Asi Wind: What Magic & Mind Reading Reveal About the Brain

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford School of

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Medicine my guest today is AI wind AI

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wind is one of the top magicians and

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mentalists in the world now you may be

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asking yourself why would the hubman Lab

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podcast host a magician Mentalist and

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the obvious answer perhaps would be that

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mag magicians and mentalists reveal to

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us where our gaps in perception reside

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that is where the human brain falters

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such that magicians and mentalists can

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take advantage of that and give us the

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impression the illusion that certain

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things happened when they didn't however

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during today's discussion you will learn

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that AI wins magic and Mentalist work

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which by the way is absolutely

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astonishing you can see examples of this

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in some of the links in the show note

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captions that will take you to YouTube

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clips in which aie did some of these

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tricks and mentally work on me directly

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in the studio and there are other

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examples out there that we've linked to

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on the internet as well that the work

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that aiwin does illustrates how we form

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memories how we erase memories and the

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specific things that we all can do in

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order to stamp down certain memories and

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to erase other memories indeed much of

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what aie wi's work does is to use an

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understanding of how the brain works in

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order to create false memories to erase

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recent memories and indeed to use

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emotion and empathy and storytelling in

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order for you the Observer to create a

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perception of something that happened

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that may or may not have actually

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happened indeed what AI reveals to us

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today tells us not how a magician or

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Mentalist fools us but rather how we

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with our own brains lead ourselves to

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believe that certain things happened

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when in fact they may or may not have

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happened and the way that we collaborate

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with others in order to create those

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either false or real perceptions it's a

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discussion that I'm sure everyone

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whether or not you're a fan of magic or

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not will find fascinating indeed I learn

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so much from the discussion with AI

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about neuroscience and about how the

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human brain constructs narratives of the

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past present and future that it informs

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not just my understanding of how the

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brain works but indeed how to learn

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better how to remember things better and

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to consolidate that information to

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really stamp it into your memory so that

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you never forget so while AI wind is a

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magician and Mentalist today's

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discussion is really a discussion about

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the Neuroscience of how to learn how to

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forget how to access creativity and how

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art and storytelling empathy and emotion

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all can allow us to access powers within

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us that make us far more effective in

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whatever Pursuits we may be after before

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we begin I'd like to emphasize that this

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podcast is separate from my teaching and

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research roles at Stanford it is however

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part of my desire and effort to bring

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zero cost to Consumer information about

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science and science related tools tools

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to the general public in keeping with

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that theme I'd like to thank the

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sponsors of today's podcast our first

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sponsor is element element is an

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electrolyte drink with everything you

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need and nothing you don't that means

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plenty of salt magnesium and potassium

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the electrolytes but no sugar as I've

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mentioned before on this podcast I'm a

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big believer in getting sufficient

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hydration and making sure that that

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hydration includes sufficient

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electrolytes salt magnesium and

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potassium and the reason for that is

Time: 208.519

that all the cells in our body but

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indeed especially our neurons our nerve

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cells are critically reliant on

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electrolytes and hydration in order to

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function properly element makes it very

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easy to get the hydration and

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electrolytes you need when I wake up in

Time: 221.959

the morning one of the first things I do

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is to drink 16 to 32 ounces of water

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with a packet of element dissolved in it

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I particularly like the raspberry

Time: 229.799

flavored element but then again I also

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like the watermelon flavor and the

Time: 233.319

Citrus flavor and the orange flavor so

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basically what I'm saying is I really

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like all the flavors of element if you'd

Time: 239.36

like toy element you can go to drink

Time: 241.48

element spelled LM huberman to

Time: 245.12

claim a free sample pack with your order

Time: 247.159

again that's drink element

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huberman today's episode is also brought

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To Us by betterhelp betterhelp offers

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Professional Therapy with a licensed

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therapist carried out online now I've

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been going to therapy for well over 30

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years initially I didn't have a choice

Time: 262.919

it was a condition of being allowed to

Time: 264.199

stay in school but pretty soon I

Time: 266.6

realized that therapy is extremely

Time: 268.479

valuable in fact I consider doing

Time: 270.36

regular therapy just as important as

Time: 272.56

getting regular exercise including

Time: 274.24

cardiovascular exercise and resistance

Time: 275.88

training which of course I also do every

Time: 277.759

week the reason I know therapy is so

Time: 279.68

valuable is that if you can find a

Time: 281.6

therapist with whom you can develop a

Time: 283.36

really good rapport you not only get

Time: 285.919

terrific support for some of the

Time: 287.52

challenges in your life but you also can

Time: 289.759

derive tremendous insights from that

Time: 291.919

therapy insights that can allow you to

Time: 294.08

better not just your emotional life and

Time: 295.639

your relationship life but of of course

Time: 297.88

also the relationship to yourself and to

Time: 300

your professional life to all sorts of

Time: 301.759

career goals in fact I see therapy is

Time: 303.84

one of the key components for meshing

Time: 305.6

together all aspects of one's life and

Time: 307.88

being able to really direct one's focus

Time: 309.68

and attention toward what really matters

Time: 312.199

if you'd like to try betterhelp go to

Time: 313.759 huberman to get 10% off

Time: 316.88

your first month again that's

Time: 318.039

Time: 319.56

huberman today's episode is also brought

Time: 321.88

To Us by Aeropress arero press is

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similar to a French press for making

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coffee but is in fact a much better way

Time: 328.52

to make coffee I first learned about

Time: 330.319

Aeropress well over 10 years ago and

Time: 332.4

I've been using one ever since Aeropress

Time: 334.8

was developed by Alan Adler who was an

Time: 337.52

engineer at Stanford and I knew of Allan

Time: 340.16

because he had also built the so-called

Time: 342.319

aobi frisbee so he was sort of famous in

Time: 345.36

our community for developing these

Time: 347.8

different Feats of engineering that

Time: 349.52

turned into commercial products now I

Time: 351.56

love coffee I'm somebody that drinks

Time: 353.199

coffee nearly every day usually about 90

Time: 355.8

to 120 minutes after I wake up in the

Time: 357.6

morning although not always sometimes if

Time: 359.199

I'm going to exercise I'll drink coffee

Time: 361.24

first thing in the morning but I love

Time: 363.52

love love coffee and what I've

Time: 365.639

personally found is that by using the

Time: 367.319

Aero press I can make the best possible

Time: 369.599

tasting cup of coffee I don't know what

Time: 371.96

exactly it is in the Aeropress that

Time: 374.039

allows the same beans to be prepared

Time: 376.52

into a cup of coffee that tastes that

Time: 378.72

much better as compared to any other

Time: 381.08

form of Brewing that coffee even the

Time: 383.16

traditional French press the aerrow

Time: 385

Press is extremely easy to use and it's

Time: 387.28

extremely compact in fact I take it with

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me whenever I travel and I use it on the

Time: 391.479

road in hotels even on planes I'll just

Time: 393.4

ask for some hot water and I'll Brew my

Time: 395.16

coffee or tea right there on the plane

Time: 396.96

with over 55,000 fstar reviews Aeropress

Time: 400.28

is the best reviewed coffee press in the

Time: 402.319

world if you would like to try Aero

Time: 404.4

press you can go to Aero

Time: 407.36

huberman that's a r o p

Time: 411.919

huberman to get 20% off any Aeropress

Time: 415.16

coffee maker Aeropress ships in the USA

Time: 417.56

Canada and over 60 other countries in

Time: 419.36

the world again that's Aeropress

Time: 422.12

docomo to get 20% off and now for my

Time: 425.479

discussion with aie wind aie wind

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welcome thank you for having me I can't

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tell you how excited I am to have you

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here today I've seen you do your live

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shows twice once in Los Angeles once in

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New York and both times there were three

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major effects first of all I was

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absolutely astonished there's truly no

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hyper herbally that can capture what you

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are capable of doing um just by way of

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example folks prior to coming in here

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aie agreed to do a trick he let me

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select a card uh an Ace of Hearts from a

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deck of cards I held it there was

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another card ace of diamonds I also held

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that I looked at them I turned them over

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in my hands he's not touching them he

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asked somebody in the room for a number

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number number everyone provides a number

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then he ask me which person's number I

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would like to select there's

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no prior agreements or communication

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whatsoever I selected the number seven

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he says turn over the cards that are

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still in my hands he hasn't touched me I

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turn over the cards and now they are

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sevens not

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Aces unbelievable and uh and yet it

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happened and that's but a minor example

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of the sorts of things that you do so

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that's the first thing absolutely

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astonishing two you involve many of the

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senses not just visual perception memory

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Etc but many of the senses and groups of

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people you are able to somehow create

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Perceptions in people or perhaps these

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perceptions are accurate that certain

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things have happened and everyone agrees

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that these things happen so it's not

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just one person being quote unquote

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tricked and then the third is that you

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and I both share a fascination with the

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human mind and perception which is

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really one of the main reasons why

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you're you're here today because you are

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a scientist uh who I believe understands

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how perception

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Works understands the gaps in perception

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and memory and understands these things

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at a practical level that no

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neuroscientist not I nor anyone else who

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could tell you about the nuts and bolts

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of the brain and nervous system could

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ever approach so welcome I'm super

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excited for our conversation and my

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question is when you do a trick with one

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person with many

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people how confident are you that you're

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going to get the answer correct meaning

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are you always operating at the level of

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100% certainty that you're going to get

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it right or rather is there a little bit

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of a gap are you running a like a 90%

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probability um and the reason I start

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with this question is that I think it's

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a very different situation when The

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Mentalist the magician

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is certain it's going to work out as

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opposed to when it's not and I think

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it's the dynamic tension of the

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possibility that it might not work out

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that gets everyone so engrossed in what

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you do yes so um first of all a lot of

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people think do you ever fail do you

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ever get it wrong and the truth is

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there's something they don't know we're

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going to reveal some Secrets here um a

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lot of people don't know that we are

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very much like jazz musicians I'm not a

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musician I'm going to probably butcher

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analogy here but we write the story as

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it goes in other words you might see me

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do a trick and think that's what I do

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every day but I don't so in other words

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if something goes wrong because every

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person is really

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unpredictable uh I said take a card

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maybe I'm trying to make you take a

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certain card maybe I'm trying to

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influence you and you're not going for

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it I'm okay with making a little detour

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you just don't know I'm taking a detour

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and I'm improvising and I we'll go

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somewhere else and I'm okay with that so

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a lot of the magic that I love to do we

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call it Jazzy magic is Magic that

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literally gets written as we go but I'm

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the only one who knows it uh and you go

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wow it's concluded beautifully right so

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there's there's some times when I like

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after a show and I and I go wow this did

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not work and that didn't work and people

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say what do you mean everything worked

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perfect they don't know what I see is a

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little different than what you see so in

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that sense when you're an amateur

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magician you're just starting out and

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you don't have you know the experience

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you can literally just get stuck and go

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sorry let's do it again and it could

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happen but for a season you know a

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season performer someone who does it

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again and again and again I I'll borrow

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from a pendulate analogy that I love

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it's like gr Hog Day the movie uh we get

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to relive the same night again and again

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and again and guess what what people are

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very much alike I'll hear the same

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hackling I'll hear the same thing or I I

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I start to see types this person is

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going to be confrontational this person

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is going to be is is a person who

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believes maybe in Supernatural everybody

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has a Vibe and you know even though I'm

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not a scientist I'm not a psychologist

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uh I don't have any degrees in any of

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those but I'm a practitioner of

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psychology I tried the same trick a

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million times and I start to see

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patterns Behavior

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patterns that I can use to my advantage

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like for example I noticed that it's

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easier to fool smart people as opposed

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to people are not so smart tell me more

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about that because you know I'm relying

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on the bank of information you have in

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your head against you it's ta chi I know

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what you know and I know that whenever

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you view anything you have to fill in

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the blanks with lots of information I

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show you a couple of things and you say

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okay this makes sense this and I know

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how you think and the fact that I an

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idea of what you know and what you don't

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know I can use it against you and that's

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a beautiful concept right as opposed to

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someone who's not so educ I don't know

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what he knows and they tend to think

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very simple and they're the ones to

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figure out magic the most because they

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don't fill in the blanks they take it

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for what it is uh you telling yourself a

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better story you enriching The

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Experience based on all this the wealth

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of information you have about psychology

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and how this works and how perception

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works and how memory works for example

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you just described the trick I did for

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you you did not describ the trick you

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described your your memory of that trick

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so my job you know and I'm boring from

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my master myestro Juan tamari who's my

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favorite Magician of all time and I

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consider him we'll talk about him quite

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a bit now um he taught me so much but he

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he talks a lot about memory like we are

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first first of all we encoding the

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information I give you something to

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encode then I'm asking you to store it

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either in short term memory medium-term

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long-term uh I don't know if it's even a

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real term but a chemical uh memory right

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when it gets embedded in your memory and

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then I'm trying to

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manipulate how you're going to recall

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the experience and what you did you

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described my trick in a way that I could

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never do I wish I could perform the

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trick you just described I can't but I

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was trying to create at least the

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impression you recorded a feeling you

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had you did not record what you saw and

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experienced you recorded a

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feeling it felt so amazing that the

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feeling was coted in the memory as well

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and therefore you you were the co-author

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of that trick you you help me fool

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you I'm very curious about the role of

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emotion in the co-authoring of these

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tricks and by the way folks the

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conversation we're having today is not

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just about magic tricks and

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mentalists this occurs at the level of

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interactions between

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people one to one this occurs at the

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level of media to the general audience

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of the world this stuff scales uh at

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every level and in every domain of Life

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we'll get to how that exactly that

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occurs I wonder if I could ask you about

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the verse engineering of a trick a

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hypothetical trick sure sure sure so

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tell me if this trick is possible and if

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so one of the possible ways that you

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would do this um I I think I've seen you

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do something similar to this or other

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mentalists do something similar to this

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you're standing in a room full of people

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let's say 50 people and you have a piece

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of paper and a pen and you say okay I'm

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going to write down a series of numbers

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and you write them down you fold it up

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you put it on a table next year you set

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the pen down there's no contact with it

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anymore and then you go around the room

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and you just ask people for numbers

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between 1 and 25 you ask a certain

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number of people and then somehow you

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return to the paper you open it up and

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that's the sequence of numbers that it

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seems like a straightforward but

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astonishing trick it's a classic a

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classic okay classic of magic for people

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like me we want to know at least one

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solution to that challenge how does

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what's one way in which a magician could

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do that obviously we start to go to the

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physical explanation okay somebody

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underneath the table that the piece of

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paper was on wrote down the numbers they

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heard and put it on the table uh another

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solution would be that there was a stack

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of papers up there with any number of

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different combinations but then it's a

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very large number big stack of paper

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then it becomes hard to hide and on and

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on um all going in the wrong direction

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of course um I can also think of the

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end uh product way of doing this where

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the piece of paper that you show has the

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numbers that the people stated but

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somehow we think it's those numbers when

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it's actually other numbers like there's

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some sort of visual illusion that we all

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agree on seeing but here I'm just

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guessing so how could one do that trick

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wow we need two hours to dissect this

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one um so here's a deal I just noticed

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something as you were going through all

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the options is someone I assume you're

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not a magician no um I just realized

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that a quality of magic is that it

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ignites your imagination and your

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creativity you just basically saw

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something that has no explanation and

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you're a knowledgeable guy you know a

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lot about a lot of things and it in a

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weird in a good way it bothers

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you why don't I know that answer I know

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so much about the mind and how we sleep

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and how we you know how certain

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exercises affect our bodies and blah

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blah blah but this series of number I

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don't know and that drives you nuts a

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bit but it's good cuz then your mind

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starts racing and and thinking of

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everything you said is a wonderful

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exercise in uh problem solving right how

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could be achieved and then you slowly

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ruled them out as too much paper too

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much work hiring somebody under a table

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to write maybe a solution but you have

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to pay somebody just to do that job um

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but it's nice because um we're teasing

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the mind we're teasing we're challenging

