6 MIN PUSH + PULL Workout for Muscle up
This is a good routine if you want to improve the muscle up
These are good exercises if you are already able to do a couple of muscle ups.
If you want more bodyweight workouts, you can visit www.andrealarosa.fit
The advanced program is great if you are already working on the muscle up
While the beginner program is great if you have 5-6 pull ups and some push ups
Quick explanation of the routine
The exercises of the video are pretty easy, there is not much to explain
30 seconds of work and 30 seconds of rest.
You can increase the time of rest between each exercise if you need.
Just be sure to do every repetition with proper form.
1st exercise: Dips on the bar
Lean forward, so that you can have more range of motion
30 seconds of controlled reps, rest 30 seconds and then
the next exercise is a muscle up, but only the eccentric part. Repeat for 30 seconds.
To get on the bar, you have 2 different ways.
You can do a pull over like me, or if you have a low bar you can just jump over (use the steps if you train in the gym)
Just do the eccentric part
Take your time between repetitions. You can take a breath or two and then repeat.
The important thing is to do 3-5 reps of just eccentric muscle up in 30 seconds.
3rd exercise: Pull ups
You can pull higher if you want to increase the difficulty
try to touch the bar with your chest while doing the first reps
Control the eccentric part
Next exercise: Push ups. You should already know the execution.
Squeeze the gluteus, the abs...posterior pelvic tilt
then dead hang
Just hang on the bar, with your body completely straight
Squeeze your hands, work on the grip
Last exercise: Bent arms hold
Hold the position with your arms at 90° angle
the important thing is to push yourself up after the hold.
This is the routine.
Just go out and train
rest between each round 3-5 minutes (it depends on your level)
You can repeat 2-3 times in a single session.
You can do this routine 1-2 a week without problems.
I think this is everything for today.
I'm recording this video after a full week of workouts, I'm going to take some whey proteins to recover.
This is one of my favorite products
300ml of water + a scoop of wheys. This is mango flavor, but there are plenty of great flavors
Another great product as a post workout is the "Recovery aminos", I do usually alternate with the whey proteins.
It depends by what I do have at home.
There are a lot of great products, like protein bars, protein creams etc.
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See you soon.