AMA #9: Kratom Risks, Does Infrared Sauna Work & Journaling Benefits

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: Welcome to the Huberman Lab podcast,

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where we discuss science and science-based tools

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for everyday life.

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I'm Andrew Huberman, and I'm a professor

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of neurobiology and ophthalmology

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today is an Ask Me Anything episode or AMA.

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This is part of our premium subscriber channel.

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I'm also pleased to inform you that for every dollar

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So now we are able to double the total amount of funding

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And for those of you that are not Huberman Lab podcast

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hear the first 20 minutes of today's episode

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and determine whether or not becoming a premium subscriber

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is for you.

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So without further ado, let's get

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to answering your questions.

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The first question is about kratom.

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And the question is, what are the short and long-term effects

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of taking kratom?

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For those of you that haven't heard of kratom,

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kratom is a substance that comes from a tree that

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grows naturally in Indonesia.

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The tree itself is called mitragyna speciosa.

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And it's been known for hundreds of years or more.

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We don't really know how long, but at least for a couple

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of hundred years, that when people chew

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the leaves of this tree, they experience a mild stimulant

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And there's also a process of extraction

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whereby you can take the leaves and get high concentrations

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of kratom that nowadays is packaged

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into various supplements.

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Most often consumed in capsule form,

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although sometimes it's sold in raw powder form.

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Here's the key thing to understand about kratom.

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Indeed at low dosages, kratom has a mild stimulant effect.

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However, at higher dosages, it has

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what's called an analgesic effect, that

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is a painkilling effect, and it acts as a sedative.

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And kratom itself acts as an opioid in the body.

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This is what's making kratom a very controversial topic

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these days.

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In particular, because most people

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have heard of the so-called opioid crisis.

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The opioid crisis has been a term

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coined to largely center around issues

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that have taken place in the United States,

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although these issues definitely extend

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beyond the borders of the United States.

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But the opioid crisis is essentially

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the overconsumption and widespread addiction

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to opioids.

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Opioids include things like morphine,

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oxycodone, also called OxyContin,

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and there are other opioids similar to those compounds,

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all of which have the general effect of being painkillers

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and sedatives.

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And in some people, again some people,

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eliciting a sense of euphoria in particular

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at low to moderate dosages.

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However, people quickly develop a tolerance to those drugs

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and need to consume more and more of them

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in order to get the effect that they initially

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got from a lower dosage.

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And they are not just highly habit-forming.

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They are highly addictive.

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And we can distinguish between habit

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forming and addictive by simply saying that addictive means

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people will continue to take something or do something

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despite negative consequences.

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There are other relevant definitions of addiction

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as well.

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I define addiction more broadly as the progressive narrowing

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of the things that give you pleasure.

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And indeed, when people get addicted to opioids,

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it is a very bad picture.

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It often hampers many, many areas of their lives,

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and seriously so.

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So the opioid crisis refers to the overprescription

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of opioid drugs.

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That's sort of what it generally taken to mean.

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But it also includes accessing opioids such as morphine,

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oxycodone, et cetera through gray market sources through,

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black market sources, and on and on.

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And of course, the acquisition of the drugs

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is just one piece it's also the over consumption

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of those drugs and, of course, the addiction to those drugs,

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which has proved to be so pernicious.

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So what does this have to do with kratom?

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Kratom is also an opioid.

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And we'll talk about how it differs

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in its opioid properties from the drugs I just talked about

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because it is different from morphine and hydrocodone,

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but it also has some similar properties as well.

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But the deal with kratom is that a good number

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of people out there have managed to wean themselves

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off opioids such as morphine and hydrocodone

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through the use of kratom.

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And that has been used as justification

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for keeping kratom on the market and keeping it legal.

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However, and this is a very important however,

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kratom itself has also proved to be not only habit forming

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but addictive, especially when taken at dosages that exceed

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that lower dose that just generally creates

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a bit of stimulant, a little bit of euphoric effect.

