DeepMind’s New Robots: An AI Revolution!

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Fellow Scholars, I think you are going to love  this. This is a follow up to an amazing project  

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where AI agents learn to play football/soccer.  Initially, they start out like this. Well,  

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learning is a strong word to use here. But now,  let’s jump 5 years in time, and look! They are  

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now competent players, but wait a second, was  this really 5 years of training? Yes it was,  

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however, not in our time, but in their time.  You see, if you have a powerful computer,  

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you can simulate these little AIs  much, much faster than real time.

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And now, we are going to look at a  similar, really exciting sim2real project,  

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which means that first, the agents learn to play  in a simulation, in a computer game if you will,  

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and then come out into the real world as real  robots to shoot a real ball. We talked a bit  

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about football robots too before, but the new  results are truly something else. However,  

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I am a little worried. I hear you asking,  Károly, why are you worried? Well, look  

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at this. In this earlier software project,  there was no referee, and therefore there  

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was no penalty of basically completely  destroying each other, and look at that.  

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Absolute pandemonium ensued. Now I am worried that  these little Robot Scholars are also going to beat  

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up each other really bad. So, do they? I will  tell you in a moment why this is not the case.

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Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute  Papers with Dr. Károly Zsolnai-Fehér.

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So, first, they learn in a video game world,  and I already see that this is going to be  

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quite tough. Look, 20 degrees of freedom. That  means 20 controllable joints. That gives us at  

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least 20 things that can go wrong. Ouch. This is  not going to be glorious, not in the slightest!  

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This means that we have to start out from the  humble beginnings. That controlling the arms  

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and the limbs of this robot will not be easy, so  much so that they first need to learn to stand,  

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walk, and of course, get up after falling.  Then, basic training in football. Wow,  

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this is not looking great. I wonder if enough  learning can happen here so we get to see anything  

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interesting? Not sure. Then, soccer training  against an opponent. This is not too impressive  

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at this point, and it will probably get even  worse upon uploading this AI into a real robot.

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Especially that these poor little robots barely  see anything, and when they start running,  

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oh my goodness. It gets even worse. So now  we see that this is a super difficult task,  

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so let’s see if it can be done at all.

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First, a penalty kick is simulated in the  video game world, and now, hold on to your  

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papers Fellow Scholars, and…yes! That was a  good kick! Finally! Learning is happening!

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But this is when things are going well. So what  if things are not going well at all? Well, after  

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a bit more learning, look how robust it became  against perturbations. What does that mean? Well,  

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this is a fancy way of saying that there was  lots of fun to be had in the lab that day. And  

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it can recover from all this. Wait! Not only  that, but it can even get up and score! Bravo!

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But it gets worse. I know that for a fact. Why  do I know that for a fact? Because I had the  

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huge honor of recording this piece of footage  myself in person at the Google DeepMind lab.  

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Look at that! Ouch! I did not expect that at  all, and it really shows how these robots can  

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fail in the most spectacular manner. Wow. And,  a big thank you to Google DeepMind for the trip.

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So, are they destroying each other? Not quite.  Why not? Because even though there we don’t have  

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a referee in person, they were told that the rule  is that if you get too close to the other robot,  

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you get a penalty. Whew! So we can expect peaceful  matches after this insanity from a previous work.

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And then, something incredible happened. After  playing more and more against themselves,  

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they learned new things, and now they  have 7 absolutely incredible new skills.

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One, they were also advised to avoid high knee  torques during the video game phase. Essentially,  

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they were taught to take it easy or  otherwise that knee is not going to  

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make it. I love that as soon as they are  locked into a somewhat human-like body,  

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they now have knee pain of sorts.  Welcome to the real world, little AI!  

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And, over time, yes! They learned to  walk and run a bit softer. So good!

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Two, they can now kick a moving ball. Three,  they learned to block the other robot’s shot  

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with their bodies, that is amazing. Four, can now  turn much better, and look. Five, they can also  

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do something that I did not expect at all. And  that is getting up…but from the back. So cool!

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Six, they can also anticipate what is  about the happen and position themselves  

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accordingly. And seven, their ball control  skills are also a thing of beauty. Bravo!

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And now, here comes the absolute crown jewel  result. The manufacturer of this robot has  

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little handcrafted scripts, programs that  control the robot for these movements. This  

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is what it looks like. These are carefully  crafted by engineers who know these models  

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really well. And now, let’s compare it to  their learned behavior in this project.  

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Oh my goodness. This is so much better!  And they learned all this by themselves.

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The AI agent now walks and turns 2-3 times faster,  

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takes only close to half as much time  to get up, and get this Fellow Scholars,  

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it even kicks a ball 34% faster than this  manufacturer baseline. Holy mother of papers!  

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This is an absolutely incredible paper and I feel  honored to witness it together with you. Wow.

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And note that this training could not  have been done entirely in the real world,  

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but first only in a video game world  because it would have taken too long,  

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and the robots could also have hurt  themselves in the process. But,  

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after learning in a video game, we get this  absolute miracle. And remember, in the game,  

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they can put in years and years of training  in just a few hours. What a time to be alive!

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