Adderall, Stimulants & Modafinil for ADHD: Short- & Long-Term Effects | Huberman Lab Podcast

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welcome to the huberman Lab podcast

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where we discuss science and

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science-based tools for everyday life

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I'm Andrew huberman and I'm a professor

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of neurobiology and Ophthalmology at

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Stanford school of medicine today we're

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discussing stimulants in particular

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stimulants for the treatment of ADHD or

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attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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as many of you know there is tremendous

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interest in drugs like Adderall Ritalin

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Vyvanse and other stimulants as well as

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non-stimulant prescription drugs that

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have been shown to improve the symptoms

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of ADHD such as modafinil or modafinil

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and guanfacine today I'm going to

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discuss all of these compounds in the

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context of how they work to improve the

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symptoms of ADHD I'm going to address

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common questions about these compounds

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such as are they just speed are they

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similar to meth or Methamphetamine I'll

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talk about their addictive potential as

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well as their potential to cause

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psychotic symptoms both in the short and

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long term and of course I will talk

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about the scientific literature

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surrounding the most frequently Asked

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question about these compounds which is

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what are the long-term consequences of

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taking any of them in childhood or in

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adulthood now today's discussion centers

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around the use of these compounds both

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for childhood and for adult ADHD

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but of course I'd be remiss if I didn't

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acknowledge that there are a tremendous

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number of people that use these

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prescription drugs without a

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prescription in order to improve their

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ability to focus and indeed also use

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them recreationally in fact some surveys

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reveal that as high as 80 percent of

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college-age young adults have used one

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or several of prescription drugs such as

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adderall Ritalin Vyvanse or similar at

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some point and are doing so without a

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prescription so they are either

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obtaining those drugs from those that do

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have prescriptions for them for ADHD or

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they are obtaining them through Black

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Market sources which of course carries

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an additional and very serious risk

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related to the so-called fentanyl crisis

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that is as high as 75 percent of black

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market drugs nowadays of various kinds

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but certainly including the sorts of

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drugs we're going to talk about today

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are contaminated with fentanyl and

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therefore are very deadly so today I'm

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going to describe what these various

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drugs really are how they work at the

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level of neurons and brain networks and

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how they change those brain networks in

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ways that really can allow people with

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ADHD to be able to focus better I will

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answer the common question which is why

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is it that giving children speed because

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indeed several not all but several of

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the compounds I'm going to discuss are

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speed they are amphetamine why would

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that cause a reduction in hyperactivity

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if speed is a stimulant so I'll answer

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that question for you and I will also

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answer questions that are commonly asked

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such as how these drugs impact things

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like sleep hormone Health reproductive

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Health as well as what is their impact

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on height indeed it was one prominent

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hypothesis that these ADHD meds could

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actually restrict the height of children

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I'll tell you whether or not that's

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actually true or not and I'll discuss

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the data surrounding whether or not

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these drugs predispose people to

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becoming addicts to other substances

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even if people cease or continue taking

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the stimulants that can help them in the

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clinical sense for a ADHD before we

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begin I'd like to emphasize that this

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podcast is separate from my teaching and

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research roles at Stanford it is however

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part of my desire and effort to bring

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zero cost to Consumer information about

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science and science related tools to the

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general public in keeping with that

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theme I'd like to thank the sponsors of

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today's podcast our first sponsor is

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Maui Nui venison Maui Nui venison is the

Time: 222.18

most nutrient-dense red meat available

Time: 224.12

Maui Nui spent nearly a decade building

Time: 226.92

a USDA certified wild harvesting system

Time: 229.5

to help balance deer populations on the

Time: 231.84

island of Maui the solution they built

Time: 233.76

turns the proliferation of an invasive

Time: 235.44

species into a wide range of

Time: 237.18

nutrient-dense products from fresh

Time: 239.04

butcher cuts and organ Meats to bone

Time: 240.84

broth and jerky I'm a particular fan of

Time: 243

their bone broth which has an unmatched

Time: 244.98

25 grams of protein per 100 calories and

Time: 247.319

I also love the ground venison and the

Time: 249.239

venison steaks talked many times before

Time: 251.7

on this podcast with expert guests in

Time: 253.439

nutrition who make it clear that we

Time: 255.599

should all be getting at least one gram

Time: 257.28

of protein per pound of body weight each

Time: 259.62

day with Maui Nui venison products

Time: 261.84

that's extremely easy to do and they're

Time: 263.759

extremely delicious as well if you'd

Time: 265.919

like to try Maui Nui venison go to Maui

Time: 268.04 huberman to get 20 off your

Time: 271.5

first order again that's Maui News

Time: 273.24 huberman to get 20 off

Time: 276.3

today's episode is also brought To Us by

Time: 278.34

Roca Roca makes eyeglasses and

Time: 280.56

sunglasses that are of the absolute

Time: 282.12

highest quality I've spent a lifetime

Time: 284.04

working on the biology of the visual

Time: 285.479

system and I can tell you that your

Time: 286.5

visual system has to contend with an

Time: 287.94

enormous number of different challenges

Time: 289.32

in order for you to be able to see

Time: 290.82

clearly Roca understands all of those

Time: 293.04

challenges at the level of the eye and

Time: 294.78

the visual system within the brain and

Time: 296.639

they've designed their eyeglasses and

Time: 297.84

sunglasses so that no matter what

Time: 299.28

environment you're in you can always see

Time: 301.08

with Crystal Clarity originally their

Time: 303.06

glasses were designed for sports and as

Time: 305.1

a consequence all of their glasses are

Time: 307.199

extremely lightweight and as well they

Time: 309.24

won't slip off your face even if you get

Time: 311.16

sweaty however despite being designed

Time: 313.44

initially for performance Roca

Time: 315.419

eyeglasses and sunglasses include a lot

Time: 317.22

of different styles that are designed

Time: 318.84

for you to wear to work or out to dinner

Time: 320.82

as well as the what I call the cyborg

Time: 323.16

style they're designed for cycling Etc

Time: 324.78

if you'd like to try Roca eyeglasses or

Time: 327

sunglasses go to Roka that's

Time: 329.94

and enter the code huberman to save 20

Time: 331.979

off your first order again that's Roca

Time: 334.58 and enter the code huberman at

Time: 337.62

checkout today's episode is also brought

Time: 339.66

To Us by hvmn Ketone IQ Ketone IQ is a

Time: 343.259

ketone supplement that increases blood

Time: 344.94

ketones now most people have heard of

Time: 346.8

the so-called ketogenic diet but most

Time: 348.72

people including myself are not on the

Time: 350.4

ketogenic diet that is I and most people

Time: 352.979

eat complex carbohydrates fruits and

Time: 354.9

things of that sort in addition to

Time: 356.16

Quality proteins Etc it turns out that

Time: 358.199

even if you're not following a ketogenic

Time: 359.88

diet increasing your blood ketones can

Time: 361.74

still have benefits so for instance I

Time: 363.78

use Ketone IQ anytime I want to do

Time: 366

extended bouts of focused work preparing

Time: 367.979

for podcasts research writing grants and

Time: 370.5

if I ever want to exercise but I don't

Time: 373.259

have time to eat or I don't want to have

Time: 375.06

my gut full of food taking Ketone IQ and

Time: 377.52

thereby increasing my blood ketones

Time: 379.199

allows me to do cognitive work or

Time: 381.539

physical workouts without getting hungry

Time: 383.88

and with plenty of energy and cognitive

Time: 386.1

Focus if you'd like to try Ketone IQ you

Time: 388.62

can go to huberman to save 20

Time: 392.16

off again that's huberman I'm

Time: 396.12

pleased to announce that I will be

Time: 397.319

hosting two live events in September of

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2023. the first live event will take

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place in Toronto on September 12th the

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second live event will take place in

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Chicago on September 28th both Live

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Events will include a lecture and a

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question and answer period and are

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entitled The Brain body contract during

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which I will discuss tools and science

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related to mental health physical health

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and performance I should mention that a

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lot of that content will have absolutely

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no overlap with content covered

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previously on the huberman Lab podcast

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or elsewhere if you're interested in

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attending either or both of these events

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please go to tour and

Time: 433.199

enter the code huberman to get early

Time: 435

access to tickets once again that's

Time: 436.8 tour and use the code

Time: 439.74

huberman to access tickets I hope to see

Time: 442.199

you there let's talk about treatments

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for ADHD and why stimulant treatments in

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particular can be so effective

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first of all it's long been known that

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there are specific brain networks

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involved in what we call attention now

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attention is not one thing actually it

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involves several different cognitive

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operations including the suppression of

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noise that is turning down the

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background chatter in our heads and

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turning down our attending to things

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outside us like noises or visual cues

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that are not relevant to what we want to

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do and it also involves ramping up or

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attending we're focusing on particular

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things that are happening either in our

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immediate environment or in our head or

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so if that all sounds rather complex

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indeed it is it involves several

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different networks operating in parallel

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but what we know for sure based on a lot

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of clinical and scientific laboratory

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data is that the so-called prefrontal

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cortex the region of neural real estate

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in your brain just behind your forehead

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is critically important for

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orchestrating which neural circuits are

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going to be more or less active at a

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given moment in order to bring about

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what we call Focus or attention or task

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switching or our ability indeed to

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multitask because we can actually

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multitask to some extent in fact if you

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were to look at somebody and focus on

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perhaps the expression on their face you

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could do that while also attending to a

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conversation that's happening nearby

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it's energetically demanding it's hard

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to do but we can do that that's actually

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referred to as covert attention you're

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covertly paying attention to something

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else and then you can switch that

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attention back to just one thing or one

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small collection of things the point

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being that attention is a powerful

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resource it's what allows us to navigate

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through life with efficiency and to be

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adaptive in our behaviors it's what

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allows us to learn and to build

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relationships and have successful School

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careers and professional careers and so

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on but it is indeed expensive it takes

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metabolic resources you know just at

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rest if you were to think about

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essentially nothing or whatever just

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pops into your mind with no dedicated

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effort toward paying attention to

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anything your brain would consume about

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25 of your daily caloric needs and then

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when you lump on top of that your need

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or your attempts to focus on things to

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pay attention to specific things

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should come as no surprise as to why

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that often can make us feel tired as if

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we've been working really hard and we've

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been running a quote unquote mental

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marathon when trying to learn and attend

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to things it's hard work for the brain

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and yet we can pay attention because of

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that very precious real estate just

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behind our foreheads the prefrontal

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cortex now in people both children and

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adults that have ADHD their prefrontal

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cortex is not necessarily deficient in

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any specific way except that it is not

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as good at orchestrating the activity of

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other brain networks operating in

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parallel with it what do I mean by that

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well if we take a step back and say what

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is the prefrontal cortex really doing

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the prefrontal cortex has this amazing

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ability through what's called top-down

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inhibition to quiet other brain areas so

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for instance if you are feeling agitated

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but you need to sit still your ability

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to sit still even if it takes a bit of

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work is coordinated by your prefrontal

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cortex sending inhibitory suppressive

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electrical signals to the networks of

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your brain that are trying to generate

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physical action in addition to that if

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you are in a conversation that's either

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a difficult one or a boring one or you

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are tempted to interrupt and you are

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actively holding back your desire to

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walk away or to yawn or to blurt

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something out

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it's your prefrontal cortex that is

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controlling that active suppression so

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in many ways you can just think of the

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prefrontal cortex as an Orchestra

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conductor that is essentially saying shh

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or not right now be quiet this is not

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the time to many different brain

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networks all at once

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now in addition to that your prefrontal

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cortex is coordinating with other brain

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networks that are involved in generating

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what's called salience or attention to

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particular signals so the prefrontal

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cortex in many ways is like a teacher or

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an Orchestra conductor it can point to

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in the neurochemical sense that is 0.2 a

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given brain structure and say you I'd

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like to hear more from you right now yes

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you the student in the back speak up and

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a moment later point to a collection of

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small students chattering in the back

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again I'm presenting all this by analogy

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and say hey hey you guys quiet down

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right now so and so is going to come up

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to the front of the room and help us

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work through this particular math

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problem so when we hear that the

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prefrontal cortex exerts what's called

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executive function

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what that refers to is the prefrontal

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cortex's ability to quiet the activity

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of particular neural circuits and to

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enhance or increase the salience of

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other neural circuits that are involved

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in creating our Spotlight of attention

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and what we know for sure based on many

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many brain Imaging studies is that ADHD

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is not necessarily A deficit in

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prefrontal cortical function but rather

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the prefrontal cortex's ability to

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communicate with other brain areas in

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the proper ways and so what results in

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the brain of a person either young or

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old with ADHD is that a lot of the

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background chatter becomes very very

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loud so for instance we have a brain

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Network called the default mode Network

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this is a fascinating brain Network this

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is the brain Network that is active when

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you just sort of sit in place and don't

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think about much and then you start

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having ideas about what you might do

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next week it tends to be very

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autobiographical so you might remember

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an experience from the past you might

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think about some of your desires some of

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your dislikes this default mode Network

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as it's called is also involved in our

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imagination our in our spooling together

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of different experiences that we've had

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it doesn't tend to be the thing that's

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really focused on anything external in

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particular all at once

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the default mode network is always

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active but it's when we start to attend

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to something especially things external

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to us like it you know something written

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on a page or a conversation or something

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that we really need to learn something

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we need to pay attention to that the

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activity of the default mode network is

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suppressed somewhat and that suppression

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occurs not just by accident but because

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the prefrontal cortex is actively

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suppressing it

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in kids and adults with ADHD the default

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mode network is often still active at a

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very robust level even while we're

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trying to attend to things and that's

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why someone with ADHD will sit down and

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try and do some focused work and I'll

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start thinking about something they want

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or something they dislike their internal

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state will start to distract them and of

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course there are other networks in the

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brain there's actually a what's called a

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true salience Network there's the dorsal

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attention Network there are a bunch of

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different networks and brain areas but

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when thinking about ADHD and especially

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when thinking about how the drugs that

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we're going to talk about today work to

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alleviate the symptoms of ADHD

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and in thinking about why so many people

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use or even abuse these drugs for sake

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of learning or recreationally we might

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you start to realize that everything

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centers back to the prefrontal cortex

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and the prefrontal cortex's ability to

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actively suppress and actively enhance

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the activity of these multiple brain

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networks including default mode networks

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aliens Network dorsal attention Network

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so rather than overwhelm you with a

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bunch of names of brain areas and brain

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networks today I'd really like our

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discussion to focus on first what the

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various drugs that are used to treat

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ADHD are that is how do they work at the

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level of neurons

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second how they create a certain set of

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conditions that allow their prefrontal

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cortex to be a better conductor

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third how that can be leveraged during

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development to actually teach the

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prefrontal cortex of a young child to

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learn to be a better conductor because

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that's really the Hallmark of the use of

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these drugs is to try and enhance the

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activity of particular circuits to

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create a sort of learning so that the

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prefrontal cortex is much more efficient

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at doing its job of conducting and then

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fourth we're going to talk about the

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various things that I think most people

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out there ask about when they hear about

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drugs like Adderall Vyvanse and Ritalin

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Etc which is you know are they addictive

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why are they addictive can one use them

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briefly or even from time to time and

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still be okay what if I use them as a

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child and I don't want to be on them

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anymore should I put my child on these

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drugs Etc it is I believe only by

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understanding the biology of how these

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drugs work

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and their potential both to improve

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brain function but also some of the

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dangers associated with these drugs that

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one can really answer those questions

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for themselves or for their children

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okay so let's start with a very basic

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but critical question which is why in

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the world would amphetamines speed or

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other stimulants improve the symptoms of

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that's so critical to answer because if

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you think about it the prefrontal cortex

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needs to coordinate the actions of these

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other circuits

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and so just increasing the amount of

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activity in prefrontal cortex you can

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imagine would create a state of hyper

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Focus perhaps but actually that's not

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the case if you just were to ramp up the

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activity of prefrontal Cortex what you

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would find is that somebody would become

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even less efficient at paying attention

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to what they wanted to rather they would

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pay attention to whatever was presented

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in front of them with laser focus they

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would lock on to essentially anything

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and that's not good one of the key

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things about prefrontal cortex is that

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it needs to be flexible it needs to be

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able to pay attention to this then it

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needs to be able to pay attention to

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that then it needs to go back to paying

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attention to the thing it was paying

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attention to previously and so on and so

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forth life that is an effective adaptive

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life a good life consists of

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self-directing one's attention most all

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of the time so why would stimulants do

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that well

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almost all not all but almost all of the

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drugs used to treat ADHD fall under the

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category of stimulants or what are