Time: 1114.12

the mind in an era where it seems like

Time: 1116.76

all the information is out there we have

Time: 1119.44

I my smartphone can do you know more

Time: 1122.2

than my first computer could right in in

Time: 1124.559

my pocket so we are we are up against

Time: 1129.039

and by every time I I tell you this it's

Time: 1131

a bit of a tangent here um every time

Time: 1133.76


Time: 1134.84

advances magicians get scared say oh I

Time: 1139.08

people are when they can do all these

Time: 1141

marvelous things I mean how are they

Time: 1142.4

going to care about the number you just

Time: 1144.6

spoke or or carard changing in my hand

Time: 1147.6

and I attribute that to again your

Time: 1151.799

desire to see something

Time: 1154.6

marvelous without by the way there's

Time: 1157.24

there are people that don't want to see

Time: 1158.84

magic like I do something that's really

Time: 1161.32

is seems impossible and they go slide of

Time: 1164.24

hand they they come up with a very

Time: 1166.48

simple solution they not need picking

Time: 1168.36

about exactly how you did it they go oh

Time: 1170.84

he's fast he's fast with his hands or

Time: 1173.4

you know they come up with a very simple

Time: 1176.36

solution that I don't know why it

Time: 1178.36

satisfies them but it does and it's

Time: 1180.64

because they lack the desire to see

Time: 1184.2

magic so to

Time: 1187.4

me again and we're going back to the

Time: 1189.559

co-authoring I really need someone a

Time: 1191.72

partner when I whenever I do magic that

Time: 1194.32

someone has this desire to see something

Time: 1196.96

that's beautiful

Time: 1199.28

that's going to bend the rules of what

Time: 1202.799

we know is possible right and they're

Time: 1205.679

joining me so to your question how is it

Time: 1208.6

done there's many many uh ways to

Time: 1211.96

achieve this effect and because we don't

Time: 1215.559

possess I don't we can talk about this

Time: 1217.2

if you want about the supernatural I

Time: 1218.6

don't believe that anybody possesses

Time: 1220.28

Supernatural powers or even close to

Time: 1222.84

that um and because of that

Time: 1226.96

we we have to ch eat we have to do some

Time: 1230.559

dirty work which I don't want you to

Time: 1233.32

know about um and so in other words

Time: 1236.72

every trick that I do has a little scar

Time: 1238.6

a little a moment I wish did not exist

Time: 1242.4

and by the way a magician when they

Time: 1243.84

choose a trick like that they need to

Time: 1246.039

say oh I can go this route or this route

Time: 1248.84

they're going to pay a price with this

Time: 1251.2

version Oh I cannot do it this way here

Time: 1253.4

I it's not as clean here I cannot be as

Time: 1255.559

direct here I have to choose maybe

Time: 1257.76

certain people in the the audience again

Time: 1259.559

I'm tiptoeing around it so I don't

Time: 1260.96

reveal how it's done um but you're

Time: 1262.96

making a sacrifice with every choice you

Time: 1264.919

make the goal is at the end to make

Time: 1268.36

somebody as smart as you go how how and

Time: 1273.279

then start racing and and at the end you

Time: 1275.84

reach a dead end

Time: 1278.72

hopefully it's

Time: 1280.64

magic you

Time: 1282.64

Excel and I enjoyed it and and that's I

Time: 1286.2

want you to surrender and and it's a

Time: 1288.72

surrender it's not uh you're not being

Time: 1290.96

defeated you you you give into the to

Time: 1294.48

this place where magic could happen you

Time: 1297.48

you make room for something that should

Time: 1300.6

not happen in this world to happen and

Time: 1304.159

and that's why I love magic so much it

Time: 1306.039

it is a a bit of a reminder that I'll

Time: 1309.24

tell you a story there is a joggler who

Time: 1312.96

is not a magician he's and and I'm not

Time: 1314.799

going to mention names for a reason so

Time: 1316.76

he juggles on the streets and you know

Time: 1318.799

make some money on the streets and one

Time: 1320.679

day he goes to see a magic

Time: 1323.88

show and the magic the magician

Time: 1326.84

wonderful magician uh who does this

Time: 1329.76

wonderful act it's the ZIP code act he

Time: 1332.96

says to people um tell me your zip code

Time: 1336.6

and then he tells them where they live

Time: 1338.36

tell me where you live he tells them the

Time: 1339.52

zip code and then he describes places

Time: 1341.96

around them oh you have a Starbucks

Time: 1343.6

there and blah blah and like he describe

Time: 1345

it's amazing it's wonderful now this

Time: 1347.52

joggler not a magician watches a

Time: 1350.919

magician who is doing a trick there's a

Time: 1354.08

scientific explanation to how it's done

Time: 1356.96

it's not it's not anything beyond that

Time: 1359.559

um and again it's

Time: 1361.12

wonderful and he goes how did he do that

Time: 1364.559

and then he comes up with the solution

Time: 1367.72

that the magician must havee memorized

Time: 1370.799

all the ZIP codes in the

Time: 1374

world not the case but that's the

Time: 1376.76

impression he goes home

Time: 1379.88

and starts memorizing all the ZIP codes

Time: 1383.76

in America

Time: 1385.6

first he spends thousands of hours to

Time: 1389.039

memorize zip codes for real he's doing

Time: 1392.64

the real version of what the magician

Time: 1394.52

did and he performs it now all over the

Time: 1397.76

country he's doing the ZIP code act for

Time: 1399.96

real and the beauty of this story is

Time: 1403.52

that a false performance artificial

Time: 1407.679

present representation of a skill

Time: 1410.88

inspired somebody to do something that

Time: 1412.84

is real and therefore push his limits is

Time: 1416.64

human you know realistic limits to a

Time: 1420.12

level that a lot of people go that's not

Time: 1423.12

possible right and and I think it's a

Time: 1426.159

beauty about this and again goes back to

Time: 1428.84

your question how is it done so maybe

Time: 1431.039

the solution you just came up with is

Time: 1433.4

better than what I do but I least ignite

Time: 1436.44

you to to think about it so I it's it's

Time: 1439.84

it's really a a big reason uh an

Time: 1442.679

important reason why I love magic so

Time: 1445.72

much staying with my question of how a

Time: 1448.72

trick like that is done you really want

Time: 1450.919

to know well I don't think you're

Time: 1452.64

actually going to tell me the specific

Time: 1454.679

order of operations to make it happen I

Time: 1457.039

I don't expect that but I can think of

Time: 1460.08

um two kind of um end points for

Time: 1464.72

exploring this one is or at least two

Time: 1468.44

one is to manipulate what's

Time: 1471.6

on the paper right like the other is to

Time: 1475.919

manipulate what people say or are likely

Time: 1478.279

to say perhaps by selecting people that

Time: 1480.64

are likely to say certain numbers

Time: 1482.08

because you have some understanding of

Time: 1483.399

that I don't know how that would happen

Time: 1485.2

the other is to completely revise

Time: 1488.08

people's understanding of what just

Time: 1490.88

happened in a group and I think the last

Time: 1494.72

possibility is the one that intrigues me

Time: 1496.559

and most people the most the idea that

Time: 1499.279

even in the company of other rational

Time: 1503.559

well-rested sober meaning non-

Time: 1505.799

inebriated or on drugs people that

Time: 1509.36

sometimes it helps that there's a there

Time: 1510.6

could be a

Time: 1512.279

collective perception that is not

Time: 1516.159

accurate but everyone agrees to

Time: 1518.88

confabulate together and the reason I

Time: 1521.24

ask this and I focus on this third

Time: 1523.24

possibility is that we know that the

Time: 1524.559

memory system is a confabulation system

Time: 1526.72

correct a good example of this would be

Time: 1528.36

people who sadly have some form of

Time: 1531.679

dementia they often will find themselves

Time: 1533.84

in a room doing something and if you ask

Time: 1536.2

them hey what were you doing they don't

Time: 1537.44

say I don't know they say oh you know I

Time: 1539.24

came in here to do something and they

Time: 1540.52

create these elaborate stories of what

Time: 1542.64

got them there which may make sense to

Time: 1545.84

them might not um but we all do this we

Time: 1548.679

all confabulate false memories there is

Time: 1550.64

a huge topic into itself but um we all

Time: 1553.919

confabulate memory is not perfect so um

Time: 1557.559

I imagine this third possibility is one

Time: 1559.72

that you work with and that you massage

Time: 1564

um how does one think about memory in

Time: 1567.2

the context of these experiments that uh

Time: 1570.36

I just called them experiments these

Time: 1571.64

tricks that you do I like by I love that

Time: 1573.64

word right and and here we agreed that

Time: 1575.2

we're were going to talk about science

Time: 1576.12

today as we always do when whenever I

Time: 1577.88

see you um and in experiments as people

Time: 1582.6

may or may not know you ask a question

Time: 1584.919

but you pose hypotheses so you say like

Time: 1587.399

how do we cure cancer but then you pose

Time: 1589.64

a hypothesis you say I think it's going

Time: 1592.72

to be cured by doing blank blank and

Time: 1594.08

blank and then you test that and you try

Time: 1595.279

and rule out your hypothesis it's a

Time: 1597.6

little bit of why I call it an

Time: 1598.96

experiment um so for instance um is

Time: 1604.039

there a way that you can get people to

Time: 1606.48

believe that they saw the numbers let's

Time: 1609.039

make it very simple 3 8 and seven when

Time: 1611.96

in fact you held up a piece of paper

Time: 1613.679

that said something very different is

Time: 1616.08

that have you done that before I I I see

Time: 1618.52

where you're going with this uh and I

Time: 1620.6

and I love use the word experiments one

Time: 1623.44

of my heroes Chan

Time: 1625.32

Canasta was a psychologist who who used

Time: 1628.559

psychology in his work uh as a magician

Time: 1631.84

as a mentalist and he didn't he never

Time: 1633.88

called his pieces uh tricks or magic he

Time: 1637.6

called them

Time: 1638.84

experiments and he was careful about it

Time: 1641.559

he it's not just uh an aesthetic Choice

Time: 1644.679

he wanted to to plant this SE

Time: 1649.08

in their mind experiment means it could

Time: 1652.159

fail okay which is a very good starting

Time: 1654.84

point for any dramatic uh because if

Time: 1658.12

something is going to work and but if

Time: 1660.6

there's something at stake something

Time: 1662.32

could fail people are more engaged so I

Time: 1664.799

love the word I sometimes use the word

Time: 1667.279

uh what's an experiment yeah it's like a

Time: 1669.559

these um crazy people that climb up the

Time: 1671.72

side of buildings with no ropes I mean

Time: 1674.24

we don't want to see them fall but the

Time: 1675.919

possibility that they could fall is

Time: 1677.32

what's exciting the the movie free solo

Time: 1679.6

cor with Alex hell we all know at the

Time: 1681.64

beginning he

Time: 1682.96

lives he he lives and yet you want to

Time: 1685.76

see it in case he might not live and

Time: 1688.12

even though you know he lives in some

Time: 1689.679

ways that's a a magic trick into itself

Time: 1691.84

that's the Brilliance of David Blaine

Time: 1693.6

who I consider one of my dearest friend

Time: 1695.64

and my one of my favorite magicians in

Time: 1697.559

the world and what he does I mean we can

Time: 1701.76

talk about him at length but you know

Time: 1704.76

blending real stuff with magic and it's

Time: 1708.679

almost sometimes it's hard to tell what

Time: 1710.88

is real and what's not and I I I even

Time: 1713.08

love that aspect and a lot of people

Time: 1717.279

don't know but all the stuff he does is

Time: 1720

real when he's holding his breath night

Time: 1722.32

after night in now in vegus at the wind

Time: 1725.76

10 minutes and you know sitting uh in

Time: 1730.36

the audience watching David do that is

Time: 1733.159


Time: 1734.08

inspiring because I look at it

Time: 1736.559

symbolically he is is showing us cuz he

Time: 1739.279

was inspired by a kid who survived um

Time: 1742.159

being trapped under ice for a long time

Time: 1745.279

in recovered to full recovery and and he

Time: 1749.08

goes if he can do it then everybody

Time: 1751.88

could and it's it's a beautiful to meets

Time: 1755.08

the message is so strong just beautiful

Time: 1758.96

I'd like to take a brief moment and

Time: 1760.519

thank one of our sponsors and that's ag1

Time: 1763.279

ag1 is a vitamin mineral probiotic drink

Time: 1766

that also contains adaptogens I started

Time: 1768.64

taking ag1 way back in 2012 the reason I

Time: 1771.88

started taking it and the reason I still

Time: 1773.399

take it every day is that it ensures

Time: 1775.279

that I meet all of my quotas for

Time: 1777

vitamins and minerals and it ensures

Time: 1779.399

that I get enough Prebiotic and

Time: 1780.799

probiotic to support gut health now gut

Time: 1783.36

health is something that over the last

Time: 1784.64

10 years we realized is not just

Time: 1786.96

important for the health of our gut but

Time: 1789.36

also for our immune system and for the

Time: 1792

production of neurotransmitters and

Time: 1793.44

neuromodulators things like dopamine and

Time: 1795.279

serotonin in other words gut health is

Time: 1797.32

critical for for proper brain

Time: 1798.96

functioning now of course I strive to

Time: 1800.88

consume healthy Whole Foods for the

Time: 1802.679

majority of my nutritional intake every

Time: 1804.96

single day but there are a number of

Time: 1806.96

things in ag1 including specific

Time: 1808.72

micronutrients that are hard to get from

Time: 1810.519

Whole Foods or at least in sufficient

Time: 1812.08

quantities so ag1 allows me to get the

Time: 1814.48

vitamins and minerals that I need

Time: 1815.96

probiotics prebiotics the adaptogens and

Time: 1818.72

critical micronutrients so anytime

Time: 1820.76

somebody asks me if they were to take

Time: 1822.64

Just One supplement what that supplement

Time: 1824.72

should be I tell them ag1 because ag1

Time: 1827.679

support so many different systems within

Time: 1829.519

the body that are involved in mental

Time: 1831.24

health physical health and performance

Time: 1833.08

to try ag1 go to drink huberman

Time: 1837

and you'll get a year supply of vitamin

Time: 1838.84

D3 K2 and five free travel packs of ag1

Time: 1842.36

again that's drink

Time: 1845.399

huberman Orient me again the question

Time: 1847.519

was yeah so the question is have you

Time: 1849.279

done or is it possible to get people to

Time: 1851.559

think that you're holding up a piece of

Time: 1852.96

paper that says now I forget the numbers

Time: 1855.039

my working memory wasn't engaged enough

Time: 1856.6

to do it uh whatever um 348 that's not

Time: 1859.96

what I said earlier when in fact they

Time: 1861.48

are looking at a piece of paper that

Time: 1862.919

says something different is that is that

Time: 1865.159

something that can be done absolutely

Time: 1867.44

absolutely there's a there's actually a

Time: 1868.88

piece where you you have a piece of

Time: 1870.679

paper literally printed a piece of paper

Time: 1872.88

and you control someone's mind you say

Time: 1875.399

uh I'm going to make you see things

Time: 1879.12

distorted you're not going to see

Time: 1880.799

reality the way everybody in this room

Time: 1882.519

incling me will see it starting now and

Time: 1886

it's literally a piece of paper that

Time: 1887.12

says two plus

Time: 1888.679

two and everybody can see it the entire

Time: 1891.799

audience can see it's 2 plus two what's

Time: 1893.96

the answer and it goes

Time: 1898.24

16 okay and let's try something easier 1

Time: 1901.639

+ one it goes

Time: 1904.279

24 and he he he's this guy is

Time: 1907.919

cognitively Smart Sharp he's not on

Time: 1911.519

drugs it cannot answer those questions

Time: 1914.96

it's an augmentation of reality and

Time: 1918.44

there that manifests in many forms in

Time: 1921.36

Magic the idea of seeing something that

Time: 1924.399

is in in a

Time: 1925.84

sort you know in the optical illusion

Time: 1928.679

land of what you see is not what you see

Time: 1932.279

and that's probably applicable to every

Time: 1933.88

trick you you'll ever see what you see

Time: 1935.36

it's not what you see it's what I want

Time: 1937.36

you to see and and I I love that and

Time: 1941.08

again the the that Chan Canasta guy

Time: 1944.36

spoke to you about he would go it would

Time: 1947.399

take three cards let's say ace of hearts

Time: 1950

King of Clubs seven of Spades three

Time: 1952.96

cards he'll go to a coffee

Time: 1955.12

shop and say uh choose one and they say

Time: 1959.279

King of Clubs thank you go to another

Time: 1962.32

table and he will do it all night and

Time: 1964.24

people what is he doing he's not doing

Time: 1966.24

any magic to them nothing he's just

Time: 1968.12

surveying the audience to see how they

Time: 1971.08

think right and this is information that

Time: 1974.679

we collect uh over the years like

Time: 1977.44

there's a

Time: 1978.519

something called um I can influence you

Time: 1981.08

let's say to take a specific card but it

Time: 1984.679

has to be done in such way that it feels

Time: 1986.399

like it was a free choice it was not a

Time: 1989.399

free choice and the difference between a

Time: 1992.2

good or a great magician and a decent

Time: 1994.399

magician or an okay magician is that one

Time: 1997.2

makes you feel like I chose this card

Time: 1999.679

there is no way you made me pick this

Time: 2002.36

card there is no

Time: 2004.08

way and that's a sort of augmentation

Time: 2007.24

it's you feel like you have control and

Time: 2010.2

yet you don't and you feel it with

Time: 2013.08

conviction you could swear are you sure

Time: 2016.24

that's the one so there's a famous

Time: 2018.72

famous um thing that he he used to do he

Time: 2022

would say I can make people change their

Time: 2023.6

mind or

Time: 2026.48

not and he says it up front he says I'm

Time: 2029.639

you're going to choose a card okay any

Time: 2032

card you like I'll go to the audience

Time: 2034.519

you point to any person you want they'll

Time: 2036.76

choose another card whatever they choose

Time: 2038.72

will be the card you're thinking

Time: 2040.24

of and then I'll give them 10 seconds to

Time: 2042.6

change their mind and if they do it will

Time: 2045.84

still be correct they can change their

Time: 2047.96

mind as many times as they want and I

Time: 2050.44

don't care once they say that's it

Time: 2052.56

that's the card that will be the card

Time: 2053.76

you're thinking

Time: 2054.72

of how can that be so the truth is and

Time: 2058.24

I'll reveal a little bit about

Time: 2060.04

that there is no trickery here as far as

Time: 2062.96

you know slide of hand or anything like

Time: 2065.159

that he literally was a master

Time: 2068.359

at making people either want to stick to

Time: 2071.639


Time: 2072.399

decision or change it he would basically

Time: 2076.44

manipulate their insecurity their ego

Time: 2080.079

something about them to either resist

Time: 2084.079

changing or to really want to change and

Time: 2087.72

and and and to me and I I I I have a

Time: 2092.159

conflict a dilemma about this because my

Time: 2095.639

whole foolest act which if want we can

Time: 2097.88

talk about is really based on on this

Time: 2100.92

conflict or this uh problem I have um

Time: 2105.079

sometimes the the method is way more

Time: 2108.119

beautiful than the effect

Time: 2110.28

itself so that's why I have no problem

Time: 2112.88

telling that Chen did that Chen found a

Time: 2115.8

way with uh using specific you know

Time: 2119.48

language or or gestures or whatnot

Time: 2122.52

without revealing too much to make

Time: 2124.4

somebody either stick to their choice or

Time: 2127.04

change their mind he could literally

Time: 2128.92

control their bias toward one or the

Time: 2131.119

other yes um does it involve touching

Time: 2133.48

their body in any particular way maybe

Time: 2136.119

maybe yeah many many times in your um

Time: 2139.48

performances and the performances of

Time: 2141.359

other mentalists and magicians they will

Time: 2143.92

say you know I pick a number or pick a

Time: 2145.64

card and then uh right before the trick

Time: 2148.359

is about to advance they'll say are you

Time: 2150.119

sure okay oh that's a big one and

Time: 2153.119

they'll say yes I'm sure or no I'm going

Time: 2155.359

to switch okay um and based on what you

Time: 2158.44

told us already um it's clear that the

Time: 2161.44

skilled Mentalist or magician can work

Time: 2163.88

with either scenario is maybe it's a bit

Time: 2166.119

of a it's the improvisation um but what

Time: 2168.88

I want to know is when you look at

Time: 2170.88

somebody's physical body how they sit

Time: 2173.839

their shape um and other features maybe

Time: 2177

how they dress how they stand maybe

Time: 2179.68

something about their eyes or their face

Time: 2182.24

can you make better predictions as to

Time: 2185.119

what sorts of numbers they'll pick

Time: 2186.599

whether or not they're going to stick to

Time: 2187.72

their choice or change their choice okay

Time: 2189.64

I think there's a lot of interest in

Time: 2190.839

this and maybe you could um since we're

Time: 2193

talking in generic terms and we're not

Time: 2194.44

presenting you with a line of people and

Time: 2195.92

asking um you which which person would

Time: 2198.319

do what um would you be willing to share

Time: 2201.2

what some of those cues are so I'm um

Time: 2205

you know me I wear this black shirt I

Time: 2206.92

have other shirts but I don't uh wear

Time: 2208.52

them on camera and um you know I comb my

Time: 2212.079

hair a certain way I sit a certain way I

Time: 2214.24

mean what sorts of predictions emerge

Time: 2217

from that or am I striking on the wrong

Time: 2219.44

variables so it's not the big things

Time: 2221.839

that that will reveal to me what cuz I I

Time: 2224.4

do kind of like profile a little bit for

Time: 2226.44

the magic purposes uh what kind of trick

Time: 2229.119

I will do with you and what I can't do

Time: 2231.119

with you what I will do with this guy or

Time: 2232.52

that guy right uh and it's not the shirt

Time: 2236.839

it's not how you wear your hair uh it's

Time: 2239.52

really small things and

Time: 2242.079

uh I can talk about many people that

Time: 2244.72

influence me avner The Eccentric is one

Time: 2247.079

of my favorite

Time: 2248.24

performers um his name is literally The

Time: 2251.16

Eccentric it's a it's a different name

Time: 2253.28

but he goes by alar the Ecentric and

Time: 2255.24

he's a wonderful performer it's it's

Time: 2258.24

even hard to categorize what he does but

Time: 2261.16

he's I'm doing the service a clown a

Time: 2264.24

mime a joggler a magician and I've never

Time: 2268.52

seen someone who's better at what we

Time: 2271.48

call audience management there something

Time: 2274.16

we call audience management is how do

Time: 2276.839

you interact with people and he's able

Time: 2280.24


Time: 2281.16

get again I'm I'm butchering his his uh

Time: 2285.16

uh his his class to to something very

Time: 2288.119

simple but he gets three s's from a

Time: 2291.2

person meaning I can ask you

Time: 2295.44

nonverbally to agree to participate with

Time: 2299.119

something I want you to do MH and he

Time: 2301.599

will do small things like just a little

Time: 2304.359

gesture and they he can see if they go

Time: 2306.48

for it he sees if there's that

Time: 2310.319

dance can we is that person comp

Time: 2313.28

complying to something very small or is

Time: 2316.359


Time: 2317.079

resisting and then easily I can go to

Time: 2319.28

the next person so and he's a master a

Time: 2322.52

master at uh doing that even breathing

Time: 2327.599

if I breathe a certain way when I this

Time: 2329.88

is it blew my mind when I first learned

Time: 2331.599

from anner it's like when you walk into

Time: 2334

a place so you don't see me I'm behind a

Time: 2337.2

curtain something and I walk in and the

Time: 2339.079

first thing I do

Time: 2341.24

is or as opposed

Time: 2344.4

to do I take the breath in or out when I

Time: 2348

the first step I take on stage and the

Time: 2350.839

audience in a weird way mimics that

Time: 2354.359

really yeah so if I

Time: 2358.28

go you feel you you kind of tend to

Time: 2361.119

relax with me it now if you want a more

Time: 2365.44

uh exaggerated examp example of that if

Time: 2368.16

you watch a movie and it's really tense

Time: 2370.04

and there's tension you will start

Time: 2372.04

feeling tension right we're we're kind

Time: 2374.76

of like empathy is a big big part of

Time: 2377.28

what we do uh that's why one of the

Time: 2380.8

things I choose to do in my show when I

Time: 2382.76

first start is not to start with the

Time: 2384.2

most amazing magic to blow your mind oh

Time: 2386.28

my God he's amazing it's it's it's more

Time: 2389.359

I I gear the first pieces

Time: 2391.72

towards connecting with you i' rather

Time: 2394.4

say something really endearing funny

Time: 2396.319

connecting truthful honest before I

Time: 2399.24

start trying to blow your mind why I

Time: 2402.4

want to connect with you first so we are

Time: 2405.48

you know a mother will be proud of her

Time: 2409.119

or her son's playing guitar and much

Time: 2410.68

more forgiving if he makes a little

Time: 2412.04

mistake or something but you'll every

Time: 2413.64

little achievement he will make she will

Time: 2415.2

be so proud of him because she has

Time: 2417.079

empathy she wants him to succeed she

Time: 2420.4

wants him to do well so I want you to

Time: 2423.56

adopt me I want you to to feel empathy

Time: 2425.88

towards me I want you to be I'm rooting

Time: 2427.839

for you this makes a lot of sense um I

Time: 2431.359

do some Live Events and I don't think

Time: 2433.64

about whether or not I exhale or inhale

Time: 2435.44

when I get out there but I definitely

Time: 2437.56

try and get out there and just kind of

Time: 2438.68

take it all in and relax and we have

Time: 2442.68

what I hope is a relaxing interesting

Time: 2445.04

conversation and you kind of work with

Time: 2446.839

the amplitude of excitement and and I'm

Time: 2448.64

not thinking about it in any kind of

Time: 2449.839

conscious way but this is actually a

Time: 2451.52

wonderful tool that I hope everyone will

Time: 2453.16

export from this conversation which is

Time: 2454.64

if you ever need to do public speaking

Time: 2456.96


Time: 2458.359

have probably a good long exhale as you

Time: 2460.52

get out there will be great everyone

Time: 2462.319

will relax it's also tough for me to see

Time: 2465.76

live theater because oftentimes if it's

Time: 2468.359

not going well for them I feel

Time: 2470.28

embarrassed for them I think people vary

Time: 2472.92

