AMA #12: Thoughts on Longevity Supplements (Resveratrol, NR, NMN, Etc.) & How to Improve Memory

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: Welcome to the Huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and science-based tools

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for everyday life.

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I'm Andrew Huberman, and I'm a professor

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of neurobiology and ophthalmology

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today is an Ask Me Anything episode, or AMA.

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This is part of our premium subscriber channel.

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Our premium subscriber channel was started in order

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to provide support for the standard Huberman Lab

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We also started the premium channel as a way

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I'm also pleased to inform you that for every dollar

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So now we are able to double the total amount of funding

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hear the first 20 minutes of today's episode

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So without further ado, let's get

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to answering your questions.

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The first question is about resveratrol.

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The question specifically is, and I

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quote, "there seems to be a lot of conjecture about resveratrol

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and whether or not it can extend lifespan.

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Could you please tell us your thoughts on this subject?"

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OK, well, I will indeed tell you my thoughts on this subject.

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And I'll use it as an opportunity

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to also give you my thoughts about supplementation

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for sake of longevity, that is, for extending lifespan,

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more generally.

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So resveratrol got a lot of attention

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some years back because, at the time,

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it was believed that supplementing with resveratrol

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could impact certain cellular pathways that would extend not

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just the lifespan of those individual cells

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but perhaps the lifespan of the entire organism, meaning us,

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And as a consequence, supplements

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such as resveratrol supplements but also grape seed extracts,

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which we know contain a fair amount of resveratrol

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or can be converted into resveratrol, also

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received a lot of attention for their potential

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to increase lifespan.

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I think by now, 2023, it's fair to say

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that most of that thinking has been, let's just say, debunked.

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I think that most people understand

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that while indeed resveratrol might

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have some positive effects on the functioning of our cells

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that there is very little, if any,

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direct evidence that resveratrol can increase lifespan.

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If you are aware of any data to the contrary that is modern,

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is highly controlled, and even better,

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was carried out in human studies or non-human primate

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studies or even mouse studies, please

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put links to those in the comments on YouTube,

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because I'd love to see those studies, especially

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recent studies.

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But my current line of thinking is

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that resveratrol while it may have certain health benefits

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does not seem to increase lifespan.

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Now, with that said, that doesn't

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mean that things like resveratrol or grape seed

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extract are of zero utility.

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In fact, I take 400 to 800 milligrams of grape seed

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extract, usually with a meal.

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It's just part of my standard supplementation

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stack every single day.

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But I do that mainly for its effects on vascular function

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and blood flow and a few other effects

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that grape seed extract has been related to.

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The data there, I would say, are reasonably strong, strong

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enough certainly that when weighed

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against the potential downsides of taking grape seed extract,

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including the cost of grape seed extract,

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lead me to take 400 to 800 milligrams

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grape seed extract per day.

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I just do that as a kind of general insurance policy

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against a number of things.

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And it's part of a small kit of supplements

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that I take that fall into that category,

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meaning supplements that appear to be very safe, certainly

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at the dosages that I just referred to,

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supplements that potentially are having

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positive effects on our cells, and that are

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fairly if not very low cost.

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So that's why I take grape seed extract.

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I do not take it for its potential impact

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on resveratrol and resveratrol-related pathways

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per se and certainly not to extend my lifespan.

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So that basically answers the question that I was asked,

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which is what are your thoughts on resveratrol

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for extending lifespan.

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My answer was I don't think it extends lifespan.

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But I take something related to resveratrol for other health

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And by the way, I certainly wouldn't

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place grape seed extract in my list of top five

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or even top 10 supplements if somebody, for instance,

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said I want to take anywhere from one to 10 supplements,

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and I have x amount of budget to devote to supplementation.

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And I'm thinking about taking grape seed extract.

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Would that be one of the top 10 supplements

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you would recommend?

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I certainly wouldn't put it in the top 10.

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And by the way, at some point in the not too distant future,

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I will put online--

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so I'll probably do a podcast episode-- listing

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out all the supplements that I take and the rationale

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behind those and how long I've taken them and the effects

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that I've observed both subjectively and in my blood

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work and what I recommend to other people, what I don't

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recommend to other people, what's specific to me,

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and so on and so forth.

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But meanwhile, that's my answer to the question.

