AMA #11: Improve Task Switching & Productivity and Reduce Brain Fog

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ANDREW HUBERMAN: Welcome to the Huberman Lab podcast,

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where we discuss science and science-based tools

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for everyday life.

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I'm Andrew Huberman.

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I'm a Professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology

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at Stanford School of Medicine.

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Today is an Ask Me Anything episode, or AMA.

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This is part of our premium subscriber channel.

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Our premium subscriber channel was started in order

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to provide support for the standard Huberman Lab

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podcast, which comes out every Monday

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and is available at zero cost to everybody

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on all standard feeds--

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We also started the premium channel as a way

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to generate support for exciting research being done at Stanford

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and elsewhere, research on human beings that

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leads to important discoveries that

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assist mental health, physical health, and performance.

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I'm also pleased to inform you that for every dollar

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the Huberman Lab Premium channel generates for research studies,

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the Tiny Foundation has agreed to match that amount.

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Now, we are able to double the total amount of funding

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given to studies of mental health, physical health,

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and human performance.

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If you'd like to subscribe to the Huberman Lab podcast

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of today's episode and determine whether or not

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becoming a premium subscriber is for you.

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Without further ado, let's get to answering your questions.

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The first question is about task switching.

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The specific question is, is there

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a way to get better at task switching?

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Task switching is an incredibly interesting topic.

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It's something that plagues many people.

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That is, a lot of people have challenges with task switching.

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It's also a topic that people will often confuse

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with cognitive flexibility.

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All of us, unless it's been removed,

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have an area of our brain called the prefrontal cortex.

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The words prefrontal cortex actually

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refers to a fairly varied real estate within the human brain.

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It's not one area of the human brain.

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Prefrontal cortex actually includes a lot

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of different subdivisions that do different things

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in the context of cognition and directing action,

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withholding action, these kinds of things.

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One of the main functions of the prefrontal cortex

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is that when it's working well, it

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allows us to direct our focus and our cognition,

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our thinking, in a context-dependent way.

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One of the simplest ways to describe this

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is that when you took math in high school

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or if you're still taking math, your brain

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had to carry out certain types of cognitive operations

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that were very different than the types

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of cognitive operations that you need

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to carry out in your history class or your social studies

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There were some features of all three

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of those classes that were the same,

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in the sense that presumably, you

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had to sit in a chair for all of those classes.

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You followed a certain set of rules

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that pertained to all three of those different classes,

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even though there are different subjects.

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But then, there were certain rules that pertained just

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to mathematics, certain rules that you followed

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because a particular teacher was strict-- not because

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of the topic they were covering--

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as well as certain rules that maybe you did not pay attention

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to because a different teacher was a little more lax.

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For instance, maybe there was a teacher

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that let you put your feet up on the chair in front of you.

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Maybe, another teacher forbid that at all costs.

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The point being that your prefrontal cortex

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is the area of your brain that, along with other areas

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of your brain, ensures that you engage

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in context-specific behavior, context-specific thinking

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and context-specific understanding about what

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you should and should not do.

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Now, cognitive flexibility is similar,

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in the sense that it describes your ability to switch

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the types of cognitive operations--

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as the name suggests--

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depending on what sorts of things

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you're trying to learn or understand.

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It's a lot more extensive than that.

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In fact, we will probably do an entire episode

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all about both cognitive flexibility and perhaps,

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even a separate episode on task switching.

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Task switching is somewhat distinct

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from cognitive flexibility.

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First of all task, switching requires cognitive flexibility,

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but they are not the same thing.

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Now, when we talk about task switching-- or rather,

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when you see task switching in the scientific literature--

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most often, it has to do with people

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performing one particular type of mental or physical

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Say, they're maneuvering things with their hands

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or other parts of their body, or they

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are required to carry out one specific type

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of mental process.

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And then, they are required, either at random intervals

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or at specific intervals-- maybe every 10 minutes

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or so-- to switch their attention

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and to do a different task entirely.

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In the laboratory experiment situation,

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this has most typically been carried out the following way.

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People are going to do one cognitive task, maybe

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mathematics, or they're going to count, for instance, from 1

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up to infinity, as high as they can

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go in a given amount of time, in increments of say,

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7 or increments of 7 plus 1 then 7 minus 1.

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These can be made increasingly difficult. You get the idea.

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And then perhaps, a tone is played

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or they'll get a signal from the experimenter.

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They need to switch their task to doing something quite

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different, but also cognitive.

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That's the most typical arrangement.

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Another typical arrangement in a task switching experiment

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is that the person in the task switching experiment

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will be asked to do some sort of physical manipulation

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of objects, maybe placement of puzzle pieces

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into the correct configuration.

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Then at some designated interval or intervals,

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they will have to switch to a different manual task.

