Benefits & Risks of Peptide Therapeutics for Physical & Mental Health

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford school of

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medicine today we are discussing

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peptides peptides are a topic that's

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receiving a lot of attention these days

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in part because of the excitement about

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the so-called glp1 analoges or Agonist

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glp1 stands for glucagon like peptides

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these are drugs used to treat type 2

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diabetes as well as drugs used to treat

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obesity today we are not going to

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discuss the glp1 analogues however we

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are going to discuss some of the other

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peptides that are receiving a lot of

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attention these days including peptides

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for tissue healing and repair as well as

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peptides that impact longevity and

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vitality now in principle any discussion

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about peptides could be enormously vast

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and that's because there are so many

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different kinds of peptides and by the

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way I will explain what a peptide is in

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just a few moments but for instance

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insulin which is involved in regulating

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our blood sugar or blood glucose levels

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is a peptide oxytocin which is sometimes

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called the love hormone although I

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wouldn't say that's the best description

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of what oxytocin is it's a neuropeptide

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hormone that is involved in everything

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from parir bonding to socialization but

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a bunch of other things as well those

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are just two examples of peptides that

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are familiar to most people at least by

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name and that exist within the tens of

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thousands if not hundreds of thousands

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of different peptides that EX exist

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within our brain and body today's

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discussion is going to focus on peptides

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that are increasingly being used for

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therapeutic purposes and I want to point

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out something very important about this

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topic area first of all it is a topic

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area for which there is a lot of

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confusion the mere naming of the

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peptides is confusing often times

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they're referred to Simply by virtue of

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acronyms and numbers like bpc 157 or

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mk677 etc etc such that if you're not

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really familiar with them it can be a

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bit overwhelming and Confused

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today I'm going to provide a very simple

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organizational framework that will allow

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you to understand what these different

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therapeutic peptides are why certain

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ones may be advantageous for certain

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purposes of course also highlighting the

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potential risks and in some case

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outright dangers and I'll tell you how

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they each work alone and in combination

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toward achieving specific physical and

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in some cases even mental health goals

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I'd be remiss if I didn't say at the

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outset here that a lot of what's

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happening with applied therapeutic

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peptide biology

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falls into one of three categories there

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are peptides that are being prescribed

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by physicians so these are prescription

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peptides for specific purposes these are

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FDA approved there are other peptides

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that reside in kind of a gray market

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area you can purchase them online but

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the safety and efficacy of those

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peptides is a bit questionable in some

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cases very questionable and I'll give

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you some filters to determine uh which

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category certain peptides fall into and

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then of course there's the black market

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peptides it is possible to buy peptides

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online through any number of different

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sources and of course I do not suggest

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people purchase Black Market peptides

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it's very clear that a lot of them are

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contaminated with things that both in

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the short term but especially in the

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long term can be problematic so if

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you're interested in understanding or

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using therapeutic peptides today's

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episode is for you before we begin I'd

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like to emphasize that this podcast is

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separate from my teaching and research

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roles at Stanford it is however part of

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my desire and effort to bring zero cost

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to Consumer information about science

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and science related tools to the general

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public in keeping with that theme I'd

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like to thank the sponsors of today's

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podcast our first sponsor is matina

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matina makes loose leaf and ready to

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drink yerbamate I often discuss ybba

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mate's benefits such as regulating blood

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sugar it's high antioxidant content the

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ways that it can improve digestion and

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possible neuroprotective effects I also

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drink yante because I love the taste

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while there are a lot of different

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choices of yamate drinks out there I

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love because again they have the no

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sugar variety as well as the fact that

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both their loose leaf and their Cann

Time: 246.239

varieties are of the absolute best

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quality so much so that I decided to

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become a partial owner in the company

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although I must say even if they hadn't

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allowed me to do that I would be

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drinking matina is the cleanest tasting

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and best yeram mate you can find I love

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the taste of brewed loose leaf matina

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yerbamate and I particularly love the

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taste of maa's new canned cold brew zero

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sugar yerbamate which I personally help

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them develop if you'd like to try matina

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go to drink

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huberman right now matina is offering a

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free one PB bag of loose leaf yerbamate

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tea and free shipping with a purchase of

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two cases of their cold brew yerbamate

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again that's drink huberman to

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get the free bag of yamate loose leaf

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tea and free shipping today's episode is

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also brought To Us by levels levels is a

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program that lets you see how different

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foods and different activities and your

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sleep patterns impact your health by

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giving you real-time feedback on your

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diet using a continuous glucose monitor

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now blood glucose sometimes referred to

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as blood sugar has an immediate and

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long-term impact on your energy levels

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and your overall health one of the best

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ways to maintain focus and energy

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throughout your day as well as to keep

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your so-called metabolic Health in best

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order is to make sure that your blood

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glucose never spikes too much nor does

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it get too low with levels you can

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monitor how different foods and food

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combinations impact your blood glucose

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levels on a momentto moment basis I've

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been using levels for some time now and

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it's really helped me understand which

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foods and food combinations exercise

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schedules and sleep schedules are

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optimal for my blood glucose levels and

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how that translates to energy levels and

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other metrics of Health if you're

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interested in learning more about levels

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and trying a continuous glucose monitor

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you can go to levels. l/h huberman

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levels has just launched a new CGM

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sensor that is smaller and has even

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better tracking than before right now

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they're also offering two free months of

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membership again that's levels. link l

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nk/ huberman to try the new sensor and

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two free months of membership today's

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episode is also brought To Us by ju ju

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makes medical grade red light therapy

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devices now if there's one thing I've

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consistently emphasized on this podcast

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it's the incredible role that light can

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have on our biology and of course I'm

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always telling people that they should

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get sunlight in their eyes as soon as

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possible possible after a waking on as

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many days of their life as possible for

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sake of setting circadian rhythm daytime

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mood focus and alertness and improv

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sleep now in addition to sunlight red

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light and near infrared light has been

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shown to have positive effects on

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improving numerous aspects of Cellar and

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organ Health including faster Muscle

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Recovery improved skin health and wound

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healing even improvements in acne or

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that is removal of acne reducing pain

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and inflammation improving mitochondrial

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function and even improving vision

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itself what sets ju apart and why it's

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my preferred red light therapy device is

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that it has clinically proven

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wavelengths meaning it uses specific

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wavelengths of red light and near

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infrared light in combination that

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trigger the optimal seller adaptations

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personally I use the ju handheld light

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both at home and when I travel it's only

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about the size of a sandwich it's very

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convenient to use I also have a ju whole

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body panel and I use that about three or

Time: 444.52

four times a week if you would like to

Time: 446.24

try ju you can go to

Time: 448.199 /h huberman ju is offering an

Time: 451.84

exclusive discount to all huberman lab

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listeners with up to $400 off select ju

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products again that's ju

Time: 458.879 huberman to get $400 off select

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ju products so what is a peptide a

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peptide is a small Protein that's made

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up of little chains of amino acids now

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the moment people hear protein they

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usually think proteins that you eat or

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perhaps they think about four calories

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per gram of protein and that sort of

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thing keep in mind that we have lots of

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different kinds of proteins within our

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body that have nothing to do with the

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proteins that we eat now it is true that

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many of the amino acids that comprise

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peptides as well as other proteins in

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the body come from the foods that we eat

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because the amino acids again are the

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building blocks of peptides and other

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proteins the basic way that we Define a

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peptide is that it tends to be a small

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protein meaning chains of anywhere from

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2 to 50 amino acids that's really the

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strict definition of a peptide however

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of often times peptides that are a

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little bit bigger so maybe 75 or 100

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amino acids in length will also be

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considered a peptide now if you start

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combining different peptides together

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you get what's called poly peptides and

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many of the proteins in the body are

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poly peptides so just to get a mental

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image of what a peptide is a peptide

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basically looks like beads on a string

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where there are two to 100 beads and

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each of those beads represents a

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different amino acid and the arrangement

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of each amino acid relative to one

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another that is their order along that

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string determines what the peptide is

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and what the peptide does the other

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thing that's important to understand

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about peptides is that some peptides are

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hormones other peptides are merely

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called peptides proteins others are

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neuromodulators meaning they adjust the

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activity of neurons and some peptides

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multitask and do many things in fact I

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think it's fair to say that most

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peptides have what are called pleotropic

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effects meaning they affect many

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different aspects of cells and this is

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very important to understand because

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unlike a lot of our discussion on this

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podcast about dopamine or about specific

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hormones like testosterone or estrogen

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when we talk about peptides especially

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therapeutic peptides often times we're

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talking about a single peptide that does

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a bunch of different things depending on

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the cell type the time of day or night

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that that peptide is present and even

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the different so-called Downstream

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effects of the peptide what do I mean by

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Downstream effects well when a peptide

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binds to a receptor on a cell surface

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okay and you can just think of that

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process as a little parking spot on the

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surface of a cell and the peptide if

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it's available will bind to that

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receptor and then set in motion a kind

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of Bucket Brigade a sort of conveyor

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belt of cellular processes for instance

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activating one pathway for cellular

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growth and another pathway for cell

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migration for the cell to actually move

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and maybe another Pathway to talk to

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another cell to stimulate say the growth

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of blood vessels in other words lots of

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different or pleotropic effects this is

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important because when we're talking

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about peptide Therapeutics rarely if

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ever are we talking about a very

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targeted and very specific effect of

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these peptides and this is important

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both in terms of thinking about what

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effects you're going to get of taking a

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given peptide if you decide to do that

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as well as potential side effects as

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well as things like how to adjust dosage

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and how long to take a peptide whether

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or not to cycle the peptide Etc so I

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just gave you a very simple description

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of what a peptide is and the fact that

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they have pleotropic meaning many

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different effects both within cells and

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across different cell types and of

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course across different organ systems so

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rarely if ever will you hear that a

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peptide does one thing most often a

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peptide does anywhere from four to maybe

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even a thousand different things and

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again we can go back to our basic

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examples of peptides like insulin like

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oxytocin and say for instance oxytocin

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it's known to be involved in milk let

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down during lactation it's also known to

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be involved in pair bonding in both

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males and females as well as pair

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bonding between parent and child maybe

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even parent and pet so the point is that

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if you want a specific biological effect

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maybe you want to repair a given injury

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or you'd like to get more growth hormone

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in order I don't know to get leaner or

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to recover from exercise more quickly or

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to feel more Vitality yes there are

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peptides that can impact those Pathways

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but always always always if you take

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peptides especially theraputic peptides

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designed to promote activity within a

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given pathway for a specific purpose you

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are going to activate other Pathways as

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well there's simply no way to remove the

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pleotropic feature of peptide

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Therapeutics nowadays there's a lot of

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interest and indeed growing interest in

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peptide Therapeutics and there really

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three different paths by which people

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obtain these peptides the first is by

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prescription from a board-certified

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medical doctor so some peptides have

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been approved for one use but they can

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be prescribed also for off Lael use and

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here we're talking about FDA approved

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clinically tested peptides but many

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cases they've been clinically tested for

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one particular area of medicine so for

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instance the peptide cellin which

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promotes the release of growth hormone

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has been FDA approved for the treatment

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of short stature but it is often now

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prescribed for other things as well

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where a physician and their patient

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agree that augmenting the growth hormone

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pathway would be useful now regardless

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of the specific use in mind it's

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absolutely clear that the safest and

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best situation if one is going to use

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therapeutic peptides is to use

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prescription therapeutic peptides where

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the prescription comes from a board

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certified physician and the reason for

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that is severalfold first of all

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sometimes these peptides come from

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Pharma companies other times they are

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made by a compounding pharmacy but in

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situations they are cleaned of what's

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called Lippy polysaccharide or LPS LPS

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is something that can accumulate in the

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manufacturing process of some of these

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peptides and it's something that you

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really want to remove from the peptide

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before you ingest it or inject it most

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peptides are injected either

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subcutaneously or into the muscle

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although some can be taken orally or

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even a topical cream we'll talk a little

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bit about different modes of delivery a

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little bit later in any case getting the

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LPS out and making sure that the peptide

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is pure is very important the reason is

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that LPS causes an immune response and

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while a tiny amount of LPS might not

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cause a massive immune response the

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accumulation of many many LPs exposures

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can start to become problematic and the

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other sources of peptides which are gray

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market and black market often times do

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contain the same peptide that one would

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get from a prescription from a board

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certified physician but very often they

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haven't cleaned out the Lippy

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polysaccharide they haven't removed the

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LPS and that can start to create

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problems over time and of course in the

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case of Black Market sources especially

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often times the peptides are not what

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they claim to be on the label or from a

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particular source so that's especially

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problematic so I want to be very clear

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about my stance on this if you are going

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to explore peptide Therapeutics I highly

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highly recommend indeed I implore you to

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do so with a board certified physician

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and to acquire peptides through a

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reliable source where the LPS has been

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removed which typically means from a

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pharmac company or from a compounding

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pharmacy okay so let's talk about

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specific peptides for specific purposes

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today we're going to cover four general

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areas in which peptide Therapeutics can

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be useful the first is for rejuven ation

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and repair of basically any tissue but

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in particular muscle and connective

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tissue so Sports type injuries but also

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things like gut so for people that

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suffer from IBS irritable bowel syndrome

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or from colitis or from other gut issues

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there is a potential use for therapeutic

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peptides then we're going to discuss

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therapeutic peptides for metabolism and

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growth of frankly all tissues as soon as

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people hear metabolism and growth

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generally people think of fat loss and

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muscle growth and indeed those fall

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under this category but there are a

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bunch of other tissues for which you may

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want to improve metabolism and perhaps

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growth as well so we'll get into that

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then we'll discuss therapeutic peptides

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specifically for longevity both staving

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off tumor growth as well as potentially

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and I want to highlight potentially

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increasing lifespan although this is a

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very experimental area at present and

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then we'll talk about therapeutic

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peptides for increasing Vitality both

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mood and libido in both men and women

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okay so let's discuss peptides for

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Rejuvenation and repair of tissues now

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it's pretty common to injure a given

