Andrea Larosa - A Look Into my Workout Session 01

Time: 15.76

Today I'm taking you to a training session in the park with me.

Time: 23.76

I hope it's a good session.

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I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet but I think I'll opt for some basics training, some planche, maybe a couple of handstands.

Time: 39.6

Preworkout first and then let’s get it started.

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I put a measuring cup of Energy Aminos, tea flavor, and almost half a liter of water.

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I’m drinking it on my way to the park.

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Then I'll explain why I started using foodspring products again, integrating my diet.

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Let's go.

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I'm doing the first planche, the first handstands.

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After a few months not doing certain movements you feel a little rusty, but for the moment the first feeling is quite good.

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Let's see what comes out.

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Now I remember why I never do these thing.

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‘Cause the tendons…tack!

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I did a couple of sets of half rom archer pushups just to see how I was feeling.

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I have a little discomfort in my wrist and bicep, very little, but for now it seems to be going pretty well.

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I went with the flow, so I didn't count the reps.

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I'll do some planche, classic planche pushups, maybe working on the last part of the movement

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otherwise I already know that someone writes "why do you only do half rom and not full rom?"

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Every time I go to work on the full rom, when I go down, I always have the left side of the shoulder/scapula that is activated in a different way

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so I lose a little strength but in general the feeling is good anyway.

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Maybe my trapezius is locked, so it involves the muscles around too.

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I always try to make videos and photos for instagram, stories, posts.

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We try to delete the dead times between one series and another.

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The sun is coming  out, that's not good, it's damn hot.

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hope that it will turn back cloudy in a little while or so it’s going to be heavy, since we are almost at the end of the training session.

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Anyway, I quickly remind you that if you are interested in improving the basics of the bodyweight training, so pushups, dips, pullups,

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you can visit the website,

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where you can find various training programs on the basics.

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They are suitable for everyone, from the beginner to the more advanced.

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I’m doing a few more series of planche as I feel pretty good even though I always have those discomforts that don't make me push 100%.

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Anyway, quite satisfying as a session for the moment.

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So after a few series of skills, I finish up with a bit of basics so that I also go to work muscularly, since I haven’t done a few strengthening sessions in the last few months.

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I dedicated myself more to general fitness and skills in an easy way without overtraining.

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Also because, we only have one body so you have to give it time to recover well,

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so avoid always doing too stressful exercises

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also because over the years you will feel them badly.

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And we don't want that, we want a long career, 30-40 years long.

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I'd say I done with this.

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I think the session is over for today.

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Everybody home.

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Quite satisfying session.

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I would say now is time to quickly explain to you why I went back to using foodspring products.

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The agreement with Prozis was expiring and we didn’t find a suitable deal to support the creation of content on my social networks and to make good photos and videos.

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So I decided to go back to using foodspring products

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since in the past I was among the first using their products and believing in this company.

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So I leave you in description the link to the website and some of my favorite foodspring products, which I recommend.

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Also you will find my discount code.

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If you are interested in trying anything, just follow the link in the description.

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Please, if you liked the video and want more similar sessions let me know.

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Leave me a comment or feedback so that I can always create content of your interest.

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This is very important to me.

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Also, if you are not yet subscribed to the channel, please subscribe.

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It only takes 3 seconds to you and it is a huge help to me,

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so that I can always be constant in posting the videos.

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That's it.

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See you soon.

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