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When people start taking higher dosages of kratom,

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it is very clear that it does become addictive,

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and itself is very hard to come off of,

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so much so that people experience so-called kratom

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Now the reason I mentioned that kratom

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has been used by a good number of people

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to wean themselves off of the more potent forms

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of prescription opioids is that when

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I solicited for questions about kratom on social media,

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it was a very binary response.

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In fact, there was one camp a very rabid camp

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that said kratom is terrible.

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I took this stuff.

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I got addicted.

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It was extremely hard to come off of.

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There were additional comments in there,

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such as I know somebody who literally

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had to go to rehab because of kratom who

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developed a bunch of other addictions because of kratom.

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Essentially many, many responses of people who had only bad

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experiences with kratom.

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Meaning they liked it enough at first

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that they continued to take it, and it became addictive

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for them or somebody that they know.

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However, there was another camp that was equally vocal,

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which kept saying no if one really adheres to the lower

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dosages of kratom, kratom itself can

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be a useful tool for getting off other opioids.

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And there were even a few bona fide medical professionals,

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medical doctors that is, and I happen to know them

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and their reputations as quite good, who chimed in and sort of

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reconciled the two camps by saying

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indeed, if one can avoid taking kratom at all, you should.

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There is no reason to take this thing thinking that it's

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quote-unquote good for you.

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You would be wise to avoid taking it

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because there is a high probability if you take it

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at a given dosage or at a dosage that is going to get your brain

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and body into a state of euphoria, analgesia,

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and the sort of classic opioid effect

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that it's going to become habit forming or addicting for you.

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That said, these same medical professionals

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acknowledged that a fair number of people that they knew

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managed to get off of the more potent forms of opioids

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such as morphine, oxycodone, and so forth using kratom.

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And they said, well if it's a choice between being

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addicted to morphine and hydrocodone versus taking

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kratom and addicted to those substances and kratom somehow

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allowed them to taper off of those substances,

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that they would look more favorably upon kratom

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if and only if they would also commit to progressively

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lowering their dose of kratom and eventually coming off

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of kratom.

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So the general takeaway from all of that is if you can avoid

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taking kratom, meaning if you haven't taken it already,

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And that reminds me of a very important point, which

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a guest on the Huberman lab podcast Dr. Robert

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Malenka who's an M.D. and Ph.D. He's

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my colleague at Stanford School of Medicine.

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He's a world expert on the mechanisms underlying addiction

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and dopamine and drug reinforcement,

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among many other things.

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What he said on the podcast is absolutely true,

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which is that it is impossible to get addicted to a substance

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that you've never consumed.

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That might seem obvious but think about that one again.

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It is impossible to get addicted to a substance

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that you've never consumed.

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So I think the safest statement to make

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is if you have not tried kratom, you

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would be wise to avoid it because you

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stand a chance to become addicted to it.

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If, however, you are somebody that's

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addicted to other forms of opioids,

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you absolutely should talk to your physician about that

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and how to get off of those opioids.

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But there is evidence that some people have used kratom

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to successfully wean themselves off the more potent forms

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of opioids that I talked about, namely

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morphine and hydrocodone, as well as a few others.

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Now if you're somebody who already takes kratom,

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you need to be very thoughtful about the dosage that you take.

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And you also need to be thoughtful about the fact

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that people differ dramatically in their response to opioids.

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This is oh so important, and people do not

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talk about this enough.

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We hear, for instance, that, oh, if people are taking anywhere

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from one to five grams, maybe one to six grams of kratom

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per day, that's keeping it in the dosage

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range for which people don't generally tend to get addicted,

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you'll hear things like that.

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And by the way, when I say one to five or one

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to six grams per day, I'm not talking

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about the individual compounds that are present in kratom.

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There are a couple of different plant alkaloids

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I'll talk about in a moment that are present in kratom.

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And these have different effects on the opioid system.

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So nowadays, some of the companies that sell kratom.

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And by the way, this is sold over the counter

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as a supplement.

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It does not require a prescription

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to purchase, at least at this point in time,

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in the United States.

