

day but if you were to take two days off

Time: 5525.82

from caffeine completely and right now I

Time: 5527.739

hear all the caffeine addicts out there

Time: 5529.62

just kind of cringing at the idea and

Time: 5532.96

then take caffeine in the 30 minutes

Time: 5535.239

prior to some especially important event

Time: 5538.12

physical or mental event where you

Time: 5539.8

really need to focus and be able to

Time: 5541.78

sustain that Focus for long periods of

Time: 5543.34

time it would have an even greater

Time: 5545.02

effect than it normally would but since

Time: 5546.82

most people are taking caffeine in a

Time: 5548.44

kind of ongoing regular way I just want

Time: 5550.9

to emphasize that it still has Pro

Time: 5552.82

cognitive and pro-focus effects even if

Time: 5555.639

it's taken every day or even multiple

Time: 5557.32

times per day again a cautionary note

Time: 5559.54

don't drink caffeine too late in the day

Time: 5561.28

past 2 p.m it can really start to impede

Time: 5563.8

uh your sleep at night even if you can

Time: 5566.139

fall asleep at night the architecture of

Time: 5567.52

that sleep is not going to be great if

Time: 5569.199

you're ingesting caffeine in the

Time: 5570.639

preceding eight to ten and even 12 hours

Time: 5573.04

and that actually raises another

Time: 5575.04

tangential but still important point so

Time: 5577.06

I'm going to make it and then get back

Time: 5578.98

to supplements which is the best

Time: 5580.96

cognitive enhancer that you will ever

Time: 5582.88

take is a really good night's sleep of

Time: 5586.179

sufficient duration okay so sleep is

Time: 5589.12

going to be the Bedrock of your ability

Time: 5591.88

to focus and remember things in fact

Time: 5594.04

it's during sleep that neural

Time: 5595.54

connections remodel so-called

Time: 5597.659

neuroplasticity it's actually not when

Time: 5600.159

you trigger learning but it's when you

Time: 5601.54

consolidate and reinforce learning and a

Time: 5603.88

number of other things that relate to

Time: 5605.08

cognitive enhancement and focus the

Time: 5607.12

other thing of course is that you're

Time: 5608.86

going to need to have sufficient levels

Time: 5611.679

of nutrition so you don't want to be

Time: 5613.659

overly hungry or it's going to be hard

Time: 5615.28

to focus nor do you want to be

Time: 5616.96

overloaded with calories or a volume of

Time: 5619.48

food or have your blood glucose to be so

Time: 5621.639

high that it's going to make you sleepy

Time: 5623.44

there's a reason why when discussing

Time: 5625.96

stress and the so-called autonomic

Time: 5628.179

nervous system that the phrase rest and

Time: 5629.86

digest comes into play rest and digest

Time: 5633.52

as the name implies relates to the fact

Time: 5636.88

that when we have

Time: 5638.38

a lot of food in our gut it tends to

Time: 5640.96

make us sleepy in other words it's hard

Time: 5643.3

for us to focus and it's hard for us to

Time: 5645.46

maintain cognitive attention and

Time: 5646.78

remember things Etc so there are a bunch

Time: 5649.179

of Behavioral tools for enhancing Focus

Time: 5650.679

we did an entire episode on enhancing

Time: 5653.02

focus it does touch on supplementation

Time: 5654.76

again you can find links to that in all

Time: 5656.739

formats at we also have

Time: 5659.139

a newsletter related to this topic also

Time: 5661.239

at at zero cost

Time: 5663.88

with all of that said and in particular

Time: 5666.1

the Highlight about sleep being the best

Time: 5667.78

way to enhance your cognitive abilities

Time: 5669.88

and focus anytime we're having a

Time: 5671.739

discussion about supplements for

Time: 5673.179

enhancing cognitive ability and focus a

Time: 5675.699

major category of those supplements is

Time: 5677.199

going to fall into the stimulant

Time: 5678.58

category and that's going to include

Time: 5681.639

most often caffeine although there are

Time: 5684.04

other sources of stimulants I'm not

Time: 5686.739

going to touch on those for the moment

Time: 5687.94

just talk about caffeine when people

Time: 5689.92

hear caffeine they think well I can just

Time: 5691.48

drink coffee and indeed that's a great

Time: 5692.86

source of caffeine so is yerba mate I

Time: 5695.679

would caution people to

Time: 5697.3

um if you're going to use yerba mate for

Time: 5698.92

whatever purpose caffeine or otherwise

Time: 5700.719

that you avoid the smoked versions of

Time: 5703.659

yerba mate they are carcinogenic that is

Time: 5706.54

the smoked versions or carcinogenic I

Time: 5709.12

know and to consume the non-smoked uh

Time: 5711.88


Time: 5713.02

um instead the important thing to

Time: 5715.96

understand about caffeine is that while

Time: 5718.06

it can be ingested in the form of a

Time: 5719.98

drink or an energy drink to your coffee

Time: 5723.88

it can also be ingested as a pure

Time: 5726.52

supplement that is there are caffeine

Time: 5728.44

supplements and I know a number of

Time: 5729.639

people including a very very prominent

Time: 5731.679

podcaster whose name I won't mention who

Time: 5734.139