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tissue you know to uh you know strain a

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tendon or tear a ligament or break a

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bone or I don't know any number of

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different things this is just kind of

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part of life if you uh play sports or if

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you exercise frequently sooner or later

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people tend to get injured and when one

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does there's you know a lot of different

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things one can do there's a lot of

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debate nowadays about whether or not you

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should emphasize cold or whether or not

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you should emphasize heat there seems to

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be a growing

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now the answer to this isn't entirely

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clear and as I always say anytime you

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want to answer a question about kind of

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the why something evolved to be a

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particular way you have to remember that

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neither I nor anyone else was involved

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in the design phase it's just is what it

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is so we have to be careful about making

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up just so stories about why something

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is doing what it's doing or how it got

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there so why would there be a peptide

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within the gut that's involved in tissue

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healing and repair well in order to

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understand that it's important to

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understand that the lining of your gut

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all along it length involves a bunch of

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different layers of cells that turn over

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at a pretty frequent rate so unlike your

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brain cells that for instance after

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about age 25 you're not adding or

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deleting many brain cells at least

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provided there's no injury or nerve

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degenerative disease you're not removing

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a lot of those brain cells but you're

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also not adding many brain cells there

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are few areas of the brain like the

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olfactory bulb and the dentate dryers of

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the hippocampus where there is some

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turnover but for the most part the

