AMA #17: Making Time for Fitness, Top Sleep Tools & Best Learning Strategies

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday

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life I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a

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professor of neurobiology and

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Opthalmology at Stanford school of

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medicine today is an askme anything or

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AMA episode but before I get to

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answering your most frequently asked

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questions I'd like to make an exciting

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announcement as you may know being a

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subscriber to the hubbin lab premium

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fulllength amas otherwise you can just

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listen to the first 15 or 20 minutes or

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so of these amas now you may also know

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that a significant portion of the

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proceeds from the premium channel go to

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fund important research on humans to

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and performance when we started the

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premium channel we had a one- forone

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match with tiny foundation and that's

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great that means for every dollar that

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hubman lab premium channel contributes

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to research tiny Foundation matches that

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dollar amount and I'm very excited to

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announce that we now have a$ three to1

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doll match with the Hub lab premium

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channel philanthropy that means for

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every dollar that we would contribute to

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research three more dollars are matched

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to that dollar that's a fourx

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amplification of the funding to benefit

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important studies again on human beings

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for mental health physical health and

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performance and of course as those

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studies are completed and published we

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will be sharing with you the information

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and how it can benefit all of you so for

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those of you that are already huberman

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lab premium channel subscribers thank

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subscribers please keep in mind that 3

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to1 $1 match that greatly amplifies your

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please go to hubman

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subscribers you can still hear the first

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20 minutes of today's episode and

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determine whether or not becoming a

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premium subscriber is for you so without

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further Ado let's get to answering your

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questions the first question is about

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scheduling Fitness that is how to ensure

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that you get sufficient number of

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resistance training and cardiovascular

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workouts per week in order to best

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benefit your immediate and long-term

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Health now I did episode of The hubin

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Lab podcast all about what I call a

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foundational Fitness protocol the

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foundational Fitness protocol is the one

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that I've followed more or less for the

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last 30 plus years and it certainly is

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not the only protocol that works out

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there but it's a schedule that most

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people can adhere to over time and that

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checks off the boxes for what the

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current research tells us we need in

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order to maximize our cardiovascular

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health to maximize our neuromuscular

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health and to do so with a minimal time

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commitment now I've already put together

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and I provide a link in the show note

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captions for the foundational Fitness

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protocol in the form of a PDF which

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spells out which workouts are done on

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which days what the various workouts

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look like including sets and Reps what

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options you have in terms of

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cardiovascular exercise I personally

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like to run but you could also use a

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rower you can use a stationary bike

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there's a lot of optionality inside of

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the foundational Fitness protocol and by

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the way the foundational Fitness

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protocol is available to all of you

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completely zero cost you don't even need

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to sign up for our neural network

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newsletter although you can if you like

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and again you can find that by following

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a link in the show note captions or

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simply going to hubman going to

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the menu tab scrolling down to

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newsletter and then you can scroll down

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to the foundational Fitness protocol you

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can view it online print it out again

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doesn't cost anything and there's no

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barrier to entry meaning you don't need

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to do anything to access it you can just

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look at it or download it or print it

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whatever you like the basic structure of

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the foundational Fitness protocol is

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three resistance training sessions per

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week and three cardiovascular training

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sessions per week and then one complete

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rest day now that might sound like a lot

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to some of you but in fact none of the

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workouts is particularly long I think

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the longest workout in that entire

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foundational Fitness protocol is about

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60 minutes maybe 75 minutes if you're

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moving slowly through the gym because

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somebody else is in the way or because

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you're you know checking your phone a

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little too often as we all sometimes do

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that sort of thing but the basic

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structure is as follows for me the

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foundational Fitness protocol starts as

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day one on Monday but you could start it

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as day one on any day of the week

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frankly so day one for me is to train

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legs so that's quadriceps hamstrings and

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calves and tibialis work the front of

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the shin uh for those of you that uh

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don't know I'm a big fan of doing

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tibialis work then the next day is a

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complete day off during which you could

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do if you wanted something like

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deliberate heat or deliberate cold

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exposure or both but you don't have to

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it's just nice to have a complete day

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off after training legs because if you

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train legs properly often times it can

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be a bit tiring and the next day you're

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recovering then the following day is

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either a cardiovascular training session

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of about 20 to 30 minutes of say a jog

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at a slightly more rapid clip than one