however in terms of their levels of

Time: 2474.2

empathic Attunement some people are very

Time: 2476.76

tuned into the emotional states of

Time: 2478.319

others and some are not so are there

Time: 2480.96

people in audiences assuming a

Time: 2484.04

relatively random array of people that

Time: 2486.599

are fairly rigid like you wouldn't want

Time: 2489.28

to you wouldn't call them up to the

Time: 2491.64

table okay um so when you select someone

Time: 2494.52

to come up in front of the crowd um are

Time: 2497.04

you uh basing that on some level of

Time: 2500.079

empathic Attunement that they're they're

Time: 2502.72

in sync with you absolutely so it starts

Time: 2505.56

with the first thing look you come in

Time: 2507.72

cold the audience as you said uh the

Time: 2510.64

first I quoting what AV here the first

Time: 2512.56

thing they do is they say I hope this

Time: 2513.92

doesn't suck and also the performer says

Time: 2517.56

I hope it doesn't it's not going to suck

Time: 2519.72

uh the the starting point is it depends

Time: 2522.76

expectation could vary you know if

Time: 2524.24

something is really highy and go oh this

Time: 2525.8

is going to be great or you've seen the

Time: 2527.2

artist and you trust them but if you

Time: 2529

come in cold you don't know the person

Time: 2531.68

you don't know if it's going to be great

Time: 2533.359

or not you just happened to be there and

Time: 2534.839

there's a magic show let's check it out

Time: 2537.44

there's there's tension there's almost

Time: 2540.319

like they're auditioning you uh I I

Time: 2544.319

wonder if it's going to be worth my time

Time: 2546.359

so and I don't care if people bought a

Time: 2548.44

ticket to see my off broadberry show or

Time: 2550.28

not the first 10 15 minutes it's really

Time: 2555.119

about telling them in so many you

Time: 2558.48

without words but telling them I'm here

Time: 2561.04

for you I'm here to connect with you and

Time: 2564.24

I'm here to to create this some some

Time: 2567.079

wonderful thing that we're going to feel

Time: 2568.92

together I want him to feel that it's

Time: 2571.48

like an intimacy yes and that to me by

Time: 2574.119

the way is way more important than me

Time: 2576.119

fooling people like

Time: 2577.64

if somebody came to me after the show

Time: 2579.2

and said oh wow your magic is

Time: 2581.04

unbelievable I have no idea how you did

Time: 2582.599

it that's the lowest compliment I can

Time: 2585.119

get and thankfully and gratefully often

Time: 2589.8

I get the uh the most common one is you

Time: 2593

know the magic was great

Time: 2595

but you we liked you they feel connected

Time: 2599.079

to you and I love that because to me the

Time: 2602.119

magic is important it's I want it to be

Time: 2604.599

really deceptive I want it to be you

Time: 2606.559

know impossible and beautiful and

Time: 2608.92

whatnot but to me it's also a vehicle to

Time: 2612.079

connect with people because at the end

Time: 2613.599

of the day that's what it is and that's

Time: 2614.92

the only difference I can have because

Time: 2617

there's a lot of magicians a lot of

Time: 2618.599

people can do magic that's that you

Time: 2620.079

can't figure out that's the lowest bar

Time: 2623.16

you fool me good

Time: 2625.64

magician make me feel magic higher and

Time: 2629.52

maybe feel magic and connect it's like

Time: 2633.16

if somebody cannot even explain what I

Time: 2634.92

did in my show and goes you had to be

Time: 2636.839


Time: 2637.8

that's something Steve Martin says all

Time: 2639.079

the time you had to be there I can't

Time: 2641.44

tell you with words what it's like to

Time: 2643.64

see his show you have to see it in

Time: 2646.319

person that to me is a very high goal uh

Time: 2650.359

of of uh like I wanted to remember the

Time: 2654

experience and the feeling rather than

Time: 2656.52

particular oh the not I want

Time: 2659.28

to to care about what they experienced

Time: 2663.92

emotionally and that's how I recall the

Time: 2666.079

trick that you did outside

Time: 2667.68

U the person who initially connected us

Time: 2669.68

a just absolutely terrific um what I

Time: 2673.04

call close contact uh card magician

Time: 2675.16

Franco pascali yes here in Los Angeles

Time: 2678.04

um he has amazing uh card skills he does

Time: 2682.16

um something with his card tricks I

Time: 2684.04

noticed um I'll go to the magic assle as

Time: 2686.359

often as possible and I just watch and

Time: 2687.839

like to take this in and I try and think

Time: 2689.079

about the Neuroscience behind it as you

Time: 2690.88

can tell and um when he lands a

Time: 2694.8

trick um meaning when the person takes

Time: 2697.16

the card and says oh my goodness you

Time: 2698.44

know like how did you know it's like the

Time: 2700.119

the ace switches the card whatever it is

Time: 2702.52

Franco also acts surprised he joins you

Time: 2706.559

as an audience member momentarily he

Time: 2708.4

goes oh and then and then he goes back

Time: 2710.599

to being the the the magician and I find

Time: 2713.88

that especially important for people to

Time: 2716.76

understand because you do the same and I

Time: 2718.88

always say having studied the lectures

Time: 2721.319

of many many spectacular scientists and

Time: 2724.52

lecturers that the best lecturers in the

Time: 2727.28

classroom obviously are teaching the

Time: 2729.599

material from a place of deep

Time: 2731.28

understanding of the material one would

Time: 2732.96

hope right um so they have Mastery of

Time: 2735.4

the material in some case virtuosity

Time: 2737.24

with the material but as they're

Time: 2739.48

presenting the material to people who

Time: 2740.92

know nothing about

Time: 2742.4

it they themselves are showing their

Time: 2745.559

Delight in the material as if it's the

Time: 2747.24

first time they've ever seen it and so

Time: 2749

they are both student and teacher at the

Time: 2750.72

same time and you feel immense resonance

Time: 2752.839

with them that's nice and it reminds me

Time: 2754.8

of the experience of seeing you do magic

Time: 2757.76

or Mentalist work sure um I'm yet to see

Time: 2760.72

you go oh my goodness but I think it's

Time: 2763.119

the um the sense that you're

Time: 2765.96

collaborating in

Time: 2767.52

something and there's this giving over

Time: 2769.88

of self like I'm I trust aie to take me

Time: 2772.96

someplace with this so the resistant

Time: 2775.64

people the people that sort of like I'm

Time: 2777.599

not going to let him fool me right

Time: 2780.079

what's so amazing is that in your shows

Time: 2781.8

often times those people are the ones

Time: 2784.04

that are the ones walking out just

Time: 2785.48

shaking their heads I know because

Time: 2787

brought some of them along to your shows

Time: 2788.839

going there's no way there's no way and

Time: 2792.68

yet you you you got them so do the

Time: 2794.96

resistant people serve a role even if

Time: 2796.64

they're not called up of course yeah

Time: 2798.44

what role do Skeptics play in convincing

Time: 2800.96

other people that something happened

Time: 2802.359

that didn't really happen so first of

Time: 2804.28

all the transformation let's somebody's

Time: 2807.24

a Believer and you you show magic and

Time: 2809.559

nice it's it's wonderful we can

Time: 2811.079

celebrate magic together but if

Time: 2812.88

somebody's a skeptic really skeptical

Time: 2815.96

and have had really I and I and I sense

Time: 2819.599

that I could convert them I could

Time: 2821.52

transform them and the audience watches

Time: 2824.319

this transformation so we going from

Time: 2826.28

here to here that's a a wonderful thing

Time: 2829.48

so I every now and then I will recognize

Time: 2831.48

the person who's like and you slowly

Time: 2834.04

start to see him melt and softens it's

Time: 2837.24

almost like a musician at a wedding you

Time: 2839.24

know there are the people that jump up

Time: 2840.24

and dance immediately but if you're a

Time: 2842.119

skilled musician you get that person

Time: 2843.96

that you know their their wife is saying

Time: 2845.76

come on let's dance and M won't move and

Time: 2848.4

then maybe you hit a certain Motif in

Time: 2850.28

the music and the person Taps their foot

Time: 2851.8

a little bit moves their head and then

Time: 2853.68

there are certain people that they won't

Time: 2855

dance at all unless their song comes up

Time: 2856.92

and then they like Dart to the dance

Time: 2858.2

floor sounds a little bit like that and

Time: 2860.04

you've captured them you've captured

Time: 2861.28

their emotion you've captured their

Time: 2862.48

willingness you've captured their whole

Time: 2864.92

body willingness to participate in

Time: 2867.52

something that a minute before they were

Time: 2869.68

either too embarrassed too stubborn or

Time: 2871.8

too tired to engage in so here's the

Time: 2874.48

deal magic could be an often is

Time: 2878.76

intimidating I am basically challenging

Time: 2881.16

your intellect I in and some people if

Time: 2884.079

they take it the wrong way they what

Time: 2886.319

they hear is you're telling me that

Time: 2889.319

you're smarter than me you're telling me

Time: 2891.599

you know things I don't know and I'm not

Time: 2893.599

even close to knowing so screw you and

Time: 2897.88

and they they will reject it

Time: 2901.04

aggressively like I've

Time: 2903.48

had thankfully it's a percent uh a time

Time: 2907.48

when I you know we do walk around magic

Time: 2909.04

and I go and some people as soon as they

Time: 2910.96

see me go no no no no thanks they don't

Time: 2913.559

want to see it and and I I to me that

Time: 2916.92

that drove me knots like why don't they

Time: 2918.8

want to see they don't even know what

Time: 2919.88

I'm about to offer you're going to

Time: 2921.359

violate their sense of self trust that's

Time: 2924.319

I think the fear absolutely and and as a

Time: 2928.64

magician or as an artist if I if I use

Time: 2931.92


Time: 2932.92

but my goal is to also educate them as I

Time: 2937.559

do the magic that we're creating this

Time: 2940.4

safe space where these things could

Time: 2942.839

happen and it's clear that the I'm I'm

Time: 2946.48

using it for your own good I I you know

Time: 2948.799

I did a whole fullest act exactly about

Time: 2952.16

knowing and not knowing so I uh I'm not

Time: 2954.64

going to spoil too much if people want

Time: 2955.96

to see it they can see it

Time: 2958.079

um I'll tell you a backstory on this if

Time: 2960.319

you don't mind so Tommy the three major

Time: 2963.839

um Heroes of magic are Ju

Time: 2967.599

Tommy wander and Chan Canasta are they

Time: 2970.52

alive still Chan is not not and uh Tommy

Time: 2973.96

past Juan is still kicking butt in

Time: 2976.92

Madrid I think I saw him at the castle

Time: 2979.4

he's very um very um exuberant yeah okay

Time: 2983.2

he's so he's a a hero and and

Time: 2986.04

uh I'm his student so but let's talk

Time: 2989.839

about Tommy for SEC so Tommy for a long

Time: 2993.24

time he he did Magic that that magicians

Time: 2997.04

did not know how it works it's it was so

Time: 2998.88

devious that even magicians did not know

Time: 3000.64

how it works and at some point he

Time: 3003

released some DVDs to teach his

Time: 3006.319

magic and the trick is is very simple

Time: 3008.68

you borrow someone's watch it disappears

Time: 3011.839

and there's a table right next to him

Time: 3014.24

with a little box and a ribbon and he

Time: 3016.68

literally grabs the ribbon so he never

Time: 3019.319

touches the Box lifts the Box gives it

Time: 3022.119

to somebody he opens it inside there's

Time: 3025.04

an alarm clock they unscrewed the alarm

Time: 3027.96

clock and inside is their watch no I

Time: 3031

mean yes yes but even magicians who saw

Time: 3035.28

that they go I have no idea how it's

Time: 3037.44

done no idea and then I remember

Time: 3041.119

watching the explanation for the first

Time: 3044.16

time and I was thinking that the

Time: 3047.64

method was by far more interesting

Time: 3051.319


Time: 3053.72

revealing just beautiful it made the

Time: 3057.079

trick less like I said you should

Time: 3059.799

perform the explanation don't perform

Time: 3061.559

the trick perform the expl and and I I I

Time: 3064.799

I I broke the rules of magic like my My

Time: 3067.68

non- Magician friends will come over and

Time: 3069.16

say let let me showare something and I

Time: 3070.319

show them the trick and they go wow

Time: 3071.4

that's amazing let me show the

Time: 3072.799

explanation and their mind was blown are

Time: 3075.96

you willing to share a little bit of

Time: 3077.16

what the explanation is or is that not

Time: 3078.88

no no okay but but I will explain a

Time: 3080.96

little bit so the EXP I tell what the

Time: 3083.359

explation was that it revealed that he's

Time: 3085.16

an engineer that he can build props that

Time: 3088.16

are like

Time: 3090.44

ingenious uh in some again I'm going

Time: 3093.64

around it but at some point the person

Time: 3096.16

who opens the Box is's doing part of the

Time: 3098.76

trick and he doesn't know it he's he's

Time: 3101.52

creating the trick but he doesn't know

Time: 3103.04

he's contributing something to it um and

Time: 3106.119

it's just beautiful metaphorically

Time: 3108.28

symbolically it's on so it hits so many

Time: 3110.2

levels at least and that planted a SE in

Time: 3112.28

my mind I want to create an effect that

Time: 3116.599

the method is prettier than the trick

Time: 3118.24

itself so I worked for 5 years to create

Time: 3122.04

an explanation a pseudo explanation to a

Time: 3125.359

trick that was just beautiful and it was

Time: 3129.799

an opportunity to I don't have you seen

Time: 3131.68

it I don't know if youve this the one

Time: 3132.68

you did for pen and Teller yeah I um you

Time: 3135.4

can describe it or I can describe it I

Time: 3137.319

mean let see how I remember it um you're

Time: 3139.16

right uh I I have more interest in

Time: 3141.119

listening than speaking um but I'll I'll

Time: 3143.839

tell you how I remember it okay um

Time: 3145.64

you're in a very you're in front of a

Time: 3147.119

very large audience that includes the um

Time: 3149.72

scientist slash uh show guys at pen and

Time: 3152.96

Teller who basically debunk stuff

Time: 3154.76

they're kind of they tried to figure it

Time: 3155.88

out they try and figure stuff out um

Time: 3158.92

some they are asked to pick someone in

Time: 3161.799

the audience they pick a guy as I recall

Time: 3164.72

you wore a green and white sweater wow

Time: 3167.119

you have a good memory yeah um he stands

Time: 3169.64

up and um ask him to pick a card I think

Time: 3173.96

I forget what it is a jack of clubs

Time: 3175.92


Time: 3177.04

um let's just say for sake of example

Time: 3178.44

Jack of clubs you said are you sure

Time: 3180.28

you're now on stage mind you there are

Time: 3182.28

hundreds of people in the audience maybe

Time: 3184.079

more and you say are you sure and he

Time: 3186.119

goes yeah and then he goes and you say

Time: 3188.04

are you very sure and he say no I'm

Time: 3189.44

gonna switch so now you first of all you

Time: 3191.68

have a good memory uh that perhaps

Time: 3193.799

perhaps um I've been I've been accused

Time: 3196.559

of I have a little bit of an

Time: 3197.799

audiographic memory for certain things

Time: 3200.28

but not a visual uh memory that's

Time: 3202.319

perfect they're sort of adjacent we

Time: 3204.319

could talk about that sometime at

Time: 3205.4

something helps you if you need to learn

Time: 3207.52

neuron Anatomy that's about it can be

Time: 3209.24

cultivated okay so then he switches the

Time: 3212.64

card let's just call it um uh I don't

Time: 3215.96

know Jack of uh Spades right okay um or

Time: 3220.119

King King of Spades say let's say Jack

Time: 3221.92

of Spades and

Time: 3224

then next to you on the table up on the

Time: 3227.559

stage is a a table a round table um with

Time: 3231.2

a plexiglass Box Cigar Box Cigar Box

Time: 3234.68

it's clear no no not yet no not yet

Time: 3237.16

later later okay at first it's just a

Time: 3239.2

wooden cigar wooden box that's right and

Time: 3241.28

a mug a white mug not unlike the mug I

Time: 3243.96

have here except white you take a sip

Time: 3245.64

from that mug and then at some point

Time: 3248.839

during this exchange and then you um

Time: 3252.2

open the box yes and you pull from the

Time: 3255

box of course the card that he selected

Time: 3258.599

and everyone say goes oh my goodness how

Time: 3261.28

could that possibly be because obviously

Time: 3264.72

anyone could have been selected in the

Time: 3265.96

audience he switched his choice Etc um

Time: 3269.16

but then you reveal how the trick is

Time: 3271.24

done or at least seemingly reveal it

Time: 3273.88

which is that beneath the Box there's

Time: 3276.48

some uh a bunch of different decks of

Time: 3278.319

cards on 52 on a Turn Style So within

Time: 3280.96

each one a um right and I I missed a

Time: 3284

piece of it you you pull out the whole

Time: 3285.2

deck and only one card is turned over

Time: 3286.799

and all the other cards are blank all

Time: 3288.24

the other cards are blank right so

Time: 3289.599

there's more to it so then it turns out

Time: 3291.599

that there are 52 different decks

Time: 3292.799

underneath the table and it's on a Turn

Time: 3295.04

Style so you can actually dial it and

Time: 3296.92

let's let's keep the ending surprise

Time: 3298.799

right so there's there's a surprise

Time: 3300.28

ending to it right so so then it at

Time: 3302.839

least seemingly makes sense as to how AI

Time: 3306.119

did this he has a all the different

Time: 3308.44

option possible options available to him

Time: 3311.04

physically but the audience doesn't

Time: 3312.44

realize that also that the mug by the

Time: 3314.52

way engages a magnet system that allows

Time: 3316.68

him to dial the the deck of cards to the

Time: 3319.799

correct one that allows him to match the

Time: 3321.319

choice so it truly could be any card in

Time: 3324.559

the deck good meaning it's all

Time: 3327.039

the so the straightforward explanation

Time: 3328.559

is it's all physical trickery by way of

Time: 3331.079

props correct so here's the deal uh what

Time: 3334.48

I tried to achieve with this piece is

Time: 3336.72

first to make people feel magic so the

Time: 3340.039

trick it's a good trick you know name

Time: 3341.839

any card the the card he named was

Time: 3344.92

reversed and then it was the only blue

Time: 3347.16

card in the deck and then all the other

Time: 3348.92

cards were blank so it's clearly the

Time: 3351.92

only card he could have named and he did

Time: 3353.72

switch is uh which is amazing detail

Time: 3355.599

that you remembered he did switch from

Time: 3357.359

the King of Clubs to the King of Spades

Time: 3359.799

something like that yeah

Time: 3361.44

now so people felt what it's like to see

Time: 3366.599

a good car trik right and then I wanted

Time: 3369.52

her to feel what it's like to

Time: 3371.799

know and the lesson here is you know you

Time: 3376.319

could satisfy your curiosity oh that's

Time: 3378.4

how it's done and you can go on with

Time: 3380.079

your life and that's it and and that's

Time: 3383.079

what happens to a magician when you

Time: 3384.88

first learn the secrets to

Time: 3386.799

you know something that fooled you

Time: 3388.799


Time: 3389.64

disappointment I remember the first shg

Time: 3391.76

that was revealed to me um it was a

Time: 3395.119

little red handkerchief stuffed into the

Time: 3398.2


Time: 3400.039

gone and I'm like what do it again and

Time: 3404.24

he did it

Time: 3405.88

again he did 10 times in a row I

Time: 3409.039

couldn't and then he explain to me how

Time: 3411.079

it's done and the secret was so simple

Time: 3415.16

and stupid

Time: 3417.48

no didn't that you share with us no no

Time: 3421.48

no but I gotta tell you it was primitive

Time: 3423.68

it was simple and in the moment he

Time: 3426.039

revealed the gimmick that caused the

Time: 3428.68

anchor Chief to

Time: 3430.2

disappear I could not see the trick

Time: 3432.72

again every time he do it's this yeah

Time: 3436.68

it's like falling out of

Time: 3438.2

love something like yeah that's really I

Time: 3441.319

mean a previous guest on the podcast

Time: 3443.4

Carl di Roth one of the best

Time: 3445.119

bioengineers nor scientist and

Time: 3446.559

psychiatrist in the world um went on Lex

Time: 3449.319

Friedman podcast and they were talking

Time: 3451

about love and Carl said something

Time: 3453.28

interesting that's very relevant here he

Time: 3455.96

said um he's a colleag you mine at

Time: 3458.48

Stanford very poetic guy um he said you

Time: 3461.68

know love between two people romantic

Time: 3465.52

love that is is one of the few things in

Time: 3468.96

life that we collaborate with someone to

Time: 3472.119

story something into the future H you

Time: 3475.72

know this is different than the love of

Time: 3476.88

a child or a sibling or a parent or a

Time: 3478.799

pet Etc or a friend right that you

Time: 3481.4

you're creating a story that's based on

Time: 3483.119

real experience of past and present but

Time: 3485.64

there's this storying forward of love

Time: 3488.92

that's great and um and falling out of

Time: 3491.48

love involves of course the ending of

Time: 3493.28

the story moving forward but also a in

Time: 3496.319

some cases sadly a revision of the

Time: 3500.839

events of the past I like I it's great

Time: 3504.88

it's it's very close it's very close to

Time: 3508.68

to the feeling you have as a magician

Time: 3511.16

the first time you a tri get exposed

Time: 3514.96

right it disappoints you

Time: 3517.88

because you have a desire for it to be

Time: 3521.4

real the the desire of a young magician

Time: 3525.359

is when I see something like that is

Time: 3526.72

that it's a supernatural power and the F

Time: 3529.799

the first thing you you you understand

Time: 3531.72

is that it's not Supernatural that it's

Time: 3534.359

quite simple and primitive

Time: 3537.359

and it fooled you because of all the

Time: 3539.16

psychology and and the desire like

Time: 3541.2

everything we spoke about my desire to

Time: 3542.839

be to see magic uh the the the fact of

Time: 3546.119

the idea of misdirection which we can

Time: 3547.96

talk about at

Time: 3549.2

length misdirection

Time: 3551.64

means I provide something very

Time: 3554.599

interesting for you to

Time: 3556.44

follow and you will follow that path

Time: 3559.319

because it's the most interesting at the

Time: 3561.16

moment to

Time: 3562.48

follow and in the

Time: 3564.599

background in the sh shadiness of of

Time: 3567.359

Life some dirty stuff happen but you

Time: 3571.48

don't pay attention because I don't

Time: 3573.079

feature it it's not important and I make

Time: 3575.44

you render it is not

Time: 3577.28

important so it does that right and it's

Time: 3581.48

disappointment but there's good news if

Time: 3584.48

you keep up with magic and you start to

Time: 3586.68

understand that to do a trick the

Time: 3589.88

secret the the the actual how you did it

Time: 3593.52

is 1% of the the whole procedure and

Time: 3596.44

there's much more to doing that trick

Time: 3599.96

effectively which is

Time: 3601.839


Time: 3603.559


Time: 3605.079

uh doing it in such way that somebody

Time: 3608.119

cares about it and and that is a

Time: 3611.079

lifetime of of uh pondering and

Time: 3613.96


Time: 3615.76

so you

Time: 3617.599

have maybe you'll find analogy with love

Time: 3619.92

again I don't know there's also this

Time: 3622.88

time when you start appreciating it

Time: 3624.44

again appreciate the secret again

Time: 3626.96

because you understand the Nuance you

Time: 3629.559

understand the complexity of this simple

Time: 3632.64

thing and that that's what happened to

Time: 3634.88

me so I in some magic which is the

Time: 3638.64

exception is the table that we spoke

Time: 3640.119

about that I didn't fool us or Tommy W's

Time: 3642.52

table where the effect is so so so

Time: 3646.64

magnificent that you do appreciate it

Time: 3648.319

immediately but those are rare most

Time: 3650.839

magic is simple dirty and to the point

Time: 3655.24

but it

Time: 3656.52

achieves uh something that looks very

Time: 3660.359

complex perhaps now would be the

Time: 3662.76

appropriate time for you to reveal the

Time: 3665.68

the the non reveal of the explanation of

Time: 3668.44

the trick because one of the amazing

Time: 3670.92

things about the trick that you did with

Time: 3674.039

selecting the card that the gentleman in

Time: 3676.24

the audience of pen and Teller had

Time: 3678.24

mentally and verbally selected is that

Time: 3681.24

at the very end after everyone believes

Time: 3684.64

they Now understand how the trick is

Time: 3686.4

done the Turn Style table the magnet the

Time: 3689.119

the coffee mug you proceed to strip away

Time: 3693.119

the the curtain the curtain around the

Time: 3694.88

table and pull out a piece of paper not

Time: 3698.44

52 decks of cards it's a picture or 52

Time: 3701.359

it's a picture which means that the

Time: 3703.079

explanation that they got while entirely

Time: 3706.359

plausible if that's actually what had

Time: 3708.44

happened is not at all what had happened

Time: 3710.079

in other words you pop out at the end

Time: 3713.079

that they don't actually know how it's

Time: 3714.599

done you know how it's done and I'm not

Time: 3717

even going to bother to ask you um how

Time: 3718.76

it's done because you're not going to

Time: 3719.839

reveal it in other words people were

Time: 3721.68

misdirected into thinking they

Time: 3722.96

understood the trick and therefore kind

Time: 3725.48

of there's a bit of a let down it's

Time: 3728.319

interesting but it's just mechanics

Time: 3730.599

magnets and and then you reveal that uh

Time: 3733.599

their understanding is actually not real

Time: 3736.68

yes and and the reason I wanted to go

Time: 3739.4

there it's so I wanted them to feel

Time: 3741.96

magic then to feel what it's like to

Time: 3744.2

know something and the the fact that

Time: 3746.24


Time: 3747.319

irreversible you can't unknow a trick

Time: 3749.559

once you know how it's done and then I

Time: 3752.039

what I said look I made a choice I chose

Time: 3754.44

to learn the secrets to Magic and I'm

Time: 3756.119

paying a price for it I cannot see magic

Time: 3758.24

the way you can I cannot enjoy the way

Time: 3761.24

my audience can and in a weird way I'm

Time: 3763.799

experienced magic only through their

Time: 3765.319

eyes when I see somebody goes wow

Time: 3768.44

through you I can experience it but

Time: 3770.799

that's it I

Time: 3771.88

cannot firsthand experience magic the

Time: 3775.039

way you can

Time: 3776.359

so I said I'm not here to make that

Time: 3778.48

choice for you so let me bring you back

Time: 3780.44

to safety to the place you were at it's

Time: 3784.4

