Coleman Ruiz: Overcoming Physical & Emotional Challenges

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford School of

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Medicine my guest today is Coleman Ru

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Coleman Ruiz is a former tier one Navy

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SEAL special operator I think it's fair

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to assume that most of you have never

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heard of Coleman ruy before and in fact

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it was part of his former life job

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description to be largely covert such

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that only his family and friends really

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knew what he did for a living he is

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however now living as a civilian and the

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reason I invited Coleman on this podcast

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was essentially to tell us his life

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story which of course includes his time

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in the SEAL Teams but includes so much

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more that I'm certain is of value to

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everyone today Coleman shares with you

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his remarkable Journey from childhood

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through his teenage years into the

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military and some of the things that

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happened during his time in the military

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which then informed his postmilitary

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civilian life and what it is to be a

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father a husband and somebody who has

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experienced tremendous loss at various

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stages of his life as well as tremendous

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Triumph indeed if ever there was a life

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that could be framed within the context

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of the so-called Heroes Journey it is

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the life of Coleman Ruiz Coleman ruiz's

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life is one that embodies focus and

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pursuit family and friends and love all

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the things that we think of in terms of

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having a rich life but also one that

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includes many unforeseen tragedies many

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unforeseen challenges both internal and

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external Coleman also shares with a rare

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an extraordinary degree of vulnerability

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the extent to which challenges in life

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both external and internal have helped

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shape him as a human being what follows

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is a discussion that everyone male

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female young or old and regardless of

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position in life is sure to derive

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tremendous benefit from before we begin

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I'd like to emphasize that this podcast

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is separate from my teaching and

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research roles at Stanford it is however

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part of my desire and effort to bring

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zero cost to Consumer information about

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science and science related tools to the

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general public in keeping with that

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theme I'd like to thank the sponsors of

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today's podcast our first sponsor is

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betterhelp betterhelp offers

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Professional Therapy with a licensed

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therapist carried out entirely online

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I've been doing therapy for over 30

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years initially I started therapy

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because well I was required to in order

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to stay in school but eventually I just

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decided to keep doing it because I found

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it to be very beneficial there are

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essentially three things that great

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therapy provides first of all it

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provides a rapport with somebody that

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you can trust and talk about all issues

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with second of all they can provide

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support in the form of emotional support

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or directed guidance and third expert

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therapy can provide useful insights that

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you wouldn't have otherwise had access

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to in fact I consider doing regular

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therapy as important as working out

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one's body in the gym or through

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cardiovascular exercise and with better

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help scheduling and doing therapy

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becomes extremely convenient they can

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match you to a therapist that can

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provide those three things excellent

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Rapport support and insight and they can

Time: 187.44

do so on a schedule that matches yours

Time: 189.68

if you'd like to try betterhelp go to

Time: 191.68 huberman to get 10% off

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your first month again that's

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huberman today's episode is also brought

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To Us by Maui Nei venison Maui Nei

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venison is the most nutrient-dense and

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delicious red meat available I've spoken

Time: 207.239

before on this podcast and with several

Time: 209.36

expert guests on this podcast about the

Time: 211.56

fact that most of us should be seeking

Time: 213.239

to get about one gram of quality protein

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per pound of body weight every day not

Time: 218.4

only does that protein provide critical

Time: 220

building blocks for things like muscle

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repair and synthesis but also for

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overall metabolism and health eating

Time: 226.159

enough quality protein each day is also

Time: 228

a terrific way to saave off hunger one

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of the key things however is to make

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sure that you're getting enough quality

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protein without ingesting excess

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calories mauii venison has an extremely

Time: 237.76

high quality protein per calorie rate

Time: 239.799

ratio such that getting 1 gram of

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protein per pound of body weight is both

Time: 243.72

easy and doesn't cause you to ingest an

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excess of calories also Maui Ney venison

Time: 248.439

is absolutely delicious they have

Time: 250.28

venison steaks they have ground venison

Time: 252.599

and they have venison bone broth I

Time: 254.599

personally like all of those in fact I

Time: 256.4

probably eat a Maui Nei venison Burger

Time: 258.32

pretty much every day and occasionally

Time: 260.239

I'll swap that for a Maui Nei steak and

Time: 262.32

if you're really on the go they have

Time: 263.56

Maui Nei venison jerky which has 10 g of

Time: 266.479

protein per stick at just 55 calories if

Time: 269.16

you'd like to try try Maui Nei venison

Time: 271

you can go to mauii venison

Time: 273.52

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Time: 276.44

again that's Mau NE venison

Time: 279.199

tocom today's episode is also brought To

Time: 281.759

Us by eight sleep eight sleep makes

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Smart mattress covers with cooling

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Heating and sleep tracking capacity now

Time: 287.919

I've spoken many times before in this

Time: 289.479

podcast about the critical need to get

Time: 291.52

sleep both enough sleep and enough

Time: 293.72

quality sleep when we do that everything

Time: 295.88

our mental health our physical health

Time: 297.479

performance in any sports or School Etc

Time: 299.919

all get better and when we're not

Time: 301.4

sleeping well or enough all those things

Time: 303.6

suffer one of the key things to getting

Time: 305.28

a great night's sleep is that your body

Time: 307.12

temperature actually has to drop by

Time: 308.639

about 1 to 3 degrees in order to fall

Time: 310.919

and stay deeply asleep and in order to

Time: 312.919

wake up feeling refreshed your body

Time: 314.32

temperature actually has to increase by

Time: 316.08

about 1 to 3 degrees one of the best

Time: 318.319

ways to ensure that happens is to

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control the temperature of your sleeping

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environment and with Aid sleep it makes

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it very easy to do that you program in

Time: 326.039

the temperature that you want at the

Time: 327.12

beginning middle and end of the night

Time: 328.759

you can even divide temperature for two

Time: 330.44

different people if you have two

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different people sleeping in the bed and

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it tracks your sleep it tells you how

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much slow wave sleep and rapid eye

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movement sleep you're getting it really

Time: 337.8

helps you dial in the correct parameters

Time: 339.6

to get the best possible night sleep for

Time: 341.4

you I've been sleeping on an eight Sleep

Time: 342.919

mattress cover for well over 3 years now

Time: 345.199

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Time: 347.28

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Time: 348.6

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Time: 351

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Time: 354.479

cover eight sleep currently ships in the

Time: 356.44

USA Canada UK select countries in the EU

Time: 359.4

and Australia again that's

Time: 362.68

huberman and now for my conversation

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with Coleman Ru Coleman Ru welcome thank

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you very excited to see you it's great

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to have you

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here I'm guessing most people are

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probably not familiar with Coleman ruy

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so let's start at the

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beginning where were you born what was

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the context of your home

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life and maybe let's get up to maybe

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elementary school middle school and uh

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whatever top Contour or deep details you

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want to get into yeah we're all yours

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okay I'll bring us up to seventh grade

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because I would say that was probably

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the first big inflection point in my

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life I grew up in I was born in New

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Orleans in a suburb called East New

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Orleans East we call it and uh have

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older sister two younger brothers my dad

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was a

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welder my mom was a dental assistant and

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we had a couple of boxers in the

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dogs and we had a very

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modest very modest upbringing I won't

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overd dramatize it but you know

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admittedly you know sometimes we got

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cheese from the lady across the street

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who didn't want her welfare cheese and

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it was one of those you know I could

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tell my parents were fighting for every

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nickel and but it was great I mean my

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cousin grew up across the street from me

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he's exactly my age we had that at least

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some of my memory Andrew of it was it

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was very very pleasant I learned later

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that you forget a lot of things in your

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childhood were unpleasant but my initial

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memories when I started thinking about

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this kind of thing and you know as you

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and I have discussed getting

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professional help and you start to learn

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a little bit more about your childhood

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but I remember it being very pleasant

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you know we've you've told me about your

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background and skateboarding and stuff

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you know we skateboarded the

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neighborhood BMX was a big thing when we

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were kids it was very much a rat the

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streets upbringing there was a park

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behind the neighborhood we would cut

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through the fence and go you know this

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kind of thing I played football and

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baseball and very normal in that regard

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went to the neighborhood school and then

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in sixth grade I went to what was my

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high school but it went it went fifth

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through 12th called Holy Cross High

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School in the Lower Ninth Ward which

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that spot is now vacated because the

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school I went back after Hurricane

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Katrina the whole school had to be moved

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and I went there in seventh

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grade and it was a hellacious start I

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mean it was detention after detention

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you know fist fight after fist fight and

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damn near were you the instigator of

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those fights probably some I definitely

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fell in with the wrong crowd initially

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in that sixth and seventh grade years

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and um I wouldn't say it was so extreme

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that like it was complete Mayhem but I

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was definitely on you know problem

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situation number whatever when my

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parents were called in and it was kind

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of the last straw type thing and um I

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got cut from baseball my grades were

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fine I was always a pretty good student

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it was just teenager

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Shenanigans and then I went out for

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wrestling can can I just uh pause you

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for a second so on the the violence part

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um have a little bit of experience with

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this but uh violence can come from

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trying to protect others yeah uh

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instigating uh it can come from the wild

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just trying to you know see what it

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feels like

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experimentation and any number of other

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things all the way to Pure sociopathy

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which we know you you are not um and

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weren't do you recall feeling something

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inside that inspired this was it for

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attention did it feel good

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afterwards um yeah can you recall what

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it was about I think it was the wildness

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thing Andrew honestly it

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wasn't I mean I believe I don't have a

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malicious Bon my body like we all have

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that in us obviously my profession later

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in the military you know I was able to

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activate that and I feel like I still

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can and I was certainly able to in

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sports which is why that seventh grade

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year was really

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pivotal but even now it's funny it's

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even funny you ask about the wildness

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because let me put it in movie terms

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like one of my favorite movie scenes of

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all time is in the movie The Town when

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Ben Affleck walks in the room J rener is

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the you know his his partner essentially

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and he walks in the room and he says

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we're going to hurt somebody I can't

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tell you where and I can't tell you when

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and he pauses and Jeremy rener takes

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maybe a 3se second pause and he says

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whose car are we taking he doesn't even

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ask you know he's just they're just wild

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and excited about doing something wild I

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don't promote like going to hurt

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somebody of course sure were you the

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Affleck or the rener Affleck excuse me

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or rener in that I

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was I I feel like I was mostly the

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rener put it this way if if you have

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some good idea this

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afternoon like let's go try this

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I'm good I'm ready and I think it's just

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exciting you know I I I hate rules I

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hate being told what to do it's one of

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the things that was so frustrating about

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the military I the rules are in place

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for a reason they're Written in Blood I

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get all that but we're so constrained

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sometimes I think that was just all

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coming into fruition that seventh grade

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year and I enjoyed going wild like it

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was just fun and frankly we weren't

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these fist fights and this trouble

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wasn't like going to get some kid those

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other kids wanted the wildness too you

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know and so but the school didn't want

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that and then I went out for wrestling

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that year and I could put it all into

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the wrestling room and it was

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awesome before we talk about wrestling

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and why it was so meaningful as a

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channel for you

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uh a little bit of neurobiology or else

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I wouldn't be great uh Andrew huberman

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uh there's a really interesting

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phenomenon that one observes in both

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animals and humans which is that

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somewhere around adolescence MH when the

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hormone surge begins but even before

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that there's a phenomenon called

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dispersal um it's very different than

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fighting per se or sexual activity per

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se it's a it's a literal dispersal from

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one's home environment or an animals a

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nest in which animals and humans and

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we're animals after all start forging

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new environments in in a very as you

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point out chaotic way it's not organized

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it's a little nuts and it um and

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biologists and neurobiologists in

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particular have observed changes in

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neural circuitry that that drive this so

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some of it's hormonal but a lot of it is

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the brain taking all this input that one

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has been exposed to sun earth food

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others social interactions and starting

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to essentially throw the different

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Paints the different colors of paint

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together and just trying things um some

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kids are more uh prone to this than

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others certainly has a hormonal

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component boys and girls tend to do this

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differently but they both Do It um and

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psychologists and neurobiologists see

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this as a fundamental shift in our

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underlying circuitry so um just a little

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bit of food for thought to put what you

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just described in context with that said

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tell us about wrestling I mean Andrew in

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many ways like I said that was the first

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inflection point it was

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like immediate I mean immediate uptake

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within a week I knew this was my thing

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maybe maybe the first practice what do

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you think it was so when I was younger

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my aunt and uncle when I was like seven

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years old they started taking me to road

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races and I'm sure uh just running races

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one mile and 5K races when I was really

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small kid for you to run mhm to run with

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them they were into the road racing

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thing back in the day when it was brand

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new you know the ' 80s um I'm 48 so I

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was born in 75 so I was seven you know 8

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years old at the

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time and I was into like obviously can I

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win this race I just the

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pain of the effort was so

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comfortable and then it's kind of silly

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but like I won the P PT competition at

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like the Boy Scouts thing in otan park

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is physical yeah physical training

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physical training so I won like the

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whatever when I was young in Boy Scouts

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or something and and then it just

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snowballed then I was just like the

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activity still today is I mean if

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someone said what are you really in love

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with it's it's that and so when I walked

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into the wrestling room it was so

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extreme compared to anything else I had

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ever done football baseball whatever I

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never really liked any of those Sports I

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played them all um but I didn't like him

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and always my dad wrestled in high

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school and college and um we were we

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were you know always rough and tumble in

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that regard and I haven't have a couple

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of buddies in the teams you know who

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obviously we're College wrestlers

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there's a lot of wrestlers in the teams

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and people would always joke about how

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we're so handsy and you know our hands

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are always on each other and that was

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just a thing for us like I loved the

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close contact I love the fight of it

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what I really love about Combat Sports

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cuz I boxed in high school between

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Seasons um was the respect

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tell me more about that you just don't

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have there are some of course like you

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can see guys hyping it up and doing

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their thing in UFC these days and that's

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totally fine but for the most part if

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you have fighters of any type like in a

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setting when they don't have to do you

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know the stuff for TV and

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whatnot they respect each other because

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and they respect the effort and because

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you know what it takes and you know how

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hard it is to face another man in the

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middle of a mat with no equipment and

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nowhere to run and no timeouts and no

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one to tap in that's extreme you know

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and it may not seem like high school

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wrestling is Extreme but as you just

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mentioned something about you know

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development when you're 14 and you're

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facing another like that's the first

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time is someone trying to take your life

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no they're not but it feels that way and

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then you go and you put in all these

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hours of training and you don't eat

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during the week and you run stadiums or

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you run levies and you know fireman's

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carries and and all of it while you're

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not eating and making weight and you're

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in the sauna and it's just a very tough

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thing to do Combat Sports and I love the

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respect that it engenders between the

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people who do it I think it was Sam

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Sheridan who wrote A Fighter's heart uh

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an excellent book and for anyone male or

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female age who's interested in the human

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Spirit uh I recommend a Fighter's heart

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because it's about the different fight

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sports but it's really about um the path

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self-discovery that occurs in various

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martial arts and as you said like

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especially boxing is very gentlemanly

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you touch gloves you start you know then

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the you know the Bell goes off you go to

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your corner like it's you know sometimes

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people lose it bite off people's ears

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and things like that but but for the

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most part the sport is very um

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structured um as you were doing this uh

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what was happening with school um did it

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help uh your academic studies did it

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keep them more or less the same and how

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did your family and your peer group view

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what you were doing were you considered

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strange for liking wrestling so much I

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mean you're dieting right you're a young

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male dieting for purpose of sport and

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performance you're sitting in saunas

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you're running in wrapped in plastic

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bags all this like I mean uh a good

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friend of ours who was also in the Ste

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teams uh said one said to me he said you

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know wrestlers are different and I think

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he meant different in quotes yeah I

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think that's true um I you know School

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my grades immediately went up Andrew it