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would consider Zone 2 cardio Zone 2

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cardio is where you can carry out a

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conversation so a little bit faster than

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that or if you're not feeling like your

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legs are recovered enough to do that you

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could do the resistance training work on

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that day the resistance training work

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that falls in the middle of the week is

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Believe It or Not torso I know that's

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for some of you that are into more kind

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of bodybuilding type routines training

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your entire torso on one day might seem

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like a lot but really that day just

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involves some pushing so some overhead

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shoulder press type workouts or dips

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maybe some bench presses if that's your

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thing as well as some pulling so some

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rows and some pull-ups or chin-ups

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things of that sort again all tailored

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to you so that you're not doing anything

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that aggravates any pre-existing

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injuries and you're not going to do

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anything that's going to induce injuries

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okay so there's some pushing and pulling

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maybe a little bit of neck work if you

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need some additional neck strength that

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sort of thing so with legs on Monday

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rest on Tuesday that falls either on

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Wednesday or Thursday depending on how

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recovered your legs were then the next

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day which for me typically falls on a

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Friday is a high-intensity interval

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training session although really it's

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just about VO2 max it's about getting

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maximum heart rate where you're

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breathing really really hard and that's

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a very short workout the total duration

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of that workout is anywhere from 8 to 15

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minutes total so for me it involves

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getting on an airdine bike those are

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those bikes with some resistance cuz

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there's a fan although you could do this

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on a row or basically anything where you

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can exert yourself to get your heart

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rate way way up and breathe very very

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hard where not going to injure your

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muscular skeletal system you're not

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going to do any soft tissue damage so

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you need to figure out what that is for

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you again the PDF explains how to select

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that for me it typically means getting

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on the airdine bike and pedaling very

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hard for about 20 seconds then resting

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10 seconds 20 seconds hard 10 seconds

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rest 20 seconds hard for a total of

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about eight Cycles by the end of which

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I'm breathing extremely hard my heart

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rate is way way up and then I'll just

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shower and head about my day and then

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the following day which typically for me

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falls on a Saturday although again we're

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going to talk about flexibility and how

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to build flexibility into the schedule

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the Saturday workout is typically things

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like biceps triceps some calves maybe a

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bit more neck work and some abdominal

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work excuse me so basically small body

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parts that can recover pretty quickly

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and that workout typically takes only

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about 45 to 50 minutes maybe 60 minutes

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maximum and then the following day which

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is of course Sunday is a day in which I

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try and get outside and move as much as

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possible so I'll typically do the longer

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Sunday cardio workout as either a rock

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so a backpack with a weight in it by the

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way if you don't own a ruck sack you can

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just put a you know a gallon water a jug

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in there full and then you know drink it

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as you go it'll lighten as you go or you

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could get a weight vest if you have the

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resources to do that there's some great

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weight vests out there um a varying

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weight uh you can uh throw a kid on your

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shoulders if you got a kid that wants to

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be carried on your shoulders um you can

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do it alone listening to an Audi book

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listening to music or in total silence

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I've done all these various versions by

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the way you can do it with family

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members or with friends I'll sometimes

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do this with my significant other one of

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the great things about this long Sunday

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workout is that it's extremely flexible

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in terms of how social you are or uh

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whether or not you do it in isolation

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whether or not you do it on concrete or

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on dirt it's very versatile for instance

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if I have friends over and I want to

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spend time with them but I also want to

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get outdoors and do this workout and if

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they're interested in getting some

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outdoor movement as well we'll all just

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head out for a hike and if they are less

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fit than I am or intend to move more

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slowly well then I'll throw on a you

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know a 10 or 15 maybe even 30 lb um

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backpack so that I get a good workout

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out of it and if they're faster than I

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am and they're the sort of person who

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you know is a triathlete I've got some

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friends who are triathletes and they

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want to move at a really fast clip well

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then I'm not bringing any weight pack

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and I'm just going to ask them to you

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know uh wait up for me because I'm going

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to have a hard time keeping up but I'll

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have to really push myself as I go along

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so a lot of Versatility I don't measure

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my heart rate during any of these

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workouts by the way that's not my

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preferred way to do things I know other

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people like to measure heart rate as

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they go I find it's just really nice to

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get out once a week if possible out ofd

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doors and just move my body as much as

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possible so that I head into the week

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knowing that I got some really terrific