drinks herbal tea but takes a 100 to 300

Time: 5737.86

milligram tablet of caffeine with the

Time: 5740.5

herbal tea so in that case it is no

Time: 5742.42

longer herbal tea it is caffeinated

Time: 5744.1

herbal tea

Time: 5745.36

when you take caffeine in pill form it

Time: 5748.659

tends to have a much more potent and

Time: 5750.699

long lasting effect than when you take

Time: 5752.739

caffeine in

Time: 5754.84

the form of coffee or tea it's actually

Time: 5757.239

a world apart in terms of its effects

Time: 5760.239

and if you haven't experienced this

Time: 5762.52

before it might be something that you

Time: 5764.56

want to explore it might not be

Time: 5766.179

something you want to explore in

Time: 5767.199

particular if you're somebody who

Time: 5768.28

experiences anxiety or panic attacks be

Time: 5770.199

very careful with your intake of

Time: 5771.34

caffeine again see the episode of the

Time: 5773.86

huberman law podcast all about caffeine

Time: 5775.719

for more on that but

Time: 5778.54

it is the case that even 100 milligrams

Time: 5781.3

of caffeine in tablet form I suppose it

Time: 5783.46

could be in capsule form as well but in

Time: 5785.02

its pure form leads to much greater

Time: 5788.86

enhancement of alertness and focus then

Time: 5792.699

does often the comparable amount or even

Time: 5795.699

twice the amount of caffeine contained

Time: 5797.44

in coffee or tea now why would that be

Time: 5799.36

has a lot to do with the other things

Time: 5801.46

that are in coffee and tea so here I'm

Time: 5804.04

not encouraging people to become reliant

Time: 5807.04

on caffeine capsules or on caffeine

Time: 5809.739

tablets but if you want to increase

Time: 5811.84

alertness and focus caffeine is a potent

Time: 5815.32

way to do that it works the other

Time: 5818.26

category of stimulant that can work in

Time: 5820.48

terms of enhancing alertness and focus

Time: 5822.699

are going to be things that increase

Time: 5825.3

adrenaline in some other way or

Time: 5828.159

epinephrine as it's also called

Time: 5830.26

adrenaline epinephrine same thing in

Time: 5832.06

some other way that are going to

Time: 5834.1

touch into or augment the so-called

Time: 5837.1

adrenergic and adrenaline systems and

Time: 5839.98

there are things like yohimbine and

Time: 5842.32

different forms of yohimbine like Alpha

Time: 5844


Time: 5845.44

um there are multiple forms of these

Time: 5847.239

things now I would go to to

Time: 5849.4

explore the different forms of your

Time: 5850.84

himbine about 10 20 years ago yohimbine

Time: 5853.239

was marketed primarily as a pro libido

Time: 5855.28

and pro-erectile agent turns out it has

Time: 5858.28

very low efficacy for both of those

Time: 5860.5

things but there are certain forms of

Time: 5862.36

yohimbine that act as stimulants

Time: 5865.06

that are effective and are separate from

Time: 5868.239

those claims and Pathways one particular

Time: 5870.58

form is called Alpha yohimbine it

Time: 5873.04

sometimes goes by the name raulstein and

Time: 5876.1

that's spelled

Time: 5879.54

r-a-u-w-o-l-s-c-i-n-e again that's Alpha

Time: 5881.56

yohimbine and it's used as a stimulant

Time: 5884.32

often to also promote fat loss and

Time: 5886.239

alertness I have to say that it's a very

Time: 5888.699

potent and somewhat

Time: 5890.86

um precarious supplement some people

Time: 5893.32

experience a lot of anxiety on it that

Time: 5895.659

could also be because they tend to take

Time: 5896.98

it on either an empty stomach or in

Time: 5900.639

combination with sub caloric diets it's

Time: 5903.159

a it's sort of getting out on the edge

Time: 5904.48

of things that for some people can work

Time: 5906.58

not so well for other people they might

Time: 5909.219

actually find it to be a very effective

Time: 5910.719

stimulant in general in terms of

Time: 5912.82

supplement based approaches to increase

Time: 5914.8


Time: 5916.179

function and focus caffeine either in

Time: 5919.36

coffee or tea form or in tablet or

Time: 5922.84

capsule form but at lower dosages than

Time: 5924.94

you would find in coffee and tea I think

Time: 5927.219

is actually a reasonable way to explore

Time: 5929.52

stimulant-based approaches

Time: 5931.54

for enhancing cognitive function and

Time: 5934.179

focus I mentioned all that not because I

Time: 5936.4

think that you probably already didn't

Time: 5937.78

know that caffeine can enhance alertness

Time: 5940.239

and focus most people already know that

Time: 5941.92

and I acknowledge that but rather as a

Time: 5943.96

contrast point for the other supplement

Time: 5945.94

based approach for increasing cognitive

Time: 5948.219

function and focus which is

Time: 5950.98

to increase certain neurotransmitter

Time: 5953.38

Pathways that are not stimulant based so

Time: 5956.98

for instance

Time: 5958.78

Alpha GPC which is essentially a choline

Time: 5961.42

donor acts in the pathways related to

Time: 5963.58

the neuromodulator acetylcholine and can

Time: 5965.86

enhance Focus so at dosages of anywhere

Time: 5968.56

from 300 to 600 milligrams people