Time: 1089.679

was like oh my gosh the discipline of

Time: 1092.28

all of it my grades were always better

Time: 1095.88

in wrestling season than out of

Time: 1097.32

wrestling season interesting like when I

Time: 1099.12

was cut loose out of the structure then

Time: 1102.159

it wasn't good and and and you know

Time: 1104.32

between seventh and eighth grade and all

Time: 1105.919

that I didn't have any crazy Shenanigans

Time: 1107.28

going on I wasn't going to get kicked

Time: 1108.48

out of school whatever I was doing

Time: 1109.6

normal stuff for the age but so the

Time: 1111.76

fight stopped totally totally because I

Time: 1114.64

could put it into I could put it into

Time: 1116.96

the wrestling space you know and I think

Time: 1119.64

I grew up obviously in New Orleans and I

Time: 1122.4

think you know down there it's baseball

Time: 1124.52

football basketball wrestling is not I

Time: 1126.559

mean I was lucky to wrestle in college

Time: 1128.2

at all because it wasn't like Iowa was

Time: 1130.72

looking to recruit me you know they have

Time: 1132.32

plenty of people to recruit and they

Time: 1133.76

don't need any Louisiana wrestlers

Time: 1135.76

although Daniel Cormier grew up like

Time: 1137.96

north of the lake was four four years

Time: 1139.559

younger I was telling this to somebody

Time: 1141.48

we don't know each other I'd love to

Time: 1142.919

meet him super impressive athlete we

Time: 1146.2

heard that hey there's some kid up in

Time: 1149.28

the NorthShore um I think is where he

Time: 1151.72

grew up whooping everybody's ass and his

Time: 1154.44

name's Daniel Cormier and then you know

Time: 1155.919

obviously the rest is history but the

Time: 1157.72

sport is not big in Louisiana which is

Time: 1159.32

all to say that we were kind of a

Time: 1162.12

unicorn we had was very odd at my high

Time: 1165.4

school specifically we had one coach his

Time: 1167.84

son either National runner up his name

Time: 1170.799

was Willie Gatson Willie's Willie passed

Time: 1172.76

away I think his son ended up at Iowa

Time: 1175.159

State and within the last five or six

Time: 1176.679

years was either a national champ or a

Time: 1177.96

runner up Willie when I was in eth grade

Time: 1180.6

Andrew Willie was at my high school like

Time: 1183.159

I have no idea how Willie got and ended

Time: 1185

up in New Orleans but we ended up with

Time: 1187.12

this cluster of wrestlers at that time

Time: 1190.6

with the right coaching and a few kids

Time: 1192.76

were going to Junior College and coming

Time: 1194.36

back and wrestling in college and coming

Time: 1196

back and there were three or four guys I

Time: 1199.64

remember specifically in eighth grade

Time: 1201.2

because I started at least in the junior

Time: 1202.64

high ranks I started to take off my

Time: 1205.039

second year these guys would abuse me in

Time: 1208.4

the wrestling room they were seniors in

Time: 1209.88

high school I was 112 PBS or 132 pounds

Time: 1212.799

my freshman year and they would just in

Time: 1214.84

my eighth grade year and they would just

Time: 1215.96

abuse me Define abuse in all the legal

Time: 1218.6

normal wrestling ways like there's the

Time: 1222.44

wrestling gets broken up obviously by

Time: 1224

weights you got the heavy weights on one

Time: 1225.159

end of the room the lightweights on the

Time: 1226.559

other end of the room and the young kids

Time: 1227.84

stay with the young kids for the most

Time: 1229.2

part and a few of these guys would drag

Time: 1231.64

me down to the varsity end and I would

Time: 1233.28

wrestle with the middleweights and they

Time: 1234.6

would beat the out of me

Time: 1238.52

and eventually you get to the point

Time: 1240.52

where you're like this I have I had

Time: 1242.2

enough you know and that's when sort of

Time: 1244.159

things started to turn but I think that

Time: 1247.039

wrestlers are different and my peer

Time: 1249.559

group one or two of my really good

Time: 1251.6

friends wrestled but most of them played

Time: 1254.08

other sports and

Time: 1255.76

so but in in every sense of the word

Time: 1259.4

life got better for me because of that

Time: 1261.08

sport it changed my life so you wrestled

Time: 1264.24

all through high school oh yeah yep at

Time: 1266.679

at that point were you discovering

Time: 1268.64


Time: 1269.88

girls um were you partying were you a

Time: 1273.6

drinker use drugs no drugs I mean it's

Time: 1277.12

New Orleans right it's like one of the

Time: 1278.36

things it was tough I'm glad I got out

Time: 1281

of the city frankly because it was Party

Time: 1283.039

Time Out outside the season yeah girls

Time: 1286.159

Girlfriends normal stuff in that regard

Time: 1288.679

lots of drinking lots of rat in the

Time: 1291.08

streets you know in those days in the

Time: 1293.36

90s um but you kept it inside the lane

Time: 1296.039

lines sounds like no drunk driving no

Time: 1298.559

arrest we did a little bit of that but

Time: 1300.799

not nothing crazy in that regard I think

Time: 1303.2

I understood the consequences and I

Time: 1304.64

really cared about my career I really

Time: 1306.84

wanted to wrestle in college my grades

Time: 1308.52

were excellent my SAT scor is not so

Time: 1310.919

much but

Time: 1313.039

um I started winning really fast and you

Time: 1316.4

know my last two years in high school I

Time: 1317.72

was 89 and0 and I almost won my

Time: 1320.679

sophomore year so I was runner up in the

Time: 1324.12

state my sophomore year I always joke

Time: 1326.44

with the with the boys I my all my boys

Time: 1328.679

are way better athletes than I ever

Time: 1330.24

could think about being son yeah yeah

Time: 1332.4


Time: 1333.32

um but in eth grade I made varsity and

Time: 1335.84

it was like was eighth grade yeah and I

Time: 1337.84

lost like 75% of the matches you know

Time: 1341.799

but you just grinded out and it's how I

Time: 1344

got into the Naval Academy which is a

Time: 1345.2

whole another story but so let's talk

Time: 1347.279

about that so you finished finished high

Time: 1348.88

school mhm uh you head to the Naval

Time: 1351.559

Academy why the Naval Academy there's

Time: 1353.96

actually a crazy story behind this which

Time: 1355.919

maybe we Circle back to but

Time: 1359.559

um the

Time: 1361.76

summer gosh I had forgotten that this

Time: 1363.919

started in 7th grade too the summer

Time: 1366.24

between my seventh and eighth grade year

Time: 1368.039

my grandfather was

Time: 1370.2

too young to joined the Navy and he

Time: 1373.799

wanted to go to the Naval Academy um

Time: 1375.52

during World War II and he lied to the

Time: 1378

recruiter and got into the merchant

Time: 1380.36

marines his I'm pretty sure first cousin

Time: 1383.84

my uncle and my cousins are like first

Time: 1385.76

cousins once REM removed my Uncle Jim

Time: 1388.24

THL was at a family reunion in

Time: 1391.12

Mississippi which we were at and he

Time: 1394.12

didn't mention to Naval Academy family

Time: 1395.679

reunion ends they all go home and he

Time: 1398.36

starts sending me Naval Academy

Time: 1399.799

paraphernalia I knew nothing about the

Time: 1402.52


Time: 1404.24

and I just thought about it you know and

Time: 1406.76

he would send me stuff you know you

Time: 1408.2

didn't we didn't have the internet right

Time: 1409.64

you sending these booklets and you don't

Time: 1411.52

like Authority no so I I've not been in

Time: 1414.88

the military but I've done some work

Time: 1416.24

with yall and um there's a there's a lot

Time: 1419.36

of uh hierarchy and Authority yeah

Time: 1422.64

that's true it it the truth and was like

Time: 1424.72

it was just it just seemed exciting I

Time: 1426.52

wasn't really thinking about the

Time: 1427.52

implications as 18-year-olds you know it

Time: 1430.2

looked very exciting to me and having

Time: 1433.32

gotten some professional help in the

Time: 1435.24

intervening years what I really think

Time: 1437.12

was a big part of it was my parents got

Time: 1439.679

divorced my senior year in high school

Time: 1442.08

and the family unit just blew up right

Time: 1446.159


Time: 1447

so it also represented an escape you

Time: 1450.52

know get out and go get your life out of

Time: 1453.679

the New Orleans and just go just go do

Time: 1456.08

something were you a part of that uh

Time: 1459.559

that obviously you were a part of the

Time: 1461.48

family that got divorced was it chaotic

Time: 1464.76

was it uh controlled you and I are the

Time: 1466.799

exact same age we're both 48 born in 75

Time: 1470.399

um back then it was a lot less common

Time: 1472.44

for um people being they called them

Time: 1474.399

broken homes back then yeah you know um

Time: 1477.399

nowadays I don't think they call that

Time: 1478.96

everyone just cites the statistic that

Time: 1480.72

you know more than half of marriages end

Time: 1482.24

in in divorce as if it perhaps to

Time: 1484.84

normalize it um but that's more than

Time: 1486.6

half um do you recall feeling um

Time: 1490.32

distraught about that or was it just

Time: 1492.36

kind of the natural consequence of

Time: 1493.96

something you had observed a long time

Time: 1495.32

like oh that kind of makes sense that no

Time: 1496.88

it was a shock to me it wasn't shock to

Time: 1498.679

my older

Time: 1499.6


Time: 1502.64

um I just remember com this was the

Time: 1506.36

thought at the time I this is like

Time: 1508.399

seared in my brain this has nothing to

Time: 1510.919

do with

Time: 1512.72

me that wasn't like some sophisticated

Time: 1515.32

view it was mostly this I'm not

Time: 1517.24

dealing with this I have my own life

Time: 1519.84

they're going to have to do what they're

Time: 1520.799

going to do meaning my parents I'm

Time: 1522.48

getting the hell out of here not a bad

Time: 1524.36

mindset for a kid at that stage if it

Time: 1526.679

had been four years younger that might

Time: 1528

not be the the best mindset but as

Time: 1530

you're heading off to college that's

Time: 1532.12

reasonably healthy mindset as opposed to

Time: 1533.799

getting am meshed in the what happened

Time: 1536.08

in and this and that can I ask you at at

Time: 1538.6

that stage you're 17 18 years old at

Time: 1540.44

that point um were you journaling at

Time: 1543.039

that point no no no journaling no

Time: 1545.36

introspective work zero no school

Time: 1548.6

psychologist no no thinking about or

Time: 1550.6

talking about your feelings it's

Time: 1551.72

wrestling Naval Academy social things

Time: 1555.6

School SATs like like very standard

Time: 1558.279

we're almost like talking like a

Time: 1559.76

superficial list of like what happens at

Time: 1561.399

the end of high school in 1992 Andrew

Time: 1563.679

it's a the the word superficial and I

Time: 1565.96

carried this forward for years which I'm

Time: 1568.36

sure we'll talk about here in a

Time: 1570.44

second those binary Focus

Time: 1576.2

areas like I was literally just going

Time: 1578.799

after them at Full

Time: 1581.6

Steam Stronger Faster more intensity

Time: 1584.32

with zero introspection no excavation of

Time: 1587

the of the psychology of anything just

Time: 1589.52

full steam ahead like let's go no

Time: 1591.96

meditation no breath work

Time: 1594.399

zero which was not adaptive in the long

Time: 1598.36

run and we we'll get to uh how that

Time: 1601.24

played out in the long run but

Time: 1603.24

nonetheless um you got into the Naval

Time: 1605.72

Academy well didn't first okay so I

Time: 1608.24

applied I I get you know my uncle's

Time: 1610.48

doing all this stuff anyway I applied

Time: 1613.08

and I didn't I still have the letter the

Time: 1614.679

thanks but no thanks you know you're not

Time: 1616

qualified how'd that hit you

Time: 1618.84

at the time it hit me kind of like

Time: 1620.48

everything I did when that age when it

Time: 1622.679

didn't work out it admittedly Andrew it

Time: 1625.2

was it was

Time: 1626.679

like there's got to be a way around this

Time: 1630.72

like has to work out but it but it

Time: 1633.36

feels terrible right like it you have a

Time: 1635.12

moment of what do we

Time: 1636.52


Time: 1638.32

and my kids have heard the story a

Time: 1640.36

million times my wife was a blue chip

Time: 1642.279

swimming recruit for a navy and so she

Time: 1644.88

was into the Naval Academy when she was

Time: 1646.88

at the beginning of her senior year of

Time: 1648

high school right what's a blue chip I I

Time: 1651.399

mean in my understanding a blue chip is

Time: 1652.919

like you are at the very top of the list

Time: 1655

and the coaches put you straight into

Time: 1656.919

the admission cycle saying nobody else

Time: 1659.08

gets in until this person does so they

Time: 1660.48

wanted her they didn't want you I Not

Time: 1662.32

only was she a blue chip and I was and I

Time: 1664.2

got the no

Time: 1666.799

um I guess well the wrestling coach

Time: 1669.96

called me a couple of weeks after my no

Time: 1671.64

which is now in may I'm about to

Time: 1673.039

graduate from high school I'm not

Time: 1674.159

accepted anywhere you only applied one

Time: 1676.919

place actually to which you may bur bust

Time: 1680.24

out laughing when I tell you what the

Time: 1681.32

other one is because no internet I got a

Time: 1684.6

mailer in a pamplet from Stanford the

Time: 1687.24

wrestling coach I didn't know what

Time: 1689.48

Stanford was I had no idea that the

Time: 1692.48

college was even prestigious I didn't

Time: 1694.48

know they had a wrestling team I filled

Time: 1696.44

out the application and wrote the letter

Time: 1698.88

thing and I sent it into Stanford and of

Time: 1700.6

course never heard back from them but I

Time: 1702.159

applied to two places Stanford and the

Time: 1704.039

US Naval Academy well for those that

Time: 1706.279

follow wrestling I'm I get into either

Time: 1708.32

right uh that's a great story and I'll

Time: 1710.24

just briefly mention that a few years

Time: 1711.84

ago there almost wasn't a wrestling team

Time: 1713.76

at Stanford they uh had plans to cut the

Time: 1716.08

wrestling team despite having a NCAA

Time: 1718.72

champion at Stanford but you know the

Time: 1721.48

power of people Gathering and and

Time: 1723.399

petitioning works and um wrestling and a

Time: 1726.159

few other sports that were being cut

Time: 1727.48

from the curriculum um were spared it's

Time: 1731.519

amazing yeah rescued so happy to see

Time: 1733.76

that yeah so that so it Stanford does

Time: 1736.039

have a wrestling team so the coach the

Time: 1738.32

coach back to like how I ended up

Time: 1740.799

getting in I appreciated my my college

Time: 1743.84

coach called and he said there I'm

Time: 1745.12

recruiting I have one more spot at the

Time: 1746.88

prep school which is in Newport Rhode

Time: 1748.519

Island I'm recruiting another kid from

Time: 1751.279

Pennsylvania if he takes that spot then

Time: 1753.6

I don't have anything

Time: 1754.96

left and we were exploring going to prep

Time: 1757.96

school and stuff like that oblique ways

Time: 1759.44

to get in and he called me sometime in

Time: 1761.44

May like right around graduation and

Time: 1763.32

said can you be in Newport in July that

Time: 1765.88

kid went to I think he went to Lehi

Time: 1768.679

and I I went to the prep school so

Time: 1770.919

Newport Rhode Island yeah in Newport for

Time: 1772.32

a year and there it's a nice place yeah

Time: 1774.2

it's great yeah and so you wrestle for I

Time: 1776.48

mean you do school you know you're

Time: 1778.159

you're in West Point has a prep school

Time: 1780.44

and Colorado Springs has a prep school

Time: 1781.919

and so we joke that my wife was first

Time: 1784.72

person in our class accepted and I was

Time: 1787.24

last which is highly possible

Time: 1790.44

actually I'd like to take a brief break

Time: 1792.6

and acknowledge our sponsor ag1 by now

Time: 1795.519

most of you have heard me tell my story

Time: 1797.12

about how I've been taking ag1 once or

Time: 1799.24

twice a day every day since 2012 and

Time: 1801.6

indeed that's true I started taking ag1

Time: 1804.08

and I still take ag1 once or twice a day

Time: 1806.6

because it gives me vitamins and

Time: 1807.919

minerals that I might not be getting

Time: 1809.24

enough of from Whole Foods that I eat as

Time: 1811.72

well as adaptogens and micronutrients

Time: 1814.399

those adaptogens and micronutrients are

Time: 1816.08

really critical because even though I

Time: 1817.48

strive to eat most of my foods from

Time: 1819.64

unprocessed or minimally processed Whole

Time: 1821.48

Foods it's often hard to do so

Time: 1823.36

especially when I'm traveling and

Time: 1824.64

especially when I'm busy so by drinking

Time: 1826.799

a packet of ag1 in the morning morning

Time: 1828.399

and often times also again in the

Time: 1830

afternoon or evening I'm ensuring that

Time: 1832.36

I'm getting everything I need I'm

Time: 1833.799

covering all of my foundational

Time: 1835.2

nutritional needs and I like so many

Time: 1837.44

other people that take ag1 regularly

Time: 1839.519

just report feeling better and that

Time: 1841.399

shouldn't be surprising because it

Time: 1842.679

supports gut health and of course gut

Time: 1844.279

health supports immune system health and

Time: 1846.36

brain health and it's supporting a ton

Time: 1848.399

of different cellular and organ

Time: 1850

processes that all interact with one

Time: 1852.24

another so while certain supplements are

Time: 1854

really directed towards one specific

Time: 1855.76

outcome like sleeping better or being

Time: 1857.519

more alert ag1 really is foundational

Time: 1860.48

nutritional support it's really designed

Time: 1862.44

to support all of the systems of your

Time: 1864.159

brain and body that relate to mental

Time: 1865.96

health and physical health if you'd like

Time: 1867.679

to try ag1 you can go to drink

Time: 1870.799

huberman to claim a special offer

Time: 1873.279

they'll give you five free travel packs

Time: 1874.84

with your order plus a year supply of

Time: 1877

vitamin D3 K2 again that's drink

Time: 1881.88

huberman so you're in Newport does that

Time: 1885.399

have a a portal to the naval Academy

Time: 1888.32

yeah if you graduate prep school you're

Time: 1890

you're straight into the Naval Academy

Time: 1891.44

like they fully expect you to be there

Time: 1892.72

the next year when junior year rolled

Time: 1894.679

around M um and Senior rolled around of

Time: 1898.159

high school didn't anyone pull you aside

Time: 1900.399

and say Hey you might want to like apply

Time: 1902.279

to a few other

Time: 1903.519

places uh you might want to consider

Time: 1905.88

what you do if this doesn't work out

Time: 1908.2

what did they assume you were going to

Time: 1909.12

do they just head into the City of New

Time: 1910.639

Orleans and um bus

Time: 1913.279

tables zero guidance Andrew really like

Time: 1916.159

from my high school and I think

Time: 1920.399

think the ecosystem I was in like people

Time: 1923.399

just didn't really know how to do that

Time: 1925.559

you know how to apply to schools I mean

Time: 1927.32

my parents obviously helped when I

Time: 1929.36

applied to the Naval Academy but when I

Time: 1931.919

when I look at the system that kids go

Time: 1933.72

through now to go you know their process

Time: 1936.039

to find the best college

Time: 1938.44

experience I never had one conversation

Time: 1940.919

with a guidance counselor about what to

Time: 1944.08

do I just didn't I mean I just got very

Time: 1946.48

lucky a few people my

Time: 1948.639

my high school wrestling coach

Time: 1950

intervened I think at some point and

Time: 1952.159

called the Naval Academy to speak to the

Time: 1953.84

coach to say you should give this kid a

Time: 1955.08

chance but he didn't they didn't know

Time: 1956.6

who he was you know I'm so lucky and so

Time: 1960.44

fortunate that I ended up where I ended

Time: 1962.159

up it's it's why I took it so seriously

Time: 1965.679

like the focus with which I applied my

Time: 1970.559

time in high school the I took that to

Time: 1974.2

10x degree when I got to Newport because

Time: 1976.159

I knew this was my chance

Time: 1978.679

there's something magical to that I can

Time: 1980.12

relate to that so uh so you're in

Time: 1982.039

Newport yeah and describe what a day was

Time: 1985.159

like is it all wrestling you're taking

Time: 1987.88

general education classes like one does

Time: 1989.679

in the in the first two years of

Time: 1990.88

University yep so the way the way the

Time: 1992.96

prep school is set up for the Naval

Time: 1994.44

Academy is they're basically teaching

Time: 1995.679

you the first semester of the Naval

Time: 1997.399

Academy so you take calculus physics

Time: 2000.44

chemistry I think you take an English

Time: 2002.399

class Etc and um you go through like a

Time: 2006.399

pretty hellacious first couple of weeks

Time: 2008.279

cuz you're away from the flag pole where

Time: 2010.559

no one can hear you scream you know

Time: 2011.919

you're up in Newport you're not in

Time: 2013

Annapolis where Everyone's Watching and

Time: 2015.639

you do a couple hellacious weeks for an

Time: 2017.12

18-year-old who's never been in the

Time: 2018.44

military before so you're in the

Time: 2020.08

military technically if you go to this

Time: 2021.96

you're actually enlisted in the Navy

Time: 2023.679

okay so they they own you to some extent

Time: 2026.32

yeah yeah yeah they do and then you do

Time: 2029.24

you're wearing uniforms you're jogging

Time: 2030.799

in the morning you're doing salutes and

Time: 2033.039

marching Yep bugling they're doing Taps

Time: 2036.159

in the evening yep all of it got it yep

Time: 2038.559

and you live there's 300 people at the

Time: 2040.2

prep school it's distributed basically

Time: 2042.84

amongst folks coming from the fleet so

Time: 2045.08

guys who did four five years in the

Time: 2046.279

military somewhere and they're coming

Time: 2047.48

into the Naval Academy from the fleet

Time: 2050

and then athletes and then sort of a

Time: 2051.879

mixture of other folks who need a little

Time: 2053.639

extra school right and so and then you

Time: 2055.32

do a full school year you're competing

Time: 2057.48

it's basically a red shirt year that's

Time: 2059.879

not a red shirt year I competed up and

Time: 2062.04

down the East Coast against you know all

Time: 2064.079

the other prep schools and you finish

Time: 2066.599

that year in May and then you know

Time: 2068.599

you're done with the prep the prep year

Time: 2070.04

is fine it's a little bit of a a shock

Time: 2072.44

when you're 18 but it's fine always been

Time: 2075.2

curious about these military schools and

Time: 2076.96

the people that go to them and what

Time: 2078.2

happens to people there uh did you have

Time: 2080.72

any sense of patriotism prior to

Time: 2083.399

arriving at this prep school and did

Time: 2085.839

that sense of patriotism you know I'm

Time: 2087.679

talking like love of country uh

Time: 2091.399

understanding the the history of our

Time: 2093.359

country and its position in the in the

Time: 2094.919

international landscape are you thinking

Time: 2096.639

about that stuff are they feed you that

Time: 2098.76

or is it really like wrestling get

Time: 2100.64

through the March shower up go to the

Time: 2102.359

next thing is it is it very like plug

Time: 2104.28

and- chug no no the the feeding of and I

Time: 2107.2

really appreciated this the feeding of

Time: 2109.359

those Concepts starts when you get

Time: 2111.44

there but I was deer in the headlights

Time: 2113.72

and like I didn't think about my life in

Time: 2117.72

this way at all when I was headed there

Time: 2120.079

I mean what what you get very early

Time: 2122.92

because the

Time: 2124.76

school very quickly starts to bring

Time: 2127.32

really high level accomplished people

Time: 2130.2

Colonels Admirals whatever generals to

Time: 2132.119

expose you to this people I do remember

Time: 2134.76

sitting there that within

Time: 2137.52

weeks like this is way bigger than I

Time: 2140.56

thought it was in terms

Time: 2142.8

of how serious this situation is you

Time: 2146.48

know um and how serious this ecosystem

Time: 2149.44

of people take this because I didn't

Time: 2151.76

have my dad wasn't an admiral he was a

Time: 2154.4

welder in New Orleans you know I didn't

Time: 2156.68

understand the bigness of of it one of

Time: 2158.48

the reasons I asked this is that various

Time: 2160.44

times throughout my life I've had this

Time: 2161.72

experience of like seeing people close

Time: 2163.64

to me doing incredible work you know

Time: 2165.319

like when I was a post talk at Stanford

Time: 2166.64

I had Nobel Prize was given that one

Time: 2169.44

week to the guy next door to me yeah so

Time: 2172.2

you see him in the morning and like

Time: 2173.28

you're hearing it on the radio and uh

Time: 2175.64

obviously I didn't have that kind of um

Time: 2177.76

stature or talent in science I think I'm

Time: 2179.4

a good scientist but um good enough to

Time: 2181.92

you know get tenure at Stanford but then

Time: 2183.359

there there are levels within the game

Time: 2185.079

yeah but there is something very special

Time: 2186.8

to the experience of having people close

Time: 2189.68

to you physically and in the same

Time: 2191.44

ecosystem as you described it achieving

Time: 2194.119

amazing things I also saw this in

Time: 2195.4

skateboarding I mean there were a lot of

Time: 2197.72

uh let's just say uh failures uh to uh

Time: 2202.56

integrate with normal life but there

Time: 2204.119

were also some guys that I grew up with

Time: 2205.88

who started companies and set world

Time: 2207.68

records and you know had their Pro

Time: 2208.96

Models and then if you zoom out from

Time: 2210.68

that and you go wait I'm in this

Time: 2212.56

community it changes one's self viw

Time: 2214.68

about what's possible so I think that's

Time: 2217.24

what you're describing and I think it's

Time: 2219.16

such an important thing for people to

Time: 2220.64

experience at some point even if the

Time: 2222.72

goal isn't to be at kind of world scale

Time: 2225.319

you know for people to realize that the

Time: 2226.8

town they grew up and the family they

Time: 2228.119

grew up in that context can expand yes

Time: 2231.88

and so do you recall being at this prep

Time: 2234.079

school and kind of third personing

Time: 2236.48

yourself and thinking like well I'm

Time: 2238.2

Coleman Ruiz I'm from New Orleans I went

Time: 2240.52

from this to this to this the way you've

Time: 2241.839

been describing it and I'm here and

Time: 2244

they're like I'm around some incredibly

Time: 2246.4

impressive people and I'm here like once

Time: 2248.52

you make that recognition that you're

Time: 2250.4

there a whole bunch of things can open

Time: 2252.48

up no I actually came at it from the

Time: 2255.88

opposite way and this has been a hard

Time: 2257.319

thing for me my whole life and I have to

Time: 2258.76

watch out for this

Time: 2260.88

perspective is I felt like every day I

Time: 2265.319

had to wake up and earn my place there I

Time: 2269.119

was never good enough for myself

Time: 2271.24

ever so next day up is a restart to

Time: 2274.88

prove myself again on whatever standard

Time: 2278.28

I'm picking that day right looking back

Time: 2280.24

on it I

Time: 2281.599

realized it was somewhat arbitrary

Time: 2284.48

because it was just day by day I didn't

Time: 2286.96

think I'm Coleman Ru as I made it here

Time: 2289.16

look I'm part of this e i I was

Time: 2291.92

afraid like Mike Tyson talks about being

Time: 2294.52

afraid every time I was afraid every day

Time: 2298

and I fought

Time: 2301

for like a position in this place every

Time: 2304.88

day now that was adaptive in some

Time: 2307.079

regards right mm very because to me it

Time: 2311.359

was let's go like today's another new

Time: 2314.319

day and it's 100% Allin full go I hope

Time: 2318

everybody's ready did you ever recall

Time: 2320.48

falling asleep at night and thinking

Time: 2322.04

like well like I had a good day I had a

Time: 2324.96

good day or or I'm scared you know

Time: 2328.72

they're going to discover I can't keep

Time: 2330

up or I can't keep up all the time so a

Time: 2332.56

lot of fear I mean yeah yeah a lot of

Time: 2334.48

fear all the time and and some of it I

Time: 2337

do I I I genuinely know and believe

Time: 2339.64

Andrew that it was well-intentioned like

Time: 2341.28

I wanted to do a good job for the group

Time: 2343.359

whatever group I was in my platoon my

Time: 2345.52

squad in the case of the prep school you

Time: 2347.68

know that first

Time: 2349.44

experience I I mean I I was talking

Time: 2352.319

about this with with my wife the other

Time: 2353.96

day just because stories come up you

Time: 2355.76

know we had a 25th reunion at the Naval

Time: 2357.52

Academy and this kind of thing and um I

Time: 2360.96

was a really good runner for my group in

Time: 2363.96

high school like the people I was around

Time: 2366.079

I ran cross country when I was young and

Time: 2368

anyway I did I suppose I'm going the

Time: 2370.76

other I I sort of did have some level of

Time: 2373.28

confidence in my ability then I got

Time: 2375.4

there and like all these college cross

Time: 2376.8

country Runners are like my son is now

Time: 2378.92

just crushing me and I think sadly

Time: 2382.56

because it was just sort of in me that

Time: 2384.599

fed my fear like I thought I was

Time: 2387.92

better than this clearly I suck I have

Time: 2390.839

to get to their level so um I did have a

Time: 2394

very well-intentioned excitement around

Time: 2396.56

just do a good job with the people

Time: 2397.96

you're around there's something fun to

Time: 2400.359

that and wild you know as we spoke about

Time: 2403.319

um but I was operating out a fear for

Time: 2407.64

decades but there was a I need to get to

Time: 2409.92

their level statement in there it wasn't

Time: 2412.92

I can't keep up I better find a

Time: 2414.96

different path no no no no I knew I

Time: 2417.599

could I knew I could get to their level

Time: 2419.4

with enough work you know was that

Time: 2422.96

something that your your father or your

Time: 2424.839

mother or both had instilled in you that

Time: 2427

for sure MH yeah and my high school

Time: 2429.04

wrestling coach was

Time: 2430.96

um let's call it maybe from the old

Time: 2433.359

school mhm if you worked hard enough you

Time: 2436.2

could you could you could get there you

Time: 2437.96

know so this is the essence of growth

Time: 2439.24

mindset long before Carol D coined the

Time: 2441.72

the phrase growth mindset yeah yet when

Time: 2445.04

I first read a book I'm like don't

Time: 2447.319

people teach us this when we were

Time: 2449.04

kids yeah you know well some of us got

Time: 2451.44

it some of us didn't and it can be very

Time: 2453.599

context dependent right I think that's

Time: 2456.319

one of the more important often

Time: 2457.599

overlooked aspects of Carol's work and

Time: 2459.2

Ali crumb's work is that we can develop

Time: 2460.92

growth mindset in one domain of life but

Time: 2463.44

then another domain of life we get you

Time: 2465.119

know kicked in the teeth once and we're

Time: 2466.44

like I can't do that there's a carve out

Time: 2468.44

where I can't function some people do

Time: 2470.319

that some people don't and um and we

Time: 2472.44

don't understand enough about it um to

Time: 2474.76

understand you know whether or not it's

Time: 2476.599

a global circuit you know and it's

Time: 2478.72

there's a lot of context but okay so

Time: 2481.04

you're you're hanging in there at least

Time: 2484.04

you're surrounded by some very

Time: 2485.16

impressive people there's a lot of

Time: 2486.599


Time: 2487.8

so we're a long way from the pre-

Time: 2490.319

wrestling days when yeah this is the

Time: 2493.16

opposite of chaos totally this is

Time: 2495.44

structure yeah you told what to do every

Time: 2497.48

five minutes more or less and this is um

Time: 2500.76

scary feelings fear is a scary feeling

Time: 2503.52

uh but you're channeling it and you said

Time: 2506.079

the unit of the day became important

Time: 2508.52

it's like what can I do today yes you're

Time: 2510.24

not thinking about the week you're not

Time: 2511.56

thinking about the season you're not

Time: 2512.76

thinking about becoming some war hero

Time: 2515.64

down the line you're just 24 hours and

Time: 2519.68

do the next day yeah how was your

Time: 2521.079

selfcare at that point or is that built

Time: 2522.64

into the system it's not built into the

Time: 2524.52

system and it was Zero I mean it really

Time: 2527.64

was Andrew like it was the old

Time: 2530.64

school we were not doing anything

Time: 2533.48

sophisticated back

Time: 2535.76

then I mean there was no we

Time: 2539.559

stretched and in the grand scheme of

Time: 2542.68

things is going to sound weird because

Time: 2544.96

there still is a lot of you know primal

Time: 2547.599

nature to Combat Sports but in the grand

Time: 2551.839

scheme of things we were probably on the

Time: 2553.92

upper end of sophisticated like

Time: 2555.68

wrestlers jump rope they stretch they do

Time: 2558.359

aerobics you know um been in auna since

Time: 2563.04

1993 you know it's like not purposeful

Time: 2565.96

not for to cut weight in a garbage bag

Time: 2568.079

but there is some level

Time: 2570.24

of some level of balancing out your

Time: 2572.68

training you know wrestlers like to swim

Time: 2574.88

in the like during the season because

Time: 2576.4

you're getting out of that room like you

Time: 2578.079

end up accidentally doing some of these

Time: 2580.68

things but there was no selfcare so you

Time: 2583.68

eventually go to the Naval Academy MH 94

Time: 2586.44

the actual Naval Academy and that's

Time: 2588.4

where you met your wife yep in '96 my

Time: 2591.319

sophomore year so when you get there

Time: 2593

what what's different than the prep

Time: 2595.04

school first of all

Time: 2597.24

it's big in the macro not just

Time: 2601.24

geographically big or footprint square

Time: 2603.119

footage wise it's big the concept is Big

Time: 2606.48

you know

Time: 2607.92

like the superintendent of the school is

Time: 2610.44

a three star admiral you hear about his

Time: 2612.44

career you know you're 19 years old you

Time: 2614.96

meet so there's

Time: 2617.24

two incredibly important people in my

Time: 2621.88

life at in those early years at the

Time: 2624.119


Time: 2627.28

Academy a guy named Doug zbec who's dead

Time: 2629.839

now who most people of my service time

Time: 2635.76

will know who he is

Time: 2638.559

um when I was on my recruiting trip to

Time: 2641.8

the Naval Academy and I was in high

Time: 2643

school this is complete accident Doug

Time: 2645.319

was a sophomore we call him youngsters

Time: 2647.4

at the Naval Academy he was a sophomore

Time: 2649.2

and we're the same weight class so coach

Time: 2652.44

matched us up because it was my

Time: 2653.92

recruiting visit and my first this is

Time: 2658.079

back to being wild literally my first

Time: 2660.68

night on the grounds of the Naval

Time: 2662.24

Academy I'm sleeping on Doug zek's floor

Time: 2665.2

of his of his room with his other two

Time: 2666.64


Time: 2667.96

and sometime around 3: or 4

Time: 2670.4

a.m. I get woken up it's like a bomb

Time: 2674.28

goes off there's a bom didn't go off but

Time: 2676.76

there's 12 other gorillas in the room

Time: 2679.24

all wrestlers maybe one or two other

Time: 2683.28

guys and Doug is hustling I don't know

Time: 2686.8

any of these people Andrew like I just

Time: 2688.319

met Doug the previous evening we just

Time: 2690.04

flew into

Time: 2691.48

town he wakes me up he's hustling me to

Time: 2694.04

get my shoes

Time: 2695.16

on again I'm just this High School kid

Time: 2697.48

and then within 2 to 3 minutes all 15 of

Time: 2701.319

these gorillas bolt out of the room and

Time: 2704.72

Doug grabs me and I'm just following

Time: 2706.76

them right so we race out of boft Hall

Time: 2709

it's maybe 4 in the morning 3:30 4 in

Time: 2710.88

the morning we race out of boft Hall the

Time: 2712.8

barracks we run across the parking lot

Time: 2714.319

into Lun Hall in Lun Hall is the

Time: 2717.68

swimming facility and the wrestling

Time: 2720.68

room that's it that's the only thing

Time: 2722.72

that's in there right the doors we run

Time: 2725.52

up to Lun Hall the doors of Jun Hall are

Time: 2728.559

locked with a chain on the outside and

Time: 2730.96

one of our Doug pulls on the Chain so

Time: 2734.28

that the do open enough at the top that

Time: 2736.68

the 142 pounder can climb up and like

Time: 2738.96

get inside that little Gap in the doors

Time: 2741.2

and run over and open one of the doors

Time: 2742.76

that isn't chained this is what you'll

Time: 2744.2

later do professionally I still have

Time: 2746.2

exactly and what I frankly did as a kid

Time: 2748.44

like back in the day and so I'm

Time: 2751.2

terrified cuz I don't know what's coming

Time: 2753.119

you know and so you don't bother to ask

Time: 2754.559

what are we doing there's no time

Time: 2756.24

there's just no time like these guys are

Time: 2758.319

to me they're full-blown war heroes

Time: 2760.319

they're not they're college kids but I'm

Time: 2763.119

17 they're 21 all these wrestlers I'm

Time: 2766.839

hoping I'm going to come here and be

Time: 2767.92

their teammate you know we run into Lun

Time: 2770.64

Hall go to the Second Story we climb up

Time: 2773.559

the utility ladder where Public Works

Time: 2776.319

goes to get in the ceiling

Time: 2778.96

above the white foamy ceiling tile

Time: 2782.319

things so we're now on the catwalk where

Time: 2784.44

the HVAC guys would be working

Time: 2787.559

and I'm starting to get a sense of

Time: 2789.04


Time: 2790.72

coming we go a couple feet down the

Time: 2793.92

catwalk everyone

Time: 2796.48

stops someone reaches over the catwalk

Time: 2799.48

and pulls one chalky ceiling tile out so

Time: 2804.079

now you can look over the edge of the

Time: 2805.72

catwalk and see right through the

Time: 2808.04

ceiling into the diving well remember

Time: 2811.2

the diving well has a 10 meter platform

Time: 2813.52

and then we're another I don't want to

Time: 2815.8

OV exaggerate this we have to be another

Time: 2818.079

20 feet into the ceiling so you're above

Time: 2821.119

the diving board what most people we're

Time: 2823.28

way above the diving board okay we're 5T

Time: 2825.319

above the ceiling which is 20t above the

Time: 2827.4

10 meter got it right and so um and now

Time: 2832.48

I've realize what's happening and two or

Time: 2836.48

three wrestlers they sort you climb over

Time: 2838.68

the catwalk get you know backwards get

Time: 2841.28

your hands all the way down and then

Time: 2842.559

very lower yourself in a reverse pullup

Time: 2844.52

so you

Time: 2845.359

don't kick the SE in

Time: 2847.839

tile and three or four guys go and you

Time: 2850.119

can hear them hit the water after what

Time: 2852.2

is a terrifyingly long time when you're

Time: 2855.28

you know my age and SC in the dark oh

Time: 2857.72

yeah no one's supposed to be in there

Time: 2861.4

um and then one of the guys looks over

Time: 2863.76

when you're a recruit you're called a

Time: 2865.319

drag they're like drag you're up and I'm

Time: 2869.28

lowering myself Andrew and I kick the

Time: 2872.28

adjacent ceiling tile and it hits the

Time: 2876.079

dive tank and it turns into pancake

Time: 2877.72

batter and goes to the bottom of the

Time: 2879.119

pool oh my and one of my teammates is

Time: 2881.8

like you

Time: 2883.599

one of my future teammates

Time: 2885.8

you know he's going nuts I drop I

Time: 2890.04

live and this is back to

Time: 2893.119

Doug I come up Doug clearly goes behind

Time: 2896.04

me but I don't hear

Time: 2897.96

him and one or two guys are going nuts

Time: 2900.4

you high school piece of like

Time: 2901.52

you're going to go down to the 15 ft and

Time: 2902.96

pick it all up and Doug comes up and he

Time: 2906.119

just blasts

Time: 2907.68

everybody he's our

Time: 2909.72

responsibility this is not his fault we

Time: 2912.24

brought him here like just totally backs

Time: 2914.839


Time: 2918.079

up and then the rest of the visit

Time: 2920.52

happens I end up there Dougs no senior

Time: 2923.559

I'm a

Time: 2924.52


Time: 2926.72

and he's just the legend he was all

Time: 2930.559

American and to this day Andrew you need

Time: 2934.119

to hear this loud and clear like for all

Time: 2935.88

the people you and I both know and the

Time: 2937.24

people I've been around no other human

Time: 2940.64

in my life have I met with his physical

Time: 2943.359

and mental toughness not even close the

Time: 2945.72

guy was born in the wrong century is the

Time: 2947.96

way I describe

Time: 2949.16

him and he

Time: 2952.24

was like my mentor and he was my guy you

Time: 2956.76

know and uh he was killed in'