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outdoor time in nature while benefiting

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my cardiovascular system and often while

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socializing with important people in my

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life as well okay so that's the summary

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of the foundational Fitness protocol and

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one thing that I really like about it is

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that the total time commitment is

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actually not that great if you step back

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from it you realize there's you know a

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brief 12-minute workout there's an

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hourong weight training workout there's

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a long hike sure but then there's a

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20-minute jog it's really not that much

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time when you consider the overall

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benefits to one's Health now one very

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important feature of the foundational

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Fitness protocol is to build some

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flexibility into it you know the way I

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described it up until now was okay

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Monday legs Tuesday rest Wednesday

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cardio Thursday torso Friday

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high-intensity interval training VO2 max

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Saturday small body parts biceps triceps

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calves Etc Sunday long slow distance

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cardio but in reality sometimes I have

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to travel on a Monday so I don't have

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the option to train legs that day in

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which case what I will do is either

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slide that workout to

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Sunday meaning I'm doing both long slow

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distance cardio and the leg workout or

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I'll slide it to Tuesday which is

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typically a rest day however sometimes

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I'm traveling on a Monday I don't have

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access to a gym to train my legs

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properly so what do I do do I skip leg

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day no I don't skip leg day typically

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unless I'm sick or I'm extremely sleep

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deprived or there's some other major

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stress in my life what I'll typically do

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is I will plan for it by training my

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legs on Sunday or if I don't have access

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to a place where I can train my legs

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properly on Sunday I'll just shift it to

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Tuesday okay now the question always

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becomes if I were to move that leg

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workout to Sunday just by way of

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necessity because I'm traveling on a

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Monday do I also do the long slow

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distance work that I typically do on

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Sunday and the answer is yes if I'm well

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rested so if I'm well rested and well

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fed I'm not feeling like I'm fighting

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off any kind of illness and I have the

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time what I'll do is I'll train my legs

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in the gym on Sunday and then I'll head

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out for I don't know an hourlong walk in

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the neighborhood or something like that

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so I'm probably not training my legs

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hard and then going hiking hard all day

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although I've done that before but then

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I'm sure to rest completely the next day

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which is Monday now what if I move the

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leg workout to Tuesday do then I take

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Wednesday off completely

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well for me the way I train legs is

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typically with a lot of intensity so if

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I'm going to train legs typically the

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next day will be a complete day off no

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matter what but that's not always the

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case I think as long as you're not

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moving your workouts around constantly

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it's perfectly fine to train your legs

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really hard on a Tuesday because you

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have to because you couldn't train them

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on Monday and then on Wednesday rather

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than go out for a jog I might train

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torso and I might back off on the

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intensity a little bit and then I'll

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take a day off I will say that anytime I

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do resistance training workouts two days

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in a row I make sure that I take a

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complete day off the following third day

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just for sake of recovery I'm not

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somebody that recovers particularly well

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from any form of exercise I find that if

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I train longer than 90 minutes

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especially with resistance training if I

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crank up the intensity too much I tend

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to get sick or I tend to stop making

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progress with my resistance training

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sessions so the basic takeaway here is

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it's perfectly fine to slide a

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resistance training session such as legs

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forward a day or back a day okay so I

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guess back a day would be from Monday to

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Sunday or forward from Monday to Tuesday

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but then you're going to want to make

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some adjustments accordingly so that you

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don't get sick or you don't overtrain

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and that sort of thing now let's say

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that I train my legs on Tuesday then I

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do torso work on Wednesday and then I

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take the next day completely off so I

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take Thursday completely off well then

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Friday rolls around and I haven't done

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any cardiovascular training that week

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except for the walk that I did on Sunday

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what am I going to do do I do my V2 Max

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and a 30-minute jog sure that's what I

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would do I would combine the two

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cardiovascular workouts that I normally

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do in the middle of the week by for

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instance going out for a 20 or 30 minute

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Jog and then at the end doing some V2

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Max work such that by the end of Friday

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I'm caught up with that cardiovascular

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training and then on Saturday I would

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just go right ahead and do those small

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body parts training and then on Sunday I

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would take a hike and that sort of thing

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so basically what I'm saying is the

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foundation Fitness protocol provides a

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scaffold of Ideal what you would do if

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you had a completely non-negotiable

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mindset where you said okay Monday's

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always legs Wednesday is always this