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I don't think resveratrol increases longevity.

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At least, I'm not aware of any direct evidence

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for that in humans.

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Now, with that said, let's use this as an opportunity

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to talk about some of the other so-called longevity

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supplements and drugs that are often discussed online

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and elsewhere in terms of their efficacy to increase lifespan.

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About four or five years ago, there

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was a sudden and increased attention

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on NAD-related pathways for increasing longevity.

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So the NAD pathway, as some of you may already know,

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is a pathway within all of our cells.

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This is a pathway that is highly active in young animals

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and humans.

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But all animals and humans across the entire lifespan

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make NAD in their cells.

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It's related to cellular energetics.

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That is the production of energy in cells.

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It has direct relevance to mitochondrial

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function and mitochondrial function to it.

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And that's a discussion unto itself.

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But suffice it to say that the pathway leading to NAD

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includes things such as NR and NMN.

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NR and NMN are considered by many to be precursors to NAD.

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OK, so why am I telling you all these acronyms?

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Here's the deal.

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The argument was made, in fact, by some prior guests

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on the Huberman Lab podcast and elsewhere that by increasing

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NAD levels in our cells that one could potentially

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extend lifespan.

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And there are generally three ways in which people

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have attempted to do that.

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OK, we'll talk about whether or not increasing NAD in our cells

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actually increases lifespan in a moment.

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But for the time being, let's just talk about some

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of the ways that people have tried to increase NAD

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within their brain and body.

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The most typical ways that people have done that

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is through, until very recently, supplementation.

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And so there are supplements out there such as NR which we

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know can increase NAD levels.

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So this is taken as a pill or a powder,

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typically as a capsule or a powder.

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Or by taking NMN which, and here there's been some,

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let's just say, debate as to whether

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or not taking NMN actually leads to increases

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in NAD within our cells, whether or not

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it can get into our cells, whether or not

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it's converted into NAD, and so on and so on.

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But there again, the idea was by taking NAD either

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in capsule form, or it's sometimes taken

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as a sublingual powder, that one could increase NAD levels

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and thereby potentially increase lifespan.

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And then there's a third way that's commonly

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used to try and increase NAD levels,

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and that's by infusing by intravenous infusion,

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or in some cases, by oral administration, either liquid

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or pill form, NAD itself.

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Now, I confess that I have tried all three of these approaches.

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OK, so I do indeed take an NR supplement every day.

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I take 500 milligrams of NR.

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I also and have separately taken an NMN supplement.

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I take sublingual NMN.

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So I'll take anywhere from 1 to 2 grams of NMN

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as a sublingual powder, which as the name suggests,

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you put it under your tongue, and it dissolves there.

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It's got this kind of tangy flavor.

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And the goal for me in taking an NR and NMN each day--

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and I should mention that sometimes I have just

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taken NMN or just NR to do the comparison between NR and NMN

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for me in a subjective way, just comparing what are my energy

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levels, how do I feel, whether or not

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there are any side effects.

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And then I've also taken them together.

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And I've arrived at a protocol where I take

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NR and NMN every single day.

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And the goal of that is indeed to increase NAD levels

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within my system.

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However, and I really want to emphasize this,

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I do not take NR and NMN in order to increase my lifespan.

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In fact, at this point in history,

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it's unclear and seems somewhat unlikely that increasing NAD is

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going to increase lifespan.

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But I think we should always keep our minds open.

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There may be data to arrive in the future that

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shows that actually does happen in humans.

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Now, there are some animal data suggesting that increasing NAD

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either by taking NR and/or NMN can increase lifespan.

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But frankly, that is not why I take NR and NMN.

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I take NR and NMN in an effort to increase NAD.

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And now I realize what I'm about to say is entirely subjective.

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And I really want to highlight that.

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What I'm about to describe is my experience.

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It is not based on any peer-reviewed studies.

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When I take NR and NMN at the dosages

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I talked about a little bit earlier,

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it gives me a lot of sustained mental and physical energy

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throughout the day.

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Now, I've always had a lot of mental and physical energy.

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But I'm 48 years old now.

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And I'm interested in doing anything

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that I safely can to keep those levels of energy

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as high as is reasonable, right?

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I don't want to have so much energy

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that I can't sit still or so much energy

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that I can't sleep at night.

