BEST Exercises for One Arm Pull up

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Today I’m going to show you a few exercises to improve the one arm pull up.

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You will need some calisthenics experience to do the following exercises.

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If you are a beginner, you can take a look on my youtube channel for some strengthening circuits and tutorials

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or you can visit my website to improve all the basics of calisthenics

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like pull ups, push ups, dips and much more.

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For the following exercises you will need a good pull up strength.

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1st exercise of the day.

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This is pretty easy.

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Commando Pull ups with a variation of the movement.

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Pull yourself to the side of the bar of the leading hand.

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So, if we have the left hand near the face, we will pull to the left of the bar.

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Same with the other hand.

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Right hand near the face, I’m going to pull to the right of the bar.

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This is the 1st exercise, very important.

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It can be a little hard if you are not used to the movement.

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The first few times the body could swing and rotate a little bit.

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Don’t worry, you just need to practice the movement and get used to the exercise.

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It is always good to activate your abs/gluteus and to have a good lat/bicep/forearm strength.

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When your body will get used to this, you will be able to do the repetitions without any swing and rotation.

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2nd exercise: One Arm Pull up (Assisted on the forearm)

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People don’t like the following exercise because it’s uncomfortable.

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But in my opinion it is pretty useful if you want to improve the one arm pull up.

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The movement is pretty similar to the one arm pull up, but with 1 hand on the forearm.

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The lower the hand, the harder the exercise.

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Most of the work is done by the hand on the bar.

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The other hand will assist the minimum necessary.

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Now the other arm.

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Be sure to control the movement, especially the negative part of the repetition.

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This is important for all the exercises.

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These exercises can be stressful for your body the first times.

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Especially if you don’t have a good shoulder stability (and mobility)

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When the pulling strength will increase (At least 6-8 repetitions per set) you will be able to put the hand lower on the forearm.

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You must be able to do 4-6 repetitions per set. (At least)

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3rd exercise, maybe the most important one

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It requires some strength.

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One arm pull up with the help of an elastic band.

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You can assist the repetitions in 2 different ways.

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1st - you can use the big or the little elastic band.

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2nd - you can put the hand higher or lower on the elastic band.

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So, if I put my hand here I’ll be able to assist more.

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If I put my hand lower, I’ll be able to assist less.

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Start keeping the elastic band at the top and then after a few weeks you can try to lower the grip.

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And then when you have the strength, you can move on the lighter elastic band and to the same.

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Be sure to do 5-6 reps per each set on the heavy elastic band before moving on the light/smaller elastic band.

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That’s it for today.

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Please let me know if you are interested in a vlog where I show you a full session to improve the one arm pull up.

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Leave a “Like” if you enjoyed the video

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Don’t forget to visit for my workout programs.

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See you soon.

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