Time: 5971.26

experience heightened levels of focus

Time: 5973.48

for sake of mental work or physical work

Time: 5976.139

the half-life of alpha GPC is about four

Time: 5979.42

to six hours so it's relatively short

Time: 5981.58

lasting although you wouldn't

Time: 5983.02

necessarily want to take it right before

Time: 5984.34

bed I don't recommend that it is not a

Time: 5986.98

stimulant it tends to enhance focus by

Time: 5989.26

augmenting acetylcholine and

Time: 5990.88

acetylcholine Pathways specifically now

Time: 5993.34

it does create a little bit of an

Time: 5994.9

increase in alertness

Time: 5996.52

so some people actually perceive it

Time: 5998.739

subjectively as an increase in

Time: 6001.5

overall stimulation but it's different

Time: 6004.38

than a caffeine type stimulant so for

Time: 6006.96

instance 300 milligrams to 600

Time: 6009

milligrams of alpha GPC taken alone will

Time: 6011.58

allow people to be more focused but

Time: 6013.679

doesn't tend to make people feel jittery

Time: 6015.36

or over stimulated

Time: 6017.82


Time: 6019.5

500 milligrams to a thousand milligrams

Time: 6021.9

or somewhere in between of something

Time: 6024.06

like l-tyrosine which is amino acid

Time: 6026.46

precursor to dopamine a different

Time: 6028.08

neuromodulator taken a loan or in

Time: 6031.679

conjunction with again I believe in

Time: 6033.179

separating these things out by product

Time: 6034.62

but I suppose you could take Alpha GPC

Time: 6036.84

NL tyrosine together if you had already

Time: 6038.76

tried them separately and decide they

Time: 6040.139

worked well for you then you decide to

Time: 6042.3

combine them what people tend to

Time: 6044.1

experience is that the cholinergic

Time: 6046.44

stimulation from alpha GPC and the

Time: 6049.139

dopaminergic stimulation from l-tyrosine

Time: 6052.199

or simply l-tyrosine alone or Alpha GPC

Time: 6055.56

alone leads to increased levels of focus

Time: 6058.139

without the kind of overall feelings of

Time: 6061.04

stimulant-based alertness that one would

Time: 6062.94

experience with caffeine and indeed or I

Time: 6065.52

should say of course there are products

Time: 6067.38

out there and there are people out there

Time: 6068.82

that combine all three of these things

Time: 6071.1

together caffeine Alpha GPC and

Time: 6073.26

l-tyrosine and while I'm not suggesting

Time: 6075.9

that's a good or a bad thing I would

Time: 6078.179

suggest that anytime you start to

Time: 6080.219

explore the cognitive enhancing effects

Time: 6083.52

and the focus enhancing effects of any

Time: 6085.56

supplement that you ask which ones are

Time: 6087.9

stimulants so for instance caffeine and

Time: 6089.34

Alpha human being

Time: 6090.78

which ones tend to tap more into

Time: 6093.239

neuromodulator systems like Alpha GPC

Time: 6095.94

and l-tyrosine and to separate those out

Time: 6099.719

conceptually because whereas things like

Time: 6101.94

Alpha yohim binding caffeine will mostly

Time: 6104.34

serve the role of increasing levels of

Time: 6106.08

alertness but not tightening your focus

Time: 6109.56

things like Alpha GPC and l-tyrosine

Time: 6111.8

tend to serve the role of less elevation

Time: 6115.8

and alertness but more tightening of

Time: 6117.36

focus and this of course is why people

Time: 6118.739

often stack these and take them in

Time: 6120.48

combination so I think it's a very

Time: 6122.1

important distinction that most people

Time: 6123.3

aren't aware of and I'm not here to tell

Time: 6126

you that the stimulant-based approach or

Time: 6128.34

the neuromodulator based approach is

Time: 6130.44

better or worse they are simply

Time: 6132.239

different from one another although I

Time: 6134.58

will say that I think it is important to

Time: 6136.08

explore them separately if indeed you're

Time: 6138.48

going to explore any of them before you

Time: 6140.88

would start to combine them in a single

Time: 6142.92

formula again individual ingredients are

Time: 6145.38

going to be the way to go in terms of

Time: 6146.76

figuring out what's best for you if

Time: 6148.86

anything some people may find that even

Time: 6151.26

the slightest bit of caffeine or even

Time: 6152.76

the slightest spit of alpha GPC or

Time: 6154.619

l-tyrosine just places them into a state

Time: 6157.86

of mind and or body that's just

Time: 6159.84

uncomfortable and not

Time: 6161.88

compatible with the kind of work that

Time: 6164.28

they want to do whereas other people

Time: 6165.659

searching myself

Time: 6167.52

regularly rely on taking 300 milligrams

Time: 6170.52

of alpha GPC it turns out more than that

Time: 6172.5

kind of doesn't work for me or it tends

Time: 6175.26

to send my mind down a pathway that I

Time: 6177.659

don't like to be in for sake of

Time: 6179.639

cognitive work but I will routinely take

Time: 6181.98

300 milligrams of alpha GPC prior to

Time: 6184.199

some cognitive work or prior to a

Time: 6185.88

workout I do often combine that with

Time: 6188.159

some caffeine not in capsule or pill

Time: 6189.659

form but rather in the form of cup of