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Some of these products will have a higher concentration of one

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or the other alkaloids within them

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such that you can't really compare

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one gram of one brand of kratom to one gram of another brand

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of kratom because they can have wildly different levels

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of these different alkaloids.

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And these different alkaloids have wildly different impact

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on different aspects of your brain and body biology.

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In particular, how much they tend to impact

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the so-called endogenous opioid system, OK.

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So when we talk about dosages, we

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have to keep this in the back of our mind.

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And we have to keep in the back of our mind

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that there does seem to be a subgroup of people.

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We don't know how big this subgroup of people is,

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but we know it's not everyone, but it's somewhere between 10

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and 40% of people seem to respond to opioids

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in a particularly potent way.

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They really like them.

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And perhaps not surprisingly, people outside of that category

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don't tend to like opioids.

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I can certainly say that I am somebody

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who, when I've been prescribed things like Vicodin

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or any other opioid post-surgery for pain,

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I hate taking those drugs.

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I absolutely hate it.

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I'd rather deal with the pain.

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They make me nauseous.

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They make me feel terrible.

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That said, I know people who love opioids.

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It's like a natural fit for their chemistry in the sense

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that it tends to evoke more euphoria.

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They just immediately like the feeling.

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Some of you may remember the episode of the Huberman Lab

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podcast that I did about alcohol.

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And there, too, I discussed the fact that about 8% to 10%

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of people who consume alcohol get an increased dopamine

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response to alcohol that's not observed in other people.

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And that particular subgroup of people is very, very at risk

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for developing alcohol use disorder,

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sometimes called alcoholism, because they can drink in a way

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and they experience a high from drinking in a way

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that other people simply do not experience.

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Now like everybody else, if they consume too much alcohol,

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they get drunk.

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So it's not about the drunk effect,

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it's about the dopamine and other sorts

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of chemicals that are released in those people in response

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to alcohol that other people just don't seem to experience

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at the same level of potency.

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So again, with things like kratom and the other opioids,

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there's a category of people, and it's a much larger category

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of people, again 10% to 40%.

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We don't know exactly how many because the studies are not

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really completed, and there aren't enough of those studies

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yet, unfortunately.

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But when those people take an opioid,

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wow, oh, wow, do they like it.

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And those people, in particular, are very much at risk

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for developing an addiction to opioids.

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And so those people, especially, should never ever go near

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kratom if they haven't.

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Or if they are already taking kratom,

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these are the people that are constantly

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ratcheting up their dose.

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These are the people that tell you no, I'm not addicted,

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but if you were to say, hey, all right,

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well then let's do an experiment where you don't take kratom

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for a week, those are going to be the people that are suddenly

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going to get anxious about the mere idea of that.

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I've also talked about this in reference

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to cannabis when I did an episode about cannabis.

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Again I'm not putting a blanket statement out

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there about cannabis as being good or bad.

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On that episode, I talked about the fact

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that cannabis does indeed have various therapeutic uses.

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But that there are a good number of people

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who rely on cannabis for anxiety control

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and other ways of modulating their brain chemistry

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and bodily chemistry such that if you were to say,

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hey, are you addicted to cannabis?

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They'd say no, I don't have to smoke cannabis.

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I don't have to take my edibles.

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But if you were to push them a little bit and say,

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all right, well then, let's do an experiment

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where you don't consume any cannabis

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in any form for 10 days.

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They don't like the idea of that experiment at all.

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So much so that were they to run that experiment,

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they would experience a lot of the withdrawal symptoms

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associated with addiction.

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So I can't, in good faith, say that kratom

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is safe for everybody because it is simply not.

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Now is it safer than the other opioids?

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And if so, why?

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Well, in order to address that, let's

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take a short glance at the pharmacology of kratom

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and how it works in terms of its neurochemistry in the body.

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Now I'm going to keep this pretty brief

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because, in the future, I'm going

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to do an extended episode all about opioids,

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and I will include kratom in that conversation.

