AMA #16: Sleep, Vertigo, TBI, OCD, Tips for Travelers, Gut-Brain Axis & More

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: Welcome to the Huberman Lab podcast, where

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we discuss science and science based tools for everyday life.

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Hello, everybody, and welcome.

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I want to thank all of you premium Huberman Lab podcast

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subscribers for joining.

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This is an exciting one.

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Even though the backdrop here looks very much like the studio

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back in the United States, I am doing

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this AMA live from Sydney, Australia,

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where I and the Huberman Lab podcast team

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have been for well over a week.

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We were in Melbourne.

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And we just did two live shows here in Sydney.

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And we're headed off to Brisbane tomorrow.

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And it's been absolutely delightful.

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We've had so much fun talking science, learning from people.

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It's a wonderful place.

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I want to get right into your questions

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and do my best to answer as many of them as possible, as

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thoroughly, clearly, and succinctly as possible

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over the next hour.

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So I'm going to dive into those in just a moment.

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Just one last important thing before I

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do that, which is that I want to thank everyone

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for being a premium subscriber and let you know that we, based

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on your contributions to the premium channel, have already,

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as you know, supported four laboratories

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at Stanford Columbia University Salk Institute and elsewhere

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for important projects on humans that are already

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leading to important therapeutic breakthroughs

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that we will soon share with you on the Huberman Lab podcast.

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But that this year, 2024, we were fortunate enough

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to secure no fewer than three dollar for dollar match

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donors who have generously agreed

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to match our contributions from the premium channel

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to additional projects.

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Those are going to head out to a number

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of different universities and researchers

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working again on human studies, so no animal studies.

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Human studies on important projects.

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Everything from novel treatments for mental health issues,

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headache and migraine, some interesting stuff

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on immunology and cancer, mindsets and immune system

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function, and much, much more.

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Also nutrition, physiology, exercise physiology, et cetera.

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So your contributions to the premium channel

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really do make a difference.

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I can say this because I'm familiar with the challenges

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of raising funding for doing truly breakthrough work

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and getting things quickly out to the general public.

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So thank you, thank you, thank you.

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And now, without further ado, let's get to your questions.

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The first question was, is how are you

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managing to achieve your key health

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pillars while in Australia and any other place

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you've enjoyed doing so, all while working so hard?

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Well, thanks for the question.

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I'll answer this question in the context

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of what I think we all can, and should, and really

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will do because if you're a premium channel subscriber,

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I'm certain that you're taking your health seriously.

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So first off, I think there's a bit

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of a misconception about the protocols on the Huberman Lab

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podcast being that we are all, including myself,

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super, super regimented about them to the point where

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we don't enjoy other things in life,

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and that's simply not true.

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So I view the protocols of the Huberman Lab podcast

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as science-based, actionable, low cost,

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zero cost, minimal cost in almost all situations.

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There are a few exceptions to that.

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But it really designed to mesh with the rest of life

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and enhance mental health and physical health, which

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of course, means remaining social staying,

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on typical sleep schedules, et cetera.

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So the big ones for me when arriving here

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were, of course, to get morning sunlight as often as possible.

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We saw a beautiful sunrise this morning over Sydney.

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But even on the overcast days, we've

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had a few rainy overcast days to really

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make it a point to get outside and to get that morning

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Also, our crew did travel in with a red light.

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Not a red light panel, although I do have a couple red light

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Those little portable ones that I use from time to time.

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The red lights I'm referring to in reference to answering

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this question are the red lights which are just red light bulbs

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that I actually travel with a little red light bulb unit.

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It's just like a small screwing unit.

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You plug it in here with an adapter of course.

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And then in the evening, we've switched off

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the lights in the place where we're staying,

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and it just brings the overall levels of cortisol

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down low very quickly, and it makes it very easy

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to get to sleep each night.

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It makes a big, big difference.

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And this is a very low cost tool.

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You could essentially purchase any red light, even red party

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lights, and put those up, and then switch off

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the regular overhead lights.

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It makes a big difference, and it's probably even cost-saving.

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We've also stayed fairly regimented about exercise.

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So this morning, we took a great jog down to the ocean,

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jumped in the ocean.

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If you don't have access to an ocean on vacation,

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just getting outside and getting some movement early in the day

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can help shift your rhythm.

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Really the quadfecta of shifting your circadian rhythm

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in a new place or becoming an early riser

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if you want to do that is morning, sunlight movement,

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social engagement, and in my case, caffeine.

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Although some people would opt for eating breakfast,

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I just happen to prefer to eat a little bit later in the day.

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So when you combine those things,

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you are really amplifying that morning cortisol increase

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that I've talked about on the podcast.

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Morning catecholamine release.

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So dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine.

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And those act in synergy to create

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more early day and daytime mood focus and alertness

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and enhance the transition to nighttime sleep.

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But of course, that dimming of the lights and maybe even red

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light in the evening really, really can help.

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And so those are the biggies.

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And then of course, if you want to shift your circadian rhythm

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really quickly to be on a local schedule,

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it helps to hop on the local meal schedule.

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But for me, that always means skipping breakfast.

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I'm not a big breakfast eater.

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I like lunch and afternoon snack sometimes and dinner.

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So when you do all of those things,

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it makes it very easy to stay with the health pillars.

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And of course, stress control is important.

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We're doing lives.

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There's a lot of work to do.

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So there's a daily for me non-sleep deep rest

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or yoga nidra protocol.

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By the way, you may be familiar with non-sleep deep rest

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and yoga nidra.

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Terrific zero cost practice for reducing stress, replacing

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or replenishing dopamine and mental and physical vigor.

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I've talked about this and the studies that

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support this on the podcast.

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There's a Huberman NSDR script on YouTube.

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That's, again, zero cost.

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But while down here, we recorded a 10-minute, 20-minute,

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and 30-minute NSDR script with a view of a beautiful Sydney

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Those should be posted to our Huberman Lab clips

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channel in the not too distant future, probably

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in the next couple of weeks.

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And then you can have different duration NSDR scripts

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that you can use, again completely zero

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cost, any time you like.

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We've recorded also some additional meditations,

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and we're considering putting out

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a Spotify album, if you will, of NSDR and meditations

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that are science-based, of different durations.

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So if you like that idea, maybe just

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give a shout into the internet, and hopefully we'll

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hear it, or put a comment on the latest episode of The Huberman

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Lab podcast on YouTube.

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And if that sounds like a good idea to you,

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we will do more of that.

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These are, again, zero costs, zero

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to access tools for enhancing mental health

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and physical health.

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So combining all of those is really what we've done.

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Next question is I have followed your sleep advice,

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and I have seen a huge improvement.

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Happy to hear that.

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But I still wake up at night and only get five or six hours.

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Is that enough?

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Can you please give more advice if possible?

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Well, first of all, thanks for tuning in to the sleep advice.

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So the question of whether or not five or six

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hours is enough really depends on person context.

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And by context, I mean it can even

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change across the course of the year by life circumstances.

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The criteria for insomnia are very clear.

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Insomnia is excessive daytime sleepiness

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due to lack of sleep at night.

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Excessive daytime sleepiness due to lack of sleep at night.

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So if you're not falling asleep during the day

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and you feel reasonably good throughout the day, maybe

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you only need a brief 10-minute to 30-minute nap

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in the afternoon.

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Some people nap.

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Some people don't like to nap.

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Doesn't matter.

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But if you feel pretty good throughout the day

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and you have enough mental and physical energy and focus

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to complete the activities that you need to complete,

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then I wouldn't worry so much about five to six hours,

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and I wouldn't obsess over these kind of scary things

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that we hear.

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Oh, if we're not getting seven to eight hours,

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that we get dementia, et cetera, because that's not necessarily

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the case.

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Everyone has different sleep needs.

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The other thing, and this is perhaps

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the most important thing for everybody listening

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to this really to think about is QQRT, which is quality,

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quantity, timing, excuse me.

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Quality, quantity, regularity, and timing.

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Which is an acronym coined by the great Matt Walker, author

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of the book Why We Sleep.

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He has his own terrific podcast in his own right,

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has a series on the Huberman Lab podcast coming out soon.

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QQRT is what you really need to think about when

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you think about your sleep.

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So you want to think about the quantity.

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How much are you getting?

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Well, you, Rema, who asked this question,

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are getting five to six hours a night.

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OK, what about the quality of that sleep?

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Is it consistently five to six hours with no breaks,

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or is there a break in the middle?

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One trip to the restroom in the middle of the night

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is considered normal and healthy for most people.

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If you're making multiple trips to the restroom in the middle

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of the night or you're waking up multiple times

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throughout the night on a regular basis,

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that's something to try and overcome.

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So the quality piece is important.

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Also, whether or not you remember your dreams

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or you don't, you want to make sure

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that you're getting ample amounts of slow wave

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sleep, which dominates the first half of your sleep night,

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and rapid eye movement sleep, which dominates

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the second half of your sleep night

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because they have different roles in recovery

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of brain and body.

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Namely slow wave a.k.a. deep sleep

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is responsible for growth hormone release.

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Rapid eye movement sleep responsible for the unpacking

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or the uncoupling of emotions to prior day and previous day

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And in that way, acts as a kind of scrubbing out

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or a therapy for your emotional state.