Time: 6191.4

coffee or yerba mate and it turns out

Time: 6193.98

that for me just by way of example

Time: 6196.34

l-tyrosine is something that works very

Time: 6198.84

powerfully to elevate my level of focus

Time: 6200.82

but that I tend to crash pretty hard

Time: 6203.04

afterward and so I tend to error away

Time: 6205.38

from l-tyrosine but some people tolerate

Time: 6207.119

it really well and actually really like

Time: 6208.619

it I rely on something else for dopamine

Time: 6210.78

augmentation which is

Time: 6212.36

phenylethylamine which is a little bit

Time: 6214.26

more short lasting again I arrived at

Time: 6216.54

these protocols for myself by mixing and

Time: 6219.6

matching but mostly by trying individual

Time: 6221.699

ingredients alone before combining them

Time: 6224.58

into any sort of cocktail before taking

Time: 6226.98

them you for a workout or before a

Time: 6229.5

cognitive work bout and I suggest that

Time: 6231.42

you explore them in the same way because

Time: 6232.86

that's going to deliver you to the best

Time: 6234.659

possible protocols for you which only

Time: 6237.06

you can determine and then of course

Time: 6239.04

there's the category of supplements that

Time: 6241.02

can support cognitive function and focus

Time: 6243.3

but that also touch on other General

Time: 6245.699

functions related to brain and body

Time: 6247.5

Health such as metabolic Health mood Etc

Time: 6250.26

and the one that comes to mind here are

Time: 6252.48

the omega-3 fatty acids I've talked a

Time: 6254.34

lot about omega-3 fatty acids that are

Time: 6256.98

available in the form of foods so for

Time: 6259.08

instance fatty ocean fish there's

Time: 6261.179

certain plant-based sources for these as

Time: 6263.1

well certain algaes and things of that

Time: 6265.02

sort touched on this in the episodes on

Time: 6267.06

depression that I've done

Time: 6268.86


Time: 6270

this topic mainly comes up around the

Time: 6272.04

issue of fish oil fish oil capsules and

Time: 6274.679

liquid and this is a discussion I think

Time: 6276.3

is worth having

Time: 6277.86

early on in the episode we talked about

Time: 6279.48

foundational nutrition and supplements

Time: 6282.179

that include a bunch of different

Time: 6283.139

ingredients we touched on the idea that

Time: 6285.84

some people might have the budget to

Time: 6287.28

take one such product or any number of

Time: 6290.4

different products that combine all

Time: 6291.6

those ingredients

Time: 6292.8

I should say that for those that are

Time: 6295.5

interested in taking a supplement

Time: 6298.08

but have a lower budget than would allow

Time: 6300.659

for taking one of those General

Time: 6302.639

categories of supplements we talked

Time: 6304.739

about earlier for foundational nutrition

Time: 6306.239

that combines everything vitamins

Time: 6307.619

minerals probiotics prebiotics

Time: 6309.38

adaptogens digestive enzymes

Time: 6312

I do think that there's a category of

Time: 6313.8

supplements that can greatly enhance the

Time: 6316.02

probability of offsetting depression and

Time: 6318.659

maybe even improve mood directly or

Time: 6320.52

indirectly there's evidence for what I'm

Time: 6322.26

about to tell you within the scientific

Time: 6324

literature and or offset the amount of

Time: 6326.34

antidepressant medication that people

Time: 6327.659

need to take that's also been

Time: 6328.8

demonstrated and improve metabolic

Time: 6331.199

function cardiovascular function

Time: 6333.719

and also

Time: 6335.58

enhance our ability to do focused work

Time: 6337.5

and here I'm referring to the so-called

Time: 6339.06

omega-3 essential fatty acids in

Time: 6340.92

particular the omega-3 form of the

Time: 6343.56

essential fatty acids there's now a lot

Time: 6345.3

of data showing that ingesting one to

Time: 6348.719

three grams of EPA in particular

Time: 6353.4

in the form of either fish oil capsules

Time: 6355.56

or liquid can be beneficial for a number

Time: 6358.98

of different aspects of brain and body

Time: 6360.48

health and can enhance

Time: 6362.58

focus and cognitive ability

Time: 6365.34

this is especially true in developing

Time: 6367.92

brains and there's actually an extensive

Time: 6370.199

data out of a laboratory at University

Time: 6371.76

of California Santa Barbara talking

Time: 6373.26

about how mothers who supplement

Time: 6375.96

Omega-3s in particular the epas although

Time: 6378.3

they also need to get the dhas

Time: 6380.4

that leads to Greater brain weights and

Time: 6383.639

health of Offspring this is something we

Time: 6385.679

will definitely explore in a future

Time: 6386.699

episode likely with an expert guest

Time: 6388.679

who's doing that work in that laboratory

Time: 6390.6

at UC Santa Barbara

Time: 6393.42

the point here is that if somebody has a

Time: 6396.48

limited budget to purchase supplements

Time: 6399.54

and cannot afford a foundational

Time: 6401.88

supplement in the sort that we talked

Time: 6403.199

about earlier athletic greens are

Time: 6404.639

similar but they do have a budget that