a place I envy to mystery and then I

Time: 3788.119

revealed that the whole explanation was

Time: 3790.44

Bogus the whole thing was just another

Time: 3792.72

lie and I'm establishing another thing

Time: 3795.079

that as a magician I have a license to

Time: 3797.92

lie to you and it's okay cuz that's my

Time: 3801.279

job and therefore it makes it honest and

Time: 3803.559

we're collaborating in that to some

Time: 3805.119

extent because when people go to a magic

Time: 3806.72

show they understand that another former

Time: 3809

guest on the podcast Rick Rubin who

Time: 3811.88

needs no introduction um but by the way

Time: 3814.4

he's a big fan of magic um has said to

Time: 3816.72

me before um that there are only two

Time: 3820.88

things in life that are absolutely true

Time: 3823.319

one is nature right they're real truths

Time: 3825.52

they're real laws and Rules of Nature

Time: 3827.92

yeah and the other is uh for him uh

Time: 3830.319

professional wrestling because uh Rick

Time: 3832.72

loves professional wrestling he's a

Time: 3834.48

lifetime member of the aw and the WWE

Time: 3837.599

I've gone to see wrestling with him and

Time: 3839.559

the reason he believes it's one of the

Time: 3841

few things that's real is that everyone

Time: 3843.079

knows it's not real and so everyone

Time: 3845.44

agrees to collaborate in this story this

Time: 3847.279

theater of these guys hate each other

Time: 3849.64

this woman and this woman are now

Time: 3851.319

friends they're collaborators and so

Time: 3853.44

unlike everything else which is

Time: 3854.72

completely made up and you're not sure

Time: 3856.599

what's real and what's uh fake with

Time: 3859.359

professional wrestling and with nature

Time: 3861.48

it's a real truth I would add to that

Time: 3863.4

magic because when we go to see magic we

Time: 3866.92

want to be

Time: 3868.92

astonished most people do we want our

Time: 3872.839

perceptions to be uh violated right what

Time: 3877.2

we believe is there isn't there Etc um

Time: 3880.68

and yet we are doing this consensually

Time: 3884.079

we we're doing this and so we're

Time: 3885.4

agreeing like let's collaborate in in a

Time: 3887.48

in a lie that there's this thing called

Time: 3889.4

Magic um I guess and that's a pretty ill

Time: 3892

defined term in its own right where you

Time: 3893.68

know this idea that physical objects can

Time: 3895.839

be made to disappear violate the rules

Time: 3897.52

of nature of physics um and unless

Time: 3900.64

you're of a certain ilk out there in the

Time: 3902.839

world that simply is not the case the

Time: 3905.24

laws of nature hold so maybe there's

Time: 3908.48

another analogy there because we know

Time: 3911.4

that professional wrestlers are faking

Time: 3914.72

it and we know a magician fakes it too

Time: 3917.44

he fakes Supernatural Powers right

Time: 3919.76

they're doing real things in wrestling

Time: 3921.44

but they're not actually trying to harm

Time: 3922.92

one another correct right they're

Time: 3924.68


Time: 3926.2

but it's almost a cargraph fight right

Time: 3928.4

yes I think there's some my

Time: 3930

understanding is based on discussions

Time: 3931.4

with Rick and professional wrestlers um

Time: 3934.559

that Rick has introduced me to is that

Time: 3936.319

there's some room for improvisation and

Time: 3938.839

occasionally people will hurt one

Time: 3940.44

another um accidentally sometimes there

Time: 3942.64

are real conflicts that are created yeah

Time: 3945.079

just like in the theater people will

Time: 3946.839

have relationships off stage Etc and it

Time: 3948.76

creates conflict on stage and that's the

Time: 3951

where the theater of life meets the

Time: 3952.4

theater of the stage and vice versa so I

Time: 3955.44

would would add to that maybe maybe I'm

Time: 3957.16

wrong um that you do a magic show and

Time: 3960.76

you know an educated person a smart

Time: 3963.839

person who knows that what I do is

Time: 3966.72


Time: 3968.359

Conjuring uh but every now and then they

Time: 3970.64

might ask I wonder if that was real that

Time: 3975

little part he just did maybe that was

Time: 3976.96

real so there's there's a moment I think

Time: 3980.16

in Magic where even the smartest guy who

Time: 3983.16

knows I do tricks I go yeah this is all

Time: 3986.039

tricks but maybe what he just did now

Time: 3989

maybe that was real like make it when

Time: 3990.799

you say real you mean violates the rules

Time: 3993.76

of physics so um taking a card holding

Time: 3995.96

it up clenching your fist making it

Time: 3997.359

disappear I'm giving simple kind of

Time: 3998.92

silly mind reading or or is they say

Time: 4001.76

maybe he's able to do those things

Time: 4003.599

psychologically or whatnot right and

Time: 4006.319

maybe that happens also in wrestling

Time: 4008.279

they say yeah it's fake but I think that

Time: 4009.96

moment was real so there's an inkling or

Time: 4013.079

moment where because I think you to

Time: 4015.72

create this

Time: 4016.92

drama and to me that that existed magic

Time: 4020.16

is he real is he fake uh did I figure it

Time: 4022.68

out or did I not figure it out am I Clos

Time: 4024.4

or am I not there's constant conflict in

Time: 4026.72

a magic show that you go in and out of

Time: 4028.64

and I wonder if that happens in resting

Time: 4030.2

as well where you you know it's fake but

Time: 4032.4

maybe there's something that was real or

Time: 4034.96

this happened and that was not planned

Time: 4037.559

so I think that

Time: 4039.64

this just the thinking the fact that you

Time: 4043

invested into thinking what is is real

Time: 4046.24

and what is not is intriguing I'd like

Time: 4049.52

to just take a quick break and

Time: 4050.839

acknowledge one of our sponsors insid

Time: 4052.799

tracker inside tracker is a personalized

Time: 4055.319

nutrition platform that analyzes data

Time: 4057.24

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Time: 4059.359

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Time: 4061

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Time: 4063.039

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Time: 4064.68

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Time: 4066.68

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Time: 4068.44

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Time: 4070.44

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Time: 4071.92

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Time: 4074.64

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Time: 4076.16

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Time: 4077.76

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Time: 4079.599

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Time: 4081.68

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Time: 4083.599

inside tracker they make it very easy to

Time: 4085.52

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Time: 4087.079

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Time: 4089.599

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Time: 4091.24

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Time: 4093

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Time: 4095.119

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Time: 4097.719

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Time: 4099.48

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Time: 4101.04

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Time: 4103.239

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Time: 4104.92

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Time: 4109.839

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Time: 4112.08

insid tracker's plans again that's

Time: 4113.799


Time: 4115.6

tocom I think um there's a much larger

Time: 4118.199

theme here that we're veering toward and

Time: 4120

I'm getting excited because this has to

Time: 4122.08

do with how the brain works and it and

Time: 4124.64

there examples in different domains but

Time: 4126.4

to come to mind now Rick and I sometimes

Time: 4129.08

hang out um here in Los Angeles and that

Time: 4131.48

there's a place where we do sauna and

Time: 4132.839

cold and it looks out on the ocean and

Time: 4135.64

um Rick once turned to me and said um

Time: 4139.4

you know isn't it interesting you know

Time: 4140.719

we know that there're all these animals

Time: 4142.04

under the water dolphins and whales and

Time: 4144.239

all this stuff sharks and uh but when we

Time: 4147.279

see a

Time: 4148.52

dolphin or a group of dolphins or we see

Time: 4151.719

a whale breach it's like people are

Time: 4154.96

just delighted now they're beautiful

Time: 4157.199

animals but often times it's just a tail

Time: 4159.96

slapping the top and I think and he said

Time: 4162.239

I wonder if it's because it reminds us

Time: 4164.719

of how much is going on there underneath

Time: 4166.6

the surface and and I love that because

Time: 4169.759

I think a he's right you know I've done

Time: 4172.04

some snorkeling some scuba diving you

Time: 4173.52

see lots of stuff and it's a it's a

Time: 4175.159

brilliant experience to see all that and

Time: 4177.04

to be a fish of sorts and be breathing

Time: 4178.679

underwater but there is something

Time: 4181.4

Magnificent about seeing an aquatic

Time: 4183.759

animal breach the surface and it and it

Time: 4186.359

goes beyond just seeing the animal it's

Time: 4188.08

like a reminder of all these other

Time: 4189.52

things that are likely happening that

Time: 4190.719

are outside our usual perception and so

Time: 4194.04

that's what comes to mind there

Time: 4195.88

um and then I had another example but I

Time: 4197.52

but I can't think of it now um where oh

Time: 4200.92

it's in um Sports you know I always

Time: 4202.96

think of there's unskilled skilled

Time: 4204.6

Mastery and virtuosity and and

Time: 4206.32

virtuosity in music like yoyo ma um or

Time: 4210.719

in sport I don't know pick up I don't

Time: 4212.679

know Michael Jordan whatever favorite

Time: 4213.96

sport this idea that maybe they don't

Time: 4216.32

even know what they're going to do next

Time: 4217.88

that there's some improvisation at the

Time: 4219.88

level of extreme Mastery where you're

Time: 4223.64

going to see something you've never seen

Time: 4225.4

before and I think that's what Delights

Time: 4227.8

people it's not just about getting the

Time: 4229

ball into the end zone or the ball into

Time: 4230.44

the basket or playing a piece of music

Time: 4232.239

it's the idea of something happening for

Time: 4233.64

the first time and maybe again as with

Time: 4235.36

the earlier example that the person

Time: 4237.239

performing The Athlete the musician Etc

Time: 4240.32

the magician the mentalists they

Time: 4243.199

themselves are delighted by what just

Time: 4245.719

happened they didn't even realize it was

Time: 4247.32

going to happen and you collaborate in

Time: 4249

this like wow life holds far more than I

Time: 4253.199

experience on my daily perceptual

Time: 4256.199

kind of

Time: 4257.04

framework yeah could very well could be

Time: 4259.08

and I think your shows bring people to

Time: 4260.88

that I I want to um return to a couple

Time: 4263.6

of ideas first of all we've been talking

Time: 4264.92

about emotion and collaboration a lot

Time: 4266.76

sure um we've had a guest on the podcast

Time: 4269.36

David Spiegel he's our associate chair

Time: 4270.8

of Psychiatry at Stanford who does

Time: 4272.52

clinical hypnosis uh which it brings

Time: 4275.36

people into a state of calm plus a very

Time: 4277.44

constrained context where they're more

Time: 4279.4

likely to think about certain things

Time: 4280.92

than others how much of what you do with

Time: 4284.44

an individual group of people in your

Time: 4287.719

craft involves hypnosis constraining the

Time: 4291.199

context in other words eliminating

Time: 4293.64

certain patterns of thinking to make

Time: 4295.84

other certain patterns of thinking more

Time: 4297.44

likely is that like a a storytelling

Time: 4300.08

like you start telling me a story a

Time: 4301.4

horror story or a mystery or a comedy

Time: 4303.159

story I'm shutting down whatever you're

Time: 4305.48

not talking about is that is that

Time: 4307.159

something that you do yeah so so first

Time: 4309.92

of we have theatrical hypnosis people

Time: 4311.92

that do shows where they get they gather

Time: 4314.32

about 20 people stage and they start

Time: 4316.32

making them dance like chickens right um

Time: 4320.239

I've never been full on with with these

Time: 4323.52

type of performances for various reasons

Time: 4326

I just I to me that's not the best way

Time: 4329

for me to engage with an audience or

Time: 4332.04

or or to manipulate them however there's

Time: 4336.199

some there's certain things that we do

Time: 4338.32

in in in Magic that if you say certain

Time: 4341.88

things in a certain way it will produce

Time: 4345.92

a certain

Time: 4347.84

answer and it amazes me too I like

Time: 4352.04

there's some we call them psychological

Time: 4354.88

forces that you you

Time: 4356.92

see uh a string of words in a certain

Time: 4359.719

order and and it will produce with with

Time: 4363.12

with high

Time: 4364.52

percentage a yes or a no or I want this

Time: 4367.96

and that that and like would you you

Time: 4371.08

want to pick the this deck of cards or

Time: 4373.32

that deck of cards type leading

Time: 4375.679

that could that could be the simplest of

Time: 4377.36

of the idea but it could it could be

Time: 4379

even more complex than that um and and

Time: 4382.639

it amazes me because it's almost like a

Time: 4384.239

recipe you follow the recipe put in the

Time: 4386.32

oven boom okay you know but there's in

Time: 4390.88

Magic when I se certain certain things

Time: 4394.28

there's a moment when I I'm waiting for

Time: 4396

you to say something and I I I don't

Time: 4398.639

know if you're going to follow what I

Time: 4400.56

just did and then I hear it and I go

Time: 4403.4

there's a joy it's like yes it work and

Time: 4406.52

this reveals something fundamental about

Time: 4407.92

the brain for instance I could imagine

Time: 4409.6

if I have two mugs in front of me for

Time: 4411.199

those listening if I hover my finger on

Time: 4413.76

one of them longer than others and I say

Time: 4415.4

would you like to drink from this mug

Time: 4417.28

and keep it there for 10 seconds or this

Time: 4420.32

one and I just tap the other one briefly

Time: 4422.4

do you think you bias the probability of

Time: 4424

which one somebody will pick absolutely

Time: 4426.159

because and that's what that's a great

Time: 4428.679

example ER I could it depends on my

Time: 4432.28

character first I need to know who I'm

Time: 4433.92

doing it to are you the Challenger are

Time: 4436.52

you the guy who's going to go with

Time: 4437.719

anything okay let's say it's the guy who

Time: 4439.239

go with anything think there's a

Time: 4440.96

likelihood he will go with the one you

Time: 4442.08

touch longer but if it's the Challenger

Time: 4443.88

he will say oh I I see what's Happening

Time: 4446.36

Here Andrew is trying to make me take

Time: 4449.04

this one and therefore I'm going to take

Time: 4451.199

that one so and that's that's the

Time: 4454.28

simplest idea of of of challenges and I

Time: 4457.12

could challenge you again and say with

Time: 4459.159

doubt and then I could say are you sure

Time: 4460.6

you want the one that I tapped just

Time: 4462.04

briefly I'm not telling you it that way

Time: 4463.76

but I'd say are you sure and if you say

Time: 4466.4

yes you're challenging me again and now

Time: 4468.8

I'm certain you're a challenger so

Time: 4470.32

you're collecting data basically you're

Time: 4471.8

collecting data and and because I've

Time: 4473.4

done it thousands of times I do the

Time: 4476.56

exact same spell the same you know order

Time: 4479.48

of events and I and I and I get to to

Time: 4482.199

try it and sometimes I say okay let's

Time: 4483.719

phrase it differently you know there's

Time: 4485.44

routines where I do when I I need

Time: 4487

someone to say a certain

Time: 4489.199

something and and I don't just rely on

Time: 4492.48

the psychological Force I I have other

Time: 4495.28

Tools in my arsenal of of of

Time: 4497.84

tools and but it surprises me the am the

Time: 4503

the percentage this the the

Time: 4505.4

rate uh and that's Chan did a lot he

Time: 4509.719

understood the idea that if people feel

Time: 4511.84

challenged they do this if they feel

Time: 4513.8

like maybe that you're desperate for

Time: 4516.4

them to change they'll act a different

Time: 4518.32

way and again I'm tip toing again

Time: 4520.32

because I don't want to demystify Magic

Time: 4523.04

here I I'm trying to say that there's a

Time: 4525.04

real way for and and you know Daniel

Time: 4528.719

conman and Emma tersi they talk about it

Time: 4531.8

in in their work you know they're

Time: 4533.719

thinking fast and slow for example which

Time: 4535.96

which to us is a magic book how people

Time: 4538.28

make decisions and he they they often

Time: 4541

say if you you phrase a question one way

Time: 4543.8

versus another way and even though the

Time: 4546.44

same thing is at stake it's the same

Time: 4549.12

equation if you phrase it this way

Time: 4551.32

they'll prefer that if you phrase it

Time: 4553.12

that way they prefer the other one it

Time: 4555.52

and it makes no sense because that's the

Time: 4558.28

bottom line is like which one do you

Time: 4559.36

want well I think the brain runs

Time: 4563

algorithms and um some of it's

Time: 4565.199

historical in how we are raised I give

Time: 4567.8

an example A friend of mine has twins

Time: 4570.92

and I said uh how's it going with the

Time: 4572.639

twins um describe their personalities

Time: 4576.4

and how they differ and he said that one

Time: 4577.88

of his twin daughters um no matter what

Time: 4580.48

you tell her she says no she challenges

Time: 4583.04

you but not as a way to disengage engage

Time: 4585.4

as a way to engage nice interesting yeah

Time: 4588.719

interesting um

Time: 4591.199

and the other one is very willing to

Time: 4594.52

engage in things doesn't challenge but

Time: 4596.36

engages through you know active

Time: 4598.84

collaboration um when we had Chris Voss

Time: 4601.32

a former FBI negotiator here on the

Time: 4603.199

podcast he said one way to get

Time: 4604.44

information from people on in these uh

Time: 4607.159

scenarios he used to do before is

Time: 4608.88

instead of asking them a question you

Time: 4610.08

give a

Time: 4611.36

hypothesis you keep your hair really you

Time: 4613.8

know nice you got great hair you must um

Time: 4616.719

you must like spend a lot of money on

Time: 4618.719

clothes now people will respond he tells

Time: 4622.159

me by either agreeing yes or no I don't

Time: 4626.8

really spend a lot of money you just got

Time: 4628

information but you're not asking do you

Time: 4629.48

spend a lot of money on clothes you

Time: 4630.639

basically State a hypothesis yes and

Time: 4632.92

then they are either going to accept or

Time: 4636

refute your hypothesis and people almost

Time: 4639

reflexively respond to hypothesis about

Time: 4642

them from others by wanting to defend

Time: 4644.28

the truth

Time: 4645.639

and that's a way that FBI negotiators

Time: 4647.96

and others get information rather than

Time: 4649.639

ask questions give them hypothesis and

Time: 4651.159

people will defend their truth to the

Time: 4652.639

point of giving up information they

Time: 4653.96

wouldn't otherwise yeah and and if you

Time: 4656.04

want to I know you're here to for me to

Time: 4658.679

reveal my tricks so I'll reveal

Time: 4661.44

something hypnosis they do this quite a

Time: 4664.32

bit and it's a beautiful strategy of of

Time: 4666.719

of doing it they'll make a few

Time: 4668.639

statements and they're simple statements

Time: 4671.52

they're accurate they you can argue with

Time: 4673.679

those statements they they ring true and

Time: 4676.88

you believe them and then maybe the last

Time: 4679

thing they're going to say is not quite

Time: 4683

true but because of you average the

Time: 4686.159

information and you go okay it's he's

Time: 4688.6

speaking the truth now he's telling us

Time: 4690.92

the truth but in between those

Time: 4693.48

statements there's some inaccuracies

Time: 4695.76

there that are starting to manipulate

Time: 4698.96

you but they're half truth like it's

Time: 4702.92

it's like for example I say the this

Time: 4705.199

this is a round Table Right and uh and

Time: 4707.6

you feel you can feel the light right

Time: 4709.44

even if you close your eyes you could

Time: 4711

feel the light and you can even feel

Time: 4713.52

that even if you didn't know that this

Time: 4715.28

is a bigger light than this one because

Time: 4717.36

of the heat now this might be a false

Time: 4720.239

statement but it makes sense and you can

Time: 4722.6

start to feel heat on one side and you

Time: 4724.4

start to go yeah is is it's logical it

Time: 4728

it's very sensical therefore it's it's

Time: 4730.56

true but it's a half truth maybe if we

Time: 4733.4

measure that this is a stronger life who

Time: 4735.159

knows but and I and I say you know and

Time: 4737.56

you feel there's a bit of a hum

Time: 4739.719

here and the more you focus on it and

Time: 4742.88

it's get and it's getting louder now

Time: 4745.32

because you're paying attention to it

Time: 4747.32

it's getting louder it's not getting

Time: 4749.159

louder you know actually you're guiding

Time: 4752.48

perception but I'm guide exactly I'm I'm

Time: 4755.76

I'm directing your attention to the

Time: 4757.8

things I want you

Time: 4759

to you heard the plane mhm it's an

Time: 4762.199

illusion no it's a real plane so you

Time: 4765.08

know but this is something that

Time: 4767.04

hypnotists do very well you know guiding

Time: 4769.92

you you know going to NLP and all that

Time: 4772.08

it's all related the idea of like um

Time: 4775.84

sounding like they're telling you things

Time: 4778.679

that should make sense and they're

Time: 4780.84

accurate but they're not they're sort of

Time: 4783.8

accurate and it becomes more and more

Time: 4785.8

ridiculous until they tell you dance

Time: 4787.08

like a chicken and then you Dan like a

Time: 4789.04

chicken yeah it's so interesting because

Time: 4792.36

um perception obviously is governed by

Time: 4796.12

the brain at least in part brain and

Time: 4797.92

body but nervous system and we have

Time: 4802.04

essentially two attentional spotlights

Time: 4804.88

meaning we can pay attention to two

Time: 4806.159

things at the same time but probably not

Time: 4807.88

five and we can merge those spotlights

Time: 4810.28

and we can make them more intense so to

Time: 4812.04

speak or we can dim them and make them

Time: 4813.76

more diffuse you know there's a bunch of

Time: 4815.08

things that we can do with attentional

Time: 4816.28

spotlighting what you're talking about

Time: 4818.04

here is attentional spotlighting

Time: 4819.84

bringing people's perception to real

Time: 4822.199

things that are happening but

Time: 4824.239

heightening one's perception of those so

Time: 4825.84

getting more granularity on what's

Time: 4827.52

Happening like right now I'm in contact

Time: 4830

with physical contact with a pen in my

Time: 4831.639

hand but I wasn't thinking about how it

Time: 4833

feels but if I put all of my perception

Time: 4835.88

there close my eyes and really think

Time: 4837.239

about it the whole nature of the

Time: 4839.08

perception changes corre the physical

Time: 4840.96

object hasn't changed nothing else in

Time: 4842.4

the room has changed but that driving of

Time: 4845.48

attentional spotlighting and

Time: 4847.239

intensity is essentially what governs

Time: 4849.639

our whole reality I think of everything

Time: 4852.32

we're talking about here and I can't

Time: 4853.4

help but think about like

Time: 4855.32

media social media politics you know

Time: 4858.32

very like third rail issues uh things or

Time: 4861.08

top very third rail topics right and yet

Time: 4863.76

this is essentially what we do the brain

Time: 4866.36

people want um a short-hand way of

Time: 4868.159

navigating a very complex world and

Time: 4871.04

media marketing Etc is in large part

Time: 4873.84

designed to capture people's attention

Time: 4875.4

and then funnel it towards some specific

Time: 4877.08

endpoint vote this way by this way don't

Time: 4880.04

vote that way or don't vote that way and

Time: 4882.44

and it's uh I feel

Time: 4885.36

like given our discussion you one has to

Time: 4888.04

wonder to what extent we we are all

Time: 4890.4

living in that what I guess people call

Time: 4891.8

it a simulation it's not a simulation

Time: 4893.36

it's a we are all being biased by these

Time: 4897.96

external forces do you see examples of

Time: 4900.679

quote unquote magic and Mentalist work

Time: 4902.88

at the level of media at the level of

Time: 4906

politics without talking about sides or

Time: 4908.12

centers you know of course first of all

Time: 4911.12

I feel like social media has changed the

Time: 4913.48

way audience behaves in the theater tell

Time: 4916.199

me more about that so first of all I

Time: 4917.96

know now you have Tik Tok and Instagram

Time: 4920.28

and and it's really short clips of

Time: 4923.96

information and people go through them

Time: 4927.12

really quickly so there stimulation they

Time: 4929.56

need to be stimulated way more often

Time: 4933.159

than they used to so I can't do a

Time: 4935.48

routine now that really drags with long

Time: 4938.159

monologs and it's slow the speed

Time: 4941.88

changed and and the fact that you know

Time: 4945.56

and I and I I think about this a lot I

Time: 4948.32

mean there's a blackout when when I did

Time: 4951.199

Inner Circle there's a blackout before I

Time: 4953.04

appear so I I come in and I I can still

Time: 4955.96

see people to the very last minute on

Time: 4958.12

their phones and I'm like wow it's the

Time: 4962.08

going from one stimulation to a real

Time: 4964.679

stimulation with almost no gaph there's

Time: 4967.8

not even a second a buffer between this

Time: 4971.239

stimulation to what

Time: 4972.92

I'm and and it always bothers me cuz I

Time: 4975.44

want to to clean their pallet I want to

Time: 4977.76

reset their pallet and it bothers me

Time: 4980.44

that they're on a phone yeah it's like

Time: 4982.36

um going from the the Super Bowl to the

Time: 4984.4

NBA championships or from the ballet to

Time: 4986.36

a rock concert it's like um yeah I

Time: 4989.76

actually have a theory which is that for

Time: 4993.08

those that are willing to introduce gaps

Time: 4995.8


Time: 4996.719

stimulation sleep we'll talk more about

Time: 4999.28

sleep um rest walks where we're not

Time: 5002.32

looking at our phones or just kind of um

Time: 5004.96

not necessarily bored but that those

Time: 5007.76