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called sympathomimetics

Time: 1072.28

sympathomimetic refers to the fact that

Time: 1074.539

we naturally have a component of our

Time: 1077.419

nervous system called the autonomic

Time: 1079.22

nervous system the autonomic nervous

Time: 1081.44

system has two major components one is

Time: 1084.02

called the sympathetic arm of the

Time: 1086

autonomic nervous system has nothing to

Time: 1087.86

do with sympathy has everything to do

Time: 1089.48

with ramping up our level of attention

Time: 1091.52

and arousal it is the so-called fight or

Time: 1094.58

flight aspect of our nervous system or

Time: 1097.34

rather it mediates fight or flight but

Time: 1099.559

immediates a bunch of other things too

Time: 1101.38

including sexual arousal including

Time: 1104.12

excitement and focus about something

Time: 1106.52

that we want to learn or somebody that

Time: 1108.2

we want to learn more about or

Time: 1110.539

remembering a phone number or anything

Time: 1112.7

that puts us into a state of alertness

Time: 1115.22

and focus

Time: 1116.9

the other arm of the autonomic nervous

Time: 1119.24

system is the so-called parasympathetic

Time: 1121.1

arm of the autonomic nervous system and

Time: 1122.78

that's often referred to as the

Time: 1124.16

so-called rest and digest component of

Time: 1126.559

our nervous system and yes it controls

Time: 1128.96

rest indeed it puts us into sleep

Time: 1132.14

and yes it's involved in digestion but

Time: 1134.72

it's involved in a bunch of other things

Time: 1136.28

as well including sexual arousal

Time: 1138.919

including rates of digestion including

Time: 1141.5

salivation including all sorts of things

Time: 1144.5

that don't just have to do with resting

Time: 1146.66

and digesting

Time: 1147.98

the way to think about the autonomic

Time: 1149.419

nervous system is it's a sort of seesaw

Time: 1151.039

so it's always at a balance someplace

Time: 1153.919

between either predominantly sympathetic

Time: 1156.799

or predominantly parasympathetic but

Time: 1159.559

both the parasympathetic and the

Time: 1161.12

sympathetic arms of the autonomic

Time: 1162.62

nervous system are always active all the

Time: 1164.96

time it's not as if one is completely

Time: 1166.82

active and the others shut off even in

Time: 1168.44

sleep your sympathetic nervous system is

Time: 1170.24

not completely turned off and even

Time: 1171.559

during a panic attack your

Time: 1173.36

parasympathetic nervous system is not

Time: 1175.039

completely turned off

Time: 1177.919

drugs to treat ADHD

Time: 1180.38

which are fall under the category of

Time: 1182.299

stimulants are sympathomimetics because

Time: 1185.14

they trigger the release of

Time: 1187.1

neurochemicals and the activation of

Time: 1189.98

components of our nervous system that

Time: 1192.38

very much resemble the activation of the

Time: 1195.08

so-called sympathetic nervous system the

Time: 1196.94

one that makes us more alert and more

Time: 1198.74

aroused so that's why they're called

Time: 1200.44

sympathomimetics and the word stimulant

Time: 1203.179

refers to a general category of drugs

Time: 1206.24

that are sympathomimetics now the most

Time: 1209.66

commonly discussed sympathomimetic is

Time: 1212.72

one that fortunately is not

Time: 1215.48

prescribed for ADHD and that's

Time: 1217.6

methamphetamine these days we hear a lot

Time: 1219.559

about meth

Time: 1220.9

meth which is methylated amphetamine is

Time: 1224.299

an extremely potent sympathomimetic and

Time: 1227.72

it has tremendous abuse potential

Time: 1231.02

Believe It or Not meth or

Time: 1233.36

Methamphetamine is actually available as

Time: 1236.299

a prescription drug but it is used very

Time: 1239.24

rarely because of its high abuse

Time: 1240.74

potential and all the terrible things

Time: 1243.14

that it can do in terms of

Time: 1245.059

cardiovascular health in terms of oral

Time: 1247.52

health right there's this stereotype

Time: 1249.559

that meth users have very degraded teeth

Time: 1251.539

and indeed they do there's a reason for

Time: 1253.52

that related to how meth impacts the

Time: 1255.26

brain and body I'm going to talk a

Time: 1257

little bit about methamphetamine a

Time: 1258.32

little bit later but let's just Place

Time: 1260.74

methamphetamine high on the Shelf as the

Time: 1264.62


Time: 1265.4

potent sympathomimetic that's out there

Time: 1268.7

because even though it's not often

Time: 1271.22

prescribed for ADHD there are class of

Time: 1273.74

compounds very similar to it that have a

Time: 1276.32

very similar pattern of action

Time: 1278.6

that is not quite as potent but that

Time: 1281.12

leverages the same underlying mechanisms

Time: 1283.34

and they are very commonly prescribed

Time: 1285.74

for ADHD namely Adderall and Vyvanse so

Time: 1289.64

first let's talk about Adderall and what

Time: 1291.74

Adderall is Adderall is a combination of

Time: 1294.74

what are called amphetamine salts

Time: 1297.08

amphetamine salts refers to the fact

Time: 1299

that there are two major forms of

Time: 1300.62

amphetamine there's a d amphetamine or

Time: 1303.5

dexoramphetamine and levo amphetamine or

Time: 1306.44

L amphetamine so I'll refer to these as

Time: 1308.539

D and L amphetamine and for you

Time: 1311.12

chemistry-minded folks out there the D

Time: 1312.98

and the L also refer to the fact that

Time: 1315.44

there is a l left-handed version of the

Time: 1318.02

molecule and there's a d or right-handed

Time: 1320.6

version of the molecule

Time: 1322.34

this is only important to understand

Time: 1325.34

insofar as you know that the D and the L

Time: 1328.4

forms of the molecule look very similar

Time: 1330.32

but they're mirror images of one another

Time: 1333.02

and yet they can have very different

Time: 1334.64

actions in the brain and body so

Time: 1337.46

Adderall is a three to one ratio of D

Time: 1340.76

amphetamine to L amphetamine

Time: 1343.52

you should know that L amphetamine tends

Time: 1346.28

to be less potent in increasing certain

Time: 1349.34

neurochemicals in the brain I'll talk

Time: 1350.96

about which neurochemicals they are in a

Time: 1353

moment then is D amphetamine so D

Time: 1355.34

amphetamine is potent stuff not as

Time: 1357.2

potent as methamphetamine but very

Time: 1358.88

potent stuff

Time: 1360.34

l-amphetamine a little bit less potent

Time: 1363.08

L amphetamine tends to be the

Time: 1365.6

amphetamine that increases blood

Time: 1367.7

pressure and heart rate what we call

Time: 1369.14


Time: 1370.46

effects because it happens in the

Time: 1372.32

periphery outside the central nervous

Time: 1373.82


Time: 1374.72

peripheral effects like increased heart

Time: 1376.82

rate increased blood pressure sweating

Time: 1380.299


Time: 1381.44

are mostly activated by L amphetamine

Time: 1383.78

whereas D amphetamine tends to work

Time: 1385.88

mainly on receptors in the brain and

Time: 1388.22

therefore have effects mainly restricted

Time: 1390.2

to the brain

Time: 1391.4

now what are these effects that I've

Time: 1393.5

been referring to

Time: 1394.88

the major effect of Adderall and other

Time: 1398.2

sympathomimetic stimulants is to

Time: 1400.76

increase the activity of two

Time: 1402.919

neurochemicals the first of those

Time: 1404.659

neurochemicals is dopamine and the other

Time: 1407.179

of those neurochemicals is

Time: 1408.7

norepinephrine first off I want to be

Time: 1410.96

clear that when I say norepinephrine I

Time: 1413.539

could just as easily say nor adrenaline

Time: 1415.58

because those are the exact same thing

Time: 1417.5

and forgive me even though I wasn't the

Time: 1419.78

one to name the same thing two different

Time: 1422


Time: 1423.08

I'll try and stay with norepinephrine

Time: 1425.72

but I may say noradrenaline they are the

Time: 1427.64

same thing there's a whole story as to

Time: 1429.2

how they got named

Time: 1430.64

two different things but it's the same

Time: 1432.86


Time: 1434.179

the major effect of Adderall and other

Time: 1436.179

sympathomimetic stimulants is to

Time: 1438.919


Time: 1440

the transmission of dopamine and

Time: 1442.7

norepinephrine so what does dopamine and

Time: 1445.28

what is neuropinephrine well both

Time: 1446.84

dopamine and norepinephrine are what are

Time: 1448.52

called neuromodulators that is they have

Time: 1450.74

the ability to increase or decrease the

Time: 1454.58

firing patterns the electrical activity

Time: 1456.62

of particular brain circuits

Time: 1459.5

both dopamine and norepinephrine have

Time: 1462.32

separate roles in creating certain

Time: 1465.08

States within our brain and body but

Time: 1467.48

they like to collaborate meaning they

Time: 1469.88

tend to be released at similar locations

Time: 1471.799

in the brain in order to deliver us to a

Time: 1474.799

particular state of mind and or body

Time: 1478.28

so if we were to take a look at just

Time: 1480.08

dopamine we would find that dopamine is

Time: 1482.78

released at sites within the brain and

Time: 1485.72

increases the activity of brain networks

Time: 1487.76

that for the most part lead to increases

Time: 1490.28

in motivation Pursuit and to some extent

Time: 1493.82


Time: 1495.38

if we were to look at norepinephrine and

Time: 1497.299

where it's released in the brain it

Time: 1499.039

tends to be released at many not all but

Time: 1501.14

many of the same sites where dopamine is

Time: 1503.659

released and the main function of

Time: 1505.58

norepinephrine is to increase the

Time: 1508.28

activity of neural networks that are

Time: 1510.2

involved in attention and focus to

Time: 1512.9

particular things in our environment

Time: 1514.52

okay so think of dopamine and

Time: 1516.5

norepinephrine as collaborators because

Time: 1519.08

indeed they are

Time: 1520.52

and actually they're very

Time: 1522.1

neurochemically similar as well it

Time: 1524.539

actually just takes one chemical

Time: 1527.059

conversion to turn dopamine into

Time: 1528.86

norepinephrine so they are very similar

Time: 1531.08

they're like close cousins that work

Time: 1532.46

together to help us achieve a common

Time: 1534.26

goal that involves increased motivation

Time: 1537.08

focus and alertness

Time: 1539.48

so when we talk about attention in ADHD

Time: 1542.48

or we talk about quieting the

Time: 1544.159

hyperactivity or impulsivity of ADHD one

Time: 1547.46

of the reasons why drugs that are

Time: 1549.26

effective in treating ADHD are so

Time: 1551.059

effective is because they increase

Time: 1553.76

motivation focus and alertness and they

Time: 1556.22

tend to do that at very focal locations

Time: 1558.14

in the brain it's worth taking a couple

Time: 1559.88

of minutes to think about how

Time: 1561.14

sympathomimetics such as adderall

Time: 1562.76

actually increase dopamine and

Time: 1564.559

norepinephrine they do so by affecting a

Time: 1568.34

couple of specific operations at the

Time: 1570.2

so-called synapse what are synapses

Time: 1571.88

synapses are the communication points

Time: 1573.74

between neurons they're actually the

Time: 1575.36

spaces between neurons but that's where

Time: 1577.58

a lot of the action is when neurons as

Time: 1580.1

we say are stimulating the next neuron

Time: 1582.08

or activating the next neuron or

Time: 1583.64

inhibiting the next neuron the word

Time: 1585.38

neuron just simply refers to nerve cell

Time: 1587.48

and so what nerve cells have is they

Time: 1589.7

have a cell body that contains their DNA

Time: 1592.159

and a bunch of other stuff they have a

Time: 1594.679

long wire like process which is referred

Time: 1596.9

to as an axon and at the end of that

Time: 1598.88

axon there are a bunch of proteins in

Time: 1600.919

there that do really interesting things

Time: 1602.779

so for instance there are proteins down

Time: 1604.88

at the end of the axon that package

Time: 1606.919

neurotransmitter into little spherical

Time: 1608.6

things that we call vesicles

Time: 1610.46

those vesicles can fuse with the end of

Time: 1613.58

the axon and vomit the contents those

Time: 1616.88

neurotransmitters into the synaptic

Time: 1618.74

cleft into that little space between

Time: 1620.419

neurons and then if enough of those

Time: 1623.659

neurotransmitters bind to receptors on

Time: 1625.76

What's called the postsynaptic side

Time: 1627.08

which simply means the neuron on the

Time: 1628.76

other side well then the next neuron

Time: 1631.52

will become active and then the signal

Time: 1633.62

will propagate from one neuron to the

Time: 1636.08

next now I just described that whole

Time: 1637.94

process pretty quickly and I like to

Time: 1639.679

think pretty simply but it actually

Time: 1641.659

involves a lot of different protein bits

Time: 1644.779

and some pretty complex Machinery in

Time: 1646.7

order to make that happen

Time: 1648.62

I don't want to over complicate our

Time: 1650.179

conversation but what I will tell you is

Time: 1652.1

that down in the synapse in the

Time: 1654.2

presynaptic terminal

Time: 1655.88

the neuron that is going to release

Time: 1657.559

neurotransmitter there are what are

Time: 1659.539

called Transporters which sit there and

Time: 1661.72

suck up or suck back up

Time: 1664.88

some of the neurotransmitter that's been

Time: 1666.74


Time: 1668.419

there are dopamine Transporters and

Time: 1670.34

there are norepinephrine or

Time: 1671.96

noradrenergic Transporters down in the

Time: 1674.179


Time: 1675.74

what Adderall does and what other

Time: 1678.34

sympathomimetics do

Time: 1680.419

is to inhibit or disrupt the action of

Time: 1683.659

those Transporters and the net

Time: 1685.159

consequence of that is that when

Time: 1687.26

dopamine and or epinephrine are released

Time: 1689.24

into the synapse more of it is allowed

Time: 1691.64

to stick around and to binder receptors

Time: 1693.98

on the postsynaptic cell

Time: 1696.08

than would be the case if Adderall or

Time: 1698.659

the other stimulant were not present in

Time: 1700.7

the system so one way that Adderall

Time: 1702.5

increases dopamine and norepinephrine is

Time: 1704.96

by disrupting the activity of these

Time: 1706.88

presynaptic Transporters for dopamine

Time: 1709.22

and norepinephrine the other way that

Time: 1711.98

Adderall increases dopamine and

Time: 1713.659

norepinephrine is that it disrupts the

Time: 1716.659

activity of a different piece of

Time: 1718.4

Machinery in the presynaptic neuron

Time: 1720.38

which is called a vmat the vesicle

Time: 1723.08

monoamine transporter 2. if you really

Time: 1725.779

want to get specific you don't have to

Time: 1727.58

remember these names but what these

Time: 1729.5

vmats do is actually really cool what

Time: 1731.6

they do is they actually take whatever

Time: 1733.6

transmitter has been brought back up

Time: 1735.799

into the cell by Transporters and they

Time: 1738.44

package it into those vesicles that are

Time: 1741.679

then going to be released

Time: 1744.62

by disrupting the Transporters that

Time: 1747.159

vacuum back up some of the dopamine or

Time: 1750.799

norepinephrine that's been released

Time: 1752.84

and by also disrupting the packaging

Time: 1756.14

of dopamine and norepinephrine into

Time: 1758.659

vesicles themselves what ends up

Time: 1760.88

happening is that there's a buildup of a

Time: 1763.22

lot more dopamine and norepinephrine in

Time: 1765.14

the presynaptic terminal so that when an

Time: 1767.24

electrical signal travels down the

Time: 1769.159

neuron now the total amount of dopamine

Time: 1772.52

and norepinephrine that's released is

Time: 1774.5


Time: 1775.58

okay so what's happening when you take

Time: 1777.86

Adderall is that you're getting more out

Time: 1780.799

of the dopamine and norepinephrine that

Time: 1782.539

you're releasing and you're releasing

Time: 1784.22

more dopamine and norepinephrine

Time: 1786.44

altogether and there's a third mechanism

Time: 1788.84

by which Adderall increases the amount

Time: 1790.58

of dopamine and norepinephrine present

Time: 1792.38

in synapses

Time: 1793.64

and therefore can act on other neurons

Time: 1796.279

and that has to do with disruption of

Time: 1798.62

the entire network between these

Time: 1800.659

different proteins

Time: 1802.039

I'm not going to go into that in any

Time: 1803.539

detail because it gets somewhat

Time: 1804.679

complicated in terms of the cell biology

Time: 1806.539

and some of the biochemistry down at the

Time: 1808.64

tips of these axons but suffice to say

Time: 1811.399

that Adderall is such an effective

Time: 1814.039


Time: 1815.72

that is it can increase dopamine to such

Time: 1818.899

a great extent especially compared to

Time: 1821.299

other treatments for ADHD because of its

Time: 1824.72

ability to increase dopamine release and

Time: 1827.419

transmission and therefore action as

Time: 1830.12

well as noradrenergic release and

Time: 1832.52

transmission and action down there in

Time: 1834.799

the synapse and it's worth pointing out

Time: 1836.899

that most of the effect of Adderall is

Time: 1840.14

an increasing dopamine as opposed to

Time: 1842.36

norepinephrine it does increase

Time: 1843.86

norepinephrine but its major effects we

Time: 1847.1

should say the major effects that have

Time: 1848.72

made it such an attractive drug to so

Time: 1851

many people both for the treatment of

Time: 1852.86

ADHD and for people to take

Time: 1855.44

recreationally or off prescription or

Time: 1857.72

for sake of studying or work simply

Time: 1859.399

because they want to focus more and

Time: 1860.899

longer is because of its ability to

Time: 1863.419

increase dopamine to such a great extent

Time: 1865.399

I'd like to take a quick break and

Time: 1867.74

acknowledge one of our sponsors athletic

Time: 1869.72

greens athletic greens now called ag-1

Time: 1872.36

is a vitamin mineral probiotic drink

Time: 1874.94

that covers all of your foundational

Time: 1876.679

nutritional needs I've been taking

Time: 1878.659

athletic green since 2012 so I'm

Time: 1881.179

delighted that they're sponsoring the

Time: 1882.44

podcast the reason I started taking

Time: 1883.88

athletic greens and the reason I still

Time: 1885.5

take athletic greens once are usually

Time: 1887.6

twice a day is that it gets to be in the

Time: 1890.059

probiotics that I need for gut health

Time: 1891.86

our gut is very important it's populated

Time: 1894.02

by gut microbiota that communicate with

Time: 1896.659

the brain the immune system and

Time: 1897.98

basically all the biological systems of

Time: 1899.779

our body to strongly impact our

Time: 1901.88

immediate and long-term health

Time: 1903.5

and those probiotics and athletic greens

Time: 1905.72

are optimal and vital for microbiotic

Time: 1908.659

health in addition athletic greens

Time: 1910.76

contains a number of adaptogens vitamins

Time: 1912.44

and minerals that make sure that all of

Time: 1914.059

my foundational nutritional needs are

Time: 1915.74

met and it tastes great if you'd like to

Time: 1918.799

try athletic greens you can go to

Time: 1920.44 huberman and they'll

Time: 1923.6

give you five free travel packs that

Time: 1925.22

make it really easy to mix up athletic

Time: 1926.84

greens while you're on the road in the

Time: 1928.52

car on the plane Etc and they'll give

Time: 1930.559

you a year's supply of vitamin d3k2

Time: 1933.14

again that's huberman

Time: 1935.72

to get the five free travel packs and

Time: 1937.58

the year supply of vitamin D3 K2 now a

Time: 1940.64

bit earlier I mentioned that L

Time: 1942.32

amphetamine levo amphetamine is present

Time: 1944.36

in Adderall but

Time: 1946.399

at one quarter the amount of D

Time: 1948.919

amphetamine okay so there's a little bit

Time: 1950.6

of l-amphetamine and a lot of

Time: 1951.74

damphetamine in Adderall many of you are

Time: 1954.26

probably familiar with vivance Vyvanse

Time: 1956.6

is a commercial name for what many

Time: 1958.82

people think is extended release

Time: 1960.14

Adderall but actually Vyvanse is not

Time: 1962.48

extended release Adderall Vivant is a

Time: 1966.5

drug in which the pharmaceutical

Time: 1968.539

industry has taken one component of

Time: 1970.94

Adderall just the D amphetamine

Time: 1973.279

component and attached to it an amino

Time: 1976.159

acid called lysine now the amino acid

Time: 1979.22

lysine is a big amino acid and the

Time: 1982.22

attaching of Lysine to D amphetamine

Time: 1984.919