Time: 6406.8

would allow them to purchase a high

Time: 6408.6

quality Omega-3

Time: 6410.46

fatty acid fish oil that would and to

Time: 6412.619

ingest it in quantity sufficient enough

Time: 6414.84

to get above that one gram of EPA per

Time: 6417.9

day again this is really important if

Time: 6419.52

you look at the product labels you'll

Time: 6420.96

often see you know 1500 or 1600

Time: 6423.6


Time: 6426.06

of essential fatty acids but the key is

Time: 6429.179

you get above that one gram of EPA per

Time: 6432.6

day threshold and as high as three grams

Time: 6434.28

per day we had a guest on this podcast

Time: 6435.6

Dr Rhonda Patrick who takes anywhere

Time: 6437.76

from I believe three to four maybe even

Time: 6439.699

more grams of EPA per day for a variety

Time: 6443.46

of reasons including some of the reasons

Time: 6444.9

we're discussing now before we move on

Time: 6446.82

to discussing some of the more Global

Time: 6448.26

themes related to developing a rational

Time: 6449.94

supplementation protocol

Time: 6451.8

I do want to touch on this vast category

Time: 6454.739

of supplementation that includes

Time: 6456.36

food-based or food mimic type

Time: 6458.4

supplements so this would be for

Time: 6460.5

instance whey proteins or milk proteins

Time: 6463.44

or egg proteins or plant proteins that's

Time: 6466.26

a discussion that in and of itself

Time: 6468.06

deserves an entire episode if you want

Time: 6471.119

to understand which types of protein and

Time: 6473.58

source of proteins are going to be the

Time: 6475.8

most bioavailable the best for protein

Time: 6478.44

synthesis for recovery from exercise

Time: 6480

building muscle Etc I'd like to refer

Time: 6482.4

you to a segment within the episode that

Time: 6484.739

I did with Dr Lane Norton where he talks

Time: 6486.659

about total protein needs per day it's

Time: 6488.82

about one gram per pound of body weight

Time: 6492.06

per day for most people although there's

Time: 6493.739

some variation depending on activity Etc

Time: 6495.98

and the quality of sourcing of those

Time: 6499.86

various proteins is extremely important

Time: 6501.84

and that of course leads to a discussion

Time: 6504.06

about the quality and type of protein

Time: 6505.32

that would be present in a supplement

Time: 6507.42

like a whey protein supplement or casein

Time: 6509.4

which is a milk protein based supplement

Time: 6512.219

that discussion is segmented and time

Time: 6515.639

stamped in the episode that I did with

Time: 6517.5

them you can find at he

Time: 6519.36

actually pointed to some interesting

Time: 6520.56

data on potato protein as perhaps being

Time: 6524.04

a great plant-based substitute for those

Time: 6525.84

that don't want to take whey-based

Time: 6527.04

protein but the fact that whey-based

Time: 6528.96

proteins can be very useful for getting

Time: 6531.96

to and above a protein threshold for all

Time: 6535.139

sorts of reasons not just for muscle

Time: 6537.659

building although it's great for that

Time: 6539.04

but for other purposes as well

Time: 6541.56

and that's about one category of

Time: 6544.92

food-based or food mimic type

Time: 6546.6

supplements there are for instance

Time: 6548.88

branched chain amino acids there are for

Time: 6551.1

instance green tea supplements there's a

Time: 6553.679

huge landscape of this far too much for

Time: 6555.719

us to get into in any kind of

Time: 6557.88

um reasonable detail but I do want to

Time: 6560.46

acknowledge that those all exist the key

Time: 6563.52

thing to understand is that while they

Time: 6565.86

can serve a great role in providing

Time: 6568.58

replacement for meals that you perhaps

Time: 6572.04

couldn't have consumed otherwise and

Time: 6574.44

while they often are very convenient

Time: 6575.94

because you can drink as opposed to eat

Time: 6577.32

your calories I think that most people

Time: 6579.179

would agree that

Time: 6581.28

getting some significant fraction of

Time: 6583.98

your nutrition from Whole Foods is going

Time: 6586.08

to be useful for a variety of reasons in

Time: 6588.3

particular the fiber that comes along

Time: 6589.5

with it the bulk of the food that tends

Time: 6591.239

to make us feel sated

Time: 6592.8

and of course the fact that a lot of

Time: 6595.199

vitamins and minerals and other things

Time: 6596.639

that are contained within Foods as well

Time: 6598.739

as essential fatty acids in foods like

Time: 6601.08

animal-based proteins are not going to

Time: 6603

be present in most if not all of those

Time: 6605.82

kind of food mimic type powders and

Time: 6608.1

replacements for food another point is

Time: 6610.679

this question about

Time: 6612.199

age-related effects so for instance

Time: 6615.48

should kids be taking supplements well I

Time: 6617.76

mentioned earlier that there's some

Time: 6619.139

evidence that making sure that kids are

Time: 6620.699

getting enough omega-3 fatty acids can

Time: 6622.92

be beneficial they certainly could get

Time: 6624.3

those from food-based sources just look

Time: 6625.739