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Fewer-- not zero, but fewer-- experiments

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have examined task switching between

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physical and cognitive tasks.

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There are these kind of outrageous examples

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that you can find on the internet.

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By the way, I don't suggest that anyone

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go engage in these examples in real life of extreme task

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One of the most notable ones would be chess boxing.

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Believe it or not, this exists, where

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two people will enter a ring.

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They will sit down at a table.

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They will play chess for a given period of time.

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They're entirely focused on playing chess.

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Then a buzzer will go off.

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The chess table will be cleared.

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The chairs will be cleared.

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They will be expected to box, literally

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fight, for a round of a minute to three minutes,

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and then, go back to chess, then to boxing, so-called chess

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Again, I'm not suggesting people chess box.

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But I know that many people have challenges with task switching.

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Here, I can raise my hand and say that I am one such person.

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I've always had a pretty good ability to drop into deep focus

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after a period of time.

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I, like everybody else, take a little bit of time

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to get into a book chapter or to get

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into a mode of physical exercise.

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But once I'm doing something, I tend

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to be very focused on that.

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I have a much greater challenge in switching out

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of that focused mode to doing the next thing, which

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is one of the reasons why oftentimes, I run tardy,

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because I'm still mentally thinking about or physically

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engaged in the thing that I was doing before.

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This is something I'm constantly working on.

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As a consequence, I've had to seek out and implement

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certain tools to improve my ability to task switch.

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I'm going to share a few of those tools with you

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now, because I know a number of people

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probably struggle with the same thing.

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As I mentioned earlier, I'm also going

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to do a full-length episode about task switching,

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both the underlying mechanisms of task switching as well

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as a more extensive list of tools related

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to task switching, as a full-length Huberman Lab

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podcast episode.

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How can we get better at task switching?

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Short of having somebody scruff you by the neck

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and force you to stop whatever activity you're doing

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and engage in the next activity that you're doing,

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one of the best things that we can

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do to support our ability to task switch-- that's nicely

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supported both at the mechanistic level

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and at the practical level within the published

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literature-- is to introduce short transition

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gaps between the activities that we're trying to switch between.

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This is something that, in my opinion,

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has not been discussed enough.

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In fact, when was the last time you heard about the requirement

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for introducing gaps between tasks

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if you want to switch between them more efficiently?

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And yet, as a consequence of this

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not being discussed very often, I think a lot of people

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have placed an undue burden on themselves.

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For instance, a lot of people think that when

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you sit down with a book and you're going to read,

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that you should be able to immediately focus

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on the material that you're reading

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and not have your mind flitting about.

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During the first five, maybe even 10 minutes

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of reading a book chapter, unless you are absolutely

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enthralled from the first word, or you

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are intensely curious what the material in that book chapter

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maybe that book chapter is about you

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and what's going to happen to you next in your life.

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Maybe the news article is about something

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that you care oh so much about.

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But unless it's one of those specific instances,

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it's going to be about five or 10

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minutes before the neural circuits

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in your brain that are required to understand

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and digest and commit that material to memory

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are going to come online at the levels of activity that

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are going to be required for you to experience

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that as intense focus, or even as mild focus.

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The activity of the brain is always

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going to be in a push-pull.

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This is extremely important for understanding task switching.

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When you go from one task--

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and maybe the task was simply to walk over

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to where the book is located--

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to focusing on the material within that book,

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you have to both engage activity within certain neural circuits

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and you need to disengage the activity

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of other neural circuits.

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Sometimes, this is referred to as inhibition

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of certain neural circuits.

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Other times, it's just going to be a dissipation of activity

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of those neural circuits.

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They're just going to quiet down,

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like a dimming of the lights in a particular room,

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while the activity of other neural circuits increases.

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The first thing that you really need to understand,

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if you want to get better at task switching,

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is that you cannot and you should not expect yourself

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to immediately drop into a narrow trench of focus,

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or a narrow trench of ability, for anything that you're not

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already extremely skilled at or extremely interested

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in knowing.

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One of the reasons why this is often overlooked

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is that, for instance, if we receive a text

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message from somebody and we are very interested in what's

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contained in that text message, maybe even eagerly anticipating

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the dot, dot, dot in that little window

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where the text message is going to arrive-- like here it comes.

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Here it comes.

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Here it comes.

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It's an example of where you are able to immediately pay

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attention and absorb information.

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For instance, if you're trying to meet somebody in a big city,

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and you need to know exactly where to meet them,

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and you've arrived at the place where

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you thought you need to be and then, you can't find them.

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You're waiting.

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Where are you?

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Where are you?

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You're going to commit that information to memory

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and you're going to act on it.

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But when you sit down to read a book of unknown content,

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or where you have just a general sense of what the content is,

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or when you sit down to do something like work

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on a spreadsheet or your taxes, or engage

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in a conversation with somebody, expect a five to 10 minute

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transition period.

