Calisthenics Champion tries Powerlifting - Deadlift

Time: 7.163

We are back in the gym so we can record the last video of this powerlifting serie.

Time: 12.922

I’m here with Valerio, a great powerlifting coach.

Time: 16.69

Today with we are going to try the sumo deadlift.

Time: 18.616

No, I’m not gonna try to max out, since I’m not used to this exercise….

Time: 22.872

…Maybe one day.

Time: 28.225

Last week he has explained me how to do a sumo deadlift, today I’m full of scabs, this is why I’m wearing these technical socks

Time: 38.075

Hopefully the scabs won’t bother me too much.

Time: 40.943

We will increase the weight after every set like the previous videos.

Time: 43.484

Bend your legs until you reach the barbell.

Time: 46.976

Look forward.

Time: 49.517

Hold tight the barbell and lift the barbell slowly.

Time: 52.588

Push right there.

Time: 54.588


Time: 55.088

Spread a little your legs.

Time: 60

Push right there.

Time: 61.978

Very good.

Time: 64.227

3 more reps.

Time: 65.896

Slower, even if it’s lightweight.

Time: 70.933

Andrea: Better?

Time: 71.96

Very good.

Time: 72.792

Maybe I have to relax more my lats.

Time: 74.742

Exactly. Lift the body and wait for the weight to come up.

Time: 79.149

Very good, I have told you to spread your legs because you tend to lean too forward.

Time: 84.522

So with widen legs you can push better using every part of your feet.

Time: 90.271

The execution is okay, let’s increase the weight. 90kg next.

Time: 95.529

For your next set I want more posterior pelvic tilt.

Time: 100.247

I know this sentence is wrong, but Andrea tends to activate too much his back.

Time: 115.985

So by having a better posterior pelvic tilt he will be able to push more with his legs (and he will put less stress on his back).

Time: 131.538

This advice is strictly for Andrea’s body.

Time: 133.921

I have too much anterior pelvic tilt.

Time: 135.921

Exactly, you need to neutralize it.

Time: 140.256

In this case it’s okay to say “more posterior pelvic tilt”.

Time: 146.724

If a person does exactly the opposite (too much posterior pelvic tilt) I would say “focus on the anterior pelvic tilt more”

Time: 151.836

Okay, these are specific recommendations for me.

Time: 155.348


Time: 157.476

So don’t take too seriously what we are going to say in this video, these are just little tips to improve his deadlift based on his body shape.

Time: 168.946

Okay, perfect.

Time: 170.392

Look forward. Push slowly.

Time: 173.276

Put your butt a little higher.

Time: 177.455

This is it, start right there.

Time: 182.734

Another one.

Time: 184.125

The barbell should be closer during the whole rep.

Time: 187.348

Very good.

Time: 191.127

Last one.

Time: 194.798

Very good.

Time: 196.167

Stay closer with your hips to the barbell, so you won’t lean forward during the repetition.

Time: 207.637

This execution at higher weight would put too much weight and stress on your back, we don’t want that.

Time: 211.495

The less we use the back, the better.

Time: 214.8

The more you push with your legs towards the ground, the less stress you have on your lower back.

Time: 220.293

So if you push right maintaining your physiological lines you should not have any risk of injury.

Time: 228.411

If you didn’t get it just rewind this part of the video ahah.

Time: 233.776

Raise your body and hold the barbell with your hands.

Time: 235.547

Push right there with your legs.

Time: 238.227

Let your shoulder go down.

Time: 240.112

Andrea: More relaxed.

Time: 241.672


Time: 242.585

Push on the ground. Andrea: Better?

Time: 245.448

Definitely better.

Time: 246.693

Lift your body and relax the lats. Good.

Time: 251.284

Very good.

Time: 253.463


Time: 254.431

The more you activate your lats, the more you pull. The less you activate your lats, the more you push with your legs.

Time: 261.318

With calisthenics you tend to train a lot your upper body, but for most people the lower body is stronger than the upper.

Time: 275.086

With your body type you can easily deadlift more than 200kg with a little bit of training.

Time: 279.378

Your body type is perfect for deadlift.

Time: 284.779

You have big arms, so your bench press is already good, but with your levers the deadlift is the perfect exercise for you.

Time: 293.537

If you think about powerlifting, you have a very good body type.

Time: 300.953

You have long arms, short femur and a lot of upper body muscles.

Time: 305.15

In my opinion you could do great in all 3 big lifts. Not many people have this levers.

Time: 308.759

Don’t lift the barbell if your shoulders aren’t completely down.

Time: 311.931

Push on your feet, on your feet!

Time: 318.282

Another one.

Time: 320.178

Andrea: Right? Valerio: Yes, up up.

Time: 322.65

Very good.

Time: 323.205

The 2nd rep was better than the 1st one.

Time: 324.65

You trusted yourself more.

Time: 326.784

During the 1st rep you were a little doubtful.

Time: 331.28

I felt the increased weight.

Time: 334.672

You start to feel the weight, from now on we will increase by 10kg.

Time: 337.658

The deadlift is probably the easier exercise if you consider the 3 lifts.