gaps we know we know with certainty are

Time: 5011

when the brain both processes

Time: 5012.8

information stabilizes information that

Time: 5015.76

we've learned and comes up with new

Time: 5018.679

ideas there it's it's almost like

Time: 5021.28

nowadays if you want to get really good

Time: 5023.44

at some craft just introduce more gaps

Time: 5026.96

in between intense focus and learning

Time: 5029.44

around that thing and exposure to that

Time: 5031.48

thing I I I couldn't be more certain

Time: 5033.88

about this it's it's true and again Juan

Time: 5037.8

again Tamar talks

Time: 5040.639

about the the the the power of pauses

Time: 5045.48

and and one of the things we try to do

Time: 5047.52

is that people will

Time: 5049.199

embed um a memory so it's not just that

Time: 5053.36


Time: 5054.92

encode the information and you want them

Time: 5057.6

to store it you want to start long term

Time: 5061.199

and to be able to recall what they've

Time: 5063.32

seen now if you move from one action to

Time: 5066.159

the other it's just not going to work so

Time: 5070.12

there's a thing that Juan does where

Time: 5071.84

he's like he's holding a card and he

Time: 5073.88

says can you see the reflection in my

Time: 5076.56

glasses and every's like what is he

Time: 5078.96

doing look do you see reflection and and

Time: 5081.56

meanwhile he's holding a pling card to

Time: 5083.32

point to towards the glasses and then at

Time: 5085.8

some point he places the card on the

Time: 5087.239

table and accidentally en knocks a a

Time: 5091.32

glass filled with water everywhere and

Time: 5092.96

people p like they start cleaning it and

Time: 5095.679

and it's

Time: 5096.88

like it's inter a huge Interruption to

Time: 5100.119

what just happened and then he says uh

Time: 5102.08

does anybody know what card this

Time: 5104.88

is and most of the times nobody knows he

Time: 5108.28

goes you never saw this card and they go

Time: 5110.52

no you never showed it to us oh I never

Time: 5112.88

showed it to you and there was one event

Time: 5115.76

where he did where he replayed the video

Time: 5117.719

to them says look I'm holding it for 15

Time: 5120.76

seconds in front of you in a very

Time: 5123.52

awkward way

Time: 5124.96

and they don't remember it because

Time: 5126.92

something dramatic happened immediately

Time: 5128.52

after no there's no moment for them to

Time: 5130.679

isolate the two events and the other

Time: 5132.639

event was way more uh impactful and

Time: 5136.56

therefore more memorable that it erased

Time: 5139.04

the small memory the small event the the

Time: 5142.08

there's a big event and a smaller event

Time: 5143.76

and that took over that's why maybe I

Time: 5146.28

don't people crash into they have an

Time: 5148.48

accident you know whatever they don't

Time: 5150

remember the 10 or 5 seconds before it

Time: 5152.88

kind of erases it m

Time: 5155.32

so we often when we do magic we do want

Time: 5158.52

to give him a moment to really relax and

Time: 5161.639

to digest what they've just seen so they

Time: 5164.76

can store it very well if it's something

Time: 5168.119

you want them to store but if it's

Time: 5169.28

something you want them to prefer to

Time: 5170.76

forget than creating a dramatic moment

Time: 5173.08

adjacent to it and with no Gap it's the

Time: 5175.36

way to go yes this is we clut it we clut

Time: 5178.8

their mind with information when we

Time: 5181.76

don't want to store it we will slow down

Time: 5184.36

and feature it and give it enough time

Time: 5186.04

to breathe and live when we want them to

Time: 5188.92

record it so the speed the emphasis the

Time: 5193.119

pauses all of those things are

Time: 5194.719

manipulating how they remember things

Time: 5197.44

can I share with you a little bit of

Time: 5199.199

Neuroscience please bit knowledge this

Time: 5201.04

is relevant both to what you just said

Time: 5203.679

and to learning of any kind there's a

Time: 5206.76

phenomenon called Gap effects which are

Time: 5208.8

very well demonstrated in neuroscience

Time: 5211.36

and psychology of learning um but but

Time: 5214.8

before I explain those it's really

Time: 5217.159

important to know that when we learn

Time: 5219.56

we're exposed to something and then the

Time: 5221.92

actual rewiring of Connections in the

Time: 5223.679

brain occurs typically during sleep or

Time: 5226.159

rest periods away from the learning

Time: 5227.76

there's the stimulus just like exercise

Time: 5229.84

you don't get better heart you know V2

Time: 5233.4

Max and muscle strength Etc during the

Time: 5236.239

exercise there's an adaptation that

Time: 5237.76

occurs later and with uh learning of

Time: 5240.84

cognitive material or information of any

Time: 5243.119

kind even if it's very emotionally

Time: 5246.119

impactful experience or information the

Time: 5249.159

rewiring of connections occurs later

Time: 5251.08

typically in sleep or sometime later now

Time: 5253.92

during sleep the replay of the memory

Time: 5256.56

occurs but at a rate about 20 or 30

Time: 5258.92

times faster and for some reason Nobody

Time: 5260.679

Knows Why in Reverse okay so a string of

Time: 5263.28

numbers 1 2 3 4 5 six seven in sleep is

Time: 5266.239

played 30 times faster and SE 7654321

Time: 5270.239

nobody's NOS why this is the way the

Time: 5271.719

brain encodes information about space

Time: 5273.36

about information

Time: 5274.76

uh of any kind now Gap effects are the

Time: 5278.96

very well demonstrated effect of let's

Time: 5281.4

say you're teaching me how to um shuffle

Time: 5283.679

cards or a sequence of numbers or scales

Time: 5285.719

on a piano I'm practicing I'm practicing

Time: 5287.36

I'm practicing but somebody figured out

Time: 5289.56

that if every once in a while there's a

Time: 5292.4

gap introduced where I cannot perform

Time: 5294.28

the rehearsal I do nothing the brain

Time: 5297.4

does the same thing the hippocampus a

Time: 5299.44

center in the brain required for memory

Time: 5301.84

and encoding of new memories plays that

Time: 5304.44

same sequence at 20 to 30 times faster

Time: 5307.159


Time: 5307.96

Reverse so this way so what this means

Time: 5312.639

is that when we introduce gaps the brain

Time: 5315.679

is still processing the information but

Time: 5318.4

much faster and the introduction of the

Time: 5320.32

Gap somehow allows whatever we just

Time: 5322.84

learned to be

Time: 5324.119

encoded far more than if we don't

Time: 5326.8

introduce a gap which is exactly what

Time: 5328.719

you just said but with a bunch of nerdy

Time: 5330.08

Neuroscience speak to it but this has

Time: 5331.56

been shown for music for math for

Time: 5334.28

conceptual knowledge Etc and what it

Time: 5336.44

says to me is that if we want to learn

Time: 5339.4

things controlling the Cadence and the

Time: 5343.76

um the availability of gaps and the

Time: 5345.56

adjacency like how densely cluttered or

Time: 5348.199

spaced out things are is key and um I'll

Time: 5351.8

just share briefly and forgive me

Time: 5353.199

because I'm going long here but um the

Time: 5355.56

way I remember the video of you with pen

Time: 5357.719

and Teller and the green and white

Time: 5359.48

sweater and a few other you took a nap

Time: 5361.28

right after no what I do is I watch

Time: 5363.08

something or read something and I

Time: 5364.8

sometimes highlight and take notes but

Time: 5366.48

then what I do is I close my eyes

Time: 5368.28

sometimes I take a walk and I just think

Time: 5369.6

about what I just saw now I have a

Time: 5372.4

problem and I was recently referred to

Time: 5374.48

as neuroatypical which I'm starting to

Time: 5376.48

wonder if that's true but you know uh

Time: 5378.88

I'll get assessed and we'll see um that

Time: 5381.119

oftentimes irrelevant details are what

Time: 5383.08

get encoded to memory as opposed to the

Time: 5384.679

core feature but um we'll see um I I

Time: 5388.119

like to think the core the core

Time: 5389.239

components are what I remember um but

Time: 5391.44

often details that seem irrelevant get

Time: 5394.239

encoded like I can remember details of

Time: 5395.92

things that are kind of maybe trivial um

Time: 5398.4

to most so I these Gap effects are a a

Time: 5402.679

real neurobiological phenomenon there's

Time: 5405.76

no question about it and I suppose I

Time: 5408.239

should pause to let that sink in I know

Time: 5410.199

and people should take a nap right after

Time: 5411.88

this go sleep and think about this

Time: 5414.159

conversation I think it's so interesting

Time: 5415.84

because so that explains something about

Time: 5418.199

encoding of information but the causing

Time: 5420.76

people to forget something is equally

Time: 5423.199

important so often times when you do

Time: 5425.84

tricks or when other magicians and

Time: 5427.159

mentalists do tricks I notice that

Time: 5428.32

you'll get people to count with you okay

Time: 5431.04

let's all right let's just count the

Time: 5432.119

cards count them with me it'll be one

Time: 5433.8

two three is there something about the

Time: 5435.719

counting itself or the Cadence of the

Time: 5437.8

counting that is that is um valuable yes

Time: 5442.119

uh we we try to create tension you know

Time: 5445.32

it's a drum roll think of it as a drum

Time: 5446.84

roll that all the way to the punchline

Time: 5449.84

um and you you're trying to create this

Time: 5453.119

tension oh my oh my God oh my God and

Time: 5454.88

then it happens right and on the

Time: 5458.44

relaxation the moment right after that

Time: 5460.8

when you relax that's the moment to do

Time: 5463.48

the things you don't want them to encode

Time: 5466.4

the those are the the most vulnerable so

Time: 5468.32

in other words when you go to a magic

Time: 5469.96

show Do Not Laugh do not relax remain

Time: 5473.639

tense and you'll be good but the moment

Time: 5476.119


Time: 5477.28

relax you're off guard you're not

Time: 5481.239

scrutinizing you're relaxing uh um so we

Time: 5484.84

we do play a lot and slini was a master

Time: 5487.239

of that the idea of tension and

Time: 5489.8

relaxation so those are just one of the

Time: 5493.4

tools that we would use in order to do

Time: 5496.8

what we need to do at the right spot

Time: 5500

look here here's an interesting

Time: 5502.28

example you've heard the term

Time: 5504.36

misdirection I think every person in the

Time: 5507.48

world have heard and understands the

Time: 5509.88

idea of misdirection a magician is

Time: 5512.44

misdirecting you and yet that

Time: 5515.639

information does not help you in the

Time: 5516.92


Time: 5517.84

world right you know the concept you

Time: 5520.48

know it exists you know a magician will

Time: 5522.4

make you look at the wrong place at the

Time: 5523.8

wrong time and you would or maybe the

Time: 5525.88

right place at the right time and you

Time: 5527.719

would still

Time: 5529.159

follow in other words knowing the

Time: 5532

principle knowing that he's doing

Time: 5534.52

it it's still effective and that is

Time: 5538.36

amazing so to me that is

Time: 5542.04

uh the reason I don't TR to enrich

Time: 5545.199

people people's knowledge about magic

Time: 5547.44

and to give a little bit of information

Time: 5550.32

of of behind a curtain the things that

Time: 5552.159

magicians say oh we're going to you know

Time: 5554.199

there's a beautiful saying that I just

Time: 5556.52

love and I don't know who who's uh

Time: 5559.199

responsible for this beautiful quote but

Time: 5560.96

I love it I quote it all the time uh

Time: 5563.76

people think that magicians are guarding

Time: 5567.159

the secrets from the audience but it's

Time: 5570.679

the other way around we are guarding the

Time: 5573.6

a audience from the

Time: 5575.36

secrets so um because we know that once

Time: 5578.84

you know how it's done you won't enjoy

Time: 5581.08

it but I believe also that there's a

Time: 5585.119

level of

Time: 5586.119

knowledge that you can know about magic

Time: 5588.8

that next time you see magician you

Time: 5590.239

would enjoy it more because you

Time: 5593

understand that to

Time: 5594.84

do one car trick could take months and

Time: 5600.04

months of work and we we think about

Time: 5602.84

every word in every move and how we

Time: 5605.32

interact and how we you know hook you

Time: 5607.96

into wanting to be fold create the

Time: 5610.719

desire for you to see magic and it's

Time: 5614.08

such an intricate process so maybe you

Time: 5617.92

know revealing revealing a little bit

Time: 5620.88

about magic is not a bad thing so you

Time: 5624.159

understand the complexity of this art

Time: 5626.28

which unfortunately is invisible art cuz

Time: 5629.32

a Pianist sure you can see how skillful

Time: 5631.8

I am but if you come to me after show oh

Time: 5634.119

you're so fast with your hands that's an

Time: 5636.159

insult I want you to say but you never

Time: 5638.76


Time: 5640.199

anything so it's it's it's a bit of a a

Time: 5643.239

conflict here it's like uh the show that

Time: 5645.639

I saw that you did in New York right off

Time: 5647.92

Washington Square Park um uh you didn't

Time: 5651.56

touch any of the cards or materials the

Time: 5653.84

audience did it all for you which are

Time: 5656

the inner circle you had a people

Time: 5657.76

actually maneuvering the cards and doing

Time: 5659.48

things they weren't collaborating with

Time: 5660.92

you in fact it made it far less like

Time: 5664.159

that you ought to be able to do what you

Time: 5666.36

were doing um which is which is

Time: 5668.8

remarkable I think that um you know as

Time: 5672.32

you're describing this I I can't help

Time: 5674.8

but feel that

Time: 5676.639

the understanding of mechanism or how

Time: 5680.639

it's done just a little bit is is a

Time: 5682.84

little bit of what I've tried to do with

Time: 5684.52

the podcast where I think people

Time: 5686.159

obviously want to know what to do for

Time: 5687.44

their health but if they understand a

Time: 5689.6

little bit of the mechanism behind it

Time: 5691.36

maybe a lot of the mechanism in some

Time: 5693.04

cases then I think it enriches their

Time: 5695.44

understanding and gives them

Time: 5697.28

flexibility when things are perhaps not

Time: 5700.44

you know optimal sort of like someone

Time: 5701.8

learning a recipe uh versus

Time: 5704.56

understanding why you add a little bit

Time: 5705.679

of baking soda so that when there isn't

Time: 5707.8

any baking soda maybe there's an

Time: 5709.239

alternative or you make an adjustment

Time: 5710.76

someplace else right that's a what a

Time: 5712.159

real cook can do um as opposed to

Time: 5714.199

somebody just following a recipe I think

Time: 5716.159

that with magic this takes us back to

Time: 5719.159

the first question I think with magic um

Time: 5722.239

it's so exciting to me that the magician

Time: 5726.08

The Mentalist themselves might not get

Time: 5728.52

it right like if I know you're going to

Time: 5730.32

get it right it's exciting because for

Time: 5732.8

if I bring someone else along that's

Time: 5734.119

never seen it before but what I want to

Time: 5736.08

know is that you know the trapeze artist

Time: 5738.56

could fall exactly I don't want them to

Time: 5741.119

fall but that the idea that they could

Time: 5743.679

fall is what makes it really excited

Time: 5745.119

absolutely and we fake it a lot there's

Time: 5747.32

a lot of times where I will

Time: 5749.48

intentionally create a scenario where it

Time: 5752.239

seems like it's not going right right

Time: 5755.04

you know I'm in trouble and I need to

Time: 5757.08

get out of it and you go he's okay he

Time: 5759.44

he's good good but this one no and then

Time: 5764.159

then you realize it was a part of the

Time: 5765.92

illusion and this is like even even the

Time: 5768.08

trouble was an illusion don't trust

Time: 5770.56

anything sorry I didn't mean to

Time: 5772

interrupt there you paused for me to

Time: 5773.679

remember and I inter want to digest it

Time: 5775.679

right this is like this is built into

Time: 5777.84

every script of every romantic comedy

Time: 5779.639

and every action movie like everything's

Time: 5781.84

you know there's a challenge then

Time: 5783.04

there's moving forward and then things

Time: 5784.32

are about to go well and then oh my

Time: 5786.04

goodness they're on the wrong trains

Time: 5787.639

it's going to be and then that's the

Time: 5789.04

tension build and then there's

Time: 5790.76

resolution of some sort and then

Time: 5792.56

sometimes there's a Twist at the end

Time: 5793.679

where the resolution isn't there and

Time: 5794.8

that's how you get a SQL right it's it's

Time: 5797.08

kind of the same yes thing I I wonder um

Time: 5801.04

and I hope that someday Neuroscience

Time: 5803.239

will understand the kind of what the

Time: 5805.639

core algorithms in the brain are for a

Time: 5809.08

story a story that involves a question

Time: 5812.239

and a hypothesis some

Time: 5814.679

characters and some trajectory a

Time: 5818.52

potential you know error and then some

Time: 5820.88

resolution and then maybe it opens up

Time: 5822.48

the possible possibility of mystery

Time: 5824.36

again because as you describe a magic

Time: 5826.56

trick or a mentalist act it seems to

Time: 5829.56

follow that sequence you introduce the

Time: 5831.36

people the cards the props Etc and then

Time: 5834.32

there's a story and here's what's

Time: 5836.88

interesting I see this in comedy also

Time: 5839.679

one of the things that's exciting is

Time: 5840.92

when we think we know what's going to

Time: 5842.199

happen next and it's it's either that we

Time: 5845.08

are very surprised there's a violation

Time: 5846.639

of the expectation but even more

Time: 5848.76

interesting sometimes is when we're like

Time: 5851.4

no no no no no this where we think that

Time: 5855.199

something's going to happen and you're

Time: 5856.6

actually taking us towards that

Time: 5858.639

unbelievable possibility this is

Time: 5861.159

something I find amazing that you know

Time: 5862.96

sometimes even when we expect something

Time: 5865.159

or especially when we expect something

Time: 5867.159

if it's an outrageous outcome there's no

Time: 5870.08

way that's when we are most excited CU

Time: 5874.679

we're involved we're part of the drama

Time: 5877.639

so I love what you said about the idea

Time: 5879.679

of a recipe right following verbatim in

Time: 5882.32

a passive way I don't know how it works

Time: 5885.28

but eventually I think this would lead

Time: 5887

me to a

Time: 5888.04

cake somehow as opposed to understand

Time: 5891.28

what what the chemistry is and why this

Time: 5893.639

happens and why this and that I think

Time: 5896

that um you become more invested and you

Time: 5899.48

are part of the act so it's it's almost

Time: 5903.159

like I I am obsessed you know also with

Time: 5905.48

painting something that I I I I just do

Time: 5909.239

often and I remember I can easily recall

Time: 5913.36

the experience I had be when I went to a

Time: 5915.8

museum and watched some art before I

Time: 5918.639

painted and the way I view it

Time: 5921.08

today as a painter as someone who's

Time: 5923.719

touched pigments mixed them put them on

Time: 5925.76

a on on a canvas or paper and all of a

Time: 5928.84

sudden I look at it a little

Time: 5930.679

differently and I think it changes the

Time: 5932.88


Time: 5933.96

that I have with the painting because I

Time: 5937.32

understand the language I understand the

Time: 5939.44

struggle I understand the challenge

Time: 5941.239

understand all of that and it's the same

Time: 5944.159

with anything like when you read one of

Time: 5946.679

my favorite reads of all time and I to

Time: 5948.639

this date is ven Go's uh

Time: 5951.48

letters I remember you know I saw ven go

Time: 5954.28

before I saw it

Time: 5956.199

after and the story and that's that's

Time: 5960.119

why I think we can talk about AI for a

Time: 5962.36

second but the story of of the letters

Time: 5967.08

with the paintings make them complete

Time: 5969.44

different images when I see now the

Time: 5972.239

sunflowers or the chairs or the

Time: 5974.52

Landscapes and I have some context to go

Time: 5977.92

by uh they become a a part of a much

Time: 5981.08

bigger story and to me that it enhances

Time: 5985.119

the um the experience so a few friend

Time: 5990.159

you know me and a couple of my friends

Time: 5992.44

uh went to a museum the met and there

Time: 5995.08

was a beautiful wooden

Time: 5998.199

sphere half opened like that and the

Time: 6001.88

detail was like you need a microscope to

Time: 6004.44

see and to appreciate the delicate

Time: 6007.199

carving of the wood and we all looked at

Time: 6010.119

it in awe it was like it's

Time: 6013.239

amazing and I said to them you know you

Time: 6016.08

look at it and you you see the year it's

Time: 6017.96

from the 1800s and you go wow the

Time: 6020.96

technology they had in 1800s to do that

Time: 6023.88

and the patience and the time all of it

Time: 6027.159

is part of the the artwork but if I told

Time: 6030.08

you I we fold you um this was 3D printed

Time: 6032.88

20 minutes ago it took about five

Time: 6034.92

minutes and it's we can make a million

Time: 6037.36

of them right now it's the exact same

Time: 6040.36

object it looks as

Time: 6042.84

impressive but the story is different

Time: 6045.92

and I think that is Again part of the

Time: 6048.719

experience we have a recipe when you

Time: 6051.119

understand it the experience you have is

Time: 6052.96

different so I I I do I do believe that

Time: 6055.639


Time: 6057.199

um really can enhance an experience

Time: 6060.96

change it completely so that's something

Time: 6064

I I'm being on uh stories seem to be the

Time: 6068.56

the kind of bento box that arranges

Time: 6071.48

information best in my opinion you know

Time: 6074.8

uh for those that don't know bento box

Time: 6076.159

right like a like a box a little

Time: 6077.8

different compartments and you have

Time: 6078.96

different things and you know the the

Time: 6081.04

brain can okay let's just a some some

Time: 6084.28

first principles ground truths um we can

Time: 6087.52

only perceive a certain number of things

Time: 6089.44

at any one time but we're sensing tons

Time: 6091.119

of information so the brain is a

Time: 6092.599

selective filter and a prediction

Time: 6094.52

machine and so and it does a bunch of

Time: 6096.52

other things to Keep Us Alive but that's

Time: 6098.04

basically it um all my Neuroscience

Time: 6100.32

colleagues are probably like wait wait

Time: 6102.28

wait but what about this okay but that's

Time: 6103.96

that's pretty much it Keep Us Alive

Time: 6106

predict things and perceive certain

Time: 6108.56

things that we can sense not others

Time: 6110.32

things outside our sensory apparatus

Time: 6112.32

like infrared vision and sensing you

Time: 6114.92

know certain forms of of heat and

Time: 6116.84

electromagnetic energy some yes some no

Time: 6119.52

depends on what animal you are so okay

Time: 6123.28

so stories and the sequencing of things

Time: 6127.32

seems to be one way in which we best

Time: 6129.56

learn information from the time we are

Time: 6131.119

very little we are read stories and um

Time: 6133.84

and our lives play out like stories so I

Time: 6135.92

think that the idea that um additional

Time: 6139.52

information about context this is from

Time: 6141.4

the 1800s not just the box that it's

Time: 6144.04

encapsulated in but it gives you a sense

Time: 6146.4

this is important it's old it tells you

Time: 6148.44

this was harder to do back then uh hard

Time: 6151.4

presumably and and as you said that it

Time: 6153.36

brings to mind all these ideas about

Time: 6155.4

what went into that like the pyramids

Time: 6158.159

they're very very interesting but

Time: 6159.84

especially interesting given when they

Time: 6161.04

were built exactly right and what that

Time: 6163.159

meant for certain people and and not for

Time: 6165.84

others so I think that so there's that

Time: 6168.679

which I think is so key because it

Time: 6170.119

extends way past magic is really about

Time: 6172.36

how the brain works and learns

Time: 6174

information and perceives the world in

Time: 6177.159

moments and what we remember what we

Time: 6178.719


Time: 6179.719

remember and then there's another thing

Time: 6181.92

I'd like to touch into and maybe we

Time: 6183.159

touch into this first which is that you

Time: 6185.639

mentioned that you paint yes

Time: 6188.32

so I've come to learn that many people

Time: 6191.679

who are virtuosos in their craft as you

Time: 6195.84


Time: 6197.92

have hobbies or practices or things that

Time: 6200.88

they do that are sort of adjacent to

Time: 6202.88

craft C I think Joanie Mitchell the

Time: 6205.36

singer often talked about painting as a

Time: 6207.599

way to get into a mindset of singing

Time: 6210.44

even though that wasn't the specific

Time: 6212.639

intention it just kind of LED there a

Time: 6214.36

little bit like a like a sprinter might

Time: 6216.4

have I don't know some Dynamic

Time: 6217.84

stretching that they do that sort of

Time: 6219.199

like semi-related but not the main thing

Time: 6221.08

or maybe they would listen to music and

Time: 6222.96

kind of Bounce Around to the music maybe

Time: 6224.28

that's a better example so it's not

Time: 6225.92

directly in line with the practice but

Time: 6227.52

it puts the brain circuits that are

Time: 6229.119

required for that practice into a

Time: 6230.92

certain mode uh for you maybe it's

Time: 6233.119

painting for me it's drawing

Time: 6236.679

um how often do you paint what do you

Time: 6239.08

paint and do you paint with the

Time: 6240.04

intention of anyone ever seeing your

Time: 6241.719

paintings yes I I'm not sure I I post

Time: 6244.48

them uh in my show it was an opportunity

Time: 6247.48

for me to make a portrait of all of my

Time: 6249.76

heroes so it was a mini exhibition as

Time: 6252.44

people walked into the theater to see

Time: 6254.44

all those portraits of the people that

Time: 6256.92

affected me touch you know influenced me

Time: 6259.199

and so forth magicians to M I would say

Time: 6262.44

90 most of them anner is was there too

Time: 6266.28

uh he's not a magician per se he's also

Time: 6268.48

a magician but yeah mainly magicians

Time: 6271.08

Houdini was melini uh Tommy wander Chan

Time: 6275.199

Canasta David Blaine uh people that

Time: 6278.76

really are part of who I am today MH so

Time: 6282.88

to me that's that's an aspect of its own

Time: 6286

why why do I paint these people is

Time: 6287.679

because it's an opportunity for me to

Time: 6290.08

meditate with these people that I adore

Time: 6293.52

and owe so much too um but why do I

Time: 6297.199

paint first of all it's intuitive I I

Time: 6299.28

didn't so it's was not a cerebral

Time: 6302.44

decision oh I I I think I need something

Time: 6304.48

to supplement my life you know and I I

