My INSTAGRAM Followers Decides my WORKOUT

Time: 0.94

Yo guys, today the video will be different from usual, because you have decided what I have to do in my next workout!

Time: 7.12

It is my rest day, so I take advantage to record something new.

Time: 11.3

I used my Instagram Profile to ask to my followers some Core/ABS and Push/Pull exercises.

Time: 20.58

I choose 4 options per exercises, and then I did a survey to see the most voted one.

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About the Core/ABS

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you asked me tough circuits and some people asked me to do legs instead of core.

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leg presses, pistol squats etc. a lot of unrelated things (LOL).

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At the end, the options I have chosen for the survey are:

Time: 47.12

L-sit to V-sit 10 times.

Time: 49.18

(10 toes to bar + 10” L-sit hanging at the bar + 40” Hollow Body Position) x 5 Times. Without rest.

Time: 59.24

3rd option: 10 Knee Raises + 10 Leg Raises + 10 Toes to Bar + MAX L-sit hold.

Time: 70.32

And then, Dragonflag, since everyone asked me “Dragonflag, dragonflag, weighted dragonflag” etc.

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And the winner is…

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The Dragon Flag!

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So, now I will go to the gym, I will do a quick warm up and then I’ll do the Dragonflag.

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I will do some sets with extra weight and some bodyweight sets, so no one will complain!

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The number of Sets and Reps wasn't indicated, so I will do a classic 5 x 5.

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Let’s go to the gym!…

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…But first, press the “Like” Button, if we will reach 15.000 of likes, I will record another video like this one.

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Also, subscribe to my channel, you only need 3 seconds to click the “Subscribe” Button and it is a HUGE help for me.

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I have extra weight now, it’s +3kg (+6,6 LBS).

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But is going to be difficult for sure, since all the extra weight is on my ankles.

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Let’s see what happens, 1st time ever.

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I’m feeling the pressure ahah.

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The only problem is, my back compression.

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The extra weight is perfect

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the exercise is way harder now, but not over my limit, so I can control every repetition.

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I will point my feet for the last set, otherwise I will receive the classic question “WhY Don’t YoU pOint yoUr FEet?”.

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The truth is, that I like doing the dragonflag without pointing the feet, it’s cooler to see.

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Of course if I point my feet, I can engage better my muscles, but aesthetics before everything.

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Sometimes I like to point my feet like gymnasts, sometimes no, that’s it.

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...I need to take my phone, so I can see the Push/Pull exercises you have chosen.

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About the “Push” and “Pull” Exercises, I received A LOT of messages!

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You asked me to max out push ups, pull ups, dips

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someone said “MAX Push ups + MAX Pull ups + MAX Dips without REST between each ex”

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One Arm Front Lever, Maltese Presses etc.

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But at the end, I have chosen the 4 most interesting options for the survey:

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90° Push ups on Rings and Front Lever Pulls.

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5 reps of 90° Push ups + 8 Handstand Push Ups + 10 Muscle Ups + 10 Pull ups.

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Then someone said “Sleep” ahah.

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Last option was 100 push ups and 50 pull ups.

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The winner of the survey is…

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...SLEEP! So, my workout will be all about sleeping!

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Random Guy: “Sleep” is not the winner!

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Andrea: “Yes, sleep is the winner.”

Time: 461.7

Well, at least I tried...

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the real winner is 90° PU on Rings + Front Lever Pulls.

Time: 469.34

No sets/reps indicated, so I will do about 5 sets.

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Let’s start the interesting part of the workout.

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I think, I have one ring higher than the other one, so the stability wasn't 100%.

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I don’t know if the execution was correct, but it doesn’t matter, I will count this as my 1st set anyway.

Time: 549.26

I can’t reach the full handstand, because I have the bar, and I don’t want to touch it.

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So, today I will focus more on “strengthening” my muscles rather than the “quality” of the movement.

Time: 604.1

I started with 5 repetitions per exercise and now I’m decreasing 1 repetition set after set. (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)

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I keep feeling a slight asymmetry between my right and left arm.

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I don’t usually feel asymmetry, so the problem is either about the rings position or about my body ahaha.

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To do a superset like this, is quite challenging, especially for the core and the nervous system, because there is no rest.

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If you are able to do 90° Push ups on Rings and Front Lever Pulls, you have to try it!

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It’s a good way to decrease the length of your training.

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One Last set to go.

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I finished my workout, now it’s time to recover!

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I received a lot of funny suggestions

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like a pizza,

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porchetta sandwich,

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a Blueberry

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1 Apple...because an Apple a day keeps the doctor away,

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classic whey proteins.

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Since you guys love me, you almost all voted for 1 Blueberry ahah.

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You could say something like “10 Blueberries” at least ahah.

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Please click the “Like” Button if you enjoyed the video

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if we reach 15000 likes, I’m going to record a new video like this one where you will choose what I have to do.

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Also, don’t forget to leave me a comment under this video, so I can have a honest feedback.

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And follow me on Instagram @larosa_sw

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so you can see all my future posts, stories and decide what should I do for my next youtube videos.

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