5 MIN BACK Workout! Only Bodyweight Exercises
That was the workout of the day.
5 exercises.
1st exercise: Pull ups.
You can do Pull ups, Chin ups or Hammer grip Pull ups. My advice is to change the grip every time.
Be sure to work with 100% Range of Motion.
Start with straightened arms and then at the end squeeze your back.
You can use the mental cue of trying to touch your elbow together behind your back.
2nd exercise: Australian Pull ups.
The movement is similar to the classic pull up repetition.
3rd and 4th exercise: Rows.
The difference between the high row and the mid row is where you pull the elastic band.
While doing the high rows, I pull the elastic band with the elbows at chest height.
While doing the mid rows, I pull the elastic band a little bit lower.
At abs height.
Last exercise: Dragonflag.
This is an exercise that works the core too.
If you do it with straight arms you will engage a lot the lats.
If you are not an expert, you can do it with tucked legs.
If you are already used to these bodyweight exercises
you can do 40” or 45” of work and then rest 15” or 20” seconds between each exercise.
If you are a beginner you can do 30” of work and 30” of rest.
This workout is not for beginners, so you must already be able to do the exercises properly.
I suggest you to recover 4-5 minutes between each set of the circuit.
Try to do repeat it 3 or 4 times in a single workout session.
Do this workout 2 or 3 times per week.
Be sure to rest and recover properly between each session.
Repeat the training when you have completely recovered from the previous workout session.
If you need my workout programs to improve pull ups, push ups, dips etc.
you can visit www.andrealarosa.fit.
Also don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @larosa_sw
where I will do some IG Stories with discount codes for my programs.
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See you soon!