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I can't emphasize this enough, because I think a lot of people

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mistakenly think that they have issues with attention.

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Perhaps indeed, they have clinically diagnosable

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attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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or some other form of attention deficit disorder.

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I certainly can't rule that out based on this conversation

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But a lot of people place this unfair burden on themselves

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to immediately be able to focus on a given task.

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This is also true for physical tasks.

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If you go to the gym to work out or you're heading out

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on a run or a cycling expedition,

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the idea that you would immediately be able to cycle

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at your peak performance, or that you could perform sets

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and reps in the gym as best as you possibly

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could without any warm-up, without any transition period,

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that you could forget about the difficult or maybe even great

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conversation that you were having on the way in,

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or that you could forget about other activities

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that you need to do in the rest of your day,

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that's just completely unfair.

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It doesn't match at all the way that your neural circuits work.

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You really need to match your expectation of your ability

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to focus on and perform a given task,

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whether or not it's cognitive or physical, to

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the actual underlying biology.

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That's the first point.

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The second point is that we know that if you want to switch from

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one task to another task, that you are making it more

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difficult to drop into full-task engagement-- or rather,

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engagement with task B following task A,

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if you try and go immediately from task A to task B--

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that even the introduction--

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I find this so cool-- even the introduction

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of an arbitrary but very short transition period of say,

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15 seconds, where you know that you're introducing

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15 seconds of transition and you designate it as transition,

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will allow you to engage in a more efficient and more

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complete level of task execution on task B

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if you introduce even a brief transition period.

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This I find fascinating, because what this means

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is that there are top down influences.

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There are literally things that we can tell ourselves,

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based on an understanding of the underlying mechanisms, that

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allow us to task switch better.

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This certainly doesn't involve taking any kind of prescription

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drug or supplement or doing anything differently,

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except as you go from task A to task B,

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knowing and designating that a transition period, even a very

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brief one where you are not trying to perform task B

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and that you've designated this as a transition period.

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I'm not trying to focus on the next thing that I need to do.

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I might focus on it inadvertently,

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but I'm not deliberately trying to focus on it.

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Rather, I'm going to think about what I just did

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and the fact that I'm no longer doing that, kind of leaving it

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like a fog behind.

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You're trying to move from this deep trench of attention,

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hopefully on task A-- or maybe, you

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didn't achieve a deep trench of attention--

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and you're now done with task A. You're not

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placing this unfair expectation on your neural circuits

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to just flip to task B. You're also acknowledging

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that task B is going to take five to 10 minutes to drop

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into fully.

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We already talked about that.

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But you're going to shorten that five to 10 minutes

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by deliberately introducing a transition period.

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What comes in that transition period and its duration

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is important.

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First, let's deal with the duration.

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How long should the transition period be?

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That is going to scale directly with how long you

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are in a deep trench of focus for task A. Let's

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assume task A was something that was kind of light for you.

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Maybe, you're just handling some email.

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Maybe, you're talking to a coworker.

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Maybe, you were at a board meeting

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and it was kind of light.

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The stuff was just OK.

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You're used to this stuff.

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This is stuff that you do all the time.

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Now, you're headed back to your desk

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or you're headed to your next class.

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Or perhaps, you did a workout that morning

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and now, you're going to head to your place of work.

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Or maybe, you're leaving work and you're

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going to engage with family.

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You know need to switch all these cognitive operations.

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You need to dump the stuff that you were just

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doing cognitively, and you now need

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to do a bunch of other things.

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Context is switching.

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Task is switching.

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Just ask yourself, how deeply was I

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entrenched in that other activity?

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Was my mind flitting to other things?

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If I was in a deep trench of attention for that given thing,

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then you should give yourself slightly longer

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for this transition period, maybe five or even 10 minutes

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if you have that time.

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Even if you give yourself as short as 60 to 90 seconds

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of transition and you just designate it as transition,

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you're going to benefit in terms of your ability

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to do the next task.

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To be very clear, if you were in kind of a light task

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or something that didn't have much cognitive demand,

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then the transition period can be fairly short.

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It can be just a couple of minutes.

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Rather, if you were in a deep trench of attention,

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you really engaged in that first task,

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I suggest giving yourself a couple

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of minutes or more, maybe as much as five to 10 minutes.

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But you might not have that much time.

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In which case, give yourself any kind of transition,

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even if it's 10 seconds.

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I certainly have had times in my life,

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in particular when I was a new assistant professor before I

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got tenure, where I remember sitting down

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to work on a grant.

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I'd get two lines out.

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Someone would knock on the door.

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Hey, where are the whatever, the 30 mil syringes?

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Where do we keep the buffers?

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Did we get this thing in?