what we call vivance makes it what's

Time: 1987.2

called a pro drug it actually can't have

Time: 1988.88

any effect on its own but when one takes

Time: 1991.76

Vyvanse and it's broken down in the gut

Time: 1994.34

but to a greater extent actually in the

Time: 1996.26

bloodstream the lysines are cleaved off

Time: 1999.019

slowly over time and as a consequence

Time: 2001.799

Vyvanse is basically timed release

Time: 2004.679

dmphetamine this is important because I

Time: 2007.419

think a lot of people think that

Time: 2009.039

Adderall which again is D amphetamine

Time: 2011.62

and L amphetamine and those two things

Time: 2013.84

operate quite a bit differently at the

Time: 2015.82

level of norepinephrine and epinephrine

Time: 2017.86

and cardiac versus brain effects a lot

Time: 2020.62

of people think Vyvanse is just slow

Time: 2022.659

release Adderall but it is not what

Time: 2024.82

vivance is is D amphetamine only but in

Time: 2028.24

time release form and Vyvanse was

Time: 2030.58

actually developed as a way to try and

Time: 2032.74

get around or rather prevent some of the

Time: 2035.44

abuse potential of Adderall and Other

Time: 2038.38

Drugs that contain damphetamine

Time: 2040.84

D amphetamine stands for dextra

Time: 2043.179

amphetamine and in the 70s and 80s there

Time: 2047.38

were a fair amount of movies and there

Time: 2049.54

was a lot of trafficking and there was a

Time: 2051.159

lot of criminal activity related to what

Time: 2053.32

was called dexedrine dexedrine is pure D

Time: 2056.139

amphetamine so if we're going to be very

Time: 2058.839

direct if I were going to just frame

Time: 2061.48

these things in the context of their

Time: 2063.099

neurochemistry what I can tell you is

Time: 2065.32

that vivance is time release dexedrine

Time: 2069.099

it's not time release Adderall now just

Time: 2071.98

because there were movies and reports of

Time: 2073.599

criminal activity related to dexedrine

Time: 2076.359

that doesn't necessarily mean that

Time: 2077.619

dexedrine is not an effective and useful

Time: 2079.839

pharmaceutical in fact vivance which is

Time: 2082.419

Time released dexedrine has proved to be

Time: 2084.7

very effective in the treatment of ADHD

Time: 2086.44

for a lot of people and the reason for

Time: 2089.02

that is this time release does indeed

Time: 2092.02

prevent abuse in the sense that despite

Time: 2094.659

people's many attempts from what I hear

Time: 2096.96

to increase the rate of Entry of the

Time: 2100.54

damphetamine into their system by either

Time: 2103.18

snorting it or you know God forbid even

Time: 2105.58

injecting it and things of that sort the

Time: 2107.619

attaching of that lysine to damphetamine

Time: 2109.78

really does slow the absorption so when

Time: 2112

somebody takes Vyvanse and hopefully

Time: 2113.98

people are taking it responsibly when

Time: 2116.32

they take Vyvanse what they're really

Time: 2117.94

getting is a slow trickle of

Time: 2120.4

damphetamine into their system and

Time: 2121.96

therefore a slow long lasting increase

Time: 2124.599

in dopamine and norepinephrine and

Time: 2126.64

indeed that's what happens the effects

Time: 2128.14

of Vyvanse can extend over anywhere from

Time: 2130.839

12 to 16 sometimes even 18 hours

Time: 2133.119

depending on how quickly somebody

Time: 2134.32

metabolizes it and I should say that

Time: 2136.839

there is no way to predict how quickly

Time: 2138.88

one will metabolize any of these drugs

Time: 2141.099

except by trying them that's one of the

Time: 2143.02

sort of downsides of the state of things

Time: 2145.119

these days there's no blood test or

Time: 2146.74

enzymatic test that will tell you

Time: 2148.06

whether or not you're going to be a fast

Time: 2149.38

metabolizer or a slow metabolizer and

Time: 2151.3

that's why people just have to sort

Time: 2152.92

through different dosages which we'll

Time: 2154.54

talk about in a little bit they have to

Time: 2155.92

sort through different types of

Time: 2157.06

sympathomagnetics you know some people

Time: 2158.74

try Adderall and they find that you know

Time: 2160.9

the quick time course of Adderall or at

Time: 2162.4

least quick for them of about six to

Time: 2163.78

eight hours is just too fast and then it

Time: 2166.359

wears off and they get into a slump in

Time: 2168.04

the afternoon other people find that one

Time: 2169.72

Adderall taken at six a.m will have them

Time: 2172.119

going all day long and into the night

Time: 2173.98

and it's just too much stimulation and

Time: 2175.72

they need to come way way down in dose

Time: 2177.4

or they need to think about other

Time: 2178.92

sympathomimetics for ADHD and we'll talk

Time: 2181.06

about what some of those other options

Time: 2182.26

are a little bit as well so the

Time: 2184.66

important thing to understand is that

Time: 2185.859

Adderall is really Two drugs DNL

Time: 2187.72

amphetamine vivance is D amphetamine

Time: 2190.18

which is also called dexedrine but with

Time: 2192.76

this time released aspect created by

Time: 2195.46

lumping a lysine on there and you may

Time: 2197.8

notice that I haven't mentioned one of

Time: 2200.079

the major

Time: 2201.16

drugs used to treat ADHD and that's

Time: 2204.46

ritalin or what sometimes also called

Time: 2207.16

Concerta depending on again the time

Time: 2210.339

release forms Etc Ritalin was very

Time: 2212.68

commonly prescribed for the treatment of

Time: 2214.18

ADHD early in the days of using

Time: 2217.2

sympathomimetics in order to treat ADHD

Time: 2219.64

so for instance I went to college in the

Time: 2222.94

early 90s so I started college in 93 and

Time: 2226.119

I graduated in 98. it was one year in

Time: 2228.28

there as a let's call it a transition

Time: 2229.96

year I can recall hearing that Ritalin

Time: 2232.96

was being prescribed for ADHD in kids

Time: 2235.24

and I like many other people were

Time: 2237.64

wondering what are the long-term

Time: 2239.2

consequences of this going to be I also

Time: 2241.78

like many other people was very

Time: 2243.04

perplexed as to why a stimulant

Time: 2245.46

sympathomimetic like Ritalin was being

Time: 2247.54

prescribed for hyperactive kids that

Time: 2250.72

will become clear in a moment but

Time: 2253.3

we don't hear so much about Ritalin

Time: 2254.98

nowadays and I think that's because

Time: 2257.16

Adderall and Vyvanse and things like

Time: 2259.839

them have become so popular for the

Time: 2261.52

treatment of ADHD

Time: 2263.14

it's worth noting that Ritalin is not

Time: 2265.839

actually amphetamine

Time: 2267.7

Ritalin is what's called methylphenidate

Time: 2269.8

and methylphenidate Works in a lot of

Time: 2272.92

ways that are similar to the way that

Time: 2275.079

Adderall and Vyvanse work

Time: 2277.3

but there are certain ways in which it's

Time: 2279.76

different now Ritalin methylphenidate

Time: 2282.16

does increase dopamine transmission at

Time: 2283.96

synapses and it does so also by

Time: 2287.02

inhibiting the function of that

Time: 2288.4

presynaptic dopamine transporter that

Time: 2290.8

would otherwise suck more dopamine back

Time: 2293.26

up into the presynaptic cell

Time: 2295.839

methylphenidate Ritalin

Time: 2297.88

also disrupts the activity of the

Time: 2300.16

noradrenergic transporter leading to net

Time: 2303.82

increases in the amount of

Time: 2306

norepinephrine at the synapse but it is

Time: 2309.52

not as much a potent inhibitor of the

Time: 2312.22

noradrenergic transporter and therefore

Time: 2314.2

most of the effect of methylphenidate is

Time: 2316.359

to increase dopamine at synapses a lot

Time: 2319.54

of people don't realize this a lot of

Time: 2320.8

people think that Ritalin is just very

Time: 2322.66

short-acting Adderall and that's not the

Time: 2325.3

case it is true that Ritalin at least in

Time: 2328.18

its standard form tends to have a pretty

Time: 2330.4

short half-life and therefore its

Time: 2332.68

effects basically kick in about 20 to 40

Time: 2336.4

minutes after taking it sometimes a

Time: 2338.079

little bit sooner sometimes a little

Time: 2339.16

later and they last about four to six

Time: 2341.619

hours as opposed to the six to eight

Time: 2344.44

hours typical of Adderall but Ritalin is

Time: 2347.8

not short-acting Adderall Ritalin is

Time: 2350.44

mainly increasing dopamine and to some

Time: 2352.599

extent norepinephrine at synapses

Time: 2354.46

whereas Adderall and vivance are

Time: 2357.46

increasing both dopamine and

Time: 2359.14

norepinephrine to a much greater extent

Time: 2361.599

and for those of you that are interested

Time: 2363.22

in the underlying cell biological reason

Time: 2364.839

for that it has something to do with

Time: 2367.24

ritalin's relatively lower affinity for

Time: 2370.06

the neuroadrenergic transporter but it's

Time: 2371.92

also because remember I listed off three

Time: 2373.599

mechanisms by which Adderall

Time: 2375.76

and by extension Vyvanse increased

Time: 2378.579

dopamine and norepinephrine transmission

Time: 2380.02

right disruption the transporter

Time: 2381.46

disruption of the vmat2 as well as a

Time: 2384.22

disruption of the whole kind of complex

Time: 2385.9

of communication between those proteins

Time: 2387.64

well Ritalin is really only tapping into

Time: 2390.16

the Drug's ability to disrupt the

Time: 2392.74

dopamine and noradrenergic transporter

Time: 2395.38

so it's three mechanisms of increasing

Time: 2397.96

dopamine and norepinephrine for Adderall

Time: 2399.94

and Vyvanse

Time: 2401.26

and by extension dexedrine and it's only

Time: 2404.38

one mechanism for Ritalin to increase

Time: 2407.14

dopamine and norepinephrine and therein

Time: 2409.54

mostly dopamine so if we take a step

Time: 2411.76

back for a moment from all these drugs

Time: 2413.619

and all this cell biology of neurons and

Time: 2416.14

so forth

Time: 2417.099

and we go back to the brain networks

Time: 2419.38

involved in attention remember the

Time: 2420.88

orchestra model or the teacher model

Time: 2422.619

where the prefrontal cortex really sits

Time: 2424.9

in top seat in terms of coordinating the

Time: 2427.119

actions both the quieting and the yes

Time: 2429.52

please speak

Time: 2430.9

actions of the brain really bringing

Time: 2433.119

about what we think of as focused

Time: 2434.859

attention and task switching all the

Time: 2436.599

stuff that goes along with learning and

Time: 2438.7

focus and cognition well

Time: 2442.18

what we know is that dopamine and

Time: 2444.339

norepinephrine which are differentially

Time: 2446.68

increased by these different drugs that

Time: 2448.9

we've been talking about

Time: 2450.4

also differentially impact

Time: 2453.04

the various aspects of executive

Time: 2455.74

function of the prefrontal cortex

Time: 2457.06

increasing our attention for specific

Time: 2458.98

things and while there is a lot of

Time: 2461.56

nuance in the literature about this we

Time: 2463.9

can safely say a couple of things first

Time: 2465.7

of all

Time: 2466.599

increasing dopamine at particular

Time: 2469.68

synapses and networks in the brain can

Time: 2472.66

serve as what's called noise reduction

Time: 2474.339

it can help further enhance the quieting

Time: 2477.88

of all that background stuff that

Time: 2480.339

background stuff can be attention to

Time: 2481.72

things in your environment like noises

Time: 2483.4

or visual cues it could be some internal

Time: 2487.3

narrative that you had about yesterday

Time: 2488.859

or something that somebody said about

Time: 2490.48

you or something that somebody you like

Time: 2493.96

would like to say about you or whatever

Time: 2496.06

it might be that's happening in your

Time: 2497.619

head that's distracting you as well as

Time: 2500.079

your representation of your internal

Time: 2502.48

bodily State what we call interoception

Time: 2504.88

this is a really important aspect of

Time: 2506.74

attention that we don't often hear about

Time: 2508.599

which is that we have the ability to

Time: 2510.76

attend to things outside of us which is

Time: 2512.56

called exteroception as well as

Time: 2514.96

an ability to attend to things inside of

Time: 2517.24

us which include things like thoughts

Time: 2518.859

but also includes you know for instance

Time: 2520.78

how empty or full our gut feels whether

Time: 2523.78

or not we're comfortable in our chair

Time: 2525.16

you know when we think about the

Time: 2526.839

practice of focus and learning or

Time: 2528.52

focusing as a verb

Time: 2531.22

it involves often forcing ourselves to

Time: 2533.8

sit still it often involves us

Time: 2536.339

suppressing the fact that our foot is a

Time: 2538.72

little bit cramped or that we might need

Time: 2540.46

to use the restroom for you know we

Time: 2542.92

might want to delay that for 10-15

Time: 2544.599

minutes even though it might be fairly

Time: 2546.46

urgent all these sorts of things

Time: 2548.26

are Central to our ability to attend and

Time: 2551.38

focus and so dopamine while it does many

Time: 2554.74

different things in the brain many many

Time: 2556.9

different things one of its main

Time: 2558.52

functions in the context of all this

Time: 2560.8

prefrontal cortex and attention stuff is

Time: 2564.16

to quiet the amount of noise that is it

Time: 2567.28

helps the prefrontal cortex suppress the

Time: 2570.7

signals that would otherwise distract us

Time: 2573.099

into thinking about oh yeah I'm kind of

Time: 2574.78

thirsty right now or I need to use the

Time: 2576.22

restroom or I really want to make this

Time: 2577.359

caller I really really want to pick up

Time: 2578.8

my phone all of that stuff all of that

Time: 2581.2

suppression that shh that quieting down

Time: 2583.66

of all the background chatter related to

Time: 2586.3

things external and internal to us in

Time: 2588.4

our head and our body is greatly

Time: 2590.8

facilitated by having more dopamine

Time: 2593.079

present in the synapses that allow for

Time: 2595.78

what we call noise reduction now in

Time: 2598.18

parallel to that is norepinephrine

Time: 2600.48

norepinephrine is released from multiple

Time: 2602.619

sites in the brain and body but within

Time: 2605.14

the brain there's one major site of

Time: 2607.66

neurons that manufacture norepinephrine

Time: 2609.7

and the name of that site is Locus

Time: 2611.68

ceruleus it sits in the back of the

Time: 2614.079

brain it's actually a relatively small

Time: 2616.18

collection of neurons but they are very

Time: 2617.92

very powerful they extend their little

Time: 2620.619

axons their wires to multiple locations

Time: 2623.319

in the brain and they release

Time: 2625.54

norepinephrine at those locations so

Time: 2628.06

think of them sort of as a sprinkler

Time: 2629.619

system that originates from one very

Time: 2632.44

focal location but that can sprinkle

Time: 2635.44

norepinephrine at multiple locations in

Time: 2637.66

the brain and the amazing thing about

Time: 2640.48

Locus ceruleus and that sprinkler system

Time: 2642.94

is that indeed the sprinkler system can

Time: 2645.04

be pretty widespread where everywhere

Time: 2647.02

there's a sprinkler head

Time: 2648.7

somebody's getting norepinephrine but it

Time: 2650.98

also can fairly focally release

Time: 2653.14

norepinephrine at particular sites so

Time: 2655.359

while in the context of today's

Time: 2656.56

discussion dopamine is acting largely to

Time: 2659.74

impart noise reduction

Time: 2662.64

norepinephrine has the ability to boost

Time: 2665.5

signals at synapses to increase the

Time: 2668.98

amplitude and frequency of communication

Time: 2670.839

between neurons and in that way in the

Time: 2673.599

context of today's discussion

Time: 2675.119

norepinephrine when released at the

Time: 2677.619

particular synapses in the particular

Time: 2679.839

brain networks that are related to

Time: 2681.339

attention and learning is largely

Time: 2683.44

serving to increase signal so what we

Time: 2686.319

have in the context of a drug like

Time: 2687.94

Adderall or vivance or to some extent

Time: 2690.4

methylphenidate Ritalin does this as

Time: 2692.14

well is an increase in dopamine and

Time: 2694.24

neuro epinephrine that is leading to two

Time: 2697

things both a reduction in noise a

Time: 2699.579

quieting of the circuitry that we don't

Time: 2701.5

want to hear so much from and an

Time: 2704.14

increase in the signal of the networks

Time: 2706.9

that we do want to pay attention to and

Time: 2709.119

the net effect of that noise reduction

Time: 2710.92

and Signal amplification is what the

Time: 2713.5

engineers refer to as increased signal

Time: 2715.9

to noise and the consequence of that is

Time: 2718.66

a heightened subjective sense or ability

Time: 2721.78

to decide what we want to focus on sit

Time: 2725.14

down or stand there and just focus on it

Time: 2727.78

so the way that we've been discussing

Time: 2729.579

drugs to treat ADHD and their ability to

Time: 2732.16

increase dopamine and norepinephrine and

Time: 2734.68

thereby to reduce the amount of noise so

Time: 2737.8

to speak in the brain and to increase

Time: 2739.9

the amount of signal related to things

Time: 2741.88

that we want to attend to all presumes

Time: 2744.819

that the amount of dopamine and the

Time: 2747.46

amount of norepinephrine that's being

Time: 2749.2

increased is perfect for what we want to

Time: 2752.619

accomplish which is increased focus and

Time: 2754.599

reduced hyperactivity and impulsivity

Time: 2756.76

but of course in the real world that's

Time: 2758.5

not always the case depending on the

Time: 2759.94

dosage of the drug one sensitivity to

Time: 2761.859

the drug even what stage of development

Time: 2765.16

across the lifespan a person is at

Time: 2767.04

things can really go Haywire pretty fast

Time: 2770.14

and what I'm referring to when I say

Time: 2772.359

Haywire is if you think about dopamine

Time: 2775.42

and its ability to reduce noise well

Time: 2778.18

dopamine does a bunch of other things as

Time: 2779.859

well and in fact we know that if

Time: 2782.26

dopamine is increased too much in the

Time: 2784.24

brain somebody that has ADHD or somebody

Time: 2786.46

that doesn't have ADHD people can become

Time: 2789.04

euphoric people can become manic people

Time: 2791.319

can even become psychotic likewise if

Time: 2793.599

norepinephrine is increased too much

Time: 2795.46

people won't just become alert they will

Time: 2798.099

become very anxious have panic attacks

Time: 2800.38

and depending on the drug they're taking

Time: 2802.359

they may even experience very serious

Time: 2804.22

peripheral symptoms meaning elevated

Time: 2806.68

heart rate and sweating that is super

Time: 2809.38

uncomfortable and on and on so

Time: 2811.66

everything I've been discussing up until

Time: 2813.04

now is true but I want to make it clear

Time: 2815.8

that it's true in the context of

Time: 2817.48

appropriately dosed prescribed drug for

Time: 2821.14

a given condition which leads us to the

Time: 2823.96

next question which is why would it be

Time: 2826.18

that giving these drugs which are in

Time: 2828.46

fact stimulants why would that calm a

Time: 2830.56

kid down why would that common adult

Time: 2832.24

with ADHD down and the answer to that is

Time: 2835.599

not completely straightforward and it is

Time: 2837.819

worth pointing out that not everyone

Time: 2839.68

with ADHD has impulsivity and

Time: 2842.38

hyperactivity and therefore an inability

Time: 2845.02

to focus some kids and adults with ADHD

Time: 2847.839

do have challenges with impulsivity and

Time: 2850.78

hyperactivity some do not some just have

Time: 2853.359

challenges with focus and I did an

Time: 2855.64

entire episode about ADHD and we are

Time: 2857.56

going to have an expert guest on this

Time: 2859.06

podcast who specializes in the treatment

Time: 2860.859

of ADHD to talk about some of these

Time: 2862.54

issues further but I just want to remind

Time: 2864.7

everybody that

Time: 2866.68

as in the general population children

Time: 2869.079

and adults with ADHD are capable of very

Time: 2873.16

concentrated periods of focus

Time: 2875.68

the pattern however tends to be that

Time: 2878.02

children and adults with ADHD have a

Time: 2880.3

harder time getting into that state of

Time: 2882.04

focus and perhaps most importantly they

Time: 2885.22

have a very hard time getting into a

Time: 2887.619

forced state of focus for things that

Time: 2889.48