Time: 341.132

You just need to slowly push on the ground and let your shoulders go down.

Time: 345.116

I do now understand why people like the 3 lifts so much, you feel “powerful”.

Time: 353.144

The sumo deadlift needs more technique than the regular one, you need to focus more on the execution,

Time: 359.882

During the regular deadlift you just need to keep in mind to have the barbell close to you and push a lot with your legs

Time: 363.815

While during the sumo deadlift you need more patient when the barbell is on the ground, the shoulder must be relaxed.

Time: 368.636

Andrea: Should I hold tight the barbell? Valerio: As much as you can.

Time: 370.764

Andrea: My grip is usually “relaxed” during the rep.

Time: 372.87

Hold tight the barbell and push with your legs.

Time: 377.907


Time: 378.443

Another one.

Time: 380

More relaxed and push on the ground.

Time: 381.958

Push on the ground, on the ground!

Time: 385.108


Time: 385.608

Andrea: Probably the technique wasn’t good like the previous ones.

Time: 388.929

Yes, you are starting to think only about lifting the weight.

Time: 392.335

Haters didn’t even think you were able to lift 100kg.

Time: 395.624

I know it’s still lightweight, but it’s probably better than an average not trained person.

Time: 403.521

A lot of people think that calisthenics athletes have skinny and weak legs, at least I’m able to deadlift more than 2x of my bodyweight.

Time: 413.206

Absolutely, keep in mind that this is your 3rd deadlift training.

Time: 418.316

To being able to lift 140kg at your weight is already good.

Time: 421.978

With some months of training you could do very well at national levels.

Time: 425.959

Do you wanna see me compete in powerlifting in the future?

Time: 431.09

Let me reformulate the phrase.

Time: 432.555

Do you wanna see me compete again?

Time: 435.979

If there is interest I could do less calisthenics sessions during the week and more powerlifting ones.

Time: 440.945

Keep the barbell close to you and push.

Time: 442.945

Up up up.

Time: 443.55

Very good!

Time: 445.717

This one was perfect!

Time: 447.717

Andrea: I have felt the right activation. Valerio: This rep was beautiful.

Time: 450.409

The more you focus on the right position, the safer your back will be.

Time: 455.715

I’m sure you felt less weight on your back during this set than the previous ones.

Time: 458.95

Barbell close to your body and push.

Time: 462.155

Up up up.

Time: 464.626

Good, but you have leaned too much forward.

Time: 468.662

You can do better with the proper position.

Time: 471.131

Andrea: More posterior pelvic tilt?

Time: 472.157


Time: 472.657

Andrea: I should focus more on this. Valerio: It would help you a lot.

Time: 475.554

Keep it close to you.

Time: 479.193


Time: 480.144

Andrea: It was strange. It was difficult but I have the feeling that I could lift it easily with a better technique.

Time: 487.602


Time: 489.428

As a coach I’d say to keep this weight for today, but since we are recording we can increase a little bit.

Time: 494.301

Let’s do it, let’s do it.

Time: 499.531

This is just for the video, otherwise I would suggest to keep the weight lower and to work on the proper technique.

Time: 504.401

I know 150kg were easy for him, so we can try 160kg.

Time: 506.082

I do agree, we have to put on a show for the viewers.

Time: 508.591

“Show” it’s a big word with these weights.

Time: 511.359

I think that “show” it’s the right word, keep in mind that you are a calisthenics athlete and this is your 2nd sumo deadlift training ever.

Time: 515.759

Up up up!

Time: 518.677

Very good.

Time: 520.975

Very good.

Time: 521.976

Do you wanna try 170kg?

Time: 522.904

This repetition was great.

Time: 530.702

Let’s say it again, this is your 3rd deadlift training, you are already at 170kg and you only weight 62kg.

Time: 539.3

Lift the whole body. Push on the ground!

Time: 541.624

Up up up!

Time: 543.624

It’s okay for today, we tried it anyway.

Time: 547.396

You did great!

Time: 548.638

You have pushed too quick as soon as you have heard me saying “up up up” and you have leaned too forward.

Time: 556.558

But 160kg it’s a super personal record.

Time: 561.568

I’m sure you can do 200kg+ with a few months of powerlifting training.

Time: 564.711

Andrea: Let’s finish this video then.

Time: 566.714

Andrea: What a fail.

Time: 568.845

It’s okay, keep in mind that today was your 3rd deadlift session and you only weight 62kg,

Time: 573.527

so I’m sure that if you cut a few kgs you could win national competitions at 59kgs with a little bit of specific training.

Time: 582.137

I’m sure you already have the strength to do 170kg,

Time: 585.299

you just need to understand the right activation with the proper technique.

Time: 588.791

As we have already said in our previous videos, the more the weight the more inhibited you become,

Time: 593.922

this is normal when you are not used to lift weights.

Time: 598.462

You have leaned too forward and you have lost the barbell.

Time: 602.269

I’m super happy anyway, you did great!

Time: 605.265

You can find Valerio @the_roman_coach_

Time: 607.941

you can also find my calisthenics programs in description.

Time: 613.744

See you soon.

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