Time: 2959.76

07 Marine mhm yeah we we'll talk about

Time: 2963.119

Doug you've written about him yeah he's

Time: 2965.4

unbelievable I feel like I know him a

Time: 2966.839

little bit thanks to you we'll get

Time: 2968.76

around to that uh for sure I think

Time: 2971.16

people are getting a sense of where

Time: 2972.16

we're headed so that's the that to

Time: 2974

answer your question about like that the

Time: 2976.2

bigness of the Naval Academy that's how

Time: 2978

it started for me like everything was

Time: 2979.88

just on steroids you know all these kind

Time: 2982.079


Time: 2982.88

people I get the impression at least up

Time: 2985.76

until now that you're kind of just you

Time: 2988.799

just go with what's right in front of

Time: 2990.4

you 100% like there there isn't a lot of

Time: 2994.04

pause and reflect although your R your

Time: 2998.04

Rudder is not halfhazard it's not random

Time: 3002.4

no well yeah I can say right now you and

Time: 3004.52

I as similar as I you know we may be in

Time: 3007.359

certain respects like we're very

Time: 3010.319

different in this way like there isn't a

Time: 3012

there isn't like a foraging you know in

Time: 3014.04

biology we call them random walks you

Time: 3015.799

know a lot a lot of organization that

Time: 3017.28

comes out of biology is through random

Time: 3019.28

Walks Like animal or human like finds a

Time: 3021.92

node and moves and and life is like that

Time: 3023.64

Steve Jobs talked about not being able

Time: 3025.16

to connect the dots except retrospect

Time: 3027.44

and and I subscrib to that and his life

Time: 3029.48

was a bit of a random walk but that we

Time: 3031.04

Guided by some Central beam of of

Time: 3033.799

uniqueness uh Robert Green was when he

Time: 3035.72

was on the podcast talks about that your

Time: 3038.04

beam is is um more narrow it seems

Time: 3041.16

narrow and the propeller behind that

Time: 3043.599

beam is uh high RPM yes that's very

Time: 3047.4

clear and what I'm not hearing here is

Time: 3050.559

like um yeah you know at one point I

Time: 3053.119

paused and wondered whether or not I

Time: 3054.559

wanted to you know be here wrestling in

Time: 3056.76

the Naval Academy or or even like what I

Time: 3060.52

might do when I get out am I going to

Time: 3061.839

work for an investment firm what am I

Time: 3063.119

going to do you're re Your Horizon it

Time: 3065.52

seems to be about 24 hours at that point

Time: 3068.88

yeah I hope not anymore but at that

Time: 3070.16

point at that at that point I'm no

Time: 3072.2

psychologist but but um but it just

Time: 3075.079

seems like you're uh it's not like

Time: 3077.799

you're playing checkers but you're

Time: 3079.72

you're optimizing for a fairly um short

Time: 3084.4

Horizon there's no question that's right

Time: 3086.599

and the other part that was probably the

Time: 3088.24

most important to me Andrew was the the

Time: 3090.88

person or the group mhm because this is

Time: 3095.52

going to sound very arrogant but when I

Time: 3098.119

got to I'm going to this prep school I'm

Time: 3100.2

going to Naval Academy I think on day

Time: 3101.88

one I'm going to literally meet the

Time: 3103.44

cream of the crop in the country and

Time: 3105.799

that was not the case and it was not the

Time: 3107.599

case at the Naval Academy and frankly it

Time: 3109.04

wasn't the case in the teams either like

Time: 3110.72

I'm not saying I'm better than anybody

Time: 3112.2

but I thought every single person when I

Time: 3114.559

got to the Naval Academy was going to

Time: 3117.319

entirely focused on whatever our mission

Time: 3120.079

was and I didn't even know what my

Time: 3121.24

mission was there right I just knew I

Time: 3122.799

was going to be told what Wright looks

Time: 3125.599

like and Doug not only did I meet him in

Time: 3129.24

high school and have the the luck of

Time: 3131.96

having him as a teammate and a mentor

Time: 3134.2

for me he is what Wright looked like so

Time: 3137.04

a focused beam and a propeller running

Time: 3139.76

at high RPM with the right you know

Time: 3142.28

quote unquote swim buddy so to speak was

Time: 3145.079

literally all I cared about that was it

Time: 3147.92

everything else was White Noise were

Time: 3149.76

there other interests at the time I mean

Time: 3151.359

presumably you listen to music every

Time: 3152.92

once in a while but I mean I would

Time: 3154.72

whatever but didn't fall in love with it

Time: 3156.76

didn't feel the need to pursue anything

Time: 3158.68

else learn an instrument do anything

Time: 3160.24

else it was it was it was a that was it

Time: 3162.96

it was that that narrow beam

Time: 3166.04

so you met your wife in 96 sophomore

Time: 3169.559

year at the Naval Academy yep uh and was

Time: 3172.44

she as driven is she as driven I mean

Time: 3174.92

she's obviously a very talented swimmer

Time: 3177.24

presumably works hard as well um it's

Time: 3180.319

kind of interesting I didn't um realize

Time: 3183.64

until a few years ago that the both of

Time: 3185.4

you were you know military yeah she

Time: 3188.48

definitely just different different

Time: 3190

driven way smarter way

Time: 3193.28

more you know it's obviously not one to

Time: 3195.48

one for men and women but way more

Time: 3198.04


Time: 3199.52

by gradient standards she's in the Navy

Time: 3202.28

Hall of Fame she was Patriot League

Time: 3203.52

swimming champ she was on Junior

Time: 3204.88

National trath on team when she was 20 I

Time: 3208.76


Time: 3210.559

um really talented in every regard um

Time: 3215.559

ninth in our class I think first female

Time: 3218.04

graduate number one female graduate our

Time: 3220.119

class tell me more about that how's it

Time: 3222.24

how's that work you have a I don't even

Time: 3223.92

know exactly how the grading first of

Time: 3225.559

all her grades are her academic success

Time: 3228.44

is just

Time: 3230.079

remarkable and then you get a military

Time: 3232

grade and you get a physical grade not

Time: 3233.68

for your Athletics I don't think but

Time: 3235.28

it's like your PR RT scores which is

Time: 3237.28

your physical Readiness test all this

Time: 3238.76

military stuff you do you get this other

Time: 3240.88

cluster of a grade that goes along with

Time: 3243

your academic

Time: 3244.52

grades and she was number nine in the

Time: 3248.64

class and the first female graduate

Time: 3250.2

based on that cluster of

Time: 3253.319

grading and I mean she's an amazing

Time: 3256.64

person was her success in academics and

Time: 3259.64

swimming was that part of what Drew you

Time: 3261.4

to her uh no no no and she was just nice

Time: 3265.96

and you know I I didn't really care

Time: 3268.68

about the achievement it doesn't it

Time: 3270.599

certainly sounds like I care about

Time: 3271.839

achievement because of the narrow Focus

Time: 3273.64

but it it wasn't really that you know

Time: 3276.319

she was just really normal in a group of

Time: 3279.16

a lot of abnormal people frankly like

Time: 3281.319

there's some Cooks at these schools you

Time: 3283.559

know um and I'm probably in that

Time: 3286.119

category I don't know but everybody's

Time: 3287.68

just really different there you have

Time: 3290.359

this athlete group you have I mean you

Time: 3292.559

know Andrew I mean you you went to

Time: 3294.319

Stanford I mean some of the you know the

Time: 3297.119

group of Naval Academy and West Point

Time: 3299.599

like these schools who produce like the

Time: 3301.4

road scholar level person like that

Time: 3303.599

cluster of group like at Navy I remember

Time: 3307.599

they're super impressive I mean and then

Time: 3309.44

there's the rest of us like doing our

Time: 3310.88

best getting pretty good grades and

Time: 3312.48

stuff but there's very different groups

Time: 3314.839

inside you know the school yeah yeah I

Time: 3317.359

looked at some of my colleagues like a

Time: 3318.72

former guest on this podcast Ali crumb

Time: 3321.44

you know she's incredible scientist was

Time: 3323.88

a division one gymnast

Time: 3327

and uh is a licensed clinical

Time: 3329

psychologist also maintains a a healthy

Time: 3332.16

relationship with with children in the

Time: 3333.72

home like I just go who are these people

Time: 3336.2

you know it's I mean you know every once

Time: 3337.96

in a while we talk about the the person

Time: 3339.24

with the quote unquote extra gear you

Time: 3341.28

know like some people just seem to have

Time: 3342.48

that extra gear and I don't want to take

Time: 3343.96

anything away from Ally or anyone else's

Time: 3346.359

um incredible work ethic that goes with

Time: 3349.16

what people perceive as an extra gear

Time: 3350.839

who knows if they have an extra gear or

Time: 3352.119

not uh I always just want to know what

Time: 3353.92

their parents did yeah and it out

Time: 3356.559

Allie's parents I hope I have this right

Time: 3358.119

uh but recollection of this is that um

Time: 3361.799

her mother ran a theater group and her

Time: 3365.28

father was a martial arts teacher okay

Time: 3367.72

so you know there's nothing that speaks

Time: 3369.48

to academics per se and and I find that

Time: 3372.48

really important to me and to highlight

Time: 3374.52

because I think people hearing this

Time: 3375.96

conversation and hear about people like

Time: 3378.2

alleys and other examples like that you

Time: 3380.52

think oh yeah you got to come from an

Time: 3381.96

academic family to end up at a at a top

Time: 3384.48

tier institution or or to win a Nobel

Time: 3386.799

Prize in fact there there are so many

Time: 3388.48

exceptions to that or you have to um be

Time: 3391.16

a natural athlete um or be born with

Time: 3393.76

some some genetic gift or or or some

Time: 3397.359

extra gear as it were in order to

Time: 3400.28

succeed but I think so much of success

Time: 3402.079

is the thing that you seem to

Time: 3404

operationalize really quickly which is

Time: 3406.599

um to really focus on that 24-hour

Time: 3409.28

Horizon and where one has seen failure

Time: 3411.839

to just keep going I mean a big part of

Time: 3414.319

it is just to keep going but also to

Time: 3416.119

make make sure that you're continuing to

Time: 3417.76

go um in a direction that is adaptive

Time: 3421.96

and functional because imagine had you

Time: 3423.96

not found wrestling and you had gotten

Time: 3426.44

into some you know some group where the

Time: 3429.92

the the metrics of success were around

Time: 3433.079

you know dealing weed or doing something

Time: 3435.44

which back then was highly illegal now

Time: 3436.92

is very varying levels of legality but

Time: 3439.44

you know where that where the points

Time: 3441.4

came back for effort in domains of life

Time: 3444.039

that could take you down into the gutter

Time: 3445.559

and and you see this so I'm I'm

Time: 3447.039

convinced that the work ethic is is the

Time: 3449

fundamental piece but there has to be

Time: 3450.4

that Rudder and your Rudder has to be

Time: 3452.119

pointed in the right direction so along

Time: 3453.799

those lines you meet Bridget yeah and

Time: 3456.68

was it instantaneous no we kind of had a

Time: 3459.52

friendship first I felt like at least

Time: 3461.88

we've discussed this I mean I

Time: 3463.039

instantaneously enjoyed her company so I

Time: 3465.4

met Bridget in February of sophomore

Time: 3467.76

year I was on the campus of Naval

Time: 3470.599

Academy is called the yard I was on the

Time: 3472.64

yard all winter because the wrestling

Time: 3475.039

season is in the shittiest time ever

Time: 3476.72

right it crosses over the holidays you

Time: 3478.039

have to make weight during Thanksgiving

Time: 3479.359

you have to make weight during

Time: 3481.2

Christmas we were on campus on the

Time: 3484.48

yard and it was easily waste deep snow

Time: 3488.52

and we were doing two a day practices

Time: 3490.319

everybody else is home on

Time: 3493.24

vacation that winter I considered

Time: 3496

leaving and thank goodness for no cell

Time: 3498.88

phones and stuff because I didn't know

Time: 3500.319

how to leave I was like you consider

Time: 3502.839

leaving like leaving the ne leaving the

Time: 3504.44

I was just but it didn't have anything

Time: 3505.52

to do with the na Academy really it had

Time: 3507.48

everything to do with that moment I was

Time: 3509.799

miserable like I was making I wrestled

Time: 3512.88

190 my freshman year and Doug

Time: 3515.2

graduated he was the 177 pounder so

Time: 3517.72

sophomore yard dropped into his spot I

Time: 3519.359

went down to

Time: 3520.44

177 fighting weight for me is like

Time: 3524.839

193 but you know back then Andrew

Time: 3528.16

lifting a lot I was 210 to 215 in the

Time: 3531.68

off season and I cut to 177 sophomore

Time: 3534.359

year and I was just really miserable and

Time: 3538.48

um if it was easy to leave I probably

Time: 3541.28

would have and then I met Bridget in

Time: 3543.799

February and I was like it I'll

Time: 3545.72

stay she's better than this place

Time: 3549.16

anyway having followed my high school

Time: 3551.359

girlfriend off to college and not gone

Time: 3553.119

to college when I got there I just lived

Time: 3554.559

in the parking lot outside her dorm room

Time: 3556.72

I I can relate you know there's a uh I

Time: 3559.559

probably wouldn't be sitting here today

Time: 3560.799

were not for for elany I'd like to take

Time: 3564.4

a quick break and acknowledge one of our

Time: 3566.119

sponsors plunge plunge makes what I

Time: 3568.559

believe is the best self-cooling cold

Time: 3570.559

water plunge over the last decade and

Time: 3572.88

especially in The Last 5 Years there's

Time: 3574.96

been an increasing amount of excitement

Time: 3577.079

about cold water plunging for a sake of

Time: 3579.48

mental health physical health and

Time: 3581.039

performance and that's in large part

Time: 3582.76

because one of the most robust effects

Time: 3584.599

of cold water exposure are big increases

Time: 3587.559

in Adrenaline also called epinephrine

Time: 3589.559

and dopamine so while some people do

Time: 3591.319

cold water plunging in pursuit of

Time: 3592.799

increasing metabolism or reducing

Time: 3594.799

inflammation it's it's really those big

Time: 3596.76

increases in Adrenaline and dopamine

Time: 3598.44

that lead to those long lasting

Time: 3599.88

increases in alertness and feelings of

Time: 3601.76

well-being not just in the seconds or

Time: 3603.559

minutes after the cold plunge but indeed

Time: 3605.68

for several hours afterwards I've been

Time: 3607.64

using a plunge for several years now

Time: 3609.2

typically first thing in the morning or

Time: 3611.079

after cardiovascular training I do agree

Time: 3613.64

that doing cold water plunging after a

Time: 3615.799

workout designed to generate hypertrophy

Time: 3617.72

or strength gains is not a good idea but

Time: 3619.88

doing cold plunging at the other times

Time: 3621.44

of day can be tremendously beneficial I

Time: 3623.88

use the version of plunge called the

Time: 3625.28

Allin ice bath and plunge now also makes

Time: 3627.96

saunas that get up to 230° F I love how

Time: 3631.599

the plunge ice bath and sauna can both

Time: 3633.52

be controlled from an app on my phone so

Time: 3636.039

that if I'm headed home I can turn on

Time: 3637.4

the sauna and it'll be hot when I arrive

Time: 3639.68

so if you would like to try a plunge ice

Time: 3641.319

bath or SAA you can go to plunge. comom

Time: 3644.68

huberman to get $150 off either product

Time: 3647.96

again that's plunge. comom

Time: 3651.319

huberman so at what point did you decide

Time: 3654.599

you wanted to aim for the SEAL Teams is

Time: 3657.96

a great question I mean things you know

Time: 3660.28

as compared

Time: 3661.44

to at a Gunnery Sergeant in the Marine

Time: 3663.799

Corp at Prep School who I thought these

Time: 3668.24

are back to the first people you meet in

Time: 3669.88

this environment gunny Flynn and he was

Time: 3673.319

great like he was super hard on us but I

Time: 3675.52

obviously kind of love that and I

Time: 3677.16

thought I was going to go into the

Time: 3678.2

Marine Corps and Doug wanted to go into

Time: 3679.599

the Marine Core I'm a freshman at the

Time: 3681.52

Naval Academy he's my wrestling partner

Time: 3683.599

Doug could literally tell me to jump off

Time: 3685.16

of a building his as long as he came

Time: 3686.44

with me I'd do it no problem and enjoy

Time: 3688.079

it all the way down Doug was going into

Time: 3690.2

the Marine Corps I thought I was going

Time: 3691.4

to go into the Marine Corps and I did a

Time: 3694.359

summer training in quanico between

Time: 3696.2

freshman and sophomore year and it was

Time: 3698.96

okay it was good but I didn't love it

Time: 3701.88

and I met a couple other guys who were

Time: 3704.799

going to compete for spots in the SEAL

Time: 3706.16

Teams who were years ahead of me but to

Time: 3708

answer your question junior year you get

Time: 3711.16

you can sign up and say I want to start

Time: 3714.2

competing for a Billet we had 16 spots

Time: 3716.68

in my class I think there's 32 spots

Time: 3719.039


Time: 3720.16

days you know the force has grown since

Time: 3722.52

911 obviously and

Time: 3724.76

um and I I want to say maybe 150 or so

Time: 3728.559

people they put you through this weekend

Time: 3732.44

overnight two-day hell two-day things at

Time: 3735.599

Navy some people quit I don't know how

Time: 3738.119

many go to what we used to call Mini

Time: 3740.039

buds in the summer between Junior and

Time: 3741.88

Senior year you go out to Coronado and

Time: 3743.48

buds instructors they still have it it's

Time: 3745.48

called something

Time: 3746.4

different um you spend two weeks at the

Time: 3750

buds compound and they run you through a

Time: 3751.4

mini program and so find buds for the

Time: 3753.599

some some folks listening to this won't

Time: 3755.359

know won't know the acronym the acronym

Time: 3757.079

is basic underwater demolition seal

Time: 3759.68

school that's our school in Coronado

Time: 3761.52

screen process for who gets in who

Time: 3763.079

doesn't yeah and when you're at when

Time: 3765.359

you're at the Naval Academy it's

Time: 3766.279

obviously different than guys coming

Time: 3767.68

into the listed ranks you have this pool

Time: 3769.039

of people 150ish guys say they want to

Time: 3771.68

go sometime junior year they run you

Time: 3773.92

through this weekend pretty hard at

Time: 3776.72

Navy because we have seals station at

Time: 3778.88

the Naval Academy and then I'm just

Time: 3780.359

going to guess that goes from 150 to 80

Time: 3783.4

maybe 80 guys go to the summer program

Time: 3787.359

in Coronado when you're still you know a

Time: 3789.559

midshipman at the Naval

Time: 3791.079

Academy I've never maybe people have

Time: 3793.799

quit mini buds I don't know but I don't

Time: 3795.599

know if I really saw anybody quit the

Time: 3797.72

two weeks we're out in Coronado and then

Time: 3799.68

you get you know graded on your

Time: 3801.52

performance and stuff and then you come

Time: 3803.76

back for senior year and you go through

Time: 3805.559

a series of interviews with a bunch of

Time: 3807.359

seals Who come out and do interviews and

Time: 3809.599

you don't really know what you're

Time: 3811.559

doing and then they select down I don't

Time: 3814.48

want to again overdo it but it's

Time: 3817.52

probably seven I don't know maybe 50 or

Time: 3820.48

60 qualified guys they select you down

Time: 3823.279


Time: 3824.16

16 and so to answer your question about

Time: 3827.039

when I got interested was when I knew I

Time: 3828.72

didn't want to go in the Marine Corps I

Time: 3830.72

never ever had the Top Gun Fever thing I

Time: 3834.2

wasn't interested in flying

Time: 3836.52

I just wasn't interested in anything

Time: 3837.92

else but something super

Time: 3840.4

physical and that seemed like the best

Time: 3842.92

the next best thing and because I grew

Time: 3845.44

up in New Orleans and spent a lot of

Time: 3846.68

time in the water that wasn't

Time: 3848.4

intimidating that screens a lot of

Time: 3850

people out

Time: 3851.079

obviously yeah and got selected in the

Time: 3853.559

group of 16

Time: 3854.92

and was at buds after graduation you

Time: 3857.52

know a couple months after

Time: 3859.2

graduation there's been a lot put out

Time: 3862.4

into the world around buds you know

Time: 3863.839

people have seen the log carrying and

Time: 3865.76

boat carrying and the screaming and the

Time: 3867.2

set set screaming of the the uh

Time: 3869.64

instructors and the and the running and

Time: 3872.2

the you know clasped arms in the in the

Time: 3876

water and hell week no sleep and on and

Time: 3879.44

on it's obviously tough it it calls 85%

Time: 3882.64

of the people that go out there thinking

Time: 3884.559

that they are the the absolute last

Time: 3886.72

person who would ever quit ring the bell

Time: 3888.64

so to speak

Time: 3890.799

um you obviously got through uh a while

Time: 3894.52

back you mentioned to me three things

Time: 3896.76

that you think predict whether or not

Time: 3899.16

somebody's going to get through Buds and

Time: 3901.16

um before you tell us what these are I

Time: 3902.96

just will just uh tell people that yes

Time: 3906.279

of course you made it through buds

Time: 3907.64

successfully and went into the teams um

Time: 3911

very successful career in the teams but

Time: 3912.92

you've also been a buds instructor so

Time: 3914.359

you've been on the on the um on the

Time: 3916.839

other side of the equation too what are

Time: 3918.72

those three things yeah this was as you

Time: 3921.359

know this was very anecdotal but it

Time: 3923.599


Time: 3924.64

up we when I was back there in ' 05 as

Time: 3927.839

an instructor Andrew I feel like we're

Time: 3929.96

not scientists right but I feel like we

Time: 3931.48

tried every

Time: 3934.4

correlating data pull that we could pull

Time: 3936.92

from pull-ups to runtimes to you name it

Time: 3938.92

to regions of the country that people

Time: 3940.72

grow up near

Time: 3942.359

water at least back then nothing

Time: 3945.279

correlated and so I was a first phase

Time: 3948.16

OIC officer in charge and so our team in

Time: 3951.76

first phase we can talk about what that

Time: 3953.559

is in detail if you want to but first

Time: 3955.039

phase isn't charge of hell week you know

Time: 3956.68

hell week's in the first two months of

Time: 3957.88

training and a couple of the guys said

Time: 3961.16

all this about this can get you

Time: 3963.2

through that can get you through I

Time: 3966.24

bet that every single person we talk to

Time: 3968.839

out here on the grinder has one of these

Time: 3970.88

three things they were a varsity athlete

Time: 3972.64

in high school or college their parents

Time: 3974.44

are divorced or they got suspended from

Time: 3976.279

school I guarantee it and we would walk

Time: 3979.2

around the grinder and ask and I

Time: 3983.359

mean you know this isn't going to pass

Time: 3985.44

it independent review board but it's got

Time: 3987.48

to be 90 to 95% so that's incredible

Time: 3990.279

because you know so much has been made

Time: 3992.599

of buds and hell week and just to just

Time: 3995.72

fill in a few of the blanks for those

Time: 3997.039

that aren't familiar hell week is what

Time: 3998.76

it's uh five nights no sleep you get an

Time: 4001.119

hour a couple minutes on on one day but

Time: 4003.96

you're basically in constant movement

Time: 4005.16

for about a week are and that's when

Time: 4006.96

most people voluntarily ring the bell

Time: 4010.119

and most of them do it before Wednesday

Time: 4012.319

okay and I know it's got chaotic

Time: 4014.96

components going off blast it's got hard

Time: 4017.88

work boring components people the the

Time: 4021.319

people trying to make it through have no

Time: 4022.68

sense of how long a run is going to last

Time: 4024.4

or what's going to happen and you hear

Time: 4026.279

all this stuff like okay you just don't

Time: 4028.4

quit or you just go meal to meal but

Time: 4030.72

what you just described is really

Time: 4032.039

interesting uh let's break those three

Time: 4034.4

things down because um playing a varc

Time: 4037.44

sport has certain elements

Time: 4041.039

um having divorced parents has certain

Time: 4043.599

elements and getting sus spended in

Time: 4046

school has certain

Time: 4047.72

elements let's start

Time: 4050.359

with divorced parents first because

Time: 4053.2

Varsity Sport I think we can probably

Time: 4055.16

just quickly say okay there's structure

Time: 4057.72

you have to listen to somebody you have

Time: 4059

to be able to push yourself you have to

Time: 4060.52

have some level of physical competence

Time: 4062.799

coachable mental competence work with

Time: 4064.359

others so there's something there right

Time: 4067.2

um and you presumably have to go through

Time: 4069

Junior varc to get there so there's some

Time: 4070.88

oomph and required um in any event um

Time: 4074.88

but the divorce parents pieces is was

Time: 4077.2

surprising to me still is what you have

Time: 4080.279

divorced parents so do I divorces occur

Time: 4082.76

for any number of different reasons what

Time: 4085.16

in the world do you think is the uh the

Time: 4089.52

consequence of or the of a divorced

Time: 4092.839

household that would predict so well at

Time: 4095.799

least in this back of the envelope

Time: 4097.239

measurement that you made but as an

Time: 4098.96

instructor that people would get through

Time: 4101.08

this excruciatingly difficult period of

Time: 4103.199

time for me it was one

Time: 4106.279


Time: 4107.199

specifically I felt like I was

Time: 4109.96

alone if I didn't have the

Time: 4112.319

team so I don't know what it would be

Time: 4114.92

for other people but I was like if I

Time: 4116.719

don't have this

Time: 4118.04

team then what team do I

Time: 4120.52

have so I'm not leaving you could crank

Time: 4124.839

up the cold and misery as high as you

Time: 4128.679

want but I'm not leaving yeah that hits

Time: 4131.799

deep um I didn't do buds I didn't even

Time: 4134.64

know what the Seal team was were but I

Time: 4136.88

certainly know the the feeling of um

Time: 4139.799

looking outside of the household for uh

Time: 4142.92

a sense of family and belonging and the

Time: 4145.279

feeling that like I'd much rather like

Time: 4148.44

from almost from a place of Joy like I'd

Time: 4150.159

much rather die for these people

Time: 4152.52

hopefully not with these people but much

Time: 4154.239

rather die trying to save others and to

Time: 4157.319

do well in that than to quit yeah yeah

Time: 4162.839

that's that's a powerful thing that you

Time: 4164.839

just shine light on I don't think of the

Time: 4167.88

hundreds of interviews with Team guys

Time: 4170.279

ex- Team guys buds instructors Etc that

Time: 4172.159

are out there I don't think anyone's

Time: 4173.159

ever highlighted that I don't think I

Time: 4174.44

was aware of it then Andrew but I just

Time: 4176.64

you know again it's in it's in

Time: 4178.6

retrospect well the retrospect is in

Time: 4181.04

large part what we're here for um to go

Time: 4184.12

a little deeper on that I think that a

Time: 4186.52

lot of people have challenging homes the

Time: 4188.4

parents aren't necessarily divorced and

Time: 4189.92

we're talk Talking of course about um

Time: 4193.88

trying to understand the the human

Time: 4196.08

Spirit uh certainly not accomplishments

Time: 4199.28

per se but the human spirit so I think

Time: 4201.4

that a lot of people especially nowadays

Time: 4203.719

they look to their home life and if you

Time: 4206.36

know God willing they had a great home

Time: 4208.08

life that is the base it's like the it's

Time: 4210.6

like the Touchstone for them that they

Time: 4212.239

can return to but for a lot of people

Time: 4215.199

even people who go home for the holidays

Time: 4217.199

or who touch in with their parents

Time: 4219.6

whether or not they're divorced or not

Time: 4220.92

that they don't feel like that family

Time: 4222.44

unit is really a a solid thing maybe

Time: 4224.92

they're in a place I see this a lot of

Time: 4226.92

where like they're the parent they had

Time: 4228.12

to grow up taking care of the parents I

Time: 4230.159

see that a lot on both the male side and

Time: 4232.6

the female side I see that um

Time: 4236

so you're saying that one strong

Time: 4239.32

predictor of getting through is a

Time: 4240.92

feeling of people want essentially

Time: 4243.48

making it their like almost like

Time: 4245.92

biological identity to get through it

Time: 4248.92

was certainly the case for me I mean

Time: 4250.28

when I got and again I don't really like

Time: 4252.679

to overdo these things because it tends

Time: 4254.239

to feed the Mythos a

Time: 4256.84

little but when I got to buds Andrew

Time: 4260.36

like I when I got to the Naval Academy I

Time: 4262.199

had a very strong sense of this is my

Time: 4264.64

chance and you know you develop over the

Time: 4266.88

years and you spend time thinking about

Time: 4268.199

this and having mentors when I got there

Time: 4270.64

that was very much my first time

Time: 4274.88

of you better bring the nastiest on

Time: 4277.96

the planet because I'm not leaving here

Time: 4281.48

like it's just not I'm not I'm just not

Time: 4283.679

going you know and there's a Navy bit to

Time: 4286.96

it too like I didn't want to do anything

Time: 4288.44

else in the Navy so back to fear I was

Time: 4291.48

afraid I would get stuck doing a job I

Time: 4294

didn't like but there's some people are

Time: 4296.679

not wrong you know about buds there's

Time: 4298.92

some very difficult days where you do

Time: 4301.96

start to wonder like is this really

Time: 4303.84

worth it and I and that I never once

Time: 4309.4

thought about quitting it never crossed

Time: 4311.08

my mind because I just had these other

Time: 4313.639

things that I really had to do for

Time: 4315.56

myself in my life or else I felt like I

Time: 4317.52

was going to have

Time: 4318.639

nothing and so again I don't think

Time: 4322.44

operating out of fear is particularly

Time: 4324.12

adaptive but sometimes it you know the

Time: 4326.92

bit in your teeth is

Time: 4328.96

useful yeah certainly in my own life I

Time: 4331.56

could say you know getting real scared

Time: 4333.08

about being 19 and essentially realizing

Time: 4336.12

I'm not good at anything I'm not good at

Time: 4338.8

anything and I was terrible at a lot of

Time: 4340.52

things and some of those things were

Time: 4341.6

taking me down a dangerous path that

Time: 4343.08

that was the fear I'm grateful for the

Time: 4345

fear piece it it would it it scruffed me

Time: 4348.92

and uh let's talk about the suspended in

Time: 4351.84

school yep um he's uh first of all that

Time: 4355.159

implies getting caught yes not just

Time: 4358.4

misbehaving but getting caught um yeah

Time: 4361.08

what do you think that's about so we're

Time: 4362.28

really talking about a sense of

Time: 4363.44

rebellion against Authority or the

Time: 4365.28

system that one finds themselves in

Time: 4368.199

which is super important for our line of

Time: 4369.719

work like for me again I can only speak

Time: 4371.92

for myself for me it was the wild

Time: 4374.84

you Factor like you have to there's just

Time: 4379.12

a nasty reality of the work we had to do

Time: 4381.6

you know I was in from 98 until 2011 in

Time: 4384.88

the seal teams in the SEAL Teams from 98

Time: 4386.84

until 2011 everybody knows what was

Time: 4389.28

happening between 911 and then um it's

Time: 4392.639

not that it didn't stop happening I know

Time: 4394.8

you know from my own experience from 03

Time: 4397.679

through 2010 was extremely intense and

Time: 4404.12


Time: 4406.28

obviously the military has rules and we

Time: 4408.239

need rules and you follow the laws of

Time: 4410.56

onc conflict and you follow the rules of

Time: 4412.159

engagement there's no question about

Time: 4414.4


Time: 4415.4


Time: 4417

um but the that happens to you out

Time: 4420.08

in the field for real does not follow

Time: 4422.199

any pattern and so if you are a complete

Time: 4428.44

you know nonsuspended from school rule

Time: 4430.679

follower I'm not saying you won't be

Time: 4432.48

successful I'm sure plenty of people are

Time: 4434.88

but in our line of work if you ask

Time: 4436.679

people most of them had a weird streak

Time: 4439.84

as they were coming up like they have a

Time: 4441.32

little bit of a a side eye when somebody