they don't enjoy doing I'm sure many of

Time: 2891.94

you are also thinking wait I don't like

Time: 2894.04

to do certain things and it's harder to

Time: 2895.42

focus on those things than on the things

Time: 2896.92

I like of course does that mean I have

Time: 2898.66

ADHD and the answer is not necessarily

Time: 2901


Time: 2902.44

kids and adults with ADHD exhibit an

Time: 2905.44

extreme variation in their ability to

Time: 2907.96

focus such that if there's something

Time: 2909.76

they really really like doing they can

Time: 2911.8

indeed Focus however for many many other

Time: 2914.74

activities that are required in order to

Time: 2918.339

develop I guess we'll just call it

Time: 2919.78

normal life advancement so sitting still

Time: 2922.119

listening to conversations that we may

Time: 2924.52

not be particularly interested in that's

Time: 2927.22

where the challenges come about so the

Time: 2929.14

point is that these brain networks and

Time: 2931.06

these neuromodulators like dopamine and

Time: 2932.74

norepinephrine that we've been talking

Time: 2933.88

about in Fairly straightforward terms

Time: 2936.76

as it relates to a Drug's ability to

Time: 2939.579

increase their transmission and

Time: 2941.14

therefore an improved ability of focus

Time: 2942.579

presumes two things it presumes that the

Time: 2944.98

dosing is right that is that the levels

Time: 2946.96

of increases in these neuromodulators is

Time: 2949.24

just right and I also just want to

Time: 2951.04

acknowledge that ADHD is first of all

Time: 2953.26

not an inability to focus at all it is

Time: 2956.56

immense challenges in focusing on lots

Time: 2959.92

of different things as required for

Time: 2962.44

normal life progression and it's also

Time: 2965.02

the case that there is no one specific

Time: 2967.599

pattern of ADHD that applies to everyone

Time: 2969.88

with ADHD some people both kids and

Time: 2972.579

adults will exhibit the hyperactivity

Time: 2974.68

but not the impulsivity although those

Time: 2976.48

two things tend to go hand in hand some

Time: 2978.52

people will have a challenge in focus

Time: 2980.079

without hyperactivity impulsivity and so

Time: 2982.18

forth and all this just really speaks to

Time: 2984.28

the complexity of ADHD and yet and yet

Time: 2987.339

we can confidently say that there are

Time: 2989.8

more drugs to treat ADHD than any other

Time: 2992.68

psychiatric condition we've talked about

Time: 2994.48

a few of those now but among those

Time: 2996.64

Adderall vivance Ritalin also called

Time: 2999.099

methylphenol State there are time

Time: 3001.14

release versions there are

Time: 3003.18

different variations on those time

Time: 3004.74

release versions there's even straight

Time: 3006.78

dexedrine which is prescribed for ADHD

Time: 3010.02

in some cases and on and on and you

Time: 3012.72

might also find it interesting to know

Time: 3014.099

that that very large kit of drugs all of

Time: 3016.74

which at least the ones we've talked

Time: 3017.88

about so far are sympathome addicts or

Time: 3020.099


Time: 3021.839

are more effective

Time: 3023.76

at treating ADHD than are any other

Time: 3027.119

collection of drugs for treating other

Time: 3028.74

psychiatric disorders so what all of

Time: 3030.78

that diversity of symptomology and ADHD

Time: 3032.94

as well as

Time: 3034.56

differences in sensitivity to drugs and

Time: 3037.14

individual variation what all of that

Time: 3038.7

speaks to is that the large kit of drugs

Time: 3041.52

that's out there is designed to be

Time: 3043.8

assessed with the careful consult of a

Time: 3046.5

very qualified psychiatrist in order to

Time: 3048.9

allow the child or adult to arrive at

Time: 3050.819

the specific drug and the specific

Time: 3052.68

dosage that's ideal for their particular

Time: 3055.98

pattern of ADHD and that issue actually

Time: 3059.16

gives rise to the answer to that now

Time: 3062.22

somewhat age-old question as to why

Time: 3063.9

giving stimulants to a kid that is

Time: 3065.88

hyperactive would calm them down and the

Time: 3067.92

answer is that the hyperactivity

Time: 3070.2

impulsivity and focus issues present in

Time: 3072.839

ADHD in children and adults are the

Time: 3076.319

consequence not necessarily of deficient

Time: 3080.099

activity of neural circuits in the

Time: 3082.559

prefrontal cortex or deficient activity

Time: 3084.78

of the default mode Network or deficient

Time: 3087.66

activity of the salience network Etc

Time: 3089.88

what appears to be the case based on a

Time: 3092.64

lot of high quality neuroimaging data is

Time: 3095.52

that the brains of children and adults

Time: 3098.04

with ADHD have all of these networks

Time: 3100.5

functioning but those networks are

Time: 3103.38

actually hyper connected that is they

Time: 3105.599

tend to be co-active at times when

Time: 3108.319

ordinarily meaning

Time: 3110.46

kids and adults without ADHD they would

Time: 3112.74

not be co-active

Time: 3114.839

so that's an important point because

Time: 3116.52

it's easy to get the impression that

Time: 3119.22

ADHD is just a deficiency in dopamine

Time: 3122.099

and norepinephrine and that's simply not

Time: 3123.96

the case if you recall dopamine and

Time: 3126.059

norepinephrine are neuromodulators they

Time: 3128.579

modulate the activity of other neural

Time: 3130.559

circuits and they can both increase and

Time: 3133.02

decrease activity within those circuits

Time: 3135

so you don't necessarily want to think

Time: 3136.5

about dopamine and norepinephrine just

Time: 3138.66

as molecules that increase neural

Time: 3140.94

activity and you certainly don't want to

Time: 3142.74

think about ADHD it's just a deficiency

Time: 3144.72

in dopamine or deficiency in

Time: 3146.7

norepinephrine the way these drugs work

Time: 3149.339

when they are used effectively to treat

Time: 3151.319

ADHD is to tune the amount of dopamine

Time: 3153.9

and norepinephrine that are present in

Time: 3155.94

particular brain networks in order to

Time: 3158.4

allow the person to arrive at just the

Time: 3160.619

right balance between the activation of

Time: 3162.54

these different neural circuits causing

Time: 3164.64

them largely to be less synchronous in

Time: 3167.64

their firing so this takes us back to

Time: 3170.4

this question why giving stimulants to a

Time: 3172.26

kid would calm them down it's not so

Time: 3174.54

much that you're giving a stimulant to a

Time: 3176.7

kid to place them into a state of calm I

Time: 3179.7

think that's a common misconception

Time: 3181.14

rather by increasing dopamine and

Time: 3183.3

norepinephrine these drugs yes increase

Time: 3186.119

levels of overall autonomic arousal they

Time: 3188.46

are after all sympathomimetics but more

Time: 3192.059

importantly to the treatment of ADHD

Time: 3194.099

symptoms you are activating the

Time: 3196.92

prefrontal cortex in a way that allows

Time: 3198.66

it to be more of a coordinator of that

Time: 3200.819

Orchestra conductor or if you prefer the

Time: 3202.98

analogy to a teacher in the classroom to

Time: 3205.319

ramp up the activity of certain neural

Time: 3207.599

circuits in a given moment and quiet

Time: 3209.819

down the activity of other neural

Time: 3211.44

circuits such that the default mode

Time: 3213.119

Network can still perform its incredible

Time: 3214.92

actions after all the default mode

Time: 3216.3

network is involved not just in

Time: 3218.4

self-referencing and kind of daydreaming

Time: 3220.319

but also creativity and Imagination

Time: 3222.599

that's been well described in the

Time: 3225.18

literature as well as the salience

Time: 3227.76

network and these other networks that

Time: 3229.2

are designed to drop us into very narrow

Time: 3231.24

trenches of attention

Time: 3232.8

these drugs for the treatment of ADHD

Time: 3234.96

are are indeed stimulants but the goal

Time: 3238.2

of prescribing these drugs to a child or

Time: 3240.18

adult with ADHD is to adjust dosage

Time: 3243.66

timing and the duration over which

Time: 3246.42

somebody takes it in their lifespan in

Time: 3248.22

order to allow those neural circuits to

Time: 3250.8

work in the proper way meaning for the

Time: 3253.02

conductor to activate the instruments in

Time: 3255.96

that little symphony or band in the

Time: 3257.819

appropriate order in order to arrive at

Time: 3259.859

the right music as opposed to all the

Time: 3261.9

instruments playing at once which would

Time: 3263.28

just be complete noise or if again if

Time: 3265.559

you prefer the classroom teaching

Time: 3267.54

analogy for the teacher to call on one

Time: 3269.339

student while the others are quiet and

Time: 3270.78

then to call on a different student have

Time: 3272.16

one student return to their seats to

Time: 3273.54

have the students work in small groups

Time: 3274.859

again all of this by analogy

Time: 3277.2

the point being that dopamine and

Time: 3279.599

norepinephrine are all allowing these

Time: 3282.119

networks to be activated to the

Time: 3284.04

precisely correct levels and in the

Time: 3286.44

precisely correct sequence now the other

Time: 3289.02

key aspect of drugs like Adderall

Time: 3291.42

Vyvanse Ritalin and similar to tree ADHD

Time: 3295.099

has everything to do with these

Time: 3297.24

neuromodulators dopamine and

Time: 3298.68

norepinephrine but it has to do with

Time: 3301.14

their other incredible feature besides

Time: 3304.079

just their ability to reduce noise and

Time: 3306.119

increase signal Within These brain

Time: 3308.16

networks and that incredibly important

Time: 3310.92

feature is what we call neuroplasticity

Time: 3313.26

or the brain and nervous system's

Time: 3314.819

ability to change in response to

Time: 3316.619

experience I've done entire episodes of

Time: 3319.02

The huberman Lab podcast on

Time: 3320.52

neuroplasticity what it is and how to

Time: 3322.98

access it at different stages of

Time: 3325.079

development and in adulthood by the way

Time: 3327.359

you can find those episodes at

Time: 3328.38 by simply searching

Time: 3330.72

plasticity in the search function but

Time: 3333.42

the important thing to understand about

Time: 3334.98

plasticity in the context of today's

Time: 3336.96

discussion is that while there are many

Time: 3340.2

different ways to induce neuroplasticity

Time: 3343.02

almost all of them almost all of them

Time: 3345.839


Time: 3347.339

strongly activating certain brain

Time: 3349.98


Time: 3351.059

and in that case also strong or elevated

Time: 3355.44

release of certain neuromodulators

Time: 3359.28

now we've talked about dopamine and

Time: 3360.839

norepinephrine they are but two of many

Time: 3364.02

neuromodulators others include serotonin

Time: 3366.54

acetylcholine and each of the

Time: 3368.099

neuromodulators does different things

Time: 3370.079

that different synapses in the brain and

Time: 3372.3

there's some Global statements that can

Time: 3373.559

be made about each of them we've made

Time: 3375

some of those earlier like dopamine is

Time: 3377.339

broadly involved in motivation craving

Time: 3379.559

and pursuit and norepinephrine and

Time: 3381.599

Signal detection and drawing of focus or

Time: 3384.3

salience to something in our environment

Time: 3386.46

or in our body or inner experience

Time: 3390.059

serotonin does other things

Time: 3391.319

acetylcholine does other things but

Time: 3393.42

what's really important to understand is

Time: 3395.579

that any time there is a dramatic

Time: 3399.119

elevation in dopamine and norepinephrine

Time: 3401.88

relative to Baseline relative to what

Time: 3405.059

was happening with dopamine and

Time: 3406.68

norepinephrine just prior to that that

Time: 3409.44

has a tendency to promote

Time: 3411.66

neuroplasticity at particular synapses

Time: 3414.5

so here is where it's appropriate to

Time: 3417

remind everybody that neuromodulators

Time: 3419.52

are different than neurotransmitters

Time: 3421.14

neurotransmitters are chemicals that

Time: 3423.059

just like dopamine and norepinephrine

Time: 3424.619

are released between neurons and they

Time: 3426.359

are what actually contribute to the

Time: 3428.339

electrical signals going up or down

Time: 3429.9

between different neurons and again

Time: 3432

dopamine and norepinephrine modulate

Time: 3434.46

that activity causing a given amount of

Time: 3436.98

neurotransmitter to have an even greater

Time: 3439.079


Time: 3440.22

for instance so when we hear about

Time: 3443.099

dopamine and norepinephrine and we hear

Time: 3444.96

about motivation or Focus Etc that's all

Time: 3448.44

fine and good but it's also important to

Time: 3450.54

remember that when dopamine and

Time: 3451.98

norepinephrine are increased there is a

Time: 3454.74

higher probability of strengthening

Time: 3456.859

connections where dopamine and

Time: 3458.819

norepinephrine are increased and what

Time: 3460.559

that means is that later even if levels

Time: 3463.68

of dopamine and norepinephrine are not

Time: 3466.26

increased if they go back to Baseline

Time: 3468.96

it's often the case that if in our prior

Time: 3472.38

history or the history of a given set of

Time: 3474.78

neurons in our brain there was more

Time: 3477.72

dopamine or norepinephrine around

Time: 3480.24

it's very likely that the connections

Time: 3482.52

where that took place are strengthened

Time: 3484.38

and therefore more easily activated and

Time: 3486.96

this takes us back to the really

Time: 3489.3

original purpose of prescribing the

Time: 3491.7

sympathomimetic stimulants to children

Time: 3493.559

with ADHD during development

Time: 3495.66

it was yes

Time: 3497.64

designed to try and help them Focus to

Time: 3500.16

reduce their hyperactivity and help them

Time: 3501.96

Focus but it was also designed to help

Time: 3505.26

the brain networks that are responsible

Time: 3507.059

for Focus to undergo neuroplasticity

Time: 3509.46

that is for the synapses involved to

Time: 3511.68

strengthen so that those networks could

Time: 3513.78

function more efficiently later on even

Time: 3516.54

after cessation of the drug this is an

Time: 3519.119

absolutely crucial point that I think is

Time: 3521.4

not often discussed when people for

Time: 3524.04

instance say should I put my kid on ADHD

Time: 3526.98

meds or should I take my kid off of ADHD

Time: 3530.339

meds as they transition from adolescence

Time: 3533.04

to their later teen years and into

Time: 3534.96

college I mean after all no child or a

Time: 3537.48

parent or adult for that matter wants to

Time: 3540.299

achieve a bunch of benefits with a drug

Time: 3541.859

and then lose those benefits later

Time: 3544.859

nor does any parent or child want to

Time: 3549.059

take a drug that they don't need to take

Time: 3550.94

when they could access other routes to

Time: 3553.619

improving the neural circuitry or the

Time: 3556.14

function of some health system in the

Time: 3557.52

body because I don't think anyone really

Time: 3559.2

wants to medicate their kids unless they

Time: 3561.359

have to I would hope not and I don't

Time: 3563.16

think any kid wants to be medicated

Time: 3564.54

unless they absolutely need to be

Time: 3565.859

medicated so increasing dopamine and

Time: 3568.14

norepinephrine with these drugs like

Time: 3569.52

Adderall Vyvanse Ritalin and similar

Time: 3573.059

is causing several things and some of

Time: 3575.7

those things actually provide some

Time: 3578.339

general answers as to whether or not

Time: 3580.26

parents should put their kids on these

Time: 3582.54

compounds in the first place obviously

Time: 3584.52

they're going to do that in the under

Time: 3586.38

the careful consult of a qualified

Time: 3588.119

psychiatrist I would hope and only under

Time: 3590.7

those circumstances but also whether or

Time: 3592.74

not the child should stay on those drugs

Time: 3594.48

over time

Time: 3595.559

and here's what we do know for sure

Time: 3597.96

I did a vast search within the

Time: 3600.48

literature in order to arrive at what is

Time: 3603.96

very clear which is that children with

Time: 3606.72

ADHD true ADHD who are diagnosed with

Time: 3611.22

ADHD and are treated with appropriate

Time: 3613.74

doses of drugs like Adderall ritalin or

Time: 3617.46


Time: 3619.4

they're far better both in childhood and

Time: 3623.579

later in life when it comes to

Time: 3625.44

Performance in school

Time: 3627.42

performance in terms of focusing on

Time: 3629.28

anything and in terms of General

Time: 3631.319

outcomes so for instance a lot of people

Time: 3634.14

have wondered and worried about whether

Time: 3636.72

or not treatment with these drugs early

Time: 3638.339

in life will set up a predisposition for

Time: 3641.16

illicit drug abuse or craving an

Time: 3643.38

addictive potential later and it is very

Time: 3645.72

clear from the studies that have emerged

Time: 3648.24

over the last really 15 years but mainly

Time: 3651.059

within the last five years

Time: 3653.16

that's when most of the data have

Time: 3654.72

arrived that children with ADHD who are

Time: 3658.92

not treated correctly both with drugs

Time: 3661.5

and behavioral treatments because really

Time: 3663.18

the combination of drugs and behavioral

Time: 3664.68

treatments is the optimal situation

Time: 3667.74

so kids with ADHD who are not treated

Time: 3670.799

with drugs and behavioral treatments to

Time: 3674.099

deal with their ADHD have a much higher

Time: 3677.52

tendency towards illicit drug use and

Time: 3680.339

addictive drug potential in their

Time: 3682.74

adulthood okay so there is a real danger

Time: 3685.319

to not treating ADHD during childhood

Time: 3687.72

and the reverse is also true which is

Time: 3690

that children with ADHD who take

Time: 3693

prescription drugs that are

Time: 3694.88

sympathomimetics so yes as you've heard

Time: 3697.559

they are speed amphetamine is speed

Time: 3699.839

although I should say if they take

Time: 3701.4


Time: 3702.78

ritalin or Concerta or something of that

Time: 3705.24

sort that's not amphetamine nonetheless

Time: 3707.64

it's a stimulant it's a sympathometic

Time: 3709.859


Time: 3711

these are kids that are taking these

Time: 3712.319

drugs during development and therefore

Time: 3714.119

levels of dopamine levels of

Time: 3715.68

norepinephrine are being increased in

Time: 3717.18

their brain and body and you might say

Time: 3719.94

well wouldn't that lead to a craving for

Time: 3722.04

these things later in life and that does

Time: 3724.079

not appear to be the case in fact

Time: 3725.64

there's some very nice neuroimaging

Time: 3727.68

studies mainly positron emission

Time: 3729.599

tomography studies that I'll provide a

Time: 3731.16

link to in the show note captions that

Time: 3732.599

show the early treatment with these

Time: 3734.52

drugs actually leads to

Time: 3737.28

combinations of increased dopamine

Time: 3739.859

Transmission in the forebrain later in

Time: 3741.66

life at a lower level or a lower

Time: 3744.66

threshold I should say in a way that

Time: 3747.54

essentially says there's normalization

Time: 3749.339

of the circuits Across Time by the

Time: 3751.619

application of these drugs early in life

Time: 3753.54


Time: 3754.68

in the case of children that have

Time: 3757.02

diagnosed ADHD I in no way shape or form

Time: 3759.599

want to imply that all children should

Time: 3761.28

be treated with these drugs is quite

Time: 3763.859

clearly not going to be a good idea so

Time: 3766.559

all of this really speaks to the

Time: 3767.94

critical importance of getting an

Time: 3769.98

accurate diagnosis of ADHD you know

Time: 3772.799

diagnostic criteria include many things

Time: 3775.2

in children there are multiple there are

Time: 3778.14

more than nine diagnostic criteria for

Time: 3780

each of the categories relating to

Time: 3781.859

impulsivity hyperactivity and so on so a

Time: 3784.98

well-qualified psychiatrist will do

Time: 3787.2

several things they will first of all do

Time: 3788.94

a careful diagnostic evaluation of a

Time: 3792.48

child and in addition one would hope

Time: 3794.52

that they would think about prescribing

Time: 3796.38

both appropriate pharmacologic

Time: 3798.48

treatments for ADHD but also be aware of

Time: 3801.42

and prescribe the various other types of

Time: 3803.94

prescriptions meaning behavioral

Time: 3805.619

prescriptions so there are clearly

Time: 3807.96

certain learning tools and things that

Time: 3811.38

