How Fringe Predicted Our Real Future...

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hey guys Tyler here as viewers of this

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channel may know Fringe is one of my

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favorite shows of all time a science

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fiction drama that aired on the Fox

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network from 2008 to 2013. Fringe

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follows a division of the FBI tasked

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with investigating strange events using

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fringe science no it's not just the

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X-Files it's different okay I swear in

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season 2 we're introduced to a parallel

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universe that's more technologically

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advanced but whose environment has been

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badly damaged by so-called soft spots

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disturbances in the fabric of space and

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time fringes alternate universe has long

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been fascinating to me and in this video

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I'd like to highlight some aspects of

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their alternate reality that have been

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prescient in predicting our real future

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let's get started

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broadly speaking I think the differences

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between our universe and fringe's

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alternate reality Fallen to three major

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categories Science and Technology

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politics and pop culture these might

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seem like rather arbitrary categories

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but hopefully they'll make more sense as

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this video progresses starting with

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Science and Tech this is perhaps one of

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the most glaringly obvious features of

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the alternate universe that sets it

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apart from real life indeed one of the

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biggest things that stands out about

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their world is of course the

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environmental degradation a blight has

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caused coffee and avocados to become

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incredibly rare and expensive subject to

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strict rationing changes in atmospheric

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conditions force people to wear masks

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and use inhalers in public bees can grow

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to the size of a grapefruit sheep are

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extinct and novel viruses periodically

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spread among the population Tremors even

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Shake places like Manhattan that are not

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in your major fall lines in Universe at

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least as of the early 2010s the public

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explanation for all of this is of course

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climate change however the real

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explanation is that the actions of Dr

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Walter Bishop namely kidnapping his

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deceased son Peters doppelganger in 1985

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and upsetting the balance of mass

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between both universes has accelerated

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the decay of the natural world that said

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there are real life parallels to several

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of these examples of ecological

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deterioration climate change is very

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real and is continuing to impact our

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daily lives certain food products

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becoming scarcer and more expensive is

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certainly no strange notion to most

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consumers in the 2020s with the Fallout

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of the covid-19 pandemic having

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disrupted Supply chains the price of

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chocolate is also expected to rise

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significantly in the coming decades as

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cocoa harvesting is impacted by drought

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soil depletion and competition with

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commodities like palm oil used for

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biofuels speaking of viruses in the

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alternate universe smallpox has not been

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entirely eradicated with at least one

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outbreak in north Texas documented on

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screen and multiple characters reference

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an avian influenza pandemic in the mid

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to late 1990s that claimed millions of

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lives a stark parallel to the death toll

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of covid in our more recent history

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again this was all written over a decade

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ago when memories of a more recent SARS

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outbreak swine flu and other epidemics

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were still fresh and of course pollution

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from Mass industrialization around the

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globe continues to impact air quality

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driving up cases of asthma while masks

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being commonplace is also something

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we're all intimately familiar with by

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this point Point as for the giant bees

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well large killer bees do exist and

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sightings of them have become more

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frequent over the past few years and

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while domestic sheep are not on the

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endangered species list we are in the

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midst of Earth's sixth major mass

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extinction as for Tech I've made

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multiple videos about the alternate

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universes more advanced technology which

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you should check out if you haven't

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already links in the description the

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show depicts a variety of areas that

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demonstrate the other sides

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technological superiority among these

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are space flight consumer gadgets

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medical technology and more he's got

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third degree burns over 90 percent of

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his body he's gonna need three months in

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a nanite regeneration chamber

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there are also machine human hybrids

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called shape shifters that much like the

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T1000 can pose as just about anyone

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um yeah we're we're not quite there yet

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but in addition to things like compact

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flip phones in 1985 electronic paper in

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2004 and fancy transparent phones in

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2010 fringe's alternate reality does

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showcase one development that has become

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extremely common in the Modern Age

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hands-free communication namely rather

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than today's air pods or a traditional

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Bluetooth headset civilians and Fringe

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agents alike in the alternate universe

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wear what is called an ear cuff it's

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exactly what it sounds like a

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cuff-shaped device that seems to

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function much like a Bluetooth earpiece

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fringe's alternate universe is also

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notorious for depicting a level of space

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flight technology that is frankly

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decades ahead of our timeline next to

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artificial official intelligence space

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is often one of the most ambitious

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Realms in science fiction for making

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predictions including Blade Runners

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off-world colonies which exist as early

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as 2019. in the case of Fringe such

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differences start out relatively small

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in the season 2 episode dream logic we

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see a poster in Peter's bedroom

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commemorating the space shuttle

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Challenger's 11th mission on June 28

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1984. in real life Challenger only flew

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five missions up to this point although

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the space shuttle Columbia is made in

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flight was famously delayed by two years

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due to various mechanical issues clearly

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on the other side these were fixed from

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the get-go but more than that in the

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season 3 episode Olivia we see an

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advertisement for daily flights to the

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Moon available to the public it's not

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clear If this means that lunar Landings

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are so cheap that your average Joe can

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do it or more likely that circum lunar

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orbital flights are available at

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probably the cost of a plane ticket this

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is still insanely expensive in real life

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today but several factors could have

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accelerated the reduction of the cost of

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space flight in fringes alternate

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universe first off the space shuttle

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Challenger disaster which delayed the

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shuttle program for three years it

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didn't help matters as it set back