Time: 1103.52

neurons you have at about age 25 are the

Time: 1105.6

neurons that you're going to have for

Time: 1106.72

the rest of your life your gut is very

Time: 1108.64

different within the millu of the gut

Time: 1110.679

you have a lot of turnover of cells and

Time: 1113.2

the turnover of cells in the gut is in

Time: 1115.44

many ways the same sort of turnover

Time: 1117.44

process that's involved in wound healing

Time: 1119.159

and repair like if you cut your skin

Time: 1120.72

another tissue or organ in this case

Time: 1123.4

that involves a lot of turnover of cells

Time: 1125.52

because as you know if you cut your skin

Time: 1127.88

at some point it will heal up you know

Time: 1130

first there'll be a scab then that scab

Time: 1131.88

will um give way as the tissue

Time: 1133.559

underneath it mends and that mending of

Time: 1135.08

the tissue is the addition of new skin

Time: 1136.72

cells as well as other cell types so the

Time: 1139.52

fact that there is a peptide in our gut

Time: 1141.88

that can be involved in tissue turnover

Time: 1144.84

and tissue turnover is equivalent to

Time: 1146.559

tissue repair is not all that surprising

Time: 1149.08

now it's important to understand that

Time: 1150.28

anytime we're discussing tissue

Time: 1151.919

Rejuvenation that is cellular turnover

Time: 1154.44

or tissue repair so any kind of wound

Time: 1156.44

healing a small wound or a big wound it

Time: 1159.039

almost certainly is going to involve

Time: 1160.64

angiogenesis which is the development of

Time: 1163.159

new vascular Supply or blood supply now

Time: 1166.64

of course vascular Supply arrives

Time: 1169.32

by capillaries veins and arteries and

Time: 1172.4

typically when we're talking about

Time: 1173.88

angiogenesis in the context of tissue

Time: 1175.84

Rejuvenation and repair we're talking

Time: 1177.48

about the addition of new capillaries

Time: 1179.36

and or blood vessels and that means the

Time: 1181.679

addition of new what are called

Time: 1183.12

endothelial cells which are the cells

Time: 1184.96

that make up the walls of those blood

Time: 1186.64

vessels so put simply if you want to

Time: 1188.679

rejuvenate a tissue or you want to

Time: 1190.72

repair a tissue you need additional

Time: 1193.28

blood supply and one of the clear

Time: 1195.12

effects of bpc-157 is to both encourage

Time: 1199

cellular turnover as well as cellular

Time: 1201.32

migration so new cells and cells moving

Time: 1203.559

into a given area as well as new blood

Time: 1206.2

supply through the promotion of this

Time: 1208.32

process we call angiogenesis so you can

Time: 1210.72

imagine for instance that maybe you U

Time: 1212.48

injure your elbow and you do so in a way

Time: 1215

that impacts a bunch of different

Time: 1216.08

tissues maybe some of the nerve cells

Time: 1217.76

the neurons there are severed okay or

Time: 1220.52

crushed so that might lead to some pain

Time: 1222.96

there but it might also lead to some

Time: 1224.4

inability to move that joint or that

Time: 1226.96

limb as well as you could previously

Time: 1228.96

probably also some damage or some

Time: 1230.36

crushing to some ligament tissue and

Time: 1232.679

some tendon tissue maybe even to some

Time: 1234.28

musculature a bunch of different tissues

Time: 1235.84

are impacted and one of the things that

Time: 1238

bpc157 has been shown to do in animal

Time: 1241

studies and I really want to emphasize

Time: 1242.919

animal studies because that's where the

Time: 1244.44

vast vast vast majority of data on

Time: 1246.799

bpc157 come from well it's been shown to

Time: 1251.2

increase blood flow to a given area by

Time: 1253.84

virtue of increased angiogenesis so

Time: 1256.039

basically to promote the development of

Time: 1258.08

new blood vessels to the entire injury

Time: 1260.919

site and the way it does that is very

Time: 1262.799

interesting bpc-157 somehow is able to

Time: 1265.88

recognize injured blood vessels and

Time: 1268.88

injured capillaries and then to promote

Time: 1270.84

the activity of a given enzyme called

Time: 1272.72

Enos or endothelial nitric oxide

Time: 1276.12

synthese which then causes more blood

Time: 1279.12

vasculature to form at the injury site

Time: 1281.6

and around the injury site that in turn

Time: 1284

allows for the delivery not just of

Time: 1285.6

blood but for the stuff that's contained

Time: 1287.36

within blood including growth factors

Time: 1289.039

that then promote the further

Time: 1290.64

Rejuvenation of different cell types in

Time: 1292.799

the given area so the things that could

Time: 1294.24

potentially lead to repair of muscle

Time: 1295.919

repair of ligament repair of tendon Etc

Time: 1298.4

and then bpc157 is known to further

Time: 1301.039

encourage the growth of capillaries and

Time: 1303.12

veins within the injury area so it both

Time: 1306

calls in the development of new

Time: 1307.36

vasculature and it promotes the growth

Time: 1309.52

of that new vasculature bpc-157 is also

Time: 1312.24

known from animal studies to encourage

Time: 1314.4

fiberblast migration and growth within a

Time: 1317.2

site of injury fiberblast are a key cell

Time: 1319.88

type within an injury and they provide

Time: 1322.36

some of the really firm strong substrate

Time: 1324.88

for bridging injuries and that allow

Time: 1327.039

different things like tendons and

Time: 1328.279

ligaments to restore themselves from say

Time: 1331.039

torn or partially torn to a complete

Time: 1333.36

tendon or ligament now there's a very

Time: 1335.08

long and kind of interesting history of

Time: 1337.64

the use of gastric juices okay I know

Time: 1340.24

the term uh might make a few people

Time: 1341.919

queasy but gastric juices to promote

Time: 1344.24

tissue healing and repair now there's a

Time: 1346.279

whole history of focusing on gast juices

Time: 1349.2

or at least the stomach environment for

Time: 1351.88

keeping given tissues alive so that they

Time: 1354.2

can be repaired later I know this sounds

Time: 1356.039

a bit gruesome but one can find in the

Time: 1357.64

historical medical literature instances

Time: 1360.64

of people say severing off a finger or

Time: 1364.039

even a hand uh or things of that sort

Time: 1367.039

and then it being placed by a surgeon of

Time: 1368.96

course or in some cases these were

Time: 1370.52

Battlefield um situations into the gut

Time: 1373.64

as a way to preserve that finger or hand

Time: 1377.679

and keep it alive essentially and then

Time: 1379.76

to graft it back on or to make an

Time: 1381.96

attempt to graft it back on so that the

Time: 1384.039

person could then use those fingers or

Time: 1385.88

that hand again and while not always

Time: 1387.76

successful it was clear or at least the

Time: 1390.64

idea started to form that tissues that

Time: 1393.279

were placed inside the milu of the gut

Time: 1395.52

stood a better chance of being grafted

Time: 1397.2

back on now you could think of a number

Time: 1398.72

of different factors that could impact

Time: 1400.48

the improved grafting of tissues placed

Time: 1402.96

in the gut until the graft could take

Time: 1404.96

place you know it could be uh the heat

Time: 1407.279

of the environment it could be

Time: 1409.2

uh the fact that the hand or finger is

Time: 1411.36

not exposed to things out in the world

Time: 1413.039

so less bacteria Etc nonetheless

Time: 1415.32

Physicians were intrigued by the idea

Time: 1416.799

that maybe something within the gut

Time: 1418.159

itself and in particular within gastric

Time: 1420.2

juices were beneficial for preserving

Time: 1422.48

and maybe even rejuvenating tissues and

Time: 1424.64

one particular peptide compound turned

Time: 1426.4

out to be bpc body protection compound

Time: 1428.799

which again is synthesized as bpc157 so

Time: 1432.08

there's a real logic here but what we

Time: 1434.6

haven't really addressed is if one has

Time: 1436.559

an injury let's say the hand or um to

Time: 1440.12

the arm or to the leg or to the ankle or

Time: 1442.08

to the Achilles tendon how is it the

Time: 1444.159

body protection compound that normally

Time: 1446.159

would exist within the gut actually

Time: 1448.36

access that injured tissue now this

Time: 1450.48

Still Remains somewhat of a mystery it

Time: 1452.36

is clear that bpc 157 can exit the gut

Time: 1455.48

but how it gets traffic to particular

Time: 1457.159

sites within the body that are injured

Time: 1458.919

still isn't clear that said within the

Time: 1461

community of people that use bpc157 for

Time: 1464.12

therapeutic reasons for tissue

Time: 1465.559

Rejuvenation and repair there's sort of

Time: 1467.399

been an ongoing debate as to whether or

Time: 1468.88

not you can take it

Time: 1470.24

systemically that is to inject it or

Time: 1472.88

even take it orally and that it will

Time: 1474.799

find the sight of injury right it'll go

Time: 1477.12

direct itself to the S side of injury or

Time: 1479.08

whether or not it's more beneficial to

Time: 1480.76

inject it directly to the site of injury

Time: 1483.039

and here there's really no formal

Time: 1484.559

science I want to be really clear when

Time: 1486.52

we talk about bpc 157 we can look to a

Time: 1489.12

pretty large literature of peer-reviewed

Time: 1491.399

studies dating back to about 1993 is

Time: 1493.88

when the first kind of rigorous study of

Time: 1495.559

bpc 157 really began and there

Time: 1558.52

animal literature I even would go so far

Time: 1560.559

as to say quality studies of bpc157 and

Time: 1564.52

its effects in animal models such as

Time: 1566.48

rats and mice and such a dir of formal

Time: 1568.96

rigorous exploration of bpc157 in humans

Time: 1571.64

and at the same time a gosh let's just

Time: 1574.799

call it what it is a really rich set of

Time: 1577.279

anic data meaning that many many people

Time: 1579.919

perhaps even most people who take bpc

Time: 1582.36

157 by the way the typical route of

Time: 1584.52

taking bpc 157 is either to inject it

Time: 1587.08

subcutaneously or into the muscle and to

Time: 1589.96

do that regardless of where the injury

Time: 1591.96

is they'll do that in one particular

Time: 1593.32

site so subcutaneously just a few inches

Time: 1595.32

off the belly button or into um you know

Time: 1598.799

into the shoulder or something of that

Time: 1600.12

sort if they're doing it intramuscularly

Time: 1602

or in some cases people will direct it

Time: 1603.64

to the side of injury by injecting more

Time: 1606.12

local like if you have an elbow injury

Time: 1607.48

they'll put into the muscle right above

Time: 1608.559

the elbow or subcutaneously right above

Time: 1610.159

the elbow and we're now in a situation

Time: 1612.44

where we don't know if we're dealing

Time: 1613.84

with pure placebo effect or we are

Time: 1616.039

dealing with real effects and so because

Time: 1618.159

of the lack of the human clinical

Time: 1619.6

studies we don't know whether or not

Time: 1620.76

we're dealing with a situation of robust

Time: 1623.6

Placebo effects I did an episode all

Time: 1625.159

about Placebo effects and Placebo

Time: 1626.679

effects are and can be oh so real they

Time: 1629.279

really um can really trick you into

Time: 1632

thinking that a given compound is doing

Time: 1633.679

something when in fact it's not doing

Time: 1635.279

anything different than would an

Time: 1636.44

injection of saline of saltwater but in

Time: 1639.76

this case there's just such an

Time: 1641.559

overwhelming amount of what I call anic

Time: 1644.08

data and there are so many people using

Time: 1646.48

bpc157 now and are interested in

Time: 1648.96

starting to use bpc 157 that I'd be

Time: 1651.44

remiss if I didn't discuss it despite

Time: 1653.279

this Gap in the human clinical

Time: 1654.64

literature so what do we know from the

Time: 1657

anic data the anic data seem to indicate

Time: 1659

that the mode of delivery that is

Time: 1660.519

whether or not systemic or local doesn't

Time: 1662.159

seem to matter that much although some

Time: 1664.44

people for whatever reason will purport

Time: 1667.24

that local injections serve recovery of

Time: 1669.88

the tissue more readily than systemic

Time: 1672.36

injections now there are a couple things

Time: 1674.08

to understand about bpc 157 besides the

Time: 1676.519

fact that in animal studies it's been

Time: 1677.919

shown to increase fiberblast migration

Time: 1680.519

to a sight of injury as well as

Time: 1682.24

endothelial cell and Vascular growth to

Time: 1684.12

a sight of injury and the first thing is

Time: 1686.519

that injury seems to be important there

Time: 1688.64

does seem to be something that the

Time: 1690.279

injury signals to bpc157 to create new

Time: 1694.919

vasculature and fiber blast growth there

Time: 1697.36

at the site of injury there's no

Time: 1699.039

evidence from these animal studies at

Time: 1700.6

least to my knowledge that bpc157

Time: 1703.24

systemically increases vascular growth

Time: 1705.799

although one could imagine that it might

Time: 1708.399

right and for that reason I'll talk

Time: 1710

about some cautionary notes about bpc

Time: 1712.039

157 as it relates to tumor growth and

Time: 1714.159

Cancers and diseases in particular of

Time: 1716.279

the eye that involve overgrowth of

Time: 1718.519

vasculature but before I do that I want

Time: 1720.399

to talk a little bit about the safety of

Time: 1722.08

bpc-157 one of the reasons why it's

Time: 1724.48

being used so extensively is that it

Time: 1727.08

does seem to have very high safety

Time: 1728.799

profiles at least with respect to the

Time: 1731.039

lethal dosing right in order to find out

Time: 1733.32

the lethal dose of something as you can

Time: 1735.12

imagine unfortunately the way these

Time: 1736.72

studies are done is they give animals

Time: 1738.6

more and more that is higher and higher

Time: 1740.12

doses of a given compound find out at

Time: 1742.48

what point about 50% of the population

Time: 1745.12

of those animals starts to die and then

Time: 1746.6

that's the so-called ld50 at least

Time: 1748.399

that's one crude way of describing it

Time: 1750.799


Time: 1751.6

ld50 of bpc 157 is incredibly High okay

Time: 1757.159

it is as high as two grams okay two

Time: 1760

grams 2,000 milligrams that is per

Time: 1762.24

kilogram of body weight now that does

Time: 1764.279

not mean please hear me on this that

Time: 1766.679

does not mean that any one should be

Time: 1768.6

taking High dosages of bpc 157 the

Time: 1770.96

typical therapeutic doses that are

Time: 1773.32

prescribed are anywhere from 300 to 500

Time: 1776.24


Time: 1777.76

subcutaneously maybe two or three times

Time: 1779.88

per week and that is typically done for

Time: 1783.36

a course of about eight weeks and then

Time: 1785.519

people typically cycle off for anywhere

Time: 1787.36

from 8 to 10 weeks now when I say

Time: 1789.6

typically I mean typically because there

Time: 1791.679

are individuals that take bpc 157

Time: 1793.799

consistently they just take it every day

Time: 1795.76

and they'll just take it indefinitely

Time: 1797.44

without any break I think that is a bad

Time: 1800.279

idea and I want to also state that I am

Time: 1802.84

not suggesting anyone run out and take

Time: 1804.399

bpc 157 today's episode is really about

Time: 1807.36

giving you information so that you can

Time: 1808.76

make the determination whether or not

Time: 1810.039

you even want to take bpc 157 or another

Time: 1813.12

peptide and of course to really

Time: 1815.12

seriously consider the sourcing issue

Time: 1816.96

that we talked about earlier now what

Time: 1819

would be a reason to avoid taking bpc

Time: 1821.24

157 well the first relates to something

Time: 1824.039

that many people take bpc 157 for

Time: 1826.72

because they believe it's good for them

Time: 1827.84

and it's some cases potentially could be

Time: 1829.76

which is that in addition to increasing

Time: 1831.64

fiberblast migration and angiogenesis

Time: 1834.399

blood vessel development within a sight

Time: 1836.279

of injury bpc157 is known to have a

Time: 1839.679

small but nonetheless meaningful impact

Time: 1842.24

on upregulating growth hormone receptors

Time: 1845.399

now this can be a good thing if you're