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So are you feeling emotionally rested when you wake up

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is a good indication of whether or not

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you're getting enough rapid eye movement sleep.

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Some people like to sleep trackers,

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using their Eight Sleep or their WHOOP

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or their Oura Ring or something like that.

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I'm a fan of sleep trackers, but I

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think that relying too heavily on sleep scores can be risky.

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There are data from Alia Crum's Lab at Stanford showing

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that if people receive a poor sleep score, even though they

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slept well, their performance will drop.

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If people get a good sleep score,

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even though their sleep was lousy,

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their performance is maintained or even enhanced.

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So you don't want to take any one sleep score

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and overinterpret it.

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You want to look at the average and compare that

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to your subjective experience of sleep.

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Maybe I would say go about halfway through your day

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if you can bear to do it before looking at your sleep score

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and see how you feel.

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Then look at your sleep score as opposed

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to the other way around.

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That might be a good way to adjust for that belief

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effect I just mentioned.

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But if you're getting enough quantity,

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let's say you get five to six hours and quality,

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you're sleeping through that bout

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maybe with one epoch of waking up.

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And then the regularity of your sleep

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is that you're going to sleep more or less at the same time

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each night plus or minus an hour on let's say five to six days

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per week because sometimes, we like

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to stay up on a weekend night and have some fun

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or something like that.

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And then the timing, you know, where

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that sleep is falling in your 24-hour schedule is really key.

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And here's what we're learning as a field,

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that for many people who are early to bed, early to rise

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types, if they go to bed around 9:00 PM, 9:30,

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and they only get six hours of sleep, they feel great.

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Whereas if they get the equivalent amount of sleep

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but go to bed at 11:00 PM or midnight, they feel lousy.

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Similarly, if you're a night owl,

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you're somebody that really prefers

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to go to bed around 1:00 or 2:00 AM and wake up around,

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let's say, 10:00 AM, if you take that equivalent amount sleep

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and you go to bed earlier, you're

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going to feel not so good.

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So getting the timing of your sleep

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in the 24-hour cycle correct and fairly consistent,

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that's the R part of QQRT.

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Correct is going to be beneficial.

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So I wouldn't worry so much about five to six hours only.

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Here's what I would do, Rima.

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I would take that five to six hours.

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And before getting out of bed each morning,

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I would do a 10 to 30-minute NSDR non-sleep deep rest

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protocol, which will allow you to feel deeply rested

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and frankly, to recover whatever bits of sleep

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that you perhaps missed during the night.

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I found that to be a tremendously beneficial

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Waking up, if I don't feel thoroughly

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rested, doing a 10 to 30-minute NSDR.

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Then getting out of bed and continuing the day.

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And if you don't have time to do that,

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do that 10-minute, maybe 20-minute later

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in the day at any point.

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And I think you'll see terrific results not just because you're

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recovering some sleep that you lost perhaps during the night

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or maybe you just need five to six hours,

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but also because you'll get better at falling and staying

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deeply asleep through the practice of NSDR in the morning

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or at some point throughout the day.

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I wouldn't recommend anything else

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elaborate unless you're feeling really

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exhausted during the day.

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In which case, then I would move to some of the more advanced

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sleep tools.

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I've had vertigo.

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I should announce, this is a question.

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I'm not just telling you about my vertigo.

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I've had vertigo on and off and wonder what causes it.

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Is it hormones, adrenals, otoliths moving around?

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Oh, this person knows about the cochlea.

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Hydration, virus exposure.

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Zenana I think is how you pronounce your name.

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Forgive me if that's not the correct pronunciation, Zenana.

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So vertigo is very interesting.

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Unfortunately, it's uncomfortable,

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but we can learn a thing or two right now that

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should be able to help you, Zenana and others,

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even if they haven't had vertigo.

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So vertigo, this perception of falling or dizziness,

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needs to be distinguished from lightheadedness.

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So if you're ever feeling dizzy, it's

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worth stopping and sitting, or if you

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can't sit, standing and closing your eyes

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and asking yourself a question.

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Do I feel like I'm ready to fall straight down,

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or do I feel like I'm going to spin and fall down?

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Because in answering that question,

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you can determine whether or not you are lightheaded,

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that would be the straight falling down,

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or you have vertigo, which is you're dizzy,

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which is that you're going to spin and fall down.

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Now do this in a safe place, please.

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You can do this while bracing yourself against a wall,

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or that's why I said, ideally seated,

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so you don't actually fall.

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But in most cases, if you're feeling that spin,

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if you're feeling truly dizzy, you're feeling vertigo,

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and I move my head around like on purpose,

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then chances are you've got some issue

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in either your visual system or your inner ear.

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So since this is being recorded on video,

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I can display what I'm about to say.

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So your visual system and your inner ear system for balance

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have some really important features.

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I'm going to make this a very quick tutorial.

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Your head, as you move through space,

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is experiencing visual images going by all the time.

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Your retinas, your eyes are essentially exposed to a lot

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of what's called visual slip.

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Imagine you're walking and you're

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trying to take a picture on your iPhone,

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or if you have an Android phone, on your Android phone.

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And you're moving, it's going to be blurry, right?

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Well, there's a stabilization process in your body and brain.

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It's a magnificent one that frankly is

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built into all jawed animals.

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Whereby your head, because it can move forward,

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so think nodding, right?

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So this is pitch for you pilots, right.

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Yaw, moving from side to side.

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This would be the no.

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This would be the no.

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So pitch, yaw, and roll, which would be like the puppy look,

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Pitch, yaw, and roll.

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Pitch, yaw, roll.

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Those are the three major angles of visual slip.

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And in an absolutely magnificent set of things,

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your inner ear has three hula hoop like shaped structures.

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One that's arranged vertically, so up on its end.

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One that's at an angle of about 45 degrees to that.

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And another that sits like a hula hoop flat on the ground.

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And inside of each of those little hula hoop like tubes,

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there are little stones called otoliths, OK?

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You heard that word earlier.

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That roll around on the bottom, just

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like marbles at the bottom of a hula hoop.

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Such that when you pitch, nod, the marbles

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in the vertical hula hoop slide back and forth.

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When you say no, the marbles in that hula hoop

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lying essentially parallel to the floor move around.

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And then the one at 45 degrees, when you roll your head

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from side to side, those move.

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And each of those sends neural signals

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that converge on the neural signals coming from the eye.

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And get this, when you move through space,

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there is a precise offset of whatever

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visual slip you happen to be experiencing by walking.

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The images are moving, you're looking up.

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You're looking at buildings.

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You're looking around.

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You're talking to somebody.

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They're moving their head.

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And your eye is making little tiny movements,

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little microsaccades on the millisecond time scale

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that act as a perfect image stabilizer.

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So what this means--

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this is, by the way, called the vestibulo-ocular reflex.

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Vestibular system, ocular reflex.

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And it's mediated through a structure called the cerebellum

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in the back of the brain.

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This is why when you're on a boat, when the horizon is

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tipping back and forth, I have to be careful with this

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because I have such a prominent seasickness based

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on a prior experience that if I think about this too much,

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I might get nauseous.

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When that horizon is moving around,

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your system becomes uncalibrated because you can't really

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keep the system jolting about in a regular way.

Time: 1072.11

To be really careful here, I'm getting dizzy.

Time: 1074.6

Notice I said dizzy, not lightheaded.

Time: 1077.8

And you will end up disrupting that slip process,

Time: 1081.19

and you'll essentially overcompensate,

Time: 1083.77

which is why whenever you feel sick on a boat, they say,

Time: 1086.48

look at the horizon.

Time: 1087.46

Fixate to something at a distance.

Time: 1089.81


Time: 1090.31

So if you have vertigo, almost certainly,

Time: 1094.395

there's something going on in your inner ear.

Time: 1096.27

Yes, it can be caused by viruses.

Time: 1098.02

Yes, it can be caused by hormones.

Time: 1100.26

These things tend to be transient.

Time: 1102.54

But the most important thing is going

Time: 1104.31

to be to anchor the visual part of the vestibulo-ocular reflex.

Time: 1108.653

So what you're going to want to do

Time: 1110.07

is you're going to want to fixate on a point

Time: 1112.11

maybe three or four feet away.

Time: 1113.85

And then you're going to actually want

Time: 1116.343

to move closer to that point, or if you don't have access to it,

Time: 1119.01

you would want to look at your hand, your finger

Time: 1121.59

out in front of you, and then slowly move it

Time: 1124.74

in toward your nose.

Time: 1126.237

At some point, you'll feel like you're going to go cross-eyed,

Time: 1128.82

and you can stop at that point.

Time: 1130.29

Then move out again.

Time: 1132.18

Then in again.

Time: 1132.89

What are you doing when you're doing this?

Time: 1134.64

What you're doing is you're overriding the error signals,

Time: 1138.21

the incorrect error signals that exist in your kind of default

Time: 1143.13

setting when you have vertigo, and you're

Time: 1145.74

forcing the visual component to dominate.

Time: 1147.88

And then your inner ear mechanisms will adjust to that.

Time: 1150.91

So this is a very powerful tool.

Time: 1152.37

If you ever feel nauseous or seasick,

Time: 1154.09

it's a very powerful tool.

