10 Exercises to Unlock your best self

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Today I’m here to record something a little different from the usual.

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If I should choose to train 10 calisthenics exercises only for the rest of my life, which movements will I choose?

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Let me show you the 1st exercise of the day.

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It’s an harder variation than the Australian pull up.

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I call them “reverse pull ups”.

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Put your feet at the same height of the hands and pull yourself up.

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You can change the movement a little bit,

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you can simulate the curl movement for a better bicep activation,

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or you can just pull like in a normal pull up to activate the back muscles.

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The easier variation is the Australian pull up.

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Next exercise: Pull ups (or chin ups)

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I would choose one of these two movements,

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after a while it becomes easy,

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so I suggest to use an elastic band to increase the difficulty without the need of the extra weight.

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Weighted pull ups are good if you want to become super strong,

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but it is more stressful for the body and less “natural” than using an elastic band.

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Now let me show you the next exercise of the day, a push one.

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Obviously I would choose to train Dips for life, you can also do them on a straight bar,

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but it’s more of a natural movement when you do use the parallels (or rings)

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For “More natural” I mean it’s less stressful for the body in the long run.

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You can add an elastic band to the movement to make it harder and it would be great to do for the rest of your life.

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Next pushing exercise is more advanced:
Handstand Push ups

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If you can’t do handstand push ups I suggest to train the Pike Push ups.

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It’s a similar exercises and you can train front deltoids and triceps properly with this bodyweight variation.

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Another great exercise to train for the rest of your life is:
Push up on a straight bar.

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I like to use a step under my feet to help me keep the body parallel to the floor.

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This is one of my favorite exercise to pump up the chest.

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If too easy you can use an elastic band, or at least this is what I would do if I'd have to train this exercise for the rest of my life.

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Another great exercise is the push up on a medicine ball

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Great for triceps.

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Obviously do not forget legs.

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The 1st exercise I would choose is the Bulgarian Split Squat.

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I like to do 20+ or 30+ reps per set.

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If too easy you can add an isometric hold at 90°

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Great exercise for gluteus and quads.

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I have changed location to show you the next exercise of the day: Nordic Curl

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Or Gluteus Ham Raises, it depends by which equipment you have.

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It’s a cool way to train legs and there are also many easier variations,

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for example you can do this with the help of an elastic band to understand the movement.

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I don’t train this exercise, so don’t mind the execution but it’s definitely one of the best bodyweight movements for hamstrings and I’ll definitely do it when I’ll be older.

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Another great solution is to assist the movement as less as possible on the way down

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and then help yourself a little with 1 arm on the ground.

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This is a great way to do a lot of reps during every set.

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Now let’s go back to the other room.

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Last 2 exercises of the day are to activate your core muscles.

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Toes to bar

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Great for mobility and to strengthen the hip flexors

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There is also an easier variation, the more conventional leg raises...

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...but I prefer the harder one.

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Next core exercise: Arch Body.

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Squeeze your gluteus, keep your arms straight and hold the position for 20,30 or 60 seconds.

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The time under tension depends by your level.

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I would also suggest to add weight on your ankles to decrease the time of the sets.

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These are the exercises I would choose if I'd have to choose 10 exercises only to train for the rest of my life.

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Luckily I don’t have to do 10 exercises only, so I can change the exercises every time I feel like.

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Don’t forget to visit andrealarosa.fit for my workout programs.

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You will improve push ups, dips, pull ups and variation, all bodyweight.

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Also visit andrealarosapro.com If you wanna follow new exclusive calisthenics routines every week.

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All you need to do is: subscribe to the website and repeat the new calisthenics routine 3-4 times per week.

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Every link is in description.

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Let me know with a comment below if you would choose different exercises.

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Maybe I forgot some important movements.

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These are the ones I'd choose because they are not too stressful for the body,

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but great to build and mantain an optimal and functional physique.

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