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And then, I'd have to shift my attention

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and go back to writing.

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I'd be distracted by something else again.

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Which is not to say that people were distracting me unfairly.

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It was simply the case that, at that time,

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my life required being involved in a lot more things

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than it did as my career progressed,

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at least in the short term.

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The point being that if you are deeply engaged in an activity,

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give yourself a little bit longer in the transition period

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between them.

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If you are sort of superficially involved in an activity,

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you need less of a transition period.

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But you need a transition period.

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What should come during that transition period?

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The most important thing to arrive in that transition

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period is a relative lack of attention to anything new.

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This is what's so destructive about the phone.

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Keep in mind, I am not one of these people that thinks

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that smartphones are terrible.

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In fact, I use mine plural, very often, all day, often.

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Not necessarily during deep cognitive

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focus, but in between those bouts of focus,

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I have to text message people.

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I do work on there.

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I'm on social media, so certainly

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not demonizing the smartphone.

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However, if you finish a given activity--

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whether or not it's cognitive or physical activity--

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and you are headed to something else that requires you do a new

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task, and that task requires significant amounts

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of attention and focus, then you would do very well to allow

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yourself a period of anywhere from two minutes to maybe,

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as long as 10 minutes--

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I know this is going to be very hard for people--

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but two minutes to as long as 10 minutes

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where you are not looking at your phone.

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You're not texting.

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You're not on social media.

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You're not foraging for anything.

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In fact, you're trying to limit the total amount of information

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that you're bringing into your nervous system.

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Now, you don't have to walk around with eyes closed

Time: 1105.575

and try and not hear and not see.

Time: 1107.28

Let's be practical, folks.

Time: 1108.45

That's impossible to do anyway.

Time: 1109.98

You can't shut down your brain while awake.

Time: 1112.68

You can go into states of deeper relaxation.

Time: 1115.25

There's a non-sleep deep rest, which we'll

Time: 1117

talk about in a little bit.

Time: 1118.125

But you can't shut off your brain deliberately,

Time: 1121.54

not in any healthy way that is.

Time: 1123.19

But by introducing these transition zones, or transition

Time: 1127.72

periods as we'll call them, of two to 10 minutes

Time: 1130.27

between different tasks, and making sure

Time: 1132.13

that within those transition periods,

Time: 1133.96

you are not bringing in new information-- again,

Time: 1137.62

another context and what are you really doing?

Time: 1139.93

You're ensuring that you're not going from task A to task B

Time: 1142.78

to task C.

Time: 1144.76

What we're talking about here is trying

Time: 1146.71

to limit your task switching between task A and task B

Time: 1150.25

and not introducing another task in between.

Time: 1152.65

You might think that looking at your phone is not a task.

Time: 1156.7

It's so easy.

Time: 1157.39

It's so reflexive.

Time: 1158.62

But it is.

Time: 1159.52

It's bringing in a lot of new context,

Time: 1162.34

in particular pictures and movies which

Time: 1164.17

are tremendous stimulus for the nervous system

Time: 1166.09

and anchoring your attention.

Time: 1167.54

It's bringing in new ideas, new thoughts

Time: 1169.63

that no matter how hard you try, are

Time: 1171.7

going to intrude into your ability to perform task B. When

Time: 1176.89

people say, how do I get better at task switching,

Time: 1179.64

I immediately want to say, please

Time: 1181.41

don't introduce yet more tasks.

Time: 1183.42

Switching from one task to another is hard enough already.

Time: 1186.33

Don't introduce another task in between.

Time: 1188.64

Some of you might take this to mean

Time: 1190.477

that you shouldn't have a conversation

Time: 1192.06

with a coworker after a meeting while walking down the hall.

Time: 1194.64

I'm not saying that.

Time: 1195.81

I still encourage people to be social.

Time: 1198.27

I encourage people to engage in workplace environments.

Time: 1200.92

However, I will say, after many years

Time: 1203.315

of working in laboratories that at times were quite

Time: 1205.44

large, if you walk into the lab and there

Time: 1207.395

are a lot of different things going on,

Time: 1209.02

one of the things that you learn how to do,

Time: 1210.812

if you're going to get good at your craft,

Time: 1212.94

is to not pay attention to what's

Time: 1215.31

going on with everyone crowded around a computer looking

Time: 1217.95

at who's winning at the World Cup.

Time: 1219.57

I'm not trying to insult soccer players here.

Time: 1221.445

I enjoy soccer, both playing it and observing it.

Time: 1223.56

But one has to scruff themselves a little bit in trying

Time: 1228.42

to limit their attention to a number of different things

Time: 1231.18

in the environment, and really go from task A

Time: 1233.865

to task B in a really dedicated way.

Time: 1236.58

Short lists benefit certain people.

Time: 1238.568

I know a lot of people are list makers out there.