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NASA's plans for manned space

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exploration the collapse of the Soviet

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Union also dealt a blow to U.S science

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as a key source of competition meant

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Congress was less willing to fund risky

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expensive Ventures like the space

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station Freedom or superconducting super

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collider infringes alternate reality

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it's possible that the Challenger

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disaster didn't happen and we know the

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Soviet Union also exists their more

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active industrial sectors than they post

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Soviet States likely contributing

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further to climate change as well

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finally private space flight companies

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like the company glatterflug that offers

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daily flights to the moon and Fringe

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have certainly played a pivotal role

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this is definitely true in real life as

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companies like SpaceX have helped lower

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launch costs and the billionaire playboy

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fantasies of the likes of Richard

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Branson and Jeff Bezos have actually

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taken Rich citizens into low earth orbit

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gliderflugs advertisements seem to be a

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logical extension of that oh yeah and

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they have helicopters equipped with

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autopilot a clear extension of

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self-driving car technology in real life

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perhaps among the more subtle yet still

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visible flavors of alternate history on

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fringe's other side are there politics

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and Society aside from relatively common

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alternate history tropes like JFK still

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being alive the twin towers still

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standing and different people being

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depicted on currency Fringe features

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some rather interesting tidbits that

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have proven somewhat prescient of modern

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politics one notable difference is that

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the U.S government on the other side

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seems to be even more authoritarian than

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in real life for instance public ID

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cards called Show Me's are required to

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use public transportation in New York

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City that said people seem to be

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relatively comfortable or perhaps I

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should instead say used to rather broad

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police Powers one example is fringe

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division given broad authority to

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quarantine areas compromised by soft

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spots using a gaseous mixed year called

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Amber 31422 which after hardening

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occasionally traps civilians inside who

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are then declared legally dead among the

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areas that have been quarantined in the

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show are Madison Square Garden in 1999

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trapping 10 000 people and part of the

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campus of Harvard University since at

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least 2003. we also learned that a 1990

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vortex in the East River claimed the

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lives of 165 civilians half of whom were

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children okay kind of getting off track

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when it comes to politics besides

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quarantine zones we learned that Federal

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legislation treats all kidnappings as

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possible Fringe events until proven

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otherwise and after 9 11 which instead

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destroyed the White House and Pentagon

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the U.S government under imminent domain

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relocated the Department of Defense

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headquarters to Liberty Island now a lot

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of the Amber stuff might be concerned

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considered essential to limit the damage

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of surprise wormholes the worst kind of

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wormholes though to be fair the

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collateral damage has prompted at least

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one public protest in New York City but

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aside from authoritarian concerns which

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tend to resonate a little bit more in

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the modern day if you know what I mean

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there are some more neutral political

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differences for example we know that the

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U.S has three major political parties in

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fringes alternate universe while this is

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not something that has actually come

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true yet the 2016 election showed that

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third party politics haven't been

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entirely discredited this generation and

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support for the two-party system is at

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an all-time low besides the Democrats

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and Republicans America's third party

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infringe may be somewhat populist in

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nature as its members in Congress oppose

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a bill that would Institute a two-child

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policy in the United States in response

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to Resource short shortages I hopefully

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shouldn't have to explain why such a

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policy would be incredibly

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counterproductive regardless we don't

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really know anything else about this

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third party though one theory of mine is

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that they could have stopped the bailout

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of big Banks during the 2008 recession

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as far as other differences Martin

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Luther King Jr is famously on the other

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side's twenty dollar bill arguably

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foreshadowing the real life decision to

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replace Andrew Jackson with Harriet

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Tubman on hour 20. the U.S also seems to

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make more use of the metric system at

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least on some road signs and as for the

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alternate universes society and pop

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culture well I also have an entire video

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about that as well Link in the

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description let's just say they really

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love movie sequels yeah Fringe really

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did predict our future didn't it

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this video was never meant to be an

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exhaustive list of every difference

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between our universe and fringe's

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alternate universe nor necessarily a

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recap of their entire alternate history

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although if that's something you guys

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might be interested in

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you know that I have that you know that

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I've been documenting this stuff for for

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like well over a decade at this point

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instead what I've hopefully demonstrated

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without hopefully stretching my

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credibility too much is that the show's

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setting in the early 2010s rather

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smartly forecasted various societal

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trends that were at least seeing the

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seeds of today cyberpunk Vibes and our

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daily lives private space travel

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catastrophic climate change and supply

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chain shortages political

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authoritarianism and epic

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dissatisfaction with the two-party

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system even civil rights activists honor

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money while fringe's alternate universe

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does feature some wacky traits like all

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the zeppelins flying around on many of

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the points that I highlighted in this

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video it does seem like the writers did

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at least a little homework having said

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all that thank you all so much for

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watching if you enjoyed this video be

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sure to leave a thumbs up down below and

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don't forget to share it that stuff

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really helps me out if you haven't

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subscribed yet be sure to do that as

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well so you won't miss feature uploads

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and click the Bell icon to receive all

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notifications if you want to support my

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work even further becoming a patron or a

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member is a great way to do so links to

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those as well as my social media and

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merch store are in the description

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that's all I have for this week

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and don't forget the boy is important

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oh yeah and they also predicted NSA

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spying they monitor all the

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communications networks that's probably

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how they do about Central Park

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safest if we don't try to communicate

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with one another

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