Time: 1154.87

If you've ever been like me, you sit in the back of an Uber,

Time: 1156.85

and the Uber is too small.

Time: 1157.87

You get out and you're like walk into a building

Time: 1159.52

where there are no windows.

Time: 1160.24

And you're, like I don't really feel good.

Time: 1162.13

Get outside and look at a fixation point

Time: 1164.17

some distance away.

Time: 1165.17

This actually happened the other day.

Time: 1166.18

We went to the gym.

Time: 1167.14

We went inside this gym.

Time: 1168.28

We'd been in a van and then went inside

Time: 1171.82

and weren't feeling well.

Time: 1174.53

So we decided to get out, and just take a walk,

Time: 1176.5

and fixate to the longest distance possible.

Time: 1178.43

The fresh air probably helped as well.

Time: 1180.08

But when doing that, you are anchoring the visual part

Time: 1183.79

of the vestibulo-ocular reflex.

Time: 1185.81

Now that's far and away better than trying

Time: 1188.26

to avoid moving your head to not get

Time: 1190.42

those little stones moving around

Time: 1192.01

in the semicircular canals.

Time: 1193.87

Lots to say about this.

Time: 1195.425

I could go on and on.

Time: 1196.3

But hopefully, you learn some biology,

Time: 1197.883

and you learn to howl to not be nauseous if ever you feel dizzy

Time: 1202.96

or nauseous based on movement.

Time: 1205.21

Motion sick.

Time: 1206.35

And we can talk about why you get motion sick,

Time: 1208.267

but it's through the vagus nerve, et cetera, et cetera.

Time: 1210.558

But this is a very useful tool.

Time: 1212.06

And if you're ever just not feeling well,

Time: 1214.292

unless you have a fever or something like that,

Time: 1216.25

I recommend getting outside and looking

Time: 1218.012

at the furthest fixation point with your vision

Time: 1219.97

that you possibly can and then walking toward it

Time: 1222.31

as far as you can safely.

Time: 1223.84

If not, by actually just doing a few of these exercises

Time: 1227.56

of looking at your finger up close,

Time: 1229.21

that's going to be very good for anchoring the vestibular ocular

Time: 1232.93

reflex and not every time but many times people

Time: 1235.908

report feeling better, especially if you've

Time: 1237.7

moved from one closed environment,

Time: 1239.35

to another closed environment, to another closed environment,

Time: 1241.91

and so on.

Time: 1242.99


Time: 1243.49

Next question is what can be done

Time: 1245.622

to improve brain function for people that

Time: 1247.33

have been negatively impacted by things,

Time: 1248.997

such as poor sleep, poor diet, and TBI early in life?

Time: 1252.31


Time: 1252.95


Time: 1253.45

This is a great question, and I get this a lot.

Time: 1255.408

I think that it reminds me that a lot of the conversation

Time: 1258.43

that we have on the podcast is about the good things that

Time: 1261.187

happen when you do things right and the bad things that happen

Time: 1263.77

when you do things wrong.

Time: 1264.947

And while I think that's an important conversation, what

Time: 1267.28

I've frankly failed to do enough,

Time: 1270.28

and that's why I'm grateful for this question,

Time: 1272.77

because it gives me the opportunity

Time: 1274.59

to talk more about the fact that your system is very robust.

Time: 1279.85

There is neuroplasticity.

Time: 1281.32

And also, as my graduate advisor used to say,

Time: 1283.72

time is broken, which is not to say you're out of luck.

Time: 1287.6

But I wouldn't spend any extra energy thinking

Time: 1290.77

about how many seats--

Time: 1292.57

not seats, excuse me.

Time: 1294.07

How many, I have to be careful, the seed oil debate

Time: 1296.56

is still a debate.

Time: 1297.56

It's unclear how many trans fats you

Time: 1300.4

were exposed to in childhood.

Time: 1301.63

We know trans fats are bad.

Time: 1303.073

Everyone agrees they're bad.

Time: 1304.24

Governments agree they're bad.

Time: 1305.29

This is perhaps one of the few things

Time: 1306.47

that everybody agrees on in the nutrition

Time: 1308.178

space trans fats are bad.

Time: 1310

When I was growing up, trans fats were abundant in foods.

Time: 1313.84

There were probably fewer of certain things

Time: 1315.797

that we have more of now that are bad.

Time: 1317.38

But we ate a lot of trans fats.

Time: 1319.27

We had margarine in our fridge.

Time: 1320.757

There were other things that were probably weren't

Time: 1322.84

good for us that we consumed.

Time: 1324.057

And every once in a while, I'll think,

Time: 1325.64

gosh, if I'd only been eating grass-fed meats, and fruits,

Time: 1328.66

and vegetables, and healthy grains as I do now back then,

Time: 1333.183

imagine how much healthier I'd be.

Time: 1334.6

But I really don't spend too much time on it,

Time: 1336.65

and I don't think you should either.

Time: 1338.15

I think the most important thing to remember

Time: 1340.28

is that biological systems, unless they're really damaged,

Time: 1344.6

you know, you're talking about a major injury,

Time: 1348.71

and even then, they're very robust.

Time: 1351.66

You can overcome years, decades of poor use

Time: 1356.33

or misuse of those systems.

Time: 1357.68

That said, if you have the opportunity

Time: 1359.66

to take care of them now, I highly suggest you do.

Time: 1362.18

So for instance, if you haven't slept well for years,

Time: 1365.028

now's the time to get it right.

Time: 1366.32

I wouldn't worry about the past, truly.

Time: 1368.15

You can always rescue some of your health and healthspan

Time: 1372.23

and lifespan.

Time: 1373.4

Poor diet, same thing.

Time: 1375.32

It's a just do it kind of thing.

Time: 1376.73

Just hop on the train of getting things right 80% to 90%

Time: 1379.97

of the time.

Time: 1380.69

TBI, traumatic brain injury.

Time: 1382.328

Well, the episode of the Huberman Lab

Time: 1383.87

podcast that's out right now with Dr. Mark Esposito.

Time: 1386.24

He's an MD, a neurologist, originally trained

Time: 1389.21

at University of Pennsylvania, now at University

Time: 1391.762

of California Berkeley.

Time: 1392.72

We talk about TBI.

Time: 1394.31

There are a lot of different forms

Time: 1395.96

of TBI, different origins.

Time: 1399.52

Everything from bomb blasts, to car accident,

Time: 1402.22

to construction work, to just slipped on the stairs

Time: 1404.47

at a party.

Time: 1405.28

I know someone that slipped on some wet floor at a party

Time: 1409.51

and has a brain injury.

Time: 1411.7

What do we know?

Time: 1413.24

Well, you get back to the basics.

Time: 1416.47

Sleep is going to be important.

Time: 1418.25

But there are some things like transcranial magnetic

Time: 1422.05

stimulation, certainly things that reduce brain inflammation

Time: 1425.35

like glymphatic outflow.

Time: 1427.67

So glymphatic outflow is this washing of the brain at night

Time: 1430.81

that removes debris.

Time: 1432.07

Very, very important in the weeks and months

Time: 1435.7

after traumatic brain injury to get adequate sleep

Time: 1438.4

for that reason.

Time: 1439.4

But then there are things that also seem to perhaps improve

Time: 1442.48

outcomes from traumatic brain injury,

Time: 1444.04

such as hyperbaric chambers.

Time: 1445.3

So hyperoxygenation treatments, if you have access to those.

Time: 1449.23

Even things like elevating the feet slightly

Time: 1452.05

when you sleep by about 5 to 15 degrees

Time: 1454.03

is known to increase glymphatic flow during sleep, which

Time: 1457.51

can, we believe by way of increased

Time: 1461.86

clearance of a bunch of basically debris,

Time: 1464.95

reactive oxygen species within the cells

Time: 1466.84

but also debris outside the cells in the extracellular

Time: 1469.15

space, so between neurons.

Time: 1470.39

So it isn't just empty space.

Time: 1471.598

There's all this like heavily glycosylated stuff, which

Time: 1474.873

basically just means this kind of like spongy carbohydrate

Time: 1477.29

stuff that fills in the spaces.

Time: 1478.79

The clearance of some of the metabolites

Time: 1481.392

and some of the debris that's accumulated there

Time: 1483.35

by just sleeping with feet slightly elevated.

Time: 1485.508

Definitely not falling asleep in a chair upright.

Time: 1487.55

That's the worst thing for glymphatic flow.

Time: 1489.48

Things like that.

Time: 1490.46

Some people will go kind of bonkers on all things

Time: 1493.25


Time: 1494.18

They start taking tons of curcumin,

Time: 1495.68

and they kind of get obsessed with inflammation as the enemy.

Time: 1499.2

I wouldn't do that.

Time: 1500.32

In fact, there are some negative effects

Time: 1501.987

of things like curcumin, turmeric,

Time: 1504.2

if you take it in high doses, like limiting

Time: 1506.15

the amount of dihydrotestosterone production,

Time: 1508.89

which is not good.

Time: 1509.81

You don't want that.

Time: 1511.52

Male or female, you don't want to take

Time: 1513.11

too much turmeric or curcumin.

Time: 1515

There are real issues with that.