Time: 1240.61

They like to put two or three things, or maybe 20 things

Time: 1243.61

that they're going to accomplish each day.

Time: 1245.44

One of the best tools that I ever

Time: 1247.09

learned, both for the sake of task switching

Time: 1249.34

but also for sake of just getting things

Time: 1251.35

done on a consistent basis--

Time: 1252.96

I picked up while I was a master's student

Time: 1254.71

at Berkeley-- a very accomplished professor

Time: 1257.14

at that time told me that he writes down every day three

Time: 1260.44

things that he's going to accomplish

Time: 1261.94

and only three things, never more than three.

Time: 1265.33

He also included other activities.

Time: 1266.96

In fact, he was quite active in his physical life.

Time: 1270.28

He rode his bike to campus.

Time: 1271.96

He also was a runner.

Time: 1273.19

He also went to the gym.

Time: 1274.24

He did not include those on his list of three things.

Time: 1276.448

He would write down no more than three critical things

Time: 1279.79

to do each day.

Time: 1280.48

He had three critical tasks.

Time: 1283.51

I've employed that method as well.

Time: 1285.04

I'll write down one, sometimes two, most often three,

Time: 1288.28

but if I can, just one or two tasks that I

Time: 1291.16

need to complete each day.

Time: 1292.84

Everything else is considered part of the,

Time: 1294.79

let's just say, automaticity function

Time: 1297.2

of my day, things that I already know how to do.

Time: 1299.2

They don't require a ton of cognitive focus.

Time: 1301.27

But I limit the things that require

Time: 1302.95

a lot of cognitive focus to three things per day.

Time: 1305.212

However, those three things per day

Time: 1306.67

can take up many, many hours each

Time: 1308.44

and certainly, on the whole.

Time: 1310.03

There are additional things that one

Time: 1311.53

can do to improve your ability to task switch.

Time: 1313.72

One of the things that I found particularly beneficial

Time: 1316

is not a meditation, but rather, is a perceptual exercise.

Time: 1320.25

This is a perceptual exercise that I

Time: 1322.12

learned about when I was a graduate student,

Time: 1324.28

but in a totally different context.

Time: 1325.96

It has to do with the way that your visual system

Time: 1328.51

and the parts of your brain that parse time

Time: 1332.11

are related to one another and influence one another.

Time: 1334.932

The reason this tool makes sense for improving your ability

Time: 1337.39

to task switch is because it turns out

Time: 1340.21

that where you focus your visual attention strongly

Time: 1342.82

influences the way that your brain parses time.

Time: 1347.672

I'll describe the tool first.

Time: 1348.88

And then, I'll get a little bit into the underlying mechanisms.

Time: 1351.505

Again, I'll get deep into the underlying mechanisms, as well

Time: 1354.732

as the tool, as well as additional tools,

Time: 1356.44

in a future episode about task switching on the Huberman Lab

Time: 1358.94


Time: 1361.78

If you were to, for instance, close your eyes

Time: 1365.44

and not look at anything in your external environment

Time: 1368.59

and just concentrate, for instance,

Time: 1370.51

on your breathing or the feeling on the surface of your skin--

Time: 1373.31

I know this is starting to sound like meditation, but trust me,

Time: 1375.935

it's not meditation--

Time: 1377.59

your perception of time, that is, how finely you

Time: 1380.29

are slicing time, would be distinctly different

Time: 1384.07

than if you were to open your eyes

Time: 1386.29

and focus on a faraway location, say way off in the horizon,

Time: 1391.07

and not focus on your bodily sensations.

Time: 1395.15

Similarly, if you were to focus your attention

Time: 1397.61

on some intermediate location, maybe,

Time: 1400.31

let's say, 20 feet away and simultaneously,

Time: 1404.67

focus on your internal bodily sensations

Time: 1407.37

or the surface of your skin, your perception of time how

Time: 1411.31

quickly time was passing would also

Time: 1414.28

be different than if you closed your eyes

Time: 1416.8

or if you were looking at some distant location.

Time: 1419.41

The perceptual tool for task switching is a very simple one.

Time: 1422.68

It's one that frankly, I do every morning

Time: 1424.48

and have for many years now and at least, for me, has really

Time: 1427.69

enhanced my ability to task switch.

Time: 1430.06

That is, just take a couple of minutes.

Time: 1432.42

This really only takes about two or three minutes.

Time: 1434.98

Typically, what I will do is, I'll start by closing my eyes.

Time: 1438.118

I should mention, I typically do this

Time: 1439.66

in an environment where ideally, I

Time: 1441.61

can see off into the distance, perhaps from a balcony

Time: 1444.58

if I'm in an apartment or a house, ideally outdoors.

Time: 1448.205

But if I'm indoors, I'll still do this.