Time: 4444

tells them this is how stuff is like

Time: 4446.84

maybe it's like that but you don't know

Time: 4449.679

that and where it really became clear

Time: 4452.639

for me Andrew was look at every stage in

Time: 4455.4

your development you're still looking

Time: 4456.52

for what right looks like and when I was

Time: 4458.56

a I'm now a Naval Academy graduate not

Time: 4460.92

that that means anything special but I'm

Time: 4463.239

smart enough I'm now in my 20s I'm at

Time: 4466.48


Time: 4467.88

and I have this recollection later like

Time: 4471.36

you people are always telling stories

Time: 4473.28

about the teams and when you're a new

Time: 4474.52

student at buds you're you kind of

Time: 4476.719

believe everything the instructors tell

Time: 4478.08

you because it's pretty impressive

Time: 4480.76

and then you find out later when you

Time: 4482.239

when I checked into Seal Team 3 and you

Time: 4484.32

actually start to understand the Arc of

Time: 4486.4

the job it's like all these guys were

Time: 4488.8

telling training stories those weren't

Time: 4491.76

real Combat stories those they they

Time: 4493.48

never said that that was a story from

Time: 4496.08

training and so my point is

Time: 4501.12

like what what you I hope guys are

Time: 4504.56

getting it now but what we didn't get a

Time: 4506.44

lot of was the real story in a sense

Time: 4509.8

meaning I will say definitively my first

Time: 4512.44

combat deployment was 03 when we invaded

Time: 4514.28

Iraq I was a platoon Commander we

Time: 4515.8

invaded Iraq and I remember within a

Time: 4518.32

week of being in that situation thinking

Time: 4522.199

not one single instructor had the

Time: 4524.6

experience to mentor and Coach me on

Time: 4526.52

this not one and so you have to go back

Time: 4530.4

to that wild

Time: 4533.44

suspended you factor mindset like

Time: 4536.08

all your silly rules about how the

Time: 4538.04

military Works none of that shit's

Time: 4540.639

happening out here like all this other

Time: 4543.239

stuff is happening that doesn't have

Time: 4544.679

anything to do with your training

Time: 4546.28

manuals except for the things you don't

Time: 4549.84

violate which is to your best of your

Time: 4552.239

ability stuff happens but the rules of

Time: 4554.679

engage the laws of armed conflict

Time: 4556.159

everything else is a tossup the tactics

Time: 4558.8

aren't that's not a tossup but you know

Time: 4561

what I mean like the environment is it

Time: 4563.88


Time: 4565.28

chaotic it's a new sport it's a brand

Time: 4568.4

new sport that no one coached you on and

Time: 4571.12

and it's highrisk high consequence for

Time: 4574.56

you and your teammates but also for the

Time: 4576.04

other side I mean

Time: 4578.719

every 15 seconds is a new consequential

Time: 4582.88

decision yeah because you obviously

Time: 4584.56

don't want to kill civilians on the

Time: 4585.92

other side either of course not

Time: 4589.719

yeah so you obviously get through

Time: 4592.84

buds you probably weren't surprised

Time: 4595.8

given your mindset probably weren't

Time: 4597.56

surprised no no I wasn't surprised at

Time: 4599.719

this point I'm maybe building a little

Time: 4601.52

self-confidence and just operate out of

Time: 4603.36

fear but happy presumably oh yeah yep

Time: 4608.6

and I feel obligated to ask well I'm

Time: 4611.28

just curious to ask that you you know

Time: 4613.28

you've been in a system of military for

Time: 4615

a long time is there a a bigger um poll

Time: 4617.76

of patriotism there or that's just it's

Time: 4620.8

there but I mean are you thinking about

Time: 4623.239

country or are you thinking about team

Time: 4625.28

you think about the day yeah I mean at

Time: 4628.04

this point you know I'm fully

Time: 4629.679

indoctrinated in a sense you know the

Time: 4631.36

Naval Academy really does give you a

Time: 4633.04

sense of again bigness and you meet

Time: 4634.92

people from World War II and Vietnam and

Time: 4638.56

you know an amazing guy which you know

Time: 4641.56

we can cover later I don't I wasn't

Time: 4644

around when he was coming up but Colonel

Time: 4645.719

John Ripley is a guy who won the Navy

Time: 4647.08

cross in Vietnam um the book The the

Time: 4651.12

bridge of donga is about him he knew my

Time: 4653.84

this is back to I was my Uncle Jim who

Time: 4655.84

introduc he and my Uncle Jim were

Time: 4657.8

buddies and I met him he's since passed

Time: 4661.6

away I met Colonel Ripley when I was a

Time: 4664.159

ple at the Naval Academy um I work with

Time: 4667.12

one of his sons now friend teammate

Time: 4670.199

Mentor is a great

Time: 4672.639

guy um colonel Ripley he's a legend like

Time: 4677.4

this guy's a Navy cross winner should

Time: 4678.76

have won the Congressional Medal of

Time: 4679.88

Honor by all accounts if you read the B

Time: 4682.639

the book to Bridget dong High you you

Time: 4684.4

are going to have no ability to

Time: 4687.04

understand why he's not dead and these

Time: 4690.159

are the kind of people you meet so back

Time: 4691.679

to the patriotism you know Thing by the

Time: 4693.679

time I was in the teams I I knew where I

Time: 4696.76

was sort of in this

Time: 4699.84

ecosystem admittedly though what I

Time: 4702.12

didn't really have Andrew because it I

Time: 4704.88

mean I love the country of course but it

Time: 4707.159

wasn't again I didn't grow up with a dad

Time: 4709.32

who was like you know this was always in

Time: 4711.48

our house or just wasn't that big of a

Time: 4714.12

thing this this came for me after 911

Time: 4717.12

obviously but yes the patriotism and the

Time: 4719.8

importance of the jobs there but what

Time: 4722.08

when I remember checking in Seal Team 3

Time: 4724.719

what what emerged very quickly for me

Time: 4727.52

because we had Vietnam vets in the

Time: 4728.92

training cell at se team 3 and just some

Time: 4731.6


Time: 4732.92

people what I realized away was okay

Time: 4736.28

playtime is completely

Time: 4738.679

over and that was very useful like early

Time: 4741.84

lesson not that anyone was

Time: 4743.6

around in buds like you know it's

Time: 4744.84

serious but you meet a guy like Master

Time: 4747.159

Chief Martin who's got 100 combat

Time: 4748.6

missions from Vietnam he's about to

Time: 4749.96

retire he was like the third person I

Time: 4752.239

met when I checked into the team and you

Time: 4754.92

suddenly are like a kid again

Time: 4757.159

where there was just no

Time: 4761.44

around so you're in the teams presumably

Time: 4764.92

liking the work loved it loving the team

Time: 4768.08

component it's hard it's

Time: 4771.08

unpredictable and that's part of the the

Time: 4774.32

fun it's amazing yeah the job's

Time: 4778.08

amazing you do a number of different

Time: 4780.04

deployments MH and at some point you get

Time: 4784.04

called to try out for the tier one uh

Time: 4787.239

tier one division within the within the

Time: 4789.719

SEAL Teams um maybe just explain a

Time: 4792.239

little bit of what tier one means um and

Time: 4794.96

you know we don't want to speak in code

Time: 4796.6

here but we you know just inform people

Time: 4798.679

that there are levels within the teams

Time: 4801

um and that uh yeah tell us what tier

Time: 4803.4

one is yeah well I'll just refer to a

Time: 4805.88

special Mission Unit it's probably the

Time: 4807.36

easiest um we have a bunch of teams on

Time: 4809.32

the east and west coast as a lot of

Time: 4810.679

people know nowadays this was not

Time: 4812.4

public knowledge years ago yeah so so

Time: 4814.88

you've got the these different units

Time: 4817.32

within within the SEAL Teams yeah so you

Time: 4821.04

you have to raise your hand you know I

Time: 4822.12

was 10 years in Andrew I was at I had

Time: 4824.76

had been platoon Commander during the

Time: 4826.639

invasion of Iraq we came to Monterey I

Time: 4828.08

went to school and went back to be a

Time: 4829.12

budge instructor it was 10 years I felt

Time: 4831.88

like it was time to you know take my

Time: 4833.84

shot it's a little risky because it's

Time: 4836.32

hard to make it through you know Green

Time: 4838.48

Team and stuff at the at the special

Time: 4840.679

Mission Unit it's a 9month Advanced

Time: 4843.32

Training Program you're 10 years into

Time: 4844.8

your career you're not 22 anymore and

Time: 4847

not everyone gets called The Green Team

Time: 4848.48

not everyone can go you can't say I want

Time: 4849.96

to go I want to try out you can say you

Time: 4852.08

want to try out and you do a

Time: 4853.36

pre-screener okay so the command

Time: 4855.48

training staff I'll call it the command

Time: 4857.36

for purposes of this conversation

Time: 4858.56

because I'm familiar with that term for

Time: 4859.88

us the command training staff comes out

Time: 4862.32

they put you through all this stuff some

Time: 4863.92

of it's psychological some of it's

Time: 4865.199

physiological I don't think we did a

Time: 4866.719

blood test but they checked the trainers

Time: 4868.96

checked everything on me um which I

Time: 4871.44

thought this is actually a description

Time: 4873.48

of why the units tier one I was even in

Time: 4876.639

the pre-screening it was the first time

Time: 4879

the way I joke about it is like I really

Time: 4880.44

felt like I was doing what was in the

Time: 4882.12

brochure like it was real varsity stuff

Time: 4885.32


Time: 4886.08

know I'm presaging a later conversation

Time: 4888.96

that we'll get to but um at this point

Time: 4891.199

Have you ever sat down with a

Time: 4892.44

psychologist and done a therapy session

Time: 4894.199

that was no therapy but I sat down with

Time: 4896.4

psychologist because they put us through

Time: 4897.719

the battery the neop The Raven stuff

Time: 4900.199

like that they're asking you how do you

Time: 4901.56

sleep at night how do you feel what do

Time: 4903.36

you dream about how much do you drink

Time: 4904.84

and you say two beers a week and and

Time: 4907.199

you're lying everyone L yeah but now it

Time: 4909.76

might be two beers a week now it's zero

Time: 4911.52

zero right um but yeah so it was good

Time: 4915.159

screening process like I was like oh

Time: 4916.679

these guys are not messing around

Time: 4918.239

this is exactly what I wanted to do MH

Time: 4920.639

and the physical tests ramp up and uh

Time: 4924.199

coincidentally I worked for him later

Time: 4926.239

still friends with him now on my

Time: 4928.08

interview board was uh bris Linsky who

Time: 4930.04

won the Congressional Medal of Honor BR

Time: 4931.679

was on my interview board and he's great

Time: 4934.36

guy and so yeah then you just wait and

Time: 4937.44

if you get picked up you go out you know

Time: 4940.12

to the east coast and you really rolling

Time: 4942.04

the dice because I was on the west coast

Time: 4944.04

you move your whole family sell your

Time: 4945.52

house you mean have to sell your house

Time: 4946.639

but we did and you move and you're going

Time: 4949.32


Time: 4950.36

do a 9month advanced training program at

Time: 4953.679

the command just to get into a Tactical

Time: 4956.48

Unit you know which we call squadrons

Time: 4958.48

and the best way tactically for me to

Time: 4961.12

describe the difference and look my time

Time: 4962.92

at Team three was amazing I'm not

Time: 4964.48

diminishing it but let me just use freef

Time: 4966.96

fall military freef fall for anybody

Time: 4968.52

who's you know even done civilian free

Time: 4970.48

fall so it's jumping out of place

Time: 4972.44

jumping yeah so if you go if we go to

Time: 4974.52

the Drop Zone and we go jumping right

Time: 4976.32

FAA regulations have you jump at 12,999

Time: 4979.4

FT CU soon as you go above 13,000 you

Time: 4981.44

have to use supplemental oxygen which is

Time: 4982.92

not a huge deal but it's a pain in the

Time: 4984.32

ass for the airplane to have it and

Time: 4987.04

so 99% of your jump all your jumps well

Time: 4991.239

at any standard Drop Zone your civilian

Time: 4992.92

jumps are going to be below 13 Grand for

Time: 4995.28

all of our jumping at Seal Team 3 is

Time: 4998.32

below 13 Grand it just makes the

Time: 4999.8

training more efficient and you'll jump

Time: 5001.639

during the daytime maybe a little night

Time: 5003.76

jumping you probably have some lights

Time: 5005.6


Time: 5006.84

safety um and if you look out of the

Time: 5010

airplane you would be able to see the

Time: 5012.159

orange te on the drop zone right that's

Time: 5014.52

your standard jump profile maybe you'll

Time: 5016.56

jump with some weight you'll certainly

Time: 5018.719

jump with your weapon probably your

Time: 5021.199

helmet but not all your jumps because

Time: 5022.679

you're bringing guys from zero to be

Time: 5024.88

able to do tactical military freef fall

Time: 5027.12

as a

Time: 5028.48

group when you go to the

Time: 5030.8

command your jumps

Time: 5033.44

are from 25,000 ft you do 30 minutes of

Time: 5037.679

pre-breathing on oxygen helmet night

Time: 5040.04

vision zero lights and a attack board

Time: 5043.44

that has your navigation system on it

Time: 5046

100 pounds of gear your weapon your

Time: 5048.04

oxygen all your and 45 dudes piled

Time: 5051.88

up in a

Time: 5053.48

c17 and you drop miles away from the

Time: 5057

Drop Zone because you're over ground

Time: 5058.679

speed at 25,000 ft is hauling ass you

Time: 5061.36

know because of the wind and if you take

Time: 5062.6

your hands out of your gloves at 25,000

Time: 5064.4

feet it's curtains like you're not going

Time: 5065.96

to be able to use your fingers cuz it's

Time: 5067.28

so cold and you jump from way away

Time: 5071.199

obviously and all your jump is

Time: 5073.239

completely blacked out everybody turns

Time: 5075.04

IR lights on their helmets and INF

Time: 5077.679

infrared lights so you can see through

Time: 5078.88

night vision um and you got to fly that

Time: 5081.84

canopy multiple multiple miles and land

Time: 5084.08

everybody on a drop zone you know that's

Time: 5086.56

if you take every tactical thing we

Time: 5089

do and

Time: 5091.639

expand the same way you would expand

Time: 5093.76

freef fall that's the difference at the

Time: 5095.84

command which is look I was I want to

Time: 5098.719

own this when I was at Team three

Time: 5100.159

because you think about this I had many

Time: 5102.719

many moments where I was thinking ah

Time: 5105.719

it man those guys aren't that much

Time: 5107.32

different like we're we're super highend

Time: 5110.719

right and we

Time: 5112.28

are and then when I got there I was like

Time: 5115.88

this is this is another level what what

Time: 5118.8

percentage of people that go to Green

Time: 5120.04

Team get through and get S uh I think I

Time: 5124.119

had had 65 in my class you don't drop

Time: 5127.32

that many maybe 10 guys didn't make it

Time: 5130

or something maybe

Time: 5131.639

15ish so then you were why do they call

Time: 5135.119

it tier one no idea it must have some

Time: 5138.44

official reason like because if you go

Time: 5140.88

into like real documentation Andrew like

Time: 5143.679

there's there there's echelons in you

Time: 5146.88

know this this command is ech on this

Time: 5149.04

this command is echel on this and the

Time: 5150.719

military Congress sets end strength

Time: 5153.159

numbers it's says the Navy you get at

Time: 5157.32

the one time CU I took some class the

Time: 5159.96

Navy had like 355,000 people and that's

Time: 5163.36

the Navy's end strength and they have to

Time: 5164.96

distribute those numbers across

Time: 5166.32

everybody in the Navy so I don't know

Time: 5168.8

why it's called tier one but I think it

Time: 5170.56

has a you know has a reason so you got

Time: 5173.48

through M you were accepted and then

Time: 5177.04

you're doing very different sorts of

Time: 5178.48

things than you were doing previously

Time: 5180.159

very so my understanding is this is

Time: 5183.159

largely counterterror

Time: 5184.96

work um so all the work in the military

Time: 5189.04

and SEAL Teams is high-risk High

Time: 5190.76

consequence but now it's Special

Time: 5193.88

Operations as as the name

Time: 5196.96

um implies um where things have to be

Time: 5201.56

worked out on a on a case-by Case basis

Time: 5205.36

it's highly unusual it was unusual

Time: 5206.96

before but now it's highly unusual

Time: 5209.08

circumstances um what was it like to be

Time: 5212.8

there did you like that family I loved

Time: 5215.76

it it was the best place to work MH um

Time: 5220.6

and this is 200 this is 06 through 2011

Time: 5224.32

for me okay so it's post 911 uh through

Time: 5227.679

2011 yep okay

Time: 5230.44

so I'm sure a lot happened and most of

Time: 5233.4

which we can't and won't discuss um and

Time: 5236.159

that's not what's important here yeah um

Time: 5239.96

but clearly you met and worked with some

Time: 5242.88

amazing individuals

Time: 5244.639

um I happen to know because we've uh

Time: 5247.32

spoken before and we have some common

Time: 5249.159

friends in in the in the that Arena that

Time: 5252.88

um you had both the privilege of doing

Time: 5255.36

this work in this really important

Time: 5257.199

wartime but also um the unfortunate

Time: 5261.159

experience of of being close to and

Time: 5263.84

working with uh quite a lot of people

Time: 5265.679

that uh were killed yep um how many so I

Time: 5270.76

mean I don't know why I did this or why

Time: 5273.52

anyone does it

Time: 5274.719

it it's way over 40 but I try not

Time: 5278.88

to over affiliate myself with a larger

Time: 5281.8

group than I actually

Time: 5283.6

knew but the people that I personally

Time: 5286

knew Andrew it's exactly

Time: 5288.76

40 and um and we could spend probably

Time: 5291.96

weeks detailing how impressive uh each

Time: 5295

and every one of those people was in

Time: 5298.36

their individual cases this is perhaps a

Time: 5301.76

an opportunity to um put a call out

Time: 5303.76

there's a a wonderful book I think an

Time: 5306.239

important book that isn't so well known

Time: 5308.56

in the in the array of quote unquote

Time: 5311

military and seal books um which is the

Time: 5314.199

book about Adam Brown Yeah The Fearless

Time: 5316.159

book I heard they're going to make it

Time: 5317.44

into a movie but but what I um what I

Time: 5320.28

like about the book is um actually has

Time: 5323.04

very little to do with the SEAL Teams

Time: 5324.36

totally that's thing is that Adam um had

Time: 5328.119

a serious serious problem with addiction

Time: 5331.719

that he masked at times and it came back

Time: 5334.239

to pull him under various times while he

Time: 5336.28

was in the teams and um I know you

Time: 5338.48

worked with Adam and you're close my

Time: 5339.96

green team yeah yeah so um that's a

Time: 5342.28

great book for anyone that wants a a

Time: 5344.08

different sort of book um it's really

Time: 5345.96

about addiction and family and his

Time: 5348.199

discovery of the path out of all that

Time: 5350.8

his tenacity is incredible awesome

Time: 5353.44

awesome book and human about an awesome

Time: 5356.6

awesome human um so you do those years

Time: 5363.04

um and then you

Time: 5366.56

know what happens when you know 40

Time: 5370.08

people close to you die uh I have to

Time: 5372.92

imagine involves a you get pretty good

Time: 5376.48


Time: 5378.36

at taking what each and every one of

Time: 5381.679

those is a tragedy and and just

Time: 5383.719

continuing yeah so um let's just talk

Time: 5386.92

about that for a bit if if you're

Time: 5388.119

willing yep so um guys are getting shot

Time: 5391.48

and blown up and you're close with them

Time: 5394.28

to to say the least

Time: 5396.96

and what was your role in the in the

Time: 5399.8

aftermath like like how what do you do

Time: 5402.32

you you you go to a funeral you you you

Time: 5405.6

um toast a few beers and then you go

Time: 5408.52

back to work I mean it's that's kind of

Time: 5413.88

you know in the most simplistic terms

Time: 5415.32

Andrew that is exactly what happens

Time: 5418.48

um there's obviously you know a lot more

Time: 5423.08

that goes on

Time: 5424.639

but if you script the diary so to

Time: 5428.36

speak it's it wasn't you know a funeral

Time: 5431.32

every 3 months but on average if I

Time: 5433.8

averaged out because I've done this in

Time: 5436.96

you know

Time: 5437.92

Excavating the last few years we were at

Time: 5441.4

a funeral or Memorial effectively every

Time: 5443.36

90 days and um in that time

Time: 5449.56

period but it wasn't obviously you know

Time: 5452.52

that simple like for for me and our

Time: 5456.52

family Doug was my first super close

Time: 5459.44

teammate killed and it wasn't in the

Time: 5460.719

teams right I'm now at the command I was

Time: 5464.08

back from Afghanistan from Kandahar this

Time: 5466.48

is way before the Marines built up 100

Time: 5469.48

kilometers west of Kandahar we were

Time: 5472.119

operating six of us with like 180

Time: 5475.48

Afghans kind of the wild west back then

Time: 5479.48

and Doug was killed that summer of ' 07

Time: 5483.76

and and I got a phone call from a friend

Time: 5486.44

I was standing in my kitchen in Virginia

Time: 5488.679

Beach and it was

Time: 5493.719

like like the whole scaffolding of the

Time: 5496.119

world was just

Time: 5499.52

gone because at that age and here I am

Time: 5502.48

like I'm some kid I was in my I was in

Time: 5504.96

my 30s but I'm

Time: 5508.4

thinking you know things get more and

Time: 5510.6

more serious as you go like at that time

Time: 5513.04

but when Doug was

Time: 5514.6

killed and I was a Paul Bear in his

Time: 5516.92

funeral and you know we came up to

Time: 5519.159

Anapolis he was living in Anapolis cuz

Time: 5520.76

he was working it's it's now been

Time: 5522.84

publicly released which is nice for Pam

Time: 5524.56

because she can talk about it more he

Time: 5525.92

was working at the

Time: 5527.44

agency and

Time: 5530.36

um when after his funeral and just the

Time: 5533.08

days around that and then I go back to

Time: 5535.84

work and what I mentioned earlier about

Time: 5538.239

Doug and what I knew about him just as

Time: 5540.52

an operator he had been a company

Time: 5541.92

commander in fujia he was on the front

Time: 5543.56

page of the LA Times like Tony Perry is

Time: 5546.119

a reporter in San Diego he was in fuia

Time: 5548.719

following Doug the guy was and Doug is

Time: 5551.32

not a like a public people people just

Time: 5554.28

attracted to him to tell his story um I

Time: 5557.159

have so many stories that I heard later

Time: 5558.96

from his bosses his regimental Commander

Time: 5561.96

you know told stories about his unit in

Time: 5563.92

fuia his sergeant major and his amazing

Time: 5566.48

guy I've talked to him about like what

Time: 5568.119

went on in fuia Doug is just a

Time: 5570.32

Legend I mean he was

Time: 5572.08

awesome and the dominant

Time: 5574.4

thought after his funeral was if things

Time: 5578.639

it's not that you don't think they're

Time: 5579.8

serious and I and I mean just about life

Time: 5582.159

Andrew it wasn't just about Combat

Time: 5583.84

Action and hard deployments it was about

Time: 5586.28

if Doug can be killed all bets

Time: 5589.239

are off they're all off like if I didn't

Time: 5592.92

respect the rules before and didn't

Time: 5594.719

think Society was particularly ordered

Time: 5597.4

in a way that I respected you know

Time: 5600.32

that I think is made

Time: 5601.84

up I knew when Doug was K

Time: 5604.36

that it's all made up like he

Time: 5607.28

was supposed to

Time: 5610.199

be the immortal

Time: 5612.96

one and if he's not none of us are like

Time: 5617.32

everything has to be re-evaluated you

Time: 5619.36

know how old was I was 32 and and you've

Time: 5622.08

got kids at this point yeah yep um yeah

Time: 5626.239

olly wasn't born yet my youngest because

Time: 5628.56

you you now have three boys yeah three

Time: 5630.52

boys 21 18 and 14 and um the older two

Time: 5635.719

were born my my middle son was two at

Time: 5639

the time and did it occur to you at the

Time: 5642.28

point when Doug was killed or maybe some

Time: 5644.719

other point that you know at some point

Time: 5646.04

you could die oh I mean that's what I

Time: 5648.199

mean Andrew like I you know personal

Time: 5650.84

work and therapy afterwards it it was

Time: 5653.6

then that I started looking over my

Time: 5655.32

shoulder just in general like everything

Time: 5658


Time: 5660.52

suddenly like has to be watched with a

Time: 5663.84


Time: 5664.84

eye something that um close friends

Time: 5668.48

close male friends of mine have told me

Time: 5670.28

um these are friends that are married

Time: 5672.96

with kids um and I've heard this from

Time: 5675.36

people that were in the military and and

Time: 5677.88

as well as those that weren't was that

Time: 5679.6

it was very important to them

Time: 5682.159

to marry somebody who were they to die

Time: 5686.719

they knew their kids would be well taken

Time: 5689.159

care of oh that one's not even there's

Time: 5691.92

no question about that yeah so um that

Time: 5695.08

that was a like a primary criteria and I

Time: 5698.28

think in your line of work I mean that

Time: 5699.76

that must be especially important

Time: 5701.32

because the the probability of of dying

Time: 5703.96

is well let's face it is is much higher

Time: 5706.6

as as my uh sister who doesn't like

Time: 5709.08

sharks once told me she said you know

Time: 5710.6

the best way to not get eaten by a shark

Time: 5711.76

is never go in the ocean you know there

Time: 5713.44

is a way to limiting probabilities

Time: 5715.52

she'll swim in the ocean a little bit

Time: 5717.04

but but the point being that when you're

Time: 5718.76

in the military and your your uh shoot

Time: 5722.199

move and communicate is a big part of

Time: 5723.52

the the job description and the uh the

Time: 5727.32

enemy is also taught to shoot move and

Time: 5729.08

communicate that there's there's a

Time: 5730.32

decent probability that you could die so

Time: 5733.679

um did you ever think okay well if I die

Time: 5737.84

my kids are okay because Bridget's solid

Time: 5740.6

or were you still just operating on this

Time: 5742.8

24-hour schedule that you had adopted

Time: 5745.4

way back in the seventh grade no I think

Time: 5748.119

well maybe I'd have to ask her that

Time: 5749.92


Time: 5751.36

um I think I was backed away from the

Time: 5754

24-hour ledge a little bit MH I I knew

Time: 5758.96

that the boys obviously would be taken

Time: 5761.8

care of with my wife like that was never

Time: 5763.4

even had never crossed my mind probably

Time: 5764.92

until you just asked the question that

Time: 5766.119

was almost just like table Stakes

Time: 5769.04


Time: 5770.719

um back to this adaptive but maladaptive

Time: 5775.239

behavior when Doug was killed I just

Time: 5777.6

realized I had to work even

Time: 5779.679

harder to try to stay

Time: 5782.56


Time: 5784.6

because if you met the guy there is I'm

Time: 5787.32

going to say it probably multiple there

Time: 5788.719

is not a human on the planet

Time: 5791.48

that was as tough and as focused and as

Time: 5795.639

hyper dialed in to how to do the

Time: 5799.52

job 100%

Time: 5803.96

effectively as he was

Time: 5807.56

and it happened to him you know and it I

Time: 5811.48

just never it it's almost embarrassing

Time: 5813.32

and to say I never thought about it like

Time: 5814.88

that until Doug was

Time: 5816.32

killed and and yet and I'm not

Time: 5818.56

challenging that at all of course uh I

Time: 5821.28

mean life circumstances the other team

Time: 5825.199

gets a vote too totally right I mean I

Time: 5827.6

mean somebody can be um seemingly

Time: 5830.6

indestructible oh so capable and

Time: 5832.8

talented and get T-boned at an

Time: 5835.159

intersection and die right like like

Time: 5837.28

that yeah we've known people like that

Time: 5839.719

all of us you know you hear these things

Time: 5841.159

that's why they're called tragedies yeah

Time: 5843.08

we just just like to put it in context

Time: 5845.08

we have to remember is part of the

Time: 5847.48

beauty of taking a young person and

Time: 5850.639

taking all the ingredients that a person

Time: 5852.6

comes into Special Operations pick your

Time: 5854.36

service I'm not I'm agnostic I mean some

Time: 5858.04

of my best buddies are army and Marine

Time: 5860

Corps like I'm agnostic to the service

Time: 5861.599

head is when you end up at a certain

Time: 5865.199

point like and you look back you realize

Time: 5867.08

for 10 or 15 years I've been

Time: 5870.119

indoctrinated in a very adaptive way to

Time: 5873.88

believe that I'm

Time: 5875.159

Immortal because if you

Time: 5878

didn't you certainly wouldn't jump out

Time: 5879.92

of aircraft at 25,000 feet with no

Time: 5881.56

lights and you for hell for sure

Time: 5883.199

wouldn't go into some of these

Time: 5884.44

towns we go into and end up in these

Time: 5886.52

firefights like you have some

Time: 5888.92

weird I'll speak for myself I was

Time: 5891.04

entirely convinced that I couldn't be

Time: 5894.08

killed and I I just because I was in

Time: 5898

some way Andrew convinced that our

Time: 5899.52

training was so

Time: 5901.719

good that that wouldn't happened to

Time: 5904.36

us let's take a step back for a second

Time: 5906.96

and acknowledge the the truth uh all

Time: 5909.92

around that set of statements which is

Time: 5912.4

that um I think most people can think of

Time: 5916.04

the government and the training programs

Time: 5918.52

as um honing the body but um it's

Time: 5923.599

probably not lost on you at this point

Time: 5925.119

in your life that the you were you're a

Time: 5928.239

weapon your mind became a weapon right

Time: 5931.199

your your body became a weapon um uh you

Time: 5933.719

were a weapon of the military from the

Time: 5936.36

inside out and in the statement you just

Time: 5937.8

made encapsulates that y um and that

Time: 5942.8

weapon honed itself for a long time but

Time: 5945.239

then that's what the military is it

Time: 5946.4

creates weapons and of out of humans and

Time: 5948.679

I'm not demonizing the military

Time: 5950.199

whatsoever I want to be very clear I

Time: 5952.04

realize that statement could be

Time: 5953.08

construed differently but um but that

Time: 5955.08

mindset encapsulates that so um so with

Time: 5958.679

the other guys I want to make sure I

Time: 5960.28

finish your question so it started with

Time: 5961.56

Doug and then you know I don't know what

Time: 5964.32

direction you want to go here

Time: 5965.4

specifically but then it just kept going

Time: 5967.159

Andrew right like at that time Doug was

Time: 5970

07 and then we went to Iraq in the

Time: 5972.44

winter of 0708 which

Time: 5974.719

was complete Mayhem and the troop was I

Time: 5978.4

mean my my troop in the winter of

Time: 5983.44

0708 were like

Time: 5988.719

superheroes and a guy named Tommy

Time: 5990.639

Valentine was the troop Chief and we got

Time: 5992.92

home and he was killed in a parachute

Time: 5994.88

accident after all that we went

Time: 5997.76

through Badger a guy named Mark Carter

Time: 6000.48

was killed in that deployment we got

Time: 6001.679

home and Tommy was killed in a parachute

Time: 6003.119

accident and me and a guy named Dutch we

Time: 6006.4

went up to Minnesota to notify Tommy's

Time: 6009.88

parents and his sister and his

Time: 6012.96

brother and we're not the Navy calls him

Time: 6015.48

Kos like casualty assistance officers

Time: 6017.56

these are jobs in the military where

Time: 6020.28

you're trained to do this stuff you know

Time: 6021.88

one of the things that's amazing about

Time: 6023

us is if a guy gets killed we send a

Time: 6025.159

team guy there but think about the team

Time: 6027.76

guy like it's great for the family that

Time: 6029.599

you send the team guy but we don't know

Time: 6032.08

about sitting with a family who's

Time: 6034.28

about to be notified that their son in

Time: 6036.32

this case of Tommy was killed Brit went

Time: 6040.28

to Christina's house lab Brit slinsky he

Time: 6042.96

went to Christina's house and me and

Time: 6044.639

Dutch went up to

Time: 6046.199


Time: 6048.56

and I'm shaking right now like I was

Time: 6050.84

shaking the whole drive we had to get to

Time: 6052.84

International Falls all way up North The

Time: 6055

Valentines are incredible

Time: 6058.32

people and I I mean notifying a family

Time: 6061.599


Time: 6062.639

just it was brutal and so this is this

Time: 6066.04

is the this is'