Time: 1516.98

To say nothing of the studies that have shown

Time: 1519.08

lead contamination in a lot of turmeric.

Time: 1520.855

So you want to check the sourcing

Time: 1522.23

very carefully if you do consume any turmeric.

Time: 1524.39

A little bit is probably fine.

Time: 1525.95

Cooking with it is fine.

Time: 1527.243

But here, we're talking about supplementation.

Time: 1529.16

And just really not trying to turn inflammation

Time: 1532.13

into this terrible thing to the point where

Time: 1533.925

you're starting to do other things that

Time: 1535.55

are potentially damaging.

Time: 1536.75

There's some really interesting evidence

Time: 1538.417

that 5 grams, maybe 10 grams, depending on your body weight,

Time: 1541.28

of creatine monohydrate per day can enhance creatine phosphate

Time: 1545.6

metabolism in the forebrain and enhance brain function

Time: 1549.47

under conditions of high altitude or TBI.

Time: 1552.035

I take 5 to 10 grams of creatine, just

Time: 1554.51

creatine monohydrate powder.

Time: 1556.55

Frankly, any creatine monohydrate powder

Time: 1558.5

should be sufficient.

Time: 1559.41

There are other forms of creatine.

Time: 1560.42

They are not any better creatine.

Time: 1562.04

Monohydrate is the least expensive fortunately.

Time: 1564.5

That mixed in water.

Time: 1565.475

You take it with or without food.

Time: 1566.85

Some people ask, does creatine make your hair fall out?

Time: 1569.142

No, it does not.

Time: 1569.943

Make your hair fall out, but some people

Time: 1571.61

do experience an increase in DHT with creatine monohydrate,

Time: 1575.45

and there can be a DHT hair loss link.

Time: 1577.498

So if you think you're losing your hair from taking creatine,

Time: 1580.04

then stop and see, do the control experiment.

Time: 1582.02

It should grow back.

Time: 1582.853

But 5 to 10 grams of creatine monohydrate,

Time: 1585.56

something to explore.

Time: 1586.49

Hyperbaric chamber, something to explore.

Time: 1588.23

Excellent sleep, definitely do that.

Time: 1590.45

And I just wouldn't obsess over past ills or wrongs

Time: 1594.92

to the extent that it impacts your ability to try and correct

Time: 1599.06

those in the present.

Time: 1600.14

I would say that about most everything.

Time: 1601.765

But then again, I understand that as humans,

Time: 1603.98

because we can remember the past, the present,

Time: 1606.27

and the future, that sometimes it's

Time: 1609.77

difficult to let go of the mistakes of past that we made.

Time: 1612.51

But that's just simply being human,

Time: 1614.9

and I don't have a solution to that.

Time: 1618.76

Are we any closer to finding the cause of OCD?

Time: 1621.13

Well, I think we know what causes OCD.

Time: 1623.02

I think it's pretty clear that OCD is some form of miswiring

Time: 1628.9

in the basal ganglia.

Time: 1630.58

The structures of the brain that are involved in

Time: 1633.25

go action and no go, withholding, action type

Time: 1636.88


Time: 1638.26

And some malwiring of those structures

Time: 1643.417

to the dopamine reward system because here's

Time: 1645.25

what's interesting about OCD.

Time: 1646.54

OCD involves obsessions obviously.

Time: 1649.75

That's the O in OCD.

Time: 1651.1

Compulsions, the actions.

Time: 1652.66

That's the C in OCD.

Time: 1654.46

But in a kind of weird twist of the neurology,

Time: 1659.17

OCD is a situation where the compulsion does not

Time: 1663.25

remove the obsession.

Time: 1664.51

Rather, it exacerbates it, OK?

Time: 1667.15

The compulsion does not remove the obsession.

Time: 1669.13

It exacerbates it.

Time: 1670.03

So unlike an itch that you scratch, with OCD,

Time: 1673.92

the scratching of the itch makes it worse,

Time: 1675.67

which is actually what we experience

Time: 1677.17

when we have a mosquito bite, which by the way,

Time: 1679.76

I absolutely loathe mosquito bites.

Time: 1681.62

It's one of my least favorite things in life.

Time: 1684.71

I have about 3,600 and counting pet peeves.

Time: 1687.92

That's definitely high on the list of those.

Time: 1689.78

The obsessive compulsive disorder

Time: 1693.26

is one that really needs to be treated, frankly,

Time: 1696.59


Time: 1697.46

It's one for which there are behavioral interventions,

Time: 1700.46

but it's clear that adjusting the pharmacology

Time: 1704

of the neural circuits involved in OCD really can help.

Time: 1707.895

Again, there are behavioral treatments.

Time: 1709.52

But for severe cases of OCD, it's just very, very clear

Time: 1713.51

that interventions, which include SSRIs,

Time: 1716.027

which have been demonized.

Time: 1717.11

A lot of people say, oh, selective serotonin reuptake

Time: 1719.75

inhibitors are terrible.

Time: 1721.22

Blah, blah, blah, blah.

Time: 1722.73

You know, the serotonin hypothesis of depression

Time: 1724.85

isn't true.

Time: 1725.39

Well, listen, the reality is this

Time: 1727.94

that all treatments for depression that are effective,

Time: 1731.06

which include SSRIs, in some cases,

Time: 1734.147

cognitive behavioral treatments, all of these sorts of things,

Time: 1736.73

which are shown efficacy, are all about what?

Time: 1739.22

They're not about serotonin.

Time: 1740.54

They're about neuroplasticity.

Time: 1742.07

That's why some antidepressants center

Time: 1743.658

on dopamine and norepinephrine.

Time: 1744.95

Others center on serotonin.

Time: 1747.26

They're about neuroplasticity.

Time: 1748.76

They're about changing neural networks.

Time: 1750.83

They're not about neurochemical per se.

Time: 1753.39

But the neuromodulators such as serotonin

Time: 1756.14

allow an access point.

Time: 1757.46

They are a wedge into the neuroplasticity process.

Time: 1760.73

Now with OCD, in order to overcome these malwirings,

Time: 1765.53

it's very important to get plasticity.

Time: 1768.377

How do you get plasticity?

Time: 1769.46

Well, in my belief, you work with an excellent psychiatrist

Time: 1772.94

who can prescribe the appropriate dose of drug

Time: 1776.57

to release the appropriate amount of neuromodulator.

Time: 1780.26

Then, and this is really key, you

Time: 1782.15

have opened up the window for plasticity,

Time: 1784.58

but then it's really important that the proper behaviors

Time: 1787.19

are engaged in.

Time: 1788.24

And when I did an episode on OCD,

Time: 1789.77

I talked about what some of these are.

Time: 1791.353

For instance, the person is exposed

Time: 1794.18

to the stimulus that causes the obsession,

Time: 1796.64

or maybe the obsession arises spontaneously.

Time: 1799.22

They feel the impulse to complete

Time: 1801.53

the compulsion, the behavior, and they

Time: 1803.12

resist with the support of a therapist,

Time: 1805.4

but they're doing this in the context of having

Time: 1807.59

elevated levels of serotonin or some other neuromodulator

Time: 1811.49

that then allows fewer trials of resistance.

Time: 1814.85

Fewer times of needing to withhold the behavior

Time: 1819.2

that this person so badly wants to perform because it's

Time: 1822.698

coming from within.

Time: 1823.49

It's this compulsion literally.

Time: 1825.53

Then they are able to achieve plasticity more quickly.

Time: 1828.74

Perhaps also transcranial magnetic stimulation.

Time: 1831.45

So a conjunction of correct behavior,

Time: 1834.98

the withholding behavior, maybe a replacement behavior

Time: 1837.95

that's often used.

Time: 1838.7

Use a replacement behavior with the appropriate neurochemical

Time: 1841.67

milieu is the solution to OCD.

Time: 1844.74


Time: 1845.24

Next question is if I'm just going to New York City from San

Time: 1849.29

Francisco, how do I control shifting my circadian

Time: 1852.02

rhythm by only three hours?

Time: 1853.86

So if you're going to New York City from San Francisco,

Time: 1856.43

the best way, frankly, would be to get up

Time: 1859.04

an hour earlier two days before you head off to New York.

Time: 1863.15

And then another day, you might try and shift by two hours

Time: 1867.14

before you go and then head to New York

Time: 1869.09

and do the last shift on the last day.

Time: 1871.73

Most people won't do that.

Time: 1873.35

It takes a little bit of work, but they just

Time: 1875.84

don't have the time ability or your discipline to do that.

Time: 1879.23

But it is perhaps the best way.

Time: 1882.32

I would say the best thing to do is to know your temperature

Time: 1886.79

minimum, and I'll try and keep this pretty simple.

Time: 1889.01

If you typically wake up at 8:00 AM,

Time: 1891.98

let's say, just by way of example.

Time: 1893.69

That means that your minimum body temperature is at 6:00 AM.

Time: 1896.6

Which means that if you want to get up earlier in the days

Time: 1900.32

where you travel to New York, well, in the couple of days

Time: 1902.9

before you leave, any time between 6:00 AM and 10:00 AM,

Time: 1907.412

get some bright light in your eyes,

Time: 1908.87

even if you go back to sleep.