Time: 1449.83

I'll just look as far off into the distance

Time: 1452.05

as I can when that step is required.

Time: 1455.38

I start off by closing my eyes and essentially not looking

Time: 1458.41

at anything, but directing my brain's focus

Time: 1460.81

to either the surface of my body,

Time: 1462.22

just what it feels like, what it's in contact with or not

Time: 1464.595

in contact with, maybe my breathing.

Time: 1466.63

Then, I'll open my eyes and I will

Time: 1468.19

focus on some location on my body but my bodily surface,

Time: 1471.67

like my hand at some distance.

Time: 1474.53

I'll focus my attention there maybe

Time: 1476.45

for just five to 15 seconds.

Time: 1478.77

I should mention that the first station,

Time: 1480.992

as I call them, where my eyes were closed

Time: 1482.7

and I was focusing on my bodily sensations,

Time: 1484.13

I also just do that for about five to 15 seconds.

Time: 1486.35

I don't count specifically, just roughly five to 15 seconds.

Time: 1492.17

Second station, you're looking at the surface of your hand.

Time: 1495.56

If you like, you can also concentrate on your breathing.

Time: 1498.11

But typically, people will just focus on some specific location

Time: 1501.697

on their hand.

Time: 1502.28

Then, I'll typically lower my hand.

Time: 1504.02

Then, I'll look off into the distance, maybe

Time: 1505.88

five to 10 feet.

Time: 1506.66

It doesn't really matter.

Time: 1507.84

Focus my visual attention there.

Time: 1509.51

Try and hold that focus for five to 15 seconds.

Time: 1511.88

Then, I'll look further off in the distance, maybe, further

Time: 1515.75

still off into the distance.

Time: 1517.64

Ultimately, what I try and do is look at a location

Time: 1519.86

as far off into the distance as I possibly can.

Time: 1525.14

I'm also trying to pay attention to my breathing

Time: 1527.45

at the same time, just as a way of calibrating

Time: 1529.91

my location to the location that I'm looking at

Time: 1533.43

and how great that is.

Time: 1534.653

Then typically, I'll close my eyes

Time: 1536.07

and return my attention to my immediate environment

Time: 1538.69

and my breathing just in the location I'm in.

Time: 1541.62

The entire thing only takes about two minutes.

Time: 1544.05

Again, starting with eyes closed, focusing on self five

Time: 1547.21

to 15 seconds.

Time: 1548.04

Then, eyes open, focusing on surface of one's body, that is,

Time: 1552.03

focusing one's visual attention five to 15 seconds maybe

Time: 1554.82

10 feet away, then maybe, 50 feet away.

Time: 1558.54

If you're in the metric system, meters works just as well.

Time: 1561.88

These distances do not have to be precise.

Time: 1564

And then, off to the horizon and then,

Time: 1567.24

back to one's immediate location by closing one's eyes.

Time: 1570.39

What is happening when one does this perceptual exercise?

Time: 1574.05

Again, it's a perceptual exercise.

Time: 1575.58

It's a visual perceptual exercise.

Time: 1578.22

What's happening is, you are shifting

Time: 1580.8

your visual focus, obviously.

Time: 1583.17

But you're also shifting the way in which you

Time: 1586.32

fine slice or thick slice time.

Time: 1589.86

Your ability to recognize, consciously, whether or not

Time: 1592.33

your thin slicing or thick slicing time is much harder

Time: 1596.02

to get a grasp of than it is to get a grasp of whether

Time: 1599.243

or not you're looking at your hand or off in the distance.

Time: 1601.66

That's kind of obvious.

Time: 1602.68

But what we know for sure is that as you

Time: 1604.21

shift your attention from your immediate environment

Time: 1606.377

out to different designated locations in your environment,

Time: 1609.16

and your time perception shifts accordingly,

Time: 1612.25

you're essentially training your brain

Time: 1614.14

to shift visual focus and the way in which you

Time: 1616.99

process in the time domain.

Time: 1619.3

This is important in the context of task switching,

Time: 1621.46

because so much of task switching

Time: 1623.59

is not just to understand OK, I'm

Time: 1627.13

going from reading to running or from running to reading

Time: 1631.678

and the different types of operations that are required

Time: 1633.97

in one case versus the other, but also,

Time: 1636.91

a shift in the neural circuits that underlie

Time: 1640.39

your perception of time.

Time: 1642.52

Again, this is a topic that deserves a much more

Time: 1644.8

elaborate discussion.

Time: 1646.66

So much of our ability to execute a task

Time: 1650.71

with high proficiency has to do with getting

Time: 1653.35

our thinking and our actions into the correct time domain.

Time: 1657.878

When I say time domain, I know a number of people

Time: 1659.92

can get confused because time is time.

Time: 1662.62

People think, what do you mean by time domain?