Time: 6067.56

08 and then it just keeps coming it's

Time: 6070.239

Nate and it's Mike and it's Lance and

Time: 6073.48

it's extortion in

Time: 6075.599

2011 and in the middle of that Adam gets

Time: 6080.599

killed right like tons of people know

Time: 6081.96

about extortion because it was a

Time: 6083.44

helicopter obviously full well maybe we

Time: 6085.88

just just briefly want to mention that

Time: 6087.44

was August 2011 as I recall yes yeah

Time: 6090.199

August of 11 yeah so but in 2010 Adam is

Time: 6095.88


Time: 6097.679

and I got a phone call and and I wasn't

Time: 6101.679

best friend I mean Adam had some very

Time: 6103.159

close friends as to command that I I

Time: 6104.52

don't want to make some anybody give the

Time: 6106.159

impression that like me and Adam were

Time: 6107.48

boys we were we knew each other well

Time: 6109.639

right we went through green to him

Time: 6110.52

together he was in a different Squadron

Time: 6111.639

though so you sort of get separated a

Time: 6112.84


Time: 6114.96

and I got a phone call in the middle of

Time: 6117.08

the night from one of my buddies who's

Time: 6119.08

still in who is is another

Time: 6121.239

Legend and

Time: 6123.679

um I answered the phone and it's

Time: 6125.84

midnight I knew something was wrong and

Time: 6128.84

we were kind of in this pattern then and

Time: 6130.96

you're like actually a few of the

Time: 6132.44

commands were like our partner command

Time: 6134.199

and a bunch of other guys we work with

Time: 6135.52

in other units it was a hard time like

Time: 6138.639

guys were fighting hard overseas and um

Time: 6141.84

that just comes with the consequences we

Time: 6143.88

know you know and I get the phone call

Time: 6145.84

the middle of the night I'm

Time: 6147.52

like and

Time: 6149.239

so this guy tells me you know get your

Time: 6151.44

uniform you need to come in something

Time: 6153.28

happened and I'm like I know

Time: 6154.96

what happened like tell me who it is and

Time: 6156.52

and they you know didn't want to say it

Time: 6157.84

over the phone which I

Time: 6159.84

get and uh

Time: 6162.199

I I had like one of those moments where

Time: 6164.679

I told him no I I can't I can't do that

Time: 6168.8

again like you have to get somebody who

Time: 6170.639

knows what the they're

Time: 6172.119

doing and he just didn't let me off the

Time: 6175.04

hook you

Time: 6176.36

know get your and come come into

Time: 6178.84

the command because you got to do all

Time: 6180.199

this prep stuff and um I walked into the

Time: 6183.52

conference room I mean I remember

Time: 6185.96

clear's day Andrew I walked into the

Time: 6187.8

conference room and I could see it on

Time: 6189.84

everybody's face again this is 2010

Time: 6192.36

now they

Time: 6194.08

were more terrified than I was and these

Time: 6197.44

arei you know civilian guys guys who

Time: 6199.52

retired who are now civilians they work

Time: 6200.88

at the command and amazing people and

Time: 6204.08

they looked like I don't know if you've

Time: 6206.56

seen um Peter Jackson's remake they

Time: 6209.679

shall not grow old oh you have to watch

Time: 6212.199

it they shall not grow old is Peter

Time: 6215.08

Jackson took Real World War I footage oh

Time: 6218.119

I did see that yeah he put the color in

Time: 6220.04

the lip reading and it and there's a

Time: 6222.4

scene I don't know if it's a Battle of

Time: 6224.08

the Bulge or exactly there's a scene

Time: 6226.639


Time: 6229.159

um this young unit army unit is about to

Time: 6232.36

go up over over the top and you know run

Time: 6234.239

across open field and the camera pans

Time: 6237.56

over and there's a young kid with his

Time: 6240.639

rifle in front of him the bayonet a

Time: 6243.199

fixed to it his helmet on his lips are

Time: 6246.199

sort of flat and pursed and he everybody

Time: 6249.76

in that conference room looked like him

Time: 6252.159

when I saw that movie later I'm like

Time: 6253.599

every single person looked like him and

Time: 6255.84

they told me it was Adam and we were

Time: 6257.08

going to go notify

Time: 6259.159

Kelly his

Time: 6261.08

wife and he had little ones at that

Time: 6263.36

point Savannah and Nathan yeah they were

Time: 6265.239

small and

Time: 6267.8

um we knocked on she had a sort of a

Time: 6271.119

stained glass like window and I could

Time: 6274.719

see her at the top of

Time: 6278.119

the the

Time: 6282.52

stairs that was the worst man it was the

Time: 6290

worst so we sat with Kelly and a bunch

Time: 6293.56

of other guys were there of course it

Time: 6294.96

wasn't just me and we did our

Time: 6298.639

best and I learned later and you know

Time: 6302.32

reading Paul's work Dr KY and other

Time: 6304.84

people and like that was it dude I was

Time: 6307.639

like a um I don't know if it's a locust

Time: 6309.48

or whatever that sheds their skin I

Time: 6311.719

literally like left a shell of myself on

Time: 6314.36

Kelly's front porch and walked out of my

Time: 6319.8

skin it was that was tough that was

Time: 6323.639

tough and so that was kind of the tempo

Time: 6328.32

to answer your question like it wasn't

Time: 6329.96

exactly every 90

Time: 6332.4

days but almost every 90 days from ' 06

Time: 6336.239

to 2011 for me I got out in the fall of

Time: 6338.52

2011 it was Memorial at the theater

Time: 6341.599

Memorial at the people's house you know

Time: 6345.119

and our neighbor across the street in

Time: 6347.199

Virginia Beach she lost her husband in '