up online food-based sources of omega-3

Time: 6627.96

fatty acids and epas and you'll see

Time: 6629.58

lists there

Time: 6631.02

some people choose to supplement on top

Time: 6632.76

of that in particular in kids that are

Time: 6635.76

developing very quickly

Time: 6637.26

I regardless of whether or not they're

Time: 6639.9

consuming enough epa's from food some

Time: 6642.6

parents choose to supplement on top of

Time: 6644.28

that I am personally not a fan of

Time: 6647.639

children taking melatonin for the reason

Time: 6649.739

that melatonin is already chronically

Time: 6651.42

elevated in kids and there's a growing

Time: 6653.34

body of literature that melatonin

Time: 6655.5

supplementation in kids can be

Time: 6657.84

potentially harmful I don't want to

Time: 6659.699

create alarm among those who've already

Time: 6661.26

been taking it or giving it to their

Time: 6662.639

kids or that gave it to their kids in

Time: 6664.139

the past but I do think that melatonin

Time: 6667.56

in particular should be approached with

Time: 6668.88

a lot of caution especially for kids and

Time: 6672.3

then of course there's the issue of

Time: 6673.98

whether or not all these other

Time: 6674.94

supplements that we've discussed whether

Time: 6676.44

or not kids can take them safely and

Time: 6678.3

again it's highly individual I would say

Time: 6680.46

that for the supplements that relate to

Time: 6682.86

hormone augmentation and support

Time: 6685.739

unless your physician a board-certified

Time: 6688.5

MD specifically recommends them I would

Time: 6691.5

strongly suggest avoiding intake of

Time: 6694.32

those things until at least after

Time: 6696.48

puberty and probably in to the late

Time: 6698.94

teens and early 20s because the body and

Time: 6701.639

brain are still developing and hormone

Time: 6703.139

systems are still active even though

Time: 6704.94

puberty may happen between ages you know

Time: 6707.159

11 and 14 or even 15. puberty can be a

Time: 6710.58

long lasting event with a long taper and

Time: 6712.679


Time: 6713.699

on it so you want to be cautious about

Time: 6715.76

augmenting hormones in young people

Time: 6718.56

through the use of supplementation

Time: 6719.82

unless a physician is working very

Time: 6721.619

closely with you or rather you with them

Time: 6724.139

and then in ages of say 22 years old 24

Time: 6726.78

and older I don't see any reason why

Time: 6729.9

people who are in their 50s or 60s would

Time: 6732.659

have any different protocols than people

Time: 6734.159

in their 30s and 40s except perhaps in

Time: 6736.86

the domain of cognitive enhancement

Time: 6738.3

where it might make sense again might

Time: 6740.46

provide it it can be done safely and

Time: 6742.56

with the consult of a physician

Time: 6745.32

it might be beneficial for people who

Time: 6747.179

are approaching their later years to

Time: 6748.679

consider increasing dosages or the

Time: 6750.719

variety of things and approaches that

Time: 6752.58

they take for cognitive enhancement

Time: 6754.199

because age-related cognitive decline is

Time: 6756.84

a reality there is no person that

Time: 6759

escapes that the question is whether or

Time: 6760.8

not the slope of that decline is very

Time: 6762.54

steep or very shallow and of course this

Time: 6765.179

is an opportunity for me to raise the

Time: 6767.159

point that I made much earlier and that

Time: 6768.96

I'll make over and over again because it

Time: 6770.58

really is the most important point to

Time: 6772.679

today's discussion which is that

Time: 6775.139

behaviors both exercise sleep making

Time: 6779.4

sure that your relationship to light

Time: 6780.96

getting sufficient sunlight early in the

Time: 6783.239

day and throughout the day if you can

Time: 6784.56

and limiting your viewing of bright

Time: 6787.26

artificial light in the late evening and

Time: 6789.659

especially between the hours of 10 pm

Time: 6791.159

and 4 a.m things of that sort all the

Time: 6793.619

do's and don'ts

Time: 6794.94

and of course cardiovascular exercise

Time: 6796.86

and resistance training exercise and

Time: 6798.54

maybe even flexibility training exercise

Time: 6800.6

topics we've covered extensively on this

Time: 6802.98

podcast and for which we'll soon have a

Time: 6805.26

special series airing with Dr Andy

Time: 6807.179

Galpin that gets into a lot of detail

Time: 6808.619

and protocol development that you can

Time: 6810.36

all employ

Time: 6811.679

all of that needs to be done at every

Time: 6814.86

age certainly past puberty in order to

Time: 6818.4

maximize cognitive function in order to

Time: 6821.639

maximize cardiovascular function in

Time: 6823.5

order to maximize focus and every aspect

Time: 6826.619

that we really all stand to and want to

Time: 6830.04

enhance when we think about

Time: 6831.06

supplementation so again get your sleep

Time: 6833.76

right do that by getting your

Time: 6835.139

relationship to light right get your

Time: 6837

exercise right Quality Social connection

Time: 6838.92

right and then of course there's that