kids can do in order to improve their

Time: 3813.299

ability to focus and to be less

Time: 3814.68

impulsive that combine especially well

Time: 3817.38

with drug treatments as well as new

Time: 3820.38

advancements in the realm of nutrition

Time: 3821.88

and supplementation that are constantly

Time: 3823.619

coming online and the best psychiatrists

Time: 3825.72

are going to be tuned into all of those

Time: 3827.22

aspects of treatment for ADHD not just

Time: 3829.319

prescription drugs but also behavioral

Time: 3831.299

treatments also nutritional guidelines

Time: 3833.46

also supplementation and also updating

Time: 3837.359

each and all of those things as a child

Time: 3839.46

matures from each stage of development

Time: 3841.98

to the next I'd like to take a quick

Time: 3844.14

break and thank our sponsor inside

Time: 3846

tracker inside tracker is a personalized

Time: 3848.579

nutrition platform that analyzes data

Time: 3850.5

from your blood and DNA to help you

Time: 3852.48

better understand your body and help you

Time: 3854.04

reach your health goals I've long been a

Time: 3856.26

believer in getting regular blood work

Time: 3857.7

done for the simple reason that many of

Time: 3859.92

the factors that impact your immediate

Time: 3861.359

and long-term Health can only be

Time: 3863.16

assessed with a quality blood test the

Time: 3865.14

problem with a lot of blood and DNA

Time: 3866.46

tests out there however is that they'll

Time: 3868.68

give you information about certain lipid

Time: 3870.599

markers or hormone markers but no

Time: 3873

information about what to do with all

Time: 3874.619

all of that data inside tracker makes it

Time: 3876.66

very easy to look at your levels of

Time: 3877.98

hormones metabolic factors lipids Etc

Time: 3880.2

and then to assess what sorts of

Time: 3882.66

Behavioral nutritional supplementation

Time: 3884.339

or perhaps other interventions you might

Time: 3885.96

want to use in order to bring those

Time: 3887.7

numbers into the ranges that are optimal

Time: 3889.44

for your health inside tracker's

Time: 3891.18

ultimate plan now includes three new

Time: 3892.92

hormone markers that are critical to

Time: 3894.359

measure during a woman's reproductive

Time: 3896.04

and menopausal years these are estradiol

Time: 3898.619

progesterone and thyroid stimulating

Time: 3900.42

hormone if you'd like to try inside

Time: 3902.16

tracker you can go to

Time: 3904.26

huberman to get 20 off any of inside

Time: 3907.14

tracker's plans again that's inside

Time: 3908.94 huberman to get 20 off now

Time: 3912.96

the other common question is if a child

Time: 3915

has been treated with these ADHD meds

Time: 3917.04

during development do they need to

Time: 3918.78

continue on those drugs indefinitely and

Time: 3921.78

the short answer to this is it depends

Time: 3924.9

and that can be a somewhat frustrating

Time: 3927.359

answer I realize but the good news is

Time: 3930.54

it's something that can be assessed in a

Time: 3932.7

fairly straightforward way

Time: 3934.559

let's recall that the use of these drugs

Time: 3936.359

to treat ADHD is designed to accomplish

Time: 3938.64

two things it's designed to improve the

Time: 3941.7

function of those neural circuits that

Time: 3944.76

allow a child to focus and it's also

Time: 3948.119

designed to increase the strength of

Time: 3950.4

those circuits to effectively teach the

Time: 3952.859

circuits how to learn what focus is in

Time: 3955.68

other words these drugs are designed in

Time: 3958.44

some cases to be used and then withdrawn

Time: 3960.66

later because the circuits that they

Time: 3963.359

helped build up are functioning well

Time: 3966.48

in some cases however the circuits that

Time: 3968.4

underlie Focus are not going to be able

Time: 3970.799

to function at the level required for

Time: 3972.96

normal healthy life progression unless

Time: 3975.599

there's continued application of the

Time: 3977.22

drug so how would this work in the real

Time: 3979.799

world context well I think any child or

Time: 3983.819

adolescent or person younger than 25

Time: 3986.52

that's taken these drugs has no doubt

Time: 3989.28

achieved some level of neuroplasticity

Time: 3991.74

of the neural circuits related to all

Time: 3994.319

the things we call Focus I and I want to

Time: 3996.78

be very clear there's no single brain

Time: 3998.76

area or set of brain circuits for what

Time: 4001.099

I'm referring to as Focus

Time: 4002.78

because after all Focus involves test

Time: 4005

switching Focus involves all sorts of

Time: 4007.579

different cognitive operations depending

Time: 4009.26

on what we're focusing on

Time: 4011.18

right the focusing on a sport is

Time: 4013.22

basically a practice of directing one's

Time: 4016.339

attention in different locations at

Time: 4018.2

different moments focusing on studying

Time: 4020.24

is an entirely different pattern of

Time: 4022.4

focus altogether but the point being if

Time: 4025.819

a person 25 years or younger takes a

Time: 4028.339

drug that increases dopamine and

Time: 4030.02

norepinephrine and assuming that things

Time: 4032.72

are working meaning

Time: 4034.52

the dose is right they're achieving

Time: 4036.2

better ability to focus etc those

Time: 4038.839

circuits are going to get stronger and

Time: 4040.76

it seems entirely reasonable in fact it

Time: 4042.74

was supported by the psychiatrist that I

Time: 4045.2

spoke to prior to this episode that

Time: 4047.9

people who've been on ADHD meds for any

Time: 4050.9

point of time prior to 25 talk to their

Time: 4053.539

psychiatrist about what tapering off

Time: 4056.18

those drugs in order to examine whether

Time: 4059.24

or not they still need those drugs would

Time: 4061.339

look like now I mentioned the word taper

Time: 4063.98

because there is a withdrawal potential

Time: 4066.319

of Simply stopping these drugs very

Time: 4068.9

quickly because they do ramp up dopamine

Time: 4071.359

and norepinephrine

Time: 4073.039

even though they increase plasticity of

Time: 4075.02

the neural circuits for focus and mood

Time: 4076.76

and motivation if one very abruptly

Time: 4080.359

ceases taking any of these drugs

Time: 4082.579

it does not feel good that drop in

Time: 4084.98

dopamine that one inevitably experiences

Time: 4087.92

is almost always associated with

Time: 4090.2

lethargy with depressed mood with

Time: 4093.02

feeling not good in a number of ways and

Time: 4094.94

of course challenges in Focus so anytime

Time: 4097.04

one is going to go off one of these

Time: 4098.9

drugs or sample what it is to even

Time: 4100.52

reduce dosage that has to be done in

Time: 4103.58

close communication with a

Time: 4105.02

board-certified psychiatrist at the same

Time: 4107.299

time it was made very clear to me from

Time: 4109.04

ADHD expert psychiatrists

Time: 4111.679

that reductions in dosage over time

Time: 4114.819

often are optimal for a patient okay and

Time: 4118.88

this gets to the whole issue of dosage

Time: 4120.62

generally you know I spend a good amount

Time: 4122.9

of time talking to somebody who

Time: 4124.759

prescribes these drugs both to children

Time: 4126.259

and adults about dosage ranges and I

Time: 4129.14

don't want to spend too much time on

Time: 4130.64


Time: 4131.42

from the perspective of how much one

Time: 4133.52

should take in fact I don't want anyone

Time: 4135.259

to think that what I'm about to say

Time: 4136.64

should dictate what they should take

Time: 4138.679

specifically because that's something

Time: 4140.179

that really has to be worked out on an

Time: 4141.92

individual basis but it is worth noting

Time: 4144.44

that if you look at the studies on

Time: 4146.719

Adderall and Methylphenidate

Time: 4149.66

but you'll see it is a pretty broad

Time: 4151.64


Time: 4152.719

in those studies and that's because some

Time: 4155

of the studies used people that were

Time: 4157.759

already taking these drugs and asked

Time: 4160.279

them to participate in neuroimaging

Time: 4161.779

studies other studies actually put

Time: 4164.299

people on these drugs for the very first

Time: 4166.04

time or adjusted their dosage and so

Time: 4168.5

you'll see a tremendous range of drug

Time: 4171.14

doses explored for instance you will see

Time: 4173.56

anywhere from 10 to 40 milligrams of

Time: 4176.719

Adderall per day you'll see anywhere

Time: 4179.06

from 10 to 60 milligrams of Ritalin per

Time: 4182.9

day and here we could easily be talking

Time: 4185.12

about studies on children or adults

Time: 4187.88

with respect to Vyvanse you'll see that

Time: 4190.4

the dosages tend to be much higher in

Time: 4192.259

part that's because vivance has if you

Time: 4194.9

recall it's that lysine which is a big

Time: 4197.06

molecule stuck on D amphetamine which is

Time: 4199.28

a smaller molecule and so the dosages of

Time: 4201.08

Vyvanse tend to be in the hundreds of

Time: 4203.179

milligram ranges but most of that 100

Time: 4206.42

milligrams of Vyvanse is not going to be

Time: 4208.699

the damphetamine it's going to be the

Time: 4210.26

lysine which doesn't do anything in the

Time: 4212.3

context of treating the brain it's just

Time: 4213.98

there to control the slow release so

Time: 4216.56

it's thought that 100 milligrams of

Time: 4218.179

Vyvanse translates to roughly nine

Time: 4220.28

milligrams of Adderall and on and on and

Time: 4222.32

actually it's pretty hard to translate

Time: 4223.4

between dosages of different drugs in

Time: 4225.32

any direct way and in speaking with a

Time: 4227.239

psychiatrist expert in ADHD in

Time: 4229.76

preparation for this episode he made

Time: 4231.62

very clear that it is extremely

Time: 4234.34

extremely difficult to predict how a

Time: 4237.14

child or adult will react to a given

Time: 4239.84

dosage of any of these drugs so much so

Time: 4242.6

in fact that he anecdotally reported to

Time: 4245.54

me that one of his patients is a male 3

Time: 4247.94

100 pounds diagnosed with ADHD and who

Time: 4251.6

achieves tremendous relief from just 2.5

Time: 4254.42

milligrams of Adderall per day

Time: 4257.179

and at the same time he has two patients

Time: 4259.94

both of whom are sisters so they're

Time: 4261.62

genetically related who are in the 120

Time: 4265.219

to 140 pound range who did not respond

Time: 4269.719

well at all for the treatment of their

Time: 4271.64

ADHD until their dosages were very very

Time: 4275.06

high and if I tell you these dosages I

Time: 4277.1

just want to warn you in advance I'm not

Time: 4278.54

suggesting anyone explore these dosages

Time: 4280.6

without of course the approval of their

Time: 4283.64

psychiatrist turns out that neither of

Time: 4286.04

these two young women responded at all

Time: 4288.5

to ADHD medication until they achieved

Time: 4290.9

dosages in the range of 180 in the case

Time: 4294.26

of one sister and 240 milligrams in the

Time: 4297.56

case of the other sister per day which

Time: 4299.78

is an astronomically high dose on the

Time: 4301.76

face of it but this physician again

Time: 4303.98

board certified physician expert in

Time: 4305.719


Time: 4306.86

verified for me that indeed neither of

Time: 4309.08

them experience any discomfort or side

Time: 4311.36

effects that led them to not want to

Time: 4313.52

take the drug

Time: 4314.6

but of course that amount of Adderall

Time: 4317.12

could send somebody else into an

Time: 4319.219

absolute psychotic fit could potentially

Time: 4321.62

even cause cardiac arrest I mean it's

Time: 4324.5

remarkable the ranges of Adderall that

Time: 4327.5

are used effectively in children and

Time: 4329.42

adults and this is true for a lot of the

Time: 4331.4

other sympathomimetics used to treat

Time: 4333.199

ADHD and of course a good psychiatrist

Time: 4335.54

will always assess

Time: 4337.4

dosage as it relates to positive

Time: 4339.98

benefits you know relief of symptoms so

Time: 4343.04

relief of impulsivity relief of

Time: 4345.679

hyperactivity improvements and ability

Time: 4347.6

to focus

Time: 4348.739

and of course they they are going to

Time: 4350.3

consider side effects any uncomfortable

Time: 4352.9

adverse effects that come from taking

Time: 4354.92

the drug at a given dosage or taking the

Time: 4357.739

drug at all now of course this all begs

Time: 4359.78

the question of why such tremendous

Time: 4361.34

variation is this due to genetic

Time: 4364.28

differences in the amount of dopamine or

Time: 4365.78

norepinephrine that people make it

Time: 4367.94

appears that the major

Time: 4369.739

underlying factor for why people require

Time: 4372.08

such vastly different dosages of these

Time: 4374.36

sympathomimetics for the relief of ADHD

Time: 4377.06

has to do with the different enzymes or

Time: 4380

levels of enzymes that people make which

Time: 4381.739

metabolize these drugs both in the brain

Time: 4383.96

and body and unfortunately there is no

Time: 4386.78

simple blood test or saliva test or test

Time: 4389.3

of any kind that can predict how someone

Time: 4391.52

will respond to these drugs so the most

Time: 4393.38

logical and safe way to assess dosage is

Time: 4397.28

to start with the lowest possible

Time: 4399.5

effective dose and to increase only as

Time: 4402.14

necessary in order to achieve the

Time: 4404.36

positive benefits while of course paying

Time: 4406.159

attention to any side effects that might

Time: 4407.659

arise a question that comes up from time

Time: 4409.82

to time when discussing the long-term

Time: 4411.92

effects of drugs like Adderall Ritalin

Time: 4414.44

and vivance is whether or not they can

Time: 4416.84

negatively impact height or growth or

Time: 4419.96

development in some other way this is a

Time: 4422.659

logical question to ask because after

Time: 4425

all these drugs are effectively

Time: 4427.159

mimicking stress in the body and most

Time: 4429.44

everyone is heard by now that while

Time: 4431.96

stress can help us in the short term it

Time: 4434.12

helps us deploy immune molecules to

Time: 4436.04

protect us against infection and it

Time: 4437.9

sharpens our visual focus and our

Time: 4439.699

ability to respond to things for

Time: 4441.14


Time: 4442.179

chronically elevating our stress over

Time: 4444.56

long periods of time we know reduces the

Time: 4447.26

effectiveness of our immune system and

Time: 4449.36

can actually cause certain forms of

Time: 4450.679

brain degeneration and while there

Time: 4453.38

aren't a lot of longitudinal studies on

Time: 4455.659

the heights of kids with ADHD and of

Time: 4458.42

course we never can tell how tall

Time: 4460.82

someone would have grown to be if they

Time: 4463.699

were treated with a drug because we

Time: 4465.14

don't have a perfect control experiment

Time: 4466.699

even in the case of identical twin

Time: 4468.679

experiments and therein there aren't

Time: 4470.179

that many of those examples where one

Time: 4472.76

twin was treated for ADHD and the other

Time: 4475.1

wasn't Etc but here's what we know it

Time: 4478.219

does not appear that treatment with

Time: 4480.58

sympathomimetics during development

Time: 4482.239

provided that dosages are kept in the

Time: 4484.58

appropriate ranges

Time: 4486.32

is going to limit overall height in fact

Time: 4489.38

if you look at the data it appears that

Time: 4492.38

children with ADHD who are treated with

Time: 4494.9

ADHD meds actually arrive at slightly

Time: 4497.3

higher bmis body mass indexes compared

Time: 4501.14

to age-matched peers now of course body

Time: 4504.56

mass index doesn't necessarily correlate

Time: 4506.9

with height right someone could not

Time: 4508.82

achieve a full height but could be

Time: 4510.26

heavier either through bone or fat or

Time: 4513.08

muscle or combination of all three but

Time: 4515.36

what we know is that the appropriate use

Time: 4517.1

of ADHD meds during development is not

Time: 4519.5

stunting development in any kind of

Time: 4521.78

overall way it's not preventing

Time: 4523.88

maturation of the body in ways that are

Time: 4526.1

leading to reduced weight or somehow

Time: 4528.679

impaired growth overall with that said

Time: 4531.28

long-term elevations of sympathetic

Time: 4533.6

nervous system activity does carry some

Time: 4535.76

risk and one of the primary risks that

Time: 4538.159

people have wondered about is

Time: 4540.26

cardiovascular risk this makes perfect

Time: 4542.3

sense right when you increase the

Time: 4543.98

activity of the sympathetic nervous

Time: 4545.12

system you increase blood pressure to

Time: 4546.739

increase heart rate you increase in some

Time: 4549.62

cases peripheral sweating you know all

Time: 4551.6

the things that we associate with stress

Time: 4553.4

so you can imagine that a child or adult

Time: 4555.199

with ADHD that takes these

Time: 4557.14

sympathomimetics every day even if the

Time: 4559.58

dosage is kept in a Range that doesn't

Time: 4561.679

allow them to experience any immediate

Time: 4563.659

untoward side effects so they're not

Time: 4565.94

feeling miserable they're just feeling

Time: 4567.02

like they can focus better but one

Time: 4569.48

always wonders what's going on under the

Time: 4571.4

hood so to speak

Time: 4573.14

there is as far as I know one major

Time: 4576.08

study that's addressed this and the

Time: 4578.9

conclusions of that study were a little

Time: 4581.12

bit hard to put into a single category

Time: 4583.9

it did point to a subtle increase in

Time: 4587.239

cardiovascular risk

Time: 4588.92

but the results did not point to

Time: 4591.8

anything so dramatic that the authors of

Time: 4594.56

the study warned against taking these

Time: 4596.6

drugs or encouraging people to cease

Time: 4598.34

taking these drugs again provided

Time: 4599.96

they're being prescribed by a

Time: 4601.64

board-certified physician for ADHD and

Time: 4603.98

at the appropriate dosage for that

Time: 4605.9

person that said I think this all again

Time: 4609.14

speaks to the importance of arriving at

Time: 4611.84

minimal effective dosage and it stands

Time: 4614.42

to reason that if you're somebody who's

Time: 4615.86

taking ADHD meds or if your child is

Time: 4618.5

taking ADHD meds that one would want to

Time: 4621.62

do all the other things that they could

Time: 4623

do in order to try and improve

Time: 4624.679

cardiovascular health or at least not

Time: 4626.6

put it at additional risk so those are

Time: 4628.52

going to be the obvious things like

Time: 4630.34

avoiding smoking or vaping nicotine

Time: 4633.88

regular exercise is going to be

Time: 4636.08

encouraged and things of that sort and

Time: 4638.6

that dovetails into a bunch of other

Time: 4639.92

questions that are often asked anytime

Time: 4641.719

the topic of Adderall or Ritalin comes

Time: 4644.36

up which is what about alcohol you know

Time: 4647.78

is drinking alcohol the same time or at

Time: 4651.02

different times even going to be

Time: 4653.659

problematic if one is taking these drugs

Time: 4655.699

is taking benzodiazepines going to be a

Time: 4658.34

problem etc etc

Time: 4660.14

there's a very straightforward answer to

Time: 4661.76

this which is it's very clear that

Time: 4663.62

alcohol certainly in children but also

Time: 4667.46

in adults is best not consumed I did an

Time: 4671.239

entire episode about alcohol

Time: 4673.219

which got into this and the data for

Time: 4674.78

this if you've heard that having some

Time: 4677.239

alcohol in particular red wine is better

Time: 4678.679

for you than know alcohol that is simply

Time: 4680.42

not true sorry it's not true most adults

Time: 4683.78

who are not alcoholics can probably have

Time: 4686.12

up to two that's right two drinks per

Time: 4688.58

week and still be on the safe side of

Time: 4690.98

Health although zero is better than two

Time: 4693.14

and once you get past two you start

Time: 4695.179

seeing effects on various systems

Time: 4696.679

including increased cancer risk

Time: 4698.92

especially brain

Time: 4701.48

neuron loss and degeneration risk I

Time: 4704

covered all of those data in the episode

Time: 4705.44

on alcohol that you can find at

Time: 4706.64

Time: 4708.739

combining alcohol with sympathomimetics

Time: 4711.38

even though they reside in very

Time: 4713.239

different Pathways within the brain in

Time: 4715.04

fact the sympathomimetics are driving up

Time: 4717.98

sympathetic nervous system activity

Time: 4720.14

whereas alcohol is actually doing the

Time: 4722