Time: 6348.56

07 so one house over so she was best

Time: 6351.48

friends with us you know and so you are

Time: 6353.52

trying to live two

Time: 6355.96

lives you have

Time: 6358.199

this military life with all these

Time: 6361.119


Time: 6362.88

where every bone in your body is telling

Time: 6366.88


Time: 6368

to go full Spartan like no not that the

Time: 6371.159

Spartans didn't have families because

Time: 6372.239

they did whatever did nothing else like

Time: 6375.119

just cut off every other thing in your

Time: 6376.88

life completely you have to go do this

Time: 6379.08

and you have to do it full on because

Time: 6381.679

clearly all bets are off like we're

Time: 6383.88

barely making it through we're losing

Time: 6385.679

our best guys and how the do I

Time: 6389.48

survive if at this pace and so because

Time: 6393.96

we're all in the same community in

Time: 6395.159

Virginia Beach you're around it all the

Time: 6397.28

time when you're home you know and you

Time: 6399.08

should be because you're supporting your

Time: 6401.08

teammates families and that's important

Time: 6403.719

but it was just it's almost like a dream

Time: 6406.08

you know when I think about it now how

Time: 6408.8

do how did we live like that how does

Time: 6411.239

anyone live like that and I know you

Time: 6413.4

know my experience as the military

Time: 6414.84

people go through you know all sorts of

Time: 6416.84

tough situations and different walks of

Time: 6418.28

life but I have so much compassion for

Time: 6420.56

anybody who's trying to live in an

Time: 6422.639

environment like that

Time: 6424.679

where you know you are going on the next

Time: 6427.8

deployment and you know I mean look

Time: 6429.159

Andrew we left bakan in 08 before Tommy

Time: 6432.48

was killed three weeks later

Time: 6435.28

guys are getting blown up in the same

Time: 6436.639

area like and they they got all the

Time: 6439.239

debrief from us they knew exactly where

Time: 6440.88

to go but it was just such a kinetic

Time: 6443.36


Time: 6444.36


Time: 6445.48

um we it was almost like you couldn't

Time: 6448.199

stop it you know it was just like the

Time: 6450.52

balls rolling and when I think about

Time: 6453.719

people overseas and you know different

Time: 6455.679

situations that countries find

Time: 6457.36

themselves in right

Time: 6458.679

now um I can feel it for for them you

Time: 6462.96

know what they're what it takes it's

Time: 6466.199

a it's an intense

Time: 6469.239

environment yeah certainly uh that comes

Time: 6472.04

through uh

Time: 6473.52

I think years ago you said to me um and

Time: 6477.159

this will be an important way of of um

Time: 6479.96

setting aside uh which side people are

Time: 6483.28

on you know whether or not you side with

Time: 6486.92

one group in the Middle East or the

Time: 6488.52

other you feel for everybody that uh one

Time: 6491.119

of the things that you said that really

Time: 6492.4

rung in my ears for a long time is that

Time: 6495.04

the warriors on both

Time: 6497.76

sides in their own minds each and all of

Time: 6501.28

them are just doing what they think is

Time: 6503.96

right for them and their families

Time: 6505.28

totally like you cannot erase that fact

Time: 6507.719

like like whether or not the government

Time: 6509.599

of this country or the government of

Time: 6511.32

that country or group was correct or

Time: 6512.92

incorrect whether or not you're even

Time: 6513.92

talking about a terrorist cell versus a

Time: 6516.48

military a formal military group or

Time: 6518.76

Special Operations group that in the

Time: 6520.48

minds of the

Time: 6521.92

Warriors they're doing what they truly

Time: 6524.679

believe is right for them and their

Time: 6526.8

families and sometimes country as well

Time: 6529.32

and when I heard that it was sort of a

Time: 6531.119

you know it's it's sort of an obvious

Time: 6532.4

statement on the one hand but it's a

Time: 6533.52

very important one I think to the

Time: 6535.44

psychology that you know everyone's

Time: 6537.08

fighting tooth and nail because they

Time: 6539.52

believe that they are right or they're

Time: 6543

just fighting tooth and nail for

Time: 6544.32

whatever reason and that was an

Time: 6546.679

important thing for me to hear and I

Time: 6547.96

think about that a lot when I see any

Time: 6549.52

news stories about International

Time: 6551.44

conflict or terrorist military conflict

Time: 6554.199

terrorist civilian stuff even people

Time: 6556.52

there's something about the human brain

Time: 6557.639

people get this into their mind like

Time: 6559.04

this is my job and they're doing it

Time: 6561.119

doesn't justify it right

Time: 6563.239

but going back to this thing of being a

Time: 6566.599

weapon yep humans can be trained as

Time: 6569.28

weapons and and it's often not the

Time: 6571.44

weapons themselves that are making the

Time: 6572.679

decisions about where to go and what to

Time: 6574.28

do sometimes it is um at this time

Time: 6578.719

Coleman what's going on with the three

Time: 6581.239

boys with Bridget I mean you're um I

Time: 6584.44

mean your boys have turned out really

Time: 6585.76

well um amazing they're amazing um and

Time: 6590.08

there's no coincidence there and

Time: 6591.32

obviously it was a team effort with you

Time: 6592.84

and Bridget but you know there are a lot

Time: 6594.96

of things about the way the scenario

Time: 6596.84

you're describing here that speaks to

Time: 6599.4

like how can a home function but

Time: 6603.719

obviously it functioned well and um you

Time: 6606.96

know it's uh it's remarkable but it

Time: 6610.04

can't be due to chance so the were you

Time: 6612.159

able to compartmentalize like the moment

Time: 6613.639

you hit your front door your dad at home

Time: 6617.32

your husband your um and was that a

Time: 6621.44

pause in a conversation with your

Time: 6622.679

yourself at the front door that's just

Time: 6623.92

something that becomes

Time: 6626.159

reflexive uh I mean

Time: 6631.679

I I think it was just reflexive it

Time: 6634.199

wasn't really a pause at the front door

Time: 6636.84

and admittedly the story I would like to

Time: 6639.159

tell is that I was super Zen about it

Time: 6643.119

and I had this process and I would come

Time: 6646

home and I would take this off and put

Time: 6647.88

on regular dad things and I think I was

Time: 6651.48

just about by the same level of effort

Time: 6655.4

that we put into what we were

Time: 6657.159

doing Bridget and every other wife

Time: 6662.04

mom at least the ones that I knew they

Time: 6665.119

put that level effort in as well it made

Time: 6670.56

our home

Time: 6672.4

life just very comfortable so it was

Time: 6675.04

easy like I didn't have to go through

Time: 6677.199

some process right it was it this is how

Time: 6678.96

I remember it was easy for me I don't

Time: 6681.56

know if it was easy for Bri she would

Time: 6683

have to answer that question it was easy

Time: 6684.56

for me and so I felt like for the most

Time: 6689.159

part like I was I wasn't like platoon

Time: 6691.4

Commander dad you know some movie you

Time: 6694.84

know the great Santini type dad you know

Time: 6697.56

I think Pat Conroy GRE WR the great

Time: 6699.32

Santini um his dad was crazy apparently

Time: 6702.159

it's like that's what he writes about it

Time: 6703.76

wasn't like that it was more of this

Time: 6706.679

this home is such a

Time: 6708.599

relief and Bridget is so dialed that I

Time: 6711.719

don't have to

Time: 6713.079

unfortunately hard for Bridget I don't

Time: 6715.04

have to do anything you know the time

Time: 6717.8

that I'm here I can be here and then you

Time: 6721.599

know go away again and and so it's as we

Time: 6725.079

know what trauma does to the mind like

Time: 6726.719

there are many many stretches of that

Time: 6729


Time: 6730.56


Time: 6732.159

that I just don't

Time: 6734.8

remember and and I and what I do

Time: 6736.84

remember is

Time: 6738.04

mostly obviously the fun times the front

Time: 6740.96

yard the whatever playing with the bo

Time: 6742.76

boys um doing rough housing and going on

Time: 6745.76

vacation and stuff but the when I was in

Time: 6748

the grind when we were in the training

Time: 6749.599

cycle of our cycle or deployment or

Time: 6751.239

whatever I don't really

Time: 6753.639

remember sections of

Time: 6757.079


Time: 6758.96

so a lot far too many I guess even one

Time: 6762.079

would be far too many uh doorbells

Time: 6764.719

ringing on

Time: 6767

doorbells you decide to get out

Time: 6769.92

MH uh was that a conscious decision

Time: 6773.4

based on time conscious decision based

Time: 6775.239

on like I would like to have the rest of

Time: 6777.36

my life you're done I like to call it a

Time: 6780.199

regret you know but it's just kind of

Time: 6782.599

emblematic of where I was it was the

Time: 6785.639

right decision I do not regret getting

Time: 6787.639

out at the 13e Mark not for a

Time: 6790.159

second it I needed it we needed it as a

Time: 6793.48


Time: 6795.56

um it was a snap it was a snap decision

Time: 6798.679

it was like a what do we say 24-hour

Time: 6801.32

decision and 24-hour Horizon I was

Time: 6803.679

standing on the ledge of the 24-hour

Time: 6805.119

Horizon right um and you said what year

Time: 6808.76

was that again that was the fall of 2011

Time: 6811.239

2011 yeah okay so that's about four or

Time: 6813.28

five years four or five years before you

Time: 6814.96

and I met yeah so extortion we can just

Time: 6817.159

we don't have to touch into it too

Time: 6818.239

deeply because people can look it up but

Time: 6819.639

this was a a massive loss of Special

Time: 6822.04

Operations included a lot of seals um it

Time: 6825.079

was basically helicopter shot out of the

Time: 6826.639

sky with a uh with a rap with a grenade

Time: 6830.8

right yeah RPG RPG

Time: 6833.44

um people can look it up if they want to

Time: 6835.52

and um there's a lot of material out

Time: 6837.8

there about it um it's just can only be

Time: 6840.079

described as a tragedy so um and I'm not

Time: 6843.239

trying to make light of it I just think

Time: 6844.599

you that we could do there's a lot to

Time: 6846.4

explore there for in a different

Time: 6847.92

discussion um okay so you're

Time: 6850.44

out now the probability that you're

Time: 6852.4

going to die is much lower provided it's

Time: 6855.32

not what my nervous system said right

Time: 6857.679

but you're you're out

Time: 6859.48

mhm and what do you do

Time: 6863.04

meaning what do you do with all that

Time: 6866.52

energy the energy of the way you've been

Time: 6870.8

operating up until now these intense

Time: 6873.76

battle rhythms vampire schedules as you

Time: 6876.84

call them but also what do you do with

Time: 6878.76

all the energy of what happened you know

Time: 6881.28

I think this is where I think our

Time: 6883.96

conversation really hopefully has been

Time: 6886.719

related to other people as we've been

Time: 6888.599

going but that you know sometimes I stop

Time: 6892.8

and I'm like I know I'm supposed to

Time: 6893.96

process all this stuff you know that's

Time: 6897.36

happened but it's like what do you do

Time: 6899.44

when so much is happened or When

Time: 6901.199

Something's Happened that you know you

Time: 6902.8

have to move on from you know you need

Time: 6904.04

to compartmentalize but that lives in

Time: 6905.8

our nervous system so are you thinking

Time: 6908.4

about that no you're Coleman Ruiz at

Time: 6911.36

that point you're just uh you're just

Time: 6913.4

going forward it's just crazy I

Time: 6915.92

mean I just didn't know you know it's

Time: 6919.199

2011 doesn't sound like that long ago

Time: 6921.239

but still

Time: 6922.92

in 2011 this was not a topic for

Time: 6926.44

conversation you know

Time: 6929.599

and I took maybe one week to process out

Time: 6933.48

I turned in my gear I turned in my

Time: 6936.119

badge and my next visit to the command

Time: 6938.48

years later I had to be escorted on by

Time: 6940.76

people I worked with in the same

Time: 6942.199

Squadron like so within a matter of one

Time: 6945.679

week I'm a stranger like I can't get on

Time: 6947.76

the base I there's reasons for that I

Time: 6950

get that but I'm just using it as a I

Time: 6951.96

mean there was nothing dishonorable

Time: 6953.719

about how you went it's just that

Time: 6955.199

there's security reason once you're out

Time: 6956.599

like you can't just drive on the base

Time: 6957.639

anymore you know

Time: 6959.56

and this is like emblematic of of course

Time: 6963.239

I didn't talk to anybody about it not

Time: 6964.52

even Bridget but um at the time in those

Time: 6967.4

first call it couple of years or even

Time: 6969.639

couple of months I don't

Time: 6972.76

know the question you just ask me is the

Time: 6974.88

question I was at like what do I do like

Time: 6977.639

not with work like what do I do period

Time: 6981.199

with life like how do I manage my time

Time: 6983.28

and I'm not some bumbling idiot it's not

Time: 6985.239

like I was walking around the

Time: 6987.239

neighborhood like trying to figure out

Time: 6989

where my house was

Time: 6990.679

I I had just been in that environment

Time: 6992.96

for so long to your point that

Time: 6997.119

um I didn't know what to do I didn't

Time: 6999.4

know what to do with my thoughts my

Time: 7001.84

feelings my you know I could go to the

Time: 7003.679

Buddhist five Aggregates my thoughts

Time: 7005.239

feelings perceptions physical form and

Time: 7006.88

kind like all these things I've learned

Time: 7008.36

about and thought about later that have

Time: 7009.92

helped so much I didn't know what to do

Time: 7012.04

with any of it like I didn't know what

Time: 7014.639

to do with night sweats I didn't know

Time: 7015.92

what to do with I thought the term PTSD

Time: 7018.599

was the was the biggest joke on

Time: 7020.4

the planet until I read all the symptoms

Time: 7021.96

and I'm

Time: 7022.96

like wait wait a minute um sounds sounds

Time: 7026.56

like sounds familiar and so it's that

Time: 7029.079

and was like and so I remember like even

Time: 7032.199

the little things that kind of make the

Time: 7033.84

point of the big things I didn't know

Time: 7035.96

how to get a dentist like just go to the

Time: 7038.639

dentist in the military I you know I I

Time: 7041.239

thought when I was walking around the

Time: 7042.639

food line that somebody was going to

Time: 7044

call me and say come back to the base

Time: 7045.76

because like the bubble went up you just

Time: 7048.159

I had zero context and didn't have the

Time: 7052.28

Cur or the not even not even just the

Time: 7054.04

courage but know who to ask right it

Time: 7056.76

wasn't the mentoring one of the most

Time: 7060.04

important books in my life in the last

Time: 7061.76

12 years has been Joseph Campbell's the

Time: 7063.52

hero with a thousand faces for the back

Time: 7065.88

end of the hero's journey and I haven't

Time: 7068.96

read it I know I should I know I should

Time: 7071.159

you should actually listen to it to

Time: 7072.4

listen to it it's better to I've

Time: 7073.8

probably only listened to five audio

Time: 7075.32

books in my life I prefer to read in

Time: 7077.119

paper because I can take notes in the

Time: 7079.04

margin that book is better listen to

Time: 7082

hero with a thousand faces a hero with a

Time: 7083.92

thousand faces could you just highlight

Time: 7085.76

a couple of the things that you took

Time: 7086.88

from the back end of that um that

Time: 7089.36

somehow shifted your mind toward like

Time: 7091.32

like cued you I'm thinking Coleman ruy

Time: 7094.84

uh Circa 2011 is like like what do I do

Time: 7098.239

now and then something cues you there's

Time: 7099.84

like a beacon someplace it's like I like

Time: 7102.679

a texture of something like I want you

Time: 7105.119

know you want to feel it more to get a

Time: 7106.679

sense of what it is that is that about

Time: 7108.079

right it was in that case for sure um so

Time: 7111.719

Joseph Campbell wrote that book in

Time: 7113.639

1949 and the her with a thousand faces

Time: 7116.36

is effectively the 17 stage Heroes

Time: 7118.679

Journey which by the way George Lucas

Time: 7120.96

says and has said many times publicly he

Time: 7124.159

built the Arc of Star Wars around the 17

Time: 7126.679

stage Heroes Journey he credits Joseph

Time: 7128.44

Campbell's book for helping him and if

Time: 7132.28

you ever read it or you go through the

Time: 7133.639

17 stages or you see it or watch a short

Time: 7135.48

video anybody you'll see how damn near

Time: 7137.92

everybody's life which is why it's

Time: 7139.96

called the monomyth he describes it as

Time: 7141.719

the monomyth or the cosmogonic cycle

Time: 7143.96

there's a little weirder term for it

Time: 7147.28

um but what he lays out in the book is I

Time: 7150.76

don't know maybe supposedly 2,000 years

Time: 7153.28

of culture across multiple cultures book

Time: 7156.719

is incredibly complicated in that sense

Time: 7159.8

Andrew when I so I listen to it audio

Time: 7162.119

first and I went back to it and listened

Time: 7163.239

to it in paper I could not believe how a

Time: 7165.56

human could put this narrative together

Time: 7167.4

honestly and so but the

Time: 7171.44

summary I struggle with the first 10

Time: 7173.52

stages a little bit but it I'll try to

Time: 7175.56

come back to them if you if you look at

Time: 7177.76

the image when you lay out the 17 stages

Time: 7180.599

the way it's in a circle is the Ordinary

Time: 7183.639

World and the extraordinary world is on

Time: 7186.199

the bottom of the page and there's a

Time: 7187.76

horizontal line the diameter of that

Time: 7189.56

Circle goes horizontally across and the

Time: 7191.36

extraordinary world on the bottom the

Time: 7192.599

ordinary worlds on the top okay and so

Time: 7195.52

let me talk about the back end of the

Time: 7196.719

journey first CU what I was mostly

Time: 7198.159

concerned about with when a friend

Time: 7199.44

pointed me to that book was my return to

Time: 7202.36

the Ordinary World and he told me you

Time: 7204.52

Coleman you got to read this book and so

Time: 7206.56

the back end of the hero's journey in

Time: 7209.4

the return

Time: 7210.76

section is three seven stages of the 17

Time: 7216.079

it's the ultimate Boon which is you

Time: 7218.239

learned something big in life it

Time: 7222.4

depending on everybody learns something

Time: 7224.239

where you you sort of realize something

Time: 7226.76

big happened to me that's the ultimate

Time: 7228.52

Boon and you have this incredible desire

Time: 7230.199

to do something with it it's either

Time: 7232.28

knowledge or it's experience or whatever

Time: 7235.599

and the ultimate Boon you have and you

Time: 7238.48

feel like this life thing and then the

Time: 7241.599

next stage is typically uh refusal of

Time: 7244.88

the return you really don't want to come

Time: 7247.159

back to the Ordinary World cuz you feel

Time: 7249.32

that there is some level of consequence

Time: 7251.76

that maybe you can't handle or somebody

Time: 7254.76

won't understand you know or maybe it's

Time: 7257.36

too mundane you'll be maybe you'll feel

Time: 7260.119

uh a drift totally yeah that and this is

Time: 7262.48

in the description of the stages what

Time: 7264.679

you just described as part of that

Time: 7267.239

description the next stage you're coming

Time: 7269.56

up back into the Ordinary World and this

Time: 7271.44

return is Magic Flight and the way it's

Time: 7274.36

described in you know um myths or in

Time: 7277.639

real life is you have to escape that

Time: 7281.28

extraordinary world and a and take one

Time: 7283.56

more dangerous flight or or sneak away

Time: 7287.079

or something is catapulting you to take

Time: 7290.119

that ultimate Boon and fight against

Time: 7292.239

that refusal you're you're taking Magic

Time: 7294.92

Flight amazing and then there is

Time: 7299.599

um is

Time: 7301.639

it it's it's assistance I think yeah

Time: 7306.079

it's like assistance from a um like a

Time: 7309.28

special power or something which could

Time: 7311.4

be your own or somebody

Time: 7313.04

else right and then and then suddenly

Time: 7315.32

you're into the last three which is

Time: 7316.679

crossing the crossing the return

Time: 7319.199

threshold into the Ordinary World master

Time: 7322.8

of Two Worlds where you finally realize

Time: 7327.76

through help Andor process where you can

Time: 7330.44

hold these two opposing life experiences

Time: 7332.679

in place and then the very last stage 17

Time: 7335.639

is freedom to live and when you can I'm

Time: 7339.8

going to give you my little pet theory

Time: 7341.04

in a second

Time: 7342.599

when you can work your way through those

Time: 7344.719

stages you can have the freedom to

Time: 7347.88

live what I realized potentially happen

Time: 7351.88

to me just my internal feelings about

Time: 7354.96

you know my coming in out of the

Time: 7356.88

military and back is if you

Time: 7361

skip or you don't figure out how to deal

Time: 7364.239

with the refusal to return and and you

Time: 7367.599

just pick I'm going to call it the next

Time: 7369.4

big thing you catapult yourself into a

Time: 7372.48

new cycle and you never finish and one

Time: 7376.52

of two things has happened you're either

Time: 7378

two people trapped in the Ordinary World

Time: 7379.84

or you're one person trapped in the in

Time: 7381.36

Two Worlds I don't know which it is like

Time: 7383.639

it's either Two Worlds in one person or

Time: 7385.52

it's two people trying to live in one

Time: 7386.96

world but gets crazy right because

Time: 7389.88

you just haven't done the cycle and it

Time: 7392.079

sounds very misul but if you read a here

Time: 7394.76

with a thousand faces you're like this

Time: 7396.04

journey is not new like this is

Time: 7398.079

thousands of years of very typical human

Time: 7401

cycle now if we go back to the top of

Time: 7403.239


Time: 7403.96

circle let me try to scream through the

Time: 7406

first 10 which will be very obvious for

Time: 7408.079

Star Wars fans just think about what

Time: 7410.04

Luke does and I'm not like a super star

Time: 7412.8

wars person I've seen the movies but

Time: 7414.84

it's a call to Adventure most of us have

Time: 7417.119

have a call to Adventure of some sort in

Time: 7418.639

our life refuse to call help from a

Time: 7422.199

mentor crossing the first threshold the

Time: 7425.239

belly of the whale which is described as

Time: 7428.36

when you first truly separate this was

Time: 7430.32

me leaving for college when you first

Time: 7432.119

truly separate from

Time: 7433.88

the Ordinary World Road of

Time: 7439.079

Trials meeting the

Time: 7441.599

goddess Temptations atonement with the

Time: 7444.599

Father apostasis which is kind of like

Time: 7447.8

dying uh death while you're still alive

Time: 7450.599

and then you're into those return stages

Time: 7452.719

and when I first read that book Andrew I

Time: 7454.239

was like I'm trapped in the return I'm

Time: 7457.199

trapped somewhere in the

Time: 7459.84

return just emot

Time: 7462.239

Al and one of the

Time: 7465.28

places that I was absolutely trapped in

Time: 7467.96

the return was I didn't have the mentor

Time: 7471.559

to help me cross the threshold I knew I

Time: 7474.679

had to move on in my

Time: 7477.84

life I knew I had learned something

Time: 7479.96


Time: 7481.36

valuable I knew that there was a way

Time: 7483.4

through because people across thousands

Time: 7485.119

of years of humanity have done it I

Time: 7486.559

don't think I'm

Time: 7487.719

special and I never had the mentor I I

Time: 7491.079

got mentor later you know a couple years

Time: 7493.639

out um and it reminds

Time: 7497.079

me that in the so I got out in the fall

Time: 7500.719

of 2011 in the summer one of my very

Time: 7502.8

good friends who lives in Connecticut he

Time: 7504.76

works in New York he brought me to a

Time: 7508.159

lunch at some fancy Club in New York um

Time: 7511.599

with a guy named Buddy bua Paul buddy

Time: 7513.88

bua who won the Congressional Medal of

Time: 7515.32

Honor he's a West Point grad he won the

Time: 7516.76

C in

Time: 7518.92

Vietnam I've been around a lot of you

Time: 7521.159

know famous military people lunch was

Time: 7522.8

very normal but buddy was amazing it it

Time: 7525.079

was a normal lunch we didn't talk about

Time: 7526.36

much like impact we didn't talk about

Time: 7529.119

Combat Action or

Time: 7531.079

whatever there was a green velvet set of

Time: 7533.239

stairs we were leaving the club the

Time: 7535.159

upstairs we were coming down the green

Time: 7536.44

set of stairs if I remember Buddy's a

Time: 7538.719

little bit shorter than I am he reached

Time: 7541.199

out his left I was on his left he

Time: 7542.599

reached out his left arm I was a stair

Time: 7544.719

one stair below him he stopped me I

Time: 7548.4

turned to my right to look at him he

Time: 7549.88

looked at me he said Son you have have

Time: 7551.84

it you know that you have it pts and

Time: 7555.84

you're going to have to deal with it and

Time: 7558.04

we left I got in a cab and I left and I

Time: 7559.719


Time: 7561.199

thinking you might have it but I

Time: 7564.559

don't because that's the old days like

Time: 7567.599

we're we were prepared for this I

Time: 7569.599

was still

Time: 7571.119

convinced that I'm good like nothing

Time: 7574.119

happened to me nothing in the military

Time: 7576.079

happened to me that's just normal stuff

Time: 7577.719

and all of our training it's a story I

Time: 7579.76

told myself all of our training prepared

Time: 7582.04

me for that like this the rest of my

Time: 7584.76

life is just going to it nothing bad is

Time: 7587.28

going to happen because I'm good

Time: 7589.76

whatever that meant and when I started

Time: 7592.92

to learn more and read more and talk to

Time: 7594.559

people who are helping me I remembered

Time: 7597.44

buddy telling me that

Time: 7599.4

and back to those return stages Andrew

Time: 7602.119

it's just incredibly important for me to

Time: 7605.48

understand that my journey is not

Time: 7607.52

special we are part of a long history of

Time: 7610.04

evolution that people go through very

Time: 7612.32

chall and I mean the 17 stages in Jose

Time: 7616.44

could not be more accurate to like to my

Time: 7619.04

life particularly the

Time: 7622.44

return and of course if one looked from

Time: 7624.559

the outside they would agree with your

Time: 7627.199

mindset then and say you're alive MH you

Time: 7631.239

certainly done very hard things

Time: 7632.92

extraordinary things you're married you

Time: 7635.559

got three kids they're

Time: 7638.04

thriving PTSD postraumatic stress

Time: 7641.199

disorder order uh and things like it CU

Time: 7644.719

I don't think any single acronym or

Time: 7646.159

diagnosis can capture anything I think

Time: 7647.8

Paul kti made that very clear to us in

Time: 7649.52

the mental health series these are names

Time: 7652.4

by necessity but it's a framework that

Time: 7655.04

certainly taught me something absolutely

Time: 7657.199

and and and certainly those who haven't

Time: 7659.639

been in the military maybe had a seed

Time: 7661.199

event of something challenging or

Time: 7663.36

whatever it is you know um many people

Time: 7666.199

uh struggle with with these kinds of

Time: 7668.52

things that live inside them um in the

Time: 7671.599

nervous system they pack it down maybe

Time: 7673.4

they don't but um that was inside you at

Time: 7677.04

that point M I think you and I first got

Time: 7679.32

acquainted in somewhere around

Time: 7681.92

2016 when you and some other folks from

Time: 7685.639

tier one community and related

Time: 7687.079

communities started coming to lab and my

Time: 7689.8

lab and I never really talked publicly

Time: 7691.48

about my lab has been involved with

Time: 7692.76

various things in Canada and the US um

Time: 7695.88

not trying to create any Mystique there

Time: 7697.36

but it's it's not not a point of

Time: 7698.8

Interest what we did and and um but I

Time: 7702

recall at that time just thinking like

Time: 7704.4

this guy's just an amazing team guy but

Time: 7708.079

in any event

Time: 7710

um you know we got to know each other a

Time: 7712.92

bit and my since then was like it's like

Time: 7717.599

a that's kind of indestructible right

Time: 7720.76

you know and now I realize nobody's

Time: 7722.079

indestructible we're flesh and Bone but

Time: 7726.119

um but if we may let let's let's fast

Time: 7728.96

forward a bit um to uh a couple years

Time: 7732.119

later um if you're willing to talk about

Time: 7734.719

it um maybe talk about some of the uh

Time: 7739.679

the evolution that happened so you

Time: 7741.04

started working a job MH um you're

Time: 7743.76

getting back into civilian life yep and

Time: 7747.36

um I recall a conversation about this

Time: 7750.04

time of year probably about three year

Time: 7753.32

three years

Time: 7754.48

ago yeah and you had done what um a lot

Time: 7759.4

of uh vets from um tier one operations

Time: 7763.04

have done and are now doing which I

Time: 7765.239

actually have um mostly uh favorable

Time: 7768.76

outlook on which is um there now these

Time: 7771.52

are uh I want to be very clear legal and

Time: 7774.679

sanctioned explorations of the

Time: 7776.36

Psychedelic space right and I remember

Time: 7779.239

you called me and you described uh the

Time: 7782.52

experience that you had uh had um and

Time: 7786.119

some of the connection with Warrior

Time: 7788.239

culture that that had helped emerge for

Time: 7790.719

you so you could you explain what

Time: 7792.599

happened there you know probably the

Time: 7794.44

entry Andrew is as important you know

Time: 7797.159

meaning it's not all about books but

Time: 7799.28

this is actually another thing I've

Time: 7800.32

really learned you know I was very

Time: 7802.239

intellect and achievement

Time: 7805.4

Central and as you can see how easy the

Time: 7808.639

emotion comes out now I kind of very

Time: 7811.48

frighteningly understand people who like

Time: 7814.48

feel stuff a lot more it's a whole other

Time: 7817.4

landscape it's miserable well wait yeah

Time: 7820.88

it is yet it's I I agree I it's a very

Time: 7824

uncomfortable space uh you know but

Time: 7826.8

we'll get we'll get there it's it's a

Time: 7828.199

journey for me let me put it that way so

Time: 7830.52

you know there's a bunch of other I'm a

Time: 7833.239

vicious reader and I really enjoy it and

Time: 7836

you know my entree and little window

Time: 7840.199

into the world of getting that kind of

Time: 7843

help came from a lot of different areas

Time: 7845.96

um I

Time: 7846.96

found in our area a cranos cyal

Time: 7849.679

therapist who

Time: 7852.04

it still seems like because I mentioned

Time: 7853.599

it to people and it sounds Fringe to

Time: 7854.96

them it's a very light touch not even

Time: 7857.119

Chiropractic like and it's closer to

Time: 7858.8

myof fasal type of massage some some

Time: 7861.599

tapping very like Ta on the top of the

Time: 7863.84

head the part I actually love the most

Time: 7865.4

is the back of the neck sort of

Time: 7867.4

manipulation is you're lying down

Time: 7869.36

relaxed yeah you're clothed super easy

Time: 7871.559

in terms of that um couple years of that

Time: 7875.88

just because of Athletics I love massage

Time: 7877.639

and that's kind of my entree and um so

Time: 7881.28

through the body sematics yeah which

Time: 7883.8

frankly in many ways is my favorite back

Time: 7885.719

to the physical orientation to the world

Time: 7888.92

is is what I is what's useful to me

Time: 7891.84

um but also I I mean I read Sam Harris's

Time: 7896.4

first book end of faith in 2006 and so

Time: 7899.639

I've followed him for 15 years

Time: 7902.679

religiously read all of his books um

Time: 7905.28

lying moral

Time: 7906.719

landscape and his I I don't know him

Time: 7910.239

personally so public stuff

Time: 7911.48

notwithstanding that's not important to

Time: 7912.76

me but waking up and I took um I took an

Time: 7916.159

online course with Robert Wright who who

Time: 7918.84

wrote why Buddhism is true but that's

Time: 7920.48

really not what he's known for you know

Time: 7921.88

Princeton Professor um he's so funny

Time: 7925.599

he's very humorous and I started to work

Time: 7929.239


Time: 7930.599

way into I don't I don't have some like

Time: 7933.36

I don't want people think have some like

Time: 7934.599

whizbang like spiritual practice that's

Time: 7937.079

whatever you know I but it it became

Time: 7939.36

very interesting to me Andrew this this

Time: 7941.28

I I needed to find I started to realize

Time: 7943.8

I needed to find a way to back away from

Time: 7946.679

the 24-hour ledge like that Super Hyper

Time: 7951

Focus I needed to get a little bit of

Time: 7954.4

perspective one of my favorite short

Time: 7956.28

videos is Richard Fan's pale blue dot I

Time: 7958.76

needed to just back away you know that

Time: 7961

reminds me thank you so much for talking

Time: 7962.8

about time space bridging I think the

Time: 7965.719

other day yeah we make we I'll cue

Time: 7968.48

people to that clip in the caption it's

Time: 7970.639

a way of taking oneself out of one's

Time: 7972.96

immediate sphere of vision and looking

Time: 7976.119

literally looking further out into one's

Time: 7977.76

environment and then back again as a

Time: 7979.76

perceptual exercise of understanding

Time: 7981.36

that as our visual field expands our

Time: 7984.559

perception of time also expands um the

Time: 7987.88

binning the chunking of time yeah that

Time: 7990.48

and my and your conversation years ago

Time: 7992.88

about um Horizon and activating the

Time: 7997.199

parasympathetic system instead of

Time: 7998.92

sympathetic I I just very slowly started

Time: 8001.36

to realize I needed to back away from

Time: 8003.4

the small

Time: 8004.44

picture and the reading and the cranial

Time: 8007.079

sacr and massage and I was still not

Time: 8010.079

really getting consistent real help but

Time: 8012.92

I thought I could do it through

Time: 8014.119

educating myself

Time: 8016.239

intellectually and um I thought it was

Time: 8019.36

time to and it was it has short-term

Time: 8022.599

consequences but longterm it's been

Time: 8024.52


Time: 8025.79


Time: 8027.32

to you know deal with the plant

Time: 8029.28

medicines in a in a controlled and Cur

Time: 8031.199

ated environment and that experience

Time: 8033.88

was super safe and quite amazing

Time: 8036.719

actually the weekend or the three or

Time: 8039.639


Time: 8040.48

days was super intense but I didn't

Time: 8043.48

leave there

Time: 8045.079

thinking again I kind of thought I'm

Time: 8047.159

good that was

Time: 8049.079

great yeah uh couple things um one we've

Time: 8053.88

covered psychedelics on this podcast

Time: 8055.48

before um I say this not for liability

Time: 8058.4

reasons but just to really to emphasize

Time: 8060.44

uh for people safety uh to protect them

Time: 8063.159

um plant medicines are illegal most

Time: 8064.8

places still um this is changing MDMA is

Time: 8068.8

uh has been filed with the FDA as a

Time: 8070.599

potential treatment it's not yet legal

Time: 8073.4

um these things have great power of of

Time: 8076.599

he to heal in the right circumstances

Time: 8078.679

and they also have great uh potential to

Time: 8080.84

harm in the wrong hands or circumstances

Time: 8083.52

um people with uh you know potential for

Time: 8087.119

psychosis Etc but

Time: 8090.04

um with that said um I remember I was on

Time: 8094.48

I was driving I was on a phone call with

Time: 8096.76

you around this time of year about three

Time: 8098.76

years ago maybe it was four but I think

Time: 8100.96

it was three years ago and I said what

Time: 8103.239

was your experience with um iigame DMT

Time: 8106.8

like um and you said you know it was

Time: 8112.36

among the most profound experiences of

Time: 8114.639

my entire life and I recall you saying

Time: 8118.119

that you felt that it had connected you

Time: 8120.239

through time to all the warrior cultures

Time: 8123.28

that had preceded you not just US

Time: 8126.32

military but all Warrior cultures and

Time: 8128.52

you sounded great you sounded

Time: 8132.679

like better than great you weren't high

Time: 8136.28

but you just sounded like man like like

Time: 8138.48

something had had had synced up yeah and

Time: 8142.159

I thought this is great you know and I

Time: 8143.84

hadn't explored plant medicines at least

Time: 8145.48

not in a long time because I had done

Time: 8146.48

them recreationally as a youth which I

Time: 8148.4

do not recommend it took me down a bad

Time: 8150.32

path um but and more recently I've

Time: 8153.48

explored them in controlled conditions

Time: 8156.239

but I thought awesome this work you got

Time: 8160.119

this new job you're you're uh you did

Time: 8162.8

some um very controlled and again

Time: 8165.32

physician assisted abigan DMT uh

Time: 8168.639

experiences and you're telling me how

Time: 8171.199

great everything was Y and then about I

Time: 8175.44

think it was about 3 4 months later I

Time: 8178.679

got a very different call yeah and and

Time: 8181.76

um if you're willing you know I remember

Time: 8185.32

that call um maybe you can tell me about

Time: 8187.96

that call yeah so I mean this yeah the

Time: 8190.719

experience it it was incredibly powerful

Time: 8194.399

you know humor is such a powerful way to

Time: 8196.08

get through hard times just why laughing

Time: 8198.12

yeah but it it really was Andrew I mean

Time: 8200

to be fair