Time: 1846.919

trying to upregulate growth hormone

Time: 1848.36

receptors at a given injury site so that

Time: 1850.96

growth hormone which comes from the

Time: 1852.6

pituitary and we'll talk a bit about

Time: 1854.2

more later then can have a heightened

Time: 1856.399

level of action at that tisssue and

Time: 1858.32

growth hormone is involved in tissue

Time: 1860.32

turnover and repair this is evident from

Time: 1863.12

childhood where kids heal from wounds

Time: 1864.88

much faster than uh adults heal from

Time: 1867.399

wounds there's other reasons why kids

Time: 1869.679

heal from wounds more quickly than

Time: 1871.08

adults that relate to things like stuff

Time: 1873.12

secret from the thymus Etc we'll talk

Time: 1874.88

about that as well but this idea of

Time: 1876.919

increasing growth hormone receptors at

Time: 1878.88

the site of injury or around the site of

Time: 1880.399

injury by injecting bpc157 locally to

Time: 1883.399

the injury or even taking it

Time: 1884.559

systemically is one thing that many

Time: 1886.32

people think of as advantageous and

Time: 1888.399

that's why they want to take bpc 157

Time: 1891.08

however for some people perhaps people

Time: 1892.919

who have a tumor in a given area an

Time: 1895.48

increase in growth hormone receptors in

Time: 1897.08

and around the tumor could potentially

Time: 1898.88

increase the growth of the tumor and

Time: 1900.76

that's one of the major issues with

Time: 1902.12

bpc157 that's not often discussed which

Time: 1904.72

is that if you have a tumor and tumors

Time: 1907.559

thrive on increased blood flow because

Time: 1909.96

they like to consume growth factors and

Time: 1911.679

increased blood flow means increased

Time: 1913.24

growth factors and other things that can

Time: 1915.399

not just sustain but actually grow the

Time: 1917.32

tumor well then by taking bpc 157 you

Time: 1920.12

may be either maintaining or

Time: 1921.96

accelerating the growth of a tumor that

Time: 1923.559

would otherwise be removed or stay small

Time: 1926.72

in other words bpc157 is a potential

Time: 1929.48

tumor growth risk so if you have

Time: 1931.639

knowledge of a given cancer or you're

Time: 1933.84

concerned about tumors at all I would

Time: 1936.24

encourage you to be very cautious about

Time: 1937.72

the use of bpc157 in fact one way that

Time: 1940.44

bpc157 creates this increase in

Time: 1943.24

angiogenesis this increase in

Time: 1945.08

vasculature is through upregulation of

Time: 1947.279

something called ve F vegf which is

Time: 1950

vascular endothelial growth factor now

Time: 1953.72

there is a common treatment for cancers

Time: 1956.399

which is a vastin a vastin is a veg F

Time: 1959.399

inhibitor it's a drug that's designed to

Time: 1961.799

fight tumors to reduce tumor size and

Time: 1964.48

does so by inhibiting vegf whereas bpc

Time: 1968.519

157 is doing the exact opposite it is

Time: 1970.639

increasing levels of vegf to increase

Time: 1972.72

angiogenesis so by logical extension if

Time: 1974.96

you're concerned about tumors or cancer

Time: 1976.6

of any kind bpc 157 is probably not

Time: 1979.72

something that you want to explore so if

Time: 1981.48

bpc 157 carries these risks why are so

Time: 1983.84

many people interested in taking it or

Time: 1986.039

taking it I think in large part that's

Time: 1988.24

due to the fact that um the anic data

Time: 1990.6

about bpc 157 is just so strong people

Time: 1994.12

report all sorts of things like you know

Time: 1996.159

they recovered from their shoulder

Time: 1997.2

injury much faster there are these kind

Time: 1998.679

of outrageous claims about people

Time: 2000.279

recovering from complete tissue trans

Time: 2002

sections and um indeed there the animal

Time: 2004.48

data are pretty impressive I went into

Time: 2006.039

the data that looked at sciatic ner

Time: 2007.88

nerve regrowth after injury Achilles

Time: 2010.48

tendon regrowth after injury and some of

Time: 2012.32

these studies in rats involved a

Time: 2013.88

complete transsection not just a partial

Time: 2016.2

tear but a complete cut of a given

Time: 2018.6

ligament or tendon or nerve pathway and

Time: 2020.88

indeed the data are pretty impressive

Time: 2023

that when bpc157 is applied systemically

Time: 2026.24

right so given you know at the level of

Time: 2027.76

the gut somehow it's able to travel to

Time: 2030.24

the side of injury recognize that

Time: 2032.24

something needs to be done there in

Time: 2033.399

particular angiogenesis and fiberblast

Time: 2035.519

infiltration and it does seem that on

Time: 2038.399

average that these tissues repair faster

Time: 2042.12

than they do if bpc 157 is not provided

Time: 2044.96

but again the tumor concerns and the

Time: 2046.76

lack of human data are a real concern

Time: 2048.879

that everyone should be made aware of I

Time: 2050.639

do not think that bpc157 is not without

Time: 2053.32

its quote unquote side effects I do

Time: 2055.599

think that we are now in a state of

Time: 2057.879

widespread experimental use of bpc157

Time: 2060.2

even though it can be obtained clean

Time: 2062.76

without LPS from compounding pharmacies

Time: 2064.599

and by prescription there are a lot of

Time: 2066.56

people taking bpc1 15 7 and I just want

Time: 2068.639

to return to the point I made earlier

Time: 2070.76

which is that you know bpc 157 is

Time: 2073.24

typically taken in these dosages of

Time: 2074.76

about 300 to 500 micrograms you know two

Time: 2077.2

to three times per week maybe even five

Time: 2079

days per week if you're going to go down

Time: 2081.359

this path of taking bpc 157 I would

Time: 2084

encourage you to take the minimal

Time: 2085.879

effective dose to not simply do it every

Time: 2087.879

day and certainly to not do it

Time: 2089.839

continuously and of course to monitor

Time: 2092.159

your other health metrics for anything

Time: 2093.879

that could potentially resemble cancer

Time: 2095.52

or tumor growth because obviously

Time: 2097.8

stimulating angiogenesis for wound

Time: 2099.359

repair sounds like a great thing

Time: 2100.88

recovering and being able to do your

Time: 2103

workouts or play your sport or um move

Time: 2105.359

about more comfortably of course a

Time: 2107.16

wonderfully attractive thing to do isn't

Time: 2108.839

that what we all want but obviously not

Time: 2110.72

with the trade-off of growing a tumor or

Time: 2113.079

developing a cancer or accelerating a

Time: 2115.16

cancer I'd like to take a brief moment

Time: 2117.44

and thank one of our sponsors and that's

Time: 2119.4

ag1 ag1 is a vitamin mineral probiotic

Time: 2122.72

drink that also contains adaptogens I

Time: 2125.44

started taking ag1 way back in 200 12

Time: 2128.48

the reason I started taking it and the

Time: 2129.839

reason I still take it every day is that

Time: 2131.839

it ensures that I meet all of my quotas

Time: 2133.839

for vitamins and minerals and it ensures

Time: 2136.44

that I get enough Prebiotic and

Time: 2137.88

probiotic to support gut health now gut

Time: 2140.44

health is something that over the last

Time: 2141.72

10 years we realized is not just

Time: 2144.04

important for the health of our gut but

Time: 2146.4

also for our immune system and for the

Time: 2149.04

production of neurotransmitters and

Time: 2150.48

neuromodulators things like dopamine and

Time: 2152.359

serotonin in other words gut health is

Time: 2154.4

critical for proper brain functioning

Time: 2156.839

now of course I strive to consume

Time: 2158.56

healthy Whole Foods for the majority of

Time: 2160.24

my nutritional intake every single day

Time: 2163.04

but there are a number of things in ag1

Time: 2164.92

including specific micronutrients that

Time: 2166.72

are hard to get from Whole Foods or at

Time: 2168.319

least in sufficient quantities so ag1

Time: 2170.72

allows me to get the vitamins and

Time: 2172.079

minerals that I need probiotics

Time: 2173.599

prebiotics the adaptogens and critical

Time: 2176.24

micronutrients so anytime somebody asks

Time: 2178.52

me if they were to take Just One

Time: 2180.2

supplement what that supplement should

Time: 2182.04

be I tell them ag1 because ag1 supports

Time: 2185.28

so many different systems within the

Time: 2186.8

body that are involved involved in

Time: 2188.04

mental health physical health and

Time: 2189.44

performance to try ag1 go to drink

Time: 2191.92 huberman and you'll get a year

Time: 2195

supply of vitamin D3 K2 and five free

Time: 2198.04

travel packs of ag1 again that's drink

Time: 2200.52

Time: 2202.16

huberman okay so we're still talking

Time: 2204.16

about peptides for tissue Rejuvenation

Time: 2206.4

and repair and we spent quite a bit of

Time: 2208.119

time on bpc157 because that's one

Time: 2210.119

getting a lot of attention nowadays

Time: 2212.079

there's another one that's getting

Time: 2213.319

increasing attention that's worth

Time: 2215

mentioning which is thin beta 4 and a

Time: 2218.68

related peptide which is tb500 which is

Time: 2221.359

basically a truncated or a shortened

Time: 2223.359

version of the thymus and beta4 peptide

Time: 2225.96

remember the peptide are these strings

Time: 2227.28

of amino acids like beads on a string

Time: 2229.64

and thymosin beta 4 is something that

Time: 2231.64

the body produces naturally from this

Time: 2234.2

thing called the thymus which is present

Time: 2236.16

in children and then disappears as we

Time: 2238.72

get older and it's well known again this

Time: 2240.72

is correlative but it's well known that

Time: 2243.64

children recover more quickly from

Time: 2245.92

injuries and indeed the degree of tissue

Time: 2247.96

regrowth and the repair of wounds with

Time: 2250.079

minimal scarring is so much greater in

Time: 2252.319

young children and in children than it

Time: 2254.52

is in adults and this is what gave rise

Time: 2256.64

to the idea that perhaps some of the

Time: 2258.2

peptides that are secreted from the

Time: 2259.68

thymus such as thymus and beta 4 could

Time: 2263

be involved in tissue Rejuvenation and

Time: 2265.4

repair and that's what led to the

Time: 2267.4

laboratory synthesis of thymus and beta

Time: 2269.28

4 the full length peptide made in a lab

Time: 2271.68

not by the thymus and then adults take

Time: 2273.88

it okay or tb500 which is this truncated

Time: 2277.28

slightly shorten version of thymus and

Time: 2278.92

beta 4 which acts similarly to thymus

Time: 2281.44

and beta 4 but has a kind of different

Time: 2282.88

mode of action lasts a little bit longer

Time: 2284.72

Etc now again we're in a situation where

Time: 2287.079

there are vast amounts of animal data

Time: 2289.52

studies on micer rats typically that

Time: 2292.119

show that thymus and beta 4 can increase

Time: 2294.359

the rate Andor thoroughness of wound

Time: 2297.079

healing and repair but again there are

Time: 2299.079

more and more people now taking thymus

Time: 2300.76

in beta 4 for the purposes of tissue

Time: 2303.04

Rejuvenation and repair and Report

Time: 2305.28

positive effects now when we say

Time: 2306.599

positive effects we have to stand back

Time: 2307.92

and say well um what's the control

Time: 2310.56

experiment you know how would they know

Time: 2312.04

how quickly they would heal without the

Time: 2313.72

thymus and beta 4 and there simply no

Time: 2315.88

way to address that question you know my

Time: 2317.44

whole purpose in doing this episode is

Time: 2319.079

to highlight how these different

Time: 2320.76

molecules ought to work how they've been

Time: 2323

shown to work in animal models and

Time: 2324.92

therefore how they might be working in

Time: 2326.56

humans but again in the absence of

Time: 2328.359

clinical trials we still don't know if

Time: 2330.92

and how they are working in humans

Time: 2332.88

nonetheless a lot of people are now

Time: 2334.52

starting to take especially tb500 it's

Time: 2336.68

often taken in commin with bpc157 and at

Time: 2339.76

the level of mechanism the difference

Time: 2341.56

between bpc 157 and thymus and beta4 is

Time: 2344.48

that thymus and beta 4 really promotes

Time: 2347.119

the growth and infiltration of all sorts

Time: 2349.68

of different cell types associated with

Time: 2351.76

tissue Rejuvenation and especially wound

Time: 2353.64

healing and repair it's been shown to

Time: 2355.4

promote stem cell proliferation it's

Time: 2357.839

been shown to increase the growth of the

Time: 2360.48

so-called extracell Matrix the stuff

Time: 2362.4

around the cells that keeps the area

Time: 2364

around the cells kind of rigid so that

Time: 2366.24

um the tissue or the organ has more

Time: 2368.319

stability right you can't just have a

Time: 2369.8

bunch of cells with um a bunch of empty

Time: 2371.64

space around them where they can move

Time: 2373.04

about you want to have some rigidity to

Time: 2374.76

the whole thing so the idea is that

Time: 2376.44

thymus in beta 4 is promoting the

Time: 2378.44

aggregation of a bunch of things

Time: 2379.96

associated with tissue healing I've

Time: 2382.16

noticed out there that a lot of people

Time: 2383.48

talk about tb500 that is thymus and beta

Time: 2385.92

4 in the context of being growth

Time: 2387.839

promoting as far as I know it isn't

Time: 2389.839

growth promoting it doesn't impact the

Time: 2391.48

growth hormone pathway or other Pathways

Time: 2393.4

associate with tissue growth rather it's

Time: 2395

involved in tissue repair so what I just

Time: 2397.52

discussed are the two major players are

Time: 2398.92

the two most often used peptides

Time: 2401.28

nowadays for tissue Rejuvenation and

Time: 2403.4

repair we've got bpc 157 which you can

Time: 2405.96

just basically frame up in your mind as

Time: 2407.56

promoting angiogenesis and wound repair

Time: 2409.64

through a variety of mechanisms but

Time: 2411.2

mainly the addition of new vasculature

Time: 2412.88

to the wound site and then we've got

Time: 2414.72

thymosin beta 4 which is sometimes

Time: 2416.76

referred to as tb500 which is just a

Time: 2419.28

shorter synthesized version of thymosin

Time: 2421.4

beta 4 which is a molecule known to come

Time: 2423.76

from the thymus in children whether or

Time: 2426.16

not it's solely responsible I doubt it's

Time: 2428.04

solely responsible in fact for the

Time: 2430.56

better tissue healing and repair seen in

Time: 2432.56

children as opposed to adults we don't

Time: 2434.72

know and yet it does seem at least

Time: 2437.319

anecdotally that people are taking tb500

Time: 2440.24

again either alone or in combination

Time: 2441.839

with bpc 157 and at least to their mind

Time: 2444.68

are reporting more thorough or more

Time: 2446.839

rapid tissue Rejuvenation and repair so

Time: 2449.48

the next category of peptide effects

Time: 2451.2

that I'd like to talk about are the

Time: 2453.079

effects of certain peptides on

Time: 2454.64

metabolism and growth and any discussion

Time: 2456.96

about metab abolism and growth by

Time: 2458.92

definition has to include a discussion

Time: 2460.76

about growth hormon so basically where

Time: 2462.319

we're headed is a discussion about

Time: 2464.2

peptides that can increased amounts of

Time: 2466.16

growth hormone that are released in our

Time: 2468.2

brain and body to have specific effects

Time: 2470.56

in particular increases in metabolism

Time: 2473.119

and increases in either muscle growth

Time: 2475.48

and in some cases repair of tissues as

Time: 2477.319

well although mainly muscle growth and

Time: 2479.8

fat loss for those of you that aren't

Time: 2481.68

familiar with growth hormone growth

Time: 2483

hormone is a hormone that we naturally

Time: 2484.48

make it's secreted from a gland called

Time: 2486.68

the pituitary gland the pituitary sits

Time: 2488.88

near the roof of the mouth and it

Time: 2490.88

extends out of the stock of the brain

Time: 2493.76

such that it can release hormones into

Time: 2495.24

the general bloodstream the pituitary is

Time: 2498.28

connected to the brain however so it can

Time: 2500.44

get input from a brain area called the

Time: 2502

hypothalamus and within the hypothalamus

Time: 2504.079

there are neurons that can send signals

Time: 2505.76

to the pituitary telling it to either

Time: 2508

release growth hormone or to suppress