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Thursday is always that so basically

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what I'm describing is trying to achieve

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optimal right training certain things on

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certain days doing certain things in

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certain ways that wasn't meant to rhyme

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by the way but the reality is we all

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have travel we all get run down we all

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have lack of sleep at times we have

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stressful episodes in life so for me the

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best solution to that is to basically

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allow any one workout either resistance

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training or cardiovascular workout to

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slide back or forward by one day which

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means sometimes doubling up on workouts

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for a given day to make sure that I

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check off those boxes of getting three

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resistance training sessions per week

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and three cardiovascular training

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sessions per week again for the

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cardiovascular training sessions it's a

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long slow distance it's a moderate 20 a

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30 minute cardiovascular training

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session and then it's that shorter VO2

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max cardiovascular training s and

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sometimes doubling those up on the same

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day so that I make sure that by the end

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of the week I've achieved what I want to

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achieve which is I've trained my legs

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I've trained my torso I've trained my

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arms any small body parts that need

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additional work for balance or

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stabilization or aesthetic reasons you

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get that in but also that you get the

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base of the long slow distance endurance

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you get the slightly more intense or

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rather faster cardiovascular training

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session and then you get your heart rate

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up up up at least once per week doing

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that high-intensity interval training

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now as I describ this I realized that I

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might be taking what a few minutes ago

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was fairly simple in design and making

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it more complex why well some people

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feel that as soon as you introduce

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flexibility into a schedule you remove

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of course the non-negotiable aspect of

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it and then people get really confused

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are they overtraining are they under

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trining is it okay for instance if you

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can't train Monday Tuesday Wednesday to

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then just train Thursday Friday Saturday

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Sunday I think everybody is an

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individual everybody needs to modify

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their schedule Accord according to the

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demands on their life and their

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particular Fitness needs but I will say

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this I've found having tried many many

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different Fitness schedules many many

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different combinations of resistance

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training and cardiovascular training

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that the best solution is to find what

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you can do on a consistent basis and to

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try and do that as many days and weeks

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of the year as possible with the

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understanding that sometimes you're

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simply not going to be able to meet that