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But just to back up a little bit and discuss what opioids are.

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Opioids are compounds that can activate

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the so-called endogenous opioid system.

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All of us have within our brain and body

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the capacity to release our own opioids.

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That's right.

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You have opioids within your body.

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They are released from neurons, and they bind

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to so-called opioid receptors.

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Perhaps some of you have heard of the so-called runner's high.

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The runner's high is a euphoric state.

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It's a fairly mild euphoric state in most cases.

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But it's a euphoric state induced

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by long-duration effort, a.k.a.

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the runner's high.

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The runner's high is just a phrase

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used to explain that when we engage

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in long-duration repetitive action effort,

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the body starts releasing these endogenous opioids they bind

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to receptors, and they trigger things

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like analgesia, relief from pain.

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They trigger mild euphoria.

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They tend to change our perception

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of the outside world, make things

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look more beautiful, shiny.

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They give things a little bit of a sheen.

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What I just described is a mild version

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of what people experience when they

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take something like morphine.

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When people take morphine, there's

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a more of a sedative effect, there's

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more of a euphoric effect, and there's

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more of a dreamlike effect.

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And again, it will depend on dosage.

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Kratom and morphine, and hydrocodone all

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have the property of acting like the endogenous opioids

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but at much higher potency.

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When you bring them into your system,

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they cross the blood-brain barrier.

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So they go into the brain, and they

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bind to a number of different opioid receptors.

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There's the mu-opioid receptor.

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By the way, these names all follow Greek alphabet letters.

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So the mu-opioid receptor, the kappa opioid receptor,

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there are a bunch of different ones.

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Kratom binds preferentially to the mu-opioid receptor

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and somewhat to the kappa opioid receptor.

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There's a big misconception out there.

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A lot of people, especially people

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who are proponents of kratom, will

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say no morphine and hydrocodone bind the mu-opioid receptor,

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whereas kratom binds the kappa opioid receptor.

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So it's a different compound.

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Very, very different.

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Not true.

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Not true.

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Kratom, morphine, and hydrocodone all bind

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to the mu-opioid receptor.

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And that's what's largely responsible

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for its opioid-like effects.

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Especially when you get the dosage up to a level

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where you start getting the mild sedation, the analgesia,

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the pain relief.

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And keep in mind a lot of people are taking kratom

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because they want pain relief.

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And when that mu-opioid receptor system is activated,

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it indirectly activates a lot of the reinforcement circuitry

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in the brain that relates to dopamine and serotonin.

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This is another area that we'll go into in more

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depth in the future.

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But there's been a lot of controversy.

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People saying, oh, you know kratom

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doesn't trigger the dopamine system,

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therefore, it's not addictive.

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But that is simply not true.

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It indirectly activates the reinforcement circuitry

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that includes both dopamine and serotonin.

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But its primary effect is to hit this mu-opioid receptor

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system that exists in a bunch of places in the brain

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but mainly in the brainstem in a structure

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called the periaqueductal gray nucleus, which

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then provides pain relief.

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It triggers a number of different shifts in cognition.

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It's what creates that mild euphoria, et cetera, et cetera.

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Now how can we be so confident that kratom is acting so

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similarly to hydrocodone and to morphine,

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albeit with lower potency?

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And the reason is if you give people

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a drug that blocks the mu-opioid receptor prior to them

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taking kratom, they don't experience

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any of the classic effects of taking kratom.

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No euphoria, no analgesia, no sedation.

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Even at the low dosages no mild stimulant effect.

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So we really have to look at kratom as an opioid, OK.

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That's just the honest truth.

Time: 1063.06

And if you're somebody who doesn't like this message

Time: 1065.227

because you like kratom, I'm not telling you

Time: 1067.277

that you don't like kratom, I'm telling you likely like kratom

Time: 1069.86

because it's an opioid.

Time: 1071.4

So again, if you go online and you start asking questions

Time: 1073.85

about kratom, again, you're going to see these two camps.