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But I find that when I take NR and NMN in the morning--

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so typically, I'll do this before my first meal.

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I don't really regulate how close it is to that first meal.

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So I'll wake up, use the bathroom,

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hydrate, get my sunlight, do all the things I've

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talked about on other podcasts.

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But I'll take my NR and NMN sometime

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usually within about an hour or two

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of waking up and typically at least 30 minutes

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to two hours before my first meal, which for me usually

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arrives around 11:00 a.m.

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So sometimes I'll take it long before my first meal.

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In any event, it gives me a lot of energy.

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And I seem to have that energy throughout the day.

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I have gone periods of time where

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I stopped taking NR and/or NMN.

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And while I didn't feel as if I was completely

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depleted of energy, I did notice a decrement in energy

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compared to when I took NR and NMN.

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Now, I want to be very, very clear.

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I have no, zero, financial relationship

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to any company that manufactures NR.

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And while I used to have a relationship to a company that

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made NMN, as of recently, there's

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an FDA ruling that has made NMN not available as a supplement

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in the wider world.

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So earlier this year-- that is in 2023--

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there was a filing for NMN as a experimental drug

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in a clinical trial.

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And as a consequence, NMN was listed as a banned or not

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allowed to be commercially sold supplement.

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And that has to do with some of the legality

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around clinical trials.

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And when something is listed as an experimental drug,

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it can't be listed as a supplement.

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Nonetheless, you can still find NMN on the open market.

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You can find it on Amazon.

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I can't really speak to the purity

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of one source versus another.

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You'll have to explore that on your own.

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But I will say this, even though I said it before.

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I have zero financial relationship

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to any company that manufactures and sells NMN at this time

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or NR at this time.

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So the short summary to this whole discussion

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about NR and NMN is that I take NR and NMN,

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but I take it because I like how it makes me feel.

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It increases my energy levels in the morning

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and throughout the day.

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And it does so in a way that tapers

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off nicely in the evening, and I can still

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fall asleep, et cetera.

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I do not take it with any expectation

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that it's going to increase my lifespan,

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simply because I don't think the data substantiating

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the extension and lifespan are here yet.

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They may arrive at some point.

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But I don't think that they are here yet.

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So there are a good number of people out there

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that still take NR and/or NMN and are doing so in efforts

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to increase NAD.

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And so let's take a moment and talk about increasing NAD

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directly, because that's something

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that I have some recent experience with, and that's

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becoming more common and is, yes, still FDA approved,

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at least as far as I know.

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There are companies that can come to your house,

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or you can go to a facility, and they

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will give you an NAD infusion.

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So they will infuse you directly with NAD into the vein.

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I've done this twice now.

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And I will say, as most people experience

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when they do an NAD infusion, it's pretty darn uncomfortable.

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In fact, so much so that a lot of people

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have to take anti-nausea meds in order to get the NAD infusion.

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I opted to not take the anti-nausea meds,

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not because I'm particularly tough,

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but because I don't like taking additional medication if I can.

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But I've taken anywhere from 500 to 1,000 milligrams of NAD

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by infusion.

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I did that at times when I was feeling particularly

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rundown or post-illness.

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And I did indeed find that after the NAD infusion was complete,

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I felt much, much better in a number of different ways--

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improved sleep, improved vigor, coming off those illnesses.

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I felt much better.

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But again, there is no clinical trial

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exploring NAD infusion for sake of vigor,

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et cetera, that I am aware of.

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I just happen to be somebody who is

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interested in exploring these tools and techniques from time

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to time.

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And I deemed this as safe.

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Whether or not it's safe for you,

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you have to explore with your physician.

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Also, I do want to reemphasize what I said a moment ago.

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Those NAD infusions are pretty darn uncomfortable.

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You can have the person administering

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the infusion adjust the rate of the infusion

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so that the drip is slower, which

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makes it more tolerable as opposed to trying

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to get the whole infusion bag in there in 45 minutes or less.

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I just wanted to get the whole thing over with.

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So I just said, put it in as quickly as you reasonably

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and safely can.

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It took about an hour, maybe 45 minutes to an hour.

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Initially, I felt nauseous.

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I felt like someone was stepping on my chest.

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I felt like someone was stepping on my legs.