Time: 954.36

schedule which is why you allow for this

Time: 956.319

sliding back and forward of individual

Time: 958.04

workouts doubling occasionally two

Time: 960.6

workouts per day in order to stay on

Time: 962.44

schedule but and this is very important

Time: 965.12

also allowing yourself to sometimes just

Time: 967.639

skip a training day yes I said it so

Time: 970.72

sometimes just skip a training day

Time: 972.079

you're feeling a little rundown it's

Time: 973.56

late in the day you don't want to drink

Time: 974.88

caffeine to train because then it's

Time: 976.04

going to throw off your sleep well I'm

Time: 978.72

the first person to say you know Skip

Time: 980.8

torso training day and then maybe on

Time: 982.639

small body parts day which for me falls

Time: 984.72

on Saturday instead of just doing biceps

Time: 986.8

triceps with some isolation exercises

Time: 989

make sure you do a few chins pull-ups

Time: 990.759

dips and things like that to make sure

Time: 992

that you hit those torso muscles as well

Time: 994.12

skipping a workout every once in a while

Time: 996.079

is not going to Crater your entire

Time: 998.92

fitness program it's simply not that

Time: 1001

said for sake of physical health and for

Time: 1003.519

sake of just feeling good about your

Time: 1005.6

commitment and follow-through to your

Time: 1007.56

fitness regimen you should try on

Time: 1009.6

average to make somewhere between 85 and

Time: 1011.88

95% of your workouts and if you schedule

Time: 1014.44

things well and in particular if you

Time: 1016.56

leave your phone out of the gym uh if

Time: 1018.36

you're able to do that I know sometimes

Time: 1019.88

we need the phone to communicate with

Time: 1021.279

people or the potential to communicate

Time: 1022.839

with people if people need to get a hold

Time: 1024.16

of us but if you can leave your phone

Time: 1026.16

outside of the gym you'll be amazed at

Time: 1027.6

how quickly you move through these

Time: 1029.039

workouts likewise with your

Time: 1030.199

cardiovascular training sessions now one

Time: 1032.48

important feature of flexibility that I

Time: 1033.959

haven't talked about yet is flexibility

Time: 1036.199

within a day so for me just personally

Time: 1038.88

again this is my personal preference

Time: 1040.4

this is by no means Dogma I prefer to

Time: 1043.439

get my workouts done first thing in the

Time: 1045.559

morning so I like to get up hydrate get

Time: 1048.48

some electrolytes in my system get some

Time: 1050.48

caffeine in my system if I'm going to

Time: 1051.84

work out that's right I said it I do

Time: 1053.84

believe if you experience a crash in

Time: 1056.52

energy in the afternoon delaying your

Time: 1058.28

caffeine by about 90 minutes or so after

Time: 1060.679

waking could be very beneficial I know

Time: 1062.2

there's some controversy around that but

Time: 1064.64

almost everybody that tries it finds

Time: 1066.36

that that's the case again no obligation

Time: 1068.4

to do that it's just a suggestion to you

Time: 1070.4

know perhaps experiment with if you have

Time: 1072

an afternoon crash but for me and I

Time: 1074.28

think for most people if you're going to

Time: 1075.36

workout first thing in the morning and

Time: 1076.48

you like caffeine before a workout drink

Time: 1078.36

caffeine for first thing in the morning

Time: 1079.799

that's certainly what I do if I'm going

Time: 1081.12

to work out that day I like to have my

Time: 1082.84

workouts done before 9:00 a.m. and

Time: 1085.28

ideally before 8:30 a.m. so that I can

Time: 1087.6

move into my workday however there are

Time: 1090.12

days where that simply doesn't happen

Time: 1092.2

and then the question is is it okay to

Time: 1093.96

move a workout from its typical time

Time: 1096.919

like for me 7:30 a.m. or so to the

Time: 1099.76

afternoon and the answer is yes there's

Time: 1101.4

simply no reason why that's not okay

Time: 1104.08

it's not going to cause a significant

Time: 1106.96

diminishment in performance if anything

Time: 1108.64

that data point to the fact that for

Time: 1110.48

sake of physical performance and output

Time: 1112.919

workouts in the afternoon are probably

Time: 1114.6

more beneficial I don't know about that

Time: 1116.679

result I mean that's certainly what the

Time: 1118.12

data say I know for me I'm most alert

Time: 1120.679

and have the most amount of energy first

Time: 1122.159

thing in the morning and so that's when

Time: 1123.36

my workouts tend to be best but if I

Time: 1125.159

can't make a workout in the morning I'll

Time: 1126.52

sometimes do it in the afternoon around

Time: 1127.88

2:00 or 3 p.m. making sure however that

Time: 1130.32

I don't consume so much caffeine before

Time: 1132.12

that workout that it's going to disrupt

Time: 1133.64

my sleep now there's another feature of

Time: 1135.6

training which is like sunlight like

Time: 1138.88

meals like

Time: 1140.48

socialization physical exercise provides

Time: 1143.36

an entrainment mechanism that is a

Time: 1145.28

predictive mechanism for your so-called

Time: 1146.88