Time: 1910.23

So for instance, get up at 6:00 AM.

Time: 1911.93

Set an alarm clock.

Time: 1912.86

I know you normally like to get up at 8:00 AM.

Time: 1914.777

Get up at 6:00 AM.

Time: 1915.53

Get some bright light in your eyes from artificial sources

Time: 1917.947

or from sunlight, maybe 5 to 10 minutes,

Time: 1920.18

then go back to sleep until 8:00 AM.

Time: 1922.045

You do that again the next night.

Time: 1923.42

And then you head off to New York.

Time: 1924.44

You'll find the shift to be much easier.

Time: 1926.108

Now here's what you don't want to do.

Time: 1927.65

You want to make sure that you do not view

Time: 1932.27

bright light before 6:00 AM.

Time: 1934.22

So in the middle of the night, if you get up,

Time: 1936.2

you need to use the restroom, try

Time: 1937.575

and use dim lights as dim is as safely possible, et cetera.

Time: 1940.65

And what are you doing when you're doing this?

Time: 1942.9

I could get into a long description

Time: 1944.36

of the science behind this, and I'll probably do a podcast

Time: 1946.37

all about this at some point.

Time: 1947.73

But really what you're doing if you get up at 6:00 AM

Time: 1950.36

and getting some bright light exposure is you think about it,

Time: 1952.91

you're kind of looking at a New York sunrise of sorts, OK?

Time: 1955.718

If it's not a sunrise, you're getting

Time: 1957.26

some bright light that mimics sunrise

Time: 1958.7

at least to some extent.

Time: 1959.75

Nothing's quite like sunrise, but to some extent.

Time: 1962.25

So in that sense, even if you go back to sleep,

Time: 1964.232

what you're doing is you're sending the light signal,

Time: 1966.44

the zeitgeber, the time signal, to your circadian clock

Time: 1970.25

of your hypothalamus that it should shift,

Time: 1972.487

that you need to get up earlier.

Time: 1973.82

And indeed, that will happen over the course

Time: 1976.34

of about two to three days.

Time: 1977.73

The other thing you can do, and I know this

Time: 1980.24

is kind of rare these days to get an answer like this.

Time: 1983.017

The other thing you can do is just fly to New York

Time: 1985.1

and force yourself to get up.

Time: 1986.63

And just drink caffeine, and get out, and exercise and use

Time: 1990.02

the social rhythm of the activity of the city in order

Time: 1993.39

to get up earlier.

Time: 1994.14

But you will feel lousy late morning.

Time: 1997.17

And so you would only want to do that if you could access

Time: 2000.68

a brief nap of anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes late morning,

Time: 2004.76

and then you'll feel fine.

Time: 2006.02

But my suggestion would be to, something

Time: 2010.94

back there like some animal or something

Time: 2012.68

likes that answer so much.

Time: 2014.48

It would be to just try and get a little bit of light exposure

Time: 2017.87

a couple hours before your normal wake up time.

Time: 2019.89

Then go back to sleep in the two days

Time: 2021.65

before you head off to New York City.

Time: 2024.47

And of course, everything here was

Time: 2026.09

set in the context of the New York City, flight

Time: 2030.338

from San Francisco and New York City.

Time: 2031.88

But the principle, the logic holds.

Time: 2034.36

And if you have any questions about this temperature minimum

Time: 2036.86

and wake up time, and you want to get your circadian clock

Time: 2039.83

right for travel, check out the episode

Time: 2041.457

that we did on jet lag and shift work.

Time: 2043.04

And I'm realizing now as I say this, and my team is here,

Time: 2045.59

and they're listening, that I will do a video on the Huberman

Time: 2049.76

Lab clips channel where I explain temperature minimum

Time: 2052.37

and how to plug in your normal wake

Time: 2055.94

up time in order to essentially arrive at whatever

Time: 2058.699

time shift you want.

Time: 2059.659

We should probably put that out as a newsletter too,

Time: 2061.4

where it's a little chart, where it says I currently wake up

Time: 2063.9

at 8:00 AM, and then which means my,

Time: 2066.627

and then it'll say subtract two hours.

Time: 2068.21

My temperature minimum is 6:00 AM.

Time: 2070.08

And I want to travel to whatever it is.

Time: 2072.748

I don't know.

Time: 2073.29

Sydney, Australia on this date from this city.

Time: 2075.81

And then we know the time change.

Time: 2077.19

And then I can tell you exactly what

Time: 2078.69

to do for a couple of days.

Time: 2079.815

I've done this for various military groups.

Time: 2082.26

I've done this for people and close friends who travel a lot,

Time: 2086.1

and it works fabulously well.

Time: 2087.84

I can't eliminate jet lag for you.

Time: 2089.699

I wish I could just eliminate jet lag.

Time: 2092.35

I can't do that.

Time: 2093.179

But I definitely can have the time

Time: 2095.28

that it takes for you to shift maybe more.

Time: 2098.41


Time: 2099.1


Time: 2100.38

I love the Sydney Show.

Time: 2101.52

Thank you.

Time: 2102.073

Thanks for coming out.

Time: 2102.99

Thanks for coming to Australia.

Time: 2104.31

Thanks for having us.

Time: 2105.54

I take fish oil, but I'm not sure I'm

Time: 2107.4

getting the dose right.

Time: 2108.42

What are your thoughts on fish oil and dose?

Time: 2111.03

I have lots of thoughts on fish oil.

Time: 2112.53

I think it's a terrific tool.

Time: 2113.79

I think every time I see a study or a news article

Time: 2116.67

saying fish oil not shown to--

Time: 2118.5

I just go, oh, gosh.

Time: 2119.34

All right.

Time: 2119.55

Well, listen, whoever's reading, wrote that article,

Time: 2121.83

I take no pleasure in your declining health span

Time: 2127.23

or lifespan, but whatsoever.

Time: 2129.25

But the rest of us are going to be taking fish oil.

Time: 2132.575

And here's why.

Time: 2133.2

There's just, oh, so much evidence that

Time: 2135.18

getting enough omega 3 fatty acids

Time: 2136.98

is great for brain health, body health.

Time: 2139.65

And I think that the issue around fish oil

Time: 2143.01

is typically around contaminants.

Time: 2144.475

So you want to make sure that it doesn't have loads of mercury.

Time: 2147.1

So things like sardines, cod liver oil, et cetera.

Time: 2150.9

You can get those from natural sources,

Time: 2153

except there's one problem.

Time: 2154.66

I hate sardines, and I don't want to slurp down

Time: 2158.91

a bunch of cod fat.

Time: 2160.3

I'm just not interested in that.

Time: 2161.93

So if you eat a lot of fatty ocean fish and it's

Time: 2163.99

really clean fish, great.

Time: 2166.3

I don't.

Time: 2167.14

Most people don't.

Time: 2168.76

So I believe in taking a high quality fish oil.

Time: 2171.7

There are a lot of different sources of these.

Time: 2173.98

In fact, in the episode that we did with Dr. Rhonda Patrick,

Time: 2176.74

there's a link in the show note captions

Time: 2178.69

I believe that takes you to a chart of the different fish oil

Time: 2181.96

sources and their relative levels of contaminants,

Time: 2185.08

et cetera.

Time: 2185.9

But most of the reputable brands out there

Time: 2188.2

are not going to have any contaminants because they've

Time: 2191.26

been cleaned out.

Time: 2192.263

It's been checked for.

Time: 2193.18

So I take the fish oil from G1 or from Momentous.

Time: 2197.02

That's just me.

Time: 2197.74

There are a lot of other great sources out there.

Time: 2199.46

But I will say this.

Time: 2200.26

That's when I'm traveling, and I take capsules.

Time: 2202.218

Typically, I like to take it in liquid form,

Time: 2204.64

and I will take it in liquid form.

Time: 2206.89

I have no financial relationship to the liquid non-capsule forms

Time: 2210.55

of fish oil, and I get the one that has a lemon flavor

Time: 2213.16

to overcome the absolutely disgusting flavor of Cod liver

Time: 2215.92


Time: 2216.49

I guess, I don't know, presumably cod,

Time: 2218.29

like the taste of cod liver oil.

Time: 2219.67

But I don't.

Time: 2220.96

So that's what I do.

Time: 2222.94

I'll take a tablespoon of that once a day and a protein shake.

Time: 2225.725

It tastes like lemon.

Time: 2226.6

It doesn't taste like cod, thank goodness.

Time: 2229.19

And when I travel, I take the capsules from AG1,

Time: 2232.362

or Momentous, or there are excellent ones

Time: 2234.07

from other sources.

Time: 2235.24

Lots of great sources out there.

Time: 2236.65

Now what are we trying to do when we take fish oil?

Time: 2239.47

Yes, it can reduce inflammation.

Time: 2242.377

Yes, it can do a number of different things.

Time: 2244.21

But that's all by way of omega 3 fatty acid intake, right?

Time: 2247.72

Most people get far too much omega 6, right?

Time: 2250.36

This is why there's a seed oil debate.

Time: 2252.67

We're not going to have that debate now.

Time: 2254.83

We'd put us all to sleep frankly.

Time: 2257.5

The key thing is to get enough omega 3s,

Time: 2260.17

and they're hard to get unless you're eating krill.

