Weighted Vests Challenge (Comparison)
Calisthenics with extra weight!
Today I have 4 different weighted vests
I’m going to test every gilet and tell you what I think about them.
Is it possible to train comfortably with these vests?
I’ll start with the cheapest and lighter of the group
But before getting started I remind you to visit andrealarosa.fit for my calisthenics programs.
All link in description.
Once you become strong on the basics you can either train harder bodyweight variations or add extra weight!
Speaking of extra weight, 1st vest of the day!
This is probably for running,
I have bought it from Decathlon at 19€ and it adds 5 kgs (11 LBS).
I don’t think this vest is available anymore (at least in Italy)
Now you can find similar vests at slightly higher price.
This is how it looks, I don’ like much the color but at least it’s nice and comfortable to wear.
You can adapt the vestability with the help of the strap.
I like this vest because it isn’t bulky, and you can bring it with you everywhere
So you can use it at the park with some extra weight.
Now I’m going to test it with a couple of exercises.
It’s pretty comfortable to wear,
obviously you can’t go all the way down, but the range of motion is still pretty good.
Let’s see how it is to do some push ups on the ground.
The range of motion is good, you can train properly.
Let’s do some dips.
I like it, a lot.
8,5 on a scale of 1 to 10.
If you want more Kgs this is not the vest for you. The price for this product is great anyway.
Now, let’s talk about Chris Heria’s weighted vest. 189$ (173€).
If you do not live in USA and you buy this, keep in mind the customs, at least in Italy the price increase a lot.
The weigh vest can add up to 16 kgs (35 LBS)
It has multiple little bags, every bag can be filled with a 900 grams (2 LBS) weight for a maximum weight of 16 kgs (35 LBS).
I love the aesthetic of this weighted vest, it’s super cool.
Just grab it from there and…
Let’s try it with some push ups.
As for most weighted vest, the range of motion decrease a little, but this is not a big problem.
I’m testing it with all the weights inside the vest
currently I have +16 kgs (+35 LBS) on my body.
I have to say that the exercises are harder with this weight.
Would I bring this weighted vest at the park with me daily? I don’t know
probably I’d choose to bring it with half of the weight, so it would be more comfortable.
I’d probably choose +8 kgs (18 LBS) for street workouts.
The weighted vest has some straps so you can regulate to every body type (almost).
It’s super comfortable, doesn’t move at all during the exercises.
You can train everything with this type of vest, even handstand push ups!
You can feel the extra weight, and doesn’t move during the workout.
If you live in Italy and buy it, keep in mind the extra money for the customs.
9 on a scale of 1 to 10. I like it, a lot.
Now, next weighted vest.
I see no logos, so I don’t know the brand.
It can weight up to 18 kgs (40 lbs)
I don’t know the cost, probably between 40€ and 70€. Compared to the previous vest, this is much bigger and bulkier.
Probably not the best choice for advanced calisthenics exercises.
Looks like a smock.
It’s bigger than me.
You can clearly see how much it moves on my body during the exercises.
Range of motion decreases a lot with this vest.
I won’t even try this vest.
I mean, if you can use it for free it’s okay, maybe you can find it in the gym, but in my opinion better to save your money for something else.
4 on a scale of 1 to 10.
Last vest of the video.
This is the future.
Kensui fitness.
The first time I saw this vest I thought:
“this is so stupid…
“this is so stupid…I’ll buy 3 of these.”
This is a basic but very well studied idea.
I have already tried a few weeks ago with Simone and Filippo.
You can find the video where I use it for the 1st time up here.
This is perfect if you train in the gym.
If you go to the park, you need to bring some plates with you, because the vest without discs weights 2,5 kgs (5,5 LBS).
The price is around 235€ (255$).
You can add up to 135 kgs!!! (300 lbs).
You can buy different extra “sleeves” depending on your final goal.
Let’s add +5kgs (11 LBS) here on the front.
+20kgs (+44 LBS) on the back.
Now the vest weights 27,5kgs! (60 LBS!)
Now, there is a little problem, you have to know how to put this vest by yourself, this is how I do it.
Once you understand how to handle it it becomes pretty easy, also super comfortable if you have a friend that helps you.
If you train in the gym you can keep adding extra discs to reach your final goal.
This is great.
I want to say that I’m not paid by any brand for this video, this is just my opinion.
As you can see, you can’t do some exercises with full range of motion, but with an extra of 20-30€ you can buy different “sleeves”.
Just remove this and put the extra short one.
1st time I have tried this I thought “I could never wear this vest without the help of someone”
I was wrong, once you understand, you can do it without help.
I love the idea of having discs on my body, even if it’s strange.
It’s a little pricey, but it’s understandable since this product is unique.
+5kgs (+11 LBS) From Decathlon, if you can find it at 19€ it’s a must.
Chris Heria’s vest, keep in mind it ships from USA, so the price will increase with customs,
but it’s very good, comfortable and you can do all the calisthenics exercise you want.
About the unknown vest... I don’t like it.
About the kensui fitness, this is the future.
Comfortable and cool.
If you have some extra money and you love to train, this is a great option.
I’ll leave the final words to you.
Leave a comment below if you know better weighted vests,
maybe I can record a new comparison in the future.
Remember to visit my websites to train with my programs.
Don’t forget andrealarosapro.com for 1 new exclusive calisthenics routine every week.
Before ending the video, let me know if you’d like to see me record some vlogs of weighted calisthenics.
Not street lifting, but weighted calisthenics.
The difference is the final goal. Street lifting is to hit new PRs in the long run
While weighted calisthenics is more volume, with a medium-low extra weight. Better for aesthetic and staying healthy in my opinion.
I have recorded calisthenics skills for the past 10 years and I have nothing new to record. (Except for some tutorials)
You all know I love to train with my own bodyweight,
but this year I could start recording 1 new training video every week with some extra weight to renew some interest in my videos.
Just let me know if you like the idea with a comment below.
See you soon.