Time: 8201.88

to thousands of years of you know people

Time: 8205.439

have experience with these

Time: 8207.08

things we often joked about like what

Time: 8211.04

poor sucker reached down and grabbed

Time: 8212.92

that root for the first time and chewed

Time: 8214.96

on it iboga tree boy he found

Time: 8217.96

out or she or she yeah to be fair to be

Time: 8221.599

fair probably you know some session that

Time: 8224.96

wasn't supposed to go that direction and

Time: 8226.359

someone chewed on the wrong route but um

Time: 8229.24

it was extremely powerful um I've heard

Time: 8233.08

that you know the 5 Meo for some people

Time: 8237.08

is not much it's like

Time: 8239.559

black for me it was just

Time: 8243.28

liftoff and

Time: 8245.559

um I saw an entirely perfect geometric

Time: 8249.76

Mosaic in light blue and

Time: 8252.28


Time: 8254.439

and that was the warrior Culture

Time: 8257

Connection like that whole 20 minute

Time: 8259.359

ride was just something else um as you

Time: 8263.16

know I guess I haven't done it noetic is

Time: 8265.76

the word no yeah that people use very

Time: 8268.8

difficult I don't have the language for

Time: 8270

it and a couple months later the bottom

Time: 8273.359


Time: 8274.28

out yeah and it and I want to talk about

Time: 8277.24

that now I I also want to emphasize I

Time: 8279.04

know a good number of people that have

Time: 8281.16

uh had the same experience you did with

Time: 8283.12

aiga and DMT through the veteran

Time: 8285.439

solutions group um uh and I know Marcus

Time: 8289.679

and Amber Capone very well actually a

Time: 8291.16

bill just got passed in Congress that uh

Time: 8293.319

Dan krenshaw helped um helped um

Time: 8296.639

spearhead to bring funding to use of

Time: 8299.719

psychedelics for PTSD treatment in in

Time: 8302.599

military um and I should mention because

Time: 8306.399

this was interesting to learn that that

Time: 8308.76

bill was highly bipartisan if I'm not

Time: 8310.92

going to name off the names because if I

Time: 8312.439

do there's going to be a lot of cringing

Time: 8313.8

screaming and yelling but if it's like

Time: 8316.88

if ever there was a bill that was

Time: 8318.359

supported from both sides of the aisle

Time: 8320.28

with the like the most diametrically

Time: 8321.92

opposed names who came together around

Time: 8324.319

that funding it's that bill yeah and um

Time: 8327.96

just striking it's a and um so is a very

Time: 8331.12

bipartisan thing so I will say a number

Time: 8333.16

of people uh have been greatly benefited

Time: 8335.84

by the veteran Solutions work um but and

Time: 8341.08

we can't causally link what happened to

Time: 8343.399

you afterwards to that at all there's a

Time: 8345.519

lot of contextual stuff um so we're not

Time: 8348.719

doing that but we're we're an open book

Time: 8350.84

here um and I think that's a great group

Time: 8353.559

by the way veteran Solutions is amazing

Time: 8355.8

um a few months later you said the

Time: 8358.639

bottom dropped out so what happened and

Time: 8361.28

when did you start to notice it and then

Time: 8362.8

maybe we can talk about that phone call

Time: 8364.2

yeah I think um you know looking back

Time: 8368.359

Andrew I think a couple things most

Time: 8370.76

people who call me about you know

Time: 8372.92

friends who say hey should I go do this

Time: 8374.599

I initially tell them well 100% of the

Time: 8377.359

time I tell them no

Time: 8380.84

until until you

Time: 8383.84

get I was having this conversation last

Time: 8386

week with a guy who I never met

Time: 8388.16

before you need to stabilize

Time: 8394.28

your situation whatever your situation

Time: 8396.28

is through some very slow deliberate Dr

Time: 8400.12

kti level help because in the case of

Time: 8405.319

I'm happy to see that some people

Time: 8407.04

they're using just a wider spectrum of

Time: 8408.88

on-ramp not the nuclear option to start

Time: 8411.64

I can tell you unequivocally abigan and

Time: 8413.28

5 Meo DMT 2 days apart is the nuclear

Time: 8415.8

option and it's not right for everybody

Time: 8417.6

just I'm not a scientist there's no

Time: 8419.28

question that cannot be right for

Time: 8421.2

everybody that just doesn't make any

Time: 8422.6

sense there's other ways to enter I

Time: 8424.72

believe and when you say the cont option

Time: 8427.12

well just for those that didn't see the

Time: 8428.28

series with Dr Paul K we'll put a link

Time: 8430.04

to in the show note captions but uh what

Time: 8432.16

Coleman's referring to is talk therapy

Time: 8434.04

with somebody highly skilled yes and

Time: 8436.52

perhaps also prescription uh medication

Time: 8440.28

if that's necessary maybe hormone

Time: 8442.08

therapy if that's necessary that's up to

Time: 8444.04

the physician but but clearly talk

Time: 8446.64

therapy of with a skilled clinician I

Time: 8449.72

believe I need needed I don't know what

Time: 8451.359

other people need I needed a mentor to

Time: 8454


Time: 8454.96

me contextualize what I was coming from

Time: 8458.359

and what I'm going to

Time: 8461.08

and my experience you know with the plan

Time: 8464.84

medicines was it um kicked the door wide

Time: 8468.24

open and took that

Time: 8470.56

beautiful ice sculpture perhaps at a

Time: 8473.399

person's wedding and shattered it on the

Time: 8476

floor and I was again left alone my

Time: 8480.12

fault anybody else's left alone to

Time: 8482.64

figure out how to put that ice sculpture

Time: 8484.439

back together piece by piece and you my

Time: 8488.56

belief is I could have avoided that by

Time: 8492.08

having a much more deliberate process so

Time: 8495.12

when suddenly the ice sculpture was on

Time: 8496.72

the ground and every bit of intellect

Time: 8500.16

that I built over you know however long

Time: 8502.28


Time: 8504.399

decades I was I was flat on my back and

Time: 8508.12

and as as I told you Andrew and I've

Time: 8510

been you know really verbal about with

Time: 8513.6

so many friends who only want to talk

Time: 8515.28

about it in quiet circles which I

Time: 8517.08

totally understand and and respect and

Time: 8519.68

if you want to talk about in a quiet

Time: 8521.24

circle like email the humor like P

Time: 8524.56

podcast and you can give them my cell

Time: 8525.92

phone number because I know how

Time: 8527.2

important it is to people when they're

Time: 8528.319

in that stage is

Time: 8531.479

um that was another thing that I never

Time: 8534.76

thought was possible for

Time: 8537.8

humans it was severe depression severe

Time: 8542.96

and and I was

Time: 8544.439

so because I guess I just never thought

Time: 8546.88

about it again or never had a mentor the

Time: 8549.64

shocking thing Andrew was how shocked I

Time: 8551.52

was it's like if I had known something

Time: 8553.72

like this was real not that I would have

Time: 8555.24

listened to anybody if they said it but

Time: 8557.439

the most shocking thing was that again

Time: 8559.56

this could happen to me and when it did

Time: 8562.92

happen I was

Time: 8564.28


Time: 8566.16

unequipped to deal with I could it took

Time: 8570.52

forget how weak forget every other thing

Time: 8572.52

in my life it

Time: 8574.64


Time: 8576.399

10,000x the energy of anything I've ever

Time: 8579.2

done in my life before to just put my

Time: 8581.92

feet on the ground in the morning I

Time: 8584.28

could not PT I couldn't run and you're

Time: 8586.88

like I could not

Time: 8589.16

function I did function somehow

Time: 8592.96

to some level but it was so

Time: 8597.56

terrifying I I just have for any one

Time: 8600.68

listening who has been through I just

Time: 8602.12

have such incredible respect for people

Time: 8605.359

who have dealt with it and have learned

Time: 8607.319

to get through something like that

Time: 8608.88

depression oh yeah or any pick the pick

Time: 8611.56

the title right whatever tough situation

Time: 8614.359

someone's in emotionally I have such

Time: 8616.04

tremendous respect for them because I

Time: 8618.72

would have

Time: 8619.88

been years ago the guy who like just

Time: 8622.279

tighten up your boots and get to

Time: 8623.96

it it's not possible like you have to

Time: 8626.88

get help from people who care about you

Time: 8630.439

and you have to like you have to step

Time: 8632.08

back away from the problem set

Time: 8634.479

somehow and and work through it you know

Time: 8636.84

step by step the one of the most helpful

Time: 8638.96

things and I'm so feel so fortunate that

Time: 8641.76

I never really had like the chemical

Time: 8643.319

dependence thing it was easy for me to

Time: 8645.52

stop drinking when did you decide to

Time: 8647.76

stop drinking that was it was around

Time: 8649.399

three years ago or so is prior to prior

Time: 8651.84

to this lapse into depression no no

Time: 8653.84

right during yeah right there you just

Time: 8655.96

figured alcohol is a bad thing right now

Time: 8658.64

yeah and I mean you and I have been

Time: 8660.96

friends for a while now do some of the

Time: 8663.2

things you and I have discussed and I

Time: 8664.319

hear you talk about publicly they were

Time: 8665.76

just good reminders you know um one of

Time: 8669.359

the things I absolutely hate but I do

Time: 8671

every day which is wait 90 minutes to

Time: 8672.8

drink coffee oh it's the worst I cannot

Time: 8676.08

tell you how much of a difference that's

Time: 8677.319

made in my energy throughout the day and

Time: 8679.72

the drinking was similar you know I I

Time: 8681.84

like look I'm just going to drop it for

Time: 8683.04

a couple weeks and then suddenly my

Time: 8686.2

sleep's better my fitness is better you

Time: 8688.16

know so you know we all even my friend

Time: 8690.359

you know you chat about stuff oh what

Time: 8691.8

are you doing at this age you I'm

Time: 8693.2

approaching 50 that helps you stop

Time: 8694.92

drinking everything else like all the

Time: 8697.479

other recommendations come second at

Time: 8699.68

least for me um was that pretty easy for

Time: 8702.84

you to do because I know there's B big

Time: 8704.68

culture of drinking in the teams yeah I

Time: 8706.64

was just lucky

Time: 8708.279


Time: 8710.72

um so my point there is you know the

Time: 8714.08

just the respect I have for people who

Time: 8717

who work through stuff like that and I

Time: 8718.319

was going to say the reason I referenced

Time: 8720.319

to drinking is because I started reading

Time: 8721.84

a lot about the 12 Steps AA I've never

Time: 8723.92

been to AA meeting but the the Simpson

Time: 8726.16

the PTSD in the 12 Steps like oh my God

Time: 8729.88

this is me like I need to go through

Time: 8732.12

these steps in my own way not for you

Time: 8734.279

know not for

Time: 8735.319

drinking but for whatever this low grade

Time: 8738.76

the way I've described it is you know

Time: 8740.16

the Buddhist obviously call Dua it's

Time: 8742.319

unsatisfactoriness this lowgrade

Time: 8744.6

irritation that I carry around every

Time: 8748.2

day um the one amazing thing that that

Time: 8753.92

couple of months did for me and the way

Time: 8756

I describe it visually is if someone cut

Time: 8757.76

me from neck to belly and filleted open

Time: 8761.2

my chest and took a propane torch and

Time: 8764.92

scorched me from the inside and then put

Time: 8767.72

me back together and said start

Time: 8770.24

over that's how it felt that's literally

Time: 8773

how it felt I mean I could not believe

Time: 8775.399

Andre and you can obviously you know Dr

Time: 8777.84

kti can articulate this better I

Time: 8780.439

couldn't believe how emotional pain

Time: 8782.439

could be so physically

Time: 8785

painful that whole experience again the

Time: 8788.56

shocking part was the shocking part I

Time: 8790.92

just I I just didn't think it was real

Time: 8793.24

and so then when it was and I'm like how

Time: 8796.6

many things do I have to deal

Time: 8798.96

with you know and I realize everybody

Time: 8801.96

deals with a lot of stuff and um it was

Time: 8805.88

challenging and then slowly you know it

Time: 8808.52

got better and better and

Time: 8812.52

um guys like you know friends very close

Time: 8817

friends a very very small tight group

Time: 8823.279

were and what

Time: 8826.56

people do when you finally tell

Time: 8831.279

them and you think oh this guy's

Time: 8834.399

gonna he's never going to talk to me

Time: 8838.64

again they do the

Time: 8841.359

opposite they rally immediately for you

Time: 8844.2

you know and then guys that aren't in

Time: 8846.8

your inner circle necessarily helping

Time: 8849.359

directly in they're in the neck

Time: 8852.319

Circle cuz now it's very weird it's back

Time: 8854.68

to like the feeling thing I can not 100%

Time: 8858.8

of the time but a lot of guys in my

Time: 8860.84

community if I speak to them and they're

Time: 8862.56

in a bad spot I can detect it within 5

Time: 8864.8

Seconds just the tonal and kind of like

Time: 8867.88


Time: 8869.12

tempo and when you tell that ring of

Time: 8871.479

people not your super Inner

Time: 8874.08

Circle they dump it immediately as soon

Time: 8877.24

as you open the door they're like hey

Time: 8879.279

man I had a couple of tough like months

Time: 8882.279

you know boom they're right in for the

Time: 8885.24

most part they open up Y and that really

Time: 8888

scares me Andrew because I

Time: 8890.72

know like if we need if we need to flip

Time: 8893.68

the switch this afternoon like we can

Time: 8895.8

flip the switch meaning meaning like I

Time: 8898.88

can go to Old School

Time: 8900.64

20 you know 15 years ago that that's

Time: 8903.64

that's what you and I have discussed in

Time: 8904.76

the past has kind of come back to you

Time: 8907.12

know the fighter mentality is the the

Time: 8909.64

problem with that the hardcore intense

Time: 8914.359

focused that's easy like it's so easy to

Time: 8918.56

do that tough stuff that's easy this is

Time: 8923.319

the hard part and that's

Time: 8925.84

what you know was so challenging it was

Time: 8928.439

to go to people who normally we do you

Time: 8931.68

know the yeah yeah let's do this let's

Time: 8934.12

do that let's do something crazy and

Time: 8935.56

okay well tell that same person who

Time: 8938.08


Time: 8939.359

built Persona identity you know around

Time: 8942.6

them and with them to like you're this

Time: 8945.76

guy and then you have a tough spot now

Time: 8948.08

you have to go tell them the opposite

Time: 8949.76

like I'm really not doing well it's

Time: 8954.56

terrifying it is terrifying and I uh but

Time: 8958.319

I I second W with with both arms um your

Time: 8963

statement that when we actually open up

Time: 8966.359

to somebody

Time: 8968

trusted uh hopefully a friend or

Time: 8969.92

somebody close to us but like some

Time: 8971.24

people go to clergy or AA or any any

Time: 8974.6

number of the different uh resources and

Time: 8976.96

those resources really are out there at

Time: 8979

zero cost they really are there if one

Time: 8982

one has to look a little bit sometimes a

Time: 8983.84

lot unfortunately but they're there um

Time: 8986.96

my experience has always been and and in

Time: 8989.68

observ others that um there's something

Time: 8992.399

about the human spirit that wants to

Time: 8994.24

help totally and sometimes that help

Time: 8996.12

comes from somebody who's really been

Time: 8997.64

through it but even if somebody hasn't

Time: 8999.68

been through it there's something in our

Time: 9001.8

nervous system that sees real pain in

Time: 9005.56

somebody and contrary to what we think

Time: 9007.68

they don't judge and think that

Time: 9008.84

everything that the person who's hurting

Time: 9011

was before was a fraud the contrary they

Time: 9013.04

they see it as a as an act of strength

Time: 9015.319

mhm and but it feels like like hell to

Time: 9019.479

reveal that it feel if and I totally

Time: 9022.439

agree I think all the tough stuff all

Time: 9024.08

the um anything physical is is like a

Time: 9028.64

fraction of the emotional pain and I

Time: 9030.92

thank you for highlighting the the

Time: 9032.52

physical aspect of of emotional pain

Time: 9036.279

especially if one isn't accustomed to it

Time: 9038.72

if one isn't accustomed to it

Time: 9040.65


Time: 9042.359

um if you're willing you

Time: 9046.12

know how bad did it get I mean the call

Time: 9049.2


Time: 9050.64

we had suggested it was bad I I

Time: 9053.88

sometimes refer to a line and I I'd be

Time: 9056.479

lying if I didn't admit that I've seen

Time: 9058.04

that line a few times in my life I've

Time: 9059.439

been right up next to it a few times and

Time: 9062.2

now if I ever see it I know to do many

Time: 9066.04

things when it first comes into my my uh

Time: 9069.2

my visual sphere um the line of course

Time: 9071.68

being that the point at which one is

Time: 9073.319

considering taking their own life y

Time: 9075.16

something that happens far too often

Time: 9076.64

even once is far too often and we've

Time: 9080.08

sort of skirted around this

Time: 9082.08

topic after all the wartime stuff and

Time: 9085.24

the gunfights and people dying in the

Time: 9087.12

doorbells been a lot of friends of yours

Time: 9089.56

and some of whom I know but most of whom

Time: 9091.8

I don't but two this year uh who

Time: 9094.399

continue to kill themselves to put it

Time: 9097.319

bluntly where were you at with respect

Time: 9100.16

to that

Time: 9101.16

line because depression is one thing

Time: 9103.279

there's mild depression there's severe

Time: 9104.6

depression there's recurring depression

Time: 9105.96

there's Manic and on and on and on but

Time: 9108.52

ultimately that's a thing that

Time: 9112.08

uh hopefully everyone's seeking to avoid

Time: 9115.359

um and it's a yeah how close were you I

Time: 9118.84

would say that was probably I really

Time: 9121

want to say one day and the truth is it

Time: 9123.479

was one day it lasted one day being that

Time: 9126.52

close to the line but it only takes a

Time: 9128.2

moment to go that's the scary thing

Time: 9130.08

right it's and it probably lasted a

Time: 9133.24

couple of weeks but there was only back

Time: 9136.68

to the budge thing like I never thought

Time: 9138

about quitting I thought about it one

Time: 9140.96

day um what was the thought I don't it

Time: 9143.92

was I mean sort of like the classic

Time: 9146.6

sympoms andreww I I was up all night

Time: 9149.279

sweating and shaking and um it's back to

Time: 9153.359

the shock of it it was okay I actually

Time: 9157.16

was able to step like one of two things

Time: 9158.88


Time: 9160.96

happening either I am fundamentally bad

Time: 9166.64

there's no way you can feel this bad and

Time: 9169.12

be good

Time: 9170.439

so one of two things is happening like

Time: 9172.64

I'm just bad a bad person which I know

Time: 9176.24

is not true or something bad got inside

Time: 9179.8

of me that I have to get rid of and I

Time: 9182.24

don't know how to get rid of it and so

Time: 9185.56

sweating shaking you know up at 3: in

Time: 9187.8

the morning and legitimately

Time: 9190.16

thinking this is just the scariest thing

Time: 9192.68

and for anybody in the

Time: 9195.04


Time: 9196.8

um you think with every ounce of your

Time: 9200.16

being that people are better off without

Time: 9202.92

you and then

Time: 9205.479

somehow thankfully Through Chemistry

Time: 9208.72

neurobiology past

Time: 9210.76


Time: 9212.92

um I stepped back away from that very

Time: 9216.88

quickly but the feeling of putting me up

Time: 9220.399

to that line didn't go away I just

Time: 9222.68

intellectually was able

Time: 9224.52

to is kind of where the maladaptive

Time: 9226.92

behaviors you know back to training work

Time: 9228.6

in your favor which is I'm not

Time: 9231.8

quitting like this can't be just me even

Time: 9235.84

though it did feel like just you I mean

Time: 9237.319

you suddenly become the core of the

Time: 9240.359

entire existence of the universe you

Time: 9242.2

think like you're it you know but in the

Time: 9244.52

negative side of it not the Adaptive

Time: 9247.279

side of it um because the pain is just

Time: 9249.88

so extreme and um but I was able to back

Time: 9254.12

away from it and then

Time: 9255.72

over I'm so grateful to so many of my

Time: 9258.399

friends I can't imagine how many hours

Time: 9260.76

if we collect up those hours how much

Time: 9263.24

time I spent with them on the

Time: 9265.2

phone um and one of my in the like in

Time: 9269.84

those really hard weeks maybe a little

Time: 9271.52

bit after that inre one of my buddies I

Time: 9273

was actually was talking to him

Time: 9273.8

yesterday because I had time in the car

Time: 9278

um the tough love side of it at when

Time: 9281.439

you're feeling that poorly is a little

Time: 9283.279

tricky like I wouldn't I probably

Time: 9285.08

wouldn't deliver tough love unless I

Time: 9286.52

really thought the person could handle

Time: 9287.72

it I think it's you got to really deal

Time: 9289.56

with with kid gloves at that Mo those

Time: 9291.399

moments um but one of my buddies told me

Time: 9294.92

if you do something to hurt yourself you

Time: 9297.84

will have proven to every person who

Time: 9299.439

knows you that you are a liar

Time: 9301.439

and a fraud everything you've been about

Time: 9304.2

your whole life is a

Time: 9306.279

fraud and Andrew I was we were on the

Time: 9308.64

phone I was

Time: 9310.16

like whoa my God he just went 10 ring I

Time: 9315.2

mean dead

Time: 9316.52

center and it that was a pivot like that

Time: 9319.8

really helped me a lot that's what you

Time: 9322.24

needed I mean I I don't I don't know

Time: 9324.399

that that's what I would have needed um

Time: 9327.279

I recall when we spoke uh because I

Time: 9329.72

obviously not professionally trained in

Time: 9331.279

any of that I just remember thinking how

Time: 9333.64

do I put in this this into language that

Time: 9335.68

Coleman's going to understand and I just

Time: 9337.92

said you know I think uh your goggles

Time: 9339.92

are I know one thing for sure which is

Time: 9342.04

that your goggles are foggy so you got

Time: 9344

to so you have to

Time: 9346.2

Outsource your decisions now I think you

Time: 9349.24

might have also told me to Outsource my

Time: 9351.359

identity mhm and and that helped a lot

Time: 9355.08

because um it was that idea of you at

Time: 9359.12

Foggy goggles you're clearly like not on

Time: 9361.96

stable ground everything you believe

Time: 9364.56

about yourself just let it be the spokes

Time: 9367.24

of a wheel that somebody else can hold

Time: 9369.52

for you for a period of time I was like

Time: 9371.88

well I can do that and then my other

Time: 9373.8

buddy I didn't want to be a liar and a

Time: 9375.04

fraud I was like I can do that and yeah

Time: 9379.399


Time: 9381.359

I mean I'm grateful for the opportunity

Time: 9383.04

but you know unfortunately had a few

Time: 9385.04

circumstances where people close to me

Time: 9387.88

were at at that edge and and i' I'd be

Time: 9391.16

lying if I say I've been at that edge so

Time: 9393.24

I knew where I had some sense of where

Time: 9394.68

you were at um and under those

Time: 9397.88

conditions I don't think there's a

Time: 9398.96

Playbook I mean obviously when people

Time: 9400.72

are have a plan and they're thinking

Time: 9403.08

about implementing that plan that those

Time: 9404.479

people need to be put under protection

Time: 9406.56

from themselves um Ely didn't come to

Time: 9410.52

that yeah and you know a few friends

Time: 9412.279

just did the basics Andrew which

Time: 9414.399

was I really wanted to talk to you at

Time: 9417.04

that time because I knew you would give

Time: 9418.2

me some advice you know I was so

Time: 9419.76

uncertain about just the I'll just say

Time: 9422.04

the chemistry but the chemistry and neur

Time: 9423.72

like something is not right yeah uh and

Time: 9426.359

you know different friends offered

Time: 9427.479

different and some friends just sat and

Time: 9430.479

listened to it allh and when I think

Time: 9432.84

back it's

Time: 9435.08

like I would take a bullet for them cuz

Time: 9438.319

I just took it you know you know and let

Time: 9440.439

me offload it it's it's an amazing

Time: 9443.6

experience for let people help you which

Time: 9446.96

I was never willing to do no and you

Time: 9449.64

were we have to highlight something that

Time: 9452.12

might have been overlooked earlier

Time: 9453.359

because we went through it quickly but

Time: 9455.12

that you were you know you're a

Time: 9456.6

commander of a unit so you're head of a

Time: 9460.24

family I know Bridget's also head of

Time: 9461.92

family there's a there's a trade you go

Time: 9464.84

back and forth right exactly um but

Time: 9467.16

you're used to you're used to Leading

Time: 9468.68

and and protecting others and um like I

Time: 9472.04

think it's awesome that you're um able

Time: 9475.2

to have access that that uh raising your

Time: 9478.72

hand asking for help you have to it's

Time: 9480.6

it's it's such a it it's such a a a sign

Time: 9484.64

of strength and skill and doesn't and it

Time: 9486.399

feels like the exact opposite in the

Time: 9488.04

moment the exact opposite and then we go

Time: 9490.6

to these narratives like oh if I've ever

Time: 9493.6

done that in the past people didn't help

Time: 9495.16

that you know we come up with a million

Time: 9497

excuses but in the end it's it's it it's

Time: 9499.72

such a PO a thing of strength to do that

Time: 9504.319

um so you did ratchet yourself out of

Time: 9506.96

that very very dark hole slowly and um I

Time: 9512.479

I I want to place this in the context of

Time: 9514.12

this uh hero's journey would you see

Time: 9516.76

that you talk about that the Magic

Time: 9518.96

Flight the you're against you're like

Time: 9521.84

the refusal you won't go back but so was

Time: 9524.76

accepting it seems that there was that

Time: 9527.439

some pieces of you needed work yeah that

Time: 9529.72

there was this PTSD this gentleman that

Time: 9531.64

you mentioned yep saw that and you

Time: 9534.56

refused to kind of deal with it and so

Time: 9537.439

shine a light on it and um God the

Time: 9540.319

universe whatever your beliefs are um

Time: 9543.319

forced you to see it

Time: 9545

Y and you went to the very bottom but

Time: 9548.12

not out the bottom

Time: 9550.68

yep what was the process of putting

Time: 9553.479

things back

Time: 9554.96

together I mean really I mean a lot of

Time: 9558.399

it Andrew was cutting I so as a

Time: 9561.24

practical matter I mean I'm going to go

Time: 9563.16

just go back to regular therapy because

Time: 9564.6

I don't

Time: 9567.24

that I mean my therapist is amazing she

Time: 9569.88

so you're you at what point did you

Time: 9571.319

enter quot talk therapy immediately then

Time: 9573.72

so you got a quote unquote therapist

Time: 9575.439

because oh yeah yeah I mean

Time: 9577.96

effectively you

Time: 9580

know Bridget n and multi at some point

Time: 9583.76

it was it was Bridget was like this is

Time: 9586.92

this is it like full-time help

Time: 9590.04


Time: 9591.76

immediately and I knew it was necessary

Time: 9594.08

but if if I'm really honest like I would

Time: 9596

have avoided it I would have somehow

Time: 9599

like tried to gut through the situation

Time: 9601.399

without like full-time help and I mean

Time: 9604.24

once a week therapy yeah so the idea of

Time: 9606

sitting down with somebody and talking

Time: 9608.439

about past present and maybe some ideas

Time: 9610.92

of future was was worse to you than

Time: 9613.12

jumping out of plane at 3,000 ft or

Time: 9614.84

going into a gunfight not even close not

Time: 9618.88

even close

Time: 9621.76

and hearing yourself say that D you

Time: 9624.2

realize how how ridiculous well how how

Time: 9627.359

um untrue that must be at the physical

Time: 9630.08

level but but the the nervous system

Time: 9631.84

doesn't know as to quote uh Dr pa kti um

Time: 9636.16

the lyic system that it experiences or

Time: 9639.12

or creates this sense of fear and dread

Time: 9641.76

doesn't know the clock or the calendar

Time: 9643.6

if it's like if you go the meaning if

Time: 9646.24

you experience that there's the idea

Time: 9647.84

that it's going to go on forever I think

Time: 9649.399

that's the fear that's correct yep

Time: 9651.52

that's exactly right thank you for

Time: 9653

saying that it the fear

Time: 9654.68

was this will go on forever um but so

Time: 9659.96

yes it that I

Time: 9662.52

just did not want to you know back to

Time: 9665.68

Bessel Vander when I read this word in

Time: 9667.92

his book body keeps the score Lexia if

Time: 9670.04

that's a real thing where you can't put

Time: 9672.04

um language to you know what's going on

Time: 9677.64

um I didn't want to put language to it I

Time: 9680.16

couldn't I I just didn't feel like it

Time: 9682.439

like I just felt like gutting through it

Time: 9686.319

and then I got you know once a week

Time: 9689.68

therapy amazing

Time: 9692

people and I don't know Andrew the first

Time: 9694.16

three months

Time: 9696.08

was you know I mean gutting through I

Time: 9699.279

just couldn't I couldn't seem to shed

Time: 9701.88

that emotional like burden of pick the

Time: 9706.439

category of stuff from the last to say

Time: 9709.68

20 years it was just and but it was all

Time: 9713

I couldn't stop it from coming out and

Time: 9714.359

obviously that's a good thing and so

Time: 9717.08

that just continued and every day got

Time: 9719.64

and when I say in this is the tough part

Time: 9721.84

for at least me and I know a lot of guys

Time: 9724.08

like me the gains are minuscule you know

Time: 9729.479

but things improved slowly but surely

Time: 9731.68

were there ever moments where you felt

Time: 9733

you were drifting backward not really

Time: 9736.319

and that's that was nice you know you

Time: 9738.2

see that there's some install you know

Time: 9742.08

plateaus um you don't have to share this

Time: 9744.92

but would because I'm a believer that

Time: 9747.56

talk therapy can be very effective

Time: 9749.319

certainly that's my experience it's I

Time: 9751.439

wouldn't be here if it weren't for for

Time: 9753.399

two in particular amazing um people who

Time: 9755.439

really help me along the way but um in

Time: 9757.8

that way but I do think there's a place

Time: 9759.8

at times for pharmacology to assist the

Time: 9762.6

process sure um I know nowadays people

Time: 9764.92

hear ssris and they demonize those that

Time: 9767.12

that wasn't uh I'll come clean so um and

Time: 9770.56

then maybe if you feel like it you can

Time: 9773

uh I hit a a bout of depression in my

Time: 9776.04

during my postdoc did a a short run of

Time: 9778.64

well buin BR buproprion which is more of

Time: 9781.24

the dopaminergic noradrenergic Y agonism

Time: 9784.399

mostly adrenaline

Time: 9786.04

nergic um it really helped it nuked my

Time: 9790.04

memory at the dosage they

Time: 9793.08

suggested um which meant I had to take a

Time: 9796.08

very low dose and then eventually I came

Time: 9797.96

off and I think that that's one thing I

Time: 9799.359

learned from Ki which is that most of

Time: 9802.24

these medications were designed to help

Time: 9803.52

people get over a bump as opposed to be

Time: 9805.399

taken continuously some people need to

Time: 9806.8

take them conv I I have been able to be

Time: 9809.84

away from that for a long time but but I

Time: 9811.72

think Pharmacology can help oh yeah I

Time: 9814.12

think I'd have to go back and look four

Time: 9816.319

months maybe of pretty low dose of

Time: 9818.319

Wellbutrin thanks to okay that sounds

Time: 9820.56

yeah that's about right yeah thanks to

Time: 9821.72

my buddy Jimmy you know I called him and

Time: 9824.8

asked him what he thought and he said

Time: 9828.04

well you use a gun site on your weapon

Time: 9831.04

don't you and you use glasses if you

Time: 9832.76

can't see no I need reading glasses you

Time: 9834.2

need glasses if you can't see right it's

Time: 9836.16

like take the warb man chill

Time: 9838.6

like just get it get some space back to

Time: 9841.6

the SpaceTime bridging concept just get

Time: 9844.08

back away from the danger for a few

Time: 9846.76

months that really helped and that's

Time: 9848.96

very different than the backing away

Time: 9851.04

from the danger with say alcohol or or

Time: 9854.72

drugs and and look I my stance on

Time: 9856.64

cannabis is some people can use it

Time: 9857.88

safely most people probably cannot but

Time: 9859.92

some can but there's something different

Time: 9862.96

about the drugs that have a addiction

Time: 9865.92

potential or the drugs that disrupt

Time: 9868.359

sleep like ultimately if you look at

Time: 9871

people who commit suicide and I've spent

Time: 9873.359

a lot of time with this literature in

Time: 9875.279

almost every case in the preceding weeks

Time: 9879.08

there's a disruption in sleep schedules

Time: 9881.08

meaning disrupted from what they were

Time: 9882.76

doing prior to that when they were not

Time: 9884.479

feeling suicidal so so then you think

Time: 9886.76

about alcohol disruption of sleep even

Time: 9888.319

if you think you're sleep sleeping and

Time: 9889.8

like it's there's a story like a common

Time: 9892.16

theme starts to emerge um so you

Time: 9894.84

stabilize sleep you were getting some um

Time: 9897.359

dopamine and neurogenic assistance from

Time: 9899.64

the low dose rutrine and you're

Time: 9901.52

basically also just you're just letting

Time: 9904.04

it all out yep with a therapist with a

Time: 9906.64

therapist and the thing that strikes me

Time: 9909.08

as to your point about my resistance to

Time: 9910.96

the therapy versus jumping out airplanes

Time: 9912.439


Time: 9913.52

whatever the most important people in my

Time: 9916.319

whole life since day one have been

Time: 9919.56

people that have helped me coaches

Time: 9921.56

parents friends boom Doug War colleagues

Time: 9926.24

the guys that I work for now like other

Time: 9929

you you have all these people helping

Time: 9930.56

you and then you hit this thing that's

Time: 9933.24

so unusual I'm like I don't want anybody

Time: 9935.88

to help me and I don't want to tell

Time: 9937

anybody about it it's like what is that

Time: 9939.399

Andrew that was the it's like what is

Time: 9941.72

that and and it's not like I wasn't in

Time: 9944.04

these environments where I've been

Time: 9945.72

coached and mentored I I've had coaches

Time: 9947.72

and mentors on my ass my whole

Time: 9949.68

life like instructors you know it's a

Time: 9953.96

Non-Stop and I I don't know like I

Time: 9956.88

couldn't I just couldn't do it until I

Time: 9959.88

did it and

Time: 9961.24

then and you know it's been a process

Time: 9963.72

since and I'm super grateful for it and

Time: 9966.6

I don't know where we are in the journey

Time: 9967.92

but in terms of like the hero's journey

Time: 9969.64

but I hope I'm at Freedom to live some

Time: 9971.72

version of it

Time: 9973

because with my re this is dangerous cuz

Time: 9975.84

I only say this like with my really

Time: 9977.52

really really close friends I know was

Time: 9979.08

going to more people in my CL I feel

Time: 9980.84

like a completely different

Time: 9983

person and none of that stuff really

Time: 9985.68

ever goes away it's all a process right

Time: 9988.399

and I'm never going to stop the

Time: 9990.24

process but I don't even recognize

Time: 9993.16

myself in some ways anymore and that's

Time: 9997.359

been a good thing because in those times

Time: 10001.2

when I was just on the 24-hour Horizon

Time: 10004.439

sometimes I just did not know what the

Time: 10006.92

was going on other than exactly

Time: 10008.96

what I was doing you know and it's just

Time: 10011.399

an odd

Time: 10013

experience to be in a different

Time: 10015.52

place and it's scary to

Time: 10018.56

know that without that experience and

Time: 10021.279

without people really kind of forcing me

Time: 10024.56

to get help and things forcing me I

Time: 10027.12

might be doing the same stuff which is a

Time: 10029.12

hard way to live you know or worse or

Time: 10032.16

worse you might not be here or Worse

Time: 10033.68

which has happened to many of our

Time: 10035.399

buddies you know and I want to go like

Time: 10037.96

retroactively hug them and collect them

Time: 10040.56

up in like a net and say guys just stop

Time: 10044.439

for a second you know like

Time: 10048.399

we it doesn't it doesn't have to go

Time: 10051.279


Time: 10052.84

um yeah I feel that the yearning in that

Time: 10056.8


Time: 10058.56

uh I I suffer from a terrible um very

Time: 10064.76

destructive debilitating um desire to

Time: 10068.08

travel back into time and fix things

Time: 10070.279

it's like it's like I know I don't have

Time: 10071.72

my my graduate advisor who un

Time: 10073.439

unfortunately all three of my graduate

Time: 10074.6

advisor are dead but she used to say um

Time: 10077.399

my time machine's broken yeah anytime

Time: 10079.56

I'd raise something if you know that the

Time: 10081.56

could have would have should have my

Time: 10083.319

time machine's broken and and we know

Time: 10084.88

that but I listen I felt that statement

Time: 10087.8

in every cell of my body it's clear you

Time: 10090.6

would but you're also in sharing this

Time: 10093.399

this experience and this information

Time: 10094.84

you're you're you're doing that

Time: 10097.72

now in what we call biology in the

Time: 10100.52

interrog grade fashion and you know

Time: 10103.16

somebody many people are going to hear

Time: 10104.56

this and and cue to the the recognition

Time: 10107.399

of what's happening to them hopefully

