FULL BODY Workout for Explosive Gains
I’m in Dubai today and I have decided to improvise a full body workout
Some exercises will be more advanced, while other will be more basic.
For the advanced movements you can decrease the difficulty by helping yourself with an elastic band
Try the routine and let me know if you like it.
Remember to visit andrealarosa.fit if you wanna improve your pull ups, dips and push ups.
Also visit andrealarosapro.com If you wanna follow new exclusive calisthenics routines every week.
1st exercise of the day,
1 wide pull up + 1 slow eccentric with one arm.
Try to do 6-10 reps per set.
From this position go to the side and remove the arm
Find the right grip, shift the weight on 1 arm
Control the eccentric and then repeat.
I can’t do this exercise properly due to my subscapularis pain, but at least you get an idea of the movement.
3 per arm is okay.
Now Front lever pull up eccentric.
Even though I don’t train this exercise, I have chosen this movement today because I really wanted to do a pull horizontal movement,
So instead of the Australian pull ups I have decided to do an harder variation.
This is the only exercise of the day where I suggest to do more than 4 sets.
If too difficult you can tuck your legs or do a one leg front lever variation.
1 minute rest between sets.
Do as many sets as you want, the important thing is to maintain proper form during the exercise.
1st set of bar dips done.
When I train this exercise I do usually do 20-40 reps per set.
I think I have just completed 30 reps.
1 minute rest or 1.30 before the next set.
The better you become the more repetitions you should do,
you can also add some extra weight or choose an harder bodyweight variation.
Just in case you didn’t notice, I’m using a diamond grip.
The higher the step the more the weight on your front deltoids.
I am currently doing 30 reps per set, but if too difficult you can do 10-12 per set
If I don’t do at least 20-30 reps per set I don’t feel fatigued, this is why I do work with high volume.
Another good option is to add extra weight and decrease the reps, especially if you are interested in increasing the specific strength of the exercise.
High reps = Endurance. Extra weight = Specific Strength. Next set now.
I think that was 30 reps.
Bulgarian Split Squat Pump,
As you can see I only focus on a part of the range of motion, where I feel the most fatigue on the muscle.
Since I’m talking I’m not counting the reps, I just go with the feel.
Since this exercise is very easy I suggest to rest 30-45 seconds per set.
I know, this variation is funny to see, but still better than doing nothing.
Obviously if you feel like you can do 10-8 Pistol Squat,
It’s plenty of good bodyweight exercises, but most of them are boring.
Still skinny but getting better day by day.
I don’t feel comfortable on the previous location, so I’m going to use this low bar for the next set.
It’s very uncomfortable without shoes, but it’s okay.
I’m trying to put as less weight as possible on the assisting leg.
Maybe it’s a little better than the previous set, I don’t know, I should watch the form from the outside.
Okay it’s almost acceptable,
this part of the video will make you laugh a lot, but doing something is still better than nothing.
I want to activate every muscle during this session…except for the calfs, nobody cares about them ahah
Let’s finis the session with some core activation.
I am going to do a Dragonflag using the low bar.
Why the dragonflag? Because it’s hard enough if done properly (but not too much).
Okay, I think I have to widen my legs because I’m currently squashing a ball with the swim wear ahah
I went to the pool this afternoon and didn’t come back to the hotel.
It’s okay, I didn’t count the reps but it’s okay for this set.
Enough for today,
I’m tired and I want to enjoy the city now.
If someone in Dubai is interested in getting personal lesson by me I could take into consideration the idea of coming back in this city in the near future,
just let me know on Instagram or here with a comment.
Also don't forget to visit www.andrealarosa.fit for my workout programs
Let me know if you try the routine and do not forget to support me with a comment below please.