Time: 2262.42

So unless you're a large baleen whale,

Time: 2265.39

you're probably not eating that much krill.

Time: 2267.4

If you're getting fatty fish, great.

Time: 2269.17

But when you take an omega 3 fatty

Time: 2271

acid in the form of fish oil or you

Time: 2273.52

eat sardines for that matter, what you're getting essentially

Time: 2276.34

is the substrate for a lot of other important building

Time: 2279.25

blocks, not the least of which is the lipid bilayer

Time: 2282.67

that surrounds the neurons of your brain.

Time: 2286.85

And so basically, the omega 3 fatty acids

Time: 2289.3

provide the substrate for some key building

Time: 2291.61

blocks of nerve cells and other cells in the brain and body.

Time: 2295.78

And, this is perhaps the most important reason

Time: 2298.15

I can think of, when you get out past 1 gram of the EPA

Time: 2302.05

form of omega 3, OK, 1 gram of EPA form of omega 3 per day,

Time: 2306.34

it's clear there's either mild to moderate

Time: 2308.83

antidepressant effect, so much so that one can, in some cases,

Time: 2312.573

talk to your psychiatrist or psychologist, partially

Time: 2314.74

offset the dosage of any antidepressant.

Time: 2318.467

I am not telling you to go off antidepressant medication

Time: 2320.8

and go on to fish oil.

Time: 2321.76

That is not what I'm saying.

Time: 2322.82

I'm just saying that there's some impressive clinical trials

Time: 2325.32

showing that fish oil, if taken at dosages

Time: 2329.53

of 1 to 3 grams of EPA per day, can have a mild to moderate

Time: 2334.51

antidepressant effect.

Time: 2335.62

And I don't know anyone that wouldn't

Time: 2336.73

want to have better mood.

Time: 2337.91

So I take 1.5 grams of EPA, which is not

Time: 2341.17

to say 1.5 grams of fish oil.

Time: 2342.67

You need to look at the package and see how much

Time: 2344.89

fish oil but then look at how much EPA.

Time: 2346.66

And typically, it's less than 1 gram per serving.

Time: 2349.85

So you may have to take two servings.

Time: 2351.448

Some people say, well, is it safe to take two servings?

Time: 2353.74

I don't see any reason why not.

Time: 2355.99

And then of course, there are the high potency fish

Time: 2358.18

oils for which there is certainly 1 gram or more

Time: 2361.09

of EPA.

Time: 2362.013

Keep in mind that all this discussion about fish oil

Time: 2364.18

might sound kind of health food hippie store.

Time: 2366.61

Forgive me, hippies.

Time: 2367.66

Health food store kind of stuff.

Time: 2370.07

But the reality is that EPA, high concentration

Time: 2373.75

EPA is actually a prescription drug in the United States

Time: 2376.84

and elsewhere, prescribed often for enhancing mental health,

Time: 2381.22

enhancing cardiovascular health, and on and on.

Time: 2384.64

So we're not out on a limb or out

Time: 2387.4

on a fin as it were when we're having this discussion.

Time: 2390.28

We're actually just talking about something

Time: 2392.455

for which there's a lot of clinical evidence.

Time: 2394.33

There's a lot of biochemical evidence.

Time: 2395.65

There's a lot of mechanisms.

Time: 2396.817

So I take anywhere from one to 2 grams of EPA per day,

Time: 2399.49

even if that requires taking six rather than the suggested three

Time: 2403.18

capsules per day or taking a full tablespoon or even

Time: 2405.4

two tablespoons of fish oil.

Time: 2407.29

And frankly, most people are getting too much omega

Time: 2410.53

6 fatty acids and not enough omega 3.

Time: 2413.23

So shout-out to the fish oils.

Time: 2417.61

What is the recommended protocol for measuring hormone levels?

Time: 2421.18


Time: 2421.84

How frequently do you advise monitoring

Time: 2423.52

these levels to accurately determine their typical range?

Time: 2426.16

And I just have to try and pronounce your name.

Time: 2428.14

Vallad Resnichenko.

Time: 2430.06

What a cool name.

Time: 2431.38

Vallad Resnichenko.

Time: 2433.12

I'm a big fan of like two-syllable first name.

Time: 2436.21

All right.

Time: 2437.14

So Vallad Resnichenko, thank you for this question

Time: 2440.92

and the opportunity to try and pronounce your name.

Time: 2443.65

So hormone levels.

Time: 2445.63

I think a good thing to do is, in the absence

Time: 2449.29

of any apparent or suspected endocrine dysfunction, right?

Time: 2453.247

So we're talking about you feel pretty good.

Time: 2455.08

You're wondering if you're good under--

Time: 2457.18

if I say good under the hood, that just sounds like weird.

Time: 2459.73

It rhymes.

Time: 2460.39

So if you're feeling pretty good,

Time: 2462.61

I recommend getting your hormone levels checked once if you can,

Time: 2468.35

if you're still in your teens, in your late teens,

Time: 2470.963

after you've gone through puberty to establish

Time: 2472.88

a sort of baseline.

Time: 2473.87

Most people won't do that because it's too late.

Time: 2475.49

I didn't do that.

Time: 2476.33

Once in your mid-20s.

Time: 2479.24

Again, we're talking about no suspected or apparent endocrine

Time: 2484.49

dysfunction in your mid-20s.

Time: 2486.087

You have a baseline.

Time: 2486.92

Something to compare to when you were in your say 18 to 20

Time: 2490.07

and again, when you're 25.

Time: 2491.48

That would be ideal.

Time: 2492.75

And then again, I would say when you're 30.

Time: 2496.82

And then start once a year starting

Time: 2501.47

when you are 40 or older.

Time: 2505.11

I think that just logically, I would

Time: 2507.183

love to know what my hormone levels were

Time: 2508.85

when I was 25, when I was 30.

Time: 2512.85

Maybe when I was, yeah, when I was 18, 25, 30, 35.

Time: 2519.12

And actually, 35 is when I got my first blood draw for just

Time: 2522.45

getting a look under the hood.

Time: 2523.95

Like what's there?

Time: 2524.73

What are my estrogen levels?

Time: 2526.097

What are my testosterone levels?

Time: 2527.43

What are my growth hormone levels?

Time: 2528.847

This kind of thing.

Time: 2529.96

And then once you're 40 and older,

Time: 2532.02

I think once a year minimum.

Time: 2534.54

And I realize that some people out there

Time: 2536.28

are going to say, well, that's ridiculous.

Time: 2538.03

What are you going to do with that information?

Time: 2539.59

Well, you're going to do a lot with that information.

Time: 2541.06

You're going to figure out whether or not

Time: 2541.98

your LDL cholesterol is in healthy range.

Time: 2544.23

You're going to figure out whether or not your ALT is

Time: 2546.565

in the healthy range.

Time: 2547.44

You're going to figure out whether or not

Time: 2548.31

your ApoB is in healthy range.

Time: 2549.777

You're going to figure out a lot more than just whether or not

Time: 2552.36

your testosterone is 400, 600, 800, or 1,200.

Time: 2557.22

And I think we also need to be careful about overinterpreting

Time: 2560.64

results of hormones because a lot of it

Time: 2564.42

has to do with the ratio of testosterone

Time: 2566.19

to estrogen or the ratio of free testosterone to testosterone,

Time: 2570.99

both in men and women.

Time: 2572.47

So for instance, if your testosterone level is 900

Time: 2576.51

but your free testosterone level is 2,

Time: 2578.92

well, then you have a problem.

Time: 2580.36

Whereas if your total testosterone

Time: 2582.61

level is 500 or 600 but your free testosterone level is 15,

Time: 2589.25

well, then you're probably doing pretty well.

Time: 2592.13

So I would say getting your hormone levels checked

Time: 2595.27

once a year after age 40, and prior to that,

Time: 2598.12

once every three to five years starting at about age 18

Time: 2600.91

would be ideal.

Time: 2601.88

But most people don't do that.

Time: 2603.13

They either don't have the disposable income.

Time: 2605.005

I certainly didn't when I was 18, 20, 25.

Time: 2607.12

And at that time, it was really hard to get

Time: 2609.07

that measured unless you had a clinical problem.

Time: 2611.07

Now if anyone has a clinical problem that they suspect

Time: 2615.34

or is real, then obviously more testing.

Time: 2618.22

I think great sources for endocrine profiling

Time: 2620.95

are things like InsideTracker.

Time: 2622.42

Full disclosure, they are a sponsor of the podcast,

Time: 2624.662

but they do an excellent job.

Time: 2625.87

They'll even come to your house.

Time: 2627.07

The phlebotomist will come to your house if you want,

Time: 2628.96

or you can go to a clinic, so they make it all very easy.

Time: 2631.6

But there are other sources as well, right?

Time: 2633.58

I'll never make these AMAs or anything else about

Time: 2636.91

specific companies for its own sake.

Time: 2639.4

I just think InsideTracker does a great job.

Time: 2641.502

There are a number of clinics like Marek Health and others,

Time: 2643.96

online clinics that will do that,

Time: 2645.37

but it's part of a more comprehensive package

Time: 2647.46

of agreeing to work with them.

Time: 2648.97

At least that's how I understand it.