Time: 6307

need painting uh I always love to work

Time: 6309.76

with my hands I always love to draw I

Time: 6311.76

love imagery I love design um and I I

Time: 6315.639

always gravitated towards wanting to

Time: 6318.88

paint and by the way most of the things

Time: 6321.199

I do they're not like I don't look at

Time: 6322.76

them through a scientific point of view

Time: 6324.36

it's I do them intuitively and then

Time: 6326.239

later I understand in a more scientific

Time: 6329.32

way why or I ask scient scientific

Time: 6332.599

questions why am I doing those things

Time: 6334.8

and I think for art is

Time: 6337.119

important start with intuition start

Time: 6339.679

with what makes sense to you or feels

Time: 6342.56

right and then start asking questions

Time: 6345.84

the wise and how's and what does it mean

Time: 6349.199

you know painting in itself there's lots

Time: 6351.32

of science you know if you if if you mix

Time: 6353.679

blue with yellow every time you're going

Time: 6356.08

to get green that's science but when you

Time: 6359.32

paint I think you need to forget about

Time: 6361.4

the science it needs to live in the back

Time: 6363.36

of your mind and you need to to to let

Time: 6367.08

your I don't know what your spirit your

Time: 6369.28

your your mojo take over and and paint

Time: 6372.04

with you so but I started to learn so

Time: 6376.199

much about magic from

Time: 6379.04

painting and I tell you why you need a

Time: 6382.199

bird eye every now and then you need to

Time: 6384.119

detach yourself from something that you

Time: 6385.76

do so so much of and you build all these

Time: 6389.639

biases right when I approach a trick or

Time: 6393.04

work on a trick I I come with a similar

Time: 6395.639

approach you know it's almost it becomes

Time: 6398.719

formulate and formula is poison for

Time: 6402.199

art when you when you approach something

Time: 6405.52

with a predetermined you know

Time: 6408

preconceived notion of of doing

Time: 6410.32

something you you might repeat yourself

Time: 6413.239

so much that it's boring and you're not

Time: 6415.44

allowing yourself to grow and to maybe

Time: 6418.04

find things that you never knew existed

Time: 6420.56

in you or outside of you so painting in

Time: 6424.88

a weird way when I when I read

Time: 6426.639

biographies of let's say Lucy and Freud

Time: 6428.639

which who I really

Time: 6430.4

love and he's talking about

Time: 6434.159

art at some point I I feel like I'm

Time: 6436.36

reading a magic book it's so applicable

Time: 6439.239

to Magic he's talking about intention

Time: 6442.159

he's talking about you know he I'm going

Time: 6444.56

to misquote him for sure he says every

Time: 6446.04

time I approach a canvas I approach it

Time: 6447.48

as if it's the first painting I've ever

Time: 6449.199

painted and this is to take it even

Time: 6451.4

further the painting the painting that

Time: 6453.84

was ever

Time: 6455.36

painted um because he wants to approach

Time: 6457.599

it with the attitude of a student with

Time: 6460.52

the naive with the virginity of of first

Time: 6463.76

time so you don't repeat the same stake

Time: 6467.199

oh I you do this skin oh I've done this

Time: 6469.92

before I can do this again you kind of

Time: 6471.76

want to divorce yourself from all these

Time: 6473.32

things you know and start the the search

Time: 6477.32

again from as close as possible to this

Time: 6480.28

first time because there's something

Time: 6481.4

beautiful about that there's a technique

Time: 6485.119

that painters use Andrew W did it a lot

Time: 6489.239

um he will paint the painting it would

Time: 6492.44

look at it it says something is wrong

Time: 6493.88

about it and I don't know what something

Time: 6496.96

is there's this something about this

Time: 6499.28

painting that just does not work then he

Time: 6501.88

will take the painting

Time: 6503.4

and look at it with a mirror so he looks

Time: 6505.8

at the reflection of the painting so he

Time: 6507.679

flips the image very much like the uh

Time: 6510

the way we think at night um and when he

Time: 6513.48

looks at the

Time: 6514.84

reflection he goes ah the nose is wrong

Time: 6518.92

he couldn't see it when he looked at it

Time: 6521.4

he couldn't see that the wrong was off

Time: 6522.84

or you know distorted but when he saw

Time: 6525.639

the reflection he

Time: 6527.599

could because he was able to cancel his

Time: 6531.48

biases he saw almost a cousin painting

Time: 6534.719

of the one he just made MH which is a

Time: 6537.28

beautiful thing but this

Time: 6539.44

analogy also I think acts for me with

Time: 6542.48

magic it's a it's a way for me to look

Time: 6545.199

at Magic from a mirror to look at it

Time: 6547.4

differently from a different angle cuz

Time: 6549.96

art I find that the Arts are very much

Time: 6552.84

connected there's so much similarities

Time: 6555.96

and when I I lectur to magicians about

Time: 6557.92

magic I quote art books more than I

Time: 6560.8

quote Magic books I I quote cantes from

Time: 6564.32

donot about magic you know someone wrote

Time: 6568.44

a book in the 1600s and he talks about

Time: 6571.36

the two imp what we like to call the two

Time: 6573.199

impossible Theory not the two perfect

Time: 6574.92

Theory the two impossible Theory and he

Time: 6577.599

he talks about that perfection in

Time: 6579.8

writing is is restraining

Time: 6583.239

exaggeration and and it's in it's a

Time: 6585.36

whole paragraph

Time: 6586.599

about that art needs to be believable

Time: 6590.36

there has to be truth in it to be

Time: 6593.679

enjoyed so and and it's so much true for

Time: 6596.32

magic I can't just even when we do

Time: 6599

something that's impossible I still want

Time: 6601.44

the ground to be

Time: 6603.4

plausible maybe maybe this could happen

Time: 6606.8

therefore I need to restrain

Time: 6607.96

exaggeration I need to restrain the

Time: 6610.56

impossibility and that that again this

Time: 6614.36

is uh a novel from the 1600s donkey my

Time: 6617.4

favorite book of all time teaching us

Time: 6620.52


Time: 6621.639

magic and Lucen FR is teaching me about

Time: 6624.679

magic and Andrew W and V go and all

Time: 6627.28

these people so I think that's why I

Time: 6630.119

love this diversity uh of you know I

Time: 6632.96

love photography very much I always have

Time: 6634.599

a CA a camera with me film photography I

Time: 6636.679

love and composition the idea no one

Time: 6640.84

uses that word usually with adjacent to

Time: 6643.84

Magic they never talk about oh it's a

Time: 6645.52

composition but if you understand a

Time: 6648.32

composition and you apply it to Magic

Time: 6650.48

you have a whole new way of looking at

Time: 6652.44

how how to create a piece of magic just

Time: 6655.199

by using that word that term that

Time: 6657.36

painters and photographers use so that's

Time: 6660.32

to me

Time: 6662

just an amazing reason uh a good reason

Time: 6666.159

to to

Time: 6667.239

paint I love that you're touching into

Time: 6669.84

some of the core modular the the the

Time: 6672.079

ground truths of of Art and of magic and

Time: 6676.079

how they they overlap because what we're

Time: 6678

really talking about here

Time: 6680.04

are ways in which the brain works

Time: 6682.639

stories and this restraining

Time: 6684.599

exaggeration I'll just share two two

Time: 6686.36

things um I'll try and keep it brief um

Time: 6689.92

one is that again Rick Rubin um

Time: 6692.56

incredibly uh uh virtuoso in at the

Time: 6695.56

level of creativity and bringing out

Time: 6697.719

People's Best in in terms of Music other

Time: 6700.159

domains too um but mostly music

Time: 6704.119

um often says that you know that the art

Time: 6706.92

has to have some recognizable feature

Time: 6709.119

like this is this artist that people

Time: 6711.599

have perhaps heard before

Time: 6713.199

but then something new but you can't

Time: 6715

completely depart from what was done

Time: 6716.639

before there has to be some recognition

Time: 6719.8

um you also talked about wiping away of

Time: 6722.36

using a completely new canvas this

Time: 6724.32

example you gave um when Rick came to

Time: 6726.36

our studio here he looked around and he

Time: 6729.32

go I like this place he's very into

Time: 6731.32

physical spaces and uh the walls here

Time: 6733.44

are black there's some other stuff too

Time: 6735.719

he and he said uh you know well cuz both

Time: 6738.679

Rick and I came up through punk rock

Time: 6740.239

music he's like yeah I think a smaller

Time: 6742

place black wall I was like cool um his

Time: 6745.679

studio is mostly white and but then he

Time: 6747.88

said you know but I'd get rid of all the

Time: 6749.36

art and the plants and I said why and he

Time: 6751.599

said because it's distracting you know

Time: 6753.56

he doesn't have art or Awards on his

Time: 6756.079

walls it's all blank so that every new

Time: 6759.079

project is a completely new project

Time: 6760.48

there's no it's interesting previous

Time: 6762.719

stimula entering the picture it's a new

Time: 6765.239

project so you don't want pictures of

Time: 6767.239

awards that you won for that album or

Time: 6769

anything I go what do you do with all

Time: 6770.079

that stuff and he's like just get rid of

Time: 6771.52

it like me too by the way I I I I

Time: 6774.28

totally understand that very interesting

Time: 6775.4

So Clean Slate then the the other thing

Time: 6778.44

that just is is so striking to me is you

Time: 6783.159

know this idea that there has to be

Time: 6786.079

something that is a truth a a a

Time: 6789.079

mathematical or a physical truth present

Time: 6791.199

in art um one of the best ways that one

Time: 6794.36

can understand how the brain creates

Time: 6796.76

perceptions is that um the brain creates

Time: 6800.599

abstractions of what's out in the

Time: 6801.84

outside world light sound touch smell

Time: 6805.239

taste come in but that's all translated

Time: 6807.76

to electrical and chemical signals and

Time: 6809.52

then the brain reconstructs an image by

Time: 6811.32

the way the lens of the eye you'll find

Time: 6813.92

this interesting as a photographer

Time: 6815.56

inverts and reverses the image so that

Time: 6818.92

when it lands in the brain the neural

Time: 6820.719

retina first stage of visual processing

Time: 6822.92

you're actually I'm looking at you

Time: 6824.199

you're right side up but you're actually

Time: 6825.639

landing on my the the the perception in

Time: 6827.52

my brain is that you're upside down and

Time: 6829.92

flipped I am and then now you got me you

Time: 6833.76

had me for a second um I am too um uh so

Time: 6839.84

and then the brain reconstructs an

Time: 6841.56

upright image it's really wild so the

Time: 6843.599

brain is constantly abstract making

Time: 6845.679

abstractions about what's out there so

Time: 6847

if I were to say um take a photograph of

Time: 6849.719

you and show you a picture of your face

Time: 6851.119

you'd say yeah that's me but if I said

Time: 6853.44

aha but I'm an abstract artist and to me

Time: 6855.84

you look like and I basically do a bunch

Time: 6857.92

of squiggles and a thing and and I show

Time: 6859.84

you it doesn't look anything like your

Time: 6861.079

face you'd say yeah I don't see it

Time: 6862.719

however if I somehow have the artistic

Time: 6865.239

genius which I don't to create an image

Time: 6867.52

of you where the eyes are distorted

Time: 6870

their position or maybe the the shading

Time: 6872.599

something is different in a way that

Time: 6874.719

lets you see and other people see your

Time: 6877

face in a way that is similar enough to

Time: 6880.52

AI wind that we recognize you but

Time: 6883.52

different enough that it looks

Time: 6885.52

interesting we're effectively creating

Time: 6887.96

the kind of abstraction that the brain

Time: 6889.4

creates like some level of interest in

Time: 6891.199

an emotion or

Time: 6892.88

in a um something right a reflection in

Time: 6895.52

your eye could be who knows right and so

Time: 6897.599

the brain is an abstraction machine it

Time: 6899.44

doesn't actually know what's out there

Time: 6901.079

it's taking best guesses and so I think

Time: 6904.4

when when we see great art it's able to

Time: 6907.92

capture enough of the real physical

Time: 6910.04

truth of that thing but to touch into

Time: 6913.679

some of the ways in which the brain

Time: 6915.119

abstracts I'll give one more example

Time: 6916.84

rothos which are simply to some people

Time: 6920.639

who don't like them I love rothos are

Time: 6923

simply color on canvas but Rothco

Time: 6926.32

whether or not he intended it or not did

Time: 6928.52

something absolutely spectacular with

Time: 6930.199

his art which was he eliminated the

Time: 6932.48

white space and the canvas and in doing

Time: 6934.88

so was able to allow things to come

Time: 6937.159

forward in color space as we call in

Time: 6939.36

visual Neuroscience certain colors are

Time: 6941.199

not visible unless they are adjacent to

Time: 6943.079

other colors and when you eliminate all

Time: 6945.119

the white space the canvas and you take

Time: 6946.76

away the frame then colors that you

Time: 6949.56

haven't seen before and color

Time: 6951.36

transitions that you can't see

Time: 6954.679

Pop and that's the Brilliance of a

Time: 6957

Rothco it's not that it's two colors in

Time: 6959.239

a square and a rectangle and you know

Time: 6960.8

this is why they're worth millions and

Time: 6961.84

millions of dollars they're they're so

Time: 6963.32

spectacular because they capture a

Time: 6966.079

physical truth about color space that's

Time: 6968.159

inaccessible in a framed painting or a

Time: 6970.4

painting that includes some visibility

Time: 6972.639

of the canvas so rotho shows us color

Time: 6976.719

space the math of how the brain produces

Time: 6979.239

color contrast and Hue and wavelength

Time: 6981.36

intensity and color is also intimately

Time: 6983.36

tied to value in the brain in a very

Time: 6985.36

interesting way and we're not looking at

Time: 6987.28

it thinking all that but we feel

Time: 6989.159

something that's like if we appreciate

Time: 6991.239

Roth goes like hm that's interesting

Time: 6995.04

that captivates me does that make sense

Time: 6997.04

yeah yeah no I have a question to you do

Time: 6999.159

we do we know that Roth did it through

Time: 7002.84

that lens of

Time: 7005.199

understanding science you just described

Time: 7007.239

or did he just intuitively felt this is

Time: 7010.239

a great composition these are a great

Time: 7012.639

color scheme and I will do that like

Time: 7015.199

what do we know it's most most likely

Time: 7018.4

the latter yeah um I have a colleague

Time: 7020.639

Beville Conway who's at the National

Time: 7022

Institutes of Health who's far more

Time: 7023.48

versed in this stuff than I am so he

Time: 7024.92

might correct me I'd love to get him on

Time: 7026.159

the podcast sometime um but uh Co it's

Time: 7029.599

very likely that Rothco felt something

Time: 7032.52

upon seeing colors in a in a restricted

Time: 7035.96

kind of tunnel of vision and then

Time: 7037.32

realize that if this could be brought to

Time: 7038.96

scale because rothos tend to be pretty

Time: 7041.04

large then and um something special was

Time: 7045.079

happening sort of like Chuck Close took

Time: 7047.4

tiny little images of faces and now he

Time: 7049.28

had a visual issue with faces prop

Time: 7051.56

agnosia Etc so people can look that up

Time: 7053.88

failure to recognize faces as faces um

Time: 7057.32

they just look like objects and realize

Time: 7059

that he could create you know composits

Time: 7061.36

of these things as a big face and it's

Time: 7063.119

very different experience to look at a a

Time: 7066.239

face that's made up of tiny fragments of

Time: 7067.84

many many faces now now here's where it

Time: 7070

gets interesting because there are many

Time: 7071.679

many artists that sit out in front of

Time: 7073.599

museums like the met and sell paintings

Time: 7076.159

that are very

Time: 7077.199

inexpensive that are very accurate

Time: 7079.239

Renditions of things picture of Taylor

Time: 7081.96

Swift picture of Bob Marley not

Time: 7084.239

interesting it's cool they can do it or

Time: 7086.84

the the real you know the kind of um uh

Time: 7089.96

uh you know curbside trickery take a

Time: 7092.199

painting paint in front of people what's

Time: 7094.8

what's he or she doing and then flip it

Time: 7096.4

over it's the

Time: 7098.8

person it's cool in the moment CU you're

Time: 7100.96

like wow they can paint upside down

Time: 7102.96

but actually it's not interesting at all

Time: 7104.719

because what they' created is BAS

Time: 7106.159

basically a decent photograph image just

Time: 7109.4

upside down so they might as well hang

Time: 7111.92

upside down while they do it it's not

Time: 7113.56

interesting it's not great art so what I

Time: 7116.76

think what we're converging on is that

Time: 7118.36

great art takes us through a trajectory

Time: 7121.679

that involves the I believe now after

Time: 7124.199

this discussion that takes us through

Time: 7126.84

the Arc of excellent storytelling it

Time: 7129.679

involves a surprise recognition of truth

Time: 7133.199

a return to mystery all these components

Time: 7135.8

that you describe for magic are present

Time: 7137.88

in art and presumably are present in a

Time: 7139.719

great song as or play as well yeah you

Time: 7143.599

know I I I I love everything you said

Time: 7146.159

and I I often contemplate about why I

Time: 7149.719

respond to a certain painting but the

Time: 7152.04

painting outside the mat of the guy I

Time: 7154.52

don't and I never I was never able to

Time: 7157.76

come up with a sufficient answer but

Time: 7161.119

this is as close as I

Time: 7162.96

got and and I often ask why do I like

Time: 7165.56

this but not this why do I like that and

Time: 7167.199

I don't like this I

Time: 7170.28

think that I making a judgment about the

Time: 7174.8

motives of the

Time: 7176.599

painter and do I believe him is it

Time: 7181.04

honest is it a true honest

Time: 7184.32

expression that extends out of him on a

Time: 7187.52

canvas and a lot of times and that's the

Time: 7190.76

closest I got I go they see these

Time: 7193.199

patterns and dripping paint and the

Time: 7195.32

splatter and this and that and it's

Time: 7196.92

super like like a lots of people wow

Time: 7198.48

this is cool and I'm the snob goes I

Time: 7200.92

think it's and and the reason

Time: 7204.239

is when I see it I think I think I see

Time: 7208.04


Time: 7208.84

motive he says I'm going to do something

Time: 7211.84

cool I'm going to do something that is

Time: 7214.159

eye candy and I'm going to use every

Time: 7216.56

trick in the book to make it happen as

Time: 7219.28

opposed to somebody like Lucen who pains

Time: 7222

with his guts I believe every brush

Time: 7225.52

stroke I believe it's an honest painting

Time: 7228.92

that comes from here and there's no

Time: 7232.119

motive to try to wow you or to to tell

Time: 7235.679

you look I'm I'm the best I'm I'm so

Time: 7237.84

great so that's as close as I got to

Time: 7241.52

understanding why I respond to a Lucin

Time: 7245.079

Freud but not to that street artist who

Time: 7247.44

does this you know Sparkles with his

Time: 7249.96

with tooth I don't know toothpaste I

Time: 7252.32

don't know I I I you know took

Time: 7254.599

everything I had all the top down

Time: 7256.4

inhibition to not go yes yes I think

Time: 7259.119

that the critical distinction is that

Time: 7261.36

the street artist is doing it

Time: 7264.84

for the audience for people and for the

Time: 7267.719

sale they're doing it to make a living

Time: 7269.679

audience pleaser right whereas the the

Time: 7272.28

the other artists the sort of let's call

Time: 7274.159

them the greats are doing it for

Time: 7276.36

themselves it's something in them that

Time: 7278.04

needs to get out and it's honest right

Time: 7280.92

and I have so many examp examp that just

Time: 7282.36

leap to mine I'll use one from a

Time: 7283.599

completely different domain um I grew up

Time: 7286.079

skateboarding I was not good enough to

Time: 7287.48

make it a career but I have great

Time: 7288.88

appreciation for there was a guy in the

Time: 7290.679

90s he's still around sadly he suffered

Time: 7292.84

an injury had him paralyzed for a while

Time: 7294.96

but now he's walking cycling and

Time: 7297.4

skateboarding again his name is John

Time: 7298.84

Cardel John cardiel is is just a a

Time: 7302.079

legend in the landscape of skateboarding

Time: 7304.639

I I knew him back when still know him a

Time: 7306.8

bit and the way he would do things was

Time: 7309.119

just so spectacular he just like it just

Time: 7312.119

the energy in it it wasn't because it

Time: 7315.079

was so big and so far and all of that

Time: 7317.32

yes but there was something in the

Time: 7318.84

energy of it and I'll never forget

Time: 7320.4

there's there's a documentary about him

Time: 7322.239

I'll put a link to it um in the show

Time: 7324.4

note captions where someone's describing

Time: 7328.32

a conversation they had with him where

Time: 7329.8

he does something spectacular and then

Time: 7332.44

he he shows up he sort of goes up to his

Time: 7335.239

friend and his friend said yeah at that

Time: 7336.96

moment John turned to him and he goes

Time: 7339

that one was for me and I just I I think

Time: 7342.239

of that now like like joh like cards as

Time: 7344.4

they call him just it always looked like

Time: 7346.48

everyone was Delight just thrilled by

Time: 7348.44

what he does right he's a true virtuoso

Time: 7351.599

but it's the sense that like he's not

Time: 7353.48

doing it for your entertainment he's

Time: 7355.679

doing it for him it's the expression of

Time: 7357.44

something inside Rick talks about great

Time: 7359.599

art as your own offering to God this is

Time: 7362.88

not about your audience this is you and

Time: 7364.96

your thing whatever is inside you and

Time: 7367.32

it's your offering to God and I think

Time: 7368.92

it's such a key thing it's the it's the

Time: 7370.84

exact opposite of someone doing

Time: 7372.8

something to please the audience and of

Time: 7374.92

course one Delights in in audiences

Time: 7376.96

being pleased but it that can't be how

Time: 7379.36

you approach your magic it must be

Time: 7380.88

because it just feels so good the truth

Time: 7383.679

is uh the show I create Inner Circle uh

Time: 7387.32

it was created because I wanted to do

Time: 7389.52

that show I mean if you if you tell me

Time: 7393.719

somebody's going to come and watch an

Time: 7395.48

hour and a half somebody doing a bunch

Time: 7397.119

of car tricks it sounds

Time: 7398.92

boring um but I think

Time: 7402.28

every art form is an excuse to tell

Time: 7404.52

something bigger you

Time: 7406.119

know V go recorded his Sensations when

Time: 7411.52

he looked at the sunflowers and and

Time: 7413.56

recorded his emotions on a canvas every

Time: 7416.76

brush stroke the the speed in which he

Time: 7419.96

placed every brush stroke and the colors

Time: 7421.719

he chose to put every decision he made

Time: 7424.199

was a recording of his Sensations his

Time: 7427.28

state of being at that moment when he

Time: 7429.76


Time: 7430.719

it so who cares about sunflowers we've

Time: 7435

seen a lot of bouquet of flowers and

Time: 7437.52

roses and this and that matis is this

Time: 7439.44

famous uh quote he says that the hardest

Time: 7441.4

thing to paint is a rose because one has

Time: 7444.119

to First forget about all the Roses he

Time: 7445.84

painted before were painted

Time: 7448.36

before and that's it's so true because

Time: 7452.48

to me uh a steel life is something that

Time: 7454.88

students do in in in art schools here's

Time: 7458.36

a bouquet of flower painted so why are

Time: 7460.559

we looking at Veno and saying wow the

Time: 7462.52

sunflowers what a beautiful piece of

Time: 7464.84

it's because the sunflowers are just an

Time: 7469.199

excuse for him to record something of

Time: 7472.119

him he recorded him himself on the

Time: 7475.679

canvas and that's what we're seeing

Time: 7477.48

we're seeing the

Time: 7478.8

personality the excitement the

Time: 7482

obsessiveness that he had and I think

Time: 7484.88

that's that's one of us to me I mean I

Time: 7487.119

always start with I want to do this show

Time: 7489.44

cuz I think it's beautiful cuz I think

Time: 7491.88

has something to

Time: 7493.199

say I hope people like it I love people

Time: 7497.28

too and to me the people are also part

Time: 7500.44

of the brush Strokes I make a lot of

Time: 7502.48

room in my show for people to flourish

Time: 7506.4

to become a part of the show that's part

Time: 7508.28

of the expression that I'm trying to

Time: 7510.92

create it's not just about me it's about

Time: 7513.84

them too but that's an artistic choice

Time: 7516.079


Time: 7517.159

itself where do you draw I don't want to

Time: 7520.04

say inspiration but um the components

Time: 7522.599

for a show so I can think of um you can

Time: 7525.159

look historically and see what people

Time: 7526.76

have done learned from Masters um

Time: 7529.92

teachers um from your own experiences

Time: 7532.639

like if you let's say you were to travel

Time: 7534.239

to I don't know Australia or South

Time: 7536.4

America could would you bring back

Time: 7538.199

components of your travels to uh the

Time: 7541

show you create um I don't know um or

Time: 7546.239

you know what's your process for for

Time: 7548.48

figuring out or sensing into what you

Time: 7551.36

want to do and I feel like discussions

Time: 7553.36

like this are very important for people

Time: 7554.559

to hear because not everyone wants to be

Time: 7556.639

a magician or Mentalist or scientist or

Time: 7558.48

podcaster but what we're getting down to

Time: 7560.599

here are the core components of of

Time: 7562.96

creative expression so where do you um

Time: 7567.079

where do you draw on the what what do

Time: 7570.92

you bring is it your daily experience

Time: 7573.119

does it come to you in the form of a

Time: 7574.44

bodily sensation is it in your dreams is

Time: 7576.52

it in your discussions do you try and

Time: 7578.96

resurrect cool things from the past

Time: 7581.679

where does it where do you draw from

Time: 7583.48

it's all of it it's really all of it I'm

Time: 7585.48

a sponge of of everything around me I I

Time: 7590.4

interact with art with books with

Time: 7593.48

information with friends conversations

Time: 7596.559

every everything is uh a source of

Time: 7600.32

inspiration everything is and it goes

Time: 7603.079

through my filter like I I'm always

Time: 7606.239

amazed at the fact that you know 20

Time: 7608.92

students can paint the exact same thing

Time: 7611.88

the exact same say please this is a

Time: 7614.159

flower paint it and you'll have 20