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I felt like, well, I just felt lousy.

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I felt so awful.

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And then after about 10 minutes, it passed.

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And I felt fine.

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And then after the infusion was done, as I mentioned before,

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I felt terrific.

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I was still able to fall asleep that night just fine,

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although I did make it a point to do this earlier in the day.

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I have heard of some people doing NAD infusions later

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in the day and having challenges with sleep.

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But again, that's just anecdotal.

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Or we could call it anecdata, if you want, but it's anecdotal.

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It's generally assumed for obvious reasons

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that NAD infusions are more effective at increasing

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cellular levels of NAD than NR or NMN or both

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together, although the direct comparison has not been made,

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as far as I know.

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And there's still this general question as to

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whether or not any of this stuff is getting into cells directly

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and impacting NAD levels in specific cells,

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although I think most people assume that the NAD

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infusions certainly are.

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Now, there are a number of different experts out there

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who debate all the fine points of everything that I just said,

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people like Dr. Charles Brenner and people

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like Dr. David Sinclair, people like Matt Kaeberlein.

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There are people who really actively,

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and let's just say, heatedly debate all the issues

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that I just talked about.

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I think the greatest debate is around whether or not

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increasing NAD levels in cells actually increases lifespan.

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But there's also a debate around whether or not

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NR is more advantageous than NMN, whether or not all of this

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is too premature to explore yet already.

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Again, I just want to restate for the third time.

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I don't do any of this stuff in these NAD pathways

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for sake of increasing lifespan.

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I do it for sake of the vitality and energy effects

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that I subjectively experience.

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I must say that the NAD infusions are expensive enough,

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inconvenient enough, and let's just say uncomfortable enough

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that I don't see myself doing them very often,

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although perhaps maybe doing them a couple of times a year

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or more makes sense should I find myself

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feeling run down or post-illness fatigue or things of that sort.

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I would be very curious to learn from any of you,

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the audience, what sorts of things

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you've experienced if perhaps you've

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explored NR supplementation, NMN supplementation, or NAD

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And as I mentioned earlier, there's

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now a growing number of different products

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that claim that you can take NAD orally,

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so either in pill, tincture or other forms,

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so no requirement for an infusion.

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But I'm not aware of any studies that have directly

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linked oral NAD to NAD levels in cells

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and how those two things relate.

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So lots more important science to be done in this area, lots

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more debate surely to be had, and any time we

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talk about supplements, I just want

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to emphasize several times that I do see supplements as indeed

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I think only by getting your light exposure, sunshine,

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movement, nutrition, stress modulation,

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social relationships, et cetera, correct should you even

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begin to consider supplementation,

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because supplementation is just not

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at the foundation of mental health, physical health,

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and performance.

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It is indeed something that, provided

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it fits within your safety and economic frameworks,

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could potentially enhance mental health,

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physical health, performance in certain ways.

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But it's certainly not the foundation

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from which you build mental health, physical health,

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and performance.

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So now we've talked about resveratrol, a little bit

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about grape seed extract.

Time: 1123.13

We've talked about NR and NMN and NAD and the NAD pathway.

Time: 1126.85

There are a few other things that are commonly

Time: 1129.25

discussed in the longevity sphere, let's call

Time: 1133.51

it, things such as metformin.

Time: 1136.42

I'll just be very direct and say I do not take metformin.

Time: 1139.93

And I also don't take what some people

Time: 1141.708

call the poor man's version of metformin, which is berberine.

Time: 1144.25

Berberine gives me brutal headaches.

Time: 1146.14

Berberine lowers blood glucose.

Time: 1147.94

That's why I think it's giving me brutal headaches.

Time: 1150.55

A lot of people have explored or are

Time: 1153.13

thinking about exploring taking metformin or berberine for sake

Time: 1156.22

of lowering blood glucose and lowering a particular cellular,

Time: 1160.54

let's just say, pathway or a set of molecules, mTOR

Time: 1163.96

being the most common of them.

Time: 1166.45

mTOR, mammalian Target of Rapamycin,

Time: 1168.4

is abundant in developing cells.

Time: 1170.92

It's responsible for the growth of individual cells.

Time: 1173.32

And the amount of mTOR in our cells

Time: 1175.75

tapers off across our lifespan.

