Andrea Larosa - Q&A ITA [SUB ENG]
This is the situation right now…
I’m going to record 2 different Q&A.
The first one where I’ll reply to the most common questions in Italian.
The second one where I’ll reply to the most common questions in English.
1st question: “What do you usually take when you are cutting weight?”
I do decrease the daily calories and I do take BCAA to not lose the muscle tone.
“Who or what did you motivate to begin calisthenics?”
I started to training bodyweight exercises in July of 2013
Because the gym where I was training kickboxing was closed for the summer.
I was looking for some home exercises to improve my body shape.
The rest is history ahahah.
“Do you count the macros?”
Since I do eat almost always the same meals, I do count the macros only when I have to change my meals or the daily calories intake.
The percentage of the macros right now should be around 50% of Carbs 30% of proteins and 20% of fats.
More or less, it may change from day to day, but this is my average percentage.
“How are you?”
Cozy on the sofa ahah
“How many times per week do you training?”
It change by the season, but right now 4-5 times per week.
“Do you already know which competitions will you take part this year?"
This was one of the most common questions.
I do received a lot of invitations for international championships, events and so on.
At the moment I’m not interested.
“How much time did it take to learn a planche?”
A lot of people asked me this question and how many times per week should be trained.
Every person is different, there are a lot of things to consider
For example the type of training, which exercises, the conditioning etc.
I don’t remember how much time it took me, but I think a few months.
Probably less than 10 months since my very first pull ups and calisthenics exercises.
The very first months I was working only on the basics. (Pull ups, push ups etc)
Do not focus too much on how much time you need to learn a certain element or skill
just enjoy the process and you will eventually achieve your goals if you train properly.
“How old were you when you started with Calisthenics?”
I was 17.7 years old
“Since how many years do you train Calisthenics?”
About 5 years and half.
“Do you have a specific diet? Which kind of tips can you give to the people who wants to start eating healthy?”
I do have my routine.
My tip is to understand how many daily calories your body needs.
Also how much carbs, proteins and fats you have to take daily.
This is the most important thing in my opinion.
Of course you have to consider how much you train and your final goal.
It is also important to drink enough water and to stay always hydrated (specially if you train a lot)
“Favorite skill?”
“Do you train with weights too?”
This was one of the most common questions.
I’m going to explain everything.
At the moment I’m working out in a gym 2 per week or 3 times per week.
The first gym training is for legs, I do combine bodyweight exercises with some weights exercises.
The second gym training is for the upper body.
I do it as a rehabilitation of my shoulder.
Because I had a very bad accident in September 2017.
Since then I do have a serious injury to my shoulder.
It happened while I was training some freestyle.
The only season I trained freestyle in my career (From June to September 2017).
In September 2017 I have fallen from the P-Bars and my shoulder went out.
I wasn’t able to feel my arm anymore.
But somehow I was able to put it back again.
It was probably a very serious subluxation.
It was already happened a few times in the past, because I do have lax joints (genetic).
So it was already happened, even when I was doing competitions.
But at the time wasn’t a problem, because I was able to keep training the same day and even the day after as nothing was happened, because it was way lighter. No pain at all.
But after the accident of September 2017, my shoulder was swollen and I wasn’t able to move my arm for a few weeks.
I did take resonances and went to a new physiotherapist, I have done rehabilitation and I’m still working on it.
Sometimes I feel like my shoulder could go out again, sometimes my shoulder is more stable.
I still can’t do a lot of exercises, this is why I don’t show them.
There is high probability that my shoulder goes out again.
A lot of people was complaining about my bad form of handstands on the bar in my last International Cup in 2018 and any other exercise.
I couldn’t (and still can't) properly move and keep my arm over a certain angle.
So I do avoid any movement were I don’t feel comfortable, because I feel like my shoulder could go out at anytime.
Another example is for Pull ups, I feel like my shoulder could go out at anytime if I hang with straight arms.
This is why I’m working with weights, to avoid the worst.
I don’t remember anymore the question ahahah.