Time: 1076.43

You're going to see the kratom is terrible,

Time: 1079.37

it's addictive, it's everything bad camp.

Time: 1081.95

And then you're going to see the other camp out there very vocal

Time: 1085.13

as well, talking about how kratom helped them avoid

Time: 1088.55

other things that are worse.

Time: 1089.72

And this is an argument that, frankly, I

Time: 1092.9

don't think we want to lean on, right.

Time: 1094.7

The idea that substance A is not as bad as substance B.

Time: 1098.81

And that making substance A unavailable

Time: 1101.54

is just going to send everyone running for substance B. That's

Time: 1106.04

a weak argument, frankly.

Time: 1107.81

I heard this argument around cannabis.

Time: 1109.43

And by the way, I think pretty balanced about cannabis.

Time: 1112.092

If you listen to the episode I did on cannabis,

Time: 1114.05

I think you'll agree that I believe that cannabis has

Time: 1116.96

its therapeutic applications.

Time: 1118.56

I also believe that young people, especially young males

Time: 1122.45

with a predisposition to psychosis,

Time: 1124.46

should not be taking high-concentration THC

Time: 1126.86


Time: 1127.58

Because the data tell us they are already

Time: 1130.16

at risk of psychosis, and they are at a much greater risk

Time: 1132.65

of psychosis if they do.

Time: 1133.95

So I think I'm pretty balanced about the story on cannabis.

Time: 1137.27

But I often hear the argument oh cannabis

Time: 1139.7

isn't as bad as alcohol and, therefore, cannabis is good.

Time: 1143.69

That's simply not rational.

Time: 1145.33

What we should be saying is whether or not

Time: 1147.08

it's cannabis or alcohol or kratom

Time: 1149.03

or any substance for that matter, what

Time: 1151.55

are the potential benefits, what are the potential risks?

Time: 1154.7

And again, this is far too much than we

Time: 1157.01

can go into in this AMA.

Time: 1158.78

And we will go into in a future full-length episode

Time: 1161.39

of the Huberman Lab podcast.

Time: 1162.74

But the other thing to really keep in mind

Time: 1165.02

is the lack of regulation over kratom supplements.

Time: 1169.1

Now as many of you know, I am a fan

Time: 1171.41

of many, not all, but many supplements

Time: 1173.81

in certain conditions.

Time: 1175.05

I always say behavior is first, then nutrition.

Time: 1177.89

Then if and only if it's needed, rely on supplementation.

Time: 1181.91

But supplementation is a big category.

Time: 1184.4

But when we're talking about supplements

Time: 1186.11

that are opioid compounds, I start

Time: 1188.12

to get nervous because of the high abuse

Time: 1190.46

potential and the high addiction potential of opioids.

Time: 1194.93

And kratom is included in that category.

Time: 1197.15

A couple of other key notes about kratom.

Time: 1199.52

While death directly from kratom is fairly rare,

Time: 1203.03

it has happened.

Time: 1204.5

Now hydrocodone and morphine suppress respiration.

Time: 1208.78

Actually, suppress breathing by way of a mechanism

Time: 1211.18

that, if you're a listener of the Huberman Lab podcast,

Time: 1213.79

you know about.

Time: 1215.03

Which is the so-called physiological sigh.

Time: 1216.93

Many of you have heard me talk about the physiological sigh.

Time: 1219.43

Is something that you do voluntarily the double Inhale

Time: 1221.68

through the nose and then a long exhale

Time: 1223.42

in order to rapidly reduce your level of stress.

Time: 1226.06

As far as we know, that's the fastest way

Time: 1227.92

to deliberately lower your level of stress.

Time: 1230.81

But the physiological sigh was discovered in the 1930s

Time: 1233.98

as a spontaneous pattern of breathing

Time: 1236.35

that occurs involuntarily in sleep in order

Time: 1240.19

to reinflate the lungs and offload carbon dioxide

Time: 1242.44

and bring oxygen back into the system

Time: 1244.21

on the subsequent breath.

