Calisthenics Champion tries Powerlifting - Deadlift
We are back in the gym so we can record the last video of this powerlifting serie.
I’m here with Valerio, a great powerlifting coach.
Today with we are going to try the sumo deadlift.
No, I’m not gonna try to max out, since I’m not used to this exercise….
…Maybe one day.
Last week he has explained me how to do a sumo deadlift, today I’m full of scabs, this is why I’m wearing these technical socks
Hopefully the scabs won’t bother me too much.
We will increase the weight after every set like the previous videos.
Bend your legs until you reach the barbell.
Look forward.
Hold tight the barbell and lift the barbell slowly.
Push right there.
Spread a little your legs.
Push right there.
Very good.
3 more reps.
Slower, even if it’s lightweight.
Andrea: Better?
Very good.
Maybe I have to relax more my lats.
Exactly. Lift the body and wait for the weight to come up.
Very good, I have told you to spread your legs because you tend to lean too forward.
So with widen legs you can push better using every part of your feet.
The execution is okay, let’s increase the weight. 90kg next.
For your next set I want more posterior pelvic tilt.
I know this sentence is wrong, but Andrea tends to activate too much his back.
So by having a better posterior pelvic tilt he will be able to push more with his legs (and he will put less stress on his back).
This advice is strictly for Andrea’s body.
I have too much anterior pelvic tilt.
Exactly, you need to neutralize it.
In this case it’s okay to say “more posterior pelvic tilt”.
If a person does exactly the opposite (too much posterior pelvic tilt) I would say “focus on the anterior pelvic tilt more”
Okay, these are specific recommendations for me.
So don’t take too seriously what we are going to say in this video, these are just little tips to improve his deadlift based on his body shape.
Okay, perfect.
Look forward. Push slowly.
Put your butt a little higher.
This is it, start right there.
Another one.
The barbell should be closer during the whole rep.
Very good.
Last one.
Very good.
Stay closer with your hips to the barbell, so you won’t lean forward during the repetition.
This execution at higher weight would put too much weight and stress on your back, we don’t want that.
The less we use the back, the better.
The more you push with your legs towards the ground, the less stress you have on your lower back.
So if you push right maintaining your physiological lines you should not have any risk of injury.
If you didn’t get it just rewind this part of the video ahah.
Raise your body and hold the barbell with your hands.
Push right there with your legs.
Let your shoulder go down.
Andrea: More relaxed.
Push on the ground. Andrea: Better?
Definitely better.
Lift your body and relax the lats. Good.
Very good.
The more you activate your lats, the more you pull. The less you activate your lats, the more you push with your legs.
With calisthenics you tend to train a lot your upper body, but for most people the lower body is stronger than the upper.
With your body type you can easily deadlift more than 200kg with a little bit of training.
Your body type is perfect for deadlift.
You have big arms, so your bench press is already good, but with your levers the deadlift is the perfect exercise for you.
If you think about powerlifting, you have a very good body type.
You have long arms, short femur and a lot of upper body muscles.
In my opinion you could do great in all 3 big lifts. Not many people have this levers.
Don’t lift the barbell if your shoulders aren’t completely down.
Push on your feet, on your feet!
Another one.
Andrea: Right? Valerio: Yes, up up.
Very good.
The 2nd rep was better than the 1st one.
You trusted yourself more.
During the 1st rep you were a little doubtful.
I felt the increased weight.
You start to feel the weight, from now on we will increase by 10kg.
The deadlift is probably the easier exercise if you consider the 3 lifts.
You just need to slowly push on the ground and let your shoulders go down.
I do now understand why people like the 3 lifts so much, you feel “powerful”.
The sumo deadlift needs more technique than the regular one, you need to focus more on the execution,
During the regular deadlift you just need to keep in mind to have the barbell close to you and push a lot with your legs
While during the sumo deadlift you need more patient when the barbell is on the ground, the shoulder must be relaxed.
Andrea: Should I hold tight the barbell? Valerio: As much as you can.
Andrea: My grip is usually “relaxed” during the rep.
Hold tight the barbell and push with your legs.
Another one.
More relaxed and push on the ground.
Push on the ground, on the ground!
Andrea: Probably the technique wasn’t good like the previous ones.
Yes, you are starting to think only about lifting the weight.
Haters didn’t even think you were able to lift 100kg.
I know it’s still lightweight, but it’s probably better than an average not trained person.
A lot of people think that calisthenics athletes have skinny and weak legs, at least I’m able to deadlift more than 2x of my bodyweight.
Absolutely, keep in mind that this is your 3rd deadlift training.
To being able to lift 140kg at your weight is already good.
With some months of training you could do very well at national levels.
Do you wanna see me compete in powerlifting in the future?
Let me reformulate the phrase.
Do you wanna see me compete again?
If there is interest I could do less calisthenics sessions during the week and more powerlifting ones.
Keep the barbell close to you and push.
Up up up.
Very good!
This one was perfect!
Andrea: I have felt the right activation. Valerio: This rep was beautiful.
The more you focus on the right position, the safer your back will be.
I’m sure you felt less weight on your back during this set than the previous ones.
Barbell close to your body and push.
Up up up.
Good, but you have leaned too much forward.
You can do better with the proper position.
Andrea: More posterior pelvic tilt?
Andrea: I should focus more on this. Valerio: It would help you a lot.
Keep it close to you.
Andrea: It was strange. It was difficult but I have the feeling that I could lift it easily with a better technique.
As a coach I’d say to keep this weight for today, but since we are recording we can increase a little bit.
Let’s do it, let’s do it.
This is just for the video, otherwise I would suggest to keep the weight lower and to work on the proper technique.
I know 150kg were easy for him, so we can try 160kg.
I do agree, we have to put on a show for the viewers.
“Show” it’s a big word with these weights.
I think that “show” it’s the right word, keep in mind that you are a calisthenics athlete and this is your 2nd sumo deadlift training ever.
Up up up!
Very good.
Very good.
Do you wanna try 170kg?
This repetition was great.
Let’s say it again, this is your 3rd deadlift training, you are already at 170kg and you only weight 62kg.
Lift the whole body. Push on the ground!
Up up up!
It’s okay for today, we tried it anyway.
You did great!
You have pushed too quick as soon as you have heard me saying “up up up” and you have leaned too forward.
But 160kg it’s a super personal record.
I’m sure you can do 200kg+ with a few months of powerlifting training.
Andrea: Let’s finish this video then.
Andrea: What a fail.
It’s okay, keep in mind that today was your 3rd deadlift session and you only weight 62kg,
so I’m sure that if you cut a few kgs you could win national competitions at 59kgs with a little bit of specific training.
I’m sure you already have the strength to do 170kg,
you just need to understand the right activation with the proper technique.
As we have already said in our previous videos, the more the weight the more inhibited you become,
this is normal when you are not used to lift weights.
You have leaned too forward and you have lost the barbell.
I’m super happy anyway, you did great!
You can find Valerio @the_roman_coach_
you can also find my calisthenics programs in description.
See you soon.