Time: 2509.839

the release of growth hormone now early

Time: 2512.2

in life when we are infants children

Time: 2514.16

teenagers and so on WE secrete tons of

Time: 2516.88

growth hor hormone in particular during

Time: 2519.079

the early hours of sleep each night we

Time: 2521.52

also secrete growth hormone a little bit

Time: 2523.119

throughout the day but it's really in

Time: 2524.72

sleep in which we have the greatest

Time: 2526.24

degree of growth hormone release this is

Time: 2528.04

one reason why babies and kids and

Time: 2529.52

teenagers sleep so much is there's a lot

Time: 2532.079

of growth hormone release and we tend to

Time: 2534.44

grow that is the tissues and limbs of

Time: 2536.359

our body tend to grow during sleep now

Time: 2539.8

it's been well documented that after

Time: 2541.68

about age 30 which is typically when

Time: 2544

people experience their full stature

Time: 2545.92

their full height although sometimes

Time: 2547.359

there's a little bit of uh wiggle room

Time: 2548.76

around that age typically after 30 the

Time: 2551.839

amount of growth hormone that's released

Time: 2553.48

each night and throughout the day is

Time: 2555.559

reduced by about 15% for every decade of

Time: 2558.44

Life as a consequence all of the things

Time: 2560.599

that growth hormone does like

Time: 2562.04

encouraging higher metabolism fat loss

Time: 2565.64

the growth of muscle tissue Etc is

Time: 2568.64

dramatically reduced as we go from 30 to

Time: 2571.28

40 to 50 and on and on it's also the

Time: 2573.76

case that naturally relased growth

Time: 2575.359

hormone tends to have positive postive

Time: 2577.559

effects on our mood and overall feelings

Time: 2579.2

of well-being so it's also tied to our

Time: 2581.079

feelings of Vitality or having feelings

Time: 2582.839

of energy to do things and that's

Time: 2584.64

because growth hormone potently

Time: 2586.16

increases ATP production which is

Time: 2588.44

involved in Energy and Metabolism in our

Time: 2590.559

cells and as a consequence our overall

Time: 2592.68

feelings of energy to just do things

Time: 2595.04

mental or physical now there's another

Time: 2596.96

hormone called igf-1 or insulin growth

Time: 2599.44

factor one which is produced by the

Time: 2601.28

liver insulin growth factor 1 does many

Time: 2604.119

things similar to growth hormone and it

Time: 2606.64

actually is Rel in response to growth

Time: 2608.52

hormone so basically the way this works

Time: 2610.319

is that there's a signal that comes from

Time: 2611.72

the hypothalamus called growth hormone

Time: 2614.119

relasing hormone and then that signal

Time: 2616.88

stimulates the anterior pituitary to

Time: 2618.76

release growth hormone growth hormone

Time: 2621.2

then is circulated throughout the blood

Time: 2623.68

it also can access the brain itself and

Time: 2626.359

it does different things in different

Time: 2627.44

tissues but again increases ATP

Time: 2629.16

production for energy it is going to

Time: 2631.559

cause tissue repair in some cases it's

Time: 2633.52

also going to encourage growth of

Time: 2635.16

tissues not just muscles but other

Time: 2636.64

tissues that's why it's involved in

Time: 2638.44

helping us achieve our full height our

Time: 2640

full stature when growth hormone reaches

Time: 2642.44

the liver it stimulates the release of

Time: 2644.2

igf-1 which in turn does a number of

Time: 2646.839

things that are both synergistic and

Time: 2648.599

different that is it works both

Time: 2650.559

similarly to growth hormone and does

Time: 2652.04

some things in parallel that are a

Time: 2653.2

little bit different as well in

Time: 2654.599

particular things related to regulation

Time: 2656.839

of blood sugar metabolism Etc all things

Time: 2659.44

associated with kind of youthfulness

Time: 2661.2

Vitality and energy so it's impossible

Time: 2663.4

for me to say that growth hormone and

Time: 2664.76

igf-1 do just one thing each they do

Time: 2667.319

lots of different things in lots of

Time: 2668.52

different tissues but hopefully from the

Time: 2670.4

description I just gave you could see

Time: 2671.8

why some people might be interested in

Time: 2673.24

augmenting or increasing levels of

Time: 2674.839

growth hormone Now growth hormone has

Time: 2677.2

been sequenced and synthesized so you

Time: 2679.04

can buy a synthetic version of growth

Time: 2680.96

hormone and indeed some people will take

Time: 2683.319

prescription growth hormone they'll take

Time: 2684.8

this by uh typically it's an injection

Time: 2686.96

that's given subcutaneously at night and

Time: 2689.359

they achieve growth of tissues including

Time: 2690.839

muscle Etc keep in mind that growth

Time: 2693.44

hormone is indiscriminate with respect

Time: 2695.24

to which tissues it grows so if you

Time: 2696.839

happen have an existing tumor on a given

Time: 2699.8

body part or within a given body part it

Time: 2701.68

will encourage growth of that tumor as

Time: 2703.319

well that's one of the reasons some

Time: 2704.52

people are cautious about taking growth

Time: 2706.44

hormone another reason why many people

Time: 2708.559

are cautious about taking growth hormone

Time: 2710.44

is that it is subject to what's called

Time: 2712.4

negative feedback if your blood levels

Time: 2715.24

of growth hormone are too high by virtue

Time: 2717.72

of injecting growth hormone well then

Time: 2719.72

the pituitary can register that and the

Time: 2721.52

Brain can register that and then there's

Time: 2723

a negative feedback that shuts down

Time: 2724.72

growth hormone as a consequence people

Time: 2726.88

have developed peptide Therapeutics that

Time: 2729.079

stimulate the release of growth hormone

Time: 2730.96

and thereby the release of igf-1 but not

Time: 2734.599

by directly stimulating the growth

Time: 2736.119

hormone pathway typically what these

Time: 2738.2

peptides are are these are peptides that

Time: 2740.24

mimic the sorts of things that are

Time: 2741.96

typically released from the hypothalamus

Time: 2743.96

onto the pituitary and in that way

Time: 2746.44

stimulate the release of growth hormone

Time: 2748.24

and downstream igf-1 so what these

Time: 2750.64

things are typically called are

Time: 2752.28

secretagogues these are peptide

Time: 2754.48

molecules that have been synthesized in

Time: 2755.92

a laboratory that stimulate the release

Time: 2757.64

of growth hormone and thereby stimulate

Time: 2759.76

the production of igf-1 now there are

Time: 2762

two general categories of peptides for

Time: 2764.319

stimulating the release of growth

Time: 2766

hormone the first category oftentimes

Time: 2769

are referred to as the ghrh peptides for

Time: 2772.119

growth hormone releasing hormone

Time: 2774

peptides now that name has certain

Time: 2776.559

problems that we'll get to in a moment

Time: 2778.359

but let's just leave it there for the

Time: 2780.68

time being the second category are

Time: 2782.64

What's called the growth hormone

Time: 2784

releasing peptides right before we said

Time: 2786.2

growth hormone releas ing hormones

Time: 2787.8

that's the first category second ones

Time: 2789.599

are the growth hormone releasing

Time: 2791.319

peptides you can already tell why this

Time: 2793.079

is getting confusing here's what I'm

Time: 2795.079

going to do rather than use that

Time: 2797.119

nomenclature which is the typical

Time: 2798.599

nomenclature that's used and I must say

Time: 2801.2

for which there's a lot of Errors when I

Time: 2803.2

look out there on various YouTube videos

Time: 2804.92

and I look within even some of the

Time: 2806.92

reviews that have been written people

Time: 2808.72

get things confused as to whether or not

Time: 2810.4

a given peptide that one would use as a

Time: 2813.04

therapeutic falls into one or the other

Time: 2814.68

category and you'll see in a minute it's

Time: 2816.119

a really important distinction instead

Time: 2818.2

what I'm going to call these are

Time: 2819.68

category one peptides and Category 2

Time: 2822.839

peptides okay in general category one

Time: 2825.52

peptides are going to be the ones that

Time: 2827.319

have been most thoroughly tested in

Time: 2829.28

humans in some cases in fact in several

Time: 2831.559

cases are FDA approved for certain

Time: 2833.68

conditions and yes are prescribed for

Time: 2836.04

other off label effects again this would

Time: 2839.44

be under what I'm calling type one

Time: 2841.319

growth hormone secreting peptides is

Time: 2844.28

celin celin is a synthetic compound

Time: 2847.72

designed to mimic naturally occurring

Time: 2849.839

growth hormone releasing

Time: 2851.48

hormone that is FDA approved for the

Time: 2854.2

treatment of short stature so you can

Time: 2856.44

get this by prescription sometimes it

Time: 2857.88

comes from a compounding pharmacy other

Time: 2859.76

times it comes directly from PHA for the

Time: 2861.88

name brand in any case celin has been

Time: 2864.44

shown to mimic what is normally released

Time: 2866.24

from the hypothalamus and stimulates the

Time: 2868.04

pituitary to release growth hormone and

Time: 2870.4

it does indeed cause increases in

Time: 2872.28

circulating growth hormone and increases

Time: 2874.4


Time: 2875.28

igf-1 by the way the typical dosages of

Time: 2877.599

celin that are um taken are anywhere

Time: 2880.359

from 200 to 400 micrograms typically

Time: 2882.52

that's done at night before sleep for

Time: 2885.04

the reasons that we talked about before

Time: 2887.04

and typically people will take it

Time: 2888.44

anywhere from three times per week or

Time: 2890.64

five times per week there are some

Time: 2892

disadvantages to taking it continuously

Time: 2894.319

7 days per week for long periods of time

Time: 2896.16

there's some desensitization that can

Time: 2897.68

occur not much but some can occur so

Time: 2900.52

taking in that way celin has been shown

Time: 2902.559

to increase circulating levels of growth

Time: 2904.52

hormone and igf-1 and the the reason why

Time: 2907.359

a lot of people seek to take cellin is

Time: 2909.319

because they like the effects it

Time: 2910.839

produces they like the Vitality they

Time: 2912.48

like the muscle growth they like The Fat

Time: 2913.96

Loss um it also can increase the amount

Time: 2916.44

of deep sleep that you get I'll just be

Time: 2918.64

completely forthcoming I've taken cellan

Time: 2920.839

on and off for the last couple of years

Time: 2923.2

I typically will take it anywhere from

Time: 2924.96

one to two nights per week and I stop

Time: 2928.28

taking it almost completely I'll still

Time: 2929.92

take it every once in a great while but

Time: 2932.28

the reason I stopped taking it is that I

Time: 2933.92

noticed that it made the sleep in the

Time: 2935.799

early part of my night very very deep

Time: 2938.319

very robust but then I would wake up

Time: 2939.96

wide awake or I would sleep till morning

Time: 2942.44

and then at least according to my eight

Time: 2944.24

sleep sleep tracker or my whoop sleep

Time: 2946.28

tracker I wasn't getting nearly as much

Time: 2948.92

rapid eye movement sleep as I normally

Time: 2951.079

would so at least in my case and again

Time: 2953.72

this is anic data it seemed to sort of

Time: 2955.96

replace rapid eye movement sleep with

Time: 2957.88

more deep sleep and rapid eye movement

Time: 2959.799

sleep is critical for all sorts of

Time: 2962.16

things that deep sleep can't achieve and

Time: 2964.28

vice versa so you really want both so

Time: 2966.24

this is one reason why I've basically

Time: 2967.96

stopped taking Calin I'll occasionally

Time: 2970

take it every once in a while but in

Time: 2971.88

general I just you know stop taking it

Time: 2973.76

because uh whatever the positive effects

Time: 2975.599

might have been if I had taken it more

Time: 2976.96

consistently the effects in depleting

Time: 2978.799

rapid eye movement sleep were just

Time: 2980.44

something I didn't want and don't want

Time: 2982.68

and by the way that effect on increasing

Time: 2984.599

deep sleep that non-r sleep is something

Time: 2986.48

that's pretty well documented the other

Time: 2988.319

what I'm calling type one growth hormone

Time: 2990.88

promoting peptide is tesamorelin this

Time: 2993.359

goes by the brand name grifta and it's

Time: 2995.72

an FDA approved drug for the reduction

Time: 2997.559

of visceral adiposity in HIV patients so

Time: 3000.599

we have subcutaneous fat and we have

Time: 3002.359

visceral fat around our organs visceral

Time: 3004.359

fat can be really problematic and for

Time: 3006.76

some people who have HIV or and for

Time: 3009.52

people who don't have HIV the deposits

Time: 3012.079

of visceral fat can be problematic for

Time: 3013.76

their health and tesamorelin again also

Time: 3016.24

called AG gria has been shown to reduce

Time: 3018.76

visceral adiposity it also seems to

Time: 3021.24

produce some of the other same effects

Time: 3022.799

that celin produces the differences

Time: 3025.599

between the two relate to small

Time: 3026.88

differences in the amino acid sequence

Time: 3028.559

for one peptide versus the other

Time: 3030.72

tesamorelin is a bit more long lasting

Time: 3032.72

than celin and therefore is taken

Time: 3034.96

typically about three times per week not

Time: 3037.319

five times per week now the third most

Time: 3039.359

commonly used peptide in this category

Time: 3041.119

of what I'm calling type one growth

Time: 3042.96

hormone secreting peptides is cjc-1295

Time: 3046.2

gosh I wish there was a um an easier

Time: 3049.079

name CJ

Time: 3050.88

c1295 is basically a variant of a

Time: 3054.359

different growth hormone secreting

Time: 3055.92

peptide that was sized previously to

Time: 3058

which they add what's called a DAC a

Time: 3059.64

drug Affinity complex it's a it's a

Time: 3061.799

sequence that makes it very longlasting

Time: 3063.76

so cjc-1295 typically is only taken

Time: 3067.079

twice per week or even once per week

Time: 3069.119

because its effects on increasing growth

Time: 3070.88

hormone in igf-1 last several days which

Time: 3073.44

may sound great to you especially if

Time: 3074.76

you're somebody that doesn't like um

Time: 3076.72

taking injections because these things

Time: 3078.599

uh in general have to be uh delivered by

Time: 3080.92

injection but keep in mind that cjc-1295

Time: 3084.119

has entered clinical trials there was a

Time: 3087.4

death within one of the clinical trials

Time: 3089.52

that was related to cardiovascular

Time: 3091.319

dysfunction it's known to cause some

Time: 3093.48

fluid retention and increased fluid

Time: 3095.4

volume which may have been related to

Time: 3097.119

that cardiovascular death we don't know

Time: 3099.16

okay this is all kind of speculation but

Time: 3101.799

I would say if you are somebody

Time: 3103.24

considering using a growth hormone

Time: 3105.359


Time: 3106.44

peptide the type one category is perhaps

Time: 3109.799

and I'll give my explanation for why I

Time: 3111.64

believe this to be the case perhaps the

Time: 3113.48

most advantageous category to explore

Time: 3116.28

and as I mentioned before you've got the

Time: 3117.96

options of cellan and tessarin both of

Time: 3120.119

which are FDA approved and for which

Time: 3121.48

there's both animal and human data CJC

Time: 3124

1295 despite still being in clinical

Time: 3125.76

trials does have this kind of stain of a

Time: 3127.52

death within the clinical trial and to

Time: 3129.44

my mind given that there are decent

Time: 3130.96

Alternatives in serel and or tesamorelin

Time: 3133.52

I don't know why anyone would

Time: 3135.4

specifically select cjc-1295

Time: 3138.119

until all these safety issues have been

Time: 3140.44

resolved I'd like to take a quick break

Time: 3142.44

to acknowledge our sponsor element

Time: 3145.04

element is an electrolyte drink that has

Time: 3146.96

everything you need and nothing you

Time: 3148.359

don't that means zero sugar and the

Time: 3150.52

appropriate ratios of the electrolytes

Time: 3152.48

sodium magnesium and potassium and that

Time: 3155

correct ratio of electrolytes is

Time: 3156.64

extremely important because every cell

Time: 3158.64

in your body but especially your nerve