Time: 1177.94

mTOR and its pathways is something

Time: 1179.852

that I've actually worked on fairly extensively

Time: 1181.81

in my laboratory in the context of the regeneration

Time: 1184.75

of the visual system.

Time: 1186.29

So I'm very familiar with it.

Time: 1187.75

And for sake of convenience and ease in this conversation,

Time: 1190.9

we can just think of mTOR as something

Time: 1192.49

that's abundant in cells during development

Time: 1195.13

and any time cells are growing, including

Time: 1197.5

the growth of tumor cells, and cellular growth

Time: 1201.07

at any stage of the lifespan.

Time: 1203.18

So the logic that people have waged

Time: 1206.02

is that drugs like metformin or compounds like berberine

Time: 1209.86

that reduce mTOR levels or impact the mTOR pathway in ways

Time: 1214.48

that lead to net decreases in mTOR,

Time: 1217.15

the logic is that could somehow increase lifespan.

Time: 1221.05

There's also the logic that fasting can reduce mTOR

Time: 1223.72

which can increase lifespan.

Time: 1225.11

I don't think there's any direct evidence for that

Time: 1227.193

yet, however, at least not in humans.

Time: 1229.31

So I'll tell you.

Time: 1230.44

I don't take berberine for the reasons I mentioned before.

Time: 1233.43

It makes me feel uncomfortable.

Time: 1235.09

Not psychologically uncomfortable,

Time: 1236.53

it makes me feel physically uncomfortable.

Time: 1238.28

I don't take metformin because expert colleagues of mine,

Time: 1242.17

including Dr. Peter Attia, have come on this podcast.

Time: 1245.45

In fact, we did a collaboration journal club podcast

Time: 1247.99

that we'll provide a link to in the show

Time: 1249.657

note captions during which we, meaning mainly Peter,

Time: 1252.34

reviewed the peer-reviewed data on metformin and lifespan.

Time: 1256.69

And at least to my understanding,

Time: 1259.57

at present, there isn't sufficient data

Time: 1262.15

to support taking metformin for increasing lifespan.

Time: 1266.99

So that's why I don't take it.

Time: 1268.4

I may in the future if more data come out and things change.

Time: 1271.28

But right now, I see no reason to take metformin

Time: 1274.46

to increase my lifespan.

Time: 1276.33

So I don't take metformin.

Time: 1278.12

Similarly, there's a lot of discussion

Time: 1280.19

out there about rapamycin.

Time: 1281.78

Remember mTOR, mammalian Target of Rapamycin,

Time: 1285.11

is so named because it's a target of this drug, which

Time: 1287.9

is used largely as an anticancer drug

Time: 1290.12

but has other purposes as well.

Time: 1291.8

Rapamycin is actively under investigation,

Time: 1294.71

which makes it sound like there was a crime committed.

Time: 1296.96

But as far as I know, there wasn't.

Time: 1299.63

Under active scientific exploration

Time: 1302.36

would be the more accurate way to say it,

Time: 1304.28

by excellent researchers such as Dr. Matt Kaeberlein up

Time: 1307.64

at the University of Washington in Seattle.

Time: 1309.8

He's been looking at rapamycin for its ability

Time: 1311.9

to extend lifespan, focusing on many different species,

Time: 1315.27

including dogs.

Time: 1316.19

So he has a dog longevity project.

Time: 1318.41

So that's really interesting.

Time: 1319.97

Dr. Peter Attia has talked a lot about rapamycin

Time: 1322.58

and did a recent podcast about rapamycin

Time: 1324.89

with not only Matt Kaeberlein but one

Time: 1327.83

of the experts in the world on mTOR.

Time: 1329.84

So I invite you to check out that podcast if you

Time: 1332.36

want to learn about rapamycin.

Time: 1333.86

So there is a fair amount of understanding

Time: 1335.81

about the biological pathways of rapamycin and mTOR and so on.

Time: 1339.8

And there are clinician physicians,

Time: 1342.62

like Peter as well as others, who

Time: 1345.35

are quite excited about the potential for rapamycin

Time: 1348.77

to extend lifespan, although you have to go directly

Time: 1351.29

to Peter to find out exactly what he's doing,

Time: 1353.31

whether or not he's taking rapamycin or not.

Time: 1355.49

I certainly can't speak for him.