Time: 1664.69

Space domain makes sense.

Time: 1666.063

Here, I'm not talking about outer space,

Time: 1667.73

whether or not you're looking in one location or another close

Time: 1671.105

to your body or far away from your body

Time: 1672.73

are different domains of space.

Time: 1675.52

But the time domain is a little trickier for most people

Time: 1678.357

to understand.

Time: 1678.94

Just think of it this way.

Time: 1680.21

When you see a slow motion movie, what you're seeing

Time: 1683.56

is a movie that was shot at a high frame

Time: 1685.6

rate, many frames per second.

Time: 1688.24

The typical smartphone shoots movies

Time: 1689.89

at about 60 frames per second, some older ones,

Time: 1692.17

30 frames per second.

Time: 1693.19

The slow-mo function on your smartphone

Time: 1697.3

is actually a high frame rate function.

Time: 1700.69

You took the same movie, but you took it at a higher frame rate.

Time: 1704.62

You've got a lot more images.

Time: 1706.25

Therefore, you can generate slow motion.

Time: 1708.615

With your visual system, when you

Time: 1709.99

focus very close in to your body or you're

Time: 1712.63

focused on bodily sensations in your immediate environment,

Time: 1716.59

you are fine slicing in the time domain

Time: 1719.47

more so than when you are looking

Time: 1722.47

further off in the distance.

Time: 1724.36

Similarly, when you engage in one type of task,

Time: 1726.79

like a board meeting or a Zoom meeting

Time: 1728.53

or a conversation with friends, you

Time: 1730.66

are in a very different set of neural circuit functions

Time: 1734.32

than when you sit down to read or learn math or lift weights

Time: 1738.19

or go to therapy or go for a walk with your dog,

Time: 1742.31

for instance.

Time: 1743.95

Now, it should be clear why when you move from task to task

Time: 1746.8

you want to A, introduce a transition period.

Time: 1751.09

It can be very brief.

Time: 1751.998

Maybe, you don't even have time for the two minute transition

Time: 1754.54


Time: 1754.91

You just say, OK.

Time: 1755.48

I'm in a transition period between task A and task

Time: 1757.6

B. I'm moving from this thing to that thing.

Time: 1759.61

I just need like 10 seconds.

Time: 1761.172

I'm going to recognize.

Time: 1762.13

I'm going to count down 10 to one or one up to 10.

Time: 1765.65

It doesn't matter.

Time: 1766.45

This is transition time.

Time: 1767.74

But this is not a time to look at my phone

Time: 1771.16

or to be in lots of different time domains.

Time: 1773.89

You might say, well, does that mean

Time: 1776.802

I shouldn't look at the horizon while I'm

Time: 1778.51

walking from my meeting back to my desk?

Time: 1780.25


Time: 1781.182

That's not the way that your brain works.

Time: 1782.89

It doesn't anchor to things that just happen

Time: 1784.873

to be in your environment unless they're of particular interest.

Time: 1787.54

What I'm saying is, set a transition period between tasks

Time: 1790.79

ideally, two maybe as long as 10 minutes.

Time: 1794.69

I'm also saying that when you switch between tasks,

Time: 1798.01

or when you initiate your first major task of the day,

Time: 1800.77

please expect--

Time: 1802.15

do expect-- a period in which it's

Time: 1805.81

hard to get into the groove, so to speak.

Time: 1809.62

In addition to that, I recommend having some of practice.

Time: 1812.883

I described the practice that I've

Time: 1814.3

used for some period of time now, at least for me

Time: 1816.91

to great success, where you are deliberately

Time: 1819.88

shifting your visual attention between different locations

Time: 1822.97

close to you and far away.

Time: 1824.35

You're doing that as a perceptual practice.

Time: 1826.75

Again, the whole thing only takes about two minutes,

Time: 1829

maybe three minutes.

Time: 1830.295

You don't even need to do it every day.

Time: 1831.92

I happen to do it every day, but I miss the occasional day

Time: 1834.01

here and there.

Time: 1834.88

Even if you were to do this perceptual practice once a week

Time: 1839.59

or three times a week, I'm certain that you'll benefit.

Time: 1841.99

Because in doing that perceptual practice,

Time: 1843.89

there's also an immediate recognition

Time: 1846.16

of the sorts of shifts that your brain is required

Time: 1848.35

to engage in any time you move from task A to task B

Time: 1851.11

or from task B to task C. You start

Time: 1853.81

to see and feel, literally see and feel,

Time: 1858.07

the way that transition occurs.

Time: 1860.84

It takes a little bit of time.