opposite it's depressing it and yet all

Time: 4724.88

the data points to the fact that

Time: 4726.08

combining alcohol with sympathomimetics

Time: 4728.84

such as Vyvanse Adderall ritalin or any

Time: 4732.08

kind of amphetamine is going to be more

Time: 4734.719

detrimental to the brain and body than

Time: 4737.48

simply taking those drugs on their own

Time: 4739.52

put differently and more directly if you

Time: 4742.4

are taking any of the drugs that we've

Time: 4744.26

been talking about to treat ADHD or if

Time: 4746.96

you just happen to be taking them for

Time: 4748.52

whatever reason you are going to want to

Time: 4750.92

avoid drinking alcohol at any time and

Time: 4754.1

you're going to want to avoid

Time: 4755.32

benzodiazepines and similar unless

Time: 4757.82

they've been prescribed to you by your

Time: 4759.92

physician in advance of this episode I

Time: 4762.08

put a call out on social media for

Time: 4763.76

questions about Adderall Etc and I got a

Time: 4767.719

lot of questions about whether or not

Time: 4769.699

their impacts of these drugs on the

Time: 4771.44

hormone systems of the body and if they

Time: 4774.56

impact the reproductive system in

Time: 4776.42

particular I also got questions about

Time: 4778.28

whether or not these drugs impact sexual

Time: 4780.8

behavior or libido or anything of that

Time: 4783.92

sort in reviewing the literature what I

Time: 4786.14

can tell you is that there are very few

Time: 4788.54

studies unfortunately of the long-term

Time: 4790.82

effects of these drugs on the endocrine

Time: 4792.92

or hormone systems of the body

Time: 4795.26

but we do know a few things for sure

Time: 4796.94

first of all when you increase the

Time: 4798.56

activity of the sympathetic nervous

Time: 4799.88

system for long periods of time you are

Time: 4802.04

very likely increasing levels of

Time: 4803.96

cortisol cortisol is a quote unquote

Time: 4806.36

stress hormone but cortisol also plays

Time: 4808.46

some really important positive roles in

Time: 4810.5

your body in fact if you want cortisol

Time: 4812.36

released especially early in the day you

Time: 4814.699

don't want cortisol released so much

Time: 4816.14

late in the day this actually relates

Time: 4818.48

back to timing and schedules of taking

Time: 4820.76

drugs this is something again that needs

Time: 4822.38

to be worked out with your psychiatrist

Time: 4825.02

or your child's psychiatrist but one of

Time: 4827.6

the reasons why there are so many

Time: 4828.86

different drugs for the treatment of

Time: 4830.6

ADHD is that each and all of them has a

Time: 4833.96

different time course of action so

Time: 4835.28

Ritalin is very short-lived which might

Time: 4836.9

sound bad because then you have to take

Time: 4838.34

it multiple times throughout the day but

Time: 4840.199

if you think about from the perspective

Time: 4841.52

of sleep and the importance of having

Time: 4843.14

low cortisol at night and these drugs

Time: 4845.78

increase cortisol and the importance of

Time: 4847.28

getting sleep because after all sleep is

Time: 4849.44

the foundation of mental health physical

Time: 4851.36

health and performance in kids and

Time: 4852.86

adults it's responsible for growth it's

Time: 4854.78

when neuroplasticity happens it's just

Time: 4856.58

so vitally important

Time: 4858.5

a lot of the drugs that we've been

Time: 4859.94

talking about can severely limit one's

Time: 4862.04

ability to fall and stay asleep and so a

Time: 4864.38

short-acting drug like Ritalin is

Time: 4866.12

actually attractive from the perspective

Time: 4867.62

of being able to take it in the morning

Time: 4869.659

and still get to sleep at night or

Time: 4871.28

taking it in the morning and in the

Time: 4872.719

afternoon and maybe even again in the

Time: 4874.34

evening depending on the person

Time: 4876.26

and then still being able to fall asleep

Time: 4878.3

at night

Time: 4879.26

whereas long duration release of D

Time: 4882.199

amphetamine which is what you get when

Time: 4883.64

you take Vyvanse

Time: 4885.62

for some people is going to inhibit

Time: 4887.48

their sleep they'll get a nice steady

Time: 4889.34

rise and Improvement in focus and

Time: 4891.8

reduction in hyperactivity but they

Time: 4893.78

might have a lot of trouble falling

Time: 4895.64

asleep at night and Adderall having a

Time: 4897.98

somewhat intermediate time course of

Time: 4899.6

action between ritalin which is

Time: 4900.86

short-lived and Vyvanse which is very

Time: 4902.239


Time: 4903.86

perhaps is going to be the best solution

Time: 4906.14

for somebody else where they can take it

Time: 4908

early in the day perhaps at a low dose

Time: 4909.56

maybe again later in the day low dose

Time: 4911.719

and then still fall asleep at night but

Time: 4913.64

I've spoken to people and I've spoke to

Time: 4916.1

this clinician expert in ADHD who told

Time: 4918.56

me that some people will take as little

Time: 4919.94

as 2.5 milligrams of Adderall at 6 00 am

Time: 4924.219

and have a hard time falling asleep

Time: 4926.42

later that night at 11 PM so again

Time: 4928.96

vastly different sensitivities to these

Time: 4931.34

drugs leading to vastly different

Time: 4933.32

requirements of dosage and timing of

Time: 4936.26

intake and which particular drug

Time: 4937.82

somebody might choose to or choose not

Time: 4940.58

to take so how does that relate to

Time: 4942.56

hormones and sex and reproduction well

Time: 4945.02

cortisol itself is a hormone it can act

Time: 4948.26

as a bit of a hormone and a

Time: 4950

neurotransmitter in the brain but for

Time: 4953.12

the most part it's acting as a hormone

Time: 4954.8

in the brain and body and it does a

Time: 4957.62

number of things first of all it can

Time: 4959.42

enhance your levels of focus and

Time: 4961.219

alertness it can activate your immune

Time: 4963.32

system I know that immunologists out

Time: 4964.82

there just cringe when I say activate

Time: 4966.32

the immune system your immune system is

Time: 4967.94

always doing various things so it's

Time: 4970.28

always active just as your nervous

Time: 4971.659

system is always active but it can

Time: 4974.78

to be specific it can amplify or

Time: 4977.9

mobilize the release of

Time: 4979.699

anti-inflammatory molecules in your

Time: 4981.8

brain and body to combat different types

Time: 4983.54

of bacterial viral and fungal infections

Time: 4985.52

it's doing an enormous number of

Time: 4987.08

positive things it's also involved in

Time: 4989.48

setting mood it has interactions with

Time: 4991.28

thyroid hormone pathways

Time: 4993.199

I've done entire episodes about cortisol

Time: 4995.42

and cortisol regulation

Time: 4998.3

to paint all of that with a very broad

Time: 5000.28

brush and briefly now it's advantageous

Time: 5003.1

to have your cortisol release high in

Time: 5004.96

the early part of the day and to taper

Time: 5006.94

off toward the end of the day in fact

Time: 5008.32

late day elevations in cortisol are a

Time: 5012.4

strong correlate of depressive symptoms

Time: 5013.78

this was demonstrated by my colleagues

Time: 5015.46

David Spiegel and Robert sapolsky at

Time: 5017.56

Stanford School of Medicine

Time: 5019.48

but that is not to say that cortisol is

Time: 5021.4

bad it's to say that the timing of

Time: 5023.56

cortisol release is key so do these

Time: 5027.42

sympathomimetic drugs

Time: 5029.5

disrupt the endocrine system well they

Time: 5031.78

can if you are very awake and very alert

Time: 5034

regardless of whether or not you're

Time: 5035.56

taking your sympathomimetic treatment

Time: 5037.06

for ADHD early in the day or late in the

Time: 5039.4

day you are very likely experiencing

Time: 5041.8

elevations in cortisol late in the day

Time: 5043.96

so it is important even for those of you

Time: 5046.42

that like to study and need to focus in

Time: 5048.76

the evening and nighttime hours that you

Time: 5050.739

try and limit your levels of overall

Time: 5052.78

alertness and certainly stress late in

Time: 5055.06

the day because doing that day after day

Time: 5057.52

after day for several weeks or months or

Time: 5059.56

years can indeed disrupt other hormones

Time: 5062.02

in the endocrine system and again that's

Time: 5063.64

because cortisol is interacting with

Time: 5065.08

thyroid hormone and testosterone and

Time: 5067.42

estrogen in fact cortisol in many ways

Time: 5071.34

competes with or can out-compete for the

Time: 5074.44

production of testosterone and other

Time: 5077.08

so-called steroid hormones remember

Time: 5078.82

cortisol itself is a corticosteroid

Time: 5081.52


Time: 5082.84

so when we hear the word steroids

Time: 5084.28

oftentimes people just think about

Time: 5085.36

athletes and steroid abuse in sports but

Time: 5087.699

steroid hormones includes a lot of

Time: 5089.44

different types of hormones which are

Time: 5090.699

good for us our endogenous steroid

Time: 5092.38

hormones are vital for all sorts of

Time: 5094.12

things Vitality reproduction Etc

Time: 5096.64


Time: 5098.44

the way this works in general terms is

Time: 5100.179

that the cholesterol molecule is used to

Time: 5103.48

create testosterone and cortisol and

Time: 5106.42


Time: 5107.679

if we make too much cortisol we in many

Time: 5111.219

ways are reducing the total amount of

Time: 5113.32

testosterone that we make or that is

Time: 5115.12

active it's not

Time: 5116.679

exactly that straightforward but we can

Time: 5119.44

make that statement with uh with

Time: 5121.239

confidence for instance if you spike

Time: 5123.82

your cortisol just briefly during the

Time: 5125.86

day because you have some sort of

Time: 5126.76

stressful event that's not going to

Time: 5128.5

inhibit your testosterone in fact it

Time: 5130.179

probably is going to boost your

Time: 5131.38

testosterone levels somewhat however if

Time: 5133.6

your cortisol levels are chronically

Time: 5135.34

elevated yes indeed it's likely that

Time: 5137.86

you're going to suppress your total and

Time: 5139.96

or free Unbound forms of testosterone

Time: 5142.179

and downstream to that you will

Time: 5145.12

experience effects such as reductions in

Time: 5147.219

libido reductions in muscle and bone

Time: 5150.58

mass reductions in all sorts of aspects

Time: 5152.8

of testosterone related psychology and

Time: 5155.739

bodily biology this is true for both

Time: 5158.02

males and females and the same thing

Time: 5159.639

could be said for estrogen now what's

Time: 5161.62

impossible for us to say is whether or

Time: 5163.179

not taking a given treatment for ADHD is

Time: 5165.58

going to for instance prevent a woman

Time: 5167.26

from ovulating that could happen through

Time: 5169.9

chronic elevations and cortisol but

Time: 5171.699

there's no direct link meaning there are

Time: 5174.1

no studies at least that I'm aware of

Time: 5175.48

showing that people that take Adderall

Time: 5177.639

have irregular ovulatory Cycles or that

Time: 5181.3

they cease menstruating entirely I don't

Time: 5183.28

think there's any evidence for that

Time: 5184.3

whatsoever nor is there any evidence

Time: 5186.219

that people that take Adderall or other

Time: 5188.1

sympathomimetics for the treatment of

Time: 5189.88

ADHD have lower overall testosterone in

Time: 5193.06

fact you can imagine all sorts of

Time: 5194.08

instances in which the opposite was true

Time: 5195.94

that a child or young adult or adult who

Time: 5199.36

has ADHD but then goes on these meds to

Time: 5202.06

improve their symptoms is now focusing

Time: 5204.4

and achieving more in life we know that

Time: 5206.02

happiness can impact dopamine and vice

Time: 5208.6

versa and testosterone levels and

Time: 5210.88

productivity itself and reaching our

Time: 5212.98

goals can feedback on the hormone system

Time: 5214.719

so anytime there's a discussion about

Time: 5216.76

hormones or a study that shows that

Time: 5218.62

doing X or not doing why impacts hormone

Time: 5221.86

levels of a given type we have to be

Time: 5223.3

very careful to make sure that we're

Time: 5225.76

talking about causality because all of

Time: 5227.739

these hormones are in a very intricate

Time: 5229.84

crosstalk with one another we can

Time: 5232.06

however make a very general statement

Time: 5233.98

which is that when you are in states of

Time: 5236.8

stress for long periods of time that is

Time: 5239.44

not a favorable condition addition for

Time: 5241.239

your immune system your hormone system

Time: 5243.52

or frankly any other system in the brain

Time: 5245.8

and body so the treatment of ADHD with

Time: 5248.32

these drugs should never be done at the

Time: 5250.42

expense of these other critical

Time: 5251.8

biological systems another common

Time: 5253.96

question and concern is whether or not

Time: 5256.3

kids and I suppose for that matter

Time: 5258.28

adults that take medication for ADHD are

Time: 5262.42

basically being predisposed to psychosis

Time: 5265.239

and or other forms of addiction and

Time: 5268

earlier we talked a bit about the risk

Time: 5269.8

for addiction and the take-home message

Time: 5271.239

there is very clear that kids and adults

Time: 5274.9

that are treated for ADHD appropriately

Time: 5277.06

so with the appropriate dosage of the

Time: 5279.04

appropriate drugs under the supervision

Time: 5281.139

of a board-certified qualified

Time: 5282.94

psychiatrist or at less risk for forming

Time: 5287.08

addictions to other substances in

Time: 5289.78

adulthood or other substances generally

Time: 5292.48

I think a lot of people also wonder

Time: 5294.34

whether or not those kids and those

Time: 5296.739

adults that take these ADHD meds become

Time: 5299.26

addicted to the medications themselves

Time: 5301.239

that's a bit of a tricky issue to

Time: 5303.699

resolve anytime one stops taking a drug

Time: 5306.4

or even tapers off a drug that's used to

Time: 5309.159

treat something where they feel better

Time: 5311.08

on the drug they're going to experience

Time: 5313.54

two sets of effects and these two sets

Time: 5315.52

of effects are often confounded with one

Time: 5317.38

another one is the withdrawal effects so

Time: 5320.32

the effects of removing the drug that

Time: 5322.12

makes somebody feel less good than

Time: 5324.159

Baseline so for instance a kid that

Time: 5327.52

takes ADHD meds until their late teens

Time: 5329.98

or early 20s decides they're going to

Time: 5331.48

taper off they do that and they're

Time: 5333.94

feeling lousy during the taper or when

Time: 5336.28

they reduce their dosage to zero they're

Time: 5338.38

you know foggy brain they can't focus

Time: 5341.739

they feel a little bit depressed mood it

Time: 5344.62

unclear whether or not those are

Time: 5347.02

withdrawal symptoms or whether or not

Time: 5348.76

those are the consequence of not having

Time: 5351.219

the systems in their brain activated the

Time: 5353.86

way that those systems were activated

Time: 5355.36

before I realize that for some of you

Time: 5357.1

that might seem like the same thing but

Time: 5358.719

that's not necessarily the same thing

Time: 5360.159

and probably the best analogy would be

Time: 5362.38

something along the lines of a hangover

Time: 5364.84

right if somebody drinks too much on a

Time: 5367.42

given night the next morning they have a

Time: 5368.679

hangover The Hangover makes them feel

Time: 5370.6

lousy it's it is actually a withdrawal

Time: 5373

from alcohol effect but then when they

Time: 5375.94

recover from The Hangover they realize

Time: 5377.92

that their sober State feels pretty good

Time: 5380.32

it doesn't obviously feel the same as

Time: 5382.659

being on alcohol but that sober state is

Time: 5385

not a state of withdrawal okay if we

Time: 5387.82

were to look at removal or tapering off

Time: 5390.82

of ADHD meds there's going to be a

Time: 5393.58

period of withdrawal symptoms but then

Time: 5395.26

the real question is how does somebody

Time: 5396.639

feel after they get through those

Time: 5398.32

withdrawal symptoms so that's an

Time: 5399.76

important issue to highlight now in

Time: 5401.5

terms of psychosis this is a very

Time: 5403.239

interesting and very important

Time: 5404.26

literature sure first of all any

Time: 5406.84

amphetamine whether or not it's D

Time: 5408.28

amphetamine L amphetamine and also

Time: 5410.679

methylphenidate for that matter Ritalin

Time: 5412.6

can induce psychosis now there are a

Time: 5416.199

number of different factors that are

Time: 5418

going to predispose somebody to

Time: 5419.26

psychosis having a first relative who's

Time: 5421.48

had psychotic episodes either

Time: 5423.36

schizophrenic episodes or bipolar

Time: 5425.32

episodes is certainly a strong

Time: 5427.6


Time: 5429.159

of course if an individual themselves

Time: 5430.96

have had psychotic episodes that's the

Time: 5434.139

strongest predisposition that one could

Time: 5436.239

imagine so having a first relative with

Time: 5439

schizophrenia or with bipolar depression

Time: 5441.58

or sometimes called bipolar disorder

Time: 5443.32

sometimes it's also just called bipolar

Time: 5445.179

these days is going to be a strong

Time: 5448.78

predisposition for psychotic episodes

Time: 5450.4

made much greater

Time: 5453.28

anytime one takes a sympathomimetic drug

Time: 5455.62

such as amphetamine but also

Time: 5457.6

methylphenidate Ritalin is going to

Time: 5459.88

increase that likelihood of psychotic

Time: 5462.639

episodes then comes the question of if

Time: 5464.98

somebody has a psychotic episode as the

Time: 5466.9

consequence of taking any of these drugs

Time: 5469.42

whether or not it's been prescribed for

Time: 5471.219

ADHD or not will those psychotic

Time: 5473.8

symptoms go away after the person stops

Time: 5476.38

taking the drug there appears to be a

Time: 5478.48

divide in the literature or rather a

Time: 5480.58

divide according to drug such that

Time: 5482.8

people that take Ritalin methylphenidate

Time: 5484.84

and have a psychotic episode often not

Time: 5487.54

always but most often if they stop

Time: 5490.239

taking methylphenidate The Psychotic

Time: 5492.94

episode will cease

Time: 5494.8

not always the case but most often times

Time: 5497.08

it will cease whereas in individuals who

Time: 5499.96

have a predisposition to psychosis or

Time: 5502.42

even if they're not aware of a

Time: 5503.56

predisposition of psychosis and they

Time: 5505.9

take Adderall which as you recall is a

Time: 5507.82

combination of D and L amphetamine

Time: 5510.46

they can have psychotic episodes that

Time: 5513.1

sometimes are very long lasting even

Time: 5514.96

after the cessation of the drug and

Time: 5517.659

while that might sound kind of shocking

Time: 5519.52

and really scary and indeed it is scary

Time: 5522.52

it perhaps shouldn't shock us that much

Time: 5524.679

because if you recall D amphetamine

Time: 5526.96

which there's a lot of in Adderall it's

Time: 5530.26

a very potent way of increasing dopamine

Time: 5533.26

and anytime you potently increase

Time: 5534.699

dopamine in a person who has a

Time: 5537.46

predisposition to psychotic episodes you

Time: 5539.98

are shifting the whole system toward a

Time: 5542.679

greater propensity for psychosis this

Time: 5545.08

would also be the appropriate time to

Time: 5546.52

talk about meth methamphetamine

Time: 5549.04

again methamphetamine is considered an

Time: 5551.8

illicit drug a drug of abuse it is

Time: 5554.139

responsible for a lot of The Misfortune

Time: 5557.08

and tragedy that you see on the streets

Time: 5559.42

of major cities and even outside of

Time: 5561.82

major cities and rural areas it has all

Time: 5564.699

sorts of negative effects on health

Time: 5566.62

including oral health cardiovascular

Time: 5568.84

health it is neurotoxic to serotonergic

Time: 5573.04

neuron so it kills serotonin neurons

Time: 5574.84

that is absolutely clear it kills

Time: 5577.239

dopaminergic neurons that is absolutely

Time: 5579.639

clear one of the ways that

Time: 5581.199

methamphetamine creates so many of the

Time: 5582.76

problems that it does eating effects on

Time: 5585.159

the body abuse potential addictive

Time: 5587.56


Time: 5588.76

the fact that methamphetamine can spark

Time: 5591.639

psychosis in those that have a

Time: 5593.38

predisposition to psychosis but also

Time: 5595.179

that it can create psychosis in

Time: 5597.219

individuals who have no predisposition

Time: 5599.739