Time: 1245.44

When I interviewed Dr. Jack Feldman, who

Time: 1247.57

is a professor at University of California Los Angeles

Time: 1250.18

and really the pioneer of the modern neuroscience

Time: 1253.03

understanding of respiration, he talked about some studies

Time: 1256.03

in his laboratory that were exploring why

Time: 1258.1

people die when taking opioids.

Time: 1261.23

This is a major issue associated with the opioid crisis.

Time: 1263.8

And what he mentioned was that the opioids bind

Time: 1266.69

to particular receptors in the brain

Time: 1268.49

stem locations that generate physiological sighs.

Time: 1272.81

So opioids, when taken as drugs, suppress physiological sighing

Time: 1278.24

and do so during sleep.

Time: 1279.86

And lack of adequate respiration,

Time: 1282.29

meaning people stop breathing during sleep,

Time: 1284.54

is one of the primary reasons why people

Time: 1286.34

die when they take opioids.

Time: 1288.87

Now kratom is not known to suppress respiration

Time: 1291.41

when taken at low to moderate dosages.

Time: 1293.63

But when combined with any other opioids,

Time: 1296.66

and certainly when combined with alcohol,

Time: 1299.06

it can suppress respiration.

Time: 1301.01

And while the data on this are fairly scant,

Time: 1303.77

there is some evidence that kratom-induced death

Time: 1306.38

is caused by suppression of the respiration system.

Time: 1309.84

So again, death due to taking kratom

Time: 1312.83

at the dosages that are recommended

Time: 1314.84

on most commercial packaging is fairly rare,

Time: 1317.78

although it has happened.

Time: 1319.52

It's unclear if it happened because it

Time: 1321.23

was taken in combination with other compounds.

Time: 1323.36

That seems likely.

Time: 1324.183

But we can't forget that a lot of people

Time: 1325.85

are taking kratom at much higher dosages and, in fact,

Time: 1328.85

progressively higher and higher dosages

Time: 1331.16

from these over-the-counter sources.

Time: 1333.47

And with increased dosage, there is, yes, an increased risk

Time: 1338.18

of respiratory failure.

Time: 1339.6

So again, all of this points to the fact

Time: 1342.2

that kratom is simply not a benign substance.

Time: 1344.82

So if we're going to be very honest,

Time: 1346.85

the addictive potential of kratom is real.

Time: 1349.53

It is exacerbated for some people compared to others,

Time: 1353.39

but it is real.

Time: 1354.8

It's very similarities to other more potent forms of opioids

Time: 1358.43

are what make it attractive for some people who

Time: 1360.68

are trying to come off those more potent form of opioids.

Time: 1363.47

But the goal, of course, is to completely come off

Time: 1366.59

all opioids.

Time: 1367.76

And kratom itself can be a bit of a trap.

Time: 1370.64

It can be a trap in the sense that people

Time: 1372.86

who have never taken other opioids

Time: 1374.75

can become addicted to kratom itself.

Time: 1376.7

That is absolutely clear that can happen.

Time: 1378.98

It has happened in a great number of people.

Time: 1381.78

It's also clear that kratom can potentially be a trap.

Time: 1384.35

Notice I said potentially.

Time: 1385.7

Because if people are trying to come off

Time: 1388.1

other more potent forms of opioids

Time: 1389.69

and then they use kratom to do that,

Time: 1391.34

and then they're ratcheting up their dosage of kratom such

Time: 1394.67

that they're now matching the endogenous response to kratom

Time: 1398.93

in a way that doesn't really distinguish from the effects

Time: 1402.44

that they were getting from morphine and hydrocodone,

Time: 1404.9

well then they're just using a different form

Time: 1408.29

of morphine and hydrocodone.

Time: 1409.94

And I'm sure that some of you are out there

Time: 1411.92

saying that is ridiculous.

Time: 1413.48

You cannot compare the effects of kratom to the effects

Time: 1416.15

of hydrocodone.

Time: 1416.87

But the potency is about one-sixth of hydrocodone.

