Andrew Huberman "Rich People Think Differently"

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the early stages of hard work and focus

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are going to feel like agitation stress

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and confusion because that's the

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norepinephrine adrenaline system kicking

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in none of us would expect to walk into

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the gym and do our PR lift or you know a

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performer go do something without

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warming up the brain also needs to warm

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up and start to hone in which circuits

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are going to be active

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and it's it's unreasonable for us to

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think oh I've got an hour I'm going to

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plop down and write beautifully for an

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hour of my best work we need to accept

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that there's a period of agitation and

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stress that accompanies the dropping

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into these highly concentrated States

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now in terms of the reward that

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accompanies the feeling that we're

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funneling into that that groove of being

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productive in in one regime like for you

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writing this book

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the dopamine system is really important

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to understand so we've talked about

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norepinephrine kind of gets you going

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acetylcholine is the spotlight of

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the dopamine system is Mother Nature's

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hardwired ancient system in all animals

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including humans to put us on the right

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path a lot of people talk about dopamine

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as this thing that you get when you

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publish the book or when you get the

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book deal or when something wonderful

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happens like your child's born and

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that's true but dopamine's main role is

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to be released anytime you achieve a

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milestone or you think you're on the

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right path

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and when the dopamine system is Tethered

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to a particular pattern of focus

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remember duration path and outcome so

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it's like okay sit down maybe you don't

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get much text out but then the next day

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you get 800 words of really solid text

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and you feel good like I'm into this

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what does that dopamine system do the

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dopamine system takes the norepinephrine

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which is normally rate limiting like at

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some point

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there's so much norepinephrine that you

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quit dopamine can push that

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noradrenaline back down that adrenaline

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back down and give you more room more

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space to do duration path and outcome

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work highly focused work and I'm making

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duration path outcomes synonymous with

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highly focused work why would this

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happen so let's think about an animal

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let's think about a deer that wakes up

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and is thirsty

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and it's wandering out looking for water

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that animal needs water it doesn't know

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that it needs water it experiences

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agitation the same way that a baby feels

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agitation when it wants food but it

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doesn't know it needs food it just feels

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agitation and cries and the caretaker

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comes hopefully that deer is now

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foraging for something that it needs and

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let's say it smells water because deer

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can actually do that and arrives at a

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stream and takes a sip of water there's

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dopamine released then that puts it on a

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path to maybe a larger Lake or something

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of that sort or to be able to go cheap

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food so when we are on the right path

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and we hit a milestone dopamine is

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released and it tends to tighten our

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focus more for that activity this is why

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drugs of abuse and why alcoholism and

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some you know process addictions which

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are behavioral addictions are so

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dangerous because they a lot of those

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drugs of abuse are dopamine so it

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becomes this cyclical Loop where there's

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no other behavior that can evoke the

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same level of release right in fact I

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sort of Define addiction as a

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progressive narrowing of the things that

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bring you pleasure and I say that

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because it really is the way that the

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dopamine system works normally the

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dopamine system is designed to be

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generic it's designed to get me to do

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lots of things social quality social

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interactions you know work exercise all

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those things

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just like the stress system is designed

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to get me out of bed in the morning a

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cortisol pulse is what gets me out of

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bed in the morning it's also what leads

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me to or led me to pursue a career in

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science out of fear initially and

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eventually pleasure so the dopamine

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system is Tethered to those states of

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focus and it's what Mother Nature

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designs so that neuroplasticity would

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occur and you would want to continue

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those behaviors again in the future that

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deer needs to know and remember and

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create a memory not just of where that

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stream is but the process of oh when I

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feel that agitation I'm going to get up

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and go down this particular path right

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and so people think of the dopamine

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system as this kind of like catch-all

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for reward oh you get likes on Instagram

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and it makes you feel good that's not

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really how it works

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and the important thing to understand is

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when you start getting a convergence of

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norepinephrine to that level of

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agitation duration path outcome

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acetylcholine and dopamine now you're

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starting to wire in the behaviors that

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make people really good at certain

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things what this means is that for any

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of us success in any Endeavor is very

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closely related to how much Focus we can

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bring to that endeavor and the reward

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system you start to realize is entirely

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internal no one's coming along and

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cramming dopamine in your ear or

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dripping it in your brain it's all

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internal and this starts to bring us

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into the kind of like discussion around

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mindsets the discovery of growth mindset

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was of these kids that actually really

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enjoyed doing problem sets that they

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knew they couldn't get right but for

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them they would get this like dopamine

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release from just focusing on the

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problem they like doing puzzles they

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couldn't get right it sounds crazy but

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inevitably those kids are very good at

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puzzles and very good at math and these

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kinds of things so growth mindset is I

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believe it was sort of a neuroscience

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lens on growth mindset would be that the

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agitation and stress that you feel at

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the beginning of something and when

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you're trying to lean into it and you

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can't focus is just a recognized gate

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you have to pass that through that gate

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to get to the focus component and then

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if you can reward the effort process you

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really start to feel Joy and low levels

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of of excitement in the effort process

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that's that buffering of adrenaline

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that's that feeling like yes I've got a

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lot of adrenaline in my system but I'm

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on the right path it feels good to walk

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up this hill so to speak and when you

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start to bring those neural circuits

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you really start to create a whole set

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of circuits that are designed to be

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exported to any Behavior you want