to psychosis right all of this points to

Time: 5601.78

methamphetamine just being a terrible

Time: 5603.46

drug all around and yet if you recall

Time: 5606.219

back to the beginning of the episode

Time: 5607.179

there is one form of prescription

Time: 5609.639

methamphetamine but its uses are

Time: 5611.86

extremely narrow and it's probably best

Time: 5614.679

left out of this conversation because

Time: 5616.3

its uses are so so narrow in the

Time: 5618.88

clinical sense I managed to talk to One

Time: 5621.04

expert this is a board-certified

Time: 5622.48

psychiatrist who's expert in ADHD who is

Time: 5625

also very familiar with the psychosis

Time: 5628.06

symptoms induced by methamphetamine and

Time: 5631.42

by various ADHD drugs and people who

Time: 5633.58

have the predisposition they made it

Time: 5635.62

very clear that any of the sympathom and

Time: 5637.719

medic ADHD drugs that are of the

Time: 5640.36

amphetamine variety so that would be

Time: 5642.58

Adderall and extended release Adderall

Time: 5646.36

it'll be Pure dexedrine or any variants

Time: 5649.96

that include amphetamine are going to

Time: 5651.76

have higher likelihood of inducing

Time: 5654.28

psychosis and people that have a

Time: 5656.8

predisposition of psychosis and yet they

Time: 5659.5

did assure me that at appropriately

Time: 5661.44

prescribed and safe dosages that the

Time: 5665.139

total incidence of psychosis in people

Time: 5667.12

that take those drugs is still fairly

Time: 5669.28

low and not that much greater than in

Time: 5672.28

the general population although there is

Time: 5674.26

an increased risk it's not that severe

Time: 5676.659

and they also highlighted the fact that

Time: 5678.639

methylphenidate Ritalin carries a lower

Time: 5680.679

potential for inducing psychosis not

Time: 5683.26

zero but a lower level of inducing

Time: 5686.38

psychosis then for the amphetamine type

Time: 5688.38

sympathomimetics now one exception is a

Time: 5691.239

Vyvanse that long release damphetamine

Time: 5693.4

that we talked about earlier there does

Time: 5695.5

seem to be some things protective about

Time: 5697.239

that long duration release of

Time: 5698.679

damphetamine that occurs with Vyvanse

Time: 5700.84

which is not to say that there's zero

Time: 5703.48

abuse or addictive potential with

Time: 5705.46


Time: 5707.08

um I was told by the same individual

Time: 5709.179

that indeed they've had knowledge of

Time: 5712.6

patients trying to increase the rate of

Time: 5714.76

absorption of Vyvanse and release of

Time: 5717.219

Vyvanse or technically of the

Time: 5718.96

damphetamine in order to get more of a

Time: 5721.48

high from Vyvanse as opposed to just the

Time: 5723.46

extended release but they did assure me

Time: 5725.92

however that Vivant seems to be

Time: 5727.3

associated with fewer psychotic episodes

Time: 5728.92

and less abuse and addictive potential

Time: 5731.08

overall which again is not to say that

Time: 5733.179

it's a perfectly safe drug but really

Time: 5735.4

this just highlights the fact that the

Time: 5737.139

kinetics or the time course of dopamine

Time: 5739.54

and norepinephrine release that's caused

Time: 5741.28

by a given drug is going to correlate

Time: 5743.26

very strongly with its abuse potential

Time: 5745.179

and addictive potential and its

Time: 5746.92

potential to induce psychotic episodes

Time: 5748.36

and this is where the discussion about

Time: 5750.1

meth becomes especially relevant one of

Time: 5752.32

the reasons why meth is so dangerous in

Time: 5754.6

terms of its addictive potential and its

Time: 5757.06

potential to induce psychotic episodes

Time: 5758.56

is first of all how much dopamine it

Time: 5761.8

releases again five times more than any

Time: 5763.719

of the other drugs that we've been

Time: 5764.739

talking about but also how fat past that

Time: 5767.08

Peak comes on it's a very fast onset and

Time: 5769.9

that's true whether or not people are

Time: 5770.98

snorting it without their taking it

Time: 5772.6

orally or especially if they inject it

Time: 5774.159


Time: 5775.659

but meth because it increases dopamine

Time: 5779.02

so fast into such a great degree and

Time: 5781.54

then the the peak in dopamine comes down

Time: 5784.239

very fast as well and it drops below the

Time: 5787.48

Baseline levels of dopamine that were

Time: 5788.92

present initially that's one of the

Time: 5790.84

reasons why methamphetamine is so

Time: 5792.34

dangerous in terms of addiction and in

Time: 5794.32

terms of psychotic episodes this gets

Time: 5796.84

back to a bunch of issues we've talked

Time: 5798.58

about before on the huberman Lab podcast

Time: 5800.199

about dopamine kinetics and I've done

Time: 5802.12

two episodes on dopamine that I'll refer

Time: 5803.98

you to one is called dopamine motivation

Time: 5805.6

and drive which is all about dopamine

Time: 5807.219

and regulating dopamine and the other

Time: 5809.02

one is about optimizing dopamine it's

Time: 5811.179

more of a toolkit focused episode both

Time: 5812.98

those you can find at

Time: 5814.6

but the general takeaway that's relevant

Time: 5816.699

for what we're talking about now is that

Time: 5818.32

with dopamine it's not just about the

Time: 5820.48

absolute levels of dopamine that are

Time: 5822.1

reached but how long lasting those

Time: 5824.62

increases in dopamine are so with

Time: 5827.5

vivance even though vivance is

Time: 5830.1

damphetamine it's fairly potent not as

Time: 5833.02

impotent as meth but fairly potent at

Time: 5835

increasing dopamine and norepinephrine

Time: 5837.52

it's a long extended release in dopamine

Time: 5840.28

and norepinephrine which reduces its

Time: 5842.739

overall abuse potential because it

Time: 5844.239

doesn't tend to create that immediate

Time: 5846.04

Euphoria and high and then crash below

Time: 5849.28


Time: 5850.719

a lot of you will hear that it increases

Time: 5852.699

dopamine a lot and then stays up as

Time: 5855.46

translating to okay well then you're

Time: 5857.38

just euphoric for 16 hours but that's

Time: 5859.36

not the case when it comes to dopamine

Time: 5861.46

it's an issue of How High that Peak is

Time: 5864.46

and whether or not that Peak is stable

Time: 5866.08

or whether or not it comes down again

Time: 5867.639

and when it comes to psychotic episodes

Time: 5869.699

or addictive potential it seems that any

Time: 5872.56

drug or behavior that increases dopamine

Time: 5875.38

very quickly and then brings dopamine

Time: 5877.719

down very quickly is what sets the high

Time: 5880.78

potential for addiction and abuse and

Time: 5883.36

for inducing psychotic episodes so

Time: 5885.04

that's why I'm talking about these two

Time: 5886.239

things in parallel and now it should be

Time: 5889.06

very clear why vyvance doesn't have so

Time: 5892.179

much addictive and abuse potential and

Time: 5893.98

has at least lower potential for

Time: 5896.26

inducing psychotic episodes and it

Time: 5898

should also be clear to you

Time: 5900.219

that for people who do not have ADHD as

Time: 5904.54

a child or for people that do not have

Time: 5908.26

ADHD in adulthood if they were to take

Time: 5910.719

any truly any of the compounds that

Time: 5913.36

we're talking about thus far

Time: 5915.12

methylphenidate Ritalin Adderall vivance

Time: 5918.9

dexedrine and certainly methamphetamine

Time: 5921.4

what we observe from neuroimaging

Time: 5923.679

studies is that these people get

Time: 5925.239

enormous increases in dopamine they're

Time: 5928.12

not familiar with these drugs so the

Time: 5929.8

increases in dopamine are just Cosmic

Time: 5932.139

for them they experience a lot of

Time: 5934.54

euphoria even if the dosages are low the

Time: 5937.239

Euphoria is associated with a very

Time: 5939.639

heightened degree of focus they've never

Time: 5941.32

really felt before here what I'm talking

Time: 5943

about is a lot of the recreational and

Time: 5944.8

off prescription use of Adderall and

Time: 5947.38

things like it and what we know is that

Time: 5950.26

that sets in motion both a potential for

Time: 5953.62

abuse and addiction to that feeling and

Time: 5956.44

substance as well as a higher potential

Time: 5959.139

for psycho episodes down the road okay

Time: 5962.199

so put differently children who have

Time: 5964.9

ADHD and are prescribed any of these

Time: 5967.3


Time: 5968.32

or adults who have ADHD and are

Time: 5971.56

prescribed any of these drugs who take

Time: 5973.12

them for some period of time are

Time: 5975.34

actually at lesser risk to all of the

Time: 5978.94

issues related to having chronically

Time: 5980.98

elevated and greatly elevated dopamine

Time: 5983.86

as a kind of first time event or as a

Time: 5986.139

rare event whereas anyone who takes

Time: 5988.36

these drugs without a prescription and

Time: 5991

decides okay I want to focus more or I'm

Time: 5992.86

going to use this to stay up for a

Time: 5994.239

couple of days

Time: 5995.32

in other words using it recreationally

Time: 5997.239

or using it for quote-unquote

Time: 5999.34

performance enhancement is that far

Time: 6001.679

greater risk for addiction to these

Time: 6003.9

substances because of the amplitude and

Time: 6006.719

the time course of dopamine that results

Time: 6008.76

when one takes these drugs just out of

Time: 6010.92

the blue and so for that reason I really

Time: 6013.86

want to caution everybody against using

Time: 6016.679

any of the compounds that I've discussed

Time: 6018.3

thus far unless it's been prescribed to

Time: 6020.82

you by a physician for the specific

Time: 6022.679

purpose of ADHD now I'm sure someone out

Time: 6026.04

there is screaming from the back wait

Time: 6028.44

if a kid takes these drugs because

Time: 6030.84

they're prescribed them for ADHD the

Time: 6033.06

very first time they take them they're

Time: 6034.38

going to have a huge amplitude dopamine

Time: 6036.48

response or if an adult goes in and

Time: 6040.199

talks to their psychiatrist and says you

Time: 6042.179

know I'm having issues with focusing in

Time: 6043.98

their prescribed one of these meds for

Time: 6045.6

ADHD and they take it they're going to

Time: 6047.04

have a huge amplitude dopamine response

Time: 6049.26

isn't that going to set in motion all

Time: 6051.06

the same things that somebody who is

Time: 6052.98

using these drugs recreationally would

Time: 6055.08

have and indeed that's one of the

Time: 6057.36

reasons why a lot of psychiatrists will

Time: 6059.58

start with a very low dosage or the

Time: 6061.739

lowest possible dosage to see how

Time: 6064.26

somebody responds to that low dosage and

Time: 6067.02

then over time might or might not

Time: 6069.12

increase that dosage in fact they might

Time: 6070.739

even bring it down further depending on

Time: 6072.3

how sensitive somebody is to the drug

Time: 6073.739

but equally important is the fact that

Time: 6077.34

it is the repeated taking of that drug

Time: 6079.92

by the child with ADHD or by the adult

Time: 6083.04

with ADHD that actually leads to lesser

Time: 6085.98

and lesser peaks in dopamine each time

Time: 6088.38

which is not to say that the person

Time: 6090.48

becomes entirely desensitized to the

Time: 6092.76

effects of the drug but rather that the

Time: 6094.619

system equilibrates through what's

Time: 6096.36

called homeostatic plasticity sometimes

Time: 6098.639

referred to broadly as habituation to a

Time: 6101.219

drug but there are systems in the brain

Time: 6103.44

and body that regulate the connections

Time: 6105.48

between neurons so that if dopamine and

Time: 6107.94

norepinephrine are elevated above

Time: 6110.4

Baseline levels for a while the system

Time: 6113

normalizes so that instead the

Time: 6116.159

connections between neurons become

Time: 6117.54

stronger and there isn't the critical

Time: 6119.82

requirement for all that increase in

Time: 6121.739

dopamine and norepinephrine I realize

Time: 6123.54

that might sound a little bit technical

Time: 6124.679

but basically what I'm saying is the

Time: 6126.42

response that somebody has to taking a

Time: 6128.159

drug for the first time is Far and Away

Time: 6130.8

different than the response to a drug

Time: 6133.02

that somebody has if they are taking the

Time: 6135.54

same drug day after day after day this

Time: 6138.36

gets to another issue which is not

Time: 6140.219

discussed that often these days but that

Time: 6142.02

is really important if you go back to

Time: 6143.58

the original clinical literature on the

Time: 6145.199

sympathomimetics what you'll find is

Time: 6147.9


Time: 6148.679

the original use of these

Time: 6150.42

sympathomimetics to treat childhood ADHD

Time: 6152.78

suggested that children not take these

Time: 6156.119

drugs every single day now I'm not

Time: 6158.04

recommending that kids take drug

Time: 6159.6

holidays because I'm not a clinician I'm

Time: 6162.179

not promoting any specific dose or

Time: 6164.699

dosing regimen but in speaking again to

Time: 6168.239

a psychiatrist expert in ADHD who by the

Time: 6171.179

way is going to be a guest on this

Time: 6172.32

podcast in the not too distant future

Time: 6173.9

what he told me was that many of these

Time: 6176.699

drugs were designed to be taken during

Time: 6178.56

the school week for children with

Time: 6180.6

weekends off or during the school year

Time: 6183.42

with weekends off but then also with

Time: 6185.82

vacations during the summer holidays and

Time: 6188.159

that these days rarely if ever is that

Time: 6191.04

the pattern of intake that these kids

Time: 6193.98

are following and why that is has

Time: 6196.38

interesting sociological and financial

Time: 6198.78


Time: 6200.52

I'm not alluding to any kind of

Time: 6201.9

conspiracy here but this is an aspect of

Time: 6204.659

the dosing with these drugs that has

Time: 6206.4

sort of Fallen away in recent years but

Time: 6208.98

I think is really interesting and it's

Time: 6210.42

something that actually was supported

Time: 6212.52

for the treatment of adult ADHD as well

Time: 6214.8

again there is a very different

Time: 6218.34

biological and neuroplastic response to

Time: 6221.94

taking a drug once versus taking a drug

Time: 6224.58

for say five days and then taking

Time: 6226.56

weekends off to taking a drug

Time: 6228.84

over and over again every single day for

Time: 6231.54

a pattern of years and when exploring

Time: 6234.06

the literature and preparation for this

Time: 6235.619

episode I confess it was a bit dizzying

Time: 6238.08

to find answers to what are the

Time: 6240.179

long-term effects of taking Adderall or

Time: 6241.739

what are the long-term effects of taking

Time: 6243.179

Vyvanse Etc in fact most of the

Time: 6246

literature on the long-term effects of

Time: 6247.619

taking drugs to treat ADHD has focus on

Time: 6250.44

methylphenidate on Ritalin there are

Time: 6252.3

studies on Vyvanse and adderall and

Time: 6254.28

actually those were the studies that I

Time: 6256.5

will link in the show note captions

Time: 6258.44

primarily because that's where most of

Time: 6260.639

the interest is these days the reason

Time: 6262.679

why so many of the Studies have focused

Time: 6266.34

on methylphenidate on Ritalin is largely

Time: 6269.1

because that was one of the first drugs

Time: 6270.6

used to treat ADHD so in terms of

Time: 6273.719

addressing long-term effects so kids

Time: 6275.34

treated with ADHD meds those kids are

Time: 6278.52

now adults and therefore can be

Time: 6280.739

neuroimaged and assessed whereas a lot

Time: 6282.84

of kids that have been prescribed

Time: 6284.219

Adderall or Vyvanse or similar have not

Time: 6287.4

yet made it to stages of life in which

Time: 6289.08

we can answer that question directly

Time: 6290.52

there are a few studies and I've made it

Time: 6292.56

clear to include those studies in my

Time: 6294.3

description of results today in

Time: 6296.04

particular the result I talked about

Time: 6297.3

earlier where there's an improvement in

Time: 6300.239

executive function in kids that have

Time: 6302.699

taken ADHD meds or adults that have

Time: 6305.58

taken ADHD meds for a longer period of

Time: 6308.28

time anywhere from months to years those

Time: 6311.04

studies did include both Adderall and

Time: 6313.139

Vyvanse and methylphenidate and again

Time: 6315.179

I'll link to those studies but by and

Time: 6317.159

large most of what we know about the

Time: 6318.659

long-term effects of any of these drugs

Time: 6320.46

has to do primarily with studies of

Time: 6322.619

methylphenidate I'd like to spend a

Time: 6324.78

little bit of time talking about some

Time: 6326.34

compounds that are not considered

Time: 6328.38

amphetamines at all but that are now

Time: 6331.619

being used to treat ADHD both in

Time: 6333.659

children and adults more frequently the

Time: 6336.3

major drug in this category of

Time: 6338.119

non-amphetamine treatments for ADHD is

Time: 6340.94

modafinil which is also called by its

Time: 6343.679

commercial name Provigil

Time: 6345.84

there's a variance on this which is our

Time: 6347.76

modafinil which goes by the brand name

Time: 6349.56

Nuvigil the major difference between

Time: 6351.54

modafinil and arm modafinil aside from

Time: 6355.08

having a slight chemical difference is

Time: 6357.54

that modafinil was released first our

Time: 6360.06

modafinil is the second in the

Time: 6361.86

generation of these drugs

Time: 6363.54

and modafinil tends to be very expensive

Time: 6366.78

that's one of the reasons why it's

Time: 6368.159

prohibitive for some people to take it

Time: 6369.54

can be as expensive as 25 a pill or more

Time: 6372

to more than a thousand dollars per

Time: 6373.739


Time: 6374.58

and our modafinil tends to be far far

Time: 6377.34

less expensive I've talked to a couple

Time: 6379.8

experts about whether or not there are

Time: 6381.42

any genuine differences between these

Time: 6383.76

two drugs and they report no although

Time: 6387.48

consumers of these drugs for whatever

Time: 6389.639

reason whether or not it's Placebo or

Time: 6391.98

not report yes there is a different when

Time: 6394.56

I say Placebo I in no way mean that

Time: 6396.96

these drugs are just acting as Placebo I

Time: 6398.82

just mean that you know people tend to

Time: 6400.44

get very attached to certain drugs and

Time: 6402.54

whether or not the brand name or the

Time: 6404.04

generic version works better for them

Time: 6405.6

there's all sorts of lore about this in

Time: 6408.6

fact there are a lot of people out there

Time: 6410.52

who strongly feel that brand name

Time: 6413.4

Adderall works better than generic

Time: 6416.88

Adderall for them

Time: 6418.739

there are a lot of people out there who

Time: 6420.3

say the same thing about vivance there

Time: 6421.92

are a lot of people out there who say

Time: 6422.88

the same thing about Ritalin and all

Time: 6424.02

sorts of drugs whether or not that's

Time: 6425.4

true or not is unclear

Time: 6428.58

it is clear that generic versions of

Time: 6430.56

drugs can use binders and other things

Time: 6432.48

that are in the pill or capsule that are

Time: 6435.239

different than what the brand name

Time: 6436.44

pillar capsule uses as binders to hold

Time: 6438.6

the drug together and that can impact

Time: 6440.28

rates of release and Metabolism Etc but

Time: 6443.28

a lot of this is just Laura in fact I

Time: 6445.26

went into the literature to try and find

Time: 6446.94


Time: 6447.9

real concrete support for the idea that

Time: 6450.36

generic adderall is less potent or less

Time: 6453.84

effective than brand name Adderall and

Time: 6456.119

despite the tens of thousands of people

Time: 6458.159

who will say to the contrary I could not

Time: 6461.04

find any peer-reviewed published data

Time: 6463.26

about that so who knows maybe it's a

Time: 6465

belief effect as it's called maybe

Time: 6467.219

there's a real difference there nowadays

Time: 6469.139

modafinil and armodafinil are prescribed

Time: 6471.179

for a huge range of daytime sleepiness

Time: 6474.239

issues and we were talking about

Time: 6476.48

narcolepsy but there are also people who

Time: 6479.1

suffer from daytime sleepiness related

Time: 6480.84

to dementia daytime sleepiness related

Time: 6483.719

to post surgery anesthesia so there's

Time: 6487.5

this thing where people have surgery and

Time: 6489.719

then they come out of surgery and they

Time: 6491.76

feel better for a few days but then they