autonomic nervous system that makes it

Time: 1149

such that at a given hour of the day

Time: 1150.76

that you normally train so for me around

Time: 1152.48

7:30 a.m. or so you'll notice that

Time: 1154.64

there's going to be a peak in physical

Time: 1156.4

and mental energy that's right if you

Time: 1158

work out at a given time pretty

Time: 1159.48

consistently your autonomic nervous

Time: 1161.4

system will start to anticipate that

Time: 1163.559

timing and you'll start to feel an

Time: 1164.96

increase in energy around that time that

Time: 1167.08

is not an imagined thing it's a real

Time: 1168.88

thing it's a short-term entrainment as

Time: 1170.64

we call it this is something that I'll

Time: 1172.159

probably visit in a future full length

Time: 1173.559

episode of The hubman Lab podcast but

Time: 1176.039

what you'll notice is that around the

Time: 1177.44

time that you normally train or run or

Time: 1179.52

whatever you want to call it you start

Time: 1180.919

to feel an increase in energy and you

Time: 1182.96

can leverage that by going ahead and

Time: 1184.52

training but if you don't have the

Time: 1186.24

opportunity to train then I do think

Time: 1188.96

it's a good idea to still get that

Time: 1190.039

training session in at a later time

Time: 1191.52

during the day if you have the

Time: 1192.88

opportunity otherwise you may have to

Time: 1194.4

slide it to uh the day before or the day

Time: 1196.52

after as we talked about a few minutes

Time: 1197.799

ago or you may have to skip entirely the

Time: 1200

point here is that it's always going to

Time: 1202.2

be best to complete the workout if you

Time: 1203.679

can complete the workout safely and

Time: 1205.24

without disrupting your nighttime sleep

Time: 1207.28

I think that's really the biggest

Time: 1208.44

takeaway I personally am not going to

Time: 1210.12

compromise sleep and my overall health

Time: 1212.4

in order to get workouts in every once

Time: 1214.28

in a while I'll force myself to wake up

Time: 1216.32

especially early meaning I'll cash out a

Time: 1218.96

couple hours of sleep that I would

Time: 1220.76

normally get so I normally get up around

Time: 1222.799

I don't know 6:00 a.m. or 6:30 kind of

Time: 1225.159

depends on when I went to sleep but

Time: 1227.6

sometimes I'll give up 2 hours as sleep

Time: 1229

to get a workout in in the morning if

Time: 1230.2

I'm going to fly that day I will

Time: 1231.72

sometimes do that however if I'm very

Time: 1233.159

fatigued if I've been exposed to colds

Time: 1235.48

and flu I'm feeling kind of rundown then

Time: 1237.12

I won't do that I'll prioritize sleep

Time: 1239.12

most of the time I prioritize sleep but

Time: 1242.08

there are those occasions in which I'll

Time: 1243.679

prioritize the workout each and all of

Time: 1245.44

us have those options and my suggestion

Time: 1247.6

is to really look at things on a Case by

Time: 1250.559

case meaning you as an individual and on

Time: 1252.919

a daily basis taking into account what

Time: 1255.12

happened the day before how stressed you

Time: 1256.88

are how much sleep you're getting how

Time: 1258.159

much Expos exposure to colds and flu and

Time: 1260.32

to pay attention to how hard you've been

Time: 1261.6

training recently you know if you're on

Time: 1263.36

a family vacation and you want more time

Time: 1265.72

with family are you really going to

Time: 1267.2

compromise time with family in order to

Time: 1269.159

get your workouts in I think that would

Time: 1270.96

be probably a bad idea you know if I'm

Time: 1272.919

honest I think um you want to prioritize

Time: 1275.08

social life that's super important but

Time: 1277.279

then of course you don't want to

Time: 1278.72

prioritize social life to the detriment

Time: 1280.52

of your physical health so it's all a

Time: 1281.919

bit of give and take and what I've tried

Time: 1283.6

to describe here is again a recap of the

Time: 1285.559

foundational Fitness protocol the places

Time: 1288.919

where there's some flexibility you can

Time: 1290.2

move workouts back a day or forward a

Time: 1292

day if you like you could double up if

Time: 1293.279

you like especially if you're getting

Time: 1294.44

great rest and you're well fed Etc and

Time: 1296.799

you can also move the workout up or down

Time: 1299.24

in the day depending on how much energy

Time: 1301.96

you have how much sleep you've gotten

Time: 1303.799

and of course how you know rigid you are

Time: 1305.84

with yourself some people are just

Time: 1307.159

really rigid they are completely in the

Time: 1309.76

non-negotiable stance they get their

Time: 1311.2

workout in no matter what because they

Time: 1313.24

feel as if they don't then they're going

Time: 1314.919

to be grumpy or they're going to fall

Time: 1316.12

off schedule other people like me try to

Time: 1318.72

get the workouts done I would say

Time: 1321.679

anywhere from 85 to 95% of the time I

Time: 1325.24

get those workouts done occasionally I

Time: 1326.72

skip them typically because life stress

Time: 1329.159

travel or some sort of low-grade um

