Andrea Larosa - My Journey

Time: 11.34

I started this particular type of workout more than four years ago.

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my aim was to stay fit without having to rely on any specific equipment.

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It was quite hard at first, but my results helped me find the right motivation.

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I gradually fell in love with this discipline,

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and as time passed by my objectives changed and I turned my focus on skills and freestyle.

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I began to record myself during the training sessions to become aware of any possible mistake.

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Since then, I have relied heavily on photography and videos to show my skills and exercises.

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I’ve taken part in a number of international contests.

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I was awarded the International Champion title, and I had the opportunity to perform in several TV shows.

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people seem to really appreciate what I do and my improvements.

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but in all truth, they don't even imagine the hardwork and sacrifices behind my success.

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now my main objective is to motivate as many people as possible

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push them into healthy habits and help them not to give up

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I want to show people that everything happens for a purpose

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that nobody gives you anything for free

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and that you must work hard to get where you want to get

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you will go through hard times, but believe me,

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just keep up the good work and you'll be fine

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