WHAT I EAT in a DAY - Andrea Larosa

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Today I’m going to show you a full day of eating.

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A lot of people ask me what I do usually eat, so I decided to do this video.

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Usually my breakfast is some milk + coffee flavor whey protein + Instant Oats.

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I do shake and then I add some cereals wish some chocolate flakes.

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This is one of the easiest and fastest breakfast during my week.

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It’s a good amount of carbs and proteins.

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Now I do eat, otherwise the cereals will be watered down.

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I know what are you thinking right now.

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“Why did he put the milk first and then the cereals?”

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Because this is how I do it ahah.

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Let me know with a comment below if you put in the bowl the milk or the cereals first.

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Let's start the day.

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Time for lunch.

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I know you may think it is a sad meal, but I do love it.

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Rice with a little bit of parmesan + boiled spinach with parmesan.

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Not much parmesan, just a little bit.

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The quantity of the rice changes every time, some time is more, some time less, it all depends by what I do train in the afternoon.

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I do usually take 4-5 table spoon of rice.

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Spinach is to assimilate better the lunch.

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In this meal I do usually eat only carbs.

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Because I have to train in less than 2 hours.

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All I need is some energies.

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Waiting for people commenting “this is sad, you don’t enjoy life”.

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Not true, the rice can’t get you tired, because is almost tasteless.

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This is basmati rice.

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Workout done.

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I didn’t record much, otherwise the video will be too long.

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Post workout, recovery aminos, orange flavor.

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I will leave the link of the store in the description if you want to read the nutritional values or buy it.

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Discount Code: larosaFSG.

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Now time to come back home and I do a quick snack.

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Meal post workout: a banana.

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Very quick snack, I do take a shower and then I’ll show you my dinner.

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It’s dinner time.

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A few slices of toasted bread + eggs and tomatoes.

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Bread for carbs, the white of the eggs for proteins, the yolk for some fats.

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Now greek yoghurt with some cereal flakes.

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I know you are thinking that I do not eat much, sad life etc.

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But if you want to maximize your progress and performances, staying fit, happy with your body etc.

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you need to workout, have the dedication, proper rest, diet and supplements.

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You need to see the food as energy source and nothing else.

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Let me know if you want a similar video.

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If you are interested I could record a new one in the future.

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If you enjoyed the video please press the “Like” button and share it with your friends.

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Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel if you haven’t yet.

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The more subscribers the better the quality of the videos will be.

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See you soon.

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