Time: 1332.48

illness you know a cold or a flu or

Time: 1334.12

something of that sort I get those

Time: 1335.32

pretty rarely but they do happen so

Time: 1337.6

that's really how I answer this question

Time: 1339.08

of how to build flexibility into one's

Time: 1341.159

fitness schedule I should also mention

Time: 1343.08

that I'm a big believer in periodization

Time: 1345.159

so I will do four-month blocks of

Time: 1346.88

training heavier with the weights so

Time: 1348.64

that's in the 3 to 5 repetition range

Time: 1351

then another 3 to four month block will

Time: 1352.799

follow where I'm training slightly less

Time: 1354.6

heavy so I'll typically be using

Time: 1356.48

anywhere from 5 to 8 repetition range

Time: 1359.039

and then for the next four month block

Time: 1360.72

I'll be using somewhere between 8 and 15

Time: 1363.039

repetition range every once in a while

Time: 1364.84

I'll mix it up so that you know if I've

Time: 1366.159

been training heavy a lot I might do a

Time: 1367.44

lighter workout or if I've been training

Time: 1368.679

lighter I might do a heavy workout again

Time: 1370.24

not super rigid I personally find that

Time: 1373.279

by being strict and rigid about the

Time: 1375.919

scheduling about the Reps and the sets

Time: 1377.64

etc for most of the time meaning about

Time: 1379.799

85 to 95% of workouts and across the

Time: 1382.799

year that things just work out great

Time: 1384.679

you'll make constant progress without

Time: 1386.64

having to drive yourself and everybody

Time: 1388.24

else crazy with uh extreme rigidity and

Time: 1390.799

compulsivity around training and then of

Time: 1393

course you can enjoy those days off you

Time: 1394.6

can enjoy the flexibility in your

Time: 1395.919

schedule because yes physical fitness is

Time: 1398.039

wonderful but unless you're an athlete

Time: 1400.88

especially a professional athlete really

Time: 1403.44

physical fitness is about being able to

Time: 1405

lean into other aspects of life with

Time: 1407

more Vigor at least that's what it's

Time: 1408.559

about for me and I think that's what

Time: 1409.799

it's about for most people thank you for

Time: 1411.88

joining for the beginning of this ask me

Time: 1413.799

anything episode to hear the full

Time: 1415.84

episode and to hear future episodes of

Time: 1418.48

these ask me anything sessions plus to

Time: 1420.799

receive transcripts of them and

Time: 1422.4

transcripts of the hubman Lab podcast

Time: 1424.48

standard Channel and premium tools not

Time: 1427.279

released anywhere else please go to

Time: 1428.96


Time: 1430.559

premium just to remind you why we launch

Time: 1432.72

the hubman Lab podcast premium channel

Time: 1434.919

it's really twofold first of all it's to

Time: 1437.039

raise support for the standard hubman

Time: 1438.88

Lab podcast Channel which of course will

Time: 1441.36

still be continued to be released every

Time: 1443.64

Monday in full length we are not going

Time: 1445.52

to change the format or anything about

Time: 1447.6

the standard hubman Lab podcast and to

Time: 1450.6

fund research in particular research

Time: 1452.36

done on human beings so not animal

Time: 1454.159

models but on human beings which I think

Time: 1456.24

we all agree as a species that we are

Time: 1458

most interested in and we are going to

Time: 1460.88

specifically fund research that is aimed

Time: 1463.12

toward developing further protocols for

Time: 1465.279

mental health physical health and

Time: 1466.72

performance and those protocols will be

Time: 1468.559

distributed through all channels not

Time: 1470.12

just the premium channel but through all

Time: 1471.919

channels hubman Lab podcast and other

Time: 1473.559

media channels so the idea here is to

Time: 1475.72

give you information to your burning

Time: 1477.679

questions in depth and allow you the

Time: 1480.32

opportunity to support the kind of

Time: 1481.76

research that provides those kinds of

Time: 1483.84

answers in the first place if you'd like

Time: 1485.48

to sign up for the hum lab premium

Time: 1487

channel again there's a cost of $10 per

Time: 1489.559

month or you can pay $100 Upfront for

Time: 1491.52

the entire year that will give you

Time: 1493.36

access to all the amas you can ask

Time: 1495.52

questions and get answers to your

Time: 1497.039

questions and you'll of course get

Time: 1498.919

answers to all the questions that other

Time: 1500.679

people ask as well there will also be

Time: 1502.44

some premium content such as transcripts

Time: 1504.679

of the amas and various transcripts and

Time: 1506.64

Protocols of hubman Lab podcast episodes

Time: 1509.159

not found elsewhere and again you'll be

Time: 1511.48

supporting research for mental health

Time: 1514.159

physical health and performance you can

Time: 1515.6

sign up for the premium channel by going

Time: 1517.039

to hubman premium again that's

Time: 1519.799


Time: 1521.36

premium and as always thank you for your

Time: 1524

interest in science

Time: 1527.68


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