Time: 1357.26

But at present, I don't take rapamycin.

Time: 1360.71

Why don't I take rapamycin?

Time: 1362.42

Well, I don't take rapamycin because at least to my eye,

Time: 1367.01

the data at present don't justify

Time: 1369.59

that for sake of increasing lifespan.

Time: 1372.08

That is not to say that rapamycin

Time: 1373.46

isn't an effective drug for the treatment of various cancers

Time: 1376.58

and for other purposes.

Time: 1377.55

But for me, at this point in time,

Time: 1380.01

I just don't see a good reason for me

Time: 1383.63

to take rapamycin relative to some of the, let's just say,

Time: 1387.76

substantiated potential side effects of rapamycin.

Time: 1390.58

It is a drug that I think can be taken safely

Time: 1393.64

under certain conditions but has enough of a side effect profile

Time: 1397.9

that I'm not interested in taking it

Time: 1399.97

for sake of increasing lifespan at this time.

Time: 1402.74

So no metformin, no rapamycin for me right now,

Time: 1406.27

perhaps in the future.

Time: 1407.53

I've listed out the things that I'm

Time: 1409.24

perfectly willing and happy to do, grape seed extract, NR

Time: 1412.96

and NMN, the occasional NAD infusion

Time: 1416.92

to increase NAD directly, and for the time being,

Time: 1419.68

I've decided to stay away from metformin and rapamycin.

Time: 1422.703

But of course, any and all of that

Time: 1424.12

could change going forward depending

Time: 1425.62

on the data that are published and my own experiences.

Time: 1429.07

As a final point on this, I want to again emphasize

Time: 1432.76

that the foundation of a quality life and a long life

Time: 1437.32

is most certainly going to come from the basics, perhaps

Time: 1441.52

the most fundamental and important of which

Time: 1443.38

is to get sufficient amounts of quality sleep each night.

Time: 1446.11

We know that not doing that can indeed

Time: 1448.4

reduce your lifespan if not directly, then certainly

Time: 1451.94

indirectly by increased number of accidents

Time: 1454.22

and certainly being far less happy and energetic

Time: 1457.16

during the day.

Time: 1457.83

So that's fundamental.

Time: 1459.08

Also, and this is very important to emphasize--

Time: 1461.96

and here I'm essentially borrowing the words straight

Time: 1464.75

out of Dr. Peter Attia's mouth.

Time: 1467.1

So forgive me, Peter.

Time: 1468.74

This won't be nearly as eloquent or succinct

Time: 1470.72

as Peter would make it.

Time: 1471.98

But it is very, very clear that at present there

Time: 1475.22

is no supplement or drug for increasing longevity

Time: 1478.58

that even comes close to the known improvements in health

Time: 1483.29

metrics that relate to longevity that come from getting quality

Time: 1486.71

sleep and especially from getting sufficient amounts

Time: 1489.89

of quality exercise.

Time: 1491.79

So that means both a combination of cardiovascular exercise,

Time: 1495.41

a minimum of 180 to 220 minutes of so-called zone 2 cardio

Time: 1501.32

per week.

Time: 1502.815

So that's cardio that you can carry out

Time: 1504.44

while still maintaining a conversation

Time: 1506.06

but should you increase the intensity any more,

Time: 1508.33

you would have a hard time completing your sentences.

Time: 1511.13

But in addition to that also doing some VO2 max work,

Time: 1513.727

so getting your heart rate way, way up at least once per week,

Time: 1516.31

and also, of course, doing resistance training either

Time: 1519.49

with weights, machines or bodyweight,

Time: 1521.8

doing that at sufficient intensity,

Time: 1523.87

six sets minimum per body part per week

Time: 1527.5

to maintain not just muscular size and strength

Time: 1530.53

but equally important, perhaps even more important,

Time: 1533.74

maintaining nerve to muscle connectivity,

Time: 1536.39

which correlates with cognitive function

Time: 1538.51

and a number of other important longevity metrics.

Time: 1540.76

So again exercise, sleep, quality nutrition, quality

Time: 1545.92

social connection, which means eliminating

Time: 1548.08

as best you can toxic social connection

Time: 1550.87

and increasing quality social connection, people that you

Time: 1553.69

like and enjoy spending time with and feel enriched by,

Time: 1556.45

stress modulation, all of these things are so key.

