Weighted Planche + 90° Push ups. Calisthenics Chronicles [EP.05]
Push day!
I’m going to do some planche lean push ups next for proper muscle activation.
then I’ll add extra weight
The floor is slippery, the parallettes tends to move.
The good thing is I don’t have to do Maltese Planches today.
Visit andrealarosa.fit for my programs. The link is in description.
Also, visit andrealarosapro.com for extra exclusive routines every week.
Every 7 days you will be able to see a new routine (harder than the previous one).
I have received some good feedback about it, so give it a try.
I have decided to attempt a couple of planche holds before adding discs to the weight vest.
Why? Why not.
I know you all like planches and skills, so here it is.
2 minutes have passed
I think I’m ready to do it again.
I’ll probably be full of pain everywhere in a couple of days.
This is the very first time trying a weighted planche.
At the moment I don’t have any particular problem, so I’m going to take advantage of it.
I lost the balance, I have leaned too much ahah…Such a shame
Let’s get back to the strengthening exercises.
You know...my final goal is not to become stronger and stronger,
I prefer doing volume workouts for hypertrophy.
But today I feel good, so I’d like to increase the weight a bit.
10kgs + 10kgs + 2,5kgs + 2,5kgs For a total of +25kgs.
Today is my very first attempt at a 90° push up with an extra weight that is more than +10kgs.
Don’t come at me saying “that’s not true”.
It’s actually true
With all due respect I know myself better than you.
1 repetition of 90° push up + 25kgs, let’s see.
This is the time to press the like button and leave a comment below if you wanna give me motivation
I feel the pressure of the moment.
Due to the size of this disc I can’t really lockout my elbow without touching it,
so I’m going to widen the parallettes a bit and keep my elbows out.
I can probably do a 90° push up with +30kgs.
You see, I can’t lockout my elbows, the only way is to widen the parallettes.
Such a shame I didn’t think about it, otherwise I’d put the big disc on my back.
Now I’m going to remove this disc and put a 5kgs disc instead
For a total of +20kgs.
Now bodyweight handstand push ups on the ground.
I haven’t trained handstand on the ground at all in the last few months,
I feel like I’m not maintaining the proper form with extra weight.
It’s crazy how I feel way stronger with only 3 or 4 sessions with extra weight.
But on the other hand, the balance and the form it’s super bad now.
With the weighted vest the activation is completely different.
This means I still have to do bodyweight handstands every once in a while to maintain the proper form.
Remember, all my websites are in description.
Let me know if you’d like to see more vlogs like this or tutorials.
I’m currently focusing on myself, but if there is interest I can start recording tutorials again in the near future.
See you soon.
Super satisfied today.