Time: 3160.72

cells your neurons relies on

Time: 3162.559

electrolytes in order to function

Time: 3164.2

properly so when you're well hydrated

Time: 3166.52

and you have the appropriate amount of

Time: 3167.799

electrolytes in your system your mental

Time: 3169.68

functioning and your physical

Time: 3170.88

functioning is improved I drink one

Time: 3172.88

packet of element dissolved in about 16

Time: 3174.88

to 32 ounces of water when when I wake

Time: 3177.04

up in the morning as well as while I

Time: 3179.24

exercise and if I've sweat a lot during

Time: 3181.4

that exercise I often will drink a third

Time: 3183.28

element packet dissolved in about 32

Time: 3185.319

ounces of water after I exercise element

Time: 3187.92

comes in a variety of different flavors

Time: 3189.76

all of which I find really tasty I like

Time: 3191.88

the Citrus I like the watermelon I like

Time: 3193.52

the raspberry frankly I can't pick just

Time: 3195.44

one it also comes in chocolate and

Time: 3197.72

chocolate mint which I find tastes best

Time: 3199.599

if they are put into water dissolved and

Time: 3201.4

then heated up I tend to do that in the

Time: 3203.48

winter months because of course you

Time: 3205.16

don't just need hydration on hot days

Time: 3207.68

and in the summer and spring months but

Time: 3209.319

also in the winter when the temperatures

Time: 3211.44

are cold and the environment tends to be

Time: 3213.52

dry if you'd like to try element you can

Time: 3215.64

go to drink element spelled

Time: 3217.92 huberman to try a free sample pack

Time: 3220.88

again that's drink

Time: 3223.44

huberman okay so there are definitely

Time: 3225.48

other synthetic growth hormone relasing

Time: 3228

hormone peptides that are out there but

Time: 3230.359

I think these three that we've covered

Time: 3231.64

serel and testelin and cjc-1295 account

Time: 3234.76

for the vast majority of those i' put

Time: 3236.92

into category one the other category

Time: 3239.839

which I'm going to call category two

Time: 3241.52

you'll also hear a lot about and they

Time: 3243.52

operate a little bit differently these

Time: 3245.52

peptides encourage the release of growth

Time: 3247.28

hormone but they do so either by

Time: 3249.319

mimicking or stimulating the release of

Time: 3251.799

another peptide called gin some of you

Time: 3254.2

may be familiar with gin because gin is

Time: 3256.2

a peptide that increases in

Time: 3258.48

concentration when we are hungry so it

Time: 3260.839

stimulates hunger and it also stimulates

Time: 3263.44

anxiety somewhat so you may be wondering

Time: 3265.88

why would anyone want want to increased

Time: 3267

levels of growth hormone and gin and the

Time: 3269.16

reason is that the Gin itself can impact

Time: 3271.28

the growth hormone pathway pretty

Time: 3272.559

potently so you can get really robust

Time: 3274.4

increases in growth hormone but because

Time: 3276.319

there are gin increases as well you get

Time: 3279.52

big increases in hunger and anxiety in

Time: 3281.52

some people and lesser in others now the

Time: 3283.64

different names of the peptides in this

Time: 3285.04

type two category are ones that you'll

Time: 3286.96

hear kicked around a lot these days

Time: 3288.319

things like ipom marelin okay so don't

Time: 3290.2

get ipom marelin confused with

Time: 3291.799

tesamorelin right tesamorelin is a type

Time: 3294.119

one growth hormone relasing hormone pep

Time: 3296.76

iin is in this Category 2 so it's

Time: 3299.599

definitely going to increase gin which

Time: 3301.4

is going to increase hunger it does have

Time: 3303.88

certain advantages in particular that it

Time: 3305.88

increases growth hormone release by two

Time: 3308.119

mechanisms it increases it directly and

Time: 3311.079

it tends to suppress something called

Time: 3312.599

somatostatin somatostatin is a bit of a

Time: 3314.92

break or an antagonist on growth hormone

Time: 3317.44

release so with iper maralin you're

Time: 3319.2

essentially removing the break on growth

Time: 3321.359

hormone release allowing more growth

Time: 3322.799

hormone to be released such that you get

Time: 3324.559

a lot of growth hormone released it also

Time: 3326.559

tends to really improve sleep but again

Time: 3328.48

by increasing the amount of deep sleep

Time: 3330.64

we don't know whether or not it does

Time: 3331.96

that to at the expense of rap and eye

Time: 3333.92

movement sleep so iprom marelin is the

Time: 3336.2

most commonly discussed one in this type

Time: 3338

two category the other one that you'll

Time: 3340.2

hear about is called hexarelin hexarelin

Time: 3343.119

is available by prescription and it is

Time: 3345.16

the strongest stimulator of growth

Time: 3346.839

hormone release which leads many people

Time: 3348.319

to think okay I want hexarelin that's

Time: 3349.88

the one that's going to give me the

Time: 3351.079

biggest growth hormone pulse and indeed

Time: 3353.079

the growth hormone Pulses from hexarelin

Time: 3355.24

can be as great as two two or three

Time: 3356.96

times more than with the other growth

Time: 3358.88

hormone secreting peptides that we've

Time: 3360.359

talked about however we know that

Time: 3362.68

hexarelin can also dramatically increase

Time: 3365.16

prolactin which can cause suppression in

Time: 3367.88

libido it can cause fluid retention it

Time: 3369.92

can cause a kind of feeling of malaise

Time: 3371.92

especially a high levels and perhaps

Time: 3374.2

most problematically hexarelin can

Time: 3376.359

desensitize The receptors for growth

Time: 3379.2

hormone releasing hormone such that your

Time: 3381.92

system will no longer respond either to

Time: 3383.68

the hexarelin or to any other peptide or

Time: 3386.039

perhaps most importantly to any

Time: 3387.96

endogenous that is naturally made grow

Time: 3390.319

growth hormone excuse me releasing

Time: 3391.96

hormone that you would make okay so

Time: 3393.839

that's something to really consider if

Time: 3395.119

you're going to explore hexarelin make

Time: 3396.76

sure please that you're working with a

Time: 3398.44

physician make sure that you're not

Time: 3399.799

taking too much of it or for too long

Time: 3401.92

and keep an eye on those prolactin

Time: 3403.48

levels because those can be problematic

Time: 3405.76

if they get too high and you know by my

Time: 3408.4

read I can't see why anyone would use

Time: 3410.48

high doses of hexarelin maybe low doses

Time: 3412.599

of hexarelin if your doctor thinks

Time: 3414.039

that's what's appropriate for you but

Time: 3415.4

you'd really want to avoid that receptor

Time: 3417.72

desensitization because you could

Time: 3419.039

essentially turn off the system

Time: 3420.559

permanently now there are a bunch of

Time: 3422.119

other what I'm calling type 2 growth

Time: 3424.039

hormone promoting peptides these include

Time: 3427.839

ghrp2 ghrp 3 ghrp 6 again different

Time: 3432.2

amino acid sequences all designed to

Time: 3434.119

achieve the same thing which is more

Time: 3435.319

growth hormone things like ghrp 3 can

Time: 3438.68

potently increase growth hormone but are

Time: 3440.4

known to also potently increase

Time: 3442.2

prolactin and cortisol leading to more

Time: 3444.4

than a doubling of circulating cortisol

Time: 3446.44

ol which depending on how well regulated

Time: 3449.2

it is across the time of day can be

Time: 3451.44

problematic in other words you want

Time: 3452.599

cortisol levels pretty high in the early

Time: 3454.839

part of the day but you want them very

Time: 3456.079

very low in the later part of the day

Time: 3457.76

and at night and keep in mind that

Time: 3459.48

almost always these growth hormone

Time: 3461.48

peptides whether or not they're type one

Time: 3463.72

or type two peptides are taken before

Time: 3467.2

bed typically you know 20 to 30 minutes

Time: 3469.4

before sleep always it's suggested that

Time: 3471.88

they be taken at least an hour and a

Time: 3474.16

half after eating any food and that you

Time: 3476.52

don't eat for at least 30 minutes

Time: 3477.92

afterwards because if you happen to have

Time: 3479.72

elevated blood sugar or you've got food

Time: 3481.599

in your gut they're not going to have as

Time: 3483.44

potent an effect at increasing growth

Time: 3485.64

hormone and igf-1 so again you want to

Time: 3488.44

avoid uh food in the hour and a half

Time: 3490.599

probably two hours before taking them

Time: 3492.4

and certainly in the half hour or uh

Time: 3494.559

longer after which is why most people

Time: 3496.039

take them right before going to sleep

Time: 3497.319

and add or augment that big growth

Time: 3499.319

hormone pulse that occurs in the in the

Time: 3501

early part of the night and then many

Time: 3502.76

people have perhaps heard of what's

Time: 3504.039


Time: 3505.039

mk677 which is simply an oral version a

Time: 3507.799

non-injectable but oral version of these

Time: 3511.4

ghrps and it tends to have the same

Time: 3514.039

issues that the other ghrps have which

Time: 3515.88

are elevated cortisol and in some cases

Time: 3518

elevated prolactin as well okay so if we

Time: 3520.24

just kind to zoom out from all this we

Time: 3522.28

can say that yes indeed there are

Time: 3524.2

synthetic peptides that can potently

Time: 3525.72

increase growth hormone in

Time: 3527.559

igf-1 I explain the rationale for why

Time: 3530.039

people would want that or perhaps to

Time: 3532.48

explore that I'm certainly not

Time: 3533.92

suggesting anyone um do this again I am

Time: 3536.96

suggesting that if you do explore it you

Time: 3538.64

work with a board certified

Time: 3540.799

physician and that you get these

Time: 3542.48

compounds from a quality compounding

Time: 3544.2

pharmacy or by their name brand

Time: 3546.28

prescription in type one we've got

Time: 3548.28

cellin and Tess morelan both are FDA

Time: 3551.599

approved for certain purposes they're

Time: 3553.24

being used off label for increasing

Time: 3554.88

growth hormone and igf-1 for the sorts

Time: 3556.599

of things we're talking about

Time: 3558.039

here they are taken anywhere from three

Time: 3560.559

times per week to five times per week

Time: 3562.359

keep in mind tessarin lasts a little bit

Time: 3564.359

longer than cellan CJC 1295 is the third

Time: 3568.72

in that category of type 1 growth

Time: 3571.4

hormone secreting peptides but it may

Time: 3574.72

again may we don't know have some safety

Time: 3576.52

issues that still need to be resolved

Time: 3577.96

making suelin and testelin at least to

Time: 3579.96

my mind better options should you decide

Time: 3582.079

to go down this path the type two growth

Time: 3584.44

hormone releasing peptides include

Time: 3586.2

things like hexarelin which are very

Time: 3587.799

potent at increasing growth hormone but

Time: 3589.599

can potentially increase other things as

Time: 3591.799

well but of more concern is really that

Time: 3594.079

it can cause receptor defenses ation

Time: 3596.559

maybe even turn off the whole receptor

Time: 3597.92

pathway that would not be good hyper

Time: 3599.48

morelan again increases growth hormone

Time: 3601.28

directly and allows more of it to be

Time: 3603.16

released by suppressing its break its

Time: 3605.079

natural break which is suat Statin and

Time: 3607.28

then the ghrp 2 3 6 and

Time: 3610.319

mk677 all of which can potently increase

Time: 3612.92

growth hormone need to be considered in

Time: 3615.76

light of the fact that they cause big

Time: 3617.52

increases in cortisol and in some cases

Time: 3619.839

can cause some receptor internalization

Time: 3621.68

or desensitization as well although not

Time: 3623.92

as potently as hexarelin so hopefully

Time: 3626

that description clarifies some of what

Time: 3627.48

you've heard out there um about these

Time: 3629.52

different compounds and their different

Time: 3631.16

names Etc it can be very confusing I did

Time: 3633.4

take the liberty of designating a type

Time: 3635.2

one and a type two category I did that

Time: 3637.2

for sake of clarity because there are a

Time: 3638.559

lot of different acronyms and numbers

Time: 3640

Etc that can be really confusing to

Time: 3641.44

people and I hope that that will be

Time: 3642.799

useful in facilitating further

Time: 3644.559

discussions about these compounds going

Time: 3646.88

forward two additional brief but

Time: 3648.76

important points many of the peptide

Time: 3651.64

vendors that are out there and

Time: 3653.16

Physicians that are working with

Time: 3654.28

peptides will combine different growth

Time: 3657

hormone promoting peptides so they'll

Time: 3659.92

for instance have celin or testelin in

Time: 3663.039

combination with hexarelin or they'll

Time: 3666.119

use iprom marelin in combination with

Time: 3667.88

CJC 1295 while I'm not opposed to that

Time: 3671.16

approach you just want to make sure that

Time: 3673.119

the dosing or I should say the relative

Time: 3675.24

dosing of each peptide is such that you

Time: 3678.2

know you're avoiding unnecessary

Time: 3681.4

increases in prolactin and cortisol and

Time: 3683.799

that you're not hitting a pathway

Time: 3685.24

redundantly that's actually the logic of

Time: 3687

combining different things these

Time: 3688.119

different amino acid sequences these

Time: 3690.16

different peptides that is are designed

Time: 3692

to stimulate different modes of action

Time: 3695.079

for the same peptide so the naturally

Time: 3697.52

occurring peptide goes and does a bunch

Time: 3698.92

of things those pleotropic effects and

Time: 3700.799

these different peptides that are of

Time: 3702.079

different amino acid sequences are

Time: 3703.64

designed to you know reduce uh visceral

Time: 3706.319

osity a bit more or promote deep sleep a

Time: 3708.88

bit more or to promote muscle growth a

Time: 3710.839

bit more so when people are combining

Time: 3712.48

different things in cocktail it's not

Time: 3714.4

necessarily a bad thing but you want to

Time: 3715.72

make sure that you're working with

Time: 3716.64

someone who's very familiar with

Time: 3718.279

peptides you know really has been in the

Time: 3719.96

peptide space for a long time and

Time: 3721.559

understands how these things work alone

Time: 3723.24

and in combination and there are some

Time: 3725.079

excellent Physicians that are doing that

Time: 3728.2

um and we plan to have at least one of

Time: 3729.96

them on the Hub Lab podcast as a guest

Time: 3732.559

in the not too distant future and you

Time: 3734.039

can bet that this conversation will

Time: 3735.88

facilitate your understanding of that

Time: 3737.44

discussion the second point is that

Time: 3739.48

there are of course risks to taking

Time: 3741.839

anything but in particular to exploring

Time: 3745.079

augmentation of the growth hormone

Time: 3746.599

pathway when people take growth hormone

Time: 3749.2

itself there are common risks such as

Time: 3751.4

carpal tunnel syndrome um that has to do

Time: 3753.559

in part with the fact that it can

Time: 3755.119

potently increase cartilage growth there

Time: 3758.039

can be active changes in the structure

Time: 3760.16

of one's head and face and body there's

Time: 3762.16

a so-called um uh lean but distended gut

Time: 3765.279

so people that aren't carrying a lot of

Time: 3767.039

uh subcutaneous fat but that the gut

Time: 3768.839

becomes uh extended sometimes you can

Time: 3771.44

get changes in the face like the um you

Time: 3773.839

know kind of a a thickening of the of

Time: 3776.4

the bone above the brow you'll see that

Time: 3778.2

and sometimes people look quite

Time: 3779.48

different after taking growth hormone

Time: 3781.4

for a series of time than they did

Time: 3782.88

before it can really change one's

Time: 3784.359

stature and and shape uh to a

Time: 3786.599

considerable degree it also can create a

Time: 3788.96

kind of a uh kind of a a skin texture

Time: 3793.039

that is a little bit unnatural or

Time: 3794.48

unusual you sometimes can see this in

Time: 3795.96

people that take a lot of growth hormone

Time: 3798.079

in general when people take growth

Time: 3799.599

hormone promoting peptides the changes

Time: 3802.16

in body structure are not as dramatic as

Time: 3804.44