So a lot of people asked me if I have stopped with Calisthenics.
The answer is
I’m training some light calisthenics exercises too, because calisthenics is my favorite type of training.
Can’t wait to come back training in the park when the weather will be warmer.
“Why did you stop with 2 fingers Planche?”
Because I had an accident (Not during training) and I broke my finger.
I’m not training it at the moment because I’m currently working on my shoulder stability rehabilitation.
“Can I get a good aesthetic body even without eating properly?”
You can get a decent body if you train properly.
But you will have better progresses if you eat properly (and take the right supplements).
For me was like that.
The first 2 years and half or 3, I trained a lot but I had only small body progresses.
As soon I have start eating properly and taking supplements (to reach my daily calories needs)
I noticed way more progresses.
So, my advice is to always be careful to eating properly.
“Doping or not? Tell us the truth!”
I’m not on steroids or any other type of doping.
If people don’t want to believe me, is not a problem.
If people believes me, is okay.
Everyone who met me in real life, can say that I’m 100% natural.
“Do you usually train only static skills or do you train with weighted dips/pull ups etc?”
I don’t like to add weights to bodyweight exercises (is not a bodyweight exercises anymore if you add weights)
I probably did less than 10 trainings in all my life.
Of course they are useful, because when you will remove the weight, the bodyweight exercise will be way easier, but I’m not a fan of it.
Maybe I’ll add some trainings with weighted vest in the future if I’ll have the opportunity. But nothing more.
“Biggest motivation?”
My biggest motivation is to become the best version of myself.
Did I say it properly?
This is my biggest motivation (To achieve step by step my goals)
“When you’ll be 50 years old, will you still training?”
My goal is to being able to training with constancy.
Doesn’t matter if I’ll do only basic bodyweight exercises or skills.
If my body will let me train, my goal is to keep working out as long as possible and to stay healthy by enjoying the exercises.
So, the answer is…Yes, I hope to keep training even after 50.
“Calisthenics is your only job?”
100% Calisthenics.
“Which supplements do you take?”
At the moment I'm using...
I’m using multi-vitamins.
When I want to do harder training sessions, I do take a Pre-workout.
I’m currently taking this one.
Is called “Energy Charge”.
Moreover is almost finished :(
the nutritionist recommended me.
And I like it, because I feel a lot of energies while training and I could keep working out for hours without getting tired.
I put the link of the website in the description If you want to buy any product
just use my Discount Code at the end of your purchase
so you can get 10% off on ALL the products.
It’s full of great products.
It's full of supplements, clothes, electronic accessory etc.
The website is full of great products.
Great products everywhere.
Then, as a Post-Workout, I’m currently using this.
Whey Isolate + a fruit.
Especially when I’m at the gym and I can’t bring with me a proper meal with the right amount of proteins and carbs.
So, I do take a shaker with a fruit because it is easy to bring in the bag with me.
I’m currently feeling great with these supplements.
Of course as a snack during the day I do also eat some peanut butter, protein cookies, oats etc. from Prozis, but this is more about sport nutrition.
“Why do you keep doing what you are doing?”
Because I love it.
Training time is always the most important, fun and satisfying moment of the day.
Also I’m happy if I can motivate a lot of people and I hope to keep doing it in the future.
I want to give to my followers as much as positive vibes as possible, because everything is possible.
since I was able to reach my goals, there is no reason why everybody else can't
you can reach your goals, not only in your trainings, but in every other aspect of your life.
“How many times per week do you train skills and freestyle?”
As I said before, I don’t train freestyle.
I trained freestyle twice a week for about 3 months in 2017 and then I stopped.
Freestyle is funny, but I don’t think it as a “training”.
Is more about having fun.
Useful for freestyle competitions, but nothing more.
At the moment I’m just focus my trainings on not losing my strength skills.
I’m happier right now, because I can enjoy my workouts.
So, there are still plenty of questions.
These were the most frequently asked questions.
Let me know if you want more videos like this one so you can know me better.
In the near future I’ll record the Q&A in English with some new questions.
See you soon!