Time: 1559.18

And of course, getting morning sunlight, all of those things

Time: 1561.94

combine to have a huge out-sized effect compared to anything

Time: 1566.14

that you could take in pill, capsule or infusion.

Time: 1569.25

So before even considering taking any supplement or drug

Time: 1571.82

to increase your longevity or even for increasing vitality

Time: 1575.78

for that matter, get those basics of sleep, sunlight,

Time: 1579.29

nutrition, movement, stress modulation, or stress control,

Time: 1582.8

I should say, and relationships down.

Time: 1585.92

Get those right.

Time: 1586.642

And get that morning sunlight to set your circadian rhythm,

Time: 1589.1

because of course, your circadian rhythm

Time: 1590.767

is what anchors it all.

Time: 1592.19

And I'd be completely remiss if I didn't emphasize

Time: 1595.22

yet again that any time you're thinking of adding a supplement

Time: 1598.97

or removing a supplement from your regimen

Time: 1601.04

or adding a prescription drug or removing a prescription drug,

Time: 1604.4

you absolutely should consult you're

Time: 1607.16

board-certified physician.

Time: 1609.02

Thank you for joining for the beginning

Time: 1610.76

of this Ask Me Anything episode.

Time: 1612.75

To hear the full episode and to hear future episodes of these

Time: 1616.49

Ask Me Anything sessions plus to receive transcripts of them

Time: 1619.97

and transcripts of the Huberman Lab podcast standard channel

Time: 1623.09

and premium tools not released anywhere else,

Time: 1626.25

please go to

Time: 1629.065

Just to remind you why we launched the Huberman Lab

Time: 1631.19

podcast premium channel, it's really twofold.

Time: 1633.72

First of all, it's to raise support for the standard

Time: 1636.23

Huberman Lab podcast channel, which of course,

Time: 1638.94

will still be continued to be released every Monday in full

Time: 1642.363

length-- we are not going to change the format or anything

Time: 1644.78

about the standard Huberman Lab podcast--

Time: 1647.48

and to fund research, in particular research done

Time: 1650.39

on human beings, so not animal models but on human beings,

Time: 1653.34

which I think we all agree is a species

Time: 1655.07

that we are most interested in.

Time: 1657.12

And we are going to specifically fund

Time: 1659.48

research that is aimed toward developing

Time: 1661.91

further protocols for mental health, physical health,

Time: 1664.343

and performance.

Time: 1665.01

And those protocols will be distributed

Time: 1666.8

through all channels, not just the premium channel,

Time: 1669.023

but through all channels, Huberman Lab podcast

Time: 1670.94

and other media channels.

Time: 1672.36

So the idea here is to give you information to your burning

Time: 1675.41

questions in depth and allow you the opportunity

Time: 1678.59

to support the kind of research that

Time: 1680.42

provides those kinds of answers in the first place.

Time: 1682.743

Now, an especially exciting feature of the premium channel

Time: 1685.16

is that the Tiny Foundation has generously

Time: 1687.71

offered to do a dollar-for-dollar match

Time: 1689.9

on all funds raised for research through the premium channel.

Time: 1693.39

So this is a terrific way that they're

Time: 1695.152

going to amplify whatever funds come in through the premium

Time: 1697.61

channel to further support research for science

Time: 1700.118

and science-related tools for mental health, physical health,

Time: 1702.66

and performance.

Time: 1703.47

If you'd like to sign up for the Huberman Lab premium channel,

Time: 1706.08

again, there's a cost of $10 per month,

Time: 1708.21

or you can pay $100 up front for the entire year.

Time: 1710.88

That will give you access to all the AMAs.

Time: 1713.18

You can ask questions and get answers to your questions.

Time: 1715.97

And you'll, of course, get answers to all the questions

Time: 1718.7

that other people ask as well.

Time: 1720.09

There will also be some premium content such as transcripts

Time: 1722.99

of the AMAs and various transcripts and protocols

Time: 1725.69

of Huberman Lab podcast episodes not found elsewhere.

Time: 1729.03

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Time: 1731.21

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Time: 1733.41

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Time: 1735.41


Time: 1737.75

Again, that's

Time: 1740.51

And as always, thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 1743.15


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