Time: 7617

completely different paintings is

Time: 7619.679

because everybody I think

Time: 7621.4

filters um this information through

Time: 7623.84

their sensory whatever it is and I think

Time: 7628.32

that's what we at least that's what I

Time: 7629.84

think I'm doing I'm constantly

Time: 7633.36

consuming not just art everything a

Time: 7636.719

flower this a conversation with a friend

Time: 7639.84

uh and social media maybe you know what

Time: 7642.8

yes yes I think everything affects me me

Time: 7645.76

sitting with you right now will affect

Time: 7647.239

me will change me will become a part of

Time: 7649.96

the the uh Mosaic of of of experiences I

Time: 7655.119

have and it will affect me like this

Time: 7658.04

conversation right now is changing Me

Time: 7661.04

Maybe I'm poetic about it but I I really

Time: 7663.4

think that way I I think that you

Time: 7665.96

know if I had any success I owe it to

Time: 7668.88

all of the people that surround me all

Time: 7670.719

of my friends

Time: 7672.079

you know uh terrific painter Laura

Time: 7674.96

Alexander who's

Time: 7678.159

unbelievable her contribution to me is

Time: 7681.48

IM immense I mean and it maybe you can

Time: 7686.159

draw direct lines maybe you can't but I

Time: 7688.48

feel like every person I've that was

Time: 7691.119

part of my life is the the reason the

Time: 7694.48

outcome that I produce is because of

Time: 7697.04

those of those people so I I don't know

Time: 7699.48

if I I don't look for I don't search for

Time: 7702.84

inspiration I think I what I do at least

Time: 7705.719

I I really want to let things sink in

Time: 7708.96

and I want to consume I'm curious I

Time: 7711.48

always want to know more to listen to

Time: 7713.679

more to see more like for example if if

Time: 7716.52

I go to a museum and I see a painting I

Time: 7718.32

I I like to dwell on why do I like it

Time: 7720.679

why am I responding to this why is this

Time: 7723.52

triggering me what is this revealing

Time: 7725.679

about me and I don't think there's one

Time: 7728.96

way that that I say oh this is this is

Time: 7731.88

the process this happens I do this then

Time: 7733.639

a trick is born sometimes sometimes it's

Time: 7736.76

the Tommy wander story right I see

Time: 7738.96

someone who is doing a trick and the

Time: 7741.679

explanation to the trick is way prettier

Time: 7744.04

and I go wow it's amazing that the

Time: 7746.96

things behind a curtain are more

Time: 7748.239

interesting than things in front of the

Time: 7749.639

curtain that to me it planted the seed

Time: 7752.079

and 5 years later there was a piece so I

Time: 7755.719

yeah I think inspiration

Time: 7757.8

is become a

Time: 7759.84

sponge let it you know you need to

Time: 7762.079

consume this I learned from my friend

Time: 7764.119

Jimmie and swiss he says to do good art

Time: 7766.76

you have to consume art create art get

Time: 7769.92

critiqued just do those three things

Time: 7771.84

consume art uh create art and get

Time: 7775.44

critiqued um also when you consume

Time: 7780.04

art it reveals something about you so at

Time: 7783.84

first when I start painting I loved

Time: 7785.639

everything surrealism pointalism give me

Time: 7789.199

Hyper realism and slowly it narrow

Time: 7791.84

down because through observing art I

Time: 7795.8

start to learn about what triggers me it

Time: 7800.48

the art revealed taught me what am I

Time: 7803.079

responding to what pushes those buttons

Time: 7805.92

right and I think that's a valuable

Time: 7808.92

important uh step in becoming an artist

Time: 7812.48

consume art and let it teach you

Time: 7815.119

something about you then create art and

Time: 7819.199

then critique it by yourself and maybe

Time: 7821.8

people you trust I think again you do

Time: 7824.599

those three things you you're pretty

Time: 7826.159

good I'm starting to understand that in

Time: 7829.079

your magic and Mentalist work you're a

Time: 7831.679

Storyteller and to some extent to some

Time: 7834.28

extent and and the characters uh can

Time: 7836.599

involve cards or numbers or information

Time: 7839.079

and you cast people in the audience

Time: 7841

often into those stories and depending

Time: 7843.239

on what they give you you might assign

Time: 7844.679

them a different role of course and you

Time: 7847.48

do know what the conclusion of the story

Time: 7849.76

could be and maybe ought to sometimes

Time: 7851.719

there's some element of surprise even

Time: 7853.199

for you but that you're working with a

Time: 7858.36

certain pallet of paints and they're

Time: 7860.639

predictable enough that you can get

Time: 7862.199

where you want to go but as you said

Time: 7864.04

before that the improvisation of it is

Time: 7866.159

is part of the Delight for you

Time: 7868.079

absolutely and because people are

Time: 7869.599

resonating with your emotions there's

Time: 7871.239

this empathic Attunement excuse me

Time: 7873.599

empathic Attunement uh that you create

Time: 7877.119

that people also feel like they're part

Time: 7879.159

of the experience it's it's not it's so

Time: 7882.44

very different to watch something that

Time: 7883.92

you do on YouTube versus to be in a

Time: 7886.119

small setting versus a larger setting um

Time: 7888.76

and all of these are spectacular and

Time: 7890.599

we'll provide links to these and if you

Time: 7892.199

get the opportunity to see AI uh live

Time: 7894.48

you absolutely should do it it's it's

Time: 7896.679

like um it will clearly fall into the

Time: 7901.48

the the far extreme of experiences

Time: 7903.719

amazing experiences that you'll have I I

Time: 7905.8

I guarantee it um I I think

Time: 7910.239

in discussing like what art is and and

Time: 7913.48

people thinking about um learning I

Time: 7917.36

think often we wonder like if you're a

Time: 7920.679

sponge are are you you're taking in

Time: 7922.599

everything but are you do you constrain

Time: 7925.079

your days in a way that you know like

Time: 7927.44

you're not you're hanging out with the

Time: 7928.4

Met you're not looking at the stuff on

Time: 7930.079

the sidewalk outside the Met as much you

Time: 7933.159

so you have a taste you have a sense of

Time: 7935.559

taste what you like corre um and you're

Time: 7937.639

drawing from different things I Delight

Time: 7939.04

in animals of all kinds and so much of

Time: 7941.199

what I do and so much of what I think

Time: 7942.44

about in terms of how the human animal

Time: 7943.92

works is based on some overlap with the

Time: 7946.679

kind of core modules that exist in other

Time: 7948.52

animals and I won't take us down that

Time: 7950.36

path but um I just Delight in animals

Time: 7952.8

why that's why I follow so many raccoon

Time: 7954.4

accounts on Instagram um so I'm trying

Time: 7956.96

to figure out like when you well walk us

Time: 7959.44

through a day uh you are Night Owl we

Time: 7963.559

talked about this before so so what time

Time: 7965.679

do you go to sleep at

Time: 7967.96

night you mean morning typically 4:00

Time: 7970.44

a.m. 4:00 a.m. is when you go to sleep

Time: 7972.639

and it's not just because you're a per a

Time: 7974.96

Performing Artist on stage it you've

Time: 7977.079

always been this way yeah okay and a lot

Time: 7979.36

of magicians are and my mom is the same

Time: 7981.8

way my brother maybe he's a little

Time: 7984.04

changed now but he he's also if he

Time: 7987.159

follows his nature he will fall asleep

Time: 7989.599

around 4: and I I wake up around noon

Time: 7992.559

2:00 p.m. do you wear an eye mask or

Time: 7994.559

have curtains right yes yes I a little

Time: 7996.96

bit of light and I'm screwed okay so

Time: 7998.84

then you wake up uh what do you do I was

Time: 8001.4

about to call it your morning routine

Time: 8002.76

but your afternoon your hour afternoon

Time: 8005.119

your morning right your morning what is

Time: 8007.079

your typical thing do do you pay

Time: 8010

attention to your dreams do you recall

Time: 8011.52

your dreams is there information there

Time: 8013.92

we walk I I don't know I I I do know

Time: 8016.8

that a lot of my resolution I resolve a

Time: 8020.679

lot of you know tricks or magic in

Time: 8022.76

general it's problem solving and a lot

Time: 8024.92

of times I have a a problem and I can't

Time: 8027.36

solve it and as you said it happens a

Time: 8029.32

lot I sleep I I see everything reversed

Time: 8033.28

and then I I come up with a solution in

Time: 8035.159

the morning it's a clear as day to me

Time: 8037.079

that's what needs to be done you write

Time: 8039.559

it down or you just I immediately I put

Time: 8041.48

to practice I I literally just I'll grab

Time: 8043.599

it's if it's a deck of cards I would say

Time: 8045.119

okay I need to do this and I I will burn

Time: 8046.96

it into a a muscle memory but definitely

Time: 8051.199

nighttime is where most of the thinking

Time: 8054.239

happens I sleep well I I think I sleep

Time: 8057.199


Time: 8058.119

well I try I mean

Time: 8061.559

I try to start very relaxed I want the

Time: 8064.679

first few hours of my day to be pretty

Time: 8066.719

relaxed it's usually a ritual I have a

Time: 8069.76

coffee machine where you need to grind

Time: 8071.88

the coffee you need to do everything and

Time: 8074.52

I I love the ritual of making the first

Time: 8077.44

cup of coffee it's the first thing I do

Time: 8080.32

um I try to avoid

Time: 8083.8

answering you know emails or things that

Time: 8086.32

are Urgent or that I don't want to to

Time: 8088.719

start my day with this energy you are

Time: 8091.84

you on social media early in the day no

Time: 8094.639

no no I I I consume social media to a

Time: 8098.119

degree and I think it has a place I mean

Time: 8101.119

there's some beautiful things I found on

Time: 8102.8

social media that that you know shows I

Time: 8105.079

want to see friends that do beautiful

Time: 8107.76

work and they post it and it's wonderful

Time: 8110.239

paintings uh there's lots of things

Time: 8113.119

social media is not a black and white

Time: 8114.599

thing for me that oh it's just bad I

Time: 8117.44

think it's a platform and you can curate

Time: 8121.119

it in such way that is beneficial

Time: 8123.48

interesting and and could give you

Time: 8126.199

valuable information it's the

Time: 8128.4

obsessiveness it's the the the intensity

Time: 8131.679

that that's a little and the the fact

Time: 8133.639

that there are no filters or there's an

Time: 8135.159

algorithm deciding for you what you

Time: 8136.639

should see that's a little scary but no

Time: 8140.079

I I don't I I start the day with those

Time: 8142.4

things um and slowly I go for a walk or

Time: 8146.84

I I love walking I thinking I think

Time: 8149.079

better when I walk what's the what's the

Time: 8151.159

logic behind that yeah well I'm

Time: 8153.239

delighting this first of all the way you

Time: 8154.76

describe your morning routine is very

Time: 8156.32

similar to Rick rubin's morning routine

Time: 8158.44

he wants to capture some of the elements

Time: 8160.239

from sleep ease into the day gradually

Time: 8163.239

walk get sunlight um uh and allow

Time: 8168.639

whatever processing occurred in sleep

Time: 8171

and in the Lial states around the

Time: 8172.679

morning and the clarity that comes with

Time: 8174.76

the early day to crystallize into ideas

Time: 8177.719

and not deal with email and kind of um

Time: 8181.119

you know kind of operational things it

Time: 8183.159

it's just a set of mind if I start now

Time: 8185.239

taking care of emails and this and I

Time: 8186.719

need to send that in the package you

Time: 8188.48

know then that dictates the day for me

Time: 8191.559

well it's tactical what's interesting is

Time: 8193.439

it's tactical it's not creative in fact

Time: 8195.679

it's by definition it's not creative

Time: 8197.599

because it's being defined by what other

Time: 8199.24

people put on there there's an investor

Time: 8200.92

I forget his name great investor um

Time: 8203.439

hedge fund guy young kid I I'll I can't

Time: 8206.12

remember so forgive me um but this quote

Time: 8208

is not M he said that email is basically

Time: 8209.76

a public post to-do list so people are

Time: 8212.04

telling you where to drive your

Time: 8213.399

attention and behavior so your process

Time: 8215.639

is very similar to Rick's um I like to

Time: 8218.399

write and I have most of my clarity in

Time: 8219.88

the morning as well although um

Time: 8221.8

sometimes too many tactical things enter

Time: 8223.559

my my framework I'm working on that but

Time: 8226.559

um I think that what you describe is the

Time: 8229.92

life of of an artist and a creative

Time: 8232.24

capturing the unique um components of

Time: 8236.479

what was put together in your brain

Time: 8238.2

based on your unique experiences and

Time: 8240.04

it's from you and for you and ultimately

Time: 8244

people benefit because they they delight

Time: 8246.479

and are astonished by the by The End by

Time: 8248.679

the end result so what you describe it

Time: 8250.479

sounds to me like the an amazing kind of

Time: 8253.24

perfect day for a creative I think um

Time: 8256.679

it's so important for people to hear

Time: 8258.399

what you describe is also runs

Time: 8260.84

countercurrent to what most people do

Time: 8263.24

during their days which is to

Time: 8264.599

immediately allow the context and the

Time: 8266.76

tactics of their actions and thinking to

Time: 8269.2

be driven by some external Force that is

Time: 8271.399

not from them yeah it's from someone

Time: 8273.519

else's mind and and so and it's and it's

Time: 8276.359

incredibly there's a strong

Time: 8278.04

gravitational pull like what's in the

Time: 8279.639

news what are people saying where what's

Time: 8281.12

in my text what do people want from me

Time: 8282.559

what do people think of me Etc that but

Time: 8285.04

that is um that is absolutely uh

Time: 8289.04

poisonous for Creative work it's

Time: 8292.359

pollution it it really it it puts you in

Time: 8294.92

a panic mode uh and by the way we have

Time: 8298.639

so much stuff to do that would never

Time: 8300

catch up with anything so let's make

Time: 8302.08

peace with that you'll never catch up

Time: 8304.28

with what you need to do because it's

Time: 8306.599

it's just it's it's exhausting so I

Time: 8311.16

understand that you know the first few

Time: 8312.28

hours I can devote to me to to feeling

Time: 8318.16

good relaxed and slowly I I will

Time: 8321.519

introduce okay I want to what do I what

Time: 8323.559

do I want to do right now what's the

Time: 8325.479

first thing I want to tackle right

Time: 8328.08

sometimes I have an urgency you know

Time: 8330.84

like I was practicing the Rubik's Cube

Time: 8332.639

so I had a Rubik's cube right next on my

Time: 8335.2

side and the first thing I walk the

Time: 8336.479

first thing I wanted to do by choice is

Time: 8338.96

to do and start solving a GIC Cube

Time: 8341.319

because I had to get good at it for a

Time: 8343.359

routine of mine so I tried I would like

Time: 8347.16

to start today with my as you said my

Time: 8349.479

own decisions things I want to do first

Time: 8352.639

this will make me happy then I'm going

Time: 8354.719

to do or I have a deck of cards next to

Time: 8357.08

you know right next to me and there's a

Time: 8359.04

move I'm trying to get right and the

Time: 8361

first thing I want to do is try it in

Time: 8362.2


Time: 8362.96

morning um that's another reason I love

Time: 8366.16

card so much it's tectile even though in

Time: 8368

my new show which we can talk about I I

Time: 8370.92

decided there will be no more cards it's

Time: 8374.08

just you know it's a tribute to the

Time: 8377.04

human mind it's called incredibly human

Time: 8379.92

um and it's about the things that are

Time: 8382.399

possible and yet they're on the verge of

Time: 8385.319

impossible so uh a former rendition of

Time: 8388.439

it was uh when I memorized the entire

Time: 8390.24

audience I know everybody by name and

Time: 8393.72

it's just a skill I memorized 120 people

Time: 8397.04


Time: 8398.68

night so do you use a pneumonic approach

Time: 8402.319

where you you know like Andrew sounds

Time: 8404.439

like or reminds you of some other things

Time: 8406.399

so are you doing a pair pair Association

Time: 8408.72

sure so I tell you a story about it

Time: 8411.08

there's a there was he just died at

Time: 8414.96

907 something like that old man but he

Time: 8418.16

he was sharp to to his last day Harry

Time: 8420.24


Time: 8421.56

was a memory guy he performed as a

Time: 8423.479

magician but also uh taught people how

Time: 8427.12

to remember things wrote a lot of books

Time: 8431.56

um so I and he was known for that he was

Time: 8435.52

on the Carson Show he memorized the

Time: 8437.2

entire audience and it was really cool

Time: 8439.08

it was a thing signature piece of his

Time: 8441.04

and I wanted to do it in my show so we

Time: 8443.8

called him and said can we get

Time: 8446.2

permission to use that piece and he says

Time: 8449.12

sure so can we meet with you and you

Time: 8450.92

teach me you know those little details

Time: 8453

the minutia and and I I came with a

Time: 8455.6

notebook and a pen I'm ready to take

Time: 8457.8

notes how do you remember 120 people

Time: 8461.96

every night 120 people's names so I'm

Time: 8465.359

say okay so what's the work on it and he

Time: 8467.68

goes you just remember them you're

Time: 8469.76

saying first and last names or first

Time: 8471.2

names first and last first and last

Time: 8473.439

names you can do first he did first and

Time: 8475.08

last yeah goodness gracious so he says

Time: 8478.2

just remember them yeah but tell me the

Time: 8481.68

techniques and I thought it was a joke I

Time: 8485.28

wrote nothing that day

Time: 8488

nothing and I was so scared of it and

Time: 8491.84

and I I tried to remember people and I

Time: 8494.479

couldn't and it was so daunting and I

Time: 8497.04

realized that in order to remember a lot

Time: 8499.16

of people's names the first thing you

Time: 8501.24

need to conquer is

Time: 8504.04

fear it's fear I was afraid I that I

Time: 8507.8

won't be able to do

Time: 8509.319

it and and one night I did a small venue

Time: 8513.8

with like 30 people showed up I said

Time: 8515.84

okay that's manageable I can memorize 30

Time: 8518.76

people so I did it and you you don't

Time: 8522.92

know that you know their names until you

Time: 8524.8

do it CU all I do is I say shake their

Time: 8527.08

hands oh thank you so much please take

Time: 8528.439

your seat I was the Asher sit down thank

Time: 8531.2

you now the show starts and this is a

Time: 8533.6

test for me do I remember their names I

Time: 8537

don't know and I go Susan bah blah blah

Time: 8541.04

blah BL and I and I was able to do all

Time: 8542.68

their names do you still remember any of

Time: 8544.439

their names I tell you a story about

Time: 8546.52

that to remind me though I will I'll

Time: 8547.88

come back to that

Time: 8549.76

um so it felt like I had

Time: 8554.439

superpowers it was amazing to me I think

Time: 8556.88

as it was maybe to

Time: 8558.72

them and then some some then I started

Time: 8561.28

doing it in that venue with about 60

Time: 8563.96

people so I remember I I have everybody

Time: 8567.6

sit down and there's a point in the show

Time: 8569.12

where I take two coins

Time: 8571.24

large coins and I glue them with tape on

Time: 8574.2

my head so I I'm blindfolded and I sold

Time: 8576.319

two Rubik's Cubes at the same time

Time: 8578

blindfold it and I

Time: 8581.439

forgot talking about memory I forgot to

Time: 8584.479

have somebody uh you just have a

Time: 8587.88

stopwatch just to to time me how long it

Time: 8589.92

takes me to do it I just forgot and I go

Time: 8592.92

guys I'm so sorry I forgot is does

Time: 8595.2

anybody here has a watch or or an app

Time: 8598.439

that he can measure take time

Time: 8601

and one guy goes yeah I can do it and I

Time: 8604.24

recognize his

Time: 8605.76

voice and I and I did not know I could

Time: 8608.2

do it I go

Time: 8611.2

Robert and he goes yes so I did not just

Time: 8614.76

remember how they look I remember how

Time: 8616.84

they sound and you didn't know that you

Time: 8618.84

remembered how they sound it was just

Time: 8620.68

part of your it was a surprise to meh

Time: 8623.2

and then to make and it's

Time: 8626.12

crazy you s you're sitting next to Susan

Time: 8629.439

right and Stephanie and I describe how

Time: 8632

they look like almost to a te and it

Time: 8636.04

amazes me how much we do

Time: 8638.399

remember and that's crazy because the

Time: 8641.12

voice like your voice my voice people's

Time: 8644.84

voice are very

Time: 8646.319

distinct we and I now I know it that I

Time: 8649.96

can hear somebody peripheral you know

Time: 8652.479

and I I

Time: 8653.68

know um so that's that's about memory

Time: 8656.68

how do we we get how do we get to this

Time: 8658.52

memory so

Time: 8661.279

um to to your question you ask me if if

Time: 8665.399

if use the pneumonics or

Time: 8667.56

stuff the truth

Time: 8669.96

is we need to care if you care about

Time: 8674.16

someone's name like let's assume you see

Time: 8677.439

somebody in a coffee shop

Time: 8679.56

and do the one thing you really wanted

Time: 8682.319

is to talk to this person because I

Time: 8683.68

don't know you're attracted to them I

Time: 8685.04

don't know and you say hi nice to meet

Time: 8687

you I'm aie what's your name the moment

Time: 8689.76

they say they're name you will never

Time: 8691.359

forget it because you care you want a

Time: 8695.56

lot of times we say hey what's your name

Time: 8696.76

we don't mean it we don't care about the

Time: 8699.08

answer and that's a big part of why we

Time: 8701.76

don't remember it but if I say you you

Time: 8703.6

know you need to meet this guy this guy

Time: 8706.04

you should know him uh you will make an

Time: 8709.399

effort so the one thing I did the most

Time: 8711.92

was repeat their their name what's her

Time: 8713.72

name Andrew oh Andrew nice to meet you I

Time: 8715.64

repeat it a few times as I talk to them

Time: 8718.479

or we have a little conversation and I

Time: 8720.399

also realize that the more you interact

Time: 8722.68

with them the more you remember it so in

Time: 8724.92

the show I always I faked it I struggled

Time: 8727.76

on the last two people I said I I don't

Time: 8729.439

know your name remain standing I'll get

Time: 8730.92

back to

Time: 8731.64

you and it was geniv I remember the

Time: 8735.04

story geniv say you know I don't know

Time: 8737.8

her name yet so I said I don't remember

Time: 8739.24

your name but you told me you just came

Time: 8741.6

from Africa you were on vacation for two

Time: 8743.359

weeks and I start recalling so much

Time: 8745.96

information about her and it Genevie

Time: 8748.68

I'll never forget your name and she sits

Time: 8750.88

down and it's amazing but the more they

Time: 8752.96

tell you about themselves the more you

Time: 8754.84

retain and the more you remember because

Time: 8757.2

as you said it's a story and now there

Time: 8760.16

geniv is just not it's not just a random

Time: 8762.52

person with a name geniv it's somebody

Time: 8764.68

who's been to that place and this place

Time: 8767.12

and she's you know you can connect it to

Time: 8769.8

a story or

Time: 8771.319

to something you can visualize right

Time: 8774.92

every now and then you know stove is

Time: 8777.08

Stave and you know I would make those

Time: 8779.12

pneumonics uh um or try to find a

Time: 8781.76

feature almost like the way a

Time: 8783.319

caricaturist does you know exaggerate a

Time: 8785.72

feature and attach it to the name

Time: 8788.56

somehow like antthony maybe has lots of

Time: 8791.08

ants all over him you know stuff like

Time: 8793.399

that but the truth is I only did it with

Time: 8796.279

those I struggled it was a backup plan I

Time: 8799.08

but most of the people I hear the name I

Time: 8801.12

cared I wanted and I had confidence that

Time: 8803.2

I could do it and I did

Time: 8805.479

it the brain definitely remembers

Time: 8808.04

information that has an emotional sance

Time: 8809.96

to it it so caring about something some

Time: 8813.04

set of information name or otherwise

Time: 8814.84

definitely will um help encode to memory

Time: 8819.68

the other is to put things into motifs

Time: 8821.96

of song it is no coincidence that

Time: 8824.399

children learn songs to learn the

Time: 8825.96

alphabet A B C D the inflections the

Time: 8829.16

motifs within that song of the alphabet

Time: 8832.24

is what allows us to remember that our

Time: 8834.319

entire lives as opposed to a b CDE e f g

Time: 8838.16

think about the number Pi out past 3 14

Time: 8840.68

out to some number of of um you know you

Time: 8844.439

know some people can remember it out

Time: 8845.64

very far if you set it to a song with

Time: 8849.84

some repeating motifs like the alphabet

Time: 8852.56

song or Happy Birthday song you can

Time: 8855.12

that's how people remember very very far

Time: 8856.68

because the brain creates these modules

Time: 8859.08

it doesn't um take bits of information

Time: 8860.88

and just throw it in there it it creates

Time: 8863.479

libraries of information where just as

Time: 8865.64

in the library certain books are grouped

Time: 8867.52

with other books and more disparate tops

Time: 8870.16

ICS are positioned further away in the

Time: 8873.359

library uh from one another um for those

Time: 8877.2

of you that are younger than than me you

Time: 8878.92

can look up what a library is just

Time: 8880.479

kidding um but this is how the brain

Time: 8882.84

works right and so it's amazing that you

Time: 8885.08

did that and and it also just um really

Time: 8888.319

highlights um that when we do this we

Time: 8891.279

are remembering far more than we think

Time: 8893.12

we remember um some people are more

Time: 8895.2

visual some people more auditory but

Time: 8897.359

it's all coming in there provided that

Time: 8898.96

people have access to those senses um

Time: 8901.76

it's just

Time: 8903.279

spectacular I have to return to

Time: 8905.56

something because I took us away from it

Time: 8907.399

which was you said is there something

Time: 8909.16

about walking that allows for Creative

Time: 8911.56

um thought um I'm of the mind now based

Time: 8914.12

on my observation of extremely creative

Time: 8916.319

individuals and um talking to them as

Time: 8919.08

well as some understanding of the

Time: 8920.439

Neuroscience of creativity which by the

Time: 8922.72

way there isn't a lot but it's sort of

Time: 8924.92

happening more and more um that there

Time: 8927.359

are sort of two polarized States

Time: 8931.12

um one is being very very still with the

Time: 8933.52

Mind active this is true of rapid eye

Time: 8935.24

movement sleep we're paralyzed the mind

Time: 8936.88

is very very active it's a state in

