12 Pro Tips EVERY Athlete should know

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12 pro tips to improve your training sessions!

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1st tip of the day: Always warm up!

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By warming up you’ll be able to train more frequently

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You will decrease the risk of injury.

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Less injury = more workouts = Better progression.

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You don’t take a sport car and accelerate to the limit without a proper warm up!

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2nd tip of the day: Work on your mobility!

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A good mobility is a must for a calisthenic athlete

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Your shoulders, elbows and wrists will be very solicited.

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If your body can handle every angle of work the risk of having injuries will decrease.

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You can add mobility exercises to your warm up (like I do), or you can do it on rest days.

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So, remember to always warm up and work on your mobility exercises!

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But keep in mind to master the basics!

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This is the 3rd tip of the day! Push ups, Pull ups, Chin ups, Dips and variations!

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You should be able to do AT LEAST 40 controlled push ups and 15-20 perfect pull ups in one set.

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I have said this many times, so I’m not going to say anything more about it.

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If you want to improve the basics,

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visit www.andrealarosa.fit for my calisthenics programs, you will have an idea of how I like to train.

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4th tip.

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Don’t rush the process, master the technique first!

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It’s full of people who wants to learn advanced skills/movements without the proper train.

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Do not be that person.

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Take your time to get use to the right activation, master the holds,

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be in control of your skill/exercise before increasing the difficulty!

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An example is the Plank and the Planche Lean.

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Remember: Squeeze your Gluteus, the quads, posterior pelvic tilt, abs contracted, arms locked out etc.

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Before doing the hardest variations keep in mind all these little things, you should be able to do everything with good form!

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Don’t rush the process. Enjoy every single workout!

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5th tip of the day: Do not train everything.

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The very first months you could be tempted to train pull ups, muscle ups, handstands, planches, front levers, back levers etc. in a single session.

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Just choose 3-4 exercises/skills and stick with them.

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If during your 1st session of the week you have worked on holds, then during the 2nd session of the week you can work on dynamics movements.

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If during your 1st session of the week you have worked on pushing exercises, then during the 2nd session you can work on pulling movements.

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There are many style of training, focus on a few skills.

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Only by focusing on a few elements you’ll be able to progress.

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Another important tip is to find a good trainer!

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Someone who is able to notify you when your doing something wrong.

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I know many of you don’t have the chance for many different reasons, if so, just take your phone and record yourself from different angles!

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Watch your form between the sets and see what you can improve.

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I do still makes mistakes, sometimes I do think to have a perfect form and only when I record myself I can notice all the little things I should fix.

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7th tip of the day: Discipline > Motivation.

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It is easy to train when you are motivated, especially the first months of training when you start working on new exercises.

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After few years everything changes, motivation will come and go and there will be period of demotivation.

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When you encounter difficulties you may want to give up or take too many weeks off. This is not the best thing to do.

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Work on your mindset, stay consistent.

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8th tip of the day: You must have a routine!

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It may become boring after few weeks, but this will keep you disciplined.

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Don’t forget to rest and recover when necessary, add a few days of light training when necessary. You can also take 5-7 days off when you are at your limit.

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Learn to listen to your body,

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Push when you are in good shape with high morale! At the same time learn to decrease the difficulty of your workouts when tired.

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9th tip: Use the chalk! Chalk is important when you are using the bar!

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Do not risk to lose the grip during your set, especially when you are tired.

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There are 2 types of chalk: The liquid chalk and the powder one.

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Personally I do prefer the liquid one.

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So my clothes doesn’t get dirty.

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But I must say it makes the skin of your hands very dry if you use it frequently.

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The powder chalk gives you a better grip than the liquid one, but it will go over your clothes and all over the floor when crushed.

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If you have both, and want a perfect grip, use a little bit of liquid chalk and then between sets add the powder one.

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10th tip: Stretch!

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Lightly stretch the muscles at the end of your workout session.

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Even better if you can do it in separate sessions. During your rest days you can do a light warm up and then some stretching.

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The next tip is important if you do a lot of work at the bar.

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Take care of your calluses.

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If your skin is completely destroyed, everything is harder. You can still train but it’s not the best feeling.

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So when you feel pain take 1-2 days of rest.

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Even better is to add to your daily routine a scrub with pumice stone or with a specific tool.

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Anyway, don’t worry about your calluses, after a few months of training the body will get used to it and you won’t have as much problems.

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Last tip: Have fun!

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It’s not worth it if you hate the trainings. Work properly on your mobility and technique, but have fun with it.

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These were the first tips that I came up with,

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if you have other ones drop me a comment below, so that other people can read and discuss about it.

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See you soon.

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