Time: 1862.09

But you can accelerate that transition

Time: 1864.29

if you understand that oh, when I'm looking here and engaging

Time: 1867.31

in this type of behavior or sets of tasks

Time: 1870.55

and then, I'm now going to be expected

Time: 1872.56

to do another task in a completely

Time: 1874.48

different type of environment, the brain is going

Time: 1878.2

to be required to shift over the neural circuits that

Time: 1880.69

are active and less active in order to do that.

Time: 1883.54

You can accelerate that process by practicing

Time: 1885.82

it using that perceptual tool that I described.

Time: 1888.85

There, I covered some specific tools

Time: 1890.36

that one can use to enhance one's ability to task switch,

Time: 1893.3

touching on a bit of the underlying neurobiology

Time: 1895.7

and why transition periods are useful, if not required.

Time: 1899.57

If you think about there's always a transition period when

Time: 1902.055

task switching, but here, you're taking conscious control

Time: 1904.43

over that transition period.

Time: 1905.87

There are additional tools for enhancing one's ability

Time: 1908.63

to task switch.

Time: 1909.53

They tend to be somewhat specific for the certain kinds

Time: 1913.28

of cognitive or physical tasks that one needs to do.

Time: 1916.73

The example of chess boxing that I gave earlier,

Time: 1919.16

a great example of task switching

Time: 1920.63

at its extreme, terrible example of a practice

Time: 1923.12

space-time bridging.

Time: 1924.252

Very safe, I can't think of any way in which it

Time: 1926.21

might be dangerous, although please don't do it

Time: 1928.168

while driving or while operating any other machinery.

Time: 1932.03

By all accounts, very safe, zero cost.

Time: 1933.795

We talked about some of the other tools

Time: 1935.42

for task switching as well.

Time: 1937.29

Thank you for joining for the beginning

Time: 1938.99

of this Ask Me Anything episode.

Time: 1940.98

To hear the full episode and to hear future episodes of these

Time: 1944.72

Ask Me Anything sessions, plus to receive transcripts of them

Time: 1948.2

and transcripts of the Huberman Lab podcast standard channel

Time: 1951.32

and premium tools not released anywhere else,

Time: 1954.48

please go to

Time: 1957.295

Just to remind you why we launched the Huberman Lab

Time: 1959.42

podcast Premium channel, it's really twofold.

Time: 1961.95

First of all, it's to raise support

Time: 1963.74

for the standard Huberman Lab podcast channel, which

Time: 1966.65

of course, will still be continued to be released

Time: 1969.23

every Monday in full length.

Time: 1970.968

We are not going to change the format or anything

Time: 1973.01

about the standard Huberman Lab podcast, and to fund research,

Time: 1977.39

in particular, research done on human beings.

Time: 1979.61

Not animal models, but on human beings,

Time: 1981.57

which I think we all agree, is a species

Time: 1983.27

that we are most interested in.

Time: 1985.97

We are going to specifically fund

Time: 1987.71

research that is aimed toward developing

Time: 1990.14

further protocols for mental health, physical health,

Time: 1992.58

and performance.

Time: 1993.26

Those protocols will be distributed

Time: 1995.03

through all channels, not just the premium channel,

Time: 1997.253

but through all channels, Huberman Lab podcast

Time: 1999.17

and other media channels.

Time: 2000.61

The idea here is to give you information to your burning

Time: 2003.64

questions, in depth, and allow you the opportunity

Time: 2006.82

to support the kind of research that

Time: 2008.65

provides those kinds of answers in the first place.

Time: 2010.973

Now, an especially exciting feature of the premium channel

Time: 2013.39

is that the Tiny Foundation has generously

Time: 2015.94

offered to do a dollar-for-dollar match

Time: 2018.13

on all funds raised for research through the premium channel.

Time: 2021.85

This is a terrific way that they're

Time: 2023.382

going to amplify whatever funds come in through the premium

Time: 2025.84

channel, to further support research for science

Time: 2028.348

and science-related tools for mental health, physical health,

Time: 2030.89

and performance.

Time: 2031.7

If you'd like to sign up for the Huberman Lab Premium channel,

Time: 2034.31

again, there's a cost of $10 per month.

Time: 2036.44

Or you can pay $100 up front for the entire year.

Time: 2039.11

That will give you access to all the AMAs.

Time: 2041.41

You can ask questions and get answers to your questions.

Time: 2044.68

You'll of course get answers to all the questions

Time: 2046.93

that other people ask as well.

Time: 2048.32

There will also be some premium content, such as transcripts

Time: 2051.219

of the AMAs and various transcripts and protocols

Time: 2053.92

of Huberman Lab Podcast episodes not found elsewhere.

Time: 2057.489

Again, you'll be supporting research

Time: 2059.44

for mental health, physical health, and performance.

Time: 2061.639

You can sign up for the premium channel by going

Time: 2063.639


Time: 2065.98

Again, that's

Time: 2069.04

As always, thank you for your interest in science.

Time: 2071.35


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