when people take growth hormone itself

Time: 3805.92

self but body shape changes and cosmetic

Time: 3808.319

changes aside keep in mind that anytime

Time: 3810.92

we augment growth hormone either by

Time: 3813.44

taking growth hormone directly as a

Time: 3815.559

synthetic compound or by taking a

Time: 3818.52

peptide that increases the amount of

Time: 3820.44

growth hormone that we release we are

Time: 3822.839

increasing our tumor growth risk and our

Time: 3825.359

cancer risk and that's because growth

Time: 3827.119

hormone and igf-1 are somewhat

Time: 3829.96

indiscriminant in terms of the tissues

Time: 3832.839

that they promote the growth of so if

Time: 3834.68

you have a tumor someplace and small

Time: 3836.68

taking exogenous growth hormone or

Time: 3838.96

increasing the amount of growth hormone

Time: 3840.559

that you release by taking one of these

Time: 3842.039

peptides that we discussed will increase

Time: 3844.359

the size of that tumor it's very likely

Time: 3846.52

and you can imagine that if you're

Time: 3847.48

taking a peptide to increase growth

Time: 3849

hormone and you're taking something like

Time: 3850.359

bpc157 something that a lot of people

Time: 3852.72

are starting to do

Time: 3853.92

nowadays you could potentially increase

Time: 3856.24

both the size and the vascularization of

Time: 3859.079

a given tumor so just keep that in mind

Time: 3861.44

just as there are anti-cancer drugs that

Time: 3863.599

focus on the vegf pathway to try and

Time: 3865.4


Time: 3866.52

vascularization of tumors there are

Time: 3868.96

drugs that discourage the release of

Time: 3870.52

growth hormone to discourage the growth

Time: 3872.52

of tumors so if you're listening to this

Time: 3874.52

you might be thinking well why in the

Time: 3875.76

world would anybody take this stuff well

Time: 3877.839

people like the effects of having

Time: 3879.119

elevated growth hormone they like the

Time: 3880.76

effects of recovering from an injury

Time: 3882.88

more quickly but there's always going to

Time: 3884.559

be a trade-off between potential benefit

Time: 3886.96

and potential risk the one thing that we

Time: 3888.559

can say for these growth hormone

Time: 3891.119

secretagogues serel and telin in

Time: 3893.72

particular is that they are FDA appr

Time: 3895.799

approved as compounds however they are

Time: 3897.559

not approved for all the purposes that

Time: 3899.119

people are taking them for such as

Time: 3900.48

cosmetic effects Etc so I'm certainly

Time: 3902.68

not being disparaging of people that

Time: 3904.119

decide to make the choice to take these

Time: 3906.119

compounds that's your right entirely but

Time: 3909.079

I do think that you should be informed

Time: 3910.92

about the potential risks and if you are

Time: 3912.52

somebody who's considering taking any of

Time: 3914

these compounds there are certain

Time: 3915.4

considerations that you definitely

Time: 3916.799

should pay attention to so for instance

Time: 3919

how old are you if you're younger than

Time: 3920.319

30 I don't know why you'd want to

Time: 3921.559

augment growth hormone unless you and

Time: 3923

your doctor decide that there's a

Time: 3924.079

clinical need or some other urgent need

Time: 3926.48

to do so uh because you're already

Time: 3928.2

making a lot of growth hormone if you're

Time: 3930.079

older than 30 and you're interested in

Time: 3931.599

using these compounds to me it stands to

Time: 3933.88

reason that of course you want to make

Time: 3935.88

sure that you don't have any tumors or

Time: 3937.4

cancers that you could potentially

Time: 3939.079

exacerbate but in addition to that that

Time: 3941.359

you really think about using the minimal

Time: 3943.24

effective dose and that you use perhaps

Time: 3945.119

even the mildest of these different

Time: 3946.72

compounds in order to make sure that you

Time: 3948.559

don't desensitize any of the receptor

Time: 3950.52

Pathways and of course there is no

Time: 3952.88

reason why anyone should use these

Time: 3954.16

compounds unless they absolutely feel

Time: 3955.88

need to and there's a potential benefit

Time: 3957.799

there I personally as I mentioned before

Time: 3959.599

tried cellin for a short while the

Time: 3961.799

reductions in rapid eye movement sleep

Time: 3963.44

were problematic enough for me that I

Time: 3965.039

decided to just not take it and it's not

Time: 3966.92

something that I've returned to except

Time: 3968.279

every once in a great while I might do

Time: 3969.92

it to augment deep sleep just a little

Time: 3971.559

bit the next category of peptide effects

Time: 3973.72

that we're going to discuss are peptides

Time: 3975.76

involved in longevity and this is

Time: 3977.92

actually going to be a pretty quick

Time: 3979.039

discussion because really the main one

Time: 3981.16

in this category besides thymus and beta

Time: 3983.68

4 remember thymus and beta 4 we talked

Time: 3985.44

about earlier this is a peptide that's

Time: 3987.4

naturally released from the thymus and

Time: 3989.079

the thymus is a structure that depletes

Time: 3991.039

over time as children age so some people

Time: 3993.76

will take thymos and beta 4 as kind of a

Time: 3995.599

longevity agent hoping that it will

Time: 3997.64

increase repair of tissues recovery from

Time: 4000.4

exercise Etc but it's not really aimed

Time: 4002.52

at longevity per se it's really aimed at

Time: 4005

replacing something that's present in

Time: 4006.44

Youth and then tends to dissipate as we

Time: 4008.079

get older that is the thymus and related

Time: 4010.2

peptides from the thymus but the big one

Time: 4012.4

in the category of peptides to

Time: 4013.92

potentially I want to highlight

Time: 4015.119


Time: 4016.279

improv longevity is epitalon epitalon is

Time: 4020.72

also sometimes spelled and pronounced

Time: 4022.88

epithin okay don't ask me why and as

Time: 4025.599

with bpc 157 there are quite a few

Time: 4028.039

animal studies exploring epithin and its

Time: 4030.599

effects on various tissues as well as

Time: 4032.76

the naturally occurring peptide that

Time: 4034.799

it's meant to resemble epithin is a

Time: 4037.799

peptide that's secreted from the pineal

Time: 4040.319

gland the pineal gland is a gland that

Time: 4042.799

most people associate with melatonin

Time: 4044.52

release and that's because the cells

Time: 4046.2

within the pineal called

Time: 4048.039

pinealocytes secrete melatonin at night

Time: 4051.92

it's what makes us feel sleepy and go to

Time: 4054.279

sleep melatonin is suppressed by light

Time: 4057.039

viewed by the eyes there's actually a

Time: 4058.599

pathway that goes from the eyes into the

Time: 4060.119

brain there a couple of stages they go

Time: 4061.48

up through the cervical ganglion from

Time: 4063

the brain stem and up to the pineal and

Time: 4064.839

suppress melatonin release now the

Time: 4067.44

pineal makes other things besides

Time: 4069.079

melatonin it also makes a peptide called

Time: 4071.16


Time: 4075.599

from the pineal especially early in life

Time: 4077.72

and that's associated with various

Time: 4079.839

anti-inflammatory effects on other cells

Time: 4081.92

and tissues in the body and it does

Time: 4084.359

appear to be able to adjust tiir length

Time: 4087.279

which is a feature of cells that's

Time: 4088.64

thought to be associated with the

Time: 4090.039

longevity of cells or how long they live

Time: 4092.64

keep in mind that the relationship

Time: 4094.119

between tiir and Longevity is a

Time: 4095.92

controversial one people were very

Time: 4097.719

excited about this some years back then

Time: 4099.719

people batted down that idea showing

Time: 4102.08

that kilometer length was not associated

Time: 4104.199

with longevity especially in hum and now

Time: 4106.239

it's sort of a back and forth within the

Time: 4107.96

field keep in mind that epitalon again

Time: 4111.199

also sometimes written and pronounced

Time: 4113.04

epithin is designed to mimic this

Time: 4115.359

naturally occurring peptide

Time: 4118.96

epithalamic clature can get a little bit

Time: 4120.88

confusing and what you'll find is that

Time: 4123.319

epitalon is available as a synthetic

Time: 4125.44

compound it can be obtained in clean

Time: 4127.44

form from compounding pharmacies and a

Time: 4131.12

good number of people will use it as a

Time: 4132.719

longevity agent based largely on animal

Time: 4135.759

data that it can suppress tumor growth

Time: 4138.319

it can increase tiir length and to some

Time: 4141

extent that it can recalibrate the

Time: 4142.88

Circadian rhythm changes and the

Time: 4145.92

disruptions in the patterns of melatonin

Time: 4148.08

that occur as animals and perhaps as

Time: 4150.64

humans age this is an important point

Time: 4152.96

the pineal gland despite being very very

Time: 4155.08

small about the size of a PE and sitting

Time: 4157.48

kind of in the mid area of the brain for

Time: 4159.4

you afficionados it sits you know kind

Time: 4161.199

of like right on the roof of the Dian

Time: 4162.48


Time: 4163.839

and what it does is it it will release

Time: 4166.12

melatonin each night in

Time: 4168.319

darkness it can release epithalamion and

Time: 4172.48

at those times it can go and have these

Time: 4174.48

Myriad effects on restoring the brain

Time: 4176.719

and body during sleep there are other

Time: 4178.839

things that occur during sleep that are

Time: 4180.08

essential but those are key components

Time: 4182.359

of the restorative features of sleep now

Time: 4184.44

we know that as we age the amount of

Time: 4186.799

melatonin that we release is decreased

Time: 4190.159

such that if you look in babies and

Time: 4191.88

teens Etc melatonin levels are very very

Time: 4194.52

high compared to people of middle age

Time: 4196.679

and of elderly age likewise epithalamion

Time: 4199.88

levels decrease with time and as a

Time: 4202.56

consequence markers of tissue

Time: 4204.36

inflammation also increase as we age

Time: 4206.52

because you're sort of removing this

Time: 4208.6

anti-inflammatory compound that's

Time: 4210.08

released each night now there are a

Time: 4211.56

bunch of theories as to why the pineal

Time: 4213.56

regresses with age there's some kind of

Time: 4215.64

wild ones about fluoride and a depletion

Time: 4218.4

of the of the pineal I'll do a whole

Time: 4219.96

episode on the pineal at some point and

Time: 4221.36

we'll explore that some of them are very

Time: 4223.239

Niche some of them are frankly

Time: 4225

completely false and others have some

Time: 4226.76

Merit and are starting to um gain some

Time: 4229.32

data within the standard scientific

Time: 4231.12

Community the overall point here about

Time: 4233.08

peptides for longevity can be summarized

Time: 4234.88

very easily the logic is just as we have

Time: 4238.12

a thymus early in life the thymus

Time: 4239.84

secretes certain things and those things

Time: 4242.76

seem to accelerate robust tissue healing

Time: 4245.96

early in life and as the thymus

Time: 4247.76

disappears tissue healing gets less

Time: 4249.6

robust that's the logic for taking

Time: 4251.239

things like thymus and beta 4

Time: 4253.199

tb500 so too we have a

Time: 4315.48

we know about the animal studies what we

Time: 4316.92

know about the naturally occurring

Time: 4318.32

compounds that these peptides are

Time: 4320.36

designed to mimic and yet there are

Time: 4322.239

still no clinical trials that point

Time: 4323.88

directly to taking x amount of epitalon

Time: 4326.719

several times per week as a way to

Time: 4328.239

extend life the fourth and final

Time: 4330

category of peptide effects that we're

Time: 4331.8

going to talk about are effects on

Time: 4333.92

Vitality both mood and libido and really

Time: 4337.76

the main players within this category of

Time: 4339.76

peptides are the so-called melanocyte

Time: 4342.679

stimulating hormon related peptides okay

Time: 4345.6

just to give you a little bit of

Time: 4346.639

background remember the pituitary the

Time: 4349.04

pituitary gland that stalk that extends

Time: 4351.04

out of the brain and can release growth

Time: 4353.159

hormone from the anterior pituitary well

Time: 4355.52

it's got a middle segment or a medial

Time: 4357.199

segment and there's a hormone that's

Time: 4359.04

released from there called mocy

Time: 4361.96

stimulating hormone melany stimulating

Time: 4364.44

hormone has the effect of stimulating

Time: 4366.199

pigmentation of the skin by activating

Time: 4368.199

what are called melanocytes that exist

Time: 4369.92

within the skin so the peptides

Time: 4372.679

melanotan 1 melanotan 2 melanotan 3

Time: 4375.48

Milan 4 Milan 5 because there are five

Time: 4377.719

of them are different peptides that is

Time: 4379.92

peptides with different amino acid

Time: 4381.44

sequences all of which mimic naturally

Time: 4383.92

occurring melany stimulating hormone but

Time: 4386.76

that act preferentially on one set of

Time: 4389.04

melany stimulating hormone receptors or

Time: 4391.08

another in order to get different

Time: 4392.6

effects so let's back up a little bit

Time: 4395.52

and talk about the melanocortin system

Time: 4397.76

right the melanocortin system is a

Time: 4399.4

system whereby viewing light or getting

Time: 4403.28

light on the skin typically Ultra violet

Time: 4405.88

light of the ultraviolet B type okay

Time: 4408.36

there's two different types of

Time: 4409.199

ultraviolet light but basically sunlight

Time: 4411.719

is what the system evolved to respond to

Time: 4414.92

shown to the eyes and or to the skin

Time: 4418.04

stimulates the melanocortin system it

Time: 4419.84

goes from the eyes to the hypothalamus

Time: 4423.32

from the hypothalamus to the pituitary

Time: 4425.8

and then the melany stimulating hormone

Time: 4427.96

is then released into the bloodstream

Time: 4429.679

can travel to the melanoides and cause

Time: 4432.12

pigmentation of the skin this is what is

Time: 4434.4

responsible for SC there's also a

Time: 4436.679

pathway whereby the light stimulates the

Time: 4438.4

melany stimulating hormone system and in

Time: 4440.84

parallel stimulates the release of

Time: 4442.36

dopamine now for any of you that have

Time: 4444.36

lived in a part of the world in which

Time: 4446.159

it's very very dark with very short days

Time: 4448.28

in the winter and longer days and a lot

Time: 4450.52

of sunlight during the summer you're

Time: 4452.12

probably familiar with the fact that

Time: 4454.08

when the sun comes out people start

Time: 4455.48

feeling better they have more energy

Time: 4457.52

they're more motivated a number of

Time: 4458.8

different systems related to mood and

Time: 4460.32

libido tend to increase this is the

Time: 4463.159

consequence of sunlight activating the

Time: 4465.56

melano cortico system and by the way

Time: 4467.92

this system is very active in other

Time: 4470.159

animals as well animals that are white

Time: 4472.88

or tend to be of pale color during the

Time: 4474.48

winter then as spring arrives the

Time: 4477.52

sunlight stimulates this very same

Time: 4479.239

system and leads to darkening of the

Time: 4481.12

pellage so their hair goes from white or

Time: 4483.8

gray to Brown or even dark black or some

Time: 4486.679

combination of those and in combination

Time: 4488.84

dopamine is increased libido is

Time: 4490.44

increased and the animals start breeding

Time: 4492

in the spring and summer months okay so

Time: 4493.639

this is a a well-conserved system across

Time: 4495.639

species and it exists to some extent in

Time: 4497.639

us as well so there are essentially five

Time: 4500.48

different synthetic peptides called

Time: 4503.239

melanotan 1 2 3 4 and five Each of which

Time: 4506.08

is designed to mimic melany simulating

Time: 4509.04

hormone but Each of which activates

Time: 4511.56

different receptors to different degrees

Time: 4513.96

and some can cross the blood brain

Time: 4515.48

barrier and some can't and as a

Time: 4516.92

consequence some impact mood and libido

Time: 4519.52

and others don't the simple way to look

Time: 4521.8

at this is that melanotan one does not

Time: 4523.84

cross the bloodb brain barrier

Time: 4525.84

it does however stimulate the

Time: 4527.32