Time: 10108.76

before they get to that line yeah you

Time: 10110.96

have to

Time: 10112.68

and you just got to tell somebody you

Time: 10115.24

know it's like it's crazy how simple

Time: 10117.359

that is Andrew I mean months like I

Time: 10120.479

can't tell anybody I can't tell anybody

Time: 10122.399

well well and maybe we drill into this a

Time: 10124.6

little bit deeper because I think that

Time: 10125.88

this really speaks to the the the global

Time: 10127.92

experience of of Being Human where

Time: 10130.6

unlike a physical wound where you know

Time: 10134

if you see bone exposed you're like this

Time: 10135.88

is pretty serious you know we all have

Time: 10137.56

different thresholds for what we can

Time: 10138.96

tolerate in terms of pain and and seeing

Time: 10141.16

ourselves wounded we all don't have to

Time: 10143.359

decide what's the difference between

Time: 10144.479

hurting and injured but when it comes to

Time: 10147.12

psychological stuff we don't know you

Time: 10149.52

know we also are dealing with a a world

Time: 10151.56

now where some people feel

Time: 10153.12

psychologically injured by everything

Time: 10154.68

you know so that's the extreme there but

Time: 10156.399

what we're I

Time: 10157.72

think I think

Time: 10159.96

um what comes through and I think people

Time: 10163.279

need to perhaps highlight in their minds

Time: 10165.8

is when something's kind of nagging or

Time: 10167.88

scratching at you Beneath The Sur that

Time: 10169.6

voice what do you think that voice is I

Time: 10172.08

call it the lowgrade pain okay for me it

Time: 10175.04

it was there was a

Time: 10179.399

lowgrade just slight hot

Time: 10183

burning starting in ' 07 probably before

Time: 10186.56


Time: 10187.64


Time: 10190.319

it was for me it was a weird mix and of

Time: 10194.359

like an uncertainty a seeking

Time: 10198.52

a this just doesn't feel right like it

Time: 10201.359

has to be fixed there has to be an

Time: 10204.76

intellectual and achievement way to sort

Time: 10207.479

of get around this is where the Buddhist

Time: 10211.16

writing and thinking really helped me a

Time: 10212.52

lot there has to be a way around this

Time: 10216.8

lowgrade unsatisfactory

Time: 10220.72

somehow my sense for me and I'm

Time: 10223.439

obviously not you know the Dr kti in the

Time: 10227.8

room just because of all the things I've

Time: 10229.8

learned how it it it it just had to

Time: 10232.8

be the this constant I'll use the word

Time: 10235.68

trauma but for me it was it was like

Time: 10238.04

something had to happen to our system

Time: 10240.08

obviously it does something happens to

Time: 10241.6

our system that is a little bit of a

Time: 10244.68

there's a shock there boom and then a

Time: 10246.68

buddy gets killed and then you it's not

Time: 10248.359

even always with that then you have

Time: 10250.2

extreme firefight or you know close call

Time: 10253.319

and then it's just boom boom shock shock

Time: 10255.6

shock shock it's almost like getting TBI

Time: 10257.88

for the nervous system it's just a

Time: 10259.72

constant High it to me it always felt

Time: 10262.64

like that constant

Time: 10265.359

highend now if you keep going perhaps if

Time: 10269.16

you never recognize any of it and you

Time: 10271

just keep jacking the dopamine and the

Time: 10272.64

adrenaline your whole life maybe you can

Time: 10274.72

just never recognize it but for me when

Time: 10276.399

I shut the engine off and I decided

Time: 10279.88

it's not really how I wanted to live and

Time: 10282.16

I was trying to work out of that

Time: 10285

lowgrade whatever I was residue that I

Time: 10287.68

was left

Time: 10289.76

with it was like every time I came from

Time: 10292.04

home home from deployment I would get

Time: 10294.319

sick that night like I would have a

Time: 10296.12

fever that night headache and fever and

Time: 10299.6

um I tend to get sick at the end of the

Time: 10301.2

year last two years it was Christmas

Time: 10303.2

this year it was Thanksgiving and um you

Time: 10306.239

know bridg and I always joke about it

Time: 10307.52

it's because I slightly turn the engine

Time: 10309.72

down a little and then the you know the

Time: 10312

immune system yeah that's the way it

Time: 10313.64

works everyone thinks stress depletes

Time: 10316.2

the immune system and indeed it can yeah

Time: 10318.56

but if you think about it in

Time: 10319.56


Time: 10320.76

adaptive you know ways go go go go go

Time: 10324.2

allows you to saave off the infection or

Time: 10326.6

at least to not have the symptoms of

Time: 10328.399

combating infection and then when you

Time: 10329.92

relax a little bit go on vacation boom

Time: 10331.88

you get sick which is not to say

Time: 10333.88

constantly stress but um you need to

Time: 10335.96

modulate right you got to modulate but

Time: 10338.04

when you're on deployments you don't

Time: 10339.16

have the option you're in gunfights

Time: 10341.2

every yeah so as soon as you turn it off

Time: 10342.6

you get sick right but in for me in this

Time: 10344.439

particular instance what do I think it

Time: 10346

is I think it was all of those

Time: 10348.2

experiences at once turning the

Time: 10350.68

generator all the way off or the

Time: 10352.279

electric panel fully off and

Time: 10354.8

then it just all came

Time: 10358.16

out well for people or anyone listening

Time: 10363.239

who is facing that feeling that

Time: 10366.279

underlying feeling or who is um

Time: 10369.319

challenged with like a breakup a loss of

Time: 10373.12

a loved one fear about the future

Time: 10376.6

languishing because they don't know what

Time: 10377.96

the future holds or the feeling

Time: 10382.359

that quote unquote so much has

Time: 10386.08

happened or some combination of those

Time: 10389.12


Time: 10391.479

things where do you think the healing

Time: 10393.84


Time: 10395.359

starts I hope again back to the hero's

Time: 10397.96

journey I hope hope for every single

Time: 10399.56

person that it's not a rock bottom

Time: 10402.84

moment but it seems like if you follow a

Time: 10405.68

lot of enough people and you hear enough

Time: 10409.12

stories um you talk with Dax right Dax

Time: 10412.76

shepher yeah he talks about it nonstop

Time: 10415

like unfortunately I think a version of

Time: 10417.88

bottom is where the process

Time: 10421.08

starts all the people I know the stories

Time: 10423.72

they tell

Time: 10424.76

me the process started when they hit

Time: 10427.239

some version of bottom

Time: 10429.359

what what's the quote that I love is um

Time: 10432.04

you don't change until the pain of

Time: 10433.56

staying the same is worse than the pain

Time: 10435.56

of change yeah Amen to that um I have

Time: 10440.279

experienced that more times than I would

Time: 10442.239

like to admit and that brings me

Time: 10443.84


Time: 10444.76

to this more macroscopic question my

Time: 10447.84

understanding of the hero's journey from

Time: 10450.64

obviously I haven't read or listened to

Time: 10452.08

the book is that we don't complete this

Time: 10454.56

cycle and then rest at the Ordinary

Time: 10456.8

World where we are

Time: 10458.84

um uh living in Bliss and peace forever

Time: 10463.04

we actually have to go around that wheel

Time: 10465.439

over and over and over again hopefully

Time: 10469.2

not going to Bottoms that put us our

Time: 10471.12

lives in danger but um it is not a a

Time: 10475.52

process in which we we ever really get

Time: 10477.359


Time: 10478.52

cruise so let's Orient Coleman ruy in

Time: 10482.68

that cycle um you seem to have returned

Time: 10485.399

to the Ordinary World um

Time: 10489.72

for those listening and not watching

Time: 10491.84

you've been whenever you describe the uh

Time: 10495.96

the feeling of getting through but also

Time: 10498.04

the that people assisted you you smile

Time: 10501.92

MH as friendly a guy as you are I think

Time: 10504.439

in the first three years I knew you I

Time: 10505.76

didn't see you smile once that's

Time: 10507.2

probably true I didn't see you smile

Time: 10508.6

once I just thought like and these like

Time: 10511.88

dear one team guys they're they're

Time: 10513.68

serious they're locked in they're locked

Time: 10515.439

in but um you smile a lot now yeah so I

Time: 10520.08

think you're back in the Ordinary World

Time: 10522.399

mhm um what are the things you're

Time: 10525.239

watchful for um like like you're not

Time: 10528.16

drinking you pay attention to your sleep

Time: 10530

you always trained you always did it you

Time: 10531.359

call it PT but physical training yeah

Time: 10533.239

yeah I Train Cycle run MH swim lots of

Time: 10536.399

kettle bells yeah every morning uh I

Time: 10540.479

train probably five out of seven days

Time: 10542.96

and the two days that I don't train I'm

Time: 10544.88

in I have a sauna at my house I'm in

Time: 10547.239

sauna at least for an hour mhm it's so

Time: 10549.279

funny how uh Team guys talk about

Time: 10550.8

getting into cold or getting in the

Time: 10552.52

sauna like it's just a regular thing

Time: 10554.2

like they they don't they never post it

Time: 10555.76

to social media for them it's just it's

Time: 10557.359

part of the routine yeah but I say that

Time: 10559.2

because I think a lot of people think

Time: 10560.279

it's like this esoteric biohacking thing

Time: 10562.64

wrestlers and and uh people in the

Time: 10564.319

military are accustomed to like sauna

Time: 10566.76

cold sauna cold just like cardio lifting

Time: 10569.56

weights it's not this esoteric thing no

Time: 10572.12

no I mean I think on average there's a

Time: 10573.92

sauna in Finland for like every single

Time: 10575.439

person in the country so we didn't

Time: 10576.96

invent some amazing recovery process by

Time: 10579.479

doing SAA right what do you think um

Time: 10582.64

what do you think it is about physical

Time: 10584.08

movement that helps the Mind obviously

Time: 10586.08

it's not it's I consider it necessary

Time: 10588.72

but not sufficient like you you need to

Time: 10590.56

do the talk therapy the working through

Time: 10592.16

the writing the reading the inpe the

Time: 10594.76

talking to other people maybe

Time: 10596.68

pharmacology but it's it does seem to be

Time: 10599.52

so important for resetting us what do

Time: 10602.12

you think it is about physical movement

Time: 10603.92

I mean since it might go back to John

Time: 10606.52

Rady's little anecdote and Spark you

Time: 10608.04

know the SE squirt I guess swims around

Time: 10610.04

then as soon as it does whatever it

Time: 10611.399

needs to do it just dies when it stops

Time: 10612.76

moving oh yeah when the so the SE squirt

Time: 10614.399

is this uh aquatic animal uh apia as it

Time: 10618.239

were that that when it um lands on a on

Time: 10621.68

a rock and stops moving it actually

Time: 10623.72

digests its own nervous system that

Time: 10625.64

movement uh is the great Nobel prize

Time: 10627.76

winning scientist sharington that said

Time: 10629.2

that movement is the final common

Time: 10630.399

pathway that movement is the way that

Time: 10632.08

the nervous system tells the brain and

Time: 10634.279

rest of nervous system that it's still

Time: 10636.8

needed here on Earth Earth H which I

Time: 10640.12

like it's it's like a it's like a a it

Time: 10642.279

reminds us of our own utility yeah in a

Time: 10646.439

neural way I mean whatever that is

Time: 10649.92

Andrew right the chemistry and the

Time: 10651.2

neurobiology of it all this goes back

Time: 10653.84

again going back to seventh grade I was

Time: 10655.439

at the end of the Rope on the detentions

Time: 10657.239

and the

Time: 10658.16

suspension and I have this very clear

Time: 10660.68

memory that before my dad got home like

Time: 10662.76

I ran laps I don't know how many but a

Time: 10664.88

lot around the block and by the time he

Time: 10667.68

got home I was like whatever my

Time: 10670.04

punishment is I'm good like I'm not

Time: 10671.88

worried about it that physical activity

Time: 10674.04

for me all the time I don't want to

Time: 10676.04

overdo the runner's high thing but

Time: 10677.68

whatever that is that's what I think it

Time: 10680.279

is like when I'm in motion or my heart

Time: 10682.399


Time: 10683.64

up for the most part everything's fine

Time: 10688.399

and I'm

Time: 10689.399


Time: 10691.319

and I cannot be again dropping and

Time: 10694.88

drinking I can't be lethargic and sit

Time: 10697.2

around like I have to you know take care

Time: 10699.2

of myself in that

Time: 10700.52

regard um I watch my sleep super close

Time: 10703.72

if it gets past 10:30 I'm in like a

Time: 10705.279

full-blown panic I need to get to a

Time: 10706.88

pillow the the basics like I don't do

Time: 10709.96

anything crazy really um you eat what

Time: 10713.319

you want no no I would say on the

Time: 10716.239

neurotic scale of things that's probably

Time: 10719.04

my most extreme there probably a little

Time: 10720.76

bit of cutting weight kind of like

Time: 10723

eating disorder issues if I was guessing

Time: 10725.2

not that extreme you eat meat vegetables

Time: 10727.88

yeah yeah yeah but I'm I'm a really

Time: 10729.479

light eater I eat like a bird and

Time: 10732.04

probably eight times a day maybe more um

Time: 10736.239

eight times a day oh easily I'll have

Time: 10739.52

you know I'll thanks to you I'll wait an

Time: 10741.76

hour and a half to have coffee which is

Time: 10743.359

miserable um you're welcome but oh it's

Time: 10746.08

amazing thank you it's helped me so much

Time: 10748.399

well you know I I take some some uh

Time: 10751.12

some for it because some people say

Time: 10753.279

do I have to well if I train first thing

Time: 10755.52

then I'll have my coffee first thing it

Time: 10757.08

was really to stay the afternoon crash

Time: 10759.56

but a lot of people find that

Time: 10762.239

experiencing that natural wakeup and

Time: 10765.08

look it's 90 minutes it's not it's not

Time: 10766.96

like cutting out for two days or two

Time: 10768.479

weeks or Michael Paul and I think quit

Time: 10769.88

coffee I was like why in the world would

Time: 10771.359

you do that yeah why in the world um I

Time: 10773.6

love coffee love yber M always have um

Time: 10776.319

from from from first sip which by the

Time: 10778.479

way I had my first gourd of M caffein

Time: 10780.64

Monte when I was four there's a picture

Time: 10782.52

of me and my grandfather's up hilarious

Time: 10784.2

Argentine side yeah so but the the point

Time: 10786.84

here is that um

Time: 10788.96

you know these practices these things I

Time: 10791.84

think they involve a little bit of

Time: 10793.52

discipline but they they they really

Time: 10795.399

can't have an outsized effect I think oh

Time: 10797.56

my goodness yeah the it's incredible I

Time: 10800.279

mean the eating thing and then maybe you

Time: 10802.64

know one more mental thing in this

Time: 10804.2


Time: 10805.8

um I'll probably

Time: 10808.56

have maybe an avocado in the morning and

Time: 10813.12

then two hours later maybe one hour

Time: 10815.52

later I'll have sliced cheese and apple

Time: 10818.96

and then so you're a light Grazer really

Time: 10821.479

light I probably have the smallest plate

Time: 10823.56

at dinner in my house um we've always

Time: 10825.76

been in great shape like visually you

Time: 10827.6

always you're tall you're lean you're

Time: 10829.359

strong yeah yeah I I think we're

Time: 10831.479

realizing now that you can still train

Time: 10833.56

on uh you have to be like gorging

Time: 10835.479

oneself with calories yeah especially

Time: 10836.92

now right like we're both approaching 50

Time: 10839

it's actually surprising how much I've

Time: 10841.6

discovered we can do on how few calories

Time: 10843.68

and I'm not trying to like test it some

Time: 10845.8

crazy way but then just eat throughout

Time: 10847.76

the day and you know macro life

Time: 10850.52

experience Andre I just cut a bunch of

Time: 10852.64

extra out of my life big end

Time: 10855.319

little things like I don't I try to just

Time: 10858.239

do my job and you know do a good job at

Time: 10861.56

it and hang out with my people friends

Time: 10865.68

and and family and uh all the extra

Time: 10868.96

Shenanigans like I'll maybe do you know

Time: 10871.319

I was always doing some big race or some

Time: 10874.68

big mountaineering Adventure or I was

Time: 10877.2

just piling stuff into my

Time: 10879.16

schedule I might do One race in like in

Time: 10882.479

the spring everything else is casual I

Time: 10885.96

work really hard at it I like cycling a

Time: 10887.76

lot it's one of my favorites and go hard

Time: 10890.279

but I'm not trying to race cat too or

Time: 10893.92

you know win some event

Time: 10896.96

or that release of extra in my

Time: 10900.64

life has been as big as anything else

Time: 10903.279

and your boys presumably take some time

Time: 10905

and attention and you're they're great

Time: 10907.279

yeah uh um son's a runner for University

Time: 10911.08

level Runner

Time: 10913.96

um a lot of our conversation gets to

Time: 10916.76

some kind of

Time: 10918.239

core uh features of Being Human and the

Time: 10922.08

psychology of Challenge and thinking one

Time: 10924.68

is or others are invincible discovering

Time: 10927.279

that none of us are invincible but that

Time: 10930.239

we are renewable you clearly illustrate

Time: 10933.16

that uh there's a there's clearly a

Time: 10938.04

message that everyone is gleaning from

Time: 10940.239

this many messages but um like what if

Time: 10945.68

any revision uh or um adaptation do you

Time: 10950.399

think we need of of the concept of of

Time: 10952.52

being a a man growing oneself into a man

Time: 10956.04

you know I'm not a gender studies

Time: 10959.64

sociologist psychologist neuroscientist

Time: 10962.16

but setting all the the sociology and

Time: 10965.64

the the nomenclature aside like if you

Time: 10969.239

had a short list of things like seems

Time: 10971.96

like you believe that it's important to

Time: 10975.239

be able to do hard things mhm but

Time: 10978.479

sometimes those hard things are not the

Time: 10979.6

hard things that you are uh we think

Time: 10982.359

they are like sitting down and telling

Time: 10983.72

one story being more terrifying than

Time: 10985.92

than going into gunfights overseas yeah

Time: 10989.84

yeah I

Time: 10991.16

mean funny that the Prelude a little bit

Time: 10993.439

is I'm not a gender study scientist

Time: 10995.279

either a sociologist I stay away from

Time: 10997.319

most of the conversations you know

Time: 10999.88

um their Barbed Wire yeah they just

Time: 11002.72

people seem to be so overactivated over

Time: 11004.72

stuff it's very odd

Time: 11007.08

um but for me in my life experience

Time: 11010.64

Andrew it's range like to use David

Time: 11013.76

Epstein's book title right it's

Time: 11016.04


Time: 11017.64

um and I've noticed this so much because

Time: 11021.04

of parenting and watching my boys grow

Time: 11023.439


Time: 11025.399

men if I think about come back to range

Time: 11028.479

if I think about myself at 177 or

Time: 11032.84

18 not my parents not my coaches unless

Time: 11036.52

I really wanted it you could not

Time: 11038.52

tell me what to do you can't tell me

Time: 11040.6

what to do now like if I want it I love

Time: 11043.08

the mentoring and the teammate ship and

Time: 11044.64

the things that get you where you want

Time: 11045.96

to go but if it's something I don't want

Time: 11048

to do I'm not doing it you know no

Time: 11050.56

matter what and so if I think about that

Time: 11053.72

in terms of being a dad or manhood is

Time: 11058.84

let's take it back to my kids like I

Time: 11060.279

think one of the most important parts of

Time: 11062.64


Time: 11064.359

job is to release the grip and take the

Time: 11067

reins off and

Time: 11069.04

just barely keep them inside the

Time: 11071.52


Time: 11073.12

of a alive you know because they're

Time: 11076.2

going to make all their own decisions

Time: 11077.76

anyway and they have to right and so I

Time: 11080.8

think a big part that I see and I saw

Time: 11083.96

myself a lot for years was we grip

Time: 11088.6

sometimes as men like we are so afraid

Time: 11091.72

of losing control in an already

Time: 11093.64

uncontrollable world that we overgrip

Time: 11097.56

everything and I over gripped everything

Time: 11100.92

and suddenly when I'm not over gripping

Time: 11104.319

stuff things are going better and um

Time: 11109.16

when it comes to range it's okay for me

Time: 11111.72

it's okay to have your tough guy moments

Time: 11114.399

your fighter mentality moments I would

Time: 11116.279

never want to lose that because

Time: 11119.12

no matter how much help I get when I'm

Time: 11121

out with my family or my wife or my boys

Time: 11123.16

my head is on a swivel and if

Time: 11124.76

somebody touches

Time: 11125.96

them it's

Time: 11127.88

curtains and we need to keep that

Time: 11130.76

because that is just a part of life like

Time: 11133.56

you have to be you cannot move through

Time: 11136.64

life with blinders on like there are

Time: 11138.64

people who are not good people and it's

Time: 11141.439

okay to have range and have that in your

Time: 11145.12

toolkit what I don't think is okay to do

Time: 11148.12

is to let that slice of the traditional

Time: 11151.279

whatever you want to call it aggressive

Time: 11152.68

manhood be your whole life like that's

Time: 11154.96

just not functional you know it's not

Time: 11156.439

good for relationships it's not good for

Time: 11158.56

Parenthood so every other little tool

Time: 11161.479

you can put in that toolbox that takes

Time: 11163.08

you all the way over here to what we

Time: 11165.399

might consider oh Coleman's he's soft

Time: 11168.64

now no no don't mistake my kindness or

Time: 11171.56

weakness there's a category for

Time: 11173.68

everything and I think that makes you

Time: 11175.68

such a much more complete person

Time: 11178.68

um it's made me a more complete person

Time: 11181.319

it's it's difficult I feel like I'm

Time: 11184.92

brand new at being able to do other

Time: 11187.2

things in my toolbox like you and I like

Time: 11190

this part's easy I'm go jump to that in

Time: 11192.04

a nanc this part over here of

Time: 11195.64

normalizing you know life across across

Time: 11198.239

a whatever 8090 is it's really hard to

Time: 11202.64


Time: 11203.439

of excavate the normal but that's

Time: 11207.279

what I think we need to do you know I

Time: 11210.279

mean it's okay to be kind and calm and

Time: 11216.16

gentle and you know that's there's

Time: 11218.2

nothing wrong with that and I'm guessing

Time: 11220.8

the word surrender probably held a far

Time: 11223.04

different meaning for you in the past

Time: 11224.64

but a lot of what you're describing is

Time: 11225.96

surrendering to the realities of life

Time: 11227.52

that we can't control

Time: 11229.08

everything and and just how painful it

Time: 11231.279

is to to undergo that surrender and and

Time: 11233.88

here I'm talking to myself too it's been

Time: 11235.72

it's a process I'm still deeply involved

Time: 11237.92

in you know somebody who's tried to you

Time: 11240.2

know go rung over rung as best I can

Time: 11242.16

doesn't Andrew speak to our like

Time: 11243.479

Evolutions like that is so difficult at

Time: 11245.92

least for me and guys like me I'm

Time: 11247.76

putting you in my group here that is so

Time: 11250.359

hard to do like that just tells me more

Time: 11253.359

about the evolution of our male

Time: 11256.2

system like that part's so easy and this

Time: 11259

part is not so easy but man it's a it's

Time: 11262.239

a battle to remind myself you know slow

Time: 11266.04

down listen

Time: 11268.439

just the basic you don't have to go

Time: 11270.6

attack every problem like a fist

Time: 11273.56

fight it's tough it is tough and I think

Time: 11276.52

that the more that I uh resist surrender

Time: 11279.52

the more that um well I believe in God

Time: 11282.56

so I'll just say God but God the

Time: 11283.96

universe or whatever it is for people

Time: 11285.479

but for me more that God places me in

Time: 11287.479

circumstances that make the the uh the

Time: 11289.92

act of surrendering harder like if I

Time: 11292.04

would just do it on my own it wouldn't

Time: 11293.279

have to be so hard I wouldn't have to

Time: 11295

good friend of mine um I've been

Time: 11298.279

mentioned by name Tim Armstrong he just

Time: 11299.92

said like you got to hit every branch on

Time: 11303

the way down you know he was he telling

Time: 11305.16

me I had to you know he's like you're a

Time: 11306.96

stubborn punk rocker you have to and he

Time: 11308.96

was talking about himself too like

Time: 11310.2

there's certain there's certain

Time: 11312

phenotypes where we have to but but like

Time: 11314.56

the universe just screams

Time: 11316.56

out um you don't have to you can

Time: 11319.52

actually just like lower yourself down

Time: 11320.8

on a rope to the ground and walk away

Time: 11323.479

but but then there's that stubbornness

Time: 11325.08

but I think that the stubbornness is has

Time: 11326.8

its uh evolutionary adaptations too and

Time: 11329.72

and the hero's journey nothing in the

Time: 11331.04

hero's journey says that the transitions

Time: 11333

between these different states are

Time: 11334.319

linear no are of equal duration are of

Time: 11338.64


Time: 11339.76

certainty only that they exist and that

Time: 11342.12

there's no way as you point out before

Time: 11343.76

to skip steps you can't skip yeah I

Time: 11346.56

couldn't skip if somebody skips Ian like

Time: 11350.279

you hit every BR nobody skips and then

Time: 11352.279

and whether or not somebody tries to

Time: 11353.479

skip through psychedelics or through

Time: 11355.68

being the toughest or through the

Time: 11357.72

acquisition of money or just focusing on

Time: 11360.359

family you know a family obviously is

Time: 11361.76

super important but but that's not going

Time: 11363.399

to accomplish the other aspects of of

Time: 11365.399

the of the journey it's a huge part of

Time: 11366.96

it but it's not it's not the only part

Time: 11368.76

again necessary not sufficient yeah it's

Time: 11370.84

like again it's the 12 steps are some

Time: 11373.439

I'm not that experienced in it I just

Time: 11375.08

read about it a decent amount it's like

Time: 11377.359

hitting every Branch like you got to

Time: 11379.279

follow the steps man or you can live

Time: 11382.64

with that low grade pain

Time: 11385.439

non-stop you know it's that's not a good

Time: 11388.08

way to live no because because even if

Time: 11390.88

you're not conscious of it it erods you

Time: 11392.52

in ways that are very destructive I

Time: 11394.72

wasn't conscious of it at all you know

Time: 11396.6

until the universe as we say came in

Time: 11399.2

with a Wrecking Ball and said

Time: 11401.84

fine you're not going to listen sent you

Time: 11404.319

all these messages you're not going to

Time: 11405.52


Time: 11407.72

okay I think it's important that

Time: 11410.479

we at least briefly touch on where

Time: 11413.04

things are at right now um because it

Time: 11416.56

would be remiss for us to give the

Time: 11419.439

impression that like you're sitting

Time: 11421

there meditating you're drinking your

Time: 11423.08

coffee 90 minutes late late after you

Time: 11425.319

wake up you're uh sitting there in Bliss

Time: 11427.84

and thinking about all the great things

Time: 11428.96

that happened how you made it through

Time: 11430.2

like there's still a lot happening right

Time: 11432.12

now so um to the extent that you can

Time: 11435.08

share um you're working all the time

Time: 11438.04

you're what what are you doing nowadays

Time: 11439.84

as a vocation I was in private equity

Time: 11441.64

for a while before I met you run a

Time: 11443.439


Time: 11444.279

for companies for really good friend of

Time: 11446.72

mine and Tom Ripley amazing

Time: 11449.52

guy and then I stepped away because I

Time: 11452.12

was exhausted and I didn't know how to

Time: 11453.439

say it I didn't know how to tell anybody

Time: 11455.6

like I needed to escape again take Magic

Time: 11457.88

Flight somehow you know and

Time: 11461.16

um and he and I are incredibly close

Time: 11463.6

like he was one of the guys who is in

Time: 11465.72

that super tight Inner Circle um and

Time: 11469.88

then I came back to it um with you know

Time: 11472.72

with this team that I'm on

Time: 11475.68

and I serve as the chief operating

Time: 11478.439

officer at lid Sports Group the largest

Time: 11480.479

brick and mortar licensed Sports

Time: 11481.84

retailer um in North America we have

Time: 11485.08

200,000 stores during the holiday we

Time: 11487.04

have 88,200 employees and amazing team

Time: 11490.239

the private Equity Firm that I work for

Time: 11491.68

is an amazing team and the company is an

Time: 11494.56

amazing company and am just incredible

Time: 11497.72

group of folks

Time: 11499.399

um and so yeah I work a lot I was out

Time: 11502.359

here doing store visits in San Francisco

Time: 11504.12

and la and that's it's all good and I

Time: 11506.239


Time: 11508.319

um I do those little things all day long

Time: 11512.08

all the time but no I am not sitting on

Time: 11514.239

a Mountaintop like most days there's no

Time: 11516.84

meditation at all Andrew it's meditation

Time: 11519.239

is a workout Tom and I throw kettle

Time: 11521.04

bells around multiple times a week and

Time: 11523.52

um I do those other little things but

Time: 11526.68

the difference for me is I'm okay with

Time: 11528.68

it and I say that because I was

Time: 11531.88

incredibly busy you know before when I

Time: 11535.279

first got out of the Navy

Time: 11537.8

and I wasn't okay with it because I

Time: 11540.439

thought again this is back to the hero's

Time: 11542.72

journey I thought like the return to

Time: 11545.8

ordinary life was going to be sunshine

Time: 11548

and rainbows like look I have the

Time: 11550.2

ultimate Boon I had this big experience

Time: 11553.6

not that I wanted to be like front and

Time: 11555.2

center in the media but here I am world

Time: 11558.56

it's calm out here right like we get to

Time: 11560.439

chill and have a good time and sleep and

Time: 11563.84

nothing is stressful in the real world

Time: 11566.16

right wrong I just wasn't ready for that

Time: 11569.52

like I really genuinely thought that it

Time: 11572.6

was just gonna be easier and so when we

Time: 11575.72

talk about the lowgrade pain inury and

Time: 11577.359

like the you know what is that to me

Time: 11579.52

that was one of the biggest frictions

Time: 11581.12

like holy I did all this stuff all

Time: 11584.319

these deployments lost all these

Time: 11586.8

buddies and there's no rest

Time: 11590.319

like the regular world just it's not

Time: 11592.6

it's supposed to be easier at least

Time: 11594.04

that's the story that was in my

Time: 11596.12

mind going through all the stuff we just

Time: 11598.72

talked about now I'm okay with it like I

Time: 11602.08

like it I know how to manage my life I

Time: 11604.279

know how to manage my time for the most

Time: 11606.12

part I have a different relationship

Time: 11608.04

with my teammates and my mentors and my

Time: 11611

bosses and my own work life

Time: 11614.279

and I love it like I feel like I'm back

Time: 11618

to in a very different way where I was

Time: 11620.56

when I was in the Squadron back in ' 07

Time: 11623.68

I I feel like I'm

Time: 11625.12

on hope this doesn't get clipped but for

Time: 11627.52

me I'm on another level like I really

Time: 11629.64

feel good about where I'm headed and I

Time: 11633.68

haven't felt like that since I went into

Time: 11635.439

college you know I felt like was

Time: 11637.88

just deteriorating and now it's it's not

Time: 11641.12

which is which is

Time: 11642.88

nice well the beauty of what you just

Time: 11645.399

said and everything you've shared today

Time: 11646.92

is that I don't know if it occurs to you

Time: 11649.08

or not but

Time: 11651.04

um you've been providing mentorship to

Time: 11655.84

millions of people uh in the form of

Time: 11658.96

sharing your experience of uh your own

Time: 11662.2

Heroes journey and uh I want to thank

Time: 11665.239

you for making it

Time: 11667.16

so clear as to what your experience was

Time: 11670.68

and being unafraid or perhaps afraid and

Time: 11673.84

doing it and telling us anyway exactly

Time: 11676.399

very afraid what that felt like even

Time: 11678.96

better in that sense you know and and

Time: 11681.16

stepping into that fear um but

Time: 11684.68

also making it so clear that while while

Time: 11687.279

your your life experience is you know

Time: 11691.239

extraordinary SEAL Teams tier one teams

Time: 11694.2

all all and all you know all of it that

Time: 11698.319

you know everyone's life has these

Time: 11699.84

components of extraordinary and the

Time: 11701.72

opportunity for Extraordinary and the

Time: 11704

return and renewal through the Ordinary

Time: 11705.8

World um so much of what you shared is

Time: 11709.52

has meaning regardless of people are

Time: 11711.6

male female young old so thank you for

Time: 11715.439

being a mentor to today and um for

Time: 11719.359

having the The Bravery for stepping out

Time: 11722.239

into the the quote unquote Ordinary

Time: 11724.84

World which is oh so unordinary

Time: 11728.52

unordinary and um if you're willing I

Time: 11731.72

think it'd be great to have you back in

Time: 11733.6

a maybe a couple years and see where

Time: 11735.72

you're at meanwhile uh you and I will be

Time: 11738.239

T in touch often as as we as we

Time: 11741.199

frequently are so thanks Andrew

Time: 11743.16

appreciate it Coleman Ruiz thanks for

Time: 11744.84

everything you've done thank you uh

Time: 11746.6

thanks for everything you're doing and

Time: 11748.88

um thanks for coming out today and and

Time: 11751.6

sharing with us uh what real life's

Time: 11754.359

about it's always great to see you

Time: 11756.199

appreciate the time it was a joy thanks

Time: 11759.92

likewise thank you for joining me for

Time: 11761.88

today's discussion with Coleman Ruiz if

Time: 11764.6

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Time: 11766.359

podcast please subscribe to our YouTube

Time: 11768.319

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Time: 11770.279

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Time: 11772.359

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Time: 11774.479

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Time: 11776.56

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Time: 11778.199

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Time: 11779.96

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Time: 11781.56

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Time: 11783.239

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Time: 11785.64

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Time: 11787.16

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Time: 11789

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Time: 11790.52

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Time: 11792.319

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Time: 11794.439

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Time: 11796.479

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Time: 11798.64

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Time: 11800.439

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Time: 11802.16

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Time: 11803.88

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Time: 11805.6

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Time: 11807.279

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Time: 11808.88

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Time: 11810.08

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Time: 11812.12 huberman if you're not already

Time: 11815.279

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Time: 11817.08

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Time: 11819.12

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Time: 11822.16

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Time: 11824.16

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Time: 11826.08

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Time: 11827.56

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Time: 11828.96

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Time: 11830.92

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Time: 11832.52

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Time: 11834.8

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Time: 11836.96

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Time: 11844.479

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Time: 11848.72

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Time: 11850.76

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Time: 11852.399

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Time: 11854.359

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Time: 11856.199

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Time: 11858

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Time: 11859.88

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Time: 11870.439

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Time: 11871.84

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Time: 11874.399

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Time: 11876.479

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Time: 11881.399


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