RAW Vlog - Calisthenics Workout 2023

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Back in the gym!

Time: 1.555

Today we are going to record some random calisthenics exercises

Time: 5.956

I have said “we are going to…” because I will train with a friend of mine, he will motivate me.

Time: 12.374

It’s winter, it’s pretty cold, I’m full of clothes because I like to stay warm before my warming up,

Time: 19.659

I haven’t showed you my new haircut, at least here on Youtube

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The guys who follows me on Instagram and TikTok have already seen this.

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Time: 30.09

Today we are in the gym (Freetime Sporting Club in Rome)

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We’ll go with the flow.

Time: 40.723

Hardest part of the workout: The Warm up.

Time: 44.118

Especially when you train every day.

Time: 47.407

It’s Friday, I do usually record these youtube videos after a good week of workouts, because I don’t like to have the camera while training.

Time: 77.138

I have had a vegetable soup as lunch.

Time: 84.07

I needed some extra energies, so I have took a pre-workout too.

Time: 89.935

Chri: "Pasta al ragù" for me!

Time: 95.817

I’m still warming up, but my muscles are already on fire, full of pump.

Time: 99.621

Maybe too much pump already.

Time: 103.874

I feel like *proof*

Time: 123.7

I know guys, I’d like to do advanced skills again too.

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I know a lot of you follows me for the skills, But I don’t like to train extreme skills if my body is not 100%.

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So I’d like to try them again, but step by step during the 2023.

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But it must be worth it, otherwise I won’t.

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This is why I need your support with a comment.

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I need your energy for this 2023.

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The last 3-4 years have been pretty rough for my mental health, so I do really need your support to keep going another year.

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It’s not easy to record videos every week, especially with calisthenics.

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This is why there aren’t many Youtubers who upload weekly videos about calisthenics (at least in Italy).

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It's not easy. Also the body must be healthy, otherwise it's too dangerous.

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Also, there aren’t many views for this type of videos, so it’s not easy at all for me.

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Chri: Perfect!

Time: 199.544

Like a table!

Time: 205.95

That was like a table!

Time: 218.022

Chri: Pelvis!

Time: 220.218

Great, like this!

Time: 237.23

Chri: Beautiful!

Time: 242.513

This push up was better than the previous ones.

Time: 260.865

Chri: So, I’m currently playing Pokèmon Violet, and as everyone knows, the starter is always one of the hardest choice to make.

Time: 270.396

Which one do you think I have got?

Time: 277.555

Andrea said this one.

Time: 350.028

My elbows hurts during the muscle up

Time: 372.218

snack time!

Time: 374.687

Now that I feel warmed up, I can try some harder skills.

Time: 378.46

If you wanna try these energy bars use discount code: larosaFSG on Foodspring website (only Europe).

Time: 510.355

That was a good session, especially the end with the maltese and muscle ups sets.

Time: 523.096

Visit www.andrealarosa.fit for my calisthenics programs.

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You will find all basics exercises, you only need a few push ups and pull ups to start following the Beginner program.

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Thanks to Christian for the motivation.

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Chi: Always a pleasure!

Time: 542.679

Please let me know what you’d like to see next, vlogs, basics routines, tutorials or whatever.

Time: 552.227

Visit www.andrealarosa.fit for my calisthenics programs.

Time: 554.859

See ya!

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