Time: 6493.139

find that they aren't recovering their

Time: 6494.52

normal levels of wakefulness so it's

Time: 6496.26

prescribed sometimes to try and get

Time: 6497.52

people back into a normal state of

Time: 6498.96

wakefulness it's been prescribed for a

Time: 6501

traumatic head injury after stroke again

Time: 6503.52

all of these prescribed uses have to be

Time: 6507.06

carried out by a certified physician you

Time: 6509.46

really don't want to start cowboying the

Time: 6511.98

use of modafinil or modafinil or any

Time: 6513.96

other prescription drug for that matter

Time: 6516.179

I must say that in discussing all these

Time: 6518.1

different drugs during today's episode I

Time: 6520.5

have zero knowledge of any of these

Time: 6523.739

drugs from a first-hand experience

Time: 6525.06

except for our modafinil back in 2017 I

Time: 6528.54

was prescribed a very very low dose of

Time: 6531

armodafinil for jet lag for daytime

Time: 6533.82

sleepiness issues really when I was

Time: 6536.04

traveling overseas to give a talk so our

Time: 6538.98

modafinil was given to me in a 25

Time: 6541.08

milligram tablet it was advised to me

Time: 6544.56

that I take a half or even a quarter of

Time: 6547.02

that so I started with a quarter I am a

Time: 6549.42

believer in minimal effective dose I'm

Time: 6551.4

also somebody who's fairly

Time: 6552.9

hypersensitive to most medication so I

Time: 6555.42

took what I measured out to be five to

Time: 6558.42

seven milligrams of our modafinil and

Time: 6561.6

what I experienced was pretty profound

Time: 6563.58

certainly it relieved any daytime

Time: 6565.8

sleepiness in fact it made me feel

Time: 6568.139

extremely alert for a period of about

Time: 6570.36

four to six hours I can't say it was the

Time: 6573.179

most comfortable State although I did

Time: 6575.699

not feel as if I had racing heart or

Time: 6577.56

anything of that sort I basically felt

Time: 6579.239

as if I was in a narrow tunnel of

Time: 6581.58

attention for that entire period one

Time: 6584.28

thing I did not like about the

Time: 6585.6

experience is that it was a very hard

Time: 6587.4

experience to come down from there was

Time: 6589.44

no crash but I found that that high

Time: 6591.78

arousal State didn't taper off for many

Time: 6594.239

hours later even though it was most

Time: 6596.1

heightened for four hours I would say

Time: 6597.84

anywhere from 8 to 12 hours later I

Time: 6599.94

still felt like I was you know blinking

Time: 6601.679

once every four minutes or so and I've

Time: 6603.54

certainly been accused on this this

Time: 6604.92

podcast and at other times of blinking

Time: 6606.9

to seldom to my knowledge I don't have

Time: 6609.179

ADHD I've never been prescribed ADHD

Time: 6611.82

meds I've never been tested for ADHD I

Time: 6615

don't think I have ADHD and yet taking

Time: 6617.58

our modafinil certainly increased my

Time: 6619.98

levels of attention but at least by that

Time: 6623.1

one experience it's not something that I

Time: 6624.78

would want to repeat again I certainly

Time: 6626.76

would not want to be in that state for

Time: 6628.44

learning new material when I sit down to

Time: 6630.119

research a podcast or research papers in

Time: 6632.28

my lab or forage for information or

Time: 6634.56

learn from people or books or lectures

Time: 6636.54

or podcasts I want to be in a state of

Time: 6638.76

alertness but calm where I can really

Time: 6640.8

consider the ideas where I can script

Time: 6642.78

things out by hand I'm a big believer in

Time: 6644.34

writing things out by hand to remember

Time: 6645.54

them later drawing little diagrams I

Time: 6647.88

would not want to be in the state that

Time: 6649.86

even that very low dose of our modafinil

Time: 6652.199

put me in in order to learn and I should

Time: 6654.54

mention that both modafinil and

Time: 6655.92

armodafinil are associated with a good

Time: 6658.44

number of side effects if they don't

Time: 6660.36

agree with you or if the dosage is too

Time: 6661.86

high things like decreased appetite

Time: 6663.84

people get a run nose headache there's

Time: 6666.719

this instance of skin rashes in fact one

Time: 6670.32

of the reasons why modafinil and arm

Time: 6672.54

modafinil aren't more broadly prescribed

Time: 6674.58

is that there's a very rare skin

Time: 6676.199

condition in which people who have taken

Time: 6680.28

certain drugs not just modafin or arm

Time: 6682.199

modafinil have developed these very

Time: 6684.48


Time: 6685.739

burn type blisters and in some cases

Time: 6687.9

this can be fatal this is again very

Time: 6690.3

rare and it was observed in at least one

Time: 6693.239

patient who took modafinil as part of a

Time: 6696.54

trial for modafinil as a treatment for

Time: 6698.4

ADHD it's called Stevens-Johnson

Time: 6700.139

syndrome please if you are squeamish to

Time: 6702.119

images of skin abrasions and lesions and

Time: 6705

things of that sort please don't look it

Time: 6706.8

up on the internet unless you're able to

Time: 6708.9

handle that and maybe not at all but the

Time: 6711.659

point here is that

Time: 6713.46

one of the reasons that modafinil in our

Time: 6715.56

modafinil are not more widely prescribed

Time: 6717.54

for ADHD and that it's still only

Time: 6719.28

prescribed off label

Time: 6721.44

is that Stephen Johnson syndrome was

Time: 6724.92

flagged as kind of a potential risk

Time: 6727.199

although the ADHD

Time: 6729.84

specialist that I spoke to are somewhat

Time: 6732.06

frustrated with that because they insist

Time: 6733.86

that the frequency of this syndrome that

Time: 6736.92

causes the skin rash that's sometimes

Time: 6738.42

fatal is no more frequent in those that

Time: 6740.76

took modafinil in this trial than with

Time: 6743.04

other drugs that have been approved so

Time: 6744.719

this gets into all sorts of issues

Time: 6746.4

around what drugs make it to approval

Time: 6748.26

and which ones don't and as we know

Time: 6750.239

modafinil and or modafinil are already

Time: 6752.4

being prescribed in the general

Time: 6753.719

population for other things this was

Time: 6755.94

dealing specifically with the question

Time: 6757.26

of whether or not it should be

Time: 6758.94

prescribed in kids with ADHD and

Time: 6761.159

certainly I am a proponent of exerting

Time: 6765.239

Extreme Caution when thinking about

Time: 6767.34

which drugs should be approved for the

Time: 6769.08

treatment of anybody but especially kids

Time: 6771.119

and to round out our discussion of drugs

Time: 6775.02

used for the treatment of ADHD that fall

Time: 6777.6

into let's call it the atypical category

Time: 6779.76

right the typical category being

Time: 6781.44

Adderall Vyvanse methylphenidate and

Time: 6784.5

things of that variety the less typical

Time: 6787.02

would be modafinil armodafone proprion

Time: 6790.619


Time: 6792

and so forth

Time: 6793.86

the last in this category of atypical is

Time: 6796.619

guanfacine guanfacine is an interesting

Time: 6799.32

compound it's a compound that was

Time: 6801

developed to lower blood pressure and

Time: 6802.8

indeed it does lower blood pressure and

Time: 6805.32

it is an alpha 2A Agonist Alpha 2A being

Time: 6809.94

a receptor for norepinephrine so

Time: 6813.9

guanfacine is a non-stimulant medication

Time: 6816.239

to treat ADHD and it's also used to

Time: 6818.639

treat some other conditions as well that

Time: 6821.04

is only working on the noradrenergic

Time: 6824.4

system it is not tapping into the

Time: 6826.32

dopamine system but all the other stuff

Time: 6828.06

that we talked about is really ramping

Time: 6830.58

up dopamine and norepinephrine

Time: 6833.78

guanfacine is only increasing

Time: 6835.619

norepinephrine and it's doing so by what

Time: 6837.96

we say agonizing or stimulating one

Time: 6841.139

particular aspect of the noradrenergic

Time: 6843.06

system and that's the alpha 2A system

Time: 6845.639

what's interesting about guanfacine is

Time: 6848.52

that it has a bunch of Pathways that it

Time: 6850.619

activates that feed back onto the

Time: 6853.679

autonomic nervous system to dampen down

Time: 6856.34

the activation of the sympathetic

Time: 6858.659

nervous system so whereas most of what

Time: 6860.639

we talked about today are

Time: 6861.739

sympathomimetics they tend to make us

Time: 6863.46

more ramped up more aroused and alert

Time: 6865.76

guanfacine is doing the opposite and as

Time: 6868.02

a consequence it's not prescribed that

Time: 6870.6

often because a lot of times when people

Time: 6872.52

take guanfacine it either has no effect

Time: 6874.8

on ADHD symptoms or it tends to make

Time: 6877.44

people feel very sleepy however there's

Time: 6879.719

a small subset of individuals by about

Time: 6882

five to ten percent of people that try

Time: 6883.98

it including kids that do get some

Time: 6887.58

significant relief from their ADHD

Time: 6889.32

symptoms and they seem to tolerate

Time: 6891.48

guanfacine better than they're

Time: 6892.86

tolerating some of the other drugs that

Time: 6894.36

we've talked about up until now the way

Time: 6896.34

guanfacine works is also really

Time: 6897.96

interesting you're now familiar with the

Time: 6900

locus ceruleus this little packet or we

Time: 6902.699

call it a nucleus of neurons in the back

Time: 6904.5

of the brain that release norepine

Time: 6905.58

different at other sites in the brain

Time: 6907.139

and they're going to be those Alpha 2A

Time: 6909.239

receptors that guanfacine works on and

Time: 6912.06

stimulates lots of different places in

Time: 6914.28

the brain related to increasing salience

Time: 6916.44

and relevance of particular stimuli that

Time: 6919.44

we see and that we need to attend to it

Time: 6921.659

appears that guanfacine can activate the

Time: 6924.9

prefrontal cortical networks in ways

Time: 6927.96

that are above their normal Baseline so

Time: 6930

that's good so improvements in executive

Time: 6931.679

function that Orchestra or teacher-like

Time: 6933.42

function we talked about before and can

Time: 6935.639

increase the efficacy of that output

Time: 6938.28

from Locus ceruleus and what that seems

Time: 6940.98

to do is increase the coordinated firing

Time: 6943.32

of locus ceruleus neurons with

Time: 6945.239

prefrontal cortex so in many ways it's

Time: 6947.34

acting like a fine-tuning of that

Time: 6949.619

Orchestra conductor operation that is so

Time: 6952.8

valuable in teaching these brain

Time: 6954.78

circuits during childhood of how to

Time: 6956.52

attend to one thing and ignore

Time: 6957.96

everything else so this is one reason

Time: 6959.82

why guanfacine is now approved not just

Time: 6961.8

for adults with ADHD but it's primarily

Time: 6964.44

used in kids age 6 to 17 years old for

Time: 6968.94

the treatment of ADHD again with the

Time: 6970.86

hope that these kids can take the drug

Time: 6972.84

and these circuits can learn how to

Time: 6974.82

focus and how to

Time: 6976.619

attend to certain things and limit

Time: 6978.42

impulsivity and hyperactivity

Time: 6980.58

and then perhaps come off the drugs

Time: 6982.56

although sometimes again people have to

Time: 6984.179

stay on them indefinitely the other

Time: 6986.52

thing about guanfacine is that because

Time: 6987.78

it lowers blood pressure and it has this

Time: 6990.3

effect of kind of dampening down overall

Time: 6992.159

sympathetic arousal sometimes it is

Time: 6994.26

prescribed in conjunction with other

Time: 6996.06

ADHD meds so yes there are kids out

Time: 6999.06

there and adults out there who are

Time: 7000.26

taking Adderall and guanfacine where

Time: 7002.84

they're taking Vyvanse and guanfacine

Time: 7004.639

and this is where it starts to get into

Time: 7006.139

drug cocktails and a bunch of other

Time: 7008

things that gets everybody a little bit

Time: 7010.52

uncomfortable I think because the idea

Time: 7012.5

of taking one drug to dampen down the

Time: 7014.06

side effects of another drug and to

Time: 7015.679

offset things and compensate you know is

Time: 7018.08

getting towards what's called poly

Time: 7019.4


Time: 7020.78

and uh you know I think it's

Time: 7022.34

understandable that people be concerned

Time: 7023.96

about that and yet

Time: 7025.58

again in reviewing this with some of the

Time: 7027.739

experts on ADHD there do seem to be a

Time: 7030.38

certain category of children out there

Time: 7032

and adults who really struggle with the

Time: 7034.159

standard ADHD meds and in that case

Time: 7036.739

guanfacine has provided a certain number

Time: 7038.84

of these individuals tremendous relief

Time: 7040.76

one note about guanfacine in no way

Time: 7043.639

shape or form am I encouraging anyone

Time: 7045.26

who's not prescribed guanfacine to take

Time: 7046.88

it but should you know someone who's

Time: 7049.28

taking guanfacine off label in order to

Time: 7051.5

improve their focus or enhance any

Time: 7054.8

aspect of their biology or psychology

Time: 7056.719

please let them know that it has a

Time: 7058.76

profound effect on lowering the

Time: 7060.26

tolerance for alcohol such that even

Time: 7062.06

small amounts of alcohol can lead to

Time: 7064.159

really serious problems and even

Time: 7066.02

potentially death so that's a very

Time: 7068.3

serious warning with guanfacine so today

Time: 7071.42

we discussed a lot of different

Time: 7072.679

compounds for the treatment of ADHD and

Time: 7074.84

it now should become clear what the

Time: 7077.06

general themes of those compounds is the

Time: 7079.82

general theme is that they tend to

Time: 7081.8

increase overall levels of arousal and

Time: 7084.199

wakefulness which leads to decreased

Time: 7087.08

levels of hyperactivity impulsivity and

Time: 7089.599

focus and on the face of it that might

Time: 7091.88

seem counter-intuitive raise arousal to

Time: 7094.04

reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity

Time: 7095.78

indeed that's the case because these

Time: 7098.179

compounds because they act on

Time: 7100.119

neuromodulator systems like dopamine and

Time: 7102.56

norepine epinephrine are effective in

Time: 7105.08

creating neuroplasticity they change the

Time: 7107

strength of the connections in the

Time: 7108.38

neural circuits of the brain that lead

Time: 7110.179

to states of heightened focus and

Time: 7112.52

reduced impulsivity and reduced

Time: 7114.38

hyperactivity so we talked about the

Time: 7116.3

different mechanisms by which the

Time: 7117.8

different medications for ADHD

Time: 7119.36

accomplish this both the typical sort

Time: 7121.88

like methylphenidate and adderall and

Time: 7124.219

vivance and some of the atypical

Time: 7126.08

compounds that are now being used in

Time: 7127.94

addition such as modafinil or modafinil

Time: 7131.119

guanfacine and Wellbutrin and where

Time: 7133.639

possible I tried to highlight both the

Time: 7135.679

short and long-term effects of these

Time: 7137.96

various compounds and I try to address

Time: 7140.84

some of the major concerns about these

Time: 7142.76

compounds most notably the question of

Time: 7144.8

why are we putting so many kids on

Time: 7147.08

amphetamine and what is the long-term

Time: 7148.82

consequence of that and throughout

Time: 7150.619

today's episode I tried to highlight

Time: 7152

both the immediate and long-term

Time: 7153.739

benefits but also the immediate and

Time: 7155.42

long-term risks that can exist with

Time: 7157.46

these compounds certainly when taken

Time: 7159.56

without a prescription recreationally

Time: 7161.54

there is a real risk for abuse and

Time: 7165.38

addiction as well as even a risk for

Time: 7167.78

psychotic episodes but also the risks

Time: 7170.239

that accompany long-term use of these

Time: 7171.86

drugs in people with ADHD and yet it is

Time: 7174.92

also clear that not treating the

Time: 7176.719

symptoms of ADHD carry significant risk

Time: 7179.54

as well and what's very clear from the

Time: 7181.58

scientific and clinical literature and

Time: 7183.44

is covered in a significant amount of

Time: 7184.94

detail in the episode that I did about

Time: 7187.52

ADHD which you can find at

Time: 7189.199 is that combinations of

Time: 7192.5

drug treatments and behavioral protocols

Time: 7194.54

seem to surpass either drug treatments

Time: 7197.659

or behavioral protocols alone speaking

Time: 7200.36

to the tremendous importance of

Time: 7202.219

combining multiple methodologies when

Time: 7204.5

treating ADHD and working with a

Time: 7206.36

board-certified psychiatrist who really

Time: 7208.04

understands ADHD and is really up to

Time: 7210.619

date on all the latest scientific and

Time: 7212.659

clinical literature

Time: 7213.98

if you're learning from and or enjoying

Time: 7215.54

this podcast please subscribe to our

Time: 7217.34

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Time: 7219.08

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Time: 7221.179

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Time: 7223.159

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Time: 7224.96

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Time: 7227.119

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Time: 7228.8

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Time: 7230.179

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Time: 7232.099

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Time: 7234.56

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Time: 7236.36

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Time: 7238.28

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Time: 7239.599

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Time: 7241.639

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Time: 7243.38

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Time: 7245.3

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Time: 7246.86

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Time: 7249.26

discuss supplements while supplements

Time: 7250.82

aren't necessary for everybody many

Time: 7252.5

people derive tremendous benefit from

Time: 7254.06

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Time: 7255.679

hormone support as well as Focus the

Time: 7258.8

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Time: 7260.3

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Time: 7262.159

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Time: 7263.3

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Time: 7264.619

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Time: 7267.56

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Time: 7271.04

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Time: 7272.3

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Time: 7275.42

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Time: 7277.46

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Time: 7279.56

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Time: 7281

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Time: 7282.98

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Time: 7284.48

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Time: 7285.92

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Time: 7287.78

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Time: 7289.52

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Time: 7291.32

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Time: 7292.76

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Time: 7294.5

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Time: 7296.96

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Time: 7298.94

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Time: 7301.04

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Time: 7303.32

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Time: 7305

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Time: 7307.639

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Time: 7309.08

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Time: 7311.659

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Time: 7313.28

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Time: 7315.26

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Time: 7317.119

me for today's discussion all about

Time: 7319.159

pharmaceutical interventions for the

Time: 7321.02

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Time: 7324.08

not least thank you for your interest in

Time: 7326.179


Time: 7326.8


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