Calisthenics Champion tries Powerlifting - Bench Press

Time: 14.19

Since many of you have enjoyed the “calisthenics athlete tries Streetlifting” video,

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today we are going to do a powerlifting session (bench press)

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I’ll rely on Valerio for this powerlifting serie, he is a great powerlifting coach that I have met in this gym.

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Keep in mind that I’m not going to try my real max, since I don’t train the bench press.

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We had a few training session together and we have decided to record this powerlifting video serie.

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You can find Valerio on his instagram profile if you wanna see more about him.

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Valerio: The position is okay, stop.

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Let’s say that is difficult to judge the form of a bench press with 20kg barbell only.

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A muscular athlete like you needs more weight for a better stabilization during the repetitions.

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I’m sure you’ll feel the 60/70kgs better.

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Andrea: Okay, let’s add some discs then.

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Valerio: 60Kg.

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Time: 102.976

Stretch the pec!

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Time: 105.973

Go closer with your chest after the first part of the eccentric.

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Time: 109.805

Remember to take a breath and then start the repetition.

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Last one.

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The bench is not bad, we have already tried it a few times before this session,

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and as we already know, your problem is that you rely too much on your muscles.

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But this is a common thing among muscular athletes like you.

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Probably this feature will always remain a little, but we can work on that.

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Valerio: Okay, go further.

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Wait a second, open your chest, take a breath and go.

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Stretch stretch.

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Time: 166.342

Don’t do the eccentric too fast.

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Stretch stretch.

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Good, that was a little better.

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You always tend to “Play” with the barbell when you start the repetition, but at least you have stretched the pec.

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Everyone should know this by now, but let’s say it anyway: The proper bench form is the one with the arched back.

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Nowadays you see a lot of people discussing about the “powerlifting bench” vs the “bodybuilding bench”.

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There is one correct way only.

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Just a little note.

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During the last set I thought “These 60kg are heavy” I didn’t notice you have added 20kg ahah.

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Valerio: It’s 80kg ahaha not 60kg.

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If you start like that, then you are not unloaded on the bench.

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Step by step you will improve the technique.

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Anyway you are so muscular that is more natural to you to do this.

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It’s your instinct, but if you don’t fix that on the long run you can’t increase the overall weight for a PR.

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Feel your back.

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When you lay down you should put so much weight on your back that you should be able to hold the barbell as long as you want.

Time: 240

Andrea: Okay.

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Let’s do one repetition with 100kg.

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Keep calm.

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Start whenever you want.

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Open your chest.

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That was easy!

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Maybe you can’t notice from the video, but you pushed a little too much by putting your shoulders forward.

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Push as you wanna go away from the bench.

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That was easy, let’s increase the weight.

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Now this is 110kg, It’s a good weight for a 60kg~ athlete.

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The Italian record at this weight is 130kg~.

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So if you can already bench 110kg with ease

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it show you he could surpass 130kg in the future.

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Ok, keep calm.

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Open open.

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Okay, focus more on the technique than the raw strength

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Valerio: the previous set you had a better form, definitely.

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It can happen when the weight is more “challenging”,

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there is an higher probability to do mistakes.

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Let’s do it again. Let’s do it again.

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Because you inhibited yourself.

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Andrea: Yep, as soon as I started to push I didn’t feel comfortable with the posture.

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Valerio: If you start with a better setup, you can perform better.

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The bench press is the exercise that requires most technique (compared to the squat and deadlift).

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If you bring the barbell 1cm too forward then you f**k up the repetition.

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Since you have a good muscle mass you can push the weight, but a less muscular person couldn’t bench with a bad technique.

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Set yourself right under the barbell.

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Stay calm.

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Stop right here.

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Open the chest.

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Andrea: Wait, wait. Valerio: what happened?

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You slowed down too much during the eccentric part and the barbell went too much on your wrist.

Time: 375

Andrea: Yep, but I had the feeling it was easy.

Time: 377

Valerio: The eccentric part was good, let’s do it again.

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Little fail.

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Stretch stretch stretch.

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That was way better!

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Andrea: It felt like 100kg.

Time: 391.726

Valerio: That was way better than the previous set.

Time: 394.538

Don’t focus too much on bringing down the barbell, focus on pushing your chest toward the barbell.

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Push your chest toward the barbell.

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Time: 423.622

Very good

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Valerio: Easy right?

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Andrea: Way easier with a better technique.

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Valerio: You still need to improve it, but that’s good enough for today.

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Andrea: I liked the feeling.

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Valerio: In my opinion you already can do 120kg.

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Time: 435

That’s it for today.

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Huge thanks to Valerio for the tips and training session.

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Let us know if you have enjoyed the video with a comment below.

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Also feel free to suggest me any interesting idea for the future videos.

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If you wanna see more about Valerio you can find him on instagram

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Remember to visit my websites for my calisthenics programs,

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everything is in description below.

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Thank you again for this workout.

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Let’s go!

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That was a good session, right? Valerio: A very satisfying one.

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