Time: 6840.239

landscape of nutrition that we talked

Time: 6841.679

about extensively earlier and for which

Time: 6843.6

we have other episodes that really dive

Time: 6845.159

deep including that episode or I should

Time: 6847.56

say in particular that episode with Dr

Time: 6849.6

Lane Norton where we really took a full

Time: 6851.94

survey of the landscape of nutrition

Time: 6853.619

everything from protein needs vitamins

Time: 6855.54

minerals fiber microbiome it's a

Time: 6858.78

deep deep discussion with a lot of

Time: 6860.639

actionable takeaways if you're curious

Time: 6862.619

about nutrition and in particular if

Time: 6864.48

you're a vegan or vegetarian or

Time: 6867.36

carnivore based but even for the more

Time: 6869.58

common omnivores such as myself I found

Time: 6872.04

that to be an incredible Learning

Time: 6874.26

Journey thanks to Dr Lane Norton just so

Time: 6876.659

much useful knowledge in that episode if

Time: 6879.96

you want to learn more about nutrition

Time: 6881.159

the behavioral tools the nutritional

Time: 6883.26

tools are really going to serve as the

Time: 6885.42

primary two layers upon which your

Time: 6887.34

supplementation Protocols are going to

Time: 6889.02

rest and again I want to emphasize that

Time: 6890.639

your supplementation protocol may be

Time: 6892.92

zero supplements it could include no

Time: 6895.26

supplements whatsoever and that would be

Time: 6896.94

perfectly fine provided that you're

Time: 6898.5

sleeping as well as you want to and need

Time: 6900.179

to you're able to focus and work as well

Time: 6902.159

as you want to and need to you're able

Time: 6903.54

to perform physically as well as you

Time: 6905.46

want to and need to and you feel that

Time: 6906.6

your hormones and related functions are

Time: 6909.239

where you want them

Time: 6910.86

however for most people

Time: 6912.96

who are doing most everything right

Time: 6916.02

they want to explore how they can make

Time: 6918.6

things like their sleep their focus

Time: 6920.48

their hormone function even better and

Time: 6922.86

that's where supplementation makes a lot

Time: 6924.42

of sense and when I say it makes a lot

Time: 6926.04

of sense I mean it makes a lot of sense

Time: 6927.36

to explore in a rational and regimented

Time: 6929.699

way there are a couple of big themes

Time: 6931.32

that we've talked about a few times

Time: 6932.639

during today's podcast that I'd like to

Time: 6934.44

reiterate now because they are so

Time: 6936.239

crucial to developing a rational

Time: 6937.92

supplementation protocol the most

Time: 6940.02

important of which is unless we're

Time: 6941.82

talking about foundational nutritional

Time: 6943.8

support that is coverage of vitamins

Time: 6945.78

minerals digestive enzymes probiotics

Time: 6948.3

prebiotics and adaptogens

Time: 6951

we should really be focusing on single

Time: 6953.82

ingredient formulations foundational

Time: 6955.8

supplements that include all those

Time: 6957.36

things I just listed off all combined in

Time: 6959.76

One supplement are fine I simply don't

Time: 6961.8

see any other practical or reasonable

Time: 6963.659

way to get each and every one of those

Time: 6965.219

things through single ingredient

Time: 6966.9

formulations however when you want to

Time: 6969.3

start thinking about and actually

Time: 6970.739

practically exploring things like

Time: 6972.719

supplementation for sleep or Hormone

Time: 6974.58

Health or cognitive function the single

Time: 6976.739

ingredient formulations are going to

Time: 6978

give you the most power and control

Time: 6979.86

they're going to make sure that you can

Time: 6982.199

find the minimal effective doses that

Time: 6983.82

you can rule out things that are not

Time: 6986.1

effective for you or that may be

Time: 6988.8

detrimental for you in whatever fashion

Time: 6991.199

and it's not just about cost

Time: 6993.84

Effectiveness it's also about arriving

Time: 6996.08

at small kits or cocktails of

Time: 6998.82

supplements that you can really manage

Time: 7001.159

and work with that you're not dependent

Time: 7002.9

on but that you really feel can augment

Time: 7005

the various aspects of your health that

Time: 7007.04

are important to you so that's really

Time: 7008.54

what today's episode is about even

Time: 7010.34

though we had coverage of specific

Time: 7011.9

supplements and their functions in these

Time: 7013.94

different domains of mental and physical

Time: 7015.26

health and performance today's episode

Time: 7017.179

was really geared toward giving you

Time: 7019.88

resources and a framework to think about

Time: 7022.219

how to approach supplementation how to

Time: 7024.44

navigate sticking points and pain points

Time: 7026.48

in supplementation how to get the most

Time: 7029.36

out of your supplementation regimen

Time: 7030.98

without spending an excessive amount of

Time: 7032.96

money and if you don't have finances to

Time: 7036.08

allow for a lot of exploration of

Time: 7038

supplements how to narrow in on the most

Time: 7039.679

effective supplements the most quickly