Time: 1419.803

And there are people out there who

Time: 1421.22

are just increasing and increasing both the dosage

Time: 1426.2

and modifying the type of kratom that they're

Time: 1428.6

taking so that they're getting the kratom that

Time: 1430.52

has a particularly high concentration of one

Time: 1433.67

of the alkaloids that hits that mu-opioid receptor hardest.

Time: 1438.05

And in doing so, sure, they're not

Time: 1440.45

getting the pure hydrocodone effect,

Time: 1442.52

but they're getting really close.

Time: 1443.96

So my advice would be, if you haven't touched kratom,

Time: 1446.63

don't touch it at all, ever.

Time: 1448.61

If you are taking kratom, you need

Time: 1451.01

to take note of what we just discussed.

Time: 1452.715

Thank you for joining for the beginning

Time: 1454.34

of this Ask Me Anything episode.

Time: 1456.23

To hear the full episode and to hear future episodes of these,

Time: 1460.07

Ask Me Anything sessions plus, to receive transcripts of them

Time: 1463.55

and transcripts of the Huberman lab podcast standard channel

Time: 1466.67

and premium tools not released anywhere else,

Time: 1469.73

please go to

Time: 1472.645

Just to remind you why we launched the Huberman lab

Time: 1474.77

podcast premium channel, it's really twofold.

Time: 1477.3

First of all, it's to raise support

Time: 1479.09

for the standard Huberman Lab podcast channel, which

Time: 1482

of course, will still be continued to be released

Time: 1484.58

every Monday in full length.

Time: 1486.158

We are not going to change the format

Time: 1487.7

or anything about the standard Huberman Lab podcast.

Time: 1491.06

And to fund research.

Time: 1492.74

In particular, research done on human beings.

Time: 1494.88

So not animal models but on human beings,

Time: 1496.92

which I think we all agree is a species

Time: 1498.62

that we are most interested in.

Time: 1500.6

And we are going to specifically fund

Time: 1503.06

research that is aimed toward developing

Time: 1505.49

further protocols for mental health, physical health,

Time: 1507.72

and performance.

Time: 1508.41

And those protocols will be distributed

Time: 1510.3

through all channels, not just the premium channel

Time: 1512.408

but through all channels.

Time: 1513.45

Huberman Lab podcast and other media channels.

Time: 1515.83

So the idea here is to give you information to your burning

Time: 1518.88

questions in depth.

Time: 1520.41

And allow you the opportunity to support the kind of research

Time: 1523.56

that provides those kinds of answers in the first place.

Time: 1526.285

Now an especially exciting feature of the premium channel

Time: 1528.66

is that the Tiny Foundation has generously

Time: 1531.21

offered to do dollar-for-dollar match on all funds raised

Time: 1534.48

for research through the premium channel.

Time: 1536.86

So this is a terrific way that they're

Time: 1538.622

going to amplify whatever funds come in through the premium

Time: 1541.08

channel to further support research for science

Time: 1543.488

and science-related tools for mental health, physical health,

Time: 1546.03

and performance.

Time: 1546.87

If you'd like to sign up for the Huberman Lab Premium channel,

Time: 1549.48

again, there's a cost of $10 per month,

Time: 1551.58

or you can pay $100 up front for the entire year.

Time: 1554.25

That will give you access to all the AMAs.

Time: 1556.65

You can ask questions and get answers to your questions.

Time: 1559.44

And you'll, of course, get answers to all the questions

Time: 1562.17

that other people ask as well.

Time: 1563.46

There will also be some premium content, such as transcripts

Time: 1566.56

of the AMAs and various transcripts and protocols

Time: 1569.29

of Huberman Lab podcast episodes not found elsewhere.

Time: 1572.5

And, again, you'll be supporting research

Time: 1574.78

for mental health, physical health, and performance.

Time: 1576.98

You can sign up for the premium channel by going

Time: 1578.98


Time: 1581.32

Again that's

Time: 1584.08

And as always, thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 1586.72


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