The Impossible Dip Tutorial

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“TED” & “Impossible Dip” are basically the same exercise, but I like to differentiate them.

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When I say “TED” It’s just a triceps extension dip with shoulder in line with the elbow.

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While for “Impossible Dip” I mean when the shoulder are back the line of the elbow.

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This is much harder, because you need to activate much more your lats and core muscles

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and the first part of the movement it’s little heavier.

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10 reps per exercise and arm.

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This is a good way of warming up before any ted exercise.

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For this exercise you can change how many reps you should do depending on the resistance band.

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Use a loop band that let you do 10-5 reps per set with ease. 1-2 sets.

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Once you are warmed up you can start training the movement.

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The following exercise is a good way of warming up if you are an advanced athlete.

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(This is great to get used without putting too much stress on the joints while doing a lot of reps per set.)

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If you lean back you need to engage more your core muscles (and in my opinion it’s little easier on the triceps)

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Once you can do 3-4 sets x 15-20 reps with ease, you should do the harder variation.

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It’s basically the same exercise but without the knees on the ground.

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Keep in mind that I didn’t learn the TED with these exercise,

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but I’d highly suggest you to do it for few weeks.

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If you don’t have any type of pain you should work on these exercises 2 per week.

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Work on these push ups until you are able to do 3-5 sets x 12-8 reps and you should be very near the TED

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You only need some specific training.

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Talking about specific training, here are my favorite exercises.

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If you train in a gym you can put some steps under your feet to choose the right position for you.

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This exercise is very uncomfortable, but if you are able to help yourself as little as necessary to do 6-3 reps per set, your progress will skyrocket.

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If you have never trained this, you should start with half range of motion

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As you can see, the feet should help you as little as necessary to overcome the sticking point.

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You can help yourself with an elastic band if you can’t find the right difficulty with feet on the ground.

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The more you go down the more the help of the elastic band.

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Choose an elastic band that help you just enough to complete 6-3 reps per set.

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Once you have found the right elastic band you can add an L-sit hold,

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By doing so the exercise becomes a little easier due to the lever change.

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So keep in mind this trick to change the difficulty of the set as you like.

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A great solution to use the full potential of the elastic band is to put your feet on it.

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This is great during the first few weeks of training.

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As I have said before, if the movement is too difficult just start with a partial range of motion.

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Work on positive and negatives during the sets, but as soon as you feel your body is ready to take the beating, you should work on slow negatives,

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great to increase the strength (but only once you are already used to the movement)

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Sets of 1. A lot of sets.

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You should do negatives ONLY if you have already worked with the help of an elastic band for some weeks/months.

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Don’t rush the process.

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Be careful!

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These exercises can be stressful for your body if you haven’t prepared for it step by step.

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Anyway, these are my favorite exercises for TED/Impossible dip.

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Please, let me know with a comment which tutorial you’d like to see next.

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Don't forget to visit for extra exclusive routines every week.

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If you sign up to the advanced program you will find routines to improve your One Pull ups, Planche, Front Lever, Back Lever and Muscle ups.

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Also visit for digital workout programs (PDF Files) to download directly on your smartphone.

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Great if you train at the park or at home.

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See you soon.

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