A Look into my Workout Session 05
Pre-workout, bag and good weather….
this is my 16th day of training without any rest
Yesterday my arms were shaking due to the fatigue, so today the pre-workout was super necessary.
(I’m going to leave the link of the website with my discount code in description)
..so, time to warm up and I’m going to show a new workout session, hopefully a good one.
Let’s see what happens.
Riccardo: I’m taking your pre-workout ahahah
Andrea: Now? You should take it earlier ahah
Few seconds ago I texted you with “I’m at the park bro” and I didn’t even notice you were already at the bars ahah
So today, I would like to do some skills, just to see how I feel, also some muscle ups, push ups..
That’s it for today, now I’m coming back home, so I can take my post workout.
Remember to visit www.andrealarosa.fit for my workout programs
You will be able to work and improve push ups, dips, pull ups and all the fundamentals exercises of calisthenics.
Also, I’m going to leave the Foodspring website with my discount code in description if you want to try some products.
I suggest you to try the Pre-workout, the Whey Protein and the peanut butter.