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so if it's writing a book great if it's

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podcasting great if it's building a

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business great if it's if it's you know

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building a terrific relationship great

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then the circuits that Mother Nature's

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design are incredibly generic so that we

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could adapt to whatever it is that we

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need to do and I think the

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misunderstanding around how these

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circuits work has led to this idea that

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there's some secret entry point maybe

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marked flow on the door and there's a

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trampoline up to that door and you just

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open that door and you're going to be in

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it right and nothing could be further

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from the truth and anyone who's done

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well in any career or athletic Pursuit

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knows this but unfortunately there's a

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kind of obsession with the idea that

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it's all supposed to feel good and it

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does feel good but there's a whole

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staircase in which it feels kind of

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lousy the idea that you can self-reward

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the effort process is extremely powerful

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because what it means is that if you can

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recognize agitation stress and confusion

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as an entry point to where you

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eventually want to go I do think that

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just that even just mental recognition

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can allow people to pass through it more

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easily they think they're doing

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something wrong and then rewarding

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yourself when you achieve any Milestone

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like you know running to a particular

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location if you're trying to run a long

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distance and then registering that as a

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partial win

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what we know is that the dopamine that's

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released in response to that suppresses

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the total amount of adrenaline and gives

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you more room more time more energy to

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run in the running example and this is

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anchored in a real scientific result so

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last year there was a paper published

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that essentially was asking why any

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human or animal quits at any Behavior

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talking about running or we're talking

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about long bouts of work the question is

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why do we quit like what is that it

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turns out that every time we exert

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effort a certain amount of noradrenaline

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in the brain is released and there's a

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sort of a counter in the brain stem and

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at some point enough noradrenaline is

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released and it shuts down cognitive

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control deliberate control over the

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motor circuitry and we quit the thing

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that can restore those levels or can

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sort of reset those levels lower and

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give us more gas more mileage is

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dopamine and it makes perfect sense

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because our species had to move against

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very challenging things in in nature and

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in in terms of in culture at every stage

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of our Evolution including now a good

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example would be if you're really

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slogging it out and things are miserable

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just think like the worst family

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vacation everything's a disaster or a

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very hard physical event

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and someone cracks a joke

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you're almost immediately feel a sense

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of relief you see this in the team that

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wins the Super Bowl both teams slogged

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it out you have to believe they were

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both at Max effort the entire game look

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at the team that wins they have extra

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energy they're jumping all over the

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place so it can't be physical energy it

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can't be glycogen related it's not

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Ketone related it's nothing in the body

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in that sense it's dopamine's ability to

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take that level of norepinephrine and

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smack it back down and so we can learn

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this right I mean I think this is where

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there's real power like in your story

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um or the story that I'm familiar with

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from your book like the the ability to

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push through those pain points is

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something that we really can export to

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other aspects of life because it's the

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same neurochemicals that are involved so

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when you get to a particular location or

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maybe you're I recall

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um you know a portion where you're just

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you're feeling lousy you know you're

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injured or you feel like you're hurt and

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you can reframe it mentally

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and think I'm actually still on the

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ladder I'm still holding on to a rung I

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know at least that much I'm still

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breathing I know that much and the lift

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that we get is not some psychological

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pump up it's a neurochemical thing it's

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dopamine suppressing norepinephrine and

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saying you're on the right path you can

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keep going it's a permission to keep

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going and we grant that permission to

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ourselves no one grants that permission

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to us I think one of the other kind of

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misconceptions that we want to dissolve

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is this idea that external rewards can

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actually Propel us down long past of of

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success and high performance they can't

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I have a friend from the SEAL Teams and

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somebody asked us recently we were given

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a talk um and somebody said how can I

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make sure that I continue to self-reward

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and I'm not driven by these external

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rewards how can I continue to have that

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drive and uh his answer was very good he

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said give away all the external rewards

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there's a famous Stanford study done at

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Bing nursery school did this study where

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they looked at kids that like to playing

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during their recess it's all recess in

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nursery school but they're drawing and

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they took the kids that really like to

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and they started giving them little gold

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stars on their drawings and then they

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liked the gold stars for a kid that's an

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extrinsic reward and then they stopped

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doing that and the kids stopped drawing

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they just they they associate the good

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feeling of doing it with the external

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rewards and we have to be very cautious

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about how much of our internal dopamine

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we attach to external rewards if we want

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to continue to grow and pursue and focus

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and work hard if you just want to get to

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some place and cash in

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then fine but most people find

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themselves in a pretty miserable place

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because their dopamine was so attached

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to external rewards they need more and

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more one of the most powerful things

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that any person can do is to learn to

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this idea of duration path and outcome

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and attach an internal sense of reward

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just that you're doing well to reward

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yourself mentally just say I'm doing

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well I'm actually on the right path

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to do that inside of the

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demands that come from the external

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world the more often that we can

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self-reward some aspect of the process

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provided it's in the right direction of

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what we're trying to achieve

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the more energy we're going to have for

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that the more Focus we're going to have

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for that and remember that nor the

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reason I say energy is that limiting

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amount of noradrenaline is constantly

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being kept at Bay you're literally

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buffering the quit response and so when

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people start realizing that

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if they set the goals inside of the

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larger goal and self-reward each one of

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those they essentially have an infinite

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amount of energy to pursue

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those goals they have an infinite amount

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of focus to pursue those goals

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