Time: 7042.08

and derive all the benefits that you can

Time: 7045.199

from them and as a final point the that

Time: 7048.56

is redundant with a few of the themes we

Time: 7050.179

talked about today but that I don't

Time: 7051.38

think I ever really explicitly stated is

Time: 7054.44


Time: 7055.28

while the word supplement makes it sound

Time: 7057.44

like these compounds are something just

Time: 7060.26

to add on top of or compensate for

Time: 7062.78

deficiencies in nutrition or other areas

Time: 7064.88

of your life many of them are actually

Time: 7067.219

quite potent compounds these are potent

Time: 7070.46


Time: 7072.26

molecules that really can move the

Time: 7075.02

needle in terms of your ability to think

Time: 7077.06

more clearly sleep better support your

Time: 7079.58

hormone function but as always they are

Time: 7083

just one element within an ecosystem of

Time: 7085.76

other factors such as your behaviors

Time: 7088.219

which includes do's and don'ts such as

Time: 7090.139

your nutrition maybe even such as

Time: 7092.42

prescription drugs that you also might

Time: 7094.28

happen to be taking or hoping to be

Time: 7096.02

taking less of or removing completely

Time: 7098.599

again that has to be done in discussion

Time: 7100.34

with Physicians if you're going to do it

Time: 7101.84

at all but

Time: 7103.76

the real Point here is that what we call

Time: 7105.92

supplements are actually a powerful gear

Time: 7108.26

within a larger system aimed at each and

Time: 7111.56

every one of us customizing tools for

Time: 7113.84

our mental physical health and

Time: 7115.46

performance if you're learning from and

Time: 7117.38

or enjoying this podcast please

Time: 7119.239

subscribe to our YouTube channel that's

Time: 7120.92

a terrific zero cost way to support us

Time: 7122.84

in addition please subscribe to the

Time: 7125.179

podcast on Apple and Spotify and on both

Time: 7127.639

apple and Spotify you can leave us up to

Time: 7129.38

a five-star review if you have questions

Time: 7131.119

for us or topics you'd like me to cover

Time: 7132.739

or guess that you'd like me to invite

Time: 7134.599

onto the huberman Lab podcast please put

Time: 7136.82

those in the comments section on YouTube

Time: 7138.32

I do read all the comments also please

Time: 7141.08

check out the sponsors mentioned at the

Time: 7142.699

beginning and throughout today's episode

Time: 7144.26

that's the best way to support this

Time: 7146.179

podcast during today's podcast and on

Time: 7148.639

many previous episodes of The huberman

Time: 7150.02

Lab podcast we discuss supplements again

Time: 7152.78

while supplements aren't necessary for

Time: 7154.34

everybody many people can derive

Time: 7155.9

tremendous benefit from them we've

Time: 7157.94

partnered with momentous supplements

Time: 7159.5

because momentous supplements are of

Time: 7161.179

extremely high quality they have single

Time: 7163.159

ingredient formula relations and they

Time: 7165.139

ship internationally because we know

Time: 7166.58

many of you reside outside of the United

Time: 7168.32

States if you'd like to learn more about

Time: 7170

the supplements discussed on the

Time: 7171.08

huberman Lab podcast please go to live

Time: 7173.599

momentous spelled ous so that's

Time: 7175.219 huberman if you're not

Time: 7177.92

already following us on social media we

Time: 7179.659

are huberman lab on Instagram Twitter

Time: 7181.28

Facebook and Linkedin and in particular

Time: 7184.099

on Instagram I cover science and science

Time: 7186.619

related tools some of which overlap with

Time: 7188.78

the contents of the huberman Lab podcast

Time: 7190.159

much of which is distinct however from

Time: 7192.86

the contents of the huberman Lab podcast

Time: 7194.3

again it's huberman lab on all social

Time: 7196.34

media platforms and if you haven't

Time: 7198.26

already subscribe to our neural network

Time: 7200

newsletter it's a zero cost monthly

Time: 7202.46

newsletter you simply sign up with your

Time: 7204.8

email by going to the

Time: 7206.96

newsletter includes summaries of podcast

Time: 7208.4

episodes we have tool kits for Sleep

Time: 7210.619

tool kits for Focus tool kits related to

Time: 7213.56

deliberate cold exposure heat exposure

Time: 7215.119

and much much more again all zero cost

Time: 7217.34

you provide your email to sign up we do

Time: 7219.56

not share your email with anybody there

Time: 7221.48

are also sample newsletters there that

Time: 7223.34

you don't even need to sign up for you

Time: 7224.78

can just download the PDF or just view

Time: 7226.34

them on your computer or phone screen so

Time: 7228.739

thank you once again for joining me for

Time: 7230.119

today's discussion all about

Time: 7231.5

supplementation and more importantly how

Time: 7233.84

to develop a rational and especially

Time: 7235.699

effective supplementation protocol for

Time: 7237.8

you and last but certainly not least

Time: 7240.32

thank you for your interest in science

Time: 7242.47


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