The Routine of a 1.95m TALL guy
Today we have a special guest: Francesco.
Francesco: Hi!
He’s been into calisthenics for years
He is special, because he is super tall with very long levers and great skills form.
You probably have already noticed from the previous muscle ups and front lever clips.
The final goal of the video is to show you that calisthenics is for everyone!
Starting age doesn’t matter Your weight doesn’t matter Your height doesn’t matter
There is always a way to train, progress and reach great levels!
Also you don’t need 10.000 machines, all you need is a bar, some parallettes and elastic bands.
Now I’m going to let Francesco speaks, so he can introduces himself
Hi everyone, I’m Francesco and I’m a personal trainer and calisthenics coach
I have started my fitness journey 11 years ago
The first couple of years I have worked out in the gym, then an old friend introduced me to the wonderful world of Calisthenics.
I’m currently studying physical education. Since I have discovered this type of training has become my lifestyle.
It gave me great satisfactions.
He started at 21 years old, it’s not too old, because the world is full of people who starts at 30, 35, 40…
...but it’s not even gymnast age, like 7-8 years old.
Then if we take into consideration his levers and height, you should understand that everything is possible when you have a passion and you believe in yourself.
If I may give a suggestion to someone tall like me, is to work on flexibility and mobility exercises.
Also don’t forget to focus on the basics like Pull ups, push ups, abs exercises.
Don’t rush the process and learn to listen to your body.
You can do it! Even if you are tall!
Maybe it takes a little more patience, but the satisfaction is incomparable to any other thing.
In a few words: Always work on your mobility! Don’t forget to stretch your muscles at the end of your sessions (or on rest days)
And get passionate about it.
Don’t think too much about the final goal, 10 months or 20 months to reach a goal is not important!
Just train smart and have fun!
Just think about how many different bodyweight variations exist!
Like the supinated grip muscle up! Mind blowing!
Remember to visit my latest website:
for a new exclusive calisthenics routine every 7 days. First 7 days are free.
The routine becomes harder every week so you can improve your bodyweight exercises and skills gradually. Remember to repeat the routine 2-4 times per week!
You can also visit for my 4 weeks digital programs.
You can download them directly on your smartphone.
Thank you all for the support as always.
Huge thanks to Francesco for the workout session.
Francesco: Thank you for the opportunity!
You remembered me of the existence of the supinated grip muscle up ahah
It’s super cool, because you never know how many variations you can do with calisthenics.
See you soon guys!