Time: 2650.47

I hope I didn't get that wrong.

Time: 2651.46

But check and see.

Time: 2652.51

Nowadays, it's pretty easy to find ways

Time: 2655.78

to get your hormones checked.

Time: 2657.22

But I would suggest that the following things at least

Time: 2660.22

be on there.

Time: 2661.75

Growth hormone or IGF-1 rather.

Time: 2664.63

IGF-1, testosterone, estrogen. This is true for women and men

Time: 2668.2

by the way.

Time: 2668.93

So IGF-1, testosterone, estrogen. It'll

Time: 2672.31

show up as estradiol on there.

Time: 2673.99

Free testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, cortisol.

Time: 2677.573

Keep in mind, morning cortisol is always

Time: 2679.24

elevated relative to afternoon cortisol.

Time: 2682.18

It will be impacted by food.

Time: 2684.02

So you want to go in fasted in the morning,

Time: 2687.25

ideally get this done early.

Time: 2688.93

Your creatinine levels, which by the way, will be

Time: 2691.053

elevated if you're taking creatine

Time: 2692.47

or you're exercising hard.

Time: 2693.82

Your doctor will say your creatinine levels are elevated.

Time: 2695.8

And you say, well, great.

Time: 2696.842

Well, my creatine intake is elevated too.

Time: 2699.37

So take that.

Time: 2701.47

It's not going to be a problem necessarily.

Time: 2703.45

Do check with your doctor.

Time: 2705.13

LDL cholesterol, ApoB.

Time: 2707.44

And there are probably a few others that

Time: 2709.66

would be good to have in there.

Time: 2711.49

For men and women, sex hormone binding globulin, SHBG.

Time: 2716.29

And for women especially, progesterone and prolactin,

Time: 2723.01

and any of the progestins are going to be important.

Time: 2725.44

And of course, for women, the trick

Time: 2727.69

is going to be when you get your blood taken

Time: 2730.15

with respect to your hormone cycle, your ovulatory cycle,

Time: 2733.78

and to try to make that at least consistent from test to test,

Time: 2736.45

not necessarily having to go in both during the follicular

Time: 2739.27

and the luteal phase of your cycle,

Time: 2741.82

but always going in during mid-follicular or mid-luteal,

Time: 2745.09

and that can be challenging to do perhaps.

Time: 2747.41

But that's going to be important because of course, those

Time: 2749.785

are widely fluctuating levels across the cycle.

Time: 2752.35

But unless you're really obsessed with your hormone

Time: 2755.56

levels, and analyzing them, taking them

Time: 2758.92

at multiple times throughout your menstrual cycle,

Time: 2761.38

probably not necessarily unless you're

Time: 2763

starting to think about conceiving,

Time: 2764.98

or there's some issue, PCOS or other issue.

Time: 2768.85


Time: 2769.69

I find that I need to do NSDR after working out.

Time: 2772.46

Any thoughts on this?

Time: 2774.1


Time: 2774.76

Well, first of all, I'm glad you're using NSDR,

Time: 2776.92

zero cost tool, known to replenish mental and physical

Time: 2779.71

vigor, works oh so well.

Time: 2781.69

I think it's great.

Time: 2782.54

I think it probably is accelerating your recovery.

Time: 2784.48

I think this tells me that you're probably

Time: 2786.23

working out really hard and hopefully not too long.

Time: 2790.39

If you find that you work out in the morning

Time: 2792.298

and then you're really, really sleepy

Time: 2793.84

in the afternoon and the next day,

Time: 2795.4

you might be working out too long or too hard.

Time: 2799.22

So maybe ratchet back the intensity a little bit

Time: 2801.22

or the duration.

Time: 2802.09

It's amazing how great we can feel

Time: 2804.67

when we work out to 80% to 90% of our maximum output

Time: 2810.31

and duration.

Time: 2811.21

And we did this the other day.

Time: 2812.59

We went out for a little jog, run, bounding,

Time: 2818.4

skipping, jumping jack thing, and stopped at like 80% to 90%

Time: 2823.11

of maximum and went about the rest of the day

Time: 2825.87

and evening feeling great.

Time: 2827.41

If you do this consistently, you'll

Time: 2830.1

find you have more energy.

Time: 2831.24

And there's actually a lot of solid physiology and physics

Time: 2834.75

to support why that is.

Time: 2835.86

As opposed to if you go to the gym and you do every set

Time: 2838.65

to failure, or even every exercise,

Time: 2841.13

you include one set to failure, and you're grinding out four

Time: 2843.63

straps, or you're--

Time: 2844.47

I don't know what kind of exercise you're doing.

Time: 2846.47

Or you're running more and more distance each day

Time: 2848.64

or with more intensity.

Time: 2850.68

It's understandable how one gets kind of drawn to

Time: 2853.68

or addicted to that burn or the effort.

Time: 2855.54

But keep in mind, that is stress.

Time: 2856.98

You're stressing the body to produce

Time: 2859.042

a certain kind of adaptation, either endurance,

Time: 2861

or strength, or hypertrophy, or et cetera adaptation.

Time: 2864.9

So there's real beauty in learning

Time: 2867.33

to love working out hard but to leaving the gym

Time: 2871.95

or ending the run with 10% to 20% of the gas in the tank.

Time: 2876.81

And knowing that you can come back and do more,

Time: 2879.15

and you actually want to do more.

Time: 2881.44

It increases vigor, as opposed to taking yourself

Time: 2883.98

over that cliff even a slight 10% to 20%

Time: 2886.32

and then finding that you're kind of depleted.

Time: 2888.402

And this is something that we don't hear enough about

Time: 2890.61

because most people that are into fitness

Time: 2892.8

are into pushing themselves.

Time: 2893.967

It's also true for work.

Time: 2894.967

I think some of the best advice I ever

Time: 2896.58

got in the professional landscape

Time: 2898.11

was when I was a graduate student at UC Berkeley.

Time: 2900.69

And an excellent neurologist by the name of Bob Knight

Time: 2902.94

said the key is to figure out how much can you

Time: 2905.67

work each day consistently?

Time: 2907.62

If that's four hours a day, fine.

Time: 2909.84

If that's eight hours a day, fine.

Time: 2911.4

We're talking with weekend breaks

Time: 2912.78

because that was in the era of weekend breaks.

Time: 2914.718

Maybe a weekend every once in a while

Time: 2916.26

where you have a deadline.

Time: 2917.343

But by thinking about what you personally can really

Time: 2919.77

do consistently while maintaining

Time: 2921.33

sleep, and mental health, and physical health,

Time: 2923.247

you're going to go a lot further than doing like,

Time: 2925.5

for instance, what I did, which was maniac

Time: 2927.65

and working 100 hour weeks as a graduate student

Time: 2929.65

and then ending up sick four times a year

Time: 2931.68

and missing out on a bunch of days

Time: 2933.94

when I could have been in lab.

Time: 2935.19

So these days, I try and get as much focused work

Time: 2938.34

done as possible but try and make

Time: 2939.75

that as consistent as possible, if not from every day

Time: 2942.48

to the next, over time.

Time: 2944.22

Figure out what those averages are, and don't be ashamed

Time: 2946.56

of those averages.

Time: 2947.49

I would say declare those averages to people,

Time: 2949.41

so they know what to expect.

Time: 2950.7

And the fact that you can do more

Time: 2952.29

does not necessarily mean that you

Time: 2954.39

should do more because I think one of the best

Time: 2957.09

pieces of advice I ever got in the world of fitness

Time: 2960.06

is more important than training hard, more important than doing

Time: 2963.325

any particular exercise, more important

Time: 2964.95

than anything is to not get hurt.

Time: 2967.29

Because if you get hurt, you can't train.

Time: 2969.24

So I love that you're doing NSDR after training.

Time: 2972

I love that you're making that part of your practice.

Time: 2974.85

But maybe also throttle back a little bit

Time: 2976.87

because you said I have to do it after training.

Time: 2978.87

Maybe throttle back a little bit on the duration or intensity

Time: 2981.45

of exercise and see how you feel.

Time: 2985.07

What can we do to optimize the functioning

Time: 2986.82

of our gut-brain axis?

Time: 2987.737

That's very simple.

Time: 2988.8

Get enough sleep.

Time: 2989.8

In addition to that, avoid excessive intake

Time: 2992.19

of antibiotics.

Time: 2992.98

But if your doctor prescribes them, take them.

Time: 2995.19

I am a believer in antibiotics, OK?

Time: 2997.38

Before the internet jumps on me, I'm not anti-antibiotic.

Time: 3003.025

I always want to say.

Time: 3003.9

That I'm not anti-antibiotic.

Time: 3006.03

I am not pro-antibiotic, but I am pro-probiotics.

Time: 3010.5

I'm probiotic.

Time: 3011.71

So I think you should ingest one to four servings of low sugar

Time: 3016.44

fermented foods per day.

Time: 3017.53

So sauerkraut, kimchi, natto, or kefir,

Time: 3020.07

or otherwise, whatever you like and fits with your nutrition

Time: 3023.31

preferences and plan.

Time: 3025.262

I think it's also very important that you

Time: 3026.97

don't overuse antiseptics, like antiseptic mouthwashes,

Time: 3031.23

and hand rinses, and all that stuff.

