Andrea Larosa - My Training 1
Time: 2
up been a million
Time: 3.759
places never see them in
Time: 6.72
faces but I fig
Time: 12.32
Supernatural cuz the spark is
Time: 15.199
electric whoever part of me I feel it I
Time: 19.4
know it all comes back to
Time: 23.76
you I can't walk away but I can't
Time: 29.279
explain supp to see my
Time: 33.36
leg com back
Time: 36.35
Time: 45.82
Time: 58.92
Time: 62.27
Time: 71.119
you canol the dark the atmosphere you
Time: 74.6
hold my heart you break these ha cuz you
Time: 78.08
alive with all the rhythms inside me you
Time: 81.32
can unwind me I got a heart shap holding
Time: 85.68
me you the cner of the
Time: 88.92
Galaxy facing me never stops dreaming
Time: 92.96
never stops
Time: 95.51
Time: 115.079
feeling you
Time: 117.72
Time: 118.84
Time: 121.35
Time: 125.2