Home Upper Body Workout - After Pec Tear (ep.02)

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Basics today

Time: 1.851

I do wanna take advantage of this amazing bar. I don’t have used much in the last few years, but I love the grip!

Time: 10.125

It’s time to start training again some pull ups/chin ups I need to fix my scapula activation

Time: 26.831

6 sets. 30-40 seconds of rest between sets.

Time: 33.762

This exercise is great for the activation, at least for my body.

Time: 37.462

If you don’t know why I’m doing basics, it’s because at the end of December I have tore my pec

Time: 46.246

You can find the video about my 1st month of injury on the channel.

Time: 52.83

About the chin up hold 10 seconds is good enough,

Time: 55.933

if you wanna try this session you can increase the time under tension if too easy.

Time: 105.454

Now 6 sets x 10-6 reps of chin ups.

Time: 129.749

30 Seconds of rest between sets. I’ll increase the rest up to 1 minute if necessary.

Time: 203.44

Now, wide pull up hold + slow eccentric.

Time: 351.062

The hardest part it’s to balance my left side activation with my right one.

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But I’ll improve.

Time: 424.14

Visit www.andrealarosa.fit for my calisthenics programs

Time: 435.847

I need to find the right grip, because this is the best one for me, but then I find my face too near the bar.

Time: 452.611

Visually isn’t the best thing.

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If you want a great intra-workout formula, try the Foodspring’s one.

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Use the discount code: larosaFSG to save some of your precious money. (Only available in Europe).

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On Foodspring’s website you can find the “workout aminos” (my intra-workout formula)

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and also the "Energy aminos" (the pre-workout formula) The pumps it gives you is crazy.

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I’m going to show you my favorite flavors.

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This is the pre-workout, new taste, new formula.

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And this is the intra-workout I’m currently sipping, Ananas flavor.

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2 more sets and I’m done.

Time: 595.195

That’s it for today.

Time: 596.566

I’m super tired. I tried my best.

Time: 600.35

See you soon.

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