Time: 3032.8

This was all discussed on a podcast episode

Time: 3034.853

I did with Dr. Justin Sonnenburg on the Huberman Lab

Time: 3037.02

podcast, which is just to say that Justin, who's

Time: 3039.66

a professor at Stanford and is amazing,

Time: 3041.57

even said that he lets his kids eat lunch when they've been

Time: 3044.22

playing outside without washing their hands before eating lunch

Time: 3047.34

because he wants the probiotic makeup of their gut

Time: 3050.52

to be diverse, including from outside.

Time: 3052.928

Now I'm presuming that's not a public park.

Time: 3054.72

I'm assuming it's their yard.

Time: 3055.96

So we're not talking about gross stuff being on their hands.

Time: 3058.71

We're talking about a little dirt here and there.

Time: 3060.752

It turns out owning a pet increases the diversity

Time: 3063.79

of your microbiome.

Time: 3066.01

Lots of things like that.

Time: 3067.82

You don't want to go around licking people's pets.

Time: 3070.57

It's OK to let them lick you.

Time: 3072.52

And depending on what your preferences

Time: 3074.74

are, but don't lick them.

Time: 3076.16

But when you interact with people,

Time: 3077.92

you shake their hands or pets, you're

Time: 3079.72

increasing the diversity of your microbiome.

Time: 3082.03

When you eat low sugar fermented foods,

Time: 3084.273

you want to make sure also you get

Time: 3085.69

enough fiber, both prebiotic and probiotic fiber.

Time: 3088.84

So fruits and vegetables.

Time: 3090.64

The fiber debate for me just makes me roll my eyes.

Time: 3093.82

I mean, it's so clear that fiber is good for us,

Time: 3096.31

for gut motility and for offsetting cancers of the gut.

Time: 3099.393

I mean, I realize there are the people out there who

Time: 3101.56

are really into elimination diets

Time: 3103.12

where they just only eat meat.

Time: 3104.47

But I mean, there's just so much good data on fiber, especially

Time: 3109.99

from fibrous vegetables.

Time: 3111.13

It just seems like what, yes.

Time: 3113.813

I mean, it's almost silly that we have the debate frankly.

Time: 3116.23

But I'm sure someone out there who's pure carnivore

Time: 3118.42

will be shouting.

Time: 3119.95

But guess what?

Time: 3120.82

You're shouting and you're constipated.

Time: 3124.29

Last question.

Time: 3128.4

Regarding the subject on tongue cleaning from the oral health

Time: 3132

episode, can you please share a bit

Time: 3134.19

on brushing tongue, scraping tongue,

Time: 3135.96

and generally how best to clean the tongue?

Time: 3140.36

So tongue cleaning came up on the oral health episode.

Time: 3143.63

I talked to four different dentists and a periodontist

Time: 3147.68

in preparation for that episode.

Time: 3149.12

Almost all of them, remarkably, extraordinarily

Time: 3152.66

converged on the same advice except

Time: 3154.22

for some slight deviations around frequency of flossing.

Time: 3157.318

It's kind of cool, right?

Time: 3158.36

A field where almost everybody seems to agree.

Time: 3160.34

I realize that it isn't the hugest sample size,

Time: 3162.298

but I picked them from diverse locations, backgrounds,

Time: 3164.69

trainings, et cetera.

Time: 3167.04

Every one of them said brush and floss your teeth.

Time: 3169.4

Every one of them said antiseptic, alcohol-based

Time: 3171.77

mouthwashes are bad.

Time: 3173.035

And every single one of them said

Time: 3174.41

that brushing your teeth before sleep

Time: 3175.952

is especially important because at night, you

Time: 3177.83

produce less saliva, and you want

Time: 3179.03

to be able to remineralize your teeth, that

Time: 3180.89

is fill in cavities that are starting to form brush.

Time: 3185.156

So brush your teeth, floss ideally as well before sleep,

Time: 3188.048

but at least brush.

Time: 3188.84

And of course, in the morning too, for everyone's sake.

Time: 3191.78

But if we're talking about tongue brushing and scraping,

Time: 3197.17

it was clear that tongue scraping was

Time: 3199.81

advised if done correctly, OK?

Time: 3202.99

Because there are certain bacteria

Time: 3204.58

that grow on the tongue that you don't want there.

Time: 3206.663

And that scraping can help with the turnover

Time: 3208.57

of healthy bacteria there in addition to removing

Time: 3211.27

some of the bad bacteria.

Time: 3213.19

But that most people scrape their tongue too hard.

Time: 3217.87

And rather, it would be wise to brush your tongue gently

Time: 3221.59

with a soft toothbrush.

Time: 3222.85

And by the way, you should also use a soft brush for your teeth

Time: 3225.73

but not the same one that you use for tongue brushing.

Time: 3228.26

So the takeaway that I was told, and it

Time: 3230.325

makes a lot of sense to me based on what I know now

Time: 3232.45

about the biology, physiology, and care of the mouth

Time: 3235.66

is that you want to use a different soft toothbrush

Time: 3239.62

to brush your tongue than the soft brush

Time: 3242.53

that you use to brush your teeth and that you do not

Time: 3245.95

need to use anything on it.

Time: 3248.06

But if you wanted to put a little bit of salt and baking

Time: 3250.9

soda, that is perfectly fine.

Time: 3252.368

A lot of people wonder whether or not

Time: 3253.91

baking soda scrapes the enamel off the teeth.

Time: 3255.92

It actually is low on the abrasion scale.

Time: 3258.26

Dentists have, believe it or not,

Time: 3259.7

an abrasion scale with a list of things

Time: 3261.53

of how much enamel it scrapes off at a given pressure.

Time: 3264.38

These dentists have done their work.

Time: 3266.13

It's really, really cool.

Time: 3268.07

I can't say I always liked dentists.

Time: 3269.63

I didn't like going to the dentist.

Time: 3270.83

They always seem like nice people.

Time: 3272.247

But now I have newfound respect for dentists.

Time: 3274.13

They really care about their craft,

Time: 3275.69

and oral health has been kind of pushed

Time: 3277.61

to the back seat of the different aspects of health.

Time: 3279.777

I consider it one of the major pillars

Time: 3281.42

of mental health and physical health

Time: 3282.68

because taking care of your teeth, your gums, your mouth,

Time: 3285.055

including your oral microbiome is

Time: 3287.822

critical for cardiovascular health.

Time: 3289.28

It's critical for brain health.

Time: 3291.12

One of the bad bacteria, Streptococcus mutans,

Time: 3293.93

that can proliferate in the mouth,

Time: 3295.56

especially after eating sugary foods,

Time: 3298.037

can make it through the blood-brain barrier.

Time: 3299.87

And maybe, it's thought one of the causes of dementia,

Time: 3303.08

can disrupt your neurons.

Time: 3304.61

Your brain and body is a system.

Time: 3305.97

Everything is talking to everything else.

Time: 3307.678

And so yeah, brush your tongue but use a separate soft brush

Time: 3310.73

to do that and replace it every few weeks to months.

Time: 3314.95

I suppose get expensive but probably

Time: 3316.57

not as expensive as some of the other health

Time: 3319.63

issues that were just described.

Time: 3321.5

So I appreciate that question.

Time: 3323.5

We didn't talk about oil pulling on the podcast.

Time: 3325.585

A lot of people asked about that.

Time: 3326.96

Some people like to swish oil and then spit it out as a way.

Time: 3329.65

That's oil pulling for oral health.

Time: 3332.8

All the dentists I spoke to said nah, not big fans

Time: 3335.86

of oil pulling.

Time: 3337.09

But none of them said it would be particularly bad.

Time: 3342.07

So if you enjoy it or you think it works for you, great.

Time: 3344.8

But none of them really pointed to any clear evidence

Time: 3347.89

that it was going to be beneficial.

Time: 3350.09

So I was told that was the last question,

Time: 3351.95

and we are coming up on the hour.

Time: 3353.47

Again, I want to thank everybody for joining this AMA.

Time: 3357.82

I'm doing this from Australia.

Time: 3359.95

Sydney, Australia.

Time: 3361.27

What's interesting down here is because we

Time: 3363.79

are below the equator, everything is reversed, right?

Time: 3366.94

So this was actually--

Time: 3368.63

it's being presented to you.

Time: 3369.82

I'm actually upside down, but they turned the camera,

Time: 3372.065

so I would appear right side up to you.

Time: 3373.69

Also, when I'm down here, I drink my AG1.

Time: 3376.01

Normally, I swish it counterclockwise,

Time: 3378.26

but I notice here, reflexively, I'm swishing it clockwise.

Time: 3380.69

So anyway, lots of interesting stuff going on.

Time: 3382.64

We'll talk about how that all works.

Time: 3384.14

It's not through the vestibulo-ocular

Time: 3385.682

reflex it turns out but maybe on a future episode of the podcast

Time: 3388.94

about the relationship between location

Time: 3391.94

relative to the equator and neural functioning.

Time: 3394.43

And I'm just kidding.

Time: 3395.725

But what I'm not kidding about is

Time: 3397.1

I appreciate that you tuned in.

Time: 3398.69

And last but certainly not least,

Time: 3400.935

thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 3402.56


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