melanocytes of the skin so it leads to

Time: 4529.199

tanning or darkening of the

Time: 4531.52

skin melanotan 2 3 4 and five also lead

Time: 4535.36

to darkening the skin by way of

Time: 4537.4

activating melanocytes in the skin but

Time: 4539.88

because they can cross the blood brain

Time: 4541.48

barrier they cause effects that are at

Time: 4545

the level of psychology really and at

Time: 4547.52

the level of appetite and things of that

Time: 4549.48

sort in general the pattern is to

Time: 4551.28

increase mood in libido and to decrease

Time: 4553.719

appetite things that are associated with

Time: 4555.4

the transition from Winter to spring and

Time: 4557.44

summer months in humans and in other

Time: 4559.159

animals now one of the things about the

Time: 4561.76

uh peptide literature is that it loves

Time: 4564.52

acronyms and numbers and so there's a

Time: 4566.12


Time: 4568.08

pt41 that falls into this category of

Time: 4572.52

activating the melanocortin system and

Time: 4576.159

pt-141 is also known as the prescription

Time: 4578.679

drug VII pt41 or VII is FDA approved for

Time: 4583.719

the treatment of premenopause fusal

Time: 4585.48

hypoactive sexual desire so this is FDA

Time: 4588.4

approved for the treatment of women that

Time: 4590.08

have suppressed libido however men also

Time: 4593.719

will take VII um for hypoactive uh

Time: 4597

sexual desire um this is obviously

Time: 4599.36

prescribed off label um by physicians

Time: 4601.679

but keep in mind as with the other

Time: 4603.08

peptides in this pathway VII will

Time: 4605.56

stimulate pigmentation so whether or not

Time: 4608.4

you consider that a side effect or a

Time: 4609.679

benefit depends on I guess your Baseline

Time: 4611.56

level of pigmentation and how much level

Time: 4613.32

of pigmentation you actually want now

Time: 4615.36

there are some side effects associated

Time: 4616.84

with these compounds and one of the more

Time: 4619

common ones is nausea and that's because

Time: 4621.199

there are melanite simulating um hormone

Time: 4623.88

receptors all throughout the gut they

Time: 4626.639

can also cause flushing of the skin and

Time: 4629.36

they can cause blood pressure to

Time: 4631.679

increase also folks with melanoma should

Time: 4634.8

be very cautious about using any of the

Time: 4636.8

peptides that stimulate melanocytes

Time: 4638.639

because that could potentially

Time: 4639.76

exacerbate melanoma the next peptide in

Time: 4642.44

this category of peptides for Vitality

Time: 4644.159

in libido is kisspeptin kisspeptin is a

Time: 4647.639

peptide that wasn't discovered that long

Time: 4649.48

ago actually you can recall when the

Time: 4650.96

first papers about kisspeptin came out

Time: 4653.32

and basically kisspeptin is a peptide

Time: 4656.199

that is naturally made within the brain

Time: 4658.28

and it's Upstream of some of the

Time: 4660.44

hypothalamic signals that activate the

Time: 4662.719

pituitary for sake of hormone production

Time: 4666.239

and reproduction so I'll just walk you

Time: 4668.36

through this pathway it's actually quite

Time: 4669.88

simple you've got the pituitary you're

Time: 4671.92

now familiar with the pituitary and the

Time: 4673.4

pituitary releases two different hormon

Time: 4675

hormones in both males and females it

Time: 4676.32

releases lutenizing hormone and it

Time: 4678.56

releases follicle stimulating hormone if

Time: 4680.96

you watched the episodes that we did

Time: 4682.36

about testosterone and estrogen if you

Time: 4684.639

watch the episode that I did on male and

Time: 4686.639

female fertility if you watch the

Time: 4688.12

episode that I did with Dr Michael

Time: 4690.159

Eisenberg from Stanford or Dr Natalie

Time: 4692.04

Crawford who's an OBGYN uh specializing

Time: 4694.92

infertility we talked a lot about LH and

Time: 4697.56

FSH basically FSH as the name suggests

Time: 4701.08

stimulates the growth of the follicle

Time: 4702.639

the egg in the female and it stimulat

Time: 4705.08

Ates sperm production in males

Time: 4706.76

lutenizing hormone stimulates

Time: 4708.679

testosterone production from the gonad

Time: 4710.36

in males and it also stimulates estrogen

Time: 4713.52

production and to some extent

Time: 4715.28

testosterone production in females as

Time: 4717.12

well so we need LH and FSH to stimulate

Time: 4720.56

the gonads the ovary or the testes the

Time: 4724.32

hormone that stimulates LH and FSH

Time: 4726.639

release is called GnRH or gatot tropin

Time: 4730.28

releasing hormone and it comes from the

Time: 4732.44

hypothalamus so G&R is a signal that

Time: 4735.44

promotes LH and FSH release now that

Time: 4738.199

raises the question what turns on GnRH

Time: 4740.76

and the signal that turns on G&R is

Time: 4743.159

kisspeptin kisspeptin in other words is

Time: 4745.28

further Upstream from G&R and lsh and

Time: 4748.44

FSH it's a Cascade it goes kisspeptin

Time: 4750.679

GnRH LH FSH testosterone estrogen okay

Time: 4754.84

that's the pathway now it's very clear

Time: 4757.76

that kisspeptin is involved in the

Time: 4759.719

activation of puberty the transition

Time: 4761.8

from prepubertal to postpubertal stages

Time: 4764.679

of life it's also involved in any of the

Time: 4768.639

sort of Downstream effects of having

Time: 4770.48

elevated LH and FSH including elevated

Time: 4773

Vitality which includes both energy and

Time: 4775.4

in some cases libido so there's

Time: 4777.679

naturally occurring kisspeptin and

Time: 4780.44

there's now synthetically generated

Time: 4782.48

kisspeptin designed to mimic naturally

Time: 4784.6

occurring kisspeptin and it's actually

Time: 4786.36

prescribed for what's called

Time: 4788.6

hypothalamic amena hypothalamic amena is

Time: 4792.32

the loss or the absence of periods of

Time: 4795.239

cycles that are the consequence of

Time: 4798.239

deficits within the hypothalamus itself

Time: 4800.44

so not something within the ovary or a

Time: 4802.159

lack of the pituitary to make LH or FSH

Time: 4804.96

but a deficit of the hypothalamus to

Time: 4807.04

promote LH and FSH and the downstream

Time: 4809.76

hormones testosterone and estrogen

Time: 4812.32

incidentally there are also kisspeptin

Time: 4814.56

antagonists okay drugs that are designed

Time: 4816.679

to suppress kisspeptin and those are

Time: 4818.88

used to treat some of the symptoms of

Time: 4820.28

menopause including night sweats and

Time: 4821.96

some of the what are called vasomotor

Time: 4823.639

symptoms so peptin is obviously a key

Time: 4826.04

player in this whole pathway of steroid

Time: 4828.92

hormone release the steroid hormones

Time: 4830.239

being testosterone and estrogen there

Time: 4831.6

are other steroid hormones as well of

Time: 4833.08

course now there are folks within the

Time: 4834.8

landscape of peptide Therapeutics folks

Time: 4836.639

meaning Physicians and other

Time: 4837.96

practitioners who said ah well here's a

Time: 4840.48

a peptide that is known to promote all

Time: 4842.4

these hormone Pathways that are

Time: 4843.56

associated with Vitality libido Etc and

Time: 4846.28

so there are people who take kisspeptin

Time: 4848.679

peptides as a way to stimulate these

Time: 4851.199

Pathways and they're doing so for the

Time: 4853.52

specific purpose of increasing ing

Time: 4855.159

Vitality as it relates to libido and

Time: 4857.4

mood and to get the downstream increases

Time: 4859.92

on testosterone and estrogen and of

Time: 4861.84

course some people are taking kisspeptin

Time: 4863.32

peptides to treat hypothalamic

Time: 4864.96

amenorrhea and as I mentioned some

Time: 4866.84

people are taking kisspeptin antagonist

Time: 4868.8

they're trying to block the kisspeptin

Time: 4870.4

pathway in order to reduce some of the

Time: 4872.44

vasomotor and other symptoms of

Time: 4874.199

menopause I will say despite the fact

Time: 4876.12

that the ceptin pathway is well known

Time: 4878.12

and despite the fact that the ceptin

Time: 4879.8

peptide is designed to mimic a naturally

Time: 4881.88

occurring peptide that has a pretty

Time: 4883.52

constrained set of function

Time: 4885.48

in the hypothalamic pituitary system and

Time: 4889.199

their Downstream effects on the

Time: 4890.88

gonads the use of Kiss peptin to

Time: 4893.12

increase Vitality in libido is a bit of

Time: 4895.6

a um let's just say it's it's a little

Time: 4897.76

bit of a wild card we don't yet know all

Time: 4900.12

the effects of kiss peptin again it was

Time: 4902.12

fairly recently discovered we have it in

Time: 4904.239

mind that it's involved in these

Time: 4905.44

Pathways but I should say every time we

Time: 4907.239

look at a given peptide whether or not

Time: 4908.639

it's gin or hypocrite neurexin or it's

Time: 4912.159

glp1 what we find is that again are

Time: 4915

these pleotropic effects there is rarely

Time: 4917.92

if ever one specific effect and it's not

Time: 4920.56

just a concern about side effects that

Time: 4922

we want to take these pleotropic effects

Time: 4923.56

into consideration it's the fact that

Time: 4925.76

even though we know a lot about the

Time: 4926.96

human body and the various hormones and

Time: 4928.48

neuromodulators like dopamine serotonin

Time: 4930.44

Etc that are made this landscape of

Time: 4932.639

peptides is an enormous one and it's one

Time: 4935.239

for which we are just now really

Time: 4937.04

starting to appreciate how many

Time: 4939.36

different peptides the human body and

Time: 4941.159

brain make again I don't think it's an

Time: 4943.08

overestimate to say that they probably

Time: 4945.159

hundreds of thousands of different

Time: 4946.52

peptides each with multiple and

Time: 4948.159

sometimes even overlapping and

Time: 4949.32

synergistic effects so I do understand

Time: 4953

the excitement about peptide

Time: 4954.52

Therapeutics I think for a lot of people

Time: 4956.12

that want to improve their physical

Time: 4957.639

health and mental health they want to

Time: 4959.44

recover from injuries more quickly maybe

Time: 4961.8

they're seeking particular aesthetic

Time: 4963.199

changes or mood changes Etc I understand

Time: 4966.08

the gravitational pull and the

Time: 4967.239

excitement of peptides but I have

Time: 4969.4

noticed that the discussion around

Time: 4970.84

peptides because it's in contrast often

Time: 4974.12

to the disc discussion around hormone

Time: 4975.679

therapies like testosterone therapy and

Time: 4977.32


Time: 4978.56

therapy people I think inadvertently

Time: 4982.36

assume that peptides are all safe or

Time: 4984.84

innocuous or that they are potent enough

Time: 4988.08

to do certain things that we want but

Time: 4989.96

that because they're not hormone

Time: 4991.159

therapies per se that they are free of

Time: 4993.96

side effects and risk and in addition to

Time: 4996.88

wanting to teach you about some of the

Time: 4998.4

biology of these peptides and how they

Time: 4999.96

work and what they're designed to do as

Time: 5001.719

well as some of their potential

Time: 5002.8

therapeutic benefits under the right

Time: 5004.44

condition again working with a really

Time: 5006.48

good board certified physician and

Time: 5008

making sure that the sourcing is really

Time: 5009.639

clean and that you're doing regular

Time: 5011.88

blood testing and you're monitoring for

Time: 5013.48

any potential tumor growth Etc I also

Time: 5016.04

want to emphasize that these are very

Time: 5017.8

potent compounds they have lots of

Time: 5019.6

different effects and we are in the

Time: 5021.28

early stages of exploring peptide

Time: 5023.36

Therapeutics again I'm not here to tell

Time: 5025.28

you what to do or what not to do but if

Time: 5027.44

you have it in mind that peptide

Time: 5028.679

Therapeutics because they aren't hormone

Time: 5030.48

therapies are not without their

Time: 5032.04

potential risks you would be wrong all

Time: 5034.8

that said it's very exciting to see

Time: 5036.56

what's happening with peptide

Time: 5037.679

Therapeutics I'm excited about their

Time: 5039.8

potential for both the treatment of

Time: 5041.56

disease as well as for augmentation of

Time: 5044.239

mental and physical health and I think

Time: 5046

it's an exciting landscape that

Time: 5047.4

certainly motivated my desire to do this

Time: 5049.679

episode and get you familiar with them

Time: 5051.32

or at least with some of them and it's

Time: 5052.84

something that we're definitely going to

Time: 5054

be exploring more on this podcast both

Time: 5056.159

with expert guests and in Solo episodes

Time: 5058.639

going forward if you're learning from

Time: 5060.4

and are enjoying this podcast please

Time: 5062.159

subscribe to our YouTube channel that's

Time: 5063.8

a terrific 0 cost way to support us in

Time: 5066.199

addition please subscribe to the podcast

Time: 5068.239

on both Spotify and apple and on both

Time: 5070.28

Spotify and apple you can leave us up to

Time: 5072.04

a f-star review please check out the

Time: 5074.36

sponsors mentioned at the beginning and

Time: 5075.92

throughout today's episode that's the

Time: 5077.639

best way to support this podcast if you

Time: 5080.08

have questions for me or comments about

Time: 5081.52

the podcast or guests or topics that

Time: 5083.36

you'd like me to cover on the huberman

Time: 5084.679

Lab podcast please put those in the

Time: 5086.44

comment section on YouTube I do read all

Time: 5088.719

the comments not so much on today's

Time: 5090.6

episode but on many previous episodes of

Time: 5092.44

The hubman Lab podcast we discuss

Time: 5094.6

supplements while supplements aren't

Time: 5096.08

necessary for everybody many people

Time: 5097.84

derive tremendous benefit from them for

Time: 5099.719

things like improving sleep for hormone

Time: 5101.52

support and for Focus the ubberman Lab

Time: 5103.88

podcast has partnered with momentus

Time: 5105.4

supplements and we've done that for

Time: 5106.48

several reasons first momentus

Time: 5108.44

supplements are of the very highest

Time: 5109.76

quality second momentus tends to focus

Time: 5112.04

on single ingredient formulations which

Time: 5114.08

is essential in order to develop the

Time: 5116.239

most biologically effective and cost-

Time: 5117.92

effective supplement regimen for you

Time: 5120.08

third momentus ships internationally

Time: 5122.159

which we realize is important because

Time: 5123.56

many of you reside outside of the United

Time: 5125.639

States to learn more about the

Time: 5127.28

supplements discussed on the huberman

Time: 5128.679

Lab podcast please go to live momentus

Time: 5130.96

spelled o us so it's Liv

Time: 5134.04

huberman if you're not already following

Time: 5136.119

me on social media I'm huberman lab on

Time: 5138.52

all social media platforms so that's

Time: 5140.48

Instagram X LinkedIn Facebook and

Time: 5143.4

threads and at all of those places I

Time: 5145.56

discuss science and science related

Time: 5146.92

tools some of which overlaps with the

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content of the hubman Lab podcast but

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much of which is distinct from the

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content of the huberman Lab podcast

Time: 5153.76

again it's hubman lab on all social

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Time: 5157.719

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gives podcast summaries and protocols in

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Time: 5168

covering things like neuroplasticity and

Time: 5169.8

learning or optimizing sleep we're

Time: 5171.44

regulating dopamine deliberate cold

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exposure we have a foundational Fitness

Time: 5175.4

protocol again all of those available

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Time: 5183.04

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Time: 5185.239

with anybody thank you once again for

Time: 5187.239

joining me for today's discussion about

Time: 5189.4

the science and application of peptide

Time: 5191.719

Therapeutics and last but certainly not

Time: 5194.04

least thank you for your interest in

Time: 5196.74


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