Time: 8938.279

which memories are encoded especially me

Time: 8940.279

uh emotional memories um many people his

Time: 8943.24

name seems to keep coming up but Rick

Time: 8944.56

Rubin Carl daero Einstein and others

Time: 8947.399

reported having practices where they

Time: 8949

would deliberately sit or lie down and

Time: 8951.04

to be very still and deliberately make

Time: 8953.52

their mind very active even thinking in

Time: 8955.399

complete sentences as a way to come up

Time: 8957.76

with ideas a deliberate practice the

Time: 8960.2

other is to be in movement but to not

Time: 8962.84

really try and force your thinking down

Time: 8964.279

a particular trajectory some people seem

Time: 8966.76

to favor one or the other I come up with

Time: 8968.56

a lot of my ideas while jogging or

Time: 8970.16

running or walking as as you do so

Time: 8972.88

there's something about either stealing

Time: 8974.6

the body or making the body just active

Time: 8976.52

enough that the mind is allowed to take

Time: 8978.64

off down novel

Time: 8980.279

trajectories um and that's very

Time: 8983.279

difficult I think for a lot of people

Time: 8984.2

just sit down with pen and paper and

Time: 8985.72

write things out so anyway um your

Time: 8988.319

practice of walking in the morning is

Time: 8989.8

one that perhaps people should uh want

Time: 8992.12

to explore I think that um when people

Time: 8996.6

hear about having a super memory for

Time: 8999.279

names or um being able to read people so

Time: 9003.279

much of what you describe as like being

Time: 9004.8

able to read People based on their

Time: 9006.12

physicality um all these questions come

Time: 9008.24

to mind and so I can't help myself do

Time: 9010.279

you believe in um these kind of Notions

Time: 9013.399

like if people are sitting arms crossed

Time: 9015.24

that they're more closed and difficult

Time: 9016.76

to get to whereas people who are kind of

Time: 9018.72

more forward leaning in their they're

Time: 9020.399

more willing to engage I mean does that

Time: 9022.319

stuff really hold in your laboratory of

Time: 9025.6

experiments of magic and mental

Time: 9027.439

mentalism so body language is something

Time: 9029.76

that I read much about I I believe there

Time: 9032.96

I'm not an expert uh when it comes to

Time: 9035

body language but I do I do think that I

Time: 9038.88

don't even control it it's just somebody

Time: 9041.56

can signal a closeness to them or an

Time: 9043.72

openness to them all right but I also

Time: 9046.08

found it to be very misleading a lot of

Time: 9048.399

times like people people do certain

Time: 9051.08

things because they're cold or this or

Time: 9052.8

they're shy and and being shy could be

Time: 9055.84

misunderstood as or perceived as

Time: 9059.12

snobbish and vice versa right so there's

Time: 9063.2

that could be really misleading what I

Time: 9065.479

rely on is

Time: 9067.12

interaction when I interact with people

Time: 9070.64

or if and and I I'm saying it in the the

Time: 9074.04

the slightest possible way when I

Time: 9075.76

challenge them with something very

Time: 9078.04

simple and I see how they deal with it

Time: 9081

that reveals a lot about them

Time: 9083.04

immediately cuz look we need to make

Time: 9084.96

decisions on the spot like even if I

Time: 9087.64

just can you please open your hand and I

Time: 9089.88

give him something how how eager they

Time: 9092.359

are to do it how they do it can they

Time: 9094.56


Time: 9095.479

directions um I want also people that

Time: 9099.439

will you know that are able to do the

Time: 9102.16

things I want them to do for a specific

Time: 9104.279

routine and by the way certain some

Time: 9106.96

routines I would use this type of person

Time: 9109.92

this one needs a teenager this one I

Time: 9111.92

want an somebody a little older every

Time: 9116.439

every routine I I I kind of assign a

Time: 9118.399

different character and it's again it's

Time: 9120.92

trial and error I tried with a certain

Time: 9123.439

person for a long time and I I now I get

Time: 9126.359

it it's my relationship and by the way

Time: 9128.88

as I'm aging that also changes like but

Time: 9131.76

there's a piece where I used to do and I

Time: 9133.439

always preferred an older woman to and

Time: 9136.359

you could see there's some a motherly

Time: 9140.12

quality to it because that's kind of the

Time: 9142.52

the role she was in but now as I'm aging

Time: 9145.72

it's this not it's not going to work as

Time: 9147.24

as well um I think there's you're

Time: 9150.2


Time: 9151.479

relationships like for example I'm a guy

Time: 9154.399

and I if I work with another guy that's

Time: 9157.64

some sort of an energy if it's a female

Time: 9160.56

it's different if it's a young

Time: 9163.04

old my relationship with these people

Time: 9166.319

changes and how they feel do they feel

Time: 9168.68

comfortable with me certain certain

Time: 9170.64

things I can do with a a certain

Time: 9172.04

individual but not with another so

Time: 9174.8

that's something I constantly think

Time: 9176.04

about I choose my Spectators very very

Time: 9181.04

carefully you mentioned that you taken

Time: 9183.8

things from your environment and from

Time: 9185.56

many diverse sources um art and

Time: 9188.399

interactions with people Etc um you seem

Time: 9192.08

like a very positive person I generally

Time: 9195.56

upbeat and enjoy your work I get that

Time: 9197.8

impression um very much so but I'm

Time: 9202

assuming that you also experience anger

Time: 9204.12

frustration um Etc do you separate that

Time: 9209.12

from your creative work um do you try

Time: 9212.76

and buffer yourself against that and the

Time: 9214.68

reason I ask is that many of the

Time: 9216.279

creatives that I know are artists of

Time: 9219.68

which you are um they they're very

Time: 9223.279

feeling people it's it's required for

Time: 9225.479

the craft you need to be a permeable to

Time: 9227.92

some extent but of course you want to be

Time: 9230.12

semi-permeable you don't want every

Time: 9232.24

emotion or thing that you encounter to

Time: 9234.16

yank you all over the place but um magic

Time: 9237.64

is this thing of delight and it's this

Time: 9239.6

thing of of love and um and that all

Time: 9241.72

sounds wonderful but how do you deal

Time: 9243.439

with things that you know that upset you

Time: 9245.8

and frustrate you do you do you actively

Time: 9247.76

try and push those out from the creative

Time: 9250.12

process or do you kind of incorporate

Time: 9251.56

them into the creative process want the

Time: 9254.359

truth or what what do you need I only

Time: 9255.92

want the truth the truth the truth is I

Time: 9258.279

am I'm

Time: 9261.12

I consider myself a perfectionist and I

Time: 9263.479

demand so much of myself and also the

Time: 9266.92

people working with me I could dwell on

Time: 9269.56

the smallest detail I look at the poster

Time: 9273.8

and I say the font is wrong that would

Time: 9276.16

bother me the spacing the curing between

Time: 9278.24

the letters i

Time: 9280.12

i it's hard for me to let go of the the

Time: 9285.359

smallest smallest smallest details I

Time: 9287.439

drive myself nuts and I have no doubt

Time: 9290.92

that I sometimes hopefully sometimes

Time: 9293.08

drop my crew nuts believe me I can

Time: 9295.52

relate I I you know uh Grant aets uh

Time: 9299.92

chef from Mia a dear friend and one of

Time: 9302.8

the greatest Minds one of the smartest

Time: 9305.04

people I've ever

Time: 9306.72

met he's a chef he makes food but you

Time: 9311.24

know he cares about the plate that the

Time: 9314.319

food is going to live in so he has a guy

Time: 9317.439

designed the plate for the food that's

Time: 9321.08

going to be on top of it what's the

Time: 9323.76

smell in the restaurant what's the

Time: 9325.439

temperature what's the carpet like

Time: 9327.08

what's the color everything counts

Time: 9330

there's nothing like for example I know

Time: 9332.6

fine restaurants do this a lot but it's

Time: 9334.84

a nice detail in his restaurant when you

Time: 9337.279

go to alenia they know with you it's

Time: 9340.92

going to be easy because you're very

Time: 9342.279

recognizable but they immediately know

Time: 9344.52


Time: 9345.359

name no matter who it is the entire crew

Time: 9349.12

every person in the restaurant knows

Time: 9351.52

what you look like and what's your name

Time: 9353.399

and they will address you by your name

Time: 9356.16

that's amazing to me allegedly it's got

Time: 9359.08

nothing to do with

Time: 9360.72

food and yet it

Time: 9362.92

does because everything counts and

Time: 9366.08

that's the life I live everything counts

Time: 9368.479

every detail is important nothing is too

Time: 9370.8

small I drive everybody nuts that's the

Time: 9372.8

truth and and I'm included yeah no it's

Time: 9375.96

it's really important for people to hear

Time: 9377.8

because well I know for myself when I

Time: 9379.8

see things that that irritate me um

Time: 9383.76

because of the way they're composed or

Time: 9385.399

something um I've had to learn over the

Time: 9388.279

years to I always say I don't run other

Time: 9390.64

people's businesses you know I'm focused

Time: 9392.68

on my stuff I don't get involved in

Time: 9394.96

other people's art but when you when I

Time: 9396.6

see things that I love and that look

Time: 9398.359

right yeah it's so satisfying but to be

Time: 9401.479

in the world as as you are or as I am

Time: 9405.56

perhaps it can be frustrating so we need

Time: 9408.08

selective filters right so I I guess

Time: 9410.6

provided that it's it's aimed at our

Time: 9412.84

craft and that people aim at their craft

Time: 9415.56

and what they're creating um then it's

Time: 9417.84

great but um It's Tricky if one is

Time: 9420.72

trying to engage with the World At Large

Time: 9423.24

to not let this stuff kind of bombard

Time: 9425.08

the senses it can be uh you know like

Time: 9427.12

for somebody that loves great food it

Time: 9428.84

must be frustrating to walk down the

Time: 9430.12

street in Manhattan the smells are range

Time: 9432.359

from delightful to horrible um so uh

Time: 9436.6

we're A peculiar species us humans but

Time: 9438.68

it's the species that have these unique

Time: 9441.12

tunings and these preferences and they

Time: 9442.76

lean into those preferences and how they

Time: 9444.72

create that that produce the The

Time: 9447.84

Marvelous work that is your magic and

Time: 9450.319

and V goes um that's a you put me in a

Time: 9453.56

good category here we need we need you

Time: 9456.04

yeah we we need uh well you are and and

Time: 9458.72

and we need people like you so for you

Time: 9461.479

if you're drawing from many things um

Time: 9464.72

and there's anger about something you

Time: 9466.04

see in the world frustration are you

Time: 9468.64

able to transmute that into your craft

Time: 9471.16

or is it a process of okay I got to dump

Time: 9473.6

that move that out so that I can focus

Time: 9475.92

on beauty focus on uh positive

Time: 9479.12

inspiration or can anger and frustration

Time: 9481.72

play a role I think there is beauty even

Time: 9484.56

in the angly I mean I look I you you're

Time: 9487.04

right I live I live in New York um it's

Time: 9489.88

my favorite city in the world and it's

Time: 9493.08

it's a LoveHate relationship it's ugly

Time: 9495.319

and beautiful at the same time it's rich

Time: 9497.12

and poor it's it's sophistic itting

Time: 9499.88

simple it's it's it's a city of

Time: 9502.52


Time: 9504.319

um you

Time: 9506.52

know I I these are things I always think

Time: 9509.439

about like you go and you see

Time: 9512.04

um like this area that's really run down

Time: 9515.12

and the signs are kind of like fading

Time: 9518.24

and this and you can think wow people

Time: 9520.439

not taking care of it they're not

Time: 9522.68

cleaning this it's ugly but you you know

Time: 9525.68

what when I have my camera on me that's

Time: 9528.439

what I want to take a photo of

Time: 9530.04

of it has character and it tells an

Time: 9533

amazing story so to

Time: 9536

me the ugly the old the wrinkled the The

Time: 9542

Not So Beautiful is very interesting and

Time: 9545.84

beautiful so

Time: 9548.319

I and again it's not that I'm think

Time: 9550.64

about it and then I make the choice I

Time: 9552.399

first respond and then maybe I'll think

Time: 9555.319


Time: 9556.16

it I I usually have a camera on me all

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Time: 9560.24

and I the rule is very simple I don't

Time: 9563.8

take a photo until something tickles me

Time: 9567.92

says take a photo here and I take a

Time: 9570.279

photo some are some are good some are

Time: 9572.64

bad I don't care but something in that

Time: 9574.72

moment made me want to do this and take

Time: 9578.08

a photo and a lot of times it's not the

Time: 9582.8

obvious pretty

Time: 9585.08

clean stuff it's sometimes the the ugly

Time: 9588.72

the violent you know some of the most

Time: 9592.92

beautiful um photos ever taken are taken

Time: 9595.96

at War by ban right

Time: 9601.12

uh it's

Time: 9603.08

us it's us and and and we're interesting

Time: 9606.92

even when we're ugly and and when we're

Time: 9609.16

we're angry we're still interesting so I

Time: 9612.359

to me that's yeah I don't know if I make

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Time: 9615.68

distinction that's very helpful by the

Time: 9618.56

way it were you always um sensory and

Time: 9623.399

emotionally tuned to the world around

Time: 9625.24

you since you were little do you feel

Time: 9626.6

like you could feel feel your way

Time: 9628.24

through the world this I like this I

Time: 9630.16

don't like like kind of um sensing

Time: 9633.64

things at a at a it seems to me that you

Time: 9636.16

are able to detect things people

Time: 9638.479

experiences with a lot of

Time: 9640.8

texture you know like that um it's hard

Time: 9643.68

for me to think outside myself that's

Time: 9645.319

way I think I don't know any other way

Time: 9646.8

I'm not I'm not a therapist but I'm just

Time: 9648.439

reflecting on um uh creatives that I

Time: 9652.24

know and and you seem to fall into this

Time: 9654.88

category of like things affect you or

Time: 9657.52

have the potential to affect you and so

Time: 9659.439

your nervous system is tuned to observe

Time: 9661.319

and to absorb fortunately you have a

Time: 9663.88

selective filter there that can't be

Time: 9665.72

bombarded by by life um or stuck there

Time: 9668.439

but do you recall being a kid and like

Time: 9670.64

like do you have like Visual and

Time: 9672.8

emotional memories of things that are

Time: 9674.76

strong I think I'm I'm very sensitive I

Time: 9678.24

think I I I get it's I'm ticklish you

Time: 9681.439


Time: 9683.64

it's I I think with my heart as much as

Time: 9687.68

I think with my brain I really think so

Time: 9689.84


Time: 9690.84

am you know I want to think I have thick

Time: 9694.52

skin I don't I I I get hurt

Time: 9699

easily uh I have

Time: 9701.76

empathy it happens to me often that I I

Time: 9706

I remember walking in New York I I cry

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Time: 9709.76

and I was and I saw just a person

Time: 9712.52

crying but I could feel their pain I

Time: 9714.88

don't know this person I start crying

Time: 9717.64

and I think

Time: 9718.82


Time: 9723.439

um you know I I

Time: 9726.64

I a big part of why I love being a

Time: 9730.52

magician is because I'm a part of a

Time: 9733.52

family that I would not replace with any

Time: 9737.12

other family like my best friends John

Time: 9740.279

Graham shimshi Blain Doug McKenzie these

Time: 9743.96

are very important people in my life and

Time: 9747.6

and uh I'm moved by the fact that you

Time: 9752.08

know I wanted I wanted to do a couple of

Time: 9753.8

cart tricks I wanted to do magic but I

Time: 9756.319

got something really way way I I it's a

Time: 9759.84

family I've joined a family Juan who I

Time: 9762.88

talk and caught a million times I feel

Time: 9765.8

like you know what a privilege you know

Time: 9768.439


Time: 9770.64

Master gave me so many gifts taught me

Time: 9774

so many things for no other reason than

Time: 9777.439

wanting to share something with

Time: 9780.359

me I'm in awe of that and it reminds me

Time: 9785.64

that I now need to do it with other

Time: 9787.56

people so when we did Inner Circle we we

Time: 9791.319

grew a family there's a bunch of kids

Time: 9793.479

you know uh uh Jacob Denny Luke uh you

Time: 9798.72

remember Nam yes I do Charlie uh struth

Time: 9802.8

uh Ari there's a b you know and we

Time: 9805.92

became uh a family I remember that um I

Time: 9809.319

got an award from the Magic

Time: 9811.96

Castle which is a flattering thing and

Time: 9814.279

you spoke about Awards I'm I appreciate

Time: 9816.64

Awards but I I have I think Awards could

Time: 9819.479

be very deceiving so I immed when I got

Time: 9822.04

when I got my award I got Magician of

Time: 9823.6

the year which is very flattering um I

Time: 9825.88

looked at for exactly 10 minutes I

Time: 9828.12

closed it and I gave it to somebody I

Time: 9830.359

did not want to own it but here's the

Time: 9832.479

real the story that I'm trying to tell

Time: 9835

you here is that so I had to fly from

Time: 9837.439

New York to Los Angeles to receive the

Time: 9839.72

award and one of the kids said uh can I

Time: 9842.64

join you sure but you have to buy your

Time: 9844.84

own ticket and you know Airbnb whatever

Time: 9848.319

um and then another one and another one

Time: 9850.84

all of them came with me all of them to

Time: 9853.84

see me get an award and I

Time: 9857.6

remember the award became secondary to

Time: 9862.359

the fact that they came to see me get an

Time: 9865.479

award so we went to get coffee and I

Time: 9868.84

took him to the Magic Castle for the

Time: 9870.2

first time I made him perform we went

Time: 9872.04

downstairs to the basement I said you're

Time: 9873.72

performing now and it you could it was a

Time: 9876.64

highlight for them and

Time: 9878.8

I that was my

Time: 9881.52

word it's so interesting because once

Time: 9883.84

again it's it's the story of the

Time: 9885.68

experience as opposed to the end product

Time: 9887.92

of the experience

Time: 9889.6

that is uh what captures us and what and

Time: 9893.12

it's clearly how we embed memory and how

Time: 9895.24

we come up with concepts of self and our

Time: 9897.88

life Arc it's really beautiful and um in

Time: 9901.319

your case it's about magic and Mentalist

Time: 9904

work but it it clearly um exports to uh

Time: 9907.88

all domains of life I I'm certain people

Time: 9910.92

are are getting

Time: 9912.84

it to put it that way speaking of the

Time: 9917.08

Arc of life tell us what's coming

Time: 9920.52

next what's the what's the next uh act

Time: 9923.92

uh what's the next um I don't want to

Time: 9926.479

call it a trick because it diminishes

Time: 9928.16

from your craft your art um what what

Time: 9932.319

what excites you most these days about

Time: 9934.279

what's coming next in your professional

Time: 9935.96

life so I'm I'm I'm now just about to to

Time: 9940.76

debut my next show which is incredibly

Time: 9943

human um I'm super excited about this

Time: 9946.52

show because you know in a strange way

Time: 9950.6

that show is this conversation we just

Time: 9953.16

had it's about the human mind it's about

Time: 9956.12

what we can do it's about pushing limits

Time: 9958.399

it's about kind of proving to ourselves

Time: 9961.08

of how magnificent we

Time: 9963.12

are um so that it's a it's a very you

Time: 9967.12

know it's very different than my first

Time: 9969.279

Inner Circle because this one is in

Time: 9970.84

theaters it's in you know thousands some

Time: 9973.72

seats you know theaters and um it's what

Time: 9977.24

I wanted to show to be visual ual I want

Time: 9980.439

to have a painterly quality to it so

Time: 9982.6

there's lots of things that are just

Time: 9984.56

going to paint the stage with lots of

Time: 9986.479

things I can't I don't want to spoil

Time: 9988.08

anything but it is a tribute to the

Time: 9990

human mind I'm excited about doing it we

Time: 9992.399

have so far announced uh six

Time: 9995.04

dates and there's two more big things

Time: 9997.8

coming up that I cannot talk about um

Time: 10001.24

that are very

Time: 10002.319

exciting but they're Brewing slowly but

Time: 10006.56

for me right now this show that I'm

Time: 10009.96

about to do is the most exciting thing

Time: 10012.12

figuring out how to make the best

Time: 10014.56

version of that

Time: 10015.92


Time: 10017.76

fantastic well aie I um I want to say on

Time: 10022.72

behalf of myself and everyone listening

Time: 10024.68

and watching um you are a truly unique

Time: 10029.319

and spectacular individual thank you um

Time: 10032.279

both for the work that you do and the

Time: 10035.04

way you approach it but also for what

Time: 10038.12

you teach us about ourselves about the

Time: 10040.16

human mind and brain about what makes us

Time: 10044.72

tick indeed what's possible in us I it's

Time: 10049.6

just ringing over and over again in my

Time: 10051.52

head that what you do is less about

Time: 10054.88

showing what's possible in the world a

Time: 10056.439

card can do this or the it's it's about

Time: 10058.479

what's possible inside of us both alone

Time: 10061.76

and in groups and as it relates to

Time: 10063.96

perception and Imagination it's really

Time: 10066.96

truly spectacular and I say that having

Time: 10070.24

again seen you do your acts live and

Time: 10073.2

seen some online and um I'll certainly

Time: 10075.92

come out to uh the upcoming show and the

Time: 10078.68

mystery shows that I'm not allowed to

Time: 10080.16

know about I also would be remiss if I

Time: 10084.12

didn't say that you know this empathy

Time: 10086.72

that you have and the fact that you as

Time: 10088.88

you described it you you think with your

Time: 10091.04

heart um uh I don't know much about your

Time: 10094.64

life aside from what you've told us here

Time: 10096.56

today but um I imagine that can be a a

Time: 10100.76

challenging experience at times to live

Time: 10102.52

life that way that sensitivity but I

Time: 10104.92

just want to say thank you we're we are

Time: 10106.92

all gifted this magic true magic that

Time: 10109.64

you do because of the way that you think

Time: 10112.319

with your heart and your empathy and

Time: 10114.359

your openness and willingness to share

Time: 10116.399

while you did not reveal how every trick

Time: 10118.08

is done sorry um you made it very clear

Time: 10121.88

that to do so would be to erase some of

Time: 10125.64

what's possible in us and um and so I

Time: 10130.439

also Place great value on the fact that

Time: 10132.88

you've kept some of the mystery or let's

Time: 10135.479

say much of the mystery of magic and

Time: 10139.56

Mentalist work a secret to us so that we

Time: 10143.04

can have it revealed to us in real time

Time: 10145.76

through your shows and other venues for

Time: 10148.64

magic and Mentalist work so on behalf of

Time: 10152.04

myself and everyone listening I just

Time: 10153.399

want to extend an enormous debt of

Time: 10154.92

gratitude for what you do and for being

Time: 10157.439

you thank you so much

Time: 10159.76

means a lot

Time: 10161.239

thanks thank you for joining me for

Time: 10163.2

today's discussion with aie wind please

Time: 10165.68

check out the links in the show note

Time: 10166.96

captions to oie's social media handles

Time: 10169.56

and to his live tour happening now the

Time: 10171.88

incredibly human tour if you're learning

Time: 10173.88

from Andor enjoin this podcast please

Time: 10176.12

subscribe to our YouTube channel that's

Time: 10177.8

a terrific zero cost way to support us

Time: 10180.16

in addition please subscribe to the

Time: 10181.84

podcast on both Spotify and apple and on

Time: 10184.319

both Spotify and apple you can leave us

Time: 10186.12

up to a five-star review please check

Time: 10188.2

out the sponsors mentioned at the

Time: 10189.68

beginning and throughout today's episode

Time: 10191.64

that's the best way to support this

Time: 10193.239

podcast if you have questions for me or

Time: 10195.439

comments about the podcast or guests

Time: 10197.319

you'd like me to consider or topics

Time: 10198.88

you'd like me to consider for the hubman

Time: 10200.319

Lab podcast please put those in the

Time: 10202.239

comment section on YouTube I do read all

Time: 10204.479

the comments not during today's episode

Time: 10206.56

but on many previous episodes of The

Time: 10207.96

hubman Lab podcast we discuss

Time: 10209.88

supplements while supplements aren't

Time: 10211.479

necessary for everybody many people

Time: 10213.319

derive tremendous benefit from them for

Time: 10215.08

things like improving sleep for hormone

Time: 10217.04

support and for improving Focus to learn

Time: 10219.239

more about the supplements discussed on

Time: 10220.52

the hubman Lab podcast go to live

Time: 10222.64

momentus spelled o us so it's Liv

Time: 10224.76

Time: 10226.16

huberman if you're not already following

Time: 10228.12

me on social media I'm hubman lab on all

Time: 10230.68

social media platforms so that's

Time: 10232.479

Instagram X Twitter LinkedIn Facebook

Time: 10235.279

and threads and at all of those places I

Time: 10237.56

discuss science and science related

Time: 10239.319

tools some of which overlap with the

Time: 10241.04

content of the hubman Lab podcast but

Time: 10242.8

much of which are distinct from the

Time: 10244.239

content of the hubman Lab podcast so

Time: 10246.16

again it's hubman lab on all social

Time: 10247.92

media channels if you haven't already

Time: 10249.6

subscribed to our neural network

Time: 10250.92

newsletter the neural network newsletter

Time: 10253

is our zeroc cost monthly newsletter

Time: 10255.16

that has podcast summaries and protocols

Time: 10257.2

in the form of brief one to three-page

Time: 10259.68

PDFs that spell out for you in very

Time: 10261.96

clear terms how for instance to optimize

Time: 10265.399

your physical health how to optimize

Time: 10267.52

dopamine how to improve your sleep how

Time: 10269.64

to learn better through neuroplasticity

Time: 10271.6

deliberate cold exposure heat exposure

Time: 10273.68

and on and on again all completely zero

Time: 10275.76

cost to sign up for the neural network

Time: 10277.239

newsletter you simply go to cuber

Time: 10278.96 go to the menu tab scroll down a

Time: 10281.439

newsletter and enter your email we do

Time: 10283.479

not share your email with anybody thank

Time: 10285.64

you for joining me for today's

Time: 10286.88

discussion with AI wind and last but

Time: 10289.399

certainly not least thank you for your

Time: 10291.399